OCR Interpretation

Sacramento daily record-union. [volume] (Sacramento [Calif.]) 1875-1891, November 12, 1885, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

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Tht KecojuvTTkicn ix the rtvdy p^pf 0"
the coast, ovJsidt of San Francvxo. thai n
texei the, full A undated Pi cm ifiijind fii n
from all perU of the world. (hiUidt of &in
FiMtma it }■*» no ««(p«(-j.--, in point of
•".t>nA«-.«, ji» xJk KnrM anri rj.-wjn: cirtirf'iluir.
HrpuQhmi ihf r, ■ '
U F. FI-HKR is Sole Agent for this I «p«I \ii
(an Fimnctooo and rldaity. Be is a:uhorlz>-i
to reeeire aiivertißemenUandsubscnpt.ons.anrl
coUect for tlie same. Booms 21 and 21, Mer
BhH.iU' Exchange.
In Kew York yesterday Uovemmpat honrts
were quoted I , >r4iofuio7; n ■'■■■ ».r i;.>:
et.-iliuc, ci Mai 86; lot; for „-; diver bars,
silver in London, 17'vl; consols, 100 v!6d; 5
per cent. United States bonds, extended, 105;
4s, 12!
Mini!!!; stocks were fairly active ia -in Fr;iH
(-i».i-<, yesterday momine. and some kind
B cents to 10 cents per share higher than Tues
day morning.
There were twenty-one mall-pox death] :;■■
Montreal Tuesday, and sixteen in the suburbs.
By tbe fall ol asca&bldlDg i]i Montreal ;■■■
■ killed and two :
a National Conference of Free Traders ami
I le Reformers Is being held in Chicago
ier*s jury, in the i ttoi Mrs, Pratt,
in the accident near Mr.!.- falls, X. V..
• the railroui] company for negligence.
The steamer Indus, ii"> i Ueutl : foi !
; necked oil Moeletivoe, Ceylon.
Witni uc to attend Court in Montreal,
mat of small-pox.
□ exists i:: the shipbuilding
Great enthusiasm greeted Oladsl ne in Edln
it la now stated that forty-five Ii
'.(■ Superior by the wrecking 01 tnc
Stewart Ni> Kee, (h mllKo 1 1
■ '■■ snddi nly In Pittsburg yi I
The general coni the M. I 1 hureh
--ion in New Veil;.
The will nf the late General McCleUan svas
■ ■>■ ' U rday.
ting for United State* Senator wU
I the <i egon Leg! inture oexl Tnesd iy.
Uis proposed <" aboil 'i the Brooklyn post
office 11.- 11 aeparate office, :i:.il place it under the
Jurisdiction of the Sew Fork office.
a "mind can-" church Is to be erected i::
if >li»j.n.;O.
John G. Lee, oi t hiladelphia, has been ap
pointed - < r.'.;in .; !.i nation at Constantinople.
; '» In Bait Lake,
jresterda) . mi tantly killed U 0
I Paylor, an old lady, was bamed to
d^atli In . w i.it Lake. Taesday m^b 1 , by her
Clothing taking fire.
James Tally (colored) accidentally >hot him
.. Merced, yestei Ing a serious
Tavkf cltixena were arrested yesterd«j al
E . w. T.. having been Indicted for ■«>n-
Ipiracy in connection with the anti-Chinese
(;. Clarke was yesterday appointed Postmaster
at Yosemlte, Cal.
A: Albina, 1 <■■■.. laal 1 \ ening, i. J, Win sialii ed
ami mortally wounded Frederick Leimer.
At ßaguacheß, Col., yesterday, *'.;ir.-,i.a1l Cle
ments wa« bund K"i!ty of murder in U
■ for kliHng Thomas Clements v.::0 wife.
1:. M. Pomeroy, ex-President of the rnion
■ Railroad, died In Boston last ::i::!u,aged
7" yeai
The< uw, the Burmese King, has ordered the
extermination of ■ 1 Burmah.
ttacked the " : 1 village
of Jancovltz, killed several of the Inhabitants
and plun lend the place.
The details of the organization at San Fran-
I ii:" ( !alifbrnia t'ruil Union will ty
Elsewhere in this issue, in an "inter
view" with Governor Stoneman, there is
<>mliiM-.1i; : .. plan for remedying the Chi
rati vil. In brief, he pro
poses :i Commission of [mmigration Bimilar
tt. that which operates a( th ■ ['■■-.■t of N"ew
York, This Commission he would have
clothed with nil necessary police power,
ueh ample authority that only i"nr
flagrant abuse of it could the issue of the
right to land be brought into the Courts.
The passenger -*1 i j •— he would have sti
in mid s:r> am, and all access to them ■ ut
off from all persons except the Commission
ers and tlioir officers. This Commission
would examine and pass upon the evi
<li aces ; resent) .1 of the r igh; to land, and
these were insufficient the pasaengei
would I c detained m the ship, debarred
all communication with the shore, and th.?
- owners be compelled to return
them to the port whence they came. This
system would, La the firsl ;>i-i' .•, make it a
very hazardous thins for --lii]> owners t-j
transport those not clearly entitled to land.
They would find not profit, but loss in the
shipment, and hence would 1« careful not
tn j>unis!i their pocket-nerve. in the next
place, the Chinese being cut oft' from law
sharpers, certificate brokers, and the
■ of tin' six companies, could nol
readily deceive the Commission, and the
fraudulent immigrants wonld speedily grow
less, because of the difficulties of imposi
tion, lie points out tluit the New York
Commission last year sent back :■. large
number of white immigrants not entitled
to land, and that the system there works
welL That which is applicable to Euro
| immigrants, he thinks could not be
le i:> the case of the Orientals'
There is force in the suggestions of the
Governor, and the ideas he advances are
worthy of attention. Certain it is, that
our present system of restriction is a farce
and a snare, [t is only a means of heap*
ing burdens upon our < Sourta, and of ti!lii:_
the pockets of :i set of rascally certificate
brokers and witness-furnishing agencies.
\\ hoever has closely observed the ten
il'iiiy of public opinion must have noted
it.- rapid drift toward the applioatioa ■>(
the high license system in nianicipalitiea.
The pocket nerve of the taxpayer! ha*
been tin; hid, anil has brought them to a
realization that the liquor traffii en
justly l>e made t:> bear more of the O ;
rnment than it now does, without
bunching any temperance thunderbolts.
The two ends high lien-.- iccoxaplishea
are to redooe general taxation by jutting
heavier burdens upon the liquor luxury,
ami to Ugocu the Dumber of low doggeries
that cane all communities of any BQaskL
cni'ule size. In this latter accomplishment
it so hap;*>ns that the letter dan of litjuor
dealers Me good results for themselves, and
so they are very generally falling in with
the idea of high license. It is argued that
the system CBta short the right of the j>oor
man to make a living by selling liquor.
