Newspaper Page Text
l.r in iny.ttss roi:rrr,r p a rnwi OOGA UMBEL, 1 ii j jjj JO.JLA. JL A - LI 0 11 17 1 XT G- BDIYIOH. rilICK, 50 TER MONTH. S25.00 rEU UUNDllSD. Volume III. SELMA, ALABAMA, MAECH 15, 1865. .0 ii a l-cni isiirn r"v hav (MiKiiiva nxrrrritu,) ( ll . I II iNC. M. PAUt'i IM)., iii'Vi, h, : : : ; .. ; i.aos; Tnot'SHAi.e. i. i ...hi V. nli tlrr-t, In I lie third sUu-y of llii' liiillilllii! 1 im-cii; 'Hi lijr Monk, J'.ilril tfc 1(1. In ms dl Miihi ilinn. I'H ( i'V nil." 'Unlit II t fs.tsi ' I 'il l,i,hllS , . , , 10.ISI iiiin-i iiu ' ii.wt Dates ot Adi'eitlHlii", I l.i. Dollar" .t M,iiari ( l. -il llh.-s ..I- lint I, rniO) ). i . ; ! i.rC t' mi-- ami. , II 1V MOltNIMi. M4IU TI 11., : - r- !,-.. I'D I VI l ilt VVAVUil). A .'leudv, reliable printer tint obtain pi-pha-i" 'it ii.i l .iiiiiii !lv'iiniilMtiiif) nt. I li'ii office. ...he t y l apply whntiavo tint IikiI tit least (our years, nx i-rir' ul Hie business. Price of rompo niiion two dollars mill fifty reals perthou-and ems. Board cnn I "i had i tUis place at finlti Hi In t'tlt j r wet It, Apply early. YANK II'. r )!: Pt II I JOI. We pi,hli-h below, lot tint nf uttr i. mi Hi'ilcr recently iasiied by Ihe Yankee unilmrii M' i ul Mi iii.hi, Ti nm'1"''".' Wn ileir Uit li 'hull lj" iillKiiiivoly ri'l mill m rioiuly ciinKiiUrrd by ivory in;iu wliu Iiiii (vi-r, nvi'ti In liiHimn lionrt, t ir ii finiMii ui"tu nt, ciiiiti'iuilnleil nl.iiilIun In ta.i l.'.'H I ii ri'lmii In lint I'uilrrnl I'ninn linn n iiicilv I'm llin i v i I h mIiii-Ii lidw ulllii:l lif. If llT" liny u lin, u mill rriivt-n, nny ho l'ln ami nm i, .n'lil,i . tii'li -irii In ri'li:i' t lie fmit j,ri:i t s lliii I. '.,ic . f f .If Ii nil III ;l i In upon I Uo .'llU'ln of t'llltl iiu iii5 1 1 1 '.i I lliriin yi'iirii, mill lit-iliiiil) with tile llluo of i'iiw:irilii'i unit npnutui'y llin glnrioiiil re-, ".i'l III': LniVK pi . . i .1 1 li;ivii wrilU'ii iu liloml nnil ti iir.", fill oiii'li will liml in lli'm nrilvr nliul will nut I 'l'y tlii'in of llin fully of lniHiiiiaiiy bopv of 'X t'iiiilii.ii I ruin Yiinki'n irr-c'iilinH mill thiorery tii i.ii uliji'i't itinl inii'.iiinii)iii Hiiliiiiiiiiin to Yiinki'c ruin. , It will In' I'Vin I ho Dinrciful iriiiuiiic of I I, t) uiniit .Hy n'"rl inmiiini, tv li irli only riMjuired wo 'li'iiit'l ii'n'tiult iiiirstilvci litforo Lincolti'i iiuiiii it tli nnil', m l; iiowU'i) imrniivoii liluod-stulne'l IfNilor", hihI inrjiiii' oiiriplvon with tin oivlh of uf fi.wni uiiii loynljy to guvvrniutnt wo dotu.-t anil u'Wmr, urn ii'fii'i il lu llm-n now in tlioir power, uml thul 1 1 it tnxlj Inr I In' inipimltion of II ii in uml for- J.'iiinoi, uml I'.inlinealiuiii upon iiiou who have ru tiiili'.l inl lly in tlii'ii' liiit.i during tin war, mid nliuiHti'.l iiiii'niliii;ly to tlmir innrped itnthnrity, . urn iTii.lily I'miml. tin- iliii'lilnc tinw iiiininiiii'fil i", llint tIto.e wl.o ;i . tint I'm mi' niiiiift tin-in. 'I'ln-y will Inl vi.iin ii. i in 'It inm-l lin en rntui, ni'livn mid i..i ii lin;ii I liip uml a 'si-tiitici', or the rod ot nii luiill. nn. I iti'spnl'ic pnirir will lull with tnroilii Kr'. iiiv. I lu'i' iniiit lio no Iii-f-itnli.'ii uri-inivo-.'.it'.., i, V t , 1 1 , 1 1 1 .' ii t e. of iIip ri'ln? lliini, nnil lovu, cli' irly n u.ii ! m i-l h v iiianilnlfd, for tiin go. Amni iil mid uiillmrity of tlu I nltt-d Ptntrj am "Ti"i . .TV m j fi t" "l i I i no '1 il inn ot pM'i'til I'ri'i-ili.ui ffioi piiul lini'iil Mild spollnlloii, and riitnru pun-ii-hiimut mid ruin i el ill ."UBpiinU-d, liln tlio iword ..(' iJiiimu'li-H, by ii imikUi llirmid. nvi-r llin lieinln of nil In whom imitii'ipiitijfii in, or rympitlliy Willi, lliDiulu lliuii i'iiii In' tn I nt nny time during the wur. ( lliii i' nil tlii . I. ini'iii'V and furboiirnni'e inm- ri.mliiiliiiit.'i lnire " ifd by Ibflr linictivity, what Uiflild W of tho Cotton Stole, lh wt of the rt--L.'llinii, iilwiiyi v it h i ii llin L'.intoilorafo line", ii-ni-t-i t (j- mid y,Mt.iiii'tntr it h r.i. luouriilng nwr iU diH- HiHi'rt. eiili'ni; in ii liimiiplii, mid prtiy'ng fur its laiTi'-,', -x . c -1 nt. tin- limnln of tin uiruilfi uml miai'i Hiiilinn ymilifoi, If oni-e helplciit in thi'ir piiWTi'. We Mfoiild be Ibe ."port of llifir niulitfiiiint iaalii-n, llii-vim iiiM ol their tyrannical eaptiou. It ti now Ion lulu lo lltitik of compromise or uli ioihiin. iiiiopoinli'iioi! or annihilation am the nn lv ulti:inntivi- pii'Hi tili'd for our neeeptunoe. We lie not peiniitii d In dishonor ourmdvei and tlx die mink of iliuiuu upon ouieclvu und our i ml- lien I'Vi'ii if wt! were biii i nongli In do it. The ninnv will not yield Iih defire for plunder nnd re- vn;e, imr will I"" ubiiinloii the fanntiehin which nl.ti tin- niiiV.iin'Iti enient nnd clevatioa of the nrmii, ul tin' roil i f llii ilennUtinn f the roiinlry uud inn TXieriiiiniiliiiii. t'nr only hope i In onr uwu -1 1- ii i - ii i in h nnd l.'iirl. a. henrli, nnd our oulr 'sci'iiriiy tin- I'-tnl'li ilitni'iit of our indejit'iiiloni'i'. The I'lillmviiif! i the nr ler referred to: (luienil linlem No III. Hi, Ainin I'l.-TiitrT Wkit TkNsr.BSt.K, ) AIi'MI-iiih, J'knn., Fh. 22, IMti.V I. Tim riiiuiM of Memphin, whono ntinies nro iilimtuli'd with thin onler, )mv inr fulfil In i'oti. ; with tti requirement of 1'iir. VI, lienernl Onlvra iij, lle.iiliiimli't t lOlh Army corpi", Mi'oiphis, Teun., May "lith, ls'i:(1 me ' 'lenncd to huTo-elcuted to. uHi ler llieiimi'lveK rnrniii to the I n it id :'i;ile-,'' nnd they will aeenrdiogly lie no ri'tjiiHerad i.v the. I'itivii.4 .Miu, mid tlmt olheer in i:U urged null I'M'.-ulini; on them I ho dly'ubiUliei and penul Hei in I'm'. Y!l of llmt order, .13 follows: " H"i;i Ii ii d iMirinii', nt di Kerliied in Sec. XI f ilin oi I. r c- It .i 1 1 nut be pnnaltled to voto at uuy ewii'in, in I'Vi-ieice. nny oilier lrnni'lii."e or privi lege, or tu - ii ni'. :i r i.'i.iiulill. ur uLtornttTi tolon , uuy viiirl. i r to h.ild uny nirictt of Iriml, JiroDt ar i iiinliimeiit, or In 'mnwu t nny hu-ioeii within fnid il. The l'mvn.-l Afir-hti! will -o-s nch enemy I- Heitnle l in a tl'.-e of tiro huuilt d iloiUrn, which ' line iu en. h e mn, if nut pnid within forty. eiglit hniira nft T the pnblienlion 'of llii? order, ha will (.ineei'd to eulleet by i-oir.ure uml utiloof the per.-io-luil i-ll'vl of ll" deliiiiiienl, and by their clow e.intiiieiiieiit in livinx l'iiou until Hi Sua in each A n t'ulli: khI i-tlii-'l III. The fiuiil. an eulleeliid will be turned over by tho I'r.iv i. t M uvlinl !.. Col. It. K. Clary, Pepu ly yiim terumMiir tleueral, and they will i-onstituto a fund for tlie coiniiigcit e jpcnwj of ;'UT L'crcilfd M ilil iti of the IMslliet of West Teumra.iee, and will ..lily bo titan out on cheek, approved by the oem umii'tiiiK ntli. er of the District.