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THE DAILY REBEL. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 21. 1G4. A Military Murder. Wa thoald rather ray as anmilitary murder. We rarpeclfollr ak th attentioa of oar authorities to tha follow log narratire which appeared in the colacoa of tho LouiiTiue Joernal, f the 4th of J a j. Even in the height of the ilorai of war, which, w.ta sereileM fury, i raging arvund, there ill 11 ami, atnall to ice, which should ever le heeded and never drowned. Tba wrong of thi yoaiig man cry to Ilearan for atonement. Even tha Loairrille Jo a real, ia a mild manner, protei U agmiaat the atrocity, aad saall not oar own Govern ment, take measures U terminate yuch crimes against humanity and justice as are here detailed ? The Journal sajrs : TbU.war. so full of romance aad exciting interest, exerts a powerful iuflnciice upon the iinpulaive tod lb of oar land, and aluioM unconecioualy they are drawn into the whirlpool of wild excitement, aad aspire to deeds of dc.-pcrate adrcntare. Many a yoeth posaeascd of a pro ad aad haaghty spirit, ia thus lured from tho quiet walks of life to be radely tossed, like a co-rkle-ihell, upon tba angry billows of a seething, raging tor rent, then with a careen as sadden as t'j fearful, disappear from light aad time, doim, down the spiral wind of ihe "boiling vortex of we and mii ry. 'Dock' Frame, who was born in tho balls of wealth and reared in the lap of luxury, a I air-haired yoath, possessed of all the fiery impttn saroeM of the Sunny South, in tba earlier stages of the rebel- lion. UBwp wi borne In Decherd, Tenneasee, and became a daring leader of a guerilla-band, a no'ed biiRb-wbacker, and a wily scout, Ilis bold, reckless daring, bis thirst lor blooJ.and bia wOy cunninssooa won for him a wide notoriety, aad a name alike known to fame and to ft tar. As a scout be prored himself valuable to tbi Confederate cause, and as pilot for raiding-parties in Sherman's rear, none was more skilful a'nd sue!esifol. Our troops bad often attempted to effect bin ci.pture, but each expedition sent out for the purpose retu'-neif fruitless from the chase. Several days a 50 a party aent oat from Deo hard, made a sudden' decent on one of his secret haunt, surprised and biin a prisoner. The soldiers at once returned to camp, and, with a feeling of exultation, dclivsrc d him up to Cot. McConnclI, commandant of tho pose of Decherd. Toe prisoner was at once eel signed to the darkness of a gloomy prison cell. He wa kept in confinement several days and on tic morning of the 22d of Jane wa brought frmu prison. Col. MeConnell, without the formality of s. military court or the sanction of the eommandin;; leieral, ordered bint to be shot; and squad of fi re soldiers was detailed to carry the order into exec at Ion. Much as we abhor guerrilla warfare, aid strong ly as we advocate the summary pun lament of all the outlaws who engage in it, we think Col. Me Connell should have given Frame a trial under the military law. There is ao doubt that nctpita) rn tenee would bare becu pronounced upon him, and the execution aoubl then have taken lace with all. doe propritl T. Now it may lead to retaliation, and tbas increas the borrors of the war. Our soldiers woald be perfectly justifiable in giving ni quarter to guerillas, bushwhackers, or rebel iruidcs, when taken with arms in their hands; but; wben once they bare been recognized as prisoners, the usages of war, as well aa the principles of humanity, for bid their execution without a trial." No trial waas accorded to thia young man. He was ordered out of person tix) shot ilnwii, like a dog', after having been treated an a prisoner. If the enemy are permitted to. proceed in this man ner, all prisoners are at their mercy, i.nJ the word of a military satrap rojrcnirtpo tfcn to -a auiuii ai ry death. c . Misaaa X3T Every indication now points to an early and a sanguinary battle in the vicinity of Atlanta. That battle may possibly occur to-day. It may be j progressiog while we write. That it will be stub- J bornly contested and bloody, ia tbe natural consc qoenca of the condition "in wffWh either party ; would be left by defeat. Tbe Yankeo anny is far from borne and remote from its base ; in a country, every foot of which is hostile, and thrtogh vhioli a retreat on the heels of a disaster wld be imios sible. Defeat to the army of Gnered Sherman means ntter and remediless min. To as, defeat involves tbe surrender of Atlanta, and the various lines of Railroads to it, and the abandonment of more . territory more crop to be exhausted, aad more peoile to be out raged aa.1 insnlted, to the foe. a? Jt raejjis all of ro ta that can be imagined, all of wrong that can 1 inflicted apon this part of Georgia. Great and vttaTconsequenees are depending npon tbe result of this conflict. Wa hop that a kind Providence will give wisdom to our Generals,' and strength avid valor to our sol diers to win the fight and cover our imttnies with con fas ion. We believe that we will triumph. bave boundless faith in tbe army of Tennessee, an-1 the Generals wbo lead il. We know tttat they will ia all taat duty can demand, patriotism prcmpt, or cooraga inspire. They are full conscious of tbe . great responsibilities ' resting upon them, and will betray no trust cooflded to their fccepiig. And we who are behind their lines bave dutien to perform aa well aa they. Courage and fortitude are aa es sential here aa there. That gallant army look to tba coat-try behind them to repair dististera which may poibly overtake them, and may ' unavoida