Established July 4, 1833.
United November 9, 1843.
Public.—No. 34.
AN ACT making appropriations for the cur
rent and contingent expenses of the Indian
Department, and for fulfilling trea'y stipuln
tiona with the various Indian tribes, for tho
year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred
and forty-seven.
[Sec. i.] Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assembled.
That the lollowing sums be, and they are here
by appropriated, for the year ending on the thir
tieth day of June, eighteen hundred and ferty
seven, for the purpose of paying the current
and contingent expenses of the Indian Depart
ment, and fulfilling treaty stipulations with the
various Indiuu tribes ; to be paid out of anv mo
ney in the Treasury not otherwise appropria
For the current and contingent expenses of
the Indian Department, via :
Forthcpuyof the Superintendent of I idian
affaiis at Si. Louis, and the several Indian
agents, as provided by the acts of June thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and of March
third, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, six-1
teen thousand five hundred dollars: Prodded'
always, That no superintendent of Indian af
fairs, or Indian Bgent, or other disbursing officer
in such service, shall have advanced to him, on
Indian or public account, any money to be dis
buised in future, until such superintendent,
agent, or officer ill such service shull have set
tle his accounts of the preceding year, and sat
isfactorily shown that all balances in favor ofj
the Government, which may appeur lobe in bis
hands, are ready to be paid over on the order of
the Department.
For pav of sub-agents, authorized by the act
of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and-fhirty
four, eleven thousand two hundred and fifty del- |
For an agent for the Indian tribes residing
upon the wa ers of the Upper Platte, and Upper
Arkansas rivers, the sum of fifteen hundred dol- \
For pay of interpreters, ns au'horized by tlio
same act, ten thousand live hundred dollars.
For pay of clerk to Superintendent at St. Lou
is, who is hereby authorized to be continued,,
one thousand two hundred dollars.
For pay of clerk to acting Superintendent of
Western Territory, who is hereby authorized to
be continued, one thousand dollars.
For provision for Indians, as the distribution
of annuities, while on visits ot business with the
different superintendents and agents, and when
assembled on public business, which is hereby
authorized, eleven thousand eight hundred dol
For presents to Indian", five thousand dollars.
For postages, rents, stationery, tuel forolli
ces, and other contingencies of the Indian De
partment, and for transportation and inciden
tal expenses, thirty-six thousand five hundred
For fulfilling treaty stipulations with various
Indian tribes, viz:
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the acts
of May twenty sixth, eighteen hundred and
twenty-four, and May twentieth, eighteen liun-s
dred and twenty-six, four hundred d .liars.
For payment in money tor twenly years,
stipulated in the second article of the treaty of
twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty
seven, nine thousand five hundred dollars.
For payment in goods for twenty-years, stip
ulated in the second article of the treaty of
twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and th.rty- i
■even, nineteen thousand dollars.
For establishing three blacksmiths’ shops,.
supporting three smiths, and furnishing iron j
and steel for twenty years, stipulated in the j
second article ot the treaty of twenty-ninth Ju
ly, eightern hundred and thirty-seven, three j
thousand dollars.
For support of farmers, purchase of itflple j
meets, grain, or seed, and to carry on their ag
ricultural pursuits for twenty years, stipulated
in the second article ofthe treaty oftwenty-ninth I
July, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, one
thousand dollars.
For purchase of provisions for twerty-years,
stipulated in the second article of the treaty of
twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty
seven, two thousand dollars.
For purchase of tobacco for twenty y’ars,
stipulated in the second article of the treaty of
twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty
seven, live hundred dollars.
For limited annuity for twenty-five years, in
money, stipulated in the fourth article of the
treaty of fourth of October, eighteen hundred
and torty-two, twelve thousand five hundred dol
For limited annuity for twenty-five years, in
goods, stimulated in the fourth article of the
treaty of fourth of October, eighteen hundred
and forty-two, ten thousand five hundred dollars.
For purchase of tobacco and provisions, stip
ulated in the fourth article of the treaty of fourth
of October, eighteen hundred and forty two,
two thousand dollars.
For support of two blacksmiths’ shops, inclu
ding pay of smiths and assistants, and furnishing
iron and steel, stipulated in the fourth article of
the treaty of fourth of October, eighteen hun
dred and forty-two, two thousand dollars.
For support of two farmers, stipulated in the
fourth article of the treaty of fourth of October,
one thousand dollars. ' <
For pry of two carpenters, stipulated in the
fourth article of the treaty of fourth of October,
eighteen hundred and forty-two, twelve hundred
For support of schools, stipulated in the fourth
article of the treaty of fourth of October, eigh
teen hundred and forty-two two thousand dol
For permanent annuity,stipulated in the fourth
article of the treaty of thiro of August, seven
teen hundred and ninety-five, one thousand dol
For permanent annuity,stipulated in the sec
ond article of the treaty of seventeenth Novem
ber, eighteen hundred and seven, ei^ht hundred
For permanent annuity,stipulated in the fourth
article of the treaty of twenty-fourth September,
eighteen hundred and nineteen, one thousand
I For support of blacksmith at Saganaw, and
for farming utensils and cattle, and for the em
ployment of persons to aid them in agriculture,
stipulated in the eighth article of the treaty of
twenty-fourth September, eighteen hundred and
nineteen, and seventh article of the treaty of
January, eighteen hundred anu thirty-seven
two thousand dollars.
