Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING OKITIO, "WASHINGTON, D. O., THUBSDAT, JTJXY 10, 1884. - V-- 38 OTS. For a CHEMISE that cost 75 cts. 50 OTS. For Senutoe FOSTER KIDS that ooid for $2, $2.25 and $2.50. 50 OTS. For 3'Button KIDS in otlior makos. A Large Aujortment of Flrst-Clnea SillslliaanilGliili AT COST. Every White Suit, Muslin and Btatham Suit In Mioses' and Chil dren's sizes In this Summer's slack to be sold at a Ten Per Cent. Discount, E. E TAYLOR, 033 Pennsylvania Avonuo. ! I ! I I I II II I I j Kot Much Talk, But Facto, TUB MISFIT STORE, CORNER IOTH AND F STS. Will rlea. eat balance o( nock at Hit following low iIC Oi-nnlneKonn' Cloth Coats, tn Oray n J Brown, (Uot formar prlr. also. Ceeriocker (lulls l. former prlca M. Seersucker Uoatsl.7t, (lenoln.lilue Mrlrwd Calcutta BeersuckM BnlU at tiotu, former prtr. lis. , Genuine Baft Checked Wlk Calcutta Beersackcr "Holu (II &o, former nrlr.111. , ' Jtnrllth Heerierter rantell. form.r prtretltn, JCegllin Hers Bulla, In Dloe ana Ecru, (10.80, for mer prlc. lis. lllo. Flannel Malta at 18. former prtr. (10. Bias Flannel Haiti at 19 (A former prlc (13. Wo. Yarbt Cloth Balls at IIUO. former prlc lit. Black fcnilUn Wonted Bulla lit 111. foroior prloo lit. 4-li. Cutaway Corkscrew Haiti (U, former price Fin.' Black Worsted D, B. Trlnco Albert Salts at III, former pries (13. ..... . ... Stuck I). It. Broadcloth Bolts 111, former prlco 1 Casilruer. and Chsvlot Balu at 8,W, former pilco (10, worth lis. . ...... , CaWlmrre and Cheviot Ball! t I I.7J, former prlco (Vmlmere and Cheviot Balls at Ill.SO, former prlco "for boys and children. WO Sulla will be sacrificed at 30 cents on Ibe dollar, ODD VESTS, In While ond FncT Dock, Drap rt'Eto fierce. Nuns' Cloth, itc, nt Sacrifice, ODD PANTS. l,oco pair at abont to wnta on the dollar. OFFICE COATS, In Beersnckcr, Drap d'Kte, Flannel, Berne, nn CIcliYAIparn, lor !, Iran, lone or short men, at pric've gardlrsa or coil. THE MISFIT STOEE COR. IOTH AND F STS. jra-Maka no mtilako and come to tho corner ol lOtiinmlF ilrcela. ... ... Will lie open till 11 o'clock to-night. Advanced Season I Aalbescsson ban advanced we concluded to mnkon Sweeping Reduction on all our well and cu&toiii-mado Clothing, Itcdactlononall HOYH' SUITS. BOYS' ODD l'ANTB. Reduction on nil CHILDREN'S BUITH. CHILDREN'S ODD PANTS. lUductlon on nil BUMMER CLOTHING. HK1UIEHUITH. BKKItaUCKEH BUITH. 4.LPACA COATH. STRIPED COATH,.to.,Ac.' WHITE AND STRIPED VESTS, rrlccs are almost cut In two. and a saving of fifty centa nn tho dollar will ho In your pocket by dealing with ua. I,. P. EISEIAU, 421 71h SL N. W.Under Odd-Fellows' HalL SUMMER RESORTS. -JOKAN aitOVE, N. J. THE ELDORADO. Fifty rooms. A few yards from ocean, Ilathlng and Lake, Grand views from wldo verandas. Complete sanitary arrangements. Excellent table. Ac and terms reasonable. . . . Ilererence-K.Ii. Stevens, eoq.i Chief Cleric In dian Ofllce. MRS. A. LOOMIB, Box ami. Piney Point Hotel. On tho rotomac, 03 mllca from Washington. This nleasant resort la now open for the recep tion el Kneels. Boating, bathing and flihlng, shell road skirting the river. Theculilno by our French cook can be recommended by our former patrons, Mho stcamera Leary and Excelsior leavo foot ot Beventh street every evening at 6.30 p, to, relum ing each evening from tho rolnt, For terms apply to or address J. P. HORBACH & CO., myifi-U Wney rolnt, Md. B' OCK KNON Bl'KINUa AMI! MINKRAIi DATllb, Great North Mountain, near Winchester, Va. Opens June 12, lkM. Terms, JU to SS por month n flour weeks. Tickets from Washington to the Bprlogs and retnrn, (S.50; good until October si. Illustrated pamphlets, giving all Information, may be had of A, B. TBATT 4 B0N8, Manager!,. myMf 40t oth street northwest. Grind Tom Own Bone, SIcnl, Oyster Nliolls nuil Coriilnttio $5 HAND MILL (F.WIlson'sPaleut). t20v?Kfrl!tmmon msdoln keeping INml. WILSON BROS,, Easton, Pa. Anloiatlc Steam amof-cieanlDEWorh SINGLETON & HOEKB. 1tubberbeatlnir process. Tboboit la the conn try. Carpets tailed for and returned without Lbarye. Qri'ers by telephone or otlnTHlse. J DPAJDBXj-ST dsBBO , 422-U Kltthth Htreet. between 0 and K n. w . Close Carrlaiira for Weditluira, Calls and Hecerw tloos. Hoarding a nit Uvery Htahle. Gas Cooking StoveB, For Bale at the Gaslight OfDoo U TZHTTII rrntXIOT, -JZSMO THE DALTIMOHB POSTOFFlOEt An Ofllclnl Iitwcatlentlou or It Af fnlr. Third Assistant Postmnator-oenoral Ilazon returned to tho city to-day from Ddltlmoro. lie, in connection with Mr. Oooloy, ot tho Money-Order Division, nnd Mr. Aloxandor, auperlntcndent of malla nt tho rnlladolpbla rostonice.Btartcd an Investigation In tho Dal. llmoroonice. Tho nrst part ot it was com pletod and tho report thereon b&s just boon mado, Tho second part will bo concludodby Messrs, Oooloy and Alexandor. Thoro had been ndcfalcallon lntboofflco. Tho postmastor'a stamp nnd cash accounts wero gono over. They wero found to bo all right nnd n roport to that errcct has been made to tho Fostmaster fleneral, Tho second part of tho Investigation, which rolatea to the gonoral conduct ot the onlco nnd its delivery nndotbor facilities, will recommend eomo changes In tbo conorat management. DUriNSIDE'B DEFALCATION It Amounts', All Told, to S80.000. Wo havo beard about tho last ot Colonel Durnslde's defalcations, outsMo ot tho courw. Tbo ooinmtttco ot two Fostofflco lnspoctors appolntod to Investigate his accounts, in their report giro no now information. Tbey bad an cosy lime to nx tho amount ot bis defalcations on the partot appropriations, hut it was moro difficult to and out what bo had abstracted on tho waste-paper account. Tbo nrst part ot the Investigation was sim ply n comparison ot tho hooks ot thsTroasury and thoso of Colonel Durnslde's oluco. in tho latter caso they had to rind out what Oolonol Burnsldo had doposltod on tbo wasto paper account, and then compare and ascertain by In vestigation porsonally among pooplo bow much had come to bis uso from tho sales on the wasto paper account, Tbn total nmountof both defalcations was about (80,000, THB LKTTBn-CAnniBnS' LEAVE. r