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r>ATI,Y RECORD-UNION TU MWi»AY - -MAKCH 5. 18115 The Record-Union is the only paper on the coast, outside of San Francisco, that re ceives ' the full Associated Press dispatches from all parts of th* world. Outside of San Francisco it fa* no competitor, in point ttj futmberx, in Us home and general circulation thr(M<j'-*>v' the coast SAN FRANCISCO AGENCY. L. P. FISHER is Sole Agent for this paper in San Francisco and vicinity. He is authorize! 10 receive advertisements and subscriptions, and collect for the sane. Kooins 21 and 22, Mer chants' Exchange. NEWS OF THE MORNING. In New York yesterday Government bonds were quoted ftt 122! i ■■■' Is " VJO7; 111% for i'/j.% Madias, H Mo< t>7> s '; 101 for ;:b ; silver bars. ios!i. Silver in London, 49% d: consols, 98% d; 5 per cent. United States bonds, extended, 105; Is, 12.V,; 4\>. lir,. In Son Francisco Mexican dollars are quoted at *: '\ &M cents. Business at the stock Boards was very dull in San Francisco yesterday morning, but rices. especially for the middle Comstocks, exhibited considerable firmness. Other stocks were slightly firmer, and the market, on the whole, was steady. An assisting Minister is tube furnished Prince Bismarck. The Oraut retirement bill passed both houses of Congress yesterday, and was signed by the President. Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hcndricks were yesterday formally inaugurated President »nd Vice-President of the United States, a full account of the proceedings being given ii our telegraphic columns. A serious outbreak of diphtheria is reported from Crockett, Contra Costa county. The Nevada Legislature adjourns sine die to day. Another outbreak of Indians has occurred in Sonmn, Mexico, and considerable damage is re jiorted. v- The return to power of the Democracy was yesterday celebrated at several points on the Pacific coast. A breach-01-promise case, with damages laid at 535,000, is on trial in San Jose. The Teller of the Fulton County (N. V.i Na tional Bank is short in his accounts, and has ab sconded. The Nationalists propose a demonstration against the Prince of Wales during his tour of Ireland. In a collision of French transports oil' Malaga, one was Hunk, carrying down twenty-four of her crew. THE INAUGURAL. The inaugural of President Cleveland possesses the virtue of brevity. It will not be ranked among great statesmanlike documents, bat it is a patriotic effort, never theless, and records his adhesion to the great fundamental principles of a free government with which all the people are familiar. In this respect it deals largely in generalities, such as characterize most patriotic addresses, But while it lacks definiteness upon many of the topics re ferred to, there are few, if any, declara tions in which all the people may not con cur. Upon two subjects the President is gr.itifyingly explicit, and clearly defines his policy — these are his determination to en force the civil service reform laws faith fully and permit of no evasion, and his unlimited opposition to the immigration of servile classes that cannot and do not produce good citizenship. It is exceed ingly gratifying to learn that the same course which marked his gul>ernatorial career regarding the civil service will characterize his administration as ['resi dent. He declares that civil service re form should be enforced in good faith; that the citizen!; of the republic have the right to be protected from the incotnpe tency of public employes ; that merit and competency must be recognized as superior to party subserviency, and yet without de manding the surrender of honest political belief. Civil service '•efortn^r- li ■■ reason to congratulate themselves) upon the posi tive stand taken by the new President, and may reasonably expect that his policy ■will tie reflected by the legislative action of his party. Pap suckers and sjioils nten will not be pleased with Mr. Cleveland's expressions on this sub- If his which is Pap distinct declaration icn will not be pleased with M ieveland's expressions on this -:,' set, which is a distinct declaratio against the doctrines of the radical Democmcv. No one who roads the inan^, ural will be so uncharitable as to doubt the sincerity of President Cleveland in announcing the fullness with which he feels the great responsibility he has as ■tuned. We must accord to him honesty of purpose when he declares that the gen - eral weal must define the bound within which party zeal is commendable. Jlis concern for the general welfare, hi repetition of the sentiment that he who takes the oath of office must keep in con stant view his duty to all the people, en courages the hope that the Cleveland administration will not be that of low partisanship and subserviency to the rule of political cliques and rings, which the spoils-men of his party would prefer. Ho dwells at length upon " devotion to the Constitution," a sentiment meaningless in "he abstract, and so construed by politi cians as to fit the whim or conceit of an policy. But the President goes a step lxv yond this Democratic stiibbol' th v.-': he declare* Against strained interpretations of that substi di tural do ami lie declares flatly in favor of a peaceful attitude, an tagonism to ill ambitious i ■ home* on our part retarding other continents, and resist ance to the encroachments of foreign powers upon our own. But even this declaration i» a generality, since it may Ik. 1 construed to fit almost any emergency that can arise, As the judgment a* to what is undue ambition on our part, and what is Infringement upon the part of another, mast always be ours and final, such declar- ions will h received as vague, esjieeially when i .;■•.! with the wise iteration that the common weal and the great* good to the greatest numU-r .•must be the rule <«f action. His appeal to citizens to activity in gov ernmental ailaira, and his eflbrt to airskoa them to a fall realization of individual 4!i:ty in lolitics, ii commendable. The President ■< '.are- in favor of bom st deal ing with the Indian tribe*, full recogni tion of all t.L rig] of the freedmen as citizen.", and enforoau -lit of their oonae qticnt obligations; and unhesitating con demnation of the infuniy of polygamy, lie evade* any positive expressions ujon financial question*, ezocf4 to condemn the |M>licy of a BUrplni in tli<: Treasury, ami content* himself with genet*] expressions regarding peace, commercial prosperity, .. d a revenue system that trill result in the mininmm of taxation and the m.ix imum of rewards for lalor and capital. . As a whole, the inaugural is*thought ful expression, contains niueh good and patriotic advice, indicates the j>olicy of the President on a few leading topics, and carefully evades committal upon others. However, in hi* first message to Co:iprc** it will be more reasonable to expect jwi tive statements and explicit declarations ; regarding his polio/ than ill (in inaugural I >peech. A WORTHY BILL. One or two philanthropic ladies are now supporting from their own purses the Cali fornia Home for the Care ami Training of Feeble-minded Children. They propose to tin- Suu- thut it take the fund on hand and make the institution a State charge. These feeble-minded ehildrcn ars; wards of the Stute, and as chargeable to the State ;is ;t re the insane. Unless separately cared for, these unfortunates are sent to the In sane Asylum, where they do not belong and where no proper training can Ik- gives them. A bill for the accep :ance ami maintenance of the institution has passed the Assembly. It should pass the Senate. Every humane consideration demands it. It U in line with the policy of other States, and is in the interest of a broad and de serving charity. Lr-t the Senate rise equal to the appeal made to it, ;:n<l cur, firm the action of the Assembly. A BUSINESS MEASURE. The liill u> provide a fund to secure the next annnal Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic in California, is before the Legislature. It has the in dorsement of the Executive. The Senate will act upon it to-day. It is a square business proposition and will do a great work in advertising this State and induc ing desirable immigration. We have heretofore pointed out the merits of the measure, and they far outweigh any econ omic objections to it — indeed it is in the line of wise economic investment. Congeess in its last houia executed the will df tiic people, and condoned some of its own offenses by passing the Grant re tirement bill. President Arthur most al ways experience :i feeling of honest grati fication and pleasure that it was permitted to him to approve so just a measure. The Assembly has heard the prayer of some thousands of petitioners, and passed the bill (Assembly Bill No. 409) to permit cremation. It is to be hoped that the Senate will take ii;> thN l>i!l to-day and pass it. There is no objection to be raised to it, not fully answerable. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. IJcci Brothers, of Vienna, dry goods, have failed fm- $100,000 liabilities. Truger Brothers, dealers in hops, of Vienna, have failed for $180,000. The German Reichstag yesterday passed the bill providing for an assisting Minister for Prince Bismarck. Idaho day and the formal opening oi the Women's Department were events at the New Orleans World's Exposition, Tuesday, which attracted a large number u( visitors. Charles F. Russell and family, of Kng lainl, ai present in Bridgeport, Conn., have traveled around the world .seven times in fulfillment of a vow made by the father at the time of his marriage. Specials from Lynchburg. Va., say: Kihvanl Hurrell. a poor man, who had been saving hi~ money to see the first Democrat inaugurated President, since the war, while coming to the depot had his pockets picked ot 853. He con Id raise no more money, and was compelled to remain at home. At the cell bration oi the seventy-fifth an niversary dt' the birthday of Pope Leu XIII., the congratulations of the Kin:; ..t Si>:iin were presented in a special audience by the Marquis Molins, Spanish Embassa >\<<r, who pave assurance that Ihe inter. dons of Spain toward the Holy See arc of the friendlii st nature. SAN FRANCISCO ITEMS. V.v-. Kate Finn, a native of Ireland, a ed 35 i immittod suicide Mos'lay ni turning on the gas in her room. Whisky was i he cai During tb ! of January and V>\. ruary the fined from the Police Courts paid to the Home of the [nebriatc for ita sup iinounted to $1,330. Tax Collector Wadham ia preparing 10. --000 postal cards containing notices to : lent taxpayers of the amount they owe. ami requesting them to settle. They will be sent oul al the rate of 1,000 a day. The San Francisco Report publishes the |Ui ;ii t:; 1 ; list of that city for 18S4, in ■ I volume of 118 pages, large quarto, printed in fine type. The metropolis is al ways trying to outdo all competitors, and i 1 sue :eeds admirably :u this direction. A letter mailed in divan, an inlani town in the province of Ulster, Ireland, on Feb ruary I It It hist, reached this city on Sun day, the Ist instant. At this season of the year, when Atlantic steamers arc encoun tering hurricanes, this is considered rapid work. MERCHANDISE REPORT. ']!.•■ following freight passed Ogden ,; ls< : :'.>r Sacramento Mebios & Co., 10 tierces hams, 10 boxes bellies ; Hale Bros. & Co., clotliinc, 1 case linens ; Waterhouse .v [jester, 20 se - and i^J bundles wheels ; H:.l!, Luhrs&Co., 10 barrels, 15 half-barrels, 200 kegs and 50 cases syrup. For !;■ i i; uif M. Manassc, 20 reel ■ I wire. l'.i Auburn \V. B. McCruire, 2 barrels whisky. For Stockton Sylvester, Jfoye & Co.. 2 ii es furniture; Steinhart & Goldsmith, 1 case neckwear; \V. i. Miller, 3 boxes ma chinery, 1 box belts, 2 boxes wheels. l'"i- VVilliuius O. P. Potter, ] box books. i- ' Marysville A.bramson, Bacon &Co. 1 ■< boxos bottles. 1 orDixnn Kppingcr itGo., 1 boxhlngrs, iks and rollers, 1 bi •\ s boxes wringpxs, '■'■ freezers, 2 boxes hardware, 1 Imjx scythes, 1 bundle hay-knives, -i bundles diggers, 3 racks and 1 bundle 1. . - i offee-mills. PASSENGERS FROM THE EAST. [SPECIAL BVTELEGRAriJ To Tlli: RK''(i|:l) I'M. .:-'.• ■■■■•■'.. March ItU. The following over ;■•..: passcogcni parsed NewhaJl to-day, to o March : Mrs. M. .j.!. ULsa 1.. k. I- . , His 3. ,i. Baker, \ v. liiiKi:: . John Uonm ~<. « ■'■■"i ■!•'■ . .. i>. .1 l*oivi ra, i ... ■ a. 15. Ware and fan I I \:,., \--. : . :■■. ■ , ■■"'.. ell '-.m Kranci* ■.■ ider, Bostou: B. Dryi . . m; J. T. •■ : W. \. Hit Bolivar, Mo.: A. ■. ■ , /'..■ '. n. S. Palmer. -..:•,: i Aua: !:■■''■ I Henry C. 11l New York: KrankCilb hons. l . : ■ Uicbimmd, [ud . A. W. Weil, ims, i i&kland: Mrs. i-.lhi [lutchlns, r. a. Kobbins, Rail Fran PEOUOKTonY (Uiuh), March Ith.— The fi>l!o\v iti^ overland passengers (■■i-^..i hera today, to arrive in Sacnunenlo Harcb 6th: J. Peck mill wife. Now York; C. 0. Carpenter and « ... Gold Hill, Col.; B. J. K. .:••. and wife. Mrs. J. Jack . .>! Son, Sail i.i 1..-; M. Canty Sidney Neb.: W. P. Jtayfielil. Sidney, Neb ; Mis* U. D. Whitney. Boioman, Montana; Ed. Til lord Sew York: V. \V. Hilling, \V. S. MaylicUl, I*. \V. chillis. Salt I.;ikc: Mary Doran," Denver; Annie Uumc, -iaa Francisco. SUPERIOR COURT. Deportmotil One tan i:« .t. Judge. Wki>nksi>av. >; .-.'.'. 4, Iks,.. l'eojil? vk. Cliiirlo.-' I>n<l^o. obtaining m mey by fulsv representations The jury returned a ver dict <>! not guilty. l>*«l>art iii4*nt Tv«> — McT"arl;irc*i, 'lud^p. WEDNESDAY, Maick I, 1885. California State I'.snk vs. The I ion Insur ance Company — Continued for Ibe tens. Angostura I>ittxi:-<. the world-renowned appetizer and iiivi^ocator. Used now over the whole civilized world. Try it, but be ware of iinitatious. .Ask your graeor or drug for the genuine article, nMuwijtct umi by Dr. .1. <;.' 15. .si^ert & Sons. ; irbiRSKNRH.— AII suffering from irrita tion of the throat ami hoarseness will be agreeably surprised si the immediate relief afforded by the use of " Brawn' Itroncliial Trocbw." .i.l only in boxes. The Oshreston, Texas, .\>k-<- Dallas s(m> «i;il *■:!>;» : StajorW. 11. Wilson, orchitett and civil in. :ir-'T of this city, h.h Tuesday for St. Louis i.i response, it in said, to a formal proposiUori for his scrvicea in forti ficatioti oiccincering under the >ia:idi. "Mr wife for wars lias been troubled with ii disease of the kidneys; ]iliysicuins pronounced it diabetes, Out she received no benefit from their treatment. H«jKT's[Kid noy and Liver] Rkmedt hag made a won derful change in her condition. Her health I is good." — M. Hubbell, 'Ml Prospect] Avenue, Buffalo, N. V., June 1«, 1883. ' CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE. XXVI. SESSION' -FIFTY-?EY.ENTII DAY. SKNATK. Wednesday, March s. ISBS. - Tire Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., President Daggett in the chair. Roll called ami quorum j present. Prayer by the Chaplain. Journal of ; Tuesday read* and approved. The Handing committees all made reports, re i taming the bills which hud been referred to ! them. The Governor informed the Senate that he baa ; appointed J. K. Matthews, of Los Angeles coun ! ty, Brigadier-General of the first Brigade, N. <•■ i <".. and W. S. Ilosecrans a llejeut of the State | University, and asked the Semite to confirm the. game. Consideration of the message was made the special order for - P. M. Thursday. Saxe introduced a resolution giving each of the Minute Clerks $50 for work to be performed j by them after the close of the session. Adopted ayes 2, noes l. The Lieutenant-Governor announced as com mittee on free conference, to meet a similar committee from the Assembly on the Stat ■ Nor mal School question, Messrs. Del Valle, Kileher and Chandler. Assembly Bill No. 573, to provide for the sub mission to the qualified electors of the State for their approval Hie amendment or amendments to the constitution of the State of California, proposed by the Legislature thereof at its twen ty-sixth session, was read a first time and made a. special order for Thursday, immediately after the reading of the journal. * Senator Cox introduced a resolution thanking the representatives la Congress for their efforts in securing the passage of a bill giving Sacra mento city a federal building. Adopted. A resolution ordering the Controller to draw his warrant for #150 in favor of Palmier! to de fray r v .;.i uses in the election contest case of Gaussailvs. Palmier!, was adopted. Senate Hill No. 328, to allow mileage to Sheriffs for conveying prisoners to the State Prisons and insane persons to the Insane Asylums, in lien of per diem and expenses, was passed—23 ayes and 9 noes. Assembly Bill No. 93, makingan appropriation for the deficiency in the appropiiaton forpur chaseol Supreme Court reports for the thirty fourth fiscal year. Keud second time. On the third reading Of the appropriation bill Perry moved to stride out the figure- S*J2S.OUO lor the support of the San liaentin prison and insert 53V.