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NATIONAL CAPITAL. Decision RcncTertd by the Interstate Commerce Commission. SAX FRAUCISCO rOSTOFFICE. Changes Made by the Senate in the Election Bill—Doings In Congress— Etc. [OnCIAL MSPATCHEa TO THE BEOSBD--NIOH,| LONG ANU BBORT HAUL.. Decision Rendered by tft-.e Interstate Comme-oe Coni__Hsion. Wash(N>:to>-, August 7th.—The Interstate Commerce Commission auuoanced its decision to day in the case ot the San Bernardino Board of Trade against the Atchrson, Topeka and Santa Fe and others in favor ot the complain ant. The complaint alleged lhat rsilroed com panies charged more on certain specif ed com modities from Missouri r_rer points, St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati, Detroit and New York to San Bernardino, Cal., than for a longer distance over the same lines to Los Angeles points. Tbe Commission decided, briefly-stated, as follows: Where the complaint allxged that a greater cbarge in the aggregate for the transport ation of a like kind of property is> made lor a shorter than for a longer distance over the __me line in the same direction, the shorter being included in the longer, and that au un lawful preference is thereby giveu one locality over auotber. Held that the complaint is siD'icient to put the carriers on prsof that tbe services were per formed undrr such dissimilar circumstances as justify tbe greater chatge. The water compe tition, which will iustiiy a greater charge for the shorter distance by the railroads, must be artua!. P*>ssiDle • competition will not justify such greater clwrge under the.provisiou of the fourth section ot the Act to regulate com merce. The filing of the schedules rates with the Commission, as required by the statute, raises no {.resumption as to the legality of such rates, and no omission or failure to challenge or dis approve the schedules of the rates Died can have the effect of making the rates lawful. whi.h are unreasonable. TBE ELECTION RILL. Cbnnges Made Ry the Senate Committer to the Substitute. WA"HiNt,'_>i.August 7th.—Among the changes made by tbe Senate Committee in the substitute lor the Lodge election bill, which was reported to the Senate to-day, are tbe following: All reference to that section of tbe revised statutes which it was claimed provides for the presence of troops at the polls was stricken out. The provision for drawing juries by the Commission ers was also omitted. The penal offenses were simplified and made misdemeanors, instead of felonies. The punish ments were modified, the highest punishment imposed being thr.e years' imprisonment and a fine of 81,000, as against imprisonment for five years and a fine of 81,-00, provided in the House bill. The Judge of the Circuit Court before whom the application is made for tbe appointment of Supervisors, is authorized to appoint as Super -. i- ors any persons he may see fit, not being con fined in his selection to the list furnished by the Chief _ upervisor. In cases where ballots are cast in the wrong box they are not to lie counted, unless the tally sheet shows that the votes for Congressman do not equal the number of names ou the poll-list. Then enough of the votes so wrongfully cast shall be added to the tally sheet to make the total equal the whole uumber of votes shown to be cast. When election officers refuse to administer oaths to^voters applying therefor, it is provided in tbe bill that the Supervisors shall administer the oath, but no effort is to be made to have tbe vote thus refused cast, the object being merely to prcerve the testimony- of the application and refusal. CONGRESSIONAL. IN THE SENATE. Washington, August 7th.—After some pre liminary morning business, the taritl' bill was taken up by the senate, the pending question being on Vance's amendment to reduce the duty on pig iron from .113 of a cent per pound to 85 peT ton. Vance's amendment was rejected yeas 17, nays 27. There were no deviations Irom party lines on the vote. • The next paragraph (125) taxes bar iron, rouud iron, Sat and square iron, fiom eight tenths ot aeent to one ceut per pound (according to < lassification). Mcf herson stated that the average duty In the paragraph was nine-tenths of a cent per pound, and that the duty on a ton of such iron (in equal Quantities) would be 820 )0 per ton. The iron referred to was of the lowest quality, not char coal iron, aod the duty proposed was altogether too high. He moved to amend by striking out tbe rate oc the pound and inserting a utiiform Tate of 50 per cent, ad valorem. He said that the duty proposed in the bill was equal to 80 per cent Rejected. The next paragraph (130) taxes round Iron In coils or ropes lof cen am shapes and sizes) 11 cents per pound, with tbe provision that all charcoal iron shall b_ subject lo a duty of not less than 822 per ton. The provision docs not apply to pig iron. McPherson moved to reduce the various rales in tbe paragraph. Rejected. Vance moved to reduce the rate in paragraph 131 (beams, girders and other structural shapes of iron or tUtlt from '.'-10 to 6 1-10 ol 1 cent per pound. Rejected. The next paragraph (182) applied to boiler iron steel and imp .es duties varying according to classification from 1 cent per pound to Sl-10 rents t.-r pound, and the duty on the highest class to 45 fer cent ad valorem. Vest moved to reduce the various specific rates in tbe paragrahs to 50 per cent, ad valorem. Re jected. The tariff bill was temporarily laid aside to allow Allison to present the conference report on the sundry civil appropriation bill. This bill, said Allison, as lt passed the House, had HEALTH AND BEAUTY. _ wift's Specific has cured my little niece of white swelling of the worst type. More than twenty pieces of bone came out of her leg. She i was not able to walk for eight months, and was on crutches a year. The doctotsadvlsed saapa* ] tation, but I refused, and pltt her on R 5. -. I the is now M -.veil and piayful as any elnul. Mrs. Annik ____ l". Columbu . Ga, Treatise nn Blood nnd Skin Disease* mated _.-<■ : >. i'-n'-'-r t. Atlanta, Ga. i I For a Disordered Liver Try BEECHAM'S PILLS. 25cts. a Box. OF _____ r>_tX. TG_-I--__, 33I_t.I2MJES. mpro' root HlMrfb beer The Forest and Best I)rl_k In the World. Api>etl_lng, DellclouH, -.parfeliog, ai d the He„t Blood rnrUierand Toulc. A pack age (liqnid). 25 cent*. make.-, 0 gallons. EVERY BOTTLB GUARANTEED. So Trouble, _ aally Made. Try It. Ask yonr Druggist or QnaK tat it. and tack noneother. See that you get H IRKS'. THB ONLY GENUINE. Made by <C. K. HIHKS. Philadelphia, Perm. ' my. 2StTuF ELYS QATAR RH Crm Balffl IPSI _.?.r.___,ife^q _„„_,____.r i o b£^ FEVER|?| rf M Heals tb_ So. e__fc» ___ Restores th eJ_T s __£i^,W'i Bens* ■* »_• ?*Kt. ffslMr\ rt *p7<_ *M __..______■__! --■ _- __v / ->._____■ »nd Smell. K^^V^ TRY THE CORE MAY-FEVER A particle is aprlied Into each nostril aud lt agreeable. _ rice. SO cents at Druggists; by mail, reuistered, SO cents. ELY BROTHERS gg Warren mreet. Mew York MWFAwIv BOLY ROSARY ACADEMY, WOODLAND, YOLO CO., CAL„ Will Roopen August 25, IS9O mHE ACADEMIC COCRSK IS THOROUGH I in all i.s R i_d. 1. IN-T-CMENTAL MCSIC an.l VOICE CUOI 'HE. also it&AWIHQ ana PAINIINI' red 1'? i>anicular attenttna. Iho nopraphy. Tvpi vking nnd Hon_ktaping tatieht. Be_> ."' "'■:< •• and aopiv 'nr >-*ta ] logue. srersi j _ rae holy cros. w__t jand, Cal. je26-2m>;Sn) /1 carrl^ f?8.000,(i_), and was then increased by I the Senate 1500,000. The net reductions agreed to in the Conference Committee amounted to $3,706,000. so tha'. ihe bill carried, ucder the conference report, 529,852,000. The amendment as to the Latin-American memorial library had been stricken out. Also tbe provision for the expenses of two addi tional land offices, 'ihe .appropriation ofJHd. --- for military posts had beeu reduced to 540. --000. All the Senate amendments relating to national soldiers' homes (Including the ap pointing of managersi had been struck out. Tbe matter will now go to the Military Com mittees of the two Houses. The provisions iv relation to irrigation sur veys has been postponed for further confer ence. , The conference report was ordered printed, and went over till to-morrow without action. Hoar, from the Committee on Privileges and Flections, reported a substitute for the House election bill, and it was placed on tbe calendar. The minority of the committee, be said, dis sened from the report. Frye gave notice that he would not ask the Senate to take up the river aud harbor bill until Friday of next week. Mitchell 'expressed regrets at the postpone ment of the river and harbor bill. Important works are now stopped in Oregon, and he would give preference to the river and harbor bill rather than to the tariff bill. The conference report on the fortification bill was presented, but went over without action. After an executive session the Senate ad journed. IN THE HOUSE. Washington, August 7th.