OCR Interpretation

Sacramento daily record-union. [volume] (Sacramento [Calif.]) 1875-1891, November 10, 1882, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014381/1882-11-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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«■:.• ro;i.nlrsl O!.,rri:.: ioo» - 1 nkrn a«
sJtra' matton at the game Konivut.
SiCSAMnrro, November 9, 1882—8*2 r. k.
Oympla.... 30.12 3* X ! Light Clear
Portland.... |So. ll W» Oklm. Calm Clear
Roeeborg... HO.lO 40 E. Light Cloudy
Meudocino. . !
Bed 81ui1. . . '50. 06 52 Calm. Calm . . <W Cloudy
Sacramento. SO. 02 53 N.W. Light. .07 Cloudy
8. Francisco. '3o. o3 51 W. 9 Fresh Clear
Visalia i-iS.HfeSO Calm. Calm.. .o.'> Cltar
Li«Ansreles.|£).9t(s2 S. Light. .75 Clear
Ban biego.. 130.00 56 W. 6 |fregh.. .31 Clear
Maximum temperature, r.s ; minimum, 48.
River above lcw-«-ater mark at 11 A. «., 11 feet 11
inches. A rise of 1 inch in past 21 hours.
Bergeant, Signal Ccrpj, L". 3 A.
A second euitlon of the R«cokd-U.sio.s Is issue.!
each d at 2p. H. bringing the Eastern and coast
news up to that hour. By this arrangement th
Kscokd- L'skis will present the latest :,.■»■« obtain
able at all points east and north of Sacrunento.
Hie regular morning edition of the Kecokd-Umub
s carried by morning trains, and ii ahead of all
co opetitora ad far north as Cliico, on the California
and Oregon Railroad ; west to Benicia, and south to
S tockton, and east to Coif ax, Folsom and Placer
fllle ai.d all intermediate places. The second edition
<satter will be found each day upon the third page.
In New York Governmcct bondi are quoted at
119J lor 4a of 1907; 113 for 4J«; 101 : for SJ« ;
sterling, f4 -: '1 85} ; silver bars, 112.
Silver in London, Slid ; consols, 102 3-164; 5 per
cent. United fcUtes bondj, extended, 103} ; 4s,
122J ; 4Js. lift.
In San Francisco half dollars arc quoted at J dis
count to par ; Mexican dollars, 91@92 cents.
MiDing stocks were in quiet demand in San Fran
cisco testerday morning. There were heavy sales
uf California at 25c per shire.
The last will of James W. Sim.or.ton hu been filed
in the Clerk's office at Kspa, The estate is valued
at «»O,COO.
Frank Hall, charged with atten-plin? to corrupt
the star route Jury, was placed under |4,000 bonds
at Washington yesterday, to await the action of the
Grand Jury.
In Melvilh's testimony before the Jeannctte Court
of Inquiry 3 c-sterday no new facts » ere developed.
By the sinking of the barge Granger at Princeton,
Coliua county, Monday, -.'.JOO sacks of wheat were
John Myers wts found drowned near Linden, San
Joaquin county, Wednesday.
A bank safe at Pr»ton, la., was blown O|«n
Wednesday night ani robbed of several thousand
Queen Victoria will review the IndUn troops at
Windsor Castle.
The Egyptian Government has aboluhed the joint
rontiol over its financial affairs liy Eng'and and
In the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday ?1 50
was offered for 1,000 Confederate bonds.
Oeorge J. Barnes died suddenly at Napa Wednes
day ni«ht, from the effect* nf opium smoking.
One hundred Chinese certificates were issued at
the Sau Francisco Customhouse yesterday, s3 ike
day before.
Michael Fi!z|iatrick has been arrested at Gold
mil. Nev , on a charge of arson, in connection with
the burning of the scbool-hoube \Vedlle3day even
A snowitorm prevailed at Virginia, Nev., jester
L> border reigns supreme in Lvon>, France.
A serious accident occurred Wednesday night on
the St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern Railroad,
near (Jiiincv. 111.
New Orleans wan in ilarknesa jgiin last night, im
arrangement having been made with the gas conr
At Bjron, N. V., Wednesday, while firing anvils
over the Democratic victory, three men were shock"
uwly injured.
Navin, the absconding ex-Mayor anj bond fenrer
ot Adrian, Mich., was captured at El Paso, T,.xas,
Abdication is threatened by King Charles of Rou
Owing to the prevalence of scarlet fever and
diphtheria, the public schools of Birdsboro, Pa.,
were closed yesterday.
Two boys were killed near Peoria, 111., yeiterday,
by a train of coal cars breaking through a bridge.
Chinese and Russian troopj are being concen
_trated_upon^i>[i<n»itc eideg of the Amoor river.
- it.. „ii»..j i.-i.Tj... J. rtm^^i-y^ \- y., was
liurned yesterday. _^^
In a railway accident in Algeria yesterday ten
persons were killed and thirtj six wounded.
A fire at Toronto, Ont., yesterday, caused a loss
■■( «100,000.
The additional election returns g.ven this morning
are not calculated to arouse the Republicans from
their depression, as the Democrats continue to pile
up their majorities both in California aud the States
cut of the Rocky Mountains.
It is now perfectly evident that the next
CoDgres* will have a considerable majority,
and perhaps this {act is the most hopeful
one in the situation, go far as the Republi
cans are concerned. For the Democrats
have never failed to blunder when they
possessed power. Again and again they
have been put in through the dissatisfac
tion of the Republicans with their own
leaders, and again and again they have
lost all the ground so gained, as soon as
they found their hands free. And yet it
may be that even this rule has its excep.
tion. Tt happens that the Democrats'!*?!
coming into power precisely at the time
when popular faith in one of the old Demo
cratic doctrines is beginning to revive.
Nothing is more certain than that the
tariff question will be oje of the most im
portant issues of the near future. It is
highly probable that it will cut a prominent
figure in the Presidential contest of l&vt.
And if the Demociats have the courage of
their convictions, and can find leaders whp
possess some character, there is no reason
why they should not so deal with this
question in Congress as to make any re
action against them impossible. Certainly
it is their opportunity, and certainly this
course will be expected of them, i'.ut if
they, too, are under the control of
"Besses," and are concerned only to
strengthen the " machine," they will be
afraid to commit themselves to a positive
policy, and they will in that case rapidly
lose what they have gained this year.
Arguing from their past this must be con
ceded to be the mo3t probable result, but
even with a Democratic Congress it is
never safe to prophesy.
Mr. 1 > >yl<! has made his experiment, and
he now knows how a defeated candidate
feeU. He no doubt realizes also that the
" anti-mouopoly " device was not at all
what he supposed it to be, as regards pop
ularity. The support of the Clironirle
and of Harrison's packet " Anti- Monopoly "
party, and of the so-called Farmers' Con
vention, all failed to bring him within
a hundred miles of success. The "inilu
" ence " of the Chrcmicli has been wonder
fully illustrated in this campaign and elec
tion, and nowhere more strikingly than in
the case of Mr. lKiyle. And after all the
l»Wtr gentleman's diatribes about the
wicked " contract system," and all the rest
of it, to think that he should have been
thus ignored by the voters. Really, it is
too bad. It woald almost seem that deina
gogism, like virtue, is its own reward, and
that it will have to be content with that.
We observe that the authorities of Ueno
have ordered the Chinese wash-men to re
move beyond tho town limits. It is evi
dent from this that the people of lUm,o
are not affected by the thre*U the
Nevada Chinese laundryme>, employed to
defeat such anordjaSnce. They said they
_yld>B(6^no"more washing for that com
munity if they were exiled, and there
upon the community "raved." At Reno,
however, this menace does not appear to
frighten anybody, and the prorpeot of a
total cessation of thirt-washing is regarded
with an equanimity which speaks volumes
for the habits of the public.
SWAXWUJt U tUmp from her aibes. The Aitro
rate *»}» that the town ia fist umimini; It* formrr
appearance. The buildings now erected are a great
mpriAemeut on those burned, and when all the
biddings have been cnmpivu.il Sosanville will be as
pretty a mountain town as un be found in the State.
Tb* ?>'?»<■», ct K»» l«tk uitj. h»» been Infestl
gating (ciine thing*, an j finds that the coat < f con
ducting the government of that city amounts to
*30,000,000 per annum ; that (120,000,000 more is
•petit annually (or rum, wHir only *e,W0,000 per
annum is spent on churches and shurch cbarituia.
Tim assessed valuation of Colorado is y.04,U0,000.
It is necessary to point ont clearly the
causes of the Republican defeat in this
■State, for it is only by apprehending the
truth at such times that useful lessons for
future guidance can be obtained. And
above all it is necessary that the responsi
bility for this defeat shonld be placed
where it belongs, since in no other way
can similar errors be avoided hereafter.
When the Republican State Convention
was about to assemble in this city last
summer, the Recorh Union" pointed out
what appeared to it to be the wisest course
for the party to take in the campaign. We
then expressed the opinion that a dispae
sionate and btrictly just attitude should be
assumed towards the railroads ; that the
platform should guarantee equal protection
to all interests ; that a clearly-defined po
sition should be taken on the Sunday law
question ; that every appearance of dema
gogism ehou'd Ls avoided. We offered
this advice because we desired the success
of the Republican party, and because we
believed that public upiniua ran in the lines
we indicated. Hat the Convention was in
the hands of men who had a theory of
their own. They believed that in order to
succeed it was necessaiy to outbid the
Democrats in professions of hostility to the
railrcad interest. They also believed that
it was possible to equivocate on the San
day law issue, and thus to retain the sup
port of the temperance element while not
losing that of the other side. Tho result was
that the Convention put forward a platform
bristling with expressions of animosity to
the transportation interest ; that this wag
made the central factor of the canvass ;
and that an ambiguous or rather negative
Sunday law plank was adopted.
