VOLUME I. lU LTIMOHE A I) V ERT1SEM ENTS. LIFE INSURANCE. national loan rimt like assurance kocietv, Ai, COUNIIILL, LONDON, anu 71, WALL STREET, NEW VOIIK. CAPITAL, STE It LINO, $2,500,(MM), Empowered by A?*i <>l I'iirlianioil, ii Viet Royal Asaem, July itf, LSI?. [ "/I &iivini{ti I tank fur the Orphan and the Widow." II S HOARD OF LOCAL DIRECTORS AT NEW VOKK Jacob IIahvkv, Cliulr'ii Sammci.S IIowi.ano, John J. I'ai.MKIt, OuuiiaM A. Woutii, Jon a Oouimii'K, Samhki. !U. Fox, Jamkh IIookaian, Wm Van Hook, Okokuu lUm i.av, t\ Row. IIabicht. nun: FOlJ.OWINO ARE AMONO Till: ADVANTAGES I OI I EKEI) IIV THIS INSTITUTION. Tlie wuiaiih? ol a large eupilul, in u?Mil)ou lo lite at cuiiiulglioii of pre miliiiiji. " ; The peculiar bOb flln Heriircil i<> the umiireil by (lie prm Tlie payment ol premiums huff yearly or quarterly, by ' purlit'H insuredJ'oi ir/mir term oj lije} at u trifling additional i barge. The travelling leave extensive and Jitu ral. Persons insured lor lite, call at hum borrow linlf amount of annual premium, ami claim tins same privilege lor live Mire. r-:ave years, on their own note ami deposit o( policy. Part of the Capital in permanently invested in the Ibnled Si a tea, in (lie iiutiu'H ol three u I the l.ocul Directors, an Trim lee? ?available always In the assured in cauea ul disputed ? Ijiiiih (should any audi jirisc) or otherwise. Thirty iluyn allowed uln r each payment of premiutn he collier, line, without lot tenure of policy. No charge lor stamp ifnty. or toi M? .heal Examination. 'I'lie Society being founded oil the Millil.tl ami Joint Snick principle, parlies may p.iriicip;l(c in the profits of the So* eiety, I wo thirilu of which are tuiiiually divided among those assured lor lile on the participation wale. 'I'lie Society in not connected with either Marine or Eire liiauruiirc. Kit'*' The Italfimore llrutieh ol the United Staler Coral Hoard will nu'i t on tlie |"ii:-i Monday ol every month id the olliee ol the Chairman, for the transaction oi business. SO1-Tin- Medical Examiner;: will iiud daily at II l.< x iugtoii nfrcet, at | o'clock, p, M , Io receive applicants I'Ve paid hy the Society. Pamphlets, explanatory of I,if* Insurance, and the peculiar system of this limltlolion, blank loriuu ol application, ?Vc", ohluined at the Agent's ollice, ?i German sfrtel. I!nih il Utah:: hwul Directors uf Hull/inure. JONATHAN MEREDITH, Esq , Chair'n. SAM I'HI. IIOI'T'M AN, Knp ,S II McCRIXOll, Esq., :Vt I) J. MEREDITH, limp, Stuodiojj Counsel. I MASON CAMPHKf.l., Esq., .Solicitor ' ALdii at Examiners. 1 II HIICKI.ER, 41 l.exillgtnil street S It. TII.GIIMAN, 40 Si. Paul street Ai'rnl.t. DON'AI.D Moll.VAIN, 0 German sheet TIIOS. II VV 11.1.1 A MS. not H- I yd * Buck's Patent Hot aitft -Air-tight Cooking Stove i IS REMOVED from Light street to No. 42 South Calvert ' I street, 3d door above Lombard street. It is now one year since the subscriber first introduced this stove to the uihiihilnuhi of Hie city ami county of liultiinore and its adjacent country, and will venture to say that no stove ever intrisluccd into this market, where so large a number has been sold, ever became so popular In so short a lime, or gave such general ami, universal satistaction as it lias done. It In now eight years since 1 lirsl commenced selling this Stove, during which time I have sold almost nil and every kind of Cooking Stove that now is or lias been in the market lor the lasL fifteen years: tlwoinre am, front experience, prepared to say, without! tear of contradiction, that there never has been that Ma- I chine made in shape of either Stove or Range, that is capa1 i.in of doing so much work, of doing it us well, and at as | small expense lor lubor ami fuel, as the muck wove, uiei fire is made and brought directly under ami very close to ! all tlie boilers, from \ to 12 in number. The oven is very , large, being the lull Size of Ibe stove, including the lieartli, consequently is twice as large its the generality of ovens in Cooking Stoves now in use, ami a third larger than the oven of any other htovo ever made; ami is so constructed that the heat passes in lines entirely around the oven, being a distance front eight to twenty feet, (according to size,) which not only gives the oven a perefctlv even heat at top ami bottom, but by confiding and sending the heat tiiis extraordinarily long distance in the stove before coining to llie pipe, must make it apparent to every one that it would require much less fuel to cook or keep it heated. It is also a superior baker; and the small size being Capable of baking four loaves of bread ut a time, it at once does away with the necessity of a hake oven lor family us?, thereby saving a large amount of fuel that is usually wasted in this way, and renders it peculiarly adapted to tne'uso of hoarding houses, academies, hospitals, steamboats, and (lie | largest class hotels. Hundreds of certificates might he add- i ed to substantiate the above tacts, butLdcetn It not necessary, believing that all who wish to study economy ami con-' vemeiice, ami at the same time obtain the most simple, I moat ornamental, ami most durable Stove in America will at least call ami cxuiiiine Ibis before purchasing elsewhere. The following are a lew names selected to which 1 am most kindly permitted to refer: Mr. David Keener, Hi North Charles street. Itishop Waugh, 2d (Jreen street. Thomas Wilson, corner Calvert ami Lexington streets. Dr. John L. Chapman, INI ill berry street. Mrs. .lane I lay nurd, 5(? North Calvert street. I'M ward I,. Kant, Hanover street. (teorgo A-. V. Spreeltelsen, 71 East Pratt street. I Abraham Mister, Mil llailover street. .lames P. Williamson, Corner Cay and High streets. I John II. Rhodes, lfi2 Hanover street. Dr. J. M. Jennings, f? North llsgh street. Jane S. Jewell, M Howard street. James Young, '.ki Eden street. Dr. II. II. Hopkins, 1(?7 Park street. < Joseph Husband, jr., 21H Pratt street. < John S. Stithy, esq., ifcM llnllimore street. Dr. Henry Stimiecke, 171 Lombard street I'Vmale Orpliau Asylum, Mulberry street. Ilarniim