Newspaper Page Text
DAILY MM SERIES- VOL. Ul.-SO. 9.V4. BAIL! RECORD *EIUES-*tOL. XXIV.-NO. 4508. THE DAILY RECORD -UN ION. J^terCTtT.r-^POTtOifccuSttctamcEtQ as second das mm TtJBUSIIED ET THB - '' ! S^ramenta PuolisMng Company. ITH. 11. Jll3, General Manager. PaMlectlon Ofilce, Third »«., bet. J and _____ TtSK BAP.? u::i:os».rsio*« \ \ . Il^QbUstiod every daj ot the week. Sunday* excepted. i Foe one yc»r 00 Forrlx months , 5 00 For three mtmtitt '_ CO Ton copies one Tear, to one address 80 00 Subscribers served by Curler* at TwrsTT-Fm Cesn per week. In all Interior cities end towns the MW can be had oi the principal Periodical Dealers, newsman and Agents. idSflllllat Bates In Bally Beeord-rnicß. Oaf Square, l Ume..T... M ..,. .,'.,„.,. .....5 1 00 One Square, 2 ___a. '.... 1 75 ULofir|-nr-, 3 timea. .., 3 50 Each additional time. , SO 1 Week. J Weeks. 1 Month Half Sqaar-, 3«- page *2 50 (3 50 (5 00 , Half S.juire, Jd page 353 6 00 SOO * Half Square, 3d pa«e....... 300 50 6 00 ' Ha!.' S-.utre. «th pa?s SCO; 100 4 00 : One 8 riir.ia, page. 3 50 8 00 7 00 One Square, 2d page 6 00 7 00- 10 00 OneSriunre, ze * 00 6 00 8 00 . OneSi-..-.??. 4-.'_i[.ue....... 300 4 00 6 00 Star Koticos, to follow reading matter, twenty-five •er.ts a line fcr each insertion. ■ « « Ad»ertii.emeutfiC.f Situations Wanted. HouaestoLet, - Society M-jetinra. etc.. of five lives ob _zttt*, will be Inserted in the -Daily I_.___co___.___-Um<.n as fallows : , Onetime ; -.'centa Three times 50 cents One week.. .;r..T.. 75ceuU - Borea words to constitute a Una. ■ , TBE WEEKLY onoir , t'.r. '...-;. ; [Published iv rcmi-weekiy parte! * .Is lrrveA.3r Wednesday and Saturday of each ' week,' •t^ci'-lFifrg Bight Page* in each lame, or Sixteen Papes each we k. and is vie cheapest ana most desirable Home, _tew* and Literary Journal published on the raoifneorvt C - ■ <~ ■ ~ Terms, Oi.e Year .'..".. .'.r.t..'... 60 f » 22 Semi- Weekly I nlon Advert Kates. Half Square, 1 time .:...... 00 Each additional time 50 . One Square, 1t1me..................; 200 Each additional tune 100 WAITED, LOST AND FOUND. Advertisements Of fire lines In this department are ■■•ertad for 25 cents for one time : three times for CO y tenia or 73 cents pet week. ' WANTED— BY AN EX I'Hi I KN'I ED TEACH- • "Vt T cr, a situation in a private family for . the ■ii, winter. Good references. Terms reasonable. Ad- dress M. C. M., Whca'land. Yuba county, Cal.sltlw WANTED-A SMART, INDUSTRIOUS BOY i T V at the WHITE HOISE, No. 505 J street. ■ ■ ' Blslt* . EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . WANTED— ALL KINDS HELP, MALE AND V,Y Female. Particular attention paid to Fur- nishing . Hotel', Private Families and Farmers with .' Help, tree of charge to employer!. HOUSTON; & CO., one door south of Fourth and X streets, Sac- ramento city. aul3-lptf TO LET OB FOB SALE. Advertisements of five lines ln this department are alerted for 25 cents for one time ; throe times for 50 oents or 75 cents per week. BURKE HOUSE, SECOICD STREET, BE-/*^ ,'M_9 tween I and — Furnished rooms tog*' '" let, single or in suites, by the day, week orjjgjjli, , mouth. F. T. BURKE, Proprietor. " " ' ' '■ SIS-lplw* .-_.- --,*-.-■:,■ FARM TO RENT — KNOWN AS THE,gft vim Ranch, located on the east bank 9ffV of the Sacramento river, five miles south of «■•■ Freeport and thirteen miles from Sacramento City, comprising about 260 acres of good agricultural and grazing laud. Situated upon the farm is a substan- tial dwelling-house of 7 rooms ; also a fine dairy- house, 2 large barns, wagon sheds, chicken-houses, etc.; also, a nice orchard containing many varieties , of choice fruit trees. Must be rented immediately. ' Terms reasonable. Apply to F. H. MOORE, at law office of N. Greene Curtis, Sixth street, between I and J, Sacramento City. sl3-lw.l-.gwlt FURNISHED ROOMS To RENT, BY THE PAY, week, or month, at 1001 Second street, over ' P. O. Mills' bank. . .-..-■■ - sl22w MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, AT A lowrateof interest, by PETER BOHL, 325 J street. '-" -- • 810 lm ROOMS! ROOMS ! ROOMS 1-FURNISHED OR i Unfurnished. Prices to suit the times. Coo', high ceiling ; well ventilated. The House by far the best arranged in the city, a d kept first-class. BATH FREE. Northeast corner Eighth and X streets (Clunie Building). MRS. H. GKICE, Pro- -1 prietrew. ■".-•- . . sB-tf- O CAA ACRES FOX SALE— CONSIST- «ft j 'W.Ol/V ing of Farming, Fruit, Vine and'fiPSr Garden Lands, in farms and lots of a size to— ■& rait purchasers, from twenty acies upwards, lying from 2| to 5 miles north of Vacaville, Solano county. Apply at the banking-house of JAMES L. ENGLISH, southwest corner of Fourth and J streets, Sacra- mento. * '..':.;■ ■ '■ s2-tf -« TO LET— BRICK STORE ON THE SOUTH- Jg__*. Ji. west corner of N and Ninth streets, with Bjjjjlj Crams dwelling attached. Inquire of -P. _S__U_. BOHL. T.u".l-tf 17*0R SALE-SIX COMPLETE^ yjf% _ ' Bedroom Sets, Sir. to§2swß^SgJ7 per set, its. POSKA'S Secondhand %>ii^. • Furniture Store, No." 717, J street. A__yEk_m - - au!7-lplm '■ _ - y POSTOFFICE BOXES FOR SALE. THE CASE? WITH BOXES ALL COMPLETE, • with Yale Locks, duplicated keys, ill in order * to set up in a Postoffice, which have been used in the Sacramento ollice, wi.l be sold cheap, cither all together or iv ports to suit purchasers. Apply to . :*;; gTTEETSEU A ALSIP. Real Estate and Insurance Agents, No. 1015 Fourth ' ' street, between J and K. . - ■' • aii2o-lf ; . BREWERY FOR SALE. ! THE FOR- YEARS WELL-KNOWS »r>--,ili; Coals Urewerj-r. ; (l^^^S Situated on corner of Sixth and U streets, B_________[ In the city of Sacramento, is, on , account oi the death of the proprietor, for sale cheap. ' Inquire of P. B©HL. 325 J street. : ; .- au2o-tf DENTISTBY. ; " — : ■ • ■ • . — : " — p. -»y F. ■ V. Tllll-liv ; T-VENTIST, .;-T.i._ T., No. 627J J Btreet, between Fifth and Sixth. : y s2-lplm ' ' TV. WOOD, DENTIST.— (REMOVED TO VUINX'SMKK Building. corner Fourth and J street*). 6B33s9 Artificial Teeth inserted on all bases. Improved Liquid Nitrous Oxide Gas, for the Painless Extrac- tion of Teeth. '.--.-■- ■■-■.