The Rk< urii. Union was not prepared to
accept a platform which it regarded as
cruelly unjust towards a most important
and beneficent interest. To the .State
ticket nominated by the Convention this
journal gave no support, consequently.
itelieviDg that the Republican pclicy was
altogether wrong, we did not fail to express
our convictions. We have no disposition
to set up claims of special influence. We
have no doubt that there will be plenty of
people to do that for themselves. All that
we do claim is that we comprehended the
bent of public opinion more accurately
than tho Republican leaders did. and that
as a result of this clearer perception we
were right and they were wrong. In the
first bitterness of disappointment some of
the friends of Mr. Estee have intimated
that the I!ki -urd-Usion is somehow re
sponsible for the defeat of the Republican
party. This, however, is a mistake. Had
tho Rec ord-Union supported the platform
it would only have shared in the defeat,
for it was the campaign programme which
caused that defeat, and not any journalistic
comments upon the programme. The truth
is that what is called journalistic influence
is very much misunderstood. When news
papers, in an intelligent community, appear
on the surface to lead and direct public
thought, it is only because they have suc
ceeded in catching and giving voice to
what the public are thinking. In so plain
a matter as that of the Republican plat
form there was no need for journalistic
guidance. Every man could see for him
self what the party policy was. All that
the UeiorhUmox did tom to pat into
literary form, and pubii :i, that which
many people were thinkioj.
The election has prove that we were
successful in interpreting he eentimsnt of
the majority. If we are entitled to any
creiit, it is simply for c possession of
some perspicacity \a this cnnection. We
took pains to find fant the lirection of pub
lie oginJßa,-»Ji4 w. -Buccr V,j— •fh'aTis Si!
-tirfl needs to be i upoi this point. Bat
as regards the leesons of t la campaign it is
very essential that the I>public»n poli
ticians should recognize the truth. The
election shows that the 'I Anti-Monopoly "
issue was a mistake, Tij it will have to be
conceded beyond dUputc, for it is perfectly
evident that if the public had desired to
make war upon the rai'jpo&ds they wonld
have elected the candidate* who professed
the most unrelenting hostility to them.
Mr. Eitee stumped the State from one end
to ther other, and everywhere he solicited
votei eololy upon hii " anti-railroad "
professions. He is an able speaker, and he
put his arguments in the most attractive
form. It was impossible to mistake the
meaning of his appeal. The •: people as
suredly did not mistake it. By electing
his opponent they declared that they did
not want an "anti-railroad" administra
tion. It was impossible to make this issue
any plainer and strongerthau the Kepublican
f, Convention made it. They staked the
campaign upon it, and they have lost the
campaign. The significance of the outcome
must be recognized by everyone.
The Republicans formally announced
that they did not want the support of any
persons or journals who were disposed to
deal fairly by the railroads. They did not
havo the support of those persons and
journals, and they are defeated. They
thought they could satitfy the temperance
element by a meaningless plank on the
Sunday law. The result was that the
temperance vote was divided betr/een
Stonemau and McDonald. Of course it is
not possible to say confidently that this
crushing defeat would have been avoided
had the party taken the advice of the
Kecolid-U.nios ; but in the light of accom
plished facts it seems a just assumption
that in that case the result would have
been much more satisfactory. For, as we
have before observed, our suggestions were
founded npon careful observation and in
quiry, and the result has sufficiently dem
onstrated that we were better informed as
to the bent of public opinion than the
Republican politicians were. The latter
we.-c too superficial in their reasoning.
They indulged in too many gratuitous
assumptions. They began with tho as
sumption that the anti-railroad sentiment
was the key to the situation. In this they
were entirely self-deceived. So far was
this from being the case that the people of
California deliberately rejected the most
pronounced and highly-teasored anti-rail
road platform, and indorsed the most con
servative one. Having made this initial
blunder the Republican Convention could
not get back to tirm ground, but went fur
ther and further from the path of sound
policy, with the results we now see.
have no inclination to aggravate the
disappointment and soreness of those who
are defeated, but we lr.ust in justice to
ourselves p.»int out that a very large pro
portion of the Republican party has been
with the itit-ORii Union in this campaign.
Those who differed from us doubtless be
lieved that they were right and we were
wrong. It is every man's privilege to do his
own thinker But when people do their
own thinl ng, and thereby defeat their
owe. end*, ;hey must not try to escape the
responsibi'Jty, by putting it over on to
those who happened to see the truth more
clearly. ' This election proves that the
view of t'»e campa^n which the Record-
Union- tftok coincided with the view
taken by |he majority of the people. We
are unfeifnedly glad that this is so, be
cause oui xonridence in the good judgment
and intelligence of the public has been
vind'cattl. And we hope that the Repub
lican del it will open the eyes of the poli
ticians tojthe facts wa have pointed out, and
that it frill at the same time convince
them of the necessity of proposing only
just and Equitable measures when they are
dealing fith a reading and thinking people,
who ca'i see through political " dodges "
as plain f as anyone, and who are not, as
the eve&t proves, to be caught by mere
rhetoric. If these lessons are well learned
they may bear useful fruit in the future.
A London paper ncies the cunous and disagree -
able fact that, of the ten prisoners bruugfct ap »t
the Marylebone Police C mrt one morning recently
un " night" charges, nine women were taken into
custody is " drunk and disorderly."
The Democratic party has thus far been
altogether incapable of interpreting public
sentiment correctly. la the present con
juncture it can be trusted to repeat its
standing blunder by assuming that the
people have taken a sudden affection for
Democratic doctrines. Whenever it has
gained power it has obtained it by being
selected aa the least of two evils. That
is the truth. It has been rendeted saccese
ful by Republican votes which were cast
for Democratic candidates as a rebuke to
Republican corruption or dema&ogism.
And the reason why the Democrats never
can retain power for any length of time is
because they too are controlled by "Bosses,"
and because these "Bossee," with the
stuj.i.lity which is characteristic of their
class, persist in regarding Democratic
victories as indorsements of their methods.
As a reßult every Democratic victory puts
a new set of " Basses" in {.<,trer, and they
at once proceed to misbehave rhemselves.and
to disgust the people. If the Democracy had
statesmen for leaders they would under
stand that such success as they have just
obtained imposed upon them the mosi
rigorous obligations. They would see that
this was their opportunity— not to till their
pockets, not to revel in spoils, not to
gobble up all the offices— but to show the
country that the Democratic party v.as
worthy of confidence, and that it could
gifely be intrusted with the control of the
Government. But nothing of this kind can
be expected from a party whose leaders and
press have not the sense to re.iliz • that it
has not been supported because the people
believe in it, but only becauce that was
the sole method by which Republican mis
doing could be punished. When we note
the billy bragging of the Democratic or
gans about victories ev<ry cne of which
has been the direct work of Republican
votes, we are tempted to conclude that
such a party can never succeed in winning
public confidence, and that under that or
any other name it will remain only as a
foil to the more intelligent elements of the
I'.isUra journals are already talking
about the prospect of reuniting the Repub
lican party. The lirst thing to be deter
mined is whether such a feat is possible.
The rnO3t fatal Eymutnm in the present po
litical situation is the dearth of issues.
The Republican party his been defeated
throughout the East by those elements in
it which refuse to support any pirty merely
for the sake of the otlicts. That is the
plain truth. Now those elements cai.not
ba expected to go back to the Republican
party so lo.ig as it possesses no issues
They will not submit to bolster op the
"Bosses." They will wait a little to see if
new iesaes are brought forward, and then
they wi!l form a new party. Tne prosp?c-s
of the National Republican party arc, in
our opinion, very gleomy. It is true thtre
no ground of uuep.«iuvß3 to atiyoue tint to
the "machine" polt'.iciaua. There is no
reason why the people should care for the
survival of a party which has ceased to
represent any principles. We do not believe
that the Republican piny at the Kswt can
recover before the next Presidential elec
tion. We believe that the elections this
fall indicate the election of a Democratic
President in ISB4 But we also believe that
despite all appearances the Democratic
party is moribund, and that it too will be
fore long be replaced by an orgaaizjtion
loss corrupt and fossiHzid. The Djmoc
racy is as destitute of pripcipbq as its op
ponent. All political contests have deqen
crated into acrambies forolfices. And i,hat
is s ;»n:Htion of things wh'ch will not be
tolerated long.
Lieutenant 1 leaiy relates that when in
the Arctic Ocean he visited king Island,
and found there a tribe which built its
houses on the faces of precipitous cliffs, as
no other race of men ever did. We are
inclined to think that Air. Uealy is mis
taken as to the uniqueness of the houses
he found on King Island. In the gorges of
the Colorado, where it Hoars through a
great table land through which its bed has
been eroded In a depth sometimes of 3,000
feet and upwards, a race of extinct Indians
built their dwellings, on the precipitous
faces of these gigantic cliffa. It is true
that they did not use pole 3in their con
struction, as stated of the King Islanders,
but they certainly did build them on the
face of the cliff. Again, cliff dwellings,
not of the same kind, but still distinctively
c'.iff-dwellings, are found in Palestine, and
in parts of Hindostao. We arc cot aware
that geologists have attempted to group
and trace connection between t!:e cliff
dwellers, as has been done in the case of
the lake-dwellers, but it is no doubt pot.
sible to effect this. Cliff-dwelling would
naturally depend primarily upon the forma
tion of the country inhabited, but second
arily it would signify a definite stas;c of
civilization, perhaps Cot far, if at all, in
advance of the so called save-dwelling
epoch. The KiDg Islanders no doubt be
long to a very low order of development,
but for that very reason a study of their
habits and customs would be very inter
esting and important.