- -, l'weiity one months have already pird , -Miiiie these eneiiiieit were reiuircd U eleet who thy would ci-rve. -1 licit iiinitralily ii char proof that it would fie luoi kery of alliaiicadinii loyally now to nine f irw.iid mid Rnthmnjjh th. form of rcjjiiiler log thou prvli telle, The ti uea do not admit of utnitiiility. I 'very tunn not earue.Hly for the Fed ial tl fvi-rniiie it. ' si'verely ngaiuft il. Thiike ana mien will uol now tlii-icl'nie be permitlc I to claim the imiuiiiiiliua' f loyalty by taking the oath of nll. Kimu-e and tluir properly will he held lubjoct to inrttier outliMcittiii, uuiil they by active and earn et (uipport of the tlnrermueut, fhall convince to" icililmv aultiortlien of genuine renunciation ui the ilea-1 el n and policy of lece.wiod. V. All special aiemptious from Hie oprralioua cf nald tleneinl Order No. 'iU,' of whatever nature, h..r. t iforw isncit. are neieoy revokeu Hioivn. 1'r. I'lcicotl, c iiUoi il, r S. Cnpers, U I', Duloaoh, S, Kppersoti, A M. I 'tos, li M,j icti. Thomas iUlau, John -! mrwell W tu Hill, 111' ll.ipmiu, Dr Lou.ll. S Q lalov, 0 U . k1, jl.lel Stout, Mosea, W XV Slaut, Maiheh Spioer. H l Ttiriau, F Tai lor, Dr A K "I'nyl.if, Dr. Walker Samuel Wheeler, A J enson, Dr Wickernhain, Jamea Waldermaru, Sr Yi'orm'av R v aJdla; J B l.aeey,A V struiiniiiM, rt , Howies, 7.P Brooks, W M Htickadellia, James Doiion-u, Jiilni Drryloiis, Siiii,i!(- Jltiiiltvii it, I, (' lit ol der of Brig. Celt, I!. Rnb.'its. ; II. K. JiOliPRT-5. , , , .. Aintul. Adjutant General. Olliriii!,'- H. Hi SKY MOT II. lfit Id. A. D.C. mni A, A. A. lien. Fpee'nce of the Ibil) fl-hcl J . Ciil.I'MIII II. Mini. 1 eh. T, '(. f.lelW Inrntliiint A nt ifmltii (' tiime li ,SV; uml Mubili f.'oe. ', ' Jomnje Hint' iht Mobile Itryi't'r VrH.inin H-.ioW' kiihuik . W, Aii i'uin'i"f. .The rumor i current Ihnf the Y'mikcra are mil ernlnilinjt a urim force at Corinth mid 'ilM'iirg, l.uiidinit. Another l.otlv l 'aid to be moving lo- wniilii (ireninl and a lliii.l finin 'i' l( -bnrir. - I i.'itt.Vi i.f nil I flfrjf (lemun'iirmiolH ni'i' .twin. .1 ok xo ' iliveralonn. Mobile ia the n-nl pmnl ol attack. With the loan of that city, Alabama h at. Ihe nicrcy of the tunny. . . ; , Heluia will lie awiih'd by land and water." A fleet of ironclad will convey lrannport freighted with .10,0110 liien Hi the very heart of Alabama. Th ilcntriictinii of workshop nnd the deu1iilion of lha fttireit liorti'ill, of. tlio liulf Stale would Kpeodily follow. ,, 1,'iit oil' on we are from the A h.ti tie Stntea Hulma ban beontue of greater 'importance to the Con federation than all other cities. Of it -pelf, the toRl of Mobile, toive to ill Own inhabitant, ,'ignilici notliin;;. The wnr would ti-riuitiutc a"l an hour foniier. .Mere ibioliilio of eitiea and Ptnlei .lignilici nothing, tin It may client the dura tion ur reull of thin struggle, tint eneiiili'i" have ul lail given tin no nlternntive. We inu.-t accept lloMieaa llavery or tiller exli-riniiiulion. No fUn man would ushi iiI to I.incolii'it lernii, nnd jiislnow,' we cull only light. I deplore thin neees.-ity but accept it an every Southron ahoitld. ' With thin prelude let low tell you that 1 nm an extiemiet perhiipn, an regard x.l he iudevendeuce oe the Htutce. I wiih'ii folliAver of Doitglai becau.-e of hia theory tf Loral (mpiatter) Sovereignly. With me the idea of Local independence wm infi nitely more important than the immediate conser vation of our "peculiar inntilution." I thought thou, mi I do now, if the people were left free to frame their own organic lawn, that the tite.itiou of nlavery would noon become one of intercut. Fol lowing thin Idea, wliiuli yon have wcu cropping out in all (hut I have written, I nought to make this question of Local or Hlnte Independence, the is-tuo in this context. The Chicago Platform, and onu pubi'oiUcntly enacted at Cincinnati, vmhodicil the idea, hut unfortunately, an 1 thought, the "govern ing cIukhch" lit tho South refund! tu accept it. This prernt mid politicians, almost unanimously, protested .ig.iinsl a convention of the Slates. I will tell you frankly that (he objection assigned by Senator Si-mincs nod those who udoplod his views, were Iho very reasons impelling me to ndv'nrtitu it. Such a convention would lime iljssolveil litti Ihe Northern I'tiion and the Southern Cniifcitct u tion. The State would have boon reioaiidcd to their original condition nf absolute nationality, mid lhM h'lV five li, ,,0 !.i. li coliti 'letuliotln or iinion.H ail they aaw proper, siavery would have been left tit the, mercy nf Law ; Washiiigton and Richmond would have censed to exist, ns centers of political power. Most unfortunately for Ihe people, llii politicians w ould have been eject eiHroni place nnd power, They would have been deprived nf any agency in niensurcs of pacifica tion, and to this they could never assent, I nm not aiirc that .M-jClclInn would have been elected if our press and leaders hud tint lelt him w ithout a platform, lint they are as culpable as. if otherwise, bo would havo iiecu clcoted. They had pursued the course designed mid cnlotilatcd to defeat him. They declared their preference for Lincoln, rejecting the propositions of the cop perheads, thna rendering a convention of Plates 'impOHsihlii ' . Hence il is thai you now find Fernando Wood the fiercest of our enemies, and hence the north is consolidated. Wood is us honest as moat poli ticians, wheiever they dwell, lie found himself contemned by Ihose of the Smith whom heaought lo befriend, nnd if he would retain the place he holds, lie must float with the eiirrent, w hich few line the nerve to resist. When Ins speech, reach es the Smith, you will lind that lie nscigns, as the reason for his conduct, the course of Southern lenders, in rejecting tho platform of Stale Inde pendence, promulgated by Ihe New York News nnd formally adopted, in part,, at ('hiciinn, nnd thoroughly at Cincinnati. You may understand that I urn and was a "cop perhead." This is true. I deemed this A wnr 'for the nationality of States, anil not for that of a t'nion either North or SoiOh. Wood tSelicves that two centra! governments cannot rneiisl in peace on tins continent - tnni ine .rciiniii-i no pressure of each upon the other, would folder consolidate both, and tlmt any peace made by Kicd or Washington would, in fact, only perpetuate it condition of war. Hut enough of this. It signifies nothing now. The theory 1m dissipated by slubhon fact. We must fight. For this necessity l.incfilu tuny uol be more responsible thnn our own politicians. Hut the immediate uestton is, whether we shall bow to Lincoln's despotism, or tight iti we may recognise a recurrence, of lost ppporlunitie for the achloverm-til of l.o v it Confi i!ei ate, Inde pendence. Shall we break down tho agency nt Itichmond, through which alone w n fight successfully f Do the (leorgiuns hope for peace when there can iiaiioiia? Separate Slate action will not uow he get peace ; still less independence. On the contra ry all the blood shed in this horrible war will have' been abed in vain. They will tlo violence In the uiiiuorieti of ll e fallen. They brand themselves cowards, who were brine enough wlun the war raged in Tennessee, and Virginia, yet now skulk ik whipped epaiiieli beneath the lash of l.ilh.olo applied tu their own backs. There il much of ovel truth in the message of tioveruor ilrown, but while the train mny inner le suppressed, y i-l the course he wnuUI adopt, if properly leprereuled ( I have not run t lie ine.