A Commltteo of Gouerenfuion Cn.ll Upon llio I'OHtmnslcr Oonornl Abontll. Itepresentntlves Oox, and Kran, acrjbmpa nltd by Messrs, 0. It, FalllnandA. Oarow, ot tbo letter-carrier forco ot tbo city, to-day called upon tho roslmasior Oeneral in regard to tho ebottago of tt!0,000 tn tho appropria tion for substitutes to allow flttecn days' leavo of abeenco to each carrier. It was dovoloped that tbo Oonfereuco commiltoo which agreed to a reduction to $55,000 from tho original f 100.000, was guldod by tbo fact that it was thought that such a sum would bo all that would bo necessary to grant leaves to all car riers who could Ira spared, Tho rostmasier-Ooneral said ho had not yot received a certified copy ot tho bill granting leaves of nbeonco to carrlors but that ns soon as ho did bo would announco atanoarly dato thereafter what his decision was. no would do eveylhlnR in his power tor tho lettor car riers under tbo law. Tho dolegatlon departed and they expressed tho boiler that all would bo well yet oven betoro another appropriation bill la rasscd. A Very Nermltlvo l'ostiiiiintcr. Tbo postmaster nt a town in Kansas is aw fully particular. Ho objects to cowboys shoot ing promiscuously around his offlco. He tbus wrilcs lo tho 1'ostmaster-aonoral t "This Is a flag station on tho A., T. is B. P. IVy on thercnflrr. To-day a drunken cowboy rodo blsliorso Into tho room occupied by tho post offlco and llrcd llvo or six shots into tho tloor, walls nnd ceilings, etc ono shot passing through tbo general dollvory boxes containing mall, thereby endangorlng any artlclo ot value or letters ot Importance that may havo tir en In transit. Is this n crime ot which the U. B, postal authorities should tnko cognl rancor' The matter-of-fact way In which those fron tier postmasters report such littlo things as this ss amusing to tho eastern mind. FINANCIAL. To-tlny's Htock Unotntlons. Tbo following observations ot tho transac tions In tbo financial market to-day, together with tho opening and closing quotations, nro furnlthod by tbo banklng-houso ot II. D. cookc, Jr., & Co., 1120 F stroot, Washington, V. o.i Sam4. 0. 3p.m. Nrnnt. 0. 3p.m. O.ftO nK. West.., 83 88'-A Can.B 28Mi 28'i N. J, Con.. nilHi DO O.U.ssQ.,lllH,ll'J IN.Ta 17V, n Ccn.l'a... 31Z U3H, prct 43 48, D. U k W . 10b V 100 Pa, Mall.., 4 IV 424 Dcl.fcH... 00, OfVi lt.Island.. 100 10(1 D. t 11,0,. 8 Bartending... 23 23 1'rie 121 HI flt.raui... ui?H V ill. on.. lid tin Tpret 103' Ij.Bhore... 1'JK 73VOulonFa,, .11 0'i lu&Naab.. 23 20 IW. Union., SI Ol M.Con..,. 00 W.St.L.SF. Wt Mo. 111.... 0S tms,l pret llTfe 13 S, MO.K.ftT. l lUV.jTox.Pa..., HV 8V M.Y.O.... O'J lOOO.T OH, OH, C.8.BECUU1TIU. O. Op.m. U.B.4S, coupon.... llniQUO linVifflllDVj U.B.4S, reglstored. HOVjSl 11) unvllO U.B.dVs, ooutxin.. Il'irail'i'.j 112H)U2V U.B.dViS, reg 113V.ail'iVj 112Vb113Vj U, B. rs, reglstorod. U.B. 8s ot 18B1.... 0010l 1004 V.a. 3.05s Clilcngo Ornlti mid 1'rovlaloii I'll turcN. The following summary by D, E. Flaln it Co., Bt. Cloud building, Ninth and r streets, shows tbo courso of tho Chicago produco mar- art up to ono p. m. to-uqyt o, ;. l, v. Whcat-Aug,. BITh B2S 91 5IiI Bcpt... 83Vi HI'.; B3Vt BJVi Oct.... H1V B!i BtVti Bltt, Corn-AUB.. 40V f3 -10 , r.uVi Bept... 40 51V 4I S1V4 oct.. 48V ri dsv noVj Oats Aug.. 20 'MiH) 2(1 2I1H, Sept... 2511, 25 25 25 Oct.... I'ork-Aug . . 22 00 2 1 BO 22 00 22 EO B0Pt 21 25 2123 21 25 2125 Oct.... 1875 1025 1B75 1025 Lard-Aug.. 710 7 274 710 7 10 Bept... 7 17 7 45 717i 7 30 Oct.... 7 42V, 7 52V, 7 87Vi) 7 42"i WnHlilnccton Ntocltn. Tho following aro tho closing quotations ot tno ttmumgtou diock ucnango to-uay t p.o. noxpfl. jiif, AiVa an. btoox. ma Atea Fer lm. Os W.&'k 100 '01. coin., lll'v 112V) " bonds., 112 120 rorlm.7! Ool'ba 20 '01, cur... 110 N. Cap t Mt. Bl'k.79 O stroot.. iQi 02,cur... 110 Met 05 70 Wator st'k Anacoetln 7s, 1U01, currency . 121 nni lire. Water st'k ooa, 7s, 1003, currency. 121 Wash. City Oosl't, Co. O.tifisioai . stock SO 40Vj currency . IODVj nov, X, Union .. IB 20-yrfund Ool'ba.,,,, 10 l'j Ope. 1BUU Met 08 currency.. 11 IV. Potomac... 20-yrfund Arllngt'n., ISO 133 , Os, 1802, Ftromens, 40 45 coin 1 1 IV, rranklln., 40 rjo-yr fund Oorooran... Os, 1002, OepAm'n . coin 1 1 8 Higgs 7Vj Cliiriiiro Bliirlicts) To-tlny. Chicago, July 10. Wheat opened Vrc. lower than at tho closing prices last aronlngi Auiusi, filTWaj September, 83V;. corn, l QDlViC lower: August, 40ii0.i Boptembor, llCisc. Oats. v higher) July, 203.1 August, 20c. Fork, tl lilgher for August, at (22: Bon. tember, $1.2.1 higher, at $21.75, iJtrd. um 20c. loworj aucuii, $7,101 Beptembor, : J7.17Vi.( 'J l TlT Tho IIlKlteat l'rlis Urnvfijrr Lollerj Isrotadronln tUo-oermt as oomparol with FlDley'sljuk-Mnrit coveting secreu ot making giMiirr?v Try It. Jlluil Ilemllnir lu l.onUou. Attention Is given to tbo singular theory In Loudon that "mind, reading," ai ot lato ox lilblttd, Is based on tbo muscular action ot Iho hand. At n recent Billing of savants and amateura an expert domonitrated, In n man ner wholly satisfactory lo Iho spectators, bis interesting proQcleney In musolo reading. Though he admitted that ho could not suc ceed against determined opposition, and do. clsred it Impossible to read abstract thoughts, tho success attending his direct efforts was surprising. Us says that tbo dellcato muaclea of Ibe hand respond to tho processes ot thought, that mental action bas Its oorro epondenco tn muscular movement, nnd that wbrro tbo mind Is directed to tint oontamnlt Hon of a particular object or inslerlal tact, tliero la produced a disturbance of mlnuta muscular forcea which an adept can delect, aud from which bo may recelvo a guiding Im pulse in blsown inlnd,iboujh it InOusnc It WMlVU.VIUUS, Our 90 Blue English Here , lot of over 303 ruivini wresongo. laro very few left, and liiey areinri I aixes. A few mora days ClMmanUrot., oor.7fc E WlltciUMsIBniiuu Malop, tbo new Bolglan rreraler, Is7l. Ho la president of tho ouuncll and minister ot ""J0.0.0 ." l."' " " Vpresman by blrtn, and hla brother was bishop of Uurgeaa. lln has been gnvernorot