Newspaper Page Text
Ik t i p jQatuiiuxI dEIrig? WHOLE NUMBER 688. WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 15, 1849. SINGLE COPY 6 CENTS. PliaUUIBD BY CHAD. W. KENTON. . terms: 1>AII,Y, per year, .... ?1? OU TK1WKEKLY, 00 WKEKLY, '?<00 PaynUr in fulvanee. Advbrtiskmrnt* : Fifty cents per square ?!?? fir*1 inner tion twenty-five cent* per aquare for every subsequent in* aertion-fitly cents per square alternate insertion*. A 111?<-nil deduction to yearly advertiser*. THE .NATIONAL WHIG, 7S I'lllll.lSIIKI) DAILY, Trl-weekly and Weekly In the City of Washington. 'IVmu: Daily paper T#n Dollars a yenr,?Triweekly Si* Dollar*, awl W? e*lv Two Dollar* -in advance. THIS NATIONAL WflKJ, whh founded for Hie purpose of advocating ili*> election of Zaoiamv Tayi.oii, totha Pre sidency, aim U tmw support* awl defend* hi* admiuMtra (inn ol public-affairs, without fear, favoyor affliction. Iii? politics arc t'wac of llie administration of Uen. Tay i.ou mUiotuU ir/titf politic?. lO- rUH NATIONAL WIflU liaa beenselected by therreaideulof the United Stilton, under the act of C'o?i jo eKN of March ltd, IW?, lor the publication of all notilira* tioiiM awl uilvalrliwiiienll emanating from the ExciiUve lie* partmenl*. Ifm columns arc open to tlie discussion ol every public sub ject of interest to the coimlry, ami it Invites eoutribuiious Iroin the pt-iiM of all who may desire to elicit the truth awl add to the sum of useful knowledge. It rrj ulaily puktiuhe* the affinal in tr Hi timer of the tJov ernment ill relation to public. affairs, the next day alter il in prepared for the pre**, by the Department or lluresu front which it emuiialea. Il publishes all I he advertising of the Federal Onvern inenf, ?u?l is therefore a vehicle of information of the great eat lute rent to thoae concerned ill supplying ihc want* of the Oovei'limetit: Il pubh*he* once a week exclusively, llie ollicial lint of teller* patents for iuvenliomi "ranted by the United Stales, together with the claims, and devote* front day to day, a large apace 10 I he publication of new scientific matter iuter eating to inveulora and mechanics. It ainiH to ealabliah a high reputation for lair crdiciam, an a bold and trulhlnl reviewer of hooka of every di? riplion and it iuvileafrombook*iMlleraand Publishers contribution* lor that purpose. The Agriculturist always li wis admittance lo Useoliimus, and it solicits communication* fmm every farmer and plan ler, that may tend lo spread useful imformatiou. The muchaiiic arts are foRtered by it, and every bra tic-h ol them isjieard ill ila defence, when akaailed, m* in illus traiiou of improvements, or in promotiou of their rights and interests. The llturaienr loo in welcome mils <-olumns-lhc lawyer and Ihc doctor and the merchant and the trailer, find every body who has any thing to give to llie sum of human hap piueta or to add lo the stock of common knowledge. During (lie session of Congress the National Whig coir aim daily and complete reports of the proceeding* of Congress. On this point, no nains is spared lo make It the beat Journal ol Debates in llie country. In the news department, it la not only even with, hut more frequently ahead ol ita contemporaries not only in Washington but elsewhere. It reports llie la-duos of (he Smilhson Institute regu larly, awl it gl\es a luithliil arcount, from time lo time ol the doings of that establishment. It relied* laiililully, from day to day, the He.nlitneuts of Ihe Admiuislralion pre** throughout the country, and promptly answers Hie objection* and arguments ol our op ponent* both in Washington and elsewhere. Tiib Nation At. Wmo is, a political journal, whose place Ihe friend* of the Administration of Zaohaut Taylor can not supply. fcCj? Post-masters and all others who may send ua the money for live dailies will recleve one copy gratis -for five Iri*weeklies, one copy graii* and for live weeklies one copy gratis. No subscription received for less than si* moulhs.l td-No IfJltera Uiken out unless postage is pre-paid, so that persons sending money must be sure lo- pre-pay if they do not wish to lose their money. ICy-Ordcrs for paper* must be accompanied by Ihe tnuii ey, or I hey will not be attended to. KJ?All letters ordering the paper'or containing advertise ment*. must be direclcd "To the Publisher ol the Ration al Whig." EGI-All communication* for insertion in Ihe paper, all iitelligunceof every description, all confidential commit* mentions miiMi be addressed "To the Editor of the National Whig," and must be post paid, or they will not be taken out ttJP"No drop letter taken out, if not pre-paid. CCfr-AII money sent will lie credited at the par value In Washington City. ? W0RTIIINGT0N~G. SNETHEN, Editor of the National Ii'Vif/f, (POnMRtlt.V SOLICITOR OK TIIU URNKRAI. LAND OI'FICB.j ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, wa sir in a ton, D. a PRACTICES in llie SUPREME COURT of llie UNITED STATES, the COURTS of the DISTRICT awl of the neighboring Slates; aiVHX t.HUA L COVN8KL A T HIS nifAMMSKSt; PROSECUTES CLAIMS OF EVERV DESCRIPTION AC A INST CON'CRESS OR ANV OF THE DE PARTMEN'l'S OF GOVERNMENT; And claims for spoliations agaiusl the Republic of Mexico brfurP. lltf Hoard uf CutiuniitHiuwrt rituhii.thurf by Utr Act of Utuf March, l*fo; ACTS AS ACENTin procuring letter* patent for Inven tion^ from lite United State*, and from Foreign Covern menls: AND EXECUTES *ny business requiring the presence or alien lion of counsel or agent at Ihe seal of (?overumcuf Reler to tbe Hon IIunuv Johnson, late Senator, und the Hon. S. W. Down*, awl Hon. Pinna* Soulu, Senator* of the United Slates from the Stat? of l<oui*iuuia,umf thn Sen turn of the Vnitmd Slatfrom tin- ollitr Slaten. ? fcj-OFFICE AT 77/f; NATIONAL MliW OF IP!