Newspaper Page Text
;-'ii -4 i 4C" a. A- a i. t 1 I-'.- v- hi I f I J f- r- . .- r S - h TtwMw fif ar sarttarribeca kosr'i.nt,.-' 'if Milrrl;-Hrf! are abuat h expire, jrO! hcreA.-r imAJUV! t-y tho S IW "wirtiat P! fatt Jp iv : 4A i- '-irJt' '", .-w. ... IIM'i (tillll. r. dr irtrtHr the Twnr 'ar. l Al4l3Hi.- liailr .mT prtieabr T their f nKfsiir';;. ,0O WTtHW1lpli. It & bheTrd that ae..Ckee rvl CUOiorae; ti-Jtbe'l Aiua Tvivt-r. abore Mi.lilc IST Tb pvtwitum ol oar band- tlir uili- tarj ffiorenteBtenused . u to lo-e fie eJitK.t,. i.f Cor paper. - .- Trpographlfal, f.aard.w . A meUe ol lhieoiiipaT wa helj Us: even Jog (or tbe psrpo nT reorjaniTutioii. hro thf folbswiirc ifBeers wecJceerT First Ljeuteoant T. . Kaulkm r uud l-ttl-Daiit John I'anll.-v Thiil Liutnni.t-ii. W. Martin ti if t Serji-ant Jim. It. l.laclbui n. cVc.nd Sfrnl U. Ai tit-1 1 tv' Third S-r-ant K. HCe !.!. ; rtif3erc.aaV-i-i. M addijH Fifth Serjcanl drat!..-! .- - First (&:-?oralJy (' II in4M .Second UeVral Ii. II. Jt-i.e-I hic Corpora. -J L S:uk. toonK Cwrof.ral K. rtl.n-. rfai the V'nriiman fluz'Hf '1 ' . Notable VJer li -.trnt . .fr Jon.v-.v 1,1.1 : 'K 19 A '.4 It vf fit- l l.Il.MH ! . Ao.ii.-w JolmsAn, thJTrc I'i. si.u sealed himiirli -trunk :ii t'u. :ral 11 l.-i-i. pre- oaii.;uriiuii ceremonv in tuA pi-iir- oi ii. iutru:bUJ riicm n.v aatijWa;iiiuq.aoin-iiii'i in-- 1 . 1 1 vt. 1 1 1 1 . II I . iur i')itv-'UU4iifii i ike pcopit-, lite fx-lia.- o"it which h- i to r.'-iilf, a i.icpe cojjcOiiim ot e:ti 7ens front all pan of tin- iro.:;,ti . ami id llio lor eiirn dldoni:iti.t.' .-nl 'vi-iis. lh-f'.ii-,- th.iOoi ;vMuit mnrmirw ht-Iton o.l ..r li!j' au hour tin ida. tic babble of a liuiid l-.ltt.-d ly a fortoijjhlV itrtoc!i.. He iKiastcil liinis. If . a sjn-ciuiei .f iht working of- .!o.non !RtUntiyix. vh'u-a M oitl.l odt a iua.ii a h- j to tJi,- etonI 5 l.ii . 10 lb, taovemuietiL. Heilra..;.ed it li-t .vr Auoi.T iulu tbe iuuj,h uf tii dtra.!:iiii. :int tuiued it losSiitu.-.aou on.rlilTculHin. , IUj canant be eovereU hi. a- a rivait'- iutrni- 'fyv' It Tii exhibited befnre the woil... Vie have r--.iieaja It a. t public caUmiry, avl 'a.-- noa?:..n- ' il britt aud iliijr.-xce trbh-h drni .HJi Tf off. . Mr. .iBOt..!! li.wiu 11 illrl'l SnJlt t 11 :.- 'i aod ih adtiebbe .can rivv.-.r bnv .the Tpe.-t of any Am'trieajn eili n.apd .kouTd r. lir' T 1. . . iJa - . o pri'aie Itfe. wa-ra!u Vj1!-.Jii wi I bcf.ial a.f iiw w fimni. 1 uw nii pwoniit pticit I nt .11. boater .that -a joaa who ww inaugural. drik. abo drivaUnl over Ibe li k atv.ii.- t.wifa, the lhof uflioeand hua.-d Iho i:iflii w, iji- t-yi . of tbe world, sbouJJ set toTiJ nver Uc.n . ate apj represent the second executive otBee. Au.l it caaaotajf'Tc'. to keep open the tik .f aaeb aa m lfTBliTO In e.e of tlie df-ttb or Usability of the Pre'ident. w. sj. . ' ' " - 1 . 1 m f i 1 - . ... .. . - -Hr. eoliasoifcnisdaa aihi lahiMniw ay r.rri" airbcra. and w then TefTrirncdHig ifcw-. fiPn-; o 11 nwuse wa towutistt ii io the iaUt-TaJ- when ta rv fr; tie?; and that if b rv hst-rt o it hwsuse wa 1 tboukbSlt ia!rbtbiy 'h-if ben l H frc frrtiri H-v' inieuiiratr. bawonhl retain ilrnV twoirtno--tirritVu"ni'T '-TMc5,MinirtWrl.j;e ft-?..rir , 1 ' wej.?rn and other oCWaaa ibey fcave done berej Wc ore nutinelinri fKTl.r.-r-i.wiTi..-; 1;v Ifwvia a 'klllful boii.r jqTAfwfStasT, if be esapet any refcreoca in Mr. f..hii;'.n'- pA-. i. , --a rv-e-. htns;nseM5ihut filWW a uaar,- and: have a ra,-' Hebai t-xhaWicl t . the v?.rld kin uati'ftee fbt r X'Jt.inj J.rnfjr . . . . . - - . piet'"J.VffT..u, .-trn h rtr-rJ" tha ui-af- 1 .iae views ptuto!-? venriU--a.l .Wewmi iuti..u 0 bi e.-.Br.rx- lr-' - li-.u! I ;akc,K .,y -. & VaTbe tnajhr Jtaa4dlsctr StloWfl rei.ratinn in hie power. w':', ,rva hanjl, rn wiriiow in 4ba EoKlixh rr- i Kru. thrtciuicfiu-.ri I nun.-: m.tV j trtisae tbe vrfy'.orte7i'l if . iriclj( and Ih nat fhoso wImwI i.ieli.icl !-.--. lv, :,r. w.fcil.oj ,'r' erw.rW.aa, b.htbla privates. . upon tb t..-taILiti.r i.f2i .'-1.00: TTr '!.&. ' ",! tf'fX t a ilan. .Hctar'A oHeara umfWi.i. I . i'-.jr-C'Tu. ail I J .aeviih Hii tji fe rrcraiss aunt them lnte the jvnttry n- ex:nei trM" 'ft..-i-i..'i ih' I ly fro, thi.i city." ' i:i.i.-vrt eiincl f Mr. Jot u"r i-oi th. .mi- ! '-'""- ihaa tht.', ...fii, a practice lcuni- diifoili'!, -iu:iojyc4lpreIrmude l.r nitn,-h.-t: ! '";t rcry eoimu'.n of atlMilliux into Ibono filKntf cjt up-.n lo t ke to oy.-tr f'-;i;ei..riliceci.pj 'be .jo. t.i ..f a -'Trn, youuf atcii ar..l boy piir!-(.o-.ition rn tin- Jrirt "f ttw A.t'.-r: j.t,-. l- f ''r.'.i v .di.- iMod.:-.'uu Uiaur wiih one ere. .r orier- !tr4.ll I wiifii-. liiituWir- n.!rii; .e rii.l! - ii r l t!ie..",eiiale tir.rit auy t-rri.r ot iimiwen if cii..'-ioti he nht oni.uyi: jil t. !iiiiii' fctr .Wdajratiifh. Ii dis jn-i-.: i-vii or.e.u itjin IL- rni;j. fd voice be a he, vnlirar. illif. i:iti l.iiiiiii, ir nli'rh lie won!.! J;jve h-.-n lmM;. j ironi the i'imp by any r-v-peclanlv lua., .. lu,c. . meut tor .-int. for hi- had been cra-e.. li.:;,, ,.e..e.I.- i,rs o.l he ...... r. .t l: liniHlVllfff'l.l -- . . .. irii .1 ll OM.'." :em;e cli-.n.l.-r his frumc .." '-; -.viii. :J J-b:ioU. "i-Ue coMTTwen-eil !. i tecotvpei Il.lTV f't 'tile IT.-.-ll X. ' .?." vieople; and ihti turn::i to'.M; "ia - . v. , vi.lh .nii a-iSoCiateK of the ipreRn- 'in-!.. w :i-. .