—ln the House to day a resolution was adopted calling ou the Postmaster-General for copies of agreements for the transportation of mails between the Ouited Slates and foreign countries, the conditiou upon which the awards are made and the rates of payment. The House theu went into Committee of the Whole on the deficiency appropriations till. hogers moved to strike out the clause appro priating 86,600 to pay George Matthews in full for the unexpired term of the Fifty-first Con gress, for which he was elected as Delegate trom the Territory of Bakota. Lost. Clunie offered an amendment granting an ex tra month's pay to the employes of the Senate aud House. Agreed to. The bill was disposed of and the committee rose. All the amendments were agreed to, save the one granting an extra month's salary to the Seiate and House employes, and ihen the bill went over until lo morrow. Adjourned. SAN FRANCISCO POSTOFFICE. The Treasury Department Endeavoring to Select a Site. Washinoton, August 7th.—Secretary Windom stated to-day tbat as yet he had uot beeu able to secure the attendance of hi. colleagues on the San Francisco Site Commission in order to receive General Clarksou's report on the vari ous sites ana their advantages. He had tele graphed to the Attoruey-Geneial. who was out of the city, aud as soon as he returned he wouid call a meetii'g. No action will be taken oc Clarksou's report until Colonel Low, who repre sents the Treasury Department, shall have sent lv his. Then, If Low's report follows that of Clarksou's and the local San Fraucisco Com mission in recommending the site on Second and Howard streets, facing New Montgomery, that site will undoubtedly'be selected. But if Low dissents the question may remain open, al though it is believed that Clarksou's judgmeut woui'l be considere-ed better thau Low's. In response lo an inquiry the Secretary stated that he had received no-protests since the Cali fornia Associate. Press had sent out the sub stance of Clarksou's report The Secretary seemed somewhat surprised when told of Low's presence in San Francisco, and that it was known. He said that be bad expected that Low had gone to San Jose first. It appears that it was iutemled lhat Low's visit to San Fran cisco should be kept secret in order that he might not be embarrassed duriug his investiga tion by owners of the various sites. The Sau Jose site was to be the known object of his trip, wlii c the San Francisco site was really the ulterior aud main object. THE OIt__GVON CEKSU.. More Specilic Charees Must be Filed Again_t Eutuaaeratora. Wa9hi>>-(.ton. August 7th.—lu answer to a telegram from the Portland (Oregon) Chamber of Commerce, the delegation has telegraphed tbem to make tne charges agaiust tbe Census Supervisors and enumerators more specific. Until that is dove the department can take no aciion in the matter. Representative Hermann thinks tbat the older settled Slate of Oregon should have a greater j«opulatioii than the newer State of Washington, with its transient male population, but tbe census returns show that Washington has v couth larger population than Oregon, while the latter State casts a larger vote. Mr. Hermann says that the enumerators in Washington counted the crews of seventy-tive snips then ln tbe harbor on Puget Sound. They also counted the trat sient guests at the hotels. In some of the country districts of Oregon the census enumerators were dissatisfied with the pay ol S5 per day, and made a very incomplete canvass. Senators Mitchell and Dolph and Represent ative Hermann called upon the Secretary of tbe Interior to day. The Secretary- said that one cause of Washington's apparent advantage over Oregen in poiaxof population lay- in the fact that Oregon had no rival cities, such as Seattle and Tacoma. Iv the latter places they elected themselves to register every inhabitant. The special agent, who visited Portland some time ago, reports the Treasury Department that the Oregon arid Washington enumerations were careful and accurate, and that Oregon's com plaint is inspired by a jealousy of Washington's rapid growth, and by Portland's jealousy- of Seattle and Tacoma. It is not known yet what action tbe Census Department will lake in the matter. The ollicials are awaiting more specific charges from Portland. THE IRRIGATION SOHEME. The Company Waiting to See Whrtt Ac tion Oeiigress Takes. Washinhton, Auguat 7th.—When the Califor nia As-oc attd Pies, agent first learned of the proposed organization of tne irrigation com pany, heretofore alluded to in tbese dispatches, the miormant stated that the action of tongress in repealing the Act of October 2,1_58. reserv ing irrigable lands Irom settlement, would not Influence lbe action of the proposed irrigation syndicate; tual It would proceed in perlectlng its organization whether that law was repealed or nol. The correspondent inquired about matters again to-nighi, and was told tbat tbe compauy was waiting to see what aciion congress would take. This confirms the belief among Pacific coast men tbat land speculators and syndicates have been actively at work here trying to se cure the repeal ot toe obnoxious law. It has been reported In San Francisco and in Nevada that Senator Stewart was interested in the gigantic irrigation scheme. It is but justice to Senator Stewart to say that he knows nothing whatever of the proposed syndicate. His tight against Powell has been solely because be thought his plan impracticable. Mr. Powe'.l. in turn, believes that me repeal of the reservation Act will enable the land-grabbing syndicate to gobble up great tracts of land. Washington Notes. Washinoton, August 7th.—The Assistant Sec retary of the Treasury says the Department having decided lhat a laundry-man is a laborer, a Chinaman who is a proprietor of a laundry would not, under ihe Act ot October 1, 1888, l>e allowed to re-laud in tbe Cnited States atier visiting his native country. The following confirmations have been made: Registers of Laud Office—Samuel Gordon, Miles city, Mont ; E V,. Roocrts, Sacramento, Cal. General McCook will be assigned to the De partment of Arizona, with headquarters at Santa Fc, N. M. Postal I hang. s. - Washinoton, August 7th.—lhomasG. G. Reed has been appointed Postmaster atV\ren, Beu ton county, Oregon, vice J. Newton, resigned. A new jx>st has been established al Mo hawk. Yuma county, A. T., with George Vf. Norton as Postmaster ELECTRIC FLASHES. Condensed Telegraphic Dispatches from All Parta of the World. 8. L. Jones, head of the large auctioneering and commission firm on California btreet, Sau Francisco, died yesterday morning. Murray Hal], the elegant summer hotel at Pablo Beach, Florida, was burned yesterday morning. The fifty guests iv the house escaped. 