Newspaper Page Text
VIILV HH«* >i«i:« VOL. LVIII. »•. 984 C ) i«ii.i kkcoilu M^:mi>- »«l.\xvi.-.\o. i--,. ; . . ■ME OAILY RECORD-ONION Entered at tlte Post O Ace a. Sacxar. eBM as feeoad OSSS matter FLbUiUi£D BY THE^mento Publishing Company, •Ml. H. MILLS, Ceaeral Haajager. r>abll cation «mcc, Third at, kct. J and K. TAB I» \!L* UtIWD'IAII)! hpit'.'EhtyS (Terr d»» at tbe week. Soudan eloepWd. r.jr tine y*-v $6 00 Per jii month*. 3 60 Vurthtot :noa:h* ...... I 00 flii>:scriber» wrred by Oanien at FimiK UKKT' p*r veck. Ij all in Vjrior dlie« aud tovu the {•?;■■' • •!■ be had erf the principal Periodical Deulen. idvtrl? -Ing Rate* la tlailj Rreord-lnlvn. Out *•]■:£-'!. 1 time (1 00 (mt A^iMr., 5 time*. 1 T5 tne .=.;■■! ■rr Stinea. .; ICO Eaci. > : i iiifijal t!nM>. ail l(| 50 lWeok. IWseta. IMonth OikUH.,.ue,Utw> «2SO $3 60 At 0» lUlf *;>i»re. Mr»p9 3SO 6 00 8 00 IUW S ,v irx; j,i i v ,- 100 4 60 8 00 H*lr H .,,: .re, 4th [»f c 100 300 400 ■<'■ : ,-o.litn<ce 390 tQO TOO Oiif*:ur-,ldrn« 6 00 7 00 10 00 '>n<-S, 4 u^rv, 3dp»ee 4 00 6 00 8 00 Vue 6,.are. fU »•«) 3 00 4 00 6 00 at&r t.aioa*, to folio* rt*din« matter, twantf-flra tmiti. » )!-;r foreich irs»rtiun. A-v..r.i- i.ieu' .- uf Siuutioni Wauted. Hcnue»to Let. Boe • ty M .etfmci!. etc.. of five UNO o& uh, will be • lnj»i t- :In the Daily Kxookd-Uniok at followi : BatlhM Xoeota \ Tat«e<-.i..4 60cent» '*"* *■' k ■ .76 oentt Mr**-, ri.ida to conitlttite a line. TUX MEEKLY I WIOS (Pnbllabed lv aeml-veaklj part*] U!-yioi¥,::V.:; and Satorday of each week, corn-rising EicLi ktl kr i«ch Imuo. orSixteeo Fin -• we k. and b thb oheapett mud moat deafakole H-.i ■%, News aad Litentj Journal pnbliihad on the P*c:n ena' t. Terriv.Ou* Year $3 60 • 1.11-v,: ,tij ratoa Advrrllkin« Bates. Half S-iuir.-, 1 time tl 0C Itacli additional time 8C Oa>- *iuare, 1 tinu' J 00 Eachaddttion&lUme 1(0 WAFTED, LOST AND FOUND. A iTertlKimentfl of fire liuee in this department are asarted for 35 o--n u for one time : three times fur 50 ••..•..• or 75 cents per week. WANTED CONTRACT WOJI>-CH')I'PEBS. Apply to NATOMA WATKR >t MINING COMPANY, Folsom, Ctl. <«l.lw SITUATION WAN TED-BY AN EXPEKIENCED lady as Narac. Ctn gire beet of r.ferenccs Apply at 1119 Tenth street, between X and L. or at the Oratrers' Store. Tenth and X streets. olTlw* WANTED— SULE: 81X ItVKiH HANDS; 8 Milkers; Man to drire tatercarf. Man to drivo s«id nm ; 3 Woorichcippem ; 4 Men to !>»!c hay. Female : Women and OirU for Houuework (city and cmutry); 2 Wai'cr Girln for rity. MASTERS &. C')., Employment OHii-*, No. 102&"£iirliUi street, near K. 07-t! WANTED. MALE: S MrLKERS, WAUE3, BO; ALSO, 6 ranch hands, %ili ; 2 mea to milk and make butler, 4W ; a barSerto rent a shop ; 4 woodchop l*ni; i waiters, *30 to $35 ; a man cook. Female;: 2 women <*ioka, frji ; alto. 6 cirls for housewnrk, Sli> to $20 ; 3 girls to wait and do chamliurwork. A^pir to aoUSTOJi At aa:& lisnploymeiit Office, Fourth and X streets, SauramenVo. ' aul3 lptf TO LET 0B FOB SALE. Ainttlssamtm of C*e Unss In this department an :s*>rt«d for 25 cenU for one time ; throe tunes for 6' «uit> or ?6 otuti pec week. FOR B ALB- Til K OLD AND WELL-KNOWN Dreo-m.kini; Parlors, No. 1014 F%hth street, between J and X ; has a splendid run of cistom Als>, amarbie-Wp liet'room set; aril be sold cheap. lno, 1 lire on premises. n'9 1w P.)K KENT- TK VACANT BL VCKSMITH Shop formerly oc-upied by R. N Johnson, Fifth street.between X and L is now for relit at a ow price H. O MAY & CO., Fif.h and K. o'2l-lw Fjl ( >H S\LF A HALF INTERFST IN A BLACK- P smith, Wagoaaod Curia^e Shop, in one ■>f the leaxlingtovns in thi- Interior. Agply to BL'NTI.N'U- T\>N. HOPKIVB k CO., Bacramcnto. (20-3t* r C! HEEP F °K SALE. IN LOTS TO j^ suit. FARMS and HOP 1.\.\1) '■• tBSBP ■ssV '- to I IK. CAPLES, TocntyMHß miles cut uf Sicnipieiito. oU-liu" MssasUa r>K SALE — A '" I " t '--"' T " ■■!»■■ Bhop in good running order. Quod house, i arns, etc , at Wi-I,ii':ui Bar, Sacnmniitu county. Apply toSHaB^BI W. A. UKOWN., on the i remises, or by letter. old Im* KLEAHS HOTEIT- JTRST. CLA«S FCR niabed and uufuruiibad rooms to let to gentle men or lamilies l>v the day, week or month. 1018 Second street, between J and K. MK3. 11. W. OOG, Protirieteßss. au? t TO LEASE OR BELL. "1.1 ROM ;{ft« T."> l,f(M» ACRES OF THE BEST F llopnr tiralfa Land in the county. t.*d Hop Poles for sale, at ti per hundred (itandinz); railnwd through the laml See WILLIAM HICKS, Commnes; or, T. 1. av*h K. So. («h s-,-,,.i, street, Hj. nmento. u^O-lplm* CONTRACT TO LET. rp ) CUT 9,000 CORDS OF WHITi: ANli LIVF. -1 Oak SUf«e Wood fur Die Sacramento markrt AUotOKnilj am! 'kar 640 arres of I ml and put it in shape f>*r <*nlrivati<>n. Ft>r information a|>ply to J. T. CAKI'WKIiL, Fulsom. Sacramento county". oil -10'. ' FOB BALE. Q 1 ACRES OF LAND, LTINO FTVE«(R »>. I \f\f miles east of M ir-y-vilip ; S.OOO'pW acres thereof iuclost d and under cultivation, ■ the remainder growing up in young timber ; good house, barns, orctiaru> , etc. The well has the Quest drinking wat«r in tho valley. If not wanted for farming, it is one cf the bout stock ranches in the county, and will be sold cheap enough to justify its us* for stock oi ly. Possession given September 1, 1882. For furtlier information inuuire of the Sacra uvsntn Bank, SikCramenUi. California. jy28 -Im MONEY TO LOAN OW EKAL ESTATE, AT A LOW RATE OF IN tans*, by PETER BOHL 39 J street. aul7-tf aBOOEBTEs7 XJQUOBSTI.TU EBNER BROS.. f MPOBTERS AM) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 2 WIXKB VM> LlUllWßg, Nos. 118 and 118 X ftrdrt, between Front and Sec. ond, Sacramento. m2fi-4plui FOR A COMPiETE ASSORTMENT OF CALIFOR\IA CRACKERS, <K> TU NO. Jit J STREET SACRAMENTO auB2Hr Friend $t Terry LUMBER oohsx>4lin -ar . ESTABLISHED 18S3. FINE, REDWOOD, ORECOH & TRUCK tE PINE, At Wholesale and Retail, and ■>»rari urnl if Order at the MlUs *f the A <«>"l'»i'.