Newspaper Page Text
':-H' ...'.. :'.-;cV .. "? . j i-v 1 - - 1 J. - r. v; 1 r JL . a ' - ------ I all I I III 1 1 LMI I'-'UHI ..-., gg-JLl HHI I HI ,. -II "' ' ' 1 - 1 'lliirimiil .Ti AlJTHQltH - ' PUBLIC -ilf: ; Tint Ccre i'C"11? St?, 1. . .v r .-h r!t-uou. wIktH was beaa IWU ft U J - - ik0 ertf of lhcbavQa, in itxs rMie 01 . . ... .... - . fliiaiT. mc xcicuiu D 1. and ed4 on Thur.! tb eiiiil"11 da-T of FrbrBirr.lS';. . . 1 -ir. An Act to lerT dd.tii)Bl t U.Tem- meat. - TConof.herWedteSiatr,ofAn.,H; 'r do enact. That, in addition to tb taxea leTted by the "act tu tarixe f'r the roanton deieoce. and t carrr on ibc Gurcnjmeot of th Confede rate State " anorored treatr-fnrtl cr April. AwrnKT-uunii ftJ L .111! a. f taxtia hereafter mentioned, and collected rrm r nm. rrtnerAm. a-ociati0 or from oerr persm, ro-parlnersdiip, aociatM0 or corporation, liable therefor. tiir a follow, to wn : - , I. Upo the ralne of pdperiy. real, personal and mixed, of cVenr kitd aad description, not beeciaafter exeniptcd or taxed at n &erent rate, tire per cent.: Proridcl. That from thf tax on the rahtc of proper! r. euiplvrred in ajsooltore. ltxl be ded acted thcValite of Uie tax in kifld de riTcd therefrom, aa aaced noder the law ioipo ing it. and delivered to the tfoverntnent : IrcTi deC That no credit abatl be alloyed beyond Hro II. On the raloe ofpdd and mlrer wan and "plate, jewel, jewetrr and watcbe. ten percent. III. Tho raluc of'pmprrtr taxed ondvr tli- ec tioo fthall be aacAM.-d on the baaia of tlie market rlve of the kimilar nroncrtr. in llc . ... ... neiShborbood where aecd u. thcyear etn UHltHiril B-U Mill, a- ALC a la -a "r aa-a Wve cotton or'tobacct.hare been purcbaaed TTJ I ta iiinn trv.. tieat ni J jtinirr. eiiiri-ca nuTtureu . . ... . . and ;-. -r-v... -r-.f.-:i eae inc aui nnu, wir. t !, ea'the id Und, alare. cotton aul ucc. purchased. liMll he tutk. ShTST. ed at the price artnallr paid for the mii: owner. Sec. 2. On the raluc of all abarc or in!ercU beld in aar bank, baoKiux ootnpanr or aaaocia lion, eaaat, narisation. imporciotf ami exporHnir. .1 inaorance. raaoolactitrtnf-te.(Krranh. exiM,' road aad dry dock cotujianic, and nil other joint -tocJtcowpanieaof ercrr kind, nhether ioorp.- rated or BoTfivo per cent. Tho value or pn.pcrlv .. .... taxed uufr the baiu of the market value of .-.aid propcrtv in theneighlmrhood where avwed, in aurl. curren- tins ectl'U utilU lC MK"MC1 iipnn ev le in -neral no ttiere. in the nnrchac eighteen hureM aad irtT-tbree. tber J be J ciKhtee.a.d rortr-HTe.u.1 ru . . 1 .1.- . j r .1.: .1 .Mt i roll thenele. at auch tinic awl place, ana un- and sale of such prppcrtc. at the tune tf a-M-s- I tnxipa now in the field. - -inent. ' Stir. 7. That any person who hail fail to utteud . Sac 3. f. Tpon tbe am-nint of all i?old nod ail- ! at the phice of rcntlexvon. aa required by the au rer coin, gold dust, gold ailrer bnl'ion. wlieiher ? thoritT of the Preilnt, without a suAicieut cx hcld br bank "or other corporation or indiTid- j ense, to lie judged of by him. kIiu!! be liable to bo ttala, Mr per cent.; and opon oil monevs held j placed in ervico iu the field Tor the war. as if abroad, or upon the aniouut of all bill of exchange, t ue were lcl ween the age" of eighteen and forty drawn therefor 00 forcizn countries, a tax of fivr live rear. " per cent.; ancb tax upon money abroad to W as- ' Skc. X. Tliat hcresficr the dutie of ruvotaud xeaedand collected Bccorditur. to tlie vlue-thereof 'hospital guard a.t-l clerk, of clerk, guard. " -at ibe place where the tax i paid. . ? agent , employees, or laborers in the t oiuint- j II. Upon the amount of all -Hilreut credit, and j aory'a Quartcrtuajitcr'rt Department. !..- the : of all bank bin, and all other paper ..ucd a cur- j Oronaucc I)eartnie..t, and ckrk and employee reoer, exdaivc of non-interest bearing Coofede-- of Mvr.aretit, a aJaoin the excctition of the cu rat treasure note, and not emploved n a regi- rollmeot acta, and all almikcr-ilniWas atiall lx- per- tered buainesa, tbe iucnme derived from which ii i formed by-peraoi.a who are within the age r f taxed fire per cent. I cighteeu oud loity-Hre year, and who. by tlie re-; Sac. 4. Upod promts made in trade and Ihim- f port of 11 board or army anrgcons, shall be rt- i ness. as follow . " ported as unable to pcrlarui active acrvicc iu the ! I. On all Profit, made bT buvioa: and nclliut; 1 HcbL "' capable of prtfora.iiigotnc oftbo above , nintnn. Imham flz.iir. Ttlii-mt eorn. rice, snirar. molasae or ayrnp, salt, bacon, prk, hog, beef or-, to, prK, nog, fx-efor-. t.4ftf e.ftle .heei,. oat hsr. f.idiler. rr Irnlc. leather, boraea. mule, boot. loe. cotton yam, wool, woolen, cotton or mixed riot!, hat, waxons,- names, rtmi, urm, cevi or .., mi .- . twecn tbe fimt or January, eighteen hosulred and m coat, iron. teel or na;U, at any time be- sixlv-three, and the first or Jartnair. oiguteci hundred and aixtr-fire. ten per cent.," in addition to the tax on such profjli aa income under I lie.; act to lay taxes for the eonrm-m defence, and ;' carrr on "the government f l.e Confederate : States." approved April 2tth, !t03. ' II. On alt profits made by buying aiid wiling"! raouey. eold, silver, foreign excl.anjre. totk, ' notes debts, credit, or obligation of or.y kind. ' and aar merchandise, property, or cfTi-ct of any kindnot enumerated ia the preclinx paragraph. between tIi"trrinsbttiiitM"TTr-?rei-ii. ten pcrcn.t.. - in addition to the tax On nocii Vrt'tli a inco.o., under the act aforesaid. III. On the amottnt of profi?? cxc-edin; twenty five per cent., made during ei'ii-jr of ttP yrars rijfUecn hundred aitd nixfy-llirce an-i i-iii'i i-n ' Itundred and sixty-four, br "any bank or b.iiiLin 1 ' company, insurance, cattaf, navigjtio;.. in.pjrtii.i and exporting;, telezraph. express, railroad, nitn urscturiii. dry dock, or other joint stock couipa- . nr of ant description, whether ioeorporntcd or ' iMrf'. twetltr-nv per eo it. aoeh exce . , ' Sac. 5. Tb following esmptiu Tram taxa!:in nndcr this act ahall be afowed, to-wit ; I. Propertr of each bead r.f & firmil.' tUs j ue of fire hundred 'dollars tor each minor child of the fasoiJr to tho fnrther raloe of cjie . kriMl dollars: and Tor -Men son aeiuauv in the arm r or narr. or who has d fed or j and r . r 1 1 I 1 'm. .Ct.'