1-oss. $_»,000. There is much ill health in Rome. A sudden and violent outbreak cf Roman fever is mating havoc amoug the natives. There were over 300 deaths irom this cause last week and the epi demic is ou the increase. The dead body of Edward Tobin was found yesterday morning in his room at san Francisco. The landlady, Mrs. Dallings, says the gas was found turned ou, and it is believed he was as phyxiated. Tuesday night Charles H. Thomas, coming up out of the Empire mine, at Grass Valley, was met by a descending car. and bis foot was caught so that he coul.l not get oil* the track. The car struck and broke his leg above the ankle. At Portland Wednesday Mrs. Anna Koebel jumped overlniard from the upper 4_ck of the steamer Latoua and was drowned. The woman had been in ill health some lime and was un doubtedly Insane. She bad acted strangely on the boat and was being watched. She leaves a husband and several ihildren. Philip Micihie, Is years of age. went swim ming in the Humboldt, near Nev., Wednesday He was caught in the under current for which tne stream it noted, and was drowned. There were Indians in tbe vicinity, one of whom was preparing lo go in the water! but they made no effort to save him. He was a Hungarian by birth. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Ueeils to Real ■___■ Filed Willi the ' .»_! County Kecorder. [From law and abstract oflice of Brusie A Taj. lor. southeast corner ol Seventh and J.] The following transfers of real estate have been made since the last published report Patrick lleffernan to Mary Heffernan—Th_ uorth half of the cast halfof lot I. J and K. Twenty-third tnd Twenty-fourth streeu, as her separate property, and he abandons all rights Kraut. Mary Heffcrnau to Patrick lleffernan—The south hall of oa.-l halfof lot 4. J and X, Twentv third ami Twenty fourth streets: abandons all home_ead rights to said property, but to no other part of said lot: grant. Chnro Henry Kreh-lo Herman and Emma Elizabeth Mier—S_uth thin v-tive fe.t of east sixty-eight feet of lot 4. H and I, Eleventh and Twelfth streets: Sl aud love and affection. Thk vioissitudps of ciimate are trying to most constitutions, especially to people htvin< iuiuure blood. Fur all sucb (and they constitute the niHJority), Ihe best safe guard ia AVer's Sarsaparilla, tiie u_> of which clean??-; the bl<>,<d and strengthens and invigorates tbe system. I SACtfA.MJ-_.TO DAILY KJM.OttJJ-UtflON, FIUDAV. AUGTTST 8, l*\nt. COMMERCIAL. V-CRAMUm. MARKET. Sacramento, Aus_st 7th. f_lUtT — Lawns oiuaj »7 to *S a box. •" -licniia, (__ 4 Lira.-, :7.-a. V 00-*. 73e*»l > .GC; Banana.. f__>B ■->" * _»ocn for I«'__.•. _>ooanuai, __97- Oranges—Riverside Navels, S4®4 sf: Riverside Seedlings, S3 50@4; Los Angeles Seedlings, S2 b-jtco; Los Angeles Na vels. S3®3 50 Ht box; Strawberries—Sacramento. 10@12.Hc f. ft: i-anta Clara, 60®60c W drawer; Goose--Tries. 3<_4. * B>; Pineapples, 60c each. 47 51 doz. Peaches, Sl@l 25 "£ box; Egg Plums, 75c(§a _ box; Apricots, 75c®8 ? box; Apples, red, fl@l 25 ft box; Pears, Sliftl 25 ft box; Peach Plums, Sl 26«nl 50 ft box; Blackberries. 81 25®1 50 ¥ crate; Prunes, German, 75c_.Sl ft box; Prunes, French, 90cs.fl 25 ft box; Necta rine. Sl _1 25 ft box. CANNED GJOD. — Assorted, 11 70(81 SO; Apples, SI 65. 1 70; Apricots. Sl 50; Blackber ries, Sl 90; Cherries $2@i 50; Currants, S2; Gooseberries, Si 7_ttl _0: Muscat Grapes, Sl 50 ®1 60; Plums, fl 50; Quinces, Sl 80; Kaspber ries, $2 75; Strawberries, $2 60. v !_jßTj_BL_>-—Onions. Silverskins, Sl 25@ 1 50 ? box; Onions, Red, S1(&1 25, .-ao bage, 60c®81 : Carrots. 50«60c $ 100 ids: Turn ips, uew, 81®1 25 9 Bock; fc __c_ vegetable*, 12- % * _ose„. _ ais-ir*. Sl®l 50: Boots, itetsil; tto.i_) K-dish, 10_*»:'-»ariio. new,lo@l2j- Arti choke., 40c _ doi: Dried Peppers, 156.1..; Green Peas, common. 3®4%c: do Bweet, 4(85c: Rhu barb, 3@4c _ ft; Cucumbers, 6@Bc ado . Pota toes-Early Rose, 75_!_>c: PeeileKs.S>c®Sl: Bur banks, Sl(_l 10: Centeunial, Slfol 25 ■_»» ctl; Sweet Potatoes, 3c to 3J_c ft ft; Celery, 75c 3 dozen; Spinach, 5c * n>; Scnrives, 15c ¥ bunch; String Beans, 4®sc: Wax Beans, 4® 6c a ft; Summer Squash, 3@4c Cauliflower 81 * doz: Green Peppers, s®7c f. ft; £gg Plant, 6<Bi_. ft ft; Tomatoes,4ii_J6.c. f, box; Okra, lofelCc V ft; Shell Beans, B®loc » ft: Lima Beans, B_>ioc %t ft; Watermelons, 75c®Sl ft doz; Canta loupes, «o®7sc t* doz; Corn, Jl 253150* sack. i_t____Uj'l " _xo — _ io» . nil . uw, Oatmeal, 10-ft sack, 35_i_i _ lb, 13 55100-to sack: o'iu."_i, White, 82 25 ft 10-ft sacks, yellow, S2 10 _ 25-tt saoks- Gr_o_-u Wheat, ■ su,*_-_* sacks; ..'3O, 100-lb socks; Homlnv, S3. 1. ft saok: 12 80 * 100 fts; Graham, .2 15 10-ft sacks; 12 15, 100 ft sacks. HAY, GRAIN AM) FKED—Oat Hay, »9_.13 a ton; Ailaifa do, .10 Sil a ten: Bran, Sl7 »ton; Middlings. fl9 f ton: Barley, whole, paying 81 15 _il 20 ronec, Sl 45: Wheat (choice milliua', Siying. II 30 a bin; Rye, Sl 1"- Wild ats, 81 25 -ft 100 fts; Tame Oats, Sl 95: Corn, paying 11 2 j V cw;. DAIRY PRODUCTS — Butter—Valley, 24® 260 a ft; Fancy Petslmna, 2SJ-31C » »; Kasiern Creamery Fancy, 14®16c; pickle roll. 20@22c; packed ln _r_iu_, choice, 15®17u; tommo-., Bt. Olieeao—California, 8®9o: Young America, 10® lie; Eastern Cream, l_®l6c; Llmburger, 18®-. m; genuine Swiss, 29c: American S^lsa, lie- Mar tin's O-un. noise; Eggs, 18819 c: California Ranch Eggs, 19320 c; California Store Eggs, 16® 17c: Eastern Eggs. 15®16c. POCLTKY— ttaaawa prioea; IJve Turkoyi, hens, 14®16c; gobblerc, 13@15c; dressed, 17«___; full-grown Chickens, J4__ fl doien ; young Roosters, 84®5 a doien; -rollers, .3 at; tame Ducks, Ss®6: Pekin S6®7: Geese. 12® J_. _ pair. MEATS — Beef, sc; Mutton, 7c; Lamb, 9c; Veal, 7c; Hogs, .«*■■>; „c; drexsea Pork. 7c; Hams — Eastern, 14®15c; California, H3_c; Bacon—Light medium, 9«c; selected, lie: extra light, 12__, extra light boneless, IS>.a H^c. MISCELLANEOUS—Bee_S—AIff .a. new crop, 9.910 c; Timothy, Eastern, 6®7c a ft : roy Corn. Ear. S®__, Shelled i% ® r>,_c. ft; .led Clover, 11®12)#! tl ft; Reti Top, B®9c. Nuts—Chile Walnuts, new, ll®12c; Cali fornia Walnuts, 9®loc; Almonds, new, ll<_?l2%c; Peanuts, California, 6@7c; Eastern. 6Co7c; Lard (California), cans, »X@9c; Eastern. *'/.<& 10c. Hides, salt, light, 6c; medium steers, 6c; heavy stfiers, 8c; heavy cows, sc; dry, 9c. Tallow, 3J4C. SAM FRAUCISCO MARKET. BAM FBANCISCO. August 7th. FLOUR—We quote : Net cash price for Family Extras, 84 4" 34 o" » bbl: Rakers' Extras, 84 23 fell 35: Superfine, 83 05®3 35. WHEAT—The market was somewhat tame to-day, and prices were a shade easier. We quote: Sonora, 81 32_;®1 _%; No. 1 White, 81 36*4; choice, 81 H XA; milling, 81 1081 __. ¥ etl. BARLEY—There is not much activity in the situation. Trading is notably slow, though prices keep steady. We quote: No. 1 Feed, 81 22|i .1 25; Brewing, $1 27}j®l 32>J. OAIS—A listless feeling prevails, very little disposition to operate being shown by dealers. New Oats are quotable at 81 33 to 81 45 for Wnite, and 81 30® 1 St for Black. We quote old: Surprise, 81 70ffll 75; mill ing, si 65® 1 67s_ good to choice feed. 81 60® 1 65; fair, 81 52.;® 1 57%; Gray, 81 50@l 55 ft ctl. CORN—Steady at unchanged rates. We quote: Yellow, 81 27%ai 30 ft ctl for large, aud 81 27' „<_l 30 for small; White, 81 V1) ..®1 20 V ctl. CRACKED CORN—Quotable at 827 50®2S 50 V ton. CORNMEAL—MiIIers quote feed at 827_J 28 ft ton: fine kinds for the table, in large and small Dackages, •->'. l _4c . to. SEEDS—We quote: Mustard, Brown. 82 50® 3 25; Yellow, B_@2 15 fl ctl; Canary, SK-a3»/ 4 '(;; Hemp, 4%C; Rape, 82 60; Timothy. b%<g,6%c; Alfslls. 7V,<aßc * lb: Flax, 82 75 f, ctl. MIDDLINGS—Active inquiry- Quotable at 823 50@24 50 fl ton. CHOPPED FEED—Quotable at 824 50@25 50 f, ton. OILCAKE MEAL—Quotable at (25 a ton at tbe mill HAY—The market is agairst sellers. Wheat, 88 50®13 50; Oat, 8o@l0; Barley, 87®10; Clover, SBi_l.fl ton. STRAW—Quotable at 45®55c *. bale. HOPS—Quotable at 17. 20c a to- BRAN—Firm and iv request. Quotable at 815 sU®l6 a ton. RYE—Strong tone to market. Quotable at 81 20®1 75 « ctl. BUCKWHEAT—NominaI. None here. GROUND BAKLEY—Quotable at __>7 60®28 50 ¥ ton. POTATOES—EarIy Rose. 60@80c in sacks and Ss®Doc in boxes; Garnet Chile, 7-e iJOc; Peer less, 6___>c: Burbanks, 75c®81 10.* ctl; Sweet, 3@4c *f*lb. ON 10N8—Quotable at 81 60®2 a ctl for Silver skins aud 8i 41 to 81 50 for Red. DKIED PEAS—For new crop Green, 8! 