(Tr<, I'mmylrania amnte. mar 2H?disil'dtw ANN UAL SUPPLIES FOUT1IK NAVY. Navy Dkpartment, flurcau of Construction, Equipment, and licpair, May 22, 1849. SKALF.D PROPOSALS, cndorsml "Proposalsfar iiarat supplies" (nmiiin? ihe yard, for which the oiler i* inndrj will bo roceived nt this Htirouu until o'clock, P. M. of ihe 30th June next, for furnishing and delivering, under contract, at the respective Navy Ynrd* herelnufler named, the several articles speci fied in I hi* advertisement. One-fourth part of nil the articles required at eueh ofsuid navy yards, com prising a due proportion of each kind, must he deliv ered on or before the first of September next; one other fourth part on or before the first of December next; one other fourth part on or before the first of April; and the residue on or before the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty; nnd, in case of fuilure to furnish and deliver the articles within the time and in the proportion specified, the Bureau or the respective commundants of saio navy yards to have the rii?ht lo direct pure base* to be made to sup ply any deficiency, and the contractor and his sure ties to be liable in twice the contract price. Proposal* must provide for furnishing and deliver ing, on. like terms and anuLUiuns, tiny additional quantity of Ihe articles contracted for that may be required at either of the said nnvy yards before the expiration of the fiscal year ending on the said 30th .Inns, 1850, on fifteen days' previous notice from the lturenu or ihe..commandant of the yard where the articles are required. Persons offering for more than one yard must make separate and distinct, proposals for the ntpply of eachi, keeping tlie.classes of articles separate., and embracing the irhole quantity of ull the articles enu merated in the class. The cost of each itein must be distinctly carried out, and the aggregate of each class correctly footed up, which is muterial lo a lair comparison of bids. An erroneous extension or an erroneous aggregate will constitute un informality, und the bid will not be considered. No extension of time for deliveries under any con tract will be granted, and penalties for nonfuluhiient will in all cases be rigidly enforced; bidders are there fore requested to oiler for no more than they are sure they fan furnish within the time specified. All the articles must lie of the very best ouality, conforming lo samples which will be exhibited on^p piicalion to the commandant of the yard nt winch they, are to be delivered. They must ne in good or der and condition, in suitable vessels or packages, a* the case may be; all vessels, articles, and packages to be subject to the inspection of the yard where Ihey are received, and h? in nil respects to the satisfaction of the commandant. Approved sureties in twice the estimated amount will be required in the manner set forth in the form of contract, and ten per centum in addiiiou will be withheld from the amount of each payment uscollal oral security for the faithful performance of the con tract. Ninety per cent, of each delivery will be paid by Hie Navy Agent within thirty davs after the bre sentation of approved bills, in triplicate, by Ihe com mandant of the yard at which the deliveries are made. Every offer mu*t be accompanied by a written guaranty (the responsibility of the guarantor or guar aniors to be certified by a Navy Agent or other offi cial person, or by some one known to the Bureau) that, if the offer bo accepted, the bidder or bidders will, within five dtvt nfier the receipt of the con tract at the post otnew designated, execute the same, wilh good anil sufficient sureties, to furnish the arti cles proposed, agreeably to the terms specified in this advertisement, and which may lie embodied in the contract. The law of 10th August, 1840, forbids the consideration of all proposals not accom|?anied by such guaranty. Bidders are particularly cautioned to endorse their offert as above required, that they may be distin guished from other business letters, in order to pre vent their being opened before the proper time. All offers not made in strict conformity with this advertisement In every particular will be rejected as Informal. Those whose offers are accepted will be duly notified, and contracts for\yaided without dc I ay. Persons offering are directed to designate the post office through which they desire to be addressed and the navy agent to whom the contract shall be aeot for fMcutlon. FORM OK AN OFFER. Washington, May , 184'J. I hereby agree to furnish ami deliver, at I>>?? Navy Yard at -, in conformity with the requirements ?f the advertisement from the Bureau of Construe tion, Kquiinnents, ami Repair of the 22d May, 1M49, the several article embraced in classes one anil two lor that yard, to wit; Class No. 1. ? lb*, white lead at ? cents . . $ lb*, lampblack at ? do . . . lbs. red lead at ?? do . . . lbs. litharge at ? do ... Class No. 2. ?? gallon* sperm nil at ? rent ft ? lbs sperm candles at ? do Very respectfully, A. B.