.w A.- naval mmwrtm oeeCW IUI7U I II ftllftT lUUHtw I ft.ftft.ft.ft !- ) . who was a member of the family when lie cn- j tered tbe service, to the farther raluc of five hun- dred dollars. , II. Property of the widow of anr officer, sol- j dier. sailor or marine. wb- may hare died or ' been killed in tbe military or naval service, or 1 where there is no mdow. then of the ramify. ; IK1HV IUIIIUI V.ft.ft... .", - ft.ftft. - V "ft ...a-. . dollars. .11 ' . III. Prooertv of everr olEecr, soldier, sailor or ; marine, actcallr eniraiired in the military or naval I uprvice, or of auck a- have been d'iabled in such ; set tiee, to the raloe of one. thousand dollars: Pro- j rided. That the aborc exemptioas tiaii notappir 1 to anr Derson. wnoe propcrtv. exclusive hou-ftfliold furn.tor. shall be assessed at a value exceeamg 00c wum-uwu.. . . ' - I V. That wnere property nas occu injurca or uo- stroyed by tbe enemy, or tne owner inereid n j beci. temporarily uepnveu o. uie uo or occupai.- ; tlinc of hc j,. 0f thi act, aud audi emp ov cy thereof or of the means of ciilurating the same, j a!4 jj cV.jtoruay certifi 00 cith to be iudiV vft. ft.-- -v lha isroaanitA t.a- T.t-AVin.ittr rf ttan ak. t ... . V, . - "j i"v"v" " r-- ( etnr, tne assessment on sucn propen r may ue rr duced, in proportion to tbe damage snstai'ued by " tbe owner, or the tax assessed thereon msy be re ' dnced in the same ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory eridenoc aubinitted to Ii tut by the owner or assessor. Sac. f. . ... . r r That the taxes of property, laid for the rear eigbtceu hundred and sixty-four, ahall lie as sessed a on tne aar 01 tne passage 01 mis act, and be due and collestcd ou tbe first day of June . next, or as soon after a practicable, allowing au ' rxtcoaioa or ninety day west of the .Mississippi rivr. . Tb additional taxes on iucomc or pro tit for the year eighteen hundred end sixty -iitrvc: . Jerted bv this act, Khali be assessed and collected - fortlrwitb; and the taxes on income or profit for . L. . . . -rKf ftftft.1. t.t.lftttfftd and .nft. fttK-nl tftftft lur "Tftii ftv . . - - , ftxft.Mi.. mn.' assessed and collected according tu the provisions j ' of the tax and aasessmctd act of eighteen hurt- I . tired ana ixty-tnree. . Sac. 7-So-mitch of the tax act or tho twenty fourth day of April, cightei-n hundred and sixty ihrce, as levies a tax ou incomes derived,, from property or effects, on tbe amount or value of which a tax is'levied by thi act, and also the first sec tion of said act, are suspended Tor the rear eigh teen hundred and- sixty-four ; and no estimated rent, hire, or interest on property or credits here in tsnted ad valorem, shall be as-csd or taxed a. income ond-r the tax act. of cighteeu hundred and sixty-three. . ' ' r Sec. . Tbsl the tax imposed by this act on boadsof the Confederate States l-crctofortf issued, 1 shall in no cas exceed the interest 011 tlin urao, and rucb bonds when held by or for minors or lu natics, shall be exempt from the tax in all catcs where tlie interest oa the a:ne shall not exceed one thousand dollars.. . - . - Approved Feb-.mary 17, l$6t. - - Cup. LXV. -An Act to organize force tofccrve during the war. ; .-; -j. . - ' Tt? Vopfirnf ' Cofife&raU State cf Amo i ' et do tnmfi. That from and after the piusn'tns of this act, ail white men, residents of the Conledar ." "ate States, between the age if screnteen and fif ' " -4y, shall bain tbe military servici' of the Confcd- - ' - crate SUtes for ih war. -- Sac 2. Tbat tul the person aforesaid.' ictwefB : -vtb age of eight-. nd forty-Ore now in serf ice, :. shall be reUmed.dsrrtogtha present war with tho ' United Stnte. m tb ;am re-imertU, Uttnlions . a wtDpaaicatowhiA pas-..-jureol tto act. witb tba a.m organixatiot. and - -1. oiccre,UBl-s rpgniarly rrnrcrrd ordwharged, -- inaceordtHK withi!ii taw and rvgniationa for '-- tb grrnment of lire; army- Protid.4fl.Tbai com 1 V-' pajiisa fKmi-OB'S tatt, organixed asiast tiw'r eon , : t: aenift, expressed at tbi ttmew'O; rvgitaectser bat- iaXiesa tj-omauoiner Btai, .aaii tvarartae oriri lege of beiag tttuisferred to orgnnua t ions of i-c.p K la toe sarne.ftTtn 1 ins aemca iruu. v..o oiais ia " J Vwfeleh said eonrnti.a ware raised, and tb ol- 1 ' A 1 ... f-r- rr-l a A ft. I ft -ft nmiC -tl tVom TlOftJ iW.P Ul wi m aa uhB vub sa wmt 'w-mmm w St&la bll ba allowed. If tier desire it, a trr.arter tbesatao J-' - to oriitioas tbdr wn. State ia - ' -ana cf tba tetrica. -Tc Btsui. Tbatvat of ax month .