Newspaper Page Text
m\\ DAILY RECORD-UyiON. ▼ i^iGSDA#* !««»VKMBEK IS. 188* P> «* ADVERTISEMENT KEBTIOD. Land Auction, ecu- Vtcaville— To-iiay. Summons— Fredurick Gibeon. Wanted— Two sir!*. Wanted -Situation by a 13 year-old boy. Y. Ei. C— Party to night. Wanted— Cook. For sale— Hop land. Y. M. C. A.— Week of Prayer. Knulitt. o» Sherwood Forert— To-right. Hnsiness Aavertuemect. Mechanics' S-tcrc— Uoeierj' and lice curtains. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE A BRILLIAST CONSTABLE A few days ago • Chinaman had a Swiss cottage raided over iiii eye by aime " Melican man," who bm-oied him just for the fan of the thing. Jofca madj it b:e-!iue for District Attorney Bu^ldej's uffije to hava jmtice done in tha tireoiUee. He did not know the Dime if the uihu who bad hammered him. •' Could you point him uut':" " Oh, yes ; me know 'ici. I point ouf." " Very weli. I'll make the complaint ont against John Doe, then. But yuu must point out to the officer the man that stru :k yuu." Acordicg'y on that cumplatint a warrant against Joim l> ■ w»s lanwd by a magi«:rate and placed in the hands of a Qepuly Consta ble for service. Accompanied by the Chinaman, the offi cial with del-gated powtr started out, and presently on a public street, in the midst of a crowd, the damaged Chinamau espied his as sailant aud directed the attention of the Con stable to him. The officer made for the man like an arrow from a b>w, seized him by the collar and was marching him off to the lock up past hint*-, when the arrested individual protested. " Say, wbal'j the matter with you ?" "Oh, you come al mi;! —you're wanted." " Wanted?-here, let go my collar, will yon? What am I wanted for ?' " Why, tor i.itling this Cliinaiaao." " I hain't hi: no Chinaman, nur nobody ; I'm r,fi; t'i« man." " You aren't? Say, isu't'ycur Eaiae John Doe ! "JohnDoa! Not hj a long tight. No, BlTtre ; that's rot my name." "Oh !"' the c 'neclentious dep otf, "if y ur name hut 3Jhn D-ie, you can go." And he went, OCCIDESTAL BI.ILDISG AKD LOAN ASSO CIATIOS.—TLe Occidental Building and Loan Association, held tbeir annual meeting on Saturday a; the effi.-a of SweeUer & Alsip, on Fuusth street. The f jilowing named p?r --son-i were elected Directors for three years : E. Jacabs, E. M. Leitch and C. H. S'.evens. The following were chosen officers fir the ensuing year : E. Jacob*, Hribidctit; L. L. Lewif, Vie:-l Jrefi(hnt; E. K. Aleip, Secre- Ury; NatidoalGoU Bank of D. O. Mills, Trea^u.-tr; Freeman & Bates, Attorneys. The Secretary tubaiitted to the Association tii rixth annul report, which showa the amount ]i. r share that each series has earned upon the investments made. First teriee, £-!."> 68; fecond eerie.--. Sit 35 ; third eerie*, $4 21; fourth »:-ries. SI 09. The total value of hrst series of him!, is $85 GM per share; Becjnd series, £-)"> .'{"i per share ; third series, $28 21 per siiaie ; fourth series, §13 09 p;r share. Police Court —The following business was trf.ncactei ia the I'oiice Couit yesterday : Charles II us pleaded tuiity to petit larceny, and fentencsd to 100 dajs i^tha County Jai!. M. <I ■ «f, BlitdaSMMa?, an^itued until to daj. D. Faloooeit I >r, continued until to-'lr.y. Ke jaoe -v ! :>i Qa«, receiving Btoleu property, eontlimed to November 22J. Johanna Uagle, eutici i», tri;d l,y jury, jiry disa,;r«ti »nd o»s« c ■s<>»u6d. il^blt Jljaj ilton, vagrancy, dismissed. John Sullivan, illegil voiiiig, pi aded guilty, sentenced to pay a fine of $30. James Turner, illegal voting, sentenced to pay a nee of $30. Mable Hamilton, misdemeanor, pleaded guiity, judgment dif rrel until to-day. Ikcoepouateu. —Articles of incorporation were filed wi;h the Sacretiry of State yester day by tie El River and Eurtka Railroad Company. Directors —W. J. 3 tveasey, Will iam ('ars-in, J. W. H>nder.ion, .Joseph Bam, H. H. Buhne, John Vance, A. W. R»nd-.11. Capital pt'ck, $1,200,000, divided int«» 12,000 Bhi •^g*}'.i'j-:-ip:ii place of business, Eureka, I Cal.^tUn, by the Sup*riir Mining C> n paix-' ~:'iii -.1 i-'ocir, $10,000,000. Direct ors—Ucorzo C. Perkins, James li. SagKio, James C. Logan, Irving C. Stump, Lo us T. Hagpin. P.iLcipal pl&ca of ba»ints», Sau Francuco. Chakged His Misn.—Htnry Staff >rd arraigned in the Sup3rior Court some time since on an i:;f Jiumion for burglary, pleaded not guilty and demanded a jury trial. Yes teroay tho case waa cill-d ar.d the jury im par.tlsd. The defendant eurveved tne occu pants of the box and evidently came to the conclusion they wero not hi* "peers," for he immediately withdrew his plea of not guilty and entered one rf cuilty. H« then vuvkl tituo f,»r MAtaoea ar.d was ordered by the ' Court to be o.»ufia^,l in the Folsucu State l'tijon for a term of two years. The WoorjLAsn Militabt Comp.vst, Tli • Woodland ikmocnU says : The military company of this place have ordered fifty murktts from the State. An armory ia now badly needed, and i-. in to be hoped tbat they will securo one sjod, which thf y may do if tha proper exertiou is made. The neceesary amouat to erec!, the proposed armory and theater has not yet been raised, but can diubtlfsi be secured if they will accept the I assistance of private citizens. This now seems to be the only alternative. Freight to Aebive.