} Chief of the. Bureau of Const'n, kc., Washington. We the undersigned, residents of ?-??, i'? the State of , hereby guaranty that in case the foregoing hid of be accepted, that will, within live days alter the receipt of the contract at the |?ost-office designated, execute the same, with good and suHicient sureties, to furnish the supplies embraced , in said bid in conformity with the term* of the. odver-1 tisemeiit under which it was made. A. II. C. 1). I hereby certify that, to the best of uiy knowledge I and belief, the al?ove-named guarantors arc. good and | suihr.ienl. E. 1". NAVY YARD, (lHARLKSTOWN, MASS. Class No. 1?Iron. 6,000 lbs. I4 inch round iron P<* pound | 5,tM)0 do I do do do 4,000 do i do do do 3,000 do J do do do 2,000 do A do do do 1,000 do I do do do 500 do 5-It! do do do .'100 do 4 do do do 300 do 3 Hi do do do 2,000 do ti by J inch Hat do do 2,tN)0 do 4 by 4 do do do do2A by p,do do do 1,04)0 do *2 by A do do do 2,000 do 3 by j do do do 2,tNH) do 2 J by j)do do do 1,000 do I by \ do do do 500 do Russia sheet iron do 1,000 do Russia or Swedes nail rods do 1,000 do do do spike rods J by 4 inch do 3G,G00 pounds 1 All tin? iron Li be of the best American manufacture. | ('[.ass No.Copper. 500 lbs. 04 oz. braziers'copper sheets 6 by 3 ft p. lb. 500 do 54oz. do do do do 1 ,IKNI do 34 oz. do do do do 1,000 do 32 oz. do do do do 3,(HN) pounds 500 sheets 32 oz. hot rolled sheathing cop|>er estimated to weigh 4,700 lbs per lb. | 500 sheets 34 oz. hot rolled sheathing copper, estimated to weigh 5,000 lbs per lb. 1(H) sheets iSoz. hot rolled sheathing copper, estimated to weigh 600 lbs per lb 100 sheets 22 oz. hot rolled sheathing copper, estimated to Weigh MM) lbs per II). I All the sheet copper must have straight edges and | square ends and be of parallel widths. Class No. 3?Hardware. ft coopers' axes per sample, each 5 coopers' adzes do do f? broad axes, handled do do 10 narrow axes, handled do do 2 hollow adzes do do do 2 carpenters' adzes do do do 25 bradawls do do do 25 awls do do do 3 braces and bitts, (48 bitts) do do 2 iron do (20 bitts) do do 5 I learborn's balances to weigh 501bs do do 100 i\l iron brads 14 to J 4 inch do per M | 20 do Randall's yatent brads do 2 sets firmer chisels ? to 2 inches . each set, handled do per set | 2 sets rocket chisels 2 to 2 inches each set, handled do 10 carpenters'compasses do each | 2 coopers' callipers do do 2 mast callipers do do 2 large butchers' cleavers do do 3 small do do do 250 lbs A ineh iron chain do per lb. | 250 do 7-10 do * do do 250 do j> do do do 250 do J do do do 250 do ? do ? ? do do 0 dozen tine saw files, ((Iraves St Son s) per doz. | 12 do 4 inch hand-saw tiles do do 12 do G do do do do 12 do 7 do do do do 1 do rat tail tiles do do 2 sets firmer gouges \ to 2 inch, handled per sample, per set | 2 sets socket gouges to 2 inch, handled do do 3 steel tongued bevils do each I 3 bung borers * do do 3 tap borers do do G dozen brass buttons on plates do per dozen 50 lbs. copper burrs do per lb. j 50 do cut conper rivets do do 10 brass cocks do do 3 coopers' crows do each | 2 glazing diamonds ' do do 3 brass dividers do do G dozen brass escutcheons, assort, do per doz. | 2 do spike gimlets do do 2 do nail gimlets do do G fish kettles do each | 20 stew pans, assorted sizes do do It) frying pans do do 20 bake pans, assorted sizes do do '20 uoppwr teakettles, G quart do do 20 iron tea kettles do do 4 carpenters' gnages do do 100 lbs. China glue do per lb. 3000 tcuter hooks do perM . | 12 butchers' knives, 12 ineh do caef G cheese do It) do do do 100 fishing hooks, assorted do do 12 broad hatchets do do 24 claw hammers do do 3 wrench hammers do do 4 dozen pair 4x4 iuch heavy brass butt hinges, with shifting pins per dozen | 3 dozen pair 3x 2A inch heavy brass butt hinges, with shifting pins do G dozeo pair 24 x > inch heavy brass butt hinges, with shifting pins do 8 dozen 2 x I i inch heavy brass butt hinges do 1 dozen 4 iuch brass door hooks and eyes per sample, do 1 dozen ? inch brass door hooks and eyes do do 2 dozen iron butt hinges, assorted do do 5 gridirons do each | 5 griddles do do 5 iron ladles do do 2 waffle irons do do 2 iron pots do do 1 doz. secretary lunges with springs do per doz. 10 tinder boxes and steel do each | H shoe knives do do ft drawing knives do do G pallet knives do do 4 putty knives .do do 2 pileti kettles do do 2 hollowing knives do do 2 rounding knives do do 10 sail knives do do 4 gross blank door keys do per gross 2 do blank drawer do do do 12 mortice doors (Nashua,) with mineral knobs do each 10 dozen 3-inch iron tumbler pad locks, 12 kinds of keys to each dozen do per do*. 