Admitting this to be true — thoqgfc it can
net be shown that it demands any greater
capital to be invested in the business — it i
tniy be replied that if that was a prime
object in advocating the system "it would;
be defeasible on the ground that nothing
better enn bo done for the |>oor mau than
ke ii extremely difficult Tor him to
• in the l".i^:ner-> tt ill. In ninety
ca «>• ■.;[ ■( a hundred the poor men who
will advaace the objection referred to will
Ik? found to be beeping placet <>f such low
degree that they arc immediate agencies
for their degradation and final ruin, and
are looked upon by communities generally
as. nuisances of the worst order. The high
licen-e experiments in f'olusa and IjOs
Angeles counties will be watclied with
great interest by both the friend- and the
opponents of the system. A year ago we
presented for several weeks the current
arguments of the license side of the ques
tion, with many citations of trial of the
system in various parts of the Union.
Since then observation of the experiments
: . aliened the affirmative of the
Ihe fruit-growers have arrived, at a
settlement of the question of marketing
and transporting the products of their
orchards. Our report indicated that there
remained still some dissatisfaction over the
method adopted, lmt it is learned that
mutual concessions have brought about
a unity of sentiment. The right
agreement has been reached, to sink
all differences and jrive the " Fruit
i oil n" a sincere and ample trial.
Wisely and honestly conducted, it should
prove of immense benefit to the people of
this State. {Co scheme can be proposed to
foster the objects in view, that there will
Mime who will honestly doubt its
practicability. Thisis natural and to be
expect* d. Unity of effort in whatever is
d me is the chief desirable thing, for there
can come nothing but ill of contention and
pulling ;;p:>rt. The fruit-growers wisely
to lay aside all preconceived notions
and prejudices in favor of this, that or the
methods of ai tion, and do their best
to develop all that there is in the system
adopted by the late Convention. It ought
to work well. Its purposes are right, its
aim properly directed, and would appear
that only in its management can it jro
wrong. For thai the fruit-growers must
hold themselves responsible, and Buch an
assumption will prevent any maladminis
i i F the sn v t of the I r nion.
The idea that the people of this 1 >un
try will take kindly to the proposition to
accept the Kingdom of Hawaii as a State
of the I nion i- absurd. The rumor that
ii is to be made sounds like a hoax. We
have no need for more territory. When
we do b ■quire it, we want a very different
f people than the natives of the
Sandwich Islands as population for the
country annexed. The cost of governing
the udands would be greater than any pos
new benefit we could derive irom
them. They are quite as useful tons as.
they are. In the lit;ht we now have of
the rumored scheme, we can see nothing
favorable in it. It might become a more
"important question if BOrne other power
should endeavor to take possession of the
island.-, since :i> mid-ocean stations, and
p issible naval Bupply depots and Btoppage
points, it i- undesirable that any foreign
power should possess them, and altogether
<!• arable that they shall remain an in
dependent estate. Above all. before we
can consider the question at all, we must
overhaul our reckoning ;:>to treaty obliga
tions with other Countries relative to the
continued independency of the islands of
the Kingdom as a distinct State.
At one time we believed h.-r<' in<';i!i
fornhi that we were exempt irom
hopper inva>ions and the terrors of the
cyclone, while our Eastern friends felici
tated themselves upon their exemption
from earthquakes, such as afflicted u>
inally. Hut latterly there have been
enforced modifications of these views.
Earthquakes have several tin:'"-, within
the past 'our or five years, shaken up the
pe.p'e of the Atlantic coast, while the
Locust and grasshopper plagues of the Bast
have crossed the plains and paid as severe
visitations, and now it is recorded that a
genuine cyclone of the West lias found its
way out here, and given us warning of the
terrible force of these atmospheric con
vulsions. But we still have left "our
glorious climate." Let us rejoice.
A labob convention for the Pacific coast
is to be held in San Francisco the last <! ly
of the present month. It will accomplish
good if it is controlled by dignity, con
servatism, breath of view and cool delil er
ation. For the calm and reasoning ex
change of views by men in deliberative
'•lies U always beneficial ; the attri
tion of ideas evolves wisdom, but it the
cranks are admitted to the convention, if
there is not enough moral backbone and
determined sincerity for the cause of the
good of the laboring classes to sit down
upon the steaming socialist, and the long
haired communist, and the vaporing politi
cal demagogue, it were better for the work
in;.'men of the coast that the convention
had never been i ailed.
The Mugwump journals are now charg
ing that the straight Republicans eon-
Rpired to defeat Davenport in New York,
in order to give the Mugwumps a laste of
their own medicine. Bo many theories are
now advanced to account for the downfall
of Davenport's ticket, that we are ready to
treat all alike, and receive with compla
cency as many more as any one sees lit to
advance. The last cause assigned is just
about as reasonable a* any that have been
set up. There is a grain of truth in all of
them, and the combination of all produced
the rc-.uk.
>><> man of the world to-day can so
sincerely pray for deliverance from his
friends as Prince Alexander. He is not
very wise at best, and his political experi
ence is of the .-ix-l>v-nine order. At pres
ent lie is being 1 uileted between the
suspicious and intrigues of the Powers in
:i way to OOnfuOO and distract a man rif
much larger caliber and greater force of
character than this petty ruler, whose fate
depends wholly upon the whim of those
who have nothinc hut contempt for him.
It looks very much as if M!r. Gladstone's
star is once more in the ascendant. If the
Iri>!i leaders know when they are well ofl£
they will do all they can to return the
'' grand old man" to power.
T.ii: AUa speaks of a time when the
Democratic party went through death and
hell. When did the resurrection take
place .'
As a sulf.iCt for practical statesmanship it is
clear that the Imperial Federation idea ta yet in
the clouds, and seems likely to remain there. —
l Canada School Journal.
Tiif.be is but one way to put a stop to the
attempted revival of sectional hatred and strife,
from whatever source it comes. The people
must frown it down.— [Boston Globe.
BOMB time ago the Tribune suggested that
cluba bo started to diffuse among the Bepnbli
cim voters of the country a clearer knowledge
of the ixjlitical issues now before the people,
and to enlighteD them in regard to the funda
ruv.i.al ideas of the Republican party. The
ie>;i h:i« taken shape in many places and is
lively to bear good fruit.— L New Vori Tribune.
The business of the office-seeker add of the
■feu] go-betweens vrlio lobby for offices
at Washington is ,it an end so far a< President
Cleveland hi concerned. The only way to reach
him from this time forward will be through
some member of his Cabinet or odieial person
having a night-key to the Wliite House.
Changes in the Personnel of the govern
ment Service.