—The following freight for Sacramento passed Ogden on the 11th in sti»nt : For Proct r & Uamble, 50C boxes can dles ; Ebner 8r03., ft barrels whisky ; Joseph Hahu k Co., 3 b>xcs drugs, 1 box glycerine, 1 box pocket-books ; A. A. Van Voorhies k Co., 1 box and 4 bales saddlery hardware ; Kirk, Geary & Cc, 2 boxes drugs, 3 boxes vicegar; W. A. & C. S. Houghton, 1 ca*e books; Gittm^nn & Wils .v, 1 case dry goods ; Hall, Lubrs & Co., 1 box vaulciDg. Fcnebal Of Majjii: Dbay, —The funeral of Mamio Dray, which took place in this city yesterday, wen attended by a very large number of people. The carriigea forming the funeral cortege extended f r a third of a mile. Thfl rl >ral tributes wer3 ma.iy, rare and beau if ul. A large number of her former KhooisaatM f KowM the iem.»i;'3 to their ! - r- , :.e. During the cuj tie flag on ti Uigt Schovil w« ut half m tit inmem <:y I :^ed. Bja^h < ■:•• .-i-j.-rvisous. —No bueinesawM traoaactad i- Lba Board cf Supervisors at tl- ir :■ • i ■■ i ■.."< week ether than the canvass 'I ■ • '■ ■ l the lecent e.'eclion. When tha »i,c ii ; • ' ii jo'crday, the Board ad jo. ;r^ed (or li>? term, bfttr which, as a Cun riii*,'(-e of :)•» Whole, Uh v pn c^eded to vieit 11- c! .in »*.i ix Di-trict. No. 407, lo examine Into the matter of tha petition of L. ('. RuMo tor an e-t .!;H-!;uii::it ol an independent rnirh>tn»ti v di*triot. Fiike Lias\KT liEPOBT.—The foKowiDg is tUe report of the Sicramtnto Free I/brary for the weikendiig N'ovembdr 11th : Number of books issued, 7">l ; notion, . r >7o ; biography, 17 ; history, 37 ; travels and adventure, 35 ; miscellaneous literature, 45 ; religion, 4 ; poe try and dra'i. i. 17 ; science and art, 23. Av er.*sre nnmb«r issued per day, *.0S ; percentage of fiction, 70. Granm Juet —The Grand Jury, which took a recess some lime since, will meet again next Monday at 10 A. if. It is understood I thai but little, if any. business will be trans acted, and the recess will be extended. The experts that were appointed to examine the books of the county othcers have not as yet completed the expcrling of the books ia the Clerk's office. Anti-Didris Funds.— Tho Board of Su pervisors of Yolo county yesterday appro priated $1,000 t 'waris defraying the expenses ot »nit» »>fi.ii«u«! Uie hydraulic miners, which are now being prosecuted under the direction of the Anti-DabhH State Association. Lati Abbzsts. — The following names were recorded at the Station-house last night at 12 o'clock: John Doe, safe keeping, by officer Karcher; Oiirer Olridgs, disturbing the peace, by '.Hie r Nasb ; Wm. Qailty, drunk, by Jones, local, Notabt Aitoktid. —GoTernor Perkins ha* appointed James A. VauEmon a NeUry Public for Placer county, to reside at Mick igan Bluff. Tfli great sale of bUck silk?, cashmeres and drap d'altua and oiher tine drefs goods, bought at a jo 1-., and now being dosed oat at Dearly i...rt their vrlue at t:.e Red Hoaw, cause- quiieaa^aw'/nzi" among the pecple. Crowds of pcopliKrere turned away yester day witksat befeg et tied; they must cail eatlier to avoij a rust. * | THE CANVASS COMPLETED. The missing tally- sheet of Liacoin School hou.-e precinct was produced before the Board of Supervisors yesterday by Supervisor But ler, and the canvass of the returns cf the re cent elec ion was completed. The total vote of the county, as Ukea from the pell lists of the various precincts, is 6 683. This is but 85 leas than the vote cast at the .Presidential election of ISBO. The official canvass does not change the result of the election from th&t heretofore pabl-shed in the Recobd- L'.mus. The Greenback candidate for As semblyman, J. IX Jos', received 97 votes, while R. ButtertieM and A. B. Burn?, can didates on the Prohibition ticket for the saice pieiii^n, revived, respectively, s8 and 121 votes. The votes given for other county can didatep, township and ci ! y officers, excepting that of SUte Senator, was published yester day. Following v given the totals of the vote for State Senators and State ami Con gressional officer?, as taken from the tally sheet of the Clerk of the Baard of Supervi sors : Governor— Estee 3 04S, Stoneman 3,248, McDonald 301, Mclj liddy 58 ; Lieutenant (iovercor—Conklin 3,423, D«i..:c 3,048. Simi l!? 4, Sweasy 73 ; JwliaMflapfMM Court —Hunt 3 546, Denson 3,'.Hn, Sharpstein 3,014, Ross 2,«6'.t, Temple CS, Branson 44, IStratton 63, Clark 61 ; Congressman at lai r ;e —Morrow 3,832, E<kert«n 3,640. Snmner 2.996, Glascack, 2 742, Hotchki-a 38, Yar nell 40, Chase Si, MavUll 71 ; Congressman, Secsnd District— Page 3,502, Badd 3,014, Coles 44, Woodward 70; Secretary of State— Pedlar 3,579, Tr.ompson 3 02!), Winchester 4fi, Summers 60 ; State Controller— Davies 3 817, Dunn 2, WO. Rice 148, Morse tt; State Treasurer— Weil 3.D55, January 2,tr>'J, Mul len 43, Keating 61 ; Attorney (ieui<ral— Hart 4055, Marshall 2, 559, Gould 44, Mrs. Todd 02 ; Surveyor-General — Mint . 