Co., City llulel. P. Thurston, Fountain Hotel. Daniel Doiw, Exchunge Hotel. William Field, National Hotel. Thomas James, Rainbow Hotel. Col. II. Caprpn, Laurel Factory, Md. Many more names might be. added, but suppose the above will sulllce. jSce little hook.til the store lor certificates ami Inrlhcr particulars Any person purchasing one oi these Stoves, alter giving it a lair trial tin* thirty days, and liud it does not answer their purpose, can return it, ami will have their money refunded. N. It. No. -12 South Calvert street is Hie only place where they can he had. not ft ty" llt i It It PECK, Agent IVits111iion Cniversify of ISitlllmoic. I MkdICAI. IIKI'AKTMKNT. I.W mill IH|S Prol. J r S. Monkuk, M. D., Theory atnl Practice of mwiiProf. K. Forkman, INI I) , Chemistry. I'rol. Wii.i.i a u T. Wiuiun, M. D., Therapeutics and Materia Medioa. Prof. W i i.i.i a m T. T.honauh, M. D.. Anatomy. Wii.iaam II. SruKKM, M. D, Professor of Obstetrics, Die euwu ol Women ninl Ohildren, ami Medical Jurisprudence. Prol. Ouoimu McCook, M. 11., Surgery. Dr. Wakkman Huyaici.y, Demonstrator of Anatomy. The annual course of l.i rlurrH will roiiiiimncu on Mon t?av, '..T.i11 ol October m .xl, ami continue lour mouths. The (,'ollegc tins greatly enlarged lis capabilities lor ini purling Medical instruction. The Hospital Department, iinder lh' control of u resident member ol tin* Family, has been filled wilh ciuk'r nl disease. A Museum ol Anatomical and other preparations lias been established, ami ninny important addilioiiH lo the Obstetrical Uepariiiieiil. have lu'tn received Irom Paris. Tim moms lor the resident Stu deiiis arc numerous, comfortable ami economical, and will prove greatly advantageous to such as wish lo pursue an assiduous and uninterrupted course ol study. hWii fur the Session. Matriculation ticket $ r> Professor's ticket, each |f? Demonstrator's ticket - - . . 10* Diploma 'JO oct 8- lyd' E. FOREMAN, JJrun MARTIN LEWIS & GO'S. m : m .m D' ' il a Mr mL^am ma M-lrn FOR THE KXri.llSIVK SAI.E OF GOODS ADAPTED TO MEN S WEAR. 77IN "\/. V ST'Hit: Of 77//; KINIt IN IIA I.TIMOR E, !ii:i it\i/ri rioit i<: strf.kt, Hi tttrrH i '/unit s atul Light st. CLOTHS, t ASSIMEKES, VESliNHS, Ac THK Subscriber, hnviiiR cnmplrlwl 'be ropiilre til lmpr.iv.tl mn.'hllirrv, in lu.w pwpnrrd In execute, wil line iii' IiiihIiiosh. 'IV improvement" nre mum hh id n or silk rubrics, in I be most till ruble manner, oct 8?1 mil* IMVIOIIHITV OF MAltY I. 1 Nl> Famjltv of imivsic session or 1^7 u -The Lectures will commence mi Monday, VfT?i11 October, uiitl continue until the lirst of March Obstetric Surgery arul Medical J u dependence, . Therapeutics, Materia Medica, and Hygiene, Sami/kl f'llKW, M. I). Anaiomy and Physiology, Joskfii Itonv, M. 1). Theory aud Practice ul Medicine, YVim.iam Powkk, M. I). Chemistry and Pharmacy, William E. a. Aiken, M. D. 1.1. I) Surgery, Nathan Smith, M D. Demonstrator ot Anatomy, Okomor Mii.trnbnr.eu, M I) Inutrnction in Clinical Medicine and Oluiical Surgery every day at (he Haiti more Infirmary, opposite the Medicul College. The rooms for praettcul anatomy will he opened October I at, under the charge oft he demonstrator. Fees for die eido'e course S'.M). Oomlortnhlc hoard may he obtained in the vicinity of the Medical College for ft-i.bO to #8. fid. WILLIAM B. A AIKF.N, ?-hi workmen in the city, all i?l which is ottered at extremely low prices. Purchasers Iroiii the different Slates, will timl il greatly to their advantage to calf at this establishment, where they will tin*I every variety ol Till Ware, at prices that will not t ill to please, (too.Is will Is- carefully puckeil and sent to any pari of the city free of charge. AI.FItr.l) II. RKIP, oct M? ly* No: 335, Hallo, st., above the (tlobe Inn. TO MAItlNKKN A NO SHltVKVOHH. MAL'ttLH Jk HROTIIRKS, No. 6.3, Sooth St., three doors I mm Pratt street, Ualdinore, Ahimi/iuiurrrn and hn[ /Milan oj ftlalliPiiKitii'iit, Ofiiicul, utut RhitoaujJticiil InnlruI incttfn. A good assort in. ol ol the following articles, which I we ollVr lors.de al reduced prices: Surveyor's Compasses; liiiKineer's Levels; Therordolites Theodolites Compasses; Ships, Plain, Storm, and Trauspa I rent Compasses; Spy-glasses; Plain and Double Tangent i inadruols; Sextants; Itarometers; Thermometers: Log ( loams; lluh-lioor itlasses; Tape Lilies; (Janes ol Druwiii;; Instruments; pocket Compasses; Surveyor's Chains; I I.'aipeuler'fi and Lumber Rules; Tailors and Sailmulcers' Squares; Hruss and (tunfer S-'ules; Parallel Rules; Drawing pens; Dividers; Protractors; llowdileh Naugulois; Itlunt's Coast Pilots; Shipmaster's Assistants: Seaman's Friends; Nautical Almanacs; Lunar 3? ' Log Hooks; Shipping Papers; Samun'n Journal Calculators, A good assortuieiit of Charts of all i the world; (tanging Rods; OuPSticks, Ate. To .oh a large assoituient of insritumun it. ill the mm . al line. tor Instruments of every description repaired, or made t<> oider, iii the neatest maimer, is'l H ly* POIMMiKIN, ORRItK, *JL TIIOAISKN, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE STUM'S, iJr., IVe. 18-1 Ifultinwre Street, OFFER FOR SALE 100 bills. Epsom Salts 1000 ounces Quinine :?0 hhhi. Whiting 40 pounds Iodide Potash J Ioim Ext. Logwood HKX* jioiitids < iiiVi Myrrh 50 rases < .'uinph. II'h Shellac ,'JO boxen t 'alr'il Magnesia lit ruses Liver Shellac 20 cases Curb. Magnesia ;J0 hall' pieul ruses Cassia 5 bags Cum Senegal I 2 rusks Much 2 ruses Cum Opium 2 casks Nutmegs 2 rases Cum Arabic On Covn'ffnnvjnt, at Manufacturer's Price*. ' 20 bbls. Clue | 10 bbls. Copal Vurnish oct b? bahoratory of Tlioinsvill receive orders, which will he luilhltilly and promptly executed at our mauulactory. to- Orders will also he received at our liictory direct, I and special pubis taken to give satisfaction. KNAItK A (.AFIII.n, No. 9 Kutaw St., opp. the Kutaw House, Hall. : oct 8? I yd * , TO THE IM11CIO. 