WABHIKQTOir, November lltli. — Those
who have complained that changes have
been made in the personnel of the Govern
ment service more slowly than was ex
pected, would probably change their opin
ion if they should carefully examine the
ground, and realize hew many changes
have taken place. In the State Department
only one of the assistant Secretaries, Gov
ernor I'orter. is a Democrat : but in the
consular and diplomatic service nearly
every Important position is now in Demo
(Tiitii: bands. In the Treasury Department,
the changes have been more marked. The
Secretary, both assistant Secretaries, the
chief Clerk, the Appointment Cl«rk, Com
missioner of Internal Revenue, all the
Auditors, the Treasurer and assistant
Treasurer, Chief of the Customs division
and many of the chief of divisions in the
various bureaus, are now Democrats, while
in the large number of offices throughout
the country, which come under this De
partment, the changes have been fully as
extensive. In the War and Navy Depart
ments but few changes have been made,
for neither of these Departments is regard
ed as political, and the work required de
mands long experience. In the Postofflce
and Interior Departments, however, hard
ly a prominent official remains irom the
las] administration, Major Lockwood, the
Chief Clerk of the Interior Department,
being the notable exception. It is a mat
ter of considerable speculation among the
triiiiiis of the administration why the
Major continues to occupy that position,
for it is known thai several capable Demo
crats would be glad to receive the appoint
ment. Not only in the Department force
in this city have the changes been effected,
but in a large number of other
office.-, Indian agents, general land agents,
in agents and Postmasters, which
come under the control of these two De
partments, the same extensive system of
removals has been adopted. The Attorney-
General h:;s also made a clean sweep in his
Depart men I of the prominent officials, and
it may be set down as a fact that when
the members will bo
satisfied thai good Democratic work, so far
;'.- making the personnel of the Govern
ment service conform to the dominant po
litical faith is concerned, has been done
daring the vacation. All this has not by
any means been the work > f tin' President,
but the various & cretaries have themselves
attended to the so-called purgin; .>i their
.''..■:. Departments of the Republicans, and
substituting Democrats in their places.
Tho Fraudulent Chinese Certilientes.
Washington, November llth.— Chief
Brooks, of the Secret Service, is receiving
frequent reports from Special Agent Fin
negass relative to his investigations as t.>
the fraudulent immigration of Chinese. In
ration with your correspondent
to-day Brooks said: "1 am tolerably well
satisfied, from all the information possible
for me to get, that there have been no for
geries of certificates. Undoubtedly certifi
issued to returning Chinamen have
been Bold by th< m in China to persons de
siring to come to this country, and who,
under the ti-nns of the Restriction Act, are
not entitled to land. 1 have no informa
tion to warrant a belief that any ring of
Custom-house officers exists for the pur
poseof making money out of evasions ol
the law. In my opinion, if the Custom
house officers in San Francisco worked to
gether with more harmony to prevent the
fraudulent admission of Chinese immi
grants, there would be fewer complaints
about violations of the law." The report
•■f Special Agent Spalding, of tbe customs
service, on the Chinese frauds, has not yet
been received a; the Treasury Department.
The President's Order Regarding Office
Washihgton, November llth. — The
President's order excluding office-saekers
;.;i ! public men. except when they have
public business with him, will probably be
ccvoked a< the end of the month. It "was
'ii us to give tin' President time to prepare
his message. He will try in future to keep
out office-seekers, but he r. cognizes that it
:: ! be impossible to restrict public men
in their coming to see him. or to make
them specify in advance their business
with him.
Capital Notes.
W WHINGTON, November 1 lth.— The Pres
ident to-day appointed Dr. John a. I.- c, of
Philadelphia, Secretary of Legation at
The > Svil Bervice < Commission, in t i i * ■ dis
i nssion of the Sterling case at the meeting
to-day in an informal manner, reached no
conclusion. It will be tbe subject of dis
cussion at to-morrow's meeting, when a
lusion will probably be arrived at
The President has appointed General
Joseph R. Bartlett, of New York City, to be
Second Deputy Commissioner of Pensions,
in place of L."C. Bartlett, resigned on ac
count of ill health, and William H. Mor
gan, of Nashville, Term., a member of the
Board of Indian Commissioners, in place
of Orange Judd, resigned.
The following fourth-class Postmasters
were appointed to-day: Arizona, at Pay
son, Miss A.da Bowers. Nevada, at Fairplay,
Miss Sue Hayes. California, at Vosemite,
G. Clarke; Lakeport, William T. Whitten.
The I'leuary Council Decrees.
Baltimore, November 11th. — Reverend
Dr. A. .I. o'Connell, who was commissioned
by the late Catholic Plenary Council to
bear the decrees formulated by that body
to tin- lvpe. returned to this city this morn
ing, after having performed his mission.
Dr. O'C'onnell, on his arrival, immediately
repaired to tin- Archepiacopa] residence ana
delivered the decrees to the Apostolic Del
egateand President of the Council, Arch
bishop Gibbons. In rt.-j.ly to questions
asked concerning the nature of the decrees,
Dr. O'Connell said he had no information
concerning them to give. When asked
whether the statements published in some
papers as to their nature were well founded,
he inquired what they were, and seemed
surprised at the absurdity of ranch which
has found its way into print in i onnection
witli the work of the late Council. He then
stated, in a genera] way, that there
was nothing in the decrees radical
or of a political nature. The Catholic
Church was not a follower or supporter of
any political system. The decrees dealt
with family matters, bo as to speak, matters
inside the Catholic ( !burch. Their ultimate
purpose was to further a broad ?r and more
plentiful diffusion of the benefits of < hris
tianity. Concluding his remarks on this
subject, Dr. O'Connell said: "There is
nothing contained in the decrees which v
Dot wholly within the scope of the pur
pose I have mentioned.'' Anything more
explicit or circumstantial than this, the
reverend gentleman said, it would be im
proper for him to give at present. It will
be remembered that anticipations were en
tertained in some quarters that Dr. O'Ci.n
nell, on his return from Borne, would be
able to throw some light upon the
vexed question, whether or not there
would be another American Car
dinal, and whether Archbishop Gib
bons would receive that dignity in case
another rid hat was sent to the United
States. When questioned concerning tha
cardinalatc. he said that he knew nothing
about it, and heard nothing during his stay
in Rome to indicate whether another
American prelate would receive the honor
or not. I>r. O'Connell said that when he
left Koine I'ope Leo waa in excellent
health. The doctor seems to have enjoyed
bu riaft to the Eternal City very much, and
t< i be very well pleased with the result of
bis mission. After completing his work in
connection with the decrees, Dr. O'Connell
will return to Rome, to assume the duties
of his position as rector of the American
The Dead Tragedian.
_ Philadelphia, November 11th.— At 9
o'clock to-night religious services were held
at the late residence of Mr. ftfcCullotlgh, at
which only members of the family and a
few friends were present. At the "conclu
sion quite a large number of people were
allowed to view :he remains before being
removed to St. (Jeorge's Hall, to which
place the body was taken at 10 p. M. The
body will He in state till 10 o'clock to-mor
row morning. A guard of honor, delega
ted by the Philadelphia Lodge of Elks, waa
1 over the remains to-night. At 11
o'clock to-morrow the doors will be closed,
and public service be held at 2. Among
the most notable tributes are a beautiful
urn of chrysanthimuins from John T. Uay
! niond ; a wreath of violets and roses from
Banna Nevada-Palmer, and a large and
handsome pillow of chrysanthimums and
roses fr»m Jos. G. Eastland, of San Fran
Urateful C hinese— l>eath or a Millionaire
N'f.w York, November 12th — a. m.— The
Am says: Trie Chinese merchants of this
city have sent resolutions to the President,
thanking him for interfering in behalf of
their fellow countrymen in Washington
Charles J. Osborn, a Wall street broker,
died of kidney complaint last evening. He
was in his 48th year. Osborn left a fortune
of nearly £4,000.000, accumulated by ven
tures in Wall street, and was the favorite
broker for several years of Jay Gould.
