Newspaper Page Text
DAUY VNION HEBIES— TOt. ITIV.-NO. 10.021. * * DAILY BECORD AEBIKS-TOE.XXTII.-aO. S«*.>*>. ! THS DAILY RECORD-UNION. Entered at the Post Ofite at Sacramento as second class natter PUBLISHED BY THE • Sacramento Publishing Co. Publication O fflce, Third St., bet. J and K. THE DAILY BECOBD-FXIOX b published every day of the week. Sunday, excepted. For one year .'.. I* JJ For six months. - J ***) For three months 1 W " Subscribers served by Cai-rleß st ItmiS Ozj-ts per week. In all interior cities and towns the paper can be had of the principal Periodical Dealers. newsmen and Agent**. Advertising Bates In Dally Beeord-Vnlon. One Square, 1 time. • $1 00 One Square, tlme«. 175 One Square. 3 times. a SO Bach additional time. SO 1 Week. 3 Weeks. IMonth Half Square. Ist pace *2 60 $3 50 $5 00 Half Square, 2d page 3 50- £00 8 00 Half Square 3d page 300 4SO - . 600 Half Square ttb page 2 00 8 00 4 00 One Square. Ist page. 3 50 5 00 7 00 One Square. 2d page 5 80 00 10 00 Cne Square, 3d page 4 00 00 8 09 One Square, 4th page .3 00 100 -6 00 Star Notices, to follow reading matter, twenty-five Oents a line for each insertion. Advertisements of Situations Wanted, Houses to Let, Society Meetings, etc., of ny« likes or Lisa, will be inserted in the Daily Record-Union as follows : One time. ...IS cents Three times. SO cents One week.. 75 ceut' Seven words to constitute a line. . - . THE WEEKLY TKOX. . L, : Il the cheapest and most desirable Home. News and Literary Journal published on the Pacific coast. Xetms.One Year '. $2 00 Weekly Enlon Advertising Bates. Half Square, ltime $1 00 Each additional time SO One Square, ltime 2 (10 Each additional time 1 00 WANTED, LOST AND FOUND. Advertisements of five lines in this department are ■serted for 35 oents for one time ; three times for 50 ■ . ' ' r. Mats or 75 oents per week WANTED— BY THE CAPITOL PACKING Company, 200 women and girls to work in their factory. Those desirous of work will please call and give their names in at the office, 1109 Front Bta-eet. - . - ml7-lm WANTED. — — — A WAITER FOR NEVADA, WAGES, $10 TO $50, fare paid ; 3 waiters for. the city, $30 ; also 6 men to hay ; 3 milkers, 130 ; a milker and butter maker, $30 to $35 ; 3 ranch hands, $30 ; also 6 men to grub land, $1 per day ; 3 woodchoppers for Stove and four-foot wood, $1 50 per cord. Female— girls for housework, city and country, wages $12 to $25 ; also girls for various other work. Apply to HOUSTON & CO.'S Employment Office, Fourth and X streets. Sacramento city. aulS-lotl **""""**-*********"*********************""****"***-~~*-a_»_w_w_»___w_waa_»i fel 0. m 1 *"9*B" ■ f or Canvassing I I*3? D SI L ■Outfit Freo. SlO IWWKE h I" ta $ -° per <- a at jf of 111 1 am ■homo or traveling. i Address, FaMILY JOURNAIIT A Ti M \#H Publishing Co., 532 ciajfl I H■ jj U I| Street, SAN FHAHCISCO. C* -^^J^_*^^^^J TO LET FOB SALET A£*ret-Ue«--aents of five lines in this department are ta*. n-.'. for C ' Vents tot osa time ; three times for V) eanta cr 75 cents per week. TlffORE FRESH MILCH COWS FOR ■*>*«—- J" sale at SARGENT'S ranch, oneniile jf^f south of the County Hospital. ml2-2w3Tu' FARM FORSALE— THE MUSICK RANCH.-**--. JL beautifully located, and nest piece of land CT on Capital Hill, three miles from this city, 18"*--"""" offered in small tracts to suit buyers. For terms inquire of CARL STBOBEL, 321 J street. mlO-lw* FOR SALE CHEAP. ONE OOOD SECOND - HAND OttkEEEE^M \J Oral d Square STECK PIANO, at S>_SS4*l L. K. HAMMER'S Music Store, 820 JJ I # fit street, Sacramento. m5-lplm MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, AT A MW RATS 07 IN- \J tesort, by PETER BOHL Sit J street. fel7-*J ■ ■ ■—-»■—--—-■—■ WILCOX&WHITE ORGANS — waumooKS or— — 3C*_ sac. WKJk —■—-» R**. fi« J st-reef,- tacr-uu-iate MTBcld on the installment plan. Ord-***! tor * TPNING promptly attendM to. ani* l tolni STAR MILLS AND MALT HOUSE NEVBOTKS * LACES, "VTO3. SO. M AND M FIFTH ST., SACRAMENTC, J^* dealers In Produce and Brewers' Supplies, Man- ufacturers ot Malt and all kinds of Meals ; Oatmea', Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flonr, Buck- wheat Flour, etc. New Grain Bags for sale. Agent* or Bnrkeve Mills V -or MarvavOJe fel 7-lp EBNER BROS., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AND UQCOCB. ... Kos. 116 and 113 X street, bet. Front and Second, Sacramento. Agents for the Celebrated _■ Pornmery & Greno Ohampagne * lplm ■= -• , ; ....- D. DIERSSEN, JXIIy,,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries aud Provisions of descrip- tion. Southeast corner of NINTH AND I. BTREETS. Goods delivered to Railroad Depot and all parts ol the City Free of Charge. Catalogues sent ra request. . -- ■ ml*3-tf WATERHOUSE & LESTER, i* -■-. '-X. , — MPORTERS or— '%KTjOm O- OET . x.-crn-aES-Ei:E& AND CARRIAGE TRIjUUHQS, Nos. 708 and .10 J street...... Sacramen ta. Nos. 18 to 22 Beale street, San Francisco. No. 159 Front su-eet... Ui-tfl New York Use Dr. Kala's Celebrated French RHEUMATIC REMEDY. JOSEPH HAHN A CO., SOLE ACENTS, CORNER FIFTH AND J STREETS. m - IS. A. WOLFE, PHOTOGRAPHER, AGAIN AT HIS BUSINESS, WITH EVERY, J\_ thing new, and no advance in prices. J street- corner Fifth, Sacramento. a_t-lm "notice. y MESSRS. VAN HEUSEN & HCNTOON HAVE closed out business, and have sold me their weD selected stock of furniture at a sacrifice. This, added to a large variety of household goods, will not be sold below cost, but will be sold at as small a margin above cost as possible. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. * J. COPPIN, 725 and 7-2 X St., north side, bet. Seventh and Eighth.m*i-tf ITOTIGII. TO SIT FRIENDS AND THE PUBUC: I have sold to S. BROWN (of the firm of Brown Bros.), the stock and good will of tbe Car- riage Painting Business of my late husband, Henry Hopfe, at 1011 and 1013 Ninth street, and ask a continuance of the custom to same. ■..-.. t MRS. EMMA HOPFE. Having bough the above business, law prepared to do Carriage and Wagon Painting in aii its branches. . Country orders promptly attended to. SIMEON BROWS 1 ml2tf ■ .- * - (Of Brown Bros.) The Pioneer Box Factori , SUU Ahead'oi all C«mpeUi«rs. -GDOEOE & SON corksr or Front and SI Streets ...... SasnuaeaU mMptf SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNION. FBUTTS, SESDS ANDPRODUgS. D. DEBERNARDI & CO., i 308 and 310 X Street, BACBAHENTO, 1 Commission MercbMU and ■ Dealers in Butler, Egg*. Poultry . Fish and General Prodnce. *" All orders, large or small, will receive promp . -Mention. mll-lm H. G. MAY & CO.. PROPRIETORS OF FULTON MARKET, 423 - and 430 X St., corner Fifth, Sacramento, Cal. Wholesale dealers in Butter, Eggs, Produce, Fruit, Fish, Game, Tropical Fruits and Poultry. Country orders promptly filled. Postoffice Box 437. a2O-tf W. R. STK.ONB. P. B. PLATT. ROBT. WILLIAMSOS W. R. STRONG & CO., yk ..^Wholesale Dealers in— CBEEX AND DBIED FBI IT and GEXYBAL PBODCCE, yy J and FRONT STREETS..... SACRAMENTO, CAL. ! a7-tfj * -■ - wm. a. -.-.ox. w. a. ccuns. LYON & CURTIS v . (Successors to WM. M. LYON), .* $ X.-. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Prodnce, Vegetables and Fruits. We carry a full stock of Potatoes, Beans, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry, Nuts, Honey, Alfalfa Seed, etc. , and fill orders at lowest rates. - Nos. 117. 119 and 123 J street. mSS-lptf A. aoos-ut. a. aaaaoa. S. GERSON & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND - Dealers in Imported and DoEKstle FrnlU, Vegeta- bles, Nnts, Etc.