OCR Interpretation

Sacramento daily record-union. [volume] (Sacramento [Calif.]) 1875-1891, October 21, 1882, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014381/1882-10-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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niili rsdiN ftERIKK— VOL. LVIII.-.VO. MM.%.
We have been calling ycur attention of late to every Depart
ment of our House-none more particularly than our FANCY GOODS
DEPAETMENT. This is not because it is lacking in merit-for we
have a large assortment, at bottom prices— but because our attention
has been called in other directions, and we feel that this Department
is under such good management, and the assortment kept up so well,
that it will demand public attention and comment anyway. This
is a fact, and we hold it up as an example of what can be accom
plished, and how quick the public appreciate a stock that is thorough
in every particular. It fully demonstrates that trade is not obtained
by flashy advertisements and rematkably low quotations on paper ; but
that the people look for merit, and do their trading where they can
find the best assortment, and goods marked at a uniformly small
Buttons, Etc.
In fact, ws woald iita to spsak of everything pertaining to
FAICT BtlOD3 ; hit n neither spaca nor tine will aHow it wb will
call yoar attention putbnladf to our line of
Knitted Underwear!
And trust you will make it a point to examine,
Kiese lines we make a specialty of and shw in ME&IfiO UNDERWEAR,
from a low price garment to the highest grade of English, Patent
and Norfolk, and New Brunswick Goods, all of which are exceptional
.AJI-wool and Cashmere
We hav3 large lines of WHITE and SCARLET (Medicated), of
the best California and Eastern makes, The " Reinforced Seam,"
in some of our garments, is a new feature ; and we consider it an
improvement worthy of commendation. It ha^ the smoothness of the
MI-fashioEßi, but ia much stronger, making the garment just as
comfortable and mm durable,
My shares in the great advantage we possess, and the values
given at these counters will be found to be equal to any in the house.
OEDEES BY LETTEE, from the country, receive oar immediate
and careful attention. A trial order solicited.
829, 881,833, 835 1 street,
lour M.n and a Woman Banged— Tke
Bcovllle lasanlty Case -Politic! In Vir
ginia—Death or Ki.hop Paine — The
Jrauii.'tir Inqulrj « 'ngrrstlonal v..m
lonllon* !■..- i]...n. imi, i or an lul<r.-i
ing Turr Evrnt -New .■•■» l-li Organlzi
llon—Strike or Colllrrs — TronMe at
Moumoulh College— Ele.
The Jfaniniii Inquiry.
Washington, October 20tb.— Lieutenant
I 'jr.' r.i :wtr resumed his narrative before the
Jeacnette Board if Inquiry this morning.
He stated that about 4 o'clock in the i:i >rn
iug ha was awakened by a seaman, who w&a
calliDg hia relief, and saying. "Harry up,
for the ship's going down ! ' Witness heard
a crash, and the remarks i f one man as they
watched her go down. That morning, after
all hands w- ' • called, the spot where the ship
sank was visited by the party, and £ eibin
chair, a signal box aed a piece of wood were
fuun.V The i.in ■< was atkad : "Whit
waa t'e condition of the ice on the 12 .h of
June?" Ha replied : "It wag very much
brofceu and thrown up in ridges. Tbe largo
Hoe ia which we had been drifting for ten
months k> •"!:!-. 1 to be broken up by banging
on Henrietta 1.-il.i- -d, and tiwiaging around 1 1
the northwest. The width oi the lea was
ab v* tea feet, and the greatest draft of w.i
ter of ivay Lice I saw measured was 23
'■■-i Ia aDHWdr to a question as to the
condition of tha Jeannette betore the beiv>
pressure of June 12;b, witness said : "It
was a very gtrong ship, and in the same con
dition as when sbo left San Francisco, with
the inception that her forefoot was twisted."
II Knowirg her condition at that time, would
you, if you had been ia comxiand oi the ex
p?ditiou, have deemed it expedient to con
tinue tho expedition f " No, for she had
bean fitted out originally for three years, and
the supply of clothing and provisions, etc.,
would not warrant another year in the ice.
if -■< '!■">" of coil also w.iuld have been
i"-ii!!i iei.t for the cjmiug winter, as the crew
already had been exposed for two year 3to the
rigors of an Arctic climate. Furthermore, it
is the custom, whsn a chip U fitted out for
three years tor the Arctic seas to, first return
at the end of the second summer." In reply
to further questions, witness sf.id : " Had it
heaa any other vessel, however perfect, ray
judgment would hjra -been the same." Tlie
entry ia the ship's log for the List day pre
vious to her abandonment wis identitieJ by
witness an in the handwriting of Capiiin Ds
hong, and maua p*rt of the record. Tue
Court ai j mrneJ uutil tomorrow.
New York. October 20th.— A sportius
paper say-* th« Gentlemen's Driving Ass. civ
tion of New York propo es a purja of $2,000
for three-year-i>lds. to ba trotted Ust:.b:-r
25;h. Presi 'eat D.vid '13 mne.- has tele
graphed to K-.ntucky, and Mirvii said he
would enter and start Wilcfiower. Colonel
Pepper said he would probably scud Cole in,
but afterwards declined to do s->, and Me-
Fjrrii hid got Alga.h ready to sbip to JNe*
Y.nk when he was telegraphed to
wait. B.ker <fc Hirrigan eend word that
Meander woutU not enter, aud Judge Tracy
hid ordered Atroy home. Mackay had Leen
nv:. ir. .;. ! •! to Europs, on recount of tee
serioui illness of hi* wife, acd uider the
circurufetaucaa the nomination of Kva was
not expected. Therefore the puna was with- j
drawn yesterday, and McKerrin was notified
by wire to keep Algath at homo. Gjvernor
Stanford will be in Naw Yietk soon, and he
has directed that hia stable of young trotters
shall ba kept here until farther orders.
Mackay sailed for Europe yesterday. He
said he had some youngsters coming on which
he regarded as more promising than Sweet
heart and Era. He has faith that Calif on. ia
will eclipse Kentucky in breeding the
trotting horse.
Mm. >i ■inllli-'. Insanity.
Chicago, October 20;h.— In the Seville
insanity case to-day the Courtroom was
crowded with crariks and sightseers. Sco
villa testified to traceß if insanity in the
Guiteau family from the grandfather down.
Mrs. Scoville first showed bigns i>t insauity
when their Bon became Dick. Bne fell ia love
with the physician and confessed is. She
subsequently denied the c nf?3*ijo was made.
She soon became violen, nervous, irritating
and attempted to leave tho h'.i.si 1 , and loat
affection for he^ faiiii y, cxc p: to him.
Within the nast bix mon !ia she na.l deserted
him too. He related iv detail t.ia recent
well-known troubles with har. Sho formed
a friendship with Giorge \V. E iriic, an
alleged newspipe- ms •, and c nfe^ed to wit
ness that she loved Sadie. They wro'e and
sold letters t« Mri. Graißsid trnil others.
Witness said Mr?. &>; nriila »..- wry intimate
with G?r.rs-) Francii Trim in X»w York.
Sha '.Via very sly doit, th-.uga foroaeily
frank. SPe wa lately chitifoablj, ii.kle aud
often provoked him.
