Newspaper Page Text
NATIONAL CAPITAL. Sn Ordnance Foundry Will Probably Be Established at Benicia. COXttRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. A Bill to Reimburse Grantees tor Itand Deprived Of Through Erroneous Surveys. [(•—SCI—. DISrATCUBSTO THK RECORD-UNION..! , : | , , i , i : ' i OBONANCK FOUNDKIKS. No Doubt E-tprea—d But That One Will be Located in California. Washington, September 2d.—The Ord nance and Fortification Board will con vene for its regular monthly session ut the War Department to-morrow. This will be an important session, as there are many questions iv connection with th6 new forti fication bill to be considered. Many of the items were discussed at tbe last meeting, held in New York, but as the bill had not then been approved by tbe President, no formal action could be taken in the matter ot the allowment of the appropriations for continuing the work of gun construction, and in repairing batteries for tbe reception of guns and mortars. One of the first items to be considered is that providing for gun and mortar batteries at New York. Boston and Sau Francisco. The plans and specifications prepared by the engineer corps for this work will be placed before the Board; also the corres pondence from property owners and Mayors of the three cities concerning tbe sale and donation of sites for tbe erection of these batteries. Tbe Secretary of War has also been saving personal attention to tbis matter during his absence from Washing ton. Another matter tbat will be acted upon at the meeting on Tuesday is the appro priation of $320,000 for procuring boring and turning lathes, ride machinery and an eighty-ton traveling crane, fully equipped for ibe manufacture of twelve-inch guns, at the Watervliet. arsenal. There are special reasons for prompi action in this particu lar, as it was one of tbe chief items of dis pute between tbe conferees, and when it was finally agreed co the dissenting mem bers cast their votes in favor of it. believing that by the iiinc the machinery was pro cured Congress would have decided to build another guv foundry either at the Rock Island arsenal, Illinois, or at tbe Benicia arsenal, California, and instead of appropriating money for the construction of tbe new wing at tbe Watervliet arsenal, necessary for the erection of this ma chinery, it would be a very simple matter to have the machinery transferred lo one of the proposed new gun shops. San Francisco is making rapid strides in all matters pertaiuing to tbe navy. The building of such splendid cruisers by the Union Iron Works is a matter of much favorable comment around the navy head quarters. There seems to be no doubt, whatever, that the Pacific Coast is to have an ordnance foundry. The good will ac crued to the Pacific Coast people, Califor niaus in particular, cannot be over-esti mated. Tbe only foundry of this charac ter is at tbe Watervliet arsenal. New York, where all kinds of guns are manufactured, employing hundreds of men and paying out thousands of dollars annually. There seems hardly any doubt but that such an orduance foundry will be located at Benicia, Cal. In the Committee on Appropriations, Mr. Morrow fought hard for California. Cannon of Illinois contended tbat Rock Island, 111., should be tbe place, and a member favored some point on tbe Gulf, and in the open home Byuura of Indiana advocated Indianapolis. Tbe result of such a contest was the incorporation of the following paragraph in the fortifications bill: "Tbe President of tbe United States is hereby authorized to appoint a Board to consist of three officers of the army, one of the engineers, one of the artillery, and one of the ordnance, not below the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, who shall inquire into the facilities for producing high-power guns at or near the Pacific coast, i ml in the vicinity of tbe Rock Island arsenal and at Indianapolis, and at some p.,it. on the Gulf. Bnd the advisability of erecting a gun factory at the Benicia arsenal, Califor nia, or at lhe Rock Island arsenal, or a: the Indianapolis arsenal, or at some point on the Galf coast, for the purpose of finish ing and assembling high power guns to be mounted in for ideations " It will be noticed that the Army Board is empowered to use its discreti'm in eti >os:ng one oi the four sites named. Benicia is almost certain of capturing the prize. In dianapolis, Rock bland und a point on the Gulf Coast were merely named in order to please By num. Cannon aud the B—them members. Benicia Is regirdsd by -he navy men as a place admirably adapted for such a place as an ordnance foundry. Both Indianapolis aud Rock Island are out of tbe question, as neither have any facilities for water transportation. The Gulf Coast, of course, offers better inducements than either of the inland cities named, but not any place in the United States can compare with tbe Benicia Barracks. In the opinion of experienced navy men, the defense of San Francisco, PuEet Sonnd and San Diego will require mauy high-power guns, which can only be conveniently assembled at Benicia or some other point on tbe Pacific coast. It would be absurd to tbink of transporting the im mense gnns overland from ludianapolis or Rock Island. Of course, Mr. Mnrrow does not wish to anticipate the action of the Army Board appointed to choose a site, but feels confident thai Benicia will be se !ec:e_. _ MEXICAN GRANTS. A It'll ito Reimburse Grantees for Lands •,I'eprlved of by Erroneous Surveys. Washington, Septc niber 2d —The Senate Conimittet oti Private Land Claims, li. Qftil Mr. Colquit, has made an elabor ate report on the bill to reimburse the gr.-t lees, their legal representedivis and the - of the Punt* de Laguna Mexican _;rant, in California, for lands of whicb they were deprived by an erroneous survey made by officers of the 1 States —a grant tor six Spanish square 18 12 acres of land—to be ed within cer ain•perilledboundaries. The claim was presented tothe United States General Laud Office and confirmed February 5, IS:>7. Immediately we-jt ot the grant the prior grant had been made known as the Guadeloupe Rancho, which •was slso confirmed in due form. A patent •was .ssued to Guadalotipe on June 3u, L 866, the owners refused to accept, on the d that it did not contain all of the to whi**h they were entitled. A new survey of the Guadeloupe Rancho in th.* following February included 8,1 arr,-<- moat ol that first provided. This lam. was taken from the Laguna survey land The Secretary of the Interior de- I to accept this survey, and (>uada loin c brought suit against Laguna and re covered the disputed land. I■; the meantime the Government had sold to settlers nearly all of the landwi:hin tbe exterior limits of the Laguna grant and not included in the Laguna survey. Tbe matter has been in controversy for many years, tbe Laguna people claiming they were entitled to six Spanish sq.