Antwerp, and was nnanca rslDtsler JBI5.'47. Ho la au able debater. EAST WASniNGTON. Lieutenant A. A. Oreor. In chargo ot tho Eighth Froclnct station, Is absont from his post on account ot slcknoss. Julius Melstor was arrested yesterday by Offlcor B, T.Branson, and held to answer n chargo ot kcoplng his restaurant opon on Sunday. Mr. F, X. Dooloy, cornor ot Third and Penn sylvania avenue, will display bulletins from tho Chicago Convention from tho tlmo thn balloting bep Ins. Mr. Dooloy has a branch ot Iho Western Union Telegraph In bis store, and tbo very latost dispatches will bo rocelrod. Tbo services at Bt. Mark's Church will bo conducted by tho lay reader, Mr, Aiskor. Dur ing tbo absenco ot Dr, Stools In Massachus etts ltov, Dr, Chow will havo chatgo ot at least two services. . Tbo E. W, Band ot Hopo will moot this even ing at tho Boamon's Uothel llotroat, Mrs. La ,1'etra and others aro oxpoctod to bo prosont. Marino Durko was engaged In discussing tho strength ot Mr, John Kolly's opposition to the candidacy ot Oovernor Cloveland, and ex pressed ns his opinion that John Kelly was n political bum. John Ilart, tbo second party to tbo discussion, and a loyal Tammany man, told Mr. Durke that bo was a liar, and that bo bad hotter toll that to tho marines. This was moro tban Durko could stand, and ho knockod Ilart out In ono round, Japaneso stylo, Tho residents and business men on Eighth slroet havo for a long tlmo been ondeavorlng to bavo tbo rough stono pavement romovod and a concrete pavoment placed In Its stead, Tho District has nover dono what was ontatl ed upon it In tho matter of nxlng tho East Washington streets, but It does not soomjust that the next thoroughfare In Impormnco to Pennsylvania nvenuo should bo paved with condemned blocks. Tbo property holdorsaro willing to pay for It, nnd tho llordta Fhaoton Company, It Is said, will glvo (1,000, nnd It this can bo dono without any exponas to tho District, thoro is no reason why tho work should not begin at once. Tho stroot from I to the Navy-Yard Is concretod, and all that re mains Is from l'onneylvanla avonuo to I stroet. a aisisnco ox tnreo squares. WEST WASHINGTON. Tcmporaturo and condition ot water at 7 a. m.tarcat Falls, temperature, 72 1 condition, 2. Deceiving reservoir, tomperaturo, 78: con dition nt north connection, Ot ot south connec tion, 21. Distributing reservoir, tcmporaturo, 771 condition at innuont gatehouse, 10 j at ol nuentgatobouse, 12. Two horses attacbod to a wagon belonging to C. D. Plorcs, of Tonnallytown, becamo unman, ngcablo this morning as tbey woro drlvon along Fotoraao street, and had reached tho corner ot M street. Tho horses dashed up Fotomaa stroot until tbo wagon Mruok against a troe-box nt tho corner ot Prospect stroet and was upset, Tho drlvor, Frederick Bheely, was thrown out and qulto severely Injured. Ito was taken to tho resldenco of Mr. Dlumonthal by Sergeant Dull and I'rlvatoButnorland, and Dr. Dowlo Taylor called Into rondormodlcal aid. Fotomaa stroot, from Frospoct to O, will bo paved with asphalt, from M to Prospect with granlto; F street, from Tblrty-second to Tblr-ty-mtb, will bo pavod with granlto. At last workmen have boon sot to work clean ing tbo fountain at Pennsylvania avenue and M strcot. When It has rocolvod a coat ot paint and tho water has been turned on, uoorgetown will hardly rocognlzo Itself. Mr. oeorgo Birch and family aro at thotr cottogo at Washington arovo. Promotions In tho lutllan Olllce- Tho following promotions woro mado to-day In the offlco ot Indian Affairs, Dopartment of tbo Interior! Matlhow Trimble (Va,), from $1,000 to Sl,- lionry n. Bpraguo (Ohio) and William B. Btowart (Ud.), from tl,400 to $1,000. T. Bowcil Ball (Md.) and Josoph K. Brldgo (D. O.), from 1,200 to SI, 100. Charles E. Fostlcy (Toxas), from 1,000 to 1,400. James I. Cbrlstancy (Mich.), Mrs. Allco E. Culver (111.), Miss Harriet T. Oalpln (Conn.) and Mrs. Julia n, Ilondorson (N. Y,), from S1.000 to $1,200. Mrs. Cnrrlo A. namtll (Pa.), Miss Nolllo Itamlet (Mass.), Miss Nannio Lowry (D. O.), Mrs, Cornelia L. Mooro (Pa.), Mrs. Manila Wakefield (Mass.), Cbarles II. Dllss (D.C.) and Mrs. j.uza j, nmitu ira.;, irom vuuti to $i A Tlnicly Niickcn Tbey aro having mlgbtUSJT times InOhl cngo at present," H J tolegrom Just ro celvod. Wo aro hultrcThot times in Washing ton, but fortutujfJrycan temper them, Oo to Tbarp's, 81jrtreet, whero tho pttrost, Qnost and moaijffrreshlng drinks can bo had at all unj A HVa. mnnrittiAlll. a!v' "riy Jove, but this Is hot weathaxf'' ex claimed ono ot tbo last, Ungorlng stAtwmen In town to a fellow-member as thtlwo met In front of tbo Bt. Morv "and I am sufforlng." "lt'SjOhr own fault," was thn somewhat epICFStmmatla reply. "Just turn up Beventh strctctns far as D and you will find Robinson, Fsxttar k Co.'s elaborato cloth Ing cmporlumuStbero you can bo suited at a most rcasonajno prlco with stylish summer garmentsAVKt defy heat." llo turned up to BeventUnthd D and Is now cool, happy and WOlUKUBSeU T Itobhcrlcs nn by tho timely precaut, loose valuables wWVrfft Company, ctrcT 1'lltei Youcasvrnre, Tlio Fort l'cclt Indlnna Not Stnrvlntr. Tbo reported starving condition ot tho Fort Feck Bloux Indians turns out to bo untruo. Commissioner Prlco to-day received Informa tion that Juno 21 there wero 31,000 jioundsot beef at tbo agoncy aud on Juno 28, 183,000, sufficient to provont any dangor of starvation. bargain 8 all wool Elseman Bros. lreimrlmcut Notes. Tho Freeldont will go down tbo river this afternoon with Oeneral Bbarpo and soveral members ot tbo Cabinet, and personal friends, on tho Despatch. Tho party will make a short stay at l'ortreos Monroe, and tako a trip down tbo boy. Tbo Naval Court ot Inquiry Is continuing tbo Investigation ot the nllatrs ot the various bureaus ot tbo Navy Department. Admiral Nichols and Commodores English, Wilson and Blcard havo boon examined with roteronco to tbo accounts ot their respective bureaus. Tbo I'rosldont has not yet determined whether ho will occupy the Soldiers' Homo cottage this aumraoror not. It the President decides to leave