5 dozen 3-inch brass tumbler pad locks, 12 kinds of keys to each dozen do do G doz. 4-inch iron cupboard hicks, do do 12 kinds ol keys to each dozen do do 1 doz. G-inch iron closet locks, 12 kinds ol key* to each dozen do do 25 papers sewing needles, assorted do per paper 2000 lbs. iron out nails, 4d to 40d, equal quantities each size do per lb. 1000 lbs. wrought iron nails, Gd to 12d, equal quantities each size do do 600 lhs. cut copper nails, 4d to 20d, equal quantities each size do do 2tN) lbs. iron finishing nails, Hd and HKl, equal quantities each sixe do do 4 M scupper nails do per M 10 M I clout nails do do 6 short Jointer planet do ?ach 9 long do do do tf jack planes do do 3 grooving plants do do 2 pairs match plane* do do 3 astrigal planes per .tample, each 4 moulding planes do do 4 bead planes do do 3 plow planes do do 3 coopers* block planes do do 1 coopera'jointer long do do 1 coopers' jointer short do do 0 spoke shaves do do 3 bucket shaves do do 3 can shaves do do 3 in. shaves do do 1 ream sand paper do per ream. 10 2-ft. rides, single & double-jointed do each 10 wood rasps do do 3 guaging rods do do 10 sail rubbers do do V00 pounds iron riveU, assorted sizes do per lb. 10 cast-steel shovels do each 6 snades do do 4 shovels and tongs do do 6 (jiiinter scales do do G screw drivers do do G steelyards do do 10 hand saws do do 3 tenon saws do do 2 sash saws do do 2 compass saws do do 2 wood saws, framed do 2 whip saws (pit) do do 2 cross-cut saws , do do 2 keyhole and pad saws do do 2 dovetail saws do do lOtK) lbs. patent deck spikes, 4-4J. 5-5j, 0-04,7-74, 8-9 in. equal quantities each kind per sumpl^, per lb. 4 butchers' steels do each 4 trying squares do do 4 iron saws do do 4 saw sets do 'do 4 brass squares do do 4 bread sieves do do 4 bread shods do do 3 large tin bread scales, with sets weights do 3 small do do do do do 3 Hat do do do do do 100 M. copper tacks ?, }, j|, and {-inch, equal quantities each size per M. 100 do tinued tacks, 7-8 inch do 100 do iron tacks J, J, j), and t-inch? epual quanti ties each size per M. 10 boxes XX tin 0 per box. 2 bench vices, large f per sample, each. 2 bench vices, small do do 2 hand vices do do 2 coopers' vices do do 4 sets iron weights, 1 to 4 pounds per set. 4 do do 4 to 28 do do 4 do lead do 1 oz, te 1 pound do f?00 pounds sheet zinc per pound. 500 pounds pig zinc do 200 pounds iron sheathing nails do 20 gross 5-8-inch No. ft iron screws per gross. 5 do 5-8-inch No. 13 do do 10 do 5-8-inch No. 0 do do 10 do 3-4-uich No. 9 do do 10 do 7-8-inch No. 0 do do 10 do I4 inch No. C do do 5 do lA-inch No. 7 do do Class No. 4?Flax Canvass. 200 Ik?Its No. 1 flax canvass per bolt. 150 do No. 3 do do 541 do No. 8 do do Each bolt to be 40 yards iu length, and 20 iuches wide, according to sample, and subject to the usual Jest. Class No. 5?Ship Chandlery. 50 hickory brooms per sample, each. 100 oorn brooms do do 100 whitewash brushes do do ? UN) paint brushes, No. 1A do do 25 sash tool brushes per sample each. 50 camel's hair brushes do do 50 hand scrubbing brushes do do 50 clamp scrubbing brushes do do j 20 long handle tarbrushes do do 20 short handle tar brushes do do 10 rolls worsted binding, assorted colors do do 5 pieces white bunting, 40 yards In length, Ift inches wide do por ploce. 5 pieces scarlet bunting, 40 yards in length, 1R inches wide do do 5 pieces blue bunting, 40 yards in length, lfi inches wide do do I piece yellow bunting, 40 yards in length, 18 Inches wido do do 5 silver calls do each. 30 yards bleached cotton, 7-8 wido do per yard. 1 set truss hoops do per set. 10 pounds curled hair do per lb. 25 sides rigging leather, estimated to weigh 500 pounds do do 10 sides pump leather, estimated to weigh 200 pounds do do 25 sides bellows leuthcr, estimated toiweigh 175 pounds do do 50 pounds lamp wick do do 5 gross lamp wick wire do per gross. 25 chalk lines do each. 10 cask* line do do ti tape lines do do 50 gallons whale oil per gallon. 30 gallons tar oil do 10 china bowls for water closets per sample, each 25 fishing lines do do 25 pounds seine twine do per pound. 25 pounds whipping twine do do 20 pounds yellow beeswax do do 20 mounted roping palms do do 20 mounted seaming palms do do 100 dozen Russia mats, foY covering cordagn do per dozen. 3 Turkey oil stones do each. 3 grindstones, estimated at 200 pounds per pound. 100 east steel irrapers per sample, each. 100 ox hides far rope, estimated to weigh 10,000 pounds do per pound. 1,000 pounifs No. 1 extra soap do 10 do thread, assorted colors pr. sample, pr. lb. 10 do shoe thread do do 200 do tallow do 10 do mop yam do do 12 bundles coopers' Hags, estimated at 150 pounds do 50 life preservers per sample, each. 1 patent log do do I cotton seine and bag, 40lathoma, 18 feet decp\ do 1 cotton seine and bag, 60 fathoms, 24 feet deep do 100 feel 3-inch leather hose per foot. 100 feet 2 1-2 Inch do do 25 yards black cotton velvet per yard. Class No. 6.?Paints and Oils. 8,000 pounds pure dry white lead per pound. 1,000 do lamp blook do 500 do red lead , do 600 do litharge do | 200 do Venitlan ltd do j 3,000 do Spanish uniting do I 200 do chrome grten (woods) do 100 do French yellow ochro' do 75 do gum shellao do 10 do Prussian blue do 1,000 gallons raw Dutch linseed oil per gallon. 300 do spirits turpentine do Class No. OaJcum. 10,000 pounds oakuin (beet qutfyty, made from junk) pr. lb. Class No. 8- Manilla Hemp. *211 tons Mallliu hemp, per t^n of 2,210 lb.-< ClJhu No. 9?Stationery. fit) memorandum books, larfce persample, each fiO do fnifll 10 blank book*, 2 qulrca t do 10 do :t do 20 pieces India rubber 80 ha If pint bottle* black ink 10 do do i 20 inkstands 1 iukstaudirh in penknives, each 4 blades r? reams log paper 20 do foolscap paper IU do letter do f? do envelope do 2 do blotting do fiOcardasti-elpemi \ do | per card :W sheets drawing paper drt per sheet li parallel rulers . do each r? round rulers [do do 6 flat rulers \do do fi rolling rulers Ho |?/o 20 dnseu lead pencils fo per dozen HOD slate pencil* <V per hundred. 25 camerahair pencils *!? each 3,1*10 quill* <L ,wr 100 III sandboxea each 110 pounds Mild di p?rlb 10 double log alatea " '* 10 single 1I0 2 boxes water colors 10 ponudN waters do\ per lb. AO.. __ sand pounce 4 Outlier's scales ito 75 bolts red tap?? ?