>,000. Carried. Recess. Afternoon Session. Kellogg offered a resolution, that when the Senate adjourns for the day, they do so in honor of President Cirover Cleveland. Adopted. Assembly Bill So. 311, providing lor the ap pointment of an interpreter of the Italian language. Read first lime. Cross' Senate Bill No. 219, providing for Im pounding mining debris, came up for its third reading. Cross made a lengthy and strong appeal in be half of his bill. lie said that the bill provided an honest means of livelihood to 100,000 people of California, without doing any man, woman or child any possible harm. lie said the ques tion had beenjiefinitely settled that no man can deposit mining debris on the land of another; that mining was an Industry fostered in the highest degree in every country in the world. It was the industry that founded the great State of California, etc. The bill asked for no ap propriation of State funds. They simply de sired to be allowed to delve with pick and shovel in the mines. He knew of towns mat before theSawyerdecision was rendered contain ed a thousand happy, prosperous people, that are so deserted to-day that a coyote even would re fuse to burrow in them. The miners will con-' struct the dams at their own expense. Adam can i.c built in Nevada county for 5500,00 >, and which will enable them to take $1,000,000 per annum for ten years from the banks of one single stream, it will result in a gold produc tion of if •','"<> a year for twenty years to come. Chandler took the Boor In opposition to the bill He drew a picture of the devastation of the lands in the valley ami the destruction of the navigable streams by the Do« of debris from the hydraulic milieu. The passage of the bill would wipe out the benefit derived from the recent decisions of the Courts, lie said the dams could not hold more than sixty percent,of the debris, the other forty would come to the valley in solution. The dams they desired to build would in the course of time give way. and the material they hi Id back come upon the valley like an avalanche, lie said the valleys must be protected from destruction—they must be handed down to our children, and leave them in condition to be tilled by generations yet un born, lie gave a graphic description of a hy draulic mine, saying that the Little Giants were handled with the ease of a garden hose. lie said the hydraulic mines employed but very few laborers, their work ing mostly done by water and powder. Waills said the miners had some rights that some persona were in duty bound to respect. This was a bill that fleeted the welfare and prosperity of 125,000 people. It protected the rights and industries of a large-section of law abiding citizens, who have invested to-day over 5400,000,000. It ■.■...■■ true the streams had been polluted, but on their muddy waves it must be remembered have floated down 52,000,000,000 In gold. Routler said it was a bill to legalize an illegal act. An Act to enable the hydraulic miners to destroy our rivers,' our homes: the filling up of San Francisco Bay, and to force the removal of tbe Capitol from Sacramento. lie asked the Senator from Nevada if lit: ever saw a farmer driven from hi; home by Roods, his cattle and crops destroyed, financially ruined, by there suit of hydraulic mining. The Senator from Nevada represented 100,U0U people, 1 represent millions of people. He represents the past. I represent the future and progress. Kellogg said the bill was to protect agricult ural land-. from the flow of debris. It, under the provisions of the bill, the miners tail to properly Impound their debris, the Courts are open to those injured. Let the bill become a law, and try it for a few years. Kilcher said he represented a constituency that had been reduced by the Sawyer decision to a condition almost of pity. He would not be doing his duty it he did not raise his voice in be ball a bill "that would extend relief to a large section, and could work barm to none. If there was ever a bill based upon Justice, this is one. It ought to pass unanimously. Cox spoke against the bill, saying he could not lor two reasons support it. tint, in his opini i the dams would not do the work pro raised; ami second, that it was not in the inter est of his constituency. Langl'ord was very mueh'opposed to the bill. It was not in Ihe interest of the people of the State, but a few individuals in the mines. He hoped the Senate would vote it down The bill was refused a passage by the follow-' ill;.' vote : Ayes—Beauvais; Boone, Cross,Dougherty. I'il cher, Kellogg, Lowe, Lynch, Mahler, Palmieri, Ferry, \VaUis—-12. Baldwin, Chandler, Cox, Creighton, Days, De Long, Del Valle. Drumin, foster. Hurl burt. Johnson of San Bernardino. Johnson of Sonoma; Kelly, Langford, Mcl lure, Parkinson, Keddy, Koutier, Saxe, Spencer of Napa. Spencer of Stanislaus, Steele, Vroouian, Whitney. Wright ne Assembly Hill No. 221, to appropriate money to pay the iudeotednesa incurred under the Drainage Act, come upon its passage. ! Chandler spoke at length. lie claimed that the debt was contracted by the State, and I should be paid. Third parties— innocent and honorable men — will be ruined ii this bill does t not ]».:--. Del Vellc gave his reasons for voting against . the bill. McClurc said he was in favor of the bill be cause he believed it to be a just debt that the state owes. It is not honest for the stale to re fuse to pay these claims. lam nut to be shaken trorn an honest and manly act because some paper says " here i.- a bill that has a steal , in it." We owe the debt and we ought to pay it. The laborers and contractors have mort • gngi <1 their property and home*! 80 as to be able ' to live, since the Stale failed to give them the price of their toil. Vroomon, Keddy and Cox spoke in favor of the bill. Spencer of Stanislaus, Longford, and Johnson of .~*.;i. : . : spoke ogain&t it. The bill was passed by the follow Ing vote: Ayes — llemivuis, Booue, t handler, i ox, Creis'i- I ton, Cross, Da js, DeLoug, Dougherty, bruniin, Foster, Johnson of sun Bernardino, Kelly, Kt-l lo^'b, Medure, I'almicri, barker, ['ill kiliKon, Perry, Kiddy. Routier, .^axe. Steele, Taylor, Vrooumn, Wutlls, Whitney, Wright— ai. Noes— Haldwin, Del Valie. Kilcher, Hiirlliurt. Johnson of Sonoma, Longford; Lowe, Lynch; Mahler, .-;.■ I. ■ I' 01 Napa, Spencer of Sbmislauu —11. Senate Hill No. 11-, relating to liens of me chanics and others upon real property, etc., wag r\'u-.-«-tl At 5:30 P. M. the Senate toot a recess to ~:M clock. Evening Session. At the evening session Senate Bill No. 182, conccrniug agricultural districts, etc., was pasted. Substitute for Assembly Hill N0.72, the county government bill, was read a second time ami amended in several important particulars. Assembly Kill No. iv.i. relating to tho classifi cation of counties, was read the third time and passed. Wright moved thnt ill following Assembly deficiency bil be declared rases of urgency, the provisions of the Cou>.tlliition suspended nnd that tiny be placed ujsjii their passage. The motion was adopted and these bills passed . r Assembly Bill No ; : . in the support of State Prison at San Uueutin for tbirty-iiilh and thirty sixth fiscal years. Assembly I;. I So. 4, in support of State Pris ':. at San Quentin for thirty-tiun and thirty -sixth fiscal fears. Assembly Bill No. 76 for salary of the Clerk cit State Board (viiua)izn;k>a lor thirty-fifth i ad tiiirt) sixth li-scftl years. Assembly Bill No. '.'">. in the appropriation for State I'rison ..i San Queutln for the thiity-fourth ii»«'iil year. — ml ■: - Kill No. OS, for postage and contin gent expenses in .■■:..