Chicago, October 20th. — At the afternoon
session Soovitta continued his te*tiuiory. He
believed her i: -:.;•■ because she was some
times quite fen»iUve, irritable and neiviiug.
She once siid if Guiteau was takes >w .y her
cothn should be got ready, and if the went
her daughter bertha should not remain. She
said she was afraid to iiva in the same house
with witnea 1 . as if he should dia suddenly
peple wr.uld believe she poisoned him. She
showed less feeling and indifference to stnti
ixenta which affect ordinary people. Tha tx
ecu'ion of Guiteau had little effect npio her.
When cress-examined, Scoville asserted
that he had always been a kind and devoted
Lu'.band, acd all his tliorts were directed to
restrain her from going about into gentle
men's offices add ranking acquaintances in
irregular ways. Ho rtver accused her if
impr j*er intin:acy wi:h oth?r men. She had
an idta that sb« was erowir.g younger, and
got ia the habit of undrfs-iog and 6'e3piDg
in her room with the. do-:r op«n, an iiripro
priety abou'. which ha remouatrated with her.
The ntxt witafes was Mia. Facnis Sco
ville Harper— Mrs. Scovillt's daughter. Her
teitimooy was as to the queer actions and
epileptic fits of her mother ciuce witues3 was
10 years old. Her evidence in the main cor
roborated that of h'jr father.
Adjourned until to morrow.
Krglnla I'olitlCK.
Chicago, October 20;h.— A Washington
special aays : The Republicans »rd K:ad
iu,t?r3 will cwry yirgiiiia by 30, WO, acd
eleci seven of this nine CoEgressmen. That
i? tiie oonftdeot assertion of Senator Mahone.
The statemeat ia concurrtd iv by Gjvarnor
Cameron, Cul'.ector D^ady, PrcfLS^or Ling
stoa and a 6core of Republican and X ■» :
juster leaders, who hiva been here in confer
ence with Mahoce for the last two diys.
There cm bs little doubt that Mahcna will
be sne?e»sful. Spiskin;; of the eff.ct of tho
Oiio c-l:ction» u;>oa the Kopublicin ;iuso in
other Stites, Govorror Cameron has fast stid
that it will have no ifl^ct npon Virginia, aud
he predi;t^d tbat the Readj iste.-a would cbet
six of the tina Coo-jreisaiei:. and th.t the
majority for C->agrcs3;nan-jitL-.r^ Ji.hu IX
Wise would hi greater than tor Limse'f
(UameroL) as Govera'r a tpsw »go. "The
Bourbon leaders of Vi.yiLia," ai.ied Gov
ernor Cameron, " r.re an dead as they cm b^,
but do not know it.'
Kominalfoaw for ( ..nv.-i ...
St. J.OUIB October 20, h — Tne aati-F.Hey
Repatiican Conversion of the Ninth Cor.
erflsbioud Uistrici have nominitel Dr. J. H.
McLean lot the long term, and G.'orga Barn
for tha short term.
Noew.ch (Conn ), O:tob2r 20 ,h. — Tie
D-.mocrats . f th« Tr.ird District have oomi
nated John J. Peaiose for Congress.
New Yobk. Qatate 20;h.— The Irving
Hall Lou j-ressioaal CjLveation if tue Fi<'th
District hava normiuated John Hardy for
Williamsport (Pa.), 0.-tobsr 20th.— The
Uomocrata of the Sixteenth Dietrict have
nominated General H. W. Eirlyfor Con-
New Yobk October 20th.-Tfae following
OongresMonal nominations were made to
night: Republican-Eighth District. John
JV atts Kassell ; Eleventh District William
L. Strong; Tammany Hill, Ninth D:strict,
John Hardy. The three Democratic Confer
ence Committed from the Eleventh Con
gressional DUtri.-t nominated Ro9w»ll P
Flowar. I n the Tenth District the German!
American lo<?epende=tCit;z?ns'OoEgreaViocal
Convention ch^se Abraham S. Hawitt.
N « w r , YoRK . October 20ih.— The Demo
cratic Congrewional Convention of the Sec
ond District, Brooklyn, nominated William
r.. Kobmson.
The Death Pcaallr.
Eastman (Ga ), October 20ih.-A.tl o'clock
to-day Ridgely Powell. Simoa O. Q^lnn! Joe
KiDK, Bob Donalleeon and EUa Moore (ne
groes) were hanged in the jail yard, for com
plicity in the not here August 6-J» at a camp
meeting, in which a young white man named
James Harvard, w«i set npon by an infuri
ated mob, and after being shot by one of the
men wm beaten aim set to a jelly by the
othere. The women raise 1 the first howl,
which excited the mob to its desperate work.
Baton RocoK(La), October L'Oih.— G»o.
I>. Reid, Peter Tn«in»» and Laura Bright
will be hanged at Maiufield December 15th.
Ktport or (be Directors or the Veologlral
Wabhisgton, Oetobfr 20ih.— The report
of the Directors of the Geological Survey for
the fiscal year euded June 30 -h ia now nearly
complete, and exhibits jmpsrttnt progress in
that branch of the public service. From the
report it appeara that Director Powell, at
Ilia beginning of the fiscal year, resolved to
curtail the tisld work, in vitw . f the large
mass nf unprepared matter which was ac
cumulated, aij.l determined to give more
eapecial attention to the t.rtie« acd laboratory
work necessary for its publicitior. This
work cossisted in the identification, classifi
cation .i-j.i description of f. .-. in, the chemi
cal and microscopic examination of rockp,
minerals and ores, the cmstruclion cf geo
logic tections, the preparation of chart*,
diagrams and other illustration!!, the
preparation of reports on the various
subjects which had occupied the att°ntion of
the scientific men of the suiv^y. Tho ex
lorimeata have been m»de under the ra»n
--»geme-..t ef the former Dlr^'i r, Clarence
K'nij, on tho various phenomena c unected
with rock formation. Ac examination, chit fly
ia the labora'ory, has t< r en made of th«
structural Reotagy of tho Kureka mioiug di»
t'i;t of Colorado, of thfl vi.lcir.ic rocks n t! c
Gr^at Bisip, an 1 of Mounts Shaiti, Hood
aud lt'iner. Acothtr department cf the
work h>» been the ktudy of rertnin lake ba
sins ia U;»b, Nevad* and California. These
l-kv« are now me atly extinct. Great Salt
Like being one of the few exceptions,
and their history, which U now heir* studied,
includes the a'uly of the quartenary climate,
which le»ds in turn to the ftiidy of the cli
mate of the arid portion of the United Stitei 1 .
Another field of investijs&tioa has heen the J
study of th} glacial formation extending from j
the Atlantic coast to tie , .-. .uiv pottUm of
the great plains in the northern latitudes.
