Newspaper Page Text
SINGLE COPY 6 CENTS WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 18, 1849. WHOLE NUM BER 690, PIIBLIIHED BY CKJ I a. W. PEJITOS. TERM: I! I1AII.Y, per year, . . . - ?ln?? TRI WKKKI.V, ? <*' WBBKLV, . 3 '?> Payable in a doiutce. Auvkktirkmeju m : Fifty oew fper square Hie first inser tion? - twenty -live renin per nqur .re lor every hiibaequnit in sertion?lifty cents per wjnar t alternate insertions. A libwraldeduction to yearly adve Itinera. _____ WORTHINGTON (i. SNETHEN, Editor qf the N ational Whigt [KfiHMKKLY SOLICITOR OK Til | (JKNIiRAL I.AND OFFICE.] ATTORNEY AND COC 'N8ELLOR AT LAW, WASHING TON, D C. PRACTICES in the SliPKK; IF. COIJHT of Die UNITE? STATES, Hie COURTS of the DISTRICT and of the nehrhboriujfStateH; GIVES LEG A L COUNSi \L A T HIS CIIA Ml) ENS; PROSECIITKS CLAIMS O F EVERY DESCRIPTION AOAINST CONGRESS OR ANV OF THE DE PARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT; And rlnima for npoliittions uj ,'siimt the Republic of Mexico be fort thm Hoard of Couirnim tinners eafablithetl by the Act V... , ~ uf'MMurchy II tions, I nifiits AS AUENT in proc urine letters patent for Inven tions, from the United State i, und from Foreign Govern AND EXECUTES any bu ?incus requirinf the prcnence or attf u lion of couusel or a (cut at the seal of Government Refer to the Hon IIknry Johnson, late Senator, and the Hon. S. W. Down*, and H' mi. 1'iukhk Soui.k. "Sen a turn of the United Stalex from the I itatr of Louisiunia, und the Sen turn of the l/nitrod Stuteaj rum the other State*. ? pdhoFFICE AT TH E NATIONAL WHIG OF FICE, Ptntaylvaniu arc. tut. mar IB?dislffcw ANNUAL.SUPPI, IBS FOKTHENAVY. NaW DePABTMBNT, Ilureau qf Construe! ion, Equipment, and Repair, May 22, 1849. S BALED PROPON ALS, endorsed "Proposal*for it urn/ supplies," (i laming the yurd for which the otter is made,) will be received at this Bureau until 3 o'clock, P. M. of th :30th June next, for furnishing and delivering, under conlruct,ut tliurespecliveNuvy Yards hereinafter no med, the several articles speci fied in this advertif etiient. One-fourth part of all the articles required at each of said navy yards, com prising a due propor tion of each kind, must be deliv ered on or before th e fir?t of September next ( one oilier fourth part oi , or before the first of December next; one other foil rth pari on or before tho first of April; and the res! due on or before the thirtieth of June, eighteen hu ndred and fifty; and, in case of failure to furnish a nd deliver the articles within the time and in the pi oportion specified, the Bureau or the respective coi uniandants of saia navy yards to have the right to . lirect purchases to bomade to sup ply any deficient" i, and the contractor and his sure ties to be liable ii i twice the contract price. Proposals mus t provide for furnishing and deliver ing, on like ler, ns and rendition*, any additional quantity of tho articles contracted for that may be required at eitht r of the said navy yards before the expiration of th a fiscal year ending on the said 30th June, I8S0, on i iftecn doys' previous notice from the Bureuu or the < :ommandunl of the yard where thu articles are reqr ilred. Persons ofli- ring for moro than one yord must mako separate and distinct proposals for the supply qf each, l.eepin g the classes qf articles' separate, anil embracing the vhole quantity qf all the articles enu merated ill the class. The cost of euclr item must be distinctly c irried out, and the aggregate of each class correctly footed up, which Is material to a fair comparison ol bids. An erroneous extension or an erroneous agg rugate will constitute an informality, and the bid w ill not be considered. No extensii in of time for deliveries under any con tract will be g ranted, and penalties for nojifulnlment will In ?II cas :s be rigidly enforced; bidders are there fore requested . to ofler for no more than they are sure they can furn ish within the time specified. All the arti< lies must be of the very best quality, conforming t< > samples which will be exhibited on ap plication to tl le commandant of the yard at which they are to be delivered. They must be In good or der and condl tion, in suitable vessels or packages, as the case may be; all vessels, urtlcles, and packages to be subject to the Inspection of the yard where they are received, ind be in all respects to the satisfaction of the coming ndant. Approved i itircties in twice the estimated amount will be requir ed In the manner set forth in tho form of contract, n nd ten per centum in addition will be withheld fron ? the amount of each payment us collat eral security for the faithful performance of the con tract. Ninet f per cent, of each delivery will be paid by the Now Agent within thirty days after the ore Hcntation of a pproved bills, in triplicate, bv the com mandant of .lie yard at which the deliveries are made. Kvery ofli r must oc accompanied by a written guaranty (th' ! responsibility of the guarantor or guar antors to boi :nrtified by a Navy Agent or other offi cial person, ? ir by some one known to the. Bureau) that, if the c Jler be accepted, the bidder or bidders will, within live days after tho receipt of the con tract ai thA post office designated, execute