A Duel with Winchesters.
Bvnmnui (Texas), November 11th. —
A rumor is current here that General Mar
tina and Don Antonio Caeeras came over
from Matamoras, Mexico, yesterday, and
fought a duel with Winchester rifles near
this city. It is said that Caceras was
wounded in the leg at the first fire, and
'.ha- both principals declared themselves
satisfied. The cause of the meeting is not
known, even in Matamoras. Both gentle
men are prominent in public alt'airs in
Taman ti pas.
General McClellan's Will.
New York, November 11th.— The will
of General McClellan was tiled to-day in
the Surrogates office. It is dated January
18, 1873. After providing for the payment
of all his debts and funeral expenses, he
bequeaths all his real and personal estate to
his wife. On the death of his wile, he di
rects that all his estate be divided between
hi-- two children, George 15., Jr., and Mary
M., share and share alike. His military
accoutrements lie also leaves to hiason,
and the sword that was presented to him
by the city .-I Philadelphia he leaves to his
daughter. He appoints William C. Prime,
ot this city, his literary executor, to make
such us' > as he deems best of such papers
as the decedent may have.
i;.iih o.kl Coiiference.
Nkw York, November 11th. — A private
meeting was called at noon to-day in
the Central Pacific offices, at which <'.
P. Huntington and Charles Crocker, repre
senting the Southern Pacific, agent Haw
li-y. ..1 the .Sunset, and Knowland. of the
Union Pacific, were present. Your cor
respondent could not obtain any informa
tion at the office, but it is thought on the
streets that the Union l'acitio is to lie in
cluded in the recent pooling arrangement
between the Atehison and Southern Pacific.
Opposition to Silver Coinage.
Nkw Yokic, November llth. — At the
regular monthly meeting of the New York
Board of Trade and Transportation, the
Secretary Btated that he had received 600
letters from corporations, associations and
individuals, in different parts of the coun
try, giving an opinion in regard to silver
coinage. The tenor of nearly all the epis
tles was against the coinage of the silver
dollars, and in favor of a greater -apply i.f
paper money in small denominations.
Hurts at Brighton Birth
Brightoh Bbach, November llth.— The
attendance was large and ■■!;■• weather One
to-day. Mile and a half, over six hurdles :
Bric-a-brac wen, Tilford second, Bally
third. Time, 2:48 J. Seven-eighths of a
mile: Seafoam won, King Arthur second!
Joe B. third. Time, L:3OJ. Mile and L
quarter: Pericles won, Missßrewstersec
ond, King Fan third. Time, 2:10}. Mile,
for three-year-olds: Bonanza won, Wau
kesha second, Charley Russell third. Time,
1:15. Three-quarters of a mile: Manitoba
won. Cathcart second. Prosperthird. Time,
Deuth of an Ex-President of tin 1 Union
Pacifir Uuilroad.
Boston, November llth. — R. M. Pom
eroy, a wealthy and prominent resident of
this city, died to-nipht at his residence,
Commonwealth avenue, aged 70 years.
Mr. Poraeroy built the central branch of
the Union Pacific Railroad, and was Presi
dent of the road for several years.
The Clements Family Murder Case.
Denvkb (Col.), November llth. — A Ba
guaches special to the ATeuasays: The trial
"I the Clements family, I'm- tin- murder of
Thomas Clements and wife, ended this
afternoon, after a six days' trial. The jury
rendered a verdict of murder in the tirst
degree against Marshall Clements. sYn
uill be passed Saturday. The other
three, John Clements, Nano Clements and
Kate Clements, were remanded to j . • i i to
await the action of the Court, charged with
being accessories after the bet.
Death of :i Millionaire.
PiTTSBURG, November llth. — Stewart
McKee, the millionaire glass manufacturer,
and one of the best known citizens of
Pittsburg, died suddenly this morning,
aged 10 years.
General Conference of the H. K. < lmreh.
Xkw York., November llth. — The Gen
eral i Conference of the Methodist Epis »pal
Church continued its Bession here to-day.
Among the yearly appropriations made
«:h $11,000 tor Chinese work. $2,000 of
which i- for repairs to the Chinese church
in San l">ancisco. and $2,000 for Japanese
work in California.
The Editor of tlie " I**ll Mall Gazette"
in Prison*
London, November llth. — Stead, the
convicted editor of the Pali Pall G
was interviewed in bis cell at the Bath
Fields prison to-day. His Warden said at
the present interview a visitor was Dot a!
lowed to shake bands with prisoners.
Stoad was in prison garb, consisting of a
Glengarry cap, a loose-fitting, yellow-col
ored jacket, stamped <>n the left breast with
" Circle R, 2 stroke 8," baggy, coarse yel
low panfe, bearing the Government's broad
arrow, and oversized patched boots, and
hair cropped short. Stead appeared to be
Buffering severely from cold, his bands be
ing tucked in the capacious sleeves for
warmth. He was in fairly good spir
its, however. He is allowed a Bible in his
cell, but the light i 3 not sufficient to enable
him to read it. His breakfast consists of
thin porridge and brown bread: dinner,
suet padding; supper, porridge and brown
bread. He Bees nobody between 6 p.m.
amis \. y. Stead's daily task ia to piok
one pound of oakum. Ordinary prison
ers have to pick three pounds. The sen
tence of all prisoners commences on the
first day of the Bession of the Court, which
this year was October 19th. Stead will
therefore be released January ll'th.
Human Degradation In the North of
Paris, November llth. — The Commissary
of Police at Valenciennes has made terrible
revelations concerning en enormous traffic
in children, verifying Zola's account of
human degradation in the black country
in the north of France.
A Bulgarian Village. Attacked by Alba
London, Novembei llth. — A dispatch
from Sofia say- that 300 Albanians attacked
the Bulgarian village of Janeovitz. near
Mcr.aster. killed several of the inhabitants
and plundered the village.
France and England.
Paris, November llth. — I.n France, com
menting on the reported declaration of war
between Burmah and Great Britain, makes
a violent attack on the latter power, anil
says: "The British expedition to Burmah
is really aimed at France." It then urges
Ii | Frcycinet to unite with Russia to stop
England's territorial aggrandizement.
Issue of Treasury ISonds Sanctioned.
pAitts, November llth. — The Govern
ment has sanctioned the issue of treasury
bonds to the amount of 45.000,000 francs.
Kins Theebaw Means Business.
LoHDON, November llth. — Advices from
Calcutta state that King Theebaw has or
dered that all Englishmen in Barman be
exterminated. It is feared that all the
Europeans at Mandalay have already be<?n
massacred. The Burmese are blockading
the Irrawaildy river at Minhla.
The Lake Superior Disaster.
Owen Sot m i ( totario). November llth. —
ks far as can be learned, the passenger list
and crew of the A lgoma comprised over 120
persons. The Canadian Pacific officials are
reluctant to disclose the facts. It is be
lieved, however, that a large number of
passengers were taken on at Sault Ste.