25 is bid. We quote: Blackeye, 82®2 25; Niles, 82 25 a cti. BRANS—We quote : Bayos, 84-31 25; Butter, 81 90®2; Pin_, »2 £o@2 75; Red, 84(34 96; Lima, 83 50®4; Pea, 82 60®2 80; Small White, 82 60® 2 80 . ctl. VEGETABLES—There is an abundance of all descriptions. Egg Plant, 75c®81 fl box: Green Okra, s®loc ft lb; Tomatoes, 12%®25c ". box for Vacaville; River do, 40,a50c . large box; Green Corn, 81 2 Va. 1 50 V sack for common and 20 _25c a doz for bay; Summer Squash, _><asoc > box (or Alameda: Wax Beans, 1 _ 2c , tb; Cucum bers. 40® 60c* box for bay; String Beans, _jtl!_3ia lb; Lima Beans,4<Bf.c .»_>; Fountain Beans,l®2cfl to; Green Peas, 2®'_'._c 'ft lb; Turnips. 75c®81 ?ctl; Beets, 81 a saox; Carrots, feed, 50®a_>; arsnips, 81 25131 50 V ctl; Cabbage. 45_-50e • ctl; Garlic. 6a. 7c V lb: Cauliflower, 5 __60cfl dozen; Green Peppers. 35@50c for Chili and 60»75c a box for Bell; Dry Peppem, IX: Dry Okra, 6*Bc fl to: Marrowfat Squash, 8'20®25V lon. FRUIT—The market is weaker all round. ;Supplies are coming forward much in excess ot the wants of canners, and a greater quantity is therefore thrown ou ordinary trade, drapes are a positive drug. »c quote: Watermelons, 88 c_l2 fl 100; Cantaloupes, Sl-ai 50 fl crate for Winters, and 81 50®210r River; Crab Apples, 40® 60c per box; Huckleberriss, saiocflft; Grape*, 25«50c for small While or Black, 50<_75c for Muscats, and 60465 c "j1 box for Rose ol Peru: Figs, 50®75c for black, and s_s*Tic per box ior white; Plums, l®2;ic ft; Peaches. 2% <m 3c fl ft: Nectarines. Bed, 65®75c a box: do White, 50_75c fl box: Apples, 60c;oj81 for common 81 25ai £0 for good to choice; Pears, 50c®81 a box; Bar lett Pears, 2® 3c f, ft; Apricots, 3®4c t» ft; Blackberries, 84 <a 5 ft chest: Strawberries, I6gs for Sharpleas; Raspberries. 86 ® 9 f chest: Mexican Limes, tSSOVtSQ f< box; Lemons, Sicily, 85®6; Riverside Lemons, 82®3 co fl box, Sau Diego Lemons, B®l 50; los Angeles Lemons. Sl&l 50: Bananas, 81-M V bunch: Pineapnies. 83-_5 f> doz. DRIED FKl'IT—We quote: Apples, evap orated, lOttillc: Peaches, evaporated, 18®_jc; Apricots, bleached. 14®17c in sticks and 17<« 18c a t>> iv boxes. We quote futures: Nectarines, 18018 c for white, and 12&13. for red: French l'rnnes, B<ill%c fl ft; Grapes. 3>£®__ « ft: Rais ins, September and October delivery, sl 75@2 25 fl box tor London Layers. HuNF.Y—We quote prices as follows : White rural, -ly-.), ..; Amber, 7>.<_Bc: white liquid, extracted, 4>4®.">e: Amber colored and candied. MMVc fi to. BurrEß-Nothing new of importance. We quote: Fancy, 28® 0c: good to choice. 23 u,J>.-; fair to good, 20_b22!^c: store lots. ll_"13c fl to; pickled roll, V.'!S2oc; firkin, 16®lbc; East ern. .'<_l2<- fl ft, as to quality. CHEESE—We ouote as follows: Choice to fancy, 11%®12%e; lair to good, logllc: Eastern, ordinary to fine, ll®l4cftto. EGGS—Steady in price, the better qual ity having preference of custom. Quot able at 24421* ft dozen for ranch and 18® 1 <■ for store lots; Eastern, 16® Sc fl dozen for good and lini2oc for choice. POHI.TK.Y —We quote *as follows: Live Turkeys — Gobblers, 2t)*22c: Hens, 17®152: Roosters.*') 50®0 50 (or 01d.86._0 I" for young and l®B4 .'0 tor fryers: Broilers, small, 82/<43: do, large, 83 50_>4 Hens. 85 50@6: Ducks, 83 50 ®4: Geese, old. Mffll 25; Goaliugs, 81 50(_J• 75 S pair: Pigeons, tl 50® 1 75 fl dosen for young and J'_a2 50 for old. • GAME—Arrivals came in poor order. We quote as follows: Venison. 11 •_.! ■>• f ft; Doves, 50c f dozen; Hare. 81 26; Rabbits. 81 25@1 fl dozen PROVISIONS—We qnote as follows: Eastern Hams. 1: .yr-iic. Cautoinia retrigerator-cured Hams. l_®l3Vc: Eastern Breakfast Bacon, 13®l3^c; California Bacon, heavy and me dium, 9<_.loc; do light I_'-..._-]_■. do »• _t:a light. H.-H'^.-; do. clear sides, J'.-iJ'*; ~~^lo before they go^&pofi©. tHe proverb ran-The pan says to the pot Keep off or you I smurchme. If your grocCT __a__j j<m oajthfag in place cf SAPOLIO, send it back aad I _sfa_ __f_a _:;iv:__-jt* t «ri__ jam ordered, SAPOLIO _>*_-___ i:;v. . ettlsf. .i'r:*. Jnf.rt-._-p, t.-.1.'.0s nnd j.-.-'•■{ .. work it acta I!fc<> _ oi:_ri_. Pur :._-:.■•.- p :-. pans..__;:_.-Nit „__*.->_ 7::!. Eve 7 '_-•;_ sfc rl{, Bad «___£_>_ ilro-A la___g___t in :: :::~ ' ■ ..*;, ;..;.• |- ' * . around i'r.-r i:-:: .. e_:och _-_._-_-___;._ .. Co., _;i_ w t_:t.i:. Pork, extra prime, 515®15 50; do prime mesa, Sl6 S-16_i:do. n_-_s, 817«1750; do, clear. SIS 50®19: o, extra clear, Sl9® 19 60 » bbl; Pigi' Feet, Sl2 50 ■313 a bbl: Bee' m'SS, bbls. S7 50 ®3: do, hf bbls. S4 >.34 50; do, extra mess, bbls, SS 50® I 9: do. hf bbls, Ss_ 5 60; do, family, Sil 50® • 12 ? bbl; do. smoked, UV,-s>2c a ft: Eastern Lard, tierces, 7%i&Qic; do, 10-ft tins.9r_.9*^c: do, 5-ft tins, 9,-^:4% do, 3-ft tins, 9^«_9.j. Cali itoruia L_rd. tierces. 6%«59c; do, kegs, 9_J® 9«c: do, 10-ft tins. 10ial. _"c: do. 5-ft tins ll> ,@ 10%o: do, 10-ft pails. 10%<_10%c; do, 5-ft pails, lie "lo D-fr oailE, lllic a tt. WOOL—We quote': San Joaquin aud Southern, year staole. a » - .12%@15c Do, seven mouths 12 ®16 Northern, Choice 19 (b_2 Nevada - 15 @18 Humboldt and Mendocino 19 ®22 Eastern v. -egon and Washington 12 (BIS HlDfia AND SKlNb—Quotable as follows: aouna. Oulis. Hesvy Steer- 57 fts up a ft —<BSVr 6%®—C Medium steers. 46 to 66 ft__. 6 &0/. 4V45.5 Light, 40 t045 fts „ 5 ®t% 3>iS4 Medium Cows, over 46 fta 5 ®t% 3H@4 Light Cows, under 46 fts M. § — 3>£<g4 _aps, 17 to 30 fts _.._..7 "®— 5 @— Veal Skins, 10 to 17 fta 8 @9 6 @7 Calf skins. sto 10 fts 8 fe'J 6 *7 Dairy Calf. 20®30c each; dry hldea. usual selec tions, 10@llc: dry kips, do, 10®10}.;-; ?i ft: calf Skins, do, 10 $10Kc; Cull Hides, Kit. and Calf, "c; Pound Dry Salt Hides, 7c; Cull Dry Salt Hides, 4i4«isc; Pelts, shearling, 10<a._0c each; do, short, 30(2,50ceach, do, medium, 65®90c each; do, long wool, .jc<fS_l 26 each: Deer Skins, summer. 30c. do good medium, 22>4_.25c a ft; do, thin, 20c V ft; Goat .kins, 40 36(1 j apiece for prime and per fect. 25333 c for medium. 10(S>20c each for small FRESH MEATS-The fol'owing are the rates lor whole carcasses trom slaughter ers to dealers: Beef — First quality, by, ® 6c; second quali», 5 ® sJ^c; third quality, 4^_jsse ft ft. Veal—Quotable at 4. .6c ior large and 5_ se fl ft-for smalL Mutton—Quotable at 7,&7.£ c ¥ ft. Lamb—Bpnne. Bfr9c a ft- Pork — Live Hog., on foot, grain fed. heavy. »_#&•■%<!; light, 4J-i*4>4c; dressed Hogs, 6__&7c **. ft^ EASTERN AND FOREION MARKETS. New York. Aueust 7th. WHEAT-SI 01% for cash, 9. 34c for August, Jl 00Vi for -eptemoer, Sl 02}£ for December and Sl 064 for May. -UUAR—Cuba Centrifugal, 5%c. Chicago. August 7th. WHEAT-91%c for August. 96iie for Septem ber, 99>^c for December and Sl 03'^ for May. CORN—so>ic tor July. Liverpool. August 7th. WHEAT — Moderate demand. California spot lots, 7s IJ^d to 7s 4%d; caigoes off coast, 38a; just (hipped, 37s 9d; nearly due, 38s; car goes off coast, steady; ou passage, very few bids in market; French couutry markets, easier. BAN FRANC-SOU STOCK BALKS. Sau Fbancisco. August 7, 1890. MORNING SESSION. Ophlr._ 4 y*@4 95'0ccldental ffc Mexican _ 10®3 l»| Lady Wash 40®46c G. <s v 'i 16; Andes- 65»70c B. A B 3 10*3 20;3corpion 20c C C. \a SHO; New York _»@3_c Sovaire 3 40: Hendricks 36c Choilar 2 SO«2 90 lowa 50®65c Pot*"* G%?»6'>.' Vf. Oomstock 4«c H.AN 2 6o|Eastß. Nev _s@loc Point- 75>Eureka 3 'J5 Jackei -3 SO Prize- 30c Imperial _30@35c: Navajo- _ 45c Keuluc* 1 (_:_. Isle 1 10 Alpha 1 10,Mt. Diablo.— 2 25®_ 60 Belcher 3 InjN.B. Isle -1 o.V_l 10 S. Nevad* 2 86_neen_ 70_s75c Utah 65c!Com'wealth_3 10@3 30 Bullion 3 10 tt. Com'weth 1 TO Exchequer 70c Bodie„ _ 115 Sea. Beicher...l 35-al 40 Bulwer __f»a Overman 2@2 05 Peer _ lOc Justice ' 4-' Crocker - 25<3___ Union- 2 60 Peerless lS#_9e Alta .1 20#1 26 Central lOc Julia 20. S. F.Gas 68___>83< Caledonia :«®4oc Cal. E. Light. 21% Challenge 2 __s_ _5 AFTERNOON SESSION. tjp&i. 1 xoiCaledonia :>s<-4f _ Mcxlcai _ 3®3 05 S. HllL. 25c G. _,c 1 95<__ Challenge __fl X B. AB 303 10 Occidental _Oc C. C. Va .3 e__3 70 LadvWash 35c Savage 3 10®3 15 Andes r-">c rmou_r 2 70 -Scorpion 15@-.oc Potosi 6i_(*>;-4 lowa _ 40c ,1 a ,< 2 45 Xew York SOc Point 2 fiO W. Comstock 40c lacket 3 20 Prize ■_ Imperial 30*13-r ureka 425 Rentuck - —1 Navajo 45c Alpha 1 05®1 10 a. Is.c 1 ■ Belcher 3 06 N\ B. Isle 1 Confidence 6 Holmes- 2 60 H. Nevada 2 70 Queen 70c Utah 60,_iv>c Com'wealth 3 Bullion .2 80S2 _*> ft. Com'with...2 tMM 70 Excheulier 60c Rodie 1 05@1 15 Seg. 20®1 25 Peer 10c -v. nnar 1 8 .21 90 do...assessed 10c. Justice 1 35®1 40 Crocker - Wa Cnlon 2 40 Peerless. 