r ; VOLUMK I. BALTIMORE ADVERTISEMENTS. LIFE INSURANCE. NATION Al. I.OAN FUND 1.1 Flu ASSl'llA Nl.'lu SOt'lL'n v*?, COIINIIILL, I.ONININ. and 74, WALL STREET, NEWVOUK CAPITAL, jCjUl,Uia STKHL1NG, OH $2,!>00,000. Empowered by Art <>| Parliament, 2 Viet?Royal Anseti July 27, ISJ7. "/I Savings Jianlc for the Orphan and the Widow, II. S. BOARD OP LOCAL DIRECTORS AT NKW YORI Jacob IIauvkv, Chnlr'n. Samoki. R. Howland, John J. I'ai.Mr.it, Oouiiam A. Woktii, i Jona. Ouoiiiiiru, Sami'si. M- Fox, Jamhh litihuman, NVm. Van Hook, Huuitou Raiiolav, C. KUW. IIauiciit. 1MIE FOLLOWING AUK AMONO T1IB ADVANTACH . OPPBUKD IIV THIS INbTITHTION.?The uuuruiib ol ii large capital, In addition to the accumulation of ]>i' mlunm. The peculiar benefits secured to the usuurcd by the pri chile of the Loan De|?urtimanf. The |iaymuiu ot premiums half -yearly or quarterly, I 1 parlies insured,for whole term of' life, at a trilling addition charge. j The travelling have extensive and lihernl. Persons Insured lor lile, can at once borrow half anion of animal premium, and claim the same privilege for ti' | successive yearn, on their own note and deposit of policy. Part of the Cupitul in permanently invented In the Uutu States, in the names of three of the Local Directors, an Tru toes--available always to the ussured in cases of dispuu claims (should any such arise) or olherwiHc. Thirty days allowed aftei'each payment of premium b comet due, without forfeiture of policy. N'o charge for stamp duty, or for Medical Examination. The Society being founded on the Mutual and Joint St?" principle, partus may pariicipate in the profits of'the S j clely, two-thirds of widen arc annually divided among thoi assured for life on (ho partlripalion scale. The Society Is not connected with either Marine or Pii { Insurance. JO'" The Baltimore Branch of the United Slates Loc i Board will meet on the First Monday of every month at tl ollice of the Chairman, for the transaction of business. tO-The Medical Hxiuiiim rs will meet daily atll Le ipglon at reel, at 1 o'clock, P. M., to receive applicants. Pee paid by the Society. Pamphlets, explanatory of Life Insurance, and the pi c liar system of this Institution, blank torins of hpplieatio Ac., obtained at the Agent's office, ti Herman .street. United States Local Directors of Jlaltimnre. JONATHAN MEREDITH, Esq., Chair' SAMUEL HOFFMAN, Ks-t. S. II. McCULLOH, Esq., M D. J MEREDITH, Esq., Standing Counsel J. MASON CAMPBELL, Esq., Solicitor Medical Examiners. T II. BUCKLER, 41 Islington street. S R. TILHIIMAN, 40 St. Paul street. DONALD ilclLVAIN, 0 German street. TUOS. II. WILLIAMS ocf 8? I yd* Buck's Patent Hot and Air-tight Cook in Stove IS REMOVED from Light street lo No 42S>uth Calve J street, iM ilour above Lombard street, jl II is now one year since the subscriber first inirodiirt this stove lo the inhabit nils of the city and county of llii 11more and lis adjacent country, and will venture to m thai no stove ever introduced into this market, where i large a number has been sold, ever became so popular no Kliort a time, or gave such general and universal seiti faction mm it ban done. II is now eight'years since | tii commenced Helling thin Stove, during which lime I ha sold almost all and every kind ol Cooking Stove that no is or has been in the market for the lust fifteen year therefore am, from experience, prepared to say, witho tear ol contradiction, that there never has Is-ru that Nt chine made in shape of either Stove or Range, that is cap ble ol doing so much work, ol doing it as well, and at small expense lor labor and tuel, as the Uttrk Stove. Ti lire is made ami brought directly under utid very close all the boilers, from 4 to III in number. The oven is ve large, being (he lull size of the stove, including the heart consequently ih twice as large as the generality of ovens h Cookim? Stoves now ill use, and a third lurger than ll oven ol'any other stove ?vtu* made; ami is ho construed dial llits heal passes in flues entirely around the oven, Ij mg a distance iroin eight to twenty feet, (according to aict winch not only gives tlie oven u perelclly even heat at n and bottom, hut by runliuiitg and sending the heal tl extraordinarily long distance-m the stove before coming the pipe, mil: I make it apparent to every one that it won require much less fuel to cook or keep it healed. It is ai a superior baker; and the small sue being r.aj>abIo baking lour loaves ol bread at a time, it at once does aw; with the necessity ol a bake, oven lor laniily use, theri I saving a large amount ol fuel that is usually wasted in ll way, and rentiers it peeuliarly adapted to the use of hoar ilit* houses, academies, hospitals, steamboats, ami tl largest elasa hotels. Hundreds ol certificates might he ad eil to substantiate the abovo facts, but deem it not net-ess ry, believing that ail who wish to study economy and co veniencn, and at the same time obtain the most simpl most ornamental, ami most durable Stove in America w at least call ami examine this he lore purchasing clue \v her The billowing are a lew names selected to which I a most kindly permitted to relt-r : Mi. David Keener, 10 Ninth Cliarlep street. Itishop Waiigh, 2U Green street. Thomas Wilson, corner Calvert uud Lexington streets I Dr. John L. Chapman, Mulberry street. Mrs. June ilayuanl, 0(1 North Calvert street K.fwjrd L. Pant, llaimver street. George A. V. Spreekelsen, 71 East Pratt street. Abraham Mister, I hi Hanover street. James P. Williamson, corner Gay uud High streets Jtvim H. (Diodes, 102 Hanover street. Dr. J. M. Jennings. 5 North llsgli street Jane S. Jewell, 51 Howard street. James Young, % Etlen street. Dr. 11. H. Hopkins, 107 Park street. Joseph Husband, jr., 213 Pratt street. John S. Solby, esq., 321 Ituliimorc street. Dr. Henry St inner.ku, 171 Lombard si reel Female Orphan Asylum, Mulberry street. I Itanium At Co., City Hotel. P. Thurston, Fountain Hotel. Daniel Dorsey, Exchange Hotel. William Field, National Hotel. ' Thomas James, Rainbow Hotel. Col. II. Cupron, Laurel Factory, Mil. Many more names might ho added, hut suppose the abo1 will stiince. Nee little hook at the store (or certificates a) further particulars. Any person purchasing nun of the Stoves, after giving it a lair trial for thirty days, ami find does not answer tlmir purpose, can return it, ami will ha' their money refunded. N. H. No. 42 South Calvert street is the only place whe they can he had. oct 8 ly** II1IRR PECK, Agent. Washington University of Baltimore* MEDIOAI. DEPARTMENT.?Session of 1SI7 sn.l MIR Prof. J. C. S. Monkur,.M. D., Theory.and Practice ol Met