-. from tea 8rst iT otprii xtrd boaatT of ona 'tllZr jitradrad dollar, -la hx per 'wnti Xsorerometrt ... . ft- A ft. ft ft. . U . .ft . " " . ft. -f1 .' .... I- U Eooe, own v ; by aatbr!xd w . tssns, mixta be pa4 . to artry non- soldiers, nt piwes tu;..t -cmui ' r-,i"coqmhaioiic4 oJSoer, , muc!u ud prirl Vbi i!hiJtc under tb ioaptMnxntt ' JHr terrioe.or. ia ihe ereot of IUlTba y pcrMa.exmptel 4&ii-k.W 5 period ofmKk pajmeet. tbcit eatiU t A credit pf t west r-reft 1 sbn thii in in Ue aerrioe, to the pmn ietom -arko wottld m ecililed bf fiue shall be cntiUcd to tiae bmimtr herein prori- M a-boafaall at any time Harms tb penoa H ix abnt fn biseommsad iriUioist karr. Src I. Vhti a person ntu.ll be rcherrd, irotn ofrtoo-hU ma fcy rraMia ariutrina been iH-retlrora dbeharged from the arrar. wbcm nn I . . . . 1 . ft. tfiMMUir ncwcuiwriwiao-a on thcrrof: I'nriid. that no iwraoa bwetofore j cron-pf! n acroont ?f .l.poc opmlana ronairetl rkre antler thu act. Scr. .. TBat all "bite male rowieuta ol the ; Conlcdetate State between tho area of aeTentccn . . . ... .m. dera iwcnlalwiia tc. rt',t, K""KV crCe.tbe time allowed not Icaa than thirty a 11 m act to err-jll thcmielre taav. with- - -- nan nriaaawi nr - MJi- n I 11 neetion of thbi in thirtr lnra after tke oaoaace bcreof. eat of the MUMtBOpfd river, and within aixly data if west o i iwrid river, form tlinlve into Vfdnntary rjpiii-.j i.ilun of cornnawic. ftattliwn or regtineui. 1 . .... n- .;. ... . . : : J .vaV.a " ' A r- . . .a- t . 7... : ued. to t. nder their rvicc aa . vwliintMradiiiiwg i .in.-. -- - m. . 1 .t. -11 r.. -ball for. Uh 1? . .. aua tlrpoill SCOOT increoi mui ine r.rni4 Beer oficir diJrict (which sha be cpiivukut ,0 enrolln.oi.tO ther iii.y be.-cepte.f aa ni.nn.e inc.. 1 a for - Lkcr ftfti-Lr in nl-li Dili II. UO fVCMl to MC la- cn out f it. fi 1... ..1.. ....--. j organize ahall enroll thei.ilvea a U iarc pru.i- ! .iJi aift.1 l.v tl.,. ivPkleut Im. rtvmir hI to n- 1 IIIKH! WIEUU.ft ft rmj ft ftifti.rft Vitemblc pla.-ca of reiuiczvomft, mi w iniic . . - .- - . - - -- . .. - - - , ' into cmipui. lM.tiIion and rri,K-nt n.uJrr . rrgnbrt ion to be prexeribcl. by him.ud ahn 1 J . ... . 1 " I f menu) oflicer; and ail trooionranixcd uudcr thL j act for.Statc defence lall be entitled, while in ac- uaic IUC n-ni i ewci mcir c.miii.uuv rm rrgi- i tual .service to the same par at.d a- ' uamrd dulic. tncctf-.UI whvcU: and When thiwo persons man nave ureu "Mi;l'Yu I . hi 1 .. : A j ... . t. .... .1.. . a far a practicable, tne iTcaincn anail ncTail or ui4ii ti their pcrftmuance tcU bodies of troops ir indiridnai. rcrjoirctl to te enrt.iici umicr tlie liflh section ot' thi act a mar bo needed for the ui.h iv v - - - - ----- 1 di.-charar of ncl. duties : Provided, That pcr.,ii . . c. a . 1 ? la t.t j liflh section o- betneeu the axes 01 -cei.ieen ana cignieen . ; not bcaipicl tolhcse dm re: I'roridetl.fHrtli shaJI ier. . That no thing contained in thi act shall be so con trued a tn'prcvent the Prcaitleut from detailing ; artisan, mechanic, or perMin of ncifutilic kiu t to perform i.idipc.iable ditties in the depart- , ment or ..nntan no rein mculioned. Se !. That any .quartermaster or ttitaut'.iiary or asistanfc:omn.ia -rviother than thune Kcrringttitli r gimrntand hri rii.les in the field. or oflicer an tho ordaance bu-' f -leaii, r navy acnt, or rwvoi- imi - in the cmcripi m?r ice. who siiall MMiiibVftifH.K'r-i. lereufMr" cm- . nlov or ntain in hi employment any person .11 nur of their raid department or bureau, or in anv of t'..e duties mentionril in the eighth section of 'thi iict. in violation of the provisions hereof, shall on conviction thereof, by a court martial or militarv court, be cashiered; and it shall be the dotr of any iSepartuiti.t or district commander. iNn,vlM'f ! ,,,e "atb of any rredible pein. thatanr miHi oHicel ha vit-lalcd this proiisiou. iiinii'.-iliuielv r relieve such oflieer '"- -".' .' "" -aid fi.wi.iJ- -- l?ko f"M'P nsa"iro Umr nun tried for och offence.and any con.madcrs as aforesaid failing f' perform the duties enjoined bv rid section, shall, upon being duly convicted tboretkr, be dismissotl from tbe service. rKC.' 10. mat an taws srantinir exemptions 1 from military service be, and' the same repcalail, and licrcafler none sball be arc herebr exempted except t lie following: I. AIL who -hall be lield mint tor military scr- .... vice, under ride to be prcscitbad by tlie ccrela- rr of Var. ' II. The Vice President of the Confederate SUtes; the mtmbcrs and ofiicer of Congress and of the i-rrerai -Mate l gist i1?""? ! .....vftft--' -. " " - -- - - the Governor of the repcctiTc States may certi- i iy to bo ncceiftsary fa th proper administration or j the t'onfederate or rtatc iovcmmcni, asine rase . iij4y he. cry miuislcr of religion authoriretl to acC0nliiig to the rulea of bis church, and ' ' who. al: the psssatrc or tins-net, shall 5 - .1 .1: ... t.: . be retrnlarlr i cniDloved in the dicharge o hi ministerial du- ( T, tics: s.iperinicurt nts ana t.bvsiciaas of a 1 wwas ui aj nuns nd of the insaue; one f .,(C tleaf da,10 bIind , pthtor for cadi nvwpaper being published at tlft- uensatle 'o the publication ol suci. newspaper. j the public printer or the Confederate and State tlovcriimcnts, and such joctmeymcn printers as j the said public printer shall certify on oath to , b ind.spcnsublc to perform the public priuting; ! one akillcd aitoUiecarr ill each apothecary store. mBa "mill viisiii.'mmiiiivu aiiumTOiri vii me rTf. Uv of Ociober.ehrl.Ucti hundred and aixtv- two, aail has continued said business, without iu- tcrmisMou, since thai prkd; all physicians over? the ffe of thirty years wi.o bow are, and. for the , . .. i.. iftftft. : .1 ,...i 1. ins evi e fti iiftiii; vvvutiM ftftft.. vft.ftft.aai .... ivg. nlar practico of their protcasion, but. the term iilivsitiau shall not include dentists: all-presidents andtescbers M collczc. thcoloirical seminaries.' j and schools, who btrc been regularly engaged as 1 such for two rears next before the pw .f this act: ETovmttf. 