Washington before August, ha will not moTO out ot the Wblta IIouso until that time, lie Is understood to prefer the inodo ot llfo at tho Executlvo Mansion to that at tno seciudea cottogo. A T.nreo ntitl Well ot boots and shoes at Oar. troll's, 000 Beventh, elileB ot nigh MK AH tbo now for summor wear. KlntUrOd-sotTOd tc for ladles and iclalty, PERSONAL. POINTS. Mifs Helen JI. IIerzoo lias boon ap pointed assistant etonographor to Secretary Teller. Mies Jepshj Noble, of II street, loft last evening for a two months' visit to friends aud relatives in Buffalo, N, Y. 0. A. Sautter and wlfo, or Ninth street, left lost evening for an extendod trip through Germany. They will sail Saturday from Now York on tho etoamsblp Dorian. MEesrts. W. W. and W. H. Kaploy, of tbo National Theatre management, havo Just returned Irom Now York, whero they woro looking after tbe Interosts ot tbo abovo house. JonN T. Hick, assistant foromau In chargo of tho Interior Branch l'rlntlnc onion. Iclt this evening for Winona, Minn,, his old homo. Ho goes on account ot ill boalth of his wife. Ills rnauy frlonds sympathize with him and hopo for tho comnlsto restoration to health ot his estimable vrlfo and his own im provement. Wo A to weedttbem odd pants left over irom you cau buy thorn DOC. man Bros., cor. 7 & E Tlio Old, Old HI ory. 11. M, Garland and Lulu M. Bradley, John Monahan and Nelllo Dlnneen, Charles B. U. Lasbhorn and Jeaunolto Y. Do Nealc. Ernest J. Iletterhoueo and Mary Kelohor, Charlea E. Blcbardeon aud Martha L, Oard well, both ot Illchmond, Va, Oliver Ourtln and Joeephlno F.Thomas. William Johnson and Wlnnlo Welcome. Albert Dorsey and Borah 0, Smith. It Iscomplalnod that tho Bplondld bandot tho Belgian (luards his boon much too good tor their audiences lu London, and tho bulk ot tho company turns from their oxqulslto performance ot Meyerbeer and Weber to hour tbo Engltih Grenadiers play Don Oodtroy aud nuiiirau. Hiiller, l'lrtlitiHid "WLJSffoetH, eiclmnges now 8lv)lTBTrlKorator81 gas, gasollna and cufrivo3 for old ones tor muni MiinwiiiiL got Tbo rrotestant roltslonarles nn tbo South Bea, Islands, apprehensive of French annexa tion, aro disseminating tracts descrlbtug the French as little short ot monsters lu their treatment of tbo aborigines. 0 tPioyju!t(r ISuj?uoposUlng your I Katonal Ssfo Deposit rati, stroot and Now No Almtewcnt rti in the rush since tnauauiatsicnra sale. Everybody nroniiiwFSour cas. mltJijwwTSTffTrnriitTi i sstutt UlLorcntb and E sileots. rfuIcctoiVfTIoolc vimetrna , Qpjtflosot I Tovf iltoea ltTd-8i Scntsjterpc ro MfitctBrtYIOU out. filter our UKUBtvUVI V.l,Q oajLkaraDllar. nut AUCTION SALES. -vp rTlIKIN. K. WAIHIAnAN, Unit Itntc Anelltuhrrr. TltUHTKlW BALK OV LOT, IMPROKKO 11Y A-iwuHiuiii iiiiunK, un k if i jit. k r, iip TWKKN TWKNTY-Kirni ANOjTWKNTY' dja'iu antiucia rtuitiii vjwi llr vlrtiin nfn ileil of trtmt rliilife rM-Ari1i,i1 In II. ber 17o. IA7. folio ten., ol tslo land rernrflii at the District of Columbia, anjft)r reqaetitof the fatly secured, we will sell Kjroablla aurtlon In ronior the premises on, Wednesday. July IS, lS81,at'30 o'clock p. m.Jflart of lot It In square 20, beginning at ttaTnorllieut rorner tn of said lot on north F aLcpet. running thence HA das west 20 feet, thcndFiloe loath fsfeetto tiiii northern boundary QHald Iptt thence das east 20 reet to the dividing-Jibe between lots 11 and U, and ibence on saldJaTvldlngJlne 71 feet lo tbo be ginning. JP Terrs.: One-llJrd cash, balance In equal Instal ments In fl and m month!, for which parcnaier's notes, beailnisfinterest from day or sale and. e carrd by a dajR ot I nut on tbe property sold, will betaken. A deposit ot (iOmnat be mads at tlmo ot raleansTall conveyancing and recording at riurchasc-v. cost. If termaarenotnsmpllel vrltli n7daxTfromeale, property will be resold at rlakafjocostofderaaitlngurchasers. If JNO. V, WAOOAMAN, tr. . is-1. AJC mydds Trnwtees. Jtrnl llnteAnentantnl Atirtlnnrrrad m v it. n-vK VAUTATtLKnKAL KBTATE, HlTUATjUtt.V II HTItKRT, IIKTWKKN HKOONDTaND 4U1111WJ'31, llr vlrtneofn deed nltru.t. dated JMs21. A. D. 1S7J, and recorded In liber No, 7w, WTo 2Slel .eq., oaeof the land records of the Dtafr let ot Coin oi hla, and by request of Ilia partxifecurcd thereby, Iwlllsellat public auction InitYont ol the prem Ites nn Monday, July 1 1, A. of ism, nt S o'clock p. m., the rollnwrnir-drscrlbrarrFal eatat,.linata In the city ot Waihlnirtou, nlrlct of Uolambta, to Witt All that certain lilsve or narcel oflaml andpremlies knownjnid described on the f round plat or plan jaTnald city as lot No. tj, n iquaro south owquaro, wllhtha Terms or auy'une-lhlrd cash, balance In t, I and 12 month arwllh Interna at s per iv nu for dr- rerrea rayrurnts, secured bydeodortrnit on the property xAld, tbe opitorrnl pur-ili.Mr.-TMl coneaaclng at purchaser's cost) 1100 drirwlt on the day ot into. . Jr DANlKLMUItnAY, ylpCda truitee. EXCURSIONS. -,! WAN VA I, I. H, 91 A It N II A 1. 1. TbeSteamcrMAnYWABlIINa-JlliaC TON wilt ntako excundon trips lu iti atMivu nlaccs. To OCCOdUAN VA LIH every WKUNIM DAY, leaving beventn street at 9 a, m., returning atsp. ui. Fare, round trlp.Mcents. MAltBif ALL HALL every HA1UUDAY, leaving atva-ui., returning at 430 n. ro. Fare, round trip, 15 cents. HUNDAY EXOUIWIONH. MADS1IALL HALL AND OLYMONT. Two trlns, tea) a. m. and 3 p. lu., reluming at 1 p. mtndtip.m. Fare.roundtrlp.SScenta. Dano Ing on n Uno waxed dancing deck down nnd back and at grounds, on all trips, cicept Bunday, Flaa brnss band on hunday. ' 1 irst trip of Bunday excursion stops at Marshall Ilall only, JMm K. B. nAMDALL. Manager. T OtVKIt I'KUAU l'OINTJ WABHINOTON'S CONEY ISLAND. .fidS! The enfc, awlft nnnd magnificent steamer NEW AllMKNIA will leave her wharf, foot of 7th itrcet, dally except Baturdays, at 9 a. m.; Jteturn Ing at 9 p. m.. commencing J uly 1. The Armenia stops at Alexandria on Fridays only. H. 0.110WKHS, Manager. lor farther Information apply at olllce. Bt. Marc Hotel. JeM-lt JWBPECIAL NOTICE. Armenia Is chartered for Thursday, July 10. All tickets being sold. Ho! von Tiit: 4iii:at imi.i.s ani .CAHIN JOHN DUIDUE.