Newspaper Page Text
\ THE DELAWARE GAZETTE. VOL. L] WILMINGTON. WKî)N'I< SOA~V." JUNE r>. 1810 . [NO. 95 Printed and Published On Wednesdays and Saturdays BY JOSEPH JONES, Jn Market street, a few doors above the B .nfc of Delaware. CONDITIONS. J, Tue Dsi. aware Gazette aha I be published a targe folio every Wednesday and Saturday, sheet. II. The price shall be tour dolt.ars per annum, exclusive of postage, payable half-yearly in advance. HI. No subscription will be received for a shorter period than one year. IV. Subscribers shall have the riqht of discontinuing their subscription a» the end of a year from the ' time of their subscribing, by paying what may be «lue, and giving notice of Aoir invention. V. Advertisements, not exceeding sixteen lines, will be inserted four times for one dollar, and for every subsequent insertion twenty cents—longer til« same proportion ; but a reasonable discount will be made in favor of those who advertise by the ones in year, half-year, or quarter. VI. AM articles of a personal or private nature be charged as advertisements, and must be paid riU for before insertion. VII. Advertisements, notices, &c. of all religions rithin the state of De and charitable institutions, lavrare, shall be conspicuously ir,scried gratis. (Pj- The postage must lie paid on all letters and communications addressed to the Editor, through the medium of the Post-Office, or they will not be Te tewed. Grand Lodge of Delaware. Grand Communicati-n of the Grand Lodge of Delaware will be held at the Town Hell in the Borough of Wilmington, on Monday 'he 2. r ,lh* day of June next, at ten o'c lock in the ' ur at whi'-h tile M isters, Past Masters null Wardens of the several Lodges through, the State are requested !r> at'end.—Published by order of the Womhinful JESSE GREEN, Esq. Grand Master of Masons fur the state of Dela ware. A inornu it Edward Roche, ' Grand Srcritcry. M>y '23, 1910. 9'. AN away from the Star Office, in Easton, ! Mil. on Saturday the 19th of May tust, j an apprentice boy, by the name of Joseph Jlurk , I about 15 years of age, but fmall for that age, j lively and free fpeken, looks paie when fpoken to fliarp, very artful, and may change hi« name and p oftffi in—-lie is a fast and tole-ab'e correft compofitor ; bad on when he ian away,a brewn cloth jacket, dark caffimere panmlets, &c. The abat e reward will be paid to any ' pterion apprehending (aid boy, f taken our of th-state of Ma 1 yland. O' ten d-dla:s if taken in the state, and fecund I'o that I get him, with leafonable expences if brought home. It s prefumed he is mak ng for Wilmington anti Philadelphia. The editou of paper? in tliofe places are folicited to giv« the abnve a few infertions, and the favor will be cheei fully returned. * The 24th being Sunday. Turks Island Salt and Antigua Hum. 0\V landing fretp on bnard the slon' C.ipt. Yo'k, at Mve.Vohallh' wharf, hhds. Antigua N ,000 biulv-ls Tilths Island SALT 1U. M of a superior quality—for «»le by S \Mi.. Sr TlIOs. HANSON. May 2, 1Ä10. tf. Twentv Dollars Reward. R TIIOS. PERRIN SMITH. P. S. All perfons are forwarned harbouring ftit! boy at lheir peril. Star office. Easton, Mil. May 30, 19I0. 4t J FOR SALK, At tue Book store of M. R. Lockcrman, Wil nti igton, Del. A SUMMARY VIEW, OF. THF. E'/idence axd I'Hectical impoh tance or THE CHRISTIAN REVELATION : ltd! e.'iis of discourses addressed to young per sans, BY THOMAS BELSIJAM, Minhtrr eft be Unitarian Chapel, in hissez street. This volume i* divided into s : x discourse»,viz l't. Preliminary observations. The question ?tj toj. l'hiln fjjliical arguments for the Christian revthi'ion. 2.1. D'uect histoiicai evidence of the citrilian? tcveUtir.n. 31. Propbedc and internal evidence of the rVirisi'.an revelation. istian reveLtion from Evidences of the « -s'iuc.iiv of lb' The practical 4. Je isb scriptures. of tbs' Christian reve,a 'inn, Wilmington Colle ge. T HE Truftees of the Wilmington College, > tike plcafure in announcing to a liberal public, that the Latin department of this inlti