The burning of the Halifax almshouse,
involving the loss of thirty-three lives, is
one of those terrible casualties which seem
meant to satirize the pretended precautions
takeD for the safe-keeping of public insti
tutions. How many hundred similar
asylums are there in this country, all pos
sessing supposititious means of protection
against fire, yet all alike destitute in
reality of any protection whatever ': How
many times have we all read of the hose
that ought to have been in readiness ; of
the tanks which ought to have been availa
ble ; of the engines or the fire-extinguish
era which according to the theory ou^ht to
have been at hand ? How many elaborate
ly appointed theaters and hospitals and
college buildings and hotels and milts have
been destroyed by tirp, notwithstanding
every alleged precaution ! The fact seemß
to be that in all these cases the want of
practice and familiarity with the means of
protection operates precisely the same as
the eutire absence of those means would.
Nobody knows what to do when the
critical moment arrives, and in the con
fusion ail the directions are forj;otti:n, and
the fire gets so much headway that it be
comes impossible to contend against it. In
the Nova Scotia case this confusion has re
sulted in a deplorable loss of lie.
Common Quotation Ekroks — "Gad
tempers the wind to the shorn lamb" wan
long attributed to the I'ealms of DiviJ,
until oft- repeated corrections have en
vinced people that the sentiment btlongs
to Maria in Laurence Sterne* ' Sentimental
Journey.' The epigram, "Spare the rod
and spoil the child," is still often quoted
as one of the Proverbs of Salomon, and is
rarely attributed to its author, Batler i*ee
1 Hudibras,' Part 11., canto 2, lira 843).
The nearest approach to any tuch phrase
to be found in the Bible is the text, " He
who spareth the rod hateth his son " i I'.-ov.
xiii.,24). The reference to "pouringoil on
troubled waters " is often supposed to be
scriptural, though the Bible does not make
any such allusion. " Man wants tut little
here below," is an expression no older than
Goldsmith's "Hermit," thougK-it ttgenw
ally quoted either as >criphje or from a
line of an ancient hymn. "Mansions of
the blest " are mentioned in the Revela
tions, not St. .lohn the Divine, but to the
Monk of Kveaham (a. k 1403).— [A1l the
Year Bound,
Near Kigdeh, in Asia Minor, there is a
gold mina known as the Boolgar-Daghi,
which the Sultan's Minister of Commerce
and of Mines and Forests is makiDg great
efforts to work. He believes that the
mine contains considerable deposits of the
preenns metal, and his forwarded a sum
£4,000 to carry out the work. He in.
tends soon to forward a further sum of
£10,000. There has already been ex
tracted a considerable quantity of ore.
Additional KleeKon l»w follMon of
Tr:. in* Tin- I'.irll.le Isdlan School-
MrthodUl Eplneophl Bnard of Mlsslonit
— T«o B,.j* killed- KailMny rouktrnc
tlun—Seizure or (Ifdexdale Homes —
Analr* in Foreign 1...iu1> ( i, .
no.nuTit- MBwm.
Tli«- Election* Eitt of tke ■•ckl<*.
New Yobk, Novtahac !).h.— Th* Times
gives the following summary : In the Forty
eighth Congress ihe Democrat will control
the House of Repre^e-ntativpi hy a msjiritj
of 71. the fuurea being Republicans 127.
Democrats l'.»8. Tfee Sut« will be repre
sented in the next Congress by 21 Democrats
and 13 Republicans — a Democratic lt.ii of 8.
The Assembly will consist of 85 Democrats
and 43 Republican-*, thua givirg the Demo
crats a ii.: j irity of 42 in the lover house.
The Senate stands 17 Democrats to 17 Re
New York, November y.h.— The Tribune
s»ys : Id tbe midst of the ecstacies of .:-. .i^ : .t
injpre.t by the election of Cleveland, the Dem
ocrat* ■. f the metropolis find themselves con
fronted with the most perpltxing puzz!e of
modern timee. It is all abjut tLe Coroner.
William H. Ksnuedy was elected to that of
tice Tuesday. To-dsy it turns cut that there
are five gentlemen an-'werin;.- to thai n<*m?
residi.g in the city, with several ward) to
hear from. Tw > of these at le.u»t lay claim to
Ins (. ftioi", and propose to have if, or liave the
reason why ?at:-f.ictorily explained to tUe:r,.
One of tha Cjntesiauts ii a vender of bever
ages, the other an uuc'ertaker.
Nfc.v Yohk, November 9 h. — Tee extent
■f the Democratic victory is not yet told.
Cleveland's majority in tf.e State will reach
the euorm-jus total of l'.K), 000 —utterly un
precedented in the history of the ciuutry.
CcuoUes that never went Ddaiocratic since
t'u • BepabUcM ] mv was organized have
dow gone heavily for Cleveland. Aiion.;
them are the following : Broom?, Catta
raugu*, Cratauqua, Cbenango, t'.iy.i,'. 1 .
Jtff-;rsoa, Midisoa, Oneiji, Ontario, Orlcar.s,
(Jswfj-o, Saratoga, Steuben, Suffolk, Tioga,
T.n>pUias, Warren n->d Wyoming. Oat vt
sixty c&uutie^, the Republicans carry prc
c's?!y t-n. Bat there is s.'ii.e'.Kiiy bei.icd
this, f:ir notwithstanding Cleveland's prett
onj >ii:y, he has n'.t received co many pulln
an Hanoocfc had in 18N0, when the latter was
beaten by 21,000. The fact is, the Republi
c ids either stayed at home or voted for Cleve
land. The rebuke to the Adminiotia'.ion is
everywhere considered complete atd terrible.
New York, November !>;h.— Tha Time*
says: Complete returLS from ciuntiisnow
being received increesi the mr.j jrity of Clevt
land for G-jveriior to 19C.000, a:.d that thb
offieUl vote will maketho majority not under
New York, November ll.h.— Following h
the vote if the city on tie constitutional
amendment to make the canals of tho SUie
free : For the amendment, 114,054 ; agains*,
1 130.
Milwaukee, November i»;h.— Returns for
the btito Legislature, complete, show the
fillowii g complexion : Smate, 19 Republi
cans and VJ Democrats — j, Democratic gain
of 4. AjtemMy. .12 Republicans, 45 Demo
orau, "J I'ral »' A-mimblv, 1 Independent — »
R?pu-.ii.an lou oi 12. Republican majority
on j >iut btlktt, 'J
tltXPSat, November <Jth.— General James
I!. Cnalmer.", Independent Democratic candi
'■.te for Congrefs in the Second Mississippi
D.o.ric', opposing Van H. Manning, the
Democratic nominee, ii in t!ie city. In an
interview he asserts that bulldczing was
practiced in Tallahatchie county, where au
election was prevented from being held under
the pretense of fear . f tha smail-poi, which
deprived him of SCO Totes, and one box in
Da Soto cauuty, whare the Judges refused
an election, wbi^h lost to him 200 vote?.
Notwithstanding all *hese, he clainris the
election on the retu is irn.de by 1,070 ma
j >rity.
Chicago, Novemb • 9 -h.— Returns from
Chic 3» and Cook < naty, complete, show
th^ f.>l!.-,win,- r H-.ilt : 'or County Treasurer,
J. E. Siip (!);ai ), 2 )■_' plurality; Sherifif,
HaaoJwll fiiap.), 4,1 3 plurality; Ccnuty
df rk, Ey»4 «Jpt 1 Btfauatr; IVobate
C'erk. Teoneit (Kri: , 913 plurality; Cor
oner, Eoyden, 74, ii pL elity : Connty Super
intendent of School?, Lint (R?p.), 30 plural
ity ; County Comr: iaioneri-, 4 Df mocrato
and 1 Republican ; 1: Abate Judge, Knicker
bocker (R.p ). 126 pi rulity ; County Ju> J ge,
Prendergast, 1 140 ii irality. As has beet
Feen, the county U y ry evenly rivided be
tween tha R?publi jus and Democrats.
Party lines were alj :st totally ignored out
side < f the active pol icianp, and the candi
dates were chosen ei.t rely on personal popu
larity. The highest ! )jmocratic plurality if
2,852, and the hi^hm t Republican plurality
4.163, indicating an ii ii p^pdent vote uf over
Omaha, Novemberp.h. — Toe returns show
the e'ec'.ion of l)**es (Rep.) for Governor,
and the rest of thf> State ti ket, by 12,000
Vkjority, with the exception of Clark for
Trejsurer and Ger<! for Resent.
Mt. Ptf.ri.ing (Ky.), November 9th.—
AdaiM (Dem.) Hefcato White (Rep.) for Con
«rcpsinthe Ttnth District. The Kentucky
Co[gre.!Bicnal dclfgatioa stands 10 Deuio
era's and Republicans,
Racine (Wia.), November 9ih.— Retarns
to-day give Winans (Detn.) 2M msj .rity f,.i
Corgrcfs in the First District over William?
(Rep ).
iNDiANAroLis, November llth.—Pelles'ma
jority for Congress is reduced to 84, accord
ing to Republican figures. The Democrats
claim that Erglish has a msj rity cf 93.
Dcs Moines (la.), November 9:b.— The
lalett returns indicate that the Republicans
have loct the following CoLgressmen : Far-
Well in the S.'conc), Updetnff in the Fourth,
Wilson in tha Fifth aud O.son in the Ninth.
The successful Dcmocra's are : Murphy,
Weller, Frederick aud Pufej-. The Cod-
KTtarioaal dele^aijon will th'.ref.re sand :
Republicans 7. Democrats I. The last Hou»e
had 9 Republicans.
Stauntos (Vi.), Novembsr 9.h.— ln tie
Seventh Congressional District Paul (Coali
tijn) is elected.