-The steam 1aczci J'vujll)iuii win maico ler regular trips to tbo above points as follows; Tucsdara, I'M- tisCBcJZSU days aud Sundays ats o'clock, from wuarr, cur. High st. and Canal. Forthrlbcr Information ap ply atonieea J.O.AJ. M. Waters, No.2MHIgh St., West Washington. Telephone, 385. Can be chartered Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. JeiS-lm s TUAMEIt IV. tV. COIICOIIAN. RttMMKTt ATtllANmniniWT. Thlaflnosteainemlll make dally trips (Sun days excepted) to all points on the Fotomaa as farasUljinont. Boat will leavo at 10 a. in., and arrlvo at 3.30 p. m. Fare, round-trip. 23 cents to nil points except Mt. Vernnu, which Is (I. BUNDAY AFTKUNOON trips will bo mads OS UbUBl.boal leaving at 3 p. m. and returning ut 8 p. m. Doat will go ua far aa Indian Head. Fare. to cents. e3Mf A TI.ANTIC C1XV. EXPllESS TltAINB AKE BUN TUllOUail WITHOUT BTOPS, I3ST OO MZKUXBS, VIA Camden A Atlantic It. (West Jersey It. It, from It., from btailon foot station loot ofMarket ol Vine strett. I street. Passengers Irom Waihlngton will take tho through trains oi the Baltimore A Fotomaa Hall road to Philadelphia, arriving nt tbo Now Broad Street Station or tbe rcnr.sylvanla Itallrood, whero tho street-cars will convey passengers direct to tho Weit Jersey Ilallroad Station, and Union Transfer coaches connect direct to the sta tion of the Camden A Atlantic Ilallroad. Tor through tickets, baggago checks aud Dill Information apply ns rolloust NOIlTHEABTCOlt. lttTn BT. & PENN. AVE. STATION BALTIMORE A POTOMAC It. 11 J. It. WOOD. Oeneral Passenger Agent. CIIABLEB E. TUOH, Oeneral Manager. Jol0-2m milE I'OI'UI.Alt WATEHINU 1T.ACE, CAPE MAY, Is reached by the WEST JEBSEY HAILI10AD In two hours from Philadelphia. Fast Express Trains, with Far lor Carsatlached, are run during the seosou at convenient hours, and passengers will tlnd on their arrival at tbo New Brood-Street Station, Philadelphia, Union Transler Coaches and Horse-Cars ready to trans fer direct lo the btailon or tlio West Jersey Ilall road, at the toot of Market street. For tickets, baggage, checks and full Informa tion apply as follows; NOnTHEAST COItNEIl THIRTKEXTH ST. AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. STATION BALTIM011E dt FOTOMAO It. It. J. It. WOOD, Oeneral Fosscngor Agent. CDAIILKB E. PUOH, Oeneral Manager, Jol0-2m PEnTlNBNT PARAGRAPHS. The liouto of Michnol Brown, 020 8 street northwest, has beeu robbod ot a lot ot clothing, A white woman named Kato Brown, for kicking Offlcor Cunningham, was anod $10 or thirty days by Judge tinoll to-day. The annual report of tho 1'ollco Depart ment tor tho year ondlng Juno 30 last shows that thoro was $32 007.U2 worth of property lost and stolen and $10,587.30 worth was re covered. Complaint is mado by tbo cltizonsof East Washington that eomo ot the doalers In tho Eastern Market aro trying to bavo tho now custom ot opening tho market ovory day dis continued. David Craig wtu crantcd a dlvorco to day from Mellnda Craig on tho ground ot de sertion, drunkonnoss and adultory. Bertha B. Werner wantod dlvorco from Julius Werner tor desortlon and ndultory, but not having resided In tho District tor tiro yoarg tho Court dcnlod tho petition, Officers Dunnioan and Kenny, of tho Fltlh Precinct, mado n raid yesterday on tho thieves ami vagrants who loat about tho "Division," In tbo 1'ollco Court this morning about a dozen men woro charged with being vogrants and thoy woro put under bonds to keep thopeacoforelx months, Sihlrt", CollnrH (will Cull JJomftJi-, equal to now at MorgailtMtsl&nndry. Low- BtO prlOOS. .j-Hn BtiitllcM. . nariirtprcscrIbod tludlos for tho frosU mertrjear aro hcroafter to bo rhotorlo nnd English composition, German or Fronch, physics and chemistry, Tho list of elective is large, and Is headed by Latin, Oroek and mathematics. Latin and Greek are still among iho requirements tor ontrance, but ntterudinlsslou they aro pursuod only lu caso tbe student chooses to do so, A generation ago thn ordinary college courso oouslstod ot Lutln, Oroek and mathematics almost exclu sively, with tbo addition ot mental and moral ebllosopby and logic, nnd possibly a courso ot brlstlan ovldences, History was llttlo taught except Indirectly, tho modem languages and tho physical sciences wero almost Ignored, wbllo subjects llko political oconomy, com larltlve politics and sociology wero almost unheard of by tho undergraduate. Now Har vard swings to tho opposito oxtrome. Furniture, Cnrj nuil lloiutoYur- it inh i rJiiiwlMAaVP' on easy weekly or SoiUalflnstallments, at Bmlih'r, No, 413 JJjJt3er8ey avenue north west, Chejujsvrtiostallm9ut bouse In tho llerr Medlng, onco agent nnd confidant ot tho lato King ot Hanover, writes that thn Ilanovorlan Legion was, wltn tho Klug'e con sent, to stelst Franco against Prussia; and further, tbat tbo King coueonted, on being re warded by the annexation ot Hesse Oassel and oiber territories to llanorer. AMUSEMENTS. V.vv ' JL BUMHElt OAnDE.T, MONDAY, J0LY7.1M1, Foslllvely Laat Week or tlm I'rlde of America, MISH AI.IUK OATXH In her Great Dual Holes, aiROKLE-aiROKLA, With an Kfllclent Support. MATINKHH Tuesdays. Thnrsdays, Saturdays. l'opnlar Prices, lu, 2.1, M and w rents. TIlIVjnil'W NfJMJIl'.lt UAItDIlN. ANOTnictt RnPEnn company to amusb LADIRH AND C1IILD11RN. ritOFKSSOH 1'AllKKlt WITH 11IH OltKAT DOO CirtCOH. AND BF.VKNT)EKH OTHlill AltTIBTM. yjAdmlB.lon toall only locents. A iini'.ii'n ;.vnir.N. MONDAY, JUNK SO, Fir it Appearance of tho Brilliant Soprano, MLLE, LUCf A BELADA. Urand Concert Kvery Kvenlng by Prof. Arth's lull Orchestra of BelectedMusldans, Admlselon... ..10 centa SPECIAL HOTICES. Hgy,ftrr.ciAi, notici:. ft III mi Til l nil ll in l iimTtTiii I Co.. Hr.vKNTir HmirT VaW V.July 0, ls4. Owlsgtoan accident to uanteamer Kxcelnlor, the Tnray.TliuridarjawT Friday trips lo Nor folk and FortMonrraierTll badlscoatlnued for the present. The .lajHrler Ueorr Iary will make the usual trlrjatirraf ondaya, Wednesdays and Hat nrdays, UaKmiK at 1'lney Point and CornOed jiaritgijaroijJS a"1 rrinrnina. WSI. I', WK KtXilt. Pen. Agent. h-jioviitj-tiiii