-;.:,! "on the rijht xtf tlkO chjir, pjM-.l .ml. -1 .-.n " yei. .'.I tfc upieuM! eourt tha? !' v ;.. r cojiitc rt'io ilic p.xiple.'' ?ot cantent inthlhi ii.--nr-1V lemark to theahii f ja-lic.-. l& wl- ! i ::i ... I. and a.ldreiwin hiiu.-irit toll..- nn-ti.'j.-j o! ir,. catMu. t, said i ..iy to you Mi. H.-ci t;n . uid. and tiKV,Mr. .cri-tar;- Stat.t- n. .! ! .,v.. Mi. Sec).Vrj Here hi ioejer f.v'lei! h:io, and he hd to b? -oiuptini ii. i l ie name ol Hie S.crelarv'of'the Vary, alter w'hii-h jo- " e.t. I ar to yon etlji-ial vou iret vmr i or l.-oui, the jiOfd-." eiett tlii., ha-l it was, iii the -a-orat. It tlieti a.hlressrd the f.if-eii) .i.iiil.-U-l M Lt. Well rated im frtMS ofliiwi'trtreit ti. r-tr?;m : "I say to you Fol v-iJi viniuif-t.-r. ti;it F t n r.Ie l un, Witt I wat a Lailm'H-lkov," Ini.- a-. '.iie'rtt ii.n-c ! hid mnrj.,.cc m-.. - .. ; .-..tie ...... ..f...... l hi coor-wMi -f wvas m r I ciiiH'.-nuio e. li -.V:i. Oa t lo ' . .! : - .1 Utat et ery nn" in Uiv'kaiAeitew.7Vjiatirs. . t'nb- I j--t on.- a 'iai-t MinLilers, Supreaio it.'oort an-1 ::. T--IT tha ' -v ttier bail b.-cn deeply iiijultc;. lr. .lohnrton'i i . . , effort to Jilay.the dliUiiVf when -tie as railed ;' upon to act the staU'iiiia:i. J -. T- i.. . . . ... . I jir. rnii-i,Tiii ruu.ii; lat uj no- -. ice i rer- tdent elect, tried in rain to indnce linn to take- h feat, aadi wbiKpered to hint that the time liad ront' far ibe dwviltilion efthe Thirty-tieliiUfoiiri"-..-.-. bl wen Kl hear no advice. lie k -nl on n-j-est-in j bimslToTr and over aaln on tiie -uhjeit' $ ibe powers of tbe people, iu lanirusre the nir.1 ' unbeoomin .the occanioii, and tin- iikmi ilhterale erer atlete in the Heaalc. - fgrn , But the'imbjact to rally t.ei siet-.r n-.o ( wnie about. A-l 1 have to Hay uieiut the iioni'uratioj. is, mav Uc wlc controls the liv, of o.eo .vi.ii toe deal ilea of vtS'lionTl prejcrre the I,. Je i f l.rah-u Lincoln, and sjiare the country th r.iirmliorion H would be made t.i feet in tbe c-..iitinueirv of Jin drew JidiNMoii'a asuumpiioit nf i!e-r-.ii..-ol i.or erunient. ' Fiiaai tlie 2totMie Kemli-r. Crcattera and the s.ltoatloii In ll.f pi-ent aspect of iiie ui.liiary ellital'oii, we are amat.-d a'hon we lin.1, a. i ca:oiinl do, a niau 'nho "dcpnir. of the Ui-.nllie " We look upon tWM with Wonder .an an cxee.iioiial case io that creat-ioa of manhood which 1'ri.Yidenre ba wroaebt fn this onr land. Iverr element of blood Mia lineage, of auceatral traditiou nod etiu cati-a, and of jfilitiral an.l pfiuul liMbilodes, awhicb eiiuld Be combined to conatitute a l.ii;li - spirited, taraaw muA tibeny-l0Tin : pecj.l.. have beeu brootikt t bcanT iu tbe formalMni ol -hiith-ern cbaracrTV reault muni be, nnh-i hoicnl seuueacea are wiv. a iMttiun ol brave itiiai wiwl chaste women.' It I- true lliat it take, all .-Kirts ot people to limit "P a wot 1.1, acrd tlut tareii aprtng uu the SU'f ' "Uiai iictiia. a fore ire imtiviun ai xatures ao cold svi pnlsoleca that thoae tlanabi f lij'lit and warmtb siiriugfiiic Troro auccKtrat and tradwMinat aooreea, wfiieb cak indie., iitt i-ojiic the ront of piaitloiod in iWbixfsl"n!uiiesttion, "rail ta vaiti aad without etfecl uin theiu. .There". are ao aaaaaria rtntu m in'rr paiuis v f tenia ia trurb Stakbiittratr- aoV a'new the bato.r of ia;nd koasrtutspta to wsep tbatu. They X 'T..aV: .b ' V cannot even wapft4 ft sacriCbo sod tittfriTan e rkty4iMr. with- all Itsr eTa f fisPtern, like- - 1 eH . drtrwo LM "ITt Mn4 I.' tram acn Tim cubm 10 rm. f vzntbi- iion nf Mml rtrt Thb iiv fvt, W ha tbm. Thrrr anutltr chutx, aTif d f litem M ftenjie.but Ht mart niintTOM aitd crMtml i Mtfion. nienn the man whn coes about like a rjn5U 5aWIi in citur. lanbrinam in J Wirtap-J or' (TBtrar! in tiir tom or iiix rnim 1 if.Umt who DI rtit!MMn"r- so t.appr a wbim he in mubll. " and wbfr cl.f rtcliM, beMc. into niffbl hi.Wus with. feaUciie fr aad ineiea :iiKa, who iVjr hM ujt.jttxi now a. and i swffj to ick uii anH (irakch the bad. W tin f hik tM la time lik iUwh wtn thesubbniiaetv i-- S ouuiit th LiKtMl pli4 sihI tiiper f.f W -fut- lacki:H jjM'iuiI St a)r die ifcea ton)t'tWr4 o4 Uisi tii'jMliroour 4 w hi li wrt tr . W ni.ifu lt u imut uerr lu t&ik t tfttrh popfv' -r mllon ibcnt ! talk In ms, an iirrtiais tlia3Ui t ttwNj-t war to lr'nt Incut. , . . . i itfM'ci; n u urn w atv inntum . iTHMBi j ju , 41Kthu ihrleatiii aud WihuiuOu ? Ueiur Ueote Wa h- 4 .njirj I. JI77 wbn the Ilrinh vforea oaaairfod alt f wr,c: ..r am r.nTiaecd that tha. arT.: loa J ?r ,, arc trfeetl)r )UCe.l that . tba iMtoMMvi!i W j 'r .ur lowas wkilo we hare an army tr tbe ieMr . will avail thtrn little It incite n hs; -i'lStuhW i l.ut no: hr any nanr frtMrecnnneWitoUra. Thy well ku that It i nur nrmt, of defewiieo,' j U-c towim, uhioh they hare te fc.lnc htfibi they 1 arrive at the bear en of their wiba,' ujxt.'That tiHW.iiy aonwiywanfitrTTie inpvr(triu'Uro tfcey iv hn -4emrfar to rabe. r:ke fhe halef fa brie i.f a I boon fa!! f. noihtiij;.' . a ' Anil wlm ''onr arm" lo lhL nuige ' of 1&4 eon lien? Xcrir "ineo the first" Jia'' raJle.l tha, Uiv - , alrj ant"Tf.un hlo"l of the South to arm i " !:;5l, but llien- leq nh a toU ofjuiiomi to j the anules a i- oa at thh winuta.. H a a , ea.-iio.l T-uth. thaa lutlf. ot wk-oa Mt ; ure ! fuH vi.Miui.