cine. Prof. E. Forrman, M. D., Chemistry. Prof. Wiu.iam T. Wilson, M. I>., Therapeutics tuid Mat ? t-ia Mud tea. Prof. Wim.iam T. IjKonard, M. I)., Anatomy. William II. Stokks, M. D., Professor of Obtftetriaa, Di oases of Women and Children, unit Medical Jurispr ? dence. Prof. Ckoror Ml'Cook, M. D., Surgery. Dr. Wakkman IIryakly, Demonstrator of Anatomy. The annual course of Lectures will commence on Moi pay, 25th of October next, and continue four months. The College has greatly enlarged its cnpahiliticii lor III parting Medical instruction. The Hospital Department, u I tier the control ol a resident memher of the Faculty, hi been filled with cases of disease. A Museum ol Aim lorn ml and other preparations has been established, and mar important additions to the Obstetrical Department Inu been received from Paris.. The fonnifl for the resident Si dents are nomerous, comfortable and economical, and w prove greatly advantageous to such ns wish to pursue ti assiduous and uninterrupted course of study. Fees for the Session. Matriculation ticket 8 5 Professor's ticket, each 15 Demonstrator's ticket 10 Diploma 20 oct 0?lyd* E. FOREMAN, DtaH. MARTIN LEWIS & G0fS. m. ?rJT m m. m+grmnm mmm :? FOR THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF HOODS A DA PTE TO MEN'S WEAR. TtW ONLY STORR OF TUN KINO IN HAI.TIMORE, 4i:t RALTIMORK STREET, Hultcern ('/writs inul Li slit si. 1 LOTUS, OASSIMEKES, VEbTlNHS, &c. TIIR Siiliwrlhor, having completed llic ropnlrn c Iiniirovoi! mnrniwrr, in r" i Imp of business. Tim imprnvimtenlB nrr audi as li or silk fnbrli-s, in the mosl durable mannur. oct &? lind? . ' . a ID w ? ' I NIVKRHITY OK MARYLAND I1A01JLTY OK rilYHIf'-SKHHHlN OK M? Tb? r Lecturea will commence on Monday, StlU Octnltc-r, ami v.intuitu; until tIn* first of March entuiiiig. ' Olarfutric Surgery ami Medical Jurisprudence, . Tin nijH-iiiicH, Materia Medina, ami Hygiene, Sami/kl k? C'iikw, M. I). Anatomy ami I'hyaiology, Josmni IIohy, M. I>. ? Theory ami Practice ??l Medicine, William Powkr, M. I> Chemistry and Pharmacy, William E A Aiickn, M I). LL. D. Surgery, Nathan Smith, M I?. Dcinoimtratur of Anatomy, Chough Mii.tkndkgbr, M- D. il> liiHtnictiuii in Clinical Mcdicipi. and Clinical Surgery every day at the Baltimore Infirmary, opposite ihu Medical ,, < '??ll' i;e. The nmmH lor pr.icticul uuulouiy will he opened < ii'iiii?er 1st, under the clutige i?i the demonstrator. fees tin* the entire course #110. * I 'oniforlahle board may be obtained in the vicinity ol the Medical College for C2.0O to id.fid. WILLIAM E A AIKEN, oct 8 d any nart of the city Irec of charge. 11/1 ALFRED II. REIP, o. oct 8?ly" No. '135, Hallo, at., above the Hlube Inn. TO NAIilNEHH AND SIRVKYORS, 1 LJACQEil ?Vr UROTIIERS, No. G3, South Hi., tlirec doorn ^ n from Pratt hi reel, Haiti more, Afunufaclureis and Jini to iters uf Malta mat teal, OjUicaly urul J'tiUusu/ihicid Instiumi nis.?A good usaortinctlt of the following articles, which we offer tor Kile nt reduced prices: ?i Surveyor's Compasses; Engineer's Levels; Thcrnrdnlites ... 'Plicodolitch Compasses; Sliipn, Plain, Storm, and Transpa rent Compasses; Spy-glasses; Plain and Double Tangent x. (piadrunis; Sextants; llurouieters: Thermometers: l*?g _1 H Usees ; Hull hour Classes; Tape Linos; Cuaes ol Draw ing liiRtrutnefits; Pocket Compasses; Surveyor's Chain*: ... Carpenter's and Lumber Rule*; Tailors ami Sailinaluro ? Squares; Uimhn and Hauler Scales; Parallel RiiIch; Dr.iw' nig Pens; Dividers; Protractor*: Kowililch Navigators; (thlnl's Const Pilots; Shipmaster's Assistants; Seaman's Fricmls; Nautical Almanacs; Lunar Tables; Log Rooks; " Shipping Papers; Seainau's Journals; Heady Calculators; A good assortment ot Charts of all parts of the world; Hanging llods; Out Slicks, Ate. Together with,? large as , sorlmenl of Insvhumknts in the Mathematical line. Ddr- ItiHtrumunlB of every description repaired, or mode to order, in the neatest manner, oct 8?ly' POPPbKIN, ORH1CK, JL TIIUNKKN, IMl'ORTKltS AND WtlOLKSALti UHALKJIS IN MtUQNy MtiDK 'lNNSy /) Y/JSTU FP.S, ijv., jVc. 1B4 Hattimorc Street, - AFFER FOR SALE ... 11 lilt) hhls. Epsom Salts luud minces Quinine fid hhls. Whiting !?? pounds Iodide Potash A Ions Ext. Logwood Its s? |ioomis Hum My nil .Jit cases Campbell's Shellac 30 bones CalcM Magiiei.ia i Ul cases Liver Shellac. iJU canes Carle Magnesia 3d halt pic til casc.t Cassia 5 bags Horn Senegal A casks Mace ' A cases Hum Opium if casks Nutmegs ii caws Hum Arabic ly On Ciw.7i/pi?ur;it, ol Mnnnfart lire r'.i Prices !*" Jd bills. Ohio | 10 bblw. -Copal Varniali oct 8 IjulMirutnry ?i TIioiiikoiiIiiii lioiaiilc Av ckiieM. s: I?'''I M I.AUKAltftl'., No. VJO Suulli Culver I Hi , llullimorc, ui i!i has always on hand (lie large hi an. I mom complete*us a sorlmeul of pure Botanic remedies in tin- linnet Stall a, ia pi", pared under his spreial cure ;.i his fittboffltory being, in tin' Hint creeled iu the Ilnite.l Slates for tho special purpose lie of preparing 7Vioniinninn Hotanic Mndiritu : All nt Hit' to |>uIven /.? (t ninl compounded articles urn (nil up in quarter ry anil liali pound parka,'ten, and licatly lain died, with direr li, liuiiK suitable tor retailing, and upon better terms limn the in same articles rail ha had lor ill ilia United Stales. livery lie article in his line is warranted genuine?-the public ran rely i\l upon this. e- )I3~ A lib'ral discount made to country merchants, who ',) are particularly requested to rail and examine quality, As - , tp Iwlore purchasing. us tor The various Treatises, embracing the most reputed to authors, upon the Tlinui.soninii or Botanic System of Medi Id cine, may also be bad at hin ciiliibliHlimt'Ut, by the quantity so or single copy. .* !?iy New Pickling ami Preserving lintnbllxli^ meail ami Vliicgur Depot, d fPllli Subscriber begs leave to inform bis friends and Hie ?0 public generally, that lie has now nearly completed his d stork, consisting ol an extensive supply and choice assort- . a* nu iit ol J'u/i/cU Fruits mut VcgrfaltJi >, Prr.srrcrs, Urututy ' ii* Fruit*, Jcltys, Syrups, Catsups, Sauces, A c , manufactured e. by himself in uu improved manner, and unsurpassed style, ill and deiiendiug Solely on the merits of their superior quality, I C. lie (falters hiiiist-ll ol a lurgo and extensive custom. lie i.s in now prepared to (urnirtli Families, Hoarding ami Oyster Humies, Ar , through tin? season, with Cucumbers, pi?kklf?