the name, with good a nd sufficient sureties, to furnish the arti cles propose d, agreeably to the terms specified In litis advcrtlscinr n', and which may be embodied in the contract. ' The law of 10th August, 1R46, forbids the considerate >n of all proposals not accompanied by such guara aty. Bidders ?.re particularly cautloncd to endorse their oferi as a bove required, that lliey may bo distin guished from other business letters, in order to pre vent their l?cing opened before the proper time. All otters not made ir\ strict conformity with this advertisement In every particular will bo rejected os informal. Those whose offers are accepted will bo duly notified, and contracts forwarded without de lay." Persons offering arc directed to designate the post office through which they desire to be addressed and the navy agent to whom the contract nhall bo stmt for execution. FORM OF AN OFFEH. Washington, Mat , 1840. I hereby agree to furnish and deliver, at the Navy Yard at , in conformity with the requirements ul the advertisement from the Bureau of Construc tion, Equipments, and Repair of the 22d May, 1849, the several articles embraced in classes one und two fur that yard, to wit; Clash No. 1. lbs. white lead at ? cents . . A lbs. lampblack at ? do . lbs. red lead at ? do ... Ihs. litharge at ? do ... Class No. 2. gallons sperm oil at ? cent, ? lbs sperm candles at ? do * Very respectfully, A. B. To Com. Chari.ks W. Skinner, Chief of the Bureau of Const'n, Sic., Washington We the undersigned, residents of , in the .State of , hereby guaranty that in ease the foregoing bid of oc accepted, that will, within five days alter the receipt of the contract at the jiost-ofiiee designated, execute the same, with good and sufficient sureties, to f urnish the supplies embraced in said bid in conformity with the terms of the adver tisement under which it was made. A. B. C. I). I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above-named guarantors are good and sufficient. E. F. J navy yard, chari.f.stown, mass. Class No. 1?Iron. 6,000 ihs. 1A inrfh round iron per pound 8,000 do 1 do do ,1,, 4,000 do 3 do do ,|0 1,000 do j do da do 2,000 do a do Ai. <1? 1,000 do i ,1,, Ju. <|,|,|u *. 300 do .1 ?kh do 300 du 3.16*, do d,, S.aiftdoOby 2 inch flat do do ?,000 do I by j do do do 'J.OOOdoSjbyJdo d<j do 1,000 do 8 by J do A do '2,000 do 3 br ? dq ? do to do ?JJJJ dij Nitsak sheet bun do IjWW do HiMaia or Kwefe* nail rod* do 1,Q0B do do do spike rod* ? by A inch do 36,600 pounds All the iron to be of the best American manufaHnrr, Class No. 2? Copper 500 lbs. 64 OS. braziers' copper sheets A by 3 ft p. lb. 5UU do &4bz. do do do 1,000 do 34 or.. do do do 1,000 do 33 oi. do do do 3,000 pound* 500 sheets .'12 oz. hot rolled sheathing copper intimated to weigh 4,700 lbs per lb. 500 sheets 34 ox. hot rolled sheathing copper, estimated to weigh 5,000 lbs per lb. 100 sheets 1H oz. hot rolled shnathing copper, estimated to weigli 500 lbs |>er lb. 100 sheets 22 oat. hot rolled sheathing copper, estimated to weigh GOO lbs . per lb. All the nfieet copper must have straight edges and pquarc ends and be of parallel widths. Clahs No. 3?Hardware. 5 coopers' axes per sample, each 5 coopers' adzes do do 5 broad axes, handled do do 10 narrow axes, handled do do 2 hollow adzes do do do 2 carpenters' do do do 25 bradawls do do do 25 awls do do do 3 braces and bitts, (48 bitts) do do 2 iron do (20 bitts) do do 5 1 )earborn's balances to Weigh 501bs do do 100 M iron brads 1] to 14 inch do per M 20 do Kandall's patent brads do do 2 sets firmer chisels Mo 2 inches . each set, handled do per set 2 sets socket chisels j} to 2 inches each set, handled do do 10 carpenters' compasses do each 2 coopers' callipers do do 2 mast callipers do do 2 large butchcicleavers do do 3 small do do do 250 lbs 4 inch iron chain do per lb. 250 do 7-10 do do do 250 do ?{ do do do 250 do i do do do 250 do ? do do do 6 dozen line saw files, (Graves U. Son's) per doz. 12 do 4 inch hand-saw tiles do do 12 do G do do do do 12 do 7 do do do do 1 do rat tail files do do 2 sets firmer gouges \ to 2 inch, handled ner sample, per set 2 sets socket gouges j) to 2 incn, handled do do 3 steel tongued bevils do each 3 bung borers do do 3 tap borers do do 6 dozen brass buttons on plates do per dozun 50 lbs. copper burrs do per lb. 50 do cut copper rivets do do 10 brass cocks do do 3 coopers' crows do each. 2 glazing diamonds do do 3 brass dividers do do 6 dozen brass escutcheons, assort, do per doz. 2 do spike gimlets do do 2 do nail gimlets do do G fish kettles do each 20 stew pans, assorted sizes do do 10 frying pans do do 20 bake pans, assorted sizes do do 20 uoppur teakettles, G quart do do 20 iron tea kettles do do 4 carpenters'guages do -do 100 lbs China glue do per lb. 3000 tenter hooks do per M. 12 butchers' knives, 12 inch do each G cheese do 10 do do, do 100 fishing hooks, assorted do do 12 broad hatchets do do 24 claw hammers do do 3 wrench hammers do do 4 dozen pair 4x4 inch heavy brass butt hinges, with shifting pins per dozen 3 dozen pair 3x 2A inch heavy brass butt hinges, with shifting pins do G dozen pair 2 \ x 2 inch heavy brass butt hinges, with shifting pins do 8 dozen 2 x 1 ij inch heavy brass butt hinges do 1 dozen 