3 752, Willey 2,747. Hill 152,Cathbertdon 68 ; Superintend ent of Public Inntruc ion— Waterman 3.879, Welcker 2,735, Giant 48, Slielhou* 70 ; Cierk of the Supreme Court — Qtem :> SSS. Mc- Carthy 2,981, Crowhurst 151, O'Toole 63; State Board of lvjuilizition, First Distric — Morehonse 3,7GiJ, Crutcher 2,742, Grten 150, McConnell 0!) ; Kjilrovl C mmiMiasMr, Spc oud District— Reed 3,623, Carpenter 2,873, Andrews 144, Elliott 03 ; State Sjnat >r— Johnson 3,092, R.utier 3 136, Cox 3 919 Manlove 2,!>3!i, Smith 82. The Board declared the result of the elec tion, which was tl:e election to the rarioui office? of the candidates heretofore aanouLCtd in thi RecobuUsion. It is low the dntj of the Cooaly Cl6rk to i.-=ue Certiti cates to the succo^aful ones. Joseph lloulur, Senator-elect, applied at once nud received a certificate bearing the golden seal of the County Clerk. CONCISE LOCALS. Emigrant paareopers to the number of 14'J will arrive from the Kant to-morrow. The Sacramento tiver has been falling for several days and now marks 10 feet r> inches above low water. A tlii; was at half-mast at the railroad shops yesterday on account c.f the death of one of the employ.?, Edward Huntoon. State Controller Kentield has drawu a war rant on the Stat« Treieurer for the sum of Sl'J,»>:H) in favor of J ,hn 1\ tiheUon on ac e mnt of improvement of wharves and docks in San Francisco. James Turner and John Sullivan pleaded Kuilty to the charge of att r.ipti: to vole illes&lly, in the Police Court yesterday, and weie sentecci-d to pay a fine of S3O eich or be confined thirty days in the Cou-ity Jail. - Yesterday a deed tiansfe rrins a tract of land on the American river of a fraction over 816 acres was recorded with th 9 County Re corder. The coneitiei r.tion was $32,281".. This i< located in the extensive hop land section. Itiarumored that some of the members of the Republican City OVntral Committee will make an attempt to have K. P. Wiemsyer removed from the committee, on the ground that he supported other than Republican candidates at the recent election. Atlanta, (ieo.-.b, wis burnt eighteen jesrs ac;o to-day by nrrier of General Sherman, iue bittUe tf Fayetteville, Arkansas, was fought November 15, 1564. 'General Curtis, of the I'nion army, defeated 'tneral Price, of the Uonfederata forces. Tv-day at 12 o'clock, noeo, there will be nbont 600 acres of fruit lanr.,' located abtut one mile fr> m Vackville, gold by public auc tiorj. The sile will take plan* oa the prem ist'K. The Und «i!l be sold in tacts from ten acre* up, and on f asy tstrns. Yesterday :n (be Police Cohrfc the jury in th» case of .roiiantia Hnele, cl f_-.d with en tiii •:', after a loas d;iiher»t# n, came into Cents r.nd r.auc.u'iced that th« mre unibl? to .-i;tej, anj wera disrltar^J. They stood ten for conTiotiaa std two fos^rqiii'.t*). At t» o'.iock yf-s'erdiiy rx<i rnitit? the thor . r itaod st 30 degtwe :wo dpgrei be low freaziitg, wb&« a l.eavy *Ute fr.- t. t c i.fsvlij.t l)f ibn »»»■!!, C07f,11 d lite H"'llL'.l. ant! i c t" t^e thi:kres<i of <«> tliirtv B-cocd of an inch was en shl low wster. OhaM s Uxijlan. la*« c»Jdi'latß fjr tie office of County Cietk, and tvho waa bea'en by but sixteen votes, when ksked ye^t^rday whether or not the rumor that he would de maad a rccoui.t wae true, Btated that he was aot prepared to say as ye* what aclion he would take in the antler. Mr". E. E. Chamberlain citce up from San Francisco l»»t evening, tfn<\ will leave on the overland train for the Ert !■ -ainht to ac inmi-,. .&>• the reuaaiiiit of he. »i-trr, Miss Ellen H. Kioaball, who died in Siu l'rancicco on the 13ih instanr, at the residence of Mrs. C. W. Crocker, who wasaUo a sister of deceased. The remains are to be takea to Michigan for interment. The several companies of the First Artillery R'gimeut located iv t l is city gave an exhibi tion drill at Armory Hall last evening. Tho I a'.talion drill was c ndncted by Luulensn'- Colonel Gothrie. The rfgiment waß then placed under command of Major McK-r, who formed it into line for dress parade. The usual drill exercises were gone through with, and received frequent applause from the large aefem'olege of ladies and gentlemen. A Republican Membeb of the Board oe EycALUATiOK Elected.— The result in the Sec wl District having been in doubt, e>pecially relative to the vote for Member of the Board of Equalization, there is here given the returns so far as received, including the official vote of Sacramento and Alameda counties. The official canvass of the vjtes of the otter counties canuot change the result : Crutcher. Morebouse Counties. (Dem.) (Rep.) AlameOa 3,! 95 5,129 Alpine 40'-r 1,400 1,167 CaUveraj 100 Contra Costa S7O BCI I 1 Dorado 225 Nevada. 947 l.ijw Placer 1,193 91C Sacramento 2,742 3.7WJ San J. aquin 1,7j0 1.fi30 luolumne 1,133 844 TjUls _.. 