DAILY, per year, . . . . 910(10
TK.l-WKRKI.Yi 6 00
WEEKLY, . W 00
Payable in ntlxance.
Aovkutihkmenth : Fifty cents per square the first inser
tiou?twenty-five cents per square for every subsequent In
sertion?fifty cents |*r square alternate insertions. A
liberal deduction to yearly advertisers. j
IS PUBLISHED DAILY, Tri weekly ami Weekly in the I
I City of Washington. I
7'ertns: Daily paper Ten Dollars a year.-Tri weekly
Si* Dollars,?ami Weekly Two Dollar?in udvunce. I
THE NATIONAL WHIG. wuh founded for (lie purpon.
of advocating (lie election ?>f Zaciiary Tayi.ok, to the Pre
sidency, and it u'?w supports and defends his udiniiiiiifra
lion of public affairs, without fear, favor or affection.
ltN politics are fiose of the administration of Gen. Tay
I.or luitinnal tchif politics, ,
THE NATIONAL WltlO has beeiiHelected by [
thePresideut of the United States, under the act of Con- I
grew oI March 3d, l&lfi, lor Uie publication of all notinca* |
iloni and advertisements emanating from the Kxeu'.ive De.
- parfments. .
Its columns are open to the discussion ol every public sub
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Jrom the pena of all who may desire to elicit the truth and
add to the sum of tiieful knowledge.
It regularly publishes the. official intelligence of the Gov
eminent in relation to public affairs, the next day aller i.
is prepared for the press, by the Department orUnremi
front which it emanates.
It publishes all the advertising of the Federal Govern
ment, and is therefore a vehicle of information of the great
est interest to those concerned In supplying the wants
the Government.
It publishes once a week exclusively, the official list ...
letters patents for invention*granted by the United.Statcs,
together with die claims, una devotes from day today, a
large spare to thepnhlictition of new scientific matter inter
esting to inventors and mechanics.
It aijns to establish a high reputation for fair criticism,
a bold and truthful reviewer of books oJ'every description
and it invites from hook-seilcrsand Publishers contributions
for that purpose.
The Agriculturist always finds admittance to its columns,
and it solicits communications from every farmer and plan
ter, that may lend to spread useful information.
The mechanic arts are fostered by it, and every branch
of them is heard in its defence, when assailed, or in illus.
trajion of improvements, or in promotion ol their rights
and interests.
The literateur too is welcome to its columns?the lawyer
and the doctor and the merchant and the trader, and every
body who has nuy thing to give to the sum of human hap
piness or to add to the stis*k of common knowledge.
During the session of Congress the National Whig cou
sins daily snd complete reports of the proceeding* of
Congress. On this point, no iiaius is spared to make it
the best Journal ol Debates in the country.
In the news department, it is not only even with. I
more frequently ahead of it* contemporaries not only
Washington but elsewhere.
It reports the Lectures of the Smithson Institute regu
larly, and it gives a faithful account, from time to time of
the doings of that establishment.
It reflects faithfully, from day to day, the sentiments of
the Administration press throughout the country, and
promptly answers the objections and arguments of our op
pojientshoth in Washington and elsewhere.
Till National Wuio is,a political journal, whose placet
Administration of ZaoharyTayi.ok can
the friends of the Ad
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money fi>r five dailies will recieve one copy gratis -for five
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par value in
Editor of the National Wh ig,
STATES, the COURTS of the DISTRICT and of the
neighboring States;
And claims for spoliations against the Republic of Mexico
before the Hoard of Commissioners established by the. Act
yf 'Sd of March, 1?M9;
ACTS AS AGENT in procuring letters patent for Inven
tions, from the United States, aid from Foreign Govern
AND EXECUTES any business requiring the presence
or atten tiou of counsel or agent at the seat of Government
Refer to the Hon IDcnry Johnson, late Senator, and the
Hon. S. W. Downs, and Hon. Pirrrb Soi/i.r, Senators of
the United States from the State of Louisianla,u;i<i the Sen
tors of the Unit end States from the other States.
FICE, Pennsylvania amine. mar 28?distftw
Nav* Department,
Hurt,v,l qf Construction, Equipment, and llejniir,
May 22, 1849.
SF.AI.F.D PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposalsfor
narat supplies." (naming the yard for which the
offer In made,) will be received at this Bureau until
3 o'clock, P. M. of the 30th June next, for furnishing
and delivering, under contract, nl therespoctiveNnvy
Yards hereinafter named, the several articles sped*
fled in this advertisement. One-fourth part of all
the articles required at each of said navy yards, com
prising a due proportion of each kind, must be deliv
ered on or before the first of September next; one
other fourth part on or before the first of December
next i one other fourth part on or before the first of
April; and the residue on of before tlio thirtieth of
June, eighteen hundred and fifty; and, in case of
failure to furnish and deliver the articles within the
time und In the proportion specified, the Bureau or
the respective commandants of said-navy yards to
have the right to direct purchases to be made to sup
ply any deficiency, and the contractor and his sure
ties to be liable In twice the contract price.
Proposals must provide for furnishing and deliver
ing, on like terms and conditions, any additional
quantity of the articles contracted for that muy be
required at either of the sold navy yards before the
expiration of the fiscal year ending on the said 30th
June, 1850, on fifteen days'previous notice from the
Bureau or the commandant of the yard where the
articles are required.
Persons ofli'rlng for more tlinn one ynrd must
make separate and distinct proposals for the supply
of each, keeping the classes qf articles sejHirate, and
embracing the irU< quantity of all the articles enu
merated in the Husk, 'l'ho cost of each item must
he distinctly carried out, and the aggregate of cuch
class correctly footed up, which is material tb a fair
comparison of bids. An erroneous oxtonsion or an
erroneous aggregate will constitute an informality,
and the bid will not be considered.
No extension of time for deliveries under any con
tract will he granted, and penalties for nonfulhlnient
will In all cases be rigidly enforced | bidders are there
fore requested to oiler for no moro than they are sure
they can furnish within the tltne specified.
All the articles must be of the very best quality,
conforming to samples which will be exhibited oiup
plication to the commandant of the yard at wnfch
they ore to be delivered. They must do In good or
der and condition, in suitable vessels or packages, as
the case may be; all vessels, articles, and puckagcs
to be subject to the Inspection of the yard where they
are received, and be In all respects to the satisfaction
of the oammandant.