-■ au24-tf n. U. PIEBSO.V, DENTIST, 415 J STREET, BF.TWF.F.N£*en» %J Fourth and Fifth, Sacramento Arti-s^^R ticial Teeth inserted on Gold, Vulcanite and all bases. N tr.iue Oxide or Laughing Gas administered for the painless extraction of Teeth. . • - : Jyl4-lm ' IT. 11. II ■ RI . D. D. 8., DENTIST, NO. 605 .1 STREET, BE-MMUfc tween Sixth and Seventh, Sacramento. jyll-lplm , BAMma HOUSES. """"^ JAMES LAWRENCE ENGLISH. -VyyVi y'VV' : 'V. BANKEK, : ; SOUTHWEST CORNER J AND FOURTH streets, Sacramento. », ta Commercial and Savings Dcp-wits received, and a general banking businees done. Exchange on San Francisco and the East. " Interest was paid on Savings Deposits in this Bank, for the Semi-Annual Term ending JUNE SOth at the rate of 6} per cent, per annum. : sl-4plm 060,000 TO XaOjSLST" "CS In Sum- to Salt, at lowest Bates. fam. to PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. sl-Iptf WM. F. nUNTOON. Cashier.' NATIONAL GOLD BANK far D. O. MILLS * , CO., SACRAMENTO Vim- ID STATES DEFOSITABT. ■xcHiias oa Aew Tork. London, Dublin. Berlin, Paris And all the principal citle* of Europe. '_ Under our . extensive arrangements we can make payments in any town or village in Germany, Aus- tria, Hungary, France, Switzerland, ' Italy, Polisfc Russia, Denmark, Sweden and Vorwav, sending th« money into thejvery house of the party who is to receive rt v *. / , mll-tf i _______ _ UNION~ TNSURANCE COMPANY, AN FRANCISCO Fire aad Marine. CAPITAL, tolly paid......... .._.... ".'..'.inSMM Loese promptly adjusted and p-.'d In gold coin. CADWALADER & PARSONS, General Agents Sacramento Div'n, No. SI J street ' . anl3-4ntf _ , -;-■ _ y MRS. WAGNER, DAUGHTER OF JOHN RCL, a the great phrenologist, gives satisfaction in hive, luck and family affairs ; advice, If followed, will save trouble. : Northwest corner Third and J ."streets, 'Boom 85. '.C* • V--' : * 13 " * SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNION. SALE BEOS, & 00. Gases to the Right of Us, Gases. to the Left of Us, Gases in Front, Behind and All ' m ' '. ~ ~ "■**'■■""" «sf*» ■*■ '" * - ■ m ■ •-■* ■- ■ ■■- Around Us, Arriving from the Bast faster than wa can place them in onr Ware- t . rooms, and crowding ns almost ont of onr, extensive premises. -SJ.W't i .': ''."'' - . -■-' ... '.......!.■'.; .■■i . ■ - Such has been our condition " for ' the past few weeks— the result being that! we :r / ; ■■. have now a stock of '^^ _. .. -VV22V- :_■.:.. . ■ : \ ; -■■ 2—..yV ■--.- . 00000000000 000000 00000000000000000000000001100000000 ;/■' - :000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ■ ; oo ■• -' ■-- -■.•■-—-. , ,y ,-.:.■ . -•_•'-■ -*'-■£-. ■-••-.'.--'■ oo >T: ■ ■■■'! DRESS GOODS I 1 OO: '■'■■L :■ v f. ••*,"•:- .-'.;•. ■ ■'. "TV/" -'4>o-r T'^TOO ■ ■-^■r-lK'i^-r./r-.yy^.- y.-rr,2..y . OO T _ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ■ 0000000000000000000000000 O O 000000000000000000000000 AND— *3?S___&X__o^_BoEX__EiarO-S ! Lnequaleil on this coast, both in respect of magnitude and variety of style. ta With the firm resolve to be foremost in the introduction of NOVELTIES/ we have spared neither energy nor expense to furnish our patrons with a stock of DRESS MATERIAL) which we .venture to assert is the most recherche ever offered in this city, and we are satisfied that the public, upon an examination of this stock, will see another evidence of the spirit of enterprise that has characterized the various Houses of HALF! BROS, on this coast. - -. . ■: - ' . :-.- ~~~y. T~r: :'l :: .. ... •_-.''•--._''' -■' IyVVyV I.. .-: V. ' 2 1 .....2. ] V \i IO . T-.w T;,; „..;... : ■ ' - -*-> .■■ 'V .-■ :'.''•'■ ■■ *-'.-: ■_•!-*■■■- '■'.-■ ";..*>•* . -r ■*-'-. "•■,-■.:. ■■. " ".'.."'? .".'"■-*"--. . - '.-•"-- ■ '. 'j . " OIK LATEST tBBI V ALP, IN PAKT. CO.VSIBT OF A FILL I.'MS OF - Colored Dress Goods! Cashmeres, Armures, Shoodas, 5 In Sea! Brown, Bronze, Momies, oii ™» iw Blue » B » r nn i :^f deaux, Garnet, Plum, Melange, Bottle Green, Gendarmes p , Blue, Ruby and Drab. _•? Ruban, iiilJ^iiSl: lliiiiiSl Carmelite. Prices from 10c to $2 a yard ! HIGH NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. Tinsel Plaids, 7 Roman Plaids, ) All possible Combination, Carylyime Stripes, I in Autumn Colors.- \ Roman Stripes, ) SILK CTo^sx^FxrEss x .. - -• . -. ■ .-.-,:■. y.y : :jy-.^ ■■;•■■.■ i x' 7 '" ' ."T J * WATERED SATINS: In Seal Brown, Navy Blue, Bordeaux and Bronze. BROOMED SATIN DE LYON In Garnet, Navy Bine, Sell Brown, Black, Olive and Bronze. • PLUSH AND VELVET : Bottle Green, Garnet, Navy Bine, Seal Brown, Bronze, Olive and Black, BLACK BROCADED SILKS, BLACK BROCADED SATINS, BLACK .BROCADED VELVETS, etc. - tr We invite the LADIES of this city to call and inspect these NOVELTIES, making, as they do, an elegant display, and comprising the VERY LATEST STYLES, just ont in the cities of the East. tar A WORD TO THE STRANGERS WHO WILL VISIT OUR CITY DURING THE NEXT TEN DAYS :T We extend to you the right hand of fellow- ship, and say to you, pay our stores a visit. , : Whether; you -r-ant to buy goods or not ' you will be made right welcome. Come, if you will, merely out of curiosity, and see for yourselves the ■- - •■_••- - - '"-J-* : .-y. - - .- - * OPENING OF THE FALL STYLES, Which, we feel assured, will elicit your admiration. We positively assert that we offer these goods here at within a fraction of New York prices, and shall be glad to have the public satisfy themselves as to the troth of this assertion. We say again, come and visit our various Departments : DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, etc. , and see what we are offering as a . F^lIR M'TEACTION! HALE BROS. & GO., Grand Central Depot, : _ CORKBR ;-.; OF vy NINTH AND X STREETS, SACRAMENTO. SACRAMENTO, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1881. MECHAUICS' STORE. For Advertisement of WEIN- STOCK & LUBIN, see Second Page. It will be changed daily. : .-■■■ E BUTTS, SEEDS AKD PSO-DUOE. W. R. STRONG & CO., Wholesale . Commission Mercliants AA'D DEALERS IN »!.'-. KI_SD3 OE CALIFORNIA CUKES _U» DBIED FBI IT.* NITS, HONEY, SEED . r And General . Merchandise. . '.'_.;."S*'-- -■-...... ... : .:-2.y ta All orders promptly attended to. ' Address : W. R. STRONG & CO., - S-lplm • Kos. 6, 8 and 10 J street, Sacramento. M. T. BREVIEK A CO., ■■-■*-•'.....-. r.-.-r - .... a_N r*"^yf^L Commission Merchants and :■ Whole-wit • --'.:." DKALERS IN GREEN FRUIT, DRIED ,- FRUIT, . PRODUCE. | . Vegetables, Honey, Seeds, Alfalfa Seed, Etc., Nos. 30 and 33 J - Street, ~ Sacramento. - ■■ ' -:- -_ ... 