14,356 15,470 ■ ♦■♦ Salt Lake Potatoes !— Another large ia voice of Salt Lake potatoes jast received in fine order. Having rcptJe extensive purchases of S.ilt ]/.!■:_• potatoes, we are now prepared to till orJrts at the lowest fjuures and at ohort notice, ei'Jier in carloads or kss, to suit the convenience of purchaser*. T.ieso potates ara so well and favorably known that we !.ee{ not. H'eak aln^ut the qualily. D. Dcßeruardi &. Co., N*s. 308 and 310 X street.* A Mvstebt !— " How is it that you can Fell jrocllery »ud f>'a?s»Bre so much lower than olher stores, " is a queali >a asked by Lumeiou ctu'. !.:sre? We 6:L2p!y answer thit we are tiirect importers, are closing out our busine-s, aud consider profits at this time a secondary consideration. Ackcraiau &. Co., G29 J street. Be on time. * Ol'K RF.MNAST3 »re marked to close— many times at kts than ooat, in order to clear them all from onr count*. s Wednesday, November loth. Hale Broe. • Read our R mnant a ivertiaement in this issue. You will tind many desirable things *mong our remnant*) on Wednesday. Hale Bros. _ • B. Dennert r.;i- purchftsed the Rosedale Product) Marke'. from O'Brien Bros., and will »pen out in full blast next Friday and Saturday. • Humjkei s op People Lave attended the grand mm! tiu*i duain^-out sale of crocktry and glassware now going on at .Ickerman'x, 629 J (treat. This v a proof tha ; iow prices prevail. * Bk oa 9ms !— One week mnrs, and your chances of buying cr-ckery anil glassware, at the preset. t price*, will vaaisc. Tak warnint', and bring your ca^h to Ackerman k Co., 629 J sUeet. • It is generally conceded th»t Hale Bros, bavo adopted the trae w«y of di ;>• -1...- of reuinanta. * Remabkablt Ijow I'uicta |.Liced on .11 remnants for Weuotwjay, NovcLliber lotb, at Hale Bro«. Oss Thocsa>d Trve HcsoriA Remnants t ) be closed OJI 0.l W ii:.e*.l iy, alHala 8.-oe * Chfblet's Maflb Rcif, with Ichj, is nn rivaled (or census and cAdt. * SUPREME COURT. ; Calendar for Kovrmber Beulan—Sacra niente. MOSDAT, NOVEMBER 20TH. C n't meeU at 2 p. h. Mi.lior.s. hxdDiiiia'.inn ot applicants. Crimiutl ush. 10,740- -People vs. Mitchell. 10.77S— People vs. Brand. 10,7sl— Pei.ple vs Jordan. 10.753- People vs. Khettland. 10, 7S8— People vs. Solo. 10,7s J— People va. Fonj* Ah Sing. 10,7*)-People ye. Jardtn. 10, 79 j - People ye. Garcia. TCESHAT, NOVEMBEB 21ST. HF.I-AETMKXT O.NE. B.433— Batte C miity vs. Bavdstiin ct al. S.IM-Cox vs. Hivts. B,onJ— Morau vs. Abbey et al. 5,584-Or.dley vs. Boxgs ct al. fKI'AKTMIXT TWO. • Carney it al. vs. Arizona Gold Mininz Coinpauy b,47>— Colliell vs Corhin et al. 8,895- I>#an vs Viaiktnuorst etal. Wednesday. Jsoyemb-ir 22d. DHPAKTMEXT OXE. iv.'O— Vaudeiford var Foster. b.477— 0. P. K. K. Co. vs. Mead. B,so4— Hart vs. Specht et al. B,PC4— Montgomery n, Merrill et al. DtI'ARTMEXT TWO. 8,48)9— Doon tt al. \a. Teshct al. Ssos— C:«ry vs. Hazlett et al. 8,541- Julkn vs. Ban if. HiHH ll>>t« Bick Cun. M. Cj. vs. New basil Con M. Co. Thcrsdat, November 23d. DBl-ARTMfiXT O.SR. B,667— Wolford tt al. «. Lyon G. M. Co. 5,5»l — Peope vs. Pother. 8 ff!\i— Belcher C. and G. M Co. vs. LMarrare. SS.loi— Dunn vs. Dunn et a], Dpiamu two. a.422-Lyon & Co. vs. Crosby et al. B,4oo— Lohse, estate of. B,s7l— Karrei! vs. Joues et al. S,si2 — H vimltMii vs. J.-nesttal. 5.41-S- Weavervi.le and M. W. K. R. Co. ye. Board ol Suutrviei-rj of Trinity county. FuiDAY, NoVUBXB 24TH. l\' BANK. B,ll'J- Moi:lton vs. Park-. 7,9lß— Hawley .V lo vs. Cimpbell et al. 8,372 -<-. P. 1 li. Co vs. BhackeHont 8,050— 5-ljss vs. AUuaan. 8,4011 -L<.rentztt al. vs. Jacob. B.lS4— CapeaUr it |L \» W. and 51. 00. SaXDBDAY, NoVtMBU 251 H. j,'7j-l>diificc;. M. Co vs. Empire it Co B,o73— Pacini; G. M. Co. vs. Empire M. Co. B,37:i— lira.:; r! v . . Domyetu. B,37s— Cruss, Administrator, etc., vs. EeUerbaeb ct al. s.tSG— Cruss, Administrator, etc., vs. Zelkrimh ct al. Mobday, Novembbb 27th. S.olß— Dresbach vs. His Creditors. ■- ■ - . - Have* vs. Campbell et al. 0.85U — Pacific Life Insurance C i. vs. Stroup -.-■ "i - ll.wleu vs. Milier. b,^4."»— Bitnett vs. Sims. TI'ESDAY, XOVEIIUER L'STH. mnmin os«. EUS7o— Horgaa vs. Arrick. -WiUard, fe.niiniatr.ti r, vs. Archer. ".'■! "■— iikrsoiou \d. Btavtoa. -..:::ii — CarroU vs. BcUlur. S,UIS-Faris et al. vs. Merritt ct al. IVIAKTMB-M TWO. a. 3:17 — Carey vs. Bn.wn. 8,421 — Bin fa, MeKune et «J. 6,432—1 ierce vs. Schad.-n et al. ,-.401 -Ode. l ctal. vs. Wilx.n tt al. ;\."»?J— M'tebell vs. li 1 i,,,:, tt aL Vl iIISLSIIAY, NoVhMBEB 21ITH. I)Ki'A':TMIM OXE. >,"■ 'ij— Jackson ra. Bcckman et al. .-.(i.l — Qnn vs. odd Fellows' Savings liauk. B,632— Occidental B. aud B. Association vs Sulli van et al. 3,437 -Fraz r vs. B;>rlow et a!. 8,038 -SuiitU vs. Hill. UEPAKTMKNT TWO. B,( W OapUaJ Bavtap Hunk vs. heel et a. s u,\i Daanii 1 1 aL ra, Winter. B.«7ti-Esiat-; of Ktllj. 8,676 Pi opl« n. Bagar. B,«iS4 -Ktciamaiion l>i»trict No. ICS vs. II .fir. SUPERIOR COURT. Tiksuav, November 14, lsdi, Diuvartvkxt On-Onn, Jm!