/<? t, 10 paper foldera </.> I box mathematical instrumental* 10 pounds sealing wax do 21) bolts taste do Olabb No. ft) cords mixed oak wood V.Tr no corns mixeu oaa wood per cord ? MMndMbmi prtonvfMVtt* Class No. 11 ?Kami Stores, 1,200 !>tf rrc-lx Suffolk lar O) ilu pitch 'Si do rosin 10 do turpentine NAVY YARD, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Class No. 1?/ron, per pound. per barrel Hound. I 3,ooo lb*. 1 hid, do ? Hi do :j,(*m) do a n do 1,A Hi do 7-10 do :t,UN) do 4 do I I,(MM) do $.10 do do i,ojo do :fic</o 2,(NNI <tu IMG do ?I,WW do | do :i,hn) do ia i0(/? do I do r>,UMI do I do 4,UN) do I lf??/?? do 11 do 2,oin) do l 1g</? 1,(Ml do l{ do 2,UNI do ir, \tido I .(Mm do I ?-10</u do n do 1,0(10 do |( do I,INN) do 1} do Tiorn, do 'J,(100 do ;i,(mt* do 3] '.',000 do 3,u00 do Si/iuire. i^moihK. r.-io inch :U I do 3 H 1,00(1 do 7 10 2,(110 do | 2.000 do U IG (Nil do | 2,UNI do II IG 2.UJ0 do I 2.INNI do 1 I,INN) do 14 2.UNI do i j l,(NN) do l{ 2.1 NU do 2 9/,MU) lb*. I.0U) lb*. 1 Ity | iia<"Ii flat Iron, per pound. 1,000 di 1.1**1 do I f 2,000 do 1 1.000 do 1 2,0(10 do I ' 3,000 </o 1 1,000 do 11 1.(N * I do I; 2.UN)4o I 2,000 do 1, 3,000 do 1, 2,000 do I 2,000 do 2 2,(MM) do 2 2,0)0 do 2 2.000 do 2 2,UNU/u 2 1,000 do 2{ I 2,UK\do 24by 2,ono do 21 by I 2,000 da 3 by 2,000 do 3 by by i by f> IG do by ' ^ by by by by 3 IG do by ?I by ?14 by A by 4| by do 1.000 Ibt. 3 by 2,000 do :t* by 2,000 do 3* by 2,000 do ? " 1,0)0 do 3,000 do 1,011) do l,0jl) do 2.000 do 3.01 NI do 1,100 do 1,000 do 1,000 do 1,000 do 1,000 do 1,000 do 1,000 do 1,UK) do 1,000 do 2,000 do by I do by 7-16 do by * 71,600 lb*. by the bundle. Hoop Iron. I 80 cwt. two inch hoop iron, No. G, yard guage ** " ** whale hoop iron merchantable ha 1 :*? do 1 jo do I 30 do 1 d do I do do Sheet Iron. 3 bundle* Russia siieet iron, No. IG 3 do do 12 no | All the iron to be of the beet American manufacture. Class No. 1.?Copper. 20) sheets, *ay 1,000 lb., 14 07.. hot rolled sheathing copper per lb. sheets, bay 100Ibt--.; I I 07.. rold rolled do do 8 do each 20, 24^G, 28, 30, -12, M. and 40 lb*. brazier'* copper, say in all 1,872 lb*. do 4 do GO lb*. brazier's copper, say 210 ib*. do All I lie sheet copper must have straight edcesand square nd and lie of parallel width*. Ola68 No. 3.?Lead and Tin. \ 2 roll*, each 4, 4 J, 0, and 7 lbs. milled sheet lead (nay 2,00) I tin.) per lb. 1,000 pounds India tin do G boxen 1 tin plate, 14 by 20 per box. 10 do IX do 10 by 14 do G do SI)X do do G do |)\X do do 3 length* each 1, 1 J, 2, 2J Inch milled lead pipe (Hay 315 poiiudN) per lb. Clakh No. 4.?Copper and Composition Sails. 100 pound* 20d 100 Ud'T lOd do I nail* do do per Ib. do do per foot. do 1 inch VompoHition nail* do 24 do do do 3 do do do 34 do do Clash No. D.?Glass-. 100 feet 7 by 9 Red lord crown glass, double thick 100 do 8 by 10 do do 100 do II by 11 do do do 100 do 10 by 12 do do do 100 do 10 by 14 do do do 100 do 11 by 15 do do do 100 do 11 by 17 do do do 100 do 12 by 12 do do do 100 do 12 by 10 do \ do' do \O0 1I0 12 by 18 do do do 21 light*, ilint glass, for bowsprit lantern*, per pattern per light. 12 patent deck light* 34 by 0 inches do 12 do ? :? by It 34 by 1(1 3/ by 11 10 do do 12 do 4 12-inch patent msguxiuc light*, 1J inch thick, free from all defect* 4 I3ducli do 11 do do do Clark No 6 ?Flax Canvass. (JO bolt* No. 1 flax canvass, 30 iuche* wide. 40 yard* long, sample GO do 40 do 3 Clash No. 7.?Cotton Canvass. 10 bolt* No 1 cotton cauva**, 20 Inches wide 0> yard* long, per *atnplo per bolt. lo do H do 10 do 10 10 do cotton canvass for cot*, 30 inches wide, O) yard* long do 10) do hummock *tutT, 42 inches wide, 0) yards long do do 100 do bng 42 do do do ;tO do Ru**iaduck do do 20 do RuveiiM do light do do 4000 yard* twilled b.nrgiug, '.VJ inches wide do per yard. Clash No. 8.? Twine. 1000 |>outida flax Hewing twine, 3 thread, wimple, pr. pound. 700 do cotton do 7 do do 20 do Rei ne do do do 2ft do whipping do do do Clash No 9.?-Sperm Oil and Candles. ,')000 gallon* pure winter strained ? pertn oil |K*r gallon. HOtNt pounds pure ti|>erm candles per |Niiiud. Class No. 10.? Wood. 20) cord* sound oak wood per cord. Clash No. 11.?Coat. 2U) ton* best peach orchard Schuylkill coal, 100 broken and screened do lump Cumberland coal, per ton ot 2^10 lb* Clash No. 12.?Paints and Oils. do dry while lead do red lead do lamp black do litharge do yellow ochre do chrome green do chrome yellow per pound. do vermili 2.000 gallon* pure linseed oil. raw 70) do *pirits turpentine, brown Japan copal varnish .10 do 35 do 2f> do harness do bent coach varnish do furniture do Class No. 13.?LetUhtr. . 3 sides heavy oiled pump leather (any IO) pounds) sample, per pound. 2fi do best quality W. O. tanned pump leather, not le** than 3D. lbs. per side, (my JO)pound*) do do 200 do rigging leather do per side. 100 do bellows do liv do 10 do buf) do do do 10 do white oak tanned sole leather do do 20 do hose leather do do :w do haruern leather, a**sorted thick do 100 do liest ipiality *heep skins, dresned in the wo?d </o Class No. 14.?Ifardxrare. 