Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY U)VL IT..'..--" . " ""- rjitii'i'iN. -- WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 20, 18(14. MORNING EDITION Tht) Duty of tlic Hour. Wo doom it tlio .Inly t Mm Individual eiti.ens to rolruiu ir' comments calculated t iutl" u unnecessary to odtr' should nmdor tlti 1h uuVhml 0' l In; j n nr pr.-jii I're-s iiml "I' .11 nil remarks or ..llio busnion or urr;iv .rt to the eireiunstiiiioes which fimrno "f prudence obligatory. l( .lit nil Hum of sense and lmtnnlisui n'.,, In matters of opinion. whore nil nic 00 tutu 0 (0 (MT 'ri,in ignorance of fact 01Jiiiiiiieo of selli-h instincts, partialitio.- liou, wo may very well defer hciiicd discussion nn til the defeat uf Iho invaders shall give ns none ik'i.po for iiii .r( ial investigation an. I until 1 1 t - pm reiit of events shall throw more light upon the mys teries that inny not now lie made plain. n r ri 1 i rt nnd undivided attention should l.o directed to ! tic overthrow of t It it L foo who has penetrated inm Ihu heart of the Confederacy, ami now menaces all our communications. Tht! announcement that (lull. Johnston Inn been rollevod from tlio command of tint Army ofTeiinos si and that (ion. Iloo.l, of Texas,'J) liim has naturally excited nini'li tiding and various "I 1 '' " ''I.U-iUMuiil, II' mull allnv llo il Ll feelings, with reference to tins cv.-in, t all Ss'uso of tho 'miiiiineiit .lunger which environs Ihu country, llu-.i ' ill iiii'vilnlily di ill into partisan ship. Ai-i inilIiiK to ih-ir pailialilii'i. an. I prejudices, either for or against the President or tin- late foin tnaiidiiig (Itineral, Ihey will espou-o tlio cuii.-o of nno und cctisuru the oil. r. it must ho apparent that cuch n slate of seiitii.o nt ainl feeling ought to ho deprecated anil avoided hy patriotic iiien, itu.l that they should consent to. adjourn healed discus mon until it calmer uiouirnt ami a inoro fitting op porlunity for tho indulgence of differences which utiiHt U-ud to a want of harmony, unity ami co op eration, .-i esscniinl to our s in a struggle in which all that wo hold ileal i-j involved. While pestponi.i:' all 1 1 is' lts ii.n s on the .pie-lions that arise from s 1 i.n mr'ant 11 , linngc in the lead ership of 'lie ai .ll! , tiK '.hviolii. duty de olves upon us to su lion tii. i;.-w coiniiiai'.dor of the army with the saiiu gen ions confidence 1111 1 t!ie same iin- tintotl 7.0' which have been mi liln Tally ami fully extended to Gen. J.ihnsf hi. Whither ,10 approve of the uet of the 1'roiiluiit, in ivlii'vtie; lien. John, ston of tho command or cot. (ion. IIool is in comm.-. fid of that army upon tt'i - e . image ami conduct the hopes of all are penuitte.l to n: , TI1010 11 1'verylhiiif; in his career n a l),iii.;i ami Corps com a "nlor, t 1 justify tin; l.i;;!n'st 1 1 ; i 1 ure oral the. unthu-i 'Stic devotion of th arm . Llo has learned the art of war, from tec. .-'u n.-i lessons of cxperieiieti which extend to all the rcit hattl jfiel Is of Virginia and to Ciueaiiiaiiea in the West. Ilo has fought under (Jie cyo i f Lee, where lio ha won tho a.plau-! and conliilenre of that (jreat oninmaiidfr. While his policy will pruhahlv not tic 80 wiry 11s that, of the uh!e chieftain ho ha. preceded him in the comniand, wo do not l.elieve lmt his audacity will p irtalic of rashness. ' Tha hour has arrived when tho invaders nr..-t he summoned to Urn -ape of hatllc. They 11111-t he I iuoi iind beaten, or wo tacrilico fi'. at and ohvious jiilvuntOKOS. The hiehest test of capacity for lea- I dorship is to know when to rceo,;iiiso that hour and to meet 11 with hrmni'ss, darini; and cool determin ation, A sense, of hi-ll lesponsiliility teaches cau tion. But a still Injur senre of .iuiv soiuetimes Itcpin t nt men t.rlllin, (i- ilttcil Inti) HiiNiltitl at The followiiiir ... J11I.V Mill, IHUI. llo. pital, at ' . n ino'd soldiers wore admittuil inlo iliis I'ost lo-diiy. 1,'ieUt CATOOSA llofll'ITAl.. t'n' A II Crai), eo C, I "Mil Tenn cav. I ,t .1 K ,c('oi nell, co (', l)lh (in cav. .ii ut'iil II l Whcatly, co II, alllh Teiill. J S Culhi ion, eo I', 1st I. a cav. I'matc .1 I! Land, co II. .'lild (In. .1 li Wallace, co (', Ith Miss. Maim- I, I. I'd imp, L'ntli ha. I.ient .1 S I'm i, eo K, '.Nil, Ala. Private .1 M I'raiil.s, co li. I111I1 Miss. II llamaki l, co K, til l Miss, 'f J .Noah, co A, old I'cnn. IHIIKi I'loN ItoSI'ITAI.. Scr.;l (' W I!, 1st (la. ha!. S. S. I'm. 1I1 J J Mavlif Id, co II. .Mil d.i. Henry Watson, co K, :lh Ala. gi ivr.wni lliisi'ii.i I.. I'rivale Jim Sherroii, co (I, l.llli S. ('. H. '. MOHItl'I ItoSI'IT'AI.. I'rivale W F Hemphill, cu II, 1 Ith Miss, li M W illiams, co A, li'.ith (in. T J lis, co li, :! (la. li V Payne, co A, '-'Stli Ala. .1 (' liison, co li, .Kith Miss. 1 1 1 K 1 1 AT I'ATOOSi MOSI'lTAI.. 1 1'iivale li M Welch, en (i, (iild (la. I I'lKli AT S. I'. MooIlK IIOSI'tTAI., , 1 Private J S Waller, en (i, t;:!d (la. It. ('. l'liSTIilt, 1th. Sur'. in cli'nn of llosp. The Bit Id To iv u rd m Moiit(;iiueryi j I'lnul ll'r J,C0 ('oiift llttniti'. All .!.i utcrdny the wlmli! city was alive with rumms of a raid upon I In- West l'oin' "1 ' 11 '(' '.'' i!i';?i'i'il1-'n!VtVT-tl "latioiis y :e viino...) in I pon iiiipiiriu-at llc.ul piariers in this city we learn that at Iwoo'eloek that inorni;) tho Oputika ojieraior tcli trraphed that the cuuiny were then in three miles of that town. Ail sorts of ..iinuises are alloat as to the prohahlo direction ot'tlio raid, its strength, etc. It is univer sally helic cil upon the streets that