^'. S. PaWr vs. L>. W. Wilder— Case c ntinued to December 20th. The People vs. Henry bUff jrd, information for burglary — Pkaded guilty. Sentenced to two years in tne r'olsoui Suite l*ri-on. Angelina Bfittm vs. L.wis Roasmin— Order sus taioinf deiuuiiei. Tea dajs to amend compliint after nobca. Sherburn & Smith v*. Frank Swift- Judgment in favor of plaintiff-, f _.r y -s-.-ri ■■.! of property, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. G. W, lJa:.c Mk wen; to Stockton ycsterlay. A. G. Br&duer, or Kai:s.>s 'Jiiy, h In Sacramento. D. B. Go^iii 1 , of Auburn, is rWtang in (FowUaadL Thomas J. KrymiUs, o! siu Fmieisc), is in the citj. Mrs. !'r. Pratt, of Oaklulid, 19 visiting fritniia in Gait. H. 6. Kv-ard'Hi, of Nev.i !,i Qtty, m iv : iic.-auwutu yeanniiiy. Mrs. M. W. c*Kjley f of l.oc'uin, is on s \isit to Sac-rantunt t. Edward Cunimiu^s, of San Francisco, is stopping in Smem ' .1. S. Brouiiev, the evangclLt, of San Francisco, is stopping 1:1 the city. • L. C. Deon, of El Dorado, arrived this morning f rum the Eastern Stu: c*. Miss Carrie Bltk, Mrs V,". C. Ellis and 8. H. Foun tain, of Dixon, are stopping iv ton, F. M. Campbell, Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, came up from San FlMMlbuo jesttrdiy. The silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. David Fisher, residents Of tbe vicinity of Gait, was celebrated last r'liiwy ll l ll nil l§ Albert IhlirtHl and wife and Charles Robin and •rife arrived ban late 00 Tuesday evening by the Southern Pacific route Frank Darmx, engineer of Engine No. 1 of the Sacramento Fire Department, will leave to day for a tA'i wt\k»' visit to San !'iin'j. Mr. and Mr?. 11. M. Albrulit, pfeaaat residents of Ued Bluff, celebrated their tilver weddiug last Fri day evening. Tliey wore the recipients of nag valuable aud ap] ropriate presents (rora their friends. K. B. Still, Sin Luia Obispo ; Mrs. Dolman, Whiatland; Dr. J. Caples, Foleom ; Miss C. B. I'as ten, J..cint.>: P. H. Walsh, Vallejo ; John D. La Munte, E. M. Lubertich, M. E'soi^berir, San Francis co ; Herman Bock, Dutch Flat ; W. R. Long, fcl Do ra o, are stopping in the city. Naomi Chapter. No. 30, Order of the Eastern Star, held an invitation party at Jacobs' Hall last evening. Dancing was continued until a lite h.,ur. William Petrie ait.d as tl >or • irector an<i J. W. Boyd, Geo. Phillips and rrtu. Uemle were managers. The members of tho Committee of Arrangements were Mrs. J. Domiugees, Miss May Stanton aud J. Hur ley. A number of manors and mi*>es, friends and playmates ot Lottie, the youngett daughter . :f Mr. and Mrs. James G. Davis, gathered at the family residence on M street lust evening, the oeeasiou beinj; the eighth birthday o( tho little lass. The youngsters enjoyed a happy* sea-on, and kept up their fun until considerably beyond their '.lsir.i bed- ' time. State House Hotel : Peter Green, Courtland ; Guy TayL.r, J. Marshal 1 , John Dickey, T. Davis, J. Da vis, Plyiuon b ; Wm. ffioka, Hiciisville ; R. K. Ship ley, Mrs clrcklpy, A. Korn, San Francisco; Geo. G. Gilbert, Lamb's Bridge ; James King, S. N. How ell, Umumnca ; Charles Arvedson, wife ard two children, Clarksburg; li. D. Eeckley, Walnut Grove: U. S. Wilbur, Buckeye Ranch; W. C. Al ford. El Dorado c»unt> ; T. J. Stephenson, W. T. 8U i en.-on, Fr.r.kiin ; Phil. E. Drescher, Nicolam ; Ge>. 11. Irg' air, Plicerville; K. C. BcJell, E. D. Comer,^viile; Bin Sampson, Florin ; E. Pick ett, tlk Grove. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. SATiRK*r, November 1!, 16;2. Kstatc of .1. 11. Hooker, by executor, to Etarr W. Eirl- L ii.B (i ami 7 in Uook hounde.! by ('.. H, Tvven ty-fUth and Tweuty-sixt'i strceti, city ; J>oo. Moxdav, November 1:1, 1332. November !) — o»rrie Siay Itc»e t.j Lilliau F Eruner— >orth half .of lot 4 in block bounded by 1", y. Tenth and Eleventh streets, city ; *.;uo. <>ct .her 4— Pl, cube I). Arnold to Henry Slenznl — No-th hilt al e« a t qoartsrol east qaartsr of section 12, t nrnship 7 nnnu, ranse B ciit ; i;rant. N..\.mher iO— Willi-jiii Bi.rchrs to C F Wiil iams- Lm 6 in block buui.d il ay G, H, Twenty. third ai.d Twenty-fourth streets, city; *i 75. HaT«Bk*rll Ootaasi istaen. by gasn&n, te O W. Harlia — teatfa hnil ..f 1 1 1 in Modi bannded by M, H, »cventecuth and K'uhieenth streets utv ■ i.'