-- exposure aod otanp ; ey ,M'1 oariionea, hronaed ami etalwart vet-r ana. rrtarnias v ihHUiania to tLair oleim trailer (be inspiration ..I tha l.irioaiilv revived wav cwrit of l..',j. We l-rlieto that the armies of tbe ('.. lU and . - ( - . - -- . !t !-.. - . . t . r I viiiiiDi.ini- rouirniojc 10 iiui.r -twicc bp i t.ta the YAi k.o- recruit thcirt' nadw all tHv hi'hukI', i.f i.r..iu'i.--. hih iMianiie .ujviL fraada. I If :h; i - .- of thu iiutiitjr, it may truly lie ra'vt l ,u r ... i .. r..l . 1 ' ..1.1.11 . 1 ...ii iulu v itr . t . re - trin - the manhood of thu. country,- al I lift v are .-..iU-et.n- ihescuui ..I Ibcira. Ir, thitlv 1..,:. 1 ;h .. 1.:. , a . il. j yy-fif oa4 th.ia ever brf..ra aar,haled '"": . ". i ' ,r'at '-u"". CvarIUins look moftfal- the . r I - Uta rfcmh t CII n it.- ri.k - and the cbcerinit vAiceanf onr prb-oner jitri ri'Mirniii" by -Utmiand from a,T- ' ''v':-.v 'XJtf ail auiitA.AM,ritfaisiii.rM - aa a -. ,. The Xctv Material or thij Vvdr ir. t'r. trni. i - - -' j - - . j The 1 !i r .1. - .-' . t- .i Winf. rr.iui 111 ..rlr linuu. nlilol. T- l-fijt.tlcp lrne.hob icaeli t.iiv poVple'l hrx',t ton Federal anni are BOtrf.iVtnMsl.le, al 1M ip. . - -t. - ' V " rmle iib r iT.!!T, a ereal ha fane int.; Ste artuy. r.eal t the ht ui a :rial y, mm m nwr Iarre'eti,i. all ltil:5l !are anaibers of tba iiesr young i ftl tot Mry men l iMMUtoiM. WcaitV aii'b -inli.n, .wsl thoiw rpr-.--eilinx our lieti trader 31.. I iua SitetlleM purOJitP - hare ji.ine.1 eveK llovraoibaiJ tilaiu thi trnn. ''' ".now ehaagind 1 oriMuiT io an.i viila-e, not Krinj i e.t to fill ihrlr ouotMrnn) their own ditrict.t'aai ihu -urc the Iw-m MierU4 tor the uravi Teon fi' 'Jr' "'" 'heir bigb hnuniW and '-Ol sHoi.ty." ami take k k.le their -a WU're- craitirj.; i.tTtcttf all thai, had elamenl whkrh lH.nN Si,1i nrh place., and ai.ef. hWitwill do abwntnr for lii.l '.injf in e,.iup:tiuan with ke etljaa Arfilhi i,. ,m-r-rf--iAiat.fUr tiTvU lu riLaad 1? ",-'a''T. ttUt8Etbe nation with b- the whole, U of iiOe ne. . A JLarjfe bar- ..a-T'"'' these, ernita jfc tnra, luiniT iaiera. I w down fc tha in I, dewrt, eoaa out aaaia n -nwnlier ouaeief, an.cauake 4 reralair Voand at i -.ic uio.r hern iJ. or othrTuLse .lefeclive ..r m.Cl r eri ie... The ..nreon i t.riiieii wifh itn or t"euijr d.l l.e7a'l'4aiT the boy fa pan. He. rcr-eive- hi, t.iiiaaaSrr.l 1., .IrTTt 1 - i w r - ' -! w" w no,, ri l.t i riierUn.i me jrtny -are.n. soon .lnte.iver r tue -r'lit U;t- it b known., that ha is dl.oabted. r;"" ' ! ".' ';, ' r ":" ' lUB '. f " ' "l -"-IMC olhar Of. J ..-T) V... - 7 ' , . .. 1 t . t . . -i .e. (h 1w.urgej.n4 jie ahl be-fonnd jo eonnire at - i i- . ... .lie- .-.. I -e : : lull it , a la. I. The-, liif affair f!l ;r .,i..t.u l.v means f t.avj !-aiiiiiie i . i i ' ;i mii-aii.-c and di. ?rane. !r tr wen-r.'-t I- r the .-rev p:itri..tb, brave tui Ii... j: iuwil iimi!: iiioi.- ,if nr onn men al it 'he r ink-, we li.oil.l ilnoe-i ib-rpair i -.-t.r , VfUIiO - -i-.-Iltlf fill met, l.i.HJllV juaip iu.i i htwa--le lo t-.-nlei; ! with the r.i ran': o i-r - t J ii lot r.oi -r.0 -i.m.- up. dull I t.,ree.t i. ei.-atrV tLu w lo.lo mi. tire legal pr i.-ion ese wi aid at once cause a fTeat an. I ihil i-tai.i- p'.-oti-rin that eneli .li'triet l -.uii n.-t sjo of in biaits for aitl.Flituie. i'l.i-"Jf? 1 .it otic? put an vud to I hi" dirxrav-eful tiip.-iiinn. attd fin-e inofr of our liert H.puI.itiou tl.totl'.- KlKtl, . . injur i:ii i.'tiiii-tit.-. Hi. .ii.ui.t, .'in be nffiferted y hi. t' Wii! irec-t ti.-ej,e luort iujritNiS iiiatt.odfl f .r liilin ; .;tii.i. aiKf .render our prer-ent ami to. .re n I I.- I ne t Um - 1 ;.l .lunr.v r,.r . ' ,:n" "'- '- . i,lt.0,,. ' . leur lollry. FPt. or the Danger .- ri.AT in n r. "l.ovnl In. ii now In eat lie freely oucc utore. Tim- i.'Tioit thai Mj Lincoln had returned to rea M.ii.nml miiite lair proMii:ils for peace to the South, Uiru out to le a Ihiuy ileitseil lii the enenir'---ui ii.l'..iiit-ti.i utN'Hpl ma.!.- by tl'e Copperhead i,vi t.. hti,u;r in- fl.ief Magistrate of the Xoith iuio .li Jiepute. All .l inger ol fieaee m pasL The "three l.uiailn l th iiuanud more ' will not U'dehar-i-i-ii shaliiiur flj the Um ions wyk of' ester wmithr Aotitheitieia. 'lir ipeciai rekortor al Wohii.yloii h.t- f'n.rar.lujSltH, ot.i then ires, a ' .. r-jo! rn n cioiver.;'.aliiu . n bu;h Unik j.lar.- ut tin Wtiilii IIoiimi, which -lay bat e been he fcnoiation lothv statar-nt made rnin lime ato that j.em m a., nt haiiil I . ' . - S'lAi; - fin yitih ot'C ' Mt !T - ti dicdrerr-l,.1jnjj . Uu,ty,, and l V liiif to tha I ilea t w-!ro mtustre! iuehutr. I. u : linn tt.ts I mm. I can't jjel it mduiw-- I Sins a hi;ri n. te; adot; 'uNule liU iuio cuuvul. -ions.'i I i:te.s mv voice vvT-rii'1 fiiadt. for ailif(iui anyhow, ( tiller i;t-. r.) ' Hall. li. (:t- l. li ih rnietii botber me taOiiUl ' . . lit r 1 want a pass to so through tljtf hue I w ir.h to u.ii In Kichmomi. ; . L n: V1 .in the lliun lei di you waat -to oq tlierf lot" , . Ll-i". We-I tlie truth is I'rtV setting' 'dernorsl i7cd bv thoiociety l'm kawiiag Wetand I uwaa4 to pat anion;; entleniea mtce mora. , -1 , w .-' i. u : Oh, you do, do you t Vt'ai, perhaps you had !ttrr -vo and alar -Jiere alktjrether. .Blue lif l.t uia ait hriauktone! . ' I'eafeisi ain't good enough fnlleaaaw for rea ' ill - r: f owe, now. p " t ,-vi dua'l get angry. J didn't kavn yuu rAer s4 tipTor" kxyUiiwa o 4t Aimi. tr I WomUh'I bav MM it. ,1 want fit SO in. Ktclimoiid to look after a little buaiutTae. aadnae. badJ tiiight iJUi a httln bntaaenv Tor, yea ;jd Aba J i-n ;UowWhatjaU)HStei .