Newspaper Page Text
j ,1'c ! V s $, , .THaSYENEMSf- OBITIO, yrASJXmGTQIX, D. b.) MOKDAY, JUKE 30, 18&L A N' V t Havo many decided Bargains to cloio out, not wishing to carry thorn ovor. ONE JOB LOT DEST FRENCH LAWNS, 15c. 'Theso goods novorrsolil loss than S3 cents. Odo lot Laco Blrlpcd Muslins, lliic, Tlicso reduced from SO, 25 and 375 cents. A splendid stock of Whlto India Llnon, raro bargains, 131, IS, SO, 25, 31, 371c. There is M Tall How About " Remnant Days," Wo bayo n largo stock of Komnnnts and wo aro selling thorn ovory day, ALL DAYS, i at very astonishing prices: I'nclflo Lawn Itcmnants, G cents; Best Standard 1'rlnt Itemnants, C cents ; ono lot Bummor Silk Remnants, half prlco. Flaunol nnd Dross Goods Bcmnants In great variety nt half prlco. Bargains in Hosiery, Some Job Lots Very Oheap. ONE LOT GAUZE VESTS, 25c. ONE LOT BEST SCOTCH GINGHAMS, 17c, Reduced from 23 conts. ALBATROSS CLOTHS, In Cream, rink nnd Blue, C21 and 7fl conts; 42 Inches wide. 40-Inch BATISTE, good styles, 20 cents. i Wo aro soiling tho best PRINTED LINEN LA.WNS at 25 conts ; roducod from 37i- conts. Also, ono lot ALL-LINEN LA.WNS nt 20 conts j reduced from 23 nnd-30 cents. GRAND BARGAINS IN GRENADINES AND OTHER THIN FABRICS. Lupin's Manufacture Blaok Surah Silk, $1 Spoolal. COLORED SURAHS-NICE LINE. Full Stock of our Rcllahlo BLACK SILKS at bottom prices. Wo Invito Inspection. o-tstei PEiOB oisrxrsr. TRUNNEL & CLARK, Sll MARKET SF-AjCB. FANCY GOODS. ,wvww IFOIR. goto IBj-TJIMI'S- We have In stock about 75 dozen of Men's ana Boys' Bicycle Shirts, All styles and ahades, which wo can safely guar antee to be fast colon, and are to close out at dices that will speak for themselves! NO. I. Boys' Bicycle fihlrts, all colors, all wool, and bargains at 1.M. NO. 9. Men's Patent Bicycle.' all colors, all sizes, all v, ool , and n bargain at I Lis, HO. a. Men's Pleated Bicycle Bhlrts, our own deslrn. made of the very out flannel, all colors nud sites and a bargain at II.SS. " NO. 4. Dent's Bicycle Hose, heavy ribbed, all sUefand colors, only (JOc, N. B, The abovo prices aro much lower thau they can bo bought at, nnd It will be to your Inter eitto convlnceyoursoll. We also Veep on hand a very complete assort ment ol BATHING SUITS, TIIUNK8, BATCH ELS and VALISES and gnarnnteo the prices to bo IS per cent, loner than any other bouse In the city. CHAS. BAUM,, 416 SoVonth St. Northwest. - -' ' MBS..SELMA RUPPERT. 008 Ninth St., Opp. Patent Office, Opened a Large Assortment of I MFaiSMaiuH rLAIN AND EMBROIDERED MTJLIj FICHtJS Which will bo sold at one-third their original value. A. KAUFMAN'S East WasMnaton ComMnallonStorei U ELEVENTH ST. SOUTHEAST. arm j BldST 710 MABKET SPACE. 710. E- 3- DAVIS', Millinery & Fancy .Goods ' 7io MAKBarrspAag. 7Jo. J HOSIERY a Specialty AT quglass', HITHAND P OTHEETH" , in - - i s i . i f sOmmer resom9,-, Hney Joint JEEotel. On the Potomac, 03 miles from Woshlrigton. This Pleasant resort lsow open for tho recep tion ot guests. Boating, bathing ana fishing, shell road skirting tbe river. The cuisine by our French cook can be rocommended by our former The steamers Learv and Excelsior leave foot ef Seventh, street every evening at 6 30 p. in, return ing each ovenlog from the tulnt. For terms apply to or address J. P. HORDACH & CO., rnvts-tl Plney Paint, Md. TJOOK J.NON BTRINQ8 ANP MINERAL XV BATHS. Great North Mountain, near Winchester, Va. Opens June 12. last. Terms. I W to t M per mqntb Tickets from Washington to the vasmi Springs and return. 1150; good until October J1 i, i&hk good nnui uctooer ji. blets, giving all Information, illustrated purupj Buy be bad of A. S. X'BATT A HONB. Managers, 401 Bill btreet northwest. mys-tt UNDERTAKERS. jrosEiiiac a-t,-H-P! Formerly of Henry Lee's Mm, UNDEItTAKElt. New md commodious wareioom. No. to, Penn. aye, norihweat. Htsldence on premises, ret tl "" A.XX3IIB03ST 3DA.-ST. PSAOWOAL UNDEItTAKKB ANDOABINET MAKER. Ileadr-tnade Coffin., Caskets and Bbrouds.No, asl tyi at., corner of 0 s. w. Branch Store, Ml Of aaa. avb. li. w. Orders executed at laaaonable ratea. if WlS-V TTAIeTTPV nWTYPD'P ATTPP I "AHIcrucjl ItklSMdMrWr "TL-'-'ritLrrj-riL-rrjrr' b m n. ninnniiiirm BI VJ6ISXil b'1'.HKJST UXM.Wai)l. . ..... i,ffTAfc m.uLtuf. - .ki UAiiid.ji .t... T . hii'i lux nuu UHammaii ahvhwmuw lOTpuUMUIIT MWBKU .UM.MMUU B 'riAT $BwWnl MMiSiw, w "arXSuKYzrr "Hi 1J THE BYENING CRITIC. ESTABLISHED AUGUST 1808' WEATHEH INDICATIONS. Tho special bulletin issued from tho Signal Ofllco to-day says i Slightly warmor, generally fair weather is Indicated for Now England, tho Mlddlo At lantic States and lowor lako region tor Tues day. THE MOnNINO HEWS, JUicnl nnd Oenornl, Ilollatl Down, Worked Ovor nud Fnrnlshorl Vt rrcsli. Tho clielcrn la Franco has spread to Mar eellles. Tho deaths from yellow fovcr at Havana last week numborod 25. Therowcro 237 deaths la Baltimore last week, TO ot which woroo! cholera infantum, Fotrlck Kolly was brained In Now York last night by Thomas Mccann during a tight. Tho District Temperance Alllanco hold an Interesting meeting lost night at Oslrary Baptist Church. A handsomo prize will ha donated by Mr. rrank E. Ward for tho Junior ecull raco In tho coming regatta. Sovcnty-ono colored converts woro lm ,mersed In tho Potomac, at tho old sycamore, yesterday afternoon.. s The Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church iwas draped In mourning and momorlal aer-r ivlces In honor ot ino. lato Bishop Hlmpaon fwero lield. A largo thrco-mastcd schooner sunk dur ing Friday night about eight muss at sea, off 'Peck's Beacn, K. J. Her- name and destina tion aro unknown. At Tronion, N. J., yesterday, George Gregory shot Klchard Coleman, aged 20, be tauso ooloninn Interfered to prevent Gregory from bcotlnghls wife. "Sir. William Harvey, clerk of tho Itlo Grnndo Ilallroad, and MlssMlnnlo I,. Barnard, 'of this city, were married at Foundery M. E. Church last Saturday afternoon, Tho Slaraoso-Embassy paid their farowoll itlellsatths White House and Btato Depart jnenton Saturday and left the city yesterday. finey win can irom now icra on j my u, Tho Illinois Watch Company, of Spring Held, closed aown Saturday, and 1,000 om ploycsarooutot employment. The suspen sion Is to lost until the 1st ot September. Cbarlcs'J. Wilkinson, paymaster of tho (Providence k Worcester Ilallroad at Provi dence, 11. 