- . No. 120 3 street, betwean Seooa.. nd Third, Sacra- mento. rnl-lm FRUIT DEALERS, __v. _c**x , 3asxT_ , xo_»gr j ■TTAVINQ BE2OVED TO MORE COMMODIOUS JLA premises, we have enlarged our stock. We premises, we have enlarged our Btock. Wo I offer you cho* -,• Apples, free from worms, Lemons, i Limes, Oranges, Dried Fruits, Nuts, Dates, Canned ! Goods, etc., at very low prices. M. T. BRSWER E CO., 1006 to 1010 Second street, between J and it, Sacra. mento. ie22-tf B*-<**~*~l* 1. OREUORT. C. 0. BARSFj). FRANK OREOORT. GREGORY, BARNES & CO. Successors to Gregory & Co.), Nos. 126 and 138 JT Street, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PRODUCE AND Fruit. Full stocks of Potatoes, Vegetables, Green and Dried Fruits, Beans, Alfalfa, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry, etc., always on hand. Orders filled at lowest rates. Jl2-U SAff FBAydISOO CABDS. SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Ba_er A Hamilton— lmporters ol Agricultural Implements and Hardware ; Agents of the Benicia Agr'l Works. Junction Market, Pine and Davis sts. ARTISTS. ■onseworth — and Photographer, No. 11 Montgomery street. Established In ISSI. . v DRUGS, CHEMICALS. twtiio. dates.— Pioneer Druggist, removed to 72! Montgomery St., S. F. Country orders solicited. HATS. C. Herrmann A Co.— Manufacturers and Im- porters. No. 3SO Kearny St., near Pine. The finest bats at the lowest prices. Factory : 17 Belden st. HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, ETC. Hawley Bros.' Hardware Importers of Hardware and Agricultural implements^ Nos. 801, 108, 306, 807 and 300 Market street, San Francisco. COFFEE, SPICES, ETC. j Mnrptoy. Adams A Importers, Vanm,...'- urera and Jobbers in Coffee, Spices and Teas, 40*1 j . and 40S Sansome street, San Francisco. STATIONERS. PRINTERS, ETO. H. 8. Crocker A to. — Importing and Manufact- uring Stationers, Priatero and Lithographers, Nos. ITS, 217 and 219 Bush street, above Ban] jomr. SACRAMENTO RECORD-UNION. San Franetaco ORlce. No. 8 New Montgom- ery street (Palace Hotel)— Wm. Cameron, Agent. destktbyT ~ DB. T. B. BEID, ~TVENTIST, NO. €05 J STRhET. £ffJ^.ii.!y Sacramento, California. ytJtfttEmmE a29-tf W. WOOD, DENTIST, QUINN'S BUILDING, #j*Bja northeast corner Fourth and JMk streets. Artificial Teeth inserted on all**-Uijj!Xf bases. Improved Liquid Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction of teeth. a-iS-tf DBS. BBEWEB A BOl'TH*tVoßril, DENTISTS, SOUTHWEST CORNER _**-*-*-nß**K of Seventh and J streets, in ( 'ft»^^^S new building, upstairs. Teeth extracted,^UJJiSj without pain, by the use of improved Liquid Nitrous Oxide Gas. fel6-4plm BEHOVED, DR. F. M SHIELDS, DENTIST, ,*_*■■_■(• to No. 525 J street, between FifthMCSSSi and Sixth, where ho will bo pleased to sce^— - CIH-T his friends. fel6-tf 11. H. PIEBSOX. _ . . .. K***\ENTl^T, 415 J STREET, BETWEEN ■<■ I if ourta and Fiftb, Sacramento. Arii-mtßsS ficTai Teeth Inserted on Oold, Vulcanite^iECC—H and all bases. N.trous Oxide or Laughing Gi3 ad ministered for painless extraction nf l-neth. fcl4-!m OLOSIKG OF SOHOOLS. AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY Board of Education, held Saturday evening. Ungraded School No. 2 was granted a vacation for to-day, but which will resume its sessions to-mor- row. Ail the other schools are granted a vacation for to morrow (Tuesday), on account of the Annual Picnic cf the Imp'd O. R. M. By order of the Board. m2l-2t [B. C. lt] J. R. LAINE, Superintendent. JOHNT.STOLI., No. 610 K street, Sacramento, Cal , Manufacturer Importer of a of Mexican and — Select Stock of California Sad- /sfc^. Saddlery Hard- dies. l^il*'Brv&'i * ware. ■ ' -■ - oSs §l\k ,&&■'.»* ■ __a _ 'mm mi-Z *sF — V-a, A tJlaDKets. -. including __9 .£ V\- - . * — Stoll's * Im- SB * ill Summer Laps pro\ed. ■'■"■" '-'' Pjm *-' -. RM (large variety) Collars of SH VsT-i^ i— every kind.' ' f^B "■ ER . i Buggy Whips "siSiTRtSt fifa [' B. I ________ Collar iis the W fefe^ Saddle Cloths. best in the V;.* 4, £ V-*X& ■' world. ■ fir Patent Harness of Leather of every kind. every kind. And a complete stock cf everything in this business. tr Goods and Prices arc guaranteed. "c* i Price list Furnished. P. O. Box U. nl2 lplm URIYEESITY OF CALIFORRIA EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION -TO THE li Colleges of Letters and of Science will be held in Berkeley, Los Angeles and Uarysville, May 31st, June Ist and _i, and in Berkeley only August Bth, 9th and 10th. - . . .* - ' Candidates will assemble in Berkeley punctually I at 8:30 A. St., in North Hall ; and at the same hour ' in the High School Building, corner Temple and • Fort streets, Los Ang les ; anil In the County Court- ' room, corner Sixth and D streets, Marysvill?. * i : A lee of 95 will be charged to ail applicants at - Los Angeles and Marysville. * r •-.--- _ t A candidate may take part of the examinations in June, and the remaining examinations in August, but preliminary examinations may not be so divided. Candidates will not be admitted to the preliminary I examinations without certificates from their teach- -1 ens that they are prepared. *•*.* -■. . An applicant who. has not been able to attend a ' school in which complete preparation for the Uni- versity is offered, and who passes a good examina- tion on subjects 1, 2, 3, 4 and 14, may be admitted to a partial course in any one of the Colleges of Sci- i 1 ence, with the privilege of gaining full standing • whenever he nuke- up his deficiencies. - * - . — Elective courses not leading to a degree are open ! to students oi mature age, or to students who are - able to pursue only a limited number of studies, upon - their giving satisfactory evidence to the Faculty o I their fitness to pursue the studies elected. Further information may be had by addressing "-M. ( -:<- RECORDER WM. CAhEY JONES, Berkeley. f J_B_jSßaa_Ji£~**- »i2-tptiu]ei -xxysx.-^^s Xxi-y, -'*-'--.:'■■ r. r -..'■-. ■■ ■:•■-■-:.-/ --...- --'-yy .'•: 'xi: SACRAMENTO, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1883. ■ BUSINESS CARDS?. " ■) y ' JOB* EITEL, ASSAYER AND LABORATORY AT 317 J street. " Low rates and quick returns " is the motto. Gold purchased, also cast into bars for mining men. .- - ml-tl - ABCHITECTI'BAL WOOD CABYEB. HOUSE DECORATOR, CASTINGS, PATTERNS, Emblematic Sign?, Carved Signs, Carved Capitals and Butter Stamps. Most respectfully solicit orders from Builders and Contractor** from the interior. J. S. PARKER, No. 828 X street, Sacramento. -**.- ■ a2B-lm - COAL-COAL. UNION WOOD AND COAL ! CO., 426 X ST — Coal can be bought at very low prices,,for steam and hotel purposes. F. FRADER, Superin- tendent lone Mines. ' a2B-lm CBAKD OI'E.VIJiO OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE SALOON, fggß*' \J J street, between Ninth and Tenth. Hfc^jSl The neatest place in town. A fine !unchi*S^2j_J served. W. d. CHENOWETH, Proprietor. J * * * . a!4-ti J. 11l .HAN, JB., WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 506 -» J street, between Filth and Sixth, 3^s>a Jas always on baud a choice variety of fine JtXJ jk Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, tto. a3-lm Q_a_t*3 DB. lOT FOND VOX. ". FORMERLY FOOK WAN, HAS MLTUP.NED from China with a fresh slock of Drug- and Medicines, and will V.c * glad to pee bis former patrons. Frio*>ds and others wishing to consult with him may do so at his new store, No. 026 Third street, between I and J. mS-lm* 1 UOIT-.K bai-:m* and jiovimi. BRICK OR WOOD HOUSES RAISED OR moved in city or country, on reasonable terms, at the shortest notice ; guaranteed to give Batisfno- tion. LELAND HOWE, No. 1827 O street m22lm J. A. CSTKNUiCIUSI, OACSAMENTO BOILER AND IRON WOK&fi, 0 I street, between Front and Second, Sacra- mento. Manufacturor of Steam Bolleis, Sheet lion Wort*, etc. Also, ail kinds of Sep tiring. Chang n» Portable Boilers from : Wood to Straw Burners a Specialty ■ *. mS-4pU WSS. Kl*TE*5fB*£SSE3, rOS AND BRASS FOUNDER AN.. * BA- chinist, Front and N streets. Manufacturer oi Guttenberger's Horse Powers, Pateat Ground Roller and Clog Cm**h-_ and Barley Mills. All kinds of Hydraulic Pipes. For sale, Three Miller Patent Hay Presscti. ml-4pl*T< A. St. SMITH, T^*o 412 J iSTREET, PRACTICAL PLUMBER and Oasfltter — Work done on the most approved sanitary principles. ' ml-4ptf H. I. BOOT. ALEX. NBILSOS. J.'dBISCOIi.. BOOT, NEILSON A CO., - *.. UNION FOUNDRY — IRON AND BRASS Founders and Machinists, Front street, be- tween N and O. Castings and Machinery of every description made to order. fe26-4plm JAMES HeCVEBF, MANUFACTURER OF ROAD SCRAPERS Iron Doors, Jail Cells, Shutters, Railings, rigs, Housework and Blackemi thing in general, No. 620 X street, between Fifth and Sixth. Second- hand Docis for Bale. fe22-4pif T. FOSTXIL J. 0. rtJNSTO*". 