tution Is permanently eftabliflied under #he immediate care of Mr. Jofeph Downing, who will alfo teach the higher benches of Mathe maticks. The healthy situation of Wiliuing ton, its character for morality, the goodnefs ot markets, and cheap nets of boardtjrg i com billed with the well eftabiiflied repmat'on of Mr. Downing as a fuccef-ful teacher, all concur i to recommend this leunnary to the attention of J parents and guardians, to whofe care the edu- j cation and improvement of youth may be en trilled—the truftees inform the pubi c with equal confidence lhat the Knglilh fchool is in a fluitnflimg lhte under the of ,i r ;,r - Dare - antl ' h 7 oung def art ' f,er ' na ' i . t , n "> 7 V - Ve , d T . ' Ot ihe Kcv. Mr. Ucndirrlon w'aofe relive lability and acknowledged merit arc a lure pledue of his dlfi.of.iion and ability to improve the young ladies committed to h s care. ' HOBT. HAMHL ON EBEN. A. SM-T'H, JOHN (IUM\VY. WILLIAM if, VCK S! April 4 1910. tf Dissolut.ion of Partnership. T HE partnership of Brathin f Iliic is this dissolved by mutual con-ent. All persons Hating demands against raid firm are requested to present them ; and those indebted are desired to make payment to cither of the su l -scribeis. Thomas Btadtîh, Washington Rice. Wilmington, Feb. SO, 1910. 6(> if I ABltAM GEST. S \MUEL B \RR i and Surveyor. " WASHINGTON RICE, Ï 7) ESPECTKL'LLY inform« ihe old cn« li nniers of Bratlun & Rice, and the. public generally, that he has pun based the stock of the said firm, and will continue the Grocery busi ness, at tho same stores, v. hcie 1rs friends and custorricis may be supplied with articles in his line. Wholesale and Retail, mi reasonable terms. February SM. if Patent Washimr Machines. •v> GffAHE subscriber respectfully informs hi J| [fiends ant! the public in general, that he har-, some time a Fo, pm chased an exclusive right of making and vending l throughout the htydiei's of Brandywine and Christiana, in New-Castle county, a number ol which machines he has already made, which have been tried by divers persons and highly ap proved of, as they sa"e a great part of the lnboui of washing in the usual way, and are less injuri ous to clothes. have a supply of them on hand, which lie will sell on reasonable teims to such as favour him with their custom ; and will also sell to any per ! son a right to make and use them within the j the hundreds aforesaid. I , - j Wilmington, Jan. 21,1 309. _• -r J— Ï ' Washing Mach,ms ill continue to make and He tf John Dixon AVTNG succeeded Warners 0 s Tor heit in the grocery business, at the stores lately occupied by them on Market street wharf ; offers for sale on the most moderate terms,for cash or the usual credit, A General Assortment oj Groceries. And hopes by a strict attention to busi ness, to merit a share of the public patron age. The Packet, Sloop Hope, Capt. Milner, with good accommodations for passengers, will ply between this Town & Philadelphia a3 usual—all freight sent by said packet will be carefully attended to. Wilmington, July 8, 1809. WANTED, S an apprentice to the Black Smithing business, a lad about !5 or 16 years of For particulars enquire of JAMES WALKER. Wilmington, April 11, 1810. A age. tf Insurance against Fire. T IIF. fubferiber g ; ves not' ce that tire D'rec toi -3 of the Farmers' Bank of the State of De laware at New-Castle, b-tng now ready to re ive appl'cation« ami effect inlbrancc a gain ft lofs or damage by lire, have appointed the fub feriber tlie'r general Agent and Surveyor.— Communications on the fubject of Inl'urance, poll: pmd, Diall be promptly and cheerfully at tended to, by ce Agen New-Castle, April 6, 8',o. |C?