Approved sureties in twice the estimated amount
will lie required in the manner set forth in the form
of contract, and ten per centum In addition will be
withheld from the amount of car It payment as collat
eral security for the faithful performance of the con
tract. Ninety per cent, of each delivery will be paid
by the Navy Agent within thirty days after the hre
sentotlon of ipprovod bills, in triplicate, by the oom
mandant of the yard at which the deliveries are
Kvery offer must ho accompanied by a written
guaranty (the responsibility of the guarantor or guar
antors to bo certified by a Navy Agent or other offi
cial person, or by some ono known to the Bureau)
that, If the offer bs accepted, the bidder or bidders
will, within five d?ys alter the receipt of the con
tract at the post office designated, execute the same,
with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the arti
cles proposed, sgrocabiy to she terms specified in this
advertlsemcn', and whioh may be embodied in tbe
contract. The law of loth August, 1846, forbids the
consideration of all proposals not accompanied by
?uch guaranty.
Bidders are particularly cautioned to endorse their
qfert as above required, that thov mav be distin
guished from other business letters, In order to pre
vent their being opened before the proper time.
All ofi'ers not made in strict conformity with this
advertisement In every particular will be rejected as
informal. Those whose "Hers are accepted will be
dul* notified, and contracts forwarded without de
I ay.'
Persons offering are directed to designate tho post
office through which they desire to be addressed snd
the navy agent to whom the centraot shall bo sent
for execution,
_ . . Washington, May , 184'J.
1 hereby agree to furuish and deliver, at lite Navy
Yard at -, in conformity with the require..,.-,it,
<4 the advertisement from the Bureau of Construc
tion, hquiumeuts, and Repair of the 22d May, 1849,
the several articles embraced in classes one ami two
lor that yard, to wit:
Class No. 1.
??>? lbs. white lead at ? cents . . e
lbs, lampblack at ? do ..."
"? lbs. red lead at ? do ...
lbs. litharge at ? do . . *
Clam No. 2.
- gallons sperm oil at ? cents
- lbs sperm eandles art ? do
Very respectfully, A. M.
To Com. (.HAflLES W. Hkinner,
Chief of the Bureau of Const'n, kc., Washington "
We the undersigned, residents of , in the
State ot ? hereby guaranty that in case tfic
foregoing bid of be accepted, that will,
within live days after the receipt of the contract at
the post-office designated, execute the same, with good
and sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplies embraced
in said bid in conformity witli the terms of the adver
tisement under which it was made. A. B.
C.J}. .
1 herelnreertify that, to the best of ray knowledge3
and belief, the above-named guarantors are good and
sufficient. ?,
Cca88 No. 1?Troii.
6,000 lbs. ] a inch round iron per pound
5,000 do 1 do do do
4,000 do do do do
3,000 do J do do do
2,000 do A do do do
1,000 do 5 cj0 jo j0
600 do 5-10 do do do
300 do 4 do do do
300 do 3-16 do do do
2,000 do 0 by * inch flit do do
2,000 do 4 by ij do do do
2,000 do 21 by jjdo do do
1,000 do 2 by do do do
2,000 do 3 by jj do do da
2,000 do2ij by jjdo do do
1,000 rlo 1 by J do do do
500 do Russia sheet iron do
1,000 do Russia or Swedes nail rods do
1,000 do do do spike rods I by 4 inch do
36,GOO pounds
All the iron to be of the best American manufacture.
Class No. 2?Copper.
500 lbs. 64 oz. braziers' copper sheets 6 by 3 Pt p. lb.
500 do 54 oz. do do do do
1,000 do 34 oz. do do do do
1,000 do 32 o/.. do do do do
3,000 pounds
500 sheets 32 o/.. hot rolled sheathing copper
estimated to weigh 4,700 lbs per lb.
500 sheets 34 oz. hot roiled sheathing copper,
estimated to weigh 5,000 lbs per lb.
100 sheets 18 oz. hot rolled sheathing copper,
estimated to weigh 500 lbs per lb.
100 sheets 22 oz. hot rolled sheathing copper,
estimated to weigh 600 lbs per lb.
All the sheet, copper must have straight edges and
square ends and be of parallel width*.
Class No. 3?JfurdwctTe.
5 coopers' axes per sample, each
5 coopers' adzes do do
5 broad axes, handled do do
10 narrow axes, handled do do
2 hollow adzes do do do
2 carpenters' adzes do do do
25 bradawls do do do
25 awls do do do
3 braces ami bitts, (48 bitts) do do
2 iron do (20 bitts) do do
5 I Jcarborn's balances to Weigh 501 bs do do
100 Miron brads 14 tolA inch do perM
20 do Randall's patent brads do do
2 sets firmer chisels a to 2 inches
each set, handled do per set
2 sets pocket chisels p to 2 inches
each set, handled do do
10 carpenters'compasses do each
2 coopern' callipers do do
2 mast callipers do do
2 large butchers' cleavers do do
3 small do do do
250 lbs 4 inch iron chain do per lb.
250 do 7-16 do do do
250 do j? do do do
250 do ^ do do do
250 do ? do do do
6 dozen fine saw files, (Graves St Son's) per doz.
12 do 4 inch hand-saw files do do
12 do C do do do do
12 do 7 do do do do
1 do rat tail files do do
2 Sets firmer gouges. | to 2 inch,
handled per sample, per set
2 sets socket gouges 3 to 2 inch,
handled do do
3 steel tongued bevils do each
3 bung borers do do
3 tap borers do do
6 dozen brass buttons on plates do per dozan
50 lbs. copper burrs do j>er lb.
50 do cut copper rivets do d4
10 brass coeks do do
3 coopers' crows do each
2 glazing diamonds do do
3 brass dividers do do
6 dozen brass escutcheons, assort, do per doz.
2 do spike gimlets do do
2 do nail gimlets do do
6 fish kettles do each
20 stew pans, assorted sizes do do
10 frying pans do do
20 bake pans, assorted sizes do do
20 coppur teakettles, 6 quart do do
20 iron tea kettles do do*
4 carpenters' gnages do do
100 lbs. China glue do per lb.
3000 tenter hooks do per M.