'PHI! Subscribers would respectfully cal| the attention o| * the public to their stock ol (J A Kill AO l/// LADKU'lUtI, IN THKIR OWN CARS, DAILY. Mil.I.KB a Co. most respectfully inform tin* public llmf lin y have completed anarrangement (?.,nnnM>eiii? on (lie 4lh Oeioher) lor running their Express in their Own Ex piTNU Cain, ..ltd in charge ul Ihcir own Messenger*, by mail iraiiiK between Philadelphia und llaliiuiore, via York, Columbia, and l.aneuKter, arriving in Haltlnioro und Phiiadcl pliia in ((me lor (lie early delivery ol all packages, parcels, specie and bank notes, and Ihu transaction ol all commix Hiona entrusted In their carc, ul rcducod mien und increased spend. Their Expresses will leave Philadelphia nl midnight, and arrive next morning in llaliiuiore, cornier ting with Ihcir Southern and Western Expresses. The Noil hern Express leaven llalfiniore daily, at 'J P M Okcicks Jarvin Building::, Baltimore Snwiuehauiiu Hall, York NU Chesnut Hired, Philadelphia Gay ?V Co., No. I, Wall sired, New York (Jay A: Co., Providnicu * (lay ?V Co., No. 7, Stale Ml reel, JIonIou The Ssithcrn Fx pi cm* leaves Tuesday ami Friday, al r? l?. M < ipkiokk Depot Fredericksburg do Kiehiiioiid do Petersburg (jo VVeldou. All gisids must lie marked " Miller A Co 'h Cxpress," ami directed mm above. ortB-lyd* FOR PHlLIVDEIiPIIIA MtanzI~I'* fro* J| ayj ?anL, Till: CAMDFN AND AMItnY IIAll. 11(1 AD I.INF., Foil I' 1111. A 1> i: 1.1* 111A AND INTKItMF.DfATK PI.ACKS, will leave Pier No. 2, N. It , foot of Mattery Plrees, liy Steam bout JoltN WXITKIl lor South Amboy, every day, (Soil lay excepted,) al sax o'clock iViiiMi neeiM will lake llie earn Iroin S?uth Amboy |o (jam den and arrive in Philadelphia, aboni II I 2 o'clock Fare io I'lnlaib lj?bi.i, &'!; lor I n ward deck pawengeib to Philadelphia, #2,Ml; Ihuiuraiil andTratisportHtioii l.ine every day, by Sfeunilstal Transport, al d 1-2 o'clock I' M , fare ?2,25; Freehold mid Monmouth, via Stagesfrom Hit* hist own and WeiU'y Tiinioiii; from New Vork lo Freehold by Wests Turnout, 87 J 2; from New Vork lo Freehold by llndilalown, 41,fill; to Spots Wood and Wests, 7ri C. llM; Solilll Amboy, 2,> cents; l'erih Aluhoy, 12 1-2 reins. DAII.Y i:\CIIHSlONS TO PHILADELPHIA For the accommodation of those persona wishing to spend a part of the day in Philadelphia, either on business or pleasure, excursion tickets will be furnished, entitling (tie pas seti?ers to return by the Mail Line al 4 I 2 n clock, IV M the Nauie day, or at b u'dock the next morning. Tickets for the Excursion 8r?, to lie had al the ofliee, No *.i West Street, or on board the bout. Filly pounds ul baggage will lie allowed to each passenger in this line, and passengers are expressly prohibited Irom taking anything as baggage but then wearing apparel, which will be at lie.' rink ot its owiii r oel8 -dly I IIJ.ISS, Agent CNITEl) STATKN MAIL LINKS FOR IIAIi'l'lIilOHK Fair $3. mmmmM MOUN|N<; LINi:, PF.lt PHILADELPHIA, WII.MINHTON, AND IIAI.TI AlllKi: KAII.KOAD Via Wilmington, Newark, Klklon,lluvro tie (Jrare. Are , will leave Hie depot, Eleventh ami Market WtJcelr, daily (except Sunday.) ut 8 A. M AFTERNOON LINK. Via New Castle and Frcnchtown. The steamboat (UNO, Capt. Davis, will leave Dock street wharf, daily, except Sunday, at .'I 1 I I*. M. NIGHT IJNK. Per Philadelphia, Wilmington and Haltimore Railroad, will leave the demit, Nth and Market streets, daily, at In o'cloc k. A. M. The Mad Lines will leave Hallimorr for Philadelphia at 9 A. M , ami 8 P. M. per llailroad, and o'clock, P. M , by Steamboat. SUNDAY MAIL LINK. The only Line for UuUiniore, on Sunday, will leave the depot, lllh and Market sheet, at 10 P. M. Passengers must procure their tickets before Inking tie n scuts in the cars. WHEELING AND PITTSHURG Tickets through to Wheeling or Pittsburg, can be procured ut the depot, or on board the steamboat. Pare to Pittsburg #12; to Wheeling #KI. NOTICK. All baggage by the above lines in entirely at the owner's riskf and piiKsengers are expressly prohibited Irom taking anything us baggage, but their wearing apparel; fit) lbs tif baggage allowed each passenger. oet8?dly G. II. IIIJDDELL, Agent. "FALL ARRANGEMENT. DAILY USD TO TDK SOUTH. SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Carrying the Croat Central United States Mail. SCHKDUDE: Leaving Spear's Wharf, llalliinore, daily, except Sundays, at 1 P. M., bv the well known route, via Chesapeake Hay, City Point, Ivtersburg, Weldon, Wilmington, to Charlesloll, S. C., without loss of sleep to Weldon -in the popular, comfortable, and safe steamboats, with their experienced captains and crews. GEORGIA, Captain Cannon, or HKKALl), Captain Russell, or JEWESS. Captain Sutton. This Line has been running for upwards of twenty years, without Iorh of life or properly. The bouts built expressly for this route. Arriving in Norfolk, after a comfortable night's sleep, next morning, at t> o'clock, A. M. Thence up the James River, with its beautiful scenery, in daylight, by tlie seatnboat CURTIS PECK, Captain Davis, or ALICE, Captain llrougli, to City Point thence to Petersburg in the beautiful iron steamboat MOUNT VERNON, Captain Mow, some lime in advance at Petersburg of the , HllOWNSYILLK, 1'ITTS nuuait, WHKHusa, r/.v'/.v.v.tr/, LfWiSVILLKy ST. LOtns A Hit ANORMKNTS have hern made with Merrrs. Rin k A Co.'s Kxpress Irom Baltimore to Pnmhiir-jh tor the oxtension ol this I due, on ami after Monday, t stole r till, to the above named places, With mailsncid The W.utons ol rtfunu Di C., SATURDAY AFTKRNOG OCEAN STRAN NAVIGATION COMPAV V United Sttdea Afnil Line to Coipta tnid Snul/nwiiilun. aiul Hie mm. iUAv The uplendid new Steanmhip WASH/Mi. 12J3LiL?m'PON, l/ft) ioiim burthen, Frederic llewitt, commander, will atari from New York on the 'J3d of Septumber, carrying the 13. S Mail. Stio will touch at Cowes and Southampton In laud paamcii^lth and deliver the maile lor Eugland, Pruuec and Belgium, and will then proceed to Breinerliuvuu. Returning, will leave Hremerhaveu the 10th October. Tlio WuHhiriKton in built ill the Ktrnnjp-Nt manner, with a view to being converted into n bhip of war, and Hihjeci at any time to innpoctiou by oflicun* ap|miutcd by Ihe'PrcHi dfiiit, both during and after coimtrnction. Iw.iixmlHMiil 11M M) Ilium: I.OVVCI' each. ami ac. coinnxslatioiiH l?