Newspaper Page Text
DIt.TOWNSEIVD'S SARSAPARILt 41 MOST RITBAOaOINABY MKUICINK IN TUB WOULD. THIS KXTK ACT Is put up ill ifuarl hotllat. It llmrt rhsajmr, pleasanter,und warranted superior to ?ny sold. Il cures diseases, without vomitings purging, sickening, or debiliiatin# the patient. The great beauty and miMrioritj ol this Sarnapojilla over all Other remedies is, while it eradicates dlseann, il invigorates the laxly. IT HAS PERFORMED MORE THAN 1&0Q0 CURES THIS YEAR. 1,0*1 cures of Hheumatisiu. I,t*w I'm' .- ..i it:iip$i| 2X00 cures ol (itimrid Debility and Want uf Nerrouu fXwtUe (\m,plaints, and over 7,000 cures of Dit tan** <>f the Blood, rit: Ulcers, scrofula, erysipelas, salt-rheum, pimples on the face, etc., acc., together 'with nuineroua cases ol conttump - |*on, liver complaints, cpinal affections, Ac. This, we are aware,tnu, t appear incredible, but we have Inters from iihysictaiisand our nta from all part* of the If lilted States folurmingnsof extraordinary cures. H. Vuu lluukirk, Esq., one of the most respectable druggists in Newark, New Jer sey, iulorma its) that he can refer to more than una hundred and fitly cases in that plare alone. There ai* thousands of cases in the city of New York which we will refer to with pleasure, and to men of character well kuowu. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost dally receiving orders from phy sicians in different parts of the'Muiou. This in to certify that we, the undersigned, Physicians of the citv ol Albany, have iu numerous eases prescribed DR. TOWNSEND'S SAKSAPARII.LA, and believe it to be one of the most vausble preparation of Sarsaparills iu the mar I' II Poling, M. D.J Wilson, M D , R R Brings, M D t. i; nimoixtorf. iu. 1). Albany, Aprd 1, 134 s). The following i*i from one of the most respectable phy&i ciajis ou Long Island ; OnesNPoiiT, July 10,. 1S40. I)n. Townsbno-Detir Sir-Il Is with satisfaction that I say to you, that 1 have recently witnessed, in severaleases, the Jjiost beneficial results from yonr EXTRACT OF SAR -AI'AUII.I.A. engaged in the practice of medicine, . have prescribed it in several cases, and never without be , it*I*f In the removal of diseases arising Irorn a deranged Kale of the digestive organs, jaundice, 4c . it far exceed? any ihivg off e kind ever offered to the public. You will please u.* ? Ui. two dozen, Ac. itespectfully.yoiirs, ?. C. PRESTON, M D. ilNITED STATES OFFICER. Capl. G. W. MrJ.ean, Member of the Leglalafure. and late of the United Slates Navy, has kindly sent us the billowing certificate. It le^ls ila own story. II am w a v. Jan. 25, 1817. A year since I was taken with the Influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state. 1 wan Induced to try DR. TOWNSEND SSARSAPARII.LA, and after taking IW?> or three bottles, 1 was very much relieved, and attri bute it entirely to the aaid Sarsapanlla. 1 have continued taking it, and find tlmt I improve every day. I believe it saved my life, end would not be without if under any con ?Alteration, U \V. MoLEAN THE EDITOR. JOIIN JACKSON, Esq., Editor ol the Rahway Republi .an,published the above certificate, aiul remarks in an edi torial as follows: K>-The succesn otDR. TOWNSEND'S PREPARA TION OF SARSAPAKII.I.A appears to be one of the most extraordinary character. We publish to-day (wo certificates in ifti helmlf, one from Capt. McLean, of this lown, and oue from the Rev. Mr. White, of Stat?n Island, a gentleman well known hi Railway. Oipt. McLean fa be\ eg the medi rlue to have saved hie life, and Mr. White seems to enter tain an equally strong confidence in its efficacy. Intelligent men like the** would not praise so strongly what they did not fully believe to be deserving. SCROFULA CURED. This certificate conclusively proves thai this SARSAPA KII.I.A has perfect control over the most ohslinatc diseases of the blood. Three persona cured In one house in unpre cedented. THREE CHILDREN Dr. Towwskno?? Desr Sir?I have the pleasure fo inform you ih&t three ol my cliildreirhavt' been cured of the Scro fula by i he use or your excellent medicine. They were af llicied very severely with bad sores: have taken only four bottle*: it took them sway, for which 1 feel myself under deep obligation. Yours respectfully, ISAAC W. CRAIN, 108 Woosler street. New York, Maul) I, 1847. CONSUMPTION CpBRD Cleanse and Srengthen. (Xnwmptian ran h? cvrtd, Hrtrn cAt'/is, Consumption, Liver tjoinjilatht, Cold*, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Spitting of IJfootl, Sin enses hi thr Chest, Ucctic biush. Night &Ureuts, JJiffinift or Prtifusf fJxjter tvratiou, i*ain in the Side, 4 '' i uare hern and ran be cur? I td. Probably tliei'e never was a remedy that has been so sue. cestui in desperate casi n c?t C<uuiumption as this. If clean ses and sirengtheiiB the system, and appears fo heal ulcers on the luugH, and the patients gradually regain their usual health and strength. ALMOST A MIRAn.K. Read (he following, and doubt, if you can, that Consump tion can be cured. This is only one, of several kindred cases, tliMt TOWNSEND S SARSAPAKII.I.A has cured : llnooKi.vN, Sept. l i, 1846. Dn. ToWNsRNb-Dear Sir?I was taken, a little over a year ago, with a severe cough and pain iu my side; it in creased ou me very fast Indeed. I was pronounced by phy sicians to have, the quick consumption. 1 raised large quan tities of bad matter, had night sweats, and?sinking very last?my doctor said he could do nofhiiifi for inc. I went to the hospital, in hope of being benefited, but was prouounced as Incurable. I wae how ureutly distreaned at the lungs, and could hardly breathe: 1 soqn became emaciated, and ex pected to die; was confined to my bed, and was obliged to have watcher#. Indeed, I cannot give you any description that would do justice to my case. I was supposed by my friends to be past recovery; I had tried a great number ol remedies, ami all seemed to be of no eflVct. I read of the .most extraordinary cures, performed by your medicine,and to telt you tin* truth, 1 Miapeded there wausome humbug in them. Hut 1 was Induced fo try It; I did so, and am very thankiu I did, I cannot say that 1 am entirely well, hut 1 am so far recovered as to be about my bushiesa, and hope to he enfhely well in a lew weeks. My cough, pain in the side, and night sweats, have left m*, and I raise but very hide, and am fast galniug my usual strength. I feel it my duty to give you a Ftati ment of my case, to publish, If you iilease. PETER BROWN, 17 Little rt., Brooklyn. TO MOTHERS AND MA RIMED LADIES. THIS EXTRACT OF SAKSAPAKII.LA has been c*. pressly prepared ip reference to Female Complaints. No Fpmale should neglect to taks It, as it is* certain preventive tor uuy of the nunurotisand horrible diseases to which they uesonjtel. It is valuable tiir those who are approaching womanhood, as it is calculated to asaist nature by quicken ll braces the wh >le system, renews permanently the na tural energies ? by removing the impurities of the blood?by so far stimulating the system ^ relaxotinn, whicli !s the caae < eiuale weakness and disease. VOII NO LADIES, READ THW. Yon who have Pale Comnlexlonr, Dull* Eyes, Blotches on the Fare. Rough Skin, or Freckles, and are, uom ol spi rits," use a bottle ur two of Dr. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPA llll.I.A. It will cleanse the lilood, remove the Freckles slid lllotches, and give you unimafiup, sparkling eyes, fine spirits, ami beautiful complexion-all of which are of im meiise \alue to t nmaiikiko i.adiem. GREAT FEMALE MEIHCINEi DR. TOWN SENDS SARSAPARH.LA Is a sovereign A sure, remedy for Incipient CONSUMPTION, and thrifts general prostration of tl.e k7stem no matter whether the result ot Inherent cause or causes, produced by Irregularity, illnesa, or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its Invigorating el trots on the humin frame. Persons, all weakneKS and las situde hefore taking If, at once become robust and full ot energy under lis influence. It immediately counteracts the neTveiesynees of the ft male frame, which Is the great cauae of unhtnplness. . , It will not be expected of us, in cases of so delicate a na ture, to exhibit cefi ftfafea of cures performed, but we can assure the afflicted that hundreds otcaara have been repor ted to us. , Coxsackik, Sept. 23, IR4fi. Ds. To whs sun?To all whom this may concern?'lids .a to certify that my wife uaed one bottle of your SARSA PAKILLA previous to s critical event, under the most atarming and delicate circumstances, being troubled with (he dmpsy.swelling of the feel, nervous stfei lions, and very much debilitated; Willi my persuasion, and the recommen dation ol tiiose who had used il, she was induced to fry It, with little or no faith; and suffice it to say, the medicine had tha happy and desired effect, not only during the said period, but after athQ expiration of one week of lis use. the dropsy and norvoUs affection cava way to an astonishing dcgTce, and her health Is now better than it had been for a Ions time previous. If this will he of anv service lo yon, or any one who doubts the success of the mcihclne, you are entirely wel come to It. ) subscribe myself your most obedient and obliged serv'f, ^ S. S. JAMESON. RHEUMATISM AND PftES. Skptkmssr 16. 184A. TowHSBMn?Dear Sir--My wife has been, for seve ral years, atllicted with Rheumatism. She hat tried many different remedies to obtain some relief, but all to no pur pose. She was finally induced by neeing your advertise ment, to give your SARSAPARIT.LA s trial. I was also, (together with s man iu my employ,) badly troubled wltli the Plies, sod by using a small quantity of your Sarsapa rills, our complaint was completely cured. I consider it one of tilt best of medicines, and would adviae all who arc afBic*^l to give it a trial. GARRrr OARRARRANT, yfc* Market street, Newark. PRINCIPAL OFFICE 136 FULTON STREET, ^ Yot t 9nn Building. DR. T. w. DYOTT A SONS. Obnisal Aunts, No .32 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Agent for Washington Citv, CHARLES STOTT, Dsro SWT, corner 7tl? street and Penn Avenue. rrfr- Also, for sals hv DruggtsSa g'Hersllr. tri- NONE GENUINE UNLESS PI T UP IN TIIF I.AhOE SQUARE HOITI.ES, WHICH CtkNTAIN il QUART, SNO SIONSD WITH t?t WSITTCN SIONATI'St 01 S P T6WNSEND, AKD MIS HAMS SI.OWN ?M TMSOI.ASS XCf DR.OYOTT. -CB M ?TALINIt BAlTAMO MRMaTOM. ,Ha p CALLAS. WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1849, Ikifo VOL. II. Till" STANDARD PRKPAUATION Da 8CHWAUT7.K S COMPOUND EXTRACT OK SARSAPARILLA, The astonishing success will, which been combated by this powerful remedy lot|h?last ihree years, in the IJulrletqf tulumbu, end other places, hut i nduo-'l the proprietor to n a more conspicuous manner, under ti t "', vlc.ion Ihm It. invariable and nneirlugrem?d cnl virtues will benefit thousands, unuer wnosc none* lt nluv conic. Therefor, he would ur?e It upon ail who read lliU not lo let it dm* ii thai attention to which if isaodesirve y ll(The following are some of the J^'V*8 which will testify to i?? never-fading emcac>,\U. Scrofula, in any lonn : Incipient stages of Consnmptlon, when proceeding from a scrofulous habit i fJhronic Rheumatism ; Bronchitis; Dypepsia.when proceeding from hepatic derange ment. , _ , , Constitutional Syphilis; General Debility 1 Hnhliii il Costlvneas; Cutaneous Affections, and tf'dMtriSS deranged secretion- or P"p'raolis UilTlng*! hi? remedy should not grow 1m IheVengTh offithM dK^as S j *?? fore I would say to all who may loci disposed to test its virtues not to commence before they ore fully de termlned to continue its ubo, whether it be one bot fj . dooen, or more, as no two caoes are exactly similar, or can be relieved by any stated number in ""^^accompanying certificates are from gentlemen of?pectabil?ty residing in from those abroad, to whom I would refe. all those who are lit the least doubtful. Hundreds of tisti inonialacnu be produced as to efficacy, but as they are" elddin orever reod,' or credence given to them, 1 I have thought a few respectable certificates, coming from gentlemen well known would suthce. CERTIFICATES. Sir ? Having, through the agency of youi extract of sarsaparllla, occonipllshed a tnost remark able cure In'the case of my sister, 1 docrn It impor tant to unite all acquainted with her cbbb whotnay todiiCy affllclcd, as It may be the meanaof s.v vinif manv from a premature death. About tour ago my Bister's health began to decline, and continued to do so for the space of two years, when .lie was "iiddenly attacked with a bronchial ultee lion or what is oominonly called bronchitis. j'?*' ins teen attacked with the best medical skill w,,h" ?m benefit, and finally pronounced incuralble she iletertnined to try your extract of satsarilla, anu, at ler the use of the very limited number of three but t|?. she was completely restored, and has enjmed better health than she ever before experienced.-r Hoping lhat this description of her caao under the notice of many who maybe similail) nf rticted, I an, most f"?^S^rvUvr"sTF.WAI.T To Dr. N. J. Schwahtje, Jr., June 7, 1848, To Dr A. J. Schwabtze, Jr. t Uc<ir Sir: I consider ll a duty I o\ve to you and iMraVeS or 13 months ago, and has enjoyed perfect heiilih ever since. Such an Invaluable remedy should be known throughout the extent of the country ; ai d I sincerely hope, before long that it will be sought after hy all the afflicted, fishing you abundant ' ?"? "?"ToS,E^',R8utruKF. Washinc.tow, December 22, 1317. Waghinoton, December 28, 1847. Sir - Hie* byAcknowledge a debt of gra titude due you, in saying iliat 1.attribute my pre wnt state of good health entirely to the tiscofy??r in valuable preparation of SarnparWa. llavlne b^n Itflicted with an Injlammatory liheumalic Ajfcrtum ?.r I he k nra-tokn t, ?ilioh swelled to si,eh a degree as o couflnTme 'o led for many weeks, depriving .K?> imtlre iiho of my limb, and having been attended by the moat eminent physicians, without Ihe least prospect of recovering, I made use of yuur Rx tract of Sarsaphrllla to the amount of 5 bottles ?fier which I began to uso my limb, and upon its further ubo had the satisfaction to find the dlscusi ?die"ed and n,y general health very much Impro ved Two years have now elapsed and my health BlUI continues good. You are at liberty to make ?sc of this as you may think proper. Very true|y your obedient ???lfewART. Waeuinoton, January C, 18-19. ^nrSir - I^g^"'pleasure In stating that, about 18 month? since, I used your Compound Kr which has continued*toThe'prcaent t'lmT"" Very re-,^o?ft.U^RiN WASHmaT0N. To^reW-if-.ol,li?n;ionr -1 'XtA?.01 PAV1P RIDOEI.V. Dear Sir: Believing that a public statement WM 1? Lun?i which induced my friends to despair nf mv recovery. My health continued to decline ot my recovery. ?*y . [ h Neuralgia and for " T/'/il Having applied to physicians, both ?t;vw" hm,t any good ellect, I concluded to try your ' ^:HnoOTbsSai.i.wood. To A. J ^cHWAaTit, Jr., Jan,,a,y 1848. WashinotoM, January 24, 1819 I I. ine nleasure to pay that I a,n acquainted u 'i inr of the above medicine, and also Ste,; plMto Mly ^d'^n?' their certificates, that "jj^ygSES WARD. P HYSICIA .\'SrCETl TJFICA TRS WacBISMoN, January 3, IR fo. I am informed of the Jn^dtenu f" SchwMtie's Cqmfound Kxt? b rMioI1 ;nhPeT,MhbC:i?fchVam,ac? jdmlr ably^?p.?l??|^?I??^K1ELD, M. D. Wabhihoton, January 10, 1&40. J'?l!^&r^rra;nedTv^ It gives me pleasure to recoinmeno oie- ' Extract of Sarsaparllla, prepared by Dr. bcnwanic, n? I have a knowledge of its constituent P?.rtfl*. ' Hove that It will achieve more for the aml^d, th?n "nyother preparation PU Washington, January 12, 1&46. Having been made acquainted with the Ingredients and mode of preparing IJr. Schwartze s Compound r.imeiT.f Sarsaparllla, I believe it to be a most hup nv remedial VomblnaUon of ,h,t valuable root with the othet remedies of which It Is comgoBed;M p OtouoXTOWN, January 21, 1848. B t,efn made acquainted by Dr Schwartire itesjsg&ESSSR power. 112. L Wadiiisoton, January 25, 134S. ^ Mo^^rHn^-rrndkr,. me as clil?cns ot mgn w f (h(- bt.,l ?|BmUng aumnrtheP phi^clap. Mayor. SsjfiS the PROPIUKTOR, P7;!"VAVunsXorT A t;0.'S. <lrtnra eaat of 3d atroet} ai CHAW. ? 1 ? 