it is oiiir in the diiection of A inlci'soiivillo for tho purposu of reieasine; the 'JT.iinil yi;ukce prisoners eunlincd llicre It thev lake that diiection ihcy must of necessity .'om the Hi'hi. I 'olO l, I ll.'l " lie, pass through or clo-e to Colunilius, (la. We hear that it is telegraphed llint. exeryhody in ('idiiiiiliu.s is under urias. The raiders when at or near 1 ipelika, Ala., weru only nhout thirty miles from Colunilius, wliich distance they could make in a few hours, and froni theneu to AndersoHvillo is ul'oiil fifty or fifty-live miles, Atoillcr, ami the most prolialde, supposition is that tlie force does not amount to 111 ire than three llioii.iiiil. and that the iles'iLftl is solely to cut (iell. Jolm-ton's coniiiiuiiicatioii with Montgomery, tear up tin railroad, and do all the injury possihle. Whilo It is all well enoiieh for (he people of ,Ma eou to stand on their euard there is 110 occasion for I lia c.tia a.aiit rumors and excitement which pre vailul wnli Mime people vi'Meritay. From the M01H -omei y Advertiser of Saturday morning we copy tho lollowin;; : Tin: i:m:mv at asiivim.i' ala. Talladc-n, C'linsa Miiilfjc and .Mniilcvallo Tliicati'iied. impels 10 uiai ucn rminarnTr, rmrinr; Trriro i' h genius for great eoiuSiiiations, ilee'.dc-' a eauipaien and secures victory. Ab an Imlepeudent commander. (Jen. Hood is yet untried. Hut in a! capacity he has i -hihited qualities which nniy W' ll eluiilen-'' 1 uhlie I1I.S'. I t ANTON l-l'IIHI'INU T1IK KNUMV. 'I'iie p.i-.-eiiL'cr train, says tlieMissiKsippian of the 1 Ith, on the Alahama mid Tennessee Uiver, which W'A her.: at the usual hour yesterday morii in;;, arriu-d ut llluu Mountain last niht at II o'clock, wlieiu it was stopped hy our military au thoiitics and ordered to return this morninc, at 2 o'clock, it hein reported that a force of Yankee cavaliy. twelve huiidicd str..iij,', was at Ashvillc, Si. ('l.ur county, thirty-live miles ahove Talladega. It was thonc;ht that ti.o Yankees had divided their lore s into three columns, with a view, it was sup-po-cd, ,,f striking Talladeja, the Coosa Itiver liri'leo and .Monievallo. Wn have a guard at the hrid-e, hut not sullicient to hold it against, such a force as is reported the way there, (leu. Clan ton, we a e -lad to learn, is in the enemy's rear and pui'sHin!; them. The train left this morning at the usual Iwur, hut will prolnihly not go farther than Montcvallo or the Coosa Bridge, twenty miles he yon. I thiye. We hope, howver. to get further and more ."iiiisfactory infori, h ion h it this evening. conlideneo, and lend the country to anticipate a career of victory and success that lim.-t solve all doubts and Dispel the gloom which has settled over tho litimtioii. This is the day fixed by tho (Jovernor of Georgia for those liable, to duly in tho Hold under the tonus of his proclamation, to leave their homes and repair to tho front to meet the iiiv.adcr.s of our country. The response to this peremptory caJl w ill sadden many homes, and cause the tears to (low around many onco lntppy hearthstones. !ut the glorious thought Hint tho manhood of tho laud is going forth to chastise tho insolent invader, the murderers of our people, and the in.-iuliers of our women, and thnt they go forth to avert, if pos.-ihle, calamities greater than dcalh itself, should cheek Iho sob of gtiof, and reconcile those left at home to these cruel separations. All that is dear is now at stake. A heartless and unprincipled foe is in the heart of tho land laying it waste en every side. Ho must bo driven out. Wo are outnumbered in tho Hold, and it is tho duty, as well as the inlerel, of overy man who has a home to defend, or a hope of freedom to sustain, to draw his sword and strike for librty and right, both of which are now in fearful peril. A general and hearty response to the Governor's call will a.d groally in the accompli.-!! mint of tlio 0110 groat ohjecl sought for-the ex jmlsion of the foo. We hope, much from the out pftUring of Iho reserves. Phorunin appears to he turning his army Inlo a hit; raiding establishment. Wo hear of raids on tho Georgia road, on the West l'oint road and In tho direction of Montgomery. It strikes us that a littlo enterprise i,n the part of out military coin rounder would make this a very unhealthy Icusi noss, and bring tho career of these wild riders to a iiiddon conclusion. It cannot bo possible ikU WOfftf paiuua iu t.u uu vuiuiiouu lu kuiiuH lODl luu country unopposed and uii'diastiscil. (Irant tried ho feme game 011 I,ee, but that .-amadous (lem ral Bueocvded in inllicting terrible cha-uisi-metit upon each' and every expedition sent out. Ami thus it should ho hero. In the absence of regular organizations to oppose the march ol those robbers, the peoplo should rise 11.1 nti man and .-hoot at them from behind fcnci comers and slumps. Xo party of raiders could live through such a warfare as this. And there is no security for usual adopt it. Since penning tho above, wo are infonnud that (leu. t'taotoli captured 11 Vallkee courier, on Tues day, with a ili-pateh to the otlicer in command of yaiiLce cavalry at llecatur, Ala., ordering linn to move iinuii'iliately in two columns, and s'riko the 1 Ala'iama and leimi'ssee Kiver Railroad at two I point.