1., blow bis brains out at midnight last night. Tho cause ot tho act Is unknown. Gcorgo Weeks was fatally shot In New York yesterday morning by Captain Charles 'Hyatt, wboso sloop Weeks, with othor river Slrates, bad boarded with tho tntontlon otroD . Ins It. Letters from piomlnont poach mon In 110 towns ot Kent County, Del., show that tho crop In that county will bo abovo tho average, but not pbenomenally largo. The total yield tin Kent County will exceed 2,00(1,000 baskets. Tho louso of Pay ton Holmes, 801 Bound- Iary stroet, was robbed ot 431 worth ot cloth Ing Trlday night. Tho house ot Miss Mamlo Carroll, 300 Thirteenth street, was also rob bed of clothing to tho valuoot $30 on Friday last. Tho loss lu York, Pa., by tho recent flood ils estimated at over $250,000. Uagglo Btraloy, a daughter ot Abraham Btruley, ot Vorn iCounty, was drowned wnue attempting to reecno some hogs at Jacobs' Mills, on tho Icodoruf. Joseph 1'nlmor. tho accomnltco of William (Pernor In the murder ot'Wm, II. Kirk, was i Isentenced Saturday in Cincinnati to bo hanged4 octfiber 30. 181. Emu Trumpeter, tor the' limprlepnment for ilto. MrsEllra Bethune, widow of' John G. iBcthtine, ot Kow York, hits brought suit , against Thomas J, Nichols, nt Paris, Ky., to recover petseaslon ot $50,000 worth ot raco horses, which her petition says, were as signed In trust to Nichols. Tho steamer Richmond, which arrived at ' Now Tork Baturdsy from Newport "Nows, Va , fell In off Cblncoteaguo with tho Sea dull, a email sloop yacht, Tin distress, and rescaod Mr. Howell, ot l'MludolDhla. and B. L.Htreet. jot tho same city, who were on n pleasure cruise. Duflug ft fight yosWrdaynt Trfonty-, eighth street tenement house, Now York, Catharine Beddv. nod 28. struck Bridget lie iNunaro, aged 00, on the head With a hatchet, fatally Injuring her. The woman Roddy was jateo severely injured by a1 beer bottle In the uauusvi luo uv nuuiuut In San Francisco, on Friday, Gustavo Joseph Lowongalt, for many years a resldont ot 'how York city, and a nophoirot Samuel ,Belier, ot San Francisco, shot himself desd, 'lie had lost considerable roonoy by gambling, .and had threatened bis uncle's llfo ror refus ing to Rlvohlm 11,000. Ho was about to bo farrcstcd, when he blew bis brains out. Captain John A. Stephonson. formerly a well-known steamboat man, later a prom. Ilnent morcbant, and moro recently one ot Ibo largest planters In tho State and the lie publican candidate for Oovernor at the late olectlon In Louisiana died at bis home, on Claiborne Plantation, Iberville Patlsh, Fri day, State Treasurer Uurko gives notice that tho Interest maturing July 11 on Louisi ana consols will be paid by the State National Bank, the fiscal agenoy In now Orleans, Two percent. Interest is to be paid until Jauuar, (1883, alter which tlmn, under tho debt amend ment, the Interest Is to be Increased to 1 per cent. Tho main building of tho .Fairbanks & Duenwec distillery, at Torre Uaute, Iud was burned yesterday nlternoon. Tho machinery and 1B.0C0 gallons ot liquor lu the et 111 and tanks woro destroyed. The loss Is estimated iat between $100,000 nnd $123,00 J. There Is an Insurance of ?U5,00Q In nity-two "compi. nles, Tho Washlngtons won a victory over the Loulsvlllea In tho latter city Saturday by a score ot 7 to 0. Tho toaturo of the game was a famous hit by Bsrr, the pitcher ot the Wasbtngtons, who lifted the ball oyer tho left Held fence, the largest bit lovcrinadoon these grounds and scoring a tncme run. us, v churned every morn. HJV7ttrd" prints, 35ov fo cattails iheeae. buttermilk and rmUB,6c,pofjt,gr.iiii0c,pr pint, A BATTLE WlTH MOOHBHINBB. An Illicit SHU Cnptnrod nnd no alroyed by United Hlnton OfllcerM. Lrtle Hock, Ani;,, JULo SO. Particulars of a battle with moonshiners on Boston Moun tain were received yesterday, Doput col lector J, N. Hamilton and Doputy Sheriffs Honsley and Harvey, ot BearcyCdunty, made n raid on an Illicit distillery about two nilles soutbeast ot Wilt Springe nt an early hour Wednesday morning, Whon they arrlvod thoy found tbo placo dosertod, Thoy hid In tho. surrounding forost and watted tor a short time when threo mon appearod. Hamilton rushe'd In on them but met with a warm re ception. Ono of tho men nred at htm with a rovolvor. Tbo man was In turn shot at by tho offlcer. Tbo moonshiners then broko for the woods with tboomccrslncloso pursuit. A running nght ensued, In which a doron shots wero ox changed without fatal otfoct. Twoot the fu gitives escaped, ono being captured. Tho Erlsoncr provod to bo J, j. Beaton. Ha says is companions woro N. F. TOwney and Jas. fecott, proprietors ot tho still. Towney and Scott had rccontly como to the State from Mis Routt. A quantity ot liquor was found and the building nnd contents woro destroyod. Beaton was brought hero and Is in Jail to await trial BETTER BE ABEL, THAN CAIN. Vlio Hell In Which n murderer Lived Alter Ilia Deed or Illooct. BiitnitAN, Tex,, Juno 00. Tho deputy sheriff from rorth Worth nrrlvodhero fester day, bringing Charles Uerrln, tho murderer ot Dr. 0. W, Darradall, who was capturod noir that place. Uerrln was brought bora tor safo kcoplng, as It was certain ha would bo lynchod If kept In rort Worth over Sunday. Although Uerrln was at largo