-Notice of Deputy Surveyors fliall be given asf non as arrangements are made for p„r .if« tf ■ _ . , . t^eoaotnf (his interreningdiscovery '' K ,vcn by a Mr. Adams, an Englishman, long resident at Sr. Petersburg, whose love of science was not to he cont ruled by dan gera and difficulties, anti all'the horrors of » distant journey to the frozen regions of Asiatic Russia. Having remained a few days at Jakousk on the river Lena, and provided himself with recommendatory let ters to the agents of govern meut, add to some wealthy trailers in fur, whom the love of gain keeps wandering lot years on%e borders of .he Frozen Ocean, in the most un(:01 ,triable of all donates, he proceed ed descend the river,sometimes „ boms, « -, , . . , , * am î. 9 . on a reindeer, which he de 8c [ l!,es l ! le most disagreeable substitute for * 1,1> ' | 8e . h , e ' vas ev, ; r condemned to. . 1 he people inhabiting those wild regions where the Lena fails into the sea, call then selves Tongoux, and their county Angcnlam. To the north of the embouchure is an Isthmus, which, though faintly marked on our maps, is of considerable extent, and here it is sual for the neighbouring tribes to assemble during the short summer they are favored with, in quest of fish, and of mammoth teeth, dr horns, (they may he called either) which are frequently found scattered upon the strand, it was in one of these excur Diicovery of'a real and entire Mammoth. ii *ioo* ihm a Torgoux chief. caiEtlSuumach off, perceived'in the summer of 1799, an unknown mass, incased towards the upper extremity of a block ol ice, which had been thrown ashore, and left by the waves. In the succeeding summer he could distin guish one side, and afterwards the feet of an animat of great size which he soon con jectured to be the mamm >lh ; hut on his re turn home to communicate the good news, the 6eers of the tribe alarmed him by d nouncing the vengeance of heaven, if he proceeded at.v farther in his enterprize A similar monster had appeared hut once be fore, they said, and all who had presumed to examine it, and thusprv into the secrets of nature, had fallen victims to a contage ous disorder ; as all wisdom and power of communication with .he gut's, it. these bar baroua countr'us resides iu a few old men, SomacholF reproached himself with his impiety, and had nearly died ol a violentill ness with which he was shortly afterwards seized. Finding himself alive, however, at the end of five years, and his hunting and fishing excursions had been more than sually successful, he determined to pursue his project in defiance Tjf the seers. It for tunately happened too, that the interval cf the summer having been longer than usual in the year 1804, the ice immediately about the mammoth was melted, and the- body of the animal, being extricated from the case where it had been, fur many centuries probably contained, and impelled by its en ormous tvcg'it,rolled down upon the strand below, where Soumachoff and his friends assembled ; delighted with their prize, they immediately proceeded to saw off the teeth, which weighed upwards of four hundrod pounds, and were sold for fifty rubles, and the carcass was then abandoned to those who Clios» to feed their dogs with it ar.d to the wild beasts of the dci-ert. It was two years after this, in the year 1800, that Mr. Adams arrived at the -pot, where the skeleton of the animal covered by the hide was still extended. His first cere was to have the hide taken off, and the united efforts often men were necessary to drag it along, and stretch it open to the He then separated the hones in such to be able to put diem togeth er again, and returned after a few excursi ons into the neighbouring country, which he has related in a very interresiing man ner, perfectly repaid, he says, for all the fatigue he had undergone, and the ezpvnce he had incurred, 'i he mammoth in ques tion appears to have been nine feet high, and fourteen feet in length, with a long and shaggy mane, but with no tad, as the ele phant has, and differing in some other less important particulars from that animal ; they are probably varieties of one species ; he hones of its head weighed four hundred •and fifty pounds. I shallcmiclude the very imperfect extract I have gi?