TLis investigation, also, is a research relatirg
to the qnarrenary ciimate anj to the charac
ter and origin of the present topographic
fcaturei of tha arer. involved. Investigations
have al»o been coaduc-e.l relating to the
economic geology of Ten Mils district, Sum
mit county, Colorado, and of the Hnrtfi
mesaß at Golden, which «ill be extended to
cover the entire Denver coal basin. Much '
time has been spent ia the preparation of tha
report on the Leadville district. In Nevada,
Kureka district has been carefully surveyed,
and a report has baeu prppired on the Com
stock lode and Waehoe di^t ict. The Director
says all the in^estiita'ioLe in economic geo!og7
h:«v t partial Tabu i.i dateruiicing the ch»r
enteristics of ore dopoi-iU, &nd will advance
thi mining inchi'trita l>y piinting out the
best n e'hotis i.f s;ste -laic development.
Eatly ia the fi.:<"J y, ar tnt> geographical woik
w.as comaiercad i a New M, x'co and Arizona,
■bieil U prslimiccry tj a gteiagjml exa tiiaa
tion of tha couctry. In c inclusion Powell
Sijs tVa^ the rarvej he liopu c: gaged during
a K r _e»t part of t!is year in the prep. ration of
statistics re!a*,i\e to ths v iuiag iudujtriej of
the United S r ,»?t-s, which aro c.imp'e"e r.nd
fxhamtive in every rc.-]o:r, and which cie
Intended for the use of the Ceoaai Ur.reau.
The roitllral Oullnuk In Illlnol*.
Chicago, October CO;h — Governor Cullom
say.-, ia answer to a Tri'mne reporter : " I
have been ovei he State (•ou.ewhat, and am
siti : fiei we are Roiag to el c; our State tick.t
by a good in: jori'y aad carry the L'disl.tu. •
Thare is no gre»t uuiouut oi disafftctinn in
t!ia p-»rty, and our uhacc;a of success are
" What about the Prohlbltioa i-sne?"
" I think we occupy a different position on
that question f rom the party in O^io, and the
Republican vote, in my ju 'gnoeat, will zo\
ba iff cted by that question ia Illinois as :t
was iv Ohio. The question is not before the
psopla as it was in Oaio, unu it is not so likely
to effect tbe relative position of the parties
as it did there."
A »w Jewi»k Orsauizatlon.
_ Cincinnati, October SO a.— An organiza
tion known a.s tha Macc<abeea has been started
in thiri city. The ).ur;>o^e is to encourage
and assist in the promotion of agriculture
among the Israelite?. The plan is to enroll iv
sections all Israelites ov«r 13 year* of ago,
who shall pnv annual dues of $1. X ich sec
tion in the Stafo shall crns'.itute a division,
and represents ii-es of riivi«u.ns sbal! consti
tute a Krand divißion. Liter, i: will hire 8n
executive couacil, which »'iall control atd
di^burß9 all funrs. A proii^ional council, t.
act until ar. ex?cuMve couacil is organized,
has been chosen. It ""'"till of M l>)1h,
Moses K.hi. M. H. M*rk«, Hsary ?ti»
Joseu'a Abraham, Joseph Troucsline. Ales. I
Strnu3s, Max Isaacs aid ll?rry Lowtnsteiu. |
Trouble at Xonmuulli Collrse.
Mdkmovth, O.:V.b-r 20. h— Tha BtuJini*
of Monmouta College ai.l the faculty are at
war. They had nrrarge ito hold a reception
yesterday in the eh »;.el in h >uor of M*. Ko (■,
who recsctly won tha oratorical prizj ia
Chicago. Tne faculty tried to etop it, but
tho prucerdind were cor.duc'ed in spite of
them, and Mr. Matchett, matter of ceremo
nieH, was bus; e; d'd in'.efiait.ly. Yesterday
200 stuiei:ta absented thomsilvep, giving
notice that thpy would not recite until
Matchett was takan bftek. But few of the
stuilents rcm&ined in the classes. There is
much interest in the contest.
Itralh or Henry Oar Maynard.
Chicago, October 20 h. -- Henry Clay
Maynard, for the nn.-t ti^-ht years Manager
of the Western Union Telegraph OfHce in
this city, died at Geneva Lake, Wis., this
morning, at 10 o'clock. Sice tha death if
his wife last FiniDg ha h-.s been much broken
in spirit and health, and was obliged to lea c
bis otE^a two w. ek« ngn, •■iuce which time he
hao rapidly failai. IU fiiffirad from a
puzzlirg cjmpiic.tion < f d nordcrs, and die!
in a congestive chill. He was widely knoaii,
acd re-pec f ed l>y a!l.
A t .;.,.: n! t'aasht.
Omaha, Octobsr 'J').h — Eajil Pepperkorn,
tne mu-ic teacher win clopsd last July from
tort Caihoun, Washington couaty, with his
pupil. May Anhsm, s« d about 15, has
been arrented ia Sv LmU with the j;irl. The
Sl:eriff of Washington cousty left for St.
Liu's to t'ay, to bring them back. Papper
knrn deserted hi« wifs r.r.d family. The
father of Misj A'aham offered $500 f.r h:s
Sale or rhnrlborn Cattle.
Lexi.noto.n (Ky). October 20 .h. — The
sbcrthorn s*le in L:u:'s Station yesterday
produced eood pries?. Kightv-live head
hr..n?ht 128 000 -an av.r.-.qe of $300. Will
ful brought SI 100 ; WQd Eyet, Duchess fifth,
$1,100; Wild Kye«, Duchess fourth, $1,400;
Cherry CoDstai.ee, Dache?s fifth. SflOO ; B»r
--one?s Belie, D.ich<sas fourth, §1 OUO : Kirk
Livir.gst .n, SOCO.
«.inlij. win. a Rrciiniaieadallon Tor
Thento.n(>\ J.) October 20vh.— The jury
in Uie c»ee of Ch»rl s li. Hi>u»h*.on, charged
by the Govetuoiaut wiih making false re
turns while <"« lector oi the pnrt of l'arth
A-nbny, rc'n^rei a violet of gui'.ty, wit> a
reconimenaalion to n.ercy.
Arm* for T;>r?i<"y.
PilimiMHM (R. I ), Odtota 20th.— Tho
Turkish Goverum-at has made a de;ia:d
tiDia the Providence T > ,1 Co.npanyfir ii,
--017 rifles, with biyor.e'.^ m 4 scabbard?, ruau
ufic'ured by tho tool c unpioy for tha Xu>-k
--ish Government, and h*l !, ..- tlle^ed, in (.tors
by siid company for th<j Tukish Govern
Cabinet "(Jertlns-Tht Prr-I<lent at the
ftolillor* Iforni;.
WashisgTON, 0.-toher 20 ;h.— A meefii ;; nf
the Catiioet was h*ld at the Wi.i c House
this cvenirg. T!ia PrcH-d;nt han trrtvod at
tie Selfßen Ho.ne, wh-re hi will reside dur
ing hia temporary stay in th? ci'y.
A Sanxnlai; IV«I. -•: i ]n .
New York, October 20'.h.--Tae Turf,
Field and Farm says Rowell cif-red to bet
«20.000 that he will wia the cotcine six-day
pe'lesUi.n rac<». The ean^ui^e belicva 010
■An will be make.
Hand li to go to Cioclnnall.
Yobk, October 20th.— Maud S. will
be shipped to Cincinnati sr.mi time in Ue
ce-jibe'. Her nld driver is confident of low
ering the record with her.