1 " j . . Pennsylvania Avenue, natr 7th? ?tog. g^ ^ R**?lfeRPotNT*"and'fc00KE * PKSxIj^ other Drugglale. . ' NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS, i 1T ?? PAI.MKIl'H COUMTRY NKWSPA \ . PER ADN ERTISlAfJ AOENCY, Tribune Building, : New York, embraces most of the h? st ue wspaperu ol all the I oil mm and principal lawns In th? United Suites uml Cairn- I da, for which he is duly authorized to receive advertise mcuiauud subscriptions, uud fully empowered lo give r* ceipts. Merchants, manufacturers, artirla and individuals gene rally, besides public Institutions, incorporated companies, and societies who wish lo advertise lo, or snlmrnbc for, newspapers of any section of tin* country, are rispectfidly invited to txamme the libs. To remove all douhta ami misapprehension:-. the *??m hereby notifies die public, that no person Ih uuthorixed by him to advertisements, card* or subscriptions for the newflpspers for whirli be is (lie only uuUioriacd agent The uuuoyance lo tut-reliant* and others, mowing out ? uumt ro.ta pretended sgeucies In this city, renders the adop lion ol Uda course essentially proper to guard sgainst i poaitlon. Those, therefore, who wish lo transact business with his agency, and avoid mislskts, are respectfully itivitcd tohnml in their ordera at the office, or address V. B PAI.MER, American Newspaper Agent, Tribune Buildings "he coal of advertising iu country pupers?a list of flic cities and towns throughout the Union, in which the papers are published?together with the copies of the s/.ve ruf papeis tor which |te is the duty authorized Agent, may be seen at this office, iu the Tribuue Buildings DKLMONICO'8 HOTEL, (DB0ADWAY, NEW Y0SK ) PA. & I.. DEI.MON1CO respect ftilly inform their friends I i snd the public generally that their New Hotel being now completed, tlwy are prepared to offtr accommod.dioiu, for either imnjues <?r ireuilemen as may t>e rcfpured. Florence's Hotel and Saloons* Cor. of Rroadway ami Walker iti*, No* 400* IOIIN FLORENCE, Jr., deems this a fitting opportunity, <1 when so mauv ol his lorincr natrons from the South, West, North ami East, are visiting this city-to slate, that | finding bis old Saloon not large enough lor their scrommo ilatlon or susceptible of that embellishment doe to the im kej.t upon the European plan, lie would particularly in vito attention to the costly and singularly b-.autiful 1'ublic Saloons connected with the Hotel, and further solicit a trial by "Epicures" of the proficiency of his Elcvesof "Caremc" ami "Soger" who preside over the Cuisines of the FLO HEN Ok SALOONS. Fire Insurance in New York. THE COLUMBUS INSURANCE CO. OF OHIO, incor porated In 1833, with a perpetual charter, capitul IMO, 0U0, paid up and safely invested, and a surplus of more thau #40,00u, will make insurance on every description ol property at the current rate ol premium. All applications lor Insurance in New York, Brooklyn, or any part of the Northern uml Eastern States, will have prompt atteutiou at the Agency, No. 70, Wall street, where I all claims for lueses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. JOSE I'll HOME, Agent SrxvtMS A Hokik, Counsellors. NURSING BOTTLES, AND BREAST SHIELDS With patent flexible Ivo mouth piece. The subscriber respectfully solicits the attention of those interested, to these contrivances for feeding iniants. 1st. They are free from taste or smell, and pliable. iiil. Will not act on the milk nor the milk on them. 3?l. They are kept clean Willi very little trouble. -4ht, Are the best known artificial means for feeding in fants. They have been iu use lor some yearsaml give very decided uuhKlachon ?Price 41 and Si 0" EUli. Dl'PlJY, COO Broadway, ask for Dupuy's Patent Nursiim Bottle i JL C. SMITH & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A NO WHOl.KHALIi AND RETAIL cloca ksvaiilisiimi: vr, No 79 John Street, New York, WHERE may be louud a large ami splendid assortment TV of the btfn modern improved Thirty Dau, Eight-Day, 'thirty-Hour, Hi?uu, 1 VuoU ami Alarm CLOCKS. With Clock Trimmings, Mahogany Knobs, Spool Boxts, Spool Stands, Iron Rivets, Ac., which will Ih: .-old at the lowtsl cash prices. Clocks repaired and warranted. CYRUS W. FIELD A CO., COMMISSION PAP Bit WARRHOUSK, No. i*-Burhug-?hp. New York. fHE highest market prices paid, in cash, lor Rags, Cau toj, ltaggin?\ 4*rusd Ho\A, Tarred Rujte, Hemjt Rojh . Hiqte Cutting!, Cotton M'unlr, Uunny Hugging, snd all oinsr kind of Paper Maker's Siock, at their 11 ig Uarehonse, I I Piatt elreet, New York. OLEOSTATIC: LAMPS. fi AS received tier lals arrlvalsa large and splendid assort H ntvnt of FRENCH PATENT OLEOSTA TIC, | LAMPS of different patterns. Thee'.- Lamjis were invented by the reltbraled A. 'rhllorier,of the French Academy,and are considered the best Lamps now in use. These letups are for sale ouly at 375 Broadway, in this city. Also ou hand, a large a.ssortmenL ol CUTLER Y, til RA NDOLES, VASES, CHINA WARE, TOILET SETS, uml every article in the Furnishing line. Mr. V. being sgent f-r the It HOOK L YN FLINT GLASS, Is prepared lo eiecute or. I era lor Rich Cut and Engraved, also Pressed and Plain tilasa ol every variety, at wholesale and retail, and invites the attention of purchasers to the splendid assortment of rich Olass Ware on hand at his establishment, where they can depend upon being fur nished with the finest quality of Olass Ware tver manufac tured, being the only place where the Brooklyn Rich Fli^t Olass can be procured. A. G. IJ AG LEYS CELEBRATED IMPROVED EVER-POINTED GOLD PEN.?This Pen received the highest premium at the last Fair of the Americsn Institute, and has been pronounc ed, by the thr.t teachers of Penmanship in the country, to be iufiuitely mperior lo any liold Pen ever before Intro duced to the American public. The lasting properties of ibis Pen are undoubted, owing to the total absence of cor roBiblUty from any of the inks in M?m*? renders it less liable to damage, more ia?y to repair, and prevents the necessity 8HAK8PKAREQ HOTEL, OF 01TANB AND WILLIAM STRKBTS, NFW YOSK. THE SUBSCRIBERS, under the firm of BEROEN A I OALABKUN, having refitted aud replenished this spa cious establishment,are now prepared to receive company. There are oue hundred and uine apartments in this house, consisting of dining saloons, sitting rooms, parlors, loduing rooms, Ac. The large hall may be used lor balls or public meetings, The cooking department has been expressly sr ranged so us to furnish, at s moment's notice, retnshmeiits for anv number of persons, from one to three hundred, lo be accommodated at the same time. There sre rooms where private parties may be furnished with dinners or sup pets,atio the tables will be furnished with the best the mar* * affords. Liquors aud wines from the best establish* _..j?ts in the city. Pastry and Confectionary furnished at] the shortest notice. There will be a lunch at 11 o'clock | every day, and no attention will be spared to give satisfac tion. Men of business snd those visiting the city will find themselves centrally ami comfortably located, and the iricts will be louud lo he moderate. The French snd | Spanish languages are spoken in ihia hotel. 4 JAMES BEROEN, LOUIS OALABRUN. POPPLEIN, ORR1CK, Sc TIIOMSF.N, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN I DRVOS, MEDICINES; DYE-STUFFS, , .Ye. 184 Haltitnore Street, IFFER FOR SALE? " " * 1000 ounces Quinine 40 pounds Iodide Potash |(*Y) pounds Oum Myrrh 30 (mass Cab M Magnesia V0 esses Curb. Magnesia G bsgs Oum Senegal 2 cases Oum Opiui 100 bids. Epsom Sslls 50 l.bls Whiting V! tons Ext. |a??woo<I 30 cases L .unpbell's Shells'* 10 caaes Liver Shellac 30 hall picul esses Cassis 2 casks Mace 2 casks Nutmegs I 2 <^*es Oum A tabic (>i Consignment, at Manufacturer'* Price*, 20 bbls. Olue | 10 bhla. C3opal Varnish MARTIN LEWIS & GO'S. FOR THE EXCLUSIVE SAl.E OF GOODS ADAPTED | TO MEN'S WEAR. fHE ONL Y STORE OF THE KIND IN BALTIMORE, ?13 BALTIMORE STREET, B'lun*n Chnrlea and Light ft CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VES11NOS, Ac. REMOVED. RS BOSI.EY'S Wholmnle and Tift nil Cnrset Manufac lory is removed to fill Baltimore afreet, over John W f>t<>ii A Co Store, where Merchants ran be supplied w ith i ORSF.TS on the most reasonable term.'