83-lptl ,•■<-?>•■■■■ v ■ -■■ i-' . A. MOOSBR. *......'. :■- '. 8. OKRSOS. . g. , t.I'ICSOX A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dealers In " _-'-' Imported ' and Domestic Fruit ii, Vegeta- '■:-,-■-.-. y'' bles, Nuts Etc., . No. 220 J street, between Second and Thin!, Sacra- mento. ! ' - -rr- ..;■ - -,-.■'_■■. : -.-Mm r - ' D. I.KBEKXAkDI. '. " 2 2. ',""'■ '■ 'AS. GA<.7.OLI. f D. DEBERNARDI & CO., WHOLESALE COMMISSION HEALERS IN ' Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Vegetables, Frnlt, Fish and General Produce. -.•■■■; -■ • . »u'.!7-lplm - , ;. ' ■ .* LTOK A BAKNES. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Produce, Vegetables, Butler, Exes, Cheese, • Poultry, Green and Dry Fruits, Honey, Roans, etc ALFALFA SEED. ," '" ta Potatoes in car-load lots or less. ' • " ■ au23-lptf Nos. 21 and 23 J street. " -' r- * .'" ; •« '• . ' - —IS THE .'■■ ■■-:■..■: " "-'- - '- . '. - ■_ DtoEICOMM 1' • - AND THE Sacramento If |i I 111 l v Weekly Union KILL XX COMMERCED November 1, 1881, A SPLENDID NEW SERIAL STORY, 1 Written exprees'y for the above publications, - entitled . ■■;.-" ._- - - "Thefaysoftlieforld" ' •.'■ __by— ~Vy. JUNIUS HENRI BROWNE, OF NEW VOKK. This Story will be "concluded in Twenty Chapters, occupy- ing Twenty Weeks in pub- lication. au3o-2|it( y^^c^Vie/i^ig^ wmp :^y WILCOX&WHITE ORGANS ■ -AT WAREROOMS OP- r T '-: *"j . i X-... sc.' 3Bc/% Tvnyr i-ijk., No. BM . J street, . . - ... V. .. •arrnim i... UT Sold on the installment plan. -. Orders (or TUNING promptly attended to. iyiO-lplm BWEETBER & ALSIP, REAL ESTATE AND INSTANCE ACENTS * J Xotary Public and Commissioner or Deeds. Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. ? > - ta Houses rented and rents collected, "la ; Agents (or the following Insurance Companies : ' IMPERIAL ....;. . *.: . .of London LONDON .........................of London N0RTHE8N.V...;...;..-.........;..-....0f London aCEEN............. .....:. of Liverpool NORTH BRITISH Aim MERCANTILE 4 I S____\ 3£ ( Edinburgh .ETNA.... ;...'.. .....;:... ...;;':. 0f Hartford, Conn. : - Aggregate Capita!. 9M.716.0M. I ta No. 47 Fourth street, between J and X, Sac amento. corner of the alley ■ ■■.--■ AG. GRIFFITHS' iJy§ ■ ■■■ ■ '•'■■«»■ ■ ' tQ. GRIFFITHS' FEHKTH GRANITE I ORES ■BjßfT^-V PE.VKTN CAX. HnßySLnpirE best VARIETY AND -AQKSV A Largest Quarries on the Pacific Coast. Polished Granite Monuments, Tomb- stones and Tablets made to order, 2. stones, etc Granite Building Stone "'": Cut, Dreaaed and Polished to order dll-tr6m NOTICE. I HAVE THIS DAT PURCHASED THE >■» full interest of Mr. A. WASSMANN, in^r the Boot ani Shoe Manufacture. located at 9™? No. 523 _____ street, Masonic Building, and shallf^* ' continue the game. Also ask for a continuation of the same libera] jotronaze. -y -ALEX. DRYNAN. " : . tjacraniento, August 27, ISSI. - ,; ;_-; ■■.■:. '. Having sold all my interest in the above business, I respectfully ask. my friends and the public the same liberal patronsure formerly tendered to me. sC-iplm - _ A. WASdMANN. SAN v FBANOISOO CARDS. SAN FRANCISCO Business Directory ARTISTS. . --■ House-north— Optician an.l Photographer, No. li ■:■ Montgomery street. Established in 1861. ARTISTS' MATERIALS, ETO. San borne. Vail A Co.— lmporters and Mannfact- - urers of Mirrors. Moldings and Frames; Chromos, Engravings, " Brackets, Easels, Statuary and Artists' Materials, No. 857 Market street. '' < " BUSINESS COLLEGES. _j Pacific Business College and Telegraphic Institute— (Life ■ Scholarship, for full Business Course, $70). ' W. E. Chamberlain, Jr., and T 'A. Robinson, Pioprietors, No. 320 Post street, oppo- site Union Square, S. F., Cal." Send for Circulars. Mould's Business College (of the Itrynnt A ... Stratton Chain of Colleges). B. P. • HEALD and F. C. WOODBURY, Proprietors. No. 21 Post ■beet, near Kearny. S. F., Cal. Terms -810 per quarter, payable in SO days. '/ —-—-—-_---------_-. CLOTHIERS, ETC. J. Tf. Carmany (successor to Carmany&Crosette), Dealer in Shirts and Men's Furnishiug Oooda ' Shirts made to order a specialty. No. 25 Kearnv street, between Market and Post. : :i^ DENTISTRY. i The only place In this State where the making and giving of pure ga< is made a spccii.ltv of from the formula of the Celebrated COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. New York, originators of the use of gas for POSITIVELY Extractnm Teirth without pain, is at Nos. 925 and 927 Market ;; street, above Fifth, opposite Mason. T. H. Ferguson. D. D. Operative and Me- • chanical Dentist (graduate of Baltimore College of Dental Surgery), 34 Kearny street, near Post. '■V;;,*v DRY GOODS. Ketne Bros., Nos. 107 to 115 Kearny street arc now holding their regular Bead-Annual Sale. Im- mense reductions in Si ks, Cloaks, Dress Goods Mourning, Domestics, Hosiery, Parasols, Laces and Notions. Samples ou application. ■ The White Pouse— The oldest Dry Goods House in San Francisco. We import direct from the {irincipal marts in Europe, consequently can sell ower than any other house in the trade. Countn orders attended to.-' J. W. Davidson & Co., Nos. 101 and 103 Keamy street, San Francisco. '.' DRUGS, CHEMICALS. A. F. Downing; .1 Son- Wholesale Dealers in Druggists' and Proprietary Specialties, No. lt Second street. Grand Hotel Building. Justin dates.— Druggist, removed to 722 Montgomery street. Country orders solicited Langlcy«£ Michaels- Wliolesale Druggists, In.' porters of pure French, English and German drugs . Northeast comer Front and Pine streets. DIAMOND AND WATCH BROKER. Uncle Harris. 221 Keamy st., between Bush and Sutter., Established lssl. EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. Albert 1,3-ser A Co.— Publishers "Paciflc School - and Home Journal ;" monthly ; $2 per year 'in advance. Devoted to Educational interests of the Paciflc coast. Official Organ State Departmen of Public Instruction. No. 838 Market stroet. * EDUCATIONAL. ; The Berkeley «ymnaslnm-A Flrst-rla<* Academical Institution, affords a Classical Literary, Scientific or^Businees Education. For catalogues or particulars, address JOHN F BUKKIS, Superintendent, Berkeley, Cal. .;^ft School or Practical, rivll, Meehanleal and Mining Engineering, Surveying, Drawing and As- saying, 21 Poet st A. Van der Naillen, Principal. 