4 inch brass door hooks and eyes per sample, do 1 dfozen 6 inch brass door hooks and eyes do do 2 dozen iron butt hinges, assorted do do 5 gridirons do each 5 griddles do do 5 iron ladles do do 2 waffle irons do do 2 iron pots do do 1 doz. secretary hinges with springs do per doz. 10 tinder boxes ami steel do each 8 shoe knives do do G drawing knives do do G pallet knives do do 4 putty knives do do 2 pitch kettles do do 2 hollowing knives do do 2 rounding knives do do 10 sail knives do do 4 gross blank door keys do per gross 2 do blank drawer do do do 12 mortice doors (Nashua,) with mineral knobs do each 10 dozen 3-inch iron tumbler pad locks, 12 kinds of keys to each dozen do per doz. 5 dozen 3-inch brass tumbler pad locks, 12 kinds of keys to each dozen do do G doz. 4-inch iron cupboard locks, do do 12 kinds ol keys to each dozen do do 1 doz. G-inch iron closet locks, 12 kinds of keys to each dozen do do 25 papers sewing needles, assorted do per paper 2000 lbs. iron cut nails, 4d to 40d, equal quantities each size do per lb. 1000 lbs. wrought iron nails, Gd to 12d, equal quantities each size do do GOO lbs. cut copper nails, 4d to 20d, equal quantities eajcli size ? do do 200 lbs. iron finishing nails, 8d and lOd, equal quantities each size do do 4 M scupper nails do per M 10 M J clout nails do do G short jointer planes do each 3 long do do do G jack planes do do 3 grooving planes do do 2 pairs match planes do do 3 astripl planes per sample, each 4 moulding planes do do 4 bead planes do do 3 plow planes do do 3 coopers' block planes do do 1 coopers'jointer long do do 1 coolers' jointer short do do 6 spoke shaves do do 3 bucket shaves do do 3 can shaves do do 3 in. shaves do do 1 ream sand paper do per ream. 10 2-ft. rules, single double -jointed do each 10 wood rasps do do 3 guaging rods do do 10 sail rubbers do do 200 pounds iron rivets, assorted sizes do per lb. 10 cast-steel bIiovcIk do each G spades do do 4 shovels and tong* ? do do 6 Gunter scales do do G screw drivers do do G steelyards do do 10 hand saws do do 3 tenon saws do do 2 sash saws do do 2 compass mlws do do 2 wood sav: s> framed do do 2 whip r4wft (pjt) do do 2 crosr saws! do do 2 he-yh0]u an(j pa(j do do ^ '.tovctail saws do do lbs. patent deck spikes, 4-4]r 5-5}, 8-9 In. equal quantities etch l"*nd per sample P*r lb 4 butchers' steels do each 4 trying squares do .do 4 iron saws . do do 4 saw sets t,'o do 4 brass squares ,|0 do 4 bread sieves (j0 do 4 bread shods <|o do 3 large tin bread scales, with sets weights' do 3 small do' do do do do 3 flat do do do do do 100 M. cop-^r tacks A, 2, 3, and Mitch, ?qual quantities each size per M. 100 do ti'.med tacks, 7-8 inch do 100 do iron tacks J, J, and ?-inch, epual quanti ties each size per M. 10 boxes XX tin per box. bench vices,large ppr sample, each. 2 bench vices, small do do 2 hand vices do do 2 coopers' vices do do 4 sets iron weights, I to 4 pounds pw set. 4 do do 4 to 28 do do 4 do lead do 1 oz. t? 1 pound do 500 pounds sheet zinc per pound. 500 pounds pig zinc do 200 pounds iron sheathing nails do 20 gross 5-8-inch Mo. 5 iron screws per gross. 5 do 5-8-ineh No. 13 do do 10 do 5-8-inch No. 0 do d? 10 do 3-4-inchNo. }? do do 10 do 7-8-inch No. do do 10 do If inch No. G do* do ft do 1 ^-|noh No. 7 do 4*? Class No. A?Flax Canvats. 200 lioltft No. 1Hax canvass I*r lJolt' 150 do No. 3 do ?J? 50 do No. 8 do ,?,dl; Ktnh bolt to be 40 yards in length, and 20 inchc* wide, according to sample, and subject (o the usual test. Class No. 5 ?Ship Chandlery. per sample, each, do do da do do do per sample each. do do do do do cach. per lb. do do 50 hickory brooms 100 com brooms 100 whitewash brushes 100 paint brushes, No. 1} 25 sash tool brushes GO camel's hair brushes 50 hand scrubbing brushes 50 clamp scrubbing brushes 20 long handle tar brushes 20 short handle tar brushes 10 rolls worsted binding, assorted colors do do 5 pieces while bunting, 40 yards in length, 18 Inches wide do par pfoce. ft pieces scarlet bunting, 40 yards In length, 18 inches wide do do 5 pieces blue bunting, 40 yards In length, 18 inches wide do do 1 piece yellow bunting, 40 yards in length, 18 inches wide do 5 silver calls do uv>i. 30 yards blesched cotton, 7-8 wide do pqryard 1 set truss hoops do per set 10 pounds curled hair do 25 sides rigging leather, estimated to weigh BOO pounds do 10 sides pump leather, estimated to weigh 200 pounds do 25 sides bellows leather, estimated to weigh 176 poundti do do 60 pounds lamp wiclc do do 6 gross lamp wick wiro do per gross. 25 chalk lines do each. 10 casks line do do ti tapo lines do do 60 gallons whale oil per gallon. 30 gallons tar oil do 10 china bowls for water closets per sample, each 25 fishing linos do do 26 pounds seine twine do per pound. 26 pounds whipping twlno do do 20 pounds yellow beeswax do do 20 mounted roping palms do do 20 mounted seumfng palms do do 100 dozen Russia mats, for covering cordage do per dozen. 3 Turkey oil stones do each. 3 grindstones, estimated at 200 pounds per pound. 100 cast steel scrapers per sample, each. 100 ox hides for rope, estimated (o weigh 10,000 pounds do per pound. 