. M' TO TUB PV8LIC. *IIE Suhsrrtbfr. wmilrt call ihf Ml.nllnn m ? ih. public to lh?ir irtock i?f t' AR.HI AI i LS, ul own manufacture, at their establishment, Ths B altiwoss Coach Factoby, f\exlerirh ttrett oite deor -north of Battiinotf ettert, where they keen on hand and will manuiacture to order at the shortest notice, Carriages of every description, and in a siyle of iinenualled beauty of construction and M supsrlo rorkinanship. . Old Carrisges repaired al the shoitcst notice, or isken In J exchange. Carriages Sold on commission Two first rsle four passenger Carriages, one a doctor's close carriage, both Baltimore built; ths owner having r~ fnrther use Tor them, will sell at a sacrifice if Immedia application be made, R S A A. V. PRVOR, Frederick street, near Baltimore. ? C. WINCHESTER, AT HIS OLD STAND, NO. ICO BALTIMORE ST, RESPECTFULLY Informs bin numerous customers, that he is (as heretofore) prepared to supply them with Liu en or Muslin Shirts, plain or fsncy, st ths ailortest notice; snd hsvlttg devoted msny years of his life to ikts Import BltOOSK'M PA TENT ELASTIC METALLIC HI!ANK HOOTS AMD SHOES. CONGRESS GAITERS FC a LADIES and GENTLEMEN These article* ore stifierior to anything i v?r before manu factured, hi this or any other country, for durability, beauty, and utility. NO 138 PMt.TON nVKHKr, NSW YORK. THIS unique and useful invention van awarded 11 Silver Medal dlii! highest premium) ?t the last Annual Fair of the A tnericnn Institute, for IU superiority over nil other* offered loi competition. It has nu t the approbation of the <fficeraof the army and ... ? ? ol taste v? 1 ominjf desirable requisites fn thef* the Boot or Shoe wore elastic, pt?serves its original style and Hhnpe, anil gives the hollow part a beautiful and eleva ted arch, thereby allow tut: the heel to be worn very high Willi perfect ease, or qui to low, without sxposing the pnnla 11 Boots aotl Shot* with line iwv New York, Brooklyn, and Jersey City. CONGRESS GAITERS. The underlined, (the first in the city of New York to manufacture thin justly celebrated and elegant article, con tinue* to make them uo in an endl*. sb variety of style*, In workmanship unequalled, and at price* defying competi tion. All other kinds of Shoe*, Gaiters, 1'umns, and Slippers, for ladie*, gentlrrikn, youths, minnes, ami child rim. LOR1N BROOKS, 138 Fulton street. P. 8.?Just received, a case of Russian Leather for Gen tlemen's Roots, both for Dress and Water Proof. This is probably the first lot of this celebrated Leather ever import ed into the United States. OCRAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Untied States Mail Line to Coves and Southampton, and [ Bremen. The splendid new Steamship WASHING- I TOM, 1 /GO ions burthen, Frederic Hewitt, com maimer, will start from New York on the 23d of Septem ber, carrying the V. S. Mall. Siie wdl touch at Gown and Southampton to land pas sengers and deliver the mulls lor England, Frauce and Bel gium, and will then proceed to Breuurhavcn. Returning, will leave Dremerhaven the 15th October. The Washington is built iu the strongest manner, with i view to being converted into a ship of war, and subject at I auy time to inspection by officers appointed by the Presi dent, both during and after construction. She has two engines of 1UU) horse power each, and ac commodations for I'JO passenger*. passage from New \ ork to Southampton or to Bremen, I ?120. 1 Uo from Bremen ami Southampton to New York, 1130. She will carry about 300 ions freight, which will be charged according to the nature of the goods offering. All letters must pass through the Post Office. Parcels, for which hillNof lading will be signal, will be charged $5 each. For Freight or Parnage, apply at the Office of tilt Ocean Steam Navigation Company, 4f? William street, corner of Wall. E. MILLS, General Agent. 1 Agents at Southampton, DAY, CROSKEY A ROSS, at Bremtn, C, A. IIELNEKEN A CO. at Havre, WILLIAM II1SELIN The Mcond steamer ol the liue is In due coarse of con struction, and will be in readiness iu the ensuing fall. PIANO FORTES. fUE undersigned are manufacturing at their esf-tblishment I in Baltimore, 0, 6 1 ?>, and 7 Octave PIANOS, of all pat tern* and styles, which they can confidently recommend to professors and amateurs. The Pianos manufactured by them I have that peculiarity of touch which commend them to players of every school, aw well as those who are distin guished l?v a coll and delicate nctioji, as those who are cha racterized by a bold, fiery, ami rapid movement. They are authorized to ruler to numerous professors in Baltimore, who have given their Pianos a trial, for their testimonials in their favor, and they are warranted in re commending them by the universal approbation which they l?ave received from the great number of persons who have thuui iu use in Baltimore, and in the south and west gene rally. They arc confident that they make an iutirument equal to any made anywhere iu this country or in Europe, and their extensive manufacture of Pianos enables thun to sell on terms llheral and satisfactory. All instruments made I by them are warranted, and they wdl be kept in tune one year atier purchase, without charge. An agent w III visit Richmond in a short time, and various parts of Virginia and North Carolina, and will receive or der*, which will be faithfully and promptly executed at our mail u factory. tp- Orders will also be received nt our factory direct, ] and special pains tak?n to give satisfaction. KNAItE A GAEIILE, No. 0 Eutaw st., opp. the Eutaw House, Bait (TkXi N SA(Ti^..GUNiNY^AGSr" BKAIIAItl HROTIIEBN, 80 AND H? WATER STREET, ANUFACTURERS and dealers in HAGS AND HAG GISH. offers for sale all kimls of UAGS tor GUAIS, j Qc.for Shijrnitig and Home Cue. CORN and WHEAT SACKS - yiw.Oun, manufactured from Linen, Cotton Duck | and Drills -nixes mid fabrics warranted. GUNNY HAGS? lOQuOOO: small, medium, large extra large, for covering Rio Cotfce. FLOUIl SACKS of various labrics, suitable for the shipment of Flour to England. Tt'OOL Si CKS- 10.000 ( OFPEE HA GS.?20,(100 llio and Laguy ra Coffiw Bags. Six*M and fabrics warranted. M SEAMAN A, Ml llt, 321 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ARE daily receiving from the large Auction S; sortuunt of FANCY mu! STAPLE IfIIY GOODS, J adapted to the best City Trade, and purchased much below | the cost of importation, which they are offering at a t smalt advance. They have alto received by the various tfeamers anil I packets, a very general assortment of RICH FANCY] DRY GOOJJS, to which they invite the attention of pur chasers. In their stock will be found the NouteauleH qf\ Paris and London. , Tltey beg leave to present their thanks for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon their establishment, and to us sure the public that they will strive to secure a coutinuann of confid^iue and support. It is their purpose to extend their already large business, ami stimulated by their unexampled success thus tar, they are determined to leave no honorable efforts untried to ac cotnplish their design. A considerable amount of expcrl-. ence in business has demonstrated to their satisfaction that the only sure method of obtaining and seen rings large bus iness, Is to have it based upon correct principles, arid that while, as merchants, they consult the interest of their cus tomers, they are pursuing the only true method of advancing their owi ENGRAVINGS, PAINTINGS Picture frames, pier and mantel glasses, Air - WILL!AM 4* STEVENS, 311 Broadway, o short distance above the Park, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN EN0LI9B FRENCH AND GER MAN ENGRAVINGS, MANVFA VTURERS OF LOOKING GLASSES, <}r. W. S- have made such arrangements with the first publishing houses in the PRINT line, both in London and Paris, ak will seenre to them a constant supply of all the most popular subjects from the best artists, us well as the first of all novelties as they are produced, which they will sell at very reasonable prices. MANTEL AND PIER GLASSES, In all the varieties of French, Elizabethian and Gothic styles, constantly on hand or framed to artier from original designs, with supe rior