'W'-rVV ■ HATS, nerrmann, The Ha! I No. 338 Kearny street, Pino. The finest **-* v at the lowest prices! .factory : No. 17 Belden street. - H.-Menssdorirer— Manufacturer and Importer of Hats and Hat Materia*. Wholesale and Retail Northeast corner Montgomery and Busk streets, . and 402 Kearny. . .~ HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, ETC. KS- ** Flock-Importing and Manufacturing Cutlers and Bellhangere, No. 7tt> Market street. Marcus C. Han ley A Co.-Importfrs of Hard- .?_?,-"•.,„ Agricultural Implements, Nos 301 303 r- 305, 307 and 309 Market s.reet, San Francisco, j ' Carolan. Cory «t liacoi.ere of Hardware. • Iron and Steel. Agents "for the PitUburg Steel Works, Northwestern Horse Nail Co., and South- ington Cutlery Co. Nos. 120 and 122 Front street; and jNos. 117 and 119 California street / i - IRON WORKS, BOILER AND MA- CHINERY MAKERS. Sacramento Boiler Works— Nos. 214 and 216 Beale street. J. F. Hall, Practical Boilermaker. Manufactures Marine, Stationary and Portable Boilers, and all kinds of Sheet Iron Works. METALS, STOVES, RANGES, ETC, W. *W. Montague A Co.— lmporters of Stoves. Ranges and Sheet Iron, Marbleized Mantels Grates and Tiles. Manufacturers -- of Plain' Japanned and Stamped Tinware. Nos. 110 11? 111, 116 and 118 Battery street. . . ; ' .MILLINERY. The Bandbox- The popular Millinery Establish, ment B. S. llirsch It Co., No. 748 Market street. Strict attention to orders from the interior . TEA IMPORTERS. TT Siegfried A BrandenUcin— No. 210 GiUfornl* street. P. O. jl'dx 2,163. RESTAURANTS. Swain's Family Bakery and Dining Saloon- No. 630 Market street, Wedding cakes ice cream, oysters, jellies, etc, constantly on hand' Families supplied. Cnmpl's Original Italian Bestanrant has reopened under the management of N. Giamboni Campi's former partner. Nos. ft! l and 633 Clay St., near Montgomery. A. P. Sartori, Proprietor. RUBBER AND OIL GOODS. The Gntta Pereha and Buhner Manufact- uring Company— Manufacturers of Rubber Goods , of every description. Patentees of the celebrated "Maltese Cross Brand" Carbi.lized Hose. Comer . First and Market streets. ; J. W. Taylor, Manager. Goodyear Rubber Manufacturers of all kinds of Rubber Belting, Packing, Hose, Springs Boots, Clothing, etc. No. 577 and 579 Mai ket street. Davis A Kellogg— Pioneer Manufacturers of Cape Ann Oiled Clothing, Hats, Covers, etc. Importers and Deale-s in Rubber Boots and Woolen Goods No. 34 California street y ;•' ."■ STATIONERS, PRINTERS, ETC. Methodist Rook Depository and National Temperance Publication Society.— Rev. J. B. Hill, Agent. Agency for Stylographic Fountain Pens and Stylographic Copying Books. No. 1011 Market - street, between Sixth and Seventh. H. 8. Crocker A Co.— lmporting and Manufact- uring Stationers, Printers and Lithographers, Nos. . 215. 21, and 219 Bush street, above Sansome. Co . < ';J Book Store— No. 746 Market street All kmds[of Stationery cheap. - >y.y.T SPRING MATTRESSES. California " Spring » Manufacturing Com- pany, A. 8. Warner, President. Nos. 147 and 149 New Montgomery street, Sau Francisco, Cal., and No. 224 First street, Portland, Oregon. Manu- facturers of the Star Spring Bed Bottom, and all kinds of Bed and Furniture Springs. Also, deal- era in r Upholnerers 1 Tacks, Twine, • Webbing, Curled Hair, Ticking, Mow, Tow, Excelsior, Bur- laps, Spring Staples. Bed Lace, Eureka Hair. V WHOLESALE GROCERS. y : Taber, Barker A Co.— lmporters and Wholesale : Grocers, Nos. 108 and 110 California street - - Wellman, Peek A Co.- Importers and Whole- sale Grocers and Dealers in Tobacco and Cigars, . Nos. 126 to 132 Market, and No. 23 California. SACRAMENTO RECORD-UNION. B^H___y m m el 'S* . on, <*» No. SOS Montgomery street.— A. H. Macdonald Agent. STAR MILLS AND MALT HOUSE. **--*--- - y?****™^'^^***;!.® \F.I~ROI'RC A LACES, NOS. 50, 62 AND 54 FIFTH ST., SACRAMENTO, XT * dealers In Produce and Brewers' Supplies, Ms ufacturers of Malt and all kinds of Meals, etc. Oal meal, Commeai, Cracked Wheat Graham Flour, Buckwheat Floor, etc New Grain Bags for sale. ——————— __*______2_222L____2__2___2V EDW. CADWALADER^/ : OFFICE, CORNER THIRD AND J STREETS - residence, comer Tenth ",i N streets. Sacra, uento, CaL Notary Public ■.- -,'V. _T - - _'..,./; United States Commissioner - '• ■: iii.---, Commissioner of Deeds for the States {and Tcrri tories, and Conveyancer. - --. - .--_- -- Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Le^es, Contracta, etc drawn and acknowledged. aul9-U ; PACIFIC COAST. — ■ _. ♦ i ■ '--.-.-.■--■. . ■. LAST KIOHTB DISPATCHES TO THE RECOKD • • y .VSlOH..y.2y.'iVVyV - CAI-irOttSIA. l-r ■ -.. rr- .rr:;-.-. ; . . • Fined For Exhibiting "Without a License — Wheat-Grower*' Convention. . : San Frascisco,' ' September loth. — iams and I Seaman, who humbugged tho peo ple at Piatt's Hall on spiritualism, were fined #200 * each to-day for exhibiting without a license. - The grain-growers heard to-day I at Grangers' Hall the report of I the .'committee , appointed yesterday to consider the question of incorporation." The committee . reported in favor of . incorporating as the T Wheat growers' Association of California, . which would establish a bureau of ttatistics in this city, -: and . collect : reliabls news relating |to erain, etc., for the benefit of _. the members. The initiation i* §10, and the society is open to all , respectable wheat-growers upon pay ment of this sum. ■ The! following Directors were elected : A. C. Paulee'il. Stockton ; H. M. Larue, Sacramento ; J. McPike, N apa ; L. M. Hinckman, 'Stanislaus ; Tiios. Upton, Merced ; W. ■■ B. English, Contra Costa ; A. D. Logan, J. Campbell, Colusa ; E. Jacobs, Tulare. .. ' '____ yV'y Secretaryship of the lulled Slates Senate. San Francisco, September 15lh.