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VOLUME LII.-NO. 62. THE CONTEST. A Fight for Political Supremacy. THE RESULT YET IN DOUBT. All Eyes Turned Upon New York's Vote. BOTH PARTIES CONFIDENT, Connecticut Still Hanging in the Balance. INTENSE INTEREST EVERYWHERE. Neither of the Candidates Despondent. [.VKCTAI. rv nLKGBATII TO TIIK RECORD-UNIOX.] ALABAMA. MotrraoHKitY, November Ith.— Montgomery , •ity gives 560 majority tor Blame. Scattering returns from different quarters show that Cleveland will carry the Suite by a large major ity. Jones for Congress in the First District, Herbert in the Second, Oates in the Third, Car tel in the Fifth, Martin in the Sixth ainJ Forney in the Seventh all Democrats— arc certainly •lecved. COLORADO. Pkwkr, November ith. — Besides the Presi dential Electors and one Congressman ;i full list •f .Stalo officers will be elected to-day. CONNECTICUT. Xkw Haven, November 4th.— A veryheavj Tote was polled early. The Independents arc voting largely and mainly the entire Demo cratic tiekel. The ISutlor, Irish-Blame and Pro hibition vote is insignificant llAßTptii:i>. November ith. — Hartford gives Cleveland 5,234, Blame 4,512. Cleveland's plu rality, 721. lIAKTVDiin, November ith. — Thirty towns give Slaiue 7,130, Cleveland, T.i'.l, Garfield 7.7>i'>. Hancock 7,166. For Governor, Harrison 7,247, Waller 7. "is. scattering 121. The same towns in 1882 gave Butler 5,438, Waller 6,304, scattering 301. In the First District Buck ,!{.., is probably sleeved to Congress. Hartriki), November Ith. — Seventy-nine town?*, not including Hartford and New Haven. jive Elaine 24,696, Cleveland 23,236, scattering 9 '..6.M. For Governor, Harrison receives 24,897, Waller 23.M2, scattering 1,497. Hartford, November Ith. — The Republicans fain one Congressman, Buck, in the First Dis trict. Mitchel (D.) in elected in the Second, Sey mour (D.) in the Third, find Wait (K.) in the Fourth District. Later returns do not change the result heretofore indicated in the State. Cleveland's plurality will probably be 1,500. I Hartford, November lth. - Owing to the troubles on the wires, due fo the storm, the re turns come in slowly. Seventy towns give Blame 2.">,1C7, Cleveland 25,867. GarSeld had 25,840, Hancock 24,623. The Uepublicau loss is 637. The same ratio of loss would give the State 10 Cleveland by a small plurality. Hartpokp, November ith. Eighty towns give Blame 39,955, Cleveland 30.822. The same gave Qarfleld 81,038, Hancock 29,474 — a Republican loss of 3,431. Cleveland undoubtedly curries the State. Mitchell (D.) is elected to Congress n the Second District. For Governor, Herrison has 30,218, Waller 31.242. Scattering 1 .410. Prob ably there is no election of State officers, and the Republican Legislature will elect Harrison. FLORIDA. jACKSompiixp, November i.h -Specials to t!ie Tit*ca- Ditto* from - intiea st ite tli'it the Democrats have elected their entire National, •tate nr.rt < Dgressional ticket. The weather wfj favorable, and a very heavy vote was polled. Borne white Republicans voted lor the Democratic i i ididate for <; ivernor, and some > Rjr< v I irdest Bght was In the Second O .. District. The indica tiuiD are that Dougherty (Dem.) l«eut« Bisbce i Rep-t by :i small plurality. GEORGIA. <iviv>' ■ this i-,>y and •our.ty a heavy v ( .tr \v:is polled. His estimated there Ik a Democratic majority of I,50». Dis patchoß f:..:.i , ... lies an ex •eedingly light ■• Auor-srr*. Kovember Ith,— The vote- In this city was 4*s7o. The entire rote of the county is about 6,00n Cleveland's plurality is about 2.000. Some votes were cast for St. John. The returns indicate the election of the entire Dem delegation t»i ongresa Cleveland's majority in fbe iHHto ... . . ■ I LLINOIS. «!li€l(ir.. Kovi':;: r4 '(■ weather, the outlook nt this hour is for the largest voti ! in the city. I.c portaahow that lines uf voters at various polling places averaged two and three hundred voters at each at 8 clock, and voting since that hour hfu been ftcady aiul rapid. No disturbances of any character have boon reported up to i!'.:-* hour, and the feeling now la that the da; will be one. of comparative <iuiet. All the banks and • xchanses are closed, as are also nearly all the larpe I [nest house*. Chicago, November llh.— The election in this •itjr. and .l- fur as hoard from throughout the Hate, w!i» an unusually peaceful one. While there has been interest manifested In the result as shown by too tact that voters stood In Un ■: hours In a drizzling rain tnorder to cast their ballot-*, at the same time there was an unusually large amount of scratching! this fact and the extremely hi ivy vote, and the further fact that • the number of votes i i many districts precluded the possibility of getting all the ballots before 7 o'clock, the time for closing the polls, and ne cessitated a continuance of the voting Into the night in order not to disfranchise voters in the line, will make the reaching even an approxi- ; mate riwiit very late. IMB Chicago, Kovember Ith.— The Presidential rate of Illinois will be compared with that of 18aO. when Garficld carried the State by 40,716. Chicago. November Ith. — Sixty-three prc «inct« in the city give Blame ls/.sn, Cleveland 1(5,6.19. For Governor, 13 precincts give Harrison 15.4.-O, Oglesby 10,280. Chicago, Kovember Hh. — Sixty-four precinct* in the city give Harrison (Dem.) for Governor, 9,270 majority. Chicago, Kovember llh.— O-ongrewional re turns from Illinois come in v<sy slowly. A brief telegram announces there-election of William .R. Morrison in Chicago. Dunham (Rep.), In the First District, la re-elected. In the Second the fight i« close between Finiicrty (Independent) ; »nd I-awler (Dem.). If in the Third District Jamce H. Ward (Dem.) is elected, it is the result of a triangular light i" the district, glowing out of the ajbltration declaring George K. Davis not the regular nominee. In the Fourth District Adam* (Rep) l« re-elected. Chicago, November 4th— l:Vi a. m.— Returns from the oity and State are coming In slowly, and are very much scattered. Nothing further SACRAMENTO DAILY RECORD-UNION. in the way of estimates can be had from the • "ongrcMonal Districts. Ogelsby and Harrison j are running very close for (iovernor, and it will j probably take the complete returns from Cook ', county to decide the re-suit. Two hundred and i forty-four precincts heard from show a net Dem ocratic gain of 6,155. If this ratio should hold out it would give the State to the Democrats by ciuite a decided majority. i:;i lanapous, November lth.— The vote of the State will be compared with that of 1882 for Secretary of State, which gave a Democratic plurality of 10,G.54. In 1882 there were 160 pre cincts ; at present there are 1,892. Kvansviu.e, November lth.— ln-lhe first pre cinct of the city of iivansvilie the Republicans estimate a majority of M. Indianapolis, November lth.— One hundred voting places Show B Ilepiiljlieitu Ruin of 2C~. This ratio, if continued, will give Cleveland the Stutu by 5,000 plurality. Indianapolis, November lth. — Chairman New, of the Republican Stato Central Commit tee, concedes the .state to the Democrats by r>,OiX>. It is thought Brown in the .Sixth, Johnson in the Eighth, and Doxcy in the Ninth (Repoli cans) are elected to Congn as. The result in the Seventh, Tenth and Districts is doubtful. The other districts are thought to be Democratic. Dcs Mowes, November tth.— Betorns will be compared with the vote of last year, when Sherman, for Governor, Republican, had 164, --IS2; Kinnc (Democrat i, 138,093; Weaver (Green back), 23,089. Sherman's plurality was 29,089, and Ui.i majority 'J.OOO. This year the Demo crats and Grecnbackers have fused. No com parison can be made with former years, on ac -1 count of the change in precincts and districts, ami in lssi and Hs_> not a full vote was polled, on account of heavy storms. Butler and I'ro hibltlon tickets were in the field, but have out in* c insiderablc figure. Dcs Moinks, November lth.