Sicaih or the ipni >r Ki-hop or the "li-tliO'
<li-i Church Ponth.
Abebdken (Miss ), October 20:!!.— dcv.
Robert Paice, eer.ior Bithop of the M. K.
Church South, is dead.
Bank Burglarized.
GiiiiiD Rapids (Mich.), October 20th.—
DenherJer's li ink. at Zselaad, Ottawa cr-un
tv, wes burglarized !as; nigh l -, acd ?7,000 to
$9,000 in currency secured. There Uno clue
to the burglars.
rnlrcnallHt fcrnernl C«nrrntl«D.
Philapelphia. October 20ih. — In the UnU
versilistGsoera! Convention n resolution was
adopted condemning the death penalty, and
recommending a mere humane punishment ;
declaring etrocgly in favor of constitutional
prohibition, and Mking etricgent law* to pre
vent cruelty to animal*.
Po»t»l laformatlea.
Washis-;iom, October 20th.— Stamped en
velopes will be sold to the public ef ;er Janu
ary 1, 1883, at a reduced rate of ten per coot,
on present prices. The Postt flioa Dapart
ment has aiso arranged to print special re
turn minest notices npon envelopes without
additional charge, when ordered in qu»nti
ties of £00 or more. General Haz -n states a
fact not generally known, that stamped en
velopes, when spoiled through misdirection or
other cansfs, can be exchanged for postage
stamps of the same denomination at the near-
I est pojtoffice.
The Trial or Bob Ford far Murder.
PLArraBURG (Mo.), October 20ih.— The
Court-room this morning was crowded to the
utmost as the testimony commenced in the
lord ca*e for the murder of Wood Hite.
Charles bayera, a merchant of Richmond,
testinsd that he, ia company with Joe San
derson and J. E. Ba'l, called upon Bob Ford
while he was held in jnil at St. Joseph for
killing Jepe James, aud that Ford then told
him that he killed Hite ; that Dick Little
was in one corntr of the room, .nd Hite cime
ri at a door ouposite and commenced firing.
Mrs. Bolcer, Ford'a sister, and her twochildrer
were in the third carutr, and he in the fourth,
near the staircase. As the room was filled
with smoke, he was afraid hiß sister would be
irjured, and drew his revolver and shot Hite,
killing him almost instantly. A rigid cro?s
examination failed to break down S«yer»'
testimony. Joseph Sanderson, a merchant
of Richmond, tejtifiad that he was with
Savers at St. Joseph, and corroborated the
lattei'« narration c<f the converaation. Mra.
Bi.ltcr testified that she was standing in the
southeast corner < f the room when the firing
began. Hite was in the northeast enruer, and
LiJdtll between them, and Bob was in the
fouthwefct corner. She did not know who
fired the iirat shot. Before the conclusion of
her evidence the Court acj turned.
«. Is niiilr Swindling Operations.
Philadelphia, October 20>.h— The neeord
to morrow will publish an additional exposure
'df the thefts committed by Kllia Phipps,
ex Superintendent of the Philadelphia Alm?
houa?, who t! ;d to Canada and now contests
tho proceedings for his extradition. The arti
cle Bays Phippa' thefta reached a total cf
?050,000, extending cvar a period of nine
je»rs ; that Phipps made a bargain, when
elected Superintendent in July, 1573, to di
vide the profits of hU office with four mem
bers of the Board of Guardians of the Poor,
; and that under this agreement $75,000
was stolen every year. During the
present jear, from January ti July, by
maana of duplicate bills and by forgeries
and concivance with contractor*, Phipps
managed to steal .J40.C00. Tcij theft occurred
after the City Council had instituted an in
vestigation into the tliegations of f4-sud.
Phipps kept fifteen famlHw s (< \"o. among
them btiug four hcusea of Gunrdiacs of the
Poor, five contractor, two disch».rped cm-
I'loyes aud four other peraoca, offieM and
otlnrwiss, who had obtained h >!d on the
Superintendent's fears or stf ections. A pass
book has been made public, in whkh a| ji ars
entries for warketirg supplied to various per
sons at the Mayoi'a expense, agifregatiug a
t t,,l c f $2D,00b. The ar»ic'e saya that in
l>7ii Phipps exp3nd("d $10,000 In cigars,
which he scattered with a lavi-h hand, this
bciog hu favorire method of elec:ioaeeriag.
A « ... i. til t.M1111.11.
CKABLomJN. C), Ojtober 20^1.— W. H.
Bailey, tte De iiocratic cmciidate for the
House from Meckiioburg c ninty, was as
saulted this i ■. .!:!;■ ; hy A. B. uHlrwpio, a
revaLue 9?ett, and bsd!y wounded. Tae ft
tack was inaJe because Uailey stated that he
was informed that Gillespie was usin? money
to carry the election for th? iitpub'.icaas.
Further trouble ia ar prehecded.
World's < cull iinl.il Cotton Fxßosltlun.
Little Rock (Vrk.), Octob.'r 20:h.— The
Natiotal Cotton Planters' A-mciation re
eo'.ved to hold » world's centenrial cotton ex
position io ISB4, thit year beinc desisnated
because of the B'.izire by the King of K?g
land, in 1784, i f eight baif a of Cotton as OOC
trabaud, it having been charged that America
could not produce ao large a quaotity.
Arreittrd (ir tiimi.r.
Milwackie, October 20th. — A dipp-»tch
from Wausau, Wi?., says : Sheriff Brings, of
Waupaca couaty, and oae cf the l'mkertoo'd
men, have arrested two men for the murder
of H. C. Mead, a banker of Waucac«. The
m'cerß admit tho arrest, but decline to give
the detail?, as grave fe«rs are eutertained
that the iin'n.icers wiil bo lycchod if their
arrival at W;.upica is known.
t ■ i-in-i .4.r in Fire.
New YbkK. Oetobet 20,.—T he furniture
warcaor.se of T! v co & Uhl. Third iivennf,
wai burned t'-iu m)rt,ing. L^?, $1.\000 ;
' '"Ram;o( Jcl.), October 20;h.— The larg-
I est fire ev?r known in the history cf Duran^o
' ":nrred thi* evei inp\ corsuming sixty frame
u.ii!.!ing«. The fira odgiaatad in a Oliirese
Kundry. The lof .' is estima'.ed at §25,000;
insurance not kcowr.
Death or a gcrnlc Artist.
St. Louis, Oc ob.r 20 .h.— Malmsh», the
scenic artist at M:Vnko;'i!, reputed the b:st
in his p:ofeseion, disd I'i-t nigh^.
Appolated by ilir PreHldrnt.
Washington, Onober 20th.— The Presi
dent has appointed Edward P. Ferry, of
Utah, Government Director of tha Union
Pacific Railway, vice Kobert Baker.
Change of > 'Minn iil-.
Burlington (li.), October 20:h.— The
Tribune, htretoforj » Kepublican paper, this
evening comes out for tha entire Damocratic
ticker, saying editor i iliy that they can't close
their eyes to the fact that the Democratic
party is tho Hie -ai one, and holds out to all
lovers of personal rights the right hand of
fellowship, and they gladly join hands
against f.inVi-vU legislatioa snd the abuses
aud extravagance of the Itepublican party.