dearly a waok, ho nover Sot over avo miles from the scono of tna tnur cr. Uo rays ho was haunted nt all hours ot tbo night. Uo could see mon on horseback nnd on foot scnrchlng tor him, Uo asserts that he has not slept for sovon days. Uls clothes aro torn Into shreds by briers. Ilo was covorod with mud from hoid to root when capturod. He says ho lay for leys In pool a ot muddy water to keop mos tiultocs from consuming him. Notwithstand ing tho coat otmud tho insects wero slowly devouring him. Uo Is horribly bltton nnd In flamed, Ibe officers say Bsrradall was hts third victim, ho having killed his brothor-ln-lnw in Kentucky and another man In Call, forula, " TEMPERANCE WOBICt Wlint Hie Good Temnlnrs Aro ,to , Injr. D, P. Hollo way Lodge, locatod at tho hall corner onrirst and H streets not ihwosMhrougn n numbor ot Its members, commencod a tow weeks ago a gospel tomporanceBunday-school tor tho cblldrou ot that vicinity. Four weoks pgo tho work was Inaugurated with an attond nnce ot 10 children, and on yesterday after noon thoech6ol had grown to 80 chlldron, and 'a better behaved or moro attentive school C3uld not well bo found. Tho school Is well supplied with cfflclent teacherr, under whoso direction tbo study ot tho Bible and tomperancs lessons Is madoa real pleasure to the llttloouos. The ofilcers ot tno school aro Mr. Jamos 1). Hoi Jldge, superintendent i Mr. George M. White, assistant superintendent! -Mrs. kuzs L. Dove, treasurer) Mr.JohnSntor, Jr, secretary; Mlsa Alice Mycre, assistant eecrouryt Mr. A. Nj Dewey, librarian, and Mrs. Dowey, organist, Beroro closing on yesterday afternoon tho school was entertained with nome splendid rnuslc and an address by Mr. Kalstrom, O. W. O.T. Tbe attendance at Ourley Chapel last oven, log demonstrated that the meetings held there, under tbo ausplcoa of tbe Good Tem plars, aro appreciated by tbe residents ot tbo vicinity, and that the Interost is Increasing, frbo programme ot oxerclees was exceedingly Interesting, and embraced short and pointed remarks by a numbor ottemperauco speakers, approprlato and wolbrendorod recitations, 1y little Johnny Sklvlngton, tbo child orator, and a vocal solo, admirably sung by Miss Bougbton. Tbo congregational singing was led by tbe splendid choir ot tho church, under tho splendid leadership ot Mr. Tuckor, and accompanied by organ and olarlonet. Sparkling Water Juvenile Templo, hold a veiy Interesting and largely-attended meeting fvesterdBy afternoon at Knights ot Uonor Hall, fit. Cloud building, and was visited by a large colcgatlon ot membors ot Minnehaha Lodge, 'under whoso caro the templo Is bolog op 'orated. The temperance mooting at Northeast; Tom peranco Hall yesterday afternoon attracted a much larcer attendance than nsual. nnd. waa Imado decidedly Interesting by, practical torn peranco speeches by several well-known work ers. Tho music, which consisted ot solos by IMlss Uadley and congregational singing, led toy tbo choir, under tbe direction ot Mr, Brooks, was an ospoclally attractive feature, Cnpltul Tnlk. No Mormon bill this session. What's tho matter with the Flouro-Pnouma-nlabUir Tbo Cabinet will not bo onlarged by this Congress. Tbo Commissioner ot Agriculture will wait for o'm' other Congress. Some comment Is made unon tho length of the tariff epocch ot Mr. Onaltnors (Miss). Uo starts in with a rush upon tho Oovernmont .Printing Office. Quito a numbor of distinguished Ilepubllcan Senators and Mombers bavo consented to. speak in Malno during August, Senator I'ryo ,1s looking alter the speakers. There Is a vacancy In the House Commltteo ion Ways and Means, caused by tho unseating tor Mr. McKluley (Ohio). Tbo placets to be filled before adjournment ot Congress. Mr. Porlnor, ttfo accommodating superin tendent of the Clerk's document-room ot the lUouse, will go to tho Chicago Convention, ttbence to his home at Fort Wayne, Ind, Eergeant-at-Arms Canaday entertained some ol his newspapor friends In a, royal manner on Saturday night. The Colonel Is nn old and Inblo editor and knows bow to delight the mom bcre ot tbe profession. Should tbe Senato Insist UDon refusing to accept tbe Springer Committee's amendment to tho sundry civil bill, providing salaries for United Btates marshals, district attorneys, etc., It is believed thoro will bo a long squabble ovor the bill, as the House will Insist unon tho passage of tho amepdment as incorporated la lUVM'n.u.D niivu . niiuiifuuioauan, r.fl Furniture, Cnrnete nud Bahv carnacesr told onMtltVeoklv or monthly lnstnllmUtsMWnlth's, No. 413 Now, jersey -Ynrirw rTTI t ino cnoapasi tn ttallmsrtTSuBo Ai the city. Tho law dcnarlmcnt of Howard Uni versity held momorlal services yestorday at tbo Mfteenth-street Presbyterian Church in honor of charlea H. coombs and Ephrlam Toombe. two students, whose deaths have oo. Jcurred during tho yoar. Attar appropriate i eervicos rcsqiuuons or rcspeci nnu Burruw.woro adopted. Washington's champion 'nrchers, Captain W. A. Bartlett and Mr. L, W. Maxson, have lachleved brilliant success this soason. In matches at ltochestor, N. V., and In Ohio those (gentlemen made phenomenally good records. Aserleeof three matches has been arranged between teams ot gontlemon and ot ladles (from tbo Potomaa Xrobors and tbe ltoger Aecham Archery Club of Baltimore. A doltcato surgical oporatlon was por iformed on Baturday by Dr. Burnett at the Oar Ifleld Uospltal. A colored soldlsr named John U.Bwales had lost the sight ot one eye from 'the effects ot a wound roeelvod during the war, andtboothpreye has recently been en dangered by tbe Inflammation. Dr. Burnett i successfully removed the Injured eye ontlrely 'from the socket. ThohousoofWra. Gray, 417 Now Jersey invenue southeast, wss 'entered about noon 1 Baturday and robbod of about' $147 worth ot