— Ten precincts from the interior give lilaine 1,412, Fusion 915, Butler 17, St. John 4. A Republican gain, net, of 295. DBS Mouses, November 4th. —lowa has 1,704 voting places. Garfield'a plurality in 1880 was 7s,()Vj. In 1883, Sherman (Hep.), tor Governor, had a plurality of 25,039, and a majority over all of 2,000. The vote will be compared with 1883. Olathe, November Ith. — Governor St. John spent the day quietly n.t hi» home here, oeca .. appearing on the streets in company with a small number of friends. At half-past 1 he walked to the fcolls in the Third Ward, where lie cost his vote. In reply lo an inquiry by a correspondent of the Associated Tress, Governor St. John remarked that ho was jis nappy as a clam. Atchirok, November 4th. — Two precincts of rotyglvc Blame 105, Cleveland 80, Mar. tin Rep.) for Governor 95, Glyct (Dem.) 97, Mor rill, for Congress, 96, Foster 95. New Orleans, November 4th.— it is believed that the vote will not be heavy, though the weather is clear and pleasant. The comparisons will be with the last Presidential and the 1882 Congressional elections. New Orleans, November 4th.— The election passed oil' quietly. No trouble is thus far re ported in any part of the state. But few returns have been received, but they indicate a clean sweep for the Democrats, though the Republi cans still claim the election of Hahn in the Sec ond and Kellogg in the Third Congrc-si. m.:\ District Portland, October Ith.— The indications .ire that Blame will carry the State by 25,000. The vote fur Bt, John and Butler i- Uifling. There is no excitement. Augusta, November Ith.— When Maine's spe cial train arrived at Augusta there were not many people at the depot, but those who hail assembled cheered Bluing as he alighted from the train. On his way to his residence he and his two sons stopped lit the polling place and voted. Bahcob, November Ith.— Bangor gives Blame 2,010, Cleveland 1,522, Butler 10, St John 55. Portland, November ith.— Forty towns give I'.luinc 17,114, Cleveland IJ..SW."', Butler 7:vj. St. John 531. Portland, November Ith.— One hundred and thirty towns give Blame 39,583, Cleveland 27, 168, Butler 1,563, St. John 1,221. Blaine'a plurality 12,121, against Gariield's majority of 6,943. At this hour, although raining, the streets in front of the Press nnd Argu* offices, an.l for some blocks down, are packed with ;i multitude ~:riv ing for the news. Baltimore, November Ith.— A rainstorm pre vails throughout the *tutc, but not or sufficient severity to keep the voters from the polls. Lit tle attention U paid to the Butler ticket, but in this city St. John is expected to get a consider able \otr. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, November 4th.— The weather i cloudy and threatening. There are four t:. keta in the field: Democratic, Republican^ People's and Prohibition. The vole will likcAphe. inrye. All ol these tickets have ele ie<i Qubernatorial and Congressional candidates. The Republican candidate forGov* r:. >:■ i- George I>. Robinson, tlie present incumbent. The Democratic '-;u. --* la William Endicott The Peoples' party ated M. J. Caffcrty, and the Prohibition ists Julius 11. Seelye, of Ami; w, November Ith. -Following is the en tire vr.te in Hull: i-'or President— Cleveland, 47; liiiiine. 36; St. John, !::. For Governor— Endicott, P. Robinson, - v< ; Seelye, 12. South Denis, November 4th.— The '..>t:i! vote gives Kiainc 263, Cleveland 28, Butler -.j, St. John 9. Vf< ■ : -!:.::, November 4th. -The total vote of ton is: Blame, 118; Cleveland, 26; Bt, John, n. Bntler, & Cohabskt, November 4th.— The total vote here Is as follows: lUaine, it:7; Cleveland, - St John, 17: Butt r, 2. Bosrov, November Ith. — AtS:3op. m in Clou cestei the voi,- kt,»Hi as follows: Blaii ■ ....;. 750; Butler, ;«; .St. John, 100. «, Kovember 4th.— Returns n fur re ceivedshow that Robinson, Republican candi date for Governor, N running coi iiderably ahead of the Blame Electoral ticket, and that ■ rote is an exceedingly small one. As an indication of the Butler vpte in the State, a dispatch from ritt>fieid states tbal Butlci n : for President. flor 'Jov crnor, !:1.-! year, he received l,:<ii> votes. New ■ - c tine 2,511, ' leveland I John i.^i and Butler lf<B. s, Kovember 4th. — Ninety ;■■ ' leveland jt.iis. Blame 17,987 --: ..■'■ r3 'SL John 1,070. C'rcnch's plurality, 9,481. Fifteen vr< .-• . v from. The Butler vote in sixty towns k 1,906. T!ie--o sixtyt- ■ . .. 133. Cleveland LO.SU, 61 John 1,06 a Boston, Kovember ith.— on- hundred ami thirty-seven towns "and eiiio-. Id this State, in cluding 102 of the 107 precincts of Boston, give 50.889, Cleveland 68,620, Butler 8,164, St. John 4,09t Boston, Kovember Uh. — On." Imndrpil and dfty-three towm and cities, including lW pre cincts of Boston (ont of 107 in the State), give Blalue 61,876, Cleveland 66492, Butler 9,538,31 John 4,831. The missing precincts ol this city gave last year it Democratic plurality of 141. 'i he Gubernatorial vote of Boston, with two wards to hear from, is: Robinson, 22,408; Kndi- oott, 25,997; llcCanerty, 8,280; .Scclyc, 3-lU. The miming wards last year gave 1486 plurality for Butler. Rauny (Rep.) is elected to Congress in thU district Krj.ubliean estimates give the Rc | publicans a flight gain in thfl Senate -possibly j lour. The House of Representative* will rc | main nbout at. at present. Detroit, November 4th.— The vote In this city is unusually heavy, notwithstanding the rain-storm Which has prevailed moat of today. The National anil State tickets were not scratched lo a great extent, except the Republi can candidate for Governor. The county and Congressional vote u»s less a party matter, and there was considerable scratching. Detroit, November Uh. — Returns, so far an received, are from country places, mid the cities INDIANA. IOWA. KANSAS. LOUISIANA. MAINE. MARYLAND. MICHIGAN. SACRAMENTO, WEDNESDAY MORXING, NOVEMBER 5, 1884. will probably alter the figures somewhat. Fusion in this State means confusion to out siders in understanding the returns. The fusion state vole can be told by the vote on (iovernor. The fusion national ticket has the vote of Cleveland and Butler added together. Of thirteen electoral votes the fa-ionists all vote for twelve, but the thirteenth place the Ureer. backers for one man, the Democrats an other. This gives one Republican elector. Jackson, November 4th. —Dispatches from all directions in the .Slate show that the negroes voted largely with the Democrats. The indica tions point to the election of the entire Demo cratic delegation to Congress. The returns, however, come iv slowly. DETBOIT, November .>th. — 2:45 a. m. — It is im- I>ossiblc to tell definitely at this hour what the result is in this State, and the last bulletin sent indicates that the Republican State and National tickets are ahead ; but at the rale of Democratic gains there seems a chance for the State to go Democratic. However, the upper peninsula is not nil heard from, and ii is strongly Republi can. Detboit, November sth.— a. k. — Two handled and forty-nine precincts give Blame 43,615 and Cleveland .;:.:■". MISSISSIPPI. Jackson, November 4th.— Blaine carries Jack son by a majority of 25. Returns from other preeiucls in Hinds county will give Cleveland a small majority. Hancock's majority in Hinds county wus 1,881. The Democratic ticket has a majority of about 250 in Rankin county, which gave Hancock a majority of ivi7. Returns from the State are coming in slowly, and show a very light vote ; but of an unquestionably Democratic tendency. Ynzoo City cast 'Z'*) votes, six of which were Republican. MISSOURI. St. Louis, November 4th. — Bay county gives Graves, Democrat, for Congress, 1,300 majority, and elects the entire Democratic county ticket. St. Louis, November 4th.