15®2"C Julia. 20c "This is an Age of Apollinaris Water." Walter Besani. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." __*___-___ PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. Extracts from tlte Report on the Pollutton ef Water Supplies. "Typhoid fever in our cities is in a great part due to the sewage in the water supply." "We cannot shut onr eyes to the relation which exist! between sewage in our streams and 3-phoid fever in the cities that are supplied by lern." . "Thirty thousand people die of typhoid fever annually in tlie United States of America." «' The purity of Apollinaris Water offers the best security against the dangers which ere common to most of the ordinary drinking waters."— Medical Record. APOLLINARIS.—"The annual con sumption of this favorite beverage affords a striking proof of the widespread demand which exists for table water of absolute purity.'' —Medical Journal. NOTICE.— The well-known Yellow Labels of the Apollinaris Company, Limited, are protected by Perpetual Injunctions of the Supreme Court. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS for sale by jones, mundy & co., 61 Front street...lTuFl..,*4an Fraoclnco, Cal. The best place in California io bave your printing done: A. J. Johnston <_ Co.'s, 410 J sireet. saeramento. Cal. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, MURRAY 8 SPECIFIC. fPos lively cures >*ii- ""*-v Night Losses, Sper- f^ ' \ matorrhe»- Nerv- QT* ,'- 1 ous Debility, and q **** W*-i all weakness of th . j^ M) Generative organs \-* TT of both sexes. Price one package, Sl:. _S-^ /\ six for 15, by mail '• - / \ B. fore Taking", tree of post. After Taking. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. For every !5 order received we send six boxes, with a written guarantee to refund the money if our Specific does not effect a cure. Address all communications to the sole manufacturers, THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO., Kansas City, Mo. *_- R. K. Uoglng _, Sole Agent, 904 J -• r. .-I. Sacramento. Hal. 014-lyMWF_w "TRUSTEES' SALE. WHEREAS. FLAVEL P. CHAPIN AND DELIA C. ROOD ma>le a certain deed of trust to KD. R. HAMILTON and WM. P. COLE MAN, dated December 17, 1885, and recorded December 19,1885. in book 108 of trust deeds, at psge 509 and following, records of Sacra mento county, State of Cailfornis, the said deed of trust conveying the real property hereinafter described tor the purpose of securing the pay ment of a certain promissory note of even date therewith, made by FLAVEL P. CHAPIN and DELIA C. RoOD ; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of the principal and interest of _*id note, new therefore, by the au thotity vested ln them by said deed of trust and upon applies tlon of the holder of said note, the undersigned, as such Trustees will, on SAICRDAY, August 30,1890, letween the hours o 10 and 11 A v., iv front of the Court house door, in the city of Sacramento, county of Sacramento. State ol California, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in United States gold coin, all the real property situate in Sacramento county aud described as follows, tr-wit: Lots one and two ot the north wfst qua ter of section number thirty, in town ship eight noith, range six east. Mount Diablo base and meridian, containing one hundred sn-1 si_tv one 7. luo acres, more or les*, together with all the Improvements and appurtenances thereto belonging ED. R. HAMILTON, Trustee, suf. SwWFM W. P. COLKMAN. Trustee. POLITICAL. Democratic it Primary _3I_,I_OTION -AND COUNTY CONVENTION ATA MEKTING OF THE DEMOCRATIC J\_ County Central Committee, held this day, it was resolved and the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, By the Democratic County Central Committee of the County of bacramento, that a Primary Election wili te held in the county of Sacramento or. AlXil'Sr 8, 1890, between the hours of 1 o'clock and 7:30 o'clock P. M.of thit day. during which time the polls will be kept open for the purpose ol selecting delegates to a Democratic Couuty Convention to be held AD GIST 11.1890; that said County Convention will be held for the purpose ot electing eighteen del egates to meet at the City or San Jose on August 19, ISO-.1, at the Democratic State Convention held at said date and at said last-named place, and for the purpose of selecting a Democratic County Central Committee ior the county of Sac ramento, and such other business as may come before it. Tnat said Primary Election be held under the provisions of the Precinct Election laws of the State. That in the city of Sacramento all ballots used shall be printed in conformity with the provis ions of the Political Code relating to ballots, but this provision shall not app y to the couuty and precincts outside the city. That the general requirements of voters at said Pr mary Election, in addition to the re quirements by law imposed, shall be that the voter shall have voted for Cleveland and Thur man electors at the last Presidential election, or would have done to had he been entitled to vote, and that he will support in good faith and vote for the nominees of the Democratic Slate and County Conventions, to be nominated. That at said Primary Election no person shall be entitled to vote whose name does not appear on the Precinct Register compiled in 1888. No person shall be allowed to vote in any pre cinct unless his name appears on tbe printed precinct register lor such precinct, aud each Democratic voter shall be permitted to vote in the precinct where his name is found on tne printed register, ai such precincts are herein after set foith and de.-ignated. That said Countj Convention will be held at such place iv the city of Sacramento as will herealter be designated by the Chairman of this Committee, and that notice of the nolding of said Primary Election shal be given by publi cation of this resolution in the Sacramento Daily Record-l'sion and Daily Bee for days next prior to the holding of the tald Pri mary Election. That said Primary Election be held at the fol lowing named places, aud the following-named persons shall constitute the Election Boards, and the respective « ards and Precincts shall be entitled to the following number of delegates: First Supervisor District, Urst Precinct—North of X street and west of Fifth street. Polling place—Fourth and J streets. Scriver's Stablec; number ot delegates, 12: Judges, Robert Fisher, M. J. Sullivan; Inspector, Pete Flynn; Clerk, First .npervisor District, Second Precinct- North of X sireet and east of Fifth to the middle of Twelfth street. Number of delegates. 28; polling place, Tenth and E streets; Inspector, M. Bnrite; Judges, , Robt, Barnett; Clerks. Second Supervisor District. First Precinct- South of X ureet and west of Third street. Poll ing place, Front, X and L streets; number of delegates, 14; Inspector, Jobn Black; Judges, James C. Kelly, James Riley; Clerks, , Second Supervisor District, Second Precinct- South of X street and east of Third street to middle of Sixth street. Polling place. Fourth aud X streets; number of delegates. 1_: In spector. Jerry Payne; Judges, , I.Alex ander: Clerks, . Second Supervisoa District, Third Precinct- South of X, west of Sixth to middle of Tenth street. Polling place. Teuth and X streets; number of delegates. 