-age) vaniiot be coimlieniled. Cut off from P.ii'binnud as we are, tuo time baa outue when (Inventor l!nwn way task Ihe tirtites of that doctrine of St tie in'ie peiuL'Uce iu which he and I concur, lie deemed it potent lor peace. It is surely w.irth little if not at valuable ia war. If Hichuinnd eanootjuasiat the StatM, lot the Statei rescue Richmond. If the Statua must be free, let t liens achieve their uu ubiidgsd iutUpvitdi ma when no other r-tisUi may lis emdava.l by the process. It becomes hideout moral trcniuu lu any Southern Stale, at an hour like thi?, to abandon her alliys. It were infinitely preerable to go dowu together to otteeou nm ru in. Separate State action at this juncture fu ture not only the deslriieibi of Georgia, of the South, but which is worse, the infamy of Geor gia. A lining Ihe first (o Mcede abe It the first to deeert bir peers, the ibaren ef bv grief or glory. Wit it true thai tbue (iulf State wire mit'e t, and I'Sgl', Jl'Sst" I'nslnn, W W Bowie-., Willia'll Bickford. W A Drown, .1 II roiimi, It - Crook, II W L From, Dr. believed that Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia luust bvur the biitdcna and woei and furnish , all Hie batll'Seldi of (be revolutlm Our H rat Sec retary of War proetulmeil this aa an nnliclputvd l'.i'-l. Surely Uoreruor Ilrown . and bia adhcretiU did not bs-e their action upou such a lUpposition; yet Ii m'ciui, when the fiery ordeal, which Virgin la mii 4 Tennessee have borne unmuruiuriDgly (or four yeurs pusl is applied, these (lull Statet begiu to draw back. Their newspapers are tilled wiltj ilenunclalions of recotistructionists, of whom not otm among Titiuessceans or Virginians cnu bo found, who voted for leparutioti. I nlike the gt-nileiuin whose admirable letter over the signature "H. St. P." appears in the .Mo bile Htgirtrr, f shall never consent 'to sue Stalo line-i erti'litatml" however oil sua the doctrine of Sulci Highl may be made by its over lealous ex p'UisiiN. T'nlike bltu, I would hate ft Suiiihein a iniit St as I do a Northern I'liimi. S. L. ... . l''ripni-ii( II. .it I ....' eiic. - Molly Anb were great girl Jini, but I never could court her, Somehow or other I couldn't git at her, for I could never tell when she were Jnkin and when she wire not. She were Just like sons cows bout brin milked, you have lo slop em and eoax em a long lime before you can, lech etn. Molly would ik me to nipper, and ax me to ride, and hide my iitiibmll and run off with my bat, but she held me off at arms lenglh all the time. No, 1 never could court her. The last lime I seed bet, dim, she looked mily lovely. She wore a low bosom dress with flowers, mid blossoms, and pen vines all over if, and flounces that ihmgled it all the way down.', I look bet some sweet bobby blossoms 1 tin t. day, and soys t-hu "are you par tial to sweet hubbies Mr. denlis ?'' 1 told her that I was of course "They are very deliehilul," said she, ''when ymi press em gcully, hut. I've always observed thai Ihey luse their sweetness if you squese em too tniiuh," "F.xcuse me for a mo ment Mr.. Jcnkt," said she, ;,J 'must go nnd put these in toy drawers to uiuke em smell sweet." Ah, .Inn Miss Mollie could talk it so nice, but I never could court her. I got her to work my name in my haiikcrchcr, and the said she would work me a motto too. Here it Is Jim tbar' iny uuuio, Tom'Jkmkb, and thtr'i the motto she te lekted for me A'liee 'nt I 'Ili a. Molly Ami were a little too smart for mr, Jim anil I suppose that is why I never could court her. Somehow or other I couldn't raise slop enough to mill. e In r stand still. USTilvn, Taylor bus issued un order tlmt "in futuro the field and liuo othcers of all commands, within this depurtincut will be held personally re sponsible, for damages committed by their soldiers ii pun public or private property." Names of militiu districts in Cherokee tlcorgia : l'ussum Snout, tiltie Ui;.urd, J'op Skull, Wolfskin, llu.zaril ltoost, I'au Handle, T.-mtlj-Leg, I. itk Skillet Shake Hug. I rons the N'u'hvllle Timet of Fsb. I'fih. The Guerillas. . The nb. malting ai .t itrli c. I1W kl! partisan hands in keutueky into their mgularanuy. The tullowing outer was found on the pern.n of Col. H. J. Hreckiui idge, who was lutcly capluretl in Kentucky: IlK.tng'itH Dkp't W. Ya. ANIl TfNM.. 1 W rriiKvn.i.i:, Ya., .fan. 0, Isiij. j liciieral Orders Xo. 2. , '. All officers and men now in Kentucky upon ie criiiiing service, under authority other than that of the Seerelnry of War r from these headquar ters, nro required to report to Col. Hubert J. Hreck Inridgo, whoso orders they are commanded to obey. All who bear aut'iority from the Secretary of War, prior to April 14th, 18114, or from these head quarters, whose time bus expired, will report to their ruspectivo conimands. or lo these hcadqitcr ters. ' All who fail to ohey this order promptly will ho at once reported to the existing authorities in Ken tucky as uot recognized by the Confederate d'ov-t eminent, and not entitled to treatmeut ns prisonets of war if enplured. Ily uoiiiinaud of Muj. (jell. litiKt'Ki.v mixi e. J, SroiiiiAitn Johnson, A. A. (1. The rebels are about to strike a desperate blow. ji.'tfl-Wo have heard front good sources, that since our prisoners have been removed from J'a bawba te F.utorprlve, Alabama, they are living on Hie fat of the land, and are having a good 'time ul it generally. The officers have bmu paroled and are quartered about town and vicilii y, and report at stated periods. We learn from an officer, who was exchanged last week, that tho boys spend their time hunting deer, wild turkeys and ether game, with which tho country abounds. During one of thuyvexpedilions, a young lieutenant belonging to an Indians regiment, became acquainted with a beautiful, but very rebelious, yoiiug lady, the daughter of a very wealthy planter, some six miles from town. We know not, nor cure, bow he woed and won, but the fact Is, Hint afler Ihe usual minium of skirmishing, retreating and advancing, tin poor lieutenant got the worst of it, uud he was obliged to surrender. To cut a 1 ng story short, they were actually married lust January, and the Happy bridegroom is now a prisoner both to Man and ( upid. We do not mention aamct for fear of untiring their happiness, and Interrupting their honeymoon by an untimely exchange. Frein all we can learn, tho people of'Alabatua treltt our prisoners with kindness and allow them privileges which are grunted them in no other part of ike Confederacy. .V-mAt illt i'P'r, Commi'iAi.SrAn.iArioii I Bos ro.