jewelry. The most singular feature of tho at fair Was tbe return ot the stolen property In a mysterious way about 10 o'clook tho earns nlgbt. Two small boys presented a box con taining tbo plunder at tbo bouse, and It Is supposed tbat the party who stole It became frightened and feared arrest. Last night at tho Foundry M. K. Church Hu Kue End, tbe first Chinese lady who came to America to DOoaucawa,,niBuo an uuuroro In her native tongue and it was Interpreted to the audience. The Woman's Foreign Mission Society presented her with a floral horsoshoe. Mrs. Bishop Andrews presided over the meet. Ing. Mr.andMrs.Sltca will leave Watblng ton in a tow days, and will proceed to the onto Vfeeleyan institute, where Miss Hu Is to take acoursootqtudy, In the suit of Almon Goodwin agalust the Arm ot Oraut k Ward, In New York, the testi mony of Mr. Goodwin and aeorge Spencer, n book-keeper ot tbo tlrm ot Orant & Ward, Saturday, showed tbat Mr, Goodwin directed tbo Arm to purchase tor his account ,103 shares ot Western Union and 300 shares ot American cable stock, which thqy ropresontel tbat ihey had bought, but which ho charges tbeydld not buy, and hypothecated sti:s which be gavo them as margin. Dr. Cogswell's lco-walor fountain nt tho corner ot Sovonlh street and Pennsylvania av enue has bcon completed and turnod over to the District. Tho fountain presents u rather striking appoaranco In Its stone pagoda shaped structure, surmountod by n brous) stork and with Ice water flowing from tbe mouths ot two bronze dolphins. Two copper cups aro chained at each spigot. Ice onough for a week's use la deposited at one time around the colls of pipe in the vault under tbe 'sidewalk and the water Is cooled in passing through tho pipes. A trough, where dogs can rlHttlrnf Ihanaaln mains frum $Iia fiMintaln ! (placed at Its baso, The cost to Dr, Cogswell was. about $0,000, PLEUnO-PNRUMOHlA. , How It Airectn Cntllo Tho Nntnro or Hid DlDcnso. Tho Ueatth Offlce tthd Agricultural officials, moflnsequonco of tho recent casos ot pleuro pneumonia that wero developed here, are giv ing tho subject a good deal of attention. Oblef Clerk McGinn, ot the Health Office, was asked by n oniric reporter this morning what wero the nature and symptoms ot tho droaded dis ease. Uoeald tbo dlsoasoaffectodtheanlmals prin cipally In tbo lungs, and ho nddodt "Plouro ipnoumonlaof cattlo Is a spociaa and conta gious dleense, peculiar to botlno antmalsand of a subacute or chronic character. It usually appears! as ad oplzootla malady, nnd In cause nuencoof Its insidious Invasion the subtlety ot Its contagion, Itsgonoral diffusion and the 'great fatality attendlug It, It la a most serious scourge. In every country In which It has ap 'pearedlthascausodau lmtnonso destruction 'probably greater on tho whole than tho cattlo plague, as In very tow countries havo any actlvo steps beontakon to eradicate It, be caueo tboro is every reason to bellovo Its rav ages aro not so strikingly apparent as tboso of that disrate." AMUSEMENTS. EtlrrALO DILL. The Immcneo balloon surmounting Athletic Park serves as a sort ot advanco agent for tho grand and realistic series' ot performances which will commence to-morrow In this city. Tho famous scout and actor, Buffalo BUI, sup ported by Captain Bcgardus and a host ot frontiersmen, cowboys, Indians and scouts, will glvo a genuine Bpocimen ot life on tho plains and In tho Itockics. The afternoon per formanco commences at 11:30 i tbo evening ntHillO. dhiveh'8 sostMEn oaiidex. This charming ovonlng resort Is now opon for tbe season, with numorous attractions. TUE MCSrtJJI Of AMATOMV. Tbls interesting and lnstructlvo place ot amusement is open at 410 Seventh street. From 0 a, m. to 10 p. m, Friday afternoons It Is open for ladles only. THEATBE COMIQUE BCM3IED OAnbEM. Tho largo and enthusiastic audiences that attond this popular resort Is proof that our citizens know how to npproclato meritorious hmueeroent. Tbls week, commencing tbls evening, we aro promlsod onhancad attraa Hon. Mot only will wo havo tbo poerloss Allco Oatcs, but two now nrtlsts, to tbls publlc,'but not unknown to fame, Mr. J, Inman and iLoulso Dolmaro, who will lend valuable aid to tbo talented Alice In her production ot "Held ot tho Cloth ot Oold,1' which, by tho .way, is proddced for tho first ttmo In this city, nftor thorough and oxhaustlvo rehoarsal. We commend tbo Comlquo Summor Garden to our readers as a most onjoyabla place to bo entertained. BEAL ESTATE. Tbe following transtora ot real ostatowore nfed for record to-day with the ltocorJor ot Deeds, as reported oxcluslvoly to Tbe emtio by J. P. Olmsteadi Trench street, between Ninth and Tonth streets west, square 303, sublot 28, I8V1XOO, tbo citizens' Building Co. to Anna M. Uortrlck; 3.410. Maryland avenue, corner Second street west, square 070, lot 0, OlxOlty, Uonry A. Lockwood to Ocorgo N. Saegmuelfor, an undivided 'ji nominal. Four-and-a-half etroot west, betweou Penn sylvania avenue nnd 0 siroet nortb, squaro (11)1, part ot lots 21 and 22, south 8 ft. front of HI and north 30 ft. front ot 22 by depth. Mary E, Johnston et at. to James M. Johnston. Fourteenth streot west, botween V and W streets nortb, squaro 203, Bublot 2, 20x120, MaxLansburgb to James it. Uarrovor; sl,8C3. Sixteenth street wesr, botwoon Now Uamp. Bhlre avenue and T stroet north north ot equaro 177, sublot S, 10 0 10x00, Uonry U. Noblo to Bleanor W. Dorr and Jane A. Dorr; $2,100. Pierco's Place, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth Btroots west, square 200, sublots 387, 188, 180, 100, each 10 03 100x00, B. U, tWarncr to Joseph (1, Hester; $13,0 18, Pennsylvania avenue, south cornorot Fourth street cost, squaro 780, sublots 10 to 25 Inclu euo, lS2,'xl2(rfc, Charles Willing ot al., trus tees, to James