- - : v" ' J h" i i t0;.JaSs!Sj r - fNf Jr t Ukir Uw of t Ui UMranM-ii uA4j emi to the laf odetwetA. Ther; iKBartTTj Jf JSooUUmkI tell TO. TWntTM4or to make pew WTlrim&ek thern. nothlDjr klfW women lown wlere. Hi .i,?'. 11 11. i : r.i.-u. .i. Miiiwniiiimiifi 9r mrR in inv mum wiib Kr1"'e bn! fob. Yurfeaeeal bare jiot ahowrf : See here; ilo tbu iUt checkers, in r: 1 hare pUreiL thirtevu, could l Mt jiwa liueaa iHitu Y'IT,,T uthfol feaf urea KJojt-4hloe bright fchaiire me awaj, even tfjfpilloit men fol o)e ol ic ity. rni I the . aain : aittv Ui xuui. 1 tell x what jrna do rna Mnand Jei ai teit me what lie aaT. and I'U (et eat areldem ally, lor tli ofierheadii to piek np ,n9 pa abliaij ii, inai i nave aen Tea WHH eepai.5 rr pe jtiH fur the fun of tLtaiai( to aee lb erTit. in- r; ueiier a., u m earned I'roelairu a gen erul auinentr ; cfTertite HtateirreadniUaion with all their right; pre them liio (ralnallr toman lj II . TurnCwperheati rifht h? Xol much f won't. on Khali haTe vdur paaa ; I am baajr amir. tTakea banjo and KjpK to play and aie. . Jllair eacapea tron the dleeard. iinenabe' pt ear for music. II glvca ow- a kh4 Mwa ; i U uel Uret lev to work it tell him Lu U-t uome IVippertieaila knw a a frreataccect Uiat 1'veMtit ithur South, lo tank peace on the terms he aald -r daiu'tl ir I wnatda't do it ir I w ftf o t arraid thevM accept em. ItrtMJ g.-t into the World sure, and I'll ee Uie eflVraV' Jerusalem 1 won't the rontraa lonjjuKt howlr TfeT'libecartl almoMtodraih. Oneaa 1 know a trfek worth two of toppia the r mm. jim um rnoa a riiiies.v,XIe aj ajiaiisbt v ae laud- down Hotitt. too : the do. ian'aJbr ootrtbiac' that V to b.- ml ridt ot. and J v. .ll L. J . 1 . . ui. it ,w um(u int. in govMuu aeirureem' ikw, and get him t atart thus. IJuess he'll be ai tnifchtT gtud of the job : he can tix it ho an lo make ft pretty little thing of it ; erepubarka ought to go U kitmK if U i behind. -Mak- iMuire. 1 fi IIiikm lit won ll b an ulintriy lauij lime. before another Illinois man could fji-t to be fresuh ni, if I did. Ibat nr nopnlaliou down Smith ha tot to be re utored that's sure. I I! ser t.r Jv. . j Kxit ia hijjli HptrilK.J ' .-ucutc n an., iroiu a aiuoriMa n.i.T ui aonie I a,,,er rTft he secret history of tin? recent I i, tmbbhs that so ilawled .for a time th(aii- i '1?T U" ho WlU n"1 pom' prthnnd the I M"ma,c pufpoae of our enable. ( '.. mi-.. i.ij- . . . Cx tort I011 Kj-ateni. -TIip l'ff JICll Tbe daily inei-caaias: price of to... I aol oili.-i- nr. 1 .... . - - I , -Ui-Wn .,.di..H n.s that. i appiwu, e,i- Ql leurful a reflieilv can" 1 ""- wiw. 1 .-niii pie in nut live, atMl tlnnra can bread. The pocn-r rlaism-s-lhe1 faouliw t or Koirticrx in tl.c ti.-IJ.i.l inechnmoa in the enagov of the gti mnn-iit, and the Midotv and nrnhaiiH f-of rt.'cJail soldiers are ereti now l,Mnni.l.... 'ta n.-tiufiil straits for aiibtistcnce. S..,vihi... nhmlU be done, und that promptly, to cheek Ihin iH'l ' The French Ooverniueiit. molei- n Mimlurly em- harraainjr tat of n'aiis. reported o au eypoWi, in, which nothing hut the .lire uccokmiIv conhl I Ju?"., .' 11 ax one ui.icii all.cnj ureiuUI I " . ;i .. . , .. .? ""' . -Mil. 1111:1 1 . - wi. non .!.. ...... 1.1... .1 . . buy up uiai kel opplie. either foe their ova In. Iriotia living or ff.r purpo.-u of seculationc.- If it operaieo waa Out a coinparatiyelv small portion of the commnnity that It injured. Tn.ler nil- law . llu- convention, tlirouli it n..eil. dei took lo control pmriii oipplien, and Isue them ota to citisen coauoenKurKte wriJt , they- vr Ceasitiea. - ".- , II eud f fanriiec wen eequi red f riVr the wi.i.i.r, vl urc.r iuoiiiiea anu' ie oroenre iteEei Tiimoug uin-m i4i piirciiae. a KiffH imiouut nr.'pro: . - - . . . ... . m 3 r-jtuiapcru fared ajite and paii aiaui uamore lor I. pittance. .Smcul il.Xor tbeae 4Uiaiiea were elzed. or u.mresseit. bv authority id iheeoilTeation, lind We r. paid for al a nnifurm jmea, ttaed by lhat tocnlfia wvtfn tnaal enrraney. .Vny afteaint'th conceal theuT, or to withhnld tneOi from market, vras severely iuu lsbHL -' r - J f4 only anne'of eVt i biSJ ninrBwtiae aa one ulextrauie aaeeaKilv. anhatV-VMt. w beueye, the pwjwwe whb h it wa twiertdi-w; It brniiffht dosrw-tiie price of j4rw. rrasjt, a.u abled alt tor lira, allayed . diaoonieal anHi the MiiillUnd, and Jatraii'e3- bsartlesi extortion. Wfcather it would ojieraie favuriibtr or prcjudici- attr, as applied to our -ft a ejrair, are cann.-rt tat - ?a,Mrrtv;iT but verU. than tbe iH.r for bi " anam oanH)j. oniu neyn.none aen. . I Btion taud eztoirtlhn ware ul.eck-tv. . t - - t - ' a St iae H l'erhapa iv wuiiX furuiab a hint ulikin whtoh In baiHKu Untecl, the wife lefVbjw lawful tanabana. wsi.iiue plan of i eraedy tor tha daTfsera a hicb threat- eft to rwatsii trosj tfae enornoaslv'lacreai.iiiBr price Tircrythiiit' esential to Inn mintenaueaif Kfe". jv.pnethc historical precedetit, for whsitit-. i 'woKih neithor appro saasrtior ilifiapiroTtX'hul Jlimldy leiiriiiir that atTTiji'thin" ttiit)4,be do iu rf IrcT of the iiiflerng.eoroiC pie- counVry.-it-" -- iifit . J... hot.