12.butchers'knives, 12 inch do each
6 cheese do 10 do do do
100 fishing hooks, assorted * do do
12 broad hatchets do do
24 claw hammers do do
3 wrench hammers do do
4 dozen pair 4x4 inch heavy brass butt
hinges, with shifting pins per dozen
3 dozen pair 3 x 24 inch heavy brass butt
hinges, with shifting pins do
6 dozen pair 2 4 x 2 inch heavy brass butt
hinges, with shifting pins do
8 dozen 2 x lj{ inch heavy brass butt hinges do
1 dozen 4 inch brass door hooks
and eyes per sample, do
1 dozen 6 inch brass door hooks
and eyes do do
1 dozen iron butt hinges, assorted do do
n?nif.?ns do each
? do do
a "?m do d?
2 waffle irons ,|o do
?,.ronP?t? do do
10 HndeX^jXr111' "Pr",*,,<l" "'"I;
H shoe knives d" faoh
U drawing knives
6 pallet knives " V
?I putty knives "
3 nitcR kettles
2 hollowing knives V'
2 rounding knives jo "
10 sail knives "!"
4 gross blank door keys ,l(l M "
2 do blank drawer do do '
12 mortice doors (Nashua,) with
mineral knobs .
It) dozen 3-inch iron tumbler pad
locks, 12 kinds or keys to each
do?en do per doz.
5 dozen 3-inch brass tumbler pad
locks, 12 kinds of keys to each
dozen J,, do
C doz. '1-inch iron cupboard locks, do do
12 kinds ol keys to each dozen do do
I do*. H-inch iron closef locks, 12
kind, of keys to each dozen do do
cw-JS R*p*r' needles, assorted do per piper
2000 lbs. iron cut nails, 4d to -UK),
'I"*1 quantities e.ch size do per lb.
10(H) lbs. wrought iron nails, 6d to
#./w. ?? quantities each size do do
BOtl lbs. cut copper nails, 4d to 20d,
?l?a> quantities each size do do
200 lbs. iron finishing nails, 8,1 and
?' 108, equal quantities each site do do
m "cupper nails jo per M
10 M i clout rails do do
6 ahort jointer planes do each
J long da do do
G jack planes do do
3 grooving planes do
2 pairs match planes * do
3 astrigal planes j?er sample, each
4 moulding planes do do
4 beajJ, planes ^ do do
3 plow planes " do do
3 coopers* block planea do do
1 coopers'jointer long do do
1 coolers' jointer-short do do
6 ?poke shaves do do
3 buckotshaves do do
3 can shaves do do
3 in. shaves do do
1 ream sand paper do per ream.
10 2-ft. rules, single 6c double-jointed do each
10 wood rasps do do
3 guaging rods do do
10 sail rubbers do do
200 pounds iron rivets, assorted sizes do per lb..
10 cast-steel shovels do each |
0 spades do do
4 shovels and tongs do do
6 (iunter scales do do
| 6 screw drivers do do
I 6 steelyards do do
10 hand saws do do
3 tenon saws do do
2 sash saws do ?
2 compass saws do do
2 wood saws, framed *> do
2 whip saws (pit) do do
2 cross-cut saws do do
2 keyhole and pad saws do do
2 dovetail sawn do
1000 lbs. patent deck spikes, 4-4$, 5-5A, 6-61} 7-7jj
8-9 in. equal quantities each kind ,
per sample, per lb.
4 butchers' steels do each I
4 trying squares do do
4 iron saws do do
4 saw sets do do
4 brass squares do do
4 bread sieves do do
4 bread shods do do
3 large tin bread scales, with sets weights do
3 small do do do do do
3 Hat do do do do do i
100 M. copper tacks 4, |, 3, and {-inch, equal |
quantities each size per M.
100 do tinned tacks, 7-8 inch do 1
100 do iron tacks A, J, jj, and {-inch, epual quanti
ties each size per M. |
10 Inixes XX tin per box.
2 bench vices, large per sample, each.
2 bench vices, small do do
2 hand vices do do
2 coopers' vices do do
4 sets iron weights, 1 to 4 pounds per set.
4 do do 4 to 28 do do
4 do lead do 1 oz. to 1 pound do 1
500 pounds sheet zinc p?*r pound. |
500 pounds pig zinc do
200 pounds iron sheathing nails do
20 gross 5-8-inch No. 5 iron screws per gross.
5 do 6-8-inch No. 13 do do
10 ( do 5-8-inch No. 9 do do
10 do 3-4-mch No. 9 do do
10 do 7-8-inch No. 9 do do
10 do 14 inch No. 6 do do
5 do l?-inch No. 7 do do
Class No. 4?Flax Caneasn.
200 bolts No. 1 flax canvass per bolt.
ISO do No. .'i do do
50' do No. H do do i
Kach bolt to be 40 yards in length, and 20 inches
wide, according to sample, and subject to the nsual
Class No. 5?Ship Chandlery.
50 hickory brooms per samplr, each. |
100 corn brooms do do
100 whitewash brushes do .do
I 100 paint brushes, No. 1A do do .
I 26 nash tool brushes per sample each. |
50 camel's hair brushes do do
50 hand scrubbing brushes do do
50 damn scrubbing brushes do do
20 long handle tar brushes do do
20 short handle lar brushes do do
10 rolls worsted binding, assorted
colors do do
5 pieces White bunting, 40 yards In ,
length, 18 Inches wide do per pioce. |
5 pieces scarlet bunting, 40 yards
In length, IB inches wide do do
6 pieces blue bunting, 40 yards In
length, 18 inches wide do do
1 piece yellow bunting, 40 yards in
length, 18 Inches wide do do
6 silver calls do each. .
30 yards bleached cotton, 7-8 wide do per yard.
1 set truss hoops do per set. I
10 pounds curled hair do per lb.
25 sides rigging leather, estimated to
weigh 500 pounds do do
10 sides pump leather, estimated to
weigh 200 pounds do do
25 sides bellows leather, estimated
to weigh 175 pounds do do
60 pound! lamp wick do do
5 gross limp wick wire do per gross.
26 chalk lines do each.
10 casks Ifcio do do
6 tape lln^s do do
50 gallons whale oil per gallon.
30 gullons tir oil do
10 china bowls Tor water closets per sample, each
25 fishing linos do do
25 pounds stfne twine do per pound.