1856. P. FOSTER A CO., IBS 3. BOOK - BINDERS, PAPER - ItULERS AND Blank-Book Manufacturers, No. 319 J street, between Third and Fourth, Sacramento. fe2o-«ptf LOUIS SLOSS A CO., • DEALERS, CORftEK OF FRONT AND L street*. Highest -price for Hides, Bheep Pelts and Tsllow Butchers cupplied with Salt, Paper, latest improved Sausage Machines, Stuffers, Lard Presses, etc. Prompt cash returns made fox all consignments. fe!B-4pti S. CARLS. B. 1. CROLT. CARLE A CBOLY, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, ARE PRE- pared to do all kinds of work in their line, in city or country. Principal place of business, Sacra- mento. Shop, No. 1124 Second street, between X and L. Postoffice Box No. 410, Sacramento. fel6-4ptf PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS HABT E. FBEEMAN, H. D„ SUTTER BUILDING (UP STAIRS), SOUTHWEST comer Fifth and J streets. Otiice hours from 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. St. m3-lm HISS C. A. COSS, H. D., TTOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN— AN residence, 703 I street, near Seventh. Offi hours : Sto9 A. St.; ltolr. m., and 6toB r. St. . - aS-S-tf DB. W. B. BALDWIN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, NORTHEAST corner of Second and X streets. Office Hours : 10 A. M. to 12 M. ; 3p. ***, to sr. St. ; 7p. m. a~B-lm W. A. HrcnsoN, ». D.. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ■ Office, southwest corner of Seventh and J Btreets, in Brjte's new building, up stairs. Resi- dence, southeast corner of Seventh and N Btreets, Sacramento. Office urs : Ito 3 and 7toB P. St. ; and on Sundays only, 7 to 8 P. St. a25-4plm DB. A. K. --KIM:, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, GRADUATE OF the University of Berlin, Germany. Office and residenc*, No. 521 J street, between Fifth and Sixth, Sacramento. Office hours- 9to 11 A. St., 3to 6 and 7 to 8 P. M ml3-tf WALLACE A. BBI«CS, SI. D. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, NO. 812 J STREET Sarramento. •■-- •■ :■:<. -'• f 8 to 9 a. n. *■ Offlee Hoars I { 11 a. m. to 2 p. _. V-nl2-4pti I 6:30 to Bp. M. ) DB. LAINE, T>HYBIC-J»N AND SURGEON.— OFFICE \ND EX Residence, No. 323 J,t, between Third Fourth. Hours : Btolo A. M., 3to 6 and 7toBp. k. Office of City Supcrin'.end of Public Schools at same place. ■ ■ ms4pl*n W.H. EL-LEE-*.' BBIGGS, ■, D., OCULIST, AURIST AND PHYSICIAN FOB Distsscs of the Thioat. Office, 423} J street, oorner of Fifth, over Sacramento Bank, Sacramento, Cal. Hours— o*Bo to 12 A. M.; 1 to 4 r. a. Sundays— 9>30 to 11 A. M.: 1 to 4 P. H. ml-tf DB. HATCH. /-|FFICE, SOUTHWEST CORNER FIFTH AND J streets.— Office hours : 9a. *_, and 12:30 to 2 p. M. . ml-tf Dm. NIXON. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, M STREET BE. tween Ninth and Tenth, Nos. 818 and 920. Will visit the Railroad Hospital daily at 9*30 A. St. Office hours to 8 A. a.; 1 to 3 .". _ and evening*!, feli-lni ■ ATTORNEYS AT : LAW." D. E. ALEXANDEB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, No. 407 J street, between Fourth and Fifth, Sacramento. ' * ■ ml-tf FBANK D. BY AM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW-OFF.CE IN SUTTER Building, southwest corner Fifth and J streets. Business c.tended to with care and pronjptness.»3o-tf S. C. DENSON, A AT-LAW —OFFIC METRO- polltan Block. Entrance next to Metro- politan Theater. a23.ti SAMCKL CROSS, a TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW— Office, No. 429 J street, Sacramento. a 2 tf B***~*.T L, BUCKIET. , 8. SOLO*? BOLL. NOLL <_ BCCKLEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office, northeast corner Sixth and I rts.m9-tf THB FIHJI OF BEATTT, BEATTY A :";.'■ ' ' BEATTY, 'Xy-yji. ATTORNEYS-AT LAW, SACRAMENTO, CALL tornis, was dissolved December 12, 1582, Adam Beatty withdrawing. The business will be continued by the remaining partners under the firm name of H. O. & W. H. Beatty. ■ m4-4ptf . OBi**. I. JO**—*. ID. M. MA-HIN. JONES A 3IARTIN, ATTORN ET NO. 607 I STREET. BE , Iween Sixth and Seventh, Sacramento. -■■-■-■ ■-■- * -..- fe264i*lm .■■-.■ - - . . Property-Holders ana Builders, I HAVE 250 JACKSCREW3 TO LET, IN <•**■** lots to suit ; also Block and Tackle, Tim- i ii jjj bers, etc:, in good condition. Brick and Frame iiiliL Buildings rawed. ; Twenty-eight years' experience. * ; G. J. CROSS, tier. Contractor and Builder, office at Sweetser & Alsip * 1018 Fourth street, Sacramento. * ■ attt Lessons :in Modem Languages '_{.. f-lIYEN BY: THE UNDERSIGNED AT HIS residence. No. 1115 Eighth street. Geiman, French, and Spanish. Conversational lessons alone, if desired ■ -* .'•'- y [aSI-tfl . E. KEMEN. Tahiti Oranges! SWEET : AND : JUICY, AND THE ON*LY J Oranges fit for shipping. 300,000 JUST LANDED ex Paioma, and for sale in lots to suit by , J. IVANQOVICH & 00., Northwest corner Washington and Sansome streets, Sen Fran Cisco, Cal. * -;.>o'- '.-.".. . m3-4plm I *^^^ 1.. , . ... -'.:-: s:i-.«:1h-'yi~ ::**"**«;.*.*«." m*MX9 BAILBOADg > S'TEAMEBS, ETO. Central Pacific Riilro ad. <*om-n»nrlng Monday, April 30, 1883, -'. AKD USTIL -**•*-***-*■» HOntß, , -v- ■"' TRAIHB MB BOATB WILL LEAVE SACRAMENTO -.".-.--''.. - ii ro-uLowa: '*.. .'-**" 51 1 A A. (Sundays excepted)— Accommo- •XV . dation Train to MarysviUe, Red Bluff and ;*"- '.* Redding. * i.,AA - A. M.— (Sundays excepted) San Fran- ■"w cisco Passenger Train, via Benicia. - Con- nects at Suisun for Vallejo. Second-class . passenger cars for San Francisco attached. 7.0 A A. M.— (Daily)— 0. P. Pacific Express, via "V Benicia, for San Francisco. Connects at Suisun— (Sundays only)— for .Vallejo and Calistoga. A.AA A. .11.— (Dally)— C. P. Emigrant Train to V.VV ; Ogden, Council Bluffs and East. - 1 A* Aft •*• M.— (or M soon there-f ter as prac- JIVtVV — Sundays excepted)— Steamer for San Francisco, touching at ail way port* . on the Sacramonto river. - n»Qft A. Sl.— (Sundays excepted) Passenger iOW Train for Woodland. Williams, WUlowf, Tehama and Red Bluff. U.J AA. (Daily)— Ban Francisco Passenger •"iv Tnin. Connects at Gait with Passenger : Train for lone and at Lathrop with the S. P. Atlantic Express for Madera, Newhall (Santa Barbara), Los Angeles, Colton . (San Diego), Yuma, Maricopa (Prescott), Tucson, Benson (Guaymas, Mexico). Dem- ing (A., T. & S. F. R. R.), Xl Paso (T. & P. R. R.), San Antoino and New Orleans. . Connects also at Niles for San Jose. **»*?<! P. M.— (Daily)— Oregon Express for .<».tW . Marysville, Cbico, Ked Bluff and Bedding - (Portland, Oregon). ■... '- *■*.* 2. MA P. M.— (Daily)— Passenger Train •*w for Auburn and Colfax. - ' 8, "Jjj P. (Daily)— San Francisco Passenger .VV - Train, via Benieia. Connects at Sulsun * - —(Sundays excepted)— for Cali-toga. 4 •** A P. M.— (Daily)— Local Train to Lat&rop, B«OW connecting with 8. P. Emigrant Train for Deming and El Paso. ■ T.QA p. M.— (Sundays excepted)— Passengfw t •OV Train tor Woodland and Knight's Lend- ing. T.J-K P. M.— (Dally)— C. P. Atlantic Express t'Stf for Colfax, Reno (Carson and Virginia), -**.■'■■' Battle Mountain (Austin), P&"i*uJe (Eureka), o**den, Council Bluffs and Ea-f. A. N, TOWNE ............General Manager T. H. GOODMAN Gen'l Pass'r and Ticket Agent ■■■:■-■ ■ ■ - ]a9-4ptf ' *- ■ Sacramento & Placerville Bailroafl, On. aud After Non-lay, April l<*. 1883. -***"-~*~*i FDBlS****, hcti**-*, ' Trabrs will run between Sacrameato and Shingle Springs as follows: Leave Sacramento for Folscm, Latrobe and Shingle Springs.... ....7:30 A. M. Leave Sacramento for Folsom. 4:00 P. M. Leave Shingle Springs for Latrobe, Fed- ! som and Sacramento....... 11:15 A. M. Leave Latrobe for Folsom and 5acra- ment0. ................ .12:00 M. Leave Folsom for Sacraments •• . 6:23 A. M. Leave Foioom fcr Sacramento .......... 