13: luspjctor, C.Jenkins; Judges, C. Trainer, Wm. Zoller; Clerks, , Third Supervisor District, First Precinct— Scuth of X Ureet and east ol Teuih street. Polling place. Fifteenth, M and N streets (Pa viiiou): numberof delegates, 20; Inspector. R. M. Clarken; Judges, D. J. Mannix, Ed. F.Smith; Clerks , Third Supervisor District. Second Precinct- North ot X and east of Twellln street. Polling place. Twentieth aud ii streets: number cf dele gates, 70; Inspector, 11. D. Nash; Judges, John Conners, R. O. Cravens; Clerks. , Filth Supervisor District, Howells—Polling place, Slough House; number of delegates, ft; Jnspector, John Givens; Judges, J. Frailey, H. D. Hass. Michigan Bar—Polling place, Michigan Bar; numberof delegates, 2; Inspector, John Janis; Judges, Moses Patterson, J. M. Brown. Live Oak—Polling place. Live Oak; number of delegates, _ Inspectors, Thomas Brown, — Bright; Judge, Oliver Plummer. -lorln—Polling place. Florin; number of dele gates, 2; Inspectors. K. G. Maxfield, Alex Stev enson; judge, Charles i alton. Elk throve — Polling place, Elk Grove; number ol delegates, 6. Inspector, Judge J. C. Kannard; Judges, a. Coffmau, Dr. Powers Union House—Polling place. Union House; numberof delegates, I; Inspector, Thomas W. Stephenson; Judges, Johu Elerdordt, I. K.Ste phens. Freeport—Pol ing place, same; numberof del egatus, 2; Inspector, C. il. Miller; Judges, A. dreer. Aixos Lowell. Franklin -Pollinc place, same; number of delegates, 2; Inspector, James Stephenson; Judges, Frank Little, Joe Hanlon. Courtland—Polling place, Courtland; number of delegates, 2; Inspector, George P. Runyon; Judges, Wilson Bariy, Wm. Caloway. Walnut Grove-Polling place, Walnut Grove: number of deegates, 1: Inspector, I. Crew; Judges, John Miller, A. J. s Reynolds. Isleton—Polling place, Isleton; number o* del egate->, 1; Inspector, George A. Knott; Judges, S. Lickey. Homer Dickey. Hicksville—Polling place, Hicksville: number of delegates, 2: Inspector, James Hicks; Judges, V. Cantwell; Wm. Hicks. Gait -Polling place, Gait; number of dele gates, S; Inspector, JamesFuruish; Judges, Jesse Mitchell, Peter Pinnalp. Clay's Station—Polling place, Clay's Station; number of delegates, 3: Inspoctor, J. M. Short; Judges, J. L. Riefl, J. Vf. Whitney. Johusonville—Polling place. Johnsonville; numberof del cc» tes, 1; Inspector, N. H. Keena: Judges, D. McLanahan, Roo Russell. Fourth Supervisor District — Polling p'.ace, Guthrie's; number of delegates. . Inspector, D. McCartey; Judges, J. Guthrie. J. Knowles. Oak Hall—Polling place, Oak Hall: numberof delegates, 3; inspector, Geo. Peters: Judges, Vf. H. James, Wm. Hamilton. North Florin—Polling pUc\ North Florin; number of delegates. 1; Inspector, F. Patton; Judges. B. Fickl, J. Bailey. Brighton- 1 _llingptace, Brighton; number of de'egates, 6; In-)iector, W. S. Manlove: Judges, Vf. Bowles, P. kooney. Routier's—Polling place, Patterson's: number of delegates, 5: Inspector, Stephen Quail; Judges, p. Robinson, C. Toomey. Couch's—Polling place, touch's- uumber of delegates. 2: Inspector, James Holland; Judges, M. Judge. If. Foiey. A ntelope—Polling place. Antelope: number of delegates, 3; Inspector, ; Judges, , Ashland—Pol'ing place, Ashland: number of delegates, 1; Inspector, D. McCue; Judges, F. McCue, I. Hinkly. Folsom—Polling place, Folsom; number of delegates, 7; Inspector, E. Lutrell: Judges. Vf. O. Davis, Dr. Bates. Mormo i Island—Pol iug pace, Mormon Is land; numberof delegates, l; Inspector, J. H. Broder; Judges, , Halfway House—Polling place, Half-way House; number ol delegates, 1; Inspector, Chas. Horris: Judges, , Lincoln School House—Polling place. Lin co n School House; lumber ol delegates, 1: Inspector William Johnston; Judges, A. Teathly. Natoma—Polling place, Nat_ma; number of delegates, 1; Inspector, J. O'Nei'; Judges, , Resolved, That at ai y precinct where there are two tickeis that at such precincts each ti ket be represented on the Board of Election by one Judge and Clerk. Dated July 29,1890. M. J. BURKE, Chairman. J. J. O'Connor, Secretary, au.>td 11. O. ___o_»_». CANDIDATE FOR COUNT". ASSESSOR, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. aus-tf -_-7*___. _3. Hnniilton, INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY CLERK of Sacramento county, jy-^7 tftSu) NOTICE T0_ VOTERS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL parties interested, that at a regular meet ing of the Board of Supervisors of -acramento county, California, held on the 16th dayof June, I*9o, an order was duly made and entered can ceding the Great Register of said county, and ordering a re-iegistration of the voters thereof. Said order was made pursuant to Section 1.(94 of the Political Code, and all persons desiring to jote at the next ensuing grneral election are notified that they will have to be re-register .d, as provided in said section and in coulormity wilh this order. Altest: [SEAL] W. B. HAMILTON. Clerk of Board of Supervisors Sacramento county, California jySl tillo_2(Su) SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATE"! No. 978, October term. 1889, GEORGK W. WHITE, Appellant, vs. IRA P. RANKIN. A. P. BRAYTOS, JOHN HOWtLL and JAMES M. 1 HOM PSOS. Appeal from tbe Circuit Couit of the United States for the Northern District of California. Mr. F. J. Lippitt, of counsel for the appellees, suggested the death of George Vf. White, the appellant in this case, and moved the Court for an order under tbe fifteenth rule to make the proper representatives parties. Whereupon H is now here ordered hy the Court that uness the proper representatives of the said George Vf. Wnite. deceased, as aforesaid, shall voluntarily become parties within the first ten days of the ensuing term of the Court, tbe appellees shall be entitled to have tbe ap peal dismissed: provided, however, that a copy of this order shall be p inted in some news paper of general circulation, within the state of California, for three successive weeks, at least sixty days before Ihe beginning of the term of the Supreme Court theu next ensuing. April 21,1590. Atruccopv. Tist. JAMS H. _(___*____ Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United stites. ielS 3 W(SU) "-nan news of th . world is -jontaine J In the Wss_XT L sac*"- BJL&MJSQ HOUSES. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK, Sacramento, California. Capital stook paid up- _*_ .500 CO Reserve and surplus 54,253 26 Term and Ordinary Deposits Received. Dividends Paid Semi-annually. Mouey Loaned on Keal Karate Only. WM. BECKMAN, President. Geo. Vf. Loresz, Cashier. aul-tt_Su NATIONAL BANK -OF— ___>. -_>. ___-_______■ c_b 00. Sacramento, Cal.—Founded, 1850, Saturday Hours 10 A. M. to 1. P. M. ' DIRECTORS AND BHAR___OLD___3. O. O. MILLS —_ J. 588 Sharoi _DGAR MILLS, Pre-ideat _..I,5_S Shai-a; 3. PRENTISS SMITH, Vice-Pres 250 Share* FRANK MILLER, Cashier 851 Share. CHAS. F. DILLMAN, Assl. Cashier. 125 Sharoi Other penons own _. 1,198 Share Capital and Surplus, 8600,000. 49* Chrome Steel Safe Deposit Thd >. and Time Lock. JASu CALIFORNIA STATE BANK. SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. Doea a General Hanking B___neet. Draws Drafta on all Principal Cities of the World Saturday Hours _ 10 a. X to 1 r. x. officers: President „ _ _N. D. RIDEOIT. Vice-President _ FRED'K COi Cashier _ _ _ _.A. AEBOTi ___i_tant Cashier _ _W. E. <_K__K_ dik_ctoks: O. W. CI.AB-.S, Joe. STIFFEN*. Gbo. C. PiBBJNa, Fbsd'k Cox, N. D. Rideoi-t, J R. Watsos. W. E Gkbbeb. d_Sutl SACRAMENTO BANK. mHE OLDEST SAVINGS BANK IN IHE J. city, comer of Fifth and J streeta, Sacra mento. Guaranteed capital, S500.000; paid i p capital, gold coin, J800,000; loans on real estate ln California July 1,1&0, 52.59M42: term aud ordinary deposits, July 1, __>0, f._i9,394. Term and ordinary deposits receivea; dividends paid ln January and July. Money loaned upon real estate only. The Bank does exclusively a sav ings bank business. Information furnished ut on application to W. P. COLKMAN, President. Ep. R. Hajciltq. , Cashier. 4p-u THB O-MKJKEB-WOOLWOETB National Ban ol San Franoisco, 322 PENB STREET. PAID-UP OAFlT___...__ —«1 OOO.OOi (BnooMor to Crocker, Wool worth A t _. > DEBKOTOKS I JHARLKS CROCKER _. H. MILLSR, Jb. a. 0. WOOLWORTH Prealdeni W. E. BRO_-"...___._...__. _..Vloe-Pre_ldenl _*. H. CROCKER _J4ptfl _.