25 pounds whipping twine do do
20 pounds yellow beeswax do do
20 mounted roping palms do do
20 mounted seaming paltns do do
100 dozen Russia matt, for covering
cordage do per dozon
3 Turkey oil atones do each.
3 grindstone^ estimated at 200
pounds per pound.
100 cast steel scrapers per sample, each.
100 ox hides for rope, estimated to
weigh 10,000 pounds do per pound.
1,000 pounds No. 1 extra soap do
10 do thread, assorted colors pr. sample, pr. lb.
10 do shoe threld ? do do
200 do tallow do
10 do mop yarn do do
12 bundles cooper*1 flags, estimated
at 160 pound! do .
60 life preservers per sample, each. |
1 patent log do do
1 cotton seine and fog, 40 fathoms,
18 feet deep . do
1 cotton seine and ?w. 60 Jo thorns,
24 feet de'op do
100 feet 3-inch leather hose per foot.
100 feet 2 1-2 inch do do
25 yards black cotton,velvet per yard.
Class No. 6.-^Paints and Oils.
8,000 pounds pure dry white lead per pound.
1,000 do lamp block . do |
500 do red lead do
fiOO do lithnrgo do
200 do VenitTan red' do
3,000 do Spanish whiting do
200 do chrome grceif (woods) do
100 do French yellow ochre do
75 do gum shellac v do
10 do Prussian blue * do i
1,000 gallons raw Dutch lini*>d oil per gallon.
300 do spirits turpentine do.
Glass No. 7?Oakum.
10,000 pounds oakum (best quality, made from junk) pr. lb.
Class No. 8- Man/Ha Hemp.
?J0 tons Matilln hemp, per ton bf 2,240 lbs.
CLars No. 9?Stationery. .
fiO memorandum books, large . per sample, each I
fit) do small do do
Id blank books, 2 quires
10 do 3 do
20 pieces Indis rubber
GO half pint bottles blaek ink
10 do do
?JO inkstands
1 inkstandish *
10 penknives, each 4 blades
r? reams log paper
?it> do foolscap paper
10 do letter do
ft do envelope do
2 do blotting do ?
00 cards steel pens dI | per card!
:? sheets drawing paper dA p*r sheet |
ft parallel rulers dd each
0 round rulers . do
ft Hat rulers do\ do
6 rolling rulers do ? ,fo
2i? dozen lead pencils do \ per dozen
R00slate pencils do \ per hundred.
25 canal's hair pencils do \ each
3,000 qullla ^ do \ per 100
10 sandboxes do 1 rach
30 pou ida sand do \ per lb
10 double log slaten do \ each
10 single do do I do
2 boxes water colors do \ do
10 pound* wafers do \ per lb.
fit! papers Ink powder do \ per (taper
6 boxes and pounce do I eacn
4 Counter's scales do \ do
7ft bolts red tap* do \ per bolt
10 paper folders do I each
1 box mathematical instruments*/" \ do
10 pound* Healing wax do \ per lb.
20 nolta taste do \ per bolt
Clasb No. 10?Pu4\ \
50 cords mixed oak wood \ per cord
Wiom red Mh coal pec ft*) ife,
Class Wo. 11?Xaval
1,200 barrel* Suffolk tar
50 do pitch
25 do roain
10 do turpentine
Class No. \~Iron, ptripwtnd.
per barrel
5*10 do
3,000 IbH 1 inch
3,000 do li-16 do
3JJQ0 do 3 8 do
ljOO do 716 dn
3,000 do
1,000 do
3.600 do
1,500 tlo
2,000 doUlGdo
4,000 do '
3,000 do
4,000 do
f.,000 do
4,000 do
6,000 do 1? do
2,(1)0 do 1 16 do
1,000 do 11 do
2,000 do 1 5-lfw/o
1,000 do\7.\<ddo
2,000 do 1$ do
1,000 do II do
1,000 do I < do
2,000 do 2
1,000 do
2,000 do
3,000 do
2.000 do
3,000 do
116 do
I 16 do
:i.ono do'
4,000 do I
2.000 do |
'400(1 do 916
2,UM) do j
2,000 do 1116
2,0110 do: I
2.000 do 1
1,000 do U
2,000 do
1.(100 <U
2.000 dt
<(7,000 Ibt.
Flat Iron, per pound.
1,000 lbs. 1 by | inch 1,000 Urn. 3 by
Ia i do
by MS
1 JOOOdo 1,
MM * I
2,000 dn 1
1,000 do 1
2,000 do 1
3,0(10 do 1
1,000 do 1
1,000 do 1
2,000 do 1
2,000 do I
3,000 do 1
2,000 do f
2,000 do ~
2,000 do
2,500 do
2,000 do
2,000 do
1,000 do
2,000 do 2{ by
2,000 do 2* by
2,000 do 3 by
2,000 do 3 by
by k do
by 3 16 do
by } do
by | do
2,000 do,
2,000 do
1.500 do
3,000 do
1,000 do
1,500 do
2,000 do
3,000 do
1,000 do
1,000 do
1,000 do
1,000 do
l,O00 do
1,000 do
1,000 do o oy
1,000 do 6 by
1,000 do 7 by
2,000 do 9 by
by .
by 716 do
by '
do 71,500 lbs.
Hoop Iron.
80 cwf. two Inch hoop Iron, No. 6, yard gnage^
whale noop iron
merchantable hoop iron
by the bundle.
50 do 1
65 do 1
60 do 1
50 do 1
30 do 1
10 do 1
30 do 1
20 do 1;
30 do 1 do do
5 do 2 do do
Sheet Iron.
3 bundles Russia sheet iron. No. 16
3 do do 12 ?ci
All the iron to be of the best American manufacture.
Class No. 2.?Copper.
250 sheets, say 1,000 lb., 14 oz. hot rolled sheathing copper
per lb.
25 sheets, say 100 lbs.; 14 07.. cold rolled do do
8 do each 20, 24,26, 28, 30, 32, 34. and 40 lbs.
brazier's copper, say in all 1,872 lbs. do
4 do GO lbs. brazier's copper, say 240 lbs. do
All the sheet copper must have straight edges and square
end and be of parallel widths.
Class No. 3.?Lead and Tin.