Marie. General lVatty. of the Canadian
Pacific, will say nothing definite as to the
number lost, while the other officials freely
state that fully 100 went down with the
vessel. The latest list of saved makes- the
total fifteen.
Owen Sound, November llth. — A revised
list of those lost and saved in the Algorua
disaster, as accurate as can be made at pres
ent, shows that the total number of those
lost is 15, and of the saved 14. This makes
the full number of persons which the Can
adian officials estimated were on board the
The Wrecked Steamer Brooklyn.
QrEF.EC. November llth.— The Govern
in. i:t steamer Napoleon 111. left this port
this afternoon, fully provisioned, and is
expected to reach the steamer Brooklyn at
daylight on Friday. The latest news re
ceived from Southwest Point, Anticosti,
states that the Brooklyn went ashore on
Sunday at 7P. M.. during a fierce gale. All
the passengers, including the ladies, are
living in tents on the beach opposite the
vessel. She lies seven miles from Fox Hay.
Besides a general cargo she had a number
of prize cattle on board. Some of these
have been landed and others drowned.
The wreck :s very difficult of access. The
wind is n- rUii!_- rapidly to a westerly
gale, which lessens the chance of saving the
Miiall-Pox in Montreal.
MiyTREAL. November 11th. — Official re
turns of the Health Oflice to-day show that
there were -1 deaths in tliia city from
small-pox, and 16 in the suburbs, yester
Painter* Killed by ■ lull. .
Montreal, November llth. — While five
men were painting the ceiling of a drill
shed to-day, the scaffolding gave way. Two
of the men were killed instantly, 'a third
died shortly after, and the other* two are
not expected to live.
Kiel Happy Over His Reprieve.
Wjuchipes, November llth. — Kiel spent
his time praying and writing, late into the
night scribbling prophecies. He received
the notice of his reprieve joyfully, exclaim
ing: " I thank Almighty God for His great
mercy, and the clemency He has put in the
hearts of His people. 1 am thankful 'for
this eight days' more to live."
Portland his 132 licensed liquor dealers.
During October 1,045 children attended
the Yallejo public schools.
There is a rumor that Los Angeles is to
have a new hotel, to cost $250,000.
Farmers in the vicinity of Eureka, CaL,
are using salmon to manure their land.
San Bernardino connty advertises for pro
posals to build a new hospital at the county
The Pioneer Tannery at ISenicia is the
largest in the state, and employs sixty
The golden spike of the California S, ioth
ern will be driven on Mojave desert on or
about the 15th inst.
There are now four artesian wells on the
new colony at San Fernando, and two
more wells are being sunk.
The Reno (Key.) papers brag about their
town having in its population a lineal de
scendant of Charles am! Mary Lamb.
A man who drove a team sixty miles
peai Selma, (»r., without giving them food
or water, has been Bent to jail for 1 (0 days.
At Hinds' Springs, in Lyon county, Nev.
lisli that live underground have been found,
which have no eyes, and have a soft fur in
su ad di' scales.
The Oregonian says : The Columbia
River Paper Company of La Cainas are
now shipping news and manila paper
to San Francisco.
The oil found while sinking a well in the
Capiunga valley, Los Angeles county, is
not in ,ju.mti;i.-> that would justify an out
lay for development.
The Nevada State Capital is in such a de
lapidated condition that it lias been neces
sary to prop up the columns in front to
prevent the porches from falling down.
The Sonoma < lounty Supervisors are pre
paring to lay in a large supply of wood for
able-bodied tramps who will seek winter
quarters in the County jail to labor over.
Young men applying tor work at Mare
island are told that married men are given
the preference first, and net until die sup
ply of them runs out will bachelors be em
The Cloverdale Reveille says: Thou
-.'.:,.- of fish have been killed in the river
in this vicinity the past month by Indians,
wiio use the poisonous dove weed for that
There 1 were ten men and two ladies on
the jury that acquitted Perry Bayne at
Seattle recently of complicity in the Squak
valley murders. The lirst ballot was unan
imous for acquittal.
East Benida has the coons. They swarm
in from the Jules and visit hen-roosts— just
slaughter chickens for the fun of it. One
lady lost twenty-one of her poultry this
week by the r.:ici, rs.
The Los Angeles Union says: At Milton
Thomas' farm, near Compton, a vein of gas
has been struck, which for some time has
supplied Thomas' tenant with gas sufficient
;'■ .;■ king purpo i .
A farmer near Walla Walla was robbed
by highwaymen recently of $270. They
considerately returned •>."> to him, however.
as he said lie 7!iust have that amount to
buy shoes for his children.
Ti:' water in Honey lake, Nevada, is very
low. and fish an' dying by hundreds, lii
many places the si or - ol the lake are cov
ered with dead fish, while great floci
fish-hawks ami pelicans hover overhead.
Two men and a woman attempted to
cowhide the editor of the Missonla - M. T.)
Timet the other day. hut were ignomini-
OUSIy thrown down stairs into the street,
and were then arrested and fined for a
breach »f the peace.
A few timid patronizers of Chinese wash
houses in Santa Cruz, fearing theii clothes
would be d( stroyed it an attempt was made
to raid Chinatown Saturday evening, had
their unwashed clothes taken home from
the wash-housea in the afternoon.
A.l' McDonald has received the contract
to .-ink the artesian well :.t Marc [sland. the
appropriation for which was provided by
the hist Congress. The contract was made
direct with the Department a: Washington,
aim Mr. McDonald •-.'■•t< $10,000 for sinking
a well 1,500 feet deep.
The sawmill at Redding i- now running
at its greatest capacity— 3o,ooo feet per day
-•-and turning out a good quality of lum
ber, which finds a ready sale. The logs in
Turtle hay arc rapidly disappearing, and it
is calculated that they will all be converted
into lumber before another drive arrives.
The Silver Sate advocates the enlarge
ment of the boundaries of Nevada by the
addition of Grant and Baker counties in
Oregon, and Owyhee in Idaho, on the
ground that it will relieve the people from
the heavy tax now imposed to maintain the
State Government by the addition of those
populous counties.
Bins vs. Grapes.— The San Bernardino
Thin* says :
The case of Randall and Noyes against
Gustave Bonn, which was decided in Jus
tice Knox's Court yesterday, is probably
without a parallel in the history of law
suits. The plaintiffs are raisin-growers in
tin- Highlands, seven milts northeast of
this city. Adjoining their vineyard the de
fendant has a bee ranch. The action was
for damages which the phuntifla claimed to
have suffered in consequence* of the fre
quent visitations of defendant's bees to
their grapes. In support of their claim
they introduced numerous witnesses who
snore that they had, in various instances,
witnessed, with their open eyes, tho per
foration and destruction of plaintiffs'
grapes when alighted upon by the busy,
busy bee of the defendant. The latter, in
turn, introduced evidence to show the im
possibility of this condition of things. He
proved by a score of witnesses that the bill
oi the insect is tubular and not pointed,
and can, therefore, be used only as extractor
of sweets, not as a borer after them. The
evidence of the eye-witnesses of the plain
tiffs, however, had the weight with the
jury, and they accordingly returned a ver
dict against the defendant fur J75 and costs
of suit, which amount to over $00. A stay
of proceedings has been asked for, and the
case will probably be appealed. It is one
of interest to bee ranchers and raisin-grow
ers, and is attracting much attention.