___C__hie> HOE PBESSES FOR SALE. •-pHE SACRAMENTO PUBLISHING * Company, publishers of the REC ORD-UNION, SUNDAY UNION and WEEKLY UNION, has contracted with the Goss Printing Press Company, of Chi cago, for one of its FAST PERFECTIHG PRESSES, Which will print, paste and fold a Four, Six, Eight or Twelve-page Paper at the rate of TWENTY THOUSAND PER HOUR for the four and six-pages. This press will be set up in our office and in running order about the FIRST OF OCTOBER, and in order to make room for it we MUST DISPOSE of the TWO DOUBLE-CYLI-DER HOE PRESSES Which we are now using. They are both in PERFECT ORDER, and will be guar anteed to do FIRST-CLASS WORK. We will sell them AT A SACRIFICE, as they must be disposed of to accommodate the new press, and one of them can be de livered immediately; the other must be retained until our new press is in opera tion. The sizes of bed-plates are 40x60. This is an opportunity to secure a bargain that is rarely presented to the newspapers of this coast. Terms of payments can be made easy for the purchasers if desired. Both these presses can lie seen in opera tion at this office at any time. tf&Su SEALEDJROPOSALS. ON MONDAY, AUGUST 11. 1890, BE tween the hours of 7 and 8 p. .... sealed proposals will be received by the City Board of Education, at the office of the Secretary, Room 10, odd Fellows Temple, lor First. Furnishing 200 cords (more or less) of four foot wood, delivered, either white, black or live oak, second growth, the price of each kind to be stated. Also, 2j cords pine or cedar. Eecond. 200 reams twelve-pound cap. 25 reams twelve-po_nd letter. 25 reams six-pound note. 10 M iri envelopes. 5 M xx 9 env .opes. 300 gross 404 Gillot pens. 60 doz. quarts Mrst qnality writing fluid (Pomer _r's modern blue black). 25 doz B. B. erasers. 400 boxes German slate pencils. 50 gross penholders. 10 gross lead pencils. -JOo gross chalk crayons. tO gross No 11 bands. 50 gross No. 30 bands. 100 gross No. IC bands. 25 doz. small bottles ied ink. The Board reserves the right, to reject bids. H C. CHIPMAN, President. A. Hart, Secretary. jy3l-td(Su) NEW THIS WEEK. PORE CREAM TAFFJ (ALL FLAVORS). Do Not Fail to Try This or You Will Eegret It. FISHER'S, 510 J St. (Retail Department). je6-tf Schaden 6 Tanpary, —Wholesale and Retail Dealers In— Choice Family Groceries, Flour, Hay, Grain, Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco S. E. Cor. Fourth and L Streets. COUNTRY ORDER 4 SOLICITED. •?- Goods delivered to any part of the City, ..earner Landing or Railroad Depot FREE de CHARGE. my3-ly _^^[_^^_ _| Bte als acknowledged _^ the leading- reme>ly for ____F c .r__ ln-_^__ GonorrtHPa A: Uleet, ■K-l_i_^ B \ .'ol Rt°J^-' £ ,c «»£!.-'<» *¥ ana stricture. ■ a«*ueo__l____orWhites. "■ji I prescribe it and feel nn only by safe in recommendingit flj|TH_EvANsCH__i!-._iCo. to all sufferers. A:«:nnit,oßß| A. J. STONER M. D., l . a. *jm^ I'K.ATUB. lU. m bold by I>rii_:_isuu traJ=^___|^__ri, rk^ I'RICE 81.00. MWF WEAK-FREE T M °i_ _t ♦**■!_ ADE Sealed Treatise, e_pl_tntn<c abso B-____f__a_%la*"amd perfect lIIIK without VTDf_IUI.» "lomnrli dnii-ci iiic. I r L>>st Man WlHUllVli'"!. Nervous Debility, I_i.-k of Vlffor aim Development, Premature Decline. Func tional Disorders, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, eto. -idrca TBI KIR_TUN CO., 19 Park Place, New Tork, S. I. MWFAw TO WEAK WEN Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lostmanhood, etc., I wiU send a valuable treatise f sealed; containing full p_rticnl_r_ for borne cure. FREE of charge. A splendid medical work ; should De read by every man who la nervous and debilitated. Address, •Frof. F. C FOWLER, Kloodus, Conn. «_l-lv__rw MAI __•_- A Iff _I Your address sea to UidLluWAI-l us will tell yo". how DiIUUU X UloUi. thirty to ninety days o that dreadful disease, causing Hair tailing out, _oie Throat. Mucous Patches in Mouth and Bone Rheumatism, which the Hot fpriugs Mercury and Potash afford but temnorary re lief. Address COOK RtsMEDV -"'IIP.ANY Otrt-bn. N«»b , or Bos 1004, New York (,ity N. V. Mention this paper. ap'JJ-ly&w ■JSCKlJ___.EOt'__, KBAKER & HAMILTON^. IMPORTERS ANB JOBBERS OV __h:__>_._e?,i_)-,w_____?. _53, IKON, STEEL, GOAL, POWDER, Agricnltnral Implements _ Machines, *^*Z* Cordage, Belting, eto. Sacramento Lnmber Company{^i!,i^ Main Oflice: Second street. I. and M. Tard: Front and X streeis. Sacramento. NEW STOCK OF" SPRYnTInD SDMMErGOODsT" CLOTHING, BOOTB and SHOES. HATS and CAPS. UMDEEW2AE, and All Kinds of URNISHINO GOODS AT IOV.KST FKICES. _>T_ _____oi___i<n :_____ l___y's. 000 «T St. M__Hl _2_ _r ""*' h:FK',i' * 00. ili;- Oldest _n_ Mo-. B< .inr-l* ___ __ _>____ **> .■': '*i-"t-' our., ''■-' r .: ■ i ,i . -.t. s_n Franoisco, and __9 - 2____ ** **■ r.txt*. City. *•' ' -itimu- to speedily anil perr»_ jjjy — SB"* ■*•"_ am all chronic . . tmm s___l how complicated or *hol tsfkiiedj Bli Skli ui-ial _Ri S _3Q 'r*aknesa, Least* Vigor aad v. lotto. __ am p B iSm Bend fur __stara__ papi r i \;'. Madf cannot ni oofsd _____ SL Iv 2 **"' f-'4*!*'*!'** W««:«le_ l*,ii .;«•_ m-nn In . i h -or;il.»: _____! JBL ._* i-'-r: .pc.-iiK- for above rf >u.ti ni jgMB "^S '-•» 'lm DOXJ-ASTRIAI \.t'V:\ >.■ m i i.i:r ox A!'!'; >a rniN. HVMfIMHHMBH *<i(ir_» »•>(> «.r.*t-v sr.. S.i„ ea_u X3OoT<_>___. IjIKBIC. «*• CO. jlw^ JJ >A' ■)? _________f^_____^^ M _______i_i^' This Great Strengthening Remedy and Nerve Tonic Duron with unfailing certainty Nervous and Physical Debility Semlual Weakness, -iipertna, torrhoea, Impotency, PTo&tatorrhcea, Herpertesthesia, (over-sensitiveness of the parts) Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Impurities of the Blood and Diseases of t_e Skin. It permanently stops all unnatural weakening drains upon the system, however t_ey oc cur, preventing Involuntary seminal losses, debilitating dreams, seminal losses with the urine, ot whlie at stool, etc., so destructive to mind and body, and cures all the evil effects of yjuihfu! lol lies aud excesses, restoring exhausted Vitality, Sexual Decline and Loss of Manhood, how ever complicated the case may be. A thorough as well as a permanent enre and oomplete restoration to perfect nealt_ Strengtn and V Igor of Manhood ls absolutely guaranteed by this justly celebrated and reliable Great Remedy. Price, ■60 per bottle, or five bottles for flO. Sent upon receipt of price, or 0. O. D., to any address, secure from observation and strictly private, by Dr. SALFIELD & CO., »l« Kearny Street, San Francisco, Va-. Sufficient to show Its merit will be sent to any one applying b > _ "Cx -___ \ • ,tatln8 W8 symptoms and age. .*". -,VV. tpy .\\V '^Virt' z Consultations strictly confldential, by letter or at offlce rbbb «.»—•- dAwly ATTOBNEYS-AT-LAW. J. F. BROWN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. oflice—Southeast corner Seventh and J streets, Sacramento, CaL jy_:-tf 8. C. DENSON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Oflice—42o J street. Sacramento, Cal. jyl2-lm CHARL.E. H. OATMAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office—4Bo J street, Sacramento, Cal. Notary I'ubl ic. ly!s-tf CLINTON _. WHITE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW OOce at the rooms of Board of Trade, ovei Wells, Fargo A Co.'s, N. E. corner Second and J streets, Sacramento, Cal. Telephone 247. A. la. HART, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW — OFFICE : SOUTH west corner Fifth and J Btreets. Rooms 12, 18 and 14. Sutter Building. tf_ T. W. HUMPH REV, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT LAW, Southwest comer Seventh and J streets; Notary Public. Sacramento. Cal. sio-tf. DENTISTRY. F. F. TEBBETS, DENTIST, 914 SIXTH STREET. tSPSj^s between I and J, west side Wfsa3-A opposite Congregational Church. *^M-l__l_j_r ._/5/_ _r_#-/^"_M Temple, 'corner of Sixth *\f^^g£iirAAAZJUßS^^ sacrameuto. t< DR. W. O. RBITH, DKNTIST, SOUTHEAST COR ner Seventh and J streets tm sfc over Lyon's Store, Sacramento fTr_Bßs_* Cal. 01-tf V^J_____. C. H. STEPHENSON, DENTIST. CORNER SEVENTH __>s_B__ and J street, over Lyon's L'ryffWp(Pgfe Goods Store. tf DENTAL SURGERY. FBED. H. HETCALF, D. D. 8., IS PREPARED TO PERFORM ALL THE latest operations pertaining to the profession. Southwest corner ol Eighth and J streets. Sac ramento Ja4-4ply DR. H. H. PIERSON, 511 J Street, Sacramento. BUSINESS CARDS. MR*. MARION STIRLING, M. D . LATE LADY PRINCIPAL OF DUFFERIN Medical College for women, and Superin tendent of Women's Hospitals and Dispensaries in Northern British India. Liseases of women and children a specialty. OFFICE—Room 7, (>dd Fellows' Temple. aus-tf DR. CHAS. E. PINKH 131, Q-IQ EIGHTH STREET. OFFICE HOURS— 010 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 i' jyll-tl C. E. GRUNSKY, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ESGINEER Ex pert, has removed from Sacramento to No. 4 Sutt_p atreer, San Francisco. Residence, 8108 Scott street. jy3o-jw H. P. BOOT. ALEX. NEILSON. 