French plates, and with that faithful attention to quail-1 ty which has always characterized their establishment Portfolios snd Stands constantly on hand. CLOTHJNG, &.C DEVLISS% CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, No. 33 John street, corner of Nassau. rroiE Subscribers are prepared with n most extensive and 1 selu t stork of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, to which they respectfully Invite the attention of wholesale and retail buyers. They have on hi wards of FIFTH.,.. _ ?T which they guarantee to be. made with all the elegance durability of the best custom \rork of the most fashionable houses in the United Stater, and u? prices nkast ' "Nk-haik lkssI! and this, together with the Vn.ih System, forms the great roc ret of ilieir most flattering success. Their stock of French, English, German and American Cloths, Cassimere*, Vrstitigs, Bearers* 1'irerds, <J"c. 4*c., is, they venture to assert, the largest and best sclevtcd (of any similar establishment) in New York. Their work madt to order they guarantee equal to that made al the most noted merchant tailors ot the city, but at prices corresponding with their Cheap Cash Systen* For, ... every department, they have secured the services of the best Cutters ami Wn-bnen the city affords. 1 Terms CASH or uo delivery. DANIEL A J. DEVLIN, at John street, corner of Nassau. ~~ HALL, THcTmPKINS St BLACK, It A TE MAI* Ql'AXD ?f< Co. HAVE pw;t received s large assortment of Sheffield Plated Wnre, consisting in part of? Table Cutlery With plated handb-ato match their patterns of Silver Forks; rich F.pcrgres, Silver mounted, with ot without platteau; Dish Covers; Castors, Tea Kettle* and I'rnr: Tea ami Coffee,Sets, F.iur Bmler* and Eag Stands; nUin add chased Waiters in ni/.?n from %to ,'ti iuch. r Flower, Fruit, Jelly, snd Ice Cream Stands, Ac , A-c. IN SILVER WARE. , The variety of patterns, ami extent of their assortment Is much greater than can be found at any or ?very other t~ 1 tablishment in thifl city, and the quality of their Silver, (, well ns the wwkniausnip,) ?? n??t to Ps surpassed in the United States. Their assortment of Diamond and oth* rich Jewilry, Watches, Chains, Ac , is complete; all r which are ofPsced for t ale nf a small advance on the cosl, l. the old stand No. IAI Broadway, eign of the Golden Eagle. Herts a son s amalgamated silver\ STEEL AND PLA TISA PENS -warranted not IO corrode. All Who Sppwlsis comfort in writing shouUl use ihc above beautifiil pens, as they aie warranted not to corrode: and lor elasticity, fineness and durability, sre unequalled by any other pens ever off. red. These pens wen* first Introduced into tills country iu Angina, 1M&, at which lime the manufacturers were unknown to the writ ius community; the pen, therefore, had to stand on Its own merits. It is therefore gratifying to the manufacturers to acknowledge that a discerning public has paid the highest tribute to their labors, and that the present demand (Which is iUIIt increasing) far exceeds their utmost expectation*. Th. qll?ntll)P ofi" m m ?k allil llrlti A Sun, from Dwcmbi r, IW6. till I) ffmbfr 1P?..? ;i; r, ,nx? gruMi, or 4/*>0^*W doif n, or 4oJ>*KU00 ol pens. The enormous demand f?r these is a sumdent in oof of the quality; it is therefore unnecessary to publish Uie vari ous certificates that the manufacturers have received from nM parts of the Union. They may be had at Wholesale st the manufacturers' depot, 89 John street. New \ ork--or 3<i Cornhlllt Boston?ami retail from all Stationers la the Unl tsd States. TEAS! TEAS!! TEAS!!! WASHINGTON AfJENt'Y OF TIIE NEW VOJlK CANTON TEA COMPANY, Th? oldest Ton KstnlilUhment In Amcrtra I'BIMCIPAI. SHTAtfl.l?H3l?MT IN NEW YORK. The CANTON TEA COMPANY has lishment In Americu. The public hav had lull proof of their integrity and responsibility. kim*h has been the print aud presents demand lor their TiSAStof laic, that tney have been obliged to eulsrge, in a great extent, their lwo principal establishments iu New York, vis: 125 Chatham and 103 Oreemvlrh Streets. They moreover possess facilities, in relation to the Tea Trade, in a very abundant degree, and doubtless, superior lo any other Tea Concern in A nitric a. Their sctnpiilous regard to nil principles that tend to elevate the character 01 a large house If* well understood, aud has already secured them a connexion, probably, larger than all other Tea Es tablishments united, and they consequently are deiermiuct' lo aell Tens purer, more J"r<tgi ant, and perject lor the jtricea, in the aggregate than any Louse in the wurld?Chiua ?-x cental. i hey moat zealously invite the attention of the inhabU lauts of Washington to their Agency, where the following assortments are always ou hand; aud they feel no hesita tion iu stating, that wherever a single trial is made, a very decided nreterence is given to the celebrated Teas of th? ' CANTON TEA COMPANY. rar Reader, make the experiment I Retail Price a as fvllmct, subject in all casts te bt returned \f not apjfruvtd of? Greens* Good Young Hyson, . . . |0 50 per lb i Fine do 0 tS2 No 2 fragrant do a 75 No 3 very flue do. loo Silver Leaf do. 1 vfi Good Ifyson, ? . . . . . . (? 75 Very tine do. ' ] on Extra fragrant ? ? ? . . . ? 1 25 Good Hytuii Skin, Oft) Good hnptaiai, . . . . . . 0 73 Very fine do. ? ? ? ? 1 00 Extra fine do I 25 Good (*Ui\jHneder} o 75 Fine do, . . . . . . I 00 Extra fine tin. \ ja Blacks. No. 1 Sou< hong, 0 50 ?<>? 2 'In 0 02 Finest do 76 Fragrant Poiechong, ? various prices. ? ? ? various pric*i Congo. Fine Ook - 0 GO Very fine tfi>. . o 75 Extra fine do. 1 00 AVngyonr* various prices. Fluest EnglishUrmkfast Tea, (very rich Pekoe flavored.) - 0 75 Fine Orange Pekoe, 0 62 F'uest Pekoe Hotter*, . - . j 00 Ffourqua, or finest Black Tea imported, \rK Phut I Ttlrn TV. AS! Ka?I. n-i... -?!? tt3r- TAKE NOTICKI?The Canton Tea u?>lNViyvenders of the superior Black Tea "HOWQUA'S MIXTURE." They Intro dnced it in America iu 1840?and every other person o house professing to sell the same ai till- much less at u lower pin e?deceive the unwary, bp ihe public themselves will perceive, by comparing the spurious with the genuine " Howqua vended by the Canton Tea Compauy. Every package (in addition to its containing full weight, independent of the wrapper,) hears the stamp of neatness ami elegance, and the Teas therein are so thoroughly secured from light and air, that their quality and power will remain unimpaired in any climate. CHARLES A COM1.V, Agent, At Tkmpliman'b Book-store FOR PHILADELPHIA. THE CAMDFN AN1) Ail BOY R All. ROAD LINE, FOR 1 PHILADELPHIA AND INTERMEDIATE PLACER, will leave Pier No.St, N. R., foot of Battery Plrces, by Steam boat JOHN POTTER for South Amboy, everyday, (Sun day excepted,) at six o'clock. Passengers will lake the cars from South Amboy to Cam den and arrive in Philadelphia, about II 1-2 o'clock. P Fare to Philadelphia, #3; for forward deck passengers lo Philadelphia, f;J,50; Emigrant and Transportation Line every day, by Steamboat Transport, at 3 1-2 o'clock P. M., I".ire ?2,25; Freehold and Monmouth, via Stages from llighistown and West's Turnout; from New York to Freehold U> W? ?(* Turnout, H7 1-2; from Ne w York to Freehold by flightstown, 81,50; t?> Spot swots I and Wests, 75 cents; South Amboy, 25 cents; Perth Amboy, 12 1-2 cents. DAILY EXCURSIONS TO PHILADELPHIA. For the accommodation ol those persons wishing to spend a part of the day iu Philadelphia, either on business or plea sure, Excursion tickets will oe furnished, entitling the pas sengera to return by the Mail Line at 4 1-2 o-clock, P. M-, the same day, or at 0 o'clock the next morning. Tickets for the Excursion #?"?, to be had at the office, No. U West Street, or on board the boat. Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed to each passen ger ill Cilia line, and |taiWtiger* are expressly prohibited Irom taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be ut the risk ol Its owner. I. BLISS, Agent. Nails, Tacks, Brads, Brass Ket tles, Ac. UT ALTER M SMITH, 280 Pearl street, offers for sale at ?V Ihe lowest market prices, cut,wrought, finishing,clout, shoe and trunk Nails; Brads, Tacks, ami Wood Screws oi brass aud iron; brass Kettles, bailed and uulmiied. Ali . kinds of Hinges, Turn Buckles, Hooks and Staples; III.mi Fasteners, Stair Rods, Cutlery, Files, Rasps, Ac. Locks ol | all kinds, Wool Twine, Bed Cords, Rope, Cutlery, Files Slid Irons, Are. GOODYEAR'S Patent Gum Elastic Composition for Ma chine Belting, as has been fully tested, possesses innuj tin ruble advantages over that manufactured out of ieatherlf will last a great deal longer, and can be produced at u gieat j deal less expense. The METALLIC STEAM PACKING, for steam boilers, h now conceded lo be superior to any article ever before used for that purpose. The above are sold by D. llODGMAN, N Y. India Bn|?hor W?rchoil?e. 27 Maiden Lane. MILLER St CO.'S NEW GREAT WESTERN EXPRESS TO CUMBERLA ND, BR O WNS VILLE, PITTS BUItuir, WHEELING, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, ST. LOUIS. ARRANGEMENTS have been made With Messrs. Burk A | Co.'s Express Irom Baltimore to Pittsburgh tor the ex tension of this Line, on and after Monday, October 4th, to . the above named places, with mail speed. The wagons of thia line are all new, built with the capacity of 4,500 lbs., | and the best teams to be obtained have beeu placed along the line of the National Road. Messengers will accompany all goods by this line, and se that the drivers on the road make the allotted time froti station to station, without failure. All goods will be receipted for at any of our offices o. . agencies. North or South, to arrive in Piitshurgh in 50 hours, and Wheeling in W) hours from Baltimore. Goods received until 12 o'clock In the day. CABINET^ FIRNITURE ANB UP HOLS TEH Y ESTABLISHMENT. rpItE SUBSCRIBER having opened his new Warerooins, 1 L No. 173 Chesnui street, opposite the Stale House, re spectfully solicits from the public a continuance of the fiat taring patronage which for many years they have been pleased to extend him in his former establishment south Firth street?his stock of Furniture ami Upholstery em braces almost every article known in the trade, at prices ?s low as articles ot a similar quality can be purchased lor on the seaboard, and he offVrs to the community his assur ance that his arrangements in manufacturing will preclude the possibility of any article being offered to their inspec tion which will not be entitled to his guarantee. Strangers visiting the c.dy are rcspcctfully lavlted to an examination of his stock, either na purchasers or other wise. CRAWFORD RIDDLE. QIIANTIN A I.ITTZ, Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers, I have ihe honor to inform their friends ami the public iu j general that they h.ive taken ihe large, commodious ami 1 attractive Bazaar Store, No. 2W CHESNVT STREET, op posile the Academy oi Fine Aru?, where they now hav ready for Inspections large ami splendid assortment of ar tirlep in their line; such ? < parlor, chamber and boudoir fore niture, in the latest Paris style, whb ri they sell at it.e most I moderate price. Qrutehd lor the liberal patronage we have received, pectfully solicit a cnutiuuanci vts t< * r W eF. LINDsEY has removed lo the newhiiildingr, No ofi ? Lihtity Street A fiiM store from Broadway,) where he is prepaid to exhibit, with lew exceptions, an entire weir, seasonable ami desirable stork of SILKS ASP FASCV GOODS, e.mbrsrinc every variety ol plain and figured,black, colored and changeable Silks. I WUSS GOODS of every description; plain snd figured I Csshmeren and Mouse tie Laine*. Merino**. Ac. Aho, h I large assortment of FANCY CAP AND DQNNliT\ ItllMOXS, together with plain, colore?l ami black Satin 1 Tsffetta u ibtK>ns FtilNGES AND GIMP TRIMMINGS of every va- ) riety snd newest styles. SUA M LS ol all kinds am! qualities, including Silk. Broche Thibl?el, Cashmere Turkerri, Ac. Ac. 11?* wouhl particularly call attention to his unusually large and desira ble assortment of LACES, EMBROIDERIES, AND WHITE MUSIJNS. And he would respectfully ask the iuspw-timi ol his stock iu by tln?se who are willing lo avail themselvvs of l.ow pm 10P.N for Cn*h ami Shut! Credit. 1 AMES PIRSSON, 8H Walker street, lias now on hand. *1 and is daily finishing, Piano Fortes of every descri|itlon, from iiis very superior hori/.unial rr.imls down lo plain square ft 1-4 octaves, combining all the improvements ot the day, with many other* suggested by his owu experiences in the tsu ioess All his instruments are made expressly for the city trade, and no psins or expense is spared to rsu der them equsl at least to those of any other manufacture! in the country Slew route* in N?w Jerwy, Peuusylvaula, Maryluiul auU Ohio* Extract from the net of Cong. or 3d March, 13-15. uectiun 18 ? Atut If it further enacted. That it h1io.I1 be the duty ol Hit! t^BiniMKr General. in all futttre lettings of contracts lor the IrniiKportA'ion oi the mail, to let the same in every case tn ilie lowest bidder tendering sufficient guarantee* for faithful perloi mauce. without other reference to the mode ofsuch transportation thtan may be necessary to pro ride fur the due ce|erfty, certainly and security of Much transportation , nor shall any new contractor hereafter he required to purchase out, or take ut at valuation, the stock <?r vehicle# of any previous contractor lor the same route." tO"Bidders will be carefltl to read the forms and lust rue tioiiM appended to this advertisement They are requeued to state. in their pro no mla, the mode by which they intend to convey the mail Where the size and weight of the mail#, or the speed called for in the nchedulen, shall require if, the contracts will be made for coach, steamboat, or rail road conveyance, as the case may be; and, consetpiently, such mules will be let to bids proposing such mode of con veyance. In all other cases, the routes will be aligned to bids proposing the cheapest modvsof transportation. PROPOSALS for carrying the mnila of the TTnlted States, from the 1st day of July, IM9, to the VM of June, 1852, inclusive, in NEW JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, MARYLAND, and OHIO, will be received at the Contract Office of i he Post Office Department, In the city of W ashing ton, until 9 a m, of the 4tli April, 1849, (to be decided by the 24th of April, 1849.) on the routes and In the manner and time herein specified, va : NEW JERSEY'. 1369. From New Germantown at 10 a m Wednesday Ily PottersvIHe and Urtionvjlle To German Valley, by 2 pm, 12 miles And back between 5 p m and 9pm same day. 1370. From Key Port at 6 a m, nix times a week, or aa of ten aa the boats run between New York and To Squankum, Uy 12 m, 20 miles ? And back between 1pm and G p m same day. 1371. FrotnTuckhaoe at D p in Saturday By Lower Bridge, on Cedar Creek. Seaville, and and Townsend Inlet Proposals to leave in the morning, and return in the af ternoon of the some day, on a day to be named, will be con side red. 1372. From Philadelphia CPs.) at 6am Saturday By Camden (N. J.) and the following placcs: Ellesbunr, Fellowship, and Green Tree , To M<?unt Laurel, Burlington county, (N. J.,) by 12 , m, 20 miles And buck between I p m and 7pm same day. 1373. Cranberry at 9am Saturday To South Brunswick, by 11 a m,5 miles And bick between 1pm aud 3pm same day. PENNSYLVANIA. I 1707. From Sharon Centre at 0 a m Wednesday By McKay's Grist Mill, through the vulley of the I Honeyoye Creek To Weilsville, tNew York,) by 12 m, 18 mtles. And back between 1pm and 7 p m same day. .706. From Perkiomen Bridge itfiam Monday and Friday By Schwenck's Store, Frederick, Colebrookdale, and Emails To Allentown'by 7 p m, 43 miles And back between 0 a m and 7pm next day. Proposals to commence this at Norristowu ; also to run trl-weekly will be considered. 