1(0 pounds, each 20d. 12d, lOd, and bd wrouRht iron bout nails 200 do e?ch (?d, 01, Id, and 3tl 100 do eaeb 20ij, 12J, Itkl, Nd, and Gd wrought iron iMila 100 do 6 inch iroo cut aplkrs :dN) do 4i)il iron cut nails 30il do do 100 do 2lk| do do do I'AI do do do lOil do do ItNl do Nd do DiNI do I'AI do brad head nails rough! Iron I do 11 do do do , f'J| 20 du 11 do do do 20 do I ] do do do 0)lb?4d do do CO do bd do do 69pounds,each. No?L 3, ft, G, 7, 8, 9} 10 II, 19, O) M ! do j I ft do I ft do I I do k 10 do 1 bdol bdo J *l ? 13, 14, 15, IG, 17, ami 18 iron wire Inch cojyte cut lacks do do do do do wrought do do do <l? I do brua iruuk n.ll* 2 sheets brass, No. 12 per sheet. 4 do each " 1*, 10, 20, 21, ami 22 do 9u M 1 inch iron cut brads M 20 do Ik do do do 20 do ll do do do 20 do j do do do 10 M | do do do 10 do I do do do 15 do 3 nr.. pimp lack* do 60 do N do iron RUI do do 10 do 12 do do do do 1 0 do M do do do do C do iron limn .I rivets, 2f (oij in. sample ilo 2 seta 7-inch iron lied screws, do do 1 do 6-inch do do do do 3 M 31-iuch iron hheave rivets, 3fl in. diaui. do 3 do 2f-hich do 0 It} do do I do 2J-iuch do (*? 10 do do fi do 1 .1-8-Inch du do do I do 12-iuch do do do I do lj'iuch do do do 0 pounds, each, Non 17, IH, ami 19 copper wire,pound 00 do brans win-. assorted Non. 1 l?? do 12 sets brass tuhle fastenings, sample s?-t i-omp'n lumps and plate staples, for arm chairs do 2 win brass wheel HaHic-m I do ilo binnacle bract-sand futures I dozen do sash rollers, No. 4 do do dozeni do eh best American iron padlocks, assorted keys sample do do 21-inch do do do do do 3-inch do braKK do do do do 2j inch tlo do do do d(t do 2-inch do do do do do do 12-inch stock locks do each If routt ScreteSf (irons. 3 4 o o 7 0 10 II 12 14 1ft 16 18 19 31 Iron ScrciMfgroHH 4 0 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 10 1G 18 19 20 ii 4-inch iron chest locks Itinc.h do jf-inch do do 3-Inch do desk locks do 2t>inch do mortice closet locks 6-inch 0-inch njile per dt ch do 0 inch double-faced cupboard locks do 44 Inch upright mortice locks, finch thick, brass screws tor knobs do 3| inch upright mortice locks, f inch thick, brant screws for knobs do 4 inch mortice knob latches do 2| inch cupboard ketches, with keys do 2! inch iron drawer locks do 2| inch do do do SiiicIi do do do 11 inch do do do 3 inch do do th 34 inch brass sideboard locks do blank eomp'n keys do do iron drawer lock keys, assorted do 2 inch escutcheons do 2 inch do do 1 inch do do 1 inch do do 1 inch do do 1 inch do do iu. brn*s sash knobs, with screws do | inch do shutter knobs do 10 do 1 do 1 do iron bull hinges do do 1! inch do ll inch do 1J inch do 1 inch do f inch do ; inch do pairs 3 Inch do :ifc inch (to no do do 4 inch do do do do 0 inch do do do do 2 inch do do do do 3* by 3J inch du do do do 4" by 4 inch do do do do 4fc by 0 inch brans do do do do 4 by 4 inch do do do do .'<{ by inch do do do do by 3 inch do do do do 2j I))' 2f inch do du do do 2 by 2 inch do do do do 0-lncli do do do do 4j-inch do do do do 4-inch do do do do 3J-inch do . do do ilo 3-inch do do do do 2$-iuch do do do do 2-inch do do do do 1 J-inch do do do 1 do do 2 by 4-inch table butts do do 1 do 1 do du 2k by 0-hich " 1} by :t| do . . 31-iuch do 24 do J-inch brass eyes, with screws 1 du 21-iiich do side hooks and eyes 1 do 11-inch do do 2 do 3 inch do do H do li-iltch do side hooks 1 do 6-inch do cabin door hooks 1 do 4-inch do do 1 do 3-inch d't do 1 do 2|-inclu/o do I do 3 inch do < do limb 1 do 2-inch do do do 1 do 0-inch do barrel do 1 do 0-inch do do do 1 ilo *1-luch do tlo do do 0-iiich do square raised bolts I do 6-inch do 0-inch straight square bolts do 6-inch do bulk bead 2 do 0-iuch do 3 do 4-inch do 2 do 3-inch do 2 do 4-inch do 2 do .'U-inch do 3 do {-inch do 8 do (-inch do 3 do J inch do do N do 1-inch do do I do l-inch'/o flush do 1 do iVilirhdo do 10 yards brass iack chain No. 10 I dozen If-ineh straight brass castors 1 set brass esc. etoire trimmings 111 poundsbest quality sash cord 3 brass bib cwks, j-iuch, b? ?t America tlusli curtain rings yard 30 do 3 do 3 do *to\) do I inch do 1-inch ilo tht do 1-inch dn ilo ilo . Hindi do do do 3 do do 2-inch do. do do 3 dozen best C. $. wood axes, handled sampled each 2 do do brad awls, handled do do arpenters' adzes, handled do do do do coopers' 3 anvils 3 iron braces, with 20bitfs cach 3 wood do 48 bitta cach 6 bung borers 6 tap borers 1 patent balance to weigh 000 pounds 2 aoven C. 8- carpenter?' compasses 1 do coopers' do 2 do flrmerchisels,assort., handled 2 do socket do do do 000 pounds while chalk 6 cooper's crows sets drills, with boxes and bows 2 sets dies, letter.' and figures, finch 3glaziers' diamonds, bent quality 3 pairs brass dividers, for cailmakers 1 cooper's trow 1 dozen each, 8, 10,12, and 14 in. flat tiles I do 8, 9, and 10in. round 1 do 8,10, 12, and 14 in. | do | do 3, 4, 0 and It ill rat-tail t? */o whipsaw fllen do handsaw do 2 do crosscut do 2 do ftlir caw do t? do nail gimlets, assorted 3 do, spike do tinner gouges do Hand I do cket do pounds glue, best make, Cooper's ?? carpenter's gauge* 000 fish ho.>ks, assorted sizes, large ' 3 dozen best I' S large hatchets, handled 6 do do claw hammers I do do saddler's coppering do pound do each do per 100. do 11 ilo do thiii1 | do do screw wrench tfo, 16 in .1 cooper's marking "iron* 4 do beck irons 2 dozen best quality shoe knives I do drawing do I ito |ialh-t </?? 1 do putty do 3 glue kettles, copper do 3iron pitch kettles 2 dozeu Inst quality sail knives ** * ilo butcher ?/<? do cheem do iron easting ladles chalk lines pitch ladles IJ. 8. pincers do plyera 2 reams sand imper 12 Miiooihiug plain :>, double irons 6 jack ?