B.BdmondS! $7,83J.10. N street nortb, between Fourth and Fifth BtrectB west, square G13, sublota 02 and 03, 201&X1004,, Fred W. Jones, trustee, to Henry D. uamp; $2,200. N sttoot nortb, between Fourth and Filth etrcotswest, equaro 013, sublots 02, 03, 01, 'each 10 ft. IVj in.x 100 ft. 81a., Henry Do (Camp to Samuel Turbutt; $0,000. L street nottb, between Vermont avenue and (Fifteenth street went, square 214, sublots 1 nnd 2, G0xl37, lllchard T, Morsel), trustee, Massachusetts avenue, between Twontlotb ondTnenty-Urat streets west, square 01, part ot lot 2, 27 f t. 3Vj In. front byavorago depth, nbout osy ft Mary Schmidt ot al. to Wm, B. Boyalli$.f,120. Square 303, sublot 21, D. B. 0 rod's subdivi sion, Ciller D. draft to Harry U. and W. P. JOle; $2,025. Squaro 071, sublots 232 and 233, J. T. Arms' subdivision, William Waring to Everott J, Warlngt $1,000. Bquaro 071, sublots 231 and 231, J. T. Arms' subdivision, Wm, Waring to James H. If, War ing; $1,000. ju Biroo. uuriu, vuruur ui Hirst turuut wosr, square 057, lot 18, 80x80, Luoy M. Lescallett toB. U.Warner ami OeorgoW. F. Swartzell; $1,000. Massachusetts avenue, botweon Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets west, square 07, 'sublot 20, 22 71-100, an undivided halt Inter est, Margaret Llttlo Sands to B. U. Warner. County. Mount rioasant, sublot 1)0, Lolghton and pennlson's subdivision, Wm. O. Donnlsoa et nl., trustees, to Bamuoniadaox; 080.20. Mount Pleasant, sublot 88, Chapln Brown's subdivision, Llla P. Owynn to Lydla A, Tannor; .$050. Part ot Sheriff estate, containing 08-100 jocrer, Mary 0. Dean to Qeorgo E. Baldwin; tviou. Our Itciiaon, 'Wo Bnd our stock entirely tssultrnia for the 'ccason. WBmust,tboretJMrnmoad, regardless or price. cisnmMaiTosi,ne most prominent wmiors, oo Boventh and E. Real Ksfnto InventmontH. B. II. Warner's Ileal Estate Itevlsw, In tbo long run, good soeurlty and low ratos ij ioi liuoresi aro most prouiaoio, iuoy uu uui ueiu as largo nn immoaiaie prone oa soma puccetsiui speculations; oumowiargo a pro portion of the operations In stocks are abso lute failures! Buy good property, or make secure loans, and you will follow in tho foot steps ot many who havo grown rich booauso iney were pruaent anacautiouB. (In to CIiIciIku- Threo special cars will be employod to tsko our Democratlo tellow-cltlzens to the Chicago 'Convention. Tho boys will bare their own caicre.' on uoara anu iney anticipate a rousing (good time on tbo road and when thoy nrrlvo t the Lake city. Tbe headquarters ot tbo 1 Waehlogiontaue will bo tho Qalues Hotel. Tbe train leavos on the Bth ot July, Iutcrcstlntr to I.iullcn. fi1 Just received, a larce assortment ortlaugtry and shingle bangs and wavescxMt styles and shades. Our lone hair r. - ,. former nrlco f (l.r.o. WASfHMif lklnAdrossod and hair braldsjued in aliebiUea.VleUcham' ner uoiusnjuarf wash, anjfa. uwuuai, dihj 2intn street noriuwoai. Trliiitiilior the reoplc. Tume Yanltt uooau. Tho IlrltlsU lords don't like Jim malno , But, then, they're always cranky They.'re hard to ploaso that's very plain . Or thoy would love tho Yankee. (Uo's ot tho stock that thrashed them twlco And always proved so bandy, (And now anotuor nght ho'll win For Yankee doodle dandy. Cuonua-"Up with the nag I "shall bo our cry, And tbls shall bo our slogan i Threecheers tor James a.Illalno, of Maine, And threo tor John A. Logan, Once from New York Qeorgo Washington Impelled the Srltlsh lion, ilJut now the town Is overrun With England's bastard scions, Thoy talk "free trade" and ape the airs Ot labor's harsh task masters; They'd leavo or knucklo down, or look tor worse disasters. cnomis "Up with tho tug," etc, Tho Irish and tboworklngmeh Ilecogulze their own loadors, They're heart and soul for James a, Dlalno, ' lu unite ot encclnl nleadors. Tho ''boys In blue" aro marching, too, 1 here, don't i oa hear their bI02b.ii 1 They cry, 'Three cheers for James 0. UUIne adu iitruoioruuuu a. i,oguu, Clloni;s-"Op with tho flag," otc. Tho peoploall, with glad acclaim, Ilccord their ratishictloni With song thoy join tho Iqud refrain And warrant mo election. And on tho fourth ot March next year ihoy'll stand In ranks like Trojans, And help lnaugura(o iholr choice Jim Ultimo and John A, Logan, nsS cnonua-"Wp wlih tho nag," otc. -It", ll.iimnqlij, -afif Tho ordon,jtj(rir1Jcnrr UorsummorisytnmatWCdip's, 4377th sf. In to-day's OniTlo Is Just ono-half tho slzo It wan last wcok, Tho quantities' of Bargains wo offered last wcok aro oxhaustod In about thosamo proportion. HERE'S WHAT WE ARE GLANCE OVER THE LIST CAREFULLY ir WILL PAYIOU. $8 Crash Suits Tor Mon now $6. $5 Nun's Cloth Coats, all sizes, now $2.90. $3 Ali-Wool Cassimoro Pants now $1.90. $4 English Soorsuckor Coats and Vosts'now $2.50. $6 Cliildron's Suits, all colors, now $3,90. $5 Mon'8 Atl-Wool Cassimoro Pants now $3,25. $15 All-Wool Suits, all sizos, now $8.90. $6.50 Mon's All-Wool Cassimoro Pantaloons, now $4.90. $1.50 Cliildron's Kneo Pants, all wool, now 89c. $6 Imitation Soorsuckor Suits, Blue and whlto, now $4.50. $8.50 Mon's Finest Grades of Pantaloons now $6.60. $5 Sorgo Coats, in sack stylo, cut long, now $2.90. $2.50 Fancy Duck Vests, assorted colors, now $1.30. $1 Fancy Chock Vests, all sizos, now 60c. $20 Men's Ail-Wool Suits now $13.20. $2.50 Mon's Brown Alpaca' Coats now $1.49. I$8 Boys' Suits, to fit ages 10 to 16 years, now $5.99. $3.25 Noat Bluo and Whito Striped Coats and Volts now $2. ' $1.50 Childrotfa Flanncl-Shirto and Shirt Uflists now $1.10. .