-Th effects ..f lbs tor aie beginning tu ap -ar in all branch. -i of oomiuerce, both in Bolton and New York. In Boston particularly, we are advised by Ibe Travel er, the wharves, docks and business localities, have presented almost a Sunday stillness. The labor ers and mechanics counected with the shipping in terest have hardly averagodouu day'i employment in a week. The prospects for a very brisk seasou in all department-'. of business were never smaller than at present. At this port but two ships have arrived since January 1st, a period of thirty five days, and hut verv few aru now due. Only twelve ahJps are uow at Boston, aud about twele are now on the way hither. Duly on ship ia uu Ihe way from Calcutta, to the United States, instead of twenty as is f'requenty the case! What it true ol Boi ton is so of all Ihe Northern cities. The war hat penetrated and parali.ed all the 'raiuittcatious of (rude, and sooner, or later the long-looked fir crisis will come. ,pif Two steamboats came down from Mimt gomery yesterday morning, but no mail. Whoso was the fault ? Itirt for Ibe fact that we occatioO ally And apasseuger wilb late papers in bis pocket, we should be eutireiy without news about half the lime. W ho superintends the mail in this s?cli"n f Perhaps no one. lltbtl, JfureA t)(A. We rather enjoy the anuoyauc of our cotempo rary. liut if any improvement is expected to re sult from tuch geutle hints, somebody will be dis appointed. It would be easier to kick life into a dead mule, than lo arose the energy of the postal department al llirhuwud. Anptu!. Grant'i Lsta.STiONS. It appears to be Oeueral (iraut'a iutention, aaya the N. Y. Herald, t( the lsth ult., u bold bit new ground peruianeetiy, aud defensive works, which lhe-rbeie themselvei acknowledge to be very strong, have accordingly been thrown up by the national troops on both sidee of Hatcher' i Ruu. "The extension of Geo. Grafs asiliury rasltoad to that point, it is antici pated, will soon be completed. We have received no accounts of any righting iine Tuesday last. 0a Weduetdav everytaiog remained quiet. The Ii..t.n ...... ii' m th trr. .r.-.Hi',,A itivi are jtiui;ed at betwiea rlevia ad tsrelre Umitl-'V. From Ihe Chicagn Lveuing .loiiV.tlj llercastd Itcbcl i'l Um r.. List or in an. citisoiia wtto tv; 1nr.ii r rasjo nut'olAs sim k )v 'I 1SU. t ot i.t.'ii.n In the following li-l il will l.e eli-er.ed that we give the iiuuif, regimoiit, aud M,.io desigu.lfi.ig in f.iiiiry" I " cavaliy " ( "and mldlcry "A, "the plare where captured, aad the dle ef death ; Hiithirford T, I'd Ky C, l.n ;iatn, Ky, No 1J. Itiithetliiiil It, lid Ky C. Jiitlin;iini, 0, Dee In. Itijiney Henry, 7th Ky ?, Uo Dee 2k. Iltttl S 1 02d (' I, ( umb gap, July II. Hobersou John, do do ' July i'.l. Haider II, (tilh.N C I. do July 2tf. Hnv John, ll'.'d N " ,"' do Aug II, s Hiisscll l P, 2il Ya I, do Aug :t. Lykutil II II, li'JJ N CI. do , Sept II. lioberls C, e!4tb NCI; do ept 22. Kcive .Ins, f.L'd N C I, do Oct 12, Hogeri W W, do i ' do Ocl . Kuan J R, ' do ' do v Oct Kiltbi J S, th 111, ' il V I. Hedwin I) li, do do Nov Id, Rogers M T, 2d NCI, tlo Deo Rigsby II, lrh N C I, do Den . Hains Hobl, l)2tl N C I, do Dec If. It ice W, 64 th NCI, do , Deo J. Hatclill J P, 2d N C I, do Jan 28. Reed J T, N C Reserves, llurke co, July SO. Rohbards F. B, 1st (la tiuurd", Murieltn, Aug f. Uob.irts N, (lu 11 K Vol, do ' Aug 12. Rhodes Jus, ll.'ith Oft I. do Aug 2tl. Rhodes Itobt, ;i:id Ala I, do Sttptl l. Rains Hobt, dd Ark I, Helens, Sept 9. Kufliu I., Mb N C I, Knoxville, Oct 2(1. Richurdson R, lMth Ten'a I, (ieorgia.4icl'9. Rhea It, citizen Ala, Gadsden. Ot 2!. IWo W H, 1st Ky But, Mt Stoiliug, Nov S. Roynoldi fi F, .'td Misi I, Peach Tree creek,. Nov . Itneves L, 14th Ky C, Che-hire, 0, Nov 2!. Robertson W, Mth Miss I, Decamr, Not 27. Redwui W T, Stub (la I, do Nov 27. Rambo fl M, iuib Ala I, Temetsee, Dec :t. Hliodct Wui, ."7th (la I, Dceetur, Dee Regan F M.A.'nb Ala 1, .Vhinta, Deo I'. John, I'-d (ia 1, Joueslioro, Dec 2'.l. ltu'tlifl F M, :i'.:t h Miss I, Kn-w, Dec U. Rice W H, Stub SCI, Taylor'i Hidge.Dec IU. Reese J J, X 0 Reserves, llurke no, Dec In. Roberts I, 47th Ha I, Hesui a, Dec 2tl. Rogers J P, It-Id Ga 1, Kenesaw, Deo 27. Roberts 8, McGee llatl, Arkausai, Deo 3d. Reynolds JohR, 2d Mo I, Keuaw, Doc 'In. Ray J H, (lib Ky C, Keutueky, Dei 31. Ryder S M,th(IaI, Knoxville, Jan t. Heno T F, 46th Mist 1, Marietta, Jan 3. Robins J B, 24th Ga I, do Juno. Reynolds II W, 8lh Ala I, Home. Jun tt. Henlck I'd, Oth Mo I, Nashville, ,lan II. Rogers 11 )), efltb Ala I, do Jan 22. lUpp Frank, 30th La I, do Jun 22, Rape 1', oiti'eii, Rome, Jau 12. Hedmau LU, 00th N C I, Marietta, Jan 20. Robertson Win, 4th La I, Joneshorn, Jan 30. Randall Win, (Mb S C 1, Snake ( reek, Jau .HM. Sugg, W D 2.1 Ky c, Ohio, dept. 11. Shaw, J N, 2d Ky c, Bufliugtou, Vov J I . Silvers, Thos J, tith Ky c, Cheshire, O, July 23, Sloki-ly, Win, Slh Ky t, Saliiievlllo, 0, July 21, Sharp, M, do tlo do Seroggins, R K, ath Kyc, Cuuib Gap May 21. Sartin, A J, .'tiitli Ya I, do do. Stidliuin Adam, iiltL Ya I, do doll. Stafford. Win, 02 Nt' I, do do do Suities A, 74th N V I, d.i Julv . Slaruev, T M, 6i! N C I, do do Sisk, Al M, lOlh Ky c, Cheshire, O, July M. Shiniiiun, W K, Until .V C I, Kene-uw, 'Aug 9. .Slillivau, ,A 17th Teuu I, ('binuni.iiii.'u, Aug l-i. kugirs, J, Cdlh Va I, Cum Cap Mi '.'4. Small 0 (.', us N (,' I, do r. - ' Sharp, (ico W. t!4lh Va I do ' d . Siiisiici-, .Joiin Intii Ik re, (iiu .' Mc"V 1 '.ept 'l.' Smith, W F, frid (ia I, Atlanta, cpl 6. Seav II, H2d Ji C , CumbUup, Mcpt 1. Smith, J II, S'.lh (ia 1, Climb (Jj, .Sept 11. Sewcll. M. 1st duo. Huasellville. Sent Kb " Sturgeon, S, N C Reserves, Berk co Sept 12. Smith H, StHh C'a I Chicnuiaugti, Sen' 23. Sniitli W F, Ga I, Atlunlu, Ss jit 0. Saiidel'nid, 1) II, l.tlli Va 1, Cumb Unp Sept. 2 'i. Stnilh N V 2d Ark I, I'liicainauu Sept 2.5. Sender D, 17lh Ala I, Chattahoochee Sept -j. Smith A M, 17th Tenn I Chicainaiiga, Sct 'il. SpcnCer, K, N 0 Reserves llurk co, Oct :', Spell J, 2lth S C I, Marietta, Oct 7. Simpson W, 7th Miss I, Keiiesaw, Oct 8. Stokes John R, 1st Trans. Miss unknown Nov 1. Speer Wm, 74th Va I, Cumb Oap (let T. Smith W II, dn da ; do. Sprauglcr J, do do do, Smith S, 1st N 0 I, onknowu Nov 1, Sinipkins M,tl3d Va 1 Chattahoochee, Nov n. Shelton Thos, L:t Ala I Kenesaw, Nov fi. Smitb Wm II. l lth Kv c. Bullimrtou. O. Nov P. .Smith II, 45th (!a I, Marietta, Nov v. Surrcll S, Itilh Ga 1, Joucsboro, Nov i:t. Savier, II, With Va I, Marietta, Nov fi. Stcaduiaii, II M, 64th NCI, Cumb Cap, Nov fl. Smith, Thos 3d Ga c, Sommerville, Nov 17. Simotis, Wm 7th Kvc, Cumb Gup, Novl". Snow, W,8d Keutueky bat.Cymliiuna, Nov SingletoM. Jobu, 4 ad GaXcbatuhooohee, Nov ;"l. Snobby, C has l.'ith Ark I, Marietta, Nov t!i. Stephens, J A, tilth Ga 1, Atlanta, Nov 20, Simmons, W, "4th SC Taylor's liidgc (ia, Saunders I (!4tb N (; I. CumbCap Dec 5. a, Decl. Saunders A J. loth Twin c Atlantr, Dec il. Sublet, (ico, 4th Ala c, Marietta, Deo . Suggs. J A,:'.4th0a I, Atlantti, Dec 8. Segars, F J, Dith (ia Uatt Jelfou, Dec s. Sut'gs, Wm, IslGa (', Jone.sborq, Dec Sell, J A, 5.dll (ia 1, Cumb Cap, Dec 9. Summey, A 04th Va l.Cunib (imp, Dec II. r-loau, Wm, do do t Slivender D W aOtb Ala I, Jonesboro, Dec I ". Sipple, L, 4nth Val, Logan, Dec Hi. Stanton, J H, Trans Miss Flovd ro, Dec I". Spain, W F, 4d (la I, South Ritr. Dee 17. Skinner, J V,40tb Miss I, AUutitk Dec 1'.'