-ire le'aeues and that they have received M than that amount. oammftte* • nds thai aftfr the rights of Interested parties bave been de* ruiinei'. bf tbeßecr*tary of tbelote ri> r, tbey be allowed to sei.ct lands it; ihe Sl.i c of California, not mineral and not r.*- .-ved. in quantities equal to the amount of -vhich th'*y were deprived by the erro ODTKKNMKM KXI'tNSES. Th re will Mill be Several Millions After the BlUs are Paid. September 2d.—ln connec ti* * with ■ . rence report on the ri\ t and harbor bill to-day. Chairman Cai-uon,of the House Committee on Ap iiious, made an exhaustive state -xpenditures authorized by tin present session of Congrt—. He said ■ f ; I 12.18M60 is properly charge able against the probable revenue of tne Government fiscal year 189 ft, and when de : from the latter, shows a surplus ol 1.475. F;; Caution, Representative Sayers pr--tilted a statement for his Democratic colleagues on the committee. It says : "If to toe appropriations of the present Con gress we sdd the permanent and indefinite ;>rtations estimated by the Secretary of be Tr—sury, to wit: $101,628,—3, we | ■a* I hsvea«cie«aie appropriajions for the year ending Jnne 90, 1891, of MSI,, j :■> as against $4*' 41 I ,tie, in- C uding'postal receipts, thus making an ex-' cc. of appropriations over revenues of $11,430 4!'.' New rut—its Issued. Washington, September 2d. — Patents , have be*n instied to the following residents 1 of tbe Pacific coast: California—Joel 8. Blood, assigner of one-balf to E Montsse, Napa Ciiy, koifc sharpener; John M. Bryan, San Ftancisco, as-igner to P. A. Doane, Oakland, ore crusher: Stephen H. Cbase, San Jcse. saw bit holder; Leonaid E. Clawson, San Fran cisco, continuous sectional chimney; Fer dinand Frank, Suisun, clothes dryer; George Gates, Urytown, concentrator. Postal Chang .8, Washington. September 2d.—Tbe fol lowing have been appointed fourtb class Postmasters for the Pacific coas': Arizona —W. L. Haskins. at Lost Basin, -Mojive county, vice M. Scanlon. resigued. Oregon—James F. A'len, at Fox, Grant county, vice J 8. W. Smith, resigned; Daniel E. Knight, at Knight, Marion county, vice A. Fraser, resigned. Wushington—E. T. Eckel, at Hasseiune. Lincoln connty, vice Mary A. Cole, re signed. Per—ion Awards. Washington, September 2d —Residents of tbe Pacific coast have been granted pen sions as follows : California—Original—Henry D. Smith, Salida. Reissue and increase—Albert B. McCrellis, U Xi ah. Oregon—lncrease—Thomas E. Brink, Burn 9. Washington—Original, nayy—John R. Mitchell, Port MadisoD ; Thomas H. Gab hart, Dayton. CONGRESSIONAL. IS THE SENATE. Washington, Septeniher 2d.—ln the Senate Evans pseseute*l resolutions of the Buffalo Merchants' Exchange favoring reciprocity, r.ot ouly with nations to the south, but also with those in the north. The House bUi in relation to lotteries, re ported from the Postoffice Committee, was placed on the caleodar with a notification by Sawyer that he would ask its consideration as soon as the tariff bill was passed. The tarifl" bill was then taken up aud the sugar schedule considered. Carlisle gave notice that he would move to strike out all paragraphs relative to sugar boun ties. Hale rffered the reciprocity amendment of which he gave notice on the 19th of June, and addressed the Senate upon It. The desirability of such an interchange of products as the amendment proposed, he said, had been a sub ject which had given rise to the closest atten tion and had resulted in grave and pertineut suggestions from eminent public men iv tbe United States during the last thirty years. Who ever nad seen the gradual falling off of the American trade with Central and South Amer ica aud the isles of the sea must have witnessed those conditious with the greatest impatience. The people of these countries had a common interview with the people of tho United States (alluding to the Pan-American Congress). Hale said it proved that the fame considerations which had their influence in the United States were also moving iv the minds of eminent men from sister Republics who took part in tbe pro ceedings of that CoDgress, and that they pointed to one sure inevitable end. the increase of trade betweeu the United States and those people. These considerations, which applied to the annexation of trade aud the increase and interchange of products, applied not only to the uatious of Central aud South America, but to the islands of the Spanish Main. Hale assured the Senators who represented the sorghum and beet-sugrar districts that he was not in antagonism with them. If those Senators objected to a policy of trying to secure some benefits from those countries forthe repeal on their sugar, he asked them how much more they ought to object to the unreserved repeat of these duties'.' It would be a declared policy not much short of lunacy to repeal the sugar duties, unless the repeal was used to obtain some bene fits for the products of American labor. To bim one thing was as mr- as tbe tides and sunrise: and that was that tne policy suggested by the Presideut and Secretary of State, and which had secured the attention and approval of the wisest statesmen in the last thirty years, was the policy that has come to stay with the American people. There never was a time more fitted to try the plan or experiment than now, aud to his mind the amendment which he offered was the most fitting solution of the question. Allison made a long statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Government, and the probable effect of the tariff bill on the finances. He said the total expenditures for the current fiscal year would be about $111,000,0—. and the total revenues, including postal receipts and everything, would be StOO.OOO.OCO. If there were no tariff bill to be passed, aad if the situation remained unchanged, th?re would be a surplus of revenue over the expendi tures for the current fiscal year of $42,1.00,000. He had not included in the expenditures the amou t that would be paid for silver or claims again«t the (Jivemment otber than those which have passed Congress He figured out au increase of twenty-seven million delists of revenue un der tbe pending bill, as against a decrease of sixty millions from putting sugar aud other articles on the fret- lisi,, so that thirty-three and a half millions had to be taken off from the —r- l lus of forty-two miiliocs, leaving some filteen millions suiplus at the end of the year, paying nothing on the link]ng fund. Taking into ac count tae balance now in tne Treasury (8107.- UOn.O-O) and thi- surplus, Allison calculated the Secretary of the Trea ury would have s**venty eight millions on the first of July, 189., unless in the meantime he redeems l\i__ per cent, bouds, as he (Allimn) hoped the Secretary would iroceed to do without delay. Be declared iv his judg ment that it was a wise thing lo take off the sugar duties. He had not the slightest fear that that* would be any danger from it to the Treas ury, certainly not within several years to come. He was also in favor of a further extentiou of reciprocal trade, but hoped tbat in any such ar 'augemeiit it would be seen to that lhe United Status bad i'.sju-t share ofthe bargain. .jilisi.