2 rolls, eaeh 4,44, 5, and 7 lbs. milled sheet lead
(say 2,050 lbs.)
1,000 pounds India tin
6 boxes 1 C tin plate, 14 by 20
10 do IX do 10 by 14
0 do SDX do ao
6 do DXX do do
3 lengths each ft, 1,1|, 2,2| inch milled lead pipe
(say 315 pounds) per lb.
Class No. 4.?Copper and Composition Sails.
100 pounds 20d copper cut nails 1
700 do 8d do do
500 do 6d do do
per lb.
per box.
per lb.
do 3
1 Inch composition nails
2$ do do
Class No. 5.?Glass
100 teet 7 by 9 Redford crown gla.?a, double thick
ness per foot.
100 do 8 by 10 do do do
100 do 9 by II do do do
100 do 10 by 12 do do do
100 do 10 by 14 do do . do
100 do II by 15 do do do
100 do 11 by 17 do do do
100 do 12 by 12 do do do
100 do 12 by 16 do do do
100 do 12 by 18 do do do
24 lights, flint glass, for bowsprit lanterns, per
12 patent deck lights. 34 by 9 inches
12 do do 31 by 10 do
12 _ do do 3 J by 11
per light.
4 12-inch patent magazine lights, 1| Inch thick,
free from all defect*
4 13-inch do 1} do do do
Clahs No 6.?Flax Canvass.
60 bolts No. 4 flax canvas*, 30 Inche* wide. 40
yards long, sample
60 do
40 do
per bolt.
Class No. 7.?Cotton Canvass.
10 bolts No 1 cotton canvass, 20 inches wide 50
yards long, per wimple
per bolt.
10 do 8
do 10
do cotton canvass for cots, 30 inches
wide, 50 yards long do
150 do hammock stuff, 42 inches wide, 50
yards long do * do
100 do bag 42 do do do
30 do Russia duck do do
20 do Ravens do light do no
4000 yards twilled bagging, 39 inches wide do per yard.
Class No. 8.? Twine,
1000 pounds flax sewing twine, 3 thread, sample, pr. pound.
700 do cottou do 7 do do
25 do seine da do do
25 do whipping do do do
Class No 9.?Sperm Oil and Candles.
3000 gallons pure winter strained rperm oil per gallon.
8000 pounds pure sperm candles per pound. |
Class No. 10.? Wood.
250 cords sound oak wood per cord.
Class No. 11.?Coal.
200 tons beat peach orchard Schuylkill coal,
broken and screeued
100 do lump Cumberland coal, per ton of 2240 lbs
Class No. 12.?Paints and Oils.
30,000 pounds pure dry white lead
2,000 do do red lend
500 do do lamp black
500 do do litharge
1,500 do do yellow ochre
50 do tio chrome green
50 do do chrome yellow
10 do do vermilion
2,000 gallons pure linseed oil,
7G0 *
per pound.
do f
per gallon.
spirits turpentiue
iuu ao brown Japan ??
20 do copal varnish do
30 do harness do do
35 do best coach varnish do
25 do do furuiture do do
Class No. 13.?Leather.
3 sides hfeavy oiled pump leather X*ay IMf pounds)
sample, per pound.
25 do best quality W. O. tanned
pump leather, not less than 30
lbs. per side, (say 750 pounds) do
do per side.
10 do butT do
10 do white oak tanned sole leather
20 do hose leather
30 do harness leather, asssorted thick
100 do best quality sheep skins, dressed
in the wool do eg
Class No. 14.?Hardware.
100 pounds, each 20d. 12d, lOd, and dd
wrought irou boat nails per
200 do each 6d, 5d, Id, and 3d
100 . do eaeh 20d, I2d, .lOd, 8d, and 6d
wrought irou nails
100 do 6 Inch Iron rut spikes
300 do 40d iron cut nails
300 do 30d do do
100 do 20d do do
100 do I2d do do
1600 do lOd do do
100 do 8d do do
100 do 6d do do
300 do 4d do do
100 do 3d do do
600 do 12(1 do brad-head nails
200 do 8d do do do
100 do 10d do do do
200 fid do do do
100 do fxl do do do
10 M I Inch clout nails, wrought Iron
10 do I do do do
1 do 11 do do do
00 d0 1 j do do do
20 4ol|</o do do
601b84d do do
50 do 6d do do
63 pounds, each. Nos. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9J 10 II, 1?,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 Iron wire
50 M f inch copper cut tacks
35 do \ do ao do
15 do I do d? do
5 do
I do 1 do do do
5 dot
5 do I
do do wrolifht do
do ilo do do
do do do do
do do do do
| d? briM trunk nul,
2 sheets brass, No. 12
per sheet.
i out do
) do 12 do do do
? do I t do do do
iron tinned rivets, 2| to 3 In.
sample do
5 sets 7-inch iron bed u
I do 6-inch do do do do
I M 34-inch iron sheave rivets, 3-8 in. ilium, do
I do 24-iuch ? do 5 10 do do
I do 2}-iuch do G-16 do do
\ do 1 3-8-inch do do do
I do 14-inch do do do
l do l{-inch do do do
> pounds, each. Nob. 17,18, and 19 copper wire,pouud
) do brass wire, assorted Nob. 1 to 15 do
I sets brabm table fastenings, sample set
I comp'n hasps ami plate staples, for arm chairs do
I sets brass wheel fixtures do
do do binnacle braces and fixtures do
dozen do sash rollers, No. 4
! do ianunned stubbs and plates
I do 3-inch best American iron padlocks,
assorted keys
! do 'JA-idcIi do do
> do 3- inch do brass do
S do 24-inch do do do
do 2-inch do do do
I do 12>inch stock locks
sample do
do cach
Brass Screws, Gross.