- dc-ti'.vinu' it and laying waste the country ! as they weiit. Ii was learned from the same enp ; lured di-pa'icl, thai a force of the enemy had been rucreii 1 10111 Home tor mo same purpose. Wo re ar 1 tliis intelligence us perfectly reliable. MonU tjonnrij .l.fYio titer, itli. ST1I.I. I.ATKIt. We leiirn from a Captain in the army, who eiiuio through from Montgomery, and arrived here yes terday morning, that the enemy captured Talladega on Friday night and were met near Wctiitupka Saturday morning by (Ion. Clauton. Clanton mado a galled ami desperate fight but was overwlielme 1, routed and completely defeated. This left the ene my within twenty-live miles of Montgomery, with no serious oh.-taeles in tlmirway to that city. Many parties here, limv. ii'r. hold to tho opinion that tho raid is making far A ndcrsouville, (la. Tho forco of the enemy is estimated at liJIHU. CIHCI 1. AH. STATK OF (iFOltlilA, I ami I nsi'ki'toii (Jk.v'i.. Okhi'K, Atlanta, July 1 j, 1 St; I. J To the Aids de Camp of tho Military Districts and (llheers detailed by Major-lien. Smith to bring up the Reserve Militia: Immediately upon the receipt of these instructions you will call upon the justices of the inferior coufl, the clerks of the superior and inferior courts, sher iffs, tax collectors and other officials exempt by law from militia duly in your counties to assist you in carrying out the orders given by tho (iovernor in his proclamation nf tho 'Jlh ins!. These olhcers will be expeeied to go through their respective coun ties, summoning individually every one ordered by the (iovernor to report to (leu. (i. W. Smith lit this place, and warning them lo assemble tit the cunty scat on a given day, (within live days after your arrival in (lie county,) to repair in a body to Atlanta as re, piircdi ami subsequently to that day, to arrest any one refusing or delaying to obey the summon-, aim semi incni lorwam miner p. oiicr guard. In (he execution of this duty you will be governed by Hie principles laid down 'in the (lov (iovernor's proclamation of the 'Jill July, 1XIU, and in his l.-llcr to his aide. Col. J. C. C. liluekbiiru, of July I Ith, I Mia, copies of which aro herewith on closed: and you will .see that all militia men ex empts and letailed nu n within tho limits of. your oVciiioi'p ptociaination above Tilt! Chinese and the Yankees. It is not till one has read Mon-icur Hue's collections of a Jour icy through Tuiturv. 'I and China," Unit wo understand Willi what pro priety the Yankees are Hoineliines styled the Chi nese of America. This iulolligent traveller could not but adinii'o the industry, ingenuity, and y'n culliiral lalculs of the Chinese, yet that he coiisid ers the savage Tartars llieir superiors in all manly virtues is evident on every page of his book. A Tartar thus describe In M. Hue the Chinese manner of gelling pose.sioii of his section of coun try : '.'They appear good at first," said Ihu holle.-l Tartar, "hut it does not hist long. Twenty years ago some families catiie to us to 11-k h ipilality. As Ihcy were poor, wo allowed them to cultivate the earth about here, on condition that every year alter the harvest they would pay a Utile oaliueal. Ily degrees there caiiio oilier taiuilies, who it 1. 11 1-1 were mild iiml peaceable. They soon beciinie w'u ked ami deceitful. Instead of contenting themselves with what had been given lo them, they took pos session of as much ground us they liked, and when they were rich Ihcy would not any longer pay Iho oatmeal they had agreed for. livery year when wn went to a.s" for it they overwhelmed us with abuse and maledictions. And they stole all the goals and sheep tliat wandered away from our Hocks into Iho hollows among the mountains." This 1 ihiiiiiliou ol 1 1 v i risy and villuny, of abjectness in poturty, and insol e an I injustice in prosperity, is as essentially Yankee as Chinese. The Chinese robbers, it iniisl he admitted, are more polite than the raiders of Kant'., Hunter and Sheridan, but not more than the nation in general, when, before the war, Ihcy were robbing us under the forms of trade. They do not put a pistol to your head and cry roughly, "Your money or your life!" hut they say in Iho iuol eointi s tones, "Vv ..blest brother', I am weary ol walking on foot. !! . ... ni us to lend 111c your horse;" or, "I am ''1., -will von not lend me your purse ?" I o, , 1 , is ,ld to day be kind enough lo lend me your coal. 1 1 tlio oiliest iiroiner noes (nui :L 1 : ' .o,r,,rcj.l bv 'd'eYailkee UU'dc ol restoring coinim ice, .net, uiilc -Trr m pitoow enough to prevent it, he loses both his property ami his life. Anything more ini.piito'is and revelling, says M. Hue, than the (rathe between the Chinese ami the Tartars can hardly be imagined. I'roluibly M. line had never witnessed .1 similar proeefS in old limes between the Yankees and Southerners. "When the Tartars, simple and ingenious being-', if Ihcre are such in Hie world, arrive in it' trading town, they are immediately surrounded by Chinese, who almost drag lliein into llieir hoii.-es. They unsad dle, llieir caltle, prepare tea, render litem a thousand small services; caress, Hatter, and, as il were, inugnetizo Ihcin. The Tartars, free from duplicity themselves, and never suspecting it in others, are generally completely duped by all this apparent kindness. Aware, besides, of their own want of address in business, they are enchanted to Iiml friends who will transae! it for them ; a good din ner gratis given them in the back .shop is sure to convince them of the good faith of their Chinese brothers. At this dinner, all the corruption and dishonesty of the Chinese come into full play. Having once got a hold on the poor Tartar, ihcy neve." let him go ; they into.xio.ile him witli brandy : they keep him two or three days in their house-, never loosing sight of him: they make him eat. drink ami smoke, whil.