| m ami water or Vinegar, ami nicely spiced, liy Hit' UNI, in kegH or barrels, on salialuciory terms. Merchants, Navy Agents, Shippers. Ac., arc rcfniertfiilly toliriictl lo luvor him with a. call, ami lo examine bin Httwk ami articles prepared lor Navy ami Ship Stores, before pur- , chasing elsewhere, as lie ran supply tiiem with any cptali- | lii ?, in ihe shortest lime, parked neatly, ami with rare, ami would lake pleasure in InriiishiiiK them with a Catalogue ol all his articles, ami wholesale price* of Ids establishment. . Also, a superior article ?>l Pickling, Wine uml Pure Cider Viiieirar, warranted, constantly lor sale by WII.I.IAM NUMSEN, oct 8? 3(17 West Pratt St., bet. Para and Unlaw st. PIANO POIiTlpS. rnui: undersigned arc manufacturing at their establishment * in Jtaltimore, 0, fi 1-2, ami 7 octave PIANOS, ??i all palterns and styles, which tliry ran confidently recommend to professors ami amateurs. The Planus manufactured by them have that peeuliarity of touch which coniineml them to players ol every school, as well as those who are distinguished hy a soil and delicate action, as those who arc characterized l?y a hold, fiery, and rapid movement. ,.fl They are authorized to refer to numerous professors in |t| Baltimore, who have given their Pianos a trial, lor their ' testimonials in their lavor, and they are warranted in re ,1 eomiiiemlini! them hy the universal approbation which they v{. have reeeived from tho great niunher of persons who have them in use in lialtimore, ami in the south and west gene equal tn any made anywhere in this country or in Em*o|X), anil their extensive manufacture of Pianos enables them t?? sell mi terms liberal ami satisfactory. All instruments made by Hum are warrnntetl, and they will he kept in tune one year alter purchase, without charge. An agent will visit Richmond in a abort time, and various parts of Virginia and North Carolina, and will receive orders, which will he faithfully and promptly executed at our manufactory. Orders will also ho received at our factory direct, and spcctul pains taken to give satisfaction. KNAHM At CAEIH.E, No. 'J Eutaw St., oniL the Eutnw llonse, Halt. J oct 8?lyd* TO THE PUUL1C. THE Subscribers would res|teetAilly call the attention of Lite public to their slock ol (AHIIIAGICS, of their own manufacture,at their establishment, Tiik IIai.timokk Coacii il- Factory, fWdrrick utrrnt one door north of ItnUiniorr si ml, n- where they keep on hand and will manufacture to order at is the shortest notice. Carriages of every description, and in a il style of unequalled heauty of construction and ot superior iy workmanship. re old Carriages repaired at the shortest notice, or taken in ii- exchange. ill Carriages sold on commission. m Two first rate four-passenger Carriages, one a doctor's close carriage, both Itallimore built; the owner having no hirthcr use tor them, will sell at a sacrifice if immediate application be mude. R. S. Ac A. V. PRYOJl, oct 8?lyd* Frederick street, near Ualtimorc. JANKS W. 11UG1ISON, No. 7 SOUTH CALVERT STREET, Otic Door JJclow JttUlimorc Sired, JiaUinwrc. RESPECTFUL I, V informs his friends and the public, Hint he continues to manufacture Stvldlrs, Huiwxh, Trunks, I, Arc., and has now on hand u large and beautiful slock ol fresh goods, which he is selling at uncommonly low prices. Country dealers will find it to their interest to give men r id I before huvitiif. Kinc, FrtBliinimblr, Coach ami lluuuy Humes#, ami tallica' ami freilflcmcna' Huddles, Ill-idles, AM HOY RAILROAD LINK, FOR FIIII.ADKI.1*111 A AND INTERMEDIATE FLACKS, will leave Pier No. 2, N. It., fool of llaltery IMrcca, by Steamboat JOHN POTTER tor South Amboy, every day, (Sunday excepted,) ul hIx o'clock. Passengers will lake (lie curs from Soulli Amboy to Camden und arrive in Philadelphia, uIhhii II 1-2 o'clock. Fare lo Philadelphia, gj; for forward deck passengers to Philadelphia, $2,50; Emigrant undTrunw|)ortalloii Line every day, by Stcuml>nai Tnnnport, aid 12 o'clock P. M., fare $2,25; Freehold and Monmouth, via Sloges from llighlstnwii aud West's Tiirnonl; from New York lo Freehold by WchIs Turnout,H7 1-2; from New York to Freehold by llighlstnwii, 1,50; lo Spon-wo.nl ami Weals, 75 ceiila; South Amhoy, lia cents; Penh Amboy, 12 1-2 cents. DAILY EXCURSIONS TO PHILADELPHIA. For the accommodation of thoto persons wishing lo upend a pari of the day in Philadelphia, either on humm us or pleasure, Excursion tickets will be furnished. entitling the |iashciitfers lo reiuru by the Mail Line at I 1-2 o-clock, P. M , (lie same day, or til b o'clock the next nuu niug. Tickets for tlm Excursion go, to he iiad at (lie office, No. li West Si root, or ofi board the boat. Fifty pounds of luiggugc will he allowed lo each passenger iii this line, and passengers are expressly prohibited from taking anything as baggage luil their wearing apparel, which will be at (lie risk ol its owner. ootS-dly I..IILISS, Agent. UNITED STATES 11 A I I. LINES FOlt KAliTIIWOKE Fare 93. gggM MoRNINIJ LINE, PER PHILADELPHIA. WII.MINt.'TON, AND HALTI MORE RAILROAD Via Wilmington, Newaj'k, Elktoii,Havre de (.'race. Ac., will leave the depot, Eleventh and Market si reels, daily (except Sunday,) at M A M. AFTERNOON LINK Via New Cafille and Frcnchlowit. The steamboat OHIO, (.'apt. Davis, will leave Dock street wharf, daily, except Sunday, at d I I P. M. N101 IT LINE Per Philadelphia, Wilmington and K.diinmre Railroad, will leave the depot, I lib and Market streets, daily, al 10 u'clock, A M. The Mad Lines will leave lia I ({more for Philadelphia al it A M , and b P M. per Railroad, and R o'clock, P M , by SUNDAN M All. I.INH The only l.ine fur Huhtmoiv, on Sunday, will h ave lb* depot, iliii am) Market street, at Id I* M Passengers mm4. procure their ticket*) before taking ttiei: seals in the ears. wiif.ki.ino and pittsbitro Tii'kelH through lu Wheeling or Pitt.sbur.tf, ran he pro# ill ? Carrying the Civet Central Foiled Suites Mail. SCI I Fill JDK: Leaving Spew's Wharf, Halliinore, daily, except Sundays at 4 I'. M., by the well known route, via Chesapeake Hay City point, Petersburg, Weldon, Wilmington,, to Charles ton, S. C., without loss of sleep to Weldon -in the popular, comfortable, and safe steamboats, with their experienced captains ami crews. CKOKCIA, Captain Cannon, ot IIKRAI.F, Captain Russell, or Jb'iVKSS, Captain Sutton. This l.ine has been running for upwards of?twenty years, w ithout loss of life or property. The boats built expressly for this route. Arriving in Norfolk, after a comfortable night's sleep. next morning, at ft o'clock, A M. Thence up the .lames River, with its beautiful scenery, ill daylight. l?v the sea in boat CURTIS PECK, Captain Davis, or ALICE, Captain llrougli, to City. Point thence f?? Petersburg in the beautiful iron steamboat MOUNT VERNON, Captain lllowr. some lime in advance