r? in
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 10 W 19 20
Iron Screws, gross
3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 10 18 19 20
iron chest locks
1 do
1 do
1 do
1 do
2 do
12 do
12 do
10 do
I do
1 do
J do
6-inch no ao ao
5-Inch do do do
4-inch do do do
5 inch double-faccd cupboard locks do
4} Inch upright mortice locks,\ inch
thick, brass screws tor knobs do
3J inch upright mortice locks, ? inch
thick, bra*B screws for knobs do
4 Inch mortice knob latches do
24 Inch cupboard ketches, with keys do
2f inch iron drawer locks do
2} inch do do do
2 inch do do do
1| inch do do do
3 inch do i do do
34 inch brass sideboard locks do
blank comp'n keys , do
do iron drawer lock keys, assorted do
2 Inch flat escutcheons do
inch do do
inch do do
inch do do
inch do do
Inch do do
in. brass sash knobs, with screws do
inch do shutter knobs do
inch do do do
inch mahogany knobs do
inch do do do
mnle per doz
do do
do do
IJ inch
14 inch do
1 inch do
1 do | inch do
1 do flitch do
3 do pairs 3 Inch
4 do do 3} inch
do 5 inch do
do 2 inch do
do 34 by 3& inch do
do 4 by 4 inch do
do 4| by 5 inch brass do
do 4 by 4 inch do
do 34 by 3J inch do
do 3 by 3 inch do
do 2j by, 2| Inch do
iron butt hinges do do
do do do
table butts do do
1 do do 2 by 2 Inch
2 do do 5-Inch
1 do do 44-inch
1 do do 4-Inch
4 do do 34-inch
10 do do 3-inch
10 do do 24-inch
2 do ? do 2-lnch
3 do do IJ-inch
I do do 2 by 4-inch
1 do do 24 by 5-inch ao
1 do do l| by 34-inch do
24 do 1-inch brass eyes, with screws
1 do 24-Inch do side hooks and eyes
1 do 1 J-Inch do do
2 do 3 Inch do do
8 do ljHiichrfu side hooks
I do 6- Inch do cabin door hooks
1 do 4-Inch do do
1 do 3- inch do do
I do 24-inchrfo
I do 3 inch do
1 do 2-inch do do do do do
1 do 5-Inch do barrel do do do
I do 6- inch do do do do do
1 do 4-inch do do do do do
!do 5-Inch do square raised bolts do do
do 6-iuch do do do
do 5-inch straight square bolts do do
do 6-inch do bnlkheau do do do
2 do 5-inch do do do do
3 do 4-inch do do do do
2 do 3-inch do flush do do
2 do 4-inch do do do do
2 do 34-Inch do do do do
3 do 4-in#h do curtain rings do do
8 do 1-Inch do do* do do
3 do | inch do do do
8 do 1-inch do do do do
1 do I* inch do flush do do do
1 do 14-Inch do do do do
15 yard? brass lack chain No. 15 yard
1 dozen If inch straight brass custors dozen
1 set brass esc etoire trimmings set
10 poundsbest quality sash cord pouiid
* 3 brass bib cocks, A-inch, best American each
30 do do 4-inch do do do
3 do do 1-inch do do do
3 do stop do M uch do do do
3 do do 1 iinch do do do
3 do do 2-inch 1 to do do
3 dozen best C. S. wood axes, handled samples each
2 do do brad awls, handled do do
1 do do carpenters' adzes, handled do
do do do
a do do coopers' do do
I do do ao adzes do do
3 anvils
3 iron braces, with 20 bitta each
3 wood do 48 bitls cach
0 bung borers
0 tap borers
1 patent balance to weigh 500 pounds
2 dozen C. S. carpenters' compasses
1 do coopcrs' do
2 do firmer chisels, assort., handled
2 do socket do do do
500 pounds white chalk
6 cooper's crows
do pound
3 sets drills, with boxes aftid bows
2 sets dies, letters and figures, f
3glaziers' diamonds, best quality
3 pairs brass dividers, for sailmakera
1 cooper's trow
1 dozen each, 8,10,12, and 14 in. list files
1 do 8, 9,and 10in. round
I do 8,10, 12, ami i4 in. | do
1 do 3* 4, 5 and 6 in. rat-tail
0 do whipsaw files
2 do handsaw do
2 do crosscut do
2 do fine saw do
6 do nail gimlets, assorted
3 (to snike do
1 do firmer gouges do Hand
1 do socket do
50 pounds glue, best make, Cooper's
6 carpenter's gauges
500 fish hooks, assorted sizes, Isrge
3 dozen best O. 8. large hatchets, handled
0 do do claw hammers
1 do do saddler's >
1 do do coppering
1 do do tin ?er's
4 do do screw wrench <fo, 16 in
.1 cooper's marking irons
4 do beck irons
2 dozen best quality shoe knives
1 do drawiug tf<>
1 do pallet do
1 do putty do
3 flue kettles, copper do
Jiron pitch "Kettles
2 dozen best quality sail knives
2 do do butcher do
1 do do cheese do
1 do iron casting Isdles
1 do chalk lines
4 do pitch ladles
1 do s. pincers
1 do do plyera
2 reao :
12 smo<
6 jack
? pr match [4a
do pound
do each
do per 100
do dozen
do do
Jo do
do ream
do each
do do
*9 pair
4 cooper'* loug jointer
4 do ahort do
3 dozen 2 ft. rule j, 4 fold
3 do wood rasps, 14 inch
4 *augint roda
0 dozen beat C. S. shovels
2 do .do sitades
1 do best bread shovels
I do best C. 8. sheep sheers
do pairs brass *nutfers
do bent C. 8. squares
10 pounda brass Bolder
2 iron stakes
3 tinner's edging stakes
.'I planishing stake*
6 small screw plates and taps
2 tinner's sheara
2 do hand shears
2 steelyards, to weigh 250 lbs
2 dozen best quality handsaws
2 crosscut saws, H ft. long
3 wood saws and frames
3 sash saws
6 panel saws
12 compaas saws
2 keyhole sawa audfpadg
12 tenon sawa
2 dovetail aaws
1 spoke shaves, assort.
3 Turkey oil stones
2 grindstones \
2 patent saw sets
3 brass squares, lor sail miners
12 scale beams,
6 butcher's steels
3 tape lines ot 100 ft
21 hand vices
3 small bench vices
2 large bench vices
t> coop?*s vices
C seta lead weights, 1 oz. to i Ih.
6 sets iron weights, 1 lb. to 4 lb.
6 do do 4 lo2B
12 gridirons
4 griddles
6 frou tea kettles
1 fish kettle
C fryiug pans
25 stew pans, assort.