1709 From Poitaville at 1 p m Monday By Llewellyn, Tremont, Bearmount, Wlconlsco, and Elizabethville To Millersburg, by 6 p m, f>5 miles, next day And back between Gam Wednesday, and 12 m next day. , 1710 From Stromlesburg at G a m Wednesday By BrarkleyvillP, Priceburg, Indian Hill, Cov*e ville, South Sterling, and East Sterling 1 To Sterling, by 6 p m, 30 miles And hack between 6 a in and 6 p m next day. 1711. From Penningtonville at G a tn Saturday By Coop.rsvllle, Green Tree Inn, Bart's and Pas more's To Buck, by 12 m, 20 miles And back between I p m and 7am same day. 1712. From Oil Creek at 6 a ni Friday By Rome, Eldred, and Spring Creek To Columbus, by 0 p m. H0 mile a And hack between tin m and Q p m next day. 1713. From Trexlertown at 9 p m Saturday By Middletown To Hereford, by 12 m 10 miles And back between 1 p m and 4pm name day 1714. From Worcester at 8 a ni Saturday To Centre Square (meaning probably (Tniou Square,) bv 10 a nt, 6 miles And back between 12 m and 2 p m same day. 1715. From JoiitiMtowu at 8a ni Wednesday To Rherernburg. by 12 ni, 15 miles Anil back between 1 p in and 4 p m same day. 11716 From'Clarjort at G a m Monday^ Along the northeast side of Clarion River To llidneway, by.12 m.fiOmlles, next dav, Aud back between 1 p m and 6 p m Wednesday 717. From Allen at 9 a in Saturday hh . T.. Boiling Spring, by U m, 10 mib s Aud ha< k between I p m and 1 p m same day. 1718. From Ilollidaysburit ut G a tn Monday Ry Alleghany, Ashland Furnace*, and Weaklaud'a To Newman's Mills, by 12 in, 50 miles, next day And back between 1 p in Tuesday and G p in Wednesday. 1719. From West Philadelphia at 8 in Tuesday and Satur day ' By kellyeville, L*oh's Store, Springfield, Rose Tree, and Bishop's Works To ilowelsvdle, by 2p m, 20miles And back between 7 a m and 1 p m Monday and | Fciilay. Proposals lor once a week service will be considered, j7iA>. From Snmneytownat G it m Monday By Spinerstown To Emaus, byT2 m, 18 miles And back between I p ui and 7 p m same day. Propolis to run on another day (to be named) that will ? make better connections will be considered. 1721. From Emlentown at 6 a m Wednesday ' I To'the mouth ofTionestft Creek, by G p m, 30 miles And back between Gam and G p to next day. 1722. From Suuville at I p m Tuesday Hy ? And back between 10 a in and 1 p m same day 172-1. From A1 lent own at 9 p m Saturday Bv Sncekjivllle To Kern's Mill, hy 12 m, Id miles And back between 1pm and 4 p m p.ime day. 1725. From Norristowu at 4 p in Tuesday, Thursday, an< Saturday Br JetVeraonville, Shannonsville, and Lumbervilh To PlHunixvllia, by 7 p m, 10 mllfs And b^ck beiween 4 a m and 7 a m same day. Proposals to run six times a week will be considered. 1720. Frnm Gap at Sam Saturday Itv Hat and Intercourse To New Holland, by 12 m, It miles Aud lackbctween 1 p tn and 0 p m same day. Proposals for tri-weekly service will be considered. ! 1727. From West Petin at 1 p tn Wednesday To Lehighton, by 4 p m, 10 miles Aud back, between 9am and 12 m same day. Proposals to run on a day and at hours that will make better connections will be considered. 728. From Smith's Ferry at 7 a m Saturday Hy Ohiovllle To Darlington* hy 12 m, 15 miles And back between 1pm and G p m same day. 1729. From Dnnnlngsvllle at 9 a m Wednesday Bv Vunceville To Hillsborough, by 12 m, 10 miles And back between lpm and 4pm same day. 1700. From Pittsburg at Ga ni Wednesday Bv Breakneck, Whiteatown, and Prospcct To Browulngtown, by G p m. 40 miles And back between G a msnd 7 p in next day Froposals for tri weekly or six-Mmey-a-wrek convey auce, with change of schedule, will he considered. 1731. From .Williamsport at 9 a tn Monday By Loyalsock Valley To Cherry, by 11 p m. 45 miles And back between Gam and 8pm next day. proposals stating the Intermediate points are invited. 1732. From areensboroneh at 9 a m Wednesday Bv i. E Taylor's Store To Whdely, by 12 m. 10 miles And back between 1 p in and 4pm same day. 1733. From Providence at G a m Wednesday By .fohu Cobb, llolhstersville, Hamilton, snd Par.o V-'t Tart on, by 6 p m, 3*1 miles Ami back betwren Gam and 6pm next day. 1731 From Wattsburj at 6 a m Monday, Wednctday, and Friday nv rgUimbiiK, Spring Cr??k, Pilt.fxlil, Y"u"t" tillr, nnd Irvine Tn W.rrfn, lijr 6 p m, 10 nii'.ri Antl bick between 6 a m an?! 6 p m nejt (t?v MARYLAND. I95f. From Baltimore *i 0 ? m S-tinnlay Hy Cub Hill ?nil Put* Meriin? hoii?. To neUlr. (Md.)byOpm, ?m?ea And bru:k between ti a ui an.I 6 p ni Friilay I0"V7 l*ri>m PcinCeaa Anne at 0 3 m Wejnewlay H. Kinr?on Til JeHVraon Curner, by 12 in. II mllea Ami hick between I p m an.,1 7 n m lame day. t*.1 l-rom Ell mil 1. M ills a!m Sainrrtay Br riarkwlll'and Simly Spring To Rni'kville, by '' p m. & mil.a Anil bark between !> a ni iliul 9pm FrMay PrjnoMls IT tri weekly rnnveyaur, m (.larkavlllr, n thronih .in lb' whi le rmtte. wi? be c.nfidert.l . ?>;7 From Chickasaw at ft a m Silurday To Cranberry Prairie, by 12 m. 12 mlleu An l back between 1 p in and 0 p in w*me day. Propoaslfl to commence at New Bremen will be roiisb e,Q27rt From Mdlnn at 9 a m Tues?lay and Friday Bv Bloomimsville To Sandusky City 12.12 milrs And back between 1 p m and 4pm same day propyls to end route on the railroad (to be turned Also more frequent conveyance, will be conrniere.i 2279 From Sabina at G a in Wednesday i Bv Quinu's Mills and Centrevllle , To Highland, by 12 m, 15 miles And back between I p ni irnd .? p m . <me ?tsy An,l bark Ulween^m atij, ^ al'ler* il cottalder"! . a m WednMiUr V",'M irni^ill.. M ill'"-""". I.?m I burg, > ville, Prinretntt, and S.w llo,? b)' Rl' "1, mile. .^Thub betwein nam and A p m nait day. Pro'poaaU ? end route at New Hope wl\l b. eon^deml 2D82 From Defiance st 6 u ui Wsdnc silay ByBrunei sburg an.I If icksville .vvw, ^ by ft a m and r. p m next day. flBKt. From Tidhi at ft a m Monday Hy Van Burcn and lmI?*|wiuI?>h<-** To? U u?. 75 miles, Wednesday Friday ten 1 P m Ww'M?^y and 6p ? 228L From Oarretsville ai 6 am Wednesday By Freedom, Hhaltr.ville, Kireetri?m>', Hudson, Richtield. and llinkley To Brunswick, by G p m, 37 milea And hack between Gam aud C p'm next day. 2288. From Lower Sandusky at H a m Saturday To piut Clinton, by 12 m, 15 miles And back between 1 p m and 5 p in same day. 2336. From Hagerstown at 8 a in Wednesday To Eaton, by 12 m, 13 miles Aud back between 1 p ui and 5pm same day. ; 2287. From Jackson C, 11. al 6 a m Friday By Jarkm>n Furnace? To Portsmouth, by tf ii m,32 miles And back between 0 a in and 5pm uext day. 228S. From Walertilta at fl a m Tuesday By Turkey Fool To Bryan, by 12 m next day, CO mile* Aud back between I p m Wednesday and ftp m Thursday. 2*9. From Wat. rfordatli a m Wednesday By Watertown To Barlow, by 12 m, 10 miles Ami bark between 1 p m and 1pm same day. 2290. From Jacksonville at 8 a in, Tueaday By Houston's X Roads and Cranberry Prairie To Monlexutna. by ft n m, 24 mllea And bark between 8 a in and 6 p m next day, Query ; Whether llou&ou'a X Roads belongs to this route I 2291. From Hamilton at 6 a in Wedueaday Bv Morning Sun To Richmond, ila ,) by R p m, 40 milea And back between Gam und 8pm next day.' Proposal* naming the intermediate points to be supplied, also mure frequent service and greater speed, will be con* aldered. 2292. From Ithaca al 5 a m Wednesday To New Oastine, by 7 p m, 5 inilea And back between 2a m and 4 a ni aame (by. Propose Is to extend No. 2261 to New Cystine are Invited. 2293. From Xenia at 1 pm Saturday By Byron To Fairfield, by 5 p m, 12 mllca And back between 6 p m and 10 p m aame day. 2294. From St Joseph at 5 a m Wednesday Bv Willi.