-i offered an amendment to the sugar schedule oy adding the words ' syrup of beet sorghum or sugar cane." He made an arg'i ment against the sugar bounty proposiliou. and said it "wai a miserable dwindling away from Maine's broad and generous proposition of full reciprocity. Sliermau expressed his views on the subject of reciprocity, and spoke ol the difficulties in the way of reciprocity by treaty. The first proposition ot Hale's amendment was an a - most startling one. It authorized the President of the United States, without further legislati m. to declare the ports 6f the United States free and open to all the products of any nation ot the American hemisphere upon which no ex l>ori duty is imposed "Was Cuba," he asked, "a nation?" He knew Senator Hale said to day that he meant to include Cuba. But was Canada embraced in that list of nations? He had asked the Senator that question, and tbe Senator had replied, "ms, no; that is a question of a different thing," and yet if any reciprocal trade arrangements were made with any couu try. they ought io be made with Canada. He went on to criticise unfavorably the Hale amendment as one that wonld allow the tree importation c-t wool, copper, zinc iron, gold, silver aud lead ores. < tc. He was informed by Hile that the amendment had not been care fully drawr, but simply Intended to propose a principle at reciprocity. His own amendment had beea Intended to apply toonly thiee or four articles—sugar, toffee, rubber and ui'rates He was remind— by -.herman that Cuba produced im coffee and do rubber, so an arrangement with Cuba could only be as to the art ice of sugar. Hele—"lf there is nothing to trade iijion with Rdvantag..* then there will be no trade made. ...n which i suggested ts comprehensive, but it is iot definitive. If there is nothing to make a bargain in*.!, that settles tb shernm:*.—' My friend bom Maine Is whittling down his magnificent theory until there's nothiug of it left." Spooner raggested that the amendment ap ply to Cam»i-U, patting a duty often per .cut ad valorem on green coffee and three cents per pound and ten per cent, ad valorem on roast and ground —flee, and teu per cent, on tea, tfceee duties being omitted from the Cauadian tariff. Recess tiil s p. m. IS THK. HOUSE. Washisc;—.•>•, September 2d —In the House this morning l.acey o: I..wacalled up and the lb. BM proceeded to consideration of the Clay-> too-Breckenrldge < lection case. Cooper Of Ohio opened the debate. He de i the stale of affairs leading up to the assassination of Clayton, and said that it was the opinion of tne majority that the murder grew directly out ol the political methods adopted in that country. In that view the ma jorily echoed almost t be universal sentiment of all sections. The ballot-box stealing and stuff ing, Intimidation and murder naturally fol lowed each other. In conclusion, hi* p_scd a 1 high enconium on the people and the Stale of Arkansas, contending that if the election methods iv vogue in that State were abandoned the conimouwealth would soon be alive with iudustry and manufactures. Wils .ii of Missouri joined with the gentleman from Ohio in his panegyric upon the people of Arkansas. But he regretted that the gentleman enly to-day discovered how good the people of Arkansas were. If he had discov. red sooner he c mid never have signed the majority report. The Instigation of this investigation was Powell Clayton, but Pow ell Clayton was the dead man's brother, and while he would say to Powell the language of the Almighty, "Ye ", ■. I will repay "heo6a a not forg>'i that fast. If PoweU Clayton cot—l d:v.-t : f tae bop« ful i Bnence oi "Poker i Jack McClure, be would t>e himself again, atid would not pursue rtreckeoridge from a mo tive i f ugeance. !>-n went over until tomorrow, and Cannon took I itement relative to ■ -. n ruber of th >A] aocial situation —MS a _•<—it. I aring Rock Island a port rery ter announced the appointment of ova as « member of the Kaum in itiou committee, In place of tbnya r, re sign* ,1 ■ned. Spinal Weakness. 1 ry J. Gallagher, 66 Prince atreet, N. V., writes: "Having been Irouble.l with :n bsck and chest during the last winter, I was compelled to remain at home uosble to attend to bnsiness, until I was advised by a friend to try one of Allcock's Porous Plasters. After applying one to my chest and one to my back, in three hours I found relief, which I had not got in over three months. I cheerfully recom m- ii them to persons having spinal weak in and lung trouble '' Pubs' soap secures a beautiful com plex! BA(;KAM_HTO DAJT-Y K_;COKU-U_UO_-r, WEDNESDAY, SEPIE-IBETt 3, 18' JO. VERMONT ELECTION. The Republicans Carry the State by a Decreased Majority. White River Junction (Vt.J.September 2d. —This State today voted lor S;ate offi- 1 cers, two Representatives to Congress auti a full list of State Senator.- and Representa tives. Twenty cities and towns, including Burlington, give Page (Rep.) for Governor 3.511, Bingham (Dem.) 2,041, Allen (Pro.) 115. In 1888 these towns gave Eddingham (Rep.) 5,-6, Purtliff (Dem) 2,„y. all others 110. The returns thus far received indicate not only that the Republican vote is very light, but that the ticket has been cut. The decrease in the Democratic vote is not nearly as large, correspondingly, this year as that of the Republicans. The Prohibi tion vote remains about the same thus far. One hundred and thirty-five towns give Page (Rep.) 22,543, Brigham (Dem.) 13,262, Allen (Prohibition) 892. In these towns the Republican vote haa fallen oif 8,896. The Democrats have gained 441, while the Prohibition vote has fallen off but little. If the vote of tbe remaining towns is relatively the same as those beard from, the Republican majority will be only about 15,000 in the whole State. There were ouly IS Democrats iv the Assembly in 1888. Thirty-seven have been elected in 135 towns already heard from, and two Farmers' League candidates. An unex pectedly large number of high-license Re publicans have been elected. . THE CARPENTERS' STRIKE. Two Thou—iod Return to Work—Four Thousand Still Out. Chicago, September 2d. — The great strike of journeymen carpenters opened this mornini;. At neither the headquar ters of the journeymen nor the bosses was it known to what extent the order to quit work would be obeyed. It is estimated that about six thousand carpenters were idle tbis morniDg. Of these four hundred struck to-day, and two thousand were already out of work through the bosses closing up jobs in anticipation of a strike. Practically all the union men are oat. The Carpenters' Council this evening de cided that all union men in the emply of bosses paying37i cents per hour, and allow eight hours a day, sbould at once return to work, and President O'Connell to-night said that over two thousand went to work uuder tbis decision. m, m, p ON THE DIAMOND. Results ol Yesterday's Eastern Raseball Games. Chicago, September 2d.