■■■ of Survejor-Gcneral for the thirty-fourth fiscal year. Assembly Hill No 99, for postage and contin gent expenses in office of Attoruey-tieueral for the thirty-fourth fiscal year. Assembly Uill No. 100, for copying maps in Of" fieo of Surveyor General for the thirty-fuurtli fiscal year. Assembly I'jll No. 10!, for portoge and ex press* iv oiliee of - lerintendeut of I'ublic tnstrucUoa for ihe thirty-fourth iiM:..i year. Assembly BUi >o. lug, lor Contingent expc-.i^'i of State )^(.ir.i of £tju.ilixalion tat the thirty fourth fis&il year. A«scinbly BUI No. 103, for pos tare and contin gent expenses in oflice ot Clerk of Supreme Court for tin- thirty-fourth fiscal yea*. Assembly Hill No. VIA, tor postage and ron tinnent expeti«!sol Supreme Court for thirty fifth Qscal year. Assembly Bill So. 125. for continuing spatial UMrestigatfon i.: the wnicultaral department of .State University lorthirJy-lliUi Dscal year. Awembly Hill No. 161. tor the salary or Cletfc of Hie Supreme Court duiins lliu thirty-fourth Steal '■ <vir. Ajßsetßbl; Bill No. 107. for support of the Stat< Prison at San Qucntin for the tiiirty-tifth ii<cul ! year. 1 Assembly Bill Kb. 77, for traveling expenses of the state 15o*rd >.i Lciualizatiou for the thirty fifth fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. •'•i'">. for the salary of Secre tary, and completion of State Knginoer'n repor . and maps on irrij;<uiou, lor the t:iutylbuitf; fis cal year. Asscjably Bill No, ?0, for arrest of criminals .' inside the limits of the State for the thirty-fourth j fiscal year. Assembly Kill No. 91, for transjiortation of in- j sane for thirty fourth fiscal year. ■ Assembly Bill No. !'J, tor transportation of , prisoners rot thirty-fourth fiscal year. '■ ~— * Assembly Bill No. '.*."», for support of Insane j Asylum at Stockton for thirty-fourth fiscal year. I Assembly Bill No. "JO, for support of Insane I Asylum at Napa for thirty-fourth fiscal year. c Assembly BUI No. lit, for the expenses of Su- ! preSK Court during thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth fiscal years. ' ....._ i Assembly Bill No. 199, for expenses of th« ] Supreme court for thirty-second fiscal year. Assembly Bin No. 202. for repairs to" the State Capitol building and furniture lor thirtieth fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 205, in the appropriation for official advertising lor thirty-second fiscal year. As etob y Bill No. 20ff,for repairs to State Capitol building and furniture for thirty-first fiscal year. - ■» Assembly Bill No. 207, for water, irrigation, purchase of hose, etc, for Capitol grounds tor thirty-second fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 227, for traveling expenses of Railroad Commissioners for thirty-fourth fis cal year. Assembly Bill No. 229, for pay fox stenographer to Railroad Commissioners fur thirty-fourth fis cal yea:. Assembly Bill No. 230, for transportation of in sane for thirty-third fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 231, for education and care of deaf, dumb and blind for thirty-third fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 232, for furnishing State Normal School, San Jose, for thirty-third fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 233, for postage and espies sage in otate Library for thirty-third fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 234, for rent, printing and contingent expenses of insurance Commis sioner tor thirty-third fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 235, for stationery, fuel, lights, etc., State Capitol building, for* thirty third fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 291, for the support of the State Prison at Kolsom for thirty-filth fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 292, for the support of the State Prison at Folsom for thirty-sixth fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 201, for the payment of re wards offered by the Governor for the thirty first fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 218, for the fund for the costs and expenses of suits in which the State is a party of interest for the thirty-fifth fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 131. for support of li.sane Asylum at Stockton tor the thirty-fifth fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 138. for transportation of prisoners for the thirty-fifth fiscal year. Assembly Kill No. 12), for transportation of in sane for the thirty-fiith fiscal year. Assebly Bill No. 236, tor the purchase of jute ai State Prison, San Quentiu for the thirty third lise^.l year. Assembly Bill No. 195, for official advertise ments for the thirty-sixth fiscal year. Assembly Bill No. 575, for the per diem of members of the twenty-sixth session of the Leg islature. Senate Bill No. 22, to regulate and control the sale, rental and distribution of appropriated water in this State, other than in any city, City and county, or town therein, and to secure the rights of way for the conveyance of such water to the places of use. was passed. Five other Assembly deficiency bills were or dered on the third reading tile. Assembly Bill No. 312, relative to the compen sation of Court reporters, was read a first time. At 11:20 i". M. the Senate adjourned. ASSEMBLY. Wednesday. March"*. 1885. The Assembly met nt 10 a. m., Speaker Parks In the chair. Roll called and quorum present. Prayer by Chaplain Davis. Journal of prece<l ing day approved. PETITIONS, RESOLCTIONS, ETC. Al'en, from the Committee on Labor and Cap ital, reported bach tnc petition in relation to the passage ofthe Hazard lien bill, stating that thu bill could not be revived, but Unit a similar one was on the Senate file and would probably reach the Assembly. Edwards offered a joint resolution providing that the Legislature adjourn sine die on Satur day al noon. Monday moved to lay it on the table. Lost. Henley moved to amend by naming Friday hod!) Instead. Jordan moved to refer the resolution to the Committee on Public Morals. Carried. Henry offered a resolution providing that when the Assembly adjourn to-day it lie in honor of the inauguration of President-elect < lleveland. Colby moved to refer the resolution to the Committee on Public Morals. I.ost. Morris moved as n substitute ii resolution coucned hi humorous language, ivhibh pro duced cousiderable merriment. on motion of Goneher the whole m utter was laid on the table. CJoucher offered a resolution allowing the members of the Assembly SlO per day extra from the commeucement of the session. [Laugh ter. ' Referred to the Committee on Attaches. Bussey, from the Committee on Attaches, re ported back, without recommendation, the reso lution allowing extra pay to the Sergennt-at- Aiin>' clerk for remaining over after adjourn ment to balance hi- accounts, etc. The resolu- i !mii \\ii- ud< ipted. GE.NEI! \i. !'■' SINESS. On motion of May the Assembly took up and ; d, under suspension ■•: the rules, tlie Sen ate i>iil appropriating money for the per diem of the irembers of that body. Jordan, from the Committee oa Education, to which had been referred Senate Bill N0. 317 the -.•iural educational bill), reported the sami Sac'l . with lit' 1 recommendation that it pass. I be bill was read the lirst time. Assembly Bill N0. '•7:5, to provide for a special <■■-■«■;;■.■■! on June C, i>- v -\ iti which shall be sub mitted to the people the constitutional amend ments proposed by the present Legislature^ The bill was passed— ayes 60. noes it. McLean moved t" reconsider the vote by which Senate Bill No. 7 [to prevent Cult-tree .-■- was lost on the preceding day. Carried. On motion of Hollister, the bill was referred to a committee of three for amendment. Car ried. The Chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Ho lister, Corcoran and Munday. McUlashan called up liis motion to reconsider the vote by which Assembly liiii No. ::-..■:: thorizingthe purchase of a steam launch for the ■.■•■■ ol the State Fish commissioners, was refused passage. He explained the necessity for such a boat for. the purpose of patrollng the bays .:::■! rivers to prevent the extermination "i iir-fi by Chinese and other violators of the law. Tlie motion to reconsider was curried, and the liiil passed. Assembly Hill No. 311, relating to Chinese in terpreters in Police Courts of San Francisco. I'iis-'-a. Senate Bill No. 316, relating to salary of the Superintendent of State Printing (Increase from - ' ; 0to$o,00fl.) Read second time. Assembly lliil No. 518, relating to proceedings against delinquent purchasers. Passed. Assembly Bill No. M 5, relating to taking testi mony in criminal Cases. Passed. Senate Bill No. 282, to provide an additional asylum for the insane. !/>s! — ayes 36, noes 36. Assembly Bill No. 139, relating to conjoint or mutual wills. Read second time. •■• Bill No. S\ relating to Public Admin istrators. Passed. McJunkin gave notice of a motion to recon sider. Senate Hill No. 74, relating to future manage ment of the asylums for the insane. Passed. May read a telegram from A. J. Moulder. Su perintendent of Public Schools in San Francisco, asking that (in consequence of the decision of the Supreme Court, declaring the public schools to the children of Mongolians Assembly Bill No. 2ES, which provides for separate classes lor such Chinese pupils. 