ble, bat whether unavoidable er not, must be re paired if they occur or our cause ia Ijs'. Calmness, courage, fortitude, a resolute rletermi . nation to reoe'wva that heroic army if it is driven back npon aa mangled and bleeding, bind up its woands, supply its wants, and place it once mere in a condition io meet tbe enemy, is as much a part C daty aa agwUag" war battle! Is a pari of theirs. Wa matt not permit reverses to affright er defeat ta appal aa; bat conscious of tbe justice of ear eaase we shoold rely apon tba goodness of the Almighty to give ma a victory in hii own good time. Tbe Captwre of Martiaab urg. . We have received some additional iartieulars I If tba eaptara of Uartinsbarg, Uarylanl, op the 3d instant: Omr forces anteraw tba place in the evening ; tbe i my, soma 7,000 atroag, all one hundred day wan, wita exeeptioo of aaven bundred regaffr cav alry, retreated hurriedly oa tbe Harper's Ferry Immense qoaatities of supplies fell into onr hands, with $1,000,000 worth of Medical and a large moat of Commissary stores, including 1 00 ,000 basbaU of eora aad oats. Merchants amf eoUera had ooUectnl there ia Bfteoaa stores, preparatory to forwarding them id Richmond for sal, aa they deemed the capture of this placsj a fixed fact. TWai were nppiopriated by tha Ceadedarales. r Ha casualties occurred oa oar aiii. except the allghtly woaadiag of Lieat. Breekiacidga ia tha Bom t waive or fifteen Yaakaas were kiHtetL Tha Caioe eiesasert ia that eoanly . to ha wrocor- Bat tw Southern families remaia ia Mar tiasbwrg. Tba citixana aappliad tha Yankeeti w itb all tha lax arias Ihey could precare, aad tba same spirit was exhibited on tha road Tram Mtrtinsburg to Wine bast er. Yet tha f.w Soaiharn Ha ia tbe eoaatry are firm and mawaTariag ta their devotion to tha eaosa. To be a good thinker, 70a mast be a littU abaUroious in eating. The iriiter who tprg atonuoh girs thin g;m l to his raadara. For the Daily Rebel. - In Bfcmorlam Col. Jno. H, Johnson. .Another heart has ceaed its beating. Another farm ia lying itill, Timo shall no longer, onto bha, bo fleeting, Earth shall no longer pain him with its ill. His days of toil arc numbered, be was taken From the great army, lighting for a name, before his frame was nuppod by age, or shaken, l"cforc bia band bad grasped the wreath of Fame. His sine wy bands Lie folded on bis bosom, and bis rest Is like tBc slumber of a weary child. Peaceful and smiling: OhPLo mmI be blest f" Who dies for borne and country, wben the wild, Fierce tide of battle, lorue by ruQan bands, Is brarcly met and decked in full career: For- him ia shed lores proudest, holiest tear! How did it die, and irfcen is life so frail That Dcath'raay stril.e ua wben the glorious Hush Of yiAith and beauty mantles cheek aad brow? Are our bright dream's but given to be broken; And uiuft the canker worm forever trail IUrliiuy length npon our sweetest flowers To Might tbe lily's aaw,bo rose's blush? Is there no guard with which to shield our bower From the fell monster, who is ever near, Watching bisiclisi, as the tiger eyes From the dark wood tiie unsuspecting deer? Alas! what heart baa not some little token Some frail memorial, of a cherished cno Whom death led slowly outward from the shore 'Till bidden from the sight foroTermore! We know the fair anc't beautiful mast fade. But that the young and rigorous should die In the full flash of youths most ardent dreams, While e'en tliocleareit and most searching eye Can see upon the brow no darkening shade ....iti.... M. A dark unfathomable mystery? w A Frib.iu. Report of men Admitted Into Hospital at Griffin, Ca July 19th. The following named soldiers were admitted into Hospitals at this Post to-Jay : CATOOSA HOSPITAL. Private M J Patrick, co E, 2d Oa Car. 0 S Bryan, Ens:. Corps. Scrgi Jethro Jackson, c A, 6th Us. Militia. Private J F Hedges, co F, 13th Ala Cav. F O .Smith, co I, 42d (ia. K C Roberts, co C, 7tb Fla. V P Itcrron, Rowan's Jlattcry. V-D Dickson, co B, 2ith Min. fc John Kay, co E, 1st la. J A O.rm co 1, 2d (la. PIRECTIO." UOSrtTAL. ' Private Josiali Whitlock, co K, 6th Ua mil. W H Camnuler, eo , Htb Miss. S K Pinkston, co C, th (J a mil. J I Perkins, eo A, ith Ua mil. Willi im Mobly, co A, 2d Ga Bat S 8. (I W Trainer, co B. 15th Miss. I K Tanner, co A, .15th Ten. J IS Simmons, co II, lath Tela.. Corpl T J J Read, co D, 2d Ark. Private Wm A Xcvan, Marshall's Battery. 4jU!TARD HOKI'ITAL. Private Jacob liurand, co B. 5th Ark. J A Meek, co A, " " Pergt J M Boone, co E, " " T W Ycrxley, eo B, " " -Segt 5Jj (i P Thomas, lt " S. T. MOORR nOHPITAL. Private N W Woodeock, co K, -mil Ua. Wm I (ireenTco D, 19th La. Monroe Iiupree, 1st (1 Artillerr. Marion Jackson, co D, 2'Jth tin. KIKI. aVcATOOPA IIOSPITM . Private W C Furgerson, co I, l!Mb Ark. Kob't C. Fostf, 4th , Surg, iii cbg'e Hospital- - UTEST syUORI PETERSBURG. From thu Expnss, 10th inst. Yesterday pan.ed off at the front without inci dent uf ((ccial intereht. or acrident sut&cieutly se-riou- to rhroniclc. The usual picket "fixing and cannonading occurred,, but Ibis kind rinilitary cxer-i.e lias tccuiue ko cunstaut, that ears which ihixs r four weeks ago w ould bave been deafened, and nerves which would lluo W.i... now regard lhm with the most perfect indifferooce. There i. one gun, however, to .which mortal oars can never become at-cu-oined. It ia said to bclonz to the CoufohTJitc.