Collision or FrelcUl Trains.
Rosdout (X. V.), Oetobei 20 ;h.— Two
freights nf tha Hudson Kiver road collided it
Rhine Cliff this morning. Tha engines and
twelve cars were thrown into the river. No
lives were losi. L us, §80.000.
Strike or Coal Miner*.
Cumbebla>ii (lad.), October 2O.h— The
miners io thu TejMadalii c. a 1 ngion have
s rick fur sn a'lvauco uf from 40 to 50 cents
per ton. Only one miue was working to day.
Railroad Opened r»r Business.
Chicago, October '.'Oili. — The New York,
Chicago and St. L via road will todiy open
for paa3?c;e sr.d freight buiirew between Fort
Wayns aid linffal", but the opocing at the
end(f tha road wiil be dtHyed two Keeks
iDore, the coirpany deuiring to got everything
in BiaVelßM condition.
Failures Tor the ttmt Week.
Hn Yoiik, October 20.h. — Th-s fa-lures
f t the pust week were 117, of which 7 nere
la this cUy, eiu 110 in the vaii.un States and
1 lie President at the. Capital.
Washington, October 20ih. — Tne I\-(-ei
daoS baa nwd ifl txcollent hi'al'h. T"e
Try ir's fiut re is suffering from Blight's dis
ease are incorrect.
>•■?.•••!■ I » Itilll.i I i {•; '. '. :ll !.-i..- •■,
Chicago. Ootoutr 20.h —It U a le: ed thnt
tfc« ir4?giiificeu t scheme if bniUfag a fir;e city
and bummc rtßr.rt, to be called X ,nt C'iieano,
i*. 'ha hw»d of li%k» ICiaHigan, i\ F,nV>me
wbici iriginit'l by N«w Yn-k pwlie?, his
beeii aSindun. il < :i r..c.;uav tf tho iamittfl^e
c:. r »' L.iiture nrc?.?- ir; .
Two men Killed and Ano'.her F.itullr
Little Rock ( VrV ) Ostabst 20 h.— Tp-.ih
effican ■.'. .'iicerii S|j ■■ ::<•-, ia tui-i ;3 l i.te, in
attempting ti uxeas :;v i ;:ion n -m.'.-l Gd - .rc;c,
killed ko old man r.rul [«a &o:i, and f-taliy
v.' a d»J a-u'.her y.->;i£; man wiio hipyened
to bo pm n: ca ■ visit.
Hue Ma no Mate Refursn School Inveitl
PoRTI.ANt>, O;t'.oer 20th. — I-i the cx&mi
nvi >n of the cn»r,'ei uv,.!a (.g.irifit tha man
a:ement of tha Bt«ta R-fjrsa Szhn. 1 by Gov
ernor I'UisUd, Siipe-inteniieit Farrington
raida a |rtMr»] re ii! of the cri»rg?B, an-i in
timate 1 that Iho Gove.n.r haJ f, -i-'.->i the
boys ia thtir wickadn'»->, and thought tbe
boys rc.'p.c'.sl him ('ha Hujerintenden' )
n. 're thaa they did the Governor.
lcllow Fever.
Pejjsacola (Fla.). O^bar 20 ,h.—Forty
two new cwas were reported to-^ny, and t»o
death*. Among tha cases are tha Collect r
of tbe Pert, tbe Major of tte city, his wife
and ton.
A Swindling Bank Cathler.
Charitoh (I».), Ojtcb ?r 20SS.— Tha rece-t
collipse c:f the Monroe Conn'-y Biak, it
AtbU. la., wi'b i -is-itx cf $17 003 at.d liibiii
ties of over $100,000, was f jhowedby th*
hit ■ : of D. M. Mill- r, tho Ojfhier, for
forgery, up-jn which cbar^e he wae vnt to
jail at Cbaritoa. Ho is al-m wanted for
swindiinK a national bank ia Vermont.
Confection or a Marderer.
CiscurSATl, Oot b^r 2*)ch. — I' rid Captain,
the colored mai arrostei on tu»p;cion of the
murder of A. W. li xw, of Glea lilj, confesses
that he was cocceri.eJ in the i ff*ir, but that
the murder was iaitigstcd and the fatal blow
■track by Huria, the terro arrested a few
days ago. Th« police believe that tbe mur
der wae dose b j Captain sad hia father.
tn.ilrs la Ireland— KeorKanlzatlon or the
Csypiian Army— Arctic Veuel* In Peril
—British Soldier* Welcomed Home—
Emperor William Convalescent— Cotton
Mill Burned- Phylloxera In »paln—
Creat Strike or English Mlntra Threat
Beorganlzatlon or the Army.
Caiec, October 20th. — The Council of
M ii inters has adopted the preliminary scheme
Buker Pasha for the reorgacizition of tbe
Egyptian army. Baker Pasha recommends
tbat the field officers of each regiment, bat
tery, battalion, etc , be half British and half
!'. > ■ :i,ui, and the other officers, irom the
ratk of Captain downward, he selected from
Egyptian*, Albanians and others already in
the serv;c3 of the Khediva. The stiff will
consist of an equal cumber of British and
Earvptians. The expvnoe ( f the army will be
fSCS.OCO yearly. {Th- gendarmerie will be
ohiu-ered by Egyptian*, but will havo two
British inspectors. Baker Pasha considers
that one of the prircipal advantages of his
s^home will be & healthy emulation between
the regiments commanded by British officers
and tiiose commanded by native effuera. The
army will number 11,000 men.
Tbe Indictment Axalnnt Aralil Paitha.
Cairo, October 20,h.— 1t is believe-1 that
the following will constitute the chief counts
of the indictment a^airnt Arabi Psuha :
First, in « iolation of the • i 'ht of nations he
hoisted a white fl >g in Alexandria, and under
cover thereof retired with hid troops and gave
up the city to tire and pillage ; second, that
he excited tha Egyptians to arm agaicst tin
Khedive ; third, that he continued tho war,
despite the news of peace ; fourth, with hav
ing excited civil war, devastation, maajacre
and pillage in Egyptian territory.
The Herman Elections.
ISeblin, October 20 :h.— ln all the great
towns where Cath >li=a p-edominate, tbe elec
tions resulted m favor of the Liberal*. The
Liberals gain thirty votes in the Diet from
the Conrervativen in several new d strict*.
In the vicinity of Berlin and Potsdam the
Conservatives havj been victorious. No one
party will have a majority in the new Cham
ber. In order to obtnin ame j >rity it will ba
recea»ary fjr the Government to enter into
rt. alliance with the Clericals and Conserva
The Bible a* a - < h „:t Text-Book.
Hamilton (Ont.), October 20ih.— The im
poitant Convention of Baptist clergymen acd
laymen, which has been ia s-t.-siou hero for
the pa^t few dayo, has had voder considera
tion tlip proposed mtrcdaotloa oi tho Bible ss
a text-book iato the public schools of Oat trio,
ana DM declined to take p»rt in a deputation
which will wait upon the Premier of Ontario
!>! -l.y next, ass : griiz.g as a reason that
while hsarti'y epprcvinij the proper use of the
Bibla in the pnblii schools, it hesitates to np
prora a movement that will interfero in ary
wty witn the religious liberty of tfce people.