1 c passed. The constitutional provisions were suspended, the bill considered one of urgency, read three times ami pasted. The bill Is as follows : An Act to amend Section 16G3 of the Political Code., relating to the Public Schools. iii>' People of the State of California, repre sented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as fol- I .■■. - : Section 1. Every school unless otherwise pro vided by law, must be open for the admission of all children between 6 and -l years of age, residing in the district -Mid the Board of, Tru stees, or City Board of i jcation, have power to admit adults and children not residing in the district whenever good reason exists therefor. Trustees shall hnve the power to exclude chil dren of filthy or vicioui habits, or children suf fering from contagious or infections diseases, ."' :i'.i ;: i-> > establish separate *<:,•<..* for chil dren of Mongolian or Chinese descent. When Such separate schools are established, Chinese nr Mongolian children must not be admitted into iiny other schools Section 2. This Act shall take effect from and ill or its passage, Xi cess till _ r. m. t'V^' Afternoon Session. Thu House reassembled at 2 r. m., Speaker ;\,r .- in the chair. Edwards called up his motion to reconsider the vote whereby Assembly Bill No. 561; relating to the State Board <•!' Silk Culture, ".is lost on the preceding day. Carried, mid the bill was passed. Uouchcr moved to reconsider the action of the Douse in defeating the bill to provide for the maintenance of J.W. Marshall, the discoverer of cold in California. Goucher, Corcoran, Barnett, Gregory, Mc- Glashan and Yule supported the motion to re consider, and May and Jordan opposed it. The latter declared that, if the bill should pass, the State should also make a present to the man who first planted a grapevine in the State. MoJnnkin thought the Pioneer Association of . the State were amply able to take care of their ] indigent poor. j The vo c was reconsidered by the 1 arc cousti- I tutioiinl majority (11). A call of the House was ordered, and the Ser- ! . nl at-Arma was sent to " bring in the bodies" of Messrs. ICalben and Daley. After half an hour's skirmishing under the call of the House, the Assembly again resumed business, when Kirebaugh moved to indefinitely postpone the bill. Lost. The roll was th( a called and the bill lost — dyes 40. noes S3. r Douglas moved (o reconsider the vote whereby Senate Bill No. 31 relating to the navigability of 1.-l.ii> creek," had been lost. The motion to reconsider was lost. Assembly Bill No. 434, to pay the claim of W. n. Iturtis (S708), for services while a member of the National (iuard. Read second time. Assembly Bill No. 534, relating to taxes paid to the Attorney-General (providing for payment of the railroad taxes into the State treasury). Read £ir*t time. Assembly bill No. •_•'»•.■. to pay the Indebtedness of the-Mokelumnu war in tan Joaquin county, ordered enirrosw d. StuM Bui No. 166, to authorize the Fish Com missioners to erect a salmon hatchery. Passed. Senate Hill No. 10, relating to certificates of incorporation. Read second time. Senate Bill .No. IDS, relating co appeals in civil cases. Read second time. Senate Bill No. 16, relating to municipal cor poration.". Passed. Assembly Bill No. 601, relating to change of namrs. Pasted. Senate Bill No. s.t. relating to powers of Incor porations. Passed. Senate Bill No?. 259 and 270, relating to the re demption of lauds .sold at lax sale. Head second time. Senate Bill No. 178, concerning municipal cor poration ■. Read second time. Senate |j;;i No. 71, regulating the bight oi di vision feme* in cities and towns. Read second time. Btnate liii! Xo. 120, to pay the claim of Grant i. Tags ''' " '-'I Pt)icr«i. Head second time. Senate Bill No. 101, relating to burial permit*. Read second time. ■ ■ - Senate Bill No. 190, relating to certificates of incorporation. Rend second lime. Senate Bill No. 317, relating to bequest* to pub lic parks. - Head second time. Senate Hill No &£. to provide for the con struction of two infirmaries at Napa. Bead second time. Senate Bill Xo. 154, relating to agricultural districts and associations. Head second time. Senate Bill No. 106, relating to taxation of certain personal property. ■ Read second time. Senate Bill No 68, relating to counterfeited trademarks. Read second time. Senate Bill No. 119, to provide for analyzing the minerals, mineral waters and medicinal plants, and of foods and drugs, and to prevent ; the adulteration of the same. Read second , time. Senate Bill No. 90. to legalize acknowledg ments of certificates in writing. Rend second time. Senate Bill N0.285; relating to roads ana high ways. Read second time. Senate Bill Xo. 30, to provide fur exceptions ;in criminal cases. Bead second time. Senate Bill No. 131. to provide Police Courts for cities of between 30,000 and lOO.OW inhabit itants. Read fecond time. Senate Bill No. 79, to provide for work on streets, sewers, etc., within municipalities. Monday moved to amend so that the bill shall not apply to cities and tow as already incor porated under the Act of 1883. Adopted. The bill was read second time. Assembly Bill No. 310, relating to the preserva tion of fish and gome. Read second time. A resolution offered by Carter of Contra Costa to allow SSO to the journal clerks for ruling and preparing the journal. Referred. Recess till 7:20 p. M. .Evening Session. The House reassembled at 7:30 r. M., Speaker Parks in the chair. The first business taken up was Assembly Bill No. 149, relating to the qualifications of voters. (Providing for giving women the right to the ballot.) Lovell championed the bill. He said he did not desire to be classed with that line of polit ical cranks who feel that they have some Uto pian measure to present to the world. But the women of the State are standing at the portals and asking to be allowed a voice in its govern ment. It lias been said that woman's capacity Is not equal to the task; but what right have we to say this, since we have never given her an opportunity to test that capacity in the halls of science or legislation? There has been no principle Of English or American law, or liberty, lor the past two hun dred years that does nut cover and enumerate woman's just right to n voice In government. The underlying principle of woman' ■ claim is that taxation and representation should be co existent. The opinion has beeu expressed that woman, by assuming the right* and duties of citizenship, would lose her distinctive character and purity; But it is to that sterling quality that lifts woman above man— that quality. indeed, to which man cannot aspire— that gives her a right to a voice in determining the character of the laws by which all are to be governed; those qualities of self denial, of courage and faith that have distin guished woman down through all the ages of history. Love other women as we may; gaze as we may upon other forms and other faces, there yet remains down deep in our hearts an image —set in a casket eternal and indestructible — of mother. Bend as wo may to other Influences of life, beyond and over — silent, but mighty as oce;"ii currents or summer sunshine— there comes over us all at times a sweep of mother love, and the influence of pi'j-e and noble motherhood, reaching out wherever our foot steps may lead us. We may lie told that this love must not snaps the course of legislation. Bui go with me to the metropolis of our State and 1 will show you localities that are morally pest ridden. We find there women who go daily down among the dregs of humanity that there abide, doing noble work; and yet they come forth Iron those fields of duty with their honor and their womanhood unimpaired. If this motherhood and womanhood had the right to say what should be done with these, foul localities, through which their children niiist daily puss and witness scenes of crime and immorality, surely they could be trusted to deposit their ballots for such measures as would blot out these iniquities. Their mother-love would Close the pestiferous dens in a week. 1 care lit tle for the assertion that woman would be con taminated by polities. That is a fiction that ex perience has dispruven. As well try to rob the diamond of its brilliancy as to dim the character of pure and noble womanhood. It is said by a class of women who ought to know belter, that we should trust ail questions relat ing to government to the chivalry of man. But an instance cannot be shown in which man has framed a law that does not "cinch" woman. The great mass of women have not homes of their own. nor others to cure for them. They have to strive lor their daily bread the same as men. and it is no more than right that they should have a voice in making the laws under which they must continue their struggle for existence. Mr. Lovell continued his remarks at length, and eloquently, in behalf of woman's claim to the ballot Henley offered the following amendment; "Every woman over '.'I years of age is hereby declared to be a mile." Ruled out of order. Mr. Henley quo ed from the Constitution to show that only " male " citizens shall be enti tled to the right of suffrage. He did not see how a law could be framed would '■ con stitutional without making every person in the State— so far as the right of suffrage is concerned — a male. Yule defended the bill. He said the problem was "i;" of the most serious character and should not be ridiculed. Ho hoped the bill ■•-.. . i be passed and placed upon the statute books. ■- .