>. Doors, Windows, Blinds, Shakes, Shingles, ■ Bolts and Tie*. H( MAIN YARD ANH OFFTCK, 1310 Second Street, near M. V BRANCH YARD, f <«rurr Twelfth Jt J 81s.. Karramrßto, « al. ' aqlß-4p6lu McCREARY'S PATENT ROLLER FLOUR! TOK UU RV ALI «.;:<>< i =:-. CMcCREARV it CO , SACUAMFNTt> Mll-LS , no\» uianufa^turp a t-rnie cif VtOLLKit FLUi R full} equal to the WASHBUKNK, or any other Minnesota Uigh-irade Patent Flour. Also, the whitest, ttrongest and best Bakers' and Family Flour In the market »;■«. 4plm w BLACK UIAMOKD COAL AND SCREENINGS. ABOVE WKT.L KNOWN SI'PFRIO. ■I MONTE DIABLO COAL, the most economics can be used * r steaun, is for sale In lots to suit Black DUmonJ Landing, Outra Costa county si the offiue of the Company, southeast come Fol»>m and Spear streets, San Frandrco. ■ P. B. CORNWALL, ■«nT-«_ IVwsidwit B T>. O. M. PC RSO BIV JBI3, |^k A laTfTe assortment of Ae^tllt. CHEKILLBS, H <VI A> ' *-"• fOAKgE CtEWKL, FILTf. >l.r*HE*, LIN»\«. fur Fanr> VT«rk. H. iarge . Rons for* stamping or Ko PATTEItNS FOR fTAKPIMC. X AND MATESIALS. JAMES C. CLOVEK, t 1022 Eighth street, SacAmento, CaJ. SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNION. fIALE BBOS, A CO. We Ask But Little, IF GRANTED, WILL BE GREATLY TO YOUR INTEREST ! That is, a Pair Comparison and Impartial Judgment of all our MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' I WE HAVE JIST BECEIVEEI A .» TLIIED IX STIIC k THE I tttt.}.sl A\D CUOIIEST ixOHDH.M OF MEN'S SACK AND FROCK SUITS I Ilk I ME HAVE E%EB HI i \ ABLE TO SHOW. .ll*S, t MIL IMKO'II'LUI. UNO Light and Heavy Overcoats ! THAT ABE -;i:l TO BE API'KEt 11 1 I It IF «>»• ■ rilVltlu. £3~ It is ueelees for 113 to deecriba goods, as onr stock is constantly changing and XEW GOODS ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY. We have been well »nd favorably known to csrUin Clothkig Manufacturers of Philadelphia, fur the reawu of our baiDg a GOOD CASH CrSTOMEtt for the laat twenty years, who sp-jnge, shrink and refinUh all their goods by the celebrated English process before they are made up. This Manufacturing Company has control of this process in the I r nited State?, and by reaeoa of their long experience and tact to employ superior workman renders theif CLOTHING, as regards style and fit, the nearest t-i custom made than any with which we are acq-iainted, and is the true reason why CLOTHIXO purchased at our store retains its snipe so well and gives such excellent satinf&ction. In order to give the public soms idea what this process is, we insert the following Cut with eiplanatioas : Fiint, the clith is rolled on Killer A, whicb is the sponger and sbrinker ; th»n it is pisesd between Jliller B, which smooths the goods. It is then passed between R .Hers C, which presses and rffioishas, when it is passed under Roller D, which is tho cooler ; then ■■! between 1! illerj E, which mfamres the cloth. Here it in examined by the careful eyo of one nf experienc?, that no flaw may escape his notice, that every garment may La perfect. Fis the steamer. MOSTLY ALL OUR Youths' and Boys' Clothing Coiae from the vat Btaaar^rtirrr, and we hare la UccV lull line. a| a I kinds or SUITS & OVERCOATS '>•■ <■ mnnl rrfraln In thl* advertisement to »p«-nV a few word* about oar HATS AND CAPS ! It has been difl&cult lately for us to keep a full line of 3ATS AND CAPS, owing to the extra large trade in this line of goods ; but we hope that with the ljtrge and fine assortment we are receiving, we will it the future be able to suit all in Quality, Shape and f rice. We have in stock a full line of J. B. STET SON'S best make of SOFT AND STIFF HATS, in the latest styles. . ill l\rn OBDEtS KnilC PBOMPT AITEVTIOW ASH FILLKD S4TI? »*< ro::%. OB MOXF.I BEFI.VDED. HALE BROS. & CO., 829, 83), 833, 835 X street, — ±Mi— 1021 NINTH STREET, SACRAMENTO. SACRAMENTO, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER S3, 1882. MISOELLANEOQS. Palmer & Sepulveda, DHTJGGISTS, Northeast Corner Second and X streets, Sacramento. Special attention given to Compounding Prescriptions— ac-^qtf curacy and absolute purity guaranteed. Tj| SCHOOL BOOKS! BOLD AT LOWEST PRICES i:v ENVELOPES (all sizee), a very large supply ; WRITING PAPERS-the best in the market; BALL PROGRAMMES and ME^U CARDS; PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, of all kinds ; Choice line- of VISITING CARDS. ™ ■ ii ■ Printing in AM Its Branches! Nos. 208-210 J street, : : Sacrajiento m2O-lptt w. p. coleMXn, Heal Estate Salesroom, No. 325 J street, Sacramento, Oal. ALL KINDS OF CIT7 AND CotATRY PROIEkiTY POR S-A.X.XI .A.3S'X> M?C> 1.-£.t. UEaL ESTATE SOU* ON INSTALLMFAT PLAS. | HO.VEV ( O LOAX I\ BIMS TO SllT. nil'-lplv vsFsrsssxriX BOXES MA c *u fi e« v and Made lo Order. m^9 Jr X *s»« *v»jr j BOX PRI.VTI.VG. CAPITAL BDX FACTORY CORNER SECOND AND Q STREETS tit-in.t j J<t., l,fi. Front and Second (next door to W. K. Strong A Co.) HIC10I8&C0 lpflm Sacramexto, July 11, 1883. I take pleasure in recuinniei.diii^ to my friends and the public generally, M HAMMER'S CASCARA BAGRADA BIITERS." They have been of great benefit to me. «!. R. HEATH, Jeweler, 820 J st., Sacramento. SAN FBANCISOO CARDS, SAN FRANCISCO Business Directory AGRICULTURAL IMPLTGMEWTS. George A.Hmlot «'».— Manufacturers' Agentf, 3?7 and 329 Market street. Baker A Hamilton— lmporters of Agricultural Implements and Hardware ; Airents of Uie Benicia Airr' i Works. Junction Market, Pine and Davis eta ARTISTS. llon«r worth— Optician and Photographer, No. 12 Montgomery street. EsUhlished in 1861. BELTING, HOSE, ETC. H. M. «'«ok— Manufacturer of Leather Belting, Hofie, Lacinc, Bullion Basra, etc., southwest corner Market and Fremont streeW. BUSINESS COLLEGES. Pacific KnHtncu (oilier and Telegraphic Icstitut«— (Life Schularghip, for «u'J BiuineES Oiurso, $70). W. E. Chamberlain, Jr., and 1: A. Robinson, Proprietors, No. 320 Post street, oppo. Bito Union Square, S. P., Cal. Si-r.d for Circular!). CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. Btodehaker Bros. MannraetarlDß Co.