1,000 pounds No. 1 extra soap do 10 do thread, assorted colors pr. sample, pr. lb. 10 do Bhoe thread do do 200 do tallow do 10 do mop yarn do do 12 bundles coopers' flags, estimated at 150 pounds do 60 life preservers per sample, each. 1 patent log do do I cotton seine and bag, 40 fathoms, 18 feel deep 1 cotton seine and bag, GO fathoms, 24 feet deep 100 feet 3-inch leather hose 100 feet 2 1 -2 Inch do 25 yards black cotton velvet Class No. 6.?Paints and Oils do per foot. | do j per yard. | 9,000 pounds pure dry while lead 1,000 do lampblack 500 do red lend 600 do litharge 200 do Yenitian red 3,000 do Spanish whiting 200 do chrome green (woods) 100 do French yellow ochre 75 do sum shellac 10 do Prussian blue 1,000 gallons raw Dutch linseed oil 300 do spirits turpentine Class No. 7?Oakum. 10,000 pounds oakum (best quality, made from junk) pr. lb. Class No. 8- Manilla Hemp. 20 tons Matilla hemp, per ton of 2,240 Ibn. Class No. 9?Stationer!/. per pound, do do do do do do do do do per gallon, do 60 memorandum books, lante BO do small 10 blank books. 2 quires J- 3 do 10 do 20 piece* India rubber 60 half pint bottles black ink 10 do do 20 inkstands I inkstandlxh 10 penknives, each 1 blades per sample, each do do tio do , per sample, per piece | do per bottle i do per ream 00 do foolscap paper do W do letter do do f> do envelope do do 2 do blotting do do 60 cards steel pens do ,'K) sheets drawing paper do ft parallel rulers do ft round rulers do ft hat rulera ft rolling rulers do 20 doxen lead pencils do 600 slate penclla do 2ft camel's hair pencils do 3,000 quills do 10 sandboxes do 30 pounds sand do 10 double log slates do 10 single do do 2 boxes water colors do 10 poun s wafers do fit) papers Ink powder do C boxes and pounce no 4 Guuter's acales do 75 bolts red tape do 10 paper folders do I box mathematical instruments do 10 pounds sealing wax 'to 20 bolts taste do Class No. 10?FueV. ft) cords mixed oak wood r - - . ? 2D tons red aah coal per ton of2240 lbs. Class No. 11?Naval Stores* 1,200 barrels Suffolk tar barrel | fi0 do pitch 2ft do rosin 10 do turpentine NAVY YARD, BROOKLYN, N. V. Class No. 1?Iron, per pound. n * Square. | per card per sheet I per uor.en j per hundred, each per 100 each [ per lb each per lb. per paper each per lb. per bolt per cord 2,000 lbs. ft-16 inch 3.000 do 3-8 do ?1,000 do 7-16 do 2,000 do ft do 2,000 do 9-16 do 2,000 do ft dc 2,000 do 11-16 2,000 do " Round. .1,000 lbs. ft inch 3,000 do 5-16 do 3,000 do 3 8 do 1,600 do 716 do 3,000 do ft do 1,000 do 916 do 3.600 do ft do 1,600 do 3 16 do 2,000 do 11-16 do 4,000 do | do 3,000 do 13-16</? 4,0110 do I do ft,000 do 1 do 1,000 do 1 10 do 6,000 do 1ft do 2,000 do 1 Iti do 1,000 do II do 2,000 do 1 ft-16 r/o 1.000 do 17-16 do 2,000 do 11 do 1,000 do II do 1,000 do 1? do 2,000 do 2 1,000 * ~ 2,000 asm 2,000 3,000 do -1 uo Flat Iron, ptr pound. 1.000 lbs. 1 by finch MXJ0 Ibt. 3 by by I do by ft 16 do by ft do by 1 do by 5 do by j do by 3 16 r/o by * ' 1,000 do 1,000 do I 2,000 do 1 1,000 do I 2,000 do 1 3,000 do I 1,000 do I 1.000 do I 2,000 do 1 2.000 do I 3,000 do la itj 2,000 do \\ by 2,000 do 2 by 2.000 do 2 by 2,600 do 2 bv 2,000 do 2 by 2,000 do 2 by 1,000 do 21 by 1 do 2,000 do 'A by t do 2,000 do 2ft by do 2,000 do 3 by k do 2,000 do 3 by 2,000 do 3ft by 9000 do 3$ by 2,000 do 1JW0 do 3,000 do 1,000 do l,ft00 do 2,000 do 3,000 do 1,000 do 1,000 do 1,000 do 1.000 do 1,000 do 1,000 do . ... 1,000 do tf b'v 1,000 do 6 by 1,000 do 7 by 2,000 do 9 by do 4 by 4} by 4} by r1' I7 ft by , ft by 7-16 do ft by ? '?r do Ifoop Iron. 80 cwt. two Inch boon Iron, No. 6. yard C'lage^ 60 do 1 6ft do 1 60 do I 60 do \ 30 do | 10 do I .'?) do I 20 do |] :t0 do I ft do { whale noop Iron merchantable hoojt iron do Sheet Iron. A bundles Russia sheet iron, No. 16 do 10 12 by the bundle. ;i do 12 do All the iron to be of the best American manufacture. Class No. 2.?Copj>er. 260 sheets, say 1,000 lb., I t ox. hot roiled sheathing copper J per lb 2ft aheets, say 100lbs.: 14 or., cold rolled do M do each 20, 21,26, 29, 3p, 32, 31. and 40 lbs. braxler's copper, say in all 1,872 lbs. dn 60 lb* brazier's copper, say 940 rba. * ai mi?. nmuT h ni,iFr, hj ?iu ior ?u i AH the she* copper murt have straight e<lfeeami square end a|)d be of parallel wWth*. ^ per lb. do per box. ? ?! PLA*8 nnd 'Fin. 2 rolls, ea*h 4, 41,5 ami 7 lbs. milled sheet I?*h (say liOmllha.) 1,000 pounds India (in 6 botes I C tin plate, 14 by.a) 10 do IX do 10 by I t ,w '? do SDX do ' Z H do DXX ,io 1 J lengths Wli i 1,1J, 2,2J inch mill*I lend pipe (say .lift pound*) 11 JM?r lb ,nS^LABf! \tP; l'?Copper and Connuisiiirm Sail*. im ^?UjM P?PP*' ?*-UI uail* per lb. do dn do tin 35 <'" J1! </? '.*95 <{.? 0,1 do do 1 inch composition nails ri do (/o jf, do tin 3i do tio inn? _ ^ Class No. 5.?Olass 100 feet 7 by 9 Redford crown flam, double thick ness 100 do 8 by 10 do do per foot do 100 do 9 by II u? .... I"! *? !? I;/ do do do 100 do 10 by 14 ,lo JJJ] *?>' ><y jj <><? .h ,10 M? do 11 by 17 do dn ,i0 100 do 12 by 12 dn ,/u do 188 ? i?Kyf? 1,0 ,to 100 do 12 bv 18 do . do dd 24 lights, flint glasr, lor bowsprit lanterns, per pattern ncr .;-ht 2 patent deck lights 31 by 9 inches do 12 do 12 tio h by 9 3A by 1(1 ?if by 11 10 do do 1 la-inch puteut Rufuiua llgjiu, 11 mcti Uiirk free from all defecta 4 13-iuch do 1J do do .. . , , Class No 6 ?Flax Canvass. 