For education, during the pleasure of Con
gresg, stipulated in the sixth article of the trea
ty of fifth August, eighteen hundred and twen
ty-six, one thousand dollars.
For education, during the pleasure of C.on
gress, stipulated in the fifth article of the treaty
of eleventh August, eighteen hundred and twen
ty-seven, one thousand five hundred dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the sec
ond ar'icle of the treaty of twenty.ninth July,
one thousnnrt eight hundred and twenty nine,
sixteen thousand dollars.
For limited annuity fir twenty years, stimu
lated in the third article of the treaty of twenty
sixth September, one thousand eight hundred
and thirty three, fourteen thousand dollars.
For limited annnily for twenty years, stipula
ted in the second (supplemental) article of the
treaty of twenty-sixth September, one thousand
sight hundred ar.d thirty-three, two thousand
For life annuity to chiefs, stipulated in the
third article of the treaty qf twenty-sixth Sep.
tember, one thousand eiglu hundred and thirty -
three, seven hundred dollars.
For blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in
the second article of the treaty of twenty ninth
July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
nine, seven hundred and twenty dollars.
For iron and steel, two hundred and twenty
Fur the purchase of salt, stipulated in the
second article of tho treu'y of twenty ninth Ju
ly, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine,
two hundred and fifty dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the sec
ond article ul the treaty of sixteenth Nov. e'gli
teen hundred and five, three thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in Ihe thir
teenth urticle of the treuly ot eighteen!Ii Onto j
her, eighteen hundred anil twenty, six hundred I
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the sec- i
ond article of the treaty of twentieth January,
eighteen hundred and twenty five, six thousand
dollars. •
For life annuity to chief, Bob Cole, stipula
ted lit the tenth article ot the treaty oftwenti- .
elh January, eighteen hundred and twenty.five, l
one hundred und fifty dollars.
For lilt annuity to three district chiefs, two
hundred and fifty dollars each, stipulated in tho
fifteenth article of the treaty of twenty-seventh
September, eighteen bundled and thirty, seven
i.i_i —i a..
Fur limited annuity for twenty years, stipula
ted in*the seventeenth article of the treaty of
twenty-seventh September, eighteen hundred
and thirty, twenty thousand dollars.
For education of forty youths for twenty
years, including support of teachers in the na
tion, two thousand live hundred dollars per an
num, stipulated ill the twentieth article of the
treaty of twenty-seventh September, eighteen
hundred and thirty, twelve thousand five hun
dred dollars.
For blacksmith, stipulated in the sixth arti
cle of the treaty of eighteenth October, eighteen
hundred and twenty, and ninth article ot the
treaty of twentieth January, eighteen hundred
and twentysfive, six hundred dollars.
For iron and stee', three hundred and twenty
For three blacksmiths and assistants for six
teen yenrs, s ipnlated in the twentieth article
of the treaty ot twenty-seventh September, eigh
teen hundred and thirty, twenty five hundred
and twenty dollars.
For iron and steel, nine hundred and sixty
F r pay of millwright, stimulated in the I wen
tieth article of tIt" treaty of twenty-seventh Sep.
temlier, eighteen hundred and thirty, six hun
dred dollars.
f or permanent annuity, stipulated mine act
oftwenty-fifth February, seventeen bundled anil
ninety-nine, three thousand dollars.
For education for fifteen years, stipula'ed in
the second supplemental article of the treaty of
twenty fourth May, eighteen hundred and thir
ty-four, three thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth
article of tile treaty of seventh August, seven
teen hundred and ninety, one thousand five hun
dred dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the sec
ond article ofthe 'reaty of sixteenth June, eigh
teen hundred and twe, three thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
fourth article ot the treaty of twenty-fourth, Jan
uary, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, twenty
thousand dollars.
Forlimited annuity for fifteen years, stipula
ted in the eighth article of the treaty of twenty
fourth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
ten thousand dollars.
For blacksmith and assistant, and use of shop
and tools, stipulated in the eighth article of the
trea'y ot twenty fourth January, eighteen hun
dred and twenty-six, eight hundred and foity
For iron, and steel, two hundred and seventy
For two blacksmiths and assistants, and use
of shops and tools, for twenty years, stipulated
in the thirteenth article ofthe treaty of twenty
fourth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars.
For iron and steel, five hundred and forty dol
For blacksmith and assistant, and use of shop
and tools, during the pleasure of the President,
stipulated in Bte fifth article of the treaty of
fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thir
ty-three, eighteen hundred and thirty-three,
eight hundred and forty dollars.
For iron and steel, two hundred and seventy
For wheelright, stipulated in the eighth article
of the treaty of twenty-fourth January, eighteen
hundred and twenty-six, six hundred dollars.