3. DBISCOL. ROOT, NEII.-ON a CO., UNION FOUNDRY--IRON AND BRASt Founders and Machinists, Front street, between N and O. Castings and machinery of every description made to order. *p UNDERTAKERS. REEVES & LONG, -_r_Nrx>^i». No. 609 J Street, KEEP ON HAND EVERYTHING IN THE Undertaking line. Also, agents for the Indestructible Burial Caskets (made of cement). Orders from citj or country attended to at all hours. NO ICE USED. Embalming a specialty J. FRANK CLARK. COUNTY CO RON. R & UNDERTAKER, No. 1017 Fonrth St., bet. J and K. ALWAYB ON HAND THE MOST COMPLETE stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS on the coast. Country orders, day or night, will re ceive prompt attention. Telephone No. 184. 4p GEO. H. CLARK, Funeral Director. W. J. KAVANAUGH, -_.__rx>_3__L-P_a____:___-£a No. 513 J St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. ALWAYS ON HA NT A LARGE VBSORT ment of Metallic and Wooden Caskets. Burial Cases, Coff-r.s, ajd Bhrouds furnished. C-oflin orders will receive prompt attention on short notice and at the lowest rates Office open day and night. *P J. MILLER (Successor to Fritz & Miller), ■cr__a-3_>___i»T-A.^ ___•:___., OFFICE IN ODD YELLOWS' TEMPLE Ninth and X streets. Complete stock o Undertakers' Goods constantly on hand. City and country orders promptly attended to, day or night, at reasonable rates. TeleDhone 186. 4p HENRT ECKHARDT, (HUNSViTR, MANUFACTURER AND DEAL-^^ m _^s er in Guns, Rißes, Revolvers, Y.'WIU^ Ammnnition and Sporting Goods. AH the leading makes of Guns and yMr-\~&a. Rifles at popular prices—Parker, m7 ■ Lefever, Colts, Smith. Ithaca, new Baker and new make Guns. Flrst-class Gun and Rifle work. Send for price list of sains No. K2S E treet. H»nrmn«i»». o_i P STANTON'S AMERICAN enayroyal FillsY B>___^__J_-_7«i____!«n^»^»«latrJac«r Iban t_.ao_.llra English article, and abaol-Uty Sara,, laaa. llni.-^.t, _T.r\ * !.. _ or t-v mail. Sl. S.nd 4«. for-UTlc* to Ladlea." SpcciOc __l.l»., ViU.., 1-a. I Sold by KIRK,GKARY& CO.,§ac.___ento i feS-TTS-ly I ,— . | Waterhouse & Lester, j —d*a___ui r»— IRON, STEEL, CU.ttBRBLAND COAL, t Wacon Lumber and Carr'iigo Hardware, 508. 711,713 »_d 71S J atieat, Sacrament. . Cal. LIQUORS, WINE, DEER, ETC. SUTTERVILLE. — MOUNT VIEW HOUBE (formerly Sutteivllle Brewer}-1. Having purchased this property, which is completely renovated, au lnvi'ation ia extended to my friends and the public to pay me a visit. Finest Wines, Liquors and ClgHrs. Jyl-J-Sm J. P. MELCHIOR, Proprietor. UNION * GARDENS, Twentieth and O Streets, .*pfl„ MOST PLEASANT RESORT WITHIN .1 the city limits. A Hrst-class BOWI.INU ALLEY on the premises to which al! are In vited. The celebrated UN.ON BKER. ami re freshments of ai) kinds, can be had. my'-T-tf JACOB UhBERT. Proprietor. NEW ARRIVAL! AT THE ALE VAULTS, SO*- .1 STREET. VIA Cape Horn, of TEN BARREI S Home-made SOl'R-MA.-U WHISKY. Call snd ssmpl-it. m}S.f NAUKLEASVKSiSOS. Props. CONCORDIA BEER "HALL, No. 1031 Fourth Street. HAVING MADE EXTENSIVE IMPKOVE ments the public are DO* 00 dlallj invited tos first-class report. Sandwich,-s ol all kinds. Buffalo Beer on draintht and in bottles. The liiie.-t Wii,,- , Liquors and Cigars >>v hand. iiiv-Vly >'. KOHNE Proprietor. VV ________ «r. i_o____i_>*__ ST. I_M I- AND PILSNER-BOHEMIA, BOTTLED AND ON DRAUUHT AT WISSE MANN'S SALOON, 10XO Fourth St. Fam ilies and saloons supplied by the bottle or ices. ly 'TJ_Q. WT-SKMANN. Agppt. EBNER BROS., IMPORTERB AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IS WINBS AND I,l_l*Oß . 116 and 118 X s*.., bet. Front and Second. -■»._•■ AGENTS FOB THI CKLEBBATK!) POMMEKT AND ORENO CHAMPAGNE lplm M. CRONAN, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies, Brandies and Champagne 2SOK street, and 1108-1110 Third street, Sacramento, Cal. iptf JAMES WOODBURN, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN fine Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and L; juors. No. 417 X street, Sacraniento. Thanking my old friends and patrons for the.r farmer patronage, 1 solicit a contiuuance ot the same, aa- \\. orders will be promptly and rnrp.nH*- fillp. . : ",i _t. Gtrtrndb's Academy, Rio Vista, Cal. THIS INSTITUTION WILL REOPEN FOR the next scholastic term, Monday. 11th inst. The pupils will find it to their advantage to be present at tbe formation of the clause.-. This Academy is situated in one of tbe most heal-hy sections of Solano county, and being on an eminence in the rear of the town, receives, through a break in the Montezuma lulls, the cool, refreshing breezes from San Francisco bay; thus making the climate a most agreeable and healthful one. Thethorouguly furnished class rooms well appointed dormitories, musii -rooms, studios, exercise grounds, etc.. together with the advanced course of learning and varied ac complishments, in which young ladies are so desirous to excel, have attracted studeLts from far and near. From nearly every county pupils have been received, among whom are young ladies Irom Siskiyou. Tuolumne, Los Angeles, San Jose and even Nevada. Several of the former pupils are engaged in teaching, both in public and private schools—the Academy being incorporated is entitled to confer academic honors This year. Dress-making, with culting and fitting, will be taught at the Academy to those who desire it; also, Cooking in ali its branches by an excellent Fiench cook. Besides the common EDglish branches. Stenography, Typewriting. Instrumental and Vocal >lusic, Photograph Drawing, Pastel, Painting in Oil and Water Colors, also Painting on Porcelain, are taii-ht, in all of which the pupils show much proficiency. Every advantage is given to the students, not only to enable tbem to pursue an academic course, but also totrain them in the duties which will fit a young lady to take her pace in tho social as well as the domestic circle, and to be come a sonrce nf comfort to her parents and an ornament to society. Tbe inanition is sufficiently removed from the large cities to be a quiet, t__Hooa home for all those who desire such lor their children. There Rre two hoats daily from San Francisco and Sacramen'o—one leaving .lackson s; wharf at 11 a. M , the other trom Market-st. wharf at 1 P. M. The fare is tl, and the boats are comfort able and have kind and obliging officials. Tbe terms of this scho-il are very moderate, consid ering the advantages the pupils enjoy A magnificent -.tar- and stripes" floats over the exercise grounds since July I h—it as well as the entire institution, being the gift bf noble, generous Mr. and Mrs J Bruning to the Sitters, who have charge of the establishment. For further information address to the MOTHER srPER'OR. St. Uertrude's Academy, Rio Vista, Cal. aulJ^mAsu_ _S CARLE. ~ OUCCESSOR TO C»RLK A CROLY. CON- O tiactor and Builder. Orders solicited and p-omptness guarante- d Oflice and afaop. 11*_ _econd sireet. between X and L. je_l-lv IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CAL iforuia, Ciunty of S.cramento. Iv the mat ter of the estate of JOHN P_ATT. deceased. Notice is hereby given that FRIDAY, tht loth day of August. IS9O at 10 o'clock a. m. ot said day, aDd the Court-room of said Court, at the Court-house, in the City of Sacramento, County of Sicramento, and State of California, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said JuHN Pi ATT. de ceased, and for hearing ihe aprlication of P E. PIATT for the Issuance to him of letters testamentary thereou Wirnen mv hand and the s°al of said Court, this Ith day bf August, 1690 ; ska;7 W. I! lIVMILTON", Clerk. By L. P. Sc-irr. Ih }.■.;-.-• Clerk. Jri-\sn. . JoH-SSO_ & Johnson, Atlorno. Propi) ii ■: li.. aui-'.d