— The officers and many members of the Grand Army of the Republic in this city have united in signing a memorial address to Sen ator Miller, asking his influence in securing the Secretaryship of the United States Sen ate for the Pacific coast, and urging Marcus D. Boruck for the position. ' The j Heresy Case— Verdict .liiaiiiit Sirs. ! Cooper. San Fraxcisco, September — The ex amination -of the charge of heresy against Mrs. Sarah Cooper by the San Francisco Presbytery was concluded to-day. After ar guments for the prosecution and defense, the Presbytery took the matter uuder advise ment. This evening in the secret session each member was allowed five minutes to ex press his views. A verdict was given — 13 to B— against Mrs. Cooper. The Marin County Conflagration- Coro ners Inquest. San Rafael, September 15th. — Coroner Eden, on arriving at the place where the body of William Pixley was found, impaneled a jury aud swore them on the suet, then ad journed to the house of F. W. Pixley. ! - Frank W. Pixley was sworn and testified : Saw my father last at about 9 o'clock yes terday. He was leaving the house to go up the gulch Arroyo Halon. He went up to commence clearing on the lot opposite the Government land. It was near there where he was found. I discovered the remains. There was a shovel near the body, wbich belonged to my father. The body was lying face down up the hill. Am sure the remains were those of my father. Gave Tom Collins the alarm. Collins went up and saw the body. I and my mother heard father cry out when that patch of brush caught. It was about noon. Was pretty close. About five minutes after that heard him moaning. It continued sev eral minutes. I was standing about 200 yards away. - " Thomas Collins was with Mr. Pixley when the fire originated. I He was clearing a five acre lot that he had purchased from Mr. King. There were a lot of blackberry and poison oak brush that he wanted to burn, and I went along to keep it in control. We started the fire. The morning was damp, and it took sou.c trouble to start it. After it got well under way Pixley saw a fire nearly half a mile away. We started up and tried to save King's grass. Pixley heard his v. ife call him about this time and < he left to see what she wanted. I never saw him after that alive. ■ The remains are those of Mr. Pixley. F. M. Pixley. of the San Francisco ._-tri7o iiant, testified that his brother was 59 years old, and was born in Oneida county, X. Y. The jury found that death resulted from suffocation and burning, and that the fame was accidental. - .:-—.'?*--' , Ty 'SECOND DISPATCH.I San* Rafael, September 15th.— fire bas burued over about 25,060 acres up to this time. . About , one- third of it is grass, which the ranchers expected to feed their stock on this fall ami winter. Considerable damage to fence.! has been done. Blythe dale. Dr. CusMiig's place, reported in ruins, is all right, althr.ugh at one time one of the cottages was in imminent ! danger; but through the exertions of both guests and help the fire was subdued, the ladies uniting with the sterner s?x in the work. The only house destroyed so far is the one occupied by \Vm. Pixley, located in the gulch where the fire started, and that was only a temporary affair, and worth not to exceed $100. , Suicide Through \ Tear or Hemming In i• . -<- v : ;-.- - * 'sane. ''i.^-'-V *~ T' ', San I Rafael, September 15th'.— A man named Peter Guadue, in the employ of C. .T. Emmet,- in -Rose valley, committed suicide this morning, it is supposed by drinking car bolic acid. It isseid that he had been insane once and was afraid of becoming so again— hence the deed. ' The Oakland Km-. -' Oakland, September 15th. —At the Golden Gate Fair to-day the first contest was a pac ing race, free for all. for a purse of SIOO, first hoise 8240, second 8120, third 810, Nimrod to wagon. i Washington - was . the favorite at 5100,,t0 830 for Wicgle, 815 for Nimrod and 813 for the field. 2 Washington won the first three heats, race and first money, Wiegle second money, and Terry third money. Time. 2:24*— 2:24^.:-. In .the free for all four-year old race for a purse of 8750 — first horse 8455, second 8225, third 875— there were five entered, namely : Belle Echo at §160, Honesty and Annie Laurie in the field at $22 50, Romeo at StiO, and Alex. Button at 8145. Romeo won the first heat in 2:27. Belle Echo won the second end third heats in 2:23| and 2:26. The race was then postponed until 2 l". M. to-morrow. ' The betting is four to one that Belle Echo will win the race. In the first heat Romeo could have distanced the entire field if his driver bad allowed him to. Matters at Stockton. T:.VT; Stockton, September T 15th. — William Schneider, : who stabbed and killed X. ' E. Miller in a saloon in this city on the evening of September Bth, was examined in the Police Conrt to-day on a charge of murder, and was held without bail. ..._ ". . --• Mrs. Kate Spotten, charged with burglary, in having entered the house of Mrs. Pope on the 12th of last July, was tried in Depart ment 2 of the Superior Court to-day, and the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. ■ The driver of a dray in the city bad a nar row escape to-day. - His horses became un manageable, and backed . the dray . into . a wheat train. <■ The dray was overturned and badly broken. ' The driver was thrown out and badly bruised. T * G. C Holman, engineer of the Mokelumne Ditch - and Irrigation Compapy, with K. E. Tucker, County Surveyor, and a corps of as sistants, commenced yesterday in this city the survey of a line to connect near Tone's bridge, on the Calaveras river, with their sys tem of water works north of said river. - The present object is to ascertain at what point a sufficient elevation may be obtained for a line of p : pes to supply the city of Stocktoo, and eventually other points, with pure mountain water. '- It is thought that about ten miles of pipe will be required. . /Affairs at San Jose. . San Jose, September . 15th.— motion to dismiss the Carlton case , to-day, was cot considered by Judge Belden, on the ground that he could not act on instructions from the San Benito county Board of Supervisors. : He intimated that he would consider a motion made by the District Attorney. ■ Jose Villegrana, accused of the murder of Teofilo | Cantua, on the Uvas. last Sunday night, came to the \ Sheriff's office this fore noon and gave himself up. He claims to have acted in -defense. " : '. -■•:. y.y...: ■ The Board of Directors of the Agricultural Society met to-day and made farther arrange ments for the County Fair, which opens on JVionday, October 3d. The running - races were reported as filled, and also the 2:35 trot ting race. ; The pavilion will be located in City Market Hall. 5 The Board of Directors of the Field Society have I agreed j to charge but .25 - cents admission ! to the new grand stand, instead of 50 cents, as formerly. AKIZONA. V-iVy, i Vi. The Apache Onthrrak. -T J ■? Ticsos, September loth.