-vari'l.. its disciiarc, which were verjr Trucnt Junng ol! of Wodneaxlay night wore l""Kr-"J ueaieiiuijj. reicrwiwiiiDi were pro- tractcil through sereral seconds, and from tbe way tiiey travclic.l up tho course or tae Appomattox, must bave been beard very distinctly at Farmville, or some jioint higher up. Our citizens have christened this rebel monster, the "baby wskrr," and tbe enemy rail it the 'Yankee-Killer." If its deadly effects may be correctly judged by its detonations, we think it wonld be safe to infer that it has sent many of the invaders to "Kingdom, come," which being interpreted into plain English, means tbe place where Dives lifted up' his eyes and espied Lazarus afar off. Wo new havo tho undoubted intelligence, that a band of rebels who have recently entered Maryland,- hare induced two of Grant's Army corps to pack up "bag and baggage," and steer for Abra-( ham's presence. Tbo (ith and 2d Army Corps, Wright's and Hancock's) bave bid farewell to the bftl Virginny shore. -Wright made his exit on Satur day, and Hancock on Sunday. Hanoock carries away some tbrco thousand lcs than be brought to City Point about three weeks ago. Gea. Mahone gathered up nearly eighteen bundred of these wor riors on tha 22d and booked them at Provost Mar shal Dridgford's Iloadquartcrs, to say nothing of at least twolre or fifteen hundred wbo were placed be neath the scd and iu the hospital. Of Wright's num bers we know little. Of their powers of locomo tion we kndw a good deal, for tbe way they travel ed from Reams' Station, during tbo small hours of Thursday, the .".Otb, leaving their formidable breast works ad.scieatifically constructed "redans," was a marvel even to tbe Confederate grey backs who were so eager to embrace them. Other, corps are no doubt about to leave, if they are not already on their winding way. Our scouts hi front of tbo enemy's left, failed to find them yes terday morning, although they hunted industriously for several miles. We continue to bear of the scarcity of water in tbe enemy's lines, and of tne viadnous taste of the fluid which is now pumped np from tba Appomat tox. At this they would not bo surprised, if they bad counted as we did yesterday in tba Appomat tox, tbe pntrifying carcasses oi' eevonty-one dead horses; to say nothing cf cumeros otbereomponnds which shall be najicless. The yaakees drew their pupplies ouly four or five miles below wbere this mass Of filth misccgenates" with ths top'id water, and if some of them don't need a little brandy af ter irhmktwir amota atojaT, Uiy mut blMw tba stomach of an ostrich. An inonnierabla Masher of (n.t'i are now down with diarrhoea.' When we eon idder the water they drink, and tberor.ten errs tbey devour, is it a matter of surprise ? - - - .- We understand that a body of yankoe cavalry accompaincd by artillery, was moving nearly all of Tuesday nigh, through Prino George, in tbe di rection of Sassex. A big stajJing ax;pediUen is qn Itand, of course. Perhaps It ia only intended for ferage or it may be aimed at some Southern rail road. Deluded creatures. Will tbtrjr never profit by experience ? Or da they wish to bequeath to our cavalry another splendid battery of Napoleons, several wagons, a few uniform eoaU, and a count less Dumber of carbines, sabres, overcoats, oil cloths, and cowardly yankces, who are as out of place on horseback, as a pig would Im ia a parlor. Fluanclal Condltloa EIenrhere. " Tho New York World comments thus on the financial prospect ahead at tha luirth and else where t . "Tho latest advices from Gnat Britain ahow caasa of much uneasiness in regard to tba future evurse -of financial affairs. Impartsn and ether remitter, will do well to prepare for a eomnereiai crisis, aad fail a res which will exeaed in amount and ci3ent these of 1857. - . "Strictly first class bills of exchange will prove in tho cad to be the cheapest, boeasse the moat safe. Tha multiplication of new banking iastita Uoas in Great Britain, with latga nominal and very liule paid np capital, are warnings to the prudaat Merchants to bave nothing to do with them, or their bills or credits." They tire kiting over the water with fancy' moonshine enterprises aa well aa wo, aad probably as likerv to "come to trif " Snoring U a grating of rast'' inacL. oerv, a creaking ot unlabricatod, a faiady of sneezes, a kennel of barkings. A Noble Army. "Solditdo," a correspondent of the Appeal, thus deacriheii tba tmpril dm corp of the army 6f Tenncs- It is a glorious record of a noble army : Abbjt or TsxncssE, July 49, 18t. Editors Appbal: In French commentaries on campaigns and battles, wi constantly encounter the pnrae "esprit du eorps, signibeant of tnat unity of sciititDent, purpdse and courage which animates an army thoroughly disciplined. No body of troops was ever characterised by more thorough Uovotou- ness and fixedness of purpose than the .army of Tennessee. Past eaapai;ns have purified it. lael K ben n an strike it, and the ring of the puro metal will rinound through the bills and valleys of Georgia- c c spirit, one soul, ivervaden this aimy. Re treats Tail to demoralise il; disaster do not crush it; it is erect, unmoved, andinnayed, in toe prcsenco ol misfortune; it is as prond and defiant hero in Cen tral (teorcria as whn its guns Startled tuo dweller on the slaores of the Ohio and Cumberland. Tbe eiiprit of the army tif Tennessee does not de rive its existence from geiicrals-iu-ebief. If Cbcat bam, Loriug, Bate, Walthall or French, lending di visions, were one uundretl miles away, tne veteran soldiers under their ordeni would fight as gallantly as when directed by a lieutenant-general, or by the commander-in-chief. While this absolute, unwav ering confidence subsists, while every soldier is con scious that his commander watetes for bis security