— Returns from2oof the 211 precincts of this city give Cleveland a majority of 123, while Ford ' Fusion), for Gov ernor, has a majority of 222 over Harmaduke (Dem.) for Sheriff. Harrington i.Dein.j hits a majority of 102 over Foerstol (Rep.), while Cle ver I !!ep. >, for Circuit Attorney, hus 111 majority over Paxson (Dem.). The same precincts give J. W. Glover (Dem.), tor Congress in the Ninth District, 105 majority. If this vote is sustained in the other precincts, this city will be Demo cratic on the National ticket, Fusion, or unti- Bourbon, on the state ticket, and the munici pality will be much mixed. A heavy vote was polled in the city. There wasmuch scratching of the local candidates. The indications point to the election of Cram, Democratic candidate for Congress, in this (the Seventh) district, over Rentfro and Nelson (Reps.). Returns from the state are meager, and indicate the election ol every Democratic Congressman. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Hanover, November Ith. — Tho indications are that Cleveland wiU run slightly ahead of the balance of his ticket, but the Republican ma jority will be about the same as a year ago. Concord, November Ith. — Twenty towns eivc Currier (Rep.), for Governor, 2,515; Hill (Dem.), 2. 15'J; Mason (Prohibition), 81; scattering, 19. The same places in l^ gave Halo (Rep.) 2,529; Edgerly (Dem.) and scattering, '-' Concord, November Ith.— Ninety towns give Blame 14,970, Cleveland 13,762, St. John 495, Butler 172. One hundred and eighty-five towns give Currier 14,346, Hill 14,465, Mason 502, scat tering 104. The same towns gave Hale 12,930, Kdgerly and scuttering 12,686. Concord, November 4th. — One hundred and five towns give Blame 18,015, Cleveland 14,111, St. John 608, Butler 193. Maine's plurality 1,874. The same towns gave Garfield 15,270, Hancock 17,208. Garfield'a plurality, 1,062. The same towns give Currier 17,*W>, Hill fc' ; ■■ Ma son i"i7J. scattering 138. Both the Republican Candidates for Congress are chosen by good plu ralities. Both branches of the Legislature are strongly Republican, and four of the five Coun cilors will be Republican. Maine's plurality will not probably be less than 4,000. NEW JERSEY. Tr.ENToN, November 4th.— There is sudden trouble here. Prosecutor Beasly hus ordered the arrest of a numl>cr of Republicans and oth ers on a charge of bribery. Among the number are said to he two very prominent persons. War rants have been issued for the arrest of persons all) gi '1 to have v oM their vote.-. L'p to 1 o'clock averj large Republican vote had been polled. The Democrats were apparently holding 1 back. Trenton, November ith. — I'oliee Justice Stahl, Democrat, was arrested here this evening while on bis way to Court, on complaint of .i<:s. w. Bennett, who charges that Stahl bribed one William Ely. He was held in £s,ooo bail. A complaint was aiso sworn out against Prank !!. I.aior, a prominent Democrat, for the bribery oi F. 11. (o!e. Tkeston, November 4th.- The Republicans claim Essex county by from 2,500 to 3,000— a slight Republican ;.':iin. Lehlbach (Rep.) is elected to i Congress in the sixth District. Tbemton, November Ith. — Passaiac county give an estimated Republican majority of 1,800 —about the same aslnlSHO. The Democratic majority of Ber^t'ii county promises to be larger than usual. Both parties claim the State. The polls did not close in this State until 7 P.M. Meager returns from the counties show Repub llcan Bains. Trenton, November ith.— Partial returns give a good [zed Republican gain. Buchanan, for Congress, runs ahead •■! his ticket. Atlantic county .jives Blame 500 majority — a Democratic gain of 268. The indications point to a Repub lican majority of 700 in Mercer county— a Re publican gain of \£>. Buchanan >i;.-j>.) i> elected to Congress from the Second Distiict. Trenton, November 4th.— Returns are coming in very slowly. The Democrats claim the Slate by '■.'-»> to Paterson, November 4th.— Meager returns in dicate that Blame will exceed Uarticld's plu rallty of 1,800. Iv Passaic eoxinty the emire lean county Ucke! and three Republican assemblymen are protiatily elected, l'lielps (Rep.), for Congress, runs ahead of his ticket. NEW YORK. NEW, Novcnihcr 4th. -In this State l/> --day, besides the PreKidentlal Electors, tin fol lowing cundidiitcs will be voted for: Two Judges of the Court of Appeals, thirty-four Con gressmen, members of the Assembly and various local mid city officials. Judges of the Supreme Court will l>v elected, having been nominated by both Democratic and Republican conven tions. In twenty-six of the Congressional Dis tricts there :;re, in addition to the nomination of the two principal partii <. nominations by the r. iple'i party or Prohibitionists. In live of tricts, both of those parties have made Dom^Btions. There are iri New York State, onuidc i<: Sew York and Brooklyn, 1,994 polling nr election districts. Returns from these compared aud sent out independent ol New York City and Brooklyn. The comparison in the State will be made with the returns for ii. in 1880. The vote in thai ! 555.&11, Hancock 534, ■!!, with 13,895 og. iii New York the joils ipi a. IL and closed at l p.m. In Brooklyn they i at sunrise, 6:38 \. m., and <-'.o>x-'! :. sun ; set, i T.> p. H, Bcffjllo, November 4th.— There was a large iiumiior at the polling place where Governor Cleveland votes to greet the Governor and wit ness bil voting. At a few minutes before S o'clock he appeared, was supplied with a straight Democratic ticket, and taking up bis position at tn« foot of the column, patiently awaited his turn to vole. He simply said to the polling clerk "Is it all right?" and upon being answered in the affirmative, passed out. As lu p:i»ed trom behind the railing some one su ir geSted three cheer* for Cleveland, and those, with a liger, were given with a will. The Gov ernor Ixiwcd his acknowledgments. In com pany with C W. Miller he proceeded to tho latter's stable, where he took a carriage and was driven r»pi(]]y to the depot, when he entered a Pullman conch bound for Albany. Rochester, November lib..— The day opened wet, but by in o'clock it was fair and dry. The Republicans claim larje K*m* in every ward in the city, and estimate that they will carry the county by 5,000 majority. The Democrats don't admit more than half the majority. Independ ent Republicans are polling n large rate. The Irish vote for lilaine is not greater than antici pated. Troy. November 4th. —There b a light rain, but au treiage tow is being polled in city ami county. Blame is running fully up to Gartield's vote of ISsU. The Irish Blame vote in this city is estimated at 500. Butler did not poll as heavy a vote as expected. BitooKi.Y.v. November 4th. — Leaders of the Democratic party say Cleveland's majority in Kings county will be from 19,000 to 20,000, bat Republicans contend that lie will not go out of the county with more than 10,000. The Butler and St. John vote is very small. The vote ol Kings county iv 1880 wa- : GarSeld. 51,751; Hancock. 61,062; Hancock's majority, 9,311. Cooper^town, November tth.— The indications are that OtsegO county will give Cleveland more majority than it gave Cleveland in I>7i">. Piuder will be elected to Congress. UTICA, November lth. — The weather i* rainy, but n heavy vote is being polled. Surface indi cations arc that Cleveland's majority will te from 300 to 500. New Yobk, November lth. — Fifty-five elec tion districts, out of the 712 in New York, give Blame 5,648 votes, Cleveland 10.557, Butler 181, St. John 22. One hundred and twenty-eight election districts of New York State, outside of the cities of New York and Brooklyn, give Maine 29,273, Cleveland 25,574, Butler 189, St. John, 1,588— a net Democratic gain of 2,698. Ni:w YORK, November 4th."— One hundred and seventy-seven election districts ot Brooklyn, out of a total of 2 18 districts, show Cleveland's ma jority to be 11,135. New Yobk, November 4th.