— Citizen has the I following' special | from | Willcox : | The headquarters v were moved to Grant yester day. . ■ From ; thence . they move ■'. to Camp Thomas to-day or to-morrow. Some excite ment exists anions the Indians at San Carlos reservation." Troops are marching- to the front on foot" - H There are not sufficient horses [to mount all the men. Supplies are being for ward- Ed by Colonel Hodges as fast as they arrive. The measures of General Willcox In concen trating all his forces in the vicinity of : the hostiles : has had the effect '- of keeping them in the vicinity of Cibicu creek. _ The hostiles tried' to get communica tion with the reservation Indians yesterday. diluting parties have destroyed large quanti ties cf Indian stores. Their atrocities are being confined to Tonto Basin and Cibicu. (SECOND DISPATCH.I : Tucson, September lotb. — Acting-Gov ernor Gosper has secured the organization of minute men in all of the outlying camps, ar.! will have a eufficisnt number of arms to amply supply them. The restive spirit of the Indians of San Carlos reservation forbodes trouble. It is the general desire to see the whole business settled now, .-...1 inasmuch as the people ara well annod a more auspicious time than now could not be chosen tor the settlers. The settlers of the lower Sin Pedro have organized a company of foitv. officered by experienced Indian fighters. They have sent Agent Tiffany, of the San Carta reser vation, word to keep his Indians on the reser vation : ; that ail found off will be treated as hostiles. This will doubtless breed trouble, as the Agent has given tho Indiana hereto fore their full liberty, nnd it is doubtful if they will obey his orders in this respect. The ,San Pedro settlers are deter mined to carry out their resolution. Colonel Price is moving with two companies of cav airy for the north towards Apache, where he will co-operate with General Carr. Colonel Sanford will be in the j same neighborhood about the same time. All three of these offi cers are experienced in Indian warfare, and if the opportunity offers will show up well. It is the intention of the Courts which have jurisdiction of the localities of the massacres, and other places where Indian murders have been committed, to indict the guilty Indians, so far as their names are known. I The Sheriff i r the Marshal, as the case may be, will sum mons a posse in the arrest. There will be no difficulty in securing 1,000 men to assist in the work. They will probably go on the reserva tion and ceizs the guilty ones, and, if necessary, resort to such measures a.i will save the ex pense of a trial. The people are thoroughly aroused on the question of the removal or ex termination of the Apaches. - Little demon stration is made,- but the sentiment is grow ing stronger daily. , Memorials to Congress will ba sent from every settlement in Arizona and New Mexico, asking aid in the matter. There is but one opinion on the point. Travel over the Southern Pacific is rapidly increas ing. There is no danger to be apprehended, as the hostiles are at least 150 miles north. They dare not venture south,' as it means their annihilation, as the country is open and full of prospector.', ranchers and a big sprink ling of cowboys, and the movements of troops can be made rapidly by the aid of the rail road. »'. >-'*:>,• y". r "He-i-lrau Anniversary. TrcsoN, September loth.— The Mexican citizens are making extensive preparations for the celebration of the seventy-first anni versary of . the independence of Mexico, which takes place to-morrow night. M."» AIM. Rich Mineral Strike. . Eprf.ka, September loth. — There is con siderable excitement here over a strike in (he Eureka tunnel. The enterprise was inaugu rated four years ago by General P. E. Con nor. * The tunnel penetrates Prospect Moun tain, over a mile south of the Ruby Hill mine. It has been generally believed that the Ruby Hill ore channel extended through Prospect Mountain. This strike demon strates that it does. The development was made about 800 feet below the surface. The ore assays from $300 to SI, OOO to the ton. The body is strong and improving hourly. It i- chiefly important as establishing the continuity of the Ruby Hill ore channel along to the southwest. The tunnel is in the nature of a private enterprise, and the stock is not listed on any Board.' ■'"'..'"-. Fire at Austin. Ty"-'": ' Austin. September loth. — About a quarter before 12 o'clock to day a fire started in Crane's watch-making shop, above and ad joining F. Vonnordeck's drug store, on the eaht side of Main street, a short distance v > Virginia street. ■ In less than five min utes from the starting of the tire four or five frame buildings adjoining were enveloped in flimes. Eagle- Hose Company No. 3, and Manhattan Hose No. 2 were on baud in a short time, and played on the burring build ings ; but from seme : cause or other the usual head of water did not come through the pipes, though the reservoir was full of water. John Frost thoughtfully turned on the Ore gon Reservoir water, and from then plenty of water was at hind. . After destroying the frame buildings between the brick, jin wbich was Wright's jewelry store, the . Western Union telegraph office and Hcgan'a shoe store, it continued : - up the street, s the wind blowing a light breeze in a quartering direction, taking iv its course Tower & Co.'s brick saloon, the Odd Fellows' and Masonic Hall, etc., clear up to Parrott & McComb's blacksmith shop, opposite the Court-house. The entire block was burned to the ground in leas than an hour's time, with the exception of the Masonic Hall. - Oa the opposite side of the street mostly all the frame buildings were charred and blistered from tiie intense heat. Through the efforts of the firemen and the favorable direction of the Tind, they were all saved. The following buildings were '. de stroyed : Price & Read's variety store, Post office, Game's barber shop, . Perm's tailor shop, John Dolan's grocery store, Charles Polkinhorne's boot and shoe store, F. Von nordeck's drug store, Crane^s watch-making shop, R. P. Hale's barber shop, Tower £ Co.'s saloon, the Masonic and Odd Fellows' brick buildings, Triplett & Clark' saloon, William Ohrgeman's saddler .shop,. Mike Mengah's livery stable, Simon Bray's butcher shop, Weller'a photograph gallery and Henry Kling's carpenter shop and dwelling-house. It is impossible to get the individual losses, but the entire loss cannot fall short of §100, --000, and may exceed that amount. -The in surance is placed at $l"i 000. Nothing defi nite, however, can be given as to the losses and insurance at this time. .klPf.'f'.k V Advices from Portland. Portland, September loth.