. Swcrengor, i N. 6oth (a I. Cumb Cap, Dec Shellont tV. Murkcsson'i Hat, Dallas, Dec :t. Smith J L' ilh Tex C, Franklin, le! fi. & Smith Jas, 14th Miss I, Kenesaw, Dec z!l, Skellers.l Mti2 N (' I, (Jueiherhmd.Cap, June R. Shcppard J do do ' do Scnlell, J Jf, do do do. Smith Wm, 6ith Va I, do do. .step Wm, 60th N C 1, Marietta Jau 3. Saudurs John C loth Kyc, Uuthugton, O, Jafi 4. Shipwash, O, NC Bcseircs, llurk co, Jan 4. SurderSol,4t)th Ala I, Marietta Jan 12. Sherman, L' Kosswell a hal, Roswell, Jan 8. Sstters John I'.titu Ky I, Decatur Jan !. Stegall. R, 17th Ala I, Atlanta Jun 12. Slevens.HC, i4th(ia I, do do. Sit other VV D, -'.'th Ala I Nashville, Jan 11. Sherron, II L, 4'Jd Miss I, Nashville, Jau !f0. Speerlobk M, Mth Mo I, Helena, Jun iiO. Slievpard, VV T,42d Ca I, Decatur Jan so. Sparks I., lioth Ga I, Warsaw Jau 80. Smith II L,17lhS I, Frniiklin, Jau 11. Suk, D C, I'-'th Misa I, Nashville, Jan K Smith, S I', Till Ala c, Nashville, Feb I. Stephens J, 3'Jtll (It I, Rough aud Hcadv.Fehl. Stone, AG, 'i'lth (iai, Cumb Gap Feb i. . T Thompson J W, Hid N C I, Cunib Gap, May," 1 riinii-l u, oo Tritt L, do Thomtison B Y, dj Tate J F. do lo lo Mar ti. . May -J-.'. tJuue 13. Jau 2-1 Mav -.'4. Nov. fl. Nov IS. Nov Dec 1. Dec "8. do do do do do do do tlo Tyler Wm 11, &th Ky, Tucker D, t)4lh Va ( Treadewav II, Jim i. Tilson T. 04th N C I,. Tate J C, o'th Va 1, Thompkins B F, 4ih Va I. Ti,mins4B P It. bath Ga I. do Jan 19. Thompsou D S, "d Kr C, HulTiogtoo, Sept . Tniolile (! V. 2d Kv C Paris, lud. Nov 1J. Turtiin Sam, 7lh Kv V, llulliugnn, O, Nov i-ii. Thoiuaa J C.'Jth Ky C, Salinet ille, O, Aug 1".. Turley W K, Dith La 1 CUickatnauRa, July i;4. Tanuer L, N C K, Burn co, July Jo. Talbert P W,17th Teuu I, Mau.pbia, July 30. Tauuton, T J , i7th Ca 1, Manettij, Aug i. Thorutou J, Forrest's Fa West I'oiut Mm Aug 14 Taylor, J C, 1st Tcua. C, Dres leu Aug 15. Thornton 1, 4tu hy V, Fans, a-y, Aug to. Thomas W W. UtU Ky C. Huthi'ou.O, SePt . Tcaugue W W, N C H, Pork cogent ga. Tate S, 4th Ala I, ShelbyvUls, 11. Taylor J A,'84th Miss I, Cbk kaauga, Oct U. Th'ermaa P N, loth Ky C, Cbe'bire, U, OotSvl. f Tumlir-a J N. Is faa C. t'tiiliochee, Oct XI. Thomai J L,'lth Ky C. CtsS:r- O, Nov . Travie J, Uth Ky C, Che-tir. O, Vol ii. TbompsoD E L, "8tu 4.1a I, Wwehititer.Dec I. Tuckoer Daniei.4lb Va I, Cua. CP. Nov 5. Turnage J, 4-th (la I, Marnjt'-, Nov IS. Thomaa M U, 3sth Miss I, Ken-.iesii5, N 17. Thomas J K,4tilh Ala I, Jose iu'UM, Nov J J. Thwltl J H. SuJr a Bat I as.nv.-lta, Dec Thooias fi L,fd Ye I. i' -"- -' . ' i i,r W, ilh let I, t4n.iuu.-, Vet DJ. Thrasher A C, 00 th Ca I, Dcoalur, Dec 14. Thompson J A, li J -st Teun I, Jeff, CO, Oct .0. Thornton, A, Kith La I. Atlanta. Dcc'O). Taylor John, 1 V th Ala I, uuknowu, Dec 2". Tomltu II K Kv I, Frankhu, Jail 1. . Tombs J T,4 tli Ten u I, Jouesboro, Jan 10. Tyre P, 10th Kr C, Cludcsville, Va, Jau 0. 'I remind A O, liall'a Dragoons. ia, Jan Dl Thomas II, l.'lh Ala I, Nashville, Jun U. Thorpe Win, Oth Fla I, Chattahoochee, Jan l-t. Thomas J W, 5llh Val, It caaca, Jau 1ft. J r,4lh .Visa I, Kunt-sasr Mt, Jan i'.'i. Taf lor 3, Mt Atk I, f hicamntiga, Jun Trier K, J.'th Ala I, Nashville, Jau Vn. Tcrritl B II, itul tan's Hal, Atlanta, Feb il. Tomlin F K, 1st Ga I, Chattahoochee,, Feb J. aii;.li Geo 7th Ky (', llullingleu, o Nov 30, Van I'slt N.Cth Ga I, Cedartown, Aug 22. Vennble I, 04th Ya I, Cumb Hap, Sept 4. Vincent Geo 4th Ga I, Cbatttthooehee, Oct 14. Vi kery O W, 8:ld Ala 1, Frankliu, Doe 23 d. Vaughn J L, 1st Ga C, Marietta, Deo 27. Vance T J, lib Miss I, Home, Due 28. Vaughn James, Uth A lu I. Kenesaw Jan 20. W Woods S F, 2d Ky C, Uarrodsburir, Ky Sept fi, Williams K J, 3d Ky C, Saluicvillc, O Sept 17. Wiltiiif'fon, John, ,'iih lv y C, HitClngton, O May .10. Woods James W, "lb ( , Chesotrc, l Dec I t. Woodi Jokn, 7lh Kv C, Cheshire, 0 Nov 8. Wheeler. A W, Uth Ky C, ltiiffingtou, 0 Nov 17. Wright, L, 8th Ky C, Diifhngton, O Aug 10, Wussen, W T.. Mth Ky C, Btiftlngton, i May?. Welch James 1st Con I I, Cuaitnnooga, lay 4. Wells Wm, 20th Ala I, Chattuljoochee, Aug 3. White J G, 3d Mo I, do Aug 2th Wooden, J L, 3d Ark C, do Ocl 27. Wulltcr M H, ;.7th Ala I, do N.v 22. Walker W II, Ktq Ak 1, Alpine, Aug .1, '04.. Wade J F, Forrest's Kscort, Wet Pi, Miss, Aug 2. Wathen W V, 10th Ky O, Salinevillo, Aug 22. Wbltloek A, Mth Va I, Marietta, Sept 4. Wright J W, Hlh Ga Bat, do Sept 13. Warren F, 24th Teuu 1, do Nov 11. Watltim It II, 3d Ala I, Chi.'mnauga, Sept 7. Wills J, 1st Arisona I, do Sept 17. White A, Lith I, a 1, do Sept Id, Wboatley W S, ltlth Tenn I, New Albany, (epl t. Wicks Geo, ltlth Ky C, lu ianu. Sept 10. Whaler Jno, aOlh Ga 1, Cumb gap, Sept 24. Walton A, 04th N t' 1, do Sept 21. Wemmar J, Llth La 1, Chicnmaiiga, May a. Wills Julia, 5'ith (ia I, Cumb (lap, July 2.'i. Wulkiui Ben Mth Kv C l!uniiitn, 0 Julv 3u. I Wadu Geo, t2dX C I, do Si.t 2N. Wade W G, Katie's Hat, do' Ocl 4. Wilsou Jos, Oi l N C l. do Oct II. Wild Fred, tilth N C 1, do Oct 1(1. Woodruff, U W, 2d N C I, do Not (I. Wuodt Richard, 04th Ya I, do Nov 23. Williams L, 5alh Ga I, do Nov 2tl. Wuddle, J F, Mth Oa I, do . Nov 2. Wiggins J A, 32J Ala 1, Resuca, Oct 4. Williams W 11, 14th Ky C, Buflicgt.ui, (1, Oct 23. Webb T S, do do Nov 14. Wier B It, lOtb Ky C, Cheshire, O, Dec ti. WatloC, IrilhTonn I, Ciarkaville, Nov 24. Vood A S, llth -Miss I, Aberdeen, Nov 22. Wolf K, V Conse'pt, Virginia, Not. 1(1. Warren, James l lth jenn I, Dcrillowu, Dec . Whituell, II 31st Teuu I, Jeff. Co do. Warnuck, A 21 Ark C, Atlanta, Dec I). ' Walker. R P 2'ith Ala Jouesboro do 7. Wood, P 11. N C Reserves Murk oo do !. Willcy, 11. Llth Ara I, ('hicamntiga Dec V. Walker, J D 21th i C do do 10. Ward, W W supper, Atlanta, Deo 13, Wooti, G 3ltth Ga !, Jonesbom, Dec 17. Whitley. 