For wagon maker, stipulated in the fifth arti
cle ofthe treaty offourteenlhFebruary,eighteen
hundred and thirty three, six hundred dollars.
For agricultural implements, stipulated in the
eighth article of the treaty of twenty fourth
January, eighteen hundred and twonty-six, two
thousand dollars.
For education for twenty years, stipulated in
the thirteenth article of the treaty of twenty,
fourth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
three thousand dollars.
For education for twenty years, stipulated in
the fifth article of the treaty of fourteenth Feb.
ruary, eighteen hundred and thiity-three, one
thousand dollars.
For interest, at five per centum, on three
hur.dred and fifty thousand dollars, (ninth year,)
stipulated in the third article of the treaty ,of
twenty^third November, eigh'een hundred and
thirty-eight, seventeen thousand five hundred
For education for twenty years, stipulated in
the fourth article of the treaty of fourth Janua
rv, eighteen hundred and forty-five, three thou-,
sand dollars.
For four blacksmiths and assistants, stipula
ted in thefouith article of the treaty of Four
teenth of February, eighteen hundred and thirty
three, three thousand thr.e hundred und stxiy
For iron and steel, one thousand and eighty
For wagon-maker, stipulated in thefouith ar
ticle of the treaty of fourteenth February, eigli- j
teen hundred and thirty-three,six hundred dol- |
For wheelwright, stipulated in the fourth ar- [
tide of the treaty of fourteenth February, eigh
teen hundred and thirty-throe, six hundred dol- '
For permanent annuity,stipulated iri the fourth
article of the treaty of the third of August, sev- i
enteon hundred and ninety-five, one thcuisand :
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fifth
article of the treaty of third of October, eigli i
teen hundred and eighteen, four thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
third article oflhe treaty of thirtieth of Septein- I
ber, eighteen hundred and nine, five hundred j
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the sups !
plemental treaty of twenty-lourth of Septein- j
ber, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, one (
thousand dollars
For life annuity to chief, stipulated in private |
and confidential article ol supplemental treaty)
oftwenty-fourth of September, eighteen hundred
and twenty line, to treaty of third of October,
eighteen hundred and eighteen, one hundred
For life annuity to three chiefs, stipulated in
aiipplernemal article to treaty of twenty sixth of
October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, three
hundred dollars.
For the purchase of salt, stipulated in the j
third article of trea'y of seventh June, eighteen I
hundred and three, one hundred dollars.
For blacksmith and as-istant, stipulated in
the sixth article of treaty ofjtliird October, eigh
teen hundred olid eighteen, seven hundred and
twenty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. for shops, two hun
dred and twenty dollars.
For interest on forty-six thousand and eighty
dollars, at five per centum, being the value of j
thirty six sections of laud, set apart by the In a- j
ty of eighteen hundred ami twontv-nine for ed- '
ucuti'in, stipulated in resolution of the Senate of)
nineteenth January.eiglneen hundred and thirty- ;
eight, two thousand three hundred and four dol- j
i w i mu ri.v/aiw.\ k'il/i.'U'io,
For blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in
the sixth article of the treaty of eighteenth of
September, eighteen hundred and twenty^three,
and treaty of ninth of May, eighteen hundred
and thirty-two, one thousand dollars.
For annuity, in goods, for fifteen years, stipu
ulated in the sixth article ot the treaty of fourth
January, eighteen hundred, and forty-five, two
thousand dollars.
For annuity, in money, for fif.cen years, stip
ulated in the sixth article of the treaty of fourth
January, eighteen hundred and forty-five, three
thousand dollars.
For agricultural imolements, tor five years,
stipulated in the seventh article ot the treaty of >
fourth January, eighteen hundred and forty-five, !
one thousand dollars.
For one year’s interest on one hundred and
fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, to be
invested at five per centum, stipulated in the
second article ot the treaty ot nineteenth Oc- !
tober, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, seven
thoueand eight hundred and seventy five dollars,
For limited annuity, for nineteen rears, stipu
lated in the fourth article of the treaty of twenty
fourth of October, eighteen hundred and thirty
two, five thousand dollars.
* For blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in the
four'll article of the treaty of third of June, one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, seven •
hundred and twenty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c., two hundred and
twentv dollars.
for agricunutat assistance. Bttpuiaieu in me :
fourlli article of the treaty ot third of June, one 1
thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, one
thousand six hundred dollaig.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
fourth article of the treaty of twenty third Oc
tober, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
six, twenty-five thousand dollars.
For blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in the
fifth article of the treaty of sixth October, eigh
teen hundred and eighteen, seven hundred and
twenty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. for shop, two hundred
and twenty dollars.
For one thousand pounds of tobacco, two
thousand pounds of iron, one thousand pounds j
of steel, stipulaied in the fourth article of the '
treaty of twenty third October, eighteen hurt- j
dred and twenty -six, seven hundred and seventy
For pay of miller in lieu of gunsmith, stipula
ted in the fifth article of the treaty of sixth of
October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, six
hundred dollars.
For one hundred and sixty bushels of salt
stipulated in the fifth article of treaty of sixth
October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, three
hundren and twenty dollars.