— weather is clear and very warm. A young man named Frank Spaulding, employed at the Willamette Iron Works, lost his balance and fell from the upper wharf into the river at noon to-day, and was drowned.' In falling Spaulding struck vio lently against tbe side of a steamer moored to the place and was badly stunned.. On striking the water he immediately sank. De ceased was aged 21 years, of steady, indus trious habits. r His parents reside at'llavtoa, Yamhill county. The body has not yet been recovered.; " ; H. M. McCartney, chief engineer of -the Pen 'd'Oreilie Division of the Northern Pa cific, staes that the track is now completed to Lake Preseott, twenty miles west of the bead of | Lake Pen | d'Oreille, . twenty-eight miles from Wallnla. Daily trains run regularly to Lake Preseott. The grade is completed ten miles further, and a large force is at work on a trestle 2,200 feet long and GO feet high. Some portions of the tr°»'le will be finished within two weeks. Pile-driving for the bridge over the head of the Pen d'Oreille is being pushed, and it will be crossed before Decem ber Ist. The line is located sixty miles beyond the lake.' and grading will be vigorously crowded until spring. The company has only '.XX) men, and were never able to get more dar ing the season, or tbe force would have been increased to 2,000 men. .---' - - - »•'.;- [SECOND DISPATCH.I Portland, September 15th— Capt. Law son, of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, is at Spokan Falls, making astro nomical observations. General Kelson A. Miles will leave Fort Vancouver to-morrow for Forts Walla Walla and Lapwai. on a tour of observation. . Lieutenant F. J. r Patton and two compa nies of the Second Infantry, are engaged in constructing the military telegraph line from Camp Spokan to Spokan Falls. Captain G. H. Burton and company, of the Twenty-first Infantry, are also engaged in building a Gov ernment line from Ashland, Jackson county, to Fort Klamath. *•*• This line is expected to be completed the present season. : E. M. Plamandon, an old pioneer citizen of Salem, died ' yesterday. '.= Deceased s hag been a resident of Salem for the past thirty years. He leaves a wife and several children. He > was jCO years , of age, and a respected member of the Masonic fraternity. , The wife of Hon. F. 3. Watson, Judge of the Second Judicial District of the State, ' is dangerously ill in Jacksonville. .In conse quence of his illness, Judge 11. P. Boyce, of the Third Judicial District, will preside at the term of Court in Coos county, which convenes on the 20th instant, in the absence of Judge Watson. ■"-. ;■■,:"_;-..; :.-■: r-y y.y ; yy;- -„° . % Last night two prisoners confine! ' in the jail at Lafayette, Yamhill county, made their escape by digging under the wall. -They are still at large. ._: ' y T '" ' . The dwelling belonging to Mr. Richard^' on Nestucca Yamhill county, was to- 1 DULY RECORD E.VIO** SERIES ' VOLI.-ll* -UV-NI'MBEB 23. tally destroyed by fire on the night of the 14th. BLo fi3 . $500 ; no insurance. fTHIRD DISPATCH.] I Porti.axi), September loth.— Hord aunt, the escaped convict of tbe Oregon State j Penitentiary, arreated in San Francisco some days ago and being t:ken | back to Oregon on ' the stealer Columbia by detective Day, of this city, disappeared in a sudden ana re markable manner while en route to this city. Shortly before reaching Astoiia, while both the officer and Mordanut were below, the litter made an excuse to go to hi 3 room to get his coat, and i having at the time sixteen pound shackles on hi 3kg the detective :,"_ --' lowed him to do so, and he has not seen his prisoner since. When a few minutes elapsed the officer followed Mordauct to the room, only to find both him and his coat gone. The Vestal was thoroughly searched for the missing man, bnt in vain. One of the deckhands made a statement tbat he saw Mordaunt slip over the stern of the steamer, reach the water by a rope and dis appear. Dnring the trip the prisoner very despondent, acting strangely. He was discovered at times praying, and appearing as though deranged. The story of the deck hand is looked on by somo as very queer, and that it is told to assist the prisoner to escape by remaining bidden on the steamer until her departure. The officers at Astoria are on the alert, and intend to search all flaps leaving that port. Mordaunt has many friends in San i raneisco exerting themselves in his behalf, and assisting him to escape, any.. whom is the notorious sailor boading-house keeper Douglass, indicted with Mordaunt for kidnaping and inhumanly treating sailors falling in their clutches. Douglass jumped his bail and is now in San Francisco, and put up the job to get Mordaunt out of jail by a habeas corpus ■in San Francisco before the arrival of the detective to take him back to Oregon. *..■-■■>.."■•-• * 'T-'T MASHIXGTON TERBITOBT. riling Destroy by Fire. _ Walla Walla, September loth.— At five minutes past 10 this morning a dwelling owned by Charles Besserer, editor of the Watchman, and occupied by J. H. Neville, foreman of the Watchman office, took tire from a defective flue, and was totally de stroyed. The furniture and clothing of the inmates were nearly all burned. The loss on the house is 8800 ;on the contents, $250. L, M. Maxion, a fireman, was knocked down and run over by a fire-engine, and was badly bruised. TELEGRAPHIC. SPECIAL TO THE RECOr.D -C NION '. DOHE4TIC HEWS. ' ... > The Fresldent. Elbebon, September loth.