6 waffle irons
3 camp kettles
?/<? dozen
do do
do each
<bt dozen i
do do
do pound
do do
do i to
do pouud
do' do
do do
do pouud
do do,
do each
do set
Cla8s No. 15-^Brushes.
12 dozen ben extra whitewash brushes
2 do long handled tar do
4 do short do do
ft do varnish do do
* do painters' during do
2 do hand do ?t"
OOOOOfK) paint
2 do
4 do
3 do
2 do
24 do
24 do
do do
No. 5 aash tool
clamp scrub
hand scrub
do do
do do
do h'dl'd do
do do
Clash No. 16?Ship Chandlery.
25 barrels rosin per barrel
20 pounds copper hose rivets sample pound
J <}? do burra do do
12 pairs magazine socks do pair
600 pounds mstch rope do pound
dozen C. S. ship scrapers, Iron bandies do dozen
100 pounds best quality brown soap pound
6 do sal ammoniac do do
1 barrel coal tar barrel
100 barrels best thin tar do
J9 do. white turpentine do
75 pounds sewing thread, white,red and blue do (pound
J d" *?? do do ,lo
?? Wlow do
75 do thruma do
7000 quills for tubes J
200 pounda beeswax
1C do small copper wire, assort. uo
f2,hi'?0 ?bU,Clt do do
18 china bowls and fixtures for water closets do aet
2 dozen comp'n water closet cocks, 1 inch do dozen
I 50 b* dl ** ^ 1 I"*"1/ inn
f >nc.h yeHo'w'pIn* d"?k plugs
l ^oooo 1 inch do do do
600 11 Inch do do do
5 bulla, Bach 18 inch, white,.carl ct, and blu?
do M
do pound
do barrel
do M
bunting uu
5 bolts, ea. l*Tnch., whits and scarlet bunt'g do
5 do each 9 inch, whits and scarlet bunt
ing do
20 bolts, each 4 in. white and scarlet buot
,r*5**** Shaker corn brooms
400 do hickory do
100 Bristol bricks
12 pound sbest quality bristles
inS 2?5?? rol,!,$reen worsted binding
100 fathom?>3-8jn. short link proof chain
150 do 5-16 in. do do
130 do 4.16 in. do do
135 do 310 in. do do
10 yards bottle green cloth
40 do 24 inch hslr cloth
15 do 28 do
15 do 30 ' do
10 do 25 do
500 pounds spun cotton, orcatilking
12 boatawain'a silver calla
3 pounds catgut
25 yarda Fearnanght
50 do black silk gimp
1000 pounds hambroline
WOO do houseline
500 sheets large middle horn
100 pounds picked curled hair
0 coasting Hum, 80 laihoms, | Inch
2 dozen rod linea
do do
do dozen
do do
do each
do pound
do roll
do do
do do
do do
do yard
do do
do do
do do
do do
do pound
do each
do pound
do yard
do do
do pound
do do
do sheet
do pound
~ 7 'rY ? mo uoz
urn fudunglines,30fatha. esrh, assort, do do
500 pounds tarred marline
500 do white do
lim !*hmBkier'' "**m'og needles
do pound
do do
do 100
do do
100 4 thread needles
100 gallona fish oil
4 barrels tar oil
100 do pitch uo
25 wood hand pumps do| each
2 dozen seaming and roping palms,
mounted do dozen
Class No. 17?Stationery.
6 expenditure books, each
6 letter books, 3 quires, cap size, J-bound, sample, each
2 dozen 2 quire cap blank books, do dozen
1 do 1 do do do do
5 do memorandum do do do
1 do ivory letter folders, do do
3 cases mathematical instruments, do case
6 dozen half pint bottles black ink,Maynard
4c Noyes, dozen
2 do pint bottles do do do
I 1J do half pint red do do
I 6 do papers ink powder, do
3 do inkstands, metal, with covers, sample, do
3 do pieces India rubber. do do
I 15 reams foolscap paper, faint lined, do ream
10 do regulation do do do , do
10 do letter paper do do do
6 do butT envelope paper, do do
11 do blottiug do do do
6 do log do do do
60 sheets elephant drawing paper, Whartman's.do sheet
24 penknives, 4 blades, do each
1 dozen camel's hair pencils, do dozen i
500 slate pencils, sample, per 100
4 gross lead pencils, A. W. Faber's best, do per gross
12 dozen boxes ol steel {tens, 1 dozen
and holder In box, sample, pr doz. boxes
12 Ivory pouuee boxes, filled with pounce, sample, each
6000 quills, No. 00
6 rolling rules, sample, each '
6 parallel do, 2Mnch do Ho
6 round rules do do I
6 flat do do do I
6 dozen half pint natters black sand dozen {
2 do best quality sand boxes do do
11 do slates do do |
11 do long slates do do
1 do Hunter's scales, boxwood do do |
12 do pieces red tape
CO rolls silk taste
6 boxes water colors
6 wafer seals
12 pounds wafers
10 do sealing wax
do per roll
do per bo*
do each
do pouud
(Class No. 1.?Iron, per\fb.
916 inch diameter 20,000 pounds
1 5-16 do
1 7*16 do
1} do
do do
"do do *
10, IW
Total round iron 91,000 pounds
1 by | inch 500 pounds
2,000 do
1,000 do
1,000 do
1,000 do
2,WI0 do
2,000 do
2,000 do
1,000 do
1,000 do
2,000 do
_ __ 2,000 do
.'t| by 1 do 2,0110 do
3f by 1 do 2,0U0 do
by I do 2,000 do
1,500 do
1,000 do
. - 1,300 do
by 7-16 do Z600 do
by 2} do 1,000 do
by 9-16 do 2,000 do ?
by 1 do 2,000 do
- - - ? ? 2.0U0 do
2.600 do
2,0(0 do
2,0W do
2,500 do
2,500 dm
1 by t
1} by \ do
2 by | do
by 11 do
by i do
by 1 do
by if do
by ljdo
|S?t d'o
by I do
3 by 1$ do
| by | do
I by 1 do
I by | <lo
4 by U do
't by i do
ft d
r 710
R by
by 1l do
6 by 21 do
7< by I ( do
Total flat Iron 48^00 poind..
Sh..t Iron J Inch thick, 600 poun.l.
Oo do # 16 do do (**>
IK> doj do do 1,001)
Total plat* Iron 2,300
Square Iron 3{ Inch, I,KB p.und.