*r "1011 passengers. Passage from New York Ui Southampton c?r lo tinmen. $\A). Do Ironi Bremen ttiid Southampton io New York, #4.111. She will carry about .'**1 tons freight, which will be r l?;tr;;< ?l }?<*r??r?liiiar lo flic nature of the soihIs offering- All letters must inum through the Post Olllce. Parcels, for which hillsof lading will be signed, will lie charged #5 euch' Fur Freight or Passage, apply ul the (Hlice o| Hi** Dceau SU-ain Navigation Company, ! '? William slrex'l, corner ol Wall. I: MII.I.S. II. I ll Agent I Agentfl Ht Southampton, DAY, CltOSKGY ?V. ItoSS at llr* men, C A IIKIMiKI'N A Co at Havre, WII.I.IAM HISKIJN. The second steamer ol the line is in iluu course of construction, and will lie in readiness in the ensuing fall. or I S |y FltKIVdl Til A NSATM NTIC STK AMHIIIP CONI'ANV. The slop* of this t'ompuiiv arc appointed lo .-.il uu lidloWH : I'ltOM NEW YtiltK The rmn.V, Capt. Ilcrticri, sall.'t oil the ddlh Sept 1917. 44 r/il/iaph'li'hiatctutl. Bomom," If.ih Oct 44 AIIS.SUl >Hl.i 'apt. Mono, "din! " 44 NUW YUJtK, t apt IVrrund, " lath Nov FKOM II AMI I; The PUILAHF.I.VHIA Halls on Ihr 111 11 ot Sept MtssnvUL 44 44 :nnh 44 V/;IT YOJiK, 44 44 IfMh (let. 44 ( XJOX, 44 44 Mm 44 Passage fnou New York to Havre, #IJ0; wines not ineluded. UerlliH not secured until paid lor. An experit need surgeon ih altarhcd to each ship. There ships having been constructed tin* the Fn licit Itoy al Navy, are interior to no vessel til all mi worthy qualities. Their rubiiiH am large, well furnished, and .unusually well ventilated, and their la hie in unsurpassed. Willi a of all kinds and ol the beat quality are furnished at very low rales. l-'or freight or pausage,, apply to the Company's Agency, Nil n U rood way i ' ix'M ly* RXOHANGE HOTEL/flfeittgoiiiery, A In. IT will lie a matter of g rail tie at toll lo the citizens of Montgomery, as well as lie* travelling community through Our Table will be supplied with nil the luxuries of the i season, niul we .pledge ourselves Unit (lie pikht rarities of the season shall tie lotUld Upon it. We have devoted unusual attention to tho selection of servants, mid our gucsln may rely upon prompt and polite attendance. Porters will be in readiness, nf the various pepofs, to take charge of Uaggnge and provide Darriuges for our guests. Tin? proprietors trust t?y strict attention to the wauls of quests to merit a Hliare of patronage, assuring all who may lavor them with a visit, that nothing shall he wanting on their pari, to render the A hams IIoiihk second to none ill the Union. ? I. ?v W. T. ADAMS, Proprietors. wm. t. adamm. * Adams House, UokIoii. Oct Sly* Merchants' Exchange Hotel, STATR STRRIOT, lltlNTUN. rill I P. subscribe r will open on the 1st ol September next. L the jyjrrrhirtih* Hi'chnn^r locate d in Stale street, and in the immediate vicinity ol the llitnks, the Post Ol lire, and the ICxchaiige, and hones hy tho slnelest attention to tic wants and coinlorfs ?d Ids guests, to merit a good share ol the public patronage. The house has one huu ureu rooms, mis neen iiiomuisuiv renovated ami repair wl, ami the m???l?ti hihiumI |e?>|n confident ilmt he is now lire pared to entertain Hie travelling public in n style to any Hold in tliee.ity. Tim !? - I?liny ami furniture generally lias In en ivplenlnhed, ami Hie appointments ami eonveuienres ol tin' llonse are inlerior to none ol lis kind lly |ii'ont|il personal attention to the desires of his guests, the subscriber hopes to merit his share of the public luvnr ami patronage. Transient lioaplqs (Ine Hollar per clay, uctd ly IIENKV DOOI.EY. Itrlflah unci North American Royal Mali STEAM SHIPS, Appointed by the Admiralty to sail JM;Y _ aMfljC between LIVEKPOUI. A: BOSTON, JJHLLfc ntunig ui HALIFAX to land ami receive Passenger* ami Ibr Majesty's Mails ; CAMHRIA, Capl Charles II E. Jmlkiiis (.'A LEUONIA, Ed wan I O |.ott HRITAHNIA, " William Harrison HIRER!VM, u Alexatuier Eyrie AhAulA, " Niel Shannon The lour Steamships now building are : The AMERICA, The HJAHARA, The CAN AD The EUIWI'A The veneris nptminied to tail front LIVERPOOL are the CALEIHhVlA on the P.hli August IWITA \ VIA on the 4th September. III HERXIA on dm P.tth S' lm niher The vessels appointed to mil Irom BOSTON are the CAMHRIA on the I hi Sepiemliei' CALEIIOXIA on the ItUli September mm'A WIA oil the 1st i M'tohi I III HER St A on the It'.th October IIIPN* snipf i .lriy i xjM-rn iv <-?t rvirgroiiH. ?' No lit*ilit .avnrrd i.Mil paid lor. s N?> freight, except Sftwir, received oil day* of nailiny NuU All lall' in and Ncwxpamr*mw\7 jtani ihroiiuiithe * |*okI Office. Morrhandlxe and Sjh e|e (except lor pt rniHial i xpeiiscx) whipped under the name ol i.tooaok will Ik- . charged uh fr* igld, ami liable In Custom lloiiwc Regulation* Spc'ie taken iu? freight. e for height or [Mtwtgr, apply I" S S LKWIS, No. I Com- N incrciul wnnrf, Ronton. In addition to (lie above Iim* between Liverpool ami Boa* 1 Ion via Halifax, a contract lias bern entered into with l|*r Majesty's Oovt mmeiH,to ewtubliah a Iim between Liverpool . ami New York direct Tin- Steam jhin* lor thin wivice are now being built, ami due notice will be Riven of the time < when they will start Under the new contrncl,lhe Hteanmm t will anil #v? ry Saturday during the eight month*,nml every fortnight luriiij', the other four monlna'ili the yeur going alternately between Liverpool aii?l Halifax ami Boston, ami . t>etwecn Liverpool and New York. I oct tfi-lyd ocl?J9" Washington Tilly, so long and favorably known on liie courteous ami gentlemanly proprietor ol Montgomery llall, will open, on the Inf. of November, the above new ami ail mirahly arranged Hotel, umier Mi J J. Sfewurt, llie proprietor". In lb'* accommodation lor permanent boarders ami lr.innieiil visitors. no ex|wiiHe Iioh been spared by llie proprietor ami the undersigned, a* manager, lo merit (bat patronage which their experience ami popularity meruit The building ami tiirnitiire are new ami cosily, ami well iolapfeil lo mhi the lasts of travellers -llie tuniitnre modern. The tables will lie well supplied with every article requisite lor ih< most fastidious tastes, ami llie wine* ol j iiprrior brand The first session ol llie I,eg islam re will asNrmblc, in (Ida city, and upon lion, as upon eye 17 occasion, llie Hu mbert , aw well uh llie public in general,may expert 110 diininiilioii ol (he alieniiou lliey have Iniheiio experienced from the undersigned, ocl .M ly* WASIHNUTON TILLY. BOSTON ADVERTISEMENTS. " winthkoF house, ( 'OJlNFli OF 'FREMONT AffD HOST ON NTS, j Dliclly opposite Boston Common* 1 Mil JOHN WKH.'HT having relinquished all connexion 1 Willi the W uithrop Hums', it will lor (lie future be mi- { I der llie Hole management ol llie Hithscriher, uml llie house l? now opened uh a Hold lor llie travelling public, an well 1 :?s a home lor more permanent boarders. 