Stranue Story.— The responsibility for
the annexed rests with the Santa Maria
Time* :
We visited Zaca Lake on Saturday last,
and while there a strange story was told us
by the man in charge of Mr. Smith's place.
He said that some time -ince an old Indi
an visited the lake and told him that when
he was a boy the Indians never bathed in
the lake, because in the center there was a
whirlpool that took everything down that
came within its reach. * When one con
siders the sudden rise of Zaca creek at the
foot of the mountain the old Indian's story
has a plausible look.
A Botanical Anomai-v. — So universal
is the cylindrical form of the stem- of
grasses that reports concerning a square
stemnied bamboo of China and Japan have
been generally discredited. Very recently,
however, such a plant has been proven to
exist, and specimens of the stems have
been secured by a few English botanists,
some of them being now in the Kew Muse
um. I'nlike other bamboos of its locality
the square bamboo, it appears, sprouts in the
autumn, and attains its full bight of ten to
fourteen feet the following spring. When
young the stems are quite round, their
most perfectly square shape being attained
at the age of several years. The Chinese
take great interest in the plant, and at
tribute the form of its stem to supernatural
powers. The species have been named by
Fenzi Kambiwi gvadrangvtari*.
Artificial Petroleum. — The action of
superheated steam on molten cast iron,
rich in carbon, has yielded a product iden
tical with the hydrocarbons forming crude
petroleum. Bert'helot thinks this dUcoYery
oilers a possible explanation ot the o:igin
of petrok-'i'M, viz : Sea water pcnjtrate3
;i.-.~u:;s \i< liepths where the earth is vory
hot, forming superheated steam, which,
coming in contact with melUil iron
rich in carbon is dtcomp<>scd into
hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen
unites with the iron to forms oxide
of iron, and the hydrogen combines with
the carbon, the resulting hydrocarbons
passing in a gaseous state to rock strata
suitable for '.heir » ' : 'deiisaUon as oil.
The Exposition of the three Americas is
now open at New Orleans. Thai." ks to the
forethought of the railway manners of
this State, California products are weJl rep
resented in the exhibition.
It is so infrequent that the New YurK
Herald gets out of the groove of - our ca
ble." and the commonplace of New York
politics and foreign speculation, that the
following bit of thought about juvenile hu
manity is an astonishes in its editorial col
umns. It says : " Boys are sometimes very
bad, and sometimes parents are no better
If boys have any inalienable right it is to
a good home and a decent example.'
An exchange says: "The foreign corre
spondents who enjoy the privilege ol
the .able for the benefit of American news
paper readers cling to the idea that the lat
ter will believe and accept anything in the
way of gossip." True; but the news fel
lows at ihe other end of the wire in our
own sweet land set down the dear people
otit West as the sickliest set of fools out
side of asylums for idiots. They discount
the foreign chaps. The way they inflict
a suffering public with Sullivan's drunken
ness, the coachman's loves, and nurse-girl
romances is enough to make telegraphic
editors go raring mad.
l'e I.essep.s began with estimates of
$210,000,000 for the Panama Canal. He
scared investors SO badly that lie cut down
the figures to $111,000,000. This '• roped '
the moneyed men in. Now. it turns out that
$120,000,000 have already been sunk, aUt l
$200,000,000 more will iiot complete the
work. Franco refuses the engineer the use
of the lottery to rais;- the wind, mvi rtors
are Seeing from the big-ditch investment,
and it now looks as if the bottom bad
dropped out of the whole scheme. No great
harm can come to the United Stales by its
failure; Captain Etads' ship railway is, by
far, moi le than De Lesseps' •■ \ i
Referring <i> til!' conviction of Ward, the
Current saya : " The commentator on pub
lic even:- is apt to see in the motion Of the
machinery of the law a certain | rop
by j•■ pular sentiment." Yes. so tar as pop
ular sentiment is crystallized into princi
ples which we term law. The will of pop
alar sentiment may and should stand back
of and in the attitude of support to the law.
IJut it eann.it rightly and safely be the
motive power of the machinery of the law,
except as manifested in the written enact
ments of the will of Lhe sovereign — the
people. All ;.-ci:. about Courts being influ
enced by ; opular sentiment is bad lor good
government, confessions, where it is truth,
that the Courts are not equal to the inde
pendency the law requires of them.
Emma Nevada— beg pardon, Mrs. Palm
er now— is patriotic, or at least :
sttir.c'.s the value of appeals to the vanity of
her own country people. It is going the
rounds of the press regarding her appear
ance .in concert in San Francisco and Sacra
mento, thatthia year she was beseiged by
oilers from European impressarios— Paris,
Madrid, Bt. Petersburg and London all bid
ding high for the services in conci rt of the
" California Nightingale." To all these the
little lady replied : " My own country lirst.
It' 1 can please tny countrymen, I am more
than content. Lei other triumphs come
later." After this, what wonder that seats
for her San Francisco con «rts already sell
at i 7 and J!i. There's nothing under the sun
like tickling the self-esteem ot the Ameri
can. l!ut the little Nevada City girl, whose
intellectual eye- were trained in a Califor
nia seminary to discern the right way to
the California heart, i- to have her reward.
Come on, Emma, and rake in the dollars ;
it's hard times, 'nut there is only one " < 'ali
fornia Nightingale" in these days, and her
name is "Nevada." You have piped to
our vanity; shall we not dance, and pay
the piper, too?
'Fill .1 November 5, !s-\ |
November 5, 1885 — Maria L. Hammer to
Agnes M. Sherman — Half interest in lots
7 and -. M and V. Twenty-first and Twenty
second Btn i
November s, 1885 -Agnes M.Sherman to
Maria 1.. Hammer— Half interest in lotss
and 6, M and N, Twenty-first and Twenty
second streets.
[Filed Ni'V' :;:'■< r 6, I!
December 1. 1881— Horatio P. Liver
;■> Charles 1-;. Livermore — Property
in the town of Polsom.
July 27, 1885— Cornell ns Ryan to Mary
Bchade— Lot 5, R and 8, Tenth anii
Eleventh streets.
November 6, lßßs— Mary Schade toCor
nelius Ryan— Lot ."•. it and S, Tenth and
Eleventh stre< ts.
July 25, 1885— Mary Schade to John
H. Schadi — Lot 6, I: and 8, Tenth and
Eleventh streets.
Noveruber6 1885 Lucy A. Hansbrow to
Gt ■•■-•■ K. Hansbrow— South half of north
balf ol lot 8, and north half of wesl
quarter of lot 7, G and I!. Seventh and
Eighth streets.
November <;. 1885 — Vf. A. Hughson to
Peter Newman— North quarter of lot 1.
and iw-i seventeen and hall feet of lot 2,
F and <;. Ninth and Tenth streets; also
south half of north half of !•>: 5, 1 1 and P,
Third and Fourth streets; $4,500.