-t the clerks of the e.-lahli.-h-incnt sell, as they well know how, his cattle, ami ,-upply him in return with the articles of which he stands in need. These goods aro generally sold a: double and often triple (he current prices : yet they have the iiifurnul talent of persuading the unhappy Tartar that he is making an excellent, bargain. Thus, when (he victim returns to the 'baud of (Iras.s' ho is lull of abuses about the irresistible gcncrosily of the Chinese." One day M. Hue encountered an en, rmou-ly fat traveller, with ajolly physiognomy, mi his way to Tartary. Tho traveller said he was from a great commercial house in I'erkiii, and had ben scut to collect ihJits from the Tartars, "ion, I siipp .se," said he, addressing M. Hue and his eouipau ions, "arc, like me, rntrrt uf Tnrlm ." ''li. iters of Tar tar!! What is the meaning- of thai?" "Ah. we cut them by trull'ie. They lire simple why should we not prolit by Ihcin to get a little money. For my part, if it was not for money, I would not set foot in Tarlury. We merchants, we do, to he sure, gnaw Ihcin to tho bone. We give. Ihcin goods on credit, and then of course they must pay rather high. When people lake away goods without leaving the money, of course there must be a little interest of thirty or forty per cent. Then, by degrees, the in P'rosl. mounts up, and you come to compound in terest. A Tartar debt is lo ver paid it goes on from generation to gciieraC'on: every tear one goes uls, horses. All that is-a great deal better than j money. We get Iho beasts at a low price, and wo sell them at a very good price in the market. o'i! it's a capital thing- -a Tartar debt! It's a mice of j gold. II the tartars, alter neing lleeeeil lor gen erations in this wuv, should "seeclo," would it not, bo "the most wicked rebellion under the sun," ex cept that in America!' Tho Chinese do not know tlm name of huspitaliiy. In Tartary, every door stands open to the stranger. After their fashion, the Tartars aro honestly relig ious. The Chinese are not sincere in llieir own idolatry. They are cold, sneering, and sceptical of all religions; yet the most bitter persecutors of Christians. In licentiousness, they surpass all be lief. Xotliing approaching them in the iniijiiity of iineleaiiliness can bo '10111111, except in the I nited States. M. Hue has something to say of Chinese soldiers. An caravan which ho accompanied to Thibet was escorted by three hundred Chinese sol diers and two hundred brave Tartars. ''The Chi uese soldiers," says lie, "aciptitlcd themselves of their duty like true Chinese. F'or fear ol any disa greeable rencounter, they kept themselves prudent ly ut the rear of tho caravan, and there sung, sinok- ed, and amused themselves, quite at their case, with out disturbing themselves at all about the brigands. They could also pick up many stray articles which had been unintentionally left behind at the differ ent ciicuiiipnicnts. Very dillcrcnt was the behav ior of the Tartars. They might bo seen continual ly galloping in advance, and at tho Hanks ol the caravan up tho hills, and down inlo the ileep.'st ravines, to see if there were any robbers lying in an ambuscade." Tho parallel might be continued in other par ticulars, but oilr limits forbid. Tho supple sub mission of fho Yankee mind to all Iho heliosis of power is only equalled by tho abjectness of the Chinese lo their imperial master. A distinguished Chinese ollieial said to M. Hue, "Our Kmperor cannot know .everything ; vet lie is tho judge of everything, and no one dares to find fault with any of his actions. Our Kmperor says, 'That is' while;' and we piustrato ourselves and say, 'Yes, it is white.' He s. . ' 1 afterwards tho same object and says, 'I ' a' i lo 1 k :' and wo prostrate ourselves again and iiiov, ci , ' Yes, it is black.' " "Hut suppose you were to say that an object can not he black ami while at Ihc same lime '!" "T he F.uiperor would perhaps say to one w ho had that courage, 'You tire right ;' but, at the same time, would have him strangled or 1 1 headed." Wo moan no disrespect to Iho C'inese by this parallel. Though in so many respects the "elder (.on. I'oiii'st and Ills Alleged lliutnlll) . .Mii.iiaiiv I'iuson Johnson's Umno, iiiiio, I ! .May l! I Mi I. ( V'o tin' lUtitor o' tlir t'iin iiinuti '.'a tj n 1 1 1 1' , ; Silt: Having si en a Idler in several new.-pap. i -, 1 Irom lieu. I). S, Stanley, U. S. Army, giving Ihc! circumstance, as related to him by a rob. I citien, I (iiinccli'd with the killing of u freo negro ui .Mnr ! fleei'holo, Tennessee, ill iMii!, by licnelal I'oirc.-I, , ami knowing said facts, as 11 lated, In be tabe, 1 trust that y.ui will publish Iho following stun incni of Colonel' Maxtor Smith, lib Tennessee finally, whom I know well, ami do vouch for its cnlire ci ( rectniss. I know lieueriil Stanley well, an I feel as.