$5 Calcutta Seersucker Pantaloons, Bluo and Whitaf now $2.38. $2 English Seersucker Pantaloons, Bluo andnVhite, now $1. Ffi $1 Linen Pantaloons. Odds and Ens, now 64c. $5 Drap fd'Ete Coatsrtill sizos, how $2.90. $1.25 Boy 8' Linen Pants, sizes 10 td 16 yoarsfoW 89c! $2.50 Nuns' Cloth Vosts, Blue andTBlack, nowi$l.40. $3 Mon's Cassimoro st8, all wool, now $1.60. ouu. uuiiiiuui uii oiiii iwuisia uuw iuv. 75c. Children's Brown 64o. Lots of othor good things that wo bavo : now wliilo tho feast lasts. The knlfo Is i not Imaginary, but aro from bona ildo Onc-Prico Ilouto to bo tho lowest. No Odds and Ends Salo ! Ho bish Offered I in, 31G and 318' EAST WASHINGTON. Shortly niter 0 o'clock this morning Officer O'Nell found a now-born malo infant, colorod, nt L and Third streets southeast. William Thornton tell oil a doorstep nt 'Eighth and L Btroots yesterday and -broke his leg. Dr. aeorge Ober set tho limb and tbo 'patient was eont to Provldonce Hospital. Tne new organ at Et. Fetor's Church paalod forth lta first muslo yesterday. Tho instru ment Is nn oicolient ono and was purchased at n conslderablecost. l'hlllp Warren's lot Is a very bad ono. About itwo months ago be opened a storo oa Eighth street, near E, Uls sola article on sale was "rntnlp." Uo advertised hts goods as euro to kill a rat a mile distant. His enterprise was Dot a succoss, and, being unable to pay bis 'rent, his aooda woro taken from tbo otoro and Iput out doors last Thursday. Even since that ' tlmo rmilp has neon conducting a urunk. uo was arrested ond lodgod In the statlon-housa 'Saturday night, and tbo charge of habitual drunkenness put against him. Tbo work ot cleaning out th6 channel from tho Navy-Yard to tho Eastorn Branoh llrldgo (has boen discontinued ou account ot the ap propriation having boon exhausted. WEST WASHINGTON. The break In tbo canal near Dam No. d is of such a serious naturo that navigation will be suspended for tbo next six weeks, Aleck 81ms. colored, aged about 0 years, was bit In tbo eye with a basoball this morning, and seriously Injured. He was taken to his home, In an alley near Congross street. Throe drunks" wero 'registered at the 'Tblrd I'rcclnct from Saturday to Sunday night, Thero was no change In Mr. Henry Whalen's condition at last reports received here .last 'night. A delegation of Virginia tarmere are ox Ipected to come over to-morrow to urge tbolr ulepresentatlve, Mr. John 8. Barbour, to press ttbo Free Bridge bill to Its passage before tho adjournment. At least 000 out ot overy 1,000 ot Mr. Barbour'sconstltuonts favor tbo I'.lddlo tberger bill, vMr. Barbqur himself tfasld to think well ot It, but some ot his Aloxsndrla lawyer friends aro InterostoU in the Aqueduct and are causing him to hold off for a Utile, It me out oces not pocome a taw mis sossion it twill hardly bo passed during thonoxt eosslon, (which is a short ono, ft'ntlonnl Democratic Con veil tloun l'cuuylvnnli ItiUIrootW For dolcgatcs nnd visitors atLsalne tho Na tional Democratic Oonventhrilcketa to Chi cago will bo placecLpn satCItt the offices ot the Pennsylvania nMliuerJuly 3 to 7 Inclusive good going to du9htlon on or before July 8 nndgoodtouHiripassageonor botoreJuly it). arpjor uai rounu-irip, i,ou. ,lt. offers superior advantages ovor . nnrt l trln nvnr thn at thin ffotteon win bo one ot pleasure and comfort. LADIES' GAUZE f ESTS xtyi cents. Heal Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, is cents, Yhrured Lawns, 0 cents, India Linen, yard wide, 8J.C, 10c., 12c. All-Linen Napkins, S cents. Children's Fancy Hose, ho seams, 13 coats. Ladles' Faacy Hose, 10 cents. 40-Inch Nuns' Veiling, 37 cents. ' Organdy Lawns, yard w Ide, 10 cents. New Dress Goods, 1,2). cents. Rummer fllks, 87 cents, Black Cashmeres, SOc, iJcllu, Wc. Linen for Boys' Bolts. Gent's Underwear, 29 cents. Bargains In Every Department, TOWSONS s 63G Penna. Avenuo, South Sldo. NIC AH OEKTRE MA11KET, 1SCWU pces (Id AfNo g A , BMKB &..GCX, Lexers DOING THIS WEEK! Pants now 55c. ildren's (Shirtwaists now 49c. tho space nor tlmo to onnmorato. Como ally la cultlng.pHcca. Oar roducltons aro , guaranteed at all times by an absolutely Stock Safo ! No Soilod Goods or Rub m and Seasonable Goods ! Clothing, Seventh Street. AIEX7Nt)RlA AFFAIRS., Aaron Eia.aburn, arrested tor Indecjnt ion ;ducton tbo street, and John Slrams and, Will iam Honesty, arrested for disorderly conduct, were detained at the etatlon-houso tbls mo ru ling for trial. ' Some unknown parties broke into tbo market boueo last night, aud took from tho stands ot soveraLdcalsrs a lotot bananas, nnd also a Ismail quantity ot meat. Mrs. Elizabeth Bontz celebrateoVbOr,83th birthday nt the residence ot her son-in-law, Mr. Ym,loraalno,on Alfred Btroet, yesterday. Seven hundred cords ot poplar Wood will bo loblppcd from tbls city to-day tor Philadelphia, where it will bo made Into paper. A colored man. named Eennev. was fined br tho Mayor on Saturday tor Indecent conduct on tbo streets. I'. Basbtord was arreatod on Saturday, cbarged by John Dillon with threat ening to do him bodily harm. Tho case was continued ten days by Justice Taliaferro. Messrs. Oreen and Wlso, auctioneers, sold ion Saturday ror E. E. Moredtthand others, commissioners ot ealo In tho chancery suit ot Boberleon, commissioner, vs. Troth ot ,nt., several ya)uablo tracts ot land In Fairfax, ICounty below this city. Tho first new wheat offered hero this season was sold on 'Change Baturday at $1(3)1 OS. It was of tbo Fultz variety and was brought from Albemarle County. Lloutonnnt-Oolouol Francis L. Smith, of tho Third Vlmlnla itcslmont. baa tenderod his (resignation) which has been accepted. The vacancy will be filled at tbe Lynchburg Camp AUffUBlU. Mr. B. O. Loo has gone toTforth Carolina whore ho has accepted a position on a corps ot civil engineers. Orntory nt CUlcnuo, Volumes ot oratory will no doubt UwSf io J from tbo Democratlo oOnvetiUaamlall noxt Week. Some ot tho greatQitHwatesmon . and orators In the country wUMtj present and will "sneak their DlecesJePThey will be as wise as Solomon It thevs-emu to Tharp, 81S F etroot nortbWestijusirgot eomo of his lino whisky. It is proausjBiust hoarsoncss and cheers up the BW, LOTTERY COMPANY, OF NORFOLK, VA. The franchise of this enterprtso Is bated dpon lis chartered rlaht ct anted to the Dtsbiat Uwamo the chartered right ct anted to the Dtsbiat rJiramn Canul Company, and the legality has been repeat- utuui vompAny, ana ine j?Kumy nas noen repeat edly tested before the Oouru ot the Mtate, and now ilually,tOBllenosaU question upon that polat, bas. been carried berorO me Court of Appeala under a. "writ ofeiror"niialnBt adverse decision. VJ extension'1 of the Canal, thus securing great pah-' Uobenellls. ' t its lair conduct nas already secured pueue con-' fldence, and tbe next Drawing will be made on the 17th of July, 1884, belore the public In Norfolk, Va, CLASS I. SCHEME 1 CAPITAL PRIZE, $5,000. 