1 in- situation ot the House, directly in front ol Boston ion, its spacious ami airy rooms, uml all its Internal iitimHlutioiiH, render H unequalled by any public house I leaning more permanent lodgings. Every convenience as to apartments, table ami alien11,inre, will be furnished at llm miliar, which can be hud at any Iu ( *! in the city, ill lis attractions lor the traveller, anil lor thi'.v desiring more permanent lodgings. Every convenience as to apartments, table ami alieniluiice, will he furnished al I ho house, which can lie hud at any hotel or hoarding bonne in flic cltv, and the subscriber will devote himself to tin: comfort of all who may favor him Willi their patronage. Parties I ravelling with (heir families, and with ladies, will Itnd the WllifTtroji House especially udapled to their convetiieiicc. The patronage of the travelling public ami of permanent boarders, is respect fully solicited, net Sly* WILLIAM II. SPOONKR. . New Carpet Warehouse. BALLARD A PRINCE inlorni-their customers and lite public that they have removed from the old stand no long occupied by (Item, to the large ami commodious Warebouse, recently erected on Hie north able of unothWh'lHLl) STRKK7', a short distance from Washington street, when; they oITer lor sale iiu extensive assortment of English and American Carpetings, of all ipiulities; do do Stair Carpctiiigs; Hearth Rugs; liockings; Straw Mattings, Ac. Ac. Also, English and American Painted Floor Cloths, of all dimensions. wih |y* ADAMS HOUSE, s No. 371 Wiulilngtiui Mtrcet, Boston. fpllE undersigned respectfully iiilorm their friends and J. the public, that they have become proprietors of the at Hive new ami splendid Hotel. The Adams House was erected during the past season to supply an obvious demand litr increased and superior accommodations in this city. II is located on Washington slrei i, withiifflve minutes' walk of the great Southern and Western Railroad Depots, ami the business sections of the city. It is adjacent to the Park, mid (lie (hipolu commands I a beautiful view of the, Harbor ami adjoining towns. , The llouse has been constructed alter the most approved plans, wiUi nil the modern inventions thai minister to the eomlort ami convenience of the traveller, ami the construe i tor's long experience in hotels, has enabled lum to introduce many improvements which arc, as yet, peculiar to ' this establishment. It is built of (Juincy granite, and con tains One Hundred and Filly Rooms, conveniently urrang- , si in suits and single apartments, well ventilated, and sup- . plied with an abundance of pure mill water. ' The Furniture was made In order from the l?est patterns, . with special regard as well to comfort and convenience, as IV, OCTOBER 9, 1847. Front Blackwood's Magazine. Of ScptlmiiiM ami Acme i Acini; to Septimius' breast, 1 Dulling of his heart, wan prcat? I "Acme mine!" then said the youth, i 44 If 1 love thee not'iii truth, 1 If I shall not lovo thee ever Ah a lover doated never, May I in some lonely place, 1 Hcoreh'd by Ind's or Libya's sun, Meet a lion's tawny face; All defenceless, one to one."? Love, who heurd it in lib* flight, To the truth bin witness bore, Sneezing quickly to the right? (To the left he sneezed before.) ( Anne then her head reflecting, 1 kihh'djhor sweet youth'h ebriate eyes, 1 With her rosy lips connecting 1 Looks that glistened with replies. 1 41 Thus, my life, my Scptimilus! Serve we Love, our only muster; One warm love-flood seems to thrill us, Throbs it not in me the faster 1" ? Love, who heard it in his flight, To the truth his witness bore, Lieutenant, who strictly charged him to give admitiiu?co to no Htrange apothecary. Thus far Rlwcs had micccssfully counter-plotted the poisoners. Unfortunately, when the king's medical attendants took liarge of Ida prisoners, the Lieutenant's vigilance was relaxed; Iu: thought himself safe in the hands ol such approved honest men. Now it was that Franklin uccotiiplishcd his pursue. lie bribed I.obeli's boy to put poison which is said to liuvo been sublimate if mercury?into a clyster which'Overbury had on ho Mtli September, lOUJ. On the following day he was a dead man. An inquest was held by one of the coroners ot Middlesex ; but it throws no great light 011 the luisiless. At the expicss desire ol .Somerset, Overbury's iroiher-iii-luw,, and three or lour friends was admited to see the b??dy ; and they were ut liberty to carry t way, and to bury it, if they pleased. But the state >1 the corpse was such as to niuke a speedy burial lecessary; and it was interred within the precincts M the Tower. * * * * * Months and rears rolled on. Overbury had passed out of tilt vorld and out of the fuiihiess memories of men. A few idmirers of the poet had recorded their regrets in elegiic and eulogistic verses, to be prefixed to u new edition ?f his works; but those works? lorn? since uttcrlv orgotten but tor their author's untimely fate? were i ttrii.il! tlmt kept I mi i in recollection. ICssexhad forgot- r en his injuries in a second murriage. Somerset and v lis countess were hi ill "the glass of fashion and the u uould ol form;" the brightest ornaments of the court; u he envy of ull, for