-. Henley insisted on having action taken on his amendment. The question was put and the amendment lost. Several demands were made for a call of the roll on the .-. i ■■:::■: reading of the bill, win it was so ordered. The result was— ayes "JO, noes 32. Wairath gave notice of a motion to recon sider. The report of the McCarthy invest!:.': tinfreom ivas read, showing the amounts due to wituessi s. sergeant-at-arms, clerks, expert, etc., for per diem and mileage. Corcoran moved that tlie bills be referred back to the committee, « Ith instructions to re duce the mileage from 23 to 10 cents per mile. So ordered. Senate mi ssages were then taken up, con: i«l --ered, and read the first time. (They include bills passed by that body on the same day.) The general appropriation bill, asamendedby ii: • Senate, was taken np, but laid over till the following day. Munday movi d to r. consider the vote whereby his trespass bill was defeated on Tuesday. Car ried. At 8:45 p. m. the Assembly adjourned. INVKSTK.ATIO.V COMMITTEES. The committee engaged in the investigation ofthe office of the Secretary of i-t;tt" held its Una! session last evening. No further testimony was beard, and after a brief consultation, ill' clerk was instructed to prepare a report em bodying the conclusions ol tho committee. The McCarthy investigating committee failed to get together, aud the forth r proceedings of the committee were postponed until this even ing ki 7:30 o'cli ck. LEGISLATIVE NOTES. The Assembly yesterday suspended the con stitutional provision and put through the bill authorizing separate schools for Chinese pupils, ; lie supreme Court having decided that they are entitled to admission to the public schools. Tlie bill providing for a special election on Jnne 6, 1555, for the ratification or rejection of pro posed constitutional amendments, also passed that body. In tho Assembly yesterday there were sundry bills that had been lost the preceding day re considered; and some of them passed. Among these was Davis' hill providing a steam launch for i he use of the Fish Commissioners in patrol- Ing the bays and rivers. Among those refused passage was the bill allowing James W. Mar shall, the gold discoverer, the income irom £20,000 of State funds during his lifetime. The bill lacked one vote of the required constitu tional majority. The Senate yesterday afternoon passed the ueral appropriation bill for the support of the State government fur the thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth fiscal years, commencing -next July. As the bill passed the Senate it provides for i'.n outlay of 514,780 more than when it passed the Assembly. Assembly Bill No. 89, to establish a home for feebel-minded children, has passed the House and is at the head of the Senate Hie for to-day. The bill i.i one which appeals to the sympathy and humanity of cveiy citizen of California. Under the bill these wards will not only be properly provided for. but under it* operations the institution, it is staled from experience In other States, will become self-sustaining. These features bring it within the realm, both of re sponding to a demand for protecting the help less and unquestionable economy. In the rear of the Lieutenant-Governor's chair yesterday, in the Senate Chamber, was a dis- 1 play of banners, in the center of which was suspended a large- s: eel engraving of President Cleveland, surrounded by wreaths and ever greens. Senator Filchcr's Senate Bill So. 22. to recu- Itite .■..:.! control the sale, rental and distribution of appropriated water, passed the Senate last evening and now goes to the Assembly. It provides for the regulation of price of water by the Boards of Supervisors, and is intended to prevent usurpations or acts of injustice on the part of ditch owners, cc. The author of the bill has given much attention to the subject, and it is regarded by those who have examined it carefully asa much-needed and ; roper meas ure to accomplish the regulation for which it was drawn. It will no doubt promptly pass the Assembly. ;-'■. -. ■ — . ■ ■ .•■> >■« SAN FRANCISCO STOCK SALES. Say FRANasco. March 4. ISKS. MORNING SESSION. Mexican 85c 9. Nev -X>c (J. ft C So@Ssc I'tah Sic 8.4 I! 1 10 I'nion _. -".e ('. Con. Va 4"c Andes I.V Savage l 'Jo@l 25 N'avajo .1 10 Chollar 2 15 P.ulwer S6c I'otosi _ 'i,v Syndicate - We li. & X.._ 4 OU@4 nr> Con. Pacific 95C Ophir 25c|N. Peer 16c Point _ 80c M. White.... -We Jacket 1 30|Bodic... J "& AFTERSOOS SESSION. .".'„' Prize IOtIB. ■& B .....I 10 Navn'o „ 1 10 Con. C & Va.. 10c N. B. Isle ; -20e .-xviiu-e ..1 2001 25 Sj I'dicate .">oe ('hollar 2 15 llodie -...'. 2 40lPotosi 1 Peer 1 20 ii. i N 4 85 ! Peerless 8 S> Nev .35c M. White ..V>c I'nion _. HOC Ophir 26c A lta 30 <? Mexican..- S.V Andes loc G. &C. S0( Bc| , PILES! PILES!! PILES!!! Sure cure for Blind, Rleedinir and Itching Piles. One box has cured tlif worst tapes. of 20 years' standing. No one need mfter five min- utes after using William's Indian Hie Ointment. It absorbs tumor*, allays itching, acts as a poul- tice, gives instant relief. Prepared on'. y for Piles, itching of the private parts: nothing else. Sold by drucgists, and icflSl./i on receipt of price. 50 cent* (Hid SI. For sale by KIRK.GEABY & CO., end .io.j, IIAIIN & CO.. Knerameuto. : . ■ ■■ ' ■ ■ - ■ • " / PACIFIC SLOPE. - . . -.: • - i '[SPECIAL DISPATCHES TO THE RECOMVrXION.] ' CALIFORNIA. _^_^_ | Breach ot I'roinlso Case. Sax Joes, Marc) 4th.— The trial ot the i suit for damages, for $55,000, for breach of j promise, by Mrs. Efmira Denbai against ] Captain Thomas l'allon, which was trans i (erred to this county from s>an Francisco : last November, commenced to-day in the .Superior Conn. The plaintiff took the stand at 2p. m., and testified that she be- came acquainted with Captain Fallon dur ing tiie las; pun of? July or in August, 1880. In that year. on the lath of December, the witness was to have been married m the de fendant. Two days before the date fixed for the ceremony the defendant told wit ness that owing to business engagements the marriage had to be post in hum. The in timacy between witness and defendant con tinued until 1884, when witness visited de fendant'a place, New Brighton, ami met with a cool reception. She then asked de fendant what he proposed to do, but did not receive a satisfactory answer. The trial will probably continue several days. Capture ot an lurfiun Murderer. StsANvii.i.K, March 4th.— Sheriff Each ford ami deputies arrived hero hist evening with Indian Dick, the murderer ot' Shaw on Madaline plains a year a;_ r <>. The Indian took the officers to where the head was buried. He has made a clean breast of the affair. White men of prominence here are implicated in the murder. Outbreak of Diphtheria. Port Costa, March 4th. — A malignant type of diphtheria broke out in Crockett. Contra Costo county, two weeks ;uo. and there arc now thirty serious cases, some <'t which will prove fatal, ;'..- several have al ready died -all children so for. Thedrain a_ r e has been ami is slill in a very bad con dition. Ouly three days ago the town water tank, being cleaned ■■■at. showed two feel of tilth, defunct animals, bones, etc. Pardoned by the President. Pan I'uvm (sco, March -4th.