For education and support of the poor, stipu
lated in thesixth article of treaty of twenty third
October, eighteen hundred and twenty six, two
thousand dollars.
For the tenth often instalments, stipulated in
second article of treaty of twenty-fourth of Oc
tober, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, ten
thousand dollars.
For the ninth of ten instalments, stipulated
in third article of treaty cf sixth November,
eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, twelve thou
sand five hunched and sixty-eight d ollars.
Fur the sixthoftwenly instalments, stipulated
in second article of treaty of twenty-eight No
vember, eighteen hundred and forty, twelve
thousand five hundred dollars.
For payment in lieu of laborers, stipulated in
sixth article of treaty of twenty-eighth Novem
ber, eighteen hundred and forty, two hundred
and fifty dollars.
For agricultural assistance, stipulated in the
fillh article of treaty of sixth October, eighteen
hundred and eighteen, two hundred dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
fourth article of the treaty of third of August,
seventeen hundred and ninety-five, five hundred
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the third
article of the treaty of twenty-fiist August, eigh
teen hundred and five, two hundred and fifty
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the third
article of the treaty of thirteenth September,
eighteen hundred and nine, three hundred and
fifty dollars.
For limited annuity for twenty years, stipula
ted in the second article of the treaty of third
September, eighteen hundred and thirty-six,
twenty thousand dollars.
For two blacksmiths and assistants, stipula
tod in the second article of the treaty ol third
September, eighteeen hundred and thirty -six,
one thousand four hundred and forty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c., for shops, tour hun ,
dred and forty dollars.
For purchase of provisions, stipulated in the
second article of the treaty of third September,
eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three thousand
For Uvo thousand pounds of tobacco, sti pula
ted in the second artte'e of the treaty of third
September, eighteen hundred and thirty-six,
three hundred dollars.
For farming utensils, cattle, &.c. stipulated in
the second articlo of the treaty of ihird Septem
ber, eighteen hundred and thirty six, five liuud'
red dollars.
For thirty barrels of salt, stipulated in the
second article ot the treaty of third September,
eighteen hundred and thirty.six, uuu hundred
and titty dollars.
For blacksmith and assistant, for ten years
and during the pleasure of the President, stip
ulated iu the fourth article of the treaty of fif
teenth July, eighteen hundred and thirty, seven
hundred and twenty dollars.
For iron and steel for shop, two hundred and
twenty dollars.
For agricultural implements, during the plea
sure of (tie President, stipulated in the fourth
article of the treaty of fifteenth July, eighteen
hundred anil thirty, five hundred dollars.
For limited annuity for twenty years, stipu
lated in the fourth article of the treaty of twen
ty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty
six, thirty thousand dollars.
For interest, to bo paid annually, on two
hundred thousand dollars, us annuity, per Sen
ate resolution, twelve thousand dollars.
For education for twenty years, and during
the pleasure of Congress, s'ipulatcd in the
fourth article of the treaty of twenty eighth
Maicli, eighteen hundred and thirty six, live
thousand dollars.
For missions for twenty years, and during
the pleasure of Congress, stipulated in the
fourth article of the treaty of twenty-eighth
March, eigheeen hundred and thirty-six, three
thousand dollars.
For vaccine matter, medicines, and pnv of
physioian, stipulated in the fniutli article of the
treaty of twenty-eighth March, eighteen hun
dred and thirty-six, three hundred dollars.
For purchase of provisions lor twenty years,
stipulated in the fourth article of the Ireaiy of
twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and
thirty-six, two thousand dollars.
For six thousand five hundred pounds of to
bacco lor twenty years, stipulated in the fourth
article of the treaty of twenty-eighth March,
eighteen hundred and thirly six, nine hundred
and seventy-five dolluis.
k wi ijlie Iiuuui'u uoiiCKi ui n.m mi mcii'ji
years, stipulated in tlic^biirtli article of the trea
ty of twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred
and thirty-six, three hundred and fifty dollars.
For live hundred fish barrels for twenty years,
stipulated in the fourth article ot the treaty of
the twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred
and thirty-six, seven hundred and fifty dollars.
For three blacksmiths and assistants, stipu
lated in the seventh article of the treaty of twen
ty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty
six, two thousand one hundred and sixty dol
For iron, steel, &c. for shops, six hundred
nnd sixty dollars.
For gunsmith at Mackinac, stipulated in the
Seventh article of the treaty of twenty eighth
March, eighteen hundred and thirty six, six
hundred dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. for shop, two hund
red and twenty dollars.
For pay of two farmers and assistants, stipu
lated in the seventh article of the tieaty of
Iwen'y eighth March,eighteen hundred and thir
ty-six, sixteen hundred dollars.
For pay of two mechanics, stipulated in the
seventh article of the treaty ot twenty-eighth
March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six twelve
hundred dollars.
For blacksmith and assistant for ten years,
and during the pleasure ot the President, stipu
lated in the fourth article of the treaty of fif
teenth July, eighteen hundred and thirty, seven
hundred and twenty dollars.
for iron and steel, ate., lor shop, two hund
red and twenty dollars.