8 42d Ala I Atlanta, Dec 20. White, W W Ga Reserves, Dallas Dec 20. Willitiuis, L D 6ath Ga 1, Atlanta Dee 22. Webb, J C 2d Ga C, Jackson, Deo 23. IVcatberford, J B Bluud's bat Teuu Dee 24. Waldhour, U B mil Ga I, Kenesaw, do 2.i. White, W I. t tit la Tenn (.', Jellorsoueo Dee ..T. Wbaley, S D 2d Ga C, unknown Dco,30. Wroth Wm 60th N 0 I, Keuesuw," Jun 21. Williams', James 2d Ky Marietta, Jan 3. W hilmire, A J U2d NO I, Cum Gap do. Wtluil, lW. It'Mh U I, J'ee.liHII Wan 6. . " Webb, Thomui Dili Teuu 0, l;ul)lliiton O Jan 2 WtlcS C W Lewis' halt Ulayetle Ga, Jau 0. Wii'soti, II FM llill'i Dra Warsaw do 10. Wyiick, J B HUIt Ky C, KiiHiugloii, O. ,l m. White, And. 57th Ala I, Fraukliu do It. Williauinii. It 3,'itb Miss I, Knnnsaw, tie II. Whntley, W 2d Ala I, Marielta do 12. Wi'liums, O W fi.'id Ga I, Dallon do 13. Willimu-. li F lolh Ala I, Franklin, do l.i. Wrinht, I. ;vl :7th Ala do tlo l.i. Walltc, Wm Oth Tenn I, Rosorsvilio do 20. Wils ii. M D L Glth Va I, C'uii Gap Dec 1 1. Wiggall, C do tin to. Wats, n, J A 02d NCI, do Jnn 20. Williams, T dj tlo do 28. Woodward, C 84th Va I, da doll). Woodward, K (1 Dith (In Bat Jonesboro do 20, WonuM'k, A J 40th Ala do do 2... Wallace, F 24th S C t, Nashville. do 2:!. Wooley, J W Tarraut'a bat do do J7. Winrny, W ,'ltitb Miss I, ' do do 22. Wutkius, 0 3tHh Ala I, Mmietta, do 21. Walker, J D. 1st Fla 1, Franklin do 20. Webb, J II 10th Tenn do d. Watkius, P S 1st Miss Bat Dalloti do. Ward, N P lUth Ark I, Dallas, do 2X. Wolf, Jas II 3d La C, Natehei, tlo. Wright, It II nth Teun bat Rome, Teh 1. Y. Yielding, S T 3d Ky C, Salinevillo O May 2'. Young, D tilth Va I, Cumb Gap, Mav 4. Yt-iu-y. H M do do Nov 22. Yeaiy, J C do do Dec fl. Young, J A 2. N C I, do tin ... Yates J K 1 1 lb Ky C, Canton, Dec 13. Ynutigt lood, W J Corpnt's bat Marielta, Sep. 7. Young, Wiu Mtb ICy C, Biitlington. Nov.'u. Yarnell, Jos I2lh Tenn I, Tenn Nov 27. The Hilling Passion. Il Hie "Bald Fagle Ridges," in Clinton county. Pa., lives u certain ina'doit Inly. Twice In her life lime .l.e . ngiig-d lo be n.arried, and twice some unliirsces event interposed lu destroy 1T hopes of matrimonial bliss. Her'i was a sa I case. Tiuto began lo wrinkle her fair brow nnd no o-w miteri were there to o er themselves. To add lo her distress she became slek, "nigh unto death." The Junior preacher on the circuit a lare over grown aud bashful hoy was tent for. The ru-k room was well filled with s tnpathling neighbors when ibe young divine made his appearauce nnd after some r marks, proceeded to read a por tion of Scripture. He tell upon a chapter in which the woman Sum aria is inlrodtic d. When he read Ihe words, "Uo call thy bushnid," the sick -. . . .. ...i ... i .-..i ... Wvtn.fti jrnmveta m iitti. i out ut u ,h. word', "The woman answered and said, I have no husband," th. dying womaa rose upright In Ibe bed, ber eyes flushing lire as she squeaked lot Ibe following: "I ain't agoin' to stand yer taunts, if you a e a pr sachet,, clear out of the house now '. I've had two rbuncet for a husband, and I will live to lee another, tee ef I don't !" She recovered but Ihe war Interfered with her mn trillion ia I prospects. Kri Knuyr. No RietL Tnooea in Last A frieud here received a letter yesterday, says, Ihe Nash ville Times, dated the 1'lst ult , from Knoxville, stating that persons had just arrived iu town from Ihe Virginia State line, who said that there were no rebel troops between Kuoxville and Lynch burg, except a few squads of guerillas, following their usual avocation of pillage acd murder. There is no foundation for lite sensational tumors of large bodies nf tcbe! soldiers moving on Bristol and Knoxville. fi-if A New Y'ork mcchenio has iuveeled what liruiulsel to prove a formidable weapon of War, ia ihe shape of a combination of sabre and six shoot ing rerolv r. The sabre is of the regular length, sa J tu Ik. cup of the steel bilt has the rhargiug part of a six sbooter. which revulvee iu the usual manner cud discbara-ei the balls (broairh aa epera turo bored in front of the guard, coining opposite Ihe Ibetnb when the sabre is graspsd In Ibe baud. i. . at HHI Hi asty Tbe New Orleans Times says If Graagr dua not hurry op in bis mereioeats he will Sod but naked earthworks arouud Mobile, but wbea be attempts to move to S 1 in a, the probabilities are that he will End sometime m tbe way. A rpeedy movement, however, on bis pt will i-.op tbe reUlt from moving their gum, aud if he ran make at de monstration now .MobUe will tall wliliout a Strug JT The deata oT Col, Thomas L. BrsnMrJI, at Loiss pruik"s. Ala., en Ihe tbih ultaw, U ao nati0-'4. Cl. B. at 8t)f ef Ftttuok. tot resiati nuuj jeria tiaae't. MAItltlCII, On Siindnv the I jih int., al Tu4ladeua, Ala., b the Rev, Mi- Dimciin, bis dsnclitei-, li ,. 10 am v Dt jo tx, .if Tallad.'ga, Ala., to Cut. Human II. II irts, of Momphis, Temievsee. - omit' Ait v. Iimi. of general ilebilitv, Fein ii.ii y, 2, Hi Ivi.i, lu Dr. Fennel's iuflrinury, Mobile, Ala , M. C liiiatrrs, i(Co."H.'' I'.iiol Coupee Hailciy, l.oti islam t'liiiitccrs D aeein-burd that one in the bloom of iiiaiilioud, ami aller having .erred four vear. m defence of bis country's cause, should be taken from us. Hut wo would Hot .murmur, "Ihe Lord gave and the Lord bath taken atvay, blessed be ihe inline ol Hie Lord." This brave and good man was mdeuily loved by his whole company; ami by all who knew him, lie was highly esteemed. A peiitle nian of fine intel'ectual powers and (i-Xtel' lent sociul qiialilies, we deeply deplore hiatleall, V e shull miss him ns a iinbie. geoei-otis fi iend and m a tin..- i.t.,,!,,-!' ii, .in, .,oi !,.,. rt,o't. i" lenlless foe, for Ood and to.r I'jJh-.. WjS extend our sv mpHiliics to hi bereared pa reuts, and rejoice to feel that ii sun no dear In In them, is ali-vnt lium n onK ,u be pn-M iit with Ihe Lord: .1. II. W MtDFK. w 1 1 iAriiio. tiiiKAT srecrss of thi-: mh:tms-:uv fakci: COMPANY. DANCING, SlMilMi, I I N AND FIIOI.Ic. SWISS COTrA(,'IC. Nat Stick, : : , : Mr. V.. W. Itlanee Lisseltc, ; ; : : Mis'. V, Keiuble . iv tM i'i) a Mtu'n.( ion. ('apt. Copi'liiinl. . Miss Marshall Helen M n v lii ttl , i : Mt-s V. henilde - - Price of ailiiiisiioi, e;. Set emits, x. J.JTii'kets can be pnictiieil nt the Hotels. ON IIANH T ANDRKTH'S (lAHDUN SKKDS - Last year's Jj erowth. One ltcaliaiu and one Wlie hi- and Wilson Sewing Alactiuie : Lump til'n-k, Oy Hie package or single ; Muls hes, n No. I ariicle, by the grore or box: School aoL Ali.te'.bitieoiis Hooks; Hunl.a Glue; Paints mid Ittti-lir--, Gray's Oinluionl; a K'-liiral assoitiin nt of fresh Gaiih-n feeds; Veriulfuge; ns. Tack' : Bar Decaliters. For salo by JOSFPH MOO HI DDF. Fast St liuu, m ar itie I'liiiieh. Mnr II It' I Ai TS (IF TIIK I Nriud Congress ul the oiif'c riiTittt' Nlittrt Passed at the first session, which was beoan and held al the cil v of Uiehuioiid, iu the State ol : Vii ainia, on Momliiy, lliii s-i nnd dav of Mat , : A. lb, ls04, nnj Hided on Tuesdar, (he Imtr 1 V-ut i rftiv of June A D., I S' 4. 