Arctic Vessels in Danscr.
Lonhos, October 20th. — From a report
maie by the commander of the Btean.er
L misc. a trading vfasel which endeavored to
reach the mouth of the Yenisei river, Si
bsria, in oonpesj with the Dutch Arctic ex-
I_e litiou ship Varna, it is considered that both
the Varna and a vessel of tho Danish Arctic
expedition are in a dangerous position, as
they were both betet by ice in the Kara t »,
about eighty miles from the continent, lbe
L visa endeavored to a'aiat them during two
days, but fearing to be ultimately heset in a
similar manner she f fleeted her esca[>e Sep
tember 22 J. Her commander saya if the
veasela are not by this ti.ne free "ttcy will
have to paea the winter in the movitg pack
The Chief Secretary r r Ireland Makes a
Londos, OL-tober 20th.— G?o. Otto Tre
veliyan, Chi-.f Secretary for Ireland, in a
fpiech at Selkirk, Scotland, list evening,
sai-1 the resident masi-.trat-:a in Ireland, in
their list reports, were singularly unanimous
in stating that tbe relations between landlord
and tenant were improving, rents being fairly
piM and intin.idalion decreasing. " Another
tubjeet for thankfulness." aaid Trevellyan,
"is that it hss betn ne:'.ily six months tince
tiiere lias been a collision between tbe con
tt^ljulary and people in tbe Irish provinces.'
Confederate Bond*) JLgnln.
hmotm, October 20 ,h.— Dealings in Ccn
fedrfrate font's are again reported, tha price
being 81 CO per nominal $100.
Prlee or Beer to be Increased.
TOBOSTO (Ont) October 20th —The pro
vincial brewers have decided to advance the
price of ale from twmty five to twenty-seven
c:nts per wine galkn, on account of the trgh
price of hops.
A City Enveloped In Smoke.
St. FErEBMiURO, October 20:h.— A thick
fog, smelling of burnirg turf, has enveloped
the whole of Sf. Petersburg since yesterday. A
vast circle of incendiary fires, extending from
Finland to the Baltic, ia said to surround the
Capital acd to iuclu'le in itß circumference
GUechiaa, where the Emperor now is. The
fires are in the woods, under which are turf
pit?, and t^cy may laat for a long time.
They are attributed to the Nihili ts.
The Frozen Xorlli.
Paris, October 20:h. — An Irkntsk corre
spondent telecxaT-ihR : DeFarave, the Ispra
venik of Kolim«k. arrived here, en route for
S. Petertbarp, 0.-tobfr 17ch. lie left Ir
kut»k in Sept-mher, when news from the
i -it delta had arr.vei', which snid that tho
Hubcr p3rty were all 'xe'.l. Nothing had
been ascerteined i f the file of !.'■ v • in: t
Chippy, of '. h3 Jeanne' te. The tteamer I<?na
was expected daily s.t Yakutsk, bringiug let
ters from the delta.
Cermsry and Bclslam.
_ Brussels. October 20th.— At the final sit
ting of the International Arbi'ration Confer
ence, Herr L^ker, a member of the German
Reichstag, and one of the delegates to the
Conference, declared that Germany was espe
cially liberal — Germany was at heart pacific.
"If the country which is our western neigh
bor wishes peace as sincerely aa we do, pe^ce
is aaiured."
Conference or Irish Leader* Called.
Dublin, October 30th. — ParceU haa issued
a whip to hii supporters, invitirg them to
meet in the Conference Room of the House
of Commons, previcni to the reassembling of
Parliament, v/hen business of great import
ance, including th»t concerning the re>*nt
imprison "nent of E, Dwyer Grey, will be
New York, October 20th— Midnight —
Highest temperaturo to-day, 53" ; lowest, 44 J .
Chicago, October 20th. — Highest tem
perature to-day, CO 3 ; lowest, 42°.
The tit-turned Ilerorft.
LOHDOVi October 20:h. — The Ho.-se Guards
who retu^jed from Sopt, marched through
London to-day, t.-.kicg unex&fctedly th?
lonta by wiy of Islington. Tha weather
ww fine. Tr.e rec?pti-.'T; lloog thq v,hoj?
route, ov^-r mx rcils lonp, w.ia enthutiaatic
t> a retn»r'c3bb erteat. Oi arrival at the
Aliiany B.rrack? ia London th..y w»r« re
n-ivejby th* P.-inco a-.d Princf-s of Wales.
Tae life Guards met with a no less heatty
greeting at Wir.iisjr.
Wolsrl-j at ill fell la
Alexandria. October 201h. — fl tunnel Wol
pV, f y iiis arrivi d hera irum Cuiio and hasre
viewed t':e troopt.
. !; r.mpcror .11 f.; ; i.i Aaalii.
Bades. OoU)t>£r 20: li. — Emperor William
has entirely recovertd from hia recent indis
RlotnUD Miner*.
Pauis, Octobsr 20; i. —A cispa'ch from the
Motto an Li 3 mines reports that the riotous
miner* m:.'l9 an u - :enrc:ajful htte.:p* Timrs
dir to bltw up the p.-iesi'a hoti«e wi.h djna
■■■ im;> . in •;iu.
Madrid, Oetobei £o ,h.— A p lit'c-.l faf Mon
uaJer tha lsad of Sen-ira Mmtos and Khe
taray decline to join Marshal Ssrato's cew
< .>: (Ur.iit'd !.inrl. to br ReMoretl to Their
Formrr Owaer*.
St. Pftersbcbg, Ootobar 20:h. — The Her
n'd saya : Dnriu^ the 1»b'» ■ e :«ion of the Coun
cil of the Empire, it wai reeolved to restore
to tbe former owners ■>- their heirs a large
portion of the c tafiacaied estatea in the wi .-t
--era goven intnts.
Staleaent Corrected.
Paws, October 20ih— Volteire, aarrech'ng
tbs ftaten eat th»c De Brazzi went to the
Congo liver mere yaa atren* oi the Interna
tional African Association, declare* that De
Brazza haa hvl a mmioo from the French
Government siac9 1875.
■•rages ot PkTllszera.
Saraocssa, October 20:h.— A Congress U
sittiug here to consider tbe best method of
arresting the raragej oi phylloxera. It ie
sa'sfl that in Malaga alone vines covering
60,000 hectares of land have been invaded.
Colton 51.1 l Itamed.
London, October 20th.— The Oik Bank
cotton mill, n»»r Macclentield, was burced
to-day. LotafoO.OOO.
Crest stril <■ Threatened.
Bmnslet (Eng.), October 20ch.— Twenty
thousand miners iv South and West York
shire have given notice of a strike if they fail
to receive an increase of wages.
Writ or Habea* Corpn» Granted.
Toronto (Ont ), October 2O;h.— A writ rf
habeas corpus in the Phipps extradition c&ss
his been granted, returnable next week.
The Merced Star says a single hunter
killed 254 ducks in ons day's shootiup laat
week on the San Joaquin river, near Fire
baugh's ferry.
The iirat of this year's raiain crop was
brought into the city on Thursday by G.