1:15 P. M. mr2-tf J. B. WRIGHT, Superintendent. For Portland an, Astoria (Oregon). THE OREGON RAILWAY AND mm^me. Navigation Company and Pa- **t"Si?3%k ciSc Coast Steamship Company 'will'^fej'^J^Qj* dispatch from Spear-street wharf, for ,*<?3S^"""*riS"S" : tbe above pyre, one cf their tiew Al Iron Steam- ships, via. : -' . . Queen of the Paclfle. Columbia, State of California and Oregon. SAILING DAYS: AP81L....3, S, 9, 12, 15. 18, 31, 24, 27, 30, ASS EVERT FOLLOWIXa TUBE*- DAYS, At 10 o'clock A. St., Connecting at Portland, Or., with Steamers and Railroads and their connecting Stage-lines for all points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territories. British Columbia and Alaska. Ticket Office: No. 214 Montgomery street GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., Agents, myS-tl No. 10 Market street, San Fraud*-— '. INMAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. JOHN TALBOT, PASSENGER --^*. Office of C. P. H. R, Sacramento, ri ** : '-^§fe 49* Sells Tickets tit pnil fr.->m*Sk??**f*SS» any part or Enrope. Tickets from Queens- town or Llverp-Mil to »*n Yor!* for $21. - ml-4ptf *****-******-»_*-— iWW— ■»— g HOTBLB AHD EEaTAUMFI'g, HOTEL LANQHAM, rf-^ORNER FOURTH AND L BTRSET3, SACRA- monto— Strictly tot-clans, on ths European plan- T. D. Scriver's Carriages will take ail paaaengora free cl charge from Depot to Hotel mt-tplm TERRY & CO.. Mr.,-.Kyirfl. UNION HOTEL. OSMOND AND 5 STREETS, BJ.CRAMSSTO. J^ Cab Rooms, 50 cents and 81 per day. Special ratee by the niontti. Billiards, choice liquors and cigars. Hot lunch dally from 11 i. .". till 2r. si. W. O. ("JOS") BOWERS, ml-4plm Proprietor. *"^**^^^-*.^m^_m~ -*" Ir *^__,fl"'jM_^B GOLDEN EAGLS HOTEL, Corner Seventh ant) K. etreets.; er STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS I"^ FREE BUS TO AND FROM THE CARS. J5-ly JAMES Mr** 'SSSK. Proprietor. * ST. DAVID'S, A FIRST- CLASS LODGING - HOUSE, CON- tains 155 rooms ; 71". Howard street, near Third, San Francisco. This house is especially de- signed * « comfortable home for ladies and gentle- men visiting the city from the interior. No dark rooms. Gas and running water in each room. The floors are covered with body Brussels cirpet, and all the furniture is made of solid black walnut. Ea*n bod bas a spring mattress, with au additional hair top mattress, making them the most luxurious and healthy beds in the world. Ladies wishing to cook or themselves or families are allowed the free use of a large public kitchen and dining-room. Servants keep up a fire from 6A. M. to 7r. _. Hot and cold baths ; a large parlor and reading-room, containing a Grand Mano all free to guests. Price, single rooms per night, 60 cents ; per week, from *?-' up- wards. House open all night. R. HUGHES, Proprietor. At Market-street Ferry, lake Omnibus line tf Street cars to corner of Third and Howard o.TuTStf — om— — — n— — — — M— — — — m : BMXm-3 SOUSES, ~ MOI^EY TO LOAN PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK, Southeast Cor. J and fourth streets, In any amount, at low rate of interest. m 10-4 NATIONAL GOLD BANK O. O. MILLS & CO., SACRAMENTO. EXITED STATES DEPOSITi-tY. ■ ■ . *C*[CHA**9l 09 ':' Sam r-naclseo, New fori*, C_le__a, -' London, Dublin, Parte, Glasgow, Berlin, I-rankfort-oa-Maln, Vienna, St. Petersburg, Copenhagen,*' Stockholm, Christiana, Amsterdam. Antwerp, Geneva, Venice, and ail of the principal cities of Europe. ; >-<..* .:***-.■ * This Rank bas correspondents In Mexico, South America, West Indies, Australia, Honolulu, and all parts of tbe world, and special facilities for making coneeHcna. — • •■ ' - BelfMptf MONEY TO LOAN 111 'iTASSaOESE, OS OTIIEK APPSOTED " SECFBirT, ■,- AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, £X -yy i-yX- California State Bant, | SACHAMENTO^CAUFOSaift.." w-e-M MTSCELLANEOUS. : McOREARY'S PATENT ROLLER ._/"*; •*-.*■".'*'■"- ---5 -: f' ' „/r4>y-"-^-f^?.--,!l^*-LC^J.'*^*^*^Hi« FLOUR! ROLLED BARLEYI f^ - MoCREARY & CO., SACRAMENTO FLOUR \Ja Mills, now manufacture a grade of ROLLER FLOUR fully equal to the Minnesota High-grade Patent Flour. Also, tbe whitest, strongest and best Bakers' and Family Flour in the market. .--'-: '- - tS BARLEY rolled on Patent Corrugated Rollers, and far superior to Ground Barley. ■ anß-4pln» -- Friend * Terry LUMBER y'k'.yJC^&SiTE'AXSS-SZ'.' E-JTABIISHED 1863. SUSAS FirtE, RIDWOOD, &TRi»CXEE PIHI jAt Wholesale and Retail, and . . -. tSvAoiaßtwcti to Order et the mute of the Company. Also Doors, Windows, Blinds, Shakes, Shingles, Bolts and Tics. - BAIN YARD AND OFFICE, No. 1310 Second Street, nea: M. BRANCH YARD, , Gsraer Twelfth A J Sts.. Sacramento, Cal * fe!9-4p6m * -■ ■* ■ Charles Robin, 3VO. 702 J S'XrXe.SSEI'Xr* , SACRAMENTO; iM- OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC A LARGE STCCK of Spring Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Hats, at Manufacturers' Prices, for Cash. Call and see lor yourselves. We do not assume the responsi- bility of calling ourselves the leaders of fashion, but we keep as good goods as any bouse keeps in this city. We also keep common goods, but do not offer them to our customers unless they call for them. Poor goods keep men poor ; don't you forget it. Robin's m- tto is : Pay for what you get, and get what you buy. tS Country orders filled promptly. mr**-U Fruit Jars ! Fruit Jars! «rpHE CELEBRATED JL Peoria Acid and STONE FRUIT JAR. tIT Best in tbe world HEBCIIASTS AND HOI'SEKEEPEBS, TAKE NOTICE: A carload (1,050 dozen) has arrived, which I offer for sale to the Trade and others at the The number for the season is limited. First come, firtt served I All are Invited to call. *; ■■ .; W. SBC."' -taCO-B-B*^-", Old Stand, 311 J street. t-aerantento, Cal. m5-4ptf • ELECTION NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE QUAU- i3I fled electors of Isleton School District, county ot Sacramento, State cf California, that an election will be held on the SECOND DAY OF JUNE, 13M, at which will be submitted the question of voting a Tax to pay off the District debt, lt will be necessary to raise for this purpose the sum of 8500. The polls will be open at the Public School-house between the hours of one and five r. si. 8. DICKEY, P. H. GARDINER, District School Trustees. NOTE— date must be twenty days before election, and the notice must bs advertised in the county paper, if there be one, once a week for three weekß priot to the flection. For details, see Sec- tions IS3O M 1832 •'( the Political C'«le,mlt-1 m.'t.M NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE OF SAMUEL JELLY, DECEASED. 2i Notice is hereby given by the under- signed. Administrator of the Estate of SAMUEL JELLY, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary affidavits and vouchers, within ten months after the first publica- tion of this notice, to s lid administrator, at the office of Frank D. Ryan, at the southwest corner of Filth and J streets, in the city of Sacramento, State cf California. Dated April 23, 1883. ARTHUR C. JELLY, X Administrator ef the Estate of SAMUEL JELLY, -deceased. '-' ■-'■•-- Frank D. Eta**, Attorney for Administrator. law4wTu QRATEFUL-OOMFORTINQ. Bpps's Cocoa. BREAKFABT. "Py a thorough knowledge of tbe natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutri- tion, and by a careful application of the flne prop- erties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored bev- erase which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. it is by the Judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until ' -trong enough to resist every tendency toaiseass. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a v-e&k point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourso'vel well fortified with pure blood and a properly nour- ished frame." Service Gazette •'•-■: Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold In tins only (J-lb. md lb.) by Grocers, labeled thus : j . * jambs EFFS & Co , Homoeopathic Cheml**t» n!4 2**wTtiTh - London, England. M:^isriioop! KNOW THYSELF.i^^^ A Book for Every Man I Young, Middle-aged and Old. The untold miseries that result from Indiscretion in early life may be alleviated and cured. Those who doubt this assertion should purchase and read the new medical work published by the* Peabody Hrdiral Institute, Boston, entitled the tie*. enee of Life t or. Self-Preservntlon. It Is not only a complete and perfect treatise on Man- hood. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Ph'-sic-tl Debility, Premature Decline in man. Errors of Youth, etc., but it contains one hundred and twenty.five prescriptions for scute and chronic dis- eases, each one ot which la invaluable, so proved by the author, whose experience for 21 years is such probably never before fell to the lot of any p si ian. It contains 300 pages, bound in beaut.. embossod covers, lull gilt, embellished with the very finest steel engravings, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense -mechanical, literary or professional than any other work retailed in this country for $2 50, or the money will be re- turn* cd. Price, only $1 25 by mail. Gold Medal awarded he author by the National Medical Asso- ciation - ns* rated sample sent on receipt of six cents. Send now. - »- - Address ABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or DR. W. H. PARKER, No. 4 Bulfinch street, Bos- ton, Miss. The author may be consulted on all dis- eases requiting skill and experience. ■-*-- 05-l3*TiiTl'3&swl y k ill Ti MM All thote -who from mdlwtr^tltfnfi, ikmM er other can*'*!- Mr« a*a*C. unn.rr«d, law spirited. phjucallv draiaej. -m-i fumble to perform life** dutiea properly, --an be certainly ami j*rtn» -lent.)* cared, »iifc->ut .tonueh medicine.. Eodoned bTdretor, ■ninisters and the pre*.. The Vertical Hi*. «»».; '"■ Thr old plan of treating .Vervon. T>e*.l!ll v. Pbv.l.-al I>r«*nv. Ac, ttvbaOrmpanadtdbyTHE M Alt* I BOLl's."" tiopelr.. Pa»e« t*.nred of certain restoration to fn!! iuA per- fect Manhood. Simple. i fecttTt,';.. pleasant. Sen". for treat!*.. Con.nttaWAa with pfir»i frre. ■• "— *• E*»rf i* MAESTOX REMEDY CO, '« W.llth SU Sew Tork A **-'* as lyTnThS&wly - '" * ' -'•'*■ x ■". B _{'"■'•_" : kx'yk'' ": : ' : '"f&k . -. m CUa-SWHEK MLcTsEFAILS. .ByXk W Bast Ctaigh Syrup. Tiwu* g. «--»!. ISJ • Mj Use in time. ■ Sold by druggists, _S_ -.-': '■*.*■ ' ym ■■---•■■• x- ■■ --. ..-■- ?■*■■■- Zxyy-k- BLACK DIAMOND -DOAI X, AND : SOREENSMQSI^ ; ; J I fTISE" above -: WELT." k-**o-w**j " superior ft. HCKTH DIABLO COAL, tba most economics * that can be used f-<r steam, is for sale in lots to "rah. st Black Dismoua landing. Centra Costa county, and at the ofitce oi the Company, southeast corse I of Poisom and So-au- lireets, San Francisco. .v""*-.- yyyy-y *:..••.*--•:-"?. B. CORNWALL, .'- -1 : <174 l i'y- :- r . 'X, Fr«eid3*4 B. D. 0 34 Co.";- .. -;'-' JOSCELLAJTEOUS. : xl: CO-HMOS* Sr.SSE C'OMPBESSED. .. It is difficult to give in a dozen lines the reasons why j,TAIUt tST*** SELTZEB AFEHIEXT should be preferred as a correctiss and alterative to every other medicine in use. Firstly, it allays fever ; secondly, it cleanses the bowels without violence or pain ; | thirdly, it tones the stomach ; | fourthly, It regulates tbe flow of bile ; .' fifthly, it : promotes healtby perspiration ; sixthly, it relieves the system from unwholesome humors ; j seventhly, it tranquil- izes the nerves; eighthly, it acts upon the blood as a depurient ; and lastly, it forms one of the most delicious cooling draughts that ever passed down the throat of an invalid. Sold by all Druggists. "mls-lyTnTh3 * STRONG FACTS/ .'A great many people are asking what particular troubles Brown's Iron Bitters is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paral- hY jyy ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con- : ' • sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and ail similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is v simply because it purifies and en- ' yy riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. - t Baltimore, Md., May 7, IBSO. :- . i; illy health was much shattered by Rheumatism when I commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitten, and I scarcely had strength enough to at- -'--y tend to my daily household duties. 1 amnow using the third bottle and I am regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to aIL - I cannot say too much in praise '**?y " of it. Mrs* Mary E. Brashear, •-'.:- ■:..-:. 173 PrestmansU Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg, Va., iB3i. Suffering from kidney disease, from which I could get no relief, I - tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which cured me completely. A child of ■ . y mine, recovering from scarlet fever, - : yy - "■;, ■'_ had no appetite and did not seem to be able to eat at all. I gave him Iron Bitters with the happiest results. ■ ■ ' J. Kv(.a Montague. Heart Disease. v . '*. - • Vine jt., Harrisburg, Pa. . Dec. 3, 1881. . . After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any benefit, I was advised to try Brown's Iron Bitters. 1 have used two bot- '.-',. % ' ' ,- ties and never found anything that gave me so much relief. Mrs. Jennie Hess. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown's Iron Bitters is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. HIIII hi 11 1 ■wm na— si Ladies Do yon want a pare, bloom- ing Complexion . If so, a few applications of Hasan's " MAGNOLIA BALM will grat- ify you to your heart's con- tent. It does away with Sal- lowness, Redness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the flushed appear- ance of heat, fatigue and ex- citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN- TY ; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are ire effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. FlO PER CENT, OF All. DtSKASES CAX UK TRACED TO A DISORDER LIVER. DR. WOOD'S LIVER REGULATOR, A mv VEGETABI.K COJtrOCSD. AVFOnD*! I M EI>I A T E BELIEF from nil diseases that arise from this source, mi tlnia INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA.JAUNDICJ^SICK H£ADACH*E,MALABIA,BILIOIIS FEVEES,-*-* sou) by all unraaibTs. * , al9-2mTuThS * * ' X -r^EVER FAIL^>-^ S}*isins, Convul- 9^*y**^~^\k4EE sions, Falling lIIUI/IW^ Sickness, St. Vitus *"« XV x ft** . Dance," Alcohol- ' __________________ . Scrofula, Kings NERVE : * F " 7 ' L "s*y Bloo(;1 ; " *--■ *» ■W.- C Diseases, Dyspep- r—s — I — — i—i — 1^ — 1 I *l<**. Nervousness, (CONQUEROR)*" E(ad^ VJ — I I*l I I I I Rheumatism, Kervous Weakness, Brain Worry, Jllood Sores, Biliousness, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration, Kidney TrmtUes and Irregularities. $1.50. . Sample Troll iiioninM. "Samaritan "sen is dolnf- wonders.*' - .-*. Dr. J. O. McLeraoin, Alexander City, Ala. "I feel it my duty to recommend it." Dr. D. F. Laughlin. Clyde, Kansas. ' "It cured where physicians failed." -*. Rev. J. A. Edie, Beaver. Pa. #c~Coi*re»pondencc freely answered.-S*} I - Sold l.v all I)rn*--rists. (27) TIE m. S. a. RICHMOND MED. Co., ST. JOSEPH, Ma. : For testimonials and circulars send stamp. . KEDIXC TO.V it. CO., A gents, San Francisco. KIRK, GEARY & CO.; Wholesale Asents, Sarra -■<■- ment-**, Ca1. ..".-. - a2B-lyTuThS&*vl** '•-*:-- *. : . AG. GRIFFITHS, -■_£-- IB <g ■' I PEKRYN ]y i BRASITMOEES '■wJisii' jy k ■' -' ?ssnY^€ijL.ik r JSOW'-'-- : kkky-T-y-; .. .- . V£== 3^£yS^. r JV^ BEST VARIETY AM g-^,- cs^eagg^ i . larstat -. Quarries *■> U.e <CScai!»c-'-^~Paci'icCo»3t. PoUshed Granite Mc-n-.iraet-**!, Tombstones and Tablets mad ts crticr. I tar «ra«ile Sull-linf** M«_o Cot. i>*-<-*i**«:4 " and P-»>*»h«d t« tatlrr :■■ ■ -,t ♦ 011-lnf.-g y wiLoox;powEr & co., IMPORTERS. AHD s ' WHOLESALE : LIQUOR ■ * ..^rsy : yyy y- I KO. MS X STRSET^[-rJ4F*i]:;.,.BACS»AirEST3 •£&EmS£Uli&3BaK!SHkr«^-: y.-^Xm- . i-i--*--*-,..* *.^^/^-^u--»s---.*«-"?j**t.