-iired that he would not have made public 11 itale iiieul doing such injustice Id lieneral Forrest, ha 1 he for one nioim nt doubted its correct m ss. I am Sir, vi ry respectfully, 1 our obedient servant, W. N. 1!. IIKAI.I., llrig. (leu. I'. A. C. S , i'risoner of War. Johnson's Im.anh, Ohio, May 2S, I 'ill, Tn tliv. '.'ii'in o' thf t:nitliiii1: In the New York Ihiily Times, of the 7th instant, the inclosed eoininuiiieut ion from Major (Icncral 1). S. Stanley is published, .headed "Forrest's bnilujily"- pur- 1 polling to relate an inci'teiit occurring at .Munives. bum'. Tennessee, at the capture of that place by lien. Forrest, in July, The inci.h nl isrclah J with the avowed purpose ol illustrating tlio fern cilyin tlio chariietcr of that ollieer ; tlio rulniul elleet being In still lurlher inllauin Hie public mind in reference to the alleged massacre al I'ort Pillow. As this charge is made by (ion. Stanley, upon the authority of a "rebel," il would not seem iiiipi"por to hear a "rebel" on the other side in behalf of the u iseil. I was within leu or lifleeu paces of lb.u. Forrest when he. killed tho negro was linn in " 1 1 11 1 1 1 a 1 1 ' 1 of a squadron from Tcniio :cc, and or dered to aceoinpaiiy (icncral (then Colonel) Forrest iu a rei'oiinoissaiice of the position of (he battery ami camp of the Lid Minnesota, near Sloiic Fiver, on the Nashville Fikc. When within a short distance of the camp, lien, F. ordered a charge upon it--a detachnicnt ol (he ' ci nip, imiik; nut li wn a l-nt iint nht r iiii ho iiiim.'iliiitcl v liit'lu CUT . nil i Mill. '. III. I S., 'II UllliT M'lr. TKI.IKil'vAlMIIC KKVOHTS OF THE 1'ltliS ASIUICI VI'ION. 10 .1 11 II I I Ol .11 (.I'll 111. ed to lies-ci day I ,.lll I Mle.l. . ,1, I,, ol .. ... -loll Itcln I'll- nt tin II. .Li'.'. h. 1.:, I lie e .;, i' II II . el I llll. s ..r tlic N 1 See I'ctan A new Ti t 'it-ill . I.. 11. .1 . , n I . hi w as lolii v ! 11, 1 ol the Army id Tcn W ' I in his place. A l.urn . 1 1 1 ! 1 1 , ion 11 grout li ii ,! lil'i' I i''l I y a 1 1 1 1 ' Intili'l.'s, mi l llo' i' .1.0 lie iniohl I'ntitiiiu 1 i w many. "My '!'n' ':i ' "I IlllVO ll'itllill I'll ' de-ire tu 'In in.V 'lni V." It w as :i hein inii'iit ! 1 tin A. '1 1 it c .11 1 loll, Ti 111 buy ol t I. r d, loltl-i ll'OUl II M0M1, July I I li 01 I t I -' w hi. h ami Ho .ill, . lllc.l office ltd- r 1 r I it 1- true, say I'd' ti it I ! 1 vvliu ill ti'icd ': W'l! .'hi' tin' i 111 i t ii t i ni ti." I' 1' 1 II 'I 1 1 ...i i,i llir 11. inland Italil. An tbi .IV, 10 ..11'. a- -I1J1I. ll'.lll !,.!'. e lli-p.ll, -toll's . ! 111.111 h.i The ' lil it i- now s S. i'iii li;. migl.l 1 1 ;i -Tic CI ll.ll'cic Fait. 111 1 the I'ol. ...ih'K. a NnrllllTM ..lulv I i. illieial oinitig si fl"Ut id' iioiic on I ml in go New ll.lles to -patch to the os that our ashinglon on I lib. Ill illL'- nrdir. our Hie I. ilh and (.."' Tl,r !;,',' fit 1 ti I :i I c 1 ii 'i il',iiiuti'il In llo nniiil Army. Tu which lii limine, Sit' ! II v '. I'ui'lh su ffecai ns of Christ." I.ADIKS UA'I'fJ N., hvillo C lo :1V lll.ll llo'H ,1 M lav HI'"' nit I !' say that since John a'.v Mouiilain, sher in r-. .iv- editorially. Il were times between in" hen ih.t rebels upied Washington. till! rebels are so Washington mid I j ,.r I stock are I I Fasl to cal I A 11 1 1 r 1 1 -1 1 . T rcci icl. I In -ill ' of I. a. Ins' sale .11 .ule.f lil I. lirillin Mi ' -I I'e, July 1 Ai 1 1 I-ACII wi.i: itic I lllll put m gro was 111 th tired at Forrest, on and k ilh d him. Ni body m l, before this note ol (i so far as I have heard. Xo oilier uflieer than of my command was present, and none resigned on ac count, of it. The names of every officer in the charee upon the camp call be easily furnislii d; one of iheni was killed ihcre, and the remain Icr arc still in the Confederate service. This is a true sialeineul of the case, of which "there is not the shadow of iloiibt," llcspcctfully, II A XT Kit SMITH, Colonel Fourth Teiiuessu Cavalry, Wli-dei's Corpse. FollllKSl'S I! HIT A I.I IV A S 1 Ni Till. XT AT MlU- i'ui:i:siioiio'. The ferocity of Forrest, tlm hero of Fort I'illow, is well illustrated in the following let ter front Maj. (icn. Stanley, describing a previous incident of his career : llTAiiyi Airrmis I'tiisT Division', Forum A. ('., Da I' tiMvit:NT or Tin; Ci'iiii:iu ash, liu it Si'tiiNi.s, Tunn., April HI, I-1I1, 1 Tim lute butchery al F'orl l'illnw, by Forrest, seems to have tilled the community with indigna tion and surprise. To those in the front of our armies who know Forrest, there is itidliing al nil iistoiii-liing in his conduct at Fort I'illow. I know this very 111 11 1-li respected Con fedora lo hero h.i-, upon a former oeca-ioll, condescended to I nine his own executioner. To show the stylo of the man Jell Davis and the Cincinnati Fmpiirer de light lo honor, I will relate Iho following, which was slated to nu, I,,.-!, summer by 11 rebel eiti.'.en of Middle Tennessee, a man of high standing in his community, w ho had it from his nephew, an officer, serving under l-'onvst. About tho middle of iho summer of si;l, Forrest. surprised the post, of Muifreeshoio naioled by llriginiier lieneral T. T. Crittenden, of Indiana, 'flic gariison was composed mostly of the Ninth M lehi 'an and Second Minne-ota Infantry and th : Scicnth Pennsylvania Cavaliy. After s,.nie little lighting the troops were surrendered. A mulatto man, wlio was a icrvant of one of the officers of the I ni ni forces, was brought 1" Forrest mi hor-e-hack. The latter inquired of him, with many oath.-', "what he was doing there!'" The mnlalio answered that he was a tree man, ami came out us a servant to an otlicer, naming the otlicer. Forro-r, who was on ho:schack, deliberately put his hand to his holster, drew his pistol, and blew the man's bruins out. The rebel ollieer staled that the mula' to man came from l'cnnsylvaniii, and the same of ficer denounced I lie act as one of cold blooded mur der, and declared be would never 11gui.11 serve 110- I L- . . '01- - .-UM.I..U.S.1 uji .. .. . .. -..1,1; ,- ami, iiniccii, tlio (incurrence took place I I'llilcd States llovcrmnciit determined groes. 