1 nat ui ocneni 01 iui exemption shall extend to llioite tesebctrs only whose schools are c 10 posed of twenty students or more; alt su perintendents of publie bopital established br law before the passage ofthi act, aud such ph vsi ciau and nurses therein ait such superintendent j. shall certify on oath to be indtsti-CBsable to the; proper and lifHcicnt mtiPagemcnt thercoC . , IV. Tlicrc sliall bo exempt one person a over seer or agriculturalist ou each farm or plantation upon ' bicb there ore now. and were, upon tbe first dav of Jannai-y last, fifteen able-bodied Held haiitN, between the ages of sixteen and fifty, upon tbe following conditions: 1. This exemption - shall only t gnu.tcd in canes in which there v. no whito male iidult on the fan, or plantutioii not liable io militsrv scrrice. nor unless tho person claimins. .1 . " .. - a . I a- " toe eiteinption was, on inc nrst oar 01 January, bandied and aixty-foar, vilher the owner and Btaaager, r overseer of said plantation; but t m no caae snaiLmore than ouo person be exempt- j iedfoit snoftm or i-..:.,iifto, Snw 1 j shall first execute a bond, itayable to the" Confc.1- crate Ntatea ol Anenea. in maIi farm atand trtlh such security, and fen such penalty, aa tbe 8eTe Ury of ar may prescribe, conditioned tbat be will dicliTcr to tae uorerunuvit. at unw railroad depol,r such .itber place or place as mar -be t. a t..J IV -J - b m.w ucsignateu u, wunmwjw vTar.witbiatwe're months then tiCXt cntuttntr. ono knni.rl of bcon. or, nt tbe clectton of tbe Government. ita eo nivalcnt tn pork, aud ' bandred pounds tion within tbe nbore said arts, whether said aUrebe worked iu i the lieW or not.wbjch Mud tba- -r 1 1. - eia muter too imnrrftn...i BlUUVfn VT. . Mft, 11 I." w..-aft.. tfllali . I a lr. a I ,. 11 a .lM . . - . a T X for WeU. lUlllsuea nv ymm uyCB!IKEQJ shall prod nee iMdlaTactory ertceacs taas ni-s bco Impatsiblo for him. by the exercise, of properdin, fcncit. to fArnuib tbe aniouut of uaU tba ea- lav l"r tHoc caat. aua aixry uaya iot iniwc wcm "- . j u, r.iii r anhKara at of ibe Miaaiaaippi rirer; and any pero whohall lo the Gojcn.n.ent and tfco rauhe fail ao to .mroll Umac-V. witboat a rea-onuble ex- pncc not c x cv . 1 . g 1 1 o f en. tbertor. to be j.sed ot by the j like aHictea hT"Ti,oacn ,he ahall be placed ia acrricu in the AeM for the war. . der the irapreaHOient ct- . in the.. manner a thongh be were between;. . Tbe prudent. Uvrr.t JJP thcrc. of eighteen and fert r-fire : Provide,!. ; intHlent. of any ? ?e Jallli TbatXraeaSnH.i.tioncd ia mJai- acction aliall tran Mortal ion r '"I.. fhA WaidSftt oc enatitou nrwerrefor State Aifenco and detail ccn attd eoiployeca Ihereof "l? dotr. aad not bo required t perform service ! upennteodenlaliall r'JfiJJ Iracl.KlfiH-.aad iaare m satoqoato- saMy-r thsdiw Ullleimiiieesisftrf fcawtjA imbainteaea of 9bose Uving on tbo said farm t'rtBvu!!?' - lEI7?l tilautaito.1 thi. K.mwiMTivfWir shall dirsct i. i- rrobMisHity j xenrral CTCT-IS'Wf jomiantattoo, BIT tW name: to the ettaot Of tWA iouandprMtar iMthand. and wUehhtt ss3 rsisci fbratyatirtoan arbila tbisaKamnMt -ea..F 1 .iMsift. a Trrtirnftii.ii . . : . . . t j . . r I iwra " v ' - s w-M-TntmT ntr x mm' ft . . .ft. . . . i i a. . w a. T a. . . . . . t. v. ji . rft . - w. k . i.ift.o, m t m m mr i so i ftiiftftM ft v mwwm wm-mm . . - . - - - - . autniii f mrat wkich be war dsttrvr vhUa frtfcr; Tfot tMrwM eouiMritfchi "l: t to j "' "i'jnr."1 mTj I tbe r U of FebmMrjr; Ihtea .mtdred wxty-fonr. - - , -- j In addition to tke WK;n8 ;Pa ? Sccretarr. of WaJ", under tfhr T'' ...C tHliThi t axBttted : n., a lft mar M miicVm ftOTnf til IM 00 acconnt of public neoeiwHj. awl 1 pra , M.VaUi. It ! Si.'ESrdH-U. 'i - 1 aucb oreraecra, farnwra . or plantora, . .r ft III ft . .... 1 1 6 r f k. ax l may oe sauanen win mc v rr conatrr the pursni'ti of airrktiltwre than in to military ncrrice: Prorklei, That anch exeaxpttM Jiall ct ae whenever tac Jarwter. pliaater r ov.ef eer. hall fail diHnntly to employ, la good Jalth, hi own fkiJt. capiUl aatl labor, exclmdrrly, in nmiiiMKinn u wraiH aiMi uiui wiinint av aw I nMU - m n if J nai f - - ----- mpTPfftroHWaiiwu ' ' t,! uc lorcacu miic k . . . .iuI mmlA ituMiUftt ala!lt be rctMirted by name and description, w Bb tbe Balnea of any who mar bare lc(t the employment Minn ' .Hicient operation tf tta road, .1 lea 0ee corananr. or trjw mav ccaae 10 ou mijjftift a inonth. to the Secretary of W ar. or anon owcer I... niatr tMirnate fur that nuntoae: And Brovl- - .1 . 1 r. ft. ... .... . i.fii.niin r .ftr anviinviin. X' urU.i rtcertirr , ,. ,1 . , ;..' . oatb. t ,-t no jafraon " lZLimSS. m" -. -.rftft'" 1 i-nitiift fiiinuiv one uoi liaoie 10 aiiuiarj wkv. : ' - . . - . . . . . . , ; and capable ol irlon.iitijc -'Veee .d i of aach imstUou. Antl 111 cusca nbere railroad , . :.... ik. l...r..l ..r ilfto .iwoixr nul a ; " ' , ". V.;-- pvnnni mw ".,....5 - ICTIrtht mwH o V1' 0a'lH n'.,t "I t Ut , i!ttZ.l t .r..iil..iift nit.l .lllvii ft lillllalr"..! ll Haiti UrfCI. ItailieA . .