B. Adams, of the Alhambra tract, San
Gabriel. They are of good color and large
and plump. — [Log Angeles Express.
The Semi-Tropic siys Colton is to be tbe
chief railroad center of southern California
by the junction of the California Southern
and CarsoD, Nevada and Bodie Railroad
and tb.9 Toptka and Santa Fe, so a« to nuke
Colton tho base for all action and transfer.
Profefisor George Dividacn his just fir-
We.ci ihe geodetic and astronomical work
on Mount Tamalpais. The party in his
charge will now prepare for work in New
Mexico, at the Transit of Yenua station—
Cerry Robleru— situated near Fort Selden,
about fifty miles from El Paao.
About all the grain in sUck that got wet
during the late rains haa now been thrashe<'.
Mr. Roberts, of Sutter county, had 3,000
aacka of untbraahed grain exposed to the
wet. He lost 700 Backp. The damage to
thrashed grain in sacka, piled on the river
banks and elsewhere for hhipment, has not
been great.— [Marysvillc Appeal.
We are told that on Tuesday laat a nug.
get weighing seventeen ounces waa taken
from the Western claims in Newtown llat,
owned by tho California Prospecting Com
pany, and that the remit of oae man's
work on that day waa §400. The nusrget
waa broken in getting it out, one part
weighing thirteen ounces and the other
four. The company Beem to have got on
the coarse cold lead, and they are likely to
find any quantity of the ore in a short
time. — [Plumas National, October 14tb.
Daring the week we have talked with
several gentlemen »rom Indian valley, and
from their reporU conclude that the late
heavy rains have proved a very scrioua
damage to the farming intere3ts over that
way. The late spring put the grain crop a
long ways behicd, and the early frosts in
jured it severely, and the utormp, in many
cases, completed tho destruction. EL MJ-
Cutobeon and Jerry Kvan3 arc spoken of a3
the heaviest lo^er?, ttuir ;;rain being in the
tielda when the rain comnriCDced. Nearly
all tho ranchers suffered more or Itss, and
the outlook with them is not flittering.—
[I'lumas National, October 14:h.
We believe that Nevada county can
boast of tbe 1-irjf-t people in the State.
Our reporter, while on his trip to the
mountains a week or so a^o, had the pleas
ure of meeting a few of these people. We
are not exaggerating when we state that
there is a girl in Colambia Hill, aged 12
years, and who weighs ISS; pounds. She
is not tall, but is gracefully built, and has
a very pleasant face. We saw this joung
lady, and were informed by her parents as
to her aye and weight. Near Moore's Flat
there is a (Jyearold child who weighs 10t>
pounds, and at Eureka there is a yo.-ng
man under .'i2 years of age who stands (i
feet 7 inches in hight, and another man, at
the came place, whose loot measures IS
inches. Ke is k^own aa the "Big- footed
Ditch-tender," and he seems to be proud of
his cognomen. We were proud of him, for
we sat in front of Allison's Hotel, and the
sun was p uricg dowu upon us, when the
big footed maa took a chfcir and sat beeide
us, hoisted oae of hia foot ibove our heads
and shielded us fro'n the burning sun. As
that foot threw its protecting shadow all
around us, we realizjd what a blessing it
was to have big feet. —[Grass Valley Tid
Scarcely less injurious, in a subtle aud
generally unrecognized way, than the habit
of tokiut! "nips" of alcohol between
meals, is the growing practice of smoking
cigarettes incessantly. We have not a
word to say about smoking at suitable
tii ii t s and in moderation, nor do oar re
marks at this moment apply to the use of
cigars and pipes. It is against the habit of
smoking cigarettes in large quantities, with
the belief that these miniature doie; of
nicotine are innocuous, we desire to enter
a protett. The truth is that, perhaps ow
ing to the way the tohacco leaf in shredded,
coupled with the fact that it ia brought
iuto more direct relation with the mouth
and air passages thau when it is smoked in
a pipe or cigar, t!.e effects produced on the
nervous system by a free consumption of
cigarettes are mote marked and character
istic thau those recognizable after recourse
to other methods of smokine. A pulse
tracing made aft'.r the subject has smoked
fay a drz n cigarettes, will, as a rule, be
tl itter and more indicative of depression
than one taken after the smoking of
cigars. It is no uncommon practice fcr
young men who amoke cigarettes habitu
ally to conßume from eight to twelve in an
hour, and to keep this up for four or five
houra daily. The total quantity of tobacco
consumed may not seem large, but beyond
question the volume of smoke to which
tne breath organs of the Emokcr are ex
posed, and the characteristics of that smoke
as regards the proportion of nicotine intro
duced into the system, combine to place
the organism very fully under the influence
of the tobacco. A considerable uumbtr of
cases have been brought under our notice
during the last few months, in which
youths and young men who have not yet
completed thn full term of physical dcvtl
opment have had their health seriously im
paired by the practiceof almost incessantly
smoking cigarettes. It is well that the
facts should be known, as the impression
evidently prevails that any number of
these little "whiffle" rmut v ■„■".■< ba per
fectly id&ocuoos, whereas they often do in
finite harm. — [London Lincet.
r.ixio SOLTXD a Pkobi.km. — Dumas arid
(iail'.ardet fought a ilutl by reason of some
qu.irrel tl:py had. It was in 1534. They
fought with pistols, at fifty paces, advanc
ing to tif .ten DMOK, and tiring at will afttr
the word. Neither wai tenoned. Although
both desired la cocHnuo the duel, the r.lc
o-.jil>. l*ing of the re_u!at.i')M French stripe,
refn ed to allow it. Ail hut me Bixio.
This gentleman wa* a good deal likp Pr.
Siaminer, ('f the Ninety-sevtnth. Bebe-
Eouzht Dumas (who was an excellent ahot)
to kill Ciiliardet at tho first lire— " not
that I have any feelirs; against him," ijuoth
Bixio, " but I have heard tha 1 ; every man
receiving a f.VaI tna-eliot wound turns
aroutd heforo he falls. I would like to
know if that be true — purely from a se;rn
tific standpoint. Kill him, please." But
Gaillardet lived until IN>2 And how with
Bixio! During the revolution ff 184*5 he
«is leading a charge againt-t a barricade
in the live Soartlot. A ball from a house
top struck him in the shoulder, passed
through his lung, making a wound fifteen
inches long, and came out near the dcrtal
vertebra;. Bixio lsaped convnlsively into
the air, spun around three times and fell
upon his face. "It is true ; they do
turn," he muttfred, as the b'.ood gushed
from his mouth and nostrils. Me solved
the problem.
L->tdon Truth saya of the future husband
of M'.le. Berthc Rothschild : "Alexander
Berthier was rather wild, but he has tamed
down. The rmjorat, or perpetual annuity,
which descends in hit family from father
to eldeat ton, amount* to 300,000 francs.
The Berthien of Wagram are connected
with the reigning families of Sweden and
Bavaria, and with the ducal family of
Lsuchteaberg. Prinoe Alexander ia heir
to the title and the annuity."
Mrs. Maxwell, better known as Misa M.
h Braddon, is just passing the prime of
life and enjoys the most vigorous, robust
health. Sne livts in a fine hoi9e near
London, and is fond of driving a team of
spirited chestnut horses.