-. ' k " " l?f Tbw Urain. i-iierdsy. frent- aboe wk..T crt. W.led niih aoUlia-rw on theii wav totien. John-' ton's Arm v. Fiom live bundled lo one liuu nt'l ini'ii ailypa tliia point oti tbea- way .1 j.t. They suile i lint n ntany intetinrdiMtricis "ni Ala batna aud alisbiiUiippi Ibere aro Coiinlle alisen teewho have not to-aid of 1 i-'.i rii-Uitiavior, nor uf Johnston's re-rt.iration to rotnt'iainl. tinlv live hundred copiea ol en. Lee's AtmietT ot-.ter were published. When one of these i. read, it i thrown anle :i woilhless; but a ...u-.iajier is tiniidiu.l iii.tut Itnti'e tohousp till it In come il!eeil,h-. . 't here ate !uur:r(l rva.h-l s of eacii copv L"' ' err new papcr pnbliahed iu thia .State. Kac'h papel' .-until. I leprnuuce lie I ro luumliuU uml the ini.'iiuiy itnlhoiflio. should dii-tril.tile e.ii:i cojiies. Ttien the time lor pardon tdlonhl lie es- tended. The rou.ripl Kureau miutht enlarife tbe pitpl .-liotil.l leprmlnee t,e I ro luumliuU iiiul aphk'le i.f ils ii.efuli,e.v ulteiiilin llie details Ot i 11. ll.a. irj (5k. J.r La mt. JIab Ilr. vi.tii -Tiic- .1 irk i.nv ille lirrfton) Bepi-rter. of January lllh. ays: We regret to learn that tieaeral 4e Lane i In a eondiiioii of hwallb. The estfaordiuurv brat ofLu-l .uiuiitiicr. In-th.nk, has brokitu bin uthform uu I lu-alth. Wlieii we saw. biio some weeks ajo be wjy KiifforinaT Severely- from somefhinjieein Ming avrav atud ueajalf i:i. Weiiave sinea learned from a prjrsto ttttcr received in towu. tnat his condition iSiirliiiiiest'i. grow wori. iV .i re in lebted lo Frank. J. Atnaa for a lof of New nlean pafierr. Plantation Tor Sale. I ION V. in lONT.UX.Xti JHOACRKS np LAM, lvm r .m.i. al..: ....e ,;ie. .. i,.ii from Wll.i.uMllc )lKpot--U,iil l.'.i i.'u-r. eleare.i. ri. r . . " ...... an.4 in a hih rial.? or enitiv'ilii.n. On the place there are all the neeeska.y .uat-huil.liti-j-. Kin .md Nejfro Ifon.ics, SljLJs and a Coin fori aide Owcl tin;e, cntainioj; in room. Ten or twelve Ner.- will lis rold with the place if desired; aUicatlie, shuep, bojjs, mules and alt neceary larAiiug ulen sila, Persons in want of a comfortable home will call on tba undersigned on the premiser, a harrai aiU ha given if eaily ujplicaiion is made. . Mjr. iJi, fStc-s. lw tJKO. V. IIKUB.. a "-t OFriCrTCIIIi:!' I'OMMlS.-AltV, i Uu ford's Command. Alabama Cavalrr. Ai'mtcvallrt, Ala., Mar. lT.'nrt... ) trilirt'LAU. '. 'omul Wearier, Arrilaut Commisssle and Actiu;( Aasutatit t.-tnuii. .arie;' an duly with the CavaJrr in this Slate under lirig. Uoniral El'Follb, will fornub iaa at nee tbeir- adilre.rt, ranlr, dule of cnutnjf mnn, if iJoadeif, aid date of acceplanc of bond, witb a copy of their orders of .ifrnnieut-- the ilreoili of cnniaiande thev i'iic (. and what t--.i drawint from. - tr.-'ftEISnV BKHAN, Major and C. .-i. . Approvait By urder Brig. lieu. JluiWd. 11. C'oansH. CapL. A A. A. I - -, ' : a. Tt lXICQTEttl AKi ARalTICRH. At3i abaaalaaa aad ilareriters are brnihy nalifiad, that I am aatboriiiad U faeaira them at Moa tavall or JUsxft-.iah; aaarfva them tTiiaaportaOsa rtbair eaatinsaaW. stUt wbo raport S-rmp-.lras .TSaaeil W!Z-.V - iM tb4 p.idoa .fetad by ttaaarat Lss; sflat Ikst Jataj s wbo rwa?bt wilt aaaalt witlw UHf. i . .oi-. - ' - 5HMTJ f - - :fiT I 'W M iMOtt Jh ffliuir furmm Ki . t j . . . : ' AttftnJ with Liff'lhy fiiw TwrJ A'o roretbjr HatiM roiee to eDfetktath.f . I, - - Mil ; 1 r ii on oor aerttte Birt,T abadew falls? The imIU which thou- baa ao UaWfrr tnl . preaaed tofu,t, aia.t ! by alien feet; boo art c6 moVe the jorouc pride oflfouie. . r pate Peath'A surga.H hroud tba;in their loam, 'he aol of Earth is now thy winding abaat ! Itn. Hfilditr. .steen. Within thr mrrnw aavuK op rm,,, injured emintry' call agata, lb apiril oftW waving waajland'a riiA " 'f wavinK waaJland'a rLA ptief thajjir thy powers oacoawious lie. i mourn id naddest, teuderett strain ! MronKer, truderer soul than thin ere braved h conQict fierce 'wi'. Death's uupityiag ntonn. prouUt r mice o er minfliuc aaaadraas ruaa grave's ehiit mantle never Tet was ftuor tnenfl atvost a manher, nobler form, ": " rdeatbleaa vireatb is tbiae d in thr pride beneath the vallerV bream ; uJUTl call -nirl rite bettidet by bleK .' foeniau'ii ire nor roicf tVieud.ihip aear I ere aam dutlurb thy placid rest. yet Hum lireM- -alill thj iutlaeuc deal . I nerve with force thy eomridex' venfeful lli.VV. ril'u eiich liiiit neu- thrill! of .1 r.itl. . - irrniisrht. Ailiimi.l fancies My before the thought "t If ri'Ut ttl'tMIL' the ivtor'!: I.l.lum urna Tli4 ireutlw hi'Ui I ! with -'oiron rlv vliirkfti. oU t. this hiiii aiol l'ot-hle luT. tor beside' the ;;riif that rend:-, thee now thi tomb that bulex his nobh- brow, r.'tti ii-phl shula out the beauteous dav '. ahofcalerwe-! ilowei j I mingle tears With thee i ct inity ak from Heaven its bteftaiau dear To lilr thee r::tle tliroilh'iatha bv Morrow Mven. Till hi can.H join 'thv hived and lot" lu ivcn ppy s'i apli. in a happy sphere ! Thou I., t t idher too with kouI all anKuiah smitten. Iis m.'.-t smile hhtip vnur broodi'u -ti!sw: r 1 tlioymv ileep the tiile that o'er ru nivhed Winn iiMNlleft I'ateonr foDduobittoun crii-ihrJ. Andi4ite vouljiafiliiig hnpea with dooui. t'erchaace bis u alching Motheronlled him hence 1'e'char.ce foretu-einif only evil days, a.a.1... A. ... . "AioN. lo'-irv iue aky xeartiiwu tuai utesaeager atar. or in 10 heauV lier ' berVIer memory like a star .Shed alnay s tlipre ita iure and tender raya. 1 "" Thii Ufiiooii tties . aud you again sbjtJI iBfet lipon tn?huppy,hrr- yourMartyrea dmf. . A iieoiri ov I'oxa m.hi.b.