—Re pository, 31 Market street. A. H. laham, Manager. CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, ETC. Frank ti. Kdwurdu— lmporter and Dealer, No. 8-20 Market street (Phelan'a Block), San Francisco. DRUGS, CHEMICALS. Jwtttn tiaiex. — Pioneor Drn* cist, removed to 722 Mon'^romery St., S. F. Country orders solicited. EDUCATIONAL. School of i UI! Kngtarrrlnic. Sonpyicg Drawing aud Aaujing. 2J Post -•.. A. Van uer Nai!len HATS. C. Herrmann A C o.— llanuiac'.urers and Im porters. No. 3»6 Kcarny st , near Pine. The finest haw at the lowest prices. Factory : 17 Belden Bt. HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, ETC. Hawlry BroA.' Hardware Co.— lmporter* of Hardware and Agricultural Implements, Noa. SOl, 303, 006, 307 and 309 Market street, San Francisco. C'arolan, Cory A Co.— lmporters of Hardware, Iron and Steel. Agonts for the Pittsburg Steel Works, Northwestern Horse Nail Company, and Southinjrton Cutlery Co. Nos. 120 and 122 Front street, and Noa. 117 and 119 California street. RESTAURANTS. Swala't raoillr Bakery aad Dinl*| Biloon— No. 636 Market street. Wedding nsl:e», ice cream, oysters. Jollies, etc, constant!}- on hand, families supplied. RUBBER AND OIL GOODS. The Gutta Percha and Knltbcr Hannfaet* nringComrmny— Manufacturers of Rubber floods of every description. Patentees of the celebrated "Maltese Oroas Brand" Carboliaed Hose Conwr FLrtt and Market streets. J. W. Taylor, Manager. STATIONERS, PRINTERS, ETO. H. ■. Crocker A Co.— lmporting and Manufact uring Stationers, PrinUra and Lithographers, Nos. 116, Sl7 and 218 Bush street, above Sansome. SACRAMENTO REOORD-UNION. Ran Franclx-o Ofnre, Us. 8 New Moitlgouf cry street (Palace Hotel).— J. H. pt-arpe, Anent. JOHNTTsTOLLi No. 610 X street, Sacramento, Cal , . Xl Manufacturer of _s^r'e>^^\^ M represented. VhEhvV/ dihect lcttirs: V^ «■ Ti STOLL, V ./ Sa^ramealo. PARLOR STOV£S A VABICTV OF PARLOR STOVES CHEAP. JOHJJ "CJOW 1 JC Hi TS, ' Ko. lit It ttrfct,....la7-iptfl... ■acmmcnlo. The Pioxeer Box Factory Mill Ahead at all CaaapeUMr*. QOOKB «aa SOS coana or Fran! aad ■ Streets Birrmmii WMptf Sacrameito Pianiiig Mill, SASH AND BLDfD FACTORY, COKVEK OP Front and <J street*, Sacramnnu. Btwt, Wtndc m a, BUndx. riaUb ol all kind*. Window Framea, Moldlnjs of every daecrtption, »r.d Tomiac. BAKTWUL, HOTC£KIBB * STAiiKK. £mrTS, SEEDS^AND PBODUOE. d. debf:inardi & co. General CcmmlS3lon Merchants. — —and WIIOLI ..111 IM> RETAit, DEALERS — ■ Tropical, Califomian and Oregon FRUIT AivD NUTS; Ratter, Exss Poatlrr. linme, Iloaej, VEGETAULKS. FIiH, OYoTEa3, ETC. US' Country ord re promptly atteiuled to. "SI Nos. 3BK and 310 X klreet. Bncramento. siS-lptf^ <!.-i.iiui- n -.1 iv,:.) ■DUIICI J. GHKOORT. TH IKK BHIBOKT. GREGORY & CO. (SncceBsora to J. Oregon). COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WiIti^F.SALK Dealers in PRODUCE AND FRUIT. Kirn. I^6 and 128 4 Street. s2l-lptf Sacramento. Cal. ___^_ 4. UOOBSR. 8. eU*ai S. GcRSON & CO., GKNEUA.L COM4IIUSION MKUCnANTS, AJrD Dealers In Imported and BvauUi FrrJU, TegMa v, bleu, .\iii«. He. So. 220 J hsrec*., betwevn Seooß'i ail Tblro, fUera manto. >-2-Ijb> ——————^-^-—^_^—^_^—_^^^ — *—^. WILLIAM M. LYON : (Successor to LYOX >>» BAKN&S), COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WBOIiKSALE DFALKH IN PROStrOB, NOS. 117, 119 AND 123 J STKEET. _ 021-Iptf FRUIT DEALERS, XL. l X i ~jI" JEUW °X"XO3XT I HAVINO Fr^OVKD TO MORE COMMODIOUS prtminH, w^ have salaried our ett>ck. W© ofler jT>n elm c Apples, free from worms, LemoßH, Linn •«, Orans'.-a, Dried Fruits, Suts, Dates, Cacnca Uo'.d, etc., at vory low pricre. M. T. BREWER fc CO., 1006 to 1010 Second street, between J and X, Sacra mento. _ auS2-tJ W. R. STRUNG &■ CO, Wholesal3 Goimnission Herchants AHS UK* UF IB aU ■OTM 07 CAXITOttKIA CREEW AJfD D&ICD fTMITi ITUTB, HONEY, SEED Ab.i General Mrrekandli*. 4T AH orders prompUy a!t«ndad 10. Addrw; : W. R. STKONO fc CO., anS-lplm Ncs. o, 8 anJ 10 J street, Sacramento. MABKETS^ ROSEDALE MARKET. JAMfS R. PATTERSON, r ' th< 'ast four years located at the Stt^t RdaJ I'ntenix k.'irket, R street, lietwecn Thiril and Fourth, has started in ** *' business on his own account, and has fitted up one at the neatest and cleanest Meat Stalls in the el'yat ■a. 191 J Street, bet. Pevenlh and Elicblb. He will offer the Choicest MesM to be obtained at the lowest prices, and it. ites the jiatronaee of his friends and the public, aid hopes, hy hor.estv, politenetw and s'.rict attention to buaiDecs, to merit the public patronage. 09-4plm JACOB ARNOLD, BUTCHER AND PORK PACKER, gprsA corner of Second and X street*, Fells 'jr 4TP* wholesale and retail, at lowest market K^fU_ rates, the finest of Sutrar-cured Haixiß, Breakfast Bacon, Sh uiiler?. Pickled Hunt an J Pork, Mess Pork, Spare Uibs, Pins' Feet, pork Sousase, Lard, etc. Also, choicest Fresh B*ef,Veal, Mutton, Lamb, etc. Highest price p»id in cash fur Beef Tattle, Hogs. Slx-ep and LamU. o3 4ptf C. WEISEL & CO., BUTCHERS AND PORK-PACKERS, JMfBL pay the hiehest pri«- ( r tr.iii: ■'•■•i-jEJB^ lioin Conatantly on hand, cvtri fin; Afc Sujrar-cured Hams, Pickled Hams, Ercakfast ii;ux.n. Shoal'!»rs, Clear Pork, Me» Porn, Lard, Corded Beef. Piir« f Keet, Pigs' Headj and Spare Ribs. Also, extra fine Pork Sausage. 85-4ptf THE FINEST MEATS U MI F ALL KJ!?D | y~nf~TrTE t;, r T,Qu^HMa\ and at L^*i«-t Prices, .IU fl j'wavs be f-innd at the Mctrnpalitas Market,of CONRADSCHFJ'P.i mUi. * ** <*■ wot Comer of Twelfth asd E . *eets. Meats de livered in al part* of the city at all i>~ '. aulB4plm PIKE & VOUNO, /^ABBIAOEIfANrFACTUB- __ . \j an, corner ol Fourth and ..'aSMfc 1 L ctreeta, Sacnuoento, r.av# on li^i iijßgsi \ band the largest asßonttent jf *- jv'- :-ii2i^~- Carriages. Wagons and Rturjrles to be found In SaT». ■Mate, which t«i sill wll st nrv In" ntm Tbr. .abwribwr dniru t<> c»J! v.»'C of ttvytn, Mitbon, wavi ftwtßM. mrts gi-aenliy tttr«it^bt>ut th. Wnl, to Urn far:i!ti« ol ibe VALLEY JKEis !ar ikMocjio |io! pruning. H# wl'j nuunt*in Urn «r:tnets r*ixu*ii^a m> l-.ri< anachcti ft ia« Jt-B thai wt.jcu i* d»fc.