— Fourteen election districts of New Yoi k Stale, outside the cities rrf New York and Brooklyn, give Blame 84,285, < leveland '29,c;'.is, Butler 7o<;, St. John 1,957. NEW Yobk, November -Ith.— One thousand nine hundred and ninety-four precincts in New York Stflte, outside of the cities of New York and Brooklyn, give Blame 62,186, Cleveland 52,009, Butler 1,017, St. John 3,605— a net Demo cratic gain of S,2'!>. New Yobk, November 4th.— The Twelfth As sembly District of this city, complete, gives Blame :t.l'A-<, Cleveland 5,171, Butler 71. The Sixteenth Assembly District, complete, gives Blame 2.715, Cleveland 5,313—700 less than Han cock received over Garfleld. The Twentieth Assembly District, complete, gives Blame 5,434| Cleveland 6,114, Butler 151, St. John 8. 'the Kighth Assembly District, complete, gives Blame 4,651, Cleveland 3,842— a Republican majority of 809. This district four years ago gave Hancock 153 majority. Sew Y.>;:k, November 4th.— Returns from mast ol the Republican districts in the city of New York show gains for the Democratic na tional ticket, while returns from the Demo cratic portion-: of the city Democratic losses. Hewitt is undoubtedly elected to Con gress from the Tenth District by 600 majority. In the .Seventh Assembly District Uarfield's ma jority of 1,544 disappeared, and Cleveland has a majority of 57. In the .Sixteenth Assembly Dis trict Hancock's majority of 3,400 is reduced to 2.700. Pulitzer is elected from the Ninth Con gressional District by an immense majority;.: New I'obk, November Ith.— ln this city, iv •Is.', districts, out of 71J. Ulnine received :'.J,47U, Cleveland 10,07::, Butler 1,034, St. John :;oj. Cleveland's majority in the city is between 40,000 and (9,003, New YoßK,November4th.— Two hundred and eighty-four election districts out of the 712 in this city give Blame 39,164, Cleveland 51,949, Butler 1,337, St. John 327. Three hundred aud fifty-seven election districts in the State outside of l7u' cities of New York and Brooklyn, give lilaiue 87,862, Cleveland 72,858, Butler 2,399, --i. John 4,814— a net Democratic gain in the State of 4,043. New York, November 4th. — One hundred and ninety-seven districts of Brooklyn givi Cleve land 49,161, Blame 37,218, Butler 1,511, St. John 914, with eleven districts to hear from. New YORK, November 4th.— The Kirst Ward Of Brooklyn, the home of Henry Ward Beecher, gives Cleveland 2,234 votes, Blaine 1,746. This is the fir-t time the ward has gone Democratic. New York, November 4th.— The .Seventh As sembly District, complete, gives Blame 4.552, Cleveland 4,621, Butler 111, St. John 78. The Ninth Assembly District, complete, gives Blame 1,966, Cleveland .V-'H, Hutk-r 154, St. John 121 The Fifth Assembly District, complete, gives Blame 2,605, Cleveland J.-YIK. Umler li r >, Hi. John IS. New York, November ith.— Tho Thirteenth Av-ciubly District, complete, gives Blaine 4,B6l, Cleveland 4, !">:'., limler ISO, St. John 91— a Re publican gain of 198. New York, November 4th. — Cleveland's ma jority in the city of lirooklyn is retorted to be about 14,000. In New York City it will not ex ceed 30,400 majority. New Yofik, November 4th.— Four hundred and ten election districts, outside of Sew York ami Brooklyn, give Blaise 99,250, Cleveland 81,759. If this proportion continues throughout the remaining 1,584 districts in the State,«Blaine will have a handsome majority. Albany, November 14th.— Itis probable that the Democratic majority of Albany county is less that fifteen hundred. The Democrats con cede th" election of Swinburne (Rep.) to Con gress. New York, November 4th. The return; from this State, outside of Brooklyn and New York, give a Republican plurality of 27,500 a net Democratic gain of 5,724. Buffalo, November 4th.— The election here was generally vcrj qutet. The vote polled '.u^ the largest for years. With three strong Demo cratic districts to be heard from (which will probably give Cleveland 100 majority), and two Republican districts to hear from (which will probably add to Blame's majority 200), Blainu has carried the city by 1,089. New Y..i:k. November 4th.— With fourteen di-ui'-t.-. to hear from, Ihe city gives Cleveland a majority of 41,640. Kinga county, complete, gives 15,279 majority. The other inland counties : will add s,ooo to these figures. In the sute. : outside of these, 673 districts give riiainc -'T*':y ; majority, with 1,271 districts to hear from. These figures indicate that the State will be • lose and doubtful. Buffalo, November 4th.— Lockwood, (Dem.), for Congress to defeated by over 1,200, by Colonel Farquahai. John J. Weber is elected probably bj the small majority of 299. This ward, as a j rule, gives 700 Republican majority, The vote I for Hutler In this city was about 125, mid for St John about 310, and Lancaster, an unusually closely contested town, gives Cleveland 10*) ma jority. BROOKLYN, November 4th.— Cleveland has a I plurality of M.OS 9in this city and 15,239 in the whole county (Kings). The election in Brook lyn was remarkable for the early and heavy vote polled, and the absence of disturbances. Ni:w Yor.K. November 4th.— The Fifth Assem bly District complete gives Blame 2,605, Cleve land 4,498, Butler 125, St. John 18— a Democratic gainoflS9. The Twenty-Second Assemblj Dis trict complete gives Blame fvHi, Cleveland 9,004, Butler 2SB, it. John 64 a Democratic gain of 402. Nkw Yohk, November 4th. — Cleveland's ma ■ jority in New York City will, SO far as hi ard from, not exceed 30,000. In Brooklyn Cleve land's majority Is about 12,000. Nkw Vobx, November 4th. — Four hundred and thirty-seven election districts in Now York State, of the 1,9W election districts out Ide of tho Cities of New York and Brooklyn, give Blame 105,139, Cleveland 86,730, Butler 2,654, St. John ■"..".71. Sew Y'iiiK. November 4th,— Senator Jonas, of the Democratic National Committee, says there is no doubt lhat Now York State has given Cleveland 85,000 to 50,000 majority , New Jersey 5,000 and Connecticut 8,500. Meager returns from Indiana show material Democratic gains over 1880, and Senator Jonas is confident of a Democratic majority in that State, and Califor nia, He also hopes for Neva la. The Republican National Committee has privately conceded New York State to Cleve land by GO.noO majority. This was bused on re turns from the cities. During the next hour re turns from less populous districts made a con siderable decrease in that estimate. New Yokk, November 4th. — This city, with twelve election districts to hear from, shows the present majority for Cleveland over Maine to be 41 .MO. New Yokk, November 4th. —The total vote in the city ol Brooklyn iind the county gives « leve land 07.559, Illaine 82^01, Butler 'J. 139, St. John l.'.iOi Cleveland's plurality, 15^86. Sam YoßK,November4th.— One thoutandand one districts, outside ot New York and Brook lyn, give Maine MJBSf, Cleveland li)l,2iiO. New York, November 4th. —Long Island City, complete, gives Blainc 1,263, Cleveland 2,094, Butler 99, St. John 28— h Republican gain of 615, New York, November The-Kvcning Jour nal says the State Assembly is Republican, and a Republican United state.- Senator is secured. The Congressional delegation of the State will stand 17 Republicans to 17 Democrats. Ai.isanv. November Mh— 2uV> A. M.— ln Albany City, complete, returns give Cleveland 14 ma jority—a Democratic loss of about 1,500. Albany, November 4th— Albany city, com plete, gives Cleveland 11,332, Blame 10,019, But le; ">l7, St. John 56. The Democratic plurality is 1,313— a Republican gaiu of 2,110. Putnam county gives Maine between SOO and dXi ma jority. New York, November .>th— a. m.— One thou sand two hundred and twenty-seven districts, outside of New York and Brooklyn, give Blame 289,689, < leveland 244,915, Butler 7.77.S St. John 15,089 -a net Democratic gain of 10,299. Sew Yobk, November sth— B:3o \. M.