when grasping the fruits of victory, ho rarely looks beyond to tho remoter agnucy of generals and lieu tenant rcnerals. There aro brigade in this army, -as there are regimcntfs to which the los of their immediate leaders would ' ctisaytrous ; uui ii is true, in tbo army of Tennessee, whatever may be tbe facts elsewhere, that division commanders are tbe impersonations of that esprit du corps so cher ished and cultivated by warriors orcvory age. Such are tbe facts as regards this amy, whatever may be true of that now led by Loo and Beauregard. There in no one man whose loss wonld be fatal to our sucocss. and not one whose presence is indispen sable to victory. The same subordinate officers who led men to victory at Shiloh, Murfreesboro', Perrvvillo and Chicamaugar achieved triumphs un der different lieutenant generals, and another commander-in-chief at Rc.iaca and Now Hope. Tbo change which makes a licnlenaqt gEBSXaltbC.If.atV who have novcr murmur 1; who have advanced and rcesded ,' fortified hills, only to abandon them and stripped for action, only to . resume tho lino of retreat. Tho army of Tennessee is still proud and defiant ; as devoted to the causo they espoused ; as full of bate for tbe isrnoblo, selfish raee who would enslave them, as whan tho first gun oehoed along the borders of Maryland and Virginia. Men whoso courage was unthnkon at Missionary Ridge?' who bave siuco yielded to the pressure of numbers, and yet assailed, llicm with that confi dence in their own prowess which inherent con scious of superior courago inspires; who light us wclhdn tho midst of retreat. as"when advancing on XashviUe or Cincinnati ; ci.n never be demoralized by the mere substitution of men who lend tbe army. Kven'yetsoldiurs iu ourarinici fight as individual, an not. ai purls of a great man. . That solidarity which 'Characterizes European hosts, has never ob tained in those of tbe Soutt. Uuity uud oblivious ness W individualiain lias never extcudod beyond reimeirt, brijrades and divisions. It in, therefore, true that the nubptitution of fine for another geuc-ral-in-chief, however esteemed tho latter, is devoid of unfortunate effects. - Why Ucneral Hood supplants ticncral Johnston, we aro not permitted to kn iw. . How fur tbo Presi dent is influenced by post relations, nid to bare subsisted between himself and General Johnston, or how faf tho President approves tho cautious Fabian policy of Oeuoral Johnston in his removal from lultpn to Athtnta, we aro not erinittcd to know. . It is self-evident, that President Davis has been cognisant of facts affecting the .campaign which bavo r.cver reached tbo pivilic. 1(0 has known tbe exact strength of the two confronting armios. He has been advised of the plans nnd purposes of Gon. Johnston, and of their modes of execution. At sonic point iu the campaign tho General and tho President havo differed. General Johnston must yield, otherwise all hopes of success are dissipated. Tho uggrcsjive spirit of Hood u)t(i iiervado the army. Such is thec.n'f c corn w . . resilient Davis would infuse into the ranks. ' Qfut wksitniim must bo revivified, not in ijwcll sloi.. Miirvlund. but in Hood, who mut transfer hs leious to tho sftil of Kentucky uud Tennessee, Threatened Collision lletween the Military and State Authorities ufNew York. Wo have alluded to the threatened collision between tho military nuthoriea and tho civil authorities or the State of New York. The Philadelphia Inquirer tells the whole matter in the following editorial : Tbe now attempt of Gov. Symour, of Xew York ta jret his Htuto nto a with th Federal Uovernment is "pro";reHsin; finely. After aratul jury refused to indict lien John A. Dixd'or obeying the order of the President at the time of the of the journals which published the bogus proclamation of IToward, Gov. Seymour instructed the State's attorney to try it again by prosecution he fore some magistrate. Judge ilussel, who has made himself notorious by his parti zau conduct on tho bench was very properly se lected as tho "'raoat daatarless nnd lit man" to do tbo job. Jlis partiality could not be doubted, nnd he has entered upon the work with real satisfaction. The motion has nl-. ready been heard by hi honor . Gen Dix justices under the official order. The State lawyers havo discussed tho subject and con tend that the order was illegal. Judge Rus sell holds the case under advisement un til Saturday, when he will no doubt utter a long tirade, in which his desire to embar rass tho Government will bo demonstrated, by copious quotations, to be a legal duty. Gen Dtx.mny refuse to give bail to answer the charge. What next? The former indict ment was presented npon information by the district attorney. Gen. Dix was not called upon to answer it, until it has been found by n grand jury to bo a true bill." "Will he submit to tho authority of Judge Russell, who is sitting as a committing magistrate, or will he.rcfuso ? If so, what is to be tho issue? Will Gov. Soymour order out tho Now York troops to execute tho process, and arrest the general or will the latter resist with the pow er of the United States? If the matter is urged to extremities it must coino to this, nna what tho ultimate consequences may be it would be unsafe to predict. Let us have Infallibility. . Nothing ia easier than to conduct a great Revo lution. A scattered agricultural people, who know nothing of war except what they have read in books and newsiapcrs, who are as unaccustomed to manu factures as to arms, may suddenly be set npon by a gigantic tyranny, gigantic in numbers, wealth, ro