at Petersburg of the Ureal li. S. Mail l.ine, with the passengers leaving Halliinore same time, or Washington City next morning, where tills Urent II. S Mail l.ine take their start from, thereby deceiving the public, with their false advertisement of 2-1 hours ahead of any oilier Liue. The Hay l.ine gives the traveller nt least six hours rest,at Petersburg, to encounter the night travel to Wilming loll, in. i . i no winio passengera iiiui leave iiamumre i?y Hie lluy l.iuc amalgamate at Petersburg with those that leave Maliimore same evening, ami Washington next morning, (via (lit! v>, Nlenm Commtntienf Ion direct from JBlliM&i Meiilliaiiintoii to Nfw Orleans uud lmr.li* - Pursuant to order from (be Lords Commissioners of the Admirably, on the 2d of November next, ami thenceforward on the laid of each succeeding month, the ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKETS will nrocoed direct from Southainpfon to Itermndn, Nassau, Havana, Cat or Ship Island, (New Orleans,) Vera Cruz and Tampico, returiiiug by the same route to England. Thin arrangement admits of an easy and quick convey mice to and from Southampton nud liie places above mentioned, ami passengers for New Orleans will ho conveyed thither from the Company's vessels on their arrival at Cut or Ship Island, by the Mexican Cult Railway Company, who will have a steamer ready, and other conveniences, provided for that purpose, at a cost not exceeding three dollars for encb person. The same facilities will In? afforded from New Orleans, embarking on board the Royal Mail Steam Packets for Europe, Act. The estimated time for tho voyage from Southampton is as follows: To llemtuda, IGdays; Nassau21 days; Havana l\ days. Ship or Cat Island, New Orleans, 28 1-2 days; Vera Cruz," !w days; Tampico, 85 days. The Steam Packets are appointed to leave Ship or Cat Island Harbor on their return to England at G A. M.? on the 21st of each month. Ity the above alteration, passengers proceeding to tho W? ?a Indies, by tho 2d of the month Steamer, Will be con\ey? d via Iterinuda, and by the l/lliof the mouth Kteatuor, as heretofore, via Maderia nnd llurlsidoes. runirtiiiir.H hn in i.uth, nr., iimy ne omainrn on appnca (ion at the Royal Mail Steam I'm'kH Company's Office*, &f? Moonjnle Htrwcl, London; ditto Winkle at reel, Southampton; Mnwr*. Delrun A- Co., roo d'EiMthirn. Paris; Mr. tileauxer, M Uoiilevoril PulMMniiicro, ditto; Mr. llnndeiker, llnmhurKli; Mexican Oulf Railway Cotnpanv, Now Orlea'tta. fift Moorijnioinet, l.oiuioii b. CHAPPEL, Secretary. oct8 tf MILLER CO.'S NEW GREAT WESTERN EXPRESS TO rUMHKULAND, HHn\\'XSVILI.Il I'/TTS IJUKtUf, W'HF.tfLINlt, VlSriSNATL LOUISVILLK, ST. LOUIS Altlt A Nt.'EMKNTS have liecn made with Messrs. ilmk A Co.'a Express Iron) Baltimore to Pittsburgh lor the e> tension ol Hum I.ine, on and after Monday, th iols r 4|h, to tin? nlntvo named place*, with mail speed. 'I'lie wagon;; ol lldM line ate all new, (mill with the rapacity of t.'iUI lbs , and the Is at teams to hr obtained have been placed alone the lino of the National Itoad , Messengers will arrontpanv nil goods by (Ida line, and we that the driver* on the ro.nl make the nil..in d time troin Htation to Btation, without failure All if?oda will In- receipted for at nnv of our affirm or aoencn n, North or Smth. to arrive in Pittsburgh in fill bom m, and Win** litis in fill I ii..m I? .it......... (JimmIw rrrHvwl until I'i o'clock in the ilov i net H lyiT It H2NOVMD. MIIS Rfisi.KY'S UM. sal, ,??l Hc.lail t\irert nr,?iuf,u /?||/ III renmveil In CI Hallinmre Ulr-rl, over h.lm \\ Riiyritiili A I'ii'h Mliiie, when' Merehniim 11m he mn?il?,l wilh l.'OKSETS tm the limit II lei'ii.ilile inn,, '' CI IIAI.TIMORK STRBKT, oct y ? Mouth side, 3 Monro hom liny Mreet, rif in mi , d c, friday Afternoon, < OCR A N NTKAN NAVIGATION COMPANY Untild Millet Html Lint to Co-It and tAitilliom)H as ii home lor more nermnheut boarders. Th< The nil nation ol the House, directly m front of Ronton , Common, itk spacious tiinj uiiy rooms, and all its Internal All iiccotntnoilanoiiH, render it unequalled by any public Iiouma An r in the cily, in iti; attractions lor Ihe traveller, and for those . desiring more permanent lodgings. Every convenience un lo aitarimenlH, table uud alien ' Y dance, will be furiOKhed at Ihe lioMHe, which can be had al ??, any hotel in ihe city, in itu attractions for the traveller, and lor those desiring more permanent lodgings. Tl Every convenience an lo uparUneuia, table and alien- | , dance, will be iuiTiifthed al The boose, which vail be had al ; any hotel or boarding house m the city, and the iiubacribcr *1 will devote hlinMeli to Hie comfort of all who may favor him Al with their patronage. Parlies 11 a veiling Willi their families, and with ladies, 1 1 will 'find Ihe Wmliirop House especially adapted to their convenience. mi. The put ions ge of (lie travelling public and ol immanent octS.ly* , WILLIAM II 8POONBR. /,?? "New Carpet Warehouse. BAl l.AIM) 4 PKINCK inform their custom* rs and the public ftint they have removed from tin* <>l?l stand ho , long occupied by Hum, to flu: large and commodious W a rc , house, its cully creeled on (lie uorlli side of BitUOMFIHLI) NTRKK7\ , a Hliort distance front Washington street, where they offer . I lor sale an extensive assortment of Hiiftlish and Aiiiericau rarpdings, or all qualities; do do Stair CnriMHinga; Hearth Rugs; lf?M-kil??H; Si raw Mattings, A"- At. Also, Kiiglisli and American Painted Floor (.'lotIn, of all diiiicoHions. im'I M ly* ADAMS HOlISF~ No* 371 Wnnliln#toitHtreet, Bontoii. ' TDK undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the nublk, that they have become proprietors of the dot above new and splendid Hotol. The Adams IIoiihc was erected during the paiif Reason to ? ; supply an obvious demand tbr increased and superior nc- cm coinnuHlatioiif) in this city. It its located on Washington dot street, within five minutes' walk of the gront Southern and Western Uailroad Depots, and the business sectioiiH of the '"V city. It is adjacent to the Park, and the Cupola commands pus a beautiful view of the Harbor and adjoining towns. j.,r The llonse has been constructed after the most approved . plans, with all tbu modern inventions that iniuiHier to the ,'1? conilort and eonvetfiencu of the traveller, and the construe dar tor's long experience lb hotels, lias maided him to introduce many improvements which are, as yet. peculiar to n,,tJ this establishment. It is built of Quiucy granite, and con not tains One Hundred and Fitly Rooms, conveniently arrang ed in Hiiils and single apartments, well veiitilate?l, and