1 ( Ittl'. X.YVIL All Act lo provide lor the onto ; pciiMitltin of null cotniiiissioncd olliccis, soldiers, i sailors, and -marines on detailed service, j The Congress of Hie Cinifcdcrate Slates of America do anacl, That all persons iietuiletl iVotn , the army or afler enridlun-iit fir military set vice, or fril "llte nsvv or mat ine em-pa, or special . " tluly ol rmia July, tUu hi allow cj "to n-ceiie! I their regular nay, rations uud allowance.!, us it , Ihey were ierfonning advice in the field. I Ski . 2. 'I hat all such detached or detailed ineti 1 shall be allowed, in addition, not excm-iling two dollars pur day, and (iniiipi'iisuiioii fin- nil extra I w ork, oi lor any uncommon skill or IndiiMry dis I nlavetl in the nerfoi iiiuiiee of duties louliich Ibev may be assigned, in proportion to the value of such CNfra labor or uncommon t kill or industry, Avhcthcr it be iu performing an unusual auiouiit of work within the usual hours of labor, or work performed beyond the usual hours, or e.vtiaorilt nary skill uud. superior workmanship displayed in Ibe execution of gtcli duties, the value oi' said exltu labor or uncommon skill or industry, to bp determined bv the olUeer or supcriiitcndont uiidei whose immediate direction said detached or de tailed service may be performed, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War or Navy. The additional compensation provided iu this section shall be the same lor both the War and Navy Dc purlmeuts, under certain rules tu be prescribed bv Ihe President. Sbc. 3. That all lioil-couimissioiied olliccis, mil. siclatis, privates, sailors or marines, detailed to government contractors, shall be so detailed with out pur and ullowiiucce, but shall be compensated for tlieir se vices by wages received from said contractors, undci rules to be prescribcil by the Sccrelaiyol War or" of the Navy. a Approved June n, 1 164. Chap. XX VIII. - An Act for the payment nf com missioners appointed under the act entitled "An act tu suspend Ihe frivilege nf tbe writ of babe as oiit piis in certain cases," uud to confer cer ium powers upon said connni-s ooeis. The Cuiigice of the .Confederate State of America do enact, thai the rniiimissiiuieis ap pointed under the smd ucl shall be ciilillcd tu receive the compensation of two houtlicd and lifty dollars each pi r mouth, from the date of their respective appointments, until the expiration nl their ecrviuc ; uud that their as.-tiatuuls sltall be ullmvcd one linndrciljiiiid lit'ty dollnt s per '..mith, finin the dale of their appointments, respectively, until the expiration of their s j ice Skc. 4. That Iho said commissioners shall have the powers conferred upon eoiiiiiiissioners tip pointed by the district com t s liv the act ol the provisional Congress, approved tliirtiitli of An gust, eighteen hundred and six' one, and mini Cered two lniiilrcd and scvcnly-three, iu the act of the suid'Cougress. Approved June f, 1804. Chap. XXIX. An Act tu increase Hie eonipeusa lion of the iiou-eomniissioiiett officers and pli vatesof the ur'i.v of Hie CouledetuKSIutes. The Convrees of the Confederate Stale ot America do enact, That from ami utter Hm pa'. pa(C 01 IB a.;., tiin yj " ..." .ws.i'i,r..', otlieera, privalpa ami inusitdsils ot Ihe army ot Ilia t ouleuerale hlules be, anil lb" s ioie la Iierel.v, increased seven dollars per inonD, lot Ihe period of one year from the passage of this net Approved .Mine '.', not. Chap. XXX. Au Act to amend an act entitled " An act to establish a Nitre ami Mining lliireaii," up proved April twenty-second, eighteen bundled and sixty-three. The Cmigrcs of the Coufedsate Slutes of America do enact.' That the act utniroved A mil IwcutV-aecond, eighteen hundred ami sixty thiee, constituting the Nitre anil Mining Bureau an independent bureau of Ihe War Department, be amended is follows : That tbe Nilie and Miniua Bureau shall Consist of one Colonel us Chief ol bureau, two Lieutenant Colonels, six Majors, and twelve Captains, who shall have the same pat and alloataueea prescribed fur nlticers of 'cat all y uf Hie same grade. .ft'-. I l it liirilier enaeieii, 1 Hal ciieuiisisnioi profe.sioral assistants, absolutely esooilial for ihe operations of the bureau, Dot In exc eed six ol each class, shall be appointed by the Secretary of War, with pay ill no case In In aboietbal ol Lieutenant Oilouel of the coenois-iom d corps Sr.c. 3. That this act shall continue in force oiily during the present war. Approved June !t, 18H4. ClliP. XXXIII. -Au.Acl lo ameml "An act lo orgauite forces to serve during the war, ' ap proved February sevenleeuili, eighteen hundred end sixty four. , Tbe Congress of the Confederate Stales or America do foset. That the act entitled "An ad tuonrsone fort's to serve during the war, ep proved Mv-eutositith February, eighteen huodred, end lh same Is hereby, so smendedae te allow all bite male resideote. between the eges of seventeen iod eighteen and fortT-hve and tifly years, who were Pr.venleU froes enrolling thtiuielves entbiu the time pre-KTit-ed by the laid eel, by the occupation of their Irwialities or country bv the pnblto enemy, end whoa homes are, and have been since the pas- ..f ..iJirt hevuuil the tioet ol the Coti.V.ltr at. oxidiss, lo orgsiiite Iheaiitiv.s in piirsuse-Te of ibe ft x'-it section ol SU in, too nun aim'.- localities are brought within tie I, net of ids tu Irtleialc armies; ami this privilcpe ;dial c.ul.nue tin the ps, e nf til il t V tint s ofler ihe l'eo,;, ,t,tl ill is animuiiceil br nn otd'er is. tied liv lbs g.-neral conn linn tlje slepnuim nt, nl pnl b brd in the uiililaiy ilopnilioent in bo It u, ,,-np4. lion mat ii" el Apptiivcd Jiiii'1 1', I I'l, Ciiti. XWIV.- An Act to r.ii-e rtmnev tu ii). fiease tho pal of snlilter, The Congress of lha Confederals lal s ot mi i it . dn emit I, 'I list upon all subjects ot lata llnu under existing lax law', tin-re 'hall It.) is M--ed nml levied n lex equal In one Mill ,1 tho aiiioitul ol the pie ..-lit tax uu Ibe saiue "itbjiCll for lite U'jr 1 1. lit co huiidt 'd and -nty lour, w hit h lax stutll lie piivnbt at v in Ci.nle.b tale licasin V linle i ol Hie it w I .u, , nnd slull l.e ;a) lecled al the ...iine liuie, ilh II e other t.ixrs on iho sainn subject., nudir the l.t.n m.vv in ton e Me. :'. The nev nr. -on; l;oi,i tl.e lax bmebv iniposed shall In- appropi mt. d. In I, lo Ihe pa.' no nt ol Ihe iiiei'i tiuipeu alTin i f lite sidi.t' i under Hie net passed at Ibe pie -col session. Approved June I I, I 4 Cave Xl An Ait to ninetid Sn s, I rtilit't I "(II act tin Hie relief of lax payri i in i M t! t ca ' " appiotej Febt on i v iliitieelith i ' lit. o n '. - n I r-. - t unit -itl" fun Tlio t nm.ress ol the ( out. d.-ral.' .' t tea st Aniei n ti do enaci, Thai wbebenr -larn that, have been usscvctl, but bemeeu the tints of tl. asscssnii iit uud the tune fixed hi l.,w I t Ihe pie tneni ol the tax llit-r.