IH> do 4 do 2,000 do
Do do H do 2,000 do
Total square Iron, 5,fUi
AH lh? Iron to be m Ul' ?>? Mwlo*n
Clash No. 3? Capper, per pemi
inch diameter 20,000 pound*
| il-lG do do
) do do
13-16 do do
1 do do
11-16 do do
1 1-8 do do
1 3-10 do do
1J do do
1 5-1C do do
13 do do
1 7-16 do do
1J rio do
1 9-1G do do
12 do do
1 11-16 do do
1J do do
Total bolts copper, 225,000 uu
7(10 sheets of 28 ounce sheathing coppej
10UI do 30 do do '<
500 do 34 do do
Total weight of Bhealhing copper, 19,500 lb*., s
|??r lbj ?
All the duet copper must hare straight edge*
and square ends and be parallel width*.
Clash No. 3?Hardware.
3 dozen 6-ineh knob locks,
bran works, with screws,
escutcheon, per sample, per do*.
3 dozen 6-inch dead locks,
with screws, escutcheon do do
4 dozen 4 do double-faced
closet looks,with screws,
escutcheon, do do
2 dozen 3-inch brass pad
locks, do do
2 dozen 7-inch do tank
platea and screws, do do
2 dozen pairs 2-inch brass
flush hooks, eyes and t
screws, do do
2 doz. 5-inch sash springs,
eyes and screws, do dn
4 doz 3J inch sash springs,
eyes and screws, do do
4 doz 2;-inch buttons, with
screws rounded, do do
4 gross lj-inch screws, No. 16?' do
6 dozen 2-inch iron drawer rollers, with ^
screws, do
100 lbs. 6-penny finishing nails, per lb.
100 do 8-penny do do
100 do 10-penny do do
10,000 lbs. pig lead, per lb.
Clam No. 4.?Flax Canvas*.
33 bolls No. 1,20-inches wide and 40 yards lone,
by sample, per bolt
184 do No. 2, do do do do do
29 do No. 3, do do do do do
29 do No. 4, do do do do do
36 do No. 5, do do do do do
1130 do No. 6, do do do do do
12 do No. 7, do do do do do
33 do .No. 8, do do do do do
Class No. 5.?Collon Canvaa.
2 bolts No. 1, 20-inch wide, 50 yards long,
by sample, per bolt
12 do No. 2, do do do do do
19 do No- 4, do do do do do
12 do No. 5, do do do do do
30 do No. 6, do do do do do
3 do No. 8, do do do do do
14 do No. 10, do do do do do
14 do cotton hammock stuff, 42 inches wide, 50
yards long, per bolt
13 do bag do do do do do
12 do No. 4, 30 inches wide
1400 yards twilled flax bagging, 30 inches wide,
per yard
Claii No. 6.?Ship Chandlery.
100 lbs. flax twine, per lb
100 do cottoa do do
25 do Thrums do
2 bbls. fish oil, per barrel
20 do tar do '
140 do pteh da
12 do rosin do
26 do clear white turpentine do
2700 lbs. clean tallow, per lb.
Class No. 7.?Sperm Oil.
100 gallons best winter strained sperm on, in tight
vessels, per gallon.
Class No. 1.?Iron, (hy the pound.)
300 pounds J-inch round iron per pound
3000 do j do do do
4000 do 1 do do do
4000 do li do do do
4000 do 1| do do do
6000 do 11 do do do
The bar and plate iron Tor one camboose Tor a
second-class frigate, viz:
Plate iron, weighing about 3400 pounds per pound
Bar do do do 2500 do do
The bar and plate iron for six cambooses for
second-claHs sloops, viz:
Plata iron, weighing about 9500 pounds per pound
Bar do do do 8500 do do
Schedules of the dimensions of the plates and
bars for the same to be furnished from the navy
All the iron to be of the best American manu
Class No. 2?Copper.
I 30 sheets, or 1,200 pounds, braziers' copper, 30
I by 60 inches and 50 ounces to the foot
per pound
6 sheets, or 350 pounds, braziers' copper, 30 by
72 inches and 60 ounces to the foot
per pound.
All the sheet copper must have straight edges
snd square ends and be of parallel widths.
Class No. 3?Hardware, Sfc.
6000 J-inch Randal's finishing brads per M
4000 1 do do do do do
6000 1| do do do do do
} ream sand-paper, Nos. I and 2 per ream.
Class No. 4?Uad and Tin.
1 roll milled sheet-lead, 10 lbs. to the foot, say
500 lbs., per pound.
1 roll milled sheet-lead, 8 lbs. to the foot, say
400 lbs., per pounu.
1 roll milled sheet-lead, 5 lbs. to the foot, say
250 lbs. per pounu.
10,000 pounds English or East India
block-tin do
4 boxes double X tin, 13J by 17 inches bythe box
3 do single X tin do
Class No. 5?Paints, Sfc,
1000 pounds pure white lead, (dry) per ponnd
700 do Spanish whiting do do
1000 do red lead do do
150 do litharge do do
100 do Paris green do do
12 do chrome green do do
300 do pure lampblack do do
5 do Chinese vermilion do do
6 do Prussian blue do do
120 gallons best American raw linmed oil per gal.
30 do spirits of turpentine do
Class No. 6
50 tons No. 1 American gray pig iron, per ton
of 2240 lbs.
Class No. I ?Round. Flat, and Square Iron.
1000 pounds J inch round iron per pound
1500 do 516 do do do
2000 do I do do do
2500 do I do do do
6000 do J do do do
4000 do 11-16 do do do
6000 do 11 do do do
3000 do 2] do do ' do
600 do 4 do do do
1000 do I by 2 inch flat iron do
1000 do 12 by { do du do
1000 do l] by j do do do
1000 do 1) by ] do do do
1000 do 2 by 2 do do do
1000 do 3 by 2 do do da
1000 do 5 by ] do do do
500 do 6 by J do do do
2000 do 12 by ? do do do
2000 do 2J by ! do do do
2000 do 2J by > do do do
2000 do 2) by i do do * do
3000 do 3 by 2 do do ' da
1000 do 32 by 2 do do do
3000 do 3? by 2 do do da
9000 do 4 by j do do da
{(.'tntluMenJwrtk paf*>)