00 bolt* No. 1 Max canvoM, 30 inches wide. 40 yards lunjx, sample do 60 do 40 do 00 do 3 per bolt. Class No. 7.?Cotton Canto**, 10 bolts No 1 cotton canvass, 20 inchea wide 50 t yards long, per aomple per boll do do 10 do ? 10 do 10 do cotton, cauvass for cots, 30 inches wide, 50 yards long fa do hammock stuff, 42 inches wide. 50 yanls long do do do bag 42 do do do M do Russia duck do do '"J! ({?. R?ven? do light do do 4000 yards twilled bjgging, 39 inchea wide do per yord. Clash No. 8.? Ticine. '259 pounds flax sewing twine, 3 thread, sample, pr. pound. 700 do cotton do 7 do do 25 do Heine do do do 25 do whipping do do do l -hw Clash No 9.?Sperm Oil and Candles. ?WOO gallons pure winter strained sperm oil per gallon, j | 8000 pounds pure sperm candies per pound. ' Class No- 10'~ Wood. 250 cords sound oak wood per cord. Class No. 11.?Coo/. 200 tons bent peach orchard Schuylkill coal, broken and screened do lump C jmberland coal, per ton of 2210 lbs Class No. 12.?Paints and Oils. per pound. 30,000 poiinda pure dry white lead do J- " 2,000 do red lead do lamp black do litharge do yellow ochre do chrome green do chrome yellow i _ .. "" do vermilion 2,000 gallons pure linseed oil, i do 1,500 750 do 100 do 20 do 30 do 35 do spirits turpentine brown Japan copal varnish harness do best coach varnish do furniture do per gallon. do Class No. 13.?Leather. 3 sides heavy oiled pump leather (say 150 pounds) 0. ? sample, iter pound. 2.i do best quality W. O. tanned pump leather, not lens than 30 lb*.per side, (say 750 pounds) do do m t r,te,ey0he' rc* 10 do buff do do do 10 do white oak tanned sole leather do do 20 do nose leather d .*> do harness leather, asssort?d thick 100 do best quality sheepskins, dressed in the wool , Class No. 14.?ffardirarr 100 pounds, each 20d. 12d, lOd, and 8d wrought iron boat nails each fid 5d, 4d, and 3d eaeh 20d, 12d, lOd, 8d, and fi-l wrought iron nails Clinch Iron cut splken 40d iron cut nails - 30d do do do each. per pound. do 100 do , 100 do 1500 do / dt do 20d do 12d do ... lOd do i 100 do 8d do do 100 do Ad do do * 300 do 4d do do a 100 do 3d do do ?JJ5 12d do brsd-head nails 200 do 8d do do do 100 tio lOd do do du 200 do t?d do , do do 100 do M do do do 10 M ! inch clout nails, wrought iron 10 do I do do do I do 14 do do do, 20 do 11 do do do 2OrfolJ</0 do do 50lbs4d do do 50 do 6d do do 63 pounds, each. Nos. 3, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9!.10 11, 19. m u i ? 'J?* ,6' 17, Rnd 18 iron wl?* M | inch copper cut tacks 3B do I do do dv 10 do i do 5 do I do do do do wrought do 5 do | do do do do do do 5 do | 6 do | A M * - ... J do braw (niuk nails 2 sheets bruss, No. 12 per sheet. J, ,, ,d? I' " 18, If, 30,21, anil S3 *0 M ,1 inch Iron cut brnds 20 do 11 do do 20 do if do do 20 do I do do 10 M I do do 10 do I do do J? <f? J <>!!? ?lmp lucks oo do 8 do iron cut do 10 do 12 do do do 15 do 14 do do do 6 '"1'iTS! r*.vf^ "110 3 Mtnplc <7? do 'i lrfB ji'nc?l 'ron ^e(' "crpw8? do do . do 6-iuch ?? ?? do i| f ;'Vil,cl,1 lr0" rivet*, 3-8 in. iliam. i , of,!1 ?'<> fii? J t ffc'n?h , do . r,.|fl r? do 13-8-inch do dn '<;> l| !"c!' do 2 I do 1 Mitch do do do I i0 19 copper wire,ponn<l ?" do braw wire, aasortcd Nos. 1 to 15 ' 1 50 12 sets brooM table laateninga, aamplcl^P o P,a,? for arm chairs do seta brass wheel fixtures ,i'" '!? bjnnacle braces and fixtures 1 doaen do sash rollers, No 4 ? '? i a pa n ued sttihhs and plates do J inch l>est American iron nadlocks, assorted keys JHnc ' I>r<u*dt> do jU- neh do do do do S- ocli ,/? d? do I'-i-inch Block locks Urass Screws, Gross. ?jple do do do do do Size 5 in S4 '-'i I 3 4 6 6 7 8 9110 n 12114 16 16 IB 19 ? l| il I 21 21 i 1 I! I l| l| I 21 11 il 1I2I Iron Scrac*, gross iron chest locks samp le per do* j do t dp , do t do desk locks do t do mortice closet locks t do/.en 4dnch do 3-inch da 2^-inrh do 3-inch do 6dnch ?? do ?Mnch dn do dn do 4-inch do do do do 5 Inch double-faced cupboard locks do H n?h?Prl*hl ""'ftlr. Incka, | Inch "lick. brii? ?rr.? ? or knob, 3? inch upright mortica locks, A inch think, bra*s screws lor knobs do 4 inch mortice knob latches d>* 2& inch cupboard ketches, with keys do 1 do 2' inch iron drawer locks 5.1 1 do 1 do 2 do 12 do 12 do 10 do 1 do 1 do ach d? 2 inch 1J inch do do do 3 inch do do do 3A inch brass sideboard locks do blank comp'n keys do do iron drawer lock keys, assorted do 2 inch fiat escutcheons do 2& inch do do 1J inch do do lj* incli do do 12 Inch do do 11 inch do do jj in. brass wash kuobN, with screws do S inch do abutter knobs do J inch do do do 21 inch mahogany knob* do 2 Inch 1}inch do U inch do 1{ inch do 1 inch do I inch do }Inch do pairs3 inch do iron butt hinges do du 1 do do 4 by 4 inch I do do 4J by 5 iuch brass do do do I do do 1 by 4 inch do do do l do do 3* by 3J iuch' do do do I do do 3 by 3 inch do do do 1 do do 2J by 2? iuch do do do 1 do do 2 by 2 inch do do do 2 do do fi inch do do do 1 do do 4^-inch do do do 1 do do 4-inch do do do 4 do do 3A-incl? do do do 10 do do 3-inch do do do 10 do do 2A-inch do do do 2 do do 2-inch do do do 3 do do 1^-iuch do do do 1 do do 2 by 4-inch table butts do tlo 1 do do 2A by 5-inch do do do 1 do tlo If by .'14-inch do do do 24 do 3-inch brass eyes, with screws do do 1 do 2J-inch do side hooks and eyes do do 1 