AKniiAii jii;kt. IW Ing or the stockholders nf the National Union Inauranc Company ot Washlnstoii. for the .lection of til rector., will bo held at the nillro orihe company. LouUlana avenun, MON DAY. July II, list, Foll.openfroml to 2 o'clock p. m. N0IIL1S I). LAIINKIt. bin ll'oit.) Hecrctary, Sn.r.NTIHTItV. Filling n tfclalty; alio, the cure of tooth ache without exirarttog. A local aneslheilo used on Ibe Kuxue allavlnica pain ot extracting, (laa liven, HTAllll 1'AitHONH, D.D.H, my3 Corner Wh and Kats. n. w. sVA NPKCIAI. nr.KTINM til' Till! Mm) Kiockbolders otlhe National llelrlgernt Idc and Con.trnctlon Company, ordered at a meeting of the 'Irvctnrs, held In Washington, D. Cm Jobs 11. Is called for July ts, at s p. ra., at the omceaf tbo company, In washinKtoa, 1). u.,for the purpose ol r.ersaijIilBK the lioard ol Direct ors and cooslderloe such other bt!neai a. may bo I prnenled. FltED UALUOM, I eU-f K Hocrirtnry. JW) KTO. lln plaice, iheetlron work, fireplace stove , .angf. farnacen rpaled lln roonnff, spouting and all klndsol tin work promptly attended to, Bendyourorderu, lu . a. n0Um. ftIO Kleventh st. n, w.. near F.t. avrnJOlIM A. I'll TJ(rOTT, JWU Ileal Estate Broker, Has removed his olllm to NO. I3II0 V HTllKKT N0KTHWX3T. Houses and Bnlldlng Lou for sale cheap. MONKY TO 1X1 AN. FOR RENT Houses. T71011 llENT-A FIVK-llOOM BHIC1C HOUSE. JJ No.l2?i2lthst.,bet.Lanauts.n.w. At- ply on tbe premises. Jy9-3t FOIl ItENT-DWELUNQ 2109 0 BTIIEET northwest. c3Hf FOR RENT Rooms'. FOnltENT-TIIItEENIOELY-FUnNISnED 2d story front rooms at 1231 1 st. n. w. JylO 3t I 71011 RKNT-110 AND (13 PER MONTI! FOK ? furnished rooms, en suite, all front; all Im provements; no children taken. 720 11th it. n. W; ylo-3i FOR RElT-TnREE ROOMS, FURNISHED or uniurnlshcd, for housekeeping, at 410 Now York nve. n. w. JylO 3t 17I0R RKNT-ROOMS: rUnNISHED AND ! unfurnished; all conveniences; ballroom, on 2d floor, S; references given and required. 620 1 st. n. w., bet. Cth nnd 7th. lylKlf IriOR RENT-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS : for housekeeping: rent low to a good tenant. Can heseen at 108 4)j st. n. tv. Jy93t TTIOn ItENT-THllEE LAltOK UNPUIt JU nlshcd rooms on nrst Door: large clossts: beautiful, shady yard; rent reasonable In advance; no cbllaren In Ibe house. Apply at 2114 H at. n. w. Jvs-3i TTlOn RENT-TWO NICELY-FURNISHED JTj rooms, w 1th or without board lltDst-n.w. trvst FOR SALE Houses. lAlVvvvvvvvvvvArvvsv JJIOR BALE-TWO FRAME HOUSB-f: 4 7 rooms each and summer kitchen; lots lix.127 to a 20 foot alley; cheap; 11,100 each, Bryant A Wright, room U.St. Cloud Bnlldlng. Jys-lf STJINDFOUNO. T OST-CANAHY BIltDt HEAD, ONE JLJ Ming and tall mixed with black: black ring hair round tbe neck. Return lo Mrs. U. D. Hcott. 2JJ Wj st. s. w and get reward. Jv-3t T OST-A ORA.Y TERRIEIl; HAIR LONO JU and lallshorl: nnmo and addressof owner on collar, Arennrdwlll be given irreturned to Hlltst. n.w. Jy8-3t BOARDING. AAyVMAAAWVV .VN'.VA,XA DELIGHTFUL BUMMKK 110A11D FOR July and August, near the mountains, cool nnd pleasant. For particulars and terms address ir. llarry. Marshal, Faugnler Co.. Va. Jyd-'2. FRED. W. BVAN'B nDinsrinsTGr- de?.oo3es gig P Street Northwest. Fnrnlshcd rooms for rent. fTUIE LOCHIEL, 512 NINTII ST. N. W JL with pleasant rooms, good board at reason able rates. Is commended to permanent and transient hoarders. angll-tl OIKO. nOLABIRD.-On Wednesday, July 0,1681, at 5 o'clock In tho afternoon, Mary T., wiro ot General s. D, Uolabtrd, Quartermaster-General, U, 8. A. T110MAS.-0n Wednosday, July 0, 1891, Cbarles Lawronco, Infant son ot Ernest F, and Joslo D. Thomas, nged 2 montbs and 1 day. nUMrnitEVS.-On Tuesday, July 8, 1831, at 8 o'clock p.m., Eliza J beloved wlteoi o. W. Humphreys, and daughter ot tbe lato John Fletcher. Funeral will tako place from her lato resi dence, No. 20 E streot northwest, Friday morn ing at 8:30 o'clock, ltequlem mass at St. Aloyslus' Church at 0 o'clock. Relatives nnd friends are invited to attend. ' DItlOE.-On Wednesday, July 0,1881. at 2 a. in,, William Brick, ot County Korry, Ireland, "Just From Poker rint." Harper's Magatlne, At ovory public amusement a spectator natu rally observes tbo audlcnco aswoltas tho act ora or singers, and as naturally such spectat ors mark with sorrow tho youth or maid who cither does not know or who disregards tho common law ot good conduct to which overy body submits hlmseltwben bo makes ono of an audience, Tboro was no moro excellent or refreshing lncldont of Its kind during tho last winter tban tho rising of a gentleman in tho parquot ;ot tbo Metropolitan Ofwra-LIouso, whllo tho performance was procoodlng, to re. quest eomo pooplo In tho boxes who woro talk ing audibly, to nush, Tbo offenders lu tho box wero probably In habitants ot eomo frontier village whero guests at tbo tavorns slam tho doors and help thomeelvos to buttor at tho common tablo with their own knives, and glgglo in church, and wear Jewelry at breakfast and aro unused to Qngor-bowls. But tho ignoranco ot tho manners ot reaned society upon tho part of thoso who occupy a box at tho opera can not bo allowed to dlsturl) an audlencot and very possibly In this Instance tho offenders woro as well-meaning as they wero Iguorantt they did not Intend to annoy, but only did not know how to behave under the circumstances, and wero perhaps-at least let us hopo so-very grateful to tho friendly mentor who reproved Ibem. Lot us also bopo-as tho good minister said to his pompous Irolker clergyman who could not llud n front seat and who was obliged to retire to Hi roar that It may bu sanctllloj lo tbo good folks, who, heroartor, should never vcnturnlnlo well-bred society without nicer, lalnloc In udvanco how they should hotiavo. When It was proposed upon the comlug ot Iho Princess Louisa to Canada, to establish n kind of rojal court, a worthy master of tho clmicnrit onco Issued proposals to taaoh tho nobility and goutry bow to conduct themselvos atnptesentatlon, howjto walk backward with nn amnio train without tumbling Into It or over It, nnd how tn bow profoundly without Delng entangled nnd ovortbrown by ndrosi swotd between tho legs, Tho bonavlorot queer people of courso from Iho remoto frontier villages In tho opera boxes suggests that an academy of pollto conduct might bo advan tageously opened In Iho Immediate vicinity ot the opera-houses. Or Iho actual oireuso during n performance might bo chnrltably condoned by tho audlenco If, upon propor rebuka from the parquet or some other box, a placard Khnni:i l.n infttnntiv iiifltiluvod from thaoffend. log box with the Icjeud, "Xufjr'rfbm Foker Flati"or, "rroni Dotrs uuicn, Tweulj ifllt. DlsCOIItlt on clothltutsfrspransl .607 Seventh stroot. 