For agricultural implements for ten years,
from eighteen hundred and lorly, stipulated in
the third article of the treaty [of tlie treaty] of
twenty first September, eighteen hundred and
thirty-three, five hundred dollars.
For educaiion, during the pleasure of the
President, stipulated in the fourth article of the
treaty of twenty-first September, eighteen hun
dred and thirty-three, five tiundred dollars.
For limited annuity for ten years, stipulated
in the second article of the ireaty of twenty
first September, eighteen hundred and thirty
three, two thousand five hundred dollars.
For two farmers, for five years, and during
the pleasure of the President, stipulated in the
fifth article of the treaty of twenty first Septem
ber, eighteen hundred and thirty three, twelve
huudred dollars.
For interest, at five per centum, on uixty-nine
thousand one hundred and twenty dollars, the
valuation of fifty four sections of land set apart
by treaty of eighteen hundred and twenty-live
for education, per resolution of the Senate of
nineteenth January, eighteen hundred and thirty
eight, three thousand four hundred and filly-six
For limited annuity for twenty years, stipu
lated in the second article of the treaty of elev
enth January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine,
twenty thousand dollurs.
For support of two smiths’ establishments,
stipulated ill the second article of the treaty of
eleventh January, eighteen hundred and thirty
nine. two thousand dollars.
For pay of twoinillers, for fifteen years, stip
ulated in the second article of the treaty of
eleventh January, eighteen hundred and thirty
nine, twelve hundred dollars.
For pay of two assistant millers for eleven
yeois, stipulated in the second article of the
treaty of eleventh January, eighteen hundred
and thirty-nine, four hundred and fifty dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth
article of the treaty of third August, seventeen
hundred and mneiy-fivc, one thousand dol
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the sec
ond article of the treaty of4seventeenth ot No
vember, eighteen hundred and seven, eight
hundred dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
fourth ariicle cf the treaty of seventeenth of
September, eighteen hundred and eighteen, fif
teen hundred dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
fourth article of the treaty of iwenly-ninlh Au
gust, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, one
thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
fourth article of the treaty of third August,
seventeen hundred and ninety-five, one thous
and dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
third article of the treaty of thirtieth Septem
her, eighteen hundred and nine, five hundred
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the third
article o! the treaty of second October, eighteen
hundred and eighteen, two thousand five hun
dred dollars.
For limited annuity for twentv-two years,
stipulated in the third article of the treaty of
sixteenth October, eighteen hundred and twen
ty-six, two thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the sec
. oud article of the tr< a»y of twentieth Septem*
I her, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, two
| thousand dollars.
l*or limited annuity for twenty years, stipu*
'ated in the second article of the treaty of i wen
! lieth September, eighteen hundred and twenty
i eight, one thousand dollars.
For life annuity to chief, stipulated in the sec
ond article of the treaty of twentieth Septem
ber, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, one
I bundled dollars.
For education during the pleasure of Congress,
stipulated in the second article of the treaty of
twentieth September, eighteen hundred and
twenty-eight, one thousand dollars.
For purchase of salt, stipulated in the third
article of the treaty of seventh June, eighteen
hundred and three, one hundred and forty dol
For purchase of one hundred and sixty bush
els of salt, stipulated in the third article of the
treaty of sixteenth October, eighteen hundred
and twenty-six, three hundred and twenty dol
For education, during the pleasure of Con
gress, stipulated in the third article of the treaty
of sixteenth October, eighteen hundred and
twenty-six, two thousand dollars.
For blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in
the third urticle of the treaty of sixteenth Octo
ber, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, seven
hundred and twenty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. tor shop, two hundred
anil twenty dollars.
For blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in
the third article of the treaty of twentieth Sep
tember. eighteen hundred and twenty-eight
seven hundred and twenty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. for shops, two bund
and twenty dollars.
For two thousand pounds of tobacco, fifteen
hundred pounds ot iron, an<* three hundred and
fifty pounds of steel, stipulated in the second
article of tin* treaty of twentieth of September,
eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, four hund
red dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the sec
ond article of the treaty of seventeenth No
vember, eighteen hundred and seven, four bun*
dred dollars.
For limited annuity for twenty years, stipu
lated in the third article of the treaty of twen
tieth October, eighteen hundred and thirty—two,
fifteen thousand dollars ;
l-'or life annuity to two chiefs, stipulated in
the third article of the treaty of twentieth Oc
lober. eighteen hundred and thirty-two, four
hundred dollars.
For limited annuity for twenty years, stipu
lated in the third article of the treaty of twenty
sixth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
twenty thousand dollars.
For education, during the pleasure of Con
gress, stipulated in the fourth article of the
treaty of twenty seventh Or tober, eighteen hun
dred and thtrty-two, two thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, per fourth article of
the treaty of third August, seventeen hundred
and ninety five, five hundred dollars.
For permanent annuity, [per thud article of
the treaty of thirtieth December, eighteen hun
dred and five, three hundred dollars.
For agricultural implements lor five years,
and during the pleasure of the President, stipu
lated in the fourth article of the treaty of ninth
October, eighteen hundred and thirty-three,
two thousand dollars.