--The in dications are that lilaine hits carried New York sia'..- by s.ikjo to 10,000 majority. YOUTH CAROLINA. Wilmington, Novembei tih in addition to the Presidential Elector?, '■■■ irnlina to-day elects a full ticket and '. :-:;.■■ •■ ■.: the Superior Court, members of the 1.c..-!:..- . .1 county ofiieers. Tho issues are ih" tarii; lucation, civil rights, and the quevtl mol nvirro rule iv the eastern counties. All ot!n . • are dwarfed by the latter, ami the en ■■■ me is sharply drawn in nearly the \ . > ■ . : , -<-.t.-. KAi.Kji.ii. November -ah. Five .....•'.- of the city of Raleigh give Cleveland's majority 147— a Democratic gain of -•:">. Returns from Asheville show an increase of ii ■ ■ in the vole -a Democratic net gain of 300 over IBSO. Raleigh, November lth. Ualeigh gives Clove land 147 majority -a gain of -tr>. ;Six other prc ciucts in distant parts of the State show a Demo cratic gain of 573. Cleveland's majority will i>e al least 10,000. Wilmington, November 4th.— Returns from many counties remove all doubt as to the result in this state. The Republicans concede the Slate to the Democrats, on both the Presidential and State tickets. The Democrats claim that their majority will not be less than 10,000. There seems to be little doubt that the Demo crats have eight out of nine Congressmen — a gain of one. OHIO. Clbyelakd, November lth.— The weather is murky ami threatening rain. Polls organized peacefully throughout the city. A heavy vole was polled early, about the fiamc time as at a corresponding time in October. Cincinnati, November 4th.— There is irnch less excitement anJ interest, andsmailei crowds about the lolling places than at the October election. At '.'o'clock a heavy cold rain set in which had the effect to drive away all idlers, leaving only determined workers to watch the polls. No disturbance i:< reported anywhere, except at one precinct of the Eighth Ward where a colored man offered to vote, and, being refused on account of non-residence, was knocked down aud driven away. There are no officers apparent about the polls except the regular police. In some places citizens' com mittees are present designated by badges. It is estimated that the rain will reduce the total vote ;ii least a thousand below the October vote. Eleven arrests for illegal voting have been made, all colored men. Norw&lk, ' >hio, rcf>orts a full vote, and Repub licans claim a large gain over the October elec tion, principally from the Irish votes. At Elyria the vote is about the same sis in the October I■■ tiou. liutlcr sets twenty or thirty votes' uud the Prohibitionista about fifty votes. TiM inn'ati, November 4th. — The quietness of the election was broken iv the afternoon al*oul 1 o'clock i:i the Eighth Ward by a refusal of the bystanders at the polls, many of whom were armed with clubs, to permit the colored men to vote. The voters thus disfrancished went to the United States Marsha; for advice, and this gave rise to numerous rumors thai the negroes were going to organize, and with a force of Deputy Marshals marched in a body to cast their votes This brought a crowd to the polls, and the ex citement was increased by the patrol wagons hastening to the scene. The negroes did not or. ganize and attempt to vote in a body, and the Crowd gradually melted away. -Scon after this, at the oilier precincts of the same ward, a well known citizen. John I). Cald well, accompanied a colored man to the polls to vote. His vote was challenged, and the Judges were about to ex amine the man under oath, when the bystand ers forcibly ejected the colored man from the place. The mob pursued, caught and beat him until a half dozen or more policemen succeeded in extricating the negro from their hands. Soon after this a challenged white voter was knocked down by the same lawless bystanders. The situation at lioth precincts in this ward from that time till the polls closed was threatening, aud crowds lined the streets in the vicinity ex pecting a disturbance. In the Eighteenth Ward, in the afternoon, Peter Kelly stabbed seriously, it nut fatally, policeman Honeyman, on duly at the polls. The ion was that Honeymau had struck Kelly's" brother earlier in the day. Columbcs, November 4th. The Secretary of stale's rejK>rt for Ohio in is.-;; does not give the number of voting places correctly. At the Oc tober election there were 20,017 voting places in the .-tate. We will compare with tiarfield'svote in ISSO, w hi n the majority was $4,227 ; also with Robinson's vote in October, 1884, when the lle publican majority was 11,187. Seventeen wards and preeioeis in Ohio show a net Republican gain ol "5W over 1884, ;.:.•! a net Democratic gain of 14 ovei : COLCMBUS, November Ith. — One hundred and thirty wards and precincts in Ohio show a net Republican gtiiu over IBS4of !.7jl. and a net Democratic gain ircrlSSO of 293. Thirty-seven precincts in Bumpton county show a net Bepub lican gain over 1884 of 9,72?. Cleveland, November 4th.— ln the October elections there were. -V»l7 voting places iv the State. We will compare the vote with Garncld's in 1880, when the majority was 3,427; also with Robinson's in October, 1884, when the Republi can majority was 11,187, Toledo, November 4th. — Twenty-nine pre cincts in Lucas county give a net Republican gain over October of 469, Those to be heard from gave the Republicans a majority in Octo ber of 9L IMiisis held good the county will give » Republican majority oi 9 0. PENNSYLVANIA. l'mi.Ai'KU'AU, November 4th. — The day opened in Philadelphia with the weather over cast and thri'Ptening rain, but the early vote is heavy. PrrrSBBRG, November 4th.— Tlie election passed off without any disturbance. A very large vote was poilcil in Allegheny county, and there was considerable scratching, which is unusual iii Presidential years. At 10:30 the re turns are very indefinite, but the indications point to the election of the Republican ticket. Blame's plurality about 1 1 ,000. RHODE ISLAND, Providence, November 4th.— The city vote at j o'clock, one 'INcrici excepted, shows a Repub lican loss of 257 from four yean a^o, aud » Dem ocratic gain of4i; over the Hancock vote at the game hour. Providence, November 4th.— Total vote of Providence: Blame 6,275, Cleveland 4,411. Bnt j ler 2U, St John s>. Blaise's majority, 1,400. ritoviDKX) k, November 4th.— Newport gave j Blame 2,041, Cleveland, i.-jos, Butler 17, st. John ! l') 7, against 2,061 for Gorfleld and 979 for Han- I cock. Tho vote of the State, complete, gives i Blame 19,029, Cleveland 12,438, Butler 4^ r >. Bt I John 911. Blame's majority is 5^225, against I 7,iy. for Garfield in I*Bo. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston, November — The election in .South Carolina to-day is for Governor atad State officers, members of the Legislature and Con gressmen, a* well as for Presidential Electors. There i- practically no opposition to the Demo cratic candidates for state officers, and in only four or live counties have the Republicans nom inated candidates for county officers. There is no serious opposition to the Democratic candi dates for Congress, except in the First, or Charles ton District, where Tuft (Rep.) opposes Dibble (Dem.), and in the Seventh District, where Small.- (Rep.) is opposed by Elliott (Dem.), OHABLIStOtI, November Ith.— Scattering indi cations from a number of counties throughout the State indicate that the Democrats have elected iheir entire ticket by a large majority, with six out of seven of the Congressmen. The election, as far as heard from, was peaceful. TENNESSEE. K.M.V.VILI.K, November 4th— M.— The elec tion is passing off quietly. 1 There has been a drizzling rain all morning. MEMi'iii-. November 4th.