their beauty, accomplishments, i nd mutual love; the ladder by which all men strove t o reach the king's favor. .Somerset hud just been J nude l.ord Clutiubeiluin; and this new mark of royal " ouiity had been rendered doubly grateful by the r uumier of conferring it. The king, in presence ot L lis court, gave him the stuff of ollice, Buying, "Lo, n a re, friend Somersetand grueiously added that, t s the place was one of great nearness to his person, J ic hud given it to him whom ol ull men living, he c uost cherished. il Hut Somerset's fall was now at hand. Hume tells N is?we know not on what authority?that he seem- v d troubled with an evil conscience; had become re- () erved, silent and gloomy; and thus lost the king's \ avor. This may he true, or not; accuracy of detail v m by no means Hume's forte; and, perhaps, mere ^ icklcness, and the attraction of a younger and hand- t miner persoh; for this not solid merit was the ground- tl vork of James's ridiculous friendships?may sufli iently account for the transfer of his ufi'cction from Somerset to VUIic:rs. Sir George ViUlers was now ( iitvanced to be one of the gentlemen of the bed lif.ii.tw r Si.?r.?i>ro.'f S? ..?? ?. - notion oi one ho saw to be a rival; and it in probable I hat James only wanted a pretext, and perhaps some I ilight stiinnlns to overcome his timidity, for breaking 1 with liis former favorite. ' w The pretext and the stimulus were at length fur uislied by the old business of Overbury. How thin transpired in a point that mill remain* Houufwh.it in the dark. The beat authenticated story seems to be die popular one; that Lobcll's boy, who gave tinL-lyster, and had becnj sent abroad out of the way, was touched with remorse, and revealed the whole iccret t?> the minister at the Hague. This being of ton liigh a nature to be intrusted to writing, the minister jbtained leave to visit ICnglund, and made the matter known 10 nir iinipn wiuwooa, men a aecrvinry 01 State, from whom it went immediately to the king. James wan at Koyston, on one of hid loyal progresses, and Somerset was witli him. Some rumors, it seems, injurious to the latter,"having got abroad in London, he was about logo thither and "face them town." His parting with James, who had just heard the news, and the king's profound dissimulation, are matters with which the rcuder is doubtless familiar. Two versions of the story pass current, from one of which it would ap|>car as if Somerset wus actually arrested in the king's presence: but a correspondence published by Mr. Amos proves this to be impossible. There can bo no doubt, however, that when James took leave of the carl, with every expression of endearment, and impudence for his return, lu knew that Somerset was going to the Tower, ami that, as he said himself, "he should see him no more." Whilst Somerset was engaged in buoying up Overbury with false ho|>e.H, and secretly contriving to keep Ilim fast, Lady Frances, 011 her part, meditated a more Jeadly project. If the former had cuuse to wish Dverbury out of the way for fear of machinations or iisclouures to come, the latter was still more powerfully impelled to seek his destruction in revenge for what she looked upon us wrongs and insults past.? Her tirst attempt to rid herseli of Overbury having lulled, she now east about for a surer ami more secret instrument of destruction. There Ih no proof thai her intentions were disclosed to Somerset ; and tire presumptions seem to point the other way. Lady Fiances had not ventured to speak to him of tin assassination, though his concurrence would have been necessary for that project to succeed : here, where his concurrence was not required, she was still less likely to volunteer u communication that must risk so much. Unscrupulous us she was, she wus not hardened in guilt; her self-respect might begone, and yet she might cling all the more tenaciously to the good opinion of others, and, above all, of Somerset. She dared not-risk the forfeiting of that affection which was the only thing that prompted her en Iter own, would prove strong enough to survive the shock of suspicion, disgrace, public exposure, and conscious crime. If it be true that Somerset hinisoh bad wished lor Ovcrbury's death, and unskilfully attempted to produce it, yet that was unknown to her. It would seem, then, that the guilty projects of the husband und wife went on side by side, but were distinct and hidden from each other. Very shortly after Ovcrbury'a imprisonment, Lady Francis must have begun lo mediate his death by poisoning. The subject of secret and slow poison was one tiiat, in the reigns of Elizabeth and her successor, much occupied men's imaginations. This was no doubt owing, primarily, to the recent, introiuction of chemical science into England. The an uf healing by means of herbs and simples was beginIng to be superseded by the more potent agency ol drugs und chemicals. The herb-womun, or leech, wus but just supplanted by the apothecary; for the establishment of apothecaries' shops throughout Europe is an event that belongs to the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries. It was only natural thai the wonders of the new science Should excite the terror of the ignorant, und be the subj*?ct of u thousand exaggerations. Its powers of destruction furnished a readier theme for the murvel-Joving than its power of healing. A few true stories of poisoning 11iriiw Sneezing quickly to the right? (To the left he sheezed before.) Thus with omens nil-approving, Karh mid both ntul hived and loving. Poor SeptiiniuH with Ilia Acme, Caret* not to whose lot may fall Syria's glory?wealthy province!? Or both Britain* great uud .small Acme, faithful und uufeigning, (Jives, creates, enjoys nil pleasure, With her dear Septhnius reigning.