- From wbaf e!v of trpe moiiM virtt b inuat likelfto get a basin' of aup Tarlu .Twreen -:. - From the b'irniiii(;hait fKUgbiodi Caselte iswa at a ni 1 IvantisM doubt be in ihaee.llectiou of teme oi wri n-yi.j, iwi a.iew weeKs ago a Mrsgtika went Jlie Fuuud f,T lAe Jmpera. tal!Vel-ect tbCl w man es.duiv at Wolverhampton bad sold biawifa-i Ln" "T' ;reutuer snn ttirea innniiu),rbillien o an Amertraa ad. a. .... aw.. b .... f al . . St. . ioc -cue niojaaw mine at X.ftaT AS "Wan L?"1 watfeajie attree ct? ildren went fb taa wltb hbr t -" " " ion err . rwogiu appear, however. u.. .ew unvn aK r- rrpepirw Q er aatVain, and reta&ibtl Mci-JJte protect ion of beishusband. JHi-avag ajnisei ueaeriau. ota A sneticaa aosaa. mnavnovj wrth be husband aoi in fomw-d irfqi ,ba' bl4irsiw4ie bite wife to -rrtiMti'trf inn iiywir:tv4 tnc iiualHnd an additional A. ' 1? husband aaaordtneH- tried all bis txnr- It- .fl Ma Win to2tar kim aail HmAl .lune- wi lin, camnMinicatedi a itb onr American coffr.ui. diu. waa iulxndon. Me went down. to Wolvi uiipton on Nsturdar'te Ikerasaw the lnitt.a. stid wife, und it jjwrsileed that tbe Auiertd ,4tb the Mute and llrfee children, should ee iverhaniptoa on. Satuedav for Jaondbn, babiv i'. M. train.- The Yankee, to make Mire id; is pnae, arranged wltb'the husband that he Mint I nee thorn to the alatinn : and nnnn ihm 'Hwi'(i turn lur uie train lo mart, be would 14 e .i . . r n . naioi oil a a. ..o imiiik oi J-.niand note. iohand accord. nly law the American, bis Wile. .1 tiree children sare in the train, and upon hn platform received a Bank of KnUnd i his Yankee friend. l.Htriii j Brje fl I ' ft e ! . . '. .'" V. itn had hanlly left the -t.ntion when, nnon if the note, he found that It wa a simple t nr- rindm-y he was .luoed out ..r ft j. hi wtic n inrie enii.iren, ne at vaoo sent the fol low - hij jrihte telegraphic ineasaxe to the police in illin ut I . T.i thin man run away with mv. wife and S .hildi bag. with; Tliey , t wo boxen, I wo band boxes and a carpet e an ju.riiean, witb a belt roand him, nil- kqile iu the hi It and a revolver. K"'"'K ti Loudon, hut husband will tie af Uiru S-iiaio iiytlie next train, hwokeil Wol- verh.J .ton lo Xew rlret-t Station. . To be delain- ed. Infective lselor receirine the tlerraa. rtadii-fed LSulective Serjeant Spokes and Jet.s lo in the train Wolverhaaaplon and look ..Ml llll... AawunAa.. 1 1. : r.. 1 .a. l. ft I .. ... , n it, inrvo CDiiurao. two active otticers accordingly went lo tha and upon making inquiries of tba railway , i.Minn iuc iiuji.hiki m to cloak-room, be .arrived from Wo verba midon bv tba ax - irkich reaches Hlrmingham slnt ten minutes' iejr ..miiarj inm. . - T)lBceis made further iuoviriea. and found I Oudistrcet jdde of the statiou. where tbe hua a i maul I i Ifc ,,,,. ,-;.... u;ii. ki. r.. .uii. p " inr aiiirii. iii.! ni.i, uija.nuv i.yi u 1.1 the liti'iiage, he heiiiir iu the act. of pat- I latter into a call. The tvisbaud, going w.p A'nukee. said : "Well, John, bow are yoa onr to whirli Ue replied, "All right, I fpoii this the husband informed bint that akiveii him at Wolverhampton Station a A'S lean or a ismiot, and he wanted the lat- aii !hranrierican,"'veii, gnesalt was c, and taking a bttudle ol note from bin handed the husband a 50 Bank of Ena- te, whh'h was passed to the drtecttvea. wbo Jl l be quite genuine. The buaband then hands witli his wife, and kisuiug bia cbil ishedtliero "gool by," aud, witb a friend V with bint, went to tbe nearest liquor where be "Honored" with bla friend. Tha pt wa'noenr.f the American was tbat be, fee fMircbased wife arid three children, war tracKx lor Uie lmdon tram, where, wr uvrv saieir arriveel. - - J. - l laONg r: or KDwiaW NK & BJNKAAl' ISn SSIO.V ANp v FOBWPINtJ EKCM ANTS A&bJULKICS tit Doors ajavAta O KSTJ ptf clcilo r w. w - sags, JU Masdlwaar Hlnnftsp. CASBH BAGS aaa- twXitirLm Taaaila7l t iW -a,datasMi4w9Wn ( lwre.J.taa Eadd ka Saao tt'a tksKaia fb-aiote your hope andsah VoirtreMitiIlac fears ! v? Piitd Tl stt . . -, - -lal- ... afl Tufl af -mJLsfm' " ua-eitr i iafets, a pair I - - 1 - .r- " . . - - w . - . . O Ptiatcra and Publishcm 1 ).jOiaad i r ai. its sat a NJTba si its sa i wstalfa ta Ml sbigliaj" ttteyaa4, at tbe atc r tbe . Wa ksJaassraabvto tMaaa. ahwat law aa4. of aeattr aew tys. oavStlas C oae f.t af fern 1aada o(, aev Ssnall CJtMScb ta,) aad food (aula or Lung Primer. Sfv4er aad MiaWa, i )tynaii a Ur supply f ea4aa4,C.aaia kiOee, adver uOe, Eal fa, iJa!M,;u. Asy of oar euteMKiratie aao Wave bad their oaleea deal rayed, aad V bo wUfc to muuie tbalr paoiiralaoaa. wbalil Ho aril to a44rea aa. I AltC. M. IMI LA VfK 1 .PaWuwbaea foul Kalw4. ' 13V Tba VleiniAia AukkkI mmA Wu, ru .. .1. CVIiJ the ahara ae time aacb aadMuJ tMll tail ntne orncK crisp quabtebmasteii, VBTEBMASTER, ) Ala. Caialbit. a, Jiarrh 24, J Maatavallo, CIBcrLAR. ttl'ABTER MASTERS, Assiftant Vtuartarnat- Her aa4 aeiSag Antttaat Qusriemiasterx on duty wkh tba cavalry 'A this Sttauader Brig. Oaa. Baroao's eunasaad, xm berahy ordared to lur ward to Ibis offlca at oece, thai addrers. rank, oajw ul eiMMSMeaUt. U aiiSinT. aaJ ai. t feaftabau mt bond, with a eapy of Tbati H-dr of atrjnment. Tbay wilr also forward iutweduirely, their eeti aate fortanda aad Quartaraisstcr store, with bair raporte af fbrsga sad traBcportation arcord injf to forssa Xoji aad a amy ra(ulati..ux. By eotataaud cf Britj. Oan. Bal'ord. 10HX WEBB.' ' Major aad Chiaf Qr. .Varter. ft Kebel, Montgomery Mail and Mohilr Tri- oaoa copy ooa weaK aail forward hill with copy ot publication to this aliea. uiar 25 I w NOTICE. w.