-^. »bl* l- ».« »rj l.iu*^. A4irvM H. A. VEAVXK. fit t SL. Virqili;, CaU ' MISCELLAinSOUS. 51CD6S OIL fflfejT TMECREAT &f$A Naitralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, r Backache, Soreness of tho Chest Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings end Sprains, Barns and Ssalds, Genera/ Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosfet Feet end Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equalu Sr. Ja.-oe* Oi. aa a safe, sttrr, simple nnd rhrup Externa Ucni«ly A tii.ii i-n ::sjj-i but ta« comparative'; trifliu^ outlay of f>o Cents, and every one •uffert.-g willi pain caa bare dit-ap anu jxieilive prwf of iv claims. l>ircctiuQs in I^leveD Languages. 60L,r BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DKALEKf IN MEDICINE. A. VO6SLER & CO., Isuttitnorc. M.'.. 17. S. *_ gOT^LS AND 2 EllilE^ZHlL ST. DAVID'S AFIHSTrLAS3 LODGING - HOUSE, CON tjiiia l^a rwuitf ; 715 Howard street, n^ar Third, San Francisco. 1 his house ia especially de signed .1-1 a cmifortable home fur l.idif-9 and jrentle meu vuiting the city from the interior. Isodark rooms. Oaf and runniug water in each room. The flnrs are covered with body Brutu<e]s c?rptt, and all the furniture in made of soli i black walnut Each Wed has a lining, muttreas, with an additional hair top inattrcS!", making them the mist luxurious anl heal'hy beds in the world Ladies wishing in no !; for themselves »T f miiUesare allowed the free use of a largo public kitchen and diuing-rojin. tervauts keep up a Tire from 6a. v to 7r. a. Hi.t and cold baths ; a large parlor and reading rcom, containing a Grand Piano -all free to guests. Price, riagt* nxtnis per night, L 0 cents; per week, from $2 up wards. II msc opan all night R. BQQBKB, Proprietor. At Market-street Ferry, take Omnilma line o street cars to comer of Third and Howard. oi IUVFU HOTEL LANGHAM. FOUUnj AJili L STREETS, ACRA meoto — Strioiiy nrst-daM, on tne r.uroprin pan. T. D. Scriver'n Carriages will take i!i pa>£wijr<.rB free of cliarge from Depot to HoteL al «plm TERRY A CO.. Managers. UNION HO7£>.. S~ECONO AXJ X BnOBCB, S,vCRAifKNTO. Cal. Rooras, 50 routs and ?1 par ilay. Specla! tatt* by the montn. Billianla, choice ilqnors and cigars. Hot lunch daily from 11 a. m. UH Sr. a. W. O. ("JOB") BOWERS, sl-4plm ProLrietur. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTFL, CORN Lit SKVKSTH AND X BIUUUU SAC ramento. —^i.nt-clias in mn resect. Tht Largiwt, Haaat tnd Best- Ventilated llotel in tho city. KATES— $3, %i &C «nd f2 per d.iy, actuiding tt room. *Ye« Bra to aad from the Howl. i. McKASSER Gate of U(.--r). au4-4ploi Proprietor. R €STAURANT DE FRANCE, iatt X STRKET, ADJOrSINQ _. ■Hb^ 4 ■ the MetroiMilifcm Theater. t/V'TtX uar.'ts.uiie PriTete K«>om9 for parties. LOUIS I'AYEN, Proiirie:or, <Bi^>» au2o<plm Formerly of the llutol de France. m ississjpW I<Ttck ek. imtt ««b ii o v b «. , Third MMMi Betntscs J «•! X ■^■EXT BOOK TO RECUUD-UNI'JN jgk' *•* office. Opon uay an:l ni^iit.. A. J. SESATZ, Piopriaor. V_/ al9-4plm BANKING HOUSES. NATIONAL GOLD BAt4K a O. MILS & CO., SACRAMENTO. Uirtl) STATIC DKPOHirAKT. KxcnAsa« on San Fmur I •.«■<>, Sew York, CtairaßO, &»Bdon, Unbliu, Parts, Rlatzow. Berlin, Frankiort-on-Main, Vienna, St. Petergbarg, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Chrutiaua, Auisterdam, Antwerp, Geneva, Venice, and all of the principal dries of Europe. Thie Bank hag correspondents in Moxico, South America, West Indies, Australia, Honolulu, and all part* of the world, and special facilities for making eolloctiona. se!2-4ptf PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK, j SACRAMENTO imtcreHt Paid en DrpoMU Semi- A:inu,.llj. ZftKOWJETV TO XiOAJD*. »i-4ptr JAMES LAWRENCE ENQLISH, BAJTK.EX, NO 1010 FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN J and X, Sacramento. JtT Commercial and bavingi* Deposits revived, and a irenerml uanki ng basinesd done. Exchange on San Francisc-- ard the East. Interest was paid on Savings Deposits In this Bank, for the Semi- Annual Term ending JUNE 30th, at the rite of 6 per cent, per annum. sl-4plm MONEY TO LQAN — os^— GRAII3- IV WAKKHOrsr, OR OTHKB ArPBOVKB hECLTKIIY, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, BY California State Bank, SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA. au6-tf *TXCOX& WHITE ORGANS AT VAKKROOMK Or • x*. S3L. apr., <•. 8M J sttMtt- ScLrratuenl* tK" S<*id on the tnstniimfnt p'.a'i. Or-iers for TUNINO uromnilvatt«n<i«i to nrHHoto tCL€KIF¥iTUS,: PENRYN aUIHSfOBEB fTVir. BEST VARIETY A^l JL Largewt Quarries nn the — ,Pa;iilc Coast. Polished Granite Uonnmenu, Tombstouea and Tntlets made to order. ' fcr«.'Mn!lr Rullitln: Hione < vi. Itre&iicd and PolUhfd to order. oU-infim TO BARLIMROWERB. A FULL SUPPLY OF 711" CELEBRATED and aYul.Dc WOODS' SIX-MWED BARLBY, Cano^^^^^J^K^ Average \ield, 125 ■^H superior for »i»^ stools THE RACES. We went to ih- races That div n July. Not a sob in the bre ze, Not a el 'ud in the sky, As wo wi-itt . ti the races TL:.t day in July. A clatter uf hoofs On the boulevard there, Tlnit iivtniie «-ci>. i To Vanity Fair, As we <I--;htd Kaily down With our carriage and pair. You le Md 'uaiiisi the cushions In indolent rest, Pnrplmff and pasßinnate Bi i.;ht at your breast, Jacquemiaota, gli.winjr As love uuconfeseed. An \ over yonr ilarkly Beautiful face, A pirasnl pci.-ed With lauiruid (trai.e, Ii» bright hue soitened By m .-...