*n of Mr. Ad am's account in his own word». '* On com paring the mammoth in my possession with the description of the One discovered near New York, there appears to be a consider aide difference between them ; the last, (o . U sun. a manner as . , judge by the indication ot tu teeth, must have been a carniverous animal, which was not the cas« with mine ; the thick fur of rpine would imply that it had been a native *^ e coldfer regions, but still it might be •difficult to conceive how it became incased with ice. As to the remains of mammoths which have been discovered in the southern parts of Europe, the probability is, that they have been transported there at a very dis tarn period by the violence of some great inundation." It is added in a note, that ■ >5 r. Adams proposes to sell his skeleton ci a mammoth, and to nppiy the proceeds to the expenecs of an excursion which lie hopes to make to the Islands of jacltou and Sich ill, not without some expectation of finding there a par: of ihe American conti nent. iüttug "o f the ä ltncm [by auThor; : 7 y.j ■WÎ- - AN ACT In addition to an art, entitled, » An act concerning the Library far the use of bath Houses of Congress.' - B E it enacted f>y the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, 'I hat the President ol the Senate and Speaker cf the House of R epresentatives t or the time ing, be, and they are of the bunks id the Library of Congress,*o the agent in the joint of Congress appointed iti relation to ihe Library, on the same terms, conditions anil restrictions as members of Congress are allowed to be hereby authorized to com mittee ^se said books, any thing contained in any formier law to the contrary notwithstanding. J. B. Varnum Speaker ot tlie House of Representatives. John Gaillard, President of the Senate, pro tempore. : . May 1. 1810. Approved. Jam MADISON, AN ACT Linking furîV • 'bat*: f >r complet i' purpsvs. ph#; Cap. itol, and f.»r -JI'j it enacted by the Senate and House cf .$ Representatives of the United States of Ame t ica» in Congress assembled, addition to the 1 hat i ations herctot re made, the following sums of money be, and the same are hereby appropr applied under the direction of the Presi dent of the United States, to die purposes hereinafter mentioned, that is to sav : For sculpture, and warming and ventila ting die chamber of the lious« of R tntives, seven thousand, five hundred dol lars ; •rc i.U'.'d, to be cpvesen For defraying the expcnce of completing the court room, and the officers of the ju. dietary on the east side, completing the Se nate chamber and stopping the leeks in the roof of the north wing of the capitoLtwenty thousand dollars. For repairs to the President's house and offices, five thousand dollars ; Sec. S And be it further enacted, That it he the duty of the superintendent of the city of Washington, prior to any fur-her advances of money being rnadé; :o call for all claims on ascucnt of materials finished, or work done in the Public Buildi order that the same may be liquidated paid. ngs irs and Sic. 3. And be it furl!. the several hUnis of money hereby appro priated, shall be paid out of any money the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Varnum, Speaker r.i* ihn House of Representatives John Gaillard, President cf the Senate pu> tetri. enacted , That Ill J. B. May 1, 1310. ArpuovETv, MADISON. JAMES CT. AN r,n fir i/;t' better ncotmnodetthv: General Poil Of ce and Patent office, other purposes. Pro: of P ' oml fir ¥~> F. it enacted by th .13 Representatives of the Unite, : assembled. note and House cf. Steles cf 1'hat ihr tes hi,and bere if America, in Ccngr President of die United by is authorized to et purchace, a building suitable for the accom modation of the general pest-office,, and ti the office of the keeper of the patents, in such situation, and finished in such man ner, as the interest of ihe United States anti the safety and convenience of those offices, respectfully, and the arrangement'of the models in the patent office, shall in his opi :r procure by mon require. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That th? Présidera of the United Suit*» be, and