Galveston ( Vex.), November 9.b.—Oc'ii!
tree (Rap ) has earned the Seventh District.
Jackson (Miai.), November <J.h.— There it
no dtitibt of the election of (Jh:»lin;ia and
Vao Kiton, both by small majorities.
Kalei>;h (X. C), November '.'.h.— K^turnp
from the First District iod'eate the el-ction
of W. F. Pool (lisp.). D uSts ara pnter
tainel as to the election of B:t.nett (Rap.).
Congreßsinan-at-Larp?, and Kjbbin* (Dim.)
in tne Seventh Distiict.
Wilmington (Del.), November 01.— Laa
(Dem.) for Congress has 1,923 mcj irity.
Cedar llapids (la.), November !),h.—Wil
son (K-p.) is ejected to Congress in the Fifth
Diatric: over Frederick.
Oshkosh (Wie.), November 'J:h.— Gunther
is elected to (Jongraa ia the Sixih District
over Uaben.
Louisville (Ky.). Nuvember i) h — O.nit
tin* the Tenth District, which is in cluubt,
the delegation of Ke.itncky stands us follows :
Oscar Turner (Dem ). First District ; .1 .■..,-
F. CUy (Dam.), Second; John K. Halsell
(Dim), Third; Thouiai R. Robertson
(D^ru.), Fourth ; Albert S. Willis (Dem.),
Kihh ; John V. Caili»le (Dem.), Sixth ; C.
S. BlacUbnrn (Dem), Sevas tli ; Phil. B.
Thompson (l.'em ), Eighth ; W. W. Culber •
■aa(Ben.),oiath; Frank Wolford (D«m.),
Detboit, No/emb3r !l,h.— The Michigan
delegati-n in CoDgrtaj will ntanl as f illowa :
First District, Win. C. Maybury (Dem.);
Second, N. B. Kidridije (Dem.); Third, E.
S. Lacy (II -p.); Foirth, Gjo. 1.. Y»pie
(Dim): Kitth. J. C. Hon»eman (Dim.) ;
rfixlh, K. 15. Winnna (Ddm.); Seventh, X C
Carleton(Dem ); K'ghth. R G. Horr (R;p.);
Ninth, B. M. t'utcbeon (It?p.); Tecih, Id.
H. Hatch I Hep ) ; Eleventh, Ejward B:iting
Singular Experience or a siramrr.
St. Locis, NovtmSer '.' ,h. — As the eteam
er Emma 0. E Hot was coming up the river
last night, the cabin pis?engers and crew were
started by a singular whintlirg found in the
| air about the boat. Captain Postal went to
! the elec'risil mac'iiue and turned on the
light— Soo cmdle power — and in a moment
the whole fog*y river was fl >od.d with li^ht.
It was seer, that the n^Ue proceeded from an
intumerable colony of wild ducin on their
way southward. Th» blinding f-lare startled
the fowl*, aci r>i. g in grant crowds thfj
b. g»n fljiiifr straight at the lamps. Fur
t-v nty minutes ths boat was literally full of
ducks. S^rr.9 of them would hit
heavily against the glass around the
light, ana fill frtuLned to the deck.
O;hers fell iato lie f tees of the men, and
were knocked down with sticki anrt canes.
In all, several hanured were «ecared. Thirty
six were four.d concealed i : di£feient part* of
the cabin this morning, when the boat cimc
ioto ft. I,iu : b. Otheis were fousd about the
boileis and in tin engice-ro in, a great
number were kilkd by the wheels. Toe
ducks wer*- nj'iily ia tho waiter whea tha
b Ht ran irt.t!? insm«r.se fljtk, an i when
the elettrx lL;ht wu turned oa toey seemed
to grow crazy with f«ar. They rose in great
drotv«. and whirled i>rouiid iv the air before
dashing them<»!ve< a^iiast the Jaiup.
ALfXiS (IU.), Novtmb<r 9;h.— This morn
ing iaamt Jobtscn and Wm. Bachaoan, act- ■
in? f.r ttc C!yde*d»le 8.-eedicg and Export
ing C mpany, with the SbeiiS and poare,
wzJ3 »:iil *o, k away 134 Clydesdale horses
froon the iu^je ctock-farm of Colonel Robert
Holloway, the well-kDown importer and
dealer in that breed of a«iim*l«. Ttafciusg
of the seizire has not transpired.
Ale»», Xovember U.h.— The agent of the
breeding company says Colocel i{ollowa;
was mrreiy ac iag a* agent of the company, '
to tell bones for a »hara of the orccaeds ;
that ha baa bsen aelling a Ittge nAJiber ot
hortee, aad that hU remitUnces ve^Hbi aat
i«fa^tury. Tne ompar-y bccitiic tiHr of the
arrangerceat, and decided lo take PMaeta.on
cf its proper ty. Colonel lioliuwa.-i, on the
other hsnd, states that he has a patt interest
in thp st»>ok, aDd that he h'.d reudtted m-arly
all of tbe cjinpany'sbhare of the proceeds tf
sales. Colonel Holloway bears a first-clots
reputation, avd U the leadine importer of
Clyd&iUii&j in the country. He his reukv
tßcd tha keti, which i« valued at $225,000.
Tlie CnrlNlr Indtau Srh;iol.
Washi.\gto>-, November 9:h. — Indian
Ccmmiwii n«-r Pries has received the annual
report t.f the Carlisle Itdian School, which
bho-ws thit at the date of the last repot t
there were 180 Indian boyn tnd 87 Indian
girU nt the ech bL Duting the year 75 boyd
and ol Kirls tiav*) been received. 62 boys and
28 giris returned to agencies. Four boys and
two gtrU died, *cd at the clc>Ee of tbe fiscal
year 188 km a? d 108 git!s regained »t the
•caooL Tae largest ra[ rese-jtation was from
the theyeuLe. Omilia aud O^e tribec, and
50,713 worth oi wagoLn, b«n.e«, show and
tinware hati been mi.de ly the student? T!is
girls made thtir o«n iermtntP, and much oj
tbe boys' clothiDg.
MMM Eplaropni Mi^lou.
Ntw York, Njven'ier 9ih — Tno ISMfa
od;at Kpiscopal B ,ard of Mi«i,;ns c.nt'nued
its labors this iftanimih, and appro;'; i.'e'l
the followirg eu^n lot the missions iv the
United Srates not in tb.3 Ci>nferencc ■ Ari
z-ma, SK.00O; Black Hill*, ?3.(K)0; Dakota,
¥-»500; Indi.n Ttrritory, S2 000 ; Mi; fana,
Sll.oOO; M-w Mexico, i*2 M 0 ■ Ttah
$12,500; the Northern New York Welsh
Miss' jn. 8200; the Norwprfin ard Swedish
migt.l .t s in California, $2 200 ; the Swedish
snd rsorwegUn mbaioM La New York, E»st
Conferenc', Sl.iiOO a-id 52,0u0, re.p?cUv. ly.
one lear'<t K.ilUvi Contlrurtlon.
Chicago, Xovembjr 9;h.— The lUiln-wi
Agt it\Ui, : Railway socMrueMon duncg the
raaoth of October in the (Tutted Str.t .s ai;
rented I.OCS ii'il^a o' iuui!. tree's on 71 •(.
fcrent !inc-s in 30 States, making » tot»l for
teu months of ih • preaect year oj '.) 143 ndlsa
c:i W3 lite* iv 43 Bti tea asd TenttoriM, am!
sati'u^te^ the totil cons-ricioa for tie year
at between 11,000 « Cl l 12,000 nrlea, whic'- far
fxt;eeds th.c ooealraotion in > ay previous year.
Dakota le\d< ir thi> conVruoti'm durii g the
pist month, *i-h 131 v lies. 'lVxa« OCHBM
ufxf. with 60 iniliP. A:iz ma built 29 miles,
<"h1 fjruia22, C J-wido 47, li»h » 22 0.-tg-m
■Cnuk • .>!■■ Uurulnrl7.nl.
Clinton (li.), November 'J,h.—Birtholo
mew & Co.'n b*nk safe, at Preeon, vr-.\, biowu
np;n Imt night. and robbed t f severr.l then
sand dollars.
Five MIHIunK Tor Work.
_ Washi.notos, Nowmber o:!>.— Sec.et. rj
Folg;r thU aftomoon dirfCeJ As-is'au:
Tieaburer Acton, at New York, to redeem
any of the United BtatM bonds which hava
hoen calleii i 3 for redemptiuti, at tbe nte of
§5,000,000 per week.
A Citr in Ilarkncw,
Nkw Oble «.ss, Njvembei 9 !).—Noarrang
ment haviog beon u.ite with tho grs cot
pany, the city is iv dirkr.cas again t . night
Cuihultr Synod.
New Yoek, Xoreuilier'.t.b.— Th» Synod of
tne Uktbolk Arohiiocase of New Yfik (,'ar-
Jinal McJlo.<ky pn*J4sß<) fion'iderod to day
tho Kove.-cinoiit of ths Bufc-ekiyy, DUDaw
raentcf tha parocMa] tchoob, oocffrmatiop,
o mfe?Bi..i!, absolutiin aud the Mministrfttioß
of tha eacra;aent.
Rnllr,.ji,l Colllilun.
Ql'iscy (IU.), November 9Jj —The p.vs c n
got train lai-t uifjht siboat Bidoifbt en the
St. Look, Kaokak and Nortbwaatorn R iil
road oolliJel with a frfifht tr-»in twelve
tnilpfl sontli c f thii dly. The simshup wm
;eiifu'. A tireninn, and a passei;
ger named GcilHu, of K*.knt, were bvlly
hurf. Grifliu% »!:ul! was fra^.turfd, ami his
recovery is d.ubt'ul. The wounded were
brought here.