aources, :ind tbo capacity, of developing and con-' solidatin; its strength, and by the inherent virtue of their cause, tbo handful of untutored agricul turist can sttspose of thir advwaaries aa miptty aa David did of (loliah. If thoy do not, it Is the iaalt of their Government, which ought never to have takun upon itself each tremendous responsibi lities, without being able to make the ran to shine aad tbo tains to fall, thereby leouring plenty to cat and drink; and other attributes of omniscience and omnipotence, enabling it alwaya to make a proper selection of ages.ts, and to control all the circum stances and wants of human action. We are sorry to say that tbe Government of tbe Southern Confoderacybas fallen far short of this high standard. It has- proved itself to be merely human, aad therefore liable to error. We do not wish to ba eaptioua or censorious. We admit that it baa aooomplished more in pioportion to its means than any other Government, similarly situated, of which hL'ltory makes mention. It is probable that, before tba beginning of this war, tbe whole civilised world would have agreed that Id r. Seward, in al lowing ninety day a for crushing out tbo rebellion, exhibited great moderation, and made a liberal Al lowance for tha obstacles be would bave to encoun ter. The result, it' is true; has astounded the na tions, but it might have been even more wonderful. Tbe North ought to bave been conquered aad com pelled to supplicate hambly for peaein six months. A Government of true ambition would never be satisfied with any achievemeaahort of this. If it cannot accomplish superhumaa'aueeosa, it ought at once to resign, and permit tbe denigods now in pri vate life, and who are painfully aware of its short eoming, t take its place, and redecnthcir country. RUktuomd Ditpatck. Secret kindnesses done to mankind aro as boautiful as Bee ret injuries are diabol ical. To be invisibly good ia - as god-like as to be invisibly evil is diabolical. t X Tho idea that to be great is to bo hap py, is ono . ; the errors of the age. Hut, that to be good is to be happy, is something known at least to tho wise aud virtuous. CiucrllUavKebel Kmiaaariea Policy ol Geu. Sherman. . IIeado'rs Dep't or the Cumberland, In tMc Field near Kenncwiw Mountuin, June 22, 18G4. Tbe fullowing letter ia published to the people olTetmesHee nnd ueorgia, liv ing -within tho limits ot the uepartuu-nt oi the Cumberland, for theifc information ns cx prosiaiiif; tho KentiuienU of the depart ment commander, the same instructions nre hereby given to ot and district com mander, and the same penalties imposed upon nil murderers, robbers, inccudiuiic, and raiders, their aider and abettors, and anv person upon well founded accusation ol Having vioiaieu nin oain oi auoiaiu:e to tm. UnUed States, will 1k 'brought t triall fort; acilitary commission as a traitor: Hkadquarters Military Division ok tiii: MiBsifsippi. in the Field, Ui Shanty, !a., June 21, 18G1 (Jen. Burbridge, command ing District of Kentucky : Clcneral : Tho recent raid of Morgan, and the concurrent acts of men styling themselves Confederate partisans or guerillas, call IVjt determined action on your part. F.vcnon tho Southern "Suite rights" theo ry, Kentucky has not scceiled. iter people, by their votes nnd by their'aetiona. have ad hered to thoir allegiance to the National (ov crnmcnt, and tho South would now coerce her out of our Union and into theirs, by the very dogma of "coercion" upon which ho much stress was laid at tho outsot of tbo war,. and which carried into rebellion the peo ple of tho middle and border slave States. Put politics aside, these acts of tho so-cail-cd partisans or -guciillas are nothing but simple murder, horso-stealing, arson and other well defined crimes which do not sound as well under thoir true name ns more agrcc- abiio ones of war-like niecoiog. Now, before starting on this campaign I . - . . , . a i. biMvUiuvi , tm etna 'Very ca.'ie would arise, and I asked jGov. IJram- lettc to at onuo orgauizo in each countv a jiTuail, trust-worthy band, under the sheriff, it possible, and at one dash arrest every man in the community who was dangerous to it: and also every fellow hanging about the towns, villages, and cross-ro.ids, who had no honest calling, the material out of which guerillas arc made up; but this sweeping ex hibition of power doubtless seemed to the governor rather arbitrary. Tho fict is, in our country pcrsonallitcrty has been so well secured, that public safety is lost si;rht of, in our laws and Constitution, and the fact is, we arc throwji back one hun- drsd years in civilization, law and .every thing clc; and will go right straight to an archy and the devil, if rsomebody don't ar rcit our downward progress. We, the mili tary, must do it, and wo have right and law on our side. All governments aud communi ties have a right to guard against real and even supposed danger. The whole people of K entucky must not be kept in a State of sus pense" and real danger, lest a few innocent mon should be wrongfully accused. i. You may order a!! your post anddistrict commanders that guerillas arc not soldiers, bu t wild beasts, unknown to tho usages oi wur. To bo recognized an soldieirs they must be enlisted, enrolled, officered, uniformed, armed and cpiipped by belligerent power, ar.d nfust, if detached from a main army, be of sufficient strength with written orders from some army commander, to do some mil itc.ry thing. Ofconrsowo have rccogni.c.I . . i r . - i - tha Confederate taoverunient ns a belligoi-ent power, but deny their right to our lands, ter ritories, rivers, coasts und nationality ad- mitting ho right- to rebel and move to some i other coantry, where laws and customs art more In accordance with their own ideas aud prejudices. 