-? Oh was ever earthly treasure IJ renter to man's lot pertaining ? Blessed puir!?thus, without measure, Venus' choicest gifts attaining. Pram tin- last Wmtminiatrr lirrinr THIS TRIAL FOR TIIE POISONING OF SIR THOMAS OrERBVEY. UV ANDItKW AMOS, ESQ. [continued. ] i This first dose proving insufficient, it appears that : poisons were put into certain turts and pots of jelly < which were sent to Overbury under the pretext of a I frieudlv regard for his comfort. There is a letter from Lady Frances lo Elwes, which contains the following passage: " I was bid to tell you thut you must take heed of the tarts because there are letters in ihem, and therefore neither give your wife nor children of them; but of the wine you may, for there are 110 letters in it." Lady Francos, oil her examination, owned that by the words "letters" she meant poison. But there is no proof that she meant Elwes 10 understand it so; on the contrary, there seems nothing in this extract inconsistent with the supposi- < Lion that she looked upon Elwes as one who knew 1 nothing of Iter design. Elwes, however, was not one to be duped ; he took cure that the tarts should never 1 couie near Overbury. Sometimes he made answer be given that his children hud desired them ; sometimes he caused his own cook to prepare similar ones ; and at last, to save the trouble of perpetual excuses, his keeper desired the messenger to bring no more, since Overbury found in the house that which pleased him well. The prisoner might have escaped altogether, but that unfortunately he now fell ill in earnert. He seems lo have been a mnii of feeble constitution, broken by a licentious life; and, without uhy suspicion of poisoning, the close confinement, anxiety, and hope deferred, may sufficiently account for his disorder. On heuring of it, Somerset immediately took care to provide him with the best medical advice. He sent him Drs. Mayerne and Lobell, the king's physician and apothecary, men who stood at the head of their respective professions. Dr. Craig, another of the king's physicians, was also admitted, to see the prisoner, by an order under Somerset's huvid. This seems inconsistent with the supposition that Somerset believed the cause of illness to be poison, administered by hi9 directions, unless, indeed, weurc to suppose that the ' medical men were among his confederates. This ' seems an idle thought, and is at least entirely unsup- 1 ported by proof of any kind. If Somerset had been oiice tempted to seek Overbury's destruction, we be- 1 lieve that his care to provide him with doctors only ( proves him to have now repented. Meanwhile, Overbury being still alive, though it was some months since the first poisons were sent 1 lo him, Lady Frances began to grow suspicious.? * She sent for Weston, and closely questioned him; 1 luti lie maintained lie had given poison enough to kill 1 twenty men, utid could only suppose, as Bacon after- 1 wards said at the trial, that Overbury hud become I used to that sort of diet. Her suspicions, however, Ji [ ould not have been quite allayed. .Shortly after this, ' Weston was sent for by Dr. Franklin, who questional him as to Overbury's state, and on learning that I lie took clysters, said that an apothecary should have I ?20 to give him one. * Weston nskrd whether he meant to bribe Overbu- * ry's customary npothccry. t "No," said Franklin, "another shall give it him." ' All iliisi Wiint iinmc.liMt.lv from WcMi.in to tlw. I j, NUMBER 140 Reverenced and ilespiw.il by turns, and so made keen ly sensitive to contempt; tantalized by visions of ' I.I 1 I Uswn.,1 ,...v.HV u iokline condemns himself. Weston's story is, in effect, a confession of his own guilt; besides all which, their evidence cleats up what would otherwise be unaccountable?the strange vitality of Overbury under his unwholesome diet. The story, then, goes on as follows : (Tube continued.) ' Shook lug Accident. Haolkigh England September 17. Yesterday, about 2 o'clock, this town was painfully excited by intelligence of a most alarming acciden t ut the railway stution, situated ubout u quarter of a mile distant. The line, which is a branch of the Kaetern Union railway, and branches oil about four miles from Ipswich, was opened for trathe about a fortnight since. As is frequently the case, the main efforts of the company had been to complete the line, leaving the stations and accomodation buildings to be subsequently erected. These have since been rapidly proceeded with, and in the case of this particular station the outer walls had been carried to their proper | height. Beyond (lie station, at the east end, a wing wail had been carried out a distance of 30 feet, which was intended to support the roof over the platform and the carriages when plnced for starting. On the day in question an excureiou-tmin liad boen announced tor the Ipswich regatta, and front the novelty ol "railway travelling, between band GOO of the inhabitants flocked thither to avail themselves of it. They hud all assembled on the platform waiting lor the train being bucked up; and at the eastern end, being the. upper purt, they were the most thickly congreguted, under the shelter of the 30 feet of wing wail abovementioned. The wind had been blowing all the forenoon with terrific violence, ami was peculiarly fell at the station from its exposed position. Just before the train had Im.'cii arranged to Start, a tremendous gust of wind occurred, and the wing wall was thrown down in one mass upon the passengers assembled beside, and who must have numbered upwards of 150. The scone is described by those who saw it to have been dreadful in the extreme; as it fell the most violent shrieks rent the nir, and were the next moment exchanged for the cries and groans of the wounded. The plutforiu gave way beneath the accumulated weight, and this circumstance, and the very large number of persons assembled made the consequences fur more serious than would otherwise have been the case. As it was, the eilects of the accident were most disastrous; more than sixty are now under medical care, and it has been almost as much as the surgeons of the town could do to pay attention to the ditlcrcut cases. Among the mOst serious are the fallowing : M rs. Harriet Pittock, fracture of both legs and so I vero wounds of head; she is an aged wouiuu, and