[Filed November 7, 1885.1
November 7. 1885— James Mcßride to
Adelaide Chipman— East half of lo: 2. N
and <>, Ninth and Tenth strews ; $3,275.
November 7. LBBs— Jacob Geisel to Philip
Cook— South half of wesl half of easl half
of lot<>, X and L, Fifth and Sixth streets:
[FTled November '.>. is-:,.;
November 9, 1885 — George E. Bates and
F. 1.. Alderson to John Gruhler— Block be
tween F and G, Twenty-eighth and Twenty
ninth Btreeta,
October 1, 1885— L. H. Foote to William
Sampson— Lot <>, P and t v >. Eleventh and
Twelfth s:r. ■•■;-.
October 28, 1885- Voiney ]■:. Howard to
\Vm. Sampson— Same property.
[Filed November 10, 1885.1
November 10, LRBS -.1. Mason Haighl to
George E. Lane— South .'I" feel of lot 4. M
and N, Seventh and Eighth streets; $2,025.
November 10, 1885 — Wallace L.and Byron
L. Castle to Man Jane Castli — North half
of southwest quarter and cast half of south
west quarter of the southwest quarter of
section 1. township 7 north, range 5 east,
November 10, 1885 — Mary Jane Castle to
Byron 1.. Castle— South 4u acres of the
north hall of the southwest quarter oi sec
tion 1, township 7 north, range 5 m-;.
August 31, 1885— James V. and Mary R.
Sim-; to J. T. Griffitts and Theodore Dem
ing — Swamp Land Survey No. >.;>; -
mento county, excepting half an acre sold
to i.:,uN Winter and two ;i.t.^ sold to
Bump A Houston; also, reserving the
right oi Austin Sims and wife to i
during their lives, free of rent, the dwelling
they now reside in : $20,000.
November 10, 1888 -Mary Jane Castle to
Wallace L. Castle— North 40 acres of the
north half of the southwest '|u:irtcr of sec
tion 1, township 7 north, raiuc 5 east.
[Filed November 11, 188 ■.
November i<>. i--:> -Jacob Broder to Peter
Olsen— Subdivisions Erich Olseo Nos. l and
2 of the Kancho de lo:s Americanos.
Hie Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ajo!
Loss oi nppetite. Horrels co^tlTe, Pain in
the heed, witli n. dull sensation in the
back pnrt, Pnin under the shonlder
blnde, Fnllness after eating, with adla
inclination to rirnion of body or mind.
Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with
a feeling of haying necloeted some duty,
Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering- at tto
Heart, Dots before th<9 eyes, Hsadarbe
over the right eye. Restlessness, with
fitful dnnma, If ici 1> colored I rine, and
TTfTT'S PILXS are espf cially adapted
to ouch casea, one dnse effects Bucli a
rbangf of feelins as to astonish tho sufTerer.
TW Increase the A ppctlte.and cauae tho
body to Taue on Klesh^tlris tho nrsteai tfl
nourished, m 1 l>ythe:r Tonic Actlou en
tho l»i*-c»tiveOrt.-^uH.l?r-,:;il«r Sti:cl< •
product-(1. Price 25c. 4 1 Murray sI..Ti.Y
Grat Hair or Whiskers changed to a
Glossy Black by a single application of
this Dtk. It imparts a natural color, acts
bMtaatHkaOOdy. Soil by Druggists, or
cunt by express on receipt of 91.
Office, 44 Murray St.. Kew York.
SACRAMENTO Hie Practical Bod-
JC-^ts. ""~ s sf*«talllsT Bchool
A/\J} of the Pacific Coast.
\ jjys Stodeotslnstracted in
* i
ffj /p"^ plorrnvnt. Cheapest
V ?-j/ZM&b board iv the .State.
' 3=^^^^ / r i .-ndfor the Bnafaiew
* " r Coilcge Jourual, K. ( .
*&• Interest Made 'Eauy, the shortest and
most practical method, by BiaU.OQceuU.oZMGp
Toilet Cases, Purses, Card Cases, Portfolios,
Fancy Papeteries, Satchels, Cigarette Cases,
Cigar Cases, Magic Charm Pencils and Pens.
Glove and Handkerchief Cases, Cold Pens,
Fancy Inkstands, Scrap Books, Checkers,
Dominoes, Writing Desks, New Year's Cards.
tsii i i : ti s : zz i i : : : :T: : : jjjjjTTJTiTTTTT'%% ;T7i
Blocks, Games, Toys. Colored Photographs,
Autograph Albums, Photograph Albums]
Celluloid Sets, Diaries for ISB6, Opera Classes,
In endless variety, for Juveniles and Adults, in
paper, : cloth and rich leather bindings with
many other fancy articles which all should see.
a Sptf
sri-! •:<•"■ coi i:t.
Department One— Van Fleet, Jndjfo.
Wkdnere i er 11, 1885.
>'•"• oda ■ -. Ah J c] fail
ing t<i npi ( ar. mi motion of defendant appeal U
dismi ■ : costs to di fendant.
judgmi d| r- oderi ndant u.r c-.>.-i>.
vs. Cutl r-rContinued until Monday
next Sir argument.
Department Two— McFailand, Judse.
Wedki ■ day, November I ;. 1885.
People vs. E. R. Parvln et al.— Taken
Horsford's Ai in Phosphatk. Exc
Dr. J. !.. Willis, Eliot, Me. ' I
ford - pliate gives im *t ci
A KEMiMABLECuitE of Scrofula.
William 8. BaVer.ofl .■
'My son wn^ taken with
Ei rofula in the liiii when only two years old.
We trie.! several physicians, but the boy got no !
relief from their treatment. Noticing your
recommended so highly, t bought some of it of j
yon in the y.-:ir 1862, an.l continued taking it till
the sores finally healed up. lie is now 21 years
of age, and being satisfied that your medicine
did him bo much good nrbenhe used it,
t" try again in another case, aii'l write to you to
get - ime i I [sly&wly
An Interesting Series <>1 Meetings arc
now bein;held at the Y. M. C A., i
and J streets, commend] rai ■ ■ !•. si. All are
(-■•»Tilia'.ly iiiviteil I" ittieml. 812-lt*
A. O. F. — Regular meeting ofc r
Sacramento, No. 6,861, A.O. F., 3Bp
Tlli^' EVENING. All I lially ty
Invited J. W. HCGHES, C. E. u»
Cm. Root. R. 8. n!2-lt*
Begubkr meeting of Sauner Relief Corps.
No.II.THIB (Thursday) AFTERNOON, a. 2:3U
[, at Grangers' HalL Full attendance de
desired. MAKY KENT, Presidi nt.
M.\ [tte Medley, Se iretarv. nl2-lt*
Bficramento Torn Vereln.— Special meet
ing THIS EVENING al the Hall,
Ci!.<s. BCHMITT, President.