sop 1 plied with an abundance of pure soil water. lib' The Furniture .was made to order from the best patterns, till) with special regard us well to comfort and convenience, us luxury and splendor. ,nk Our Table will bo supplied Willi all the luxuries of the me; season, and we pledge ourselves that the Finar rarities ot i the season shall be lound upon it. W4 have devoted unusual attention to the selection of 1? servants, and our guests may rely upon prompt ami polite .say attendance. Porters will be in readiness, at the various Depots, to take charge of baggage and provide Carriages for our guests. as The proprietors trust by strict attention to the wants ol H|i(, guests to merit a share of patronage, assuring all who may tavor them with u visit, that nothing shall he wanting on "v< their part, to render the Adams IIourk second to none in sen the Union. L. &. W. T. ADAMS. Promielois. o I,. ADAMH, JR., WM. T. A Mr AdninH House, lloston. OctHly' |>oli Merchants' Exchange Hotel, Ol. A IIOSTON, ZUmBJm HO I nuniiinitHAI.IFAX to laud and receive Passengers unit Her Majesty's Malls: no' CAMHRIA. Cant. Charles II. E. Jiidkins. I,u< CALEDONIA, " Edward IJ |.ott boo URITANNJA, " William Harrison ,ir ? HIIIEUNIA, " Alexander Hyrie ACADIA. " Niel Shannon. anil The lour SleamahipH now building nrt;: 1 Tito AMKUIVAy Tin NIUIARA, jildi The CvlAM/M, TlwtiUROPA. Hill Tin: vest*'la appointed lo rail I mm I.I Vl-dtpf Mil. arc the ''"H ('A l,NI)( h\ IA on llir I'.Hli August jVJu; ItltlTAWIA on the lilt September. llllttlRNIA Oil lliu I'.Hll September. 01 Tin' vewwls appointed to rail from HUSTON alt llir ',?II V AMUR IA on the 1 at September. rinj ('AI,HIH>NIA on 1 lie loth irnilxr ...... It It IT AN MIA oil llie IkI October. IIIHRIiNIA on the Ititli October. pro: The** slope carry experieiir?*d Surgeons ?' give them my message, and tell them this? them know from me what captivity is ' ' HICHI? |ianui, a menu ??. j-wu.o, 0 hu3 duncod with you in those happy bowers, 1 been carried itway by ill fete's design, i now is confined in u cage of mine; sends you the wishes that love should send, 1 prays you to think of your ubscnt friend, told," he says, "how I pine, alas ! lile you dance nil day on the trees and grass; his to be faithful in friendship und love? sre in a prison, and you in a grove 7 remember our friendship in days gone by, i send me some hope in captivity !" ' 3 merchant set out, und his way pursued he cunte at lust to an uncient wood the borders of lnd, where, in summer glee, .* parrots were sporting from tree to tree, stayed his horse as he past them went, il he gave them the message his parrot sent; I one of the birds, as the words he said, I ofl'from its bough to the ground, us dead, e repented the sage, as the parrot fell; si's creature is slain by the words 1 tell, n parrot and mine were not friends alone, L*ir bodies were two, but their souls were one. is tongue of mine is like Hint and steel, I all that it utters are sparks which kill.' then went on his way with a heavy, heart, il lie traded in muny a distant mart; J at length, when his trallic aud toil were o'er, returned to his welcome home once more, every servant a gift he brought? every maiden the gift she sought; d the parrot, too, asked, when its turn was come, \ where is the gift you have brought me home 7* i 'was a bitter message,1 the bage replied; >r when it Was glv'n thy companion died!' .1 flic bird .-it mice .when the words Were mm id II ofl* like ifh frit*iiJ, from its perch, as dead ten the merchant beheld it thus fall and die, sprung from his place with a bitter cry; i, my sweet-voiced parrot, why fall's! thou low? well-lov'd partner of joy and woe , alas' alas! that ho bright a moon relied by the clouds of death so soon ?' en out of the cage the bird he threw, d, lot to the top of a tree it Hew ! d while he stood gav.ing with wond'rlng eyea, thus answered his doubts and removed surprise on Indian parrot appeared to die, it it taught me a lesson Of liberty; tat since 'twas my voice which imprisoned me, oust die to escape, and once in ore be free!' then gave liiiu some words of advice ere it flew, id then joyfully wished the good merchant adieu: lion bast done nie a kindness*; good master, fore well! ion hast fried me for aye from the bond of this cell! trftrell, mj/ good mast er} for honUArard If'j., ir day Hum shall gain the same freedom a* //' " From the last Westminister H neir THE TRIAL of run .WYltoWS FOR TUG .POISONING OF MIR THOMAS OYERBIR1. UV ANIUtKW AMOS, ?8<). riie interest which the story of the poisoning of Thomas Overbury has always excited in the stuit of Fnglish History, cannot be ascribed to any at sympathy either with the victim or the reputed uinuls - profligate favorites in u corrupt undabuuicd court?but must be traced principally to the stery that overhangs the transaction, and its supicd connexion with still darker secrets. This muawas generally believed, at the time, to be conriectwith the death of Prince Henry, the hope and ling of the nation, and with a plot more extensive I more horrible than that of Guy Faux; the charer of James I. was supposed to have been deeply ilicnted; and many thought that by his direction public mind was set on a wrong scent at the trial of delinquents. Later researches, whilst partly provthese suspicions to he unfounded, have by no anscleared tip the mutter. Mr. Hallum, who seems luvo studied the subject very attentively, and gone ill the sources of information then within reach, a, after detailing one or two points which heconsidsettled, " Upon the whole, I cannot satisfy myself to this mystery." lie also says, "The circuinuees connected with the murder of Sir Thomas rbury might furnish materials for a separate delation, had 1 leisure to stray into these by-paths." ^Iie task here suggested has been undertaken by . Amos, who has not only collected together, we ieve, all the information on tin; subject that wasviously open to the public, but has added various uments, yet unpublished, from the State Pajwr ice, and manuscripts in the British Museum. Of ? new matter the most valuable portion is the writexaminations of prisoners and witnesses, taken valely by Sir Kdward Coke, who was employed collect the evidence for the prosecution. These i'o tho transaction in a very dillerent light from t in which it has been commonly viewed. If they y bo depended on, they tend greatly to diminish criminality of Somerset; and they likewise servo explain what has been hitherto so unaccountable he dilliculty that was found In putting Overbury death. The work before us, therefore, must be iiowlcdgcd as u