— The election In this city and county passed oflfqui< i!y. Pol] returns will not be received until to-morrow. Sufficient is known, however, that the Republicans hare elected their legislative ticket by a minority av eraging 900. VERMONT. Whits KivF.u Junction, November lth.—Re turns from ltt' towns give BlaiuO, 2ll, Clcvt i-i."!. Butler 575. St. John 1,168. Blaine'9 plurality. 15,545. Onriield 1 .- piurality was 19,1 If the remaining lAi towns give a proportionate vote to the above. Blaine'i majority will be tip ward of 25,000. The vote for St. John was draw n mostly from the Republican party , while But ler.> comeS froDi the Democrats. VIRGINIA. Petkbsbvbo, Kovembei 4th.— Th« election thus far passed off quietly, a heavy while and colored vote Is being polled at all precincts where there arc police officers and United Stales Marshals. The weather is damp, disagreeable and misty. Rain has been falling all the fore noon. Richmond, November 4th.- Mahone's canvass of the Old Dominion is so satisfactory that he says there is not the shadow of a doubt that Blame will carry the State. He also says the indications all point to the breaking ud of the solid south. A large vole is being polled. Alexandria, November 4th.— The election passed oil' quietly. The Democratic majority iv 663— a gain of S. Fredebjcksbprg, November 4th. — The day passed off qoietly, and a full vote wan polled. There is a Republican gain of forty per cent ou Massey's vote of 1882. No returns from the county precincts bave yet been received here. ■ Richmond, November 4th.— Scattering returns from various portions of the State show small Democratic gains. The official vote of two thirds of this city gives th e Democrats in the State a gain <>f OV< r 40 ■ it.i eksbvko, November 4th.— The city Is alive with excitement to-night. There was no dis turbance during the election. Large crowdsare in the streets. The vote of this city i- rs fol lows: Blame, 777; Cleveland, 1.709; Brady (Kep I, for Congress, 1.851; Evans (Rep >. !>;.. --dj op] on at, 9! - : Rives ■ Dem. , 1,531. NORFOI .. Novi mber4th. — The returnsof this city give ■■■ !;<■;> ibllcau majority, with gains of 395. Portsmouth goes Republican by 35— a gui'i of 206 over 188?. Richmond, November 4th — Returns D precincts in ibis State show a Democratic gain of 111. This Indicate! a very close vote, and if the ratio of Democratic gain ;■ notim reased in the remaining precincts, the State may go Re publican. Richmond, Nov 'mbar Ith.— Returns fiomone founh ol tin' State show Republican gains of 7, m0. The Republicans claim the -;u...' by from three i" four thousan I. WEST VIRGINIA. Wheeling, November ith.— The weather is fuir. 'lhc election is quiet. At 11 o'clock a largo vote had been polled in this city. The chief interest is in the Congressional coutest. The incumbent is a Republican. Wheeling, November 4th.— Five prei in; ts in the city give Brannon, for Congress, 137 major ity—a Democratic loss of 19.) over the October election. Wheeling, November Ith.- Eight precincts in the city give Goff (Republican), for Congress, 110 majority. The Republicans ;,ain 2,610 on the ( October vote. PaRKERKBURG, November Ith.— This district, complete, gives iiarbce, for Congress, 1,075, (-ib son 760, Blame 979, Cleveland 777— a Republican gain. Win TUN,;. November Ith.— i;offs majority in Clarksburg is its, which indicates v majority of 600 iv Harrison county. Charleston, November 4th. —The election passed off Tery qnietly to-day. Snyder (Demo crat) is re-elected to Congress from the Third District. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, November 4th. — At ! o'cloektuis morning 201 of the 1,200 towns and precincts of the .State had reported. They show a Demo cratic gain of 6,900 over l.sH) on the Presidential vote. If a like rate of increase is had in the remaining precincts, it will Rive the ?tate to Cleveland. The Presidential vote is claimed by both the Republican and Democratic State Com mittees. News for Both Sides. WjsniXGTON, November 4th.— SenatorOorman telegraphs to the Democratic headquarters here that New York is Democratic by al least 10,000. Dispatches received at the Republicans head quarters indicate that tho Republicans will carry Indiana and New Jersey. \ private dispatch from Virginia, received at the Democratic headquarters, say-, Virginia has gone Republican. T-.«>s;;in Receiving the Returns. Chicago, November 4th. — At 10 o'clock Gen eral Logan was receh inj{ dispatches over a pri vate v. ire in a room of the Grand Pacific Hotel. He had not heard either from Blame or Klkiir. lie was unwilling to prophecythe result, lie considers, from the return.- be la reccil in:;, that New York will notgivc 10,000 majority either way, but considers that the Republicans have the best chances. He says Ohio, Indiana, Il linois, Massachusetts and New Hampshire are safe. His advices from Connecticut are en couraging. He ha« had no reports from New Jersey or West Virginia. On thu other hand the Independent Republicans are counting Illinois as a doubtful State. The Standard-Bearers. Albany . November 4th. — Governor Cleveland received the returns by messenger at the Kxee ntive Mansion, surrounded by a few friends. As thi good uewj came U> the gentlemen pres ent • Qgratulated the Governor and the ladies applauded. All present, excepting the ( ; "\ --i rnor, displayed in their manner the Intense gratification which the prospect of victory af forded them. The Governor, however, pre sented a calm exterior, and smiled at the en thusiasm of these about him. ATCCBTA ?Me.), November 4th.— Mr. Blame received the clceti. in returns in his own bonse by the private wire which he has had in use since the beginning of the campaign. The fol lowing was received from the Chairman of the Connecticut Republican State Committee : "You have surely carried Connecticut The Irish were true. The Democrats are despondent." A sreat many dispatches were received from different sources i:i New York City, indicating In n general wey a Democratic majority. Trouble in Indian:!. Indianapolis, November Ith.— At Preeland, Shelby county, when ihe ik>Hs was opened thia morningi an armed mob of Democrats capture. l the polls and drove the Republicans away with clubs and revolvers. John Smith. Henry Smith and other leading Republicans were knocked down and beaten, and all lied for their lives. Tlie Feeling in Washington. Washington, November 4tl*. — Late dispatches received here have revived the drooping spirits of tho Republicans. They are confident now of carrying New York. They are already celebrat ing Blatne's victory by parading the town, Bhouting and otherwise giving vent to their hilarious feelings in noisy demonstrations. It looks now like a bis Republican victory. The RepublicSus count on New York, Indiana aud Virginia. A private dispatch received at the Republican headquarters says that Blame will have a good majority in all three States. The Democrats are still hopeful, and count on a Democratic majority in New York City to offset Blalne's s<Uns throughout the State. They ex pect sood news from Michigan and Wisconsin. They ulso claim California, Nevada and Ore gon. Karly Morning In Sew York. Ni:w Yor.K, November r>th— a. m.— At l:4. r > this morning the streets in front of the bulletin boards are crowded, and the excitement is un abated. All the Democratic papers and the headquarters claim the State by majorities vary ing from 'JO.OOO to 60,000, excepting the Sun. which now thinks the State has gone for Blame. The World offers to|bet Sl.OfjO to 1960 that Cleve land is the next Pres ident. The returns bulletined by the Democratic and Republican Committees arc extremely contra dictory, both sides claiming the State by impos sible figures. New York, November 4th— a. m. -If tho latest alleged returns from the city are reliable, Cleve land's majority of 53,000 will probably offset any majority which the remaining districts to t>c heard than in the Stale can give Blame. The Sim gives West Virginia to niaiue. Crowds are in front of the Herald and lie... ofliees cheering wildly for Cleveland as the next Presi dent. |"Tha Jig is Dp— L«fa «:<• Home." WASBcnrroN, November lth— 3 a. m.