Although Mr. Tur'.e, for fifty years
organist of Westminister Abbey, lies buried
according to his own directions beside his
wife in Norwood Cemetery, his memory is
to be honored at the scene of his labors
by an elaborate window, placed aporopri
ately above the graves of Henry I'ureell
and Sterndale Bennett.
Sims Reeves sang in the choir of York
Minster on a recent Sunday on the occa.
sion of a special collection for the benefit
of a hospital, and so great was the crowd
to hear him that several personß were seri
ously crushed. Mr. Reeves sang from
" The Messiah " with much of the power
and richness of his palmiest days.
Nicoli, Prince of Montrnegro, is the most
favored royal visitor there has been at St.
Petersburg for many years. The Czar and
the (irand Dukes lavish upon him every
possible attention, probably thus hoping to
hold him back from the much talked-of
Austrian alliance, and to save from being
lost the $5,000,000 Russia ha?, at various
times, tpent in maintaining close relations
with Montenegro.
On his way to Creeeon Springs, Hubert
Spencer stopped in PittEbarg M* a short
time, and was much interested in the great
iron works there, but was glad to get away
quickly from the noise and smoke There
were only a few ruille running there then,
and he thought that if they made so mcch
tmnfcw, that produced when they are all in
operation muat be too much for his pros
trated nerves to endure.
Bismarck is a man " that hath no music
in his soul." Talking recently witli the
painttr Lsnbach, his guest at Varzio, he
fraukiy owned that neither he nor any of his
children possessed even the rudiments of
mueical feeling. Now atd then he did not
object to hearing a good Italian band-
OTg&a, cr an accordecn, but as for orches
tras, pianos, the opera, prime dorme — bah !
he had no time to waste over such non
sense : an 1 as for tenor singers, over whom
so many went into ecstasies, he could cot
endure then 1 .
Dr. Parker, pastor of the City Temple,
London, preaches from a platform nbcut S
f;et square and 12 feet high. Ou thia
lofty perch, in the dim light, his tall, mis
sive figure presents a striking appearance.
He wcara a loDg black robe, and brushes
his black hair out on every fide until it >u
cir^leß his face like a gloomy nimbus, lit
c juntitance is mobile, bis voice is singu
lar ly resonant Ad penetrating, and his
gestures are dramatic in the highest de
gree, Iv his sermons he depends larpely
upi>u csrefnUy-prepared notca, and seldom
faib to l.aye i.n audience that fills tho
church, tre seating cjpacity cf which is
about 3,000.
Franklin Simmons, the American sculp
tor, now in Rome, has nearly completed
the statue of Oliver P. Morton, Indiana's
"War Guvernor," on which he bas long
been engaged. The figure is about eight
feet high, and represents Mr. Morton in
the act of speaking. Mr. Simmons has
also recently modeled a statue of Medusa,
shewing her at the moment when first she
sees the incipient transformation of her
locks, and the pained, shrinking expression
graven by the artist upen her face is de
scribed aa singularly truthful and lifelike.
The figure is life-siz-id, and will ba twice
copied in marble, one copy being destined
for London and the other for this country.
In illustration cf the mysterious train or
" will " power supposed to exist, this story
appears to me more remarkable than any
of the narratives that have yet appeared in
your columns. A friend of mine tcld me
that it was related to him ninny years aao
by rry mother — the "Ann Taylor" c(
"Origraa] Poems," "Hymns of Infant
Minds," ttc. — and that fcLe mentioLed the
name cf tho family concerned. Certain
circumttatces leil me to btlieve that the
family referred to was that of the Watkin
sonc, resident at Livenham, in Suffolk.
A son of this family had gone to Ameri
ca. One summer Sunday afternoon they
were attending service, and occupying i
large, square pew near the pulpit, in what
I take to have teen a nieetiDg-house. It
was hot, the door of the small buildirg was
wide open, and one of the party, who sat
looking down the ai6le, could see out into
the metting-honse yard, which was shaded
by tall trees. Suddenly, to his intense
surprise, he saw the absent brother ap
proaching through the trees, enter at the
chapel door, walk up the ais'e, ceme to the
very door of the pew itself, and lay his
hand upon it, as if to take bit seat among
them. At this moment others of the fam
ily, sitting to that he was only then within
their sight, saw him also, but at the same
moment he vanished.
This strange occurrence naturally raised
sad forcbouirgs, but in cenrse of time a let
ter arrived from the subject of them of
later date t'.ian that oi the vuion, and it
appeared that he was ttill alive and well.
He wa3 thfn written to, and a'ked if any
thing peculiar bad happened to him on
that particular Sunday. He rsplied that
it was odd he should remember anything
about a Sunday then so lons pissed, but
that certainly something peculiar had hap
pened to him that day. He had come hi,
overpiwercd with heat, and bad thrown
himself upon his b?d, had fallen into a
sound sleep, and had a strange dream. He
found him»elf among the trees before the
country chape! ; service was going on ; he
'iff them all, the door being open, sitting
in their pew ; he walked up the aislo, put
his hand on the pew door to open it, when
he suddenly, and to his great chagrin,
awoke. The question arises, Can ele>p re
lease the soul like death ?— [London Spec
We were running through South Caro
lina when a great big giint of a fellow with
a terrible eye ar.d a voice like a fog horn
boarded the train at a Mnail station. I
think most of the paß3en;ers sized him up
.is a chap whom it wonld be dangerous u>
ar^ue with, hat the giant wani'l eathiied
with tliat. 11-; blustered at the conductor,
growled at the brakeman, and looked
around as if seeking jome one to pick a
fnas with. Kvcry one answered him civ
illy, and he had two or three feats to hira-
Eelf, but the man who wants a row can
generally fiod eotne pretext. About the
center of the car a pale- looking chap, about
25 years old, occupied a seat and was read
ing a newspaper. After a time the giint
rubbed along to wheic the ycucg man eat
and ifiowled out :
11 > f .rangor, what may be the firbt cost of
auch a hat as yours ? '
The young man looktd up with a flash in
his big blue eyes, and then turned to h:s
paper without replying.
" iley ! Did you htar me?' roared the
other, aa he leaned over the seat and lifted
the hat eff the youug man's head.
Quicker than one could count six a shin
ing revolver came from, you couldn't tell
where, lifted itself on a level with the big
man's eye, and tha white fingers cln'ching
the bu'.t never trembled a hair's breadth ta
a quie? voice uttered the words :
"Drop that hat!"
The hat fell from the giant's grasp, and
the quiet voice exclaimed :
' Kaw you sit down, or I'll kill you f
Tne muzzle of the weapon was not six
inches from the man's eye, and I saw him
turn from red to white in ten seconds. He
backed away at the command, sat dorn in
a peat opposite, and sever stood up or
spoke another word during the ride of
twenty miles. He had a " navy " under
his coat, but something in that quiet voice
and blue eye warned him that the move of
a finger on his part would crash a bullet
into his head.— [M. Qaad.
It is ataUd that the State coffers of Italy
now contain 550,000,000 of coin laid up
torard the abolition of the tor.cd paper

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