-..t-ft. - t ro-d M.all be cxcnipt. j I. That nothing fee rein ooutaiucd .hall be con- trued a n-iK alin" the art iiptirovcd April iotir- tL-eiitb, figlitrcn hundred and mxty -three, entitled "An act to exempt contractor for carrying tbe or the t 'on federate StaHfK and tbe driver r jotcocho antl hack, from military services' Provided. Thai the exempt iyn granted under thi act ahull onlv continue whilst tbe pentonsexempt- ; ed are actually cngog?d. in tbsir tnqective pur '. uil ..r ocenputiou. ' i Skc. II. That the Preiddeu tbe. and be i hereby ! uulhtrizcd, to grant detail, under general rule j and regiilatUtn to be iwclbv the War Uepart-;-mcRt, eitU r from pcroui between torty-fie and ' fifty war of age. or frtun tke army in -the field. ' in alf enes when, in his judgment, justice, equity . and nccenfftitr. renuire such detail, aad b taayr Mrako aticl. order or -details wheatarer be thiuka proiK-r: Provklvd, That Ht fwr herein grawtett to the Pre-iident to mude details aiad exemptbftua shall not lc conMrucd to authorize tb axempio or detail or any contractor furnwhing nupplics of aur kind tu the liorernment, by reason of jtakl contract, nules the bead or Sccrelary of tbe dc pnrtment making such contract stall ccttify that the personal service of said contraetur are indis- Sienablo to the execution of the contract". Provi Icd further. That when any aueli oontractor ahall ., .... . . . , , - . ?. fail diligently ami faithfully to proceed with .v.ftanli.ftii Atr ft.nolt. aaaataBa Vottt JUaisa. flf tno dr 4xvcatioi. of Mich contract, hi exempt 10a or tail nhall cease. Sec. 1-'. .Tliat in appointing local board of sur geons for the examination of persons liable to military service, no member composing tbe aan.e shall y'o appointed fron. the county or enrolling district in which they are required to make ch examination. Approved February 17. 1 Mil. ' Tf IE-DAILY REBEf MOX DAY EV KX I XO, J U IA" 1804. BVBNING BPIIOU. The tVotiwded. wnii'iiivJ Jiruujlit i flic hospital in tbU citvyctcrdar,Jwer Capt. M. W. t'laakey, A. A. .. Vaugban's Brigade, Lt. Cot. :tes 52d Ten nessee Kegiineot, Lt. Dupuy, aid-de-cainp Strakl't tlrigadc, and Lt. Lytton Uostkk, ald-ibt-eajafx Oo- run s Jir.satie, id. vol. iMwaoo, iw-ib Tenrxi j Regiment, was carried to Macon. All of tb wouud : cd are doinz well, and bear tbeir paiufttl wouada . . . . witii n rortitiuie wort lir ot the nrsrest neroes or ; -nt;..;.i.T. '... . 1 1- -0.1 t " . ' i C.d. I. C. Crook, I8tb Tenocs. 1 Regiment, w are pained" to learn, was mortally wounded ia tbe figbt of Friday, utt Adjl. Whiter nobl tot a leg. Capl. Bryant of the same KegW ment was mortally wounded , and did --n tb Iraia . , Escai'kp to TDK Exmr. Ou Friday aigbt tba l.iih inrt., says the Savannah News, LaaraBoe mi, l.ieut. of uo. V, 1st Meg. U. ot., Bergcaat V. Force, t. Russell, of Maxwell Light tcry, and Patrick Jlrady made their escape to the ciirtny. Sergeant Force forged a pas permitting tke par-' tr to go nshiug. ' llrady has a llrltisb protactloa. and wai ar.ested a fuv waeka since by tke .Enrol ling oftjeer oT this Dittiict. A writ of babe eor pu. was l!ned in bis ease, and it was pending in the Inferior Court when he ran away. . Col. Sab. Denton, of KSltaalppL, ' - This gallant and dulinguishcd aCPe wa rrs ly wounded in the buttla of FrhUy, attOiniag the uiu)ftUtation of hi right legl.,Uo aas ia comntaad of Wallhalls Drigd when wbau.led- lie W do ing jrelt and wo hoxin a brief ptt4a4 to e bba) moving alwut on his rei6a1nta ItatV He 11) Iircction hospital. " " . - . :jffr" i-u. Draxton llragg, passed p ra Atbinta, n the I A. M., tn in yesterday. i . V Atlaxta,? tiAr?CifT Jnl.ill. Hut liul hu traaspir-jd between tke two nrnla to-day or interest. Tba cnamy Jwr thcmA sbeir lines eocfidcrUy si no yaalert M jr' tqiravlol, tteir loft now resting at Deat aad tkair rigbl ax Und'mg a KtUa beyovd tba Mktdatbk'- road. 1 aot not at lJertr to rin iha arWa dfaat-stdlios off aar Torrrn ... ',- n M. jAl liMif lss mQm mrc It to yr onr right MW tae twues "n dvaaco of where it wai wa yesterday Btornliw cupyiug tbe work the enemy caaartntttad, ' tlktes arc bdug'ao (ha aged as to' torn tbaai sgaSnafblaa. . The eucuay has three battarie lo tits right tif tba Mariettoad,betwecn that and the Tamer's ?atry road, and a Parrot 'gaa near Cleaw Jahastoa) aid boaulo Barters on J thrown tie priWclpft tbod -that barn ltrtt."li tba LVoundine sarnral nsm-cWtaaUraea.g. ladr wbttaa tuiinu--1 h.e. t hWJ; TbefT - el1 Tb eacmyat ; prascaf eet r4ftcti istsi f -iTsyt at.y sctatr staid it -r-iy - teilZ?&J.Wt$"w 4 eiiWiireoar.dorr t. it.-, U.rlto "wiKHW tlf r-apr fc fsllUig lack. I .iBriT. inrawnir dh fnnaiNiian b .1 w.m vm vhmiu t. -lir sim hbrhiiwib a i at-'.?. - . - .Vi "' ,rj Intra a tsar .rtMstw, who Witt, tS k i.Mi;it(ffiiM.f Re(HM4ili'ttc4,;iiMrttai-4kt tnirfij-yvn-Ti.TTr -lkWmmmMkAwmmtewn left e iu,MfMi . m. t4-i-.-?- - - I . .'Tr1war. . " IfaydaeV "i, vi eorwr" drare tbrcc criW 4" I ragpet that tbotsia -not aiurc certainty a jo j tbenutber af ya)tie Oenaral Vilkd. Xone rdl : tto of band'aiMt Mi BMftit ivihOftle. iur.iruu.tion I h derifed from ythtt priaarter. There in j f ralwbratw that . e'IW wa tritber kille.1 or TT',y aadj'; ci "l ..; rcra, taangb tao WBBerf hlllisl U roanparatirelr j tnsall tft Um aoMlr uwvaad(d. aad the wonihI,! -aw glad to . onllj alisbt. " .,'. 