2. Th civil power being insufficient to protect life and property, ex Hre..iiliitt . to prevent anarchy, ''which nature abhor," the military steps in, and is rightful, consti tutional and lawful. Under this law, every body can bo made to "stay at home and mind hi 1 and her own business," and if they won't do that, can bo sent away, where they eun- ncl lcaMf tli air Ii orient neighbors in Tear of danger, robbery and insult. .1. Your military commanders, provost innrKhals and other ugeutx, may arrest all mules and females who havo encouraged or harbored guerillas and robbers, and you may cause them to bo collected in Louisville, and when you have enough, say three o'r four hundred, I will cause them to be sent down tho Mississippi, through their guerilla gaunt let, and by a sailing ship send them to land wbere thcy.may tako their negroes nnd make a oolony with laws nnd a future of their own. If they wont live in peace in such a pai-den as KcntuckT. whv we will send lhem to another, if not a bettor land, and surnjw4 this would be n kindness to them, and a God's blessing to Kentucky. I wish you to be careful that no personalities aro mixed up in this, nor does a full and generous love of country ''of tho South,', of their State or country, form a cause of banishment, but tha t devilish spirit which will not be satisfied, anl that makes war the pretext for murder, arson, theft, in all its grades, perjury ,and all the crimes of human nature. My own preference was nnd is, that the civil authorities of Kentucky would and could do this in that State ; but if they will not or cannot, then we must, for it must be done. There must be an "end to strife," and the honest industrious people of Kentucky and the "wholo world will bo benefited and re joiced at tho conclusion, however arrived at. 1 use no concealment in saying, that I do not object to men or women having what they call southern feeling, if confined to love oftrountry, and of honor peace and security, and of even a little family pride, but these become "crimes" wheu enlarged to mean lovij of murder, ot war, desolation, famine, anc! all the horrid attendants of anarchy. I am, with respect your friend (Signed) W. T. Sherman, Major General. By comm'and of Major General Thomas. (Signed) Wx. 1..Wiiiiti.e, Chief of Staff. OfficiaJ : ' CIkrard Il3rrxAV, A. A. O. Major Gen. L. A. Rousseau, Comd. District of tho Tennessee. ' Cikorg!. Charleston. Again tho noise of battle comes to os in the air. As it has always been by sea and mountain side ancl on tho plain where hard blows were givra and manly breasts havo been bared in their country's cause, whero death has fallen thickest and the shout of victory has risen, there have tbe brave Georgians been found. Slow but resolute in her counsels at first, the State has stripped like the athletic fold for a contest of life or of death, and not a nerve has she left untried. From Texas to Pcnn syl rania, on overy field, ail her sons, like her great dead son, have gone "to illustrate Georgia." But if all should feel their -claims, how sttcmgly should they be appreciated by us of son tli Carolina. r ever have we, flic special mark of Federal malignity, had to bear tha onset of "the foe but the sturdy Georgians stood by our side. They sharjd the huniili aticn of Port Iloyal they had laid down their lives at Wagner they lie doep cntoin ed 'beneath the classic ruins of Sumter and novr their voices raise the shout of a victory tbey hare wou by the side of the sea-. Thus have they shared our sorrows, endured our trials, and joined ns in the glad strains of triumph. NoWo (Joongia. Diomcd of States. IVe honor the mQcblesa bravery of thy sons tile heroism of thy daughters the devo tion; of thy people. CJlumbia Guardian. a- The distinguished Irishman, Smith O'Brien, is dead. TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS OF THE PRKS3 ASSOCIATION. Kiitcn-d ace-nlinir t.. .V t f '..ii-jrv ' in the year la, !!. Tnuni:ii. it. Hi'.- t. iV-. oilW f tho lt trict 'nir ( Hi-' '.u:'.-l--j it.- i'. h fr tlii? Northern 1 Hslitrt i'T li-"r' 4. l-'rom l,fU-rsliurgiraiit not Head. .li.1v il.' 'l'lii-if i no I'liun-'ti in the .;,u:.ti. a... .. indi.-a. io..f uuy immediate Inutilities on nit: j. in i'i '.m. The ueatlier m n.irni and sultry. A heavy rain ycKtorday ba I. tf'u. .1 1 V I.V tiling. The report ot''s dtatllis contradi.-ted by de.TU;rs v!i eiil.-i. d .nr line. J cstcrday. Tlirel... been i'i ii t 1 .-ki-iui'bing and ean- uoiia.iiii.. Nort lifiii Ncwh It li iiiom, July -o. Xhe Ikruld of the ISth has lieeli n-.-eive'l. Tbe war news is unimportant. Regular iioii.uiu:-:itiou Iretvei-n Dnllimorc an.l Wushingtoii i" re.-lorvd. Itauks makeia a Spcerli. Ilaiik- made a .-j-"-ii nt New tlrleans, in which bo declared that tb. . . Illelueiil of difficulties uuint proceed Irs-m the ni-.ral powerofibe country, which is more ellioacioii-. I ! .m miiUary j.ower. Hold in New Voil. The Vankcc? tli iit n arru.s the Slienaiido :ilC in on I u Ion. llll II'IOM'. I"!v gtivol at the War i" for.e i f t'ac em-iiiy .Sni.-ITer.;', at " p. m.. .ill. Ulticial dispatches re i. iriu.' it slate that a largo .lo.-.