do 15-inch do do do do 2 do .'1 inch do tlo do do 8 do 14-inch Vo sido hooks do do ] do ti-inch do cabin door hooks do do 1 do 4-inch do tlo do do 1 do 3-lllch d?) do ?A> do 1 do 24-inchdo do do dj 1 do 3 inch do tlo iamb do do 1 do 2-inch do do. do do do 1 do 5-iuch do barrel do do do 1 do G-iuch do tlo do do do 1 do 4-hlch do do do do do A tlo 5-inch do square raised bolts do do t do 6-inch do do do do 5-inch straight square bolts 1 do ti-inch do bulkhead 2 do 5-inch do 3 do 4-iuch do 2 do 3-inch do do 4-iuch do do do 2 do 3A-inch do 3 do {-inch H do f-inch do 3 do J iuch do tlo do curtain rings do do do tlo 1-inch do 1 tlo 1-inch do flush do do do 1 do li-lnchrfo do do do 15 yards brass jack chain No. 15 * yard 1 dozen 1? inch straight brass caetors dozen 1 set brass'csc etoire trimmings set 10 pounds best quality sash cord pound 3 brass bib cocks, J-irtch, hem American each 30 do tlo 9-inch do do do 3 tlo do 1-inch do do do 3 rfrtstop rff) 1-inch tltt tin (L\ 3 do do ljinch do do do 3 do do 2-inch do do do 3 dozen best S. wood axes, handled samples each 2 do i do brad awls, handled do do carpenters' adzes, handled do do holiow do do broad axes do tin 1 do tlo coopers' f do do t/o adzen do do !i anvils 3 iron braceo, with 20bitts each 3 wood do 48 bittfl each G bung borers G tap borers I patent balance to weigh 500 pounds . 2 dozen C. S. carpenters' compasses 1 tlo coopers' do 2 do firmer chisels,assort.,handled 2 do socket do tit do 500 pounds white chalk G cooper's crows 3 sets drills, with boxes and bows 2 sets dies, letters and figures, g inch .'Iglaziers' diamonds,best quality 3 pairs brass dividers, for sailmakers 1 cooper's frow I dozen each, 8,10,12, and 14 in. flat files I tlo R, 9,and 10 in. round I do 8,10, 12, and 14 in. $ do 1 do ' :i, 4, 5 and G in. rat-tail G do whipsaw files 2 do handsaw do 2 do crosscut do 2 do fine saw do ti do nail gimlets, assorted 3 do spike do 1 do firmer gouges do Hand 1 do socket do 50 pounds glue, best .make, Cooper's G carpenter's gauges 500 fish hooks, assorted sizes, large 3 dozen best C. S. large hatche;#, handled G tlo do claw hammers 1 do do saddler's 1 do do coppering 1 do do tin :er'a A do do screw wrench rfo, 1G in 3 cooper's marking irons 4 do beck irons 2 dozen best quality shoe knives I do drawing do I do pallet do 1 do putty do 3 glue kettles, copper do 3 iron pitch kettles 2 doaen best quality sail knives 2 do do butcher do 1 do do cheese dn 1 do iron casting ladles 1 do chalk lines h do pitch ladles S. pincers do ply era i sand paper do pound do pound do each do per 100 do dozen I do 12 smoothing planes, double irons 6 jack do 3 pr. match do 4 cooper's long jointer do 4 do short tlo 3 dozen 2 ft. rules, 4 fold 3 do wood rasps, 11 inch 4 gauging rods G dozen best C. S. shovels 2 do do spades best bread shovels h do best C. $. sheep sheers A do nairs brass snuffers 1 do nest C. S. squares 10 pounds brass solder 2 iron stakes 3 tinner's edging stakes 3 planishing stakes G small screw plates and taps 2 tinner's shears 2 do hand shears 2 steelyards, to weigh 250 lbs 2 dozen best quality handsaws 2cro8Scnt saws. 1$ II. long 3 wood saws and frames 3 sash saws G panel saws 12 compass saws 2 keyhole sawsaudfpads 12 tenon saws 2 dovetail saws 1 spoke shaves, assort. 3 Turkey oil stones 2 grihdstones 2 patent saw sets 3 brasH squares, tor suit manors 12 scale beams, G butcher's steels 3 tape lines ol 100 It 21 hand vices 3 small bench vicrs 2 large bench vices G cooper's vices 6 sets lead weights, 1 oz. to 1 lb. G sets iron weights, I lb. to 4 lb. G do do 1 toVM 12 gridirous 4 griddles G Iron tea kettles 1 fish kettle ? G frying pans 25 stew pans, assort. 6 waffle irons 3 camp kettles Clash No. 15?Brushts. 12 dozen best extra whitewash brushes 2 do long handled tar do 4 do short do do A do varnish do do ft do painters' dusting do do pound do OOOOOOO pnint OOOt > do OOO do Of) do No. 5 sash tool clamp scrub Clar.m No. 1(??Skip Chandlery. 25 barrels rosin SRI pounds copper hose rivet lo do do burrn 12 pairs magazine socks GOO pounds match rope 25 dozen C. S. ship scrapers, iron handle 100 pounds best quality brown soap G do Ral ammoniac I barrel tar 100 barrel* best tldn tar 70 do white turpentine ,l0 75 pounds sewing thread, white,red and blue do pound 1e* do shoe do ,1,, .if, 2000 do fallow . Z do 75 do thrums rto do 7000 quills for tubes ,jr ?? 200 pounds beeswax (|, 1' do small copper wire, nrr-orf. 40 do black worsted >arn d< l chin* nnwle and fixtures tvr w^ter closets d per burrel sample pound do do ?lo iwir do pound do dozen pound do do barrel pound 2 dozen comp'lt water closet r'tCkS, I Hicn 3000 barrel hoop pol?s, first quality . 50 bundlescoopers' flags do ham 4000 ? iurh yellow nine deck plugs do M I 1 U&cU do do do (h QOO'lJhicli .jo do do do 5 holtw, rar.h IB Inrh, white,scarlet, and blue hunting ,,u'' 5 bolts, *a. 12lneh., white and scarlet hunt'* uo do ? 