1 ; .AMMtg t!t eaaamltioa aa ar aide were Maj. Uen.1 Walker, of Col. Walker, of TenneKe, com- ! Kjaliag)b'DcyVBrade, air CoT. Crook of tlie 2Stk Ttnaetaar, ((araiarly eowinanded by (ho -al- ' laot iaatoa. ItiLioau aaa - tact. Claakr. of Vtgn'c-fffv-airrerly waan.le.L The coantrr an WtlT deiini tU Was of aach aton. -1 .1. rj ' . ' . . .. . . . I ka Wc,-. yew bmty Init rolUblo aaaot atB4nfft1o,tbtahielhjr m rrom !;,, kawa loowr eonamader.,t)iat flen. . it errand wkb m Anm af Faderai ecfalry U niSviag toward Cor itrstoaao tke AapU baUr-FpaMMtn have been b1 to check, ami it ii to bi t.ocd; caplarr bU party. :V :--v-- v '- : THa fireeatt of the ysakee raider under Itwsecan apod tba Wert Pyiot road w .a anything bat credit, abla to our earalry, U ibat - portion . of . AlaJiama. wk:ck la belterad ta-aare; been eatahle of uiwre forttf1iUb)e reSftatauco tkaa war Biada. Late adricca 'front Xlkldhi'. YwaeiMc rcrreeut tbe crops a good and tho people koeful. Citiaen., andia several luslaatc, enldtcr. acting aa acont for oar anay, bare rs piaml and' shotin grass vkdatiott of tke usage of war. flow lung f wilt aucb boa duct 1h toleratol aithout that rttallii,fK)a wbicb ulonacan ;,iut at Hpon a fnniing with oar moreiletf fw? IK M 1'TJftK.lNRl X M. tlairriy, (ia., ciimday. July 21, ISftl. At a a. eating of tbe TeKResseeaaa in Griffin, ealtc4 iagetber oa tha occasion of the death or Col. F. 34. WatMCa, eommaadinf Iftch Tennesie P.rjt't aoeaiT Aruly of Teana-are, "On asottoo, Ex-Gor. V. S. Browa, was called to the' Chair,' aad VT. C-aitTbitlkirua stpobitad lres-s--' tary.'.H rW--"''V'-r;l? ''- " .-0i aiolk-tti' of trkta. I4. C. Foster, tbe Cbaiimaa appoiata a CutasnUtca of Are to draft '-re,ilutiou, Rpnlire af tbe ia;naf tl aneeting. Tbe eoasmit- ' teoapf-dn-ed. were. (.en. B. C. Foster, J. A. Fisher. Esq., Xlirbard Hooper, Kj; 'Jt.T. Mcnilin. K Ilea. f:.;'A. aTeeb!-. - - ' ' "Tb Comntittce. Ui.oagh Ikeir Cbainuan rcortcd 1 iba MUwiag rsadatioii, (a Web npn reading were aaaiaaoarly adptel.) rix t - Ip" Ibe allar of liU couatry, lias falhn the hero . aad patriot! lfotttk has claiiuied from Tennessee ! aovtker of .her gallaat sous, tnd leaders! Col. F. M. Wai.Kca, Is do wore! In humble resiguation to tba ilecrea) of an AUwi Providence, wc submit of gm ', and caarMU tbe reeiain- of our deceased Irvrber aad friaed j it kindred dust, eonlident that bis iworKV ftOjttai j.ia tbe bo-liofthat blight- mmySs-U-!--aMg40ftML of itn fc tad r4. . ... T. the long list of illustrious killed that our -State ha been called ttpnu to -.crillce to the le.iiou or wari tbera has leeu iiouc of mure eonypicuous gal lantry, than P. M. IVali kk. A soMicr without Tear aud reprcaeh. a gentleuiau in ail the the hih ! attributes of character. Iiii iui .mm1 nml mentaJ tinea lion p tinicd ti t tit nu as .... ... ... coming gesat meu of tb t-'onfederjey. ( . The eocaaseticatoent of thi revolution round Col. F. M. rt.KF.a paraaiug Ibe profosnioi or law at Chattanooga, cajoytug tba etleem and coofidenco of l feltftsw-ettixena n erldnnced by marks of iou tnr favor. Animated witb the spirit of freedom, he -daeased it hi duty ta Ukaupanus ia defence of tke loraded rigbti ofblaaVataand be? pcojde. Volun tecrtag aariy, be wa first Captain, then elected Id. Colons! in tba organ, tuttio! of tbe 19th Tcnnetsee Regtatant, iu which capacity he followed It for tunes, nnttl bpoa Ike reorgaaixation of tba Regi naent ta was elected to its command. At Shiloh, Purr TV ill, Ha rf mrsl Kro Ckioa manga, Missionary Ridge, Oaltan, and on (funeral Johnston mar?h. be exhibited the liifbwd 'lanlities of thcchivalric soldier, at well ai the biglte abHitic of a leader. Called rpatadly to tba eamatand of a brigade, such peeuiia ttaeaa did be manifest, that rt orally apon necessity thorefor, dii General 'Johnston designate him to command the eldest, tb brigade of Tenue- 4 (alaney's.) Iu coMamnd of wbiah in tke r- cent briltiaat victory atrlaftnt ke was strirken down. . . ' '', - Ho giorioas ilia death to hi bra re spirit. To ba wafted amid tba'ntH' of Iriaatab by. InbartyV kosta ta tba realm siT ateimtl. freed-Ma ! .Not less brigbtiaad beantiful . WM ttba private and domestic life of "r'4 a tui ii Wai.aea. " A utodast, sincere kri; lion srtiMo,' a k1n4. affacttanatahnahand aad father. ' Birch V- rirtnr! Ills State; ki friends, bia' csmmaad aharawttlf hi tbercaTd..' wife and fitasily, tbe lo t tJtatn nklrnarabl to each. fa raapeot sad aiainory -wbercor, atlseat it One and ncopec to 'iscrvs thi- last datr reqntmt of (he berearsd trr'tiu to tit annarnad doad." . ' Bait ttsTfor rcorl by'tho Tenneonn in OrifllB aMeatbkrYhat ' at will a a body attend Ihamntabif ofCyl- I.sT. 'irar.KEa, ro ttrr mi.k., 94. That tba Cfcairman appoint fram oar nsimber ABaalrrs. T ' ' - 3di Tbat ir tender tn it Wife and. fantiiy of OL Waucsb, asar sjntpithlca in tkair Jkeary batearc ssast, aad that the Sacnttiiry' rue la a tmpy of tbese reaolatieaa ta tba iaiaily f iha daAaaaed.' 4tK Tkw4 tb JCaia?, lM-reqa4d to'pabliab (C ttmesdiacs or (bus tnjeatiw. ..-. Tea 4 mtUU Hk , AtiJtmA I - - - j .1 sv-imnaan-i w , av w y-wan - am tavsr """r Chaimaan app4nle tbe ftdlowbcvg person 1' art as gallllmHUrla t vS"V, lea- tlvMon, Gar. I. Onarrt, Gci. J. IK' CaWaatvCapt. Uvtlj. liaj. L. tl: Ptowart. X. alewwire, Cant. OalyUt V. JkaUeE.. tta SsMion tbe treating adjnnrnad. : r" -TaevJUxT ar .I'nHntanMLtieaatal Joartdt E- Jk aten ban bacattfaiiwrid af lbs f . t . Arrr mt TonnSSboe. now - epertdlo tfefcs 'rWeaaecsf Joins 9.-Hood - afc Wbl' waa not deem it prndeaa lo wbh-h led Iw af tta.-t-,nWtmkfcati. maa tamtary Oe,;:Haed,:?wn, wa r -I&mbt. n ,f-. iiai-kulblkS fmmmt KA fmm til .f .11... Ek Ui kaEiet(.a, P-dlnad- w "eon: fjfeai -pfrt UirwvaBsb frosa his arpntnt- ateat t Uf tnaq. Ka won. vVi ya iv. .Ststois wp,ttar mm uiL-Yf.--ia--tta..9t- V -.l?aiilgktia-l -t Lieut A A. 1 jtth Tena. Cam J T yornitr, ro !!, TSd Uti. Lieut AV A lHuir, eo U, Iffh Tex.'eav. X B DlclUfoti, oitd', II lb Teun. II A William, coC, Ilth Tean. tieo Tanicr, x It, ISlU TeoB.- .'