-mi Centre and Beunersburg To Defiance, by G p m, 30 miles And back between Gam and 6 p m next day. PrnpoKileto end route at Bruucrsburg will be considered. NOTES. Eaoh proposal should be accompanied by a guaranty, signed by one or more responsible persons, in the follow, iug mannar, viz "The undersigned -guarutee that ,la his bid for carrying the mail from ? to be accepted by the Postmaster General, shall enter an obligation prior to the first Jay of July next, with good and uutlkient sureties, to perform the service proposed." This should be accompanied by the. certificate of a post, master, or equivalent testimony, that the guarantors are men of property, and able to make good their guaranty. The proposals should be sent to the department, endor sed 44 Proposals for route No. , in - and addressed to the Frst Assistant Posimnster General. For the prohibition of bid* resultinir from, combination, and the terms und conditions <>n which the contract is to bs made, see the annual ndvtrtlsement In another column. C, JOHNSON, rost master General. Dccembrr IS, 1C43. Mar 12? lawttw. LC DOYEN'S DISINFECTING FLUID. MESSRS. POVt.JN, ROOERS * COMPANY, Sole proprietors of the celebrated LE DOYEN'S DISINFECTING FLUID, [ Beg leave to call attention to this important and invaluable artirle, the greatest discovery of the age?patented ill Washington, December, 1847. fHE above invaluable preparation, which entiilea the In* ventor to, and must, when fully known, gain for bim I the gratitude and blessings of the whole human family, possesses the power of immediately destroying the most offensive odor, from whatever cause ariaing. By It Hospital Ward* can be disinfected of miasma and j Water Closets, Cess Pools, Cellars. &o., Ac., of Impure gases. In the sick chamber this Fluid will be found in valuable, as the nauseous ?mell ariaing from sores on the body, or from the night stool, ore by its use atonce dis pelled, und should the disorder terminate (atally, the corps* con (it from any cause necessary) be kept several weeks, by using the Fluid, without becoming in the slightest degree offensive. Captsius of .emigrant ships will derive Incalculable ad vantages from its use in the steerage, for disinfecting and ttlce, which will fully convince the most sceptical of its wonderful qualities. It is entirely ? free from any odor of Ita own, simple in Its application aud certain in its effect*. To Chcner*, Agent*, Captain* of vcuseht and other* .?For sale in large quantities, for steerage of emigrant ships, bilk* water, slid other diainfeciing purposes. By an appli cation of tins Fluid, the contents ot a Privy can be remov. ed without causing that highly offensive stench, and thus rendering night soil a valuable manure. The undersigned, desire to brink this article into public t use. It will he furnished in quailDottles of uurownstamp j for local uses or by the gallon Orders are resptetlully solicited, and will he immediately supplied. POl l.IN. ROGERS A CO., 39 Merchants' Exchange, William street, New York. For sale in this city by W. A J H. (11 I.MAN. Druggists, Pennsylvania Avenue. Nbw Vouk, September 19. 1848. GtnllemenHaving used your Disinfecting Fluid on my 1 last voyage in the Washington acro-sthe Atlantic, I found it an invaluable artirle for destroying the effluvia from tlm Water closet, Ace. It is also valuable for the passengt ra to use in their state rooms, particularly in cases of rftckness. 1 think It the best disinfecting agent ever Invented. (Signed,] J. JOHNSTON, Master Steamer Washington, Of Ocean Steam Navigation Company To Messrs. Pot'LtN, Bookijh Ai Co. jan yii-dCm WIN EM AND I, IQ, CO US AT REDUCED PRICES. IITE WILL hereafter fell all tlie following WINES and ' IT LIQUORS at frem ltf to 25 per cent, below our former prices: 75 basket* Hiedsleck CHAMPAGNE WtNE 50 do Cieoh-rs'* champagne of extra fine quality. 25 do Ilochi's champagne fair article. 25 do Shield brand, pta. and qts. 35 doz. old reserve MADE HI A, vintage 1815. 42 " London L. P., very flue. 15 44 Sercial, old and fine. 11 ,4 llual Madeira, very old and fine. 10 4* Malmsey do. a choice artir le. 12 44 Gra|wrjuice do. viry old. t 15 '4 Pomar's Bro, sherry, extra fine. | 13 44 .Do. " fine artirle. 12 4 Am>>ntilado pale sherry, very fine. 15 " OLD PORT M7iV/;,very fine. 50 44 OLD COON A C H HA A*6 Y, i?ie and dark. 50 OLD MO SOS (i A11 EL A WHISKY, very prim*. With a great variatv ofothbr wines and liquors all of which will be sold unusually low. SIMMS A SON. P. S. We have on hand part of the stock of Madeira and Sherry of the late Walter Smith, which was selected from his stock of wines with much care, and will be sold much below his fixed prices ten years ago. s. A 8. jan I ?illy Pa. avenue, opposite Jackson Hall. 1UIE aubscriber will open on the 1st of September next, , the Merchanta' Erchange Hotel, located m Slate street, j aud In the immediate vicinity of tue Banks, the Post Of fice, and the Exchange, and hones by the strictest attention to tne wants and comiuris of Uiw guesis, to merit a good I share of the public patronage. The house has one nun 1 dred rooms, has been thoroughly renovated and repair* ed, and the undersigned feels confident that he is now pre pared to entertain the iraveihtn: public in a style equal to any Hotel in the city. The bedding and furniture gensraUy has been replenished, aud the appointments and conveni ences of the House are inferior to none of its kind. Ry prompt personal attention to the desires of his guests, th? subscriber hopes to merit his share of the public favor and 1 patronage. Transient Boarders One Dollar per day. 1IUNRY DOOLEY. I sa^_*l-1 Steam Communication direct from Southampton to New Orientals and bat lc. -i'ursu iui to order from the Lords Commissioners of the Admirably, on the '2A of November next, and thence 11 forward on the ^ud of each succeeding mouth, the ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKETS will proceed direct from South I uniptou to Bermuda, Nassau, Havana, Cat or Ship Island, (New Orleans,) Vera Crux and Tumpico, returning by the I same route to England. This arrangement admits of an easy and quick convey | I nnce to and from Southampton and the places above men tioned, and passengers tor New Orleans will be conveyed | I thither from the Company's vessel* on their arrival at Cat or Slup Island, by the Mexican Gulf Railway Company, | who will have a steamer ready, and other convenience*, provided for that purpose, at a cost not exceeding three dob | lan for each person. The same facilities will be alTbrded from New Orleans, embarking on board the Royal Mail | Steam Packets for Europe, dec. The estimated time for the voyage from Southampton Is I I as follows:?To Bermuda, 16 daya; Nassau21 days; Havana I 23 days. Ship or Cat Udaud, New Orleans, 281-2 daya; Vera Crux, 33 days: Tampico, 36 days. The Steam Packets are appointed to leave Ship or Cat land Harbor on their rtturu to England at fi A. M., on ths 21st of each month. By the above alteration, paaaeng?r? proceeding to the West Indies, by the 2d of the month ateam* er, will be conveyed via Bermuda, ami by the 17th of the month steamer, as heretofore, via Maderia and BartedcM* Particulars ss to fares, etc., may be obtsined ?" lion At the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company'a Offlcea, W Moorgate atroet, London; ditto W inkle atreet,.. ',rb??Pjwti Messrs. Delrue ?t Co., rue d Enghitu. * ari?.' 14 Boulevard Potownlere,ditto; Mr. Ilundeiker, Ilambuifbi Mexican Oulf Railwav Company, Njw 65 Moorgate street, London B CHAPPEI., Secretary. II AD H BROOK1ACO, CLOTHIERS AND DEALERS /AT CLOTH*. CA99I MEKES ASD VE.s J'LS fiS, No*. llGsnd 118 Chsrfy ritreet, corner ofCatharine, have on hand a very large stock of Fashionable ready m? fe Clothing, just manufacuivad, and especially adapted to the season. Also, CLOTlfiL I CASSfMEHES awt VEST/NOS, by the piece, or In .iiuutlnes to suit purchasers. UARMENTSoi every description manufactured to or* I der iu the beat possible manner and in point of style not to I be surpassed. UAfitililt A UROTUERS, No. 63. South St., tlireedoora from Pratt street, Valtimore, Manufactum* and t*n uZrtnreof Ma/henhUiauvkj/ical, and Phifo*of>Ahal Intfm. t?+tUa.?A goinl nsr?.rtn? ^ of the following articles, uhich we offer lor sale al reduced price*: j Suiveyor'a Compaases; Eugiueer's Levels; Therurdoilte* Theodolites Compasses; Sluj s, Plain, Sturm, sod Tranaps !relit Com|iass? s; Sjiy-glawK-s; Plain and Double Tangent Uu.-idtants; Sextants; Barometers* Thermometers: Log GIsssls; Halt-hour Clashes; Tajie Lines; Cae^k ol Draw lug Instrumeutr.; Pocket Compaq ?; Surveyor's Chains; Carpentti'V and Lumber Roles; Tatlota and Hailmakera' S<|u.ires; Bra^s ami Guuter S^aks; P.?raltel Kuiea; Draw* Ing Pens: Dividers; Protractor*: llowditch N?i? igifuin; Blum's Const Pilot*-; Stdpni-ifcisr* Awistattls: Seaman's Friends; Nautical Almsiiat f : Lunar TaMes; L'?g Books; Shipping Papers;'-Jooruak. l>lewlsWf; A grtod .ts?orim<nt u? Chans ol iff jtoltt id the world; Otiuging Out Ntckn, T'?ttHsc large S? siutimnt of Iasrni'MKNia in the Mathemancal H?e. Hgf- lust rnenra of every! rspsired, or mAdf o order, Inrue neatest r