valuable accession to English hiscnl litcruture. At the same time, it unfortunutely pens that the materials so diligently uccumulahavo been so unurtfully put together, with so |?erne a disregard of method and chronology, and are nuch overlaid with general commentary, that they only fail of producing their due effect, but arc irly unintelligible to the hasty render. What the k wants is some kind of introductory narrative ninimary of the results, that might serve as index kev to its very heterogeneous contents. homas Hon of .Sir Nicholas Ovcrbury, one of the ^ h of tho Marches was horn at Boston-on-thej, in Uloucoatorallire. He studied nl Oxford, and ling up to London, resided for some time in the Idle Temple. Finding the law not to hiu taste, he it aller "east anchor at court," "the then haven of e," nays hi? biographer, Winstanley, "for nil aspi[ ypirits." licrc he became distinguished for his ! accomplishments, lie wrote both in verse and <*?, with ease and elegance. Besides a poem callhe "Wife," ami some minor pieces, he published lurnrters," prose essays, in the manner afterwards uccessfully adopted by Dr. F.arle. Mr. Amos gives ie specimens of his style. They are much dened by the vice of tin1 ago, a tendency to fantastic ceits and strained antithesis; but contain many py turns, nrenlwayajrurt and energetic, sometimes norons, and indicate a lively and cheerful tone of ul. 'hat however which was the making of Overbu i fortune's was his introduction to the notice and ndship ol Robert Carr, afterwards Viscount Roster and Karl of Somerset. This young gentlen, coming up from Scotland m the stream of forte-seekers, had, by a lucky accident, atttacted tlu m notice of the kin};; and his |s rsonnlU amy ami grace fulness of demeanor at once made their way to James' capricious favor. Curr was illit* rate, idle, and by no means gifted with ability. Hut IdH inllueiiee over the king admitted him into all tiie secrets of stale ; plac. d at his disposal all the gifts and promotions; pave liiui a voice in all questions of foreign and domestic pol ity ; and thus, while it overwhelmed him with wealth and court friends, overwhelmed him likewise with duties, cares, and respoiiaibUitics which lie must have found irksome enough- In a country where all was strange to liini, and whose very language he could scarce speak intelligibly, a guide and counsellor must ^iavo been of the last necessity to him; and such an one lie found in Sir Thomas Overburv. Ovcrburv was received into his patron's inmost confidence; nil affairs of state were made known to him; despatches, petitions, in u word, the secret history of the nation, all was open to both alike; till at last, as Bacon tells us, they two knew more ol' what was passing in the country than did the council itself. In all thingsCarr made Overbury bis oracle; and, indeed, if we are to believe the vaunt of the latter, owed to hiiu all his fortunes, reputation, and understanding. Thus it I came to pass that the servant, an able, unscrupulous I man, began at length to look upon the master as a J mere tool. Overbury may have known, perhaps, ' nioro fully than wo can know, the nature and causes I of Curr's extraordinary influence over the king. Or I it may lie that, he had gained too much insight into | secrets of slate. At ail events, it is certain that Overbury believed lie hud the favorite in his power; and, use what insolence ho might, he could not now be shaken (off. His patron was soon to learn that bud men must endure with patience the tyranny of their confidential servants. Carr, created Viscount Rochester, had not long enjoyed Ins new rank, and the courtly society which was now open to him, before lie was captivated by the charms of the young Countess of Essex, then in attendance on the uuecn. Ladv Frances Howard ably, to reveal the matter to Rotluater, sent wortl to Woodes that that could not be. Meantime, Roe beater and Northampton were devising lacuna to rid themselves of Ovcrbury's dangerous opposition. An act ol' tyranny, by no means uncommon under t|tc Tudora, was made instrumental to their private grudge. Rochester, who had the king's ear, induced him to appoint Overbury urn buasudor to MuHcovy;tbcn persuaded the latter to decline the irksome honor; and, when the treacherous advice was taken, bad hint clapped into the Tower lor contempt. The poor man's indiscretion, it seems came in aid of the inuchiualiona of his enemies. Upon receiving u formal oiler of the embassy, he not only refused it, but, as rumor went, indulged in some stinging sarcasms upon the court, which came to the king's ear, and put him into a violent rage. Overbury's imprisonment took place about the JUth April, IGUJ. This object being removed, the project, hatched no doubt in tlie. prolific brain oi Northampton, was brought to maturity. A suit for a divorce was set on loot, upon the pica that, by witch^rult or otherwise, Essex hml been incapacitated for performing the duties of u husband towards the Lady Eranccs. in .a proceeding that was so neur at heart witli the king's favorite, the king took the greatest interest: he impatiently urged oil the proceedings in the Ecclesiastical Court, and himself dictated, we are told, itslinul decree. The story goes, that when the countess was to be examined before u jury of matrons, an unmarried daughter of one Sir Thomas Monsou was sub-1 stitutcd in her place, concealed unde r a thick veil.? I'.vi-muiiiiy , (lie I inn I |*i uiiuiiiiccu in lavor Ol H1C countess; thus icloiniiiig l?cr from that ill-starred wedlock, in which nature, ami prudence, ami her own allectioiis hud been alike disregarded by tile laniily pride of her relatives. This sop tc nee was followed, after no long interval, by Lady Frances' marriage with Rochester; whom, that his rank might correspond to Item, the king now created Fallot Somerset. The marriage was solemnized with the utmost pomp. The king himself pave away the bride, paid the marriage fees, and presided over the festivities. The queen made a handsome wedding-gift. The wife ol a bishop presented the bride-cake. All who ho|nd for court-favor,? in other words, ull who were, or a spired to be, eminent, wealthy, or distinguished IVIf-U IVgCTIIIVI III I III" auinpiliuiisill 7I9UI III! irglllM 1(1 I |U young couple. One gave u team of the lineal hornet luul boon married, tit the upri|>o age of thirteen, to a !