- Ca4 Vt I! Cwiminsbata. eo 1, ZIth Mb. Lietit A J latnr, ot It, lt Ark.: . , J 11 McFurrin; ea tl, -lUb Ala." Cat II a 1 1 all, eo Li, 4 Sib Toon. " Major T K lIotrlikn.. If atebJtMv Eat. Art. Pnrate tl W Cheaa.v. eo I, ?J Ky. , .Sergt M Hougtrlaad, eo II. 2d Ky. PriTale J M Karri, en A 2d Kr. 8crt V C I.g. co C, 2Sth Te'an. , I i'rivnte Jno llarr, B. 06th U. tlco Fraccl, et Wth Ca. Sam Amla, o D, Ii4th Tena. : - Thna Kiahcr. ea U, 26th Tex, a. . i VmiA j 11 i.;n...i ic a.. ' Private J II FrankliM,'-K, 22d 3li, ! c,t MaJ "MfK'M'!' 1S" T, eat . I'nvate It C Wallace, eo U. 18th v . j M.m. co . 18.1. ' . (S W Martin, co IJ 4tb Ala.. T II -Parton, 00 U, 7th Ark. J V Mtchc.' Batrerv. -TIM kemimUL J2Uiul-L- l?orgt Ja Willis, co V, Sihb ttaTT- 1 PrtratpJ Vf Franks, e II, ZmH M '-. 1 tloo Colj?. eo A. I th AU. . ' JI Alliaas, eo'f. 1st Art. Y L F-rd. eo F, 1st Ark. riSc. Ja ) idi us tun, eo K, 1st Arl. rifles. A Page, eo K. 1st Ark. rifles. . Perry Kiniusi), cu K, 1st ArU rifles. W Barbour, e-.C, IstUa. . " .. W 1. Ooodripb. c E, 2d Ca. V - ' Sergnl J M Mutkey, e-i" C, 4tb Fht. O Met arty, eo E, 37tb Mis. Prlv-le J K Caldwell, co P. litth Tennl . ntsr.cTiox noartTAt: : Lieut ii IM lUrucs, co II, S3d Hdis. . WFM Kelly, co O, 28ih Teim. ,' Sergnt P li lluls.'co Ifc 144th Trnn. W" Kimlin.n-li. Cth Ark. ' Pritnte (i V JIKwcneo K. 1st A.k. ' t'ha Iteese, eo C. Cth Tex. ! Sergnt II IViuslow, cn K, Ctk Tew Private V II Stewart, po E, filj. Tex. F W Vatcb, eo F, 23d Ml. , . H W Faust, eoK 2Sd Miss. W J Evans, eo t. 51st IU. W A Wait, co K. Slid MS-. J XV Ewiug co K. SUt lis. . T T. l!ruwner. co 11, 1st Oa! Cur. T J Stricaud; co It. 1st Ga. eav. J J Stewart, eo If. ifh (ia. ear. . -II Trundle, oo E. 4th M. ear. ' . ' Sergnt X N Hmith, oo Jl,-eat Ala. . ... a-. ...a- . . M.I. ft I I'rivata tr Jt IKS ft, . itm Itortoo, eo I.fgStk Ala". ' Thus Mitchell, eo K. .Villi Ala. - J Mitt. Key' Battery. . C Hofioho, Key Battery, .ergnt Sieieer Craiglaml, eo U, 1st Mo. ear. W M Worhman. .0 U. 1st Conr. Private l V Corn, tl, fiOth, N. C. octxTARO nosriTAt Sergnt Oliver Otiillau. co K, C2d Mis. Private II J BcDjamiu, co D, Ath Ark. 11 Xf Ilea 1 1, eo A, Sib Tcmi. , " TU Parker, co K. crab Oa. . tK'o brppartl, co 1, jTthAl. h. r.-aooct: u-spiTAi.. Capt It M laodford, eo D, 2d Uvea v. Lieut tr W lluntler. co A. 22d Miss, j Capt A II C Walker, eo II. CCih t!.i. ; Lieut Tho IlanuvcT, eo B. .inth (ia. J Private J C Jones, co 1, 2d At cr. P II Whilo. co C. 1st . a. Slate troop. John l;'to.i, eo II. l"Jlh Al. M C Praclcr, co C. 17th Ala. W I, i:U Ala. A lTeW. CO I. .I?tb Al..v - Scroll l W II Marchmau, eo ll. .'Ttli Al.i. Prhate J Wilson, oa If. .Vth Aln. E F Cook. co F, !th Ark. . J M Deputy, eo K. .1th Ark. ; Sergnt J V llntc.-. K. (ith Ark. Private J E CataLan. cot'. 2d AxU. rirte.. Sergut P U Thorns.-, co K. fiClh la. J M lbivis. cu G. njiih (a. , Private I. II I lminar. coKTli!T7 ... S C t'le.neiilj, eo O. SKlh lis. i J N Taylor, co E 3 1st Ml a Eusign M C Mayer, 22 J Miss. 1 Sorgo t 1 E Dixon, eo G, 33d Mb Private T T Tamer, co B, 33d Mis. J W Massey. e C, .lli-t Mis. It Simmons, eo 1, 20th Ml. -88 Fathcrra), eo K. 37th Mis. W J Gitrrett, eo I. 1 itu Miss. . Corpl James Collins, eo H &Cth Ga. Private E STramel, eo It, 1st Oa. ear. ' I Iftiftager. eo C,.21th Ga. . - J II Grariug, co E. 2Itb Tex. F Suchar:, eo E. fnh Tex. H H Banks, eo C. 40.b Tenn. . J W, Collins, co F, 12ih La. (' II. 12th La. M ii K, ICih Ala.V ' . PtrO AT CATOOSA ItosriTAI-. Private A P Milam, eo T, fMtb Ga. IKB at . r. mookr nosriTAU P.rivare W S Porter. Whit worth's RirTeiucii. R. cr. FOSTER. 4th. ' t 9 nfg. in ch'go of llo. . . . OBITUARY. IIEI. Dear Marietta. Oa.. on tho 2'ltb or May. I mh, of wuanda received lu Kittle, Cuidain Jonx" E. Tt'ttxea, oreomHtuy I, lt Mississippi Cavalry, aged 31 years. The subject of thii uotico eulcred the service of ' N-rvieo or bis eoantry at tbe opening of hostilities- who tailed Slater, a a iirirate. in which canaritv he t. s r erred until the re-ofgaiihiatkin ol the regiment to which be ticlonged, when ba was elected Captain of bis company, which he commanded witb bouor aad V 1" bimseir until ih .by before hi death. , . At tbe tt.uo he n-ccivcl bis licath mound hi ro B,"M. d'tsmotinieil and be was trailing hU c"0PillJ a charge on the enemy breast-works, i near Ibdlaa. lit. He feJl w thin twrnlv feet of iha - .i-; . rer w a pura man, a high-tnnel ganHeman, a brave aad . gallant officer. ' 1 ; ; in company. bi regiment sod bis country bare m : ,1.- fti.u ..r .,.,". . - - . " a tBeieHt ol&cer. Ho learwi an aflecllooate wtftf ami oi mis ruiy two I.Hl eklbln-w mm mmml ..J il... ' tires to mourn bia nnthnelr end. while .bis . V" I' raik ga forth 4o areng bis faty, aad alakal lire npon tho Issn uf battle, to secure the honor and nsiety of the Son tb'. . . .' '-.. ,. 1I wa conscioHS tip to" bis last hoar, ami was K-sta-aedtohlsfate. 'j 1 : f ;:'Hf "Heads and relative may' safety trust tbat in ! tbe qfdrit-laad be anjnjr tbe' peace and bvpplac of. a blissfal immortality. " . , P, ' " 1 mt i saaaTfc tpgi ' . J " . VartoJ Batter, j If it were worth wreV while tw collcrt Iha erl- . .1 -t-lia mmilm ..-13 ... b. ..t vnsmnm ft ft - " T - mJ mmt mmmm WW mwm'mmmm mm 1 l.kM la, .hai. Ih.l IvMaft, . f grll- Maftiftina 'tsjNortanrn more Iic than rnvh8My an otker Iiook r its dl , appoiatod as' , .mensSosi Ibat fa a appeared sffnee printhtg was la- i rrataa. . . . . ;: . . r-. . f jNeaip-parsf ailtpattlessfa bcact by man whose ia. 01 jwatRw shis .aavtf omraseii br its falM- f la ict. aad Its inJtMthw to indiridtubu to dioeataa' aad otradil. ''As indiSarsat la tke repalalioaa af third pnrtata ait bis . hem- bv. lo their lrofafcary rt,rkt?r, "Ji r. ParUit ba cotapoandad work wbkn. tl oastt ai-pect,- Is w pjf extcndotli tkr sxawtd asw-.;(iTtr par? aad, la aoofbar, a - -r ' jstm'm'nr'saa aa'iir.w irtaaws it-j-,.. tba an IboattOr sad bU i-da-ratant--. - "k. . 