/s 3 pr. match (Ms I do 1 tin I do I do do pair 4 cooper's long jointer tlo 4 do short do 3 dozen 2 ft. rule*, 4 fold 3 <lu wood rasps, 11 Inch ?I gauging rot In G do/.vii b?ni C. 8. shovels * 2 do do spades 1 do best bread shovels (tUt best C. S. sheep sheers do nairs brass snuffers do best C\ S. squares In jKiunds brass solder 2 Iron stakes :i tinner's edging stakes planishing stakes ?'? Ninall screw plates and laps 2tiiiuer*s ulnars 2 do Imnd shears steelyards, lo weigh 250 lbs 2 dozen best quality handsaws 2 crosscut saws, 1i It. long ?l wood saws mid frames 3 sash saws 0 paiu'l saws 1-' compass saws 2 keyhole sawsand|padn 12 tenon suws ' 2 dovetail K'lWN 1 spoke shaves, assort. 3 'I urkey o|| stones 2 grindstones 2 patent saw seta .'I I)raaa squares, lor sail makers , 1 .? scale beams. G butcher's steels :< (J|m* linen ?| pin it 24 baud vii'es .'I small bench vices 2 large beuch vires G cooper's vices G sets lead weights, 1 oz. to II lb. 11 set* iron weights, 1 lb. lo 4 lb. 0 do do 4 to 29 12 g ridirons , 4 griddles 0 Iron tea kettles 1 Hub kettle 0 frying pans 25 stew pans, assort* ft waffle irons [3 camp kettles Class No. 15?Brushes 12 dozen best extra whitewash brushes 2 do long handled lar do 'I do short do do 4 do varnish do do 1 do painters' dusting do 0 do band do do 2 do Ot >00000 paint do 2 do OOOO do do 4 do OOO do do 3 do OO do do 2 do No. 5 sash tool clamp scrub do each i to do i to iloun poll III do each do pound do do do each cm 24 do hand scrub Class No. 16?Ship Chandlery. do dozen do do do h'dl'd do do per barrel sample pound flo do pound do Im d bine bolt 25 barrels rosin 2?) pounds copper hose rivets 10 do do burrs uu u? 12 pairs magazine socks do pair OKI pounds match rope do pound 25 dozen O: S. ship scrapers, iron handles do dozer 100 pouudc beat quality brown soap pound 6 do sal ammoniac do do 1 barrel coal lar barrel 100 barrels beat thin lar do 70 do white turpentine do 75 pounds sewing thread, wintered and blue do (pound I 25 do shoe do A" 20(10 do tallow 75 do thmniM I 7000 quills lor tubea 200 pounds beeswax 1C do small copper wire, assort. I 4?? do black worsted yarn ~ do (lo 18 china bowls and fixtures for water closets do net I 2 dozen comp'u water closet cocks, I inch do do/.en 3000 barrel hoop poles, first qualify 50 bundles coopers' llaus 4000 (i infh yellow pine deck plugs 2001X1 I inch do do 600 1) inch do do f? bolls, each IS Inch, while,scarlet, u bunting in 0 bolls, ea. 12 inch;, white aud scarlet buni'g | 5 do each 0 inch, whits aud scarlet bunt ing d 20 bolts, each 4 in. white and scarlet bunt I 500 best Shatcer corn brooms 41 HI do hickory do 100 Bristol bricks 12 pound sbest quality bristles 0 dozen rolls green worsted binding 100 fathoms 3-8 in. short link proofchain h'41 do 5lGin. do do 130 do 4 111 in, do do 1.15 do 3-It) in. do do 10 yards bottle green cloth 10 do 24 inch haircloth <>? u?? 15 do 2S do do do Ift do 3tl do do do 1(1 do 20 do do do GOO pounds spun cotton, or caulking do |miiiiuI 12 boatswain's silver calls do each 3 pounds catgut % do pwuiul 25 yards Feariiaught * do yard 50 do black silk gimp do do 1000 pounds hambroline do pound KMHI do hoiiseiilie do do 500 sheets large middle horn do sheet HRI pounds picked curled hair do pouui G coasting lines, 8h Ihthouis, ] inch do line 2 do/.en cod lilies do dozen 35 do fishing lines, .'*1 fat lis. each, :i?/;orf. do do 500 pounda tarred marline do pouml 5(g) do white do . do do 10(111 sailmaker's seaming needles do 100 OKI 1 thread lieedlcs do do 100 gallons fish oil ' gallon 4 barrels tar oil barrel KM) do pitch do 25 wood hand pumps do| each 2 dozen warning and roping palms, mounted do dozen Class No. 17?Stationery. G expenditure books, each G letter books. 3 quires,ciq> size, \ bound, samplc.each " ' 12 quire rap blank books, do dozen du dozen do do do each tlo pouuu do roll pouml do do do I do 5 do memorandum do do do 1 do ivory letter folders, do do 3 cases mathematical instruments, do cuse G dozen half pint bottles black ink, Maynard it N.>y??, ,l?zcn 2 do pint bottles do do do >4 do half pint red do do 0 do i?a|>ers ink powder, do :i do Inkstands, metal, wilii covers, sample, do .1 do pieces India rubber. do do 15 reams looltvoji pa|?er, faint lined, do ream Id do regulation do. do do do 10 do letter pajier do do do G do buff envelope paper, do do 2 do blotting do do do G do log do d<> do M? sheets elephant drawing paper, Whartmau' aheet 24 penknives, 1 blades, t|o each 1 dozeu camel's hair pencils, do dozeii WM slate pencils, sample, p. r luti 4 gross lead pencils, A. W. I'aber's best, do per gross 12 do/.en Ihixcs ot steel peiiK, I dozei'i and bolder hi box, sample, prdor.. boxes u ivory pounce Ih?xcs, tilled with pounce, sample, each GOOD quills, No. 80 '???? G rolling rules, ? sample, each b parallel do, Cl inch Uo do id rules ,f(l it.. G flat do 1 do i hall pint pa pet s black sand l?eet quality saud boxes slates long slates Hunter's scales, bovwoisl - - * G boxes water colors G wafer g<'ala l'J pounds waters 10 do sealing wax do per roll do per box do each do pound NAVY BARD, PHILADELPHIA. [Class No. 1.?Iron, per\lb. 9*16 inch dinmeter 20,000 pounds lo lG d< I do I 5-16 do 1 7-10 do U do 1 9-10 do I!, do do do UMJUh lu,(?*i IO.OiH* 10,KI0 5.(Jill 10,0*1 6,1* W 2,01 to if,Oil) 2,000 Total round iron 91,000 pounds 1 by i inch 1| i?v ,| ilo 2 hy 1 do 2| bv 1| do by i do ?