**> PRISON PERPLEXITIES. THE GOVERNOR RECEIVES THB : ANSWER Of XES P-I3ON DIRECTORS. Jurisdiction of the Executive ; Denied— Very Novel Answer— Kot Guilty,' bat Virtuous, ' * State Prison ' Directors, by their attorneys, Charles B. Darwin and William H. Sears, ■yesterday filed a demurrer with the Governor to the charges recently preferred, and also an answer. The demurrer sets forth that the Governor "has not jurisdiction, and has not judicial power to hear, nor to try, cor to try and determine the *-**-< ject of this action, nor the complaint, nor the written charges, nor the Bpecifi-atiocs of *.X.-.i complaint, nor any of them," and defer diLts aver that the juris diction is exclusively iv the Superior Court of the State and for the county wherein ■ tbo conduct complained of is alleged to have taken place, and defendants pray that the complaint may be quashed. Defendants also enter a demurrer to the proceedings on the plea to the; jurisdiction, -and pray that the charges may be dismissed. I Tue answer is as follows : v . , "'*..- THE.ANSWEB. To his Excel'ency, George St one-man, Governor of the State of California : Tbe People of the State of California against A. H. Chapman, J. H. Neff, Wm. F. McNutt and Geo. W. Sebell, State Prison Directors. I Now come the above-named defendants, by their attorneys, Charles B. Darwin and Wm. >H. Sears, and for answer to the written charge) and specifica tions preferred against said State Prison Directors, and filed with the Governor of California, George Stoneman, on May 10, 1883, deny and aver as fol lows: First — Deny that said Directors, in the manage ment of the State Prison at San Quentin, have been guilty of neglect of duty or misconduct, as stated in charge first ; and deny that they, or either cf them, bare been guilty of any gleet of duty or any mis conduct whatever, in the management of said prison. Second— Deny that the report of the Directors to Governor George C Perkins of the expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, of $38,123 25 on account of prison improvements and general ex pense, as stated in specification one, is false or fraudulent in any manner, but aver that said sum was actually expended as set forth in said report. Deny that the Legislature, on March 2, 1881, ap propriated $07,018 18 to pay deficiencies for sup port of the State Prison at San Quentin for the thirty-second fiscal year, as charged in specification two, but aver that said appropriation was to pay deficiencies prior to said thirty- second fiscal year. Deny that said appropriation was drawn in viola tion of law. Deny that said money was drawn without pre- Stnting a voucher there for, as charged in specifica tion two, but aver that said money was drawn un der and by authority of an Act of the Legislature, approved April 15, 18,*-0, entitled, "An Act to define, regulate and govern the State Prisons of California;" and aver that a voucher was regularly presented to the State Board of Examiners for the same, and by them duly allowed, and a warrant for the same reg ularly issued by the State Controller according to law. — Deny that the sum of 95,090 89 was de posited in the Dibemia Bank, in fan Francisco, under tbe authority of said Board of Directors, to the credit of J. P. Ames, Warden, or that any sum whatever was deposited in said bank to the credit of said Ames, Warden, as charged in specification three. Deny that said sum cf $631 33 was unlawfully borrowed, or unlawfully paid, by said Directors, as charged in specification three ; but aver that said sum «as pud for interest on contra* ts made and entered into by the Board of Prison Directors com. posed of Governor Irwin, Lieutenant-Governor James A. Johnson and Secretary of State Thomas Beck, during the year 1879. s.The advertisement published by authority of said Board tor supplies on November 20, 1879, reads as follows : " Payments wilt be made in 30 days from the end of the month in which such merchandise shall have been delivered." The contract entered into by said Boa-rd on behalf of the State with the successful bidders under said advertisement reads as follows : " The said Board of Directors, by their acceptance of said bid, do agree that the same shall be paid for within 30 days from the end of the month in which such merchandise shall have been furnished " The good faith and credit of the State was pledged by the said Board to pay cswh for supplies eveiy 30 days, furnished under said contracts, and it had been the rule of said Board to allow, and pay interest en said contracts, as will appear by the fol lowing resolution adopted by said Board: "Pay ments will be made at such times as funds shall be furnished by the State for that purpose, and neper centum per month interest will be paid on all bal ances after CO days from date of purchase." In order to keep the good faith of the State, and to save any violation of said contract on the part ct the State, the present Board of Directors allowed and paid on said contracts the latr/ul interest of the State, to wit : Ffeven per cent, per annum. -'•'. - The said Board of Directors further aver, tbat there aie deficiencies yet unsettled and unpaid, for supplies furnished prior to said thirty-second fiscal year to our predecessors in office ; and aver, tbat when all of said deficiencies are settled and paid, the balance if said appropriation will be returned- to the general fund, as required by the Act making said appropriation. Fifth Deny that there is nowhere in tbeir re. ports, or elsewhere, any accounting for the said difference of $7,128 60, as charged in specification four, but aver that said sum was left in the hands of the Warden of said prison, and is shown in the report, as required by "an Act to amend Sections 11, 17, 18 and 20, and to repeal Section 30 of an Act entitled an Ait to define, regulate and govern the State Prisons of California. Approved March 14, 1881." . Deny that said amount is not carried forward and accounted for in any subsequent report, as charged in specification four, but aver that said amount is carried forward and accounted for according to law. Sixth— Deny that there is any conflict between Warden Ames' report and the Clerk's report, as charged in specification five. . Deny that tbere is any charge in said Clerk's re port of money expended for " internal and external improvements." Deny that said Directors are justly chargeable with familiarity with dishonest transactions, or ne glect of duty, or misconduct in any way, or man ner, or at all. Aver that the said 'alleged difference is caused by the tact that in th * Clerk's report the said sum of $46,018 20 is only the cash actually paid to officers and employes, while the said sum of $65,3*20 14, as shown by the Warden's report, includes cash paid and supplies furnished said officers and employes. Seventh— Deny that said Directors failed to ac count for any money received from convict labor for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1882, aa charged in specification 6. Deny that said Directors failed to make any state ment or exhibit in reference thereto. Deny that they failed to show that money was received lor said convict labor during said time, or received at any other time ; but aver that all money received for convict labor is accounted for, and the proper state ment for the same has beeit furnished to tne State. Eighth — Deny that there was a balance of §11, --110 54 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1852, unaccounted for, or any other sum whatever unac counted fir during said year, or at any other time, or at ail, as charged in specification 7 : but aver tbat said sum was in stock and material on hand, and is so reported for said *. ear. Ninth— In answering the charge in specification S, said Directors aver that they entered up the dis cbarge of their duties as Prison Directors on the 30th day of January, 1880, and that there was left of the appropriation of $150,000 for the support oi the State Prison at San Quentin for the 31st fiscal year only 827,520 to defray the expenses for the five months remaining in said fiscal year, which sum was insufficient to support said prison foi bat two months, leaving a balance of three months in said fiscal year without any funds to support said prison. The Legislature was in session, lhe Board of Di rectors applied to it for funds to bridge over the said year. A bill was introduced appropriating $51,C00 as a deficiency to cover it, but the amount was embodied in the general appropriation bid, and the Governor very properly struck it out with a veto mefsage. This left the Board without any money to carry on the prison. This was an emergency that had to be provided tor. Either the prisoners had to go without food and be locked up to starve, or turned loose upon the community, either of which would have been considered inhuman and outrageous Th.