there is little hope of her surviving. Mr. John Staines fractured collar hone, ami severe wounds of legs. Win. Sheldrake, fructured thigh and wounds of head; this is also a bad case. Mrs. Maria Jaslyn, fractured ribs and general injuries. Thomas Thcobold, concussion of brain and severe wounds. Susan Eighteen, fracture of right leg and injury of left. Eliza Arms, concussion of brain. Mrs. Susan Brooks, fractured ribs. Mr. May, fractured leg und various bruises. In additiou to the above, many received serious wounds of the head, body, and limbs. Every exertion was made by the inhabitants in sending vehicles to convey the wounded to their homes, and the most general sympathy is lelt for their sullerings. At present 110 tatul results have occurred; but ul this euriy period no assurance can be given thut such will not oe the case, indeed in some instances the most serious apprehensions are entertained. Olu Psalm Tun as.?To lorward the favorable reception of such tunes, two facts, as to their original intention, must be practically born*- m mind. They were sung faster than we usually sing (hem, and, what is better, by a far greater number of voices, it is a groat mistake to suppose old tunes should be sung in u heavy, drawling style. Our forefathers in the church were cheerful christians. A psahu of a dozen verses Was but short to thein. Hence, as well as from other circumstances, it is clear that they sang in u quicker and livelier manner than is commonly conjectured. The old hundred tune is made a dirge in our days, but in theirs it was a joyous and animating canticle. 'All people that are on the earth do well, sing to the Lord with cheerful voice!' In like iiiumier York nine, which in shelled among the dull und the obsolete, was little more than a century ago, the liveliest and most popular tune of the entire kingdom. But to hear the old tunes to advantage, they must be sung in the old style. Not only must they be sung with decent gravity and cheerful sanctity, and by musses of people, but by a multitude of voices, 'ny till the people together,' a9 the original directions . state. Six thousand voices were wont to be heard at St. Paul's Cross, and 'three or four thousand singing at a time in a church yard of this city is but a tnrte, said the excellent Roger Aschatu in a letter Iroin Augsburgh, dated 14th 01 May, 1531. When psalm tuiios are sung after this fashion, an intelligent organist and a well disciplined choir will H"d cnmig i to do. But in what they thus may find difficult do there will be an energy and an interest witnwmi few uro now ffcmUliar.?Httcktit. wvuiui, mill! iuimiwuvu .,j ?w ,, ;i knowledge that, turned to good cuds barely kept liiin alive, but which, ill the service of wealthy crime, might he to him the true philosopher's stone he longed for; un apothecary could scarce afford to be an honest man. Vet it would be an injustice to wards the profession to suppose that it contained many such wretches .is hint whom Mrs. Turner now proceeded to consult. Dr. Franklin was commonly reputed to have poisoned Ids own wife; he wnsquito ready to undertake the same oflice for Overbury. Afterwards, when arrested, he made amends by betraying his confederates and seeking to implicate innocent men. Being asked whether Somerset had taken a part in some stage of the business, he obligingly answered, "If you wish nie to say so, he did." He also declared that this project of poisoning was but a part of a more extensive scheme than the powderplot?that he knew the names of many noblemen in it with m itch more in the same strain, so palpably fictitious, that flR even the otlicera of the prosecution could behove or act uponjit. His examinations ore full | of gross inconsistencies. At the scaffold, he assumed airs of the Astrologer, and bestowed on a friend a re1 celpu for raising spirits. Malignant to the luat, he told the executioner, whilst he was performed the final offices about his person, that he trusted there j VVOUIU soon OtJ BUIIIC giuu iw.ua .W. ...... ^ I upon. Anil this is tiio wretch whose evidence has I .served as materials for history f I All things being now prepared, and the unsuspecting > victim entirely in the hands of his destroyers, the I reader probubably expects to hear of his speedy death. ' 1 By no means. OverbuVy lived four months longer, during which time, tf we are to believe Frauklin, deadly poison van his daily food. "Mir Thomas Over bury," says this most credible witness, "never ate white salt, but there was white arsenic put into it." Once he desired pig, and Mia Turner put into it lapis costilus. The white powdei that was sent to him in n letter, by Somerset, he (Franklin) knew to be white arsenic. At auAhei time he had two partridges sent him from j court; and water and onions being the sauce, Mrs. Turner put in cantharides. Mo that there was scarce any thing he did eut, but there was some poison mixed." If it be true that Overbuiy lived through this treatment for four months, he must certainly have been poison proof. J j Tile fact is, that from the documents now made i public by Mr. Amos, there seems great reason to believe that these poisons were never administered at all. This, indeed, cannot be suid to diminish the moral guilt of Lady Somerset and her confederates.? The poison wao prepared and sent to tl)e Tower, and | believed to have been given to Overbury; but they ! appear to have been prevented from reaching him by | the Lieutenant, Mir Uervase Elwes. This rests on js I 'the testimony of Elwes and Weston?evidence not 'absolutely free from suspicion, but which seems con- . dinned by u variety of circumstances. In the first place, the character of Elwes, and his whole demeanor, point him out as a man whose veracity is to be depended on; and he persisted in the same story when on the scaitbid. It Is true thut one must view with distrust the self-exlulpution of a man charged with a crime; but Elwes is confirmed in every point by Weston, and there can be no reason why the latter should have taken part in u lubrication which i