—Secre tary of the Treasury McCulloch has been reeel\ ing private dispatches all ui^t.;. He has just gone home and says: "The jig is up. Cleve land n ill have 290 Electoral vofl s, ' I.ognn's Latest News. CuiCAeo, November sth— a. si.-nenerai Lo gan, at 12:30. received a telegram from the Na tional Committee, saying the Indication were that New York had given Blame aud U>g&ii from 10,000 to 12,000 majority. IS<-lw» Satisfied with the Etesdlt. Washington, November lth.— Belva A. Loi It wood, candidate of the National Equal Bights party, said in an Interview to-night that she was tatisQed with the result of the campaign, Sh:ls much as she had cleared &28 by her lecturing receipts:-;: Claims of the •• World." New York, November sth— ;. n. — The H'orM claims New York. New Jersey, Connecticut and Indiana, and probably Michigan and Wiscon sin, and says Cleveland has 219 Electoral votes. THE PACIFIC STATES. Result of tlie Election in California, Ore gon ami Nevada— Returns a- F.iv as Heard From. [SPECIAL DISPATCHBB Tm rHK i ORD-I •:■>•. . CAUFOUXI \. .-as I"::a\. .... V,\ :. . :.:i : . . : . seven thousand eight hundred . . RSt OUt "i :■ ■ ' ' It L« stilted thai thto vote tntlical - .■: Democratic hin jority ia Haliforo one precincts and wards give Bloini i KM Clevi land 1,1 '■ Garfield'n 892 •■■!.■' I Imlien lions point p . feat .■:' Pclton and the cli ctlon of S'lih,. •■ sin Fbasctsco, KovcmbCT .r .'■■■ \. m.— Four thousand two :. and linetj iiiue votes have I een counted in ti.S » ;; > , lm eTery precinct, which give itUitne 2,37 a land 2,l6:s— which inilicatCE :i Repulili. jority in the city of üboul 2 ■ Sas FraKCIW», November sth— a. m I :. . voti ofthecity, 17>!:. N. a m inr wrhntcvci has Im-i •; receii >■•! yel to indicate the n - islefl entirely to conjecture. Both i artita claim the city bj |:,i 00 or tin re ib n ts, Vt l:C0 J v crowds still surronnil the bulletin l>oor<ls. No vli-iurbiin '.et wreic reported during the evening and the general result tssodonbtfol thatneitli - i. i> la feeling much like cheering. No returns arc likely t<> be rcceivt i fin l: the city precincts before ■■ s^n KiiANi i 5 .... N'ovemher sth— a. m.— Six teen precincts of the Hrst Congresstoi trict of California give Carothers (Rep.) 7li'>, Henley ',I)cm.( 80t The Second District, 23 pre cincts, give Lonttit (Rep.) 1,182, Sumncr 900 The Third District, 17 precincts give McKenna (Rep.) 704, GlascockTSC The Fifth District, B precincts give Felton (Rep.) 412, Sullivan 365. The ->■•> nth District, 9 precinct! give Markham (Rep.) 141, Del Vallc 152. Iv the Fourth Congressional District, 59 pre cincts fiive Morrow 1,028, Hastings 6&t. Fbesno, November 4th.— Dp ;■> aoon to-dß>) Tim votes bad been polled in ihis precinct. The total vote will run over 1,000. The total \.>:r < l the precinct in ISBO was "17. Placerville, November 4th.— Both sides nrv working hard, and/a full vote will be polled. Three hundred and forty votes arc now In, the last Hi being deposited by members vi' the Blame and Logan Fire Brigade in full uniform, and about hull (if them being maiden votes. Dutch Fiat, November 4th. — Estimated vote for Blame 110, Cleveland 61. Ai.ta. November ith.— This place gives Blame 59, Cleveland 27, Lonttit 58, Stunner ■>. The Republican Aasemblymarj has "J majority. Glen wood (Santa Cruz comity), November 4th.— Maine 38, Cleveland 21. Congress — I-Vlton -•- Sullivan Si. Wkigiit's (Santa Clara county), November Ith. — Blainc 21, Cleveland 16, Butler 1. Congress Felton 15, Sullivan 21. (Santa Car;: county), November 4th. — Blame .'A. Cleveland ■'■-. Felton S4, BuQivan 34. Moku-xmne Hill, November 4th.— The total vote here was -Ki. So far as connt^J, Blainc has :!7. ( 1.-\ eland 20, lx)utiii 4 1. Sumncr 20. Boca, November4th. — Boca precinct, Nevada count) : Blame 40, Cleveland 18. For Congres man : Louttit 42, Sumner it;. Latbobb, November itii.— itlainc 11, Cleve land 55, Louttit 10, Sumner 56. Cisco, November 4th. — Blame 11, Lottttit 11, Colby 11, Taylor 10, Huntley i. M.iriin 7, Pullin 4, Sparks 11, Pulweiler !!. Solifkn 11. Summit, November 4.— Total vote of Pummit precinct. Placer county, -. Blame received 7, Cleveland 1, Louttit 7, Sumner I, <V!>> 7. Me- Hale i. Boc\, Kovember 4th. — Boca gives 68 votes the Republican Electors, and 40 for the Den ■ cratic Electors. DuNNicAN, Novemtx r Ith.— North Grafton precincts, Yolo county, Blame 50, ( Icvelond 27, St. John 6, Glascock 27, JlcKennn 50, W< I ■ I Mission Miccel, November Ith.— Blaine S3, Cleveland 38, Butler 1, St. John nothing. Tor Congressmen— Markham 33, Del Valle 38. Yreka, November Ith.— Hawkinsvillc pre cinct—Blaine 2J, Cleveland it, pjle (liop.). As sembly, 9 majority. It gave Hancock ! majoi Ity [nISS2, and gave a Democratic majority of 44 for Stoneman. Trcceee, November Ith.— Trackee i«>lls ■'■': votes. Tiio vote for Electors » ill be about even, and cannot be determined beiore morning. Mc- Ulashim, for the Assembly, wil! )"■ ahead <>!' liis tii ki : BO to 80 votes, aa thu count nt present In dicates. The daj passed quietly, wltli very little enthusiaßm. r\Mi'i'n>:vn.i.K(Vu')a county), Novemtx r4th — Blame 75, Cleveland 62, 8t John 9. Congress— Louttit 75, Stunner 62. Legislature, 21 Republi can majority. Balance of the county ticket iit»t .nt the- miiie. Lexington (Santa Clara county), Novefaber 4th.— Blaine 76, Cleveland 4".. Butler -2. St. John 1. Congress— Felton 67, Sullivan '- r >. Watsonvii i i:. Novcmbcr4lh.— At Loma Prieta precinct Blame liiis 14 majority, and Fdton a majority of 1". Indio, November 4th.— Eight votes were cast at Indio. iN'.n Diego county, oven on nil but Markham, 4 majority, Smith J. Dodge . v . Stat ler 6. Oakland. November 4th. — Partial returns from nineteen out of forty precincts of Alamcda county give Blame 769, Cleveland - r >: j, McKenna 7::'.', Glascock SH. Wii.i.iA.v, . (Colusa county), November Ith.— Clevejond 112, Blaini 4!. Henley 116, Carothers Tracy (SanJoaquin county), November 4th. Blame 65, Cleveland 31, St John 2 U>uttit69, Sumner 31. Pinole (Contra Costa county), November 4th —Blame 21, Cleveland 60. Congressman—Glas cock 61, MeKenna 20. San Jo.-i:, Novemlx r tth.— The election p issed off quietly. Total vote cast in (he flve pn cincts of this city, ; ; .ii 7, uiid within the city lijiiit^ proper. 2?J. being nearly 600 noro than ivas em r ivlicil at 11 city election. No news yet from out side precincts, and nothing to Indicate the re sult. At East San Jose 28 Republican votes are counted, with Sullivan for Congress Bye of them. Caspah (Mondoriim connty), November 4th. — Maine 34, Cleveland 21, St. John 3, Carothera -ic. Henley 21, iJnteman •"•. STOCKTON, November ith. — Total vote in tin city to-day 3,060. At the city election last spring the vote was 2,448. In 1880 the vote fur CirlUlil in the city was 1,147, and for Hancock 1,091 The vote in the city will nut be counted until lnte. There are thirty members on each ticket, and S<V> votes were cast iv one precinct. Ccpfey's Cove, November 4th.— BUino CO, Cleveland 4i>, Butler 1, Carothers 01 , Henley IS. Whitf-shoro, November4th. — Albion precinct, Hendodno county: RUine 40, Cleveland +'■. For ConKress— Carothtrs 40, Henley 40. Greenvilix, November 4th. — Credent pre cinct, Plumas connty. Elaine 86, Cleveland r>7, Cnrother? 29, Henley 63, Wood SI, Byington fil. Taylokvii.le. November 4th.— Taylorville precinct, Flnnuu county : Blame 62, Cleveland 40, St. John 8. For Congressmeu— Carothers 6t">, Henley 42. Georgetown. N'ovcniber4th.— Greenwood pre ciuet, El Dorado county : lilnine 4'; Cleveland 07. Louttit 46, S-nmner C", Frawr ?S. Mohlf r 7f>. Bnrklago 46, Watson 62. WHOLE NO. 10,1 1>«>. Santa Citric, November ith.