1 Fine Cf. 13,030 IS.. ........t-1.000 I do ....I l.WO ls.....-........ ., l.KK) 1 do .. 1,000 ...... 1.000 1 do 800 Is...... ,. COO I do 200 Is 200 1 do .........i...... 200 la..... i.. 2uo I du .................. JK) .... SO 1 do W is... .. 200 6 do ,....., 100 are,.,t -' , 000 15 do ,. , 60 are ..........,. 750 lOfl de .....,, 10 ore...... -r5S 200 do . !. 5 aro...!.......,.i., 1,000 Art'BOXIMATION FBIZES. of. . 810., I ItM or.............. so ,"-..- ,.... 2ro a OL. .... ?0 ..... .......,I80 ssTprltea distributing U,0M TIOKBTS. ONLY SI. Plan or Lottery similar to that or Louisiana Company, J, P, HORBAOHrManagor. Address all applications for Information, Tick ets, or Agencies, to J. 1'. UOKUAOII, 807 Main St., NOHFOLK, Va. Theunderslined supervised the Drawing Class H.of the Dismal Swamp Loltery OoMpHm". nnd certify that It was conducted vrttu trto;Ualrnts to all Interested. griAsTp?o)gpWACommlMl6uer., WM. H. NAM.HY, Oookbtnder, Facer Itnlei- and Blank Book Mann, facturer, Cor. UIU una K U. u.w. I InrJf RAILROADS. fTtHE CIIUSAT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. TO THKKOlrMU WHBTAND feOUTllKKST. DOTJBTJS TRACK, WLltNDIDBCKNEIlY, BTKELnAtrinoKnTauirjiKNi ,TllAIK8 uy4sirWuT0N(mm station For l'Utsburgh.and tbo Wtst.'lJhlcwto lrnii Jriess. .or raiAco Blreplng cra at Yi '. vain :lnnatl for Chi- MW I, tni, .1 ItU . HI DAtTIUOIlE JH'OTOMAO ltAli,n6jD. Fer-Erte, Canandalgua, Kochtstsr, DuflMu, Nff. era, nt 10O0 p.. ru. daily, except baturday, wlih Vnlsce Cars from Washington to HorhestVr, ana Washington to JJnflnlo. lraln leaving Waib. Ingionon twturdnr nlgbt Villi notruubeiuud 'S'.nl'"!."!0"' oek Haven and Elmlra at D 4fJ A. M. iTmlif BTni.tii HnH,lr,k v. iiiiiuuun'uit. uucik. iiav nin a.m. .tniiv atn.1,1 DnH.tKk. iForXicnlork anathe Vast, 7iiS Aud itti f i'.AvS" 2. 1.10 and 11,141". M. On Sunday JOO.lOoo and r. jr. ilmllcd HxStauai hSJ),S;B eMlotc"'' 01A. MTdalhV MccSt 1Sl..1j.?"'Ti MUUUUt For JJciton, without cliflnn. tpasV n A. liajaA,A a ii i. fsm'mrKnM..Ti'B X ' ""? r. M. every For Brooklyn, N. Y., nil llironirh trains coUhect BtJersty Oliyrjlih boats or Jlrooklyn Aniiei, nirctdlrg direct trausler to rultonstreet, avoid! log donblp ferrlago across Wew York city. Vgr.JPitllaclelpltl, 7.1S. 8.1J and 11 A. ii 2. 4. 0.10 and 11.1) l. JI. on Sunday nt 4,0.10 and 11.11 'jJJ; a Limited Expnss.s., dally etoepi For Baltimore, i.K, 7.15,813, 40 andltA.W.i 12.M,2.4,4.2S,4 40,0.W,7.40, 22d uSSKl.V' A' -t -1-00. 0-OD, 7.J. loTM For I'op'e's Cret'k Line, 0 33 A. II. aud A 40 1 if dallr, except Snnday. . .. For Annapolis, SUA. M. and 4.40 r. M. daily, ex. cent Sunday, ""r Al KXANDIIIA AFnEnKllIOKBBUIta IlAIL. For Alexandria, 0.30, 7.40,1)23, H.0J and 11.3J A. if., -i 03, 4 23, 0, 0.23, S 09 and 11.83 I'. M. Oil Man' day at d 30, .23. It03 A. SL. 8 03 F. M. Tor lllchmond nnd the Soutli, 0.80 and 11 05 A. M. aallyandsi". Mfdaily.oxceptSunday. Trains leave Alexandria for Washington, 8 0S 8.03. 10 00 aud 10.10 A. M 1 . S 03, 8.23, 8.10. 7.03 and 10.40 r.M. and 12.10 mldalitht. On Sunday at 8 03 and lo,w A, M.. 7.03 and 10.40 tickets and information at the olllco. northeast .corner of Thirteenth street and I'eunsylvanlaare nne and nt the station, where orders can be left for I Jhe checklOKOf baggage to destination from hotels ,.n.yooD. CHAB. B. JBOII. qglflffig'' A"suU iBALTlMdRE & OHIO RAILROAD. VHE MODEL JAWLiNKArp TUB Oi,LY TniJHAHI' AUD T1IM WEST. i..v VIAWASIIINOION. IDOOBLE TRACKI JANNEY CODPiERl -. . . . . falUCL ltAILti! 8ellf?,l:!f ,ln.,eflct SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 1811. Uulll further notice. . v Leave Washington from Btatlou corner of Nciv (Jersey avenue and O street. ' For Chlcnxo.Clnclunatl, Louisville and St. Lonls dally at 3.03 A.M., 10 ISA. M,. 10.10P.M., n lth through coaches and Falace Bleeping Cm to boe points, without change: 10.13 a. H. dally to Olileago eTcept Saturday, For l'lttsburgh at 8.J0A. M. and &40 p. it. dall) ; 8 4P, W. to PUUburirb, Cleveland and De troll, ifhh Sleeping Cars to Fltt-iburgh. For 'loledo and Detroit, via Monrocvllle, 10 11 A. M. dally, wltH Bleoncr lor Toledo, via Wheel Trnlna tor Philadelphia andKew York at 8.10 A. M. dally, except Sunday: 3 00 P. M. and 9 40 p. J. and lo.iu p. u. dally, with Parlor and SIeepl" Cars attached. For Baltimore on week davs, 8.00, 6.S0, 8.40, 110). 8.10, POO and 10.03 A.M., 12.10, 2.20,2 4.S0 (43-mlnnte train), 4.40, 6.5V, 0 60, 7.001 8.A),tJ nnd 10 10 1 . M. lor Baltimore en Sundays, 0.30, 8 00,8 20 A. M li5, 2 S3, 3 (X), 4.40, 8.30, 0.30, 7.00, 8 20, 0 40, 10 10 P. M.! For points on the bhcaudoah Valley ltallroad. 10.15 A. ii. datly. ' ; For Annapolis, 8.40 A. M., and 12.10 and, 4,40 a?. M ! on Bunday. 8.20 A. M.. 4 40 P. M. y v t or way stations between Washington and Dal nre, 5, 0.40, A. II., 12,10 P.M., .i-3. 4 l,7nd 1010 P.M. on bundnys, 8 20 A. II, and 1.25, 4 41 nnd7.C0P.Il. .ror stations on Metropolitan Branch, 7.40 'A.M.. and S3 P. M. dally except Sunday, 4 411' M. dallyi for principal stations on Metropolitan tBrtnch. 