- Board met the emergency, like business men, and did what they believed was for the best interest of the State, and borrowed $34,000 from the Nevada Bank at 7 per cent. Interest per annum, and re ported the same to the following Legislature, which ratified their act by appropriating the amount to re pay the same, and also an additional amount to re place several thousand dollars which bad been taken by their predecessors from tbe trust fund be longing to the prisoners. -*■ Tenth— Deny that J. C. Johnson li Co., the Cali fornia Furniture Manufacturing Company, Jadson & Co , Amies & lUllam, the California Door Com pany er any other firm cr any person has an abso lute contract for the labor ci the prisoner-), as chargad in specification 9, or any contract whatever for the labor of prisoners. - Deny that said firms, or any other firm, or any person, pay the State sixty cents per day, or any other sum per day, on convict labor, for each con viat. :-.y- y----y- y: yyy ■ --yry * : r y ■ -Deny that there is any actual hiring of convict labor contrary to law, or in defiance of the declared public policy of the State ; but aver that said con victs are worked by the State exclusively i n account. of the SUte, according to law. and for the benefit of and best interests of the State. ' . - , ' '*. Eleventh— Deny that said Directors reijuircr J. P. Ames, Warden ol tbe prison at San Quanta, or of 1* C. Pockman, formerly Warden of the btate Prison at -Foisom, to waive or abandon their constitutional rights; and duties rerejiting the appointment or discbarco ■;■ ot • any officers or employes in favor of said Director as a precedent to the appointment of (aid Wa-jden, as charged in specifics! ion 10, or required them to waive any of their rights or duties for »•**■ purpoße >- Twelfth— that said Directors violated Sec tions 32 and 34 of the Political Code, or amy other law, by entering Into the constr ict'»>n of buildings >nS improvements at the prison at Sen Quentin at an estimated cost o! $40,000, as ch_-*-<*l ia specifica tion 11, or violated any . law whatever Inthe con tion 11, or violated any l*w wi.atevcr in tha con function ol any i— *_, *r ta making any im provements a* said p.i:-on, or at iH. - Deny tbat the purchase of reachiMry and jute, v cbarg-d in specification 11, was in violation ci -_j lav. —•> — '. - " '- . - ■ * : Deny 1: at the erection cf a building lor a * Jute factory was contrary to U« in any rospvet, as chatged in sp-Kr.fication but aver, that ail ol said thicg' were done under . "An Act to define, regulate and govern the States Prisons ol California," . approved April 15, 1680 : a**d also under " an Act making ap propriasoas : for •-" the --, purchase ~ ol •; jute, , Jut* machinery, lao-— and erection of buildings for th. manufacture * *>f ; Ju*,e * for the St»,to f neon st Sai f !»AII.T ' KECAKD mo.i Bin: ID?. X VOIMWE XVII-KD-OSSK 77. — ka,»W " ■» pi*i pi . in l Mi pill li —■ BTCI Quentin, and other expenses incident and ', relating tbereto," approved March 4, 1881. -■.•-•)'' , . Thirteenth— Deny that said Directors demanded or received monej from the S'.ato on I account of mileage to which they were not entitled to by law, as charged in specification 12. , ,-.--. Deoy tbat they demanded or received any salary of $100 per ■•; month - contrary to -.* law, . ; as , charged in specification 12, -or received .: any sum whatever contrary to law, but aver that said $100 per month, as salary, was allowed and received under " au Act to amend Sections 11, 17, 18 and 20 ; and to repeal Section 30 of an Act entitled an Act to define, regulate and govern the State Prisons ot California, approved March 14, 1881." Said law was - passed by an almost unanimous vote of both houses of the Legislature, and remained unquestioned by any officer of the State until the Board of Directors passed the following resolution: - - •*■ - Resolved by the Board, That the Attorney-Gen eral be and he is hereby request id to take such ' action in the premises as may be necessary to obtain a judicial determinatien of said question by the Su- 1 preme Court. - ':-* r» "«9-«j-oe*a*««iS""?"«s?i'' After the ' adoption of the above resolution tbe . said Board ceased to draw any money under said Act. Suit was commenced in the Superior Court of Sacramento, and a decision was rendered by the Judge thereof . sustaining the constitutionality Of sail law. --'~~~£MR*"~*£j*^-.'-*--*"i-'' A 1 appeal was taken to the Supreme Court, which " Court reversed the decision of the Court below. ' Soon aft the decision of the Supreme Court the • Board paid voluntarily into the State Treasury the lull amount which they had drawn under said law. Fourteenth— Deny that the articles referred to in specification 13 were not charged to said Directors, or paid for until some months after the same were furnished : but said Board aver that a small aquarium was manufactured, of the - value of $10 25, at said prison, and ' delivered to said Director St bell in the month of Feb ruary, and paid for in the following month of March ; tbat a surgical instrument case was manufactured at. said prison, of the value of $21 21, for Direct** McNutt, and-d«livered in Feb ruary and paid for in the following month of March ; that said case wss made of green lumber, and ruined about $100 worth of surgical instru ments that a harness was manufactured at said prison of the value of 829 75 f«r Director A. H. Chapman, delivered in March aid paid for in the following month of June. The said sums paid for said articli 8 were the full values thereof. * The said Boatd earnestly request of the Attorney- General th»t ha carry out his expressed intention contained in specification thirteen, to place said ar- ' ticles on exhibition at the hearirg of tbis cause, and afterwards to place them in the State Museum as a souvenir of the malice and small ness of the charga contained in said specification. Fifteen* h— Deny that said Board of Directors had any knowledge that Warden Ames appropriated any property belonging to the State to his own use, or that said Warden sold forage to the State Prison contrary to law, as charged in specification 14. : Deny that paid Warden has ever appropriated any property belonging to the State, or sold any forage to the State. Sixteenth— Deny that the Directors in the year ISB2, at the starting of the jute factory, in San -nt-in, employed 18 Chinamen, who were not con victs, to work in said jute factory for the period of SO days, as charged in specification 15. Deny that said Directors employed or authorized the employment of any Chinamen, who were not convicts, for any time, or for any purpose, for the State. Seventeenth— Deny that said Board entered into an agreement with Degener & Co., merchants of San I rat. cisco, to supply the prison at San Quentin with two hundred and nfty tons of jute material, or for any other quantity of said material, for the price of si 20 per 100 pounds, as charged in specifi cation sixteen ; but aver that said Board did enter into a contract with said firm, on the 28th of Sep tember, 1880, for the deliveiy of two hundred and fifty tons of jute for 3 4 5 oenis per pound, includ ing cost, freight charges and insurance, the State to pay the duty, which