-e . ibe Shenandoah at 011 tbe ISth. ti...v ti i. k. 1 mid ih i eii across the river iu confusion! Our loss is 1 l to be bctv.een two and three nnntrei. inn oTTnr enemy n mueti greater, a iaj. a - It'll.TKM AMI L'.MMI.TI.I Kl.OLR. A Soldier of tho 1st Catclina voluuteers, vrriting from Cliallin's farm a day or-iwo ago, says: On yesterday we drew a ration of firstratc Hour, said to be new, for which we are truly thankful.. As I he present wheat crop is about to be gr.iuu.l, let it be remembered by those in authority that Hour bolted is of much more value than that from which the bran has been s-;.ai.a.'!. -Just at this moment (ii ahaui ll .ur will relieve nuorc cases of sick ness than all tho j.llis in tlo Confederacy. It has b'-t-ii fully tl- iii'nstratcd th it no ani mal iniii live exclusively on One flour, and al so that unbolted fl-.tir, with water, will sus tain tho animal frame in goo J health and spirits itnlclinitt'ly. tmcuic unbolted bread, and I feel sale from discaM) uiwler any ordi nary fatigue and 'xpourc, aud I feel that 1 am pleading fir humanity as well as econo my, when I ask ytiu to help mo b.-g fur a pi-rtioM id" t i.ivcrumeiit lit an for the war worn veterans ol this hitherto invincible ar my. ai i Am: imiti: or 1'oisov. Jr. -Jas. Kdmonds, a promiio'iit l.ond.m liyician , writes as fol lows tu tho l.'-iiilon Tiincs: I oncl'is.; a fiitipb', safe, and accessible prescription fur tho whole range of acid and corrosive i oi.vms. which, if iiroiiiritlv used. will aliii ist invariably s:ivc lifr Mix two ounces of mow i re I chalk or maiMaCsia, or - : inc ounce d' wat-hing sada, with a pint o . I -1 1 t ii milk, at. d swallow at one draught; then tic kle the back (' tin- throat ".ith a feather or the liuo-.-r, mi as to i.ruduce vomiting. Af terwards drink lr.-.ti-ntly of hot. milk mi l j watrr, and repeat 11.-.- vomiting, ho ns to tho- riigii!y ua-11 "'t t:.' .-toiuach. Any quan tity I' c halk or magnesia may be taken with safety, but Midain large quantities, is injuri mis. I mav a-M als.., tha: the narcotics be- iug exctq.tJ-d. mill; nl is an antidote for iP ' 1 it er 11 .11 all and e.-p.-.nally if lullowcdby XOtn- ittn I.ravf::v Ai knoh i.i.i.:i.h, liy general or der No. Lieut, tii-ii. Hood refers to tbe fact tha. '.. i tli' duty of soldiers m-nt ns scours to .-.liii iiiti.iiii;tt ion of the enemy's strength, his p.isiti .n, capture his men etc., and liriii-. t. 1 - ii"tieeol his troops the valuable serviee j iu t I.i . r ect of Sergt. K. I. Kieh.-ird and K i'.itino 1. Co. A. 4-lth Mis Nissijipi Keiiiii-iu, and .Vlexauder , More, fth Mi-s. ba(t.i!ii.:i, (sliarpshooters) all 'of Tncker'n brigade. Vlitir conspicuous jal lantry iu approaching so near the enemy's line f bailie. 1 1 piiforiii the mandates "of their commanders, and l i thoir country good entitle them to the t-ommcudatioii of their comrades. ""'"Mso. "headers may lassiiirarioit of Headers be divided into four class- es : "I. Sponges who all they read, and return it nearly in the same tate, onlyi lit- tie dirtied I. Sand glasses. wImp retain nothing, and nre content to get tliTrtiigli a book lor the sake of getting thr.mgh the time. "2. Strain bags, who letain merely the dregs of what they read. "Mogul diamond.-, equally rare and valu able, who profit by what t'!ny read aud ena ble others to profit by it alio. Xcio lecture on ui?.jH tiiw -B Tin: Sri kit 01 177. W'iien Charleston was attacked during the, revolution by an immensely superior force ol the Uritish, Gov. John llutledge of South Carolina sent the following note to the comiimmler jf the fort that now bears his name. General Leecom manded tho American forces : "Co. Moultrie: Gen. Lye wishes you to ovuenato the fort: you will not without an order from me. 1 would eo. liter cut oir my right hand than write one. J. IJjl'ti.edge." - Tho brilliant victory t!t followed was the result. The Kniperor and Km press of Mexico left Orizaba for the City of Mexico on the Hth ultimo, the aboriginal natives crowding the road iu immense numl-em, and testifying thoir joy in the t-irmus manner. At one point n deputation pi-cfcntcd the Em press with a crown of niasd re gold, said to have been worn by an ardent monarch of thoir own. raee, and prcscrrcd as a religious Im O c. Kr2X- Ir. (Swin, of California, was a pas senger on the Knglish steamer from St. Thom- t Vcrjl Cruz. He is reported to have ao ccptedTan ofiiee iu te Treasury Department of the nVw empire. Till: ATLANTA DVII.V AM) lVLCK- 1. v i x t 1 ;i. 1 . 1 1 ; in s c 1 it.' Tbe under.-igrticd, proprietor f tbe Atlanta Iiaily and Weekly 1 1:. .-I'uounccxto tbe pub lie tbut bu li.i- made arrant-merit? for tbo publica tion of lbe.-e j.niruak in tliii city, (Macuu,) and tbat iu a fcur d:iy nuliM-riln-M to tlio-nauie will be funiiyhcd in tvitb iliuir papers. Correypondcnt.-i, ad vi-rt iscr.', and all jK-ri-oni har ing bu.iti.'-'i wiib tliu In r 1:1. i.i uxeca, will plcaao addrea llicir ion J l "Tbo Intelligencer office, .Macn, tJcoria." All Job and t'vi ruin, nt work on band will 10 revuuie.l at an early day. JAKKll I. WHITAKF.K. jy2l Proprietor. SADIES' 11 AT S . ash AKTIF1CIAL FLOU'EHS. JI'ST received, tb'r.mb ib- blockade, a fine stiH-k uf Indies Hals .ni l Artificial Flower, which are for alu at Mr. Tai.ois M illiurry .Store. Kast ride of 11 ill street. Tbe l.:die! are requested liicall. lirilliu. J'y 2-2f t:iit i I.Alt. sta'i i: l" ;i:i:.i . i Aiu't. am 1vi-i.. ;i 't.. i A:l it. .i. .1 ii! v I .. ! -'- '. ' T" Ibe Ai'l- li? Camp f Othocr.- .1. t ul.-.l 1 v Ma up the Il-i. ivr Miliii i: Immeliutaly iih.ui1. r you will call uj.'.ti t!i in-' the clerks of the shoci i-,i iff, tax collectors ai.-l .''i' r-'i ii. r-ini l ' ,,r"' ' il, 1 1 ii -1 -' if. li -:"'. .-I. ri -. ili.-r itipi l.j l.i t frmn militia duty ia your I-! W-l 'r t'tl 1.1 C . I 'I H will 1... .......