.'i. • ' Nuveir.bcr 11— Geo. W. Martin to E. F. Breinine— i: M half of snuth half of lot 1 in block bounded by SI, N, Seventeenth and Lighteemh streets, city • grant. Nnvemlter 13-Jaspcr H. Bell et al. to Richard Wes' lake— l6o acres of tne Kio de log Ameiii-anos grant, ami located in township S north, range li east : $3,000. TrtKDAY, November 14, ISB2. November 13— John R.wney et al. to Anton Mciiki- pHllmi of section* 11. I ', ]:t and 14, town ship 8 north, range 5 east. 215 U 100 acres ; t32,2«5. October 28— Slutu of California t.j Carl Wind lu':! er— EU t half of section 36, township 9 north, rang.; 7 east : nat. nt. November 11 -I'eriey Watoon ct al. to Sacraments Ii -nk— South ■ feet, of north half of lit S, also ea*t 7 feet of south 20 feet of north half of lot 6 in block h .undid by L, M, Ninth and Tenth streets city : 1100. Incurring a Tremendous Risk. They incur a In mentions risk who sojourn or pmigra'e to reside in districts where mala rial disease U prevalent, without medicinal means of fortifying their sjstetiis againdi the lerisidic sconrge. The danger to biliotH sub ject*, acd to those who lack bodily Btamina, is particularly feru-m. A preventive and cun'iva agent of knr.wn anti-malaria efficacy «hon'd he frequently r»;d and constantly kept at hand by each persons ; and on none c.n they rely with unch certainty of pro t- cti >v and aid ua Hottetter's Sccmach UH t .-- Tli'-- gracd specific roots ont every v«s!ige of the rr.aiari il piison from the syi te:>', and ea'o»i< it with an aairurt of vital »t;'ivicy and le-wiiin;; p w?t that nullifies the iuß i" >.« ol mi»sir.». Is als> pr•3ven^s and itm» i a disorders n{ t!;s n'.oma^h, taweU ur:.i liv>>r, w^iirh are pwti-tsiarly prevalent in ■abriow rpgioc?, ac-i U aa lac ;dj parable Ksaer-l icvjfjojin;. TtaU. Can you find a cue of Bright's I)is»ape of the Kidney*, Diabetes, Urinary or Liver Complaint that is curable, that Hop Biters has not or cannot cart. ? A»k your neighbors if they can. MARRIED. S»n Francisco, November 13— Charles W. Boswoith I to Sarah Williams. San Frauciao, November 13— Andrew J. Coffee, Jr. ' to Edith Hint. in. Sau Francisco, November 11— Gudbrand P. Erl&cd- I ten to Soph'c Halkcns. San Francisco, November 11— Edward E. Eldridge ta Mariraret Peebles. San, November 12— Edward E. Johnson to Lilian Owers. San Krancifco, November 11 — Ncls Lindl>er< to Johanna M. Anderson. San Francisco, i-epteraber 23— Charles H. Redmond ! to Mrs Mary Br»dj\ San F»»nciec.>, Novenbar 12— C. ft. K^binson to Sarah F. West. San Frar.?iik'a, November 12 — Fdward I. Wolfe to Leonora Lippman. San Francisco, October 25— James A. Cariy to Bcu lab A. Bovnton. San Francisco, November 12— Louis Franklin to I Ortency Lovie. San Francisco, November 11 — Michael Kl&ssen to Eliza J. Guil'nane. Sai Francisco, November 9— Edward Liebtcher to | Caroline Brodbeck. San Francifco, November 11 - James A. McCorkle to Annie E. Marshall. Sin Francisco, November 9— George Scherer to Mrs Josepha Schmidt. BORN. Mm* Alt*. October 21— Wife ol William Powell, & daughter. Greeaville, October 31— Wife of 1 . J. Hanson, a son. Near Maxwell, November 7 — Wife of Jatuou M^Dtr- Ml- 1 1 , a(I . U.'t, !•■■". Maxwtll, November 9— Wife of Williaai M tir.itlr, a sun. DIED. Sacramento, November 12— Edw. Huntoon, a native of New Hamjishire, M years and 5 months. [Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invite.] to .ii . - Ti.l the funeral, which will take place from his late ttUmm, >i\:h street, between M and N, this afternoon at 2 a'clock.) Sacramento, November It— John Reel, a native of Muryiind, US years, 11 months and 3 days. [Friends and acquaintances are ies|>ectfully invited j to attend the fuuera', which will take place from I his late res.d. nee, southeast comer of Seventeenth 1 G lilwU, this ajternoon at 2:30 o'clock.] Qrutfl Ranch, near l'inu Grove, Placer county. November 13 AndrMl Grant, a native ol County Wlddow, 1r.1'.:,d, G3 jcars. . [Friends and **f * 1 iimh nre respectfully invited to attend t'ue funeral, which will take place from his kt2 reside nee, tUi morning at 10 o'clock ; I thena: to the new church at I.ocklin, where ', servioea will be held.] San PraeUoo, November 13— Ellen H. Kimball, 45 years. Ihemains will lie taken to Michigan for iutenncat. l Franklin township, Novnibtr 11— AaJteas Mithi sen, a native of Denmark, 00 years aud !> mouths. Near I'ittville, Cal , October U- David Smith Roirerf, 90 years. •■.•:■{.. v Brpori. For the week ending November 11, ISB'.', made by S. 11. Calbwki.l,, Superintendent of the City Cemetery. Ortice at the Chagwl, City Cemcterj' : November 4— Mabel E. Bush, 1 vear, 3 months and j Odays ; dlifornia. Peier N. Jurirens, 13 rears, 7 I months and IS days; California. Mary Kuhne, B years ml 4duys; Gcrmunv. John Tanaman, ! 4'.) years, 10 n; >mhs and "0 days: (Jermunv. Krederika J. Jienze, 10 moi:ths and 13 diya ; Cal ifoniia. Wfrmmtinrfi fltthirlrin TilimHl. M rears, 4 months j a', .l ■> d»ys ; Germany. Infant eon of G . and i> i ljvenson, I dsjt; California. Hong Yee, Bl ; yaul ; China. Nnvea.lter <; -Milton Stlomoa, S years and 1) days ; : California. M;ici;ie fcilen Waters, 1 year, r»mnnthd i and -1 days; Callfomia, Ldi;a B. Itn.ll, u years and '.'da^s; Calif ornn. Jnlui Brady, Jj years,!! months an. Hi days ; California. November 7 Alfred Johns, n» yean, lfl months and 11 da\ s ; Miee<uri. Charles i'ohn, 53 jears and ■! niontlij; Oermany. Novt;:arit>r S— Wm. McCauley, 13 years; Canada. l'nucis Burn?, (i days ; California! Besides the above tliere were brought here for in tenuciit the following : November 2 —Edward Perkins, 33 >ears ; New York. November 4— Joint T. McLau^hiin ; 25 jearo, 1 month and 1:"> days; New York. ■\Yei De Unfltt Catabbh Cube Absolutely curen nccfil<»<, rniniog noftrila, .iistrcs^erf breatbinir, pains over the eyes, and all catinhal symptoms. SI. of all drusrgis'.p. I!;ii'}'» Wnrnlne. Whon bahv has piini at dead of nijht, M-.tht r in a iri^iit, fathrr in a plight ; W hi : worms do bite, bibv must cry, If fcver s-.tJ in, biby may die. If cr.