6 do each 9 inrh. while and srarlet bunt ins do do 20 boliK, each 4 in. while and scarlet bunt ing do do 500 best Shaker corn broomH do dozen ?WW) do hickory do do do 1(H) Bristol bricks do each 12 pound sbest quality bristle* do pound 6 dozen rolls green vrorstM binding do roll 100 fathoms .'l-8Tn. nhort link proof chain pound 150 do ft-16 in. do do do do 1110 do 4.16 in* do do do do i:*5 do .'I-IB in. do do do do 10 yard* bottle (tree* cloth do yard 10 do 24 inch nah" cloth do do 15 do 28 do do do 15 do .10 do do do 10 do 25 do do ? do 500 pounds spun cotton, or caulking do pound 12 boatswain's silver call* do each D poundH catgut do pound 25 yards Pearuaughl do yard fi0 do black c?ilk gimp do do 1001) pounds hambroltur*. do pound 1000 do houscliue do do 500 sheets large middle horn do sheet 100 pouuds picked curled hair do pound 6 coast iug lines, 90 (ktlioms, | inch do line 2 dozen cod lines do dozen 2.1. do fishinglinen, 30faths. each, assort. do do M0 pounds tarred marline do pound GOO do white do do do 1000 sailinaker's Beaming needles do 100 100 4 thread needles do do 100 gallons lish oil gallon 4 barrels tar oil barrel 100 do pitch d? 25 wood hand pumpa do] each 2 do/.eu seaming and roping palms, mounted do dozen Clash No. 17?Stationer;/. 6 expenditure books, each H letter books,quires, cap size, Abound, sample, each '.2 dozen 2 quire cap blank book*, do dozeu 1 db 1 do do do do 5 do memorandum do do do 1 do ivorV letter folders, do do 3 caaes mathematical instruments, do caso 6 dozen half pint bottles black ink,Maynard ?fc Noyew, dozen 2 do pint bottles do do do 1 ? do half pUu red do do 6 do papers ink powder, do a do lukstamls, metal, with covers, sample, do 3 do pieces India rubber. do do 15 reams foolscap paper, faint lined, do ream 10 do regulation do do do do 10 do letter paper do do do 0 do buff envelope paper, do do 2 do blotting uo do do 6 do log do do do GO sheets elephant druvffiug paper, Whurtindn' sheet 21 penknives, 4 blades, do each 1 dozeu camel's hair pencils, do dozeu 500 slate pencils, ' sample, per 100 4 gross lead pencils, A. W. Faber'a best, do per gross 12 dozen boxes ot steel pens, 1 dozeu and holder in box, nample, pr doz. boxes 12 ivory pounce boxes, fdled with pounce, sample, each 6000 quills, No. 80 6 rolling rules, sample, each 6 parallel do, 2l*inch do Ho 0 round rules do do 0 flat do do do 6 dozen half pint papers black sand dozen 2 do best quality sand boxes do do U do slates do do IJ do long (slates do do 1 do (Junter's scales, boxwood do do 12 do pieces red tape do do GO rolls-silk taste do per roll 6 box?*s water colors do per box 6 wafer seals do each * 12 pounds waters do pound 10 do sealing wax do do NAVY BARD, PHILADELPHIA. Clasp No. l.?Zron, jterfb. 016 Inch diameter 20,000 pounds 1516 do do 12,000 do 1 do do 10.000 do 1 ft. 16 do do 10,000 do 1 M6 do do 10,i0l do 1A do do 5,000 do 12-16 do do 10,000 do 6.000 do 2.001 do l\ si tin do J/mo 2? do do 3,000 do 3j "do do 2,000 do Total round iron 91,000 pounds 1 by I inrh GOO pound*: II by \ do 2,000 do 2 by J do 1,000 do " ' 1.000 do 1,000 do two 2,000 do do 2,000 do do 2,000 do do 1,000 do do 1,000 do :? by 3 do 2,000 do 3 by 11 do 2,000 do 2 b? J d Hi by 1|c._ 3SIS ill ?r t d. Jl by I ill a,noo _ , ... 4000 d.. ?I by 11 do I..VKI do 41 by i do l,0r.) do U by i do I, WO i lo 1f by 7-I'i do '.'.."*10 do 4i by 21 .In I.0IXI do I? by 9-lCdo M,rmo do 4! by I do 2,000 do *. by i ilo SjU} do r. by 716 do i!,n00 do f> by i ilo 3,000 do f.J by II do 2,000 do 0 by 2? do 2,?m do 7} by 1 } do 2,S0n ilo Total flat Iron 48/100 pounds. Sheet Iron 1 Inch thick, 600 pound* Do ilo 316 do do W0 l>o ilo J do do 1,000 Total plate iron 2,300 Square iron 3* inch, 1,5(10 pounds Do do 1" ilo 2.000 do Do do do 2,000 do Total square iron, 0,300 All the Iron to be ot the best American manufacture. Class No. 2?Copper, per pouml ^ inch diameter 20,000 pound* 11-16 do do 25,000 do } do do 20,000 do 13-16 do do 5,000 do 1 do do 5,000 do 11-16 do do 10,000 do 1 1-8 do do 10,000 do 1 3-16 do do 20,000 do i; do do 20,000 do 1 5-16 do do 15,000 do lj do do 15,000 do I 7-16 do do 15,000 do II do do 15,000 do 1 9-16 do do 10,000 do 12 do do 10,000 do 1 11-16 do do 5,(KM) do 1J do do 5,000 do do Total bolts coppcr, " 225,000 do 700 sheets of 28 ounce sheathing coppei 1000 do 30 do do 500 do 34 do do Total weight of sheathing copper, l'J,500 lbs., per lb All llto sluil coppcr must Imvc straight edges I and square ends and be parallel widths. Class No. 3?Hardware. 3 dozen 6-inch knob locks, brass works, with screws, escutcheon, per sample, per do*. 3 dozen 6-inch dead locks, with screws, escutcheon do do 4 dozen 4 do double-faced closet locks,with screws, escutcheon, do do 2 dozen 3-inch brass pad locks, do do 3 dozen 7-inch do tank plates and screws, do do 2 dozen pairs 2-inch brass flush hooks, eyes and screws, do do 2 doz. 5-inch sash springs, eyes and screws, do do 4 doz 3J inch sash springs, eyes and screws, do dn 4 doz 2!-inch buttons, with screws rounded, do do 4 gross I [-inch screws, No. 16, do 6 aozen i-inch iron drawer rollers, with screws, do 100 lbs. fi-penny finishing nails, per lb. I(KI do H.penny do do I0O do 10-penny do do I.rait 10,000 lbs. pig lead, Ppr lb. Class No 4.?hlax Cmttn. 33 bolts No. 1, Oil-inches wide and 40 yards long, by sample, per bolt 184 do No. 2, do do / do do do 2!t do No. 3, do ilo do do do 29 do No. 4, do do do do do 36 do No. 5, do do do do do 130 do No. fi, do do do do do, 19 do No. 7, do do do do do ,'lt dn No b, do do do do do Claim No. 5.?Col ton Caneon. 