Tlireo Men <>liii<'kln£l v Injured.
Kochesteb (N*. V.), November !f;b.-Yc»
terday afteruooa soma Datiiocri'.a at Bjron
were a&vi! firing, when au auvil exrlicled
A blacksmith named Metolf had his ri«ht
arm shattered snd afterwards aaiv'ilatfd. A
man named StniF rd lost tie Ris;ht of both
eyae, and another n^med I) .>nahoe had hij
nose blown off and lost th-) «ik(ht of one eye.
Two Boy» Killed.
Peoria (111.), NoTttabar n l i.— Two beyi
uamed Esgelk wcrj killed at iiillar'* co»l
mine to-diy. A traia of loaded carp, on
which they were liding, broke through a
bridge and fell a distance of twenty-fire feet.
The be yt were buried in the wreck.
Schools (losrd by Scarlet Fever anal
_ Keaiihg (Pa.), November '.);li.— The pub
lic schools ot Birdsboro ware closed to-day,
oaiag to the prevalence of seailet fever and
Adrians Xv Mayor t'aplurea at Last.
_tj P:^e i-'ii,;. November Sl'.h.— Tdasaa*
TTNavio, the ex-Mavt.r ana übs^ondiog bond
for(f»r of Adri^D, Mich., w..s cip'.ured by
the City Marshal to-day.
Punishment Approved.
Wahhi.ngtom, Noven,b>r!).h.— The lodim
Bureau is informed h r t'.ia A K ent at the Tnle
liwer Agency, CUif ,r..i >, that several 'jirtiep
charged with selliog iiqaor to Indiana have
baeu tiueJ -?100 and ..u lanced to jjil for one
year by Jud«e Hoffman. This n regarded
as most enc mragiti' by the Department, as
*uc:h offenses havj heretofuro been difhvalt tf
>'a New Farts Develi>p;d.
Washington, November •> h. — Melville
continued his narrative batata the Jeannette
Court of Ini|niry to-day, but Love* facts
were developed.
Held to liitH,
Washis.,to>', N-.vemlwr 9i —In the Po
lice Cuurt this n'ornin?, Fraak Fall, charged
with conspiracy to corrujit the jaryn.on n (
the star r.mto trial, jna plawiil nnder f- 1 O(i
bonds, to await tho action of the Grand .1 ury.
An ludtan Vllln^e Mielleii ucd »c-lro)r<l.
New Yokk, November !>.h.— The BtrmU
has this bom British Colombia : TLe Corwiu
has arrive 1 from Sirka. She reports that the
H. otsnoo Indians in A!a«k> ar^ troublesome
and agsresfive. They mini a boat anrt
whaling ge*r of tho whaling company at
Killieuo», and took two white prUoDe/H acd
threatened to kill tbt m. SUty-six sailors aLd
marines from th<3 United Stat-.s stesmer
Adams, under L : .tutenßnt I3.irr;tt, were (Ms
patched to the scene of trouble. Ci>mmarder
Meniam proceeded thither in the Corwin
The priaoaeri were lelaaaed, ai d a fine ot 400
blankets was imp sei rs a penalty. The
Indians refused to pay, and remained defiant,
rendering it necesj»ry f r th« vessel to shtll
and destroy a pjftiaaj at the village.
l:.ill n .il Bridse Iturnrd.
Binghamtox |{N T . V.), November !' h —
The large wooden bridge bMnDgioic to tlit
Delaware, Lackawanna ani Wet'otn X il
road acr sb the Sorqaehanoa rivtr at (ire.-.f
Bend, connectinK that road wi.h the Kri',
was burntd this moniiag,
New York, Novemb-r 'J h— Midnight.—
Highe>t tempsriiture to-day, (i(T; bwest. 41".
Chicago. November !i.h — Highest lem
perature to-day, 50°; lowest, 47°.
t<>. i i«.n ntws.
Rpulsnatlon Anniillnnd Thr I ii-'.t &tc
r. i-r»»lii|i of lr<li:n<l Oppo.tilnn to
l.rmriil Wol»el«y.
Dlblin, Noverub-r 9 h.-Kiciard Hallon,
Home Kule member of tbe House of Com
mocß from Queens county, Inland, has an
aoncced his resigns' i n.
It h reported that the Under Secretaryship
has been pfftreJ to O'Connor.
The Frrtmaii'x Jmirna' in en aiUdi pro
testing afjaicet oi furring the freedom ol
Dublin on General Wolseley on his return £
this city, assert* that VVolseley, wheu nb v
to start f.r K.'jp', ti clared that the i.nly
al'oy to hi< (jlearure over tbe prospect i f bis
expedition Wii the feir that the lrih people
mixht t ike :. H .;■• •.-,■ i { his absecci to ri>e,
mii he wonlii liit hi thrie to eupprefs them!
Daring the pendtney of the rihnwiliM of the
c iercion bill, top, Fays tbe Journal bo ex
pressed hopes thst U the liish should revolt
he might be sjnt to ireUnd to tujiprets them,
and teafh Uein what war meanr.
(•ladntonr and Ilium Kulr.
DriiLl.v, Novetnlier !»;h. — Fnnti'in's Jmir
mil says : "rrtmitr C'larlst-ne eercr befon
yesterday declared so distinctly and cl-arly
hn opinion of ths nsie^.-ity of bou;e rulp, r,r
the ei'ent to which it should be conceded. It
is laspTtiftai to exaggerate the tiijnifieince of
hU utterance. Gladstone would not dare u-e
the words he <U1 uuleso theie waa some real
meanicg behind thcai. The proposition tiiat
Eu(,'lio(i w;.l rec. gnize boma rule was <!i ; -
ti-ictly adaiittcJ, ar..l brou^lit MIC cleariy
into the domain <t i>rsc'ical paiitics by Glad
stone in hi* ep»»th."
The Iri.'li Timn, enmrtenting on thia point,
«ay» editorially : "Gladsjone has m»d» a ie
mark»h!e and e-nphatic oew bid for the IrUh
The Indian Troopi In In- Brvlrwril In
i in- «ln< • n l-.ii.l and Hi. Trial -rrolext
Lo.ndok, November O.b.— The Qu en will
review tbe Indian trenps at Wiods^r C^itlo,
and decorate some nf tho force for conspicu'
oui Jjraveiy io the K^yi>ian war.
A rii'patrh to the fISK| f ( oni Cairo saya
the K;yp'i»n authmiiir* have arrested a
servant sen 1 , by s :ne oae of the reb.l pris
oners to the Knji.-h c insel who U ac'ingfjr
Arabi and his fell ,wi. Sir Kiward M»llarr,
the British C'onsul-CJeneral at U«iro, thtre'
ppon demanded th»t he be released. Arab!
in prison is a greater c.r.e tj the people of
this c >untry than Arab: free. Tfce c lusjal
blundor of tte trial of Arabi is ULiver»»lly
Greeci) and Turkey hive signed a protest
locking ' to the evacnation ot tin uißjiated
poinU on the fr istiar.
Rvotca (.. .'Hi. .i.
Dibus, Novca.b.r 9 h.~ The Court has
granted a fflto— i to Mr% Wel.'es'.ey againnt
Oolotel Wel!e~j!cy. son of Karl Cowley, on
tbe ground o f adultery cooinaitted by Welles
ley with Kate Vjii.,- :an, t.'io actreu.
TS> Frrr.d irTnUUri.il Stalemrnt.
Pabis, Novtmber 9.h. — Premier Dacleic,
President of tr.e Cojatil. in opening the
Cbambsrs to-day, -,ti i : * Uir relatiots with
foreija naiioiii are v«ry i^-rirar.t. Certain
changes have occurred in lv^ypf, in con^e
qnence of the ocenpatioo. by lie liritUh, but
no permanent -ett!errei f of the rrcsfutcom
pliciti >ns will hi 3-.ad" «: ..;i:t Kracca hav
ing a voice ia it. Frieml, fcesaricces have
been received from the Ct.vctcment of Gr?at
13 itain upon this tui j;ct. Toe French Min
i i-.t-y would withoot rlonbt condnct *ff»irs
, with prudence, fostering • spirit <f conciliv
| tion, but it woold tot thwart the majority.
I Taa Ministry ars prepar*<i l- c c'iace their
'fuacti^-s." The Co»»ber reviewed the
speech coldly, failing to cheer even its most
vworoua and < rfrclire par*i'iti?, and at liraen
there were ill teppreesed »ce-. r» oa the part
of srms membets. The extrerre Itft cf the
Chamber had an af'.tr meeting, at which
thsre wi s a broad difcus&ion of the sui jec.
1 1 was decided at the first opportunity to
interpellate ths Ministry npon its general
p U:L ■ .1 pol'cy.
Rlxorderly SorUll>ls- Keporlers lired.
Lyoks November !Hh — The Socialists held
a meeting last night, at which Madame P*ul
Miutk presided. Reporters of the daily press,
whohad front seats and were intending to
furnish a full report, were expelled by th«
'EeTcbcrs of the secret prganiz»ti"D, aad the
police, attempting to interfere to prevent
trouble, were pelted with u>ud and tius'led
about, with erie« of " Long live the social
revolution !" After speeches were ended the
Hunting broke rp ia great di^ordsr.
Uetnon.Hlratlon Prevrnled by the Police.
Lyons, Novambsr 9'h. — Tha paHae this
morning forcibly cleared the squire of the
Hotel de Ville, in order to prevent a oeoicu
-B'r»t'nu that had been previously announced
to be held there.