-Santa Crux l're einots 3, 1 and - to hear from. Ijigunn, Apto* ami Scott's Valley arc the only precincts heard from up to the present. to the above-mured BUtncgeta Cleveland i:<;. Kcltoull7,Sulli van 187. The above are Democratic precincts. T!u- county is sure of 3 n for Blaise and liOgau. It is estimated that Kelton will have 1*) ma jority. &A.VTA B.ujUAßA.Noveml^r Hh.— liuu dri'il more votes polled la the eltj than »t the G&rfielil okction." '•■■■■ . otic-fourth counted, Maineb a majority of about 80. No retur'nn from the gther'-pteeineti. The .!.vy passed quietly. It seems to be a Cleveland gala. Huuh.kookt, November -Jtli.— One hundred nod tea votes were can in this plvoc. Ulnluo, 75; Cleveland, >:5 ; Mturkhaiu (Bep.), for Oon- Kress. T">; Del Valid (Dem.), for CoiißTVis, S3; V«n Voorhels fkep.), for Assemblyman. : Deal (Pe-.n.), lor Assemblyman, SI. The couutjr ticket is badly scratched. While On!; precinct; Xl ; ■••::, »iim - CJer*-»!i .SO; Ulaino, ,%4 ; Snmncrj 68: Tomtit. ■•; : MahKr, 71; Praser, 40; Wataon, Mi Rarkldm-. 42. Shliigic Springs provinot— <"lcvola:;J, 60 ; Blalui\s9; Svanner, COj 1 OUttlt, '■■' : Muhler.SP: Frascr, TO; v ... ts ; , Huge, 65. Dtlano (Kern county), November 4th.— This' product polls tor Presidential Electors, Con grcsjrajcn sad .Usoir.blyiaon— ltrpub'.tdui 16, IVmorrat 13. Arww, Xovcuber -Illi.— Aptos precinct, Santa Crmeoimiy: Blilne :\ • levcland 86. Kor(soti- Knwyraius— !Vl;.m 46, sullivrtn 66. Woomj'tmip, -..- ineSJ Cl ■■ ■■■ St. John .. . mttit k: .'■■ '• ■ . . cinct, Sim I M. St. .' ■ -tnmnei ■-). Lout- Laturop, Novcuilht Itti.—l.itlin^p product — Clcvclarnl STt, Blairte S% St. Jolui 2. Assembly - Sumncr v : Ij>utti! v.\ Stephens '"■ Woo<l ward 90, Mob kVK, Xovui :■ tal rote '■ .■ ' Del Valle 13, v v 14, Nash 13, Bonneti II Judges -Arick(lnde pendent), 11, Brundage (Democrat), S. The countyticke) > :..ll> raixml. The Needlee give '.• Republican majority. Cknti-.rvii.i.k, Noveiulior tth.— Total rote of Centcrvillo precinct," 101 Dlaino TO, Cloyeland 31, McKcnna Cf, <;iiis<"oik "A For Judges Uiccac OO.Xiibabh, <5, Retlmftii S2, McKlrath 22, Crane 29. For Asscmbly^-Canuou CI," Black SB. Mi. rifl :■.. t>i, McfHcyorty ■:. Bbkktwoop, Ni -■ atwoo 1 pte cinct, ' ml ii ■ ••• . county - HUii ::■• ■', Clevi ladd 17, .-•. Jo ■ D UoKcnna k-U. Visalia, Kovember -It li. -Voted iv the pro ■ -irii-t it! '. 188; to -day, . r *-. As far as counted, Cleveland 41, lilnincSS. Xofigurosfrora ofber precini Bu D ■ ■ ■ ■ Blaiue ••■. Cleveland . . i ennn R. (ilascofk '^s. Milton, Koveinb . le Presidential an^ Congresßii : % .::i foti - • precinct oi . I coonty i .. i •.'•.> : ■ lani] *■'• Congresi - I mitt ll 19, ■ iimni •. IS. i is, n.\ il '■:'■-. French Cai cinct, -..:■ Joaquiu countj Blame 68, Cleve- '.".>. Butler ■'. St. John '■'■ For CongresHnan - Louttit 63, BumnerS Ni>r.TosviLi.::, November Bl&lne SB, Clovelnr.'l '.!!, MeKcnuaS", l.l.iSilH:k 2. Oeoroktown, November 4th. — Volcanovill* precinct, El Doniilo county— Blame -.', Cleve land I. *, Louttit 23, Stunner 17. FrasorZS, tfahlef 17. Barklase 18, Watson 21. Lincoln (FUcei county), November -ah.— Total vote cast, 22-1 lilaine 108, Cleveland 11«, Lonttit 102, Strainer 123. Assembly— Colby 110, McHale lii. Sheriff— 103, Huntley 122. Dutch Flat, November Itb. — Itlaino 109, Cleveland Si, St. John i. For Conjrrcsß— LoutUl 105, Biimner 05. Legislature UO.VeHala Riheville (Place] r...;,.'.. November 4th.— iiinfnc !U; Cleveland 88, Louttil '.c, Stunner 91. Allen's precinct, ITaeercbuuty: Blainc 31, Cleve land 36. Sax Diego, November till.— Tlio eUviion is pTOcecdinff«iuletly, ami a very large vote Is lx in« polled. Maine leads heavily. Frehko, November 4th.— Votes )h)lii'J in lh« precinct, 'Jl6. Ustimated Democratic majority, 100. connting is progressing slowly. The total vote of the count] wil! read) (,000. BsUiuiUh] Democratic majority, SOO. l>el Valle (Dem.) f"i Congress will run ahead of li is ticket. Xapa, Kovember 4th. -Seven hundred ami 1 iiiy six votes were i»>!i'.il to-day in thi* pre- 1 init. :i gain of '.17 ovci fouryeara a«o. Thlswlll give ■■> t<'t.;i vote of 2, 150 in the county, •' (jniii of :50votex. Returns thus ikr give Blame 2*. Cleveland 8, or probi blj :: majority in thi ly ol 200. M.r.-viAis vi..v, November 4th.— Blalao 118, Cleveland 117. at. John r^ullivan 117, Fellon l.d, t'rowhiirst '.. Sax Juan Sovnt, November 4tli.— Total rote cost, 130. Blame 101, Cleveland 97, Markiiatu 30, Del Valid 109. Assemblyman— Flint Dem.) ! 8, 1 Doling (Dem.) 71. SrAXisHTOu-.N, November lib.- Three hundred ami eighteen votes polled and ■_'!'! counted. Elaine 101. Cleveland HO. For Cougrtba—Sulli van 148, Felton 98. For Assembly— Howes W, Coleman ! ►;. Fresno, JJovembei 4th.— Maden precinct, 10S votes polled. Estimated Democratic mujoriiy. 10. Navaso, November 4th.— Navano procinet, Mendocino county — Blame 22, Cleveland 21, Butler •.'. St, John (•. rarothen 28, Henley 2T. Ei Dorado, '.'>■■•. mbcr 4th.— £l Dondo pre cinct, l-i Dorado count] Blaines9 > « sv. hi. Johii '.'. Sumner 87, Ixjuttit 57, Webster \>. Coi •■■>! \. November 4th. — Coloma prociuct, Xi Dorado i Dtj Blame ■-. Cleveland 69, Butler 2, Sumncr 6'i, Louttit '■'•. Riverside (San Bernardino county), Novem- ' bcr 4tli.— Total vote cart, 418. Estimated result I — Blutne 310, Cleveland l»j, Bt. John 22, But j ler !.">. San Bajinardino, November Ith, - North < 'rut ton precinct -Blaim ' . ' '.< veland I(, M.irkhnm I 46, Del Valle 14. Bo for as can bo loomed from the outside the Republican ticket li ahead sc; Jose, November 4th.— Total vote in this city,2,707. Seven hnndred votes countedatll ! .'. ii Blainc*s majority 47, Felton v:7. Thovot* indicates that the county lui!> probably son* ' Democratic. B d&kfdbt (Mono county), November 4th. ■ : Returns bom Clinton are Jnst received. Blatee'i majority 15. The same for Harkham for Con- Geokoetown, November 4th. — BliUne 44, I Cleveland 169, St. John 5, Louttit 145, Sumnet I HO, Fraser 142, Uahler 111, BaTklage 154, Wat . 102. Wist Cottowwood (Yolo county), November 4th.— Pollci : 129. Blalne i\ Cleveland 76, HcKe .■.:.-. i: 77, Parker49, (lerahqr 78. Culver 44, Merrid 88, Gnrotts 68, Bush 68, 3mitli ' -. Blayn 60, 6chelimon 55, llarli' Goodworth 52, BcamerW, Briggs 51, Jacobs 7$ 'Atkinson 54, Martin 73, Evereh 58, Miller 50, OtFarrell 75, CSunnerßberg 78, Ishiun 51, Frill - Bopplns 51, Tudd 76. Occidental cast 4ft. For Sup rfor Judge— Garotte 26, Bush 14, Thora is a small Democratic majority. Wilmtnoton, November 4th.— I «st, i 2J6. Eighty-four counted show a Republican ■ majority of 42, AH the county officers, except Supervisor, run i!io Bamc. San Pedro cast 12& votes. Fifty-one votes counted show a RepuNl- Kiles, November 4th.— Blaine 48, Cleveland ■ -J-2. McKenna (Rep.}, for Congress, m, CHascock | (Dem.), a, Conners (Rep.), for the Assembly. 43, I Block (Dem.) 26. Svs Joss, November 4th.— Upturns xrc com- ing in •■lowly, and showing slight Repnbllcan gains on 1882. lit. Hamilton precinct— Blaine 12, Cleveland 27. Wri^lit'>-Hlaiin- -.). Cleyc- laud:'. 1 .!. Mflpitaa— lß mnjorlty ft»r Blalne. Los Qatos, US Totes ootmtcd, «it!i Blaise S3 ahead. and Felton nmoing oheftd <'f the ticktt. Qaafr alupc— Total vote SO. lilaiin.- :i">, Clevo.aud 15, Felton 29, SolUvan 21. 801 l Wan is nmning Ita ahead of his ticket iv Han JoK,aaftz Mcomrted. Byron (Solano county), November -Elaine 68, Cleveland 41, St. John 12. For Congressman — McKi-nnti 62, Glaaeock J4, Well* 7. Mission San Jose, November ith. -ii'.niiu" *;. Cleveland ., McKcnna ."'■.', nid.«cock n. \ \'; SfOSD&it, November -Ith.— Soledad prceinrl Monterey eonntr Blnine 51, Cleveland i:, But ler none, John 1. Markluim I'J, Dei Valle 19. Gould 1. I'LArKKViLi.B, Kovcmber 4th.— Smith Flat pre cinct. Xl Dorado county, gives • Ulalue 37. Cleve land ■<■'. Hinlor 2, Louttit 56, StlHmei S6. Maxwf.ll (OtdnM [county),' November Ufa.— [cO.vriNl KD ON LAST MOI T