-upv pttfau I^eonora, In hrrnefl thercV no ('HMorla, For motheri team vHhnot delay, Ca^litrla ftirt's hy n-^[,t and i!ty. lil imVWK "■■"■ l ' ■ — —^ — »—^— i ii I ME.MS! FARMS ! FOR SALE ISV SWEETSER & ALSIP, — — iSD— INSURANCE AGENTS, No. 1015 Fourth street, !.l I' i. S J *M» K, S.U'RiHiiMO. <••■•■ or i." I Arres. In Itntle connty. Ihrtr miles from Bwi^' Station, beinjr property" of MARION r.IGGS, Jr. Is the best (Train, fruit nr aifalfa land in Butte county ; is well timbered ; with pood large dwelliie, barns, blacksmith shnp, tools, erinnry, eto. Will Kxciunor is Part for BWHMI is Oakland or .-m i:amkn ... AU*O A Good Dairy or Hop Banrli or 137 Arrro, on Sacramento rivtr. Two go>il dwel'ii gs. baixs, Btable ; is well timbered ; has a few hop poles on place. WiM be gold fur Ijw price of $10 per acre. | Hop and GrHln Ranch oT 4OA Acre*, ob CoStimues river ; 2jO acriS of fine bottom la d. Fine I mSt !: i-ic'-. of 1G!) Arn •, s!lcslrd 7 miles from Sicramento; !":...■. ia orcharJ, :i acres in blackberries, 4 acres in strawbnri ies, 2S acres in vineyard ; *t.»iu engine and pump for irriKatins; ; irood bui!dins«, e'c. This la me of the best ruit ranches on the plains. Price, 410,000. Terms i.f payment easy. AL«O Small Farm i.r 20 Arrr«, Pt-nryn, with SOO fruit trees, of all varieties; 1,000 c;rape vines, 1,600 blackberry ."id I,< on raspberrv liushea, all in good beariujr condi:ion. Frice, Farm of 1« Arrrn. 1-1 Mile of the fity— SOS fruit trcrs, &MB foreign grapes ; dwelliue, barn, etc. Price, $3,000. HWBtltfE dt ALSIP. Hamißinito. Peruvian Bitters! (CINCHONA KCBRA.> TBE r J\:> ." BITTERS IN THE ffOEl.Il TIHT I?TICTCAL!.T CT 1U MALARIAL DISEASES! Vitalize the Svstera. »n-i arrest the ravines of th« d."taJJul Alcohol iiabit, " DIPSOMANIA." tS~ t«k your l»rnz«l»t or ITlnr|f rrrhant for : U--i. all 3pCm CHANGED DAILY FOR MECHANICS STOBE. I 1* * * *~* * * ? tut tit t : :JAA±LHH±t_ltj±t± I I Weinstock & Lubin. H - | J-» ** * * ».jJ.-LLL«.jjL*_»j"«-J_L*-*-*JJ-»r*'«'? : * *^« i t :TTTTT WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Jo, IS B2. •*■*■» TEHPEUHTIUE. F.TEXTS OF THE DAY. Tejiperatthk Yestkedat : Fir3t E C gi iB h PtribMt, 1213 Highest, 55 Speaking trumpet invented, 1552. Lowest 37 Sun RLsee, 0:41 A. v I'EJIPERATURK CoERESPOHDING DAT. 18«1 : San Set*, 4:49 p. M . „. . Moou Ilisea, EfclB A M Ji^aes^ (W Moon Sonth» 3:5« p m. 5 ' 45 Day's Length, 10h. OSiniii. Up to the time of putting this into the printer's hands, there has been a strong trade in the HOSIERY mentioned yesterday, and we doubt not that the HOSIERY is destined to stay with us but a very short time. Still, we believe that on account of the large quantity originally on hand, that enough will remain over until TO-DAY to insure something of interest to almost anyone who may come. As far as we have observed thus far, every one has gone away pleased with their purchases,. strengthening our belief that there is no better advertisement than giving floods too TOod for the monev. CIT We have recently increased our stock of LACE CURTAINS, adding new grades, at new prices, besides improving to the utmost of our ability the quality of the goods kept at old prices. Among the late style, low-priced goods, we show SETS, with Pretty Borders, Scalloped and Tape-bound, at $2 85 per set. Similar goods, in better Laces, come at $3, $3 75 and $5. An ECRU LACE CURTAIN, at $8 50, in delicate, chased designs, is a sample of our good values in the finer grades of CURTAINS. We also call attention to our WHITE CUR TAINS, at $10 50 and $12. In CURTAIN LACE by the yard, we have a varying assortment, which reaches its highest culmination in a very fine quality, at $1 25 per yard. On account of the width of this LACE, it is well adapted to bow windows, and a peculiarity of it is, that while the pattern is light and graceful, yet it will be found to be a very strong and durable CURTAIN. &" We also have a full line of LACE LAMBREQUINS. LADIES' HAND-SATCIIELS, in Seal sUin, Seal Leather and Plush Facings, from $1 15 to $8 GO. SATIN-CORD GIMP, in leaf patterns, without jet, 45 cents, 70 cents and MECHANICS' STORE, Nos. 400, 402, 404, 406, 40S K St., Sacramento. MISCELLANEpg?. •»f<»l;i:i;. AJU DCALEU4 IN LIQUORS, Nos. 1016 and 1018 Second street, between J and E, Sacramento,. ii&rJß WATCnnAOEK ASB OETTEAEft. SSB J ST., BET. SECOND axd THISS fc."'