1, tr t tl.. thn Imrtrtlirna aa-ii .j. mm,mrmtt,mm ,tf,m !kta.tbhig U nnai-aaa. Lika the aborftiwof a tabsd praattet. to Ik nsdy it tvt tba .dij-rtig tall v aa alsasaas ara trrd to tbtb t3kal rAweaat atOtif, Tor re t jKas-y wsaim.;sw v m, . ,U,.l -.,-5.' ' M imutoro Jaly 2I.A Wm anM&afiliagad rn... Hie nrtba( all day .qtjta bery alligkt o'chaeic tonight. U -i.S ;.----r ' X' ' trrcw. the frHt. Matter were eon. pa ratify i.iet aiAfJaitUit-, "uaew, . .. - 'Tft, . ." , . -a irw sheit. wer throws Into tlaa, tairja, aad . oe skirmisbiag was 'jcoing on bafww'!ia ad-i . vam-epieketsoribetwo nnie. '. v:'. j Dombard went mt Cbarlelc, Vm .' 4 Icla dispatch to tho DaUy Sualj v ! 1 i AiXfUr yertcrdar mrnting. rbtefcwotla- , :Jami nntU dark, artiboat (otDeriaT daaaagb- Tb ' i bombardment r Saiater was fmnnaaily bacirr - tetday, and ( a U one daily and nightly trkbont - ! sei-biaa effect. : .n- --Vy-- ... " . " i "''"" Pbgbay wvbded yastsaday. I"- -. . Tba-enemy bat erected tw boaaas on Mania ! Wod, near Batteries Wagner aad OraH that ' ' TrM,JfcTr.- - 'A IT1' "im.Bied. two of Use emrV ; gana at i .ii ru-adeBtiaI circular of Gen. 7SLckaiM . U. 7nPrtjCt wblci aateffMnaaott i J t dr,s"9M,y r !- ' . ' Jbn JtMd and Kdist. wa nsi rraJrton .... . Utcly Sttod but a: tba North iaaet I -tuT. ' wjtlii eontetaplateil attack on Mobil. - - lie... .'ohaston' removal created nntreni tmt-' - j pnaa aad denandation amotig M r'lini1. ' iliarioaa : j. apinrdieiiMionaare felt for tba muft-- Ravaraayt -Un. JI.hkI ha refused to;Jy, tba command. adviing Johnston nhasfabrmewt ttr In ; fiitf socees. ' ' ,.' --' ; Sbellig the city ia aw U.U mom lag. ; . Jujy w'l.- t'-ptala Joba'C. Mitcblt,eojiitnaBd--njr l .ftrt Snmlcr, wa mortally wounded about oa " o'clock to-day by. 'a fragment of a hell atrikiag , him below the "MY hip.- while tdtserriug fmnt tbe : southwest mjrle. Wot i.KO rnwH ran BArrLcricLP. A boat one . tkiMiaan'l wounded arrired ben .from tb battlv field T Atlanta yestenlay, and were at onoa trans- . fernid to our ho)iitaU. Jfaora Comfedemte.; .- - A i cold urakos man raperciliout. (,li.:anexea' At i. ; ftV u km a.v's Ivi for military bCBcert iaren , craly uuiforin. , IJov on land oftea play tho game ni j nntt toa? W bcu at ac still oltciier. 1 Ccpio'a arrows are not slrat to much vantage front a botr-le;. . '. 4-; Tits (unions yale of Killing dosoti't lead to Tis tt rt.lyir error to think tbat ghosts wlk at nigbf, but tho dead talk to urn then. The currency i anUJfco other aubtttnees; "C" tbit lighter it U the faster it falls. - . '" ' ,i in alvraja neetfor i man to liij'l.rr, if lie has tho capacity to do it. A i-rxxixtj political rope-walker nsay come .tu. j rope bo fUiiiVt walk . , '. , assBaaaajnanaM. It- a poet cannot wear lar upon his head lit! ciin nt least tvenr blaixc Ai.n avs hare a auit of plash, and tviill novcr lo "non plubhed.', : -i.M.tR strike, and stops work. A cl.x-k works right on. "ft . aiM -ta been many re.igiont. bat thers is only one cmle vt morals. To prove or dotAt tho existence ot 0f is 1 to prove or doubt tho existenee of ssitrtence. iy is the first poetry of the humito -J-'atinand drinking are his pxone. be- in; Ix play and for pleasure you cannot speak o m.icli with children, nor, in punishinjr or too teaching them, too little A wii k's tears, shed too often, harden the huslrtind instead of softening him. Tie eve wnter Ixvntne? a petrifying water. " X the child, every bit of wood la' a gilded nirwer-rod, nn which fancy can bud hundred karol roisea. . m t ' ' - wear false calve, it ma? at east ba ...;.i :.. ii.-:- ii.-tr .i .t. " i ""V ", ' "-"t"" tocuscrra am . i . - ' y : n afllictit ns and years may improve indtr nuonis, no twtuo fields and centimes may iiiDpmro nfttionf. PsorLK wish to. be. sored from the conse- a nonces of their rices, but not from their . wa. 1 ' - Sbc men ara lika pyramids, -a-bich arar vM-j-broad where they touch tho fToand,; bat grflw narrower ai tbej reach thesky. . 1 'J-L-WV r"Z ibiocawben a liuabanit tu all frowns at hums) andll "stailes" at the C JWciHWiiC or c'lab-rootn .... - , - -. ' - . . . f fc,.TC. m"ch " wbileebertsb- . mtchttnn of gtrife plfiMurcV than an ,r,.rw.n'l whi.n r har mimr. is A !f1,3 WAXioTwith lMOst -terj a A Icadtns tnaxiwith - . fialiliciaii it alvavs to keep bis 'countenance mml never b keep: his word. , r Orn publio speakers ar rieher than tha i Arabs, who ara skid to bare only a thousand " trurda for cue I bought. , . I". Tab poor laBre incredibly more hope than ; ' tltej-ich; bene lotteries, like other epideta - iits. alt nek poor derils oftener than ton n. nrealtlu - 7 " . i. Tsts most painful partvf our Itodilj- psin i i that which ia bodiless or itumstei jai, aie I,p, ur i 01 patience, and the delaskm tbat It rwill Inst fcrer. i ' C ;': An illiterate oor respondeat, wbo is niren t sporting, wants. U know when tbe jlknglo Saxon ntcc,' ao rotselt talked abtwtt is f come on; - . 1 : . jl: a ' - . .1 A tbristunUj '. . V jiich will not bcJntboa - vhoare strt-rrlln fro tha Lotions to tba 1 . .. , w " . -. , tup t oci , Msds.wwtber Christ to die utr IT . - 1 V Doji'Tattwopt ttaoihar'a zmfffopt ! Jlkim Vm. ftjw Avh wisdom from r, 1 bar H:.r