01 the ti 111I1 of this there is not a shadot of doubt, and il can be established any day h liv io- wihioss'es. Your iiIhhIh ol ..rva'lt, D. I,. STANI.LV, Major lieneral. Tlio lolluwino; very reniarkublo nrtielo np penrs in die offimial organ of tlio Ailniiiiislni tion, cilitod l.iy Jului W. Forney. Ho foiys: Tie licit tin failed to llll l .-11'.. tore a I I"' I' ll .-a; Hie, li further I gn-ta or baloc t:i of thev Will Hot Ill's'llalC In , all I thai .b.lili-oll i i' a' A'!. 11, 1. 1. Il al-o says ibiiity that .li.btiston, who in Ihc I o'lllied iiioiiiilains ilile to detain him long he- eollllliy, aece-sible lo ilji- l; ..tho, I. I A I.I. ol .lulv Fnterpri.-e. Mi--. : Tolin.: V ienna, N.i andl'ia. I.,... .1! an; and w ho-c Icime- Ihe propel jillv II. Itl'.p oll.e j" 1 1 '1 1 1 1 II ' op 1, I le 1 1 llll' ll'l.lM ! Ill the icin A force o Lib;.!.!. -, ei lll'le-' We-! 1 Hide "I 1 1-, ie Scal'i'l lowaids :'!i . ill., il no cr is 1l1.1t .lohii.-toii will give up in ,i, -i,iir and . I . -1 1 . . v Mich of his llllllli- I : 11 j ' I . I .. 0't be I'eHloVcd llll'l I'l'll'l'llt ; 1 1 . .-"iiiii F 1-1 in Hie direction of An il- So ,i :.!. lb. t 'on ! ion ill T. it says, It Is pl'o l:ial Sb. 'man will alito'ipale a oy mot elmTil , kind to . ol oil' el. 'i v facility of retreat ''.V .',:i"!i 11 e Ihc ! Is. lid on liic (.l oTgia Itnail. ,1',' I Mli. - All i- uuicl this uiorning M 17. oldaio' hit. d ' July I. .lb, isill llialid of ibis I' iioiinecil us my respected as sii 'll. Colon, 1 jyl'.l If 1 lie " I h 1-1. S Adjllta .phe, il. hi 111! ( () CAI'TAIN M gade. Cllcalllal having b, soldi! is of the I I ;b ( 11, d out i" 'scni I 1 11. Dav d M. Ci .' lo. llbolll the o The A Two I .lll'IIIN I M . al Hi oal'i .lulv In:, id I' iliir. loda do re 1 arm Ihc has be, n :: tlic ci c oy l''ilivc . The city iug slo)i :l days. I!( K 1. II Mo s j Ib'.'l oil .1.11 I iU... 11... : and du I fi i:h -i" VOrti-UT T who c 'ini, is toil III;' Hut wo os that li. HI' tint WO lll'CS. K" Ol'lltS IV 0 I hit' iri'- loiir ry said to consist of two Ibiilriiad yesterday, live lain, de-Tr.iving half a 1. unci but a ,-hoit lime ., lb. 11 hastily retreated iodv. tioiii which they ; repaired. No further id. 1 Ml ijiiii-l in l.'riinl. ijiiiet has iirevaile.l larger poi-limi of the f the Chattahoochee, il ls Stone .Mountain 10 c of I," .'a 11'.-' corps was ai noon and skirmishing 11 vicinity. The right of 11 (he Chattahoochee ami Th. mil 1 toe into a .juiet ''aim, 0 itcmi'lit of the pi intrust ft i'e ii- il Death of (en. t rant. ily !,h, Tlic yaiikee Hags in the It r liv.' I. en al half ma-t for two I.. . I.. I. '. .'IV ' 1 I ' I ' ' t was WoUMil. ll A PROCLAMATION 1 s 1 1 i ; H ii!: : 'I I.N n t , I'l l' lo l's; T. ami l;-n . 1 Til Hie Siiei ill-. the Slate of coliiniaml of ll duty or in liospi Wlimn: s, a ai Congros- ioiial I In : casiiiiicd b ti." if yiul are llierctoio an eicct ion on I'll of August, oiehtee the vol ilig place- i ill ihc camps nt' t!i nS Tl'llllCs-ee -, 1 1 - i 1 plllll. 1.11 tlic il.iy i act of ( 'ole I'--, ci holding election-. I "I'CsS uf tlic C Tennessee," nppi'm , amendatory llieicof, the pur of lilliiiL thci'i'of ii'iike In ni" 11 v wbcTcof, I I. ISII l lb II Mill - Tennessee, but e le 1 cm I iiml C.UI-.1 'I lio- gi.-.n --'. be allixed, tlii- lie- ol 1 ili ill t: n, 111 - t - ol' aaipn la! i- tl. ( 'll All' tlm I 110 .Y Ll M,. liilo Ail it oiib-iTili"" ul'tluit IU -' liv Iho lime'. 1 .1. li. K. Id. ' Ti iiiii'" flection. J"--' I'M" Hi' lull. li y I'd' lit rut itr 'inv:-!i.iiiilont si 1111 0 liitr .:"!, I'd' liinisi'lf wlii'tlior dly ami iiiii.l,. tu his strict it w.'ir mil' cIihi';;i's ueTo five tin.' 'Hn'i', iiml sio a your, "i mo just live times thoso vivavv.v '10:111110; this in mind, uuv oorrcs- lutul.'iii is I'l'li i'i-i il'i, iho I'lillinvin hi cts; Tii'.-I mi!' mntci'ial ol lypo, pf'ssos, etc., is laily wi'itrin.; mil ninl whilo tlio war lusts cntttiiit ,-pl I' I heavy ii'lvain'o mi It Cist, nhligc clorks I I111M 011 r j 1 : 1 11 i 1 1-.-- tiro nicy p;uii hvo lul l for oiiiiiji'i-iiinii 011 .o,u'o prioos. I .mi th, mil' paper mi ponce times used to come or are sent forward to ib srccxcrnptr.lby mentioned, ei hci place as directed. Hv order of tlie Commander in Chief. IIFN'liY V. WAYXK, jul.v 2H-2I Adj't and lnsp. lieneral. !,U..F.aoh newspaper in the State copy twico and scud bill to Adjutant (icneral's Oflico, jiilledgc-villc. I'HITS III- Ol'l, t: ATIONS IV (Lll.ll. A Phibulcl- lavor mat may navo never pretended to ho either free or Christian. ' ss wo 1 j till liancc, says : j liu'. these .rambling combinations in gold stimu late and invite combinations in Hour, and beef and s.-cc p,,,-k. and other necessaries of hfe, and in this way this I tlm 0 are made victims all arouinl. A suc- llicient otlicer ! ''''"'"' "corner" in gold begets in some other opera- ami will a,l,ini.;ec t n., in .,..! i,.... ' "ciiier 111 heel, or butt just and impartial hand. M'hile wo welcome-him to jS-B- Cm,. A. H. C'Atinvm.t., ;th Teinu Hegiiuei :, is announced as ('oinni.inder of l'ost. Col. C. is a competent mid hi-, in w position we regret to part with his courteous ,,r, M.n. lully, who his joined his command al the front. JteJ Tim Democratic iiml From hi parties nre evidotitty ooniin togotlmr in ti. North. Yullundii;lium eiinipliineiitsi tho Ci'volainl rotiveiition, and tho spcaki rs nt tho nvent Fremont ratilieiilioii iiiootint,' in Now Vorit upenk npprovingly of Vnlliunlixliiim. Sey mour, ftnd other I'oinoerats. The New a tivo (Fremont's oran) poos half way to meet thu World, a copperhead journal. " JQy An examination