For limited annuity for twenty years, slipu
lated in tlie fourth article nf the treaty of tliir
teentli May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three,
two thousand dollars.
For education, during the pleasure of the
President, stipulated in tne third article of the
treaty of thirteenth May, eighteen hundred and
thirty-three, one thousand dollars.
For blacksmith and assistant, during the
pleasure of the President, stipulated in the third
article of the treaty of thirteenth May, eighteen
hundred and thirty-three, eight hundred and
forty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. for shop, two hund
red and twenty dollars.
For pay of farmer, stipulated in the third ar
ticle of the treaty of thirteenth of May, eigh
teen hundred and thirty-three, six hundred
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
sixth nrltcle of the treaty of eleventh Novem
ber, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, four
thousand five hundred dollars.
For permanent annuily, in lieu of inter at on
stock, per act of nineteenth February, eighteen
hundred and thirty-one six thousand dollars.
For blacksmith and assistant for ten years,
during the pleasure of the President, stipulated
in the fourth article of the treaty of the fifteenth
July, eighteen hundred and thirty, uig it hundred
and forty dollars.
For iron end steel, fee. for shop, two hundred
and twenty dollars.
For agricultural implements, during the plea
sure of the President, I 'tpu ated tit the fourth
article of the treaty of filieen'h July, eighteen
liimdrcj and thirty, seven hundred dollars.
For interest on investment In stuck, at five
per centum, on three hundred thousand (tolars,
stipulated in the second article of lit.* treaty ol
twenty ninth September, eighteen hundred and
thirty—seven, fifteen thousand dollars.
Fur limited annuity tor twenty years, stipula
ted in second article oftlie treaty of twenty
ninth September, eighteen bundled anil thirty
seven, ten thousand dollars.
For purchase of medicines, agricultural tin
plemer.ts and stock, support of farmers, physi
cians, blacksmith, and fur other beie-ricia
objects, for twenty years, stipulated in the
second arlcle of the treaty of twenty-ninth
September,eighteen hundred and thirty-seven,
eight thousand two hundred and fifiy dollars.
For purchase of provisions, for twenty years
stipulated in the second article of the treaty ol
twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred one
thirty-seven, five thousand five bumlred dollars
For blacksmith and assistant for ten years
and during the pleasure of the President, stipu
lated in the fourth article of the trealy of fif
it*rniii July, eighteen hundred and thirty, seven
hundred and twenty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. for shop, two hundred
and twenty dollars.
For aaricuIftirnl implement?, during the plra
j sure of the President, stipulated in the fourth
arm Je of tlie treaty of fifteenth July, eighteen
hundred and thirty, four hundred dollars.
i For interest on investment in stock, at five
I per centum on one hundred and fifty seven
| thousand four hundred dollars, stipulated in the
i second article of the treaty of twenty-first Oc
1 tober, eighteen hundred and thirty seven, seven
thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars,
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
| third article of the treaty of third November,
eighteen hundred ami four, one thouaund dollars.
For limited annuity fur thirty yt ai 9, stipulated
in the third article of Ilia treaty of twenty first
September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
twenty thousand dollars.
For blacksmith end assistant, during the
pleasure of the President, stipulated in the
fourth articlo of the treaty of fourth August,
eighteen hundred and twenty four, eight hun
dred and forty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. for sliop, two hundred
and twenty dollars.
For blacksmith'and assistant for thirty years,
stipulated in the fourth article of the treatyfof
twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and
thirty-two, eight hundred and forty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. for shop, two hundred
and twenty dollars.
For gunsmith for thirty yearp, stipulated in
the fourth article of the treaty of twenty-first
September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
six hundred dollars.
For iron uud steel, die. for shop, two hun
dred ami twenty dollars.
For agricultural implements, during the plea
sure of the President, stipulated in the fourth
article of the treaty of fourth August, eighteen
hundred and twenty-four, eight hundred dollars.
Foi*forty barrels of salt for thirty years, stip
ulated in the fourth article of the treaty of twen
ty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirty -
two, two luiudrtd dol ur*.
For tarty kegs tobacco for thirty yearp, slip *
ulated in the fointh silicic of the treaty of
twenty first September, eighteen hundred and
tliii)-two, six hundred dollars
For limited annuity for ten year?, stipulated
in the second article of the treaty of twenty
eighth September, eighteen hundred and thirty
six, ten tlinut>and dollars.
per centum on two hundred thousand dollar*,
stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of
twenty-lir.st October, eighteen hundred and
thirty-seventeen thousand dollars.
For interest on investment in stock, at five
per centum on eight hundred thousand dollars,
stipulated in the second article of the treaty of
eleventh October, eighteen hundred and forty
two, forty thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
fourth article of the treaty of third August, sev
enteen hundred and ninety five, one thousand
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
fourth nrticle of the treaty of twcnly-nmth
September, eighteen hundred and seventeen,
two tliousa id dollars.
For purchase of salt, stipulated in the third
article of the treaty of seventh June, eighteen
hundred and three, sixty dollars.