'oVIrglnla military Institute cadets set tled a dispute by u desperats tight ot tony rounds. One had his Jaw broken. It a Deraocratlo President comes In won't thero bo a sublime rattling ot dry bones In tbo offlcest Wo should emlle. v1 PERSONAL. WVAA WWWN -w , , Tuf3VEES KC- C3-IXiXi, TECT, Oflicc JkWr a street, prepare planiandfipectfl CAttatrwrtirall clauea of buildings and superln neir erocuon. lyn AN AHT18T WILL OIVE LEflBONH IN portrait, landscape and flower painting at 21 tents per leflson; lessons tbreebours coclia Ad drew Artist, urltlo ofllce. JyO-at T ADIK8, WE INVITK YOU TO OALTi AND JU seens. Wo are ruaklnff stylish costumes at a Krest discount. Wash suits at n great rodactlon, Cnll and Inspect our work and jadpe for your ieir, OurllulnKUnltbontnrlval. iza tn at. n. w. Jya-ct 8. LABK'B O. N. T, SPOOL COTTON, nix cpooia ror in cents ai KIlBACllB SKWlNU-MAOmNIC I100U9, turner tin nan ji .irceia, Next door to Auerbach'a Ocnt'a Furnishing and Hat store, Ksubllshed 1803. JyH-lni WELL, TIIK BALK OF OLD BOOKS IS going on In good carneitat2091', near the Capitol. Hopkins Bros, have the sign out. 30 boots fortl cbenpl jyJ 3iVKNIN0 CLABSKH I A MONTH. !i Arithmetic. Bookkeeping, Knillsli Oram- l. i cniuniinuip, j. n. iLiaiorv umiiaur. HceiilDff. u. w, viynn.A. M a. w.cor.ein ami i. ' Ivi-tf jv sin. n LIFK INBUltAWCIC-WITII OHATITUDK andtlmnkstotlie Fidelity Mutual Uta An Kociatlonof I'UlIntlelpbla, (for which Dr. It. It, Evans Is manager In this city) X this dny re ceived through hlmtjl.wo, which my late has band,OeorffeM JUckman, held a policy on his life Tor. I sincerely recommend lo all persona seeking Ufa Insurnncn to patronize this strictly prompt and responsible association: olllce Ul F St. JILL1CN T, JUUKMAN, IMJLsUn.W. r JnncisMBtji. le2Q-lm "VTME, ROBH, 11 AlABLKCLAIHVO YANTA ABTnOLOOIST Can be consulted on business and all affairs ol lite. Hho has, for one month, reduced her lee to (SO centa. lwsldcnce, 19io lith u n. w. Hours Irom 9 a. m. tofip. m.andlromSloBp.m S' TAMl'INU AND EM B HOI DK UIN(I, repbyrs, Uorinantown aud other yarns, slllc, crn fi, cni eidllo and all materials for nrtcm broidery, M. MenKcrt,41U9tttaU n. w. JBIVIUI CUAIlLEa KAHBOIT, HA LOON, Y No. 1400 Tennsylyanla avenuo northwest. Jot- Ol'HN ALL HUMMKIt-KOWK'H BUSINEHS Hchool,M7 Beventh st. llmobayed. ilonlc keeping wUhoHt text books. Terms higher after October 1. ny3IU T ADIEB-PENNY110YAL FILLH ("Olir JU Chester's English") are worth their weight In gold. Full particulars, 2o. Chichester Choml. cal Co., 2313 Madison si , Philadelphia. api2-eod CALL FOR 100-PAOB ILLUBTRATKn OA.T alogue of Books on Butldlug, Engineering, Drawlns, Ac, at FRED. A. SCHMIDT'S ARTISTS' AND DRAUOIITSMKN'8 8UPPLY DEror. 801 NINTH BTRKET. H AltllAUOn'H WHOOPING CO U CI II HY- rnpiorsftiepy auoruggisis. ap.n OAIinOLATRLIMK.TIIIC OIIKAT DISIN fectant. Mothprooi paper to protect furs, goods, etc. Carpet llnlag and rosluslzed felt, whlto sand, chnrcoal, lime, cements, plaster. pitch, etc. Walker's, No. an 10th at. n. w. mrtMt YTT ANTED -TO ANNOUNCE THAT JOHN YY K. ileall, I4U V street northwentjs a Ooin mlnsloncrof Ueeds for every Btate and Territory U. B. CoommlMloncr, Kiauilner and Notary. Al ways In ofllce from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. augUtf YJBITJNU OOVEItNESa-YOUNO OR AD vanced pnplls taught by Miss Alice M. Itot lnson; terms moderate. Apply at 1312 Mans, aye. n. w,; tho very best references can be given dlS-lf LADIEU, "COMrOUND TILLS OP TANSY" nro perfectly safe and always ellectual. Htaled particulars, 2c. Wilcox bpeclllc Medicine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. mrMnthw D HAWING AND TAINTINO TAUGHT BY Ulss Kato iloblnson; terras moderate; beet references given. Apply at 1312 Mass. ave. n. w. divtt FOH SALE Miscellaneous. ITlOIt BALE-TO 1UIT IIUSINES3-ST0CIC 7 and llxturts ol grocery nnd liquor score. teomiiwcsi corner auaaium sis, n.w. jyiu-;u7 BltlCK-YAUD FCtt SALK-IIARK OHANCS to organize a conJP.uiy lor btlckwuKloteorfot au Individual wishing lu engiiinJjtKjSTtifTueeri. I om authorlzetl to ofltr for sohawrn bargain tbo works ol the Adamant hLUgfCnTtlc Company, at Waterloo, Vu, Jast JpRnua tlm Long bridge. Large IrontsKoifcyfteTu.iroad. Most lmprovetl machinery .JufcHmiiJ,'. k Una, sc Thero ure s: DO-luu acres of jaWcly soil. Easy terms. JT1QJ II. H. WAUNKU.Uttt'FsLn. W. fSoll BALH-CUKAl'-ONE BAY PONY. sj auuauio lor a lauy a pnoiion; very genua. InqulteatUujiii'groccry.cornerof IS and istli hi. n.w. JrP-3t IriORBALE-75ltOFKETl SOUTH FRONT: good location; South Waihtngtou. Addresi Bargain, Crlllcoillce. Jyu 3i J7I0R BALE-HOUSE FURNITURE. CALL ? ontliBlmhlnst.atHI3(lt. i. w. Jys-Jt I7I0R BALE-A LIVERY STABLE WITH ! small stock; a gool stand. Apply at 300 6th st. n.w. Jy.!-t JTtOItSALE-CHOICi: BUILDING LOTS ON Bladensburg turnpike. In sight of street cars; etOcush and mouthly payments. Thos. A. Mitch ell, real citato broker, tut F st., Rooms 3 and a. lelS'lm ONE HANDSOME SQUARE PIANO, GOOD as new: (.US, on lime. One upright, three strings to each note, (3. Wo sell organs on long time. A largo lot ou band at low figures. Hugo Worch. 