8.30 dally 1 for Loalngton, fjuuntou 'and Valley Branch, 8 30 A. M.' daily, cxJ pt Bundav, 8,40 P.M. dallyl for Frederick, 8.30 A, M.;iai3 A. M.. 4.43 P. M. dally, except Bundav. t or xtneerstown. 10.IOA. M.,and 0.23 P. M. dally 1 except Sundu. ,.Trllia arrive from the Went dally, 6.20, 7.MA, M2yei. 6.40, 2.1 P.M. y , "Jk. ' .7 . From Kew York and PhlladclphlaraBS, 8.30 A, !M. dally, S.20 p. M. dally, except Sunday. Nirom AHnonous,-jj a. At., and UO and 8 37 P, . Sunday, 0.43 A. M.. 6,37 P. M. From Lexington, (UO. a. M, dally.and 2.13 P. M. daily, except bunday. , . From J.-TO.U rick 11 jid tnletmedlal8u.nntntt, S.2J a,jV.1I. Al. andi 12 1'. M. dally except Sun day: P. M. dally from Polntol itocks. , 'lYiUiis leave Baltimore for Washlngtouat2, 4 1), 6.30,7.18,7 30,1), 0.10 and 10..IO A. AfullU, AtO,V.,O.air7,30,and 1014 P.M.I on bundayaiz, $4.40, 7.15. 7.-W. 8 20, 8. A. M.. 1M. 8, 6.23. 7.30 anil V P, M. 'All trains lrem Washington slop at llelay Sta tion except 4.30 P. M. For further Information apply at the Baltimore & Ohio Ticket OUlce, Washington station, CIS and ,1451 Pennsylvania avenue, corner or loimeoutu 'street, where orders will be token ror baggage to he checked aud received at any point hunoclty, V. M. CLhMFJJ lUr 0. K. LOUD. M of T., Baltimore. O. IT. A. Tho Virginia Midland Railway. (THE BHOItr LINK TO THE SOOTH. BouTHwicur-ANnwjiiii'. DUUt" Schedule In erlect JUia 8,'1S3I, 6.40 A. Jl.-flKW onI.KA MAIL dally, mak lurf lIobo com nortlona tu all imltitA Nmtth .n.i bouthncat. (Dally except Sunday) with 0.& o. Kallway. Pullman Sleeping Jindett cars from fttw York nnd Washington to Atlanta. .Pull man bleeping Cars Iron Washington and At lanta tc New Orleans. Parlor Car Irorn Wash Ingion to Natural Iltldge, Va. (MOP. M.-LOU1SVILU5 JfAUl' LINE. Dally -via Charlottesvlllo to Cincinnati. Loalsvllio andall Weatern points, Pullman Sleeplog Cara irum Washington to Louisville. IW.40 P, M.-bOU i'llKltN MAIL AND EXPUK&i. Dully to all noluts South andSouthwe3t via Danville aiidUharlolte. (Dally exceptbunday) with U A O. Hallway. Pullman Sleeping Cars from Washington, via Danville, Charlotte and , 'Atlanta toNew Orleans, also, from Washing ton via Charlotte and Columbia to Augusta. , I'ullmnn sleeping car irom Washington to White nulphurljprlngs. iManassas Division train leaves Washington, at 8.10 a. m., and 6.10 p. m. dally except aunilay. Warrenton trains leave WasttlngtonM8.40a. m. and & 10 p m dally, -- For tickets and Information fnnulro 'at Dam. pany'a Offlce, cot Penua. ave. 4 M HT.AIII.IITMK Itf W A nn A KJVt. uen. Pais. Agent, Agent. tiOLHAW.-qraMo Manager. (CHESAPEAKE & OHIO I, MLWAY 'LEAVE B.iP.DHFOT, SIXTH AWD 11 ST 1 8,40 a. m. For all Way Stations and vlrghW Hnrtrtofl. LPTlnvlnn. Ifv.. fiiiUtotllA. m,,f.. Matt, uolumbus and br.iuls. Dally exevv Sunday, Ael II 08 a. lu. For WllllamTitlr?, Va., Newpir (News; Old Point Com; xi find Norfolk. Ball except BpndajnMW1 , 6 10 p. m. For Louisville, Cincinnati, St. Lm Hnd Chicago, connecting for altnoluu Wev Noilhweet and southwest. Fast JCrpri (dally); does not stop (or local business exec tt ine Virginia springs; through Pullman Ber Ice to Louisville and Cincinnati, 10:40 For all Way Stations and Virginia Springs and Columbus, Ohto,. Daily exoow bunday. For tickets and Inlormatlon apply atC. tO. Itallnuy oUlce, 613 Pennsylvania uveliuo, under National Hotel, Va. Mia. Hallway oillce, cut Pennsylvania ave. and B. & P. station. H. W. FULLER, C, Vf, SMITH, , 0 on. Paso. Agent, Ueneral Mauagcr. FRANK TKIUU. N. IS. 1'assenger Agent. WASHINGTON, 0HI0& WESTERN RAIL-. ROAD POMPANY. Trains arrive at and leavo Irom B, dtp, (eixlt r street) dipot as follows: .Accommodation airlven s 10a.m. dallv. iMall arrives p. m, dally except Sunday, Mall leaves a. m. datly except Sunday, accommodation leaves 4 24 p, m. dally oxcep " On bu'ndays only a train v 111 leave at 6 03 p. li llrne, 75th meridian. . . . Commutation tickets not honored on Sunday trains! B. M. BBOPnY.Hiiperlntendent. L . STEAMBOATS. 3 BAILY LINK TO NORFOLK, FORTRESS MONROE AND 1HE SOUTH. Steamers (lEOliail! LEAHY and EXOKLSIOft One or these popular sicamera leaves Tin sr wharf dally, Sundays excepted, at 6 30 p. m t Sal urdays nt 0, stopping at i'laey Polut dally, goluj; and relurnlDK, ana Uornlleld Harbor on in, 'lueoday, Thursday and Saturday trips only, SATURDAY NianT BTKAMER ItETURNa , MONDAY MORN1NP Exeluslve connection with tbo joston ami Prnvmencn Rtf HtnerR. Cunnt also wttil Ntiw lYork' nnd ltlcbniond steamers, Norfolk and I Western. Seaboard and Roanoke, Ocean Vio-f ' snrl Virginia Beach Railroads, .rnwagu uuu roams can ue necutcu ai, uriuiuu. ft Ohio lick et olllco, at 11th suimdl'a. aye.b Mare Hotel, PoUlnhorn's, nextto City Foilowo olllco or Knox's Express, oth st, Ind Fa. avo.iau at company's oillce, 7th st. wharl. .,, ,, . liuox'a Express will call for and check ba;- gaco irom hotelsund vrlvateresWw'ies, rclght recelvedajyuiijm Agent. J OOK AT LOW FARES. FOBTBESS MONROE ANI) NORFOLK. rntbr-oLAsa fabe, ii hound TBir, i,s Steamer JANE MOBKLRY leaves Washtogtofi for Norfolk and Old Point Monday, Wednesday and Friday at & 80 p, m , waking close connection with steamer for New York, Ocean View, Virginia ll)ec)iand all Railroad LlnesSouth. 'POTOMAU RIVER LANUINllS. JtoreBcla, iriteiiner J, W. THOMPSON loaves- Monday, ' ' For Inlormatlon apply by telephone or other, wise to General onice.filxlh street wharl, terml. uus Seventh or Ninth street cars. ALFRED WOOD, Secretary. OEOt H. rniLLIPS, Buperlntendent, myW Bleeping .Oars from Hartlsburgto cjni Western Kx press, 7.40 I'M. datli. wlti. Pn rat tn iMIIshnrsph nltn r nn. am. A if l.l.l;..f.-,A..,';K,.',;.?.'"." yv. EmttMWSfig$k m-e oiwjhujj vnr lrpja vvmits 1 Y