— The various league games played in the East to-day re sulted as follows: RATIONAL LEAGUE. At New York —Cleveland 1, New York 7. At Philadelphia— Cincinnati 12, Phila delphia 14. At Brooklyn—Pittsburg 4, Brooklyn 5. At Boston—The first game was disputed, one umpire giving the game to Chicago and the other to Boston. Second game— Chicago 3, Boston 4. players' league. At Brooklyn—Brooklyn 8, Chicago 5. At Philadelphia—Pittsburg S, Philadel phia 13. At New York —First game—New York 5, B—lalo 3. Second game—New York 14, Buffalo 12. At Boston—Cleveland 9, Boston 18. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. At Syracuse^ —Syracuse 9, Toledo 8. At Rochester—Rochester 7, Louisville 3. ' At Baltimore—Baltimore 6, Columbus 6. At Wilmington (Del.)— Athletics 3, St. Louis 2. ■ ■ ON THE TURF. Racing Events Throughout the East Yes terday. Sheepshead Bay, September 2d. —Three- fourths of a mile, Menden won, Watson second, Dublin third. Time, 1:124. Three-fourths of a mile, Thorndale won, Stomer second, Bettie Pratber third. Time, 1:12 1-5. Three-fonrths of a mile, Clarendon won, Gertie D. second, Wrestler third. Time, 1:113 5. Mile and an eighth. Raymond G. won, Frank Ward second, Eleve third. Time, 1:57. Mile and three-sixteenths, Montagtte ' won, Banquet second, Kenwood third. Time, 2:01 3 5. One mile, Ballston won, Kern second, Young Duke third. Time, 1:44. AT SPRINGFIELD. Springfield (Mass.), Bectember 2d.— The grand circuit races al Hampden Park were as follows: Two-thirty trotting, for f 1,500, divided, Soudan won, Lucretia second, Greenlight third, Dandy fourth. Best time, 2:221 Two-twenty class, for $1,500. divided, Stevis won, Moi lie J. B. second. The Peer third, Acolyte fourtn. Best time, 2:20 i. ELECTRIC FLASHES. Condensed Telegraphic Dispatches from All Farts of the "World. _ daughter of General Barrundia, who was shot dead in the cabin of tbe Acapulco at San Jose de Guatemala last week, at tempted to shoot United States Minister Mizner on Monday. At Pottsville, near the Montana line, Sunday night, Andrew Galbraith was stabbed and killed by a man named Black. The men were drinking and became in volved in a quarrel. Black was arrested. Thomas Halpin, one of th c steamboat Clara's crew, fell into the Stockton channel while intoxicated, Sunday night, and was drowned. His body was found yesterday. He was a single man and a nativs of Ire land, aged tsW years. General Adam King took possession of the French Consulate at Paris yesterday, and Major Jared L. Rathbone is aguin a private citizen. Tbe ceremony of the offi cial transfer was of a very simpie chaiacter and did not occupy much time. Doctors Wellington Adams and Theodore Dilley yesterday made an affidavit that to the best of their knowledge and belief Mrs. J'aria B. Woodworth.; the evangelist, late of San Francisco, was of unsound mind, aad petitioned the Ctiurt to examine her. The British steamer Par'nesse, Captain Hews, from New York, August 7th, for Para and Macro, has foundered near Ane gada I'laud. British West ludies. Nine teen of her crew are known to have been saved. The Captain, First and Third Offi <. rs '.'hief Engineer, two stewards, boat swain, carpenter, fireman, and a seaman are missing. An Ki'glish—an named Padman, who recently returned to London from Amer ica, has surrendered himself to the police and confessed himself a murderer. He says he killed a man named Strickland, atTonawanda. New York, last April, and was afterwards confined in an asylum at Buffalo. Padman was remanded for a week, and an inquiry will be made as to the truth of his story. Dave Farrel. a barkeeper, in Btockton, was killed in that city Monday afternoon in attempting to jump on a hook-and ladder truck while it was being driven to a small lire. He caught hold of the truck, but fell under the wheel, which ran over his body from the groin up to his sh. ulder. and he died two hours later. He was act ing as a substitute for his brother, who is an extraman ol tbe fire department. The deceased was a single man. aged 24 years. The long projected Shipping I'nion was formed In London, yesterday. The avowed object is lo desi with labor questions throughout Ihe world, and especially to re si.-t the tyranny of trade unions, to protect employ— Iron terrorism and to generally promoie the shipping Interest-;. The offi cial report of the meeting avers that sev eral pis-enger lines and the h*iik of the oarg > Irade were represented at tbe meet ing. The Union represents a capital of £—0,000,0 M m~m THIRTY YEARS' PRACTICE. A I.ett«>r from an Ilmlncnt Physician. Mu. Editor: At the ri<k of ir. lorsing a proprletar] i, i have a few word* ln favor of a new laxative principle But first, how I rri'-.e to discover it. A patient asked about taking Joy's Vegetable Sarsa parilla. As sarsaparillas usually contain mercery or tod—_ I objected, and asked for the formula, which finding purely vecetable, and so mild as to be to my mind almost inert, I consented. Imagine my astonish* ment when perfect laxative action was re ported. It has two jrreat points. —T**t,being purely vegetable, it is (unlike mercury) not cumulative in the system, being easily car ried offby the digestive processes -. and second, \ It is effective with a less quantity of the l cathartic principle than has hitherto been j attainable. It in this respect ranks as a I discovery, and approaches the ideal, vis.: ! the least medicine consistent with the gren»« I est good. It linnrionizes natural laxative , action and perfect safety, and should inter • est both the public and ihe profesa ; A CITY PBTBIOIAg OF THIRTY TKARS- FRACTICI. Baa Francisco Examiner, March 10,1890. miBC_-L_3_(/U-, pAD Way © __3nLLfiteJ-r THE GREAT LIVER AND STOMACH REMEDY. CUKES all disorders of the Stomach. Liver, Rowels, Kidneys. Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Loss or Appetite, Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Bilious ness, Fever, Piles, Etc., and renders the system less liable lo contract disease. RADWA TS PILLS are a cure lor this complaint. They tone up the internal sec re tions; to ealthv actiou, restore strength to thestomarh, and enable it to perform its functions. PKICK, 25 CENTS PEK BOX. SOl—> BY A__ DRUGGISTS. a*r If your Storekeeper Is ont of them we will mail yon a box on receipt of i>-lre" o five for til. RADWAY & CO., 32 Warren street, Mew Tork. WS&w v- j* ' lv Pears' Soap Fair white hands. Brightdear complexion Soft healthful skin. " PEARS'—ThB Grat English Complexion SOAP.—-Sold Everywnere." BEECHAM s ** PAINLESS. PILLS EFFECTUAL^ I 9TWORTH A GUINEA A BOX.^B < For BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS 7 > Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired ? S Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc., > ? ACTING LIKE MAGIC on the vital organs, strengthening the c c muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health ( ? The Whole Physical Energy of the Human Frame. ( ( Beecham's Pills, taken as directed, will quickly RESTORE ( < FEMALES to complete health. < ( SOLD BY ALL DRUCCISTS. S S Price, 25 cents per Box. £ ) Prepared only by THOB. BEECEAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. / S _. —I __E_V CO., Sole. Agents for United. States, 365 & 367 Canal St., (Xeu> } \ York, who (if your druggiat does not keep tliem) will snail Beecham's Pills on S / receipt of prices—but inquire first. (Mention this paper..) ( §i6vE.THEYSAY. iPiS SLIN D _| PtrtH-e most* loving husband will see the difference in his home if you use Si^li^ltsaves lai>or in house-work - -JCleanißli*:atiid neatness about a house are necessary co insure cdmfbrtT Man likes comfort, and if he can't find it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do yoa want cleanliness, comfort and happiness ? Try SAPOLIO and you will be surprised at your success. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK SALES. Bam F-—cisoo, September 2,1890. MOP.NINO B—Blo— 2phir._ 4 7-H34 06 Occidental 95c exican » 15«— 00 Lady Wash 55c Q. Ai* 1 iom 15 Anae» 1 —tail 20 B. A B 3 :55 Scorpion 25(3300 C C. Va_ 4 60 Benton 1 25 3aveee '■'• C @3 75,10wa „ 50c Chollar 3 10 Hendric— 35c Potosi 6 Oo'o6 B0 Vf. i»mstoclc 60c H. AN 2 4032 Si Kureka _ 4 25 Point l 66 Prize 30'*3Sc Jacket 3 25. B. Isle _ 1 10 Imperial 4<i<*|Mt. Diablo 2 75®3 25 I—nt—lc 1 20|N. B.'Hie 1 10 Alpha 1 10 Queen 7fx»fi< r>c Eelche- 3 ;!iitom'irn«ltb 3 00 Oonfl—no v.^.v., >.'. ( om'weth 1 M S. Nevad--. . ...■■ 1002 "•"illelmo—e 1 20 Dtah 75c I Bodie 1 3x^l 40 Bullion 2 '-> Bulwer 2>e Excheq— ■ 90c ''ono 50(_£G0<* Sen. Belet- l io. Kennedy fc Overman -' 15 Dudley- 10c ——ice I 40 Pwr 10@15c Onion 2 tio Crocker 2002— Alta - 'Joe Peartfm loiaisc Julia .30@3—:Wel<1nn 10$16 c Silver Hi!i -30 looomot.ive 5c Challenge 2 20 S. F.Cas b9% New York 460 AFTERNOON HESSION. l)po_ „ 4 90S. Hill 35c Mexican 8 10 'ihallenife 2 15®2 20 Q. &C 2 SV Occidental ;>5(390 B. — 3 4' latlv Wash 60c S. Nevada 3 40, Andes 1 15«1 10 C. C. Va 4 Co:— 70 slcorpiou. 25@30c ■iavaee... .3 75 New York I'.o Chollar 3 06.»3 l-> Baltimore :'.">e Potosi 6(dfi' rt Vf. Potosi 5c R &N„ 2 _|W. Comstock 60c Point 2 6-\ Eureka 4 50014 75 Jacket 3 3,-3 40 Jackson B C imperial SOaiOcr'riie >0c Kentuck 1 15al 25:Navaio— 40c Aloha 1 Ii * Ist 1 05 Belcher 3 ;ojHolme6 - 275 Confiaance 50-; k^ueen 756185 c ftah 75 i|Com'wealth- 3 00 Bullion '-' 8603 lc: :*.'. <—m'wlth .2 60 Excheoi—r 'Jx , iielmante I 20 Sea. Belcher 1 35 Bodie 1 35 Ovktti—t: 2 l. c<32 20 Bulwer 25@30c Justice I 35*1 4m \l->ni* „ 60c Union 2 -5 Peer IBC Alta 95c £-1 00 Crocker 25c tattm. »>c Peerless - 10<il5c Caledonia...- 45@&0c iWeldnn 10@15c SUPERIOR COURT. Department One—Armstrong Judge. Tcjpdav, September 2d. People vs. retcr Ph'lips-. chargud with grand lan-eiiv—Continued until Thursday. People vs. James Barry, chnrued with grand larceny—Continue;! until Thursday. ♦ ■♦ Warm weather often causes extreme tired feeling and debility, and in the weak ened condition of the system, diseases aris ing from impure blood are liable to appear. To gain strength, to overcome disease, and to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. s /.y>, «>.«i4 Mivj./ . -J-VY- vr- J^p-v -Wj HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Swift's Specific has —red my little niece o! white swelling of tho worst type. More that, twenty pieces of bone came out of her leg. she was not _3e to walk f,.reicht months, ami was on crutches • yeer. tfe aocujrs sdvteed tat—n, —tl 1 reftt—*.l. —id put her on 5. -. 8, She is now M well ati'l j la> W SS any I*l—. I—— Assir. GSSS.i;:.i, —"lumbu-, l.n. T—a_-con Bioed Kid Skin I—e_es_a&ed free. BwtT*t ' * elys Catarrh Creani Baln,_-pS3 Cicanee. t h •||j&fySgEsJJ*l Allay. P*»"«dfHAYFEVER9* &J Inflammati o "-fa^ »T ■? «&s| Heals the Soreajfcr 7 <3^5" £* Reetorea th cHJL t-£?^>M"'; Sen*** of and Smell. TRI m ?UB?.HW-FEVER MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, MURRAY 8 SPE UFIC. tPos'.tively cures Msa&2*v ight Losses, tiper- a '' \ atorrhe**- Nerv- "£} s* ,- . ts Debility, »id // *?^ '-t i 1 weakness of the ; w (JJj —erative oruans \C*> ~y both sexes. Price yyy \ ie package, tl; -^fT/ /\ x. for $5, by mail' ■'>'' ' \ ft fore Taking. Iree of POBl- After Taking. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any ease, ror every $5 order received we send six boxes, with a written guarantee to refund the money if our Specific does not effect a cure. Address all communications to the sole manufacturers, THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO., Kansas City, Mo. IO- 11. K. ( — Kings, Sole Agent, 904 J street. Hacrums—to. Cal. oM-IyMWF&w H Woo-worldng ffj MAOIHNEEY yi<!-JZZI.7^=~ Of aU kinds, ot Ben Make, an LOWEST PRICE. ir. r,r V.' —W—IX AM. -HtlN'^r.* '*- •_■ '. MACHINERY, Jl' Hoe Chisol Tooth Saws, eto ,£* EHGJHBGOTERHORS J t-on- Worltl-.ia Tools, jAir, Crosby Steam Oangei ij^-:^-*^ ENGINES and BOiLERi m _ OF ANY CAPACI TV, iPrc ' i. : - - TATC— _ BOWEN. ,'--' J4 AS6Fremoulst.,Sanr'rancisco fntv —anufacturers and Agents. Ventura Asphalt Sock, COIT, BARTON & COWLES, General Agents, 308 Market street, San Fran ci— o, Cal. Be— Material in the world for Street Paving, Sidewalks, Coating Timbers, Lining t'.-llar--. Facing Levees, Etc. Will Rrt Soften Under 212 Degrees F. Rtsi.-ts the hottest sun and is indestructible. Contaius uo volatile bitumen whatever. 3amples ol work can be seen on Tenuis Couits, Fifteenth aud M sts., next to Pavilion building. For estimates and contracts apply tem porarily to ADRIAN K. SMITH. Golden Kagle Hotel, this city. jy2-3mMWF(Su) WEAKFREE liE". .nE S—l.-.t Tn-ati-a-, exiilalnlng abso #kT M^ w .Al"t.:in,l perfect (IRE wit—ml VTDnlJIs."""""''1' <lruc«ing. for Lost Mun- Ol KU —V! •»!. Nitv"u< ix-blllty, Lack of Vi — "i.tTITf),*v..lmmi.*nt. Pn-niature U<*cllne. Kuno tl'.ii— D—i—era, ——25 an.l Bladder Diseases, etc. Uinu iii aU&STOS CO., 13 till Place, fe* lork, li. T. MWFAw TO WEAK WEN Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early deca v, wasting weakness, lostmanhood, etc.. I w 11 send" a valuable treatise (sealed, containing full S-_n__fW homo cure. FREE of charge. A £_-_ m--U work : should"Ye road by emy man who is nervous and debilitated. Address, •Prof. F. r. FOWLEU, Moodtis, Conn. -■ r i _-CtX CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH t4Sm PE-NYROYAL P.LLS, a *~Z~ *c^3 lied Cross Diaiuund Br;»iui. ,^ **v>V-,j Tts oolt —ImbK pm Ita ak _*»<c< I / - fff scr<. L».ltc». a»i. I>rucel«t r..r li- 111., 1 *-• Z4 rooii.t »i-KnJ.ia r.-d— ..lIU-U,— .ssal.. t jL^ »r.h Dii.eribboa. Take no other. *• ua4u \ 1/ (.-.ami..) ','f l>articut»rs ani ••Relief ma ijullca." •» letter, tiy ais.lL >'«-»•• "»■» _r'_. -CTn—lc»lC*,_a_n.«h«.,V__a«,f» VA • BB^k. S "'* ° Is acVriowlpdgetJ ■Mff^^^m t,lc ',?n,i'nir reni<*ilT for _at__W' i ores m^W Oonorrhtra A- Gleet. fcl|^lTosUAYS.^ The only sate remedy for HVuuarsDwrd no* if l teocorrhoeaorWh'ites. SJ •»<^_s^"«"- I nrescribe itand feel wm MtJoniTbT safe in recommending it _4 THFF<»fsCHEW' r"Co. to all sufferers. A MO>,*ST,.Mgm A. 3. STOKER, M. _, 'H—_ l " ' —-W Decatub. Trr. fc 'i Sold by nrnifsistS. trui^tSa^_--i- rRU'E^LOO. MWF ___^ ~A. MEISTER, Carriages, Victorias, Phaetons, tluggles and Spring Wagons. 910, 912. 914 Mnth Street. SAC°AMEKTO, CAL, 4P RAILROAD TIME TABLE. SOatHERB PACIFIC OO -vg-r* ja-p__rr. PACIFIC SY—'K— —LUgust X. 1300. ?v*tu(. *.-__«'_ mil _v H-3.H to AHktCf- a SACRAME'-ITO. UEAVK. T_UNS RC^ DAILY. ARKIV -6:30 A CaiiaUsga and Napa 11:40 A 3:03 P Ca ~ioga s_d Naja 7:30 P 12 .■— A ....A-shland and Portland-... 3:40 A S:3t) r ..—'ining. El Paso alii? —Wt- 6:4.1 f T:3O p . ....Knight's Lauding- 7:25 A 10:30 A Lc* Angeles 8:43 A 8:00 P °*den anJ a^f' ~ ;ieC°n° 5 : *5 P .„„. . „Ceutral Atlantic Express.. -.-_ . 13:01 A For Ogdeu and E_t 555 ' 3:00 P -...Oroville 10:30 /. 3:00 P...Red Blutf via Marysville...! 10:30 A 10:40 A Redding via Willows I 4:00 f 4:00 A ..Sau Francisco viaBenicia.,l 12:35 A 6:10 A _S<—. Francisco via Benicia.. 7:30 > 3:05 P „San Francisco via Benicia.. 11:40 A 6:30 A -San Francisco via Benicia.. 8:40 I •10:0O A..San Fra:icisco via steamer. <6:00 a 10:50 A San Francisco via Livermore 2:50 f 5:50 P .JSan Francisco via Benicia.. 11:40 A 10:50 A San Jose 2:60 1 5:30 P Sauta Barbara. 8:45 * 6:30 A Santa Rosa. 11:40 P 3:05 P Sauta Rosa. 7:30 ) 8:15 A .Stockton and Gait 6:45 P 5:30 P JStockton and (ialt 8:45 A 8:00 P Truck—and Reno 5:25 P 12:01 A Truckee and Eeno- 6:55 A 12:05 P -Colfax- 10:M> a 6:30 A Vallejo 11:40 A 3:05 f Vallelo t -SO F *6:3t A ....Folsom and Placervile _;50 P *3-.r,0 I ...Folsom and Placerviile .. 'UiSS A •Sunday excepted, tsunday only. SMondaj excepted. A.—For morning. P.—For arte* noon. A. N. TOWNB, Gennral Manager. T. H. GOODMAN, '—neral Passenger and 1 lckei Age— tf&Su PIfTiPTAV W. 1.. Douglaa Shoes w baUllUn warranted, and every pai baa his name and price stamped on botton W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN Pine Calf and Laced Waterproof Grain The excellence and wearincr qualities of this she _nnot be better shown than by the strong eudors. tnenta of Its thousands of constant wearers. Ef-.00 Genulnr Hand-sewed, an elegant an 9 stylish dress Shoe which commends ltsel S>I.OO ifand-sewed Welt. A fine cair She ■_ unequalled for style and durability. SO. BO Goodyear Welt is the standard drei 0 shoe, at a popular price. SO.SO Policeman's —oe Is especially adapte w for railroad men, farmers, etc. All made ln Congress, Button and Lace. $3&S2SHOESIa fd°._s bave been most favorably received since Introduce md the recent improvements make them superlo to any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, and If he cannot supply you sen llrect to factory enclosing advertised prfce, or postal for order blanks. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brocktoa, —h#, WEINSTOCK, LUBIN & CO.. Agents, Nos. 400 to 412' X St., Sacramento. rr- -■_. r. ccomo is^.o <■ •?■ "'■ '- ': c* rkfi&fi ERRORS OF YOUTH. | S (^O SUFFERERS FROM 8 2 'yP^it .\crvous nchility. g _ i '/> You«l,rBl I»<liscretion», g X \ V&4 Lo*t Manhood. I \jliy Ba Your Own Physician 1 % i^Cet Many men, from the effeota of youthful ty ift imprudence, have brought about a -ttatf of ij> w WM-CB-Bi tfa*t ha-4 mlueeii th. Kviuialsys- W B tern so much __ to induce almo-L every tt V other disease, and the real cause of the V C trouble scarcely ever beinjf suspected, tliey O Cf are doctored for everything but the right Q H one. Notwithstanding the many valuable W jf remedies that medical science ha_ produced BE B fur the relief of thwcla*^ .of patients, none V D of the ordinary mode;* of treatm»_it effect a «■ rt cure. During our extensive col leg*1 and bos- p_. y pital practice we have experimented with W 55 and discovered new and concentrated n-iue Cl V dies. TheaccompanyinK'pre'HTiption iaof- M Q fered as a oertnln and npeedy cure, an g O hundreds of cases in our practice have tieeu « 3 restored to perfect health by its cs* aftor w X all other remedies failed. Perfectly pure in- g B gredients must be used in the preparation of g « this prescription. V Q R— Krythroxylon coca, l-_ drachm, <> rt Jerubebin, 1-2 drachm. /> R Helonias Diolca, 1-2 drachm. jf Gelsemin, 8 (Trains. 26 « Ext. ignatiro amane (alcoboUc%l grains g O Ext. leptandra, 2 scruples. O B Glycerine, q. a Mix. » rt Make fiO pills. Takel pill at3p. m.,and an- H S other on going to l«?d. In some cases it will Q V 5 be necessary for the patient to take two pi Us S o at lH.'dtime,inakingthenumbcrihreeaday. O S This remedy is adapted to every condition of » S nervous debility and weakness in either sex, S 55 and especially in those cases resulting from JB V, imprudence. The n-cuperative powers of g ■O this restorative are truly astonishing, and its </ i A use continue-ft for a short time changes the o rt languid, debilitated, nervelt_s condilUßl tv jS on( * °t renewed life and vigor. SB B As we are constantly in receipt of letters of W <& inquiry relative to this remedy, we would jw n say tothoso who would preferto obtain it of g m us, by remitting SI a securely sealed pack- § z6 age containing 00 pills, carefully com- ffi VT pounded, will be sent by return mail from g B our private laboratory, or we will furnish C w rt packages, which will cure most cases, for 35. O -| Address or call on ft, § New England Medical Institute, | S 24 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. W r.-.V« Copyright, 188». by F. V. Hilleb. K«j T^'^^ ■ • " my'— IyMWF&w FO-3L m ATiE. 4*' U Spanish r* jH<*5»N:r Vc^~>- Bticks at Whitney's, near . x 1 i ' *¥\ Koci.lin, i'lacur county. iki ', ,^_».'i\ jttiiN r win;- ;v, Jm^^^Sr^ suioi.i lrn:-t;: 'S^Z—YYY'^ GUTHRIE BROS., P:'A' TH'AL PIXMHER3. STEAM AND GAfi —tten, Koolin*? and Jobbinc. Sipnge wat«i r■'•.!■■ -.1 from basements at vety low price* T: on.-. IKS. 127 .1 Streßt '_6-*/ 1 N HE SOPEKIOR COIRT OVI HE 00——— 1 of Saeramento,.State oi California. In the matter ol J. H. Willi t;, an insolvent debtor. J. ri. WHITK havitic filnl in this Court his petition, Bch—ale an.l inventor}" sn insolvency. by tvhich it appears that he is an ii-M.'.vent" debtor, the said J. B WHITK is her.l.v declared to be insolvent. The Sheriff ot the County of Saerameiiio is hereby d rected to tike possession of all the estate, real aud per sonal. of the —id J. B. WHITE, debtor, except such as m*y be by law exempt from execution, and of all his deeds, vouchers, books of account aud papers, and to keep the same safely until the appoint ment of an assignee of his estate. All oersous are forbidden to pay any debts to the said insolvent, or to deliver any property belonging to him, or tr. any person, hrm or corporation or asso ciation ior his nse. The sai-1 debtor is hereby forbidden to transfer or deliver any property until the further order of this Court, except as herein ordered. It is further ordered that all the creditors of said debtor be and appear before the Honorable Judge of the Superior Court of Hie County of Sacramento, tn cpen Court, at the Courtroom of said Court on tne -'eth day of t-EITKMBKR, 1890, at 1:30 o'clock P. M.'of that day, to prove their deb'.s, choose one or more assignees of the estate ot said debtor. It is further ordered that the order be published in the Sacr.—ksto Daily P.k oi:r>-l'NioN, a newspaper of general circulation published iv the County of Saera meii'o. Califor—a. as oilen as the said paper is published before the said day set, fm the meeting of tbe creditors. And it is lurther ordered that in the meantime all proceedmp against the fnid insolvent be staved. Dattd August ii. 1890. JOHN W. ARMSTRON9, Judge of the Superior Court. Isaac JosErit. Attorney f**r Petitioner. auJC-td IN THS SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CAL ilcrt:ia, C unty ol Sacramento. In the rvnt ttr of the estate of DANIEL B. WABHBTJRN, d. ceased Notice is hereby given that Fk IDAY, th. tn davof September, 1890 atlOo'ehck a. m. ot said day, and the Court-room ot Mid Cuurt. at the Court-house, iv the City of Sacramento, County of Sacramento, and Sta'e of Calitoruia. ! have been apt*r>i„ed as the time and place for I proving an authenticated copy ot the will of | said DANIEL H. WASHBURN, deceased, and •for hearing the apt lieation ol A'.„RT 11. —ALLISON for the Ls»uance to him of letters testamentary thereon. Witness my baud aud the seal of said Court, this '_th day of Au rust. IS9O. [SK.U..I W. B. HAMILTON, Clerk. Jobxson, Johnson & Johnson, Attorneys for Petitioner. au-f.-i.l IN THE SCPERIOR COFRT, STATE OK CAIr Hornia, county ot Sacrameuto. In the mat ter ot the estate ot NNIK _aT, necea—d. Notice II hereby givrn that FRIDAY', the 12th 1 day of September, ISO, at 10 o'clock a. m. of ' said day. and the Court-room of s*id Conit, at 1 the Court bouse, in the city of Sacrameuto, I county ol Saciamento and state of California. ! have been appointed as the Uine an 1 place for j proving the will of said ANN'If. MAY. deceased, i and for" hearing the application of THOMAS C. : >! VY for the issuance to him of letters testa ' men tary thereon. _,'_________,_,.____,__» Witness my hand and the seal of said Court, ' this JOth day of August. 1*». ■ I«E\L I WM. B. HAMILTON, Clerk. ' Johnson, Jchnson & Johnson, Attorneys for I Petitioner. au_-lot The best placo In California to have yo>_ I printing done: A. J. Johnston & Oo.'s, 410 J j Meet, socraiac-st} Col. MlBC_l___ K:>_S. *BAKER & HAMILTON,? IMPORTER*) AND JOBBERS C» HlJ_._R,_D"vVJ_._R,__!, IRON, STEEL, COAL, POWDER, Agricnltnral Implements _ Machines, A Sacramento Lnmber Compy{™3!:-r- Main Oflice: Second street, _ and M. Tarel: rront and R streets, Sacramento. NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND^OMMBITgOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, USDEF.WEAB. and All Kinds of FURNISHINO GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. INT- _-_oi__._\_-Lss__Ly's, 300 «T St. MSGS3 *BH a DBS. LIEBIG * CO.. i<i<* OMost and Most Reliable K3 _ Sja W Spedal:.*t-* ou the Paeitic * .i> s-rvet, San Francisco, an.l C-H « Ihb SK. Hi—»lw-ar, Bntte City, M":.t—.... continuo to Bi*o.-,Uly an.l perr*a _i s^_ ''-*"*l-I >" *'ur*' **- dirouic- cpec'*!. aii.l * -: oo matter IRa nabS 'low Complicate*! or u-hol.A-J f-i:!f .1; 1t1,.-,.t nil.' --!.;■» t »:-.■..-.>. Sruitn*! __' H tStmt TTnttiuaa taaaoS Vigor aad Manlii*.*.'.. Vn.statovrli.-*. stri.-turc rt*-. ■Cl M n -v'u.l for illust—to.l paper f\v'-4'-" r-- whj l_ DMadi ttmma/1 izet aaatn *aS p ~ffi l>-.'" »'«i"»«ifi ful 4i«*r--iu-> Invigo—*>tor m MX-&_\ J_L f-D inn fcp«*r!lH* for nbovr ,-.-..i|.i-»(iit^. 32—5^35 *5S o:.i dollar trial r-orr'—: sk.ntkkkk on application. T*VAUU__L9——<«—B Addr—• I'll* «.i: —', ST.. S. I.. CAI» JDOOTOn. XiIMBIG- «_> CO. This Great Strengthening Remedy and Nerve Tonic Cares with unfailing certainty Nervous and Physical Debility, Seminal Weakness, Spenna. torrhoßa, Impotency, Prostatorrhoea, Herperteethesia, (over-fensitivenoss of the parts) Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Impurities of the Blood and Diseases of the Skin. It permanently stops all unnatural weakening drains upon the syrtem, however they oc cur, preventing involuntary _minal losses, debilitating dreams, seminal losses with the-urine, or whiie at stool, etc., so destructive to mind and body, and cures all the evil effects of youthful fol lies and excesses, restoring exhausted Vitality, Sexual Decline and ——« of Manhood, how ever complicated the case may be. A thorough as well aa a permanent core and complete restoration to perfect healt> Strength and Vigor of Manhood is absolutely guaranteed by this justly celebrated and reliable Great Remedy. Price, $2 50 per bottle, or five bottles for »10. Sent upon receipt of price, or aO. D., to any address, seenre from observation and strictly private, by Dr. HALFIE—D & CO., 316 Kearny Street, San Fraaoisoo, Oal. sufficient to show Its merit will be sent to any one applying b • • -"*< i* i > »<«* ■_- stating his symptoms and age. ■•* 1 ".A\» WV-Nw* >>V.*. I- z Consultations strictlr confidential, by letter or at offlce rata - ,_._ d&wly ATTORNETS-AT-LAW. J. F. BBOWN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office—Southeast corner Seventh and J streets. Sacramento, Cal. jy*—-tf S. C. DENSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office—42o J street. Sacramento, Cal. jyl2-lm CHARLES H. OAT—AN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. OtHce —420 J street, Sacramento, Cal. Notary Public. ty!s-tf CLINTON _. WHITE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW— Oflice at the rooms of Board of Trade, over Wells, Fargo A Co.'s, N. E. corner Second and J streets, Sacramento, Cal. Telephone 247. A. _, HART, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW — OFFICE : SOUTH west corner Fifth and J streets. Rooms 12. IS and 14. Sutter Building. — THOMAS W. HUMPHREY,; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Southwest comer Seventh and J streets; Notary Public. Collections. Sacramento, Cal. DENTISTRY. F. F. TEBBETS, DENTIST, 914 ->IXTH *TKEET-j6f223^ between I ru*. J. west side.t^tSSiUk opposite Congreg—ional Church. X-Lr _&_K_£_^\!_l^Sfc awfCJaZ^mlZ^Cf- icorner of Sixth Jr and X streets. iIF-tr^^ Bacrameuto. ti DR. W. O. REITH, DENTIST, BOUTHEAST COR- ,__. net Se vert h and J streets JK_J_M_ over Lyon's Store. Sacramento fffWiOßii Cal. 01-tf M-Uj—___' C. H. STEPHENSON, DENTIST. CORNER SEVENTH __&*_________ and J street, over Lyon's Dry(?WßH| B) Goods Store. tf "UgllJ DENTAL SCRGERY. FRED. H. MFTt'AI.K, D. D. 8., IS PREPARED TO PERFORM ALL THE latest operations pertaining to the profession. Southwest corner of Eighth and J streets, Sac ramento^ ja4-4ply DR. H. H. PIERSON, 511 J Street, Sacramento. RUS-CESS CARDS. MR*. MARION STIRLING, M. D , LATE LADY PRINCIPAL OF DUFFERIN Medical College for women, and Superin tendent of Women's Hospitals and Dispensaries in Northern British India. Liseoses of women aud children a specialty. OFFICE—Room 7, Odd Fellows' Temple. aus-tt DR. CHAS. E. PINKHAM, 010 EIGHTH STREET. OFFICE HOURS— 010 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 r. M. jyll-tf H. P, BOOT. ALEX. NEILSON. J. DBISOOL. ROOT, IT———ON _ CO., UNION FOUNDRY--IRON AND BRASS Founders and Machinists, Front stree!. between N and O. Castings and machinery oi every description made to order. 4p UNDERTAKERS. REEVES _ LONG, •cr na- x> __:__ ■_•__.__:__ n. m , No. 609 J Street, KEEP ON HAND EVERYTHING IN THE Undertaking line. Also, agents for the Indestructible Burial Caskets (made of cement). Orders from city or country attended to at all hours. NO ICE USED. Embalming a specialty J. FRANK CLARK, COUNTY CORONER & UNDERTAKER, No. 1017 Fourth St.. bet. J and K. ALWAYS ON HAND THE MOST COMPLETE stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS on the ooast. Country orders, dsy or night, will re ceive prompt attention. Telephone No. 13*t. 4p GEO. H. CLARK, Funeral Director. W. J. KAVANAUGH, 'CT 3XT XJ (Ei i^t T A. J3T "B "S _ No. Sl3 J St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. ALWAYS ON HANr A LARGE VSSORT ment of Metallic and Wooden Caskets. Burial Cases, CoEns, ajd Bhrouds furnished. Coffin orders will receive prompt attention on short notice and at the lowest rates Offlce open day and night. *P J. MILLER (Successor to Fritz A Miller), xj xo- x> __ -=3 T .a. s _a;:_x., OFFICE IN ODD /ELLOWB' TEMPLE Ninth and X streets. Complete stock o 'ndertaken*' Goods constantly on hand. City and country orders promptly attended to, day oi night, at reasonable rotes. Telenhone 186. 4p TEN $10 GOLD PIECES AMI ONE 850 BILL GIVEN AW.' V TO MY "customers. What I sell is tlie be«t that money cau buy I read character by phienol ogy, _id heal the sick with MAGNETIC SHIELDS. Send 2-cent stamp for books and circulars, which give full information. FR<Jr KseOß SPEAR, Postoffice Block, Sacramgnto. jyl8_■—1_ MALIGNANT T^^y^ BLOOD POISON &^_W3g. o n that dreadful disease, causing Hair falling out, Sore Throat, Mucous Patches in Mouth and Bone Rheumatism, which the Hot Springs Mercury and Potash afford but temporary re lief. Address COOK KOMKDY OcMFANY : Omaha, Neb., or Box 1004, New York City N. Y. Mention this paper. aptS-lyAw E. W. BrneDiog, Bookbinder Paper Ruler and Blank-Rook Manft'r, 702 X Street, Sacramento mv6-t Delightful UriYe Down the RlTersiilc. §TOP AT THK SCTTERVILLK HO"-E. Fine Lunch on the counter. Disreputable aracter-- not tolerated. 1 apll-«m BILLY GROENFVF.LD, Prop LIQUORS, WINE, REER, ETC. SUTTERVILLE —MOUNT VIEW HODSE (formerly Suttetvllle Brewery). Having purchased this property, which is completely renovated, an invitation is extended to my friends and the public to pay me a visit. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Jyl!2-gm J. P. MELCHIOR, Proprietor, THE EL DORADO, No. 836 J Street Sacraaiento. Family Entrance, 1008 Ninth street. KIK-.T-CI.AS9 FAMILY RESORT. tt au_-tf O. F. AH. L.BERGMAN, Props. "THE DIAMOND," FORMERLY 'THE CHICAGO," 306 X street, has changed hands, and will be completely renovated, and in the future con ducted in first-class sty.c. aull-tf CAI'T. N. P. WILDRICK. Prop. UNION * GARDENS, Twentieth and O Streets, .'PHE MOST PLEASANT RESORT WITHIN J the city limits. A first-class BOWLING ALLEY on tbe premises to which all are In vited. The celebrated UNION BEER, and re freshments of all kinds, can be had. my.-7-tf JACOB GEBERT. Proprietor. CONCORDIA BEER HALL, No. 1031 Fourth Htreet. BAYING MADE EXThNSIVK IMPROVE ments the public are now coidially invited to a first-class resort. Sandwiches of all kinds. Buffalo Beer ou dratutlit and in bottles. The linest Wines, Liquors and < igars on hand. my—-ly H. KOHNE, Proprietor. #K_B_^ aa____l^l_^__? IBT,k wza. iT. Xiemp's ST. LOUIS AND PILSNMK-ItOHKMIA, BOTTLED AND ON DRAUGHT AT WISSE MANN'S SALOON, 1030 Fourth st. Fam ilies and saloons supplied by the bottle or keg. ly HKO. WISBEMANN. Ageut. EBNER BROS., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALSIRS IH WINKS AND Ll _ JJOB-, UO and 118 _ st., bet Front and Hecoud, Sac'lo aeietTs pob thk cm,ebratrd POM 31—S —' AND OP-IINO OBAMPAG—I Iplm M. CRONAN, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies, Brandies and Champagpne 230 _ street, and 1108-1110 Third street, Sacrameuto, Cal. iptf JAMES WOODBURN, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN fine Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and Liquors. Nn. 417 Ii street, Sacramento. Thanking my old friends and patrons for their former patronage, I solicit a continuance ol the same. *-jr All orders will be promptly and carefully filled. apl-tf4p SUMMER RESORTS. CAMPBELL HOT SULPHUR SPRINGS, 81 -erra county, Cal.. _ miles trom Truckee. Good stage road; hot and cold bath«: plunge and swimming baths -20 by 40 feet H. PIERCE, proprietor. Keeps tirst-class hotel. aul-lm TRUSTEES' SALE. WHEREAS. FLAVEL P. CHAPIN AND DELIA C. ROOD ma-le a certain deed of trust to ED. R. HAMILTON and VN M. P. COLE MAN, dated December 17, 1885, and recorded December 19,1885, iv book 108 of trust deeds, at page 509 and following, recorOs ol Sacra meuto county. State of California, the taid deed of trust conveying the real property hereinafter described lor the purpose of securing the pay ment of a certain promissory note of even date therewith, made by FLAVEL P. CHAPIN aud DELIA c. Rv,OD : and whereas, default has been made in the payment o; the principal and interest of —Id note, new therefore, by the au thority vested in them by said deed of trust and upon application of the holder of said note, the undersigned, as suoh Trustees will, on SATURDAY, August HO. 1890, between the honrs o IJ and 11 a m., in front of the Court house door, in the city of Sacramento, county of .-'acramento. State ot California, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in (J&ited States gold coin, all the real property situate in Sacramento county and described as follows, to wit: Lots one aud two ot the north v/tst qua ter of section number thirty, iv town ship eight not th, range six east. Mount liablo base and meridian, containing one hundred and si—r one 7.i-100 acres, more or les*, together w;-.h all the improvements and appurtenances belonging. H.D. R. HAMILTON. Trustee. W. P. COLEMAN, Tru-tee. The above Trustees' Sale H hereby postponed to WEDNESDAY, September 10, 1890, at the same hour and place. Sacramento, August 28, 1890 Eu. R. HAMILTON Trustee. au„ BMW- W. P. OOI——AN, Trustee. Fo_ 111 OILY! 8 Q„ -TJJUF TorLOSTori—tT.T?7G X£——)09* •HSTWs—Ut»_ Oeneral— d NERVOUS DEBILITY f*STTTJ "ST 1 Wea—i—i of Body and ttind*. Sffecb %.' %J _&J_ fErr<—lorExcssesinOldorY—ia '. ',* JllMlimi ;,i!'. I! .t.-,.-\. I!iw tn l.ahro* _j Mmt'.—WK.l.l'Mlr:', i - .*: I'.IRTS . f IIODT, *.' ■l-.H.Iv unr—:.■,«; U'i-" r—Rrcftlt. if. a da«, N—lr— ff Tron f. Stair., Irrrl!..*-!.-., and —rrhm l'o_t'> 1. -i,-anwHl.*tbfm. Booli, rut!.-.nt-maUni, and prn-.rsai. isca—U In— Addreas £R[E MEDICAL UO., BUff.iLfl, k. r —_'_—.—J WFA IfMANHOOD WW __. _■_. _^ fcarly Decay ami Abuse, _ ™ J™ » m ■ ■» .impotency. Lost Vigor, ani b—lth lull V restored. Varicocele cured. Pens enlarged, strengthened. New Home Treatise sent (ree and sealed. Seeresy. ProC It. 8. BUTTS. 114 Fuitou St. N. V-