The Egyptian <|ne.-.tlon In the Honne of
London, Novembar 9.h. — In tha House of
C>iQjnnns ti.is afternoon Robert Arthur
Aru Id (Liberal) gave notice that he would
move au amendment to Sir Stafford North
cote's motion on Ejypt, to the tffect that
the occupation of the British troops in E^ypt
wis uucessary to preserve law and crder, and
al-,o to protect the Egyptian people in their
endeavor to have self-government.
Joint Control Abolished.
Cairo, November '.Uh. — Tbe Egyptian
GovernmeLt has announced the abolition ot
tr.c. joint eoßtCol over its financial affairs by
Eiigland and Frince,
Kailnay MsaMw in Algrrla.
Algiers, Ncvcmb^r !l;b. —An accident on
tha r:ii'w»y between Ltrch and Bordjb>re
Arrciij t. - lay camed the death of ten jer-
Hi'ns hud ths injury cf thirty-jix.
Ab<ll:-allun Threatened.
Bei.orade, November !f.h.— lt ia rumored
•hat Kiog Charles of Rjuu.anio has threat
i.n*l to ab.i'ote.
I'ierunitiinnr.t Military Mrasures.
St. Petersburg, November !*.b.— The con
centration tf a large Chineon forco on th 9
Aaiuor river has con.peUed Russia to adopt
mea«Uon»iy tuiiifary measures on th-
It J-aun a!Je of the fri.ntier.
I'lerolu and «Ue Lntc Peruvian War Mlii-
Lima, November 9ch.— Another manifesto
has boon issued hy P.^rola. The late War
MLi-i^r, Igkiin, dots aot pretesd tobajata
hi'Dfelf from the re«t tf Peiu, bat will ad
h.ro to a;iy fchfme adopted by any party in
the furtherance of peace. His obj =ct is the
roruiing of an assembly, the nine northern
dep.Htmebts on'y to have council.
fcloretiouse Burned.
Torokto, Novrm'wr 9;h — Tho storehouse
and c '»teuU of tha Northern and Hamilton
-icd Wetton R.ihvaywere burned tu-dar.
Liss, $100,000.
Caulis, November 9.h.— Passed here tr.
day, t ) arrive in .Sacrsniento tc-morrow :
IJ.Li-r-1 Mc'Jook, Mies MeConk, Miss Jen
uett MeCf-ok, Fort Djuglass, l T ;ah ; Mrs. S.
S, A. Leveuthal, Mrs P. Meioter hud cVdld,
S^lt Like, U»h ; Mta. A. H. Dimm : ck,
.Scra.it .n, Pa. ; Mr. »ml Mrs. E. S. Ed^er
tnn. MDas E. lirir, Mrs. J. McLean, Miss
E. li'echer, Mr. and Mrs. O.D.Vaughn,
Mrs Tre.-iuing, New York ; J. ]}. Starf rd,
E. M. Mansfield, A. N. Drowp, San Fran
cisco; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Philippi, Lea
Angelas ; J, G. Gardner. Atiz ma ; D. Rofcrr
«n, E. W. Dothett, Wood River, Idaho ;
Joha Me^all, Idaho ; H. V. Bias lei, Oak
land ; J. P. Woolmiu, Helena, Mont. ; P.
Jsr.-ey, (ireot, I-Ingland; E. H. Willis, lioe
ton ; Cunt and Counters Orinla, Germany ;
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, Horgkorg; C. Lay-
N.n. Sr., C. Liyton. Jr.. O^den; J. M. T.
Youne, l r . S. M. C. ; 101 emigrant pas?en
gfrs, inoludice 01 ma!ei>, to airive in Sac.-a
mento November 11th.
NXWHALL, Noveynbar il.h.— Passed here
o-dfty, t:> arrive in Siu Francisco to-morrow ■
Ma J, B. Suunard, Tombstone; ft P.
Ptjrintsn, Yuma ; Gaarge A. Brown, Flor
ence ; George H. Rose, San Franchci ; Ma
j « Banning, L« Angele« ; F. De Carr, Ban
Francisco ; Mi . Nevio, Mrs. L. B. Porter,
A. B. Bigby. J. H. Martia and wife, hrm
Angeles; .1. \. Wood and two prisoners,
San B»rcardin. ; J. Cox, Riverside ; W. A.
Reed, Tfxas ; . .A. Rsavis, Ariz >na ;W. H.
Lone, Denver 11 itti- L>ng, Atlanta, Ga.;
J . Wasson, H. L. Vail and wife, Thomas
Dibb!ee, San Rraacisco.
Omaha, November !)ih.— Left here to-day,
to arrive in Sacramento November 13th :
P. E. Shaver and wife, lowa City, la.; Geo.
w- ?";ft WS A : Mrs - D - M - G « v y.
Walla Walla; >:rs. Ck»pui»a and child,
England ; F. .IJ> - m'oa and f«mi!y, St. Paul
Minn.; W. P h',. , g a, L Schwatbacher and
family, Mrs. J :; m, Samuel Bloom, Mrs.
Helen A. Pottjr. \: rR . £. M. Ketchum, S. '
W. R 96;iBto<-V, S..i Francisco; James L»id
law, P«ctl*ei*, i) ; Jir*, O. R. McWhinney
an.i child, Ric ,% i, Ind.; M. L. Dick and
wife, Cerro Gnr!". IP.; W. 1.. Dick, Wash
iagto , I-..?: Mi-< L\vg*r, Tauuton, O.; S.
L. Ooop r 1- tjold i: i lt. ,. N w York.
Sev: nty ►!» ibr j'.^h i m ; ,' auts left on lwt
ti^'^ifa emigrvit t r ,ia, to .rrive in Sacra
■onto S .Vv-uibe.- 16 h.
K*t&t%ClTT<Mo ) X)vci>,b E .;».— Pissed
To;e*a to-i^y, to arrive in Sau Fraccisco
Not • '. rlB ; ; : W. E. M,lveye and sister,
BeUy, Liglaad; Mrs. H. N. C.win and
d»u«h.«.r, t>:. 1,,,!-, ; Mrs. L-u Milnoand
Miss r. Ii- M.lt*, WMi'iejin. I.I.; E. Horus
»>y, .\;- Z..1-rd; R. .1 liUck, Sydaey,
New Sarth Wafeas O tt. W«d, wife and
• n. Oikljad, OaLj F, a &>«&■ and wii^,
D; So*.", K<.
Much cariosity has been felS among
anifntifie men aa to the result of Sir Will
iam Armstrong's experience ia lighting hU
own homa in Scotland by the electric light
supplied by the agency of a waterfall. Sir
W illiam Armstrong gave recently an in
tenatßßg account to the Institution of
Civil Engineers of his experience during
nearly a year ; and the remirk3 which he
made on the subject have just been pri
vately circulated, in anticipation of their
publication in the ensuing quarterly vol
ume of the "Proceedings of the Institu
tion of Civilized Engineers." The sourcj
of power employed is a force or cascade
nearly > a mile from Sir William Arm
strong's house, in connection with which
ho has erected a turbine from which he ob
tains sevenhorso power. The light is di
rectly produced by the driving of the
dynamo-electric machine from the turbine ;
aad the only cos*, beyond interest on ma
chinery and renewals, is the pay of tbe
laborer who attends upon the machine at
nigl.t. After repeated trials — which
proved Hatisfactory of the arc eystem,
Sir William Armstrong adopted the Swan
incandescent arrangement. He has thirty
pairs of lamps, each single lamp yielding as
much light aa an ordinary duplex kerosene
lamp, which is usually estimated at twenty
five candles. The lamps supplied by the
company are somewhat variable in their
durability ; but with further experience
this drawback will no doubt be overcome.
Tbe delicacy of the system is illustrated
by the fact that while leather belts made
ia the usual way were employed to drive
the generator, each revolution produced a
slight tv.iuklo in the light when the joint
of the belt ran over the pulley. To obtain
uniformity it was necessary to use an end
less belt, maie Hat like a chain, of leather
licks stamped out of the sheet and joined
by pins, a form of belt which gives a very
regular motion. It is probable that in most
if not all eases where water is employed as
the motive power, the introduction of an
accumulator will be foucd desirable in or
der to insure psrfcct steadiness of light.
The eoooomy of the method is very great ;
and Sir William Armstrong stated that no
deticiency of either candle-power or endu
rance in the lamps would induce him to
abandon the system. The iucindesccnt
li^lit has no connection with the atmos
phere, and has therefore no contaminating
tff.ci. It has very little heating dLct, is
perfect in color, and is regarded by Sir
Wiliiam Armstrong as the perfection of
lighting for domestic purposes. — [St. James
Gazette, Locdon.
Tbe Rrsnli In I'inin (oanly.
Tucson, N .veoibcr 9 h.— The election re
turns from all the precincts *lect l'anl Sher.tf
aud McEUior. Treasurer, againss Leather
wooi. The Republicans eltcl three out of
tha five reprepfntafivfp, one for the Terri
torial Council, and two sol of the three Su
pervisors. Thj Legislature is Djuk cratic in
both branches.
11. m- from <. nij in i..
Tlcsos, November U.h.— The SWar'l apecial
of the 9ta f<orn Gu»yn:a?, say* : Luis Janrc
u-ui Irs been app.iinted l'refect of Guaymia
by GoVcraoriE-calante, vice GuUlermo K»n
dall, whi lrft wi.h Governor Ortiz.
The 12.-40 crr>in to-day t>ok the first Well*,
Fjr^o fc^ LV.-i-i exj)re-s through. H. It.
Smith, Well', Firt;o4 Co 's route agent, ar
rived ytsttrday to establish agencies at
N.-gal»K. Mafedaleoa and He mosillo, to C3n
nect wi;h the effbe here. The people will
now have ths bai-eut of ono daily txprpts by
ri.il, and cne monthly by the steamer M-x ice.