of the atroei'ies mittciim Charles City by tho negro brig ade (Inn. Wild, ij n.r.v progressing; at Old l'oint. Charges of conniving nt murder, rape, mid rarina havo been preferred against the most infamous oIKccr. From every quarter we hear liarruwbc accounts of the outrages of tha thick troips: but tho cruelty of others) M liltle wors khiiu the mercy of M ild. Tub Iiiisii in the I'mted Statks. There issonicthiiig very significant in the cessation of abuse, 011 tho pari of the New York Know nothings towards! foreigners. The latter aro welcomed when thny arrive, not as competi tors for-high wage.", but as fond for Coiil'ed eratfl nniviloi' "Tlin llrm.oi 00, 1 Klul, .,.;!. phia paper, in sumo observations on Iho gold dis- lions." savs "Inu. . .ni ,i,l ,,( guano in their destiny. They are ferried over tho Atlantic, anil carted over America, to ditch and to drudge, to uiako corn cheap, and then to lie down prematurely to make a spot of groou grass on the prairie." Just now there is more terrible (ruth in tiiat hard saying than when it was written. The Irishman is the negro of the Xurtli, but ho is not sn well taken care of, because he does From the Washington Chronicle. The HcMtlt. Any man who fancies that wo are going to got to Richmond without further and most determined fighting, is mistaken. The men wo fight aro Americans. Thev aro free-born citizens, and uf the proudest of the pnunl. Tlie rebel arniv ol Virginia is cinm,...-,,.! r . ( n - - - 1 ..... I - - the elite of the Nnithcrti people. Jt reckons i Hints and cu respondent:' in its ranks men nt education and positionf lull of tho pride of family, and accustomed to exalt courage into a ( iod-liko virtue. They aro burning with a passionato antipathy to a peoplo whom they have thoroughly misunder stood, formerly despised, hut aro now learn ing to respect. They tiro not to ho cowed, though, when thoroughly vanquished, they will havo tho manhood to own it. Ijut, un til they aro vanquished, they will fight with an energy and a desperation that must com mand tlm admiration of every heroic spirit, oven whilo deploring their folly and despis ing their cause. The body of Lea's army is made up of veterans, who aro used to expos ure, lauuliar with hardship, enured to dis-: !! mir cu'resp .1 1 . i -nt will cmipitro cipline, and tire unshaken by the thunders of ! figure-; with our charges, his w, u. lor w battle. Such troops can bo beaten only by a charo,. m nini'li will I succession uf desperate struzirlcs, or arc ', M"w v.'e nao g d they likely to beeomo demoralized. They ' Tin will yield to an inevitable necessity only ! we wnen iney recognize it us inevitable. I. lint they will bo made to feel this, we havo not the slightest doubt. to iiuike lire, nssis- tnnes used cist I 1 1" iir.'Hiii. It now costs Itoni Niil to S'lii u I'l iiii. Ink in tiio saino prnpurtiiin. (lliii!, largely u-'i'd in I he eonipusitioii of press rollers, which I' ruiorlv en-.t I'rnin e?:"itl to Still a barrel, now est 'sl,,.irj a barrel. Oil, liirmoly SI.--"' t- si .oil a gallon. .Molasses, largely used in rollers in peace times l?l- a barrel, now Si, mm. 'iess blankets formerly S.'i.'J'i, mi 1 I'-iT a ini it siihslitute we havo to j pay ST.") . "M o.l fir engines, in peace times 1 s."i a cord, now S .". I'niiisli, in peace l2i cents a p-uitid. 11 -v IVuni S- lo So. thoso figures with our charges, his wonder why we ; changed into wonder and charged so little: tin: hull' sheet system t and broken up long The uiiilcr.sigiied are in - pi'.!;:.i.': FRICTION MATCHES TRY They are Address June I Itf llTJ'.k .v .Mil! V-, "I . - troth is that' I'.r should have boon I. r. or ' me.-s pork, or colt oe. orclovcr seed, or any available i commodity. Tims beef was forced up to III cents j a pound weeks ago, when thcru was an amnio sun- ply; and thus a combination f kindred character ! not cost so much. Itcannot surely bo Ion of gambling spread., and the people not o,,Iy,ve ; ' '.'."V ' W,,lch tllC-V 8Cl'k J"!'' "1 never did liko tho lloinans." said Mrs act of j I'nrtington, as she looked upon the spectacle iia" 1 of Coriolanus, "since I mistook sonio llotnat! j pinion ior an ico-cronm, ntni 11 got into my I iiead; nud I'como pretty nigh exploding once, j trying to light one of Isaac's lionian candled, j thinking it was wax. 1 must say that they ! are a set of fickle-minded creatures, fakir." the gentloman in tho rod tahle-eloth for a counsel, and then going to throw him over the terrapin rock." to liav tlic llcrea-e of! Ill eonseoio.ii.'A of ll... ri-e 111 gold, but ihcy sillier Iroui the extortion of I J all other combinations I'-t 'corners" in the neee- ' saries ol toe. 1 lie ( .ternincnt by the late act of v .ingress, strncua niotr at the root of all ( evils, l.y Hii'liing (also transactions iu gold pe 'i-'cs, ami "iiiai s wnai.s tlio matter over ! Wall St! cel. ; I'.utter is selling in Xow York at -lOe. 1 to IJc per pounil: turkeys at2tlo. to ;jt )c. per pound; chickens ,'J(lo. to '.',2.: beef at -De. to for roasting pieces steaks .!0c; ordinary l'j to He; eggs eight for 'Joe. - IC. Io cuts I lie I'dorshurg corresponde'it of tho .ctitincl says present exc '"""""I r prominent ollicers estimates " at t.11,1 , mid another at IH.iHHi. o --'"- -.i.u.. 1, ui lliu j lys: (icn. (irant's army c"..inot nts f1''1"" icecdTi bin 10 infantry. Mo hoars I '' TliVIK-SCE COMillKSSION tl. Kl.Ki TU'V. Wo arc te. Instate that Col. Sam. Tale, ot .Memphi-, a candidate to rei. resent (he I Ilh Coiilti-h- ional district ol Tennesseo in th Confederati. Con gress, n..r has ho ever -""Khl or aspired lo .