>oy of fourteen, who hail ifnmediately been forced to leave her, to complete his education ou the continent. She wan yet a girl when she wus initiated into the pleasures and teiuplulions of a court, of which, for Iter rare beauty, she was looked upon as one of the brightest ornaments. A contemporary writer, who bore her no good will, declares ot her that "Those who saw her face might challenge Nature of hypocrisy, for harboring wo wicked a heart under no sweet aiuFbewilching a countenance." Her beauty was a futul gift. Surrounded by flatterers, separated from her natural protectors, with the liberty of a widow and the susceptibility of a girl, Lady Frances was not sufliciently insensible to tile solicitation of the young favorite. Carr employed Overbury's pen to give words to his wishes; and a private correspondence was carried on between the lovers, through the medium of one Mrs. Turner, the ludy's )>erfuuier. The intrigue was interrupted by the return of Lord Essex from his travels. Lady Frances received him with undisguised repugnance. The youuggirj^hrank from coiiBumnulting u marriage that wus itself a criuic; and she endeavored to persuade Essex into a separation. To aid her in this attempt, no doubt, and by the udviee of her confidante, Mrs. Turner, she .applied to one Dr. Firman, ? noted astrologer, for an amulet to chill her husband's love. Her letter to the doctor, in which she styles him her "dear father," was produced on her trial/ together with the charm lie gave her, w Inch consisted of enchanted papers and puppets, a piece of human skin, uud u black scurf lull of wlutc crosses, The good doctor's recipe appears to have been of no avail. Battled in this quarter, Lady FranceA must now have revealed iter secret to her uncle, Lord Northampton, a nobleman whom Bacon styles the "leamedest councillor in the kingdom," and who is the author of a work in refutation ol withchcraft. It is an odd coincidence (hat fltiv book was published in the same year, i&dJ, in which tin niece gave so remarkable a proof of her l?eliel in (lie aiipcrsdtion thai (he uncle u(lacked. Northampton seems lo have been induced, by his anxiety for his young relative's reputation, to assist her with his! valuable counsels; and a project wus devised, by which she might be released Irom the abhorred yoke,..ami united to the m.in she ioVcd. This plan, however, ul the very outset, met with opposition hi a quarter irom which it was least ex pet'ted. Cmrbury, who h.i.l hitherto helped to forward his pairon's suit without reluctance, resolutely opposed himself to the project (?I a marriage. i*erhaps lit? had at heart the interests of his friend, and officiously sought to serve hint against his will: perhaps lie was unwilling to share with a another the influence he wielded, and which he hud already found extremely profitable. Whatever Ids motive he was not content with exhortations, attacks on the lady's character, insolent H|>eeches, or even threats; he also proceeded, it would appear, to take active measures lor defeating Northampton's design. He seems now to have given his patron distinctly to understand that lie knew Ins power; thai lie hud a hold upon him, which he was not inclined to forego, and that Rochester must make his choice between resigning tlu lady ami braving one who was master of ids sec re is. When Lady Fiances learnt that Overluiry had thus crossed her love, and traduced her name, mid placed himself athwart the only pulli that could leud hei l>ack to virtue and happiness, all the furies in her breast were aroused. She now proved that under that "sweet und bewitching," countenance of girlish beauty lay passions, whictuioobstacle of fear or conscience could restrain. She sought to clear her way by removing her enemy. Having learnt that one .Sir L>. Woodes bore Overluiry a grudge, she sought In in out; urged him to assassinate Sir Thomas; and promised him a reward of L 1,000, arid to make his greatest enemy?meaning Rochester? his greatest iricud. 'This w# have on the authority of Woodes himself. The worthy knight replied, he says, that he would do so at once, it she would obtain him an assurance under Rochester's hand, or by word ol mouth, that he should be allowed to escape, or have a pardon. Hereupon the lady paused, and desired time to reflect; and afterwards, not venturing, piob NUMBER 13<>. In I tinliiH annlliMr n utdil wnnilllVU -Dttll : ll<*r. hangings worth X'1,500; another, a aiiver cradle to burn sea-coal ; unuthcr, two oriental pour la. So Fruucia Huron in.si.sted on paying for thu masque, which the bencher of Lincoln's Inn preaenti d at the marriage-supper, the coet being X2,000. Dr. Donne, forgetting the clergy noon in the ?ourtu.r, wrote eulogistic verses, complimenting the bride on the "manly courage" with which she "braved unjust opinion." Lady Frances boldly arrayed hersell in the costume appropriated to virgin brides. Everything passed in Mhort, an if Ks*ex and the former marriage hud no existence; us if the bride's reputation were unsullied, and her conscience without reproach. During the time, however, which hod been taken up by these proceedings, was perpetrated that foul crime which forms the mibjei t of our narrative.? M< n of law, it poems, were not more celebrated for despatch in those days than in our own: the suit for the divorce had been commenced in April or May; but it was not till St. Snellen's day, in December, that the marriage could take place. Sir Thomas Overbtiry died on the 15th September. That he died by poison ^an scarcely lie doubted; though dure are conflicting opinions us to what persons arc implicated in the guilt. A pluin nurruUve of the circumstances that occurred, so far as they appear clearly established, will enable the reader to draw his own i conclusions, particularly as to tin- guilt of Somerset < mill James, WIIIL'II am ine principal qucsuuiu iu umputo. In lilt? first place, it seems clour thai Overbury wax minimal ns well ua placed in prison hy the machinations id' Somerset. According to the usual course ut procedure, lie might have expected tils rrleuac after an iiiipriaoniucnt of a Tow weeks, il' not days. But Somerset reipiired Ilia detention till the divorce and second marriage should be accomplished. VVc find that means was taken by some one to inspire James with feelings towards Uverbury which seem incommensurate with the very venial oflencc of declining an embassy. From a contemporary letter It uppcurx, that "much ado there hath been to keep SlrT. Overhiiry from a public eensuru of banishment and loss of office, such a noted hilt red llcth ill the king's hearl towards Idin." That this hatred was the work of Somerset seems a fair inference from the circumstances in which he was placed. Again, It was necessary for Somerset's purpose, not only to keep Ovcrbury iu prison, but to keep him close, and