•- u f Uce. A rose-shade Riflli; Ou your check below, Which, at the words I whidierv-d lnw, Crimsioiicd to shame The Jacquemiaotfl — What did I whis|»r There in tho thronn Of the gay world surging And whirling alonpr? Ah, tlie road was so short And my story S3 long ! /nd the track was iv s'ght. And the while crtea nt hand. And the tay Uunners streaming High OTH thn stand, Ai:d »c heard the tirst cheers And the Mure of the bind, As a stored liand shyly Crtj.t up to your breist, And h red rose was drawn * Proa its beautiful ntht ; .».i.l— l lUiuk that the Jacqueminot, Told niu the rest ! -[Our Continent. DREAM-CHILDREN- A REVERIE. Children love to listen to btoriea about their elders when they were children ; to strotcli tlu'ir itr.apination to the conception of a traditionary great-uncle, or grandame, whom they never saw. I', was in this spirit that my litila ones crept about me the other evening to hear about their great-grandmother Field, who lived in a great house in Norfolk (a hundred times bigger than thai in which they and papa lived), which had been the Ecene — bo at leist it was uencrally believed in that p»rt of the country — of the tragic incidents which they hal lately become familiar with from the ballad of the "Children in the Wood." C'jrtain it is that the whole btory of the children and thtir cruel uncle was to be seen fairly carved out in the wood upon the chimney-piece of the great hall — tho whole story down to theliobin Red breastB — till a foolish rich person pulled it down to set up a marble one of modern invention in its stead, with no story upon it. Here Alice put out one of her mother's lookß, too tender to be called upbraiding. Then I went on to 8»y how rehyious and how good their great- grandmother Field was, how beloved and respected by every body, though she was not, indeed, the mis tress of great house, but had only the charge of it (and yet in ecnia respects she might be paid to be the mistress of it too) committed to her by the owner, who pre ferred living ia a newer and more fashiona ble mansion, which he had purchased eutne where in thu adjoining county ; but still she lived in it iv a manner as if it had been i or own, aiwl kept np the dignity of the great home in a eort while ehe lived, whicli afterward*; cime to decay, and \ as nearly pulled down, and all its old ornaments stripped snd carried away to the owner's other house, v. here they were set up, and looked as awkward aa if some one Were to carry away the o!d tomba they had seen lately at the Abbty, and stick them np in Lady C.'s tawuiy pit dining-room. Here John smiled, as much as to say, "That would be foolich indeed." And then I told how, when she came to die, her funeral was attended by a concourse of all the poor, and some of the gentry, too, of the neighborhood, for many miles round, to show their respect for her memory, be cause Bhe had been such a good and re ligious woman — so good, indeed, that she knew all the I .-*■ . r by heart, aye, and a great part of the Testament besides. Here little Alice spread her hands. Then I told what a tall upright, graceful person their great-grandmother Field once was ; and how in her youth siio was esteemed ths haat <aTTT &saa AUeo'l little ;y lit foot played au involuntary movement, till, upon my looking grave, it desisted— the best dancer, I was Bayinj, in the county, till a cruel disease, called ». career, came, and bowed her d-j'^n with paiu ; but it could never bend her tjcod spirits, or make i them stoop ; but they were still upright, because she was so good and re ligions. Then I told how she was used to sltep by herself in a lone chamber of tho great lone i;ouae ; and how she believed that an apparition of two infants was to be Et- .n at midnight gliding up and down the great staircase near where the slept ; but she s*id, "Those innocents would do her no harm :" and how frightened I used to be, though in those days I had my maid to sleep with me, btcansa I was never half so good or religious as she, and yet I never saw the infants. Here John expanded all i ia eyebrows, aud tried to look, courageous. Then I told how ; good she.wtk to all her grandchildren, having us to the preat house in the kolida^q, where I iv p^riicuiar naed to spend many hours by myself in gazing upon the old busts of the twelve dinars that had been Emperors of Rome, till the old marble heads wculd aetin to livo again, or I turned into marble with thi m ; how I never could be tired with roatiing about that huge niansi-jb, with its vast empty rooms, with their worn-out hanging*, flut tering tapestry and carved oakun panels, with the gilding almost rubbed cvt — some times in thospsciousold-faabioned gardens, which I had almost to myself, unless now and then a solitary gardening nan would cross me — and how tho ccctacicea and .rv-hes - truu^ npou the walls without my ever offering to cluck them, be cause they wtre forbidden fruit, un less now and then- -aad beclltue- I had more pleasure in strolling about among tne old melancholy- looking yew. trees, or the lira, and picked up the red bcrrie i, and the fir-apples, which were good for nothing but to lock at — or in lying about upon the fresh grass, with all the tine garden smells around Tie — or backing in the orangery, till I could almost fancy myself ripening too, along with the ciaagca and tin- limes, in that grateful warmth — or in watching the dac9 that darted to and fro in the fish pond, at the bottom of the garden, with here and there a great sulky pike hanging midway down the water in silent state, as if it mocked at their impertinent frisking* — I h»d more pleasure in these busy-idle diversions than in all the sweet flavors of peaches, nectarines, oranges and such like common baits of children. Here John silly deposited buck upon the plate a bunch of grapes, which, not unobserved by Alice, he had meditated dividing with her, and both seemed willing to relinquish them for the present as irrelevant. Then, in somewhat a more hightened tone, I told how, though their grandmother Field loved all her grandchildren, yet, in an especial manner, she might be said to love their aocle, John L , because he was so handsome ami spirited a youth, and a king to the rest of us ; and, instead of moping about in soli tary corners like some of us, lie would mount the most mettlesome horse be could get, when bat an imp no bigger than themselves, and make it carry him halt over the country in a morning, and join the hunters wheu there were any out — and yet he loved the oti great house and gar dens too, but had too much spirit to be always pent up within their boundaries — and how their uncle grew up to man's es tate as brave as he was handecme, to the admiration of everybody, but of their great-grandmother Field most especially ; and how he used to carry me upon his back when I was a lame-footed boy — for he was a good bit older than me — many a mile when I could not walk for pain ; and how, in after life, he. became lame-footed too, and I did no; always (I fear) make al lowances enongh for him when he was im patient, and in pain, scr remember suffi ciently i.nw considerate he bad been to me when I was lame-footed ; and how, when he died, though he had not been dead an hour, it seemed as if he had died a great while ago, mob a distance there 19 betwixt life and death ; and how I bore his death, as I thought, pretty well at first, but after wards it hainted and haunted me ; and though I did not cry or take it to heart as some do, aad an I think he would have if I had died, yet I missed him all day long, and knew nnt till then how much I had loved him. I missed his kindness, and I missed bis crossness, and wished hin^U be alive again, to be qnar reluj^ajtJ^^^pA^p^feye quarreled aome- as he, their Hi" "'hen the doc- the children their little was not for and pra > ed oat to Hh B ' r pretty H| for seven lone years, in hope sometimes, sometimes in despair, yet persisting ever, I courted the fair Alice W— a ; and, as much as chil dren could understand, I explained to them what coyness, and difficulty, and denial meant in maidens, when suddenly, turning to Alice, the soul of the first Alioe looked out at her eyes, with such a reality o! rep resentment that I became in doubt which of them stood there before me, or whose that bright hair was ; and while I stood gaz. ing, both the children gradually grew faint er to my view, receding, and still reced ing, till nothing at last but two mournful features wero seen in the uttermost dis tance, which, without speech, strancely impressed upon in s the effects of speech : " We are not of Alico, ncr cf thee, cor are we children at all. The children of Alice call Bartrum father. We are nothing ; leßs than nothing, and dreams. We are only what might have been, and mnst wait upon the tedious shores of Lethe millions of ages before we have existence and a name" and immediately awaking, I found myself quietly seated iv my bachelor arm- chair, where I had fallen asleep with the faithful Bridget unchanged by my side. —[Charles Limb. ORIGIN OF POPULAR PHRASES. Prevailing Poet.— The oft-repeated quo tation : Prevailing poet, whose undoubting mind relieved thu nis^ie wonder* which be aaog, Is from Collins' "Ode on the Popular Superstitions of the Highlands of Soot land," and prohably alludes to Tasso, although n passing reference in the poem to Kdward Fairfax, the translator of Taaso's Delivered," led Sir Walter Sjott, upon what was evidently a careless reading, to apply them to the British bard. With Our Owu Feathers are we Smitten. — Lord Byron, in '••English Bards and Scotch lie viewers," beginning with line 821.), wrote : Twas thlira own genius gave the final blow, And he p'.l to plant the wound that laid thee low : W the struck eagle, stretched upon the plain, »o moru through roiling clouds to soar airaiii, Viewed i-is own feather on the fatal dart And willed the shaft that quivered in his heart ; Keen were his pan^a, but keener far to feel He nursed the pinion which irapellM the steel ; While the same plum ge that had warm'J his nest Drank the last life drop of his bleeding breast. Fully 150 years before Byron wrote the above beautiful lines, Edmund Waller had composed the following : That eagle** fats ami mine are one. Which on the shaft that inide him die Espied a feather of hu own, Wherewith be wont to soar so Ugh. After Lord Byron came Thomas Moore with : Like a young eagle who has lent his plume To fUdge the shaft by which he meets bis doom. See their own feathers plcck'd to wing the dart Whioh rank corruption destines for their heart. But .Kachylus, the G reek poet, more than 2,000 years before Waller, Byron or Burke, originated the fable from which the quota tion, " With our own feathers are we smit ten," is taken, though the rendering does not acoord with the original, which, as translated, reads : 8o in the Libyan fable it is told i That once an eajie, stricken wit* a dart, Sahl, when he saw the fabhion ct the shaft, " With our own feathers, not by oll.ers' hands, Are we now smitten." Skylarking.— A term originated by sail. ora fcr games or tricks upon eaoh other in the riggings and tops of shim. Skylark ing thence became a general ttrm for mis chievous frolicking, and has "been abrevi ated to larking. Lind o 1 Cakes.— Thia phras* was first ap plied to Scotland by Burns, in 1789, in his poem, "Captain Grose's Peregrinations Through Scotland," which beffns with the conplet : Hear, Land o 1 Cakes and briifhfer Scot*, From Alaideultirk to Johnuy Ikoat's. " Maidenkirk " is an inversion af the name of the most southerly parish <if Scotland, kirkmaiden. Angel- visit*. —The simile by Campbell in ' " Pleasures of Hope," published in What, though my winged he-urs of Itiiss have been Like angel-vuits, few and far uetweeg, is one of the most prover'uial of all the popular quotations. The ilu was not original with Campbell, a fact which most people who express it in the latter poet's words are not aware of. Roland Blair, in 1743, expressed the thought better, in our judgment, than Campbell, when he wrote i Alas ! too well he sped, the good ho scorn'd Stalk'd oft reluctant, like an ill-usd ghost, Not to return ; or, if it did, in visits Like those of angel*, tliort and far between. The originator of the idea, however, was neither Blair nor Campbell, but was one John Norrie, who wrote, twenty-five yeans before the former was born, a poem entitled " The Parting," in which occurs the