-11. -h a position. .'.7,ij.,, Aj..,;,!. j I Tiik Govr.itNWRXT Skii.mii.kis. The Alba ny Statesman, conimonting upon the recent revolutions at Washington, tho grussc-it of wliich iiave been suppressed, says : "As to tho young and handsome women in the public oflices in Washington, wo htive heard still more enough, indeed; to disgust every decent poi son in the country. They arc got into tho government .vwvto.v, in in stances, at least, l,y tho most "discreditable inlliiences, and it is unnecessary to depict what follows. .Sending them with their work to their homes, would only be going from bad to worse, for their homes aro often ho tols, whero (it is said) smite of them aro ooarueu at me rate ol s j per day, and where they could only tho more readily meet the parties on whose account they are ostensibly to be removej. A precious amount of 'worl,'' they are likely to do when taken or sent to their 'homes.' They would reiiuire mora 'at tention' thero than where they ate. The whole affair is had business. Til K English I'.vttK. The Kuglish Park is ono of those things peculiarly Knglish, which arc to he seen nowhere but iu Knglainhat leas; wo venture to say that there is nothing at nil like it in three out of four quartern of this our glo'ie: the wide, grassy slopes, the ma jestic, trees, the dim flickering of forest ground, broken with savannahs, and cp'-sed by many a path and many a walk, the occa sional rivulet or piece of wate:1, iho resting place, the alcove, tho ruin of the old timiiMon where our fathers dwelt, now lapsed into the domain of Time, but carefully guarded lr.nn any hands but his, with here and there smiie : slope of the ground, or somo turn of the path, j bringing us suddenly upon a bright and un- j expee'ed nf ft distant land-capo far ! beyond "all nature and all art." There is nothing like it mi earth, and few things are half so beautiful; f..r it is tranquil without' being dull, ami cahn without hoinir ehecr- Thurloiv V? n il has, His Slop Mother Arres ted Larceny. The Ciiieao-) Times savs, on Thursday night, dune 1 Ith, Mr . Helen M. Weed was arrc-iel nt the .N 'onhwesti ni depot, on ooniuhiiii!: id' lo.r sten-sitn Thi'iiLiw Won.! charged with larceny, us bailee, "I'Sl'iHO, the property of the e-.mplainent. The husband of Mrs: Weed die I intestate) at Rochester, Now 1 ork, s hoo months since, and, in the division of properly, it is nlleoed that .Mrs. W it nu ;i v sloi'ii which is the property of p-son. i.e. . Tiled to be a woman ti.'iti'iu. for three months bus oi'ciii.i ed the position of matron !i Asvlum at Delavan, .' time of hor arrest was to join the -Uhli Wis hiindri'd d.ivs men, to H eci is ' riiislied r.-pi lining her sii Mrs, of uol: past sh at the ileal' and dun Wisconsin, an 1 al ll about taking I he car cousin Tog. moot of l.( K'ATKH A l l!K ev.elian.:;:o iV and SN ll I 1' CAST'lNiiS al ol highest ca.-h ,r;c.- ! jeS If. r..", (ii.'ir i' i iiiii. 1 b I. I'Tl.i. -' .0 1 Pl-I '. "I' 1! I old t ,-' I' I r. w 1 ; V large a blue aii ch.ijcrs. J'ri.-i juJ'.Hlltcod .- S i.i-:. .1' lii, -li 1 llililc ii. A. I; lle'.el ' ( ; r.( K; ; ; : i'l.'.nv, I K: ti 1:111.', or 01 -1 :, 1 -. -: ATTORNEY J lilt II'IDM) All claims a -aiu-1 ;' ,, 1 , i-i, adjusted and coiled.-,!. liUIII'. je7 -If. irti.-til.ii- a:;e;,ij I act as niTiri.n Anr the regiiuent. Tho del. ns3 cla'niH tliat Tliuilow Wood ! a .-'. iiiipiinie-l his step mntlier from llochester to iccoiisin, tliat 11" eoiice.'ihuont was made ! of her departure, !i" criminal intent Inanil'est I ed, and nil" has no money or proport ; tliat does not 1 i :htlv Indong to liov. I'OI! 1IIKI. A co.mi'i-:ti:nt .,. , -i V. and irouer. -c i general hou -en . 1 :,, .11. I -t 1, Apply at this -i!i--- -. T' Itllllk Kci-JH-I II lib K are Iiii belonging 1 , li,-, p. ; in (iritiin. Pan j. . h 1 -. r lliein to his old r-, ,-o-. ,1; ji'.'-lni. the 00- 'the this "ii'iii.gv Kai fit. - i. Ac. '-0 -liu lung Herald, a!i., uni intenils cupytiig J:icl;s,,u ponnaiH'iitly. It says contract fur sawm-; tic-, and putting railroad 111 ei'inpl'de r-iiiiiiing order from this city to .lacks ion was lot yesterday.' .Mr. Cal voi't, f'lnoi.'i'lv - T New '1 ink, has taken the contract, lb' ha- nu le a reiiiisiii,.u upon the l-'r. -.vni. in department for about bun- rii tired colored liil -.rcr.-, and will push forward i 2 )( )( ) p-irtiu. nt of We hi'.', the Planks 1 iu this Slate p. hi.-li tvi ed for the I.I I I (. 1 n hand al i! .-ed by Sio , 1:1. S. 'lllll ank 1 N i i ii: llio imiK Willi tlie u'i'i-'-! 'Ii-t'uteli. Mocum may com.; ;rid 1 ecu p-y .nek .0:1 for a time, but ho C'liin.''. In c mi-' a li X 1 11 1 0, tiur keep up railroad c.imwunic.iii-ii with ii ksburg.'' t-'.'r A writer says that t 1 niai k an entire ly I" aiiulnl woni.oi, il m old be necessary to tak" the head I r -111 ' i r. -.'.'.', tho bust, from Austria, tie fee! It-. -i 11 llindo-lan, the -boulders f r I 'a1;, , tho w .ilk fro 0 1 Spam, and the .HO pb-M-'ll i'l.-lo lio - in-l. J 111 -I II II-.. -Ill I., Tin- t lucdia r b'l, i I- In It t. lb' iil I .I V t i, '-ui -r In., o r toiu Hugh h f. i'. Apply il llo llll id in . . I .'iiiy 11V tilall Avlin 11.1 i.' '.v 1 1 at U ,' ,1 , 10. t re 1 !.n' llio man T i-Ii iiis name t I'.;' :ln' ivlic.'tv.'ii an -1 i'.'1'li 10 le iiul 'I'ili-li'Oi.d'llicChiir.l. n.tiw 1:1; ,1 I ! I -I,,. I II:: '.MV .1 1 ... M. ' II ", wi'l ' l.i t I! 1: -1 1 : '. Co mi;. ur.oi: or 1 I '1 . Cm I'iri, I lo pr- of. I: II '' H m Factory iM.'.'.vi-Avv, '.V I : , i 1 i i" LAW, V.I.