For blacksmith anil assistant, during the
pleasure of the President, stipulated in the fourth
article oftlio Ireaiy of seventh November, cigh
teen hundred and twenty five, eight hundred
and forty dollais.
For iron and steel, &c. for shop two hundred
and twenty-dollars.
For blacksmith and assistant, during the plea
sure of the President, stipulated in the fourth
article ofthe Ireaiy of eighth August, eighteen
hundred and tlmty-one, «*i*glil hundred and forty
1'or iron and steel, etc. fur shop, two hundred
und fjveuly dollars.
For p rmanent annuity,stipulated in the fourth
article of the treaty of Seventeenth September,
eighteen hundred and eighteen, one thousand
For blacksmith and assistant, during the plea
sure of the President, stipulated in tiie fourth
article of the treaty of twentieth July, eighteen
hundre d and tlurty-one, eight hundred and forty
I dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. forehop, two hundred
and twenty dollars.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the
fourth article of the treaty of twenty-ninth Sep
tember, eighteen hundred and seventeen, five
hundred dollnrs.
For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth
article of the treaty of seventeenth September,
eighteen hundred and eighteen, five bundled
doll »rs.
For blacksmith and assistant, during the plea
sure of the President, stipulated in the fourth
article ot the treotv of twenty-eighth February*
eighteen hundred and thirty-one, eight hundred
and forty dollars.
For iron and steel, &c. for shop, two hundred
and twenty dollars.
For pay of miller, during the pleasure ot the
President, stipulated in the fourth article of the
treaty of twenty-eighth February, eighteen hun
dred and thirty one, six hundred dollars.
For permanent annuity in lieu of ail former
annuities, stipulated in the third article of the
treaty of the seventeenth March, eighteen hun
dred and lorty-*iwo, seventeen thousand five
hundred dollars.
For the balance due the Wyandots on the
valuation of their improvements of the lands in
Ohio and Michigan,ceded by the Wyandots to
the United Slate?, according to the appraisement
made by Moses II. Kirby and John Wulker,
pursuant to the fifth article of the treaty made
between the United Stales and the Wyando'e
at Upper Sandusky, March seventeenth, eigh
teen hundred and forty*two, the sum of fifty
seven thousand ninety four dollars and twenty
four cents, in addition to the stun of mosey here
tofore appropriated, which are also directed It
be paid, the proviso to the appropi ution made
at the session of Congress in eighteen hundred
and forty-four to the contrary notwithstanding :
Provided, That the money herein or heretofore
appropriated, for the payment of the appraised
value of the W yandot improvements, shall be
[mid by mi agent of the United States to the
several individual Indian claimants in person,
or, in the event of the death of any ol the ortgi
nal claimants, then to his family, und to no other
person or persons whatsoever.
For the support of a blacksmith and assistant,
stipulated i:» the tenth article of the treaty ol
twenty ninth September, eighteen hundred and
seventeen, seven hundred and twenty dollars.
For tho purchase of iron and steel, &c. foi
shop, two hundred and twenty dollars.
For the support of a blacksmith and assistant
stipulated iti the eighth article of the treaty o
seventeenth March, eighteen hundred and forty*
two, icren hundred and twenty dollars.
Tor I hi; purchase of iron, steel, dtc. for (hop.
two hundred and twenty dollars. r
tor education, slipulal~d in the fourth article
f '''e treaty of seventeenth March, eighteen
hundred uud forty.nvo, five hundred dollars.
l-’or perm mem annuity, stipulated in the fifth
article of the treaty with them of the second
October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, tlirea
thousand doiljr..
For litoiled annuity titr thirty years, stipulated
in ttie si contl nr; tele of the treaty with lit in of
i lie first of August,eighteen hundred and twenty.
nine, eighteen thousand dollars.
For limited annuity for twenty-seven years,
stipulated in the third article of the tr-a.y oflha
fifteenth of September, eighteen bundled and
thirty-two, ten thousand dollars.
For the purchase of fifty barrels of salt, for
thirty years, stipulated in the second article of
the treaty of the first of August, eighteen hun
dred mid twenty nine, two hundred und fifty dol<
; For the purchase of three thousand pounds ol
tobacco, for thirty years, stipulated iri th.- sec
ond article of the treaty of the first of Angu-t,
eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, three Suu*
dretl ami fify dollars.
For the purchase of one thousand five hundred
pounds of tobacco, for twenty seven years, slip,
ulated in the filth nr: tele oft lie treat* of fifteenth
ot September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
one hundred ami seventy-five dollars.
For the support of thre e blacksmiths and as
sistants, for thirty years, stipulated in the third
article of the treaty of the first of August, eigh
teen hundred and twenty-nine, two thousand
one hundred arid sixty dollars.
For the purchnst of iron, steel. Sic. for shop*,
six hundred and sixty dollars.
For pay ol laborer, and fur oxen for thirty
years, stipulated ill the third article of the treaty
of the first of August, eighteen hundred and
twenty-nine, three hundred and sixty-five d >1.
For the purpose of education, for twenty-sev
en years, stipulated in the fourth article of the
treaty of the fifteenth September, eighteen buns
dred and thirty-two, three thousand dollars.