-!. .1 i.i .... il.r .ii - t " r ----j - - r- ties, Miitii.uiiig itfdixidaallv -.. r.v of -i l- ' .. lb.: lioverimr t-. icport to G--n. W . ' tliid I'Ui-r, mi l n ri. in;.' tin in countv M-al on a iv-n d.i. ''niil'iii !i- d.n - i-'1 i your arrival iu tli.- r..nii!i'.i t r. pir in a i. I . Atlanta as n -iuir. Ij an t nl -. -i. i.l I v t u.n i i . . to arrest any one i -lo 'n-.r r lajin ! ! ti. siiiiimoti--, an. I ::. ::i J .r.var.i un mt --.- guai. 1. In the ex. . u!.'i ' 1 ll.'.- .Inly "U ' gwvprncd by the i .i..-i".!.- laid d.v.;i in lb- liovernor'r ion ( i I. .1 1 . J i'l."an- ill bis letter l l-isaidc, - l. '. ' : 1 July I Ith, sf,:.. copies of wln.b in li-r ! rloscd: and you will mi; that ;.!! m.i '.i i.. i x aiipts anl MaiU-d Mien iib:n io...i- ! v Senatorial district a'id -..nnM- . ; are exempted by theGovern -l' J i --I . i a .... ineiitioiied. atli r come ! .1 ; - . ..I t ' 1 '' place arf dirc.-t.-d. , Uv order of t!.c t ''.loin r. -1- r im ' ' '". hi:.!.i 1 . - i:. . 1 .. n. 1 .!. , t . M ill. ;' july 2--2t A lj t : 1' 1 i" I' Ka.-ll liewa" r i.i tl. '.it- and send bill to Adi'itant litinr. V- ': vUIc. liXCU ANC.i: Mil II UlellMoM.. V v.. .Im. ALL officers and ni'-'i -1 h- of July 4. lsr,:5, wbo r. i.utt 1 ' II. I I. i cap: iir? . ill,, r at st.:i.-.: ..r d- -. Al..: ' KnterirUe, Miss.: Ii.hkim.1i-- Tenn.; Vienna, NaMntot In s Sbi andrin, Im., at anv tiui' ri..r and whose naint.i have r-. . it I i .r,. -i'. - r Ab A., : 1st, I -'l. rill II' i.i'- l y I, .1 . ,l II ! 'Ul. tba Kroner officers, are In u'-.V i;oll. ori.n, july 20 6t A'... at . :' l.' l. in;. Post IIui"i ai:h:i: . :) i r.. '. .I.i f 1- '.. 1 accordance iili i i! 1 . ' i "i N... 47." dated "Head. in nl..; n.,y t July litli, I V.I." I hii. tl i- day : ' luand of this Po.-t. : li.a M. II a. ' f. nounccd as my Adjutant, and ' -v. resisted as ru"h. A. W. I.I W V. I.I., 1 ai.-l Colouel 2Tt!i T. in.' jyl'J tf l'ou cot;iti.. CAPTAIN M. U. fl.l'-Ki... V.-n-d.-...-- ' i. gado, ''beatliain'ii d;-. i-i-.o. :-iv ; I ' i- having bi-n callfi iii 1;. i I ii. '":..'"i- -i soldiers of flic I Ills .'.. !!..; ' ' ! : liessee, is n eaii9iifite to Ml i'i. v . !'-.. :ii present Cmigrc, ..eca.-i..nt l ' ' :.; . ;:. Hon. David M. t'lu rin. i ' ' A proclamation il. II AKItl-i. . i:iMK IM tli.w i;si:i:. To the Slid ids Ci .r..a. : -;.i -I r ' the Stale of Tciim . :ni 1 'i coiiniiaiid nl' tr.i.'i'- t'.'.'ii .i-l . duty or in hiitul : Wiikukvs a VM.C.UH-y i"i .;; C'otmrcMoiiul lli.vtii.- 1 i. iii.. - . . casiotit'd by tlif I v.. lit i.t '. iu are lln-iv.l couni 1 ' uu i-l.-cti.iii ii Tlll'KSIlV. . .- u. of Altllt, eililcii l.ilil' t I the voting pliii-." 111 v.. hi v - j -. . - in thi4jrut!ipi of lb.- 111 to . . .im ' 1' 'i'!. as Tciiuc-e jioldiei m.i ' ' 1 pitul, oil the .biy i.r.-!.-. ti..n. ..1 .i.: act ot I'mii-..--, -iii itl'd "An ' ' vlt-ctioiis l..r K-I'l. ' !' rcs. of t!- "ii-r. ai Ti'niii!'i" iipi-i-'H ! M-i ' ' I UIIIC1I.1.H..1 ;!! I .Im i. the pill'pio'i' of lilliliu r.ii'l ;i-;.:-'-; . ..i thereof irakc 1 t ie ucci iit t . i i 1 - "I I-.;-- in .1 . . I 1 nil . 11 .. 1 Hi 1 in. ,-, 1 li .M .. . .l:.k .1 . .it .ill 1 .. iil..t 1 ; iiu- 1.. a-i- . . .I .11 ..! I.. 1 1 . . t .1'. ol . i ..Il .1. I 1. 1... . . I I'I III 11 : -1 11... ny whereof, ( ) I. ISIIAM IIAItlilS. :..-. 1 1 n..r . J u a. Tciiik-h-. ba- It. 1 1... iMijd I .- mut cuiimmI 1 ! at'.-. it - .1! ' '" '.'.. t" b'e .,uu iUy ,.,.,,.. . I.-IIAM : UAI.KI Ity tl ;.ivi.i iior : I. K. K. Kit, S ri. -taiy id. Ti-iiiies-n-i' piiix-is .j. I' I '1 I im :ii 1.111 till jie.'i b-ciioii. uuwvx.v Match Factory Tbe un.lers l ;ii. i;..u j r ..i! I I'M sini:itnir FRICTION MATCHES TRY Til KM; Tbey a Itl.lChs ,v. IOlMi Junc 1 Itf Te, iiurtnt(-. l;iuitvy . LOCATKI AT Gi:H'l-'l. tl.. K K excbimii -fV mid IM I ll'i.... i.T . ,' k j: i 1 ..: i ,-ii. .11 1.;., i - t .1 ..! 1 tii. t'ASTIN'llS at .11 pii. .-. ..rtli.-v liiliest casb prfee l.r !! ' A I' I jeS tf. T. U f.l'.f- I 11:. A I.I. i-oic sai.i:. A larjie ar.rtiiii-tit .t' l!tu-li-!i uili-n- 1 O I-"- blue fllld ullitc. ill .'l:ili i'i.- ! -I.i- c baser. I 'rice rras..i:illi.. AiU : 1;. A. I: V. - I'l'i I-.'. ju2iiiMco.l4 i: .ci 1 i;i-t;iii. 1. GKUKGi: l'l.tX. (FottMKItl.V of .ii."-ii:-. Trvx.l ATTORNEY AT LAW, KICIIMOM). V t. All clawiiii aLT:ini-t Hi.' 1 t.U'.I rit 1 '1. tu. -tit, S' adjusted and col lie tod. 2T rarlicubir aiuuti i claims. jc7 tf. I ion iimi:. A COM l'KTKNT .-11 I 1 j i r;on. t .1. XX. aud iroiier. u!i. i n: . : general bouKcworl.. and is a ory Apply at tbin otlioc. il i.nli-.l uiil I.i! i- .-. .oi.-ri.-- -iu.i. 1 11 look Keepers Alii nt 1.01. Til 111 K aro Miv.-ral l.uii lr. .1 . iu:.i. - .1' belongiux t Pr. I..l.l,iii-- .-'.r .- ' n in (iritliu. l'artie. bjvmc ilm.-i .!! pten.-c r....'i. ! .iit r.tni 11 lueru to lim old rooms, ui..l ..I-! ,--. je'J-lui. I.. '. STI-'tt i; T. LI'IMI. Itl.ANKS. We have on baud tins otii.-o .1 l.u-.- ni.j.'y ! tbe LlaukM used I'V . .lorilln. CIoiUs :m I " 1. in this Slate.'iilly print. I .n I t . i.ii,- 1 per.whicb we will sell at tbe ..i:in- uf. . :i. Ii 11 cd for tba l.lank paper alone. wasti:d: onnn -ui'si,,-:i-s ,,r i 11 k vUUU niKS. for I be ..I the .M.di. .1 IL partuient of tbe Aruiv "i 'l.-ni e- . .-. I .!l p.iv $10 per bushel, il.-lit t-rr.1 ! tu.- in All.oit.i. i. The vessels containing s.iuie viii r... t. luin.1 mi mediately lreo of i-xik-ii'. f. t i;l; , (ppo.Mle ll.c Ai'ui.'iim, jyt 1 til licilui -loot. HA;s! it u::: XV will paylbe bili.vt iu uU t pi I cotton or linen ros, or r;io in -l. i fiuu Kii(lrti letter and va Apply at tbe I; I'i: I'I. . i -r i i . ! r ttlrl.l I'll . .. t'KUfi: i