- ... "' .r-u li., t.-t... The foliAtviaj; Orders hare bean received trout UeMdouaeter Military Division of tha Wwt.' Fur the purpo; uf ColUvtiuK au J pi.. i4U,s fr the prompt reatorattan ta their -ever a I Reciaiantr. 1 n ... i:. .. , , , , ! liutBaliOB or ruuuiiM. ill aluiiBlaa. Ir..m .'. . r btaWiirr. and Chcstbsot'a Corp?, the follnwiux inealure will he takea without delay ; I. Kria. (iural M-ekall. I'. A. C. in ad li- tion to bis other datiee, is specialty charfvd with j the general rniiervifion of the .'ervice Involved-' - ! bis Headquarters being at Macon. teorta. and he will take at practicable trpf to recall to tktir eolurs sll who are absent from auy other cau. a IlluaaLelonf .lifntliililv Ta.r fl1J terrip. ,.r i.i M. irl 0rnte.l farluu.L. T.. ll.u .Ill ... T tahbfh rauips frt-Colaiabur, Atlanta, Alhany. Ma- j con ana AUgri ueorgia ; MoiatfOotury, ;cliu ami Mobile, AUbanaand at Jackano. Alaeon aadColaatbas, .Mis&isiipi ; and sunb other points ss may ba found axpadieat, ta which absaatnie living n tbe rieiaitaaa taspaetivaly shall ba reauir- ad tirapalrmwd rapurt, aad to wsiieit wilt be seat ail tboaa who maw MfgbbrioK Karalriag Oaaem, who will bataissa an to friva aistiaaa uader tba refaUots of tba CoaserUt Barttkte Ho wiUhM reqalra art afltcer aad rnea to rsjralr tba a sans i raaiteivoas aapoiMed who. sos ba abe by ay sat bar it y Wss than that of I tbtraa; MsaAaaetars ar.of ebe H'aasinabder ni 'lbe. PepatftSMtcf ar Alsbasas, Mississippi - and Louislaa' la nblrb ease ba wilt make a renaiii tiou . fur sneb abatataas apon that Coannander to waoavka will evaaieaiajaar of 4tfrs orders, witlra rsjan ?urfhe bacassary orders to enal.U biru Wfxeemra air watiss wltkla tba liwha of that eOaVMad. rsadeaeeaa aetablishad bv tavnos ordura Soma ia4 fWes Moav'Bfiaaery, . AUWaaa.'bni ha-raa-f - I raatrasadna soon a nrat(eabU at that nlaea. aad tboesfroagbt Wnr ta Ueavgia m be arw. bled si Aacasfa.,. . h. Isf afcadfcnca to tas above order. Itlaior K. ii: mnatJ 4Mb AUUas Rawiaaaar. has bac, diraetcd - k . 4 - . - - m. . to rac oassanna.oT taa a'raaiaeaai af Xawtenta ... -..... ary, Alatrsaia, total flaeajJI oBcars wV. bare" siiaadl baaa seat ta e.llabaaalaaajoaeiair ta aoeps ta -jPsanssssa, XiSrlsvippi and Ala- ! babul. II ssadrtbasa In anaad-t of tan or twenty. . tba nutnber to depaad'apoa tbo facility of traas-'i portatlfin froa, tba mantra af their laM of opera- I tbns, And tha praetlcability of sntmUtiut them at - It-- L. . ..... I tbapoit of alMWaaSy. t. Cbasps of Bnndatvoas will he established as I ""V, piwuriaa u me following points, vl : j i i. . . . , i .... ..... Colu tabus. Atlanta, Albany. Macon and Aagnata. I Iceorjfia: Montgoiuary, Selma aad Mobile, Alsha sas, st4l at Jackson, Macon aad Columbus. Mi. sisstppf. Tba oCcars and men eoticeted in .'hem will he forwarded, those reporting ia Alabama wod Missis4ppi to Mi.ntgi.mar; thorn in tieurgia to AnjKS or Macon. Until theae eaaaus r ..lal.. luhsd 4Scrs and men will report to tbe nearest Post tlommantlera or Cnri.tKnir liaise, ok.. ! reiUS8tf;d to forward them as above directed. j J. A ye ooteer on duty under the order will make a. weekly report of the absentee cllei lad, giving dame, company, regiment and brigade, the lime at which they report aad rk plaea to which sent. The commanders, of tha Rcadervous at Montgc!ury aud Augusta will make a weekly re iwiriof.ibe officers and men received during the weak, aSid atraagtb of tbo camp at date of report. - 4. Pilft Commanders are requested to direct their Qoartarimastera and Ccmmissariaa lo give sll na cassury in applies railed for by oficer engaged on this dutgr within tbe limits of thslr commauds. ' ii. I :tta infonacd that tbe oCcars sent to me for thisdottv b ana been selected for their spcrlal fit ness. (t Is, Iberefore, not Decertify to urge ua.n hem ditvotion lo the fervire and earueatne.-r in iheir enfleavors to a?i.-t in bringing their old c.iu- radaa h Ark lo ibair ooira. bat as the vara uiii,.i.f Ibeir sutrviee :'tTdi ttivtu to tii vicinity of their homes I.' may warn them of Ibe danger of allowing Ihemsalfcs to lean hi "day iu tba joy mem of home wbirh should ba devoted to filling tbe ranks, by wbieb bomea are to ba dafanded. It ' Altj oOeers aad men returning are urgol lo bring ia, their arms, or any arms tbey may aud in tba eooiltry. Tbay wUI tba sooXer ba anablrd t join lbs W. W. MACKALL, Brig, ileaaral. S. hi All papers in Ueorgis, Alabama aud Mississiftipi. ara rauaes;d to eipy sis titws dailr and weiy ; thop in tia. will send their accoanl to Post If. M. at Macon, thus in Ala. to p.t Cf. M. ia Mtoatgumary, and those in Miss, to Port Q. Ma i CAlumbos for payment. mar 34 At I A FFilT HERVAXTS are waaiad al the oKE Hut ME. Apply to Csptala Barks.