- — Information was received to-day that President Arthur, among the last acts of his administration, had pardoned John T. Best, now serving a term in San Qucntin for the embezzlement of Goven&ient funds. NEVADA. Tin- Legislature. Carson, March 4th. — The bill to remove the University tram Elko to Reno is caus ing' great excitement here, as the bill was considered in Committee of the Whole and will pass by a two-thirds vote. The thing was sprung by Reno at the last mo ment, and sent along with a push. Dr. Harris of Storey, a Regent of the University. has resigned. The Legislature ends to-morrow-. OKEtiO.N. All Old Mini Killed by an Engine. Portland, March 4th. — This evening Gideon Schofleld, a carpenter, aged 00, while going from work to his home, was struck by a Locomotive on the Oregon and California Railroad, in East Portland, and the top of his head taken off. The engine was coming round a curve, and was not seen by Schofield. old MEXICO. Further Trouble with Indians— Hoy Run Over. Gcayhab, March 4th. — By the way of Alamos, word is brought that die Mayea have also risen uiul arc iluiiifx damage in that section. On the 27th or last month they made an attack on the port "I Agiavampo, the shipping point of Alamos, and burned some randies and bouses in the vicinity. Later details arc expect* dby courier to the Governor. Up to this time the Vaquis have made no Further move, but all sorts ot rumors of their ind*ntions are circulated. The church in the plaza h.;s been fortified, and considwable in rjiiietude exists among the people. No official notice has as yet been received of the movement of Federal troops to this place. A Mexican boy was run ov< r by a train al Xogalesj, and both legs broken. ' Hobsford'B Acid Phosphate. Well pleased. Dr. C. Roberts, Winchester, TIL, says : " 1 have used ii with entire satisfac tion in cases ol debility from age or over work, oiid ie inebriates and dyspeptics, and :i:n wt-li pleased with : ; > . ffects." Ea3tSigvS^'igir<fifta:<ttS»^fc-^gs-gg^ 25 YEA_^g IM USE- The Greaten jgedical^Trinmph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. TjOsboi appetite. Bowels costive, l'uin in ♦ho head, with n dull eennation in tho ! ■..■ii parr, Pain under tbe shoulder- blade, I'ulincßH nftci carins, with ndis- inciin.ition to exertion of bodr or mind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with nfecliucof bavins neglected some duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Fiatterinar nt (be Heart. Dots before the eyes, Headache over tbe right eye, Iteßtlessness, with fitful drenms, Hijrhly colored Urine '- I <fONSTIPAT!ON. TTTTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one doao effects such a change of feel ins; it to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the A i>s>etite,and cause th body to Tuitc on S'lcsti, t.i\: i the system Is lionrishecl.ari'l by ihoir Tonic Action on the invest iveOrcai»»,ls«'cii Jui' ::■ prolui''!. I'rii-c : r. -i ISlurrny wt..!V.y. TUTT'S HAIR BYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to a Glosst Black by a sinsio application of tiiis Dte. It imparts ft natural color, nets instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by c.-press on receipt of 31. Office, 44 Murray St., How York. NEW ADTERTISEMESTS. NOTICE. BY ORDER OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, the time for the meeting of the Republican City Convention is changed from the hour of 7 v. >:. , as heretofore announced, to the hour of 10 a. m. of THORSDAY. Karch 5, ]->:.. at which time the Convention will be called to order at Turner Hall. W. H. BEATTY, Chairman. mrs-lt JOHN J. BUCKLEY, CiSDIDAI E FOR City Assessor. • . mri>-"ptd A CARD TO THE PUBLIC ! DJ. SIMMONS LEFT TPTS EVKJTISGFOR , .Stockton. As Lessee of the Metropolitan Theater he left orders with us his employes, to collect the rent of the Theater Of the Amateurs giving the Cantata, or else not send the curtain up alter the third act. The Ama'.eurs refused to pay, and refused to Rive security hen asked, or to name anyone who would be responsible.. We refused then to send up the curtain, but by request of Judge Henry and Chief Jackson we permitted the performance to go on. Dr. Pink- ham spoke to the audience and said, Simmons' doss (referring to us) bad pulled pistols. Noth- ing of the kind occurred. No pistols were drawn or thought of. We arc no more dogs than Dr. Pinkham. who saw (it to speak of us *o. We work honorably for our living. When .Mr. Sim- mons returns w> believe everything will be set- tled satisfactorily. We understand the cv torn to be that renters of a theater pay before a cur- tain goes up. or else before the third act, or else give security. These lire the 'acts. HENRY MKYEK, Treasurer. 8 D. CLARK, Stage Carpenter. Sacramento, March 1, ISSS. mrG-lt Excursion to Woodland I «*^ w **<yj*^ rejy 3 **^^* 2^S-^^*fi THE CANTATA OF ESTHER Will be Produced at the WOODLAND OFERA-lIOUSE Friday Evening March 6th, By Ladies and Gentlemen of Sacramento. « **- An Excursion leaves Sacramento at 6 r M. sharp. Tickets for round trip, SI: return same night. Admission to Opera-house, 75 cents and 50 cents. mrs-'2t j DR. G. L. SIMMONS, So. 212 J Street ....Sacramento (9 to 10, morning. ( OFFICE HOURS:/ 2to 4, afternoon. -< Jr^o-2plra ■ ; 17 to 8. evening. I CAPITAL IRON WORKSI MR. HOSE, NO. 901 X STREET. SACRA . menf.o. Cat Machinery of all Kind* Made and Repaired. .#*■ Water Works a Specialty. 1a27-tfl a27-tf "r * PIANO RECITAL! MISS ESTELLE H ANCH PUPIL OF THE ABBE LISZT, ASSISTED 11V— ■':■ SIGNOHL EJXmiCO 0-A.3VEI»O3B23XjIjC>, Tilt. WOBLD-KKXOWMiI) BARITONK, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 12th. " Hiss Kstelle Hanchettk shows a clear and charming; touch, splendid technique, fine phrasing, and understands thoroughly what she executes." — a. X., " Votsiclte Zcitnng" Berlin, Ftbrunry, 1888. ••Mt<s I'.-tk.i.;.e Hanciiette's playing reminds one of the charms of a spring day, in which nature is in its full glory, She has excellent touch (Ilerrlieh An* blag), poetry of tone, clear, sparkling technique." //. /■;., '• Berliner Fremdm Blott,'! March 23, 1583 Sale of Scats commences TUESDAY MORNING, March tOih, at l. K. HAMMER'S Music Store. Admission, SI. No extra for Reserved Beats. mrs-2plw NEW ADYEKTISKM EMS. Sunset Council will meet — JpN. THIS (Thursday) EVENING at /Sr^K\ . 7:3o O'clock. Vicittng UK-inW-r-,-vJaiL-i A . J g cordially invited. {ML. tSjIJVI G. B. CLOW, C. C. W^^>>t|3 C. 11. De.vton, Rec Sec. ' Tk^_^ mtj-ll* Stunner Post, No. 3, <}. A. Regular meeting an-' muster THIS Thursday) bVKN- ING, Marrh sth, at Grangers' Hall, at . SO o'clock. Recruits please bo present lor muster. j. 1.. BKINNEK, Port Commander. C. H. «tkphf-n>os. Adjutant. mrj-lt* Stated meeting <>» Washington « ■ lodge. No. .V. F. ami A.M. .Tills (Tluirs- J&. day) EVENING, March su>, at 7 o'clock. >SSC brethren cordially invited. / ▼ \ G. W. Mi: HALF. W. M. 1,. C. Jordan, Secretary. mrS-lt' Hull of Court Sacramento, N<>. (!,S«il, A. ' O. K.— ll;. will be a regular meeting of Court Sacramento. No 6,861, THIS (Thursday) EVEN- !.\(. March .i!i. All vailing members cor- dially invited. F. VV. DAY, C. R. L'Has. A. ICoot. R. ■?■ mro-ii* A \ RANTED— GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE >> work in ;i small family, a short distance in the country. Apply at once at GUS LAVI N bON'S, No. bib M street mra-lt* WAX lID SITUATION BY A WOMAN' VV asCook: is a good plain Cook: al«o,agirl wishes a situation as Nurse for children, or to do light l.'liainbenvork. Inquire at 113 M street. between Fourth and Fifth. mrj-lt* SITUATION WANTKD— BY A YOUNG MAR ried man; has had four years' experience in bookkeeping; willing to accept any kind of employment; can give the very best of refer- ence. Address "c. J." northeast conic of Second and J, over W. V. & Co. mrj-lw*! \"I7"ANTEI>— A SITUATION BY A MIDDLE VY aged man who thoroughly understands garden worn and management and care of horses; reference given. Address "C. H. !?.," this office. Mrs - ; i' Wi M KIM M \| EDIATELY— TEAM- ay > V lug horses weighing from I- 1 11 /£*?(>■ pounds up, ami not under 6 rears old. /XT /\ Inquire 627 J etreet. [B.C.] mra-iv* AN EXPERIENCED TRIMMER WANTED- Millinery Department. WEINSTOCK A UIX. my ■. FOR SALE— NEWSPAPER AND JOB PRINT Ing outfit. Call or address "J. W. 1..,' northeast corner Seventeenth and E streets, Sacramento. mra M NOTICE! Citizens of Sacramento County. The Board of Supervisors will hear citizens of Sacramento county on TUESDAY, April 7, 18S5, at 1O A. M., to hear expres- sions in regard to creating a bonded indebtedness for road pur- poses. Citizens from different sections of the county are re- quested to meet with the Board, and give their views on the sub- ject. By order of THE BOARD. mrs-3t<&w3l DR. LUXE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.