"There would appear, in truth," gays
an English journal, "to be some founda
tion for the assertion of French economists
that, while France is limiting it* popula
tion to increase its wealtb, Gtrmany ia ex
panding its wealth in increasing it* popula
tion. It is ovioua that, where to large a
proportion of the population is living upon
such scanty means, a catastrophe ia not
The grave of F.merion is kept constantly
covered with flowers by the young gir!s
ot Concord. Hawthorne's, with a :tone at
the head and foot bearing simply his name,
is thickly overgrown with glossy myrtle,
Thoreao'a is unadorned, save with a thick
sod of green grass.
General Sherman's salary will be nearly
the same after his retirement aa it ia now —
about -915,000.
The following citcular has been issued by
the Executive Committee of the State Teach
ers' Association, atd addressed to snperic
tendente, teachers and all others interested
in education :
The Executive Committee of the State
Teachers' Association hereby announce that
the sixteenth annual meeting of the Afs>cia
tion will be hell in San Francisco on' the
27th. 2S.h and 29A days of December, 1882.
In v:e» of the fact that many questiots of
vital importance to the edueationul intarests
of tho State are now before the public for
consideration, the committee request th»t an
unusually large number cf school rrli:cr» acd
teachers be present at this meeting. Under
the present school law each cnuntv is inde
pendent in the administration if affairs per
taining to public elucaticn; thn eventually
may re-'u'.t ia a disadvantage to all uultss
there_ can be, fr«.m time to time, a free anil
full interchange tf views by teachers ar.d
citizens from a 1 parts of the State.
The committee have therefore arranged a
programme providing for a tew, 6hort, pithy
papers on topics of special interest, and also
for the introduction and discussion cf resolu
tions bearing npon the subject of education
in any ot its branches. You are therefore
earnestly requested to prepare for pte»enta
tion tuch refo'.utious as, in your judgment.
embody principles or facta which require a
hearing bet'ore the Association, and whrse
discussion would tend to a better understand
ing, and thus a more harmonious action
among school officer?, teachers and the
This invitation is extended to thr.Fe who
are not officially coanected with cur school*,
but are interested in them as taxpayers and
cit.z-ns, and sre desircm thit the be»; re-ults
may ba accomplished. It i< proposed to uive
thoss a hearing who candidly believe reforms
or changes are uecess.iry ia oar system ■ I
public instruction, and we hop 3 that aftir a
full dUcu'sion on such topic, resl abnaes, if
«ny, ia cur educational system may be ex
posed acd their remedies suggested, ar.d fau
cied abuses may be shown to"exi.,t only iv the
A State Teachers' Associatiou ought tr>
represent the beet thought of tho Sta'e on all
questions pertaining to tho tenpe, methods
and general working; of our public schools ;
its deliberations should be characterized by
fullness and comprehensiveness, ard thu# he
influential in molding and directing public
opirion ; and i's recommendations "dould be
accepted by the Legislative aad Exscntm
Dapartaientg of the State ami niucicipal
goveraments as beine the best possible
Houvcea for iuformiti-n, and the safest guide
for their acticr.
In order that our State Association may
posßessi the functions thus britily outlined,
we cordially invite your pieser.ee and active
co-operation. A circular announcing the
place of maetiui; in San Francisco, pro
gramme, etc., wiil s.on be Imilu'
The Executive Committee are as M : owb :
J. 15. McChesney, Oakland; Fied M. Cam^
bell, Sacramento ; C. M. Walker, N&pa ;
'leorae 11. ICieeberger, San Jose ; Ira More,
San Jose ; S. M. Aui<mtine, Sau BafacJ ; J.
P. (iarli:!;, Oaklaud ; C. S. Smyths, c>:nta
Kosa; William White, San Fraccisc. Sec
retary : Willbm White, No. 304 Eighteenth
street, San Francisco.
An American medinm, Misa Wood,
found great favor with the spiritualists of
England, and not the less because she was
young and handsome. She gave material
izing seances, like those invented by the
Eddy brothers, but she did not take the
precautiou to guard the returned spirits
against assaults by the spectators. The
result was that at l'oterboro a stalwart
man seized the form of " Poehe, an Indian
girl," who ventured too far from the cabi
net, the lights were turned up, and Miss
Wood, in Indian costume, vras seen strag
gling violently in his arms.
Mr. N, J. M^oroan, New River, Va , nays
that his wife having suffered for a ling while
with ihmmatLin', was induced to try St.
Jacobs Oil, and it g»ve almost instant relief
and hid a most happy effect.
The Board of Offleerfi of the llrsi .
Artillery kegiment will meet THIS (Friday) (P*i\
EVENINQ, Ncveab^r ICth, for the trij»B»c- Jgd^t
ti in (i/ Its regular monthly business and i::-SlEcS
struction. By order of ' THE PRESIDENT
IB.C] DlO-lt
Kallve Ann* of tbe Golden Wf,i,-Meet
ing will be held THIS (r'ridaj) EVENING, Novem
ber 10th, at Pioneer Ball. Work in the Second L>e
gree will come before the mcetins.
_ _ , E - *". COBS, President.
P. C. Ji-rokxh, fecreUry. |B. C 1 nlO-lt
uere thanki to the number of friends who so
kindly extended their sympathies 1 1 us during our
irreat bereavement, and to the donors of floral
tributes to the memory of our beloved son MIL
1° c -l nlO If
One Night Only— Snnfiay BveniDg,
NOVEMBER 12, 1882.
sal, assisted by other wonderful atd newly
developed Mediums, who invite the closest investi
gation, performing all the tests on the Hgbted Bta^-e,
vi mi .in Uir | »r or «ny t'nbln<?t.
Ro Boa tyini.-, no Handcuffing, ever\-thinir nn the
<Ma btutc The following are some of the marvel
cms munifestationr which usually take piax In the
presence of these mei'.iums :
A Talili- rl»o% nn.l It ■»! In the air; a
I lann rl«f» rlrnr from the tloor, anil »s
ii i ■■nr .1 by Inrialblr han<t».
L'iVITATir.N- -Tho medium is raised from his
chair ar.d floats over the heads of tbe audience,
while spirit f.irms arc seen hoierin-,' around him.
Spirit hands and furms are plainly seen and rccijr
niz^d hv their friends. Flo vers are brou-ht and
l-a-w 1 ti the audience by ha>,ds plainly seen.
ap|>car, while the mediums are held hand end foot. A
comiuitiee is chofeeii from the andience to secure
the medium, and while iv thii cmdition spiri a will
mstsrlallis and demateriapre in viev. of all present
ami th.Mj who wish can shake hands as they are
about the hall. Spirit formi walk aboat in full riew
of the auilience.
written hy an invisible han 1 lufore the eyes of the
-A lio.ik is <.|>eneti by a person ch.wi-n by the audi
encj at whatever pae;e he may see flt, and' is re-id by
the me 'hum while on the s'-aye, without seeing the
book. Scaled message* read ai.d answered hv the
medium. Musical iiiktruments will f1.,.a in a won
dertm manner, playing as they ao.
Scons of oih;r tests ti|uallv "marvelotu. GtaaM and
■aaforjmnelf. Take no one's word. lieMtvc your
own eyes. lie guarded by your own reason.
As there are no reserved seats it will be well to
come early to avoid confusion, annoyance aud possi
ble cisappoihtment.
Doors DM at 7, commences at s o'clock. ALL
ARE ISVITiiO. nio-it
At Armory Hail, Tlmrsilay, Drr. lltli,{_s«.
To bo given by the First Artillery Band to aid in
Purchasing a New Set of Uniforms.
Admtftaion, [nlO-lt] Fifty Ont* .
1W%?2 f -^000,000.00
San ri—tlaiiax t'nl., Jnly 1, ISS«.
We tnko |i'i:i- ii lin prt^rntint; for
four coiioiilcrat ion tho foUowiag Thlrty
■i^hA S'--i;i-Auuual atatumcut of tlio conditiun
of UiJsKun!;:
Flunk Proinisrs 9150.000 00
t»tIHT Ilcnl KHtnto ia.H2.» :W
liiUc.l Mtnlos lioiKlft 620.507 «O
l.:in«i \H*iM-iati<iil M». k !■'..!•» I .",.-,
l.s.riii-. iii<l ItiwronntH I.7H.V<>o«t ao
Wine rroni Iliiiks .I*7.ST» o»
Jloncy on liund „».. •»:;-i.:»i;-, :<o
|/I/.i:imtii:n. »:t.7.-»3ji»» <>:»
< apital sai.lup Sl,<mm>.ooo oo
su^vlns... 'Rii>«» tii
r»ne l»ci-.i.:! ( -iT. 1,05:J.«7-> so
IMip lla-.iky) 537.401 o»
■tvfwMsal I'.aiiiai.l i . •{».■»■>
Tlii« Hunk Imw -|-.<ti:il Inrilltira for
■tolntt a.U kinjji of banking businexti.
No. leio Fourth »f., be». J and X,
— — HAS —
I3T Pemards will be piirl on preotnUtion. nl-2plw
«"&• street, fiet. Sixth %nd S.*venth,jiS«asP^|
opyiosiU Court^ou*-. PIANOB TOf | # T I 1
'.wT Pi^n'.j «r>M nn *nai<«: *• --n -2nlw
«ft%*aV JP^^a^^^ REWARD I FOR
U? I SH VV 111 any case of Blind,
ajMJL^J^JM-ai BieedirL'. Itching,
"■■ l r B ' Clcerated or I'ro
trudin? PILES that DeUING'S PILE REMEDY fails
to cure. Pro pi red by J. P. MILLKB, M. D, at his
Drnic Store, 15 North Eleventh street, Philadelphia,
Pa. Nou: ge .vine without his signature. Send for
circular. Sold by druggists, si by mail
• Saenm«sto, has just taken the Wholesale
)f Sao Francisco. CRACKERS sold at lowest Sao
Francijico prices, with difference in time and freight
n faror of purchasers. Also, FISHERS CHOICE
OOMFkXrriOKS, at lowest market rates. auU-3p«
It Will 110 I|.