^ •ST Dealer iu WATCHK3, JE^V EUtT AND DIAMOND?. Rs^ililujf In »li Its branenca a idm-" ur ier Mkl. yLOB£RG. Agent for Rocfrford TTatcfe fcTirJay? aulMpiL • 1 I Importer, ilin'.i;i;::urar, Wiiolesa'e and R««jil i;ealer in every doMrißtl^n oi -f • FXJIRISriTURTCandBIGDDIIsrG Xos. «»t. 6M and 80S it street, bet. Slslli and SevealJi. Sacmnteata. an7.jr>-_- J - c^^a^A. vis' NO. 411 K STREET, SACRAMENTO, fc^ter* S^^^^ VUOLE3ALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN PARLOR. BED AND DINISG-^B FURNITURE and CARPETS LITEST PATTKUNS •> LI\OLFI H 4^l, OIL (LOTUS ALSO, A LAMB ASSOiTT- JtK\T OK CIKTAI\S, SIIIDES. < OCMCK.H, ETC. MhJfaVth^ 1 wiu^a I;heu°^va^e1 ;heu°^va^er i " Uine ""^ *■* °' "f" "^^ ' ~ Country Order* .-H.llrUr.l. and Sallsfarllun CnxranteeJ. o_ SOMETHING^ NEW! UNIVERSAL FASHION CO.'S PERFECT-FITTING PATTER? f ' 13" LADIES SHOULD BE SIRE AND SEE THEM LEKOUE BLYI.NO OTIIF.K K'.NDS tl Send Stamp for Catalog-. GEO. l>. ALrMOM>, 80(»Jst,, bet. Eighth and Xintb. BI^U^TONEMBLUESTONE! 7^ — FOK SALE CHEAP— y'V ua.Tr i3p^rsrrz?s' x>xctt<3- stok , \ r ■ <i. SF.B TE"STII A\S» J STEEETf*. i^.^] c .««,.».«.■.■-.■ jnfcggb^fc^fcg H j, esm»CSls— l— Sl— — — — ■"'-" » -^t-^na^^i^T^T.-^rTCTPrnrvtra ONE MORE WEEK, AND YOT7K CSC.A.BS-OJEI or China, Crockery AND Glassware, At the present prices, will vaiiiUh. TiKS WARNING, ANC GOVERN TOBIBILYK iOOOSDIlB! 1 r Ackerman & ■ Nos. 629 and 631 J street. Sacrameai t£T Our Stores will close :il 7 P. M, <*Hturdam c\r* . ■- . _i_ J. J. Spieker [) R Q Q *3 J "°"""%f P S "" G-xr»r»i :"Kißf OEARYTco' — ~~ wmnmnuM a»« bstau • NJ-: I II • ■ '.» AMKKICAV Breech-Loading Shotguns, DIWG 3 > Winchester Rifles, no. 416 j stheet. Hunters' Supplies, DIRECT IMPIKtT-IRS OF kir bali bt UrH^., Cbenilral i, Proprle- jm,, tory Arllclev, »•«!..■••. fcv^ ; tllit.l^rfhUl'V^L.t Toilet and Fare P.iwil-r». His '^ IMC 108 s< * ap - «»"»"•"«•• = S s^* iIVEI I II«U I j Tooih, Kail, ciou-., ntuJjiggaigL fknd Flesh l-r>.»li ; Ttn«> «», Supno'ter,,<l«r Rrares, Sllk ypOK BIL-iQ S c PH •I*»UePloekiDß<.€«l «ia»«w«r*. oMr< flUa lASSvO Ot UUll Hurt Perfume C»wh. etc. SACKAMEXTO ASD BAS FKARCISCO. OUR STOCB OF TOILZT REQUISITES ! A GENTS FO R Will be round tqua! M that kept ?,-. rn (loose lii ittr Mate. CALIFORNIA AND HAZARD PRESCRIPTIONS AND Powder Companies fam ly recipes — — i . Prepared bf f mp«-teut pbarmart i- FOR S ALE C H EA*. CRACKERS &GOSFECTIGHB? iliSmmcr fall-w), ntar Swiss Station, [our-*- i.vjCU^O.IN'ACR.^CKK:; CuIKAKT miles from Sacramento. Mm, ?6,000, if sold «oon '.V >lu .£R ACKERS Mid at lo» in fitvnr of Also, FSSHER S CBOId also C"NFK.'.TH>,v? . at lowest market rat** ai; Mat FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN! T ° MY OfcO_PKWOIW. IKTILL OFFER KY VALUAULK O I ... J*j£ K u'-'«rtun»te .»" to r cquir . U..1-.W, eoDtabaog nine roomn, hath. citvP!^| With a mind Diature i ai.d enriched by stu - VBtar, gas cement walks and cellar M»d Pljt »J v a''«'l or^-tr, I can eafeiyeay that there i- Ktahle. Let Soxl6o, all above grad.-, BituitT^R a lllftaBt in '•'« of human ills (hat 1 can- Twenty third gtrcet, between G and H. ■•* ' ' r c^ to * .-I LADIES -1 am al«i-.s reatiy to a§ei»t y.--. M _____ past knowledge has been increased by 'tx'.< i!Siv"-> experience. lam now able to treat you wtttb tb« W^^ certainf; of success. Ko case peculiaj to jour ueil ETb un| I ?* Rfl A K^ cate onranism is beyond my sure control L) i'3 1 1 f* IU 1v« im M > |l ' ema l« Monthly Medicines are superior s- Uf • ■ ■ vUbblllili'Jl offer.-. 1 heretofore, and will be warranted to h-iu ' desired effect in all cases.. 32. 1 ) J Street Daeramento Those of the public who need my Hnka ■ pend upon gcntlcinuily, honorable _-d I ■ ■ ■ ■* #% g ~ treatment at renaonabEe rates. I HI I «3 t^s'Sf ftfl I address particularly those who have bwa in All I L* mA K * _o> A nfl inre:l by y-.uthful indiscTotions, and tho.': If\ **" pi k.l f\' g Gi ♦■%• have contractwl lm-al dUea«c« f |Jj II »"*_. A L*^ Persians afflie'ed can, tf they prefer, consul; me ill IV* Cl r*- v ' ettcr . detailing the symptoms of the dim a&u or 11 1 U» P F> trouble, and receive medicine by exj-rms, wil full r ** Mil _(•_._ tußtructions. All le'.tere must be directed to J. H. ppiQC" t_|\Jf ijTS JOS_KLYS, M. D., 228 Butter itieet, San Francis f»r •(>! «.■!•. COII»*, AHTHHA. BHeX- f,,, book. Comfortable apartments fjr clients at CUITIH, IKOI'P. llLriKZl, CATABKH, my Infimiary (when desired^ with uperienoeU L T _?_________! T!. 111 ; 111 «—"-»«•■. nU Sn",u.Ut.on Parlor,. __, M. rtrect, adjolnlu an«l all DUea»efi or the Throat an 1 Longs, the Ycung Men's Christian Association BaildLnr. Ask for the California Pulmonary Eatsaaa (tßceh-um— From 9 a. «. toSP. B. and k. .o other. SJxK l^^STpb^^SFMarh.,,. ar r.«,D bt ___Ti^p«__» ■« For *" by^ "^ 'lE J«nun. m. »• Jy7-3plm eJ.IR.G-ates&Co., "miss minna fleissnsr." PROPRIPTOHS TIAfURR 0? yiT7 a PRoPaiETORs, _ VOOAX. MUSIO 41/ baDsome St., can Francisco.) xo. m« Tweinn ktr«et, bet. k a««i i. i:2-<!,fc«| I t!4nwtfWS I -tl4-Ui mm NEW FURNITURE! gp^ COSiiISTINO OF FIXE PAhLOR AND BKPIIOOM SETS, IB VBXAI VAEIMV.— AL3 :-:i ;'.•■ Pieces, Bedding, etc W. D. COMSTOCK, Cor. Fifth and K streets. , I3p ,