2 bolts No. I, wide, 50 yards long, by sample, per holt I-J do No. 9, do do do do di> lit do No. 4, do do dn do do J J do No. 5, do do do do do .'Ml do No. li, do do do do do .1 do No. H, do do do do do H do No. HI, do do do do do 14 do cotton hammock stuff, 42 inches wide, 511 yards long, per bolt 13 do bag do do do do do 12 do No. 4, 30 inches wide 1400 yurds twilled flnx ba^gin?, 30 inches wide, per yard Clam No. ti.?Ship Chandlery. 100 Ibn. flax twine, per lb 100 do cotton do do '} do Thrums do J libls. fish oil, per barrel j 'JO do tar do 40 do p tch do 12 do rosin do * ,, 26 do clear white turpentine do 2700 lbs. clean tallow, per lb. Class No. 7.?Sperm Oil, 100 gallons best winter strained sperm on, in tight vessels, per gallon. NAVY YARD, WASHINGTON. Class No. 1.?Iron, (by the pound.) 300 pounds 3-inch round iron per pound 3000 do J do do do 4000 do I' do do do 4000 do 1J do do do 4000 do lj do do do 6000 do 1] do do do The bar and plate iron for one caniboosc for a second-class frigate, viz: Plate iron, weighing about 3400 pounds per pound Bar do do do 2500 do do I'lic bar and plate iron for six cambooses for second-class sloops,, viz : Plato iron, weighing about 9500 pounds per pound Bar do do do 8500 do do Schedules of the dimensions of the plates and bars for the same to be furnished from the navy yard. All the iron to be of the beat American manu facture. Class No. 2?Copper. 30 sheets, or 1,200 pounds, braziers' coppcr, 30 by GO inches and 50 ounces to the foot. per pound G sheets, or 350 pounds, braziers' copper, 30 by 72 inches and 60 ounces to the foot per pound. All the sheet copper must have straight edges and square ends and be of parallel widths. Class No. 3?Hardware, Sfc. 6000 j-inch Randal's finishing brads per M 4000 1 do do do do do 6000 lj do do do do do !j ream sand-paper, Nos. 1 and 2 per ream. Class No. 4?Lead and Tin. 1 roll milled sheet-lead, 10 lbs. to the foot, say 500 lbs., ' per pound. 1 roll milled sheet-lead, 8 lbs. to the foot, sav 400 lbs., per pound. 1 roll milled sheet-lead, ft lbs. to the foot, say 250 lbs. per pound. 10,000 pounds English or F.ast India block-tin do 4 boxes double X tin^ 13} by 17 inches bythc box 3 do single X tin do Class No. 5?Paints, t,'c. 1000 pounds pure white lead, (dry) per pound 700 do Spanish whiting do do 1000 . do red lead do do 150 do litharge do ilo 100 do Paris green do do 12 do chrome green do do 300 do pure lampblack do do 5 do Chinese vermilion do do G do Prussian blue do do 120 gallons best American raw linseed oil per gal. 30 do spirits of turpentine do Class No. G 50 tons No. I American gray pie iron, per ion of 2240 lbs. NAVY YARD, GOSPORT, (Va.) Class No. 1?Round, Flat, and Square Iron. 1000 pounds j inch rotind iron per pound 1500 do 5-16 do do ilo * 2000 do 3 do do do 2500 do do do do G0(K) do i do do do 4000 do 1 1-lGdo ilo do 6000 do do do do 3000 do 2j do do do 600 do 4 do do do 100O do 1 by ' inch flat iron do 1000 do 1} by j do ' do do 1000 do lj by ' do do do 1000 do lj by j do do do 1000 do 2 by j do do do 1000 do 3 by j d? do do 1000 do 5 by j do do do 500 do G by j do do do 2000 do 1J by j) do do do 2000 do 2{ by jj do do do 2000 do aj by 2 do do do 2000 do 2} by ^ do do do 3000 do 3 by ^ do do do 10011 do 3 j by 3 do do do 3000 do 3j by ^ do do do 2000 do 4 by 3 fa do do 2000 do 4] by J do do do 500 do 5 by ] do do do 1500 do 5{ by J do do do 1000 do G by J do do do 4000 do 5j by j do do do 1000 do 3] by j; do do do 2000 do 5 by do do do 1000 do 5} by do do do 2000 do 5'j by do do do 2000 do G by do do do 1000 do 1,' by \ do do do 1000 do 2 by ^ do do do 1000 do 3{ by 5 do do do 4000 do 5 by i do do do 3000 do 2 by i do do do 3000 do 2^ by I do do do 4000 do 3 by I do do do 1000 do 3*. by 1 do do do 1000 do 5;. by 1; do do do 1000 do G by lj do do do 3000 do 3 by 11 do do do 1500 do 3; by 1? do do do 2(100 do 4 by lj do do do 2000 do fl by l! do do do 1000 do 4 by l| do do do 2000 do .'I by 2 do do do 1000 do 3! by 2 do do do 2000 do 4|. by 2} do do ilo 1000 do J-inch square iron do 1000 do 5-16 do do do 10,000 do 7-16 do do do 10,000 do 9-16 do ilo do 124,100 do All the iron to be of the best American manu facture. Class No. 2.?Plate anil Hoop Iron. 1,000 pounds 3-16-inch plato iron per pound 5,000 do ; do do do 1,500 do 9-16 do do do I'JO^ioiinds iron hoops, 9 feet 7 inches long, 9J in ches wide, anil ' inch thick do 120 do iron hoops, HI feet I inch long, 2} inches wide, and i inch thick do 2,00" pounds hoop iron, 1' inch wide, 1-10 inch thick, not less than 92 ft. long do 1,200 do hoop iron, I inch wide, 4-16 inches thick, not less than 22 ft. long do 2,000 do hoop iron, 1 j inch wide, 1-lti inrh thick, not less than 22 ft. long do All to be of the best manufacture. Class No. 3~~Rolt and Squarr Coppr.. 30,000 pounds J inch bolt copper per pound 20,000 do ; do do do 10,000 do i; do do do 15,000 do 1* do do do 500 do A-16 do square copper rods do 500 do do do do 500 do 11-16 do do do Class No. 4?Hardic?re,S,-c. r * G smiths' anvils (from 110 to 150 pounds earli,\ per sample 20doren corn brooms,(copper-wire bound) p do.-. 20 do hickory do p. sample, p. dp?. 12 do 10-knot whitewash bmtihes do do I do dusting do do G do iron-bound varnish do do do 19 do 0000paint(.6nepround1do do do ((?"trcfadfrf oil fourth paf: ;