-on, ti.'li -liu , s i,.,ll bo I. it lo the owner, by Hit act of ibe eneuiv, ti e sij lux may be remitted in the n; .niier pointed .".lit bv the second section of the ai t't ulilli-J "Aua 'l till ll. relief of tllX ,UVtlS III CellSlO CUSi'1 ' npproveil Iclii ni'l V Oili leetilli, , K,r t,! uud sixty-four. Approved June 1(1, 1m,4 Chap, XXSYII. .-An Act to gi adote thr per of g' lieial ollicci s. The Ciini l't'ss nf the Coul -,, I sle ' tites of America do enact, 'I hal The pav i t a getistat shad be live liiiiidicd dollars per mot, it, ; that ol a Iteii tenant c'iici.iI , on liniidieit .. l, .1 ,ny if.ll.irs p. t mmilli ; and that of a .1, tbtsa Lu., tiled and litlv nbdlaf..; , , t in.ililh ; lliul a-klietul commnmliiio mi amiv tu tbe li, I.I li nil i-ei.qvi in additioii lo tne s.inl sum i, m,. hutnti, ,1 dnlliir.t per month, one hundred tlolLis; uml a liei'lcoatit Kcm'i'ul, a iiiiii-ir geneial ninl a bnudter m'lieral shrill, K sen in u in Ibe beld, en, h reci'lte III. V dollars per tiiontb, in addi'ion In the sum herein alloH-cd, w Inl d so s,, emu ; and nfl bm s allowing uddilmlinl coiupciisiilioii ,,i 'i-iiiinuudiog a v. par ule unity in the held he, and Ihef aie hereby, re pealed, 'except us herein pr.n idcil ; mitl Hint th.e .vl shall he lu force lor one tear and no longer. Approved .lime In, IKi'.t, Chap. XXXVIII.- An Act to aullmlie the up poinluii til of inlililiniiiil olhi'i-rs of uilllh'iy I. r iirililaiiee duties. ( The Congress of the ( 'iinleier,itii .States of America do enact. That Hie Pre nlcnt, by and with the tidv it e mnl t-oiiseiil ol 1 1 1 Senate, mat uppoint liliy olliccis of arlillei'v in the ptovitionn army for Ihep ei'liiroiaiice of oiiliiance duties, ml nddil ion to those untlioi iied by the act entitled "An act lo authorize Ihe appointment of nthi-cr of m-iiUcry in the provision il arinv," unproved April Iwenly-llist, eiglilcen hull, lied nnd ststy Iwo, nnd "An act to million,, ihe iippointmetit ot iidditioiial ollici'l sol at tillei t I ir oidiuiiii o duties," approved September sixteenth, eicjilceti hiindis.l mid sixty -two, nnil that Ihe rank of sa.d i 1 1 , . , a shall he as provided in said Inst iiaiin I act. Approved June 10, 1 -;t . Chip. XI,. An Act to notion i.e the owners of the registered ei ;hl per cent, Idt vein coiitelll-Id,- bunds, issued under Ihe pi ni'i aunt of the act approved May sixlceulh, eiehlt Hii liiiudrid nnd sixty one, lo cxclimi'te Ihe same lot roupmi bonds. The Congii'ss of the ('nob del ale Slates of America do euanl, Thul tho on out sol ibe icgti- ' tered eiuht per cent, leti tour convertible bomlt, insued ninler Ihe prot i tioin ol an net i-mnleit. "An act to snthorin a and I be isuo i.f tnsnirv notes, and to pieseribe I lie ponislnoent lot forging the r.aine, aud for forcing cnlttlcte ot slock mid bonds," approved sixteenth xtnv, cigli li.'cn hiimlred uud sivy one, he, ami 1h"uiiie are hereby, atithorietl lo exchiingo the mine ti.r nm poll bonds, payable ten years after Ihe tint day of Julv, iu Ihe year eighteen hundred and sistv-four, willi eight per cent, iutcresl, pHvnble semi annual ly ; and Ihe Scch-tary nf Ihe Tn-asitr; aliv. . is hereby, iiutlioi iett to prepare uml issue said biimls, iviich bonds, ami the coupons attache thereto, uiny be issued w till such aulheiilichtioii us tlui Secretary of ibe Treasury tut. prescribe. Approved Juno 13, 1804. Chap. XI.I. An Act te nutliori., llin null. of n tore of spit itnons liqiiots lor Hie Use ol Ihe in tnV Sil l hosipitals. The Congress of rti . Confederate Rlntes ol America do emu I, That It shall be laivful tor Hie Surgeon tleueral or tho Commissary General to make all necessary contracts for Hie inaiiiilurture mid distillation of whisky, brniulv. ami other ate. i hiiiic and spirituous liquors for Hie supply of tho amiv and Hospitals upon such ,riu lis mav bo conducive to the public in'eresl ; and Hint the Said cool l acts and any heretofore made shall operate liceiase to the contractor lo iiisuulaeiui-e thi ttaiLe .for the purpose aforesaid. Sr:r. 2. Hint tlie Sorg 'iin (ii iierol sua uiissiiiv (leiiernl shull be unlhoriie l to iiuhluli manufactories or distilleries fur Hit pu'p 'te of obtaining the supplies almesuiil, and to ri.ploy laborers in the snote, ii.-teud ol te.nrtitili to r.-,ii tracts, if Ihey .-.hull deem it nit re prudent Li do to. Sri-. 3. That, nn contralor or parly shall, under the license ut anted bv tins art, distil ot tu iktrtioto alcohol, ebisky, biiliolv, or oilier , ,! .C "i spirituous liquors than he '.hall deliver to tbe Covet unit-ill or its -ay int. In lollillnieiit nt Inv conlruel or contracts; nor lull il be laitiul tro any such contractor to sell, or in any way diiyote of, olbei wise than ns said ronltact or ronlract may require, tiny alcohol whisky, lirmv, or other alcoholic or spirituous liquors mauiifartultd by h i in under Ihe license uforesaul ; nor shall thi act operule ns a license to anv contractor for any violitlion of thr prohibition berelu coutnitud, when such a violation el nil lie a crime or imtdi ineiinor under the birtii ul the Slat" II whit 6 tbe sriine niuy occur. . Aoiiroved June 14, 104. Tu I lie Voters ul' so-tina i In ie-..,ne to the flatt.ring call publithi.1 io the City p-ipcr,', ns well ul" Ihe puMioiil Soliclla lions of numerous li-.en l, I announce niTlf at a C Iidtle fi,r lb MxViiHAl.l'Y It tbe ensuing mini. Inal eleelioh. II ele-led, I ihall d.s.hs-ge Iha.lnlies of tU i.lft to "0 of e.y sbiiilv M. J ILI.i t M -. SelaineMareh 8, 1 it.--- ' rurniturcfor Salo. A larna lot "I Rl'.iw (TlHsS SIS, PILIOW.3, B0I.'.,I1.K3, HI t NK Ll S. SI'HL'.Di. V.. I I tlie lied .leads , I .Msthb l op t able ; 7 t ball ' ; ,. lot of K lichen nlerinl . an t Hires t innl.rl yl Negroes. A pt Iv lo Mu.'.K, I t'lWAlili l 4 CO. muTi h 1 ' M iTFADIM'tHlfltt' OMT DI tttll. AhMII'i Frbnni VI, 11K5. OFN'I hAL OI'DLR 'No. I j IV obedience lo (ieneral Cider No. I, AdjutaM aid Inspector Gj-iieral's ott.-e, eih fabruiry, 1 .lime coiuuiand of tin Inll.Ury forw'is of tbe Confederate Males. Deeply imprevnl with the' ti i Mi cult it-s and re.-p.iiisibilui 1 1 tin position' and humbly invoking Hie aid uf Almighty Ood, I ily for iiieca.s upou tbe ruuiegs and foriltu is of the army. Sustained by Ihe pktrl"Hsin ind fi minus of the H.ple, I am eonBdenl thai Iheir nnilsl ef forts, uuder lha hirssing ot l!.ii, will tacars and independence. The Headquarters of Hie Armies, lo whh h ipe eial report! sod eoinmttuicatlons oie-l bs ad Irttsel for the prssetit, will be with the Army of (ii.nhstu Virginia. Stated tsgulw return! and repnrti of fc :t army and tUnartiiMHil, will be forwarded, at b.r.iolore, to the Otfir. of Ihe Adjulenl and npw-tor GuraJ. Si.T.rl, H. K. LIF., 4eneal. March 19, 18C5. 01 t j All dill tLtK er py HI I'fflat lol tiod . but to r u-juiier wSs, Klchujual. V '