— the morn ing dressing at 8:30 to-day, the temperature was 98.4,; pulse 100, respiration 20. The President passed the night comfortably, sleeping until 3 a m., when he was wakeful for two hours, daring which time his pulse rose to 120, but without the marked eleva tion of temperature which has characterized the febrile disturbance heretofore. After this time he slept till morning. More nourishment was taken during the night than for several nights past. In reviewing the case cf the President since his arrival at Long Branch, it may be said that in spite of the various septic accidents which have for several weeks and do still complicate his case, he has certainly not ret rograded, but on the contrary has made some progress toward convalescence. — ■ • FOBEinm. The Tielory of Iroquois— Inn. l MettUags. LONDON, September 15th.— According to the condition of the St. Leger, Iroquois, try bis victory, incurs no extra weight for the Czarowitch stakes. Immediately after the Dublin Convention a series of monster land meetings will be com menced, the first to be ut Irishtewn Sunday, on the very spot where Michael Davitt began the Land League movement in 187. l'arntll presides. '*-» C- V. «- .*■'■■: '■;" » PACIFIC TOAST. The Marin foamy Conflagration. San Rataml, September 15th.— Pix ley, tho man who unfortunately started the fire at Corte -Madera yesterday, not having made his appearance during the night, a number of persons s'.atted out this morning at daybreak to search for him. lii son Frank took the lead. After going ip Balti more gulch about half a mile above where the fire originated, Frank found the body of his father. He was lying face down, with his head resting on his arm, his hand grasping a shovel, with which he had been turning np the. earth to cover tlia dried leaves to .prevent the fire from spreading. His clothes were all burned off down to his boot?. He hat! apparently died from suffoca tion." The Coroner . has gone to bring in the remains. It is reported that Cushing's place is on fire, and that the boarders are fleeing, leaving baggage and everything behind. Some of them have taken refuge, at Victor's place, some have gone to Sanoelito, and others have gone to San Francisco. Ose lady left her trunks and money, and everything she had behind. It is not learned yet whether fill of Cur-hing's buildings have been burned. The fire is still raging in that vicinity. The Swindled Andicnre— Public Brt-rii- Don— Annual Banquet. San Francisco, September loth.— The unfortunate idiots who were swindled into paying . their money to see bogus spiritual manifestations at Piatt's Hall on Tuesday night held a mass meeting last evening, and resolved that if they conltl get their money back, now held by the police authorities, who captured it trom Williams and Stevens, that it sh auld be donated tothe Michigan suffer ers. The swindlers have been cleared on the criminal charge of obtaining money by false pretenses, but have been held for running a performance without a license. ■ Sir Charles Tupper, Canadian Minister of Railway?, was tendered a public reception by the Canadian Association at the Metropol itan Temple last evening. There was a large attendance. Mayor Kallr.h presided, and introduced Sir Charles, who entertained the audience with some pleasant remarks. A Mining Magnate t'ovrhided. 1 San Francisco, September 15th.—Will iam M. Lent, the mining operator, was cow hided on California street yesterday by Tames M. Classen, a stockbroker. The affair, how ever, did not result in serious consequences. The Indian Trouble. -._?,. Chant (A. T.), September 15th.— The headquarters have been moved here, and will move to Camp Thomas to-morrow. The In dians on the San Carlos reservation have be came restive. Agent Tiffany has telegraphed for troop*, which bave been ordered to the reservation. . Colonel Sanford, with 'i Com panies 'Jt and I, First Cavalry, leave ■" f. r i'lio-iias in the morning. ! The hostile., have not scattered.* The firing upon the Wicken burg stage by Indians is discredited. .4 Woman's Crime. Stockton, September 15th. — Mrs. Julia A. Brooks, a resident of Roberts Island, has been arrested on a complaint charging her with having attempted to murder litis Rnglander with an ax on the 7th inst. She gave bail in the sum -of $500 to appear for examination on the 17th inst. The trouble was over the loss of a piece of land. A store Burnt d. -.. Los Angeles, September ISth.— The store of . J. ii.' Steinharr, at Westminster, was totally destroyed by • file on the ;*th instant. It was insured for $10,500. Fire at Beaver, (ah. Salt Lake, September 15th.— A special to the Tribune says : A fire at Beaver, U. T., last night, destroyed the theater and several other buildings, causing a loss of about 53, 000. No insurance. y.y, f^tM^^m&^^m&^&i >-. » , ■ San Francis™ stock Sales. S*S Francisco, September IS. IM!. -.roKMSri vk- rl.r-. 600 Ophir... Bs£l SlOßellkn. ....1 20<S1 30> SW Mexican.. ......l3«rni 310 Kiclier,uer..l SKttl 56 ,635 0.4 a .._)(ct.Bi 610 Son 0n.... 2 »j@_ S5 17*0 California. 1 01 1175 Overman.. . ,'i 63@3 86 132SCon.Vlr 2 10 205 Justice l@*)c Choliar 2 80<<<2 IS 1180 Union. 18J.»ISi 1770 Potosi 3 75fct165 19« Alia 4 95(a4 90 37jH-_.1o& N....4 4.W4 35 30 > Julia ib-aiie 650 C. P0int.... 1 »K*l A 225 1-Vn'on ...... ..ltfM 05 --250 Y. Jacket ......5| >'M Caledonia 4(K.'SSc 900 linper al ....15c 800 Hilvpr Hill Uc 430 Kcntuck.....l fcwi 73 15. 0ccidenta1. .......1 t» 1150 Belcher..... 3 2*"3 2 '■ I SCO Lady Vitth 20c 320 Confident*. ...4 350 Andos ..2 ib ."60Sieir» Key SSi'^Sf; 20ChaIlt_i_re Vie . 220 Utah,. lUftlil'. 120 O (i Hill ];•.".-'.. •'. '- "-■ r .; y ayTKRSnoK s'ssro^. 50K reka„T. .....27 ; EOBnlwcr..-*.....'..'.* SO HON. Belli-. 15k-5'.5* 100 Syndicate; 45c SO Manhattan Ii *0 B Hawk 15c 200 Navajo 2!c I*o Mon-..;... ...... 3 10 IS 5B lie Isle 15.*25e 250 Tioica. - 0 .600 Bay... :..... .2 (b 30 Con. Pac1&j.. ...... 4-*>a 585 Alkion 1 75(gl 65 200 Noonday Coo 34 i N. li. Isle .....3ilc - 65 Mammoth. >Ze IME. Mt. Diablo 250.3 oOro SSlplOc 30 Bodie <H 1208.-dleT 180 50 McClinton Ik 220TiptCr, • i . .ti.'.a), 50 Summit ...... ....25c '.SO Silver -. ..1i,:".1i IOO(_!:o.-Rhaa-.....4.X"iOc ..' Guard against fever and all. maiaiial dis eases by using Kidney- Wort.