923 7ihst. n.w. Je7 F OUHALK-A LAUOK LOT OP HECOND- iinmi tiiavntni niiii nrtam: innifi npariv nnw: several standard makes; must be sold utusacrl tlcefor cash, or at bargains on easy terms to make rot in, at the warerootns of O.i!. Wild & Uro.. 7w 7th st. n. w. royal WATEIt-rOWEIt FOIt BALE AT THE Little Kails, on the rotomac, three miles from Georgetown: uboutu feet head and fall. In cluding IS acres of land. This Is a lino location for a public resort or for manufacturing purposes ot any klurf. Iho power can bo increased; to 2,joo-horse power, If necessary, by the uso of tho Potoraao itivcr. For full particulars and plan call ut or address No. 4Tt nth st. n. w. mrlMi T?OU BALK RAltE HAnaAlN-HUPKUU- ju ioueu,riciuy-unisnea uprigniuranu rift no: ust a out very imie; uutni iuaKrr tand hfirlipRt srade. Por iitmrlrontvhalf eont:on monthlv navmenu of 110: sauaxe ntano taken as part payment. Can bo seen at Piano Ex change. 4tt Hth st. mrl fOH SALE AND RENr. R DAL EOTATB BULLBTIN TIIOH. K. WAOOAMAN. 017 V stroet. (Changes made Wcdncadaya and BaturdayaJ THIlKJWiTORY BRICK AND FRAME UOUBEU FOR BALE. Ml 6th St n w, mod lm 8 ra.......-. ..........( !.") eaieih unw.modlm.srB. ........ ........ 4.600 illimw.b h, mod Imps, n...-,.......-.... 4,u 41U N J. avese. mod lm 11 rs......... ......., 40 bu7 N Captl st n w. mod lm, 8 rs...., 4.VM ai9 II st n w, mod In), a ........ .....-....-... 2M no M . a e n w, mod lm, 10 rs- ........ ...... 4,ou 111 O it a e, mod lm, 10 rs.. .......... ........, 4,u 32a to 33 Oil, mod lm, a e, rs ecli...,....., 4,"i) 1U3 Colombia st n w, mod lm, 8 r. .-.... J.i) TV0-BTORY BRICK AND FRAME HOUSES FOR UAL1C 2 bonies on 1st st, bet M and N its a e, f h...;,) 111020th amw, bh, mod lm, 9 n. ....-. ...m l lIlJHaiusonitn w tu 7 rs....-.. ...........-.. l.vxl 21 u to 2101 Columbia avo n w, 8 rs-... -, l. u 329 nth st n e, n..... .......-... L600 biO sthstn e, t b,ln . IAU 111-143 A st s e. b h. 0 rs earn........ IJ IsL.tuw.belNCaptand Jl au, mod lm, 7 n..-.---..- - -..-. I. led 2219 to Kit llonndary al n w, 4 rs each. ....., .. 1,) 218 and 220 Del ave n e, f h, 5 rs tacli-.. .... 1J.0 . UNIMPROVED ritOPJUtTY FOR BALK. Per F00L nth it, bet f and 7C its n w......., mo abthit.betLandMsts n w -m . coo it st, bet lth and ltth it u ....... ..., sua Jl st. bet 2iit ana 'u su n w K .tWt2thand'7lh sta n w 1A .1 . hetu een L and M .la 11 w. D.tandMdavea w. bet i:ih and limits. .-tV) N 0 nve and U.2il it nnd l'uljlto Biuaro a u . 4-u lltti it. lift V and W Ita 11 w.. 2utU st, bet 13 and F 11 w... .. HOUSES FOR RENT. Ill till st a e, mod lm, 8 n, key 312 B. .. utt Vaatesw, mudlm.sis. key 917 F, ... ............. 300 Hint, .fuu )!') . ) U) . Z) II) . ain) , ISO) , is III . llfo all a ilse,iuodim,srs, key su . . ... US y. Cspltul it n e, s rs, key cor 1' o 1M.I i:tli it 11 w, mod lin.u rs key 113 2021lihliiw,7r.,key2uu. Iic3i:thiiii,nibtlui,fl ra, key Istl .., 2iasi2ihiin w,sr, key list Vat .. IMS Uth it n w, mod liu, 0 rs, key isil . .. IJtl Waililnslon il n w, bmlnary uulldlug, rooms is and 17.. ..-..,...... 2i2B 10 suit I2IH it n w.On. key lilt V .. 1212 lo 1A V .1 11 w, 0 ra. ke) lilt V,. ,. . jioNiinw,6r, keyTvo ..... , 2211 7th it u w, r, key 220J. . .. . .... saw lluiiudary at u w, 4 rn. key 00 uth VU28 to 2010 Bouudary it 11 w, 4 ra. key 2uM. , 1 tot alley, 2 tar ofVJI aud 9J0 21th al it u w, 4 r. Itn Mill l 11 w.lrs, key 1115. I) it, btt 2Iit and 22d st, 6 rs. xey neitdoor. llUeumsomlii w, basement,- rs, key 1I1J isuu 18 CI) til 00 Kill) MOD 110) It U) ut 9 0) 700 7 00 S&l) LOANS In suras to suit at per cent, The above la only a small portion ol property on my books. For full llitcall at ellce for bulled Itn. Issued on lit and Uth. n7 fOR EXCHANGE. BWW" " WANTED-TO EXCHANGE NEW BTOVEB ror old ones at Butler'a Stove Excbangs, jor. 5th and K; amoky chimneys cured or no Bay: stoves exchauged for groceries; old stove. ought. til AR0ffl ICEEFS SHIBTS. S7 tUCVKNTTI BT, NOSTUWJtST. 0. P. BURDETTE. Solo Agent WANTED Help rmaio. . Advertisements) of Threo tines under tbls head Inserted three times for 28 cents "WAW.TD7T0 COM JKTKNT WHITE OR, TV colored girls for pcnciSl housework. Apply .. .... ... . .. v ..,. ,.i... , n u at 8(9 Kit. n. w. "TTTANTKD-A NEAT iSvLtf.riunWN ntnr. ,v I to take caro of child nfld be metal. Apply at i Hints st. n. w. Apply at Jrlo-31 Trriwrifn .,, W honest alrl to coo J Tnr.v 1 ,nn,. wah and Iron for a well recommended. ...urn. w ,,1,1-rj uiusfccoa Call alter 4 o'clock at ICO 1 it. n. w. Jylo-31 TTANTED-IMMEDIATELY-A FIRST TT class laundress to take wasbtng homei bring relerence.. tltiaihit. n.w. Jytni VaTANTKD-A (100D COOK FOR A RES- J'. ,!,,n!.aD,. ApplyatoncatHo.3Mst., weit Weahlniton. iti.:n WANTED-A SETTLED COLOflllD Wo man who wants a home. CallatoosOsl. s. w.i must my at night. Mm. Kcott, TJTANTED-A BETTLEn WOMAN OR TV . white girl lo go to Bllgo, Montgomery County, Md., to coon, wash and Iron for a small family. Address B. JI. Crlllo offlco. Iy8-3t "WTANTED-A COLORED WOMAN TO TV cook, wash and Iron for a family of two: mnit have city, references. Apply at IH5 New York aye, n. w. Immediately. its WANTED Help Male. . Advertisement, of Three lines nnder this head Inserted three times for 23 cents. TrANTED TWO llOOD CARPENTERa TV at once. ApplylitD,bet.2dand3dits. s. jyio-ai TTANTED-JfAN li MAKE ICE CREAM it ana carry out or! ts; experienced one pre- ,"iru. imiwn su n. wi jyn.ii- Tjn-ANTED-A Will 'K BOY TO MARK vt area ana niteno ence, attleorsoT. Keer lore. Apply, with refer- n Dili st. n. w. Jyto-31 "VfTANTKlJ TWO tritWT.Cr.AHrt WATT BM1H TV Apply at once to Morgan Kenaedy's. utl D st. n.w. JT9-31 XTTANTED-A BRIOHT, ACTIVE BOY, TO learn cabinet-making: ono who has been at the business preferred; also, one nm-classcar-penter. Call amu K.t. n. w. )ytfit WANTED-Rooms. " WAV "V "XT 'NArVWVAAAAAAA WANTED-TWO UNFURNISHED COM munltallsg roomi: large and alryibetween F and 1C and 1th and. 12th streets; permanent If soiled. W. U.S. Crlllo onlro. ).8.3t JVANTED Miscellaneous. XTTANTED-TO BUY-A BICYCLE, ON TT reasonablo terms. Address W, Nclion Moore, lltti J'enn. ave. Jyu-3t VXTANTED-UBEOF OENTLKHORSE AND TT lUhtcarrlage ror anmmer; fair price grven; ownenecured against loss. J. J care Gladmon'a ,,., . m.ijr, .., mm j BIB. II. Vt. Jya-3i WANTET)-PUPILS; PIANO AND HINO Ing frcmi sight! terms (1 per month; sailsfac- nuuiiu.i.uiii luurciv, leacner, v;ruio omcc. WANTED-ALL TO KNOW THAT DR. Taylor. