Newspaper Page Text
NATIONAL CAPITAL. Tornadoes, Says General Greely, are Rot Dangerous. GL'ESSIXG CONTESTS ARE LEGAL. Under the New Law Silver ia Ad vancing in Australia— Pork Wanted in Denmark. (SPECIAI. DISPATCHES TO THE EECOED-UNIOS.] TOKNADOBS NOT DANGEROUS. '•Seiicrul Greely Exhort, the Public Not to be Scared. Washington, November llth.—The an nual repoit ofthe Chief Signal Officer, Geu eral Greely, says there has been a decided improvement in the condition nnd officer ing of the army as regards the Signal Serv ice practice. The most important event in connection witn the work ofthe Signal Corps has been the unprecedentedly successful establish ment and maintenance of an elaborate sys tem of heliograph signaling in the Depart ment of Arizona, longer distances being attained than ever before. Referring to the weather branch of the service, General Greely says: The duties devolving personally on tha forecast Offi cer permits less than one-quarter ofa min ute on an average in which to decide, formulate and express a forecast for a State or district regarding any meteorological element, such as the weather, temperature and wind. Rarely can a minute be given for predictions for any particular State or district. Notwithstanding all difficulties, there were only fourteen occasions last year on which the severe cold waves were not predicted, 93 per cent, of all the impor tant cold waves being predicted. Speaking of tornadoes, General Greely Bays : It appears from data on hand that in no State may a destructive tornado be ex pected oftener, on an average, thsn once in two years, and that the area over which total destruction can be expected is exceed ingly small, even in States most liable to these violent storms. General Greely be lieves this is a matter of great pubii. im portance, and desires to impress upon the people at large how small are the chances of personal injury or loss of property in this connection. In conclusion he says that tornadoes are not so destructive of life as thunder-storms. GUESSING CONTESTS. They are Held Not to be in Violation of the New Law. Washington, November llth.—ln re sponse to inquiries by Postmaster-General Wanamaker, as to whether advertisements in newspapers of a "guessing contest," in its various phases, is in violation of the Revised Statutes, as amended by the anti lottery Act of September 19,1890, Attorney- General Miller has submitted an opinion in which he holds in the negative. The Attorney-General cays in the course of the lengthy opinion : "If the offers were not made in good faith it would be a scheme for obtaining money under false pretenses. Being made in good faith, the gifts are doubtless offered with the purpose of increasing directly as well as indirectly the sale of those newspapers, and render ing their business of increased value to those who oiler the prizes. "It is clear that the statute is directed against only such enterprises as are de pendent upon lot or chance. It will hardly be contended that the enterprise under csnsideration was dependent upon chance within the meaning of the statutes. It seems to me that this question must be answered in the negative. In conclusion it may not be improper to say that this law was framed with a view to the suppression of certain well-known and wide-spread agencies for evil, and it is certainly not wise to embarrass its execution by a strained or unnatural construction in reaching after practices not thought of as motives for its enactment.'' EFFECT AT THE ANTIPODES. The Silver Bill Has Caused the Metat to Advance. "Washington, November llth.—In his report to the State Department on Aus tralian silver. Consul Griffin at Sydney says the advance in the price of silver since the passage of the silver bill by the "United States Congress has already made a difference in the annual value of that pro duct in Xew South Wales alone of more than $1.946,600. Griffin says in three days the price ad vanced from So to 91 cents per ounce, and is now quoted at $1 10 per ounce. This advance, he cays, is likely to have marked influence upon the trade relations between the Australian and Eastern countries, and may result in the establishment of a direct exchange between these colonies and China and Japan. The Minister for Mines of Victoria re ports that none of the Victorian silver lodes yet discovered are regarded as of suf ficient value to justify the investment of a large amount of capital in their develop ment. Tbe mines in district, he says, have very bright prospects but even these have not led to the opening of a pay ing lode, -- Want the American Hog. W_BHXtr-TOH, November llth. —The Sec retary of Agricult .re is in receipt of a com munication from Minister Carr at Copen hagen, in which Carr states lhat a petition was recently presented to the Danish Gov ernment by the leading importers of Copenhagen, asking for the removal of restrictions against American pork. Carr says tbe opinion is generally entertained in Denmark that in the near future American pork will be admitted to ail countries of Europe. RECOVERING SOMEWHAT. The Markets Under a Reaction from the Panic. Not York, November llth.—There was a general and important upward reaction in the stock market this morning, due to the improvement in the financial aspect in London. Early cables announced that 2,500.000 pounds of gold was on the way from the continent to tbe Hank of England, and that confidence consequently to a large extent was restored. Stocks on the London Exchange opened 1-2 to 3J points higher and at the close the market was rampant, everybody scram- iF-uJ-l Stools —or— FURNITURE And tlie Lowest Prices always —AT— W. D. COMSTOCK'S, FIFTH AND X STRKKTS. nl-tf DANCING CLASSES, 1000-1801. /^HILDRESX ELAMI OMMKKf E9 r\ \j BATTJRDAY AFTERNOON, Oct. >v^ lSth. at 2P. M. Join at once. Ew\ as ( lass, MONDAY, Oct. tjijL 20th, at 7 11 i. M. Lessons. 50 cents. Kt^Vl s' and ticutlemcn's Class, >/-,' 'i% AY,OctOlt.T2lst. ~ "•T'il PKIVaTE LESSON- at all hours. _•■ , _^fr TURNER HALL. - ——!^ • 3QNE3. FISCH A WAT PR. JORDAN & CO.'S V* MESEIM OF ANATOMY, Rgwl 751 Market St.. San Francisco, ' Admission, 25 Cents. P £_\\- 9 Go and iearn how to avoid dis \ ______t_\ ease coiisultationand treatment I rWP L personally or by letter on sper N f, tS matorrhea or f-enital weaknesses »,. fiw 1 and all diseases of men. send ■_ i_ for book. Private office «1 Ceary atreet. ConstilUtlon lree. aull-tfw WEAKFREE 'WOft ,_iCN .nr s. 1 !.:«!>«> i_-l <^UI-wi-! VI-; £.__ 1 Dlseanes. etc t . .1 :,, N. T. ' MWF&w FRIEND & TERRY Lumber Company. Main yard andloffice 1310 Second street. 3w»nci' -»r«l_ Cnm«" Twal *th and T _lra»t> EMIL BERLINER, TEACHER OF PIANO. NO. 888 TENTH street, northwest corner Tenth and I streets, Bacramento, Cal. -81m bling to purchase and prices leaping up 2 percent, at a bound. At noon money was tight, with no offers and 20 per cent. bid. The stock market after 11 o'clock showed a moderate volume of business in comparison with tbe enor mous sales of the first hour, and while a firm tone prevailed the highest prices were not generally maintained. Reading and Burlington were conspicu ous for weakness, and Louisville and Nash ville and North American displayed mest strength. Union Pacific held at from 48 to if>i, and afterward held steady at about 47. Some sales were made under the rule for the account of Whitney it Co. Rnmois of trouble among the banking institutions were current all day, but no one paid much heed, thinking they were the U3ual emanations of baar minds. After the close, however, it was learned that three banks, members of the Clearing House Association, had a difficulty in set tling the claims of otber banks against them. There was a balance against tne Bank of North America of $1400.000, which it was unable to settle. Tbe other banks were the North River and Mechan ics' and Traders'. How the heavy balance was created against the Bank of North America was a puzz'.e. During the day the Mechanics' and Traders made its settlements with the Clearing-house all tight, and the other two banks received assistance from other banks in tbe association and pulled through all right. At the Bank of North America it was stated that the trouble was directly due to the accouut of Decker, Howell & Co., and now that account with that bank was in a stronger position than ever. The most important factor in the devel opments was the scarcity of money. Right up to the close it was in urgent demand and J per cent, and legal interest was charged, equal to lb9 per cent, per annum. This fact and the troubles of the banks caused a special meeting of the Clearing House Association, and after a long session it was decided taappoint a committee, con sisting of the President, with authority to issue clearing house loan certificates in order to enable banks to settle the balances between themselves. This action is ex pected to restore complete confidence. The failures reported are numerous. The first announcement to-day was that of Charles M. Whitney & Co., prominent members of the Exchange. Charles M. Whitney & Co. represent heie the Whitney National Bank of New Orleans and some other Southern financial institutions. The firm was composed of Charles M. Whitney, Edwin S. Larcher and Frank M. Larcher. Their assignment is to George W. Quintard, with no preferences. Whitney it Co. have been heavy losers in several stocks, of which they carried a large line, and some of which for a month past have been almost unsaleable. It is not known yet whether the aggregate lia bilities will be sufficient to cripple any other traders. The assignment is reported of John T. Walker, Son it Co., importers, etc. Tbey are rated by R. G. Dun & Co. at ovpr $300, --000. The tirm was composed cf John T. Walker, John W. Coombs and Joseph Walker. William T. Ryie was made as signee. The cause of the failure of Walker & Son was the inability of Nightingale Bros. & Knight of Paterson, N. J., silk manufact urers, to liquidate their liability to the firm. According to Assignee Rytes, the Paterson firm owes tbe estate of John T. Walker & Son, $140,000, of which $100,000 is overdue. The active capital of Walker it Son for the past two yeais has been $300,000, so they weie unable to withstand the loss. The firm has been carrying a heavy load for the past four years, and whenever the Paterson tirm was unable to meet its obli gations it was taken care of. Owing to the tight money market and a suspicion as to the silk firm's paper, caused by several re cent failures, the firm was unable to get tbe usual accommodations and suspended pay ment. The liabilities are $1,100,00 J. The nominal assets are $1,300,000, composed of $500,000 in merchandise, and $800,000 worth of accounts and bills receivable, of which over $400,000 are due from Night ingale Bros. & Knight. An attachment was issued this afternoon against Nightincale Bros, it Knight, silk manufacturers of Paterson, N. V., for $63,- Ci!9 favor of Walker, Son & Co., assignees of the Walker firm. It is said tbe attached firm owes them $410,000. The failure of Decker, Howell it Co. is also announced on the Stock Exchange. Decker. Howell it Co. made an assiantuent to William Nelson Croweli. The firm is one of the largest on the exchange, and is considered very wealthy. It has been iden tified for years with the movement of Vii lard stocks, and was generally considered Viliard's special brokers. The failure dis persed the cloud that had been hanging over the market, and after it was an nounced a rally of 1 to 2 per cent, occurred. Assignee Cromwell said this afternoon : "The liabilities are about $10,000,000, and the asset 3at present market prices largely exceed that sum. The liabilities are due almost entirely to banks and bankers on loans made in the course of business and are well secured. The cause of the suspen sion was the inability to borrow the neces sary amount of cash required in tbe day's business. The firms' transactions were very large, it being necessary to borrow several millions daily. The firm had an abundant of collateral to-day and ie was not for the lack of secnr- ! ity, but the inability to make it available , that caused the crash. It was simply a matter of absolute inability to get money on tbe best securities, owing to extraor- | dinary money stringency now prevailing, i As securities are their special line there ' may be a disposition on tbe part of the j creditors to sacrifice them on the market. | but such a course would be suicidal. It ' the creditors have good judgment to hol_ , securities they will be amply protected, Tbe firm of Decker, Howell & Co. was one of the most prominent on the Stock Exchange. It was identified not only with the Villard stocks but with the Standard Oil interests as well, and also carried ac counts of some of the largest stock ope- j rators in Chicago. After their failure was announced, large sales for their account were made, under the rule, in the Edison General Electric stock, forcing it down 34J points. A large amount of Great North ern preferred, Northern Pacific common and preferred, North American, Manitobs, Wisconsin Central and Missouri Pacific was also sold, causing depression in those stocks. rnii.APEi.rniA. November llth. — The stock brockerage firm of Narr it Friend has j suspended. They say their embarrassment was caused by the continued drains pro duced by the active market of the past ten days. The firm hopes the suspension will . only be temporary. They are are unable yet to make a state ment of the assets and liabilities, but it is thought they are heavy. The firm has been long of the market lately, especially on Northern Pacific stocks. When these stocks broke badly to-day on account of j the failure of Decker. Howell it Co. in New York, Narr ,v Friend called upon a nnra ber of customers for margins, but they failed to respond, and the firm could not carry out their contracts. This evening it is said that $25,000 will cover their differ ences. Washington, November llth.—Secretary Windom said this evening lhat his latest information from Wall street was that the • situation was improving, with indications that the worst was over. He declined to say whether the Treasury Department would or would not do anything for the reiief of the money market, but admitted that be was giving the matter serious con sideration. The Department, he added, stands ready to redeem 45 per cent, bonds to the extent of its resources, but is not ready to make any overtures to holders of l per cent, bonds. The Secretary said that the recent heavy disbursements had reduced the available surplus to $9,000 000, and it was a question in his mind whether this small working balance could be still further reduced with safety to the business of the department. It is "true the natisnal banks hold $22,000, --000 of public funds, but he did not care to disturb these deposits at present. In explanation of the small surplus the Secretary said that during Ihe period from July 19_- last (the date of the circular in viting proposals for sale bonds) to October 3d, there svas disbursed from the Treasnry ! I -0,000 through the purchase of bonds i and interest payment and $50,000,000 on account of tbe pension payments, ! which, together with the issue of nearly $13 000,000 in new notes for the purchase of silver, made the total amount of money put into circulation $1 1.'5.000.000. "These disbursements," said the Secre tary, "were $7,000,000 in excess of the total receipts during the same time, and I venture the assertion that there never were before in times of peace such heavy pay ments in the same space of time. BASEBALL MAGNATES. Pittsburg and New York to Have But One Club Eacb. FrTTSBU-is, November llth.—The Na tional Players I^eagne began its annual meeting in this city this morning. All the clubs were represented as follows: BostOD, SAOKAMJKLNTO I>AJl___ JiICCUKD-UNIU^, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEK fi, lbiKl. Hsrt and Irwin; Brooklyn, "Ward and Worth; Chicago, Addison; Cleveland, Johnson; Philadelphia, Vanderslice and Wood; New York. McAlpine and Ewing; Pittsburg, Ray and Hanlon; Buffalo. Gil bert and White. The reports of the Secre tsry and Treasurer were presented and re ferred. Boston was awarded the champion ship. A lengthy disenssion followed on the subject of consolidation. All the clubs but Pittsburg and New York reported noth ing done looking to a consolidation with the National League. The representatives of the clubs mentioned reported tbey had entered into an arrangement satisfactory to both sides, and next season there would be but one club in each of those cities. This announcement, while not entirely unex pected, caused a good deal of indignation, and the disenssion following was very stormy. Pending a settlement ofthe ques tion the League adjourned for dinner. The aereetnent between the two Pittsburg clubs was arrived at at a secret conference last night. To-night the climax was retched when Colonel McAlpin and H. B. Rae of Pitts burg arose in the meeting and formally tendered their resignations in the Players' Leagup They flatly said tbey intended to resign from the Piayers' League in order to join the National League Clubs. Then fol lowed a storm. They were argued with and threatened, but were obdurate. They had no explanation to make and merely offered their resignations. The meeting then hastily adjourned until to morrow. The officers of the Players say they have applications from cities that will more than tLI the vacancies created by the defection of New York and Pittsburg. To-morrow's meeting ia expected to decide to accept the resignations. COMMERCIAL. gACK-IME?fXO HARK-T, 6Acr.AM_NTO, November llth. rsrjXT — I*Hw«_» —_fl_y. ajtifcilu 50 « uoi; Csllfc—le. * s'-r 7; Limes, 1556 * box, 75c531 ■fl 100; 3i__n_*, ip."s? BO * b:in.oh tcT _da&- : - toOOSBQ-ts. S-g.T: Oranges, Mexican, S3@4 $ box: Strawberries, V-anla Clara, Cb&'bc "j* drawer; Pineapples, 6Cc each, 57 dozen; Peaches, 81 @1 25 '_, box: Egg Plums, Ibc&il $ box; Atiplee, Spitzbergen, 81 25 @1 75 $ box; Rhode Island Greenings, Slfirt 50 -^ box; mixed varieties, Sl@l 25 box; 1 20 » box: Pears, Sl 25@2 f* box: Peach Plums, Sl 25@1 50 _\ box: Prunes, German, 75c<SiSl 9 box; Prunes, French, Wc_»ll 25 3* box; uui^ees, Sl to Jl 2o p box. CA-iNJ-D I..OOD3—Assorted table. S2@2 10; Apples, $1 60; Apricots, Sl 90; Blackberries, il 95; Cherries, $2 10<a2 CO; Currants, „ 25; Gooi-eberrits, Sl fcOgl 90; Muscat Grapes, 31 55 ®1 '30; Piums, Sl 60; Quinces, Sl 95; Kaspberries, S2 70: Strawberries, S2 70. ilß__JWTT}fi'_— iionr, WSO 3 bbl; Oatmesl, Itt-trt Nak, i_ « E>, }3 30105-fc sack: cor__-eai, -hits. K_s«_o-_ eac_s, yellow, 12 10 » 25-tfc ■HS-KOn-ke- Wheat, B_O,W-_5-c_-.- 12 30, ;00-_> sacks; Hominy, _. 10-_ sack: *2 SO « 100 lb*; Graham. S3 45,10-_ sacks; S3 30, 100 _>- sacks. , . „ „_. V__-3TA2UES — Onions, silverskine. So oO® 4 $ cwt; Onions, Red. $Ss3 50; CS-.HKe, duc!_iSl: Carrots. 50^Guc V 100 Its; Turn ips, new, $I®l 25 'p sack; bunch vegetables, 12-"X «dO_e_; ?«rs_iD*. tl®i 50; Ueets, 75c:^»l; Horse Kadif. 10. *_; in-rile, 20<S,2ic; Artl chotes, 40c * dos: Dried Peppers, 15y4,1Rc; Green Peas, common, 4@6c; do sweet, 6@Sc; Rhu barbi 3®lc B>; Cucumbers, 6^Bc doz; Pota toes— Early Rose, 90c<S>Sl; l'eerless.Sl@l 25; Bur bauks, llwl 25:, SlOl 25¥cU; -we.t Potatoes, "Sl@i 10 f tack; Celery, 75c ■ doz; SDinach. 5c * lb: -tring Beans, ICdbc; Wax Beans, t@sc $ fiv. Summer .quash, 3®-»c Cauliflower, Sl ? doz: Green PeDpers. s_)7c s* lb; Egg Plant, 4(§6ci*lb;Tomatoes. 30icj5;ic'}* box; Okra, h@loc ?. lb; Shell Beans, R&Sc ft ft; Lima Beans. 6@7c ft ft; Watermelons, 76c@Jl "t* doz; Canta loupes, 60@75c ft doz; Corn, Jl _>_.l 50 $ sack: Okra, 10@12)„c. HAf, _a:n _yDFK__-C*t Eay, $10314 9 toe: Alfalfa do, 512&13 » ton; Bran, RS Vton; _;<!dll_p«, 127f too: Haney, whole, paying 51 IS^l 50. rolled, Sl Co: Wheat (choice milling), paying. II 30 r. owt: Rye, »1 3J: Wild Oats, Sl 75 > 100 fts: Tame Oats, Jl 95@2 05; Corn, paying Sl 30 a cwt. GAME—lmeks, Mallard, %» pair, 50@75c; Canvasbac-, 75c-81; Sprig, 40@c0c; Widgeon, 25350 c: Teal, 35850 c; Quail. Sl '25@1 50 t* doz; Gray Geese, 5<)375c ft pair: Brants, 30g50c; White, 25c; Honkers, 7o;t_;Sl; Cottontail, 20jg> 40c. _JAI_Y ?ROl<rT<7T3—Bncter—Y*Uzy.2Ss »B>: Fancy _"ei:air__a,32a33c * lb: Eaaiem Creamery Fancy, 22225 c;pickle roQ. 25_i27J 2 c; parked in _rkl_«, cliolcc, 183253 common, 12%SlSc; (Jheese—Caliromis., 10_U2c: Young America, 12.H @13% c; Eastern 15_>16c; Limburgor, lh® 20o;genui-eSfT-jf, 3"-32 <; American Bwiss, 21c; Kartln's Crß?m, 17i*l^c: Eggs, 40?45c; Cali fornia Ranch Eggs, 38342% c; Eastern Eggs, 25 @27.' _<„. ______ FOULTRY—Dealers' prioe-: Live Turkeys, bens, 14®16c; gobblers, 13<§,15c; dres-ed 17@18c; tuil-grown Chickens, »4©5 V dosen ; younj Boosters, 845J5 V dosen; broilers, IS&i; tame D_c'-5, Ss®6; Fokln |6®7; aoesa, tie 2 !', * ptir. MEATS—Beef, 4',.;'asc; Mutton, 6)a0; Lamb, 9c; Veal, large, 4®sc; small, 6%@7%c; Hogs, 4^lJ^c; dreseea Pork, 7c; H_ms-Eastem, 14® 15c; California, HKc; Bacon—Light medium, »He: selected, lie: extra light, 12>_c; extra light boneless, 13}^®14Xc. MISCELLAKHoCrt—Beeas—A_-i;_, new crop, S'SJlOc; fimothy, Easier-, 6®7c V ft; l^P Corn. Ear. 3®tc, Shelle_, 4X ® SXo » ft; Red Clover. ll®l2]4c 9 ft; Red Top, S®9C. Nuts—Chile Walnuts, new, ll@12c; Cali fornia Walnuts, 9®loc; Almon-s, new, U@l2Xc; Peanuts, California, 6®7c; Eastern, 6®7c; Lard (California), cans, B>_®9c: Eastern, BJi® 10c. Eides, salt, light, sc; medium steers, 6c; heavy steers, 8c; heavy cows, sc; dry, 9c. Taliow. 3>4C. SAM 7__-K_ISCO MARKET. San Feascwco. November llth. FL'il'R—l rade is moderately brisk. We quote: Net cash price for Family Extras, (4 40 <$4 50 *j> bbl: Bakers' Extras, .1 1534 SB; Su perfine, £3@3 30. \\ HEAT—Easiness is of limited volume. We quote: No. 1 White, Sl 32%; choice, Sl 35; mill ing, Sl S7U_ll 40 $ Ctl. BARLEY—Trade is not of heavy magnitude, but stocks are light, and the strong tone of the Situation is well preserved. No. 1 Feed, Sl i(^._: choice, Sl 50; common grade, Sl 45 0,1 *''_: Brewing, Sl 52>-..<^l bl__ for fair to good aud Sl tXi®l 62y_ for choice; Chevalier, ll 4031 CO "_, ctl, as to quality. OATS—We quote: surprise, Sl 82X91 90; milling, 81 77.,41 S2>J; good to choice feed, Sl 7jV._l 80; lair, II 62V-91 67>4; Gray, Jl 07). ■•„. 72k; Black, fl 8902 $ cU. CORN—Advanced rates prevail for Yellow, stocks of which are better concentrated. We quote: Yellow, Sl 32}^®1 35 T» ctl for large „ m ; Jl 02-./g,i -ifor small; W_ite, Sl 35®1 37). ■». ctl. CRACKED CORN—Quotable at 828329 _\ ton. OILCAKE MEAL—Quotab.o at 188327 * ton from the mills- CHOPPED FEED-Quotable at $27,323 $ ton. CORNMEAL—MiIIers quote feed at 828® 29 V ton: fine kinds for the table, in large aud small packages, 3)_o4c * ft. . —Mustard is steady at current figures. Other kind* are not in urgent demand. We quote as follows: Mustard, Brown. 82 50(3.3: ! -ei;ow,?2 3-02 l'j»ctl: Canary,3@3> ic: Hemp, j 3K'«4C; Rat>e, 81 50@2 50; Timothy, t.i@hy_c; Altalls. BA&KC i* ft: Flax, $2 50®'.! 05 * ctl. MIUDLiNi ..--Quotable at g-7_i2S "P ton. HAY'—While rrices in the main continue fa vorable to sellers, it is admitted that the general i tone ofthe market is scarcely as stro-g as it was a nit iso. We 'Hiote : Wheat.Sl2<Sl» 50; Wild Out. £I_*ls: Barley. 510C413; Alfalfa, 513 * ton. STRAW—Finn at 70980 c ¥ bale. HOPS—Ko positive change has occurred in prices, thongh It Is likely a line cf strictly choice ' quality wouid command a trifling advance on I the top rate, quotable at 35 |>40c t* ftforgood to choice BRAN—Prices are well sustained under active I trading. Quotable at 821 60_r22 ? ton. RYE—Sh >w - steadier tone. Some holders are asking 81 0 uotable atSl 31®1 32>4 » ctl. BCCKWHE-T—stocks are not large, quota ble atS2 lA©225«C_. GROUND BAKLEY—Quotable at S32S3S ¥ ton. POTATOBS— Receipts are free, while the demand ta good. We quote as follows : River Reds. 7jcis!; Early Rose, 60<a75c; Garnet I Chile, Kc9Bl; Peerless, 65980 c; Burbanks, 60c i>..\ 35; Sweet.Bl9l2sttotl. "" t 'NIONS— Firm iv price, the supply being moderate. (Juotable at S3 155(3 30 f CU. DRIED PEAS—We quote: Green, 82 0092 75; B'.ac.eye, Sl G0(§1 75; Mies, Sl 37«_$l 50 fl BEAKS—SmaII White arc dull and easy. Peas are not heavily represented and quotations re main steady. Reds are weak. We quote: Bayes, 839094; Butter, S2 75^.3; Pin_, 52<42 35; Ked, 82C592 75; Lima, 83 75; Pea, 82 i>s_>2 95; Small White. 82 5152 65 f- ctl. CHEESE—Stocks are light and prices are a shade higher. Wequote: -hoice to lancy. 12> , | lit; lair to good, 10£12s; Eastern, ordinary to fine. 13415 c * ft. VEGETABLES—Nothing of interest to report. Tomatoes arv in good supply, though slow of sale. Cocombers are also plentiful. Summer We quote as follows: Tomat . box: summer Squash, Sl ■al 28 V box; Cucumbers, 25_.75c f box: Lima Beans, 1!..r.5c * ft: Turnips. 75c * ctl; Beets, ! 81 V sack; Carrots, feed. 30®40c; Parsnips, 81 25 ltd ctl; Cabbage, 50igt"0c» ctl; Garlic, 7«9c I _ ft: Cauliflower, 50960 c V doien: Green ■ Pepperp. 40960 c ftbox: Dry Peppers, 12c: Dry ! Okra, Crfac V ft; Marrowfat Squash, Uosl_ ■ft lort. FRI'IT—*..-ai«es are almost unsalable. Large Strawberries move off very slowly, as they are coming in somewhat greeu. Apples sell at ir regular rates. Very little demand for Quinces. Only Choice Pears are wanted. Raspberries, 810_|13 f 1 chest: Quinces, 75C(t-Sl V box: Huckleberries, MKo V ft: Grapes, 20310 c tor Unseats, 20540 C for Rose ol Peru, 15<a» 85C lor Black Malvoise. 29940 c for Tokny, I H_f"C for Corcechon, 20®4(>c for Ver mel and 4'''96sc box for Isabellas; Wise - Zinlandel, 810318; other kinds, SB®lo ric ft box for com -25 for choice: Pears, • fiw smaii aud 81 25(32 for large rrisa, 8898 lor large and for Longworths; Mex'.ca'i Limes, t I. ::ioiis. diciiy. t7".s. California Lera •ifi,:-: Bananas. 81 25@2 50 * bunch: Pint-pi xi, BS©5 ft dozen; Cranberries, S9® • Dill. PROVISION-—We quote as follows: Eastern Hams, lo' 4 31 - )%c: California refrigerator-cured Ham». 12>i913c: Eastern Breakfast Bacon, 13_,13>£e: California Bacon, heavy and me dium, !Kaioc; do light 12)v»l;4c; do extra light, 14&HXC; do. clear sides, 9%99%c; Pork, extra prime.Bl.V3ls 50: do prime mess. 816 S)l6so:do,mess. 817<_17 50: do, clear. Sis 50.<»19: o, extra clear. 81931950»bl: Pigs' Feet, 81350 914 9 bbl: Beef. mess. bbls. 87 50®R: do, extra mess, bbls, 88 5099; do. family. 811 50® 12 »bbl: do, smoked, 11%A12c V ft: Eastern Lard, tierces, 7-i-®»Hc: do, 10-ft tlns.9®9V,c; do, 5-ft tins, 9hM&i; do, 3-ft tins, 9i»®9X: Call ifomia Lard, tierces, S)i®9c: do. kegs, Mi 9><c: do. IMb tins. 10aio>ic; do. 5-ft tins 10' „c: do, 10-ft pails, tt*3fß3 do, 5-_ palls, lie; do, 8-_ paiis. lli-c »ft. 1 WOOL—Last week was a bad one for local MISCELLANEOUS. yb PILLSL THE GREAT LIVER AND STOMACH REMEDY. CURES ail disorders of the stomach, Liver, Boivels, Kidneys, madder, Nervous Diseases, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Constipation, Costivenesm Indigestion, Bilious ness, Fever, Plies, Etc., and renders the system less liable lo contract disease. RADWAY'S PILLB are ft cure lor this complaint. They tone np the Internal secretion* to ealthj action, restore strength to the stomach, and enable Uto perform its functions. I'KICE, S3 CENTS I'EK BOX. SOLD BT ALL DKl'tiC IS I «i. •J- If your Storekeeper Is out of them we will mail you a box on receipt of prlee c live for 91. BAD WAY _t CO., 38 Warren street, New York. WS<_W Have you used^^ PW^^ ___\W V\\ <S? *-__rj_F PA.NLESS. _r*l_k_l__,jS EFFECTUAL^ STWORTH A GUINEA A BOX.'^C \ For BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS s!li H Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired \ X Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc., > \ ACTING LIKE MAGIC on the vital organs, strengthening the ( ( muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health ( ( The Whole Physical Energy of the Human Frame. ( ( Beecham's Pills, taken as directed, will quickly RESTORE \ ( FEMALES to complete health. ( \ SOLDBYALLDRUCCISTS. S > Price, 25 cents per Box. > ) Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, ) ) B. F. ALLEX CO., Sole Agents for United States, 365 * 307 Canal St., Xew ) \ Tork, u-ho (if your druggist does not Iceep them) will mail Breeham '* Pills on ) I receipt of price—but impure first. (Mention this paper.) ( M It is & solid handsome cake of scouring soap which has no equal for aii cleaning purposes excephin the laundry-To use ih is to value if- What it ill SAI'OLIO do I Why it will e!eau paint, make oil-cloths bright, ..n;! aivc .no !><>rs, tables and shelves a new appearaace. It will take the proa 53 ofl* tlie dishes and off the pots aud pane. You can scour the knives and forks with ii, and make the tin tliincs shino brightly. The wash-basin, the bath-tub; even the greasy kitchen sink will be as clean as a new pin if )on use SAI'OLIO. One cake will prove all we say. I?e a clever housekeeper and try it. BEWARE OF I MIT A TIONS. THERE IS BU T ONE SAPOLIO. "NOCH EffiORCAN'S SOKS CO., NEW YORK. Wool business, owing to the election, which stopped all trade tor the time being, while the results of the Eastern elections have had a tem porarily bad effect on trade generally through out the country. We quote spring: Eastern Oregon and Washington 12<220c I Valley do .20@23 We quote lav. San Joaquin and Southern, free 10©14 i Do defective St^lO I Northern Lamb 15^18 < Do, defective litffilo i HIDES AND SKlNS—Quotable as toUows: sound. Culls. I Heavy Steers. 57 tbs tip * fb —SS^c C}_@— c Medium steers. 46 to 56 lbs. GH9 — —8-5 Light, 40 to 45 B>B by,®— IVifS.— I Medium Cows, over 46 tbs —@5K !%<s— I Lignt Cows, under 46 fts —Qb% \\gs.— I _.lps, 17 to 30 _>a „..„..6 @— 5 @— I Veal Skins, 10 to 17 fts 6 @7 5 @— i Calfskins. sto 10 fts 8 ®9 6 -S— Dry Hideß, usual selections, 9@9J^c: Dry Kips, do. 9'§,'.i>2o fi ft: Calf Skins, do, 9.a9^_c; Cull i Hides, K.ip and Calf, 7c; Sound Dry Salt i Hides, 6c; Cull Dry Salt Hides, 4c; Pelts, shearlings, 10®20c each: do, short, 30<8> i 50c each; do, medium. 65^90c each: do, long wool, 90c@Sl 25 each; Deer Skins, summer, 30® 35; do good medium, 25c % ft; do, thin, 20c ? i ft; Croat Skins, 40550 C apiece for prime and per fect, ?5®35c tor medium. 10®-0c each lor i _____ MEAT MAP.KET—Xo change in anything. I Market well supplied with all kinds. The following are the rates for whole carcasses from slaughterers to dealers: Beet—First quality, SXCMrj second quality, bl_tby_c f lb; third quality, l^c * ft. I Veal—Quotable at 4.iS6c for large and s®Bc i ?ft for small. Mutton—Quotable at 7@7%c _t ft. Lamb—Quotable at 9c ?» ft. Pork—Live Hogs, on foot, grain fed. heavy, :'%<34J4c; light, 4@4%e; dressed Hogs, 6K@7;ic ¥ ft. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK SALES. San Feancisco, November 11,1590. MORNING SESSION. rvpjjlj. 4 05 Andes yjcil 00 Mexican. - ps,a '- "° Scorpion 2>a3oc | (_ A C .2 ob®2 Vt New York 20_&->:: | o' iB 2 85 W. Comstock 46c Con Va'.V.'. 3 !'3@i 00 Eureka 3 GOS4 00 riavaze - 80 Prlre 15c ''aoliar - 350 Navajo. 35c Potngj T'^TH B. Isle 1 00 H„ N .."......'-S «> Mt. Diablo 250 | Point "'.' 2 40@2 45 N*. B. Isle 140 , Jacket ...-2 "o@2 SO Holmes 275 Imperial 30c Queen 1 oo Kentuck 1 "5 Argenta. 10c Jy pnß 1 6i Csom'wea]t_._2 50@2 W Belcher.." 2 45®2 50 S. Gom'wlth J6O Confidence " Delmonte ...._. : .„..75c i 3 Nevada '2 ""» Bodie 1 w@l 40 , ot an 950 Bulwer 35c 8n1110ii..".. 3 00 Syndicate 10c Exchequer 1 16 Mono 65@70c Sea. Belcher 1 40; Lady Wash :jo<i4flc Overman 2 15)000. Pacific ...15c justice 133 Silver King :»a46c I Puion 2 50jPeer _ 20@25c • ltd 1 25 Crocker 25c julia".". 25c Peerless. _sffl3oc Caledonia 40@35e Weldon 15<g30c S. Hill ;Se S. V. Water 96>^'S95?i ; Challenge 2 S.i S. F. Oas 584 Occidental l ls_il -,f AFTERNOON SESSION. Ophir - 4 1094 15;0verman 2 15@1 20 Mexican 2 75< lustlce -1 35 G r-f; 2 20 Inion 2 50 B. A B 3 00| Alta 1 25 C O. Va 4 05 Julia 25aWC S<iva_e 2 s > Caledonia- 40c Chollar 3 (>i* :\ 05 Silver Hill 40c Potosl " '*' v'UslUnge 2 96 H AN 2 20;Occldental 1 2i Point - 2 ib Lady Wash 36<340e jacket 2 55 Andes 1 05 Imperial 3ti_3sc Benton 2 00 Kentuck....- 1 75 New York 2<>c Aicha 1 Co@l 65 W. Comitoek 45c Belcher 2 ViOlEureka 8 7Vrt4 00 Confidence " o toeen '.•"a.&5.t S Nevada 2 7'i-' '■'- N". Com'with 160 rjtah 95c| Bodie - 1«0 Bullion :'• "523 10'Bulwer 35c Etchequer 1 15| Mono — 75c Jackson 75c Syndicate ■_ s _Ug PriK> - SOc Crocker - 2a^Soc Navajo so®3sc Central - Ifc B j. s ,e 100 Peerless _ 30c H, Belie 151e...1 35gl 40| Weldon 20c Con. Pacific Wcg V. Water 94- 4 Dudley IOCS. F. Gas bS},_ Peer 2*325 cl elys QatarhH Cream m\W^k Cleanses *h*SHfi^»S£?| Nasal Paw'i^^aS^Co^/V^HEAjjl Allays P.»n andß^yp^^D| gA Inflam m »t i o n,UL> g _¥___M Heals tbe Sorcg,jfc* a R__iore_ th cß| / "^tP Senses of T_steHf|«' and Smell. |CB^^%^ TRY THE CDRE.HAT-FJ.VER A particle is applied Into each nostril and ia agreeable. Price, 50 cents at Druggists; by mall, registered, 00 cents. ELY BROTHERS BO Warren street. New Y.rk. MWF-wly mHE ABLEST PAPER ON THI OOAST _\_ the WEEKLY UNION. " TRUSTEES' SALE. WHEREAS, FLAVEL P. CHAPIN ANB DELIA C. ROOD ma<3e a certain deed of trust to ED. R. HAMILTON and WM. P. COLE MAN, dated December 17, lSb5, and recorded December 19,1555, in book 108 of trust deeds, at page 509 and following, records of Sacra mento county, State of California, the said deed of trust conveying the real property hereinafter described lor the purpose of securing the pay ment of a certain promissory note of even date therewith, made by FLAVEL P. CHAPIN and DELIA C. ROOD ; and whereas, default has been made in the payment of the principal and interest of said note, now therefore, by the au thority vested in them by said deed of trust and upon application of the holder of said note, the undersigned, as such Trustees, will, on SATURDAY, August 30,1890, between the hours ot 10 and 11 a. m., in front of the Court house door, in the city of Sacramento, county of Sacramento. State ot California, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in United States gold coin, all the real property situate in Sacramento county and described as follows, to wit: Lots one and two ol the north west q^uatter of section number thirty, in town ship eight north, range sis east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, containing one hundred and sixty-one 73-100 acres, more or less, together with all the improvements and appurtenances thereto belonging. ED. R. HAMILTON, Trustee. W. P. COLEMAN, Trustee. The above Trustees' Bale is hereby postponed to WEDNESDAY, September 10, 1890, at the same hour and place. Sacramento, August 2S, ISOO. ED. R. HAMILTON. Trustee. W. P. COLEMAN, Trustee. The above Trustees sale is hereby postponed to MONDAY, September 22,1890, at the same hour and place. Sacramento, September 6,1890. ED. R. HAMILTON, Tni3tee. WM. P. COLEMAN, Trustee. The above Trustees' sale is hereby postponed to MONDAY, October 6,1590, at the same hcui and place. Sacramento, September 19.1590. ED. R. HAMILTON. Truslee. WM. P. COLEMAN, Trustee. The above Trustees' sale is hereby postrxraed to MONDAY, October 20,1890, at the same hour and plice. Sacramento, October 4.1890. ED. R. HAMILTON, Trustee. WM. P. COLEMAN, Trustee. The above Trustees' sale is hereby postponed to MONDAY, November 3,1890, at the same hour and place. Sacramento, October 18,1890, ED. R. HAMILTON, Trustee. WM. P. COLEMAN, Trustee. The above Trustees' sale is hereby postponed to WEDNESDAY, November 12, IS9J, at the same hour and nlace. Sacramento, October 31.1890. ED. R. HAMILTON. Trustee. W. P. COLEMAN, Trustee. The above Trustees' Sale is hereby postponed to THURSDAY', November 20, 1890, at the same hour and place. Sacramento, November 10, 1890. ED. R. HAMILTON. Trustee. an-9-MWP W. P. COLEMAN, Trustee, -jrr^ GOLD MEDAL, PABIB, 1878, W. BAKER & CO.'S ilaJraMast Cocoa JFv.^l^^^ It absolutely pure and MnW\ No Cliemicals I___1___ t' \\\ arc v": * *n '*s preparation. It hat . three timet the ftrength of ; ; $ \w\ *-*-'*oa fixed with Starch, Arrowroot li- 'n tl ll- or 1"' nnt* 1S therefore far more ftffl ■ t\\ economical, coMing lett than one cent ■HI | jj 11 i cup. It i.* delicious, nourishing, ['\ ;. If I \ strengthening, EaSILT DIGESTED, ___»■*____. IfJ^ and admirably cdapted for invalid! M2_a|jMa>^Lg|^P as weil as for persons in health. Sold l>y Grocers everywhere* V. BAKER & CO., Dorchester. Mass. gj Wood-working fl*f MACIHNEEY lla^H^ —-Ot all-inds. ot Rest Make, aa LOWEST PRICE. __£* __\ SAWMILL, AL.TD SUIVSGIJi N_\VN_K_ MACHINERY, **Jl ~~ ~- Hoe Chisel Tooth Saws, etc, 4» ENGINEGOVERNOSS 1(j Iron-Working Tools, *.J£»J_, X, Crosby Steam Gangoi Tfr|7 '*f ENGINES and BOILERS EZ» OF ANY CAPACITY, RTO, tXf-.Z » TATTJM - BOWES, s255pF 84 436 Fremont b„, San Francisco, fSW Mannfaot-r-rs and ____________ MAGNETIC HEALER. MBS. FAVILLE IS PREPARED TO SEE A few patients for magnetic treatment. All aches and pains relieved at once. "Terms very , moderate.^ 1612 0 street. _6-7t(Su) HOTELS ASD KESTAURAJTS. '"*^_f_Pwiß_iß^s-_-^__^F»_»'r:"^^-J_i_ *JV3*"^4 GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Corner Seventh and X street-. W STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. TR Free 'Bus to and from the Cars. W. O. BOW KRS. Proprietor. CAPITAL HOTEL, SACRAMENTO, CORNER SEVENTH AND Ti STREETS. Strictly __f_t-CQ_M— Free 'Bus to and ' front the Cars. B. B. BROWN, fc rmerly of the State House Ho tel, aud ISADORE TOWNSEND, formerly of the Union Hotel. Proprietors. WESTERN HOTEL. THE LEADING HOUSE OF SACRAMENTO, Cal. Meals. 23 ceuts. WM. LAND, Propri etor. Free 'Bus to and from hotel. 4ptf WASHINGTON HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. CONDUCTED ON THE European plan. Washlneton St., Petalnma, Ca1.0.0 _W THE SADDLE ROCK Restaurant and Oyster Housa. FRST-CLASS HOUSE IN EVERY RESPECT Ladies' Diving-room separate. Open day and night. BUCKMANN <_ CARRAGHKR, Pro t rietors, 1019 Second street, between J and X, acramento. tf PACIFIC HOTEL, Corner If and Fifth streeta, Sacramento, CENTRALLY LOCATED AND CONVENIENT to ail places of amusement. The best fam ily hotel in the- city. The Table always sappliea with the best the market affords. Street Can from the Depot pass the door every five minutea Meals, 23 cents. C. F. SINGLETON. Proprietor. PITTTTAW w. 1.. Dou-lnn Shoes a. UaUliUn Murrainril. and every pal ttas his name nnd price stnniped ou botton S)iP i_^_*^ii____B_?:lll3_:i i«% W. L. DOUCLAS 4>3 SHOE GENTLEMEN Fine Calf and Laced Waterproof Graii The excellence and wearing qualities of this she cannot be better shown than ny the strong endors* nents of its thousands of constant wearers. Se.OO Genuine Hnud—«e\ved. an elegant an 9 stylish dress Shoo which commcuds itsel 9.4.0 C Ilaml-newed Welt. A fine calf She *r unequalled for style and durability. >O-50 Goodyear Welt Is the standard drei O . Shoe, at a popular price. 59.50 Policeman h Shoe is especially adapte w for railroad men, farmers, etc. AU made In Congress, Uutton and Lace. 58&$2 SHOES-a fd°,_s iave been most favorably received since introduce tnd the recent improvements make them superic o any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, and if he cannot supply you sen Llrect to factory enclosing advertised price, or wstal for order blanks. W. I . DOLULAS, Brockton, Ittafv WEINSTOCK, LUBIN & CO., Agents Nog. 400 to 413 X St., Sacramento. NOTICE TOJONTRACTORS. Proposals for Excavation and Earthwork. BID 3 ARE HEREBY INVITED FOR THE excavatiou and construction of all that por tion of the (-anal and ditch of the Woodbridge Canal and Irrigation Company, kuown and des ignated on the naps and surveys of said com pany as the east branch of said caual aud ditch and extending from the main canal of said company, near Woodbridge, in a southerly and easterly direction to the Calaveras river. lt is desired to let contracts for said work for each of the several sections or sub-divisions of said "East Branch," as set forth aud described in the plans, specifications and maps for said work, to be seen at the office of said company, at Woodbridge. San Joaquin county, California, WHERE ALL INFORMATION RELATIVE THERETO WILL BE GIVEN. Bids must conform thereto, and must specify the price proposed per cubic yard. All said work must be performed in strict conformity with said plans, maps and specifi cations, and proper secuiity must be given therefor at time of execution of contract. Bids will be received until eight f8) o clock p. m. on the loth day of November, A. D., IfcOO. and must be placed in scaled envelopes and ad dressed to "The President of Woodbridge Canal and Irrigation Company, No. 325 Montgomery street, San Francisco, California." The Board of Directors of said company re serves the right to reject any or all of said bids. Note—The excavation for which bids are asked is for about thirteen (13) miles ofthe pro posed canal, and if everything proves satisfac tory, the party who obtains this contract will probably eventual!v eet the contract for the construction of from thirty-five (35) or forty 40) miles of canal without further advertising. 030-td(Su) IN THE JUSTICES COURT OF THE CITY of Sacramento, in the County of Sacramento, State of California. SACRAMENTO PUBLISH ING COMPANY, plaintiff, vs. LIVINGSTON CHEMICAL COMPANY, def-ndant-summons. The people ofthe State of California send greet ing to LIVINGSTON CHEMICAL < OMPA-IY, deiendant. You are hereby required to apuear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the Justice's Court ofthe city of Sacramento, county of Sacramento. State of California, and to answer before the Jus ice at his office in said city, the complaint filed there in within five days (exclusive of the day of serv ice) after the service on you of this summons, if served within said city in which this action is brought; or if served out of said city, but in said county, within ten days; otherwise within twenty days. The said action is brought to re cover judgment against you, said de'eiidant. for the sum of $72 1)0, alleged to be due from you to plaintiff for an advertisement for five weeks, published by plaintiff in Daily Record-Cmon and Svnday Union, newspapers, andc;stsof suit, as will more fully appear trom the com- Elainton fi!e herein, reference to which is here y made. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, as above required, said plaintiff will take judg ment against you for said sum of 872 90, together with costs of suit. Make legal service and due Ts turn hereof. Given under my hand this 10th day of Septem ber, 1880, Attest: A true copy. JAMF.3 B. DEVISE, _ob9tW Justice of the Peace. TN THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF JL California, county of Sacrameuto. In the matter of the estate cf MARY HAYTON, de ceased. Notice is hereby given, that FRI DAY, the 21st day of November. ISQO, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. and the Court-room of said Court, at the Court-house, in the city of Sacramento, county of Sacramento and State of California, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said MARA HAYTON, deceased, and for hearing the ap plication of GEORGE M. HAYTON for the is suance to him of letters testamentary thereon. Witness mv hand and the seal of said Court, this 10th day of November, IS9O. [sfal 1 W. B. HAMILTON. Clerk. By G. P. Roystke, Deputy Clerk. Chauncey H. Diss. nll-lOt Attorney for Petitioner. $ -k BUYS -Sk. CORD OF OLD LUMBER WOOD. GET YOUR WIN ters supply now at the C. O. D, XAKI) XqH?lb *WS I gtftttM __I_*;i_____!,Bu_rs_ *BAKER & HAMILTON,? —IS_POKT___J AND Jo£3EB_ 0?— -:h:_a»_r,:d"w\a_:r,:e] , lEON, STEEL, COAL, POWDER, Agricultural Implements & MacMne., Cordage, ___________________ e>£°- Sacramento Lumber Qmwl™^^?* Main Offlce: Second etreet, L and M. Tard: Front and X strecla, Sacrtmeuto. MSBEp 'S8 (ft i>KS. LIEBIfi A CO., the 01,1, st ami *e<t Boliable _3 P Bfi fi Sl'';:'::~'-' •■'■• .!.-..■ -X ;.■ • 3GB _l si: Kio-.dwsj', IV.:!.. t':'.y. M . . ii r:> * Sfl >J SISB *^-i:ly i-iiz.' all chiv:ii. »*— 59 l»w eompUoaied or i luinal ~. ». Lota«T Vlifor aad Jl . ■■■ etc. ifi _T S sSB r Isaper e-plaii iaads c__rjo: _ot curwl SJH 5 _'H ,lr- i. lei»i_'« n'on'rrl'ul <;errann Inrig-rntor a *S_____\ <J_ *S "irt- *perilc for above <•<•.»!jv'.-»i:K«. _K?_fs«_s «S .;>_ D_L__,r. Ti.IAL ,:, il T: . \ ATION. «*•-_■_____■_■___■ .td-r-u M. _______ BT- H. I"- CAI. DOCTOR X-113 331 OV cfc CO. RAILKOAIt TL«E UJH-g, mmm pacific OOMPABiTY. PACIFIC SYSTKH Aw _.■____■. X. ISBO. -r»L_j UKiVE and _re (tos to A___lTX »i SACBAft.Eft.TO. LEAVE. TRAINS RCN DAILY. ARRIVE 6:30 A Calistoga and Napa 11:40 A 3:05 P CalisU'sa aud Napa 7:30 . 1« r>o A ....Ashland and Portland-... 3:40 A S:3O F -Der-hie, El P.uo _n_ X__L 6:43 f 7:30 P . Knight's Landing I 7:35 A 10:30 A Los Angel6S 8:43 A g. 00 p Ogden and East — Second ..... p Glass. o.«o r i_-m i-Central Atlantic Express.. ... , 1S'01 A| For Osd-n and Eait SM •* 3:00 P Oroville 10:30 i, 3:00 P ...Ked Fluff via MarjsTilie... 10:30 A 10:40 A Redding via Willows 4:00 p 4:00 A .JSau Fraucisco via Uenicia.. 13:33 A 6:10 A ..San Fraucisco via Benicia.. 7:30 t 3:05 P ,_ian Fraucisco via Benicia.. 11:40 A 6:30 A ..San Francisco via Beuiria.. 8:40 F •10:00 A ..Sau . rancisco it", steamer.. £0:00 A 10:50 A sanFranciseo via Livermore 8:30 F 5:50 P..San Francisco via Benicia.. 11:40 A 10:50 A ;_n Jose 2:30 I 5:30 P Santa 3arbara. 8:45 A 6:30 A Santa Rosa 11:40 P 3:05 P Santa Rosa. 7:30 F 8:15 A Stockton and (ia.t 6:45 P 5:30 P .Stockton and Gait 8:45 A 8:00 P Truckee and Reno 6:35 P 13:01 A Truckee aud Reno. 6:55 A 1305 P Colfax 10:*O A 8:30 A ValieiO 11:40 A 3:05 P Valleio t?:30 P •6:35 A ....Folsom and Piacervile «3:50 P *3:50 F ...Folsoa and Placerville... 'IIiSS A •Sunday excepted. tSunday only. jYondaj excepted. A.—For morning. P.—For after noon. A. K. TOWNE, General Manager. T. H. GOODMAN, General Passenger and Tlckoi Agenl. tfASu ODERTAKERS. REEVES & LONG, UUDEnTAIiERS, No. 609 J Btreet, KEEP ON HAND EVERYTHING IN THE Undertaking line. Also, agents for the Indestructible Burial Caskets (made of cement). Orders from city or oouutrv attended to arall hours. NO ICE USED. Embalming a specialty J. FRANK CLARK, COU>:TY CORO-I-K & UNDERTAKER, No. 1017 Fourth St., bet. J and K. ALWAYS ON HAND THE MOST COMPLETE stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS on the coast. Country orders, day or night, will re ceive prompt attention. Telephone Mo. 134. 4p GEO. B. CLARK, Funeral Director W. J. KAVANAUGH, TJi\r3_>__:_e_.,T_a____'si_._, No. 513 J St., bet. Firth and Sixth, ALWAYS ON HANr A LARGE VSSOST ment of Metallic and Wooden Caskets. Burial Cases, CoCChb. aad Shrouds furnished. Coffin orders will receive prompt attention on short notice and at the lowest rate* Offlce open day and night. tf J. MILLER (Successor to Fritz & Miller), -Ti-3_i_-_.T__.__: __:_=_., OFFICE IN ODD VEL-OWS 1 TEMPLE I Ninth and X streets. Complete stock o Undertakers' Goods constantly on hand. City and country orders promptly attended to, day or night, at reasonable rates. Telephone 186. 4p PROPOSALS INVITED —FOr. FURNISHING— STATIONERY AHD BLANK BOOKS. —" OFFICE OF THE STATE BOARD OF EX amiuers, Sacramento, October 17, 1890.— Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock m.. on MONDAY. November 17, lh'.'O, to lurnish Stationery and Blank Books in accordance with scheduks which will be furn ished upon application by the Secretary of the State Board of Examiners. Samples of each srt'.ele bid on must accom pany eaci proposal, except where so stated in the schedule. Where samples cannot be sent, minute description ol the article, or the stand ard, or copy-righted name must be used. When a standard or copy-nghted name is used to describe an article in this schedule the genu ine article is meant, and bids on noother will be received. The proposals must be for the delivery of the Stationery and Blauk Books bid on at the office of the Secretary State, in such quantities more or less than the schedule names, and at such times between the Ist day of December, 1890, and the Ist day of December, 1592, as the Secre tary of State may direct. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on some bank of good standing, drawn to the order of the Secretary of the State Board of Examiners, for a sum equal to 20 per cent, of the amount of the bid, which check will be forfeited to the State if the bid which such check accompanies shall be accepted and the party making such bid shall fail or refuse to enter into a contract aud execute a satisfactory bond for the faithful perlormance of the contract awarded to him. The Board of Examiners reserve the right to reject all bids if deemed too high. All bids mu=t be directed to the undersigned, indorsed "Proposals for Stationery and Blank Books." 8. P. MASLIN. Secretary of the State Beard of Examiners. o'2!-->t(Su) PROPOSALS INVITED FOR FIT.NISHING Wood and Coal for the SUte Capitol. OFFICE OF THE STATE BOARD OF Ex aminers. Sacramento, October 17, 1590.— Sealed proposahfwill be received at this office until 12 o'clock M.. on MONDAY, November 17, IS9O, to furnish more or less wood and coal, as follows: One hundred ton (2,000 pounds to the ton) coarse screened Syduey or Wellington Coal; price of each to be specified. Four hundred cords (l-foot) Seasoned Moun tain Live oik Body Wood. Four hundred cords (4 foot) Seasoned Moun tain Body White Oak Wood. Twenty cords (4 foot) Dry Pitch Pine Body Wood. Said Wood and Coal to be delivered at the rear of the State Capitol, at Sacramento, at such times and in such quantities, more or less than the amount above stated, as the Secretary of State may direct, between the first day of Dec em ber, IMX)' and the first day of December. 1892. Wood to be measured and Coal to be weighed at the place and time of delivery. Proposals to lurnish Wood and Coal must be made on separate bids. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on some bank of good standing, drawn to the order of the Secretary of the State Board of Examiners, for a sum equal to 20 per cent, of the amount of the bid, which check will be for feited to the State if the bid which such check accompanies is accepted and the party making the bid shall refuse to enter into a contract and execute a satisfactory bond for'the faithful per formance of the contract awarded to him. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids if deemed to high. Blank forms upon which to make bids will be furnished by the Secretary upon application. All bids must be directed to the undersigned at Sacramento, indorsed "Proposals for Wood, or "Proposals for Coal," as the case may be. 8. P. MASLIN, Secretary of the State Board of Examiners. oft-ait-Sui ROBERT D. FINNIE, (Successor to P. H. RUSSELL.) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, TABLE DELICACIES. FINEST TEAS AND COFFKK>- TO !U IV; \i' in the market. Kentucky HluiMira** Socd. A specialty is made of the Bf'T iji'Al HY of BUTTEB. 719 J STREET, 02-U LIQUORS WISE, BEER, ETC. concordTa BEER HALL, Ko. 1051 Fonrth Street. HAYING MADE BXTSKB.VI IMPROVE ments the public are now o_r_l_)ty invite to a Oat-lad rtsor\ S-BdWiebM Ol all kinda. Bu-aln Beet nn draught aud in bottles. The flne-tW- ,n,l Ciiiarvou htnd. my'.>-ly H. Kt)HNE. Proprietor. ■V_~__a. O". Uo-ap's ST. LOCIS AND FIJLSN-K-BOHEMIA, BOTTLED AND ON DR.\l TfiHT AT WISSB MAN.N'S SALOON, 10-0 Kuu-th -:. Fam ilies and saloous supplied by the bottle or keg. 1> -to. W!s-'v.:axx. Ae.h:. EBNER BROS., I_tPOKT„P.S Aire VrEOLBSALE DKALEKB LH WINSS AND 1,1 _l ; >._-•. Ut and 118 X st., bet. Front and second, Sac*-^ AC_KTR FOB TnR C-1.-BRATED PO-CMKBT AND GKENO C_t_l'AG« lplm M. CRONAN, ~ Importer and Wholesale Dealer In 'Ine ■« hiskies, Brandies ai.d Champagne 230 X street, and 1108-1110 Third street, Sacramento, Cal. ;p„ JAMES WOODBURN^ IMTORTEP. AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN fine \\ hiskies, Brandies, Wines and Liquon. No. 417 X street, Saoramento. Thanking my old friends and p_tro_s for their former patronage, I solicit a'ianoe ol the same, ay All orders will bo promptly and careiully fhled. apl-tfip BUSINESS CARDS. HR«, MARION ATIRI.INO, M. 1»„ LATE LADY PRINCIPAL OF DIFFERIN Medical College lor women, and Superin tendent of Women s Hospitals and Dispensariea in Northern British India. Diseases of women and children a specialty. OFFICE—Room 7, Odd Fellows' Temple. auS-tf H. V. BOOT. ALKX. NEILSON. J. DBEOOL. BOOT, NEILSON A CO., UNION FOUNDRY-IRON AND BRASS Founders and Machinist*, Front street, between N and O. Castings and machinery ol everr description made to order. 5p ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. B. F. FENDEKT, M. D.. HAS RETURNED AND RESUMED PRAC ttce, Office in Pottoffice buiidiug, coruer Fourth and X streets. ' putf CBAKLE- H. OATMAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office—4?o J urect, Sacrameuto, Cal. Notary Public. jyls-tf CLINTON la. WHITE, A TTORNEY' AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW- Jt\. Office IX the rooms of Board of Trade, over Wells, Fargo & Co.'s, N. E. corner Second and J streets, Sacramento, Cal. Telephone 247. A. L. HART, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW — OFFICE : SOUTH west corner Fifth f.nd J streets. Rooms 12, IS and v. Sutter Buiidiug. v TnOSAS W. HTJ-IFHKEY,- 4 TTORNEY* ANTJ COUNSELOR AT LAW, Southwest corner Seventh and J streeta; ary Public. Collections. Sacramento, Cal. DENTISTRY.- F. F. TEBBET3, DENTIST, 914 SIXTH STREET,flfc__*___k between I and J, west s^e.JJyc^S^ opposite Congregational Church. **^-Ll I M F DX. W. C. BBITIf, DKNTIST, LINDLEY' BUILD- ing, southeast coraer Seventh IB!S_\______\ and J streets Sacrsmento, Cal. _TyS9Pfc C. H. bTEPHENSON, DENTIST. CORNER SKY-NTH SJi~3_fl^ and J street, ev.r Lyou's Ury«f«fflJHßk (joods Store. tf '^-UXCIJ DENTAL SCKGERT. FRED. H. METOALF, D. D. S., IS PREPARED TO TERFORM ALL THK latest operations pertaining to the profession. Southwest corner of Eighth and J streets, Sac ramento. jal-4ply __________________ -^y_ j^- _ _- _.<- r. :■ ; OF YOUTH. 1 \: e^Q SUFFERERS FROM 0 5^ «V^^>i Kei-ow neMiitv. i .'0 Youthful Indiscretioni. fi r' Los, Manhood. £%J L$/Ba Your Own Physician 11 S Many mon. from the effects of youthful o O impni'Knce. have brought about a state of £. Z weaklier that Ims rvdoced tbe general -^s- X ' tern po in'.icL aa to induce almost every w ■9" other disease, and the real cause of the g _5 trouble it-arei'lv ever beinar suspected. th.-'V O are doctoredfor everythinp but the rieht o S one. N\.twith.=tandiup the many valuable R remedies that medical science lias produced 2 _5 for the relief of this class <-r patients, none S O of the ordinary modes of trvfttm-n' 8 cure. During our extensive college and hos- o 2 pital practice we have experimented with W B and discovered new and concentrated nnie- Cl §5 dies. The aceomi»anvinjj prescription is of- S Q fered as a certain and wpcedy cure, as O et hundreds of ca jes in i.'i:r p_r.*.etii'e liavo Iteen g X restored to perfect health by its on after S X i_a otherremediea failed. EVrfectly purein- cr W Bredients must be used in the preparation of S $£ tins greecriptlon. :' Q R-Eo'throxylon coca, 1-2 drachm, o I Jerubebin, 1-2 drachra. •;■ Helonias Dioiea, 1-2 drachm •:itn. «< gfrains, BE Ext. itrnatiae amarip Calcoholic\2 frrains S Ext. leptandra, 2 scruples. g illveenne, q. s. Mix. a Make'6o pills. Take 1 pill at 3p. m., and an- v other on goinjr to bed. In some cases it will g be Mces*U7 for the ]K*tlent to take two pill" S at bedtime, makinjr the number three a day. v This remedy is adapted tn every eondit ion of o perfOM demUtyand we*__aeSßln eithersex, W nnd esneciillv in thow rnses resulting from g imprudence.* The recujierative p.-u--r- of V ■ .ratirearctnilva.-toiiishin(r.»ndlt_ « use continued f--r a short Omecbanjree the o lanjruid, deblUtated, aerrelen e.-ndition to W one of renewed life and vigor. W \-^ve are constant I v in receipt of letters or ?r inquiry relative to thla remedy, we would « ny tottoeewhowooldpimertoobtalnnoi o ns", by remitting $1 a m cnrely seal; ! pack- » dntng <" l | ..:v com- g pounded,wUl be sent by return mad from M oar private laborat .ry.orwe wfflfnrnteh_l » | <> packages whi- h will curemoatcases, forfa. Q B Address or call on O i New England Medical Institute, | !§ 21 Tremont How, Iloalon, *'a*"_S B_C_l Oprrl-ht. lv^J. IT T. "■ 1'1^^,,,,,, lA# CAI^MANHO O D IfW f aa IV-irly Abuse, w W __■ a a ■ m impotency. Leit Vigo.-, ami h*»lthfullyr«itor*<l. V»rlcoc.lecur«il. r»rt»enl»rg«d. •tr*_eth*npj Nf* Homf Tre»t!se> ient free »n_ le-leA, s<vt<--x. r™r. ii. ». ut'TTo, t~- t ultur. St.. vv. OHAS. FLOHR, 1 )KACTICAL GCNSMITH, 1034 ~ J Sixth street, between J and K. Imt«irter and dealer in Shot- ___WSI RUiiii. Rifles and Pistols. Amrau- _^ w|-iW nil lon of all kinds constantly on W ■ hand, safes and Scales repaired, and Truss** made to order, au7-u