follow ing verse : How fading are the joys wo dote upon, Like apparitions seen and gone ; But those which soonest take their flight Are the moßt exquisite and strong. Like angel's visits, short and bright, Morttlity's too weak to bear them lonjj. The game author, in some lines to the memory of his niece, writes : No wonder Such a noble mind Her way again to Heaven so soon could find. Angels, tn 'tis but seldom th~y appear, So neither do they mako long stay, They 3o bat visit and 1 away, 'Tis pain for them t'endure our too gross We could iu>t hope for a reprieve, She most die soon, that made BUch hafce to live. Wasting Sweetness on the Desett Air. — This saying originated from the fcllowing lines by Gray : And waats its sweetness on the deseit aia. The elegy which contains it W»s begun in 1742 atd finished in 1749. :in 1764 Charles Churchill, then a very yocog poet, wrote "Gotham," and in book i2d, line 20, reads : Nor wane their sweetness in the deatrt air. The one line is often mistake* for the other, fr;m which it is an uat.onecious plagiarism. The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth.— lt is from Shakespeare's "Mid summer Night's Dream," and occurs in Act i., so. 1 : For aught that ever 1 could read. Could ever hear by tale or history, The course of true love never did ruß smooth. The Mind'i the Standard of tie Man — TLis quotation occurs in Watte* Holm Lyric?. In his estimate of " False Great ness " he wrote : Were IJJtJi U> reach the polc{ Or grasp the ocean with my sp« , I mn-t be measured by my s .uf ; The mind's the Standard of the man. As Qieer as Dick's Hatband. — This proverbial saying is said -to allude to Uioh ard Cromwell, who found $he crown un suitable to his head. Amithef origin of the expression is found in the following, given on the authority of that " reliably" news paper, the New York Journal uf CWmjjer'-.-^ which relates it at length in its department of '• Question* and Answers":' There was a character called Silly Disk (^ ick W'heol baut). His hatband went ci vn times around his hat, hut wouldn't Be ! But in process the description was changed to one that " went half round and tu&ed under," and another still more strange, which "went half round and tied in a double bow." By Dint. -This expression Is very com mon. The word "dint" is; the Anglo- Saxon (hint, force, as of a bloA A dint is a blow strong enough to n iks a Unit, Milton speaks rf "that mort: ilint," and Addison has "by ttint of armi ' Ilk. — This woril, commoi ly used in Scotland and the North of England, has two distinct meaning*, " eacl* ' as in the phrase, "Ilk one of you," and?' the same," as in the phrase, " Macken/.'a ■>{ that ilk," where it means " Mtckenzi of Macken zie," th? latter being the name of Macken zie's ancestral estate. An ins roper nse of the phrase has, however, beq»me common in the newspapers of this country where that sort, of that pirty, of thai class, etc., have given place to the k correct ex pression "of that ilk." Imp.— This word originally signified a child or progeny. In an old work, •• Path way Unto Prayer," reprinted by the Par ker Society of London, the following pas sage ocenrs : " L"t u« pray for the preservation of the King's most excellent Majesty, and for the prosperuui success of his son, lvlward, our Prince, that most angelic imp." Speuser, in the " I'aeria Qaeen," hat : " Ye sacred DLf* that in Parnassus dwell." And another old writer. North : "He took upon him to protect them all, and not to suffer so goodly a* imp to lose the good fruit of his youth. The word "imp" is from the Antjlo Sixon impan, to plume. — [Ss. Louis Globe- Democrat. Bbight's Disease of the Kidneys, Diabetes and other diseases of the kidneys and liver, which you are beinsr so frightened abont. Hop Bitters U the only thiog that will surely and permanently prevent and cure. All other pretended cures only relieve for a time and then make you many times wor*e. Go oct in the damp air, or sit unprotected in a draft, and your throat will feel sore and yt.ur bead uncomfortable. You have taken a cold, which you can remove as promptly as you received it by using Ayet's Cherry Pec toral. f DAUW KCCOIIB.IMOV *EB!t». I VOL. XYI.-XO. B4 SCIENTIFIC GOSSIP. An underground telegraph system be tween Paris and Marseilles is nearly ready for u«e. Vivisection is to be rigidly prohibited throughout Sweden by order of the Gov ernment. Francs in 187S produced 17,600,000 pounds of cocoon* ; in 1879 only 11,000 000 pounds, and in ISSO 14,000,000 pound?'. Dr. Hewsou asserts that the uommou sparrow is liable to have smallpox and ia capable of communicating that disease. It is suggested by Herr Daeberg that the moon may be habitable on the side invisible from the earth, the water and the atmoi phere being drawn thither by the effect* of gravitation. At a meeting of the Russian Chemiml Society ou September 29:h, M. Mendele jeff stated that the specific gravity of tho petroleum of Baku was between 0.881 and 0 880, and that it yielded largs quantities of vaseline. Ultramarine blue is decided by M. Guckt elberger to be a true definite chemical com pound, requiring f or ita formation a tem perature about tho melting point of zinc, and toward tho end of the process even a> ttill higher degree of heat. In Europe electric railways are Rrowicg rapidly in public estimation, not only on the Continent, but in Great Britain. Al ready 100 miles of electric transit are in operation, and there is every probability of the total mileage being considerably in crease 1 , before the end of the present year. Sir James Pagot ia indignant at the na tare o( the English Ww agaiust vivisection. "I may," he says, "pay a rat catcher to destroy all the rat* in my house with any poison he plea?es, but I may not myself, unless with a license from the Home Sec retary, poison them with snake poison." On September Ist it waa announced that the admission of new pupils to the course of medical training for women at the