For the support of six agriculturist), purchase
of oxen, ploughs, and other itnultmomts, for
twenty sev“it yours, stipulated in the fif.ti article
of tli e treaty of the fifteenth September, eighteen
hundred and thirty-two, two thousand five hun
dred dollars.
For the pay of (wo jihvaieian?, stipulated in
'ho Hflli urttcle of llie treaty of ilio fifteenth
September, eighteen humJn d and thirty-two,
four hundred dollars.
For inlerest on investment in slock, al fivn
per centum on one million one hundred thousand
dollars, stipulated in the fourth article of the
treaty of first November, eighteen hundred and
thnly-aeven, filly-five thousand dollars.
For fulfilling treaty stipulations with Ilia
Creeka and Seminoles, vr«:
JJir annuity to the Crei ks for twenty year*
for purposes of education, stipulated in the fourih
article of the treaty of fourth of Janu iry, eigh
teen hundred and forty-five, three thousand
Fur subsistence of Seminole* while removing
on Kittle rivet, and for six months thereafter,
stipulated in the fifilt art rule of the treaty of
fourth of January, eighteen hundred and forty
five, twenty-six thousand dollars.
For annuity to Seminoles for fifteen years, in
goods, stipulated in the sixth article of the trea
ty of January fourth, eighteen hundred and
forty-five, two thousand dollars.
For annuity to Seminoles for fifteen years, in
money, stipulated ill the six'll article of’ihe trea
ty of fourih ol January, eighteen hundred and
forty-five, three thousand dollars;
For agricultural implements to Seminoles for
five years, stipulated in the seventh aricle of
the treaty of fourth January, eighteen hundred
and forty-five, ono thousand dollars.
For expenses of making the northern and
western beundary lines of the Creek country,
stipulated in the eighth article of the treaty of
fourth January, eighteen liundrd and forty-five,
five tlulu.-and dollars.
tor payment to the American p*r»y of St.
Regia Indians, stipulat 'd in supplcmenta article
to the treaty with the Six Nations of New
York, of fifteenth January, eighteen hundred
and thirty-fight, one thousand dollars.
For defraying contingent expenses of com
missioners to adjust claims to Choctaw reser
vations under the treaty of September, eighteen
hundred and thirty, in addition to former appro*
I priationp, six thousand five hundred dolUrs.
For the ic-uippropriation of this amount duo
the Senecas and Siiawnees, for the erection of a
saw-mill nud blacksmith shop, stipulated in ilm
fourth at tide of the tieaty of twentieth July,
eighteen hundred and thirty-one, nix hunt red
and seventy-one dollars and sixty-seven cents.
For the re-appropriation of this amount due
the Senecas, and Senecas and Shawnees, for
property lost, forage furnished, stipulated
in the fourth article of ihe treaty of twenty-ninth
December, eighteen hundred and thirty-wo,
I one thousand dollars.
Fortin- re-appropriatior of this amount due
for improvemiuiis valued under the sixth article
of the treaty ofi went)-fourth October, eighteen
hundred and thirty-four, with the Miami*?,
stipulated in the seventh article of the treaty of
sixth November, eighteen hundred and thirty
eight, five thousand two hundred &Nd ninety
nine dollars.
For Ihe r^-appropriation o? this amount duo
the western Cherokets, tor stock lost, being
the balance of I lie appropriation made tie* twen
ty-eighth Juno, eighteen hundred and thirty—
tour, t».r the satisfaction of claims of this char
acter, two thousand seven hundred and fifty-two
dollars and fifty cents.
For expanses of John YV. Quincy, a Stock
bridge Indian, to the Seat of Government while
hero, and returning, the sum of two hundred
dollars. *
For expenses of delegations nfCherokecs to
the Seat of Government, while here, and return*
ing to their homes, five thousand five hundred
For expenses of a d legation of YVinnebagoet
to the Seat of Government, while here, and re
turn n^ to their homes, five thousand dolfars ;
provided, no part of the two last appropriations
for expenses of delegations of Cherokees and
YVinnebagoea shall bt- paid to any citizen of the
United Slates, nor shall any part be paid but
upon regular accounts and vouchers showing to
whom paid and for what paid, except such officer
or ag'*nt as tlie President of the United States
shall direct to accompany the said deputation
of Winnebogoea.
For payment to Haplistc Powhs, and the
chiefs of i he first Christian party of the Oneida*,
stipulated in the thirteen* h article of the treaty
with the Six Nations of New York, fifteen Jan
nary, eighteen hundred and thiriy-cight, fo’jr
thousand dollar?.
Foi payment to William Day, and the chief*
of the Orchard paity of tie* One i das, stipulated
in the thirteenth article of the treaty with t‘
Six Nations of New York, fifteenth JaniK
eighteen* hundred and thirty-eight, two t'
sand dollars.
For interest on the amounts awarded Choc!) w
claimants under the fourteenth article «'/ ns
treaty «*f Dancing Rabbit creek, of the t'v .*; > •
seventh September, eighteen honored and <1 i~V ,
for lands on which they resided, but tr inch U