Food will lodge in the interetica between the
teeth, and it becomes a source of their decay. SO
ZODONT will di lodge such deposits, and prevent
the mischief. All parents shauld provide SOZO
DONT, and thus secure the health of their chil.
dren's tveth. n7 3tTuThS
Annual Heetlnic of "torhbolder* of the
People's Savings Bank will be held MONDAY
MEMXC, December 4, I!S2, at 7 o'clock, at the
bank ohice, southeast corner J and Fourth streets
[o2 lm] WM. F. HUNTOON, Cashier.
Dr. La Mar* femlnal I'm. care all
ca?es of Nervous Debility and Physical Prostration,
such as Loss of Vutor, Nocturnal Emissions. Impo
teney and the many distressing ailments caused by
Indiscretion, Dit-sipition and Self-A>>use. This peer
less remedy invigorates and builds up the whole
eistem, repairs waste and airetts decay. To the
Feebln and li.iino, to the Prematurely Old, and to
all who need a Health-Giving Tonic Klixir, DR. I A
MAR's Sh.MI.NAL PILLS are conßdently recom
mended. Price, |2 50 per bottle. Sent by niiil on
receipt of price, or by express, C. O. D., to anj
address, secure from observation. Address all or
ders to A. McBOYLE & CO., Druggists, 504 Wash
ington street. San Francißeo. Poetofflce B>x 195>.
Onr-Minote Toolhactae l>rop* Are Cnpr
rior to any other. For sale by drun:ist«. KIKK,
OFAKY 4 CO., Agents. 010-lm
For the tn«lle».— Pleaae auk yanr ;i«i- -
sician his opinion r.| Pf RK CALIFORNIA PORT
as a Tonic and Cure for Dyspepsia or Indigestion. If
satisfactory, try HALL'S PEPSIN WINE HITTERS.
Irlil Ban, Ban Fraaelsea, doubled la
size, is the largest Japanese sale exhibition in the
world. SHATTUCK 4 FLETCHER export their
printing inks to Japan, receive Japanese goods in
return, and this is why Ichi Ban survives ou low
prices. Logical, isn't It? Wholesalo and retail.
Goods for every branch of retail country trade. Jy4-t!
Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Fain in
the Head, with a dull sensation in the
back part. Pain under the Shoulder
blade, fullness after eating, with a disin
clination to exertion of body or mind,
Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with
a feeling of haying neglected some duty,
Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the
Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin,
Headache generally over the right eye,
Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly
colored Urine, and
TTTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to
such cases, one dose effects such a change
of feeling as to nHtonish the sufferer.
Tacar Inrroaae 1 1<<> Appetite, and cause tbe
body to Take 011 KII-.11. thus the system Is
....uri.h.-.]. and by ih.-ir Tonic Action on the
•>lCe»liTo Organ*. Itcculnr Mluols arp pro
iluced. Price- ci-iits. 35 Murray St.. W. Y.
Oray Hairdti Wjtiskkrk changed to a Glossy
Hi.ack by a sinulu application of this Dyk. Itlm
purts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold
by DruKKMts, or sent by express on receipt of W.
(Dr. TITTB ]1M 11. . I \ d : ,1 1- InforailUoii «,.. -v
latrul lUMlpta will t» mailed MIKE on ai>|.lirmliu!.. J
Just Received,
2,500 YARDS
Twills !
•W Those goods having been delayed on the road,
and owiDi; to the lateness of the f«moii, we offer
t "■•>> M> i<>c: MiiriEv ..
1,000 PAIRS
— 2^5
&T hi r> Ordem r»n h r»ll> allrndril 10.
Laud (■>) acres in vineyard and 40 acres \ttw
in sunuocr fallow), near Swiss Station, four—*"
milts from Sacramento. Price, ¥<S,OOO, if sold boou
Onr-slnry and Bniemml Framr^
House, containing nine rooms, bath, cily KiiiT
water, pn, cement walks and ce'lar. Also H"W
Stable. Lot SOxlfiO, all above gradi-, situate on
Twenty-third street, between G and If.
3*> J Slr«e« «.wt:iiiii-r|ii
I>eal estate and insurance aofntf.
Corner Third and J Mitel*.
Fire and Marine.
EDW. CADWALAHKR, Notary Public, Commit
iloner of l>e«<l» auJ Convfyaneer. Jl2-2ptf
lOltlls < oin».
Ar>°t:<TtU.Ns OF Till ki.mim ill t I
*3*Sl i\n i-iiniiMKi (n:n\v
a* n i itiMui «u«. us.
It Reaches the Disease Tlm.ngh
the B!oDd and Removes thi Cause.
..**■. flerj7«ie«. Public Dpr.ldro and
Nocaiists, affected with Hoaraenegs .# Lost of
Voice, will find alinoat instantaneous rt-ft^ from a
«in<rle Joee of hllitßlAN BALSAM.
For Sale by all Druggists.
026 lm3pT;iTh 3
thi: gkxekal agenct or lit
DAILY JlK< :m\b \ MOV,
__ «HD mr . I
H«. 8 Hew Nonlcattirr/ Blrce&
A *^' < ?^2p^ <Mnill | t -
KELL A CO., Auctioneers,
At rrtldfnrr, \«. 1«8 M *lre«l.
Between Seventh and Ei-bth, at 10:30 a v aharp. ,
rooQiS, constbtii'g' in part of one Haircloth Par
lor Set, one fine Bedstead, Mattress, Bureau, l<illow»,
Washstands, Tables, I haire, three Csrpets, one Bne
Coal Stove, one line Medallion Range, with Fixtures
complete. Also, one Kitchen Safe, and a large lot
of Crocker}', Glass, Tin and Wooden *« re, etc.
£T Sale Positive I fa
nlO-lt HELL & CO., Auctioneers.
— WIU, S*LL —
Saturday, November lltli,
At 10:30 o'clock v M.,
At Salesroom, No. 323 X st :
liiCii.l-. « ; M I i: TABLK;
I:; It-i f US A\U SPKI.W BEDS,
WAKIt»OBE». SOFAS, »Tull.«:
CBO4 Kt.UV *«■ 1.1.4«5«. I KC
Comforters, Etc.
L'ousi^nmentj for these sales solicited.
BT Sale Pohlllvc. ':l
I'residenL Manager.
No. ■_'.■ >ionl_'omrry Street, oppokllr I Irk
lion.-, fan Franclxra.
J. O. Hh-.liK.; Aurtloneer.
At U o'clock «., ou the prtniiscn,
About One Mile from Vacavillr, Solauo Co.
wb win siar,
By Order Executors Pierce Estate,
Long Credit and Easy Terms
of Payment,
ifHis OK S 4 LK One-third CtMfe : 1..-.1
-aoce lv Two and Four Yearn. In two
equal itaymcntß. Deferred i>.n im v.\* lo
bear Interest at the rate ol X per rent.
l-rr annuni, and (o Ite itrrnred l>y mort
nu'Af en tm- properly. Interest payable
These lands are located in the celebrated Vaci
Valley, in the very hiart of the fruit belt, which
pfy*ii<-*«, the earlittil and best fruit in the world.
The lands are surrounded by the elecant paying
orchards of M.s-r*. W. W. Smith, Eiq.. L. W. Buck,
Esq., M. H. Miller, Williim Cantelow, L»r W. J.
Dobbins ard others, to whom we make reference as
to the quality of the land we offer, aa we'! as to all
fruit-growers in Solano county, wholesale fruit deal- *
urs in San Francifco, Suvramento, and Eastern ex
porters. The property has the advantage of pure
water, j;ood ro»ds. low taxc->, near to schools auj
churches, aud the finest climate in the world, vitb
water communication at Suis-in and railroad direct
from Vaca to all points E~flt.
The farma will be sold in tracts from ten acres up,
and we specially invite the attention of email buyers
to this tare and sale. Special arrange
ments have been made tor ps.nied desiring to rlivi
the land. LJT
Ti. ki-ts for this deiishtfu! ivn^^pr c hail
at the offico of the Auctioneers for™»7o for the
round trip to Elmira and return ; tare on tho nar
rowg»uge extra to V'acaville, 50 ceuta. Comeyance
from Vacavillc for ail comers FMEK to view the
These lands will pay from 20 to Ml per cent per
annum on the outlay, and for tnut funds, or a safe,
sure investment, present to the capitalist, or per
sons of small means, special inducements.
Sale as Advertised, Rain or Shine, imple
Collation Provided for ail Comers.
«* Til 1.1. ■■—■■■■II if ■ I M i. ■■;•!
Doa'c rail io See this Laad Before tbe
Day of Sale.
KW For tickets, cataloiruea, maps, diagrams and
full particular", apply at the otticu of PACIFIC
LAND BUREAU, No. 2-2 Montgomery street.
Parties at a dintance will be sent "catalogues on
application, by mail.
! *»1<» . A r.l lUMIM.I .
030-MWF&swlawBtd Auctioneers.
m r^ IN THE MARKET ~3-'
2212.Z23 BUSH ST. SMi f IUNCI3CO. CAL.
a ■ ALUM
Cream Tartar anoßi-Carb.SoDtX
Newton Brosi Co.
c3-TuTr.SifA»iit'la tW
• - «
Elegant Presented
— i.t
Pariin Marblje^* X
From the <Jcli.l.r»t-M^^B
22 Post 3IH
o4 2p3mMWF

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