Nicholas Military Hospital, St. Petersburg, will be discontinued after the present term. When the now entered students finish their course clinical instruction for women at the hospital will cesae. For tho second time the promontory of Posilipo, west of Naples, hv! been tunneled, and ia to accommodate a steam connection between Naples and Pozzouli. Totrj wai an ancient tunnel there passing under Virgil's tomb. Some suppose that the old tunnel was partially a natural formation and that it had been enlarged by the an cient Komans. It is asserted that the electric lighting of the Vaudeville, on the Boulevard Mont martre, lias far exceeded the expectations of the mo3fc saDguine. In a double senau it is a brilliant event. Every night the hall is densely crowded. It seems that the power employed ia a 11 -horde power gas engine, which, with Faure accumu lators, issuli'uient to keep 250 Swan lamp* iv a blale of incandescence every evening. Captain King, of Paris, makes a posi tive on glass from a negative, and on the same glass, in this way : The back of the negative is covered with^olnt'e bitumen or asphalt, and t!(n thrtTdUW. the negative. After f\ exposure sufficieii'^ to render the light part insoluble tho re mainder of the asphalt is disolved off with any of the useal solvent, and the result it a positive. The silver negative is then dissolved off with the chloride of coppei and a tixiug agent. An artist of Florence several years ay-> introduced a method of painting on silk or other tine fabrics in such a way that Urn surfaces of the colors were not damaged when folded or rubbed, but remained a* bright and aa smooth as wheu tirst put on by the brush. Tne medium of the Adolti procsaa is no longer kept secret, as it is protected by patent. It is manufactured for the use of amateurs and others. Somu Italian artists, it ia said, have tried tho medium for ordinary oil painting on can- From a paper read before the/ I'.y^T^f ciety of TMmania^l^fe^j. E *{^ son Uoad^-S-^HfThat the .wect-bmr baa twwoif, rampant and formidable *. -r and so^oave the cochineal cactus - or tWo of its kindred develope 1 ' ar "nuisances in Australia Tf'Q Roxniman fii??* fc abundant iv Tasn'->r not flourish on t. The A-nericau butt occurs all over Austra.. , far out at sea in enormous flights. BLESS HIS HEART. la a vprvr *>V(T«nt n»li,;9 car entere<l a weary-: three arms, ahe »etti uhaira, was asl A am. eral fact out to i ii . one young which shamed the countenance oi nic others. "Aontie,"ta<fl th«s boy tothoUly U aide him, " I am going to carry my basket of fruit and thin box of Kiadwichoa to tho poor woman in the next car. You are will ing, of conrse?" •" He eagerly, but ihe angjp^fedT "Don't be foolish, dear, joyr^fTzy neti them yourself, *nd perhaps -the \v»man is an impostor." - "No, I'll not need -jfctyu," he answered decidedly, hut in a very low tone, " You know I had a hearty breakfast, and don't need a lunch. The woman looked hungry, anntie, and to tiTod, too. with those three little babies clinging to her. I'll be back in a minute, auntie ; 1 know mother wouldn't like it if I didn't apeak a kind word to the least cf these when I meet them." The worldly aunt brushed a tear from her eye after the boy left her, and aaid audibly i " Jußt like hi* dear mother." About nve minutea later, an tho lady passed the mother and the three children, she saw a pretty sight— the family feasting as perhaps they had never done before ; the dainty sandwiches were eagerly caUn, the fruit-bzsket stood open. The eldest child, with her mouth :M \ with bread . " r ■ 'ter, said, "Was the pretty boy ».. - ■ " No," \, .- .'.• :•!'. lei "but he is doiog an^-el* dear heart ' ' And w». too m& heart!"— [^wna l.'al! San Francisco Stock Sales. SAxfrr.i~x.i<es. October Slut 25ir>i*i>«>»^-- 2 IC W «'l «M Union- « 38«*4 SO liojfciio^V.,3 ■••V-tJ U ;;>.vl«a JUa k ""iH "0: .? \j* 2 ?, Jjg c»!«u,m» 70B«J;kB 1 ' 7 lf f^" 1 ' 1 * "**? VIU.KU Tu* , ~*ihur»«* r- Son^VlT "fife »H. KOe ilo M»<.-hoii«.v::::isi«i^^|»^i«»" t "'-» ««*•»,« j OiS H. U<l'N.'j'2'<«Ji IRlr^ll^^H 580 Point 1 60^M tW 4U Kcntuuk ■ Bllr, in.!.;, - /^ IMBekher 9 ■Mom,. \ if? ft£r^::::: 4W :]^B£J?:"£!;!f; ; A 100 Kxclit<jner .^H r Kinu iii^ii 1 ' t liuort-niiiui r^^HPfnal.... JSOJuatlce H /.i^^B Courting ase. The icdwiJu 1 may I>o eaia to court disc ■■■>» who ex,-c«oi Lim.clfj to tbe mi»*i:,.tic ufl. eouea whic'i &m ri-i: to cbiiU coil fever, and other malario i» epyd-im'e* and endemi witbont previously fjprtifylng hit system against th-:r liou*\attaeks by the cae of a protective medicinal Agent. The har.'J. r.' constitution U !>/ uo u\»n* pmtf »Kaic»t such maladit.-t, n.uuh lew otuKTUicrally we»V or biliou-, of the ant»s;oniitic por^r of *hicfi i- le^acoeJ by an irfegnlar htbit .f body. The iohtSiiUDls of the b.ttonu Unda of tte S u.h, if ihi new cleiritus of lh« We«t, of sabarbao (MM where nunken lot" exiat, (4 *v~-7 ia^Uj -ji ty Aaasricior^wllnpnt. i-, (a^t, wi.eie malaria v epidemic or sp'jri']; ■, declare that tho only ttua antidote tothn tui diniatic virus that th*y have ever u*ed h HostetUt'n Stomach Bitten. There seema to be something pectJiarly reaUtaut ia thii star d*rd proven! ive and rexedy to all hurt- , fnl atnioepheHc influences. " Landlady,'' said h», "thia cotUe isn't settled." " No." she replied ; "neither i» your hut moQth'n board bill." Johs Colohah and hi» wife, No. 301 Ea-t Forty- tirat street, New York, were both cured, he of a »:vere sprain and hu wife of rhen« matiiin, by one oottle of St. Jacrba Oil.. A babe, says a writer, ii % mother's an chor. We have often heard that the first thing tiht does is to weigh it. Skisst M«m.— " WelU' Health Renews' 1 re»torea health and vigor, cures dyspeptia. larpotence. SI. Thi term " hydra " may be used to repre sent any manifold evil. 11 yoa wonld battla raccewfuUy with this many-heade<i monster of diaeaee ynn will iiod it expedient to keep Mrs Pinkham's Vegetable Compound always at hand.— [L»r. Banning.