— OFFICE AND JL Kcsi'lence, No. 3.3 .i street, between Third and Fourth. Hours— B to 10 A. >[.. oto 5 and 7to sr. m. Office of City Superintendent of Public Schools at same place. m5-iplm ki:movki>. |71 F. tebbkts, DENTIST, TO 014 *• -***> I; . Sixth street, between I aud J, %'(L-??*li west side, opposite Congregational <-JJU TTf Church. m.-tf ten — t> R tr -- - praßßraae ™ !? o i ►art n h op = s H< 3 ■ & ! 5 <> k" <-«*s - CJI 2 «ia ■ in ii DALE & CO., O2 SACRAMENTO, Furnished all the Masquerade Goods for the Ball at Shingle Springs, on Friday Evening, February 27th, and is also prepared to furnish every variety of MASQUERADE GOODS to all parts of the country. mrt-2ptf CANDY FACTORY. MRS K. M. WIKDMANN, NOS. 418 J STREET ill and 419 X .street (Metropolitan Theater Building;), Manufacturer and Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in all kinds of Candies and Nuts. 'al'.'-Sptf "LONE FISHERMAN." milK FINEST FIVE-CENT CIGAR IN TIIK JL Market Also, a fine line of Imported and Key West on hand, at -.'"> X st-eet. iiifi-jj-lni R. 11. I'KTTI I. Proprietor. BAKER & HAMILTON IMPORTEK3 ami 31AXVFACTCP.ERS OF HARDWARE! AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, CUTLERY, G-uns, PovFdor, Etc ma-tr»tf $5 BUYS A COFwD OF STOVE WOOD Or. A TON OP COAL AT THE C. O. D. \J Wood and Coal Yard, 101 1 street. Ail or- ders promptly delivered to any part of the city. mrMf SACRAMENTO PLANING MILL^ MaWfactdrers op doors, S&lKu&r MA'T'FACTCRERS OP DOORS, ?iijJ\ v u^ Windows, Blinds Moldings. V;/ .J-' ' i Finish Door i;nd Window Frames v^FvJy^^^ Brackets and Turning Stair Work s'.v : *W ~ a Specialty. -■ 'v.' - Comer Front and Q streets, E_.;.. Sacramento. *-■ — ■ HARTWKIJ, HOTCHKISS & STALKKK. fe23-4pim ROLLER SKATES. ALABCIS STOCK ON HAND J& 1\ of the HENLEY FINK *V AND CLUB. BARNEY A B*K- MM RY, VIKEVARD "A. C." and MS "S. C," and other makers.^S^^s^^^p Great reduction on Eußlish J^»,i?vr>*#fe breech loading Shot-siiiw,LVlt<. < Martin «nd Jiallnrii Rifles. . ~— ' ml HENRY ECKIIARDT, 5a X St.. Sacramento VINEYARD RINK SKATES. ALSO. A. C. AND S. C. CIUB J\. Skates. Agents for theiP* 1 y fa Star Rink and Club skate.*. Sewd'J^^^z-fy^p for Catalogue. WIESTEK A i O.,^^^V*^ 17 New Montgomery street, San^^^ "*=" Francisco. C!al. ■ , ' , fe"-lm I ii ( noss. ASSIGNEE'S SALE in Poi'sonal Property. l . -. __«___ BY ORDER OF COURT, I WILL SELL OX the premises at Brighton, THURSDAY, MARCH .-.. 1885, One Wagon; l Buggy; l Double Set Harness; 1 • BlneleSet Harness; I TeU«copi 1 Pail Counter . Scales; i Fountain; l Mirror; 2 Fancy Vases; Lot : Bar Futures and Bar; lot of Groceries; t^haira. ■ Table, etc.; l Sliver Watch. Waltham manufact- ure, GEO. AY. CIUSLKY, Assignee Estate of B. U. Pugh, lnaolvent, J fe2£T.t KOTICE.— -ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. rpitE A! 1-. OF THE INTERN \TIO.\AI. HO- .L tel'Busand a tet of Double Harness baa i been postpoued to SATURDAY, MARCH M j ISSS. Bale to take place at Wilson's >■ tables, No. I : 18 Kstreft. Bids at private sale will be received by the undersigned. ■;.>-"■ ■■ (i. W. CHESLEY, Administrator. Dated Match 2, IKS."). mrB-td , SHfiRBURN & SMITH, I Auctioneers, NO. 323 X ST., SACRAMENTO. (NEAR THE POSTOFFCE.) IN oomotcnoM with OUR FULL LINK OP i FURNITURE j Crockery and Glassware, We have, VERY CHEAP, a nice lot of MAJOLICA PITCHERS. CUSPADORES, COMPORTS, FLOWER POTS, Etc. j Also, Nickel-plated Cuspadores, Silver- plated R. E. Al Table and Tea- spoons, Forks and Knives. Also, Six Dozen Chromos, at $1 75 Each. ; Also, a Fine Line of Tapestry, Three- ply and Extra Super Carpets (Cheap). j SHEKIWBX .'; SMITH, ! BELL & CO., ATJCTIO3XTE33H.S. ! Office, IOOS J street, Sacramento, Cal. I REGULAR BALE DAY FOB STOCK, BrO- l\ fries, etc., Saturdays, at 10 o'clock, at Foun- : tain btitbles. Real Estate, Outdoor and House I Sales promptly attended to. 'i i,, Highest Price ; Paid for all kinds of Household Goods. tell' AMUSEMENTS, ETC METROPOLITAN THEATER. THREE NIGHTS AXII ONE MATIJNEBt COM 51 ESCINO THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 18S5, The i i!i year of the Dramatic Cyclone^ :o-^r:Ei.o:ixr2 -'up: o»tefl by the Charming Actress, 3V£isis 3HT.r».to 13yron, And the Famons Byron Combination Thursday, Friday & Saturday Matinee The Great American Drama, in i Act», entitled Across the Continent! New Scenery! Beautiful Music! Catchy Son;;*! Handsome Costumes! The Terrible Pnow Storm ! The Great Fire Scene! Byron's Dynamite Coc.klalH The Terrible Death of the Dissolute Dude! The Merchant's Drawing-room, Fifth Avenue! The Picturesque Railroad Station! The Exciting Telegraph ■. uel etc. FUN! FIN! FUN! FUN! Fl'N! Saturday, March Poattirely L«st >'l|;ht 10,000 MILES AWAY! Sequel to Across the Continent! New Scenery and New Music! *?- Reserved Seats for sale at Theater Box Office, witho'it extra charge. m>2-6t SACRAMENTO TIVOLI. Eldbed lino? —Manages MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 2, 1885, And every evening during the week. Elaborate production of the beautiful Domestic Drama, in 4 Acta, LOST IKT XjiO3Nri3C»2Xr All the company in the cast. Toother with thu Side-eplitling Force, HUNTING A lIU.SHAM) ! FAMILY MATINEE SATOKDAY, AT i P.M. Next Monday will be produced on v graud scale, the Nautical Dram i. LlOIITUOl'Si; CLIFFS! ! Admission, 'Si nd 15 cents at all times. d*-lw ELITE THEATER. GST GREAT ATTRACTIONS ~<s* j.\i::;y EVENING! *5»7 Don't tail to fee I — the best show ever set d in bacramento. Popular i'i;e- 25and500. d9-2otf STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOS. J AHEYMANSOLE A. 1.. I. I ,£9.- ■■ , street, bet. sixth Mid '.'>"'-ii''i,p^- »wTTiJs opposite Court-house. FIAN( 8 r< iflPiTI LJ-.T. Pianossold on instailiaenbi.*' " * VI " |fi9-2plm C. R. PARSONS. I pEAL ESTATE ANI). INSURANCE AGENT. Corner Third and ,J Street*, AGENT FOR UNION iNsvii.iNCK cojn'ANV. OF SAX FRANCISCO— FIRK AND MAKINB. C. R. PARSONS. Not.t:y Public. lyl-2ptf notice : A LL CREDITORS OF A. McREA ARE RE- irV quested to present their elahiu forthwith to J. HYMAN. Suiter street, Folsom; Sacramento county, Cal. 'j he estate being ready for dis- tribution, it is necessary that all claims be veri- lied and presented within siztj days lrom this late, or they will not be considered. Folsom. January 28, 18fi5. J. HYMAN, Jaa>-2p6Qt Assize,. Estate of Alex. Mcßea. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE _l of California, in and for the county of Sac- ramento. In the matter of MAX GAMP, an in- solvent Debtor. Max Camp haying tiled in this Court his petition, .schedule and inventory in insolvency, by which it appears that he is an in- solvent debtor, the said Max Camp la hereby de- clared to be. insolvent. The Sheriff of Sacra- mento county is hereby directed to take posses- sion of all the estate, real and personal, of th« said Max Camp, debtor, except such an may bo b) law exempt from execution, and of all hi» deeds, vouchers, books of account and papers, and to keep tho same, safely until the appoint- ment of the assignee of his estate. AH persons are forbidden to pay any debln to the said insol- vent, or to deliver any property belonging to hi:.-: or to any person, Kniioccor|>oratioii forhia use; and the said debtor is 'vreby forbidden to transfer or deliver any property until the further ■ order of this Court, except as hereinafter or- dered. It is further entered that all creditors of said debtor be and appear before the Honorable ■ \V. ('. Van Fleet, .hi i«e of the Superior Court of the county of isacramento, In open Coun, at tho Court-room of said Court, in the city of Sacra- mento, on the A PIIIL, 1889, at 1" o'clock a. M. of that day. ; to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees of the estate of said debtor. It is further ordered that the order be published in the S.u-kamento Daily Kecori>- I'nion. a newspaper of general circulation pub- lished in the county of Sacramomo, as often a» the said paper is published before the said da/ set for the meeting of creditors. ■ And it is fur- tier ordered that all proecedingsnpains'iuiid in- solvent be s:ayed. T. B. , KLANB, JiuUre of the Superior Court. Dated February 21, 1.585. "**'"-- Attwt : Wit. 13. Hamilton, Olcrk. mrC-O.IP