- nl'RHETT A RlAEY, alnsaL Mar; 18. Propriatara. BEAllQBS DEPT., ALA . MISlS.. AE.U.I . Jtertama, Marett 1 1, xni. j tlEERiAl ODKB8 UU. . . Is. OaiMral , Ordars Xa. UX pwi aarias. Is UU aftnawsrjaa DajtiieC mt Sortb Atsba- mXi ihbaJL aa4 13 sfcat paWtsa af tba State awt, iaoamksf;! ttvc DlsSrSW b aasurtAaia oaa mUttaV dlstrls. baowa of JlsisHm-aacV tWtaMMsi at af f fmK fbsa .mm. V -S i " ' J. - ;: Jra . V WTr'ir' C . T-T SW" . a-sw.5sv- SJS&all Stat SZdUte! aa is of AJaMatw Brig- Gtitft By rsaM A- .mV4-t 1 i I f 'r- JXB 'rPl TT IN :- '.5ii baareirno. ...REBEL OFK1CE. , 11 OF QUA MATERIALS ARE NEW TURIN OUT "WOIUi ' t'sttaVpttUMl by Any utter In thr samU ' ' OIVK I IS A TRI A I.. dknrzir BLANKS ;44 ALL KINl. Kepi om ha ad and prialrd l. rdei . T TPf REBEL OFFICE. gusiaws ana roTfissiarwl aTardi axn :" V 1 fcj I T 1 Ntl c A K1)H; Printed in Ike knMdM.mest Mot Ike rt. A lurfr-lot ol fiuu Oardi on hand. Circular, P&sters. Cardti, Aad all other kin. -,f 0ltSllOtill I Pfllllilwr- "3 i F.xeruted in he jim best : tyh-, :it reiouihle rat!. AT Till RFfiKi orncc. A LAHGK yiiAXTrrv OK FINE WHITE PAPER. Oil h'tll.l. - llll..l,l. l .1 j.Hhtll. fall at ll.e i.'Klll 1. Ml Tiff Toi: mayor. -so 1. 1. 1 r. i. . u ii.. KL. K It V I C r LM.I.i"' ,i... II Vi" , ., iimuv v..ler:-. a .l.-a .l.-.l .... 1..... ....l..l " pn.-eui biui't.-lt ..r . 1-1 RUT. n M I I. MllH , j a-11 kn.arn t.. jli . uirn- a- lrm . iirn..iy lturteioju aioi i.. all ... Mier a i l.i... a.gii- iau foMin i Iter.. re y. u ii r-t ir.v t."tu ani I .... . ' I i una t uiu. Col v ii m i:.v wauo Mo i. Jay. 1.. .-"tevrti . W 4ITII V I III A. J. .eil, J . V"..wiiu. ef. i,,, y W.u 1 . I .iibrrw . , I. I' Cre.-e Thoin i . , mn x.i. ii. UI II. II 111,, 4 ill lie) '.. ler ilr i:in -.. il l -ni l I. ill i. Ibe III- I i't AUr' 1 Alabama tu,d ltirr Itailroni. mile- fn. 2fl nil .'WJuiH to .Llmi iMotmraie I f, Pasr'enjer Trafa letve- : . In.: Arrtres at Klne M..utiie Iataa liliie .M.mii'jfu a. i. i..l.. t. v. u ' A. SI. -4 i f. A-.i Arrite at Trlma THUS. A. WAl.ltl.K. PreMa-. AVM.JiUl IIKlK h. I.el f Jo I . . f. kJ.-i1;fu t:, . up t. IV L. AXItKlBsON'. i;m'l Krei'hi A li. Let Ajfi Alabaasa aud MiHiviitit Klvrru Itaslrokn - . Seluia to Meri.luh. I iij,' imlr I'.re. 415. au. Fasrr15r Tiain leave .luia: Arrirea-ol Moridiao. .. 1. . .. , .U at Sl 1 a...... annair.;-., .!..TTrrr...7. :...i ttr f ati Arnvaaar fVloia tsHdsCv ' aI. O.'flilCHAKn. C bc,.. lar; I. fbirt ring, au.i-tivba"? a'lt. liAHIiKKtlrttr.. Jj j.,4. .wrptEAT. O i i ivic 1 1 1 ii i k i u'lTtM, ' ... ii XK-Citsci.. - j. , A AfTOK-E:; Ari5t-:jr:F.LLOR'i AT UW Kpotstvoad aQutel, Rirhmaiul. la.. Specialatlcutidb.hv E. UiUki iisui o Ie proawut.on of Claiuie aeaiust lie oor.niuitai. KetWenee: : Tbc entU-o Teacoc.a .l.leui:..n i,. ' Catederate Congra., aud ."Wt.tor O irland of -braary 11. 1- ti "' Tn ... i-J ;TTS..: .7 "I.1....I..II...I, ni.v,.iii.-.1a; j,, .,A AleriJ... M.r. i. i.. i 4i. . u EXEHAL UKDLK Mi N. Kaior J. A. A. cr.l. l.iu r. line I !...iu .i ii. aJbwbwf ..I Ailillerv, III i '.-..i.l .nee e .(!, i.i- iriie- tiou fr..ui the War 1. .ntuieni. .-..i,imi1,..ati'.u torn hiag Ihh branch -f lln r i. ,ll, ....n f U thtr orilci!'. he ad.lie.-d to .Mai-i .. l . ,ter, A. A. tl. al these ilea.l.Urt r- hv oiiimand ot Lieut. .i-nrr.. I I i.i..i mar 2U -f.t t:. ;. ,i j; f A. A .. pgf J'eliM.i, .M..l.,le. .11 ..,.,, . .I,efc4 ec- V fix time Chi i i. lIKADtiFARI I KS. ll IIILLV: UI I'.AI'K. ll.l.i'. Ai... ' All. -e, T I -. . .' 'r.i..i4.M..o r'.. IS I-rhruirv l.-ivt. i.euri il lle.ur.-.-. e.t bie f.. U-Uipoiarili -.rai.i'.i all ;.l urAruiyin Xorlh .. to u I -.l!h. .. trlee- iri'tli . j.o-f iua eiieuiy in ease ot tt.otei.. , . ,,. pn 1'iri.irv to 1 ei . . liuu in Ii scaa.ttfT itirui i.j. u i. iij. u "whvu praclical.le.". pi. I have -u.-.-e.h-, ;.. r-.i in. ti,. t i. i.,. i, i. three ivuupanie.- of tin- el ,- j.. :-...,t, .,. .,UM.iJ Car.ilin.i. Thu .l..(.,- hn..,,. ...,.r, iiaUrc gar.l" ..i ter n.i- rex. ke.l l.y . .1 1. m.ri Taylor. I havu r,..M -two ii.uif.iioe eo-1,,0 i i;, -..llet-lin- thi . IjJf of men ai.u rtlui.i.i.e tl.rm t heir proper e..uiuiaii.- iin.i.-r ieioial lit - am sety r.M' u.u. j Lnov have A i i.tUi a niaaWi -.: x.x ei UULuaJ-. ry and di-skh-d ..ll,.-er- ,e. itui,,,-, .r ty j;, iu proper and authorised Uulniv.- wul...t u cruaeliing ujM.n aii.v e..iniu ,i..- .., r...atii.,j any order. Some f.- ..f i,e oth.n.. lu.waver, aulhoritrd by tue to ir. ruit f.u ! l.' insiscravlly and uiiauthoiis4 u.i,. iairk Alabaiua. under the prrteilee of ee,u.iit,K for y Bngada. In there CA-C?. 1 Woui.t le jcef ii -k of any proper Conkderale ..fl.eer t . mei ij .M, u parties, frrler rliarger .-igaiu--! n.J ei j , ,,. uiy Hrd.iiiiSr.' al tin- place I !, ... ,.M K,t ' them all thai my ..r'ler- from .'. IVkiiit, j. ,: i,,r. been rryokii. II is nay tiaeeic and eiue I t. -ne f. n,i-ii-3 tba old orgaailalioas au'd a.,-, iilj I l,e infabliy branch if the service, an. I u. I l.y anv m.a-i- r ceive into my cnuiuiand -ki.ll.ei . .,crlet- mu surb classes. Very rwapoctfally, H I HILL, I..,.. Marefc 2, 186!.. ;, HEADQ RS Dl.v'I Rlcr OF ALA. I Setaa. Mar.h JC, J3. Ciciicral Orders No. 11 J- Tb Ueadaarters of Uii- let afe harwl-t astoUialMd At Raima, Alabama. II. First LiaaL C. W. Iltit l herabv .ain- 4 aa aptiag AsaUtant Adjalaot tieneiaj t tai Dtetriet, aad will be abeyad and ;s-peet,1 aeorj. Bw -eaaAS Brig. WU. W. A Jams. - J.-" yoilN BAVrttS. . Jlo Sa-4 Iffajo. ba A. A At flo i i ,.,1.. - - -'- t . - - - - - ' A- m a r 1 - A; JLi 7a 24 asKSSwai - aavaaaaauaaiaBaWaaWatOBaBaaaHUbavaCBaaaaaa