} *y Total flat Iron 4i/iUl> pouisfs. Sheet iron | inch thick, T'li pounds IW? do 3 IK do do l>o do | do do l,(?U Total plate iron 2*100 Square Iron 34 inch, 1,500 pounds |>o do 4 do !i,iaa? do 1H> do 4| do 2^1)1)0 do Total square iron, D,Cut) All ih? irn? iu b. at ih? Annl?<ui m?n?Ucmr?. Clam No. 2?Copper, per pound J inch diameter 'JO,0U0 pound* ll-IG do do 25,000 do . , ] do do 20,000 do 13-10 do do 5,000 do '" 1 do do 5,000 do 11-16 do do 10,IKK) do | 11-8 do do 10,<KK> do 1 3-16 do do , 20,(KK( do 4 1J do do 20,000 do 1 5-IG do do 15,IKK) do j' ? , do do 15,IKK) do 1 7-16 do do 15,000 do 1) do do 15,IKK) do 1 9-16 do do 10,IKK) do i; do do 10,000 do 't 1 ll-li; do do 5,IIIKI do 1? do do 5,INK) do do Total I lot til copper, 225,IKK) do ' 7IH) sheets of 28 ounce sheathing copper 1IKK) do :i0 do do ;KKI do 34 do do Total weight orsheathing copper, 111,MX) II)*., ft IbJM All the tluil copper must have straightedges and square end* anil be parallel widths. Class No. 3?Hardware. 3 dozen (I inch knob locks, brass works, with screws, escutcheon, |>er cample, per doz. 3 do/.an 6-inch dead locks, with screws, escutcheon do do 4 dozen 4 do doublc-lhced closet lock",with screw*, escutcheon, do do 2 dozen 3-inch bruss pad locks, do do 2 dozen 7-inch do tank platej and screws, do do 2 dozen pairs 2-inch bras* * flush hooks, eyes and screws, do do 2 doz. 5-Inch sash springs, eyes and screws, do do 4 doz 3} inch sash springs, eyes and ncrews, do do 4 doz 25-inch buttons, with screws rounded, do do 4 gross 1J-inch screws, No. 16, do 6 dozen 1-inch iron drawer rollers, with screws, do 100 lbs. 6-penny finishing nails, per lb. 100 do 8-penny do do 100 do 10-penuy do do Lend 10,000 lbs. pig lead, per lb. Clais No. 4.?Flax Conrnu. 33 bolts No. 1,20-inches wide and 40 yards lone, by sample, per bolt 184 do No. 2, do do do do do 29 do No. 3, do do do do do 29 do No. 4, do do do do do 36 do No. 5, do do do do do 130 do No. 6, do do do do do 12 do No. 7, do do do do do 33 do No. H, do do do do do Class No. 5.?Cotton Canvnsa. 2 bolls No. I, 20-inch wide, 50 yards long, by sample, per bolt 12 do No. 2, do do do do do 19 do No. 4, do do do do do 12 do No. 5, do do do do do 30 do No. 6, do do do do do 3 do No. 8, do do do do do 14 do No. 10, do do do do do 14 do cotton hammock stull', 42 inches wide, 50 yards long, per bolt 13 do bag do do do do do 12 do No. 4, 30 inches wide 1400 yards twilled flux barging, 30 'inches wide, per yard Class No. 6.?Ship Chandlery, UK) lb*, flax twine, per lb KM) do cotton do do 25 do Thrums do 2 bbl*. fish oil, per barrel 20 do tar do ? i40 do p tc.h do 12 do rosin do 26 do clear white turpentine do 27IK) lbs. clean tallow, per lb. Ci.ass No. 7 Sperm Oil. 100 gallons best winter strained sperm oii, 111 tight vessels, per gallon. NAVY YAM), WASHINGTON. Class No. 1.?Iron, (by the pound.) 300 pounds 3-inch round iron iier pound 3IHK) do j do do do 4000 do 1 do do do 4IKK) do 1J do do dn 4000 do 1J do do do 6000 do It do do do The bar anu plate iron for one cam boose for u second-class frigate, viz: Plate iron, weighing about 3400 pound* per pound Bar do do do 2500 do do The bar and plate iron for Bix cambooses for second-class sloops, viz: Plutc iron, weighing about 9500 pounds per pound Bar do do do 8500 do do Schedules of tho dimension* of the plates and barn for the snme to bo furnished from the navy yard. All the iron to be of the host American manu facture. Ci.ass No. 2?Copper. .10 sheets, or 1,200 pounds, braziers'copper, 30 by 60 inches und 50 ounce* to the foot per pound 6 sheets, or 350 pounds, brazier*' copper, 30 by 72 inclicx and 60 ounces to the loot per pound. All the sheet coppcr must have straightedges snd square ends and be of parallel widths. Class No. 3?Hardware, S(c. 6000 J-inrJi Randal's lioisliiiig brad* per M 4IKH) I do do do do do 60IKI 1{ do do do do do J ream sand-paper, No*. I and 2 per ream. Class No. 4?Lend and Tin. I roll milled sheet lead, II) lbs. to the foot, nay 500 lb*., per pound. 1 roll milled sheet-lead, 8 lbs. to the foot, suy 4IK) lbs., per pound. . I roil milled sheet-lead, 5 lb*, to the Ibot, say 250 Iba. per pound. 10,000 pound* English or Eust India block-till do 4 boxes double X tin, I3> by 17 inches bytlie box 3 do single X tin do Class No. 5? I'aints, gfc. 1000 pounds pure white lead, (dry) per pound 700 do Spanish whiting do do 1(KK> do red lead do do 150 do litharge do do 1IKI do Paris green do do 12 do chrome green do do 300 do pure lampblack do do 5 do Chinese vermilion do do 6 do Prussian blue do do 120 gallons best American raw linseed oil per gal, 30 do spirits of turpentine do Class No. 6 50 tons No. 1 American gray pig iron, per ton of 2240 lbs. , NAVY YARD, GOSPORT, (Va.) Clash No. 1?Hound, Flat, mul Square Iron. 10IKI pounds J inch round iron per pound 1500 do 5-16 do do do 3000 do 3 do do do 2.'**' do * do do do 6000 do ; do do do 4000 do I I -16 do do do 600(1 do 1! do do do 3IKK) do 2j do do do 600 do 4 do do do IOOO do 1 by { inch flat iron do 1000 do 1J by j do do do UKK) do 1) by J do do do I IKK) do l { by ] do do do IlKK) do 2 by 1 do do do 1000 do 3 by J do ' do d?l 10IK) do 5 by j do do do 1 .KK) do 6 by J do do do 2000 do lj by ; do do do 2IKK) do 2{ by J do do do 2IKKI do 2J by J do do do 2000 do 9} by J do do do > 3001) do 3 by J do do d? t 1000 do 3{ by J do do da / 3IKK) do 3) hy j do do d? 2UW do 4 by ] do do m/imlh fig*. I