was 67 cents per hundred (100) pounds, the amount which the State laid, as the following copies of papers will show : (C py.) Sax Francisco, September 22, 1580. • Wm. F. McNutt — Dear Sir : We herewith beg to offer you one thousand bales (2130 tons) jute, two- thirds superior, one-third inferior, to be shipped j from Calcutta during the month of November, per British iron ship Palawan, at 3 4-5 cents (ex ship) per pound. Cost, freight and insurance to be cov ered in one series for the thousand bales, with 10 per cent, particular arc- age. We have based our price on cash payment, with discount on ship's arrival. > We further beg to offer you 1,000 to 5.000 bales December, January shipment, at 3 1-10 cents, free on board in Ca'cutta. We can put this offer on the basis of a cost, freight and insurance price as soon as we have ob tained shipping opportunity in Calcutta for such purpose. ■ - Our offers (rom Calcutta are subject to immediate reply. . Being very desirous to consummate tbe business with yourself, we propose to do it on a bedrock , basis. Very truly yours, (Signed) DEGEXER & CO. (Copy) San Francisco, September 28, 1880. Messrs. Degener & Co., San Francisco - Gen c men : I am directed by our committee to advise you that your bid is accepted, so far as it relates to the first shipment of 250 tons, as per your letter of 22d - instant, and you are hereby authorized to make this shipment. Yours truly, (Signed) - WALLACK EVERSON, For the Committee State Prison Directors. (-opy) ''«,*» San Francisco. February 21, 1881. Committee of Slate Prison Directors, to Degener Co , Dr. To 1,000 bales, each 400 lbs— 4oo,ooo lbs .- % H? jute ex Palawan, 3 4-5 c $15,200 00 Duty 2,0 8 77 Cash.... X. $17,878 77 March 7, 1881— Received payment. . . . (Signed) DEGENER & CO. Eighteenth— Deny that said Board purchased ma chinery in England lor the jute factory at San Quentin to tlie amount of SVO.OOO, or any o.her amount, and kept no record of the same. Deny '.hat they did not retain the correspondence relating to the same. Deny that there was no notification to induce competition, as charged in specification 17. Said Beard aver that Wat den Ames corresponded with various firms in Leeds, England, and Dundee, Scotland, inviting proposals for the furnishing of said machinery for said jute factory, and received replies to the same, which correspondence is now in the possession of said Warden Ames at San Quentin, and said Board is ready and willing to exhibit the same. Said Board aver .*. that from cartful inquiry they ascertained that a complete system of looms, spinning and other machinery for said factory could not be ob tained in the United States, therefore tbe Board purchased the same by contract, dated August 21, ISSO, with and from the firm of Fair-bairn, Kennedy & Nay lor, of Leeds, England. Said machinery was purchased under an Act to define, regulate and govern the State Prisons of California," approved April 15, 1880. Nineteenth— Deny that said Board has permitted Warden Ames to sell and dispose cf the goods and articles manufactured at said prison without ■ limit and without competition, and deny that said goods and articles were sold contrary to Section 20 of an Act approved April 15, 1880, entitled "An Act tod-, fine, regulate and govern the State Prisons of California," as charged in specification eighteen. Deny that said goods ami artie'es were sold con trary to any law or section thereof, but aver that said goods and articles were (old and disposed of under said Act referred to in specificat'on eighteen, and the cash for the same has been received and paid to the State. • : Twentieth— Deny that said Board, without any . authority of law, or contrary to law, adopted a rule, and acted upon it, allowing ten cents per day to all convicts wbo perform faithful labor, as charged in specification nineteen. . Said Board aver that it hia been the rule and custom of all Boards of Directors of said prison to allow compensation to convicts for faithful labor working for the State and not em ployed by contractois, and tbat Bald practice has been found to be of great benefit to the State, and . proved "an invaluable aid in the maintenance of discipline.'' - . • - The custom of allowing compensation to convicts fcr good conduct and faithful service is practiced in nearly all well regulated prisons in the United States and other countries. Said Board further aver that said compensation of 10 cents per day allowed to convicts is authorized under and by virtue of " an Act to define, regulate and govern the State Prisons of California,'- approved April 1880. Deny tbat said Board has failed to enter their orders in their journal, as charged in specification . 20, and deny that they have persistently and con stantly disiegarjed the law referred to in said specification ; but aver that they have alwats con formed to, regal and obeyed In spirit and letter all laws relating t > the management of saM prison. Said Board state that thtv have : J ways invited thorough Investigations by any person having au thority ti make the same, of all or ary r.f their official acts, and or. April 17, 13-3, adopted the fol lowing resolution, an official copy of which was for warded to the Gove, nor, but hays received no reply up to tbis time : . . "With a view to the properly administrating the large trust upon the State Board of Prion Di rectors by virtue* of the new Constitution, which necessarily forces great industries to be inaugurated and conducted on State account by tbe managers, and such industries having been instituted and con ducted in accordance with legislative enactment and necessary large disbursements from appropria tions and earnings of the two prisons of the State hat in been made to build, equip, operate and sup j port the same, and as eighteen months bave elapsed since an expert bas been < in ployed by the Executive cf Vie State to examino such accounts, and as we deem it a precautionary measure, trusting to a satis factory assurance ot the people el the State as well as . tbe managers ■ of the trusts, - that I a careful and thorough examination by com petent experts, of all the receipts and disburse ment, and forms ct' keeping the accounts at each of tbe two prisons be made periodically if not an ■ nually. And in view of the near ipproach of a new j fiscal year, therefore be it --•■:.** • "Jlttolved, l'y this Board, that the Governor be ! requested, at hia earliest convenience, to cmp,oy for such an examination a ' competent expert of ac counts of pi oyer bookkeeping as he may deem suit able, to set in conjunction with one to be appointed by this Board, that thsy may conjointly examine thoroughly all accounts ol receipts and disburse ments at both prisons to tbeir satisfaction, and re port all error-*, found; and further, tbat they be 8 requested to re-commend aay improvement in keep ing such, accounts as ay see to them df sirable fo: the be", interests ot the State ; and further, that a." copy ol this pap«r be spread upon the minutes ot - this meeting, and a copy of the same bo ted by the clerk of thu Board at tbo Folsom It: -on to bis Excellency, Governor George Stone-nan, for bis consideration.'' •:•?,-:: r ■ -■ - State Prisui, Folaom, Cal., Aptil 17, 1883. -"- And for tke -'iirpo-e of establishing the legality of ail or any of our , official acts, and the integrity ot our conduit regarding the mar-->.geroeot of said prison,' we are ready . and :v. lir.*; to have, and hereby invite, a thorough and c to, examina tion of said acts before any legally constituted au thority to hear and determine tbs fame ; lint wo most respectfully quest ion, aid hereby deny that your Excellency, the Governor ot t)se SUte, hs*i any author*** under the Constitr.tkn ar.d laws of the State to sit in a Judicial cap wiry and exercise tb* functions of a Court te heir" and try -aid cause. * . All of which li respecticlly submitted. CHAi-LIS B. DARWIN ai.d V*(LLIAM H. SfcAKS, Ittorceys for -lefcidanta