Otto F. W nl2-lt*
AJI members of ConrtSacitunento, 6,881,
A. O. F., will meet THIS EVEN] SG,
at their Hall and get those invitations for the
coming party. nlj It*
V* housework. C«ll . 3Dye Works,
524 C street ' n/J-lt*
VV For Sale Cheap. Also, Two Bed Lounges I
Call at CHAS. M. CAMPBELL'S, 409 k
Household Furniture at Lowest Cash Prici 9.
Dpholstering and Repairing. Give me a call.
Hare; drove double several time-: jr-«i>>
IsrtmDingont and weighs now I 180. t. /\.
Inquire of W. O. PIERCE, Shingle Bprin S
nl _3t ]
ZEJxit c rtainment
Wonday, Xo\. 16th....[n12-lt]._Tnrnep HalL
Howell, at Brownsville, containing 9W
120 acres, with a large Hotel with twenty— 4 "'
rooms, well furnished; also, Granary, Black
smith Shop and two Barns: there i- a Mine on
the premises which Is being worked, but does
notbelongto the place; ■ Dumber oi v. id of
stock will be sold with the place: all of the
above propei ty will be sold cheap If applied for
within a reasonable time. Apply to
m JOH N HOW ELL. 'Brownsville.
Fourth Brigade, N. <■• C, "ii
armoiiy lar^a-ijiXj : !
Enti rtainißenl will consist la part oi
By the Local Compauil s.
Sword Contest!
Between Dt'N'CAN r RO6B and SBRGfiANT
CHAS. CROWLET, t . .-. A,
Also, a Grand Military Concert, by I
-tr.-nuih .if the ARTDLLKRY I.AN. I.1 '. Including
the realistic "Recollections of the War," with
Musketry Accompaniment.
«»•■ Tickets, si (miinittinfr gentleman p.?nl '
lady). Entertuinmeut «t B P. H.; i ancingat9:So.
I>JL R.n<i 419 X Ftreel (Metropnlitan Tlifcatei
Bnildini;). Manufacturer and Wholesale aud '
Retail lieaJer in all kimls of Caiidiesand Nuts. •
n!2-3ptf !
(t-vicoessors to Gregory A Co.),
(Ton. 120 and 128 J Street.
Fruit. Full Bt«cks of Potatoes. Vecctablefi, :
(Sreon and iJriert Frutts, Beauc, AliaKft, Butter, I
Eggs, Cheese, Poultry, etc., always on hand. Or- |
dens filled at lowest rates. 1.12-tf
Money to Loan !
S-wzootsor c*» illsip,
No. 1015 Fourth »t..J nl2-tfl... Sacramtnto. j
iiiusfFfALTi; ;
HOBS. Another New Ix)t of Artlstb' Ma
terials ami Decorative Goods.
Ornamental Thf-nnometrrs and Key Racks;
Fancy Brass anil Copper «;.->ds.
(iilt Pebble-edge !'«:n-19.
New U4 Beveled Bbonized Panels, different j
sties and stales; very cheap. I
£3~ Please rail— glad to see you at any time: '
and when you call, do not forget the ART ;
1020 and 1032 nlj Jplra! Sei:oml *ir«"et. '
»ifc>hKAL XOTH ES.
Mi -t Remarkable
In its effii-ts, and mo^t useful in :;- application,
the frasrrant BOZODONT ha^ tiei".>:
popular Dentifrire i:j existence. 'Tis ose I
praised by everybody. mi t-iyTuil.s
Teacher of German.— Miss Clarsi Oer
trnni. N. W. cor. Tenth and I streets. Children's ;
.~aturdayf>. ti'J-lm' \
S. S. & i.. L. South wurtli, UentUtx, Sac
Frai-k E. «lf«n«, Piano Tuner.— Art- !
J. F. C 'Ol'Eß'fe JICSIC STOKE, No.!
547 J .-treet, .Sarrmnento. Cal. au29-3oi
Carpet Weaving— BoB M street. Work
done are-claso on shortest notice. au3Q-3m*
.1. HTMAW, JR., t mto.
i W 7 -'- ER3 AKD JEWELERS joe
( VY 80G J Btrei . i ygL
variety of ;,: . _ Jew-tEuJB
f-'.r> - , ■ l°l^i!
DB. 4. ■ . m
' f± R^ 18ITYOFBZB,
>7, '■'
and X
A. M. to IP. il.; J I • .7 !-. .] t ,, p „
WAJ.I Afi. •. . 1 . >:. !■..
-pHTSICIAN A • ' . . ln. .^rlicz
X bj - 32 J street,
I sto 9 a.m. I
OWe» Kurru;- i; \. M. to 2 T. II ) nt2-inU
I t-JX tO hP. M. I
] : 10 Acres of Good Farm or Fruit Land,
and Fine Jersey Stock,
1 At 10 o'clock a. v. sharp, on tho prer
M.I. Iv ! i E, :r. ree ii::
(Riverside Xi ad), K^-: Bank oi i::ver
BELL cfc 00.,
Will sell on ■ ■ |
Comity, as follows: fen Aerea Farm or Fruit
Land, Houei . Bai
18 Hij.i Jersi y Cows, 6 Heifers, h im
two yen-.
: ■'• ■■■ :■' i ;i :
tWO ye:!."- ol i:
Bayswater, and
■J Gold-d ist Colts, th ■ jri ■ ■ •
Hay l Cha
1 Acre Coti '
Terms ■>( Sale— Cash.
t_ BELLA CO.. AncM. i
OFFICE .'Nlf S '
New and Second-hand
Which we are Selling Remarkably
Cheap at Private Sale.
A Grand Musical Event!
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Matinee !
Nov. vjth. 13th and 14th, engagement ol
Original Spanish Students
49-KKW HDSIO! NEW S«»St;s:*i»
Al«o, the Sacramento Favorite,
PBOF. DOKBK6O, the Champimi Gl
MB. Cll.\<. PRESTON,
49"Epaolsb Kan4ango, In O tune.^l
POPULAR PRICES : 50c. and 25c.
POPULAR PRICES: 50c. and 25c.
Si BrvedSeati al Houghton's ßookston
without extra charge.
Che.noweth&Wii.kin- fc nil ii tad Managers.
Ue-enKßgement for two weeks only of the Gifted
Artiste. MISS
Who, tor.':!., r with MR.
And Supported t.y the Entire Opera House Com
pany, will iippcar
THIS (Monday) KVKNING. NOV. O, 1885,
Iv ISoueieault's Famous Comedy entitled
MISS ANNA BOYI.K as Countcra Annand*
Price* f>f Admission 25 ;md 50 cento.
**-Scat«caa be M cured daily fram 10 a. m. to
i. p. m., at tin- Box Office at the Thentor or at
China Hall, 609 J St, « ithout extra charge. u»
Cornet Third and J Srre«t»
Coast Barley
fcacramento end ol the Yo'.u Ur:l.
Mo. *12 J Street, S»<rran.oi>u»
f -' to 11, momma, f
OFyiCE HOtTRS: ■{ 2to t, afternoon. \ o 'lioi m
A_RIUIBOU AfiENT, » _m-, |
. street, bet. Slsth »:;•! Hever.th.^^^Hßl
opppsiie Court-hi-j«e. PIANCH T oVTIT^r \

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