to allow of no correspondence on his part, that might either obstruct tlie divorce, or publish those secrets, whatever they might be, in the possession of which lay Overbury's hold a|>on his patron. Accordingly, Somerset upiwars to have bcon the means ol doliarring the prisoner from the attendance of his body-servant. Overbury's father and mother, on the news of his urrest, hail eoinc up to town to make exertions lor his release; but Somerset, whilst he anuis ed them with hopes, and promises of his assistance, strongly urged them to go back into the country, und neither press to see their son, nor deliver petitions to the king on his behalf; assuring them lliat their interference would only stir up enemies, and protract Iuh release. Another, and still more suspicious circumstance Is to come. Shortly after his Imprisonment, and while he yet confided in his friend, Overbury received front him a while powder, which lie was to take medicinally. Somerset declared, at his trial, that this wua at Overbury's request,who wished to appear sick, that his patron might lake occasion to move the king's compassion. He also produced a letter, iu which Over bury suid that the powder had agreed with him, though he meant to lake no more of that kind. There Is, however, some mystery about this powder, which has not been cleared up. When asked whence ho hail it, Somerset asserted that it wua given hlin by one Sir II. l'ettlgrew, from whom ho hod got similar iiieilieinc before, ax Overbury knew. But Pottigrvw maintained thut he had never given Somerset bnt three powders; and each of diese was traced; so tlut I lyre must have t/oon a fourth, for Overbury, from some other quarter. This powder then may hare been poison. But if so, it is impossible to suppose il in any way the cause of death, immediately or re inntciy. It prisluecd a violent effect; was followed hy great vomiting ana purging; bill beyond thut il seems to have left no trages of its presence: lite patient recovered, and lived for months. If it were poison, we may perhaps presume tlrat Ovcrbury was saved hy the over-strength of the dose. Weeks rolled on, and still Overbury was u prisoner Somerset professed much, but had done nothing; and Overbury's friends, as well as himself began todoubt [ lite sincerity of one who was not used to ask favors of the king in vain. Sir John I.ydeote, Overbury's brother-in-law, found means to send him a letter, in which he recommends him to change his style In ?tiling to Somerset. Overbury took the hint, and wi-oli. two very luuieriollR letters of which ftlnoocntid closet \\ itlk an alarming throat, as followa;? "Well, all tlifs vacation I have written the story I betwixt you and me: how I have lost iny friends for your sake; what hazard 1 have run; what secrets have passed between us; how, after yott had won iliat woman by my letters, you then concealed all your after proceedings from mc; and how upon this there came many breaches betwixt tfs; of the vow you made to be even with mej and your sending for nie twice that day that 1 was caught in the trap, persuading me that it was u plot of mine enemies to send inc U yond sea, and urging me not to accept it, assuring me to free me from any long trouble. On Tuesday I made an end of this, and on Fiiday m nl it to a friend of mine under eight seals; and, if you persist to use me thus, assure yourself it shall be published. Whether I live or die, your shame shall never die, but ever remain to the world, to make you the most odious man living." Shortly after the arrest of Ovcrbury, Weston was sent for to Lady Frances' apartments at Whitehall, where he was closeted with the lady and Mrs. Turner. Mere he was told that he should be appointed Overhury's keeper, and tlint there should be sent him a "water," which lie wus to take care and give to the prisoner, and for so doing he should receive a large reward. Accordingly, he had not been long in his new |Mist before he received front them a little glass full of "water," of yellowish and greenish color. Now, it seems that Weston had all this time been under a mistaken notion that the Lieutenant was in the secret. That evening, therefore, the 9th of May, when about to take up Ovcrbury's soup, Weston asked Llwes, "whether he should now give him that which he had or no7" Klwes alloc ted to hear him without surprise, and led him apart, and by a few questions, so turned as not to show his ignorance, drew out the other's secret. Hereupon the good Lieutenant read him such a lecture on the hcinousncss of his crime, and tin-judgment to come, thai the poor man?who had, perhaps, grown up in ignorance, and been made a tool by others, without a due tense of his own responsibility-fell on Ills knees, and with uplifted hands, says Rlwot, "blessed the time that ever he did know me." Then he explained his mistake. "Why, sir," said he. "did vou not know what should be done?!' Elwisa not only protested his Ignorance,and made Weston fling the accursed "water" into u gutter, hut gained such an influence over him, thot he promised liiithfully to report from time to limo all that might be designed against Overbury's life. Elwes shrank, however?und here lies his limit, as ho afterwards became sensible ?ho shrank from making a public expostiro of the plot he had thus beoome privy to. lie dared not bravo the wrath of Lady Prances and Iter lover, the all-powerful favorite, to whom ho owed his appointment, and on whom Ids prospects depended. He contented himself'with counter-plotting , in a manner which ho believed must keep Overbury safe. Weston, by his direction was so to carry matters towards Ins employers that they might believe him still devoted to them ho was to report that ho had given the "water," and to pass off false talcs of its effects?as that it was followed by "extreme oustings," and the like; and Elwes, as he found occasion, was to confirm his report of tho prisoner's health. (7b be continued.) | "i The Washington correspondent of the N. \ Journal of Commerce, al ter sneaking of the failure of the |Hiacc negotiations with Mexico, adds- The financial arrangements and prospects of tho Treasury will be essentially altered by the present slate of things. It was only last wwk thai Mi. Walker congratulated himself u|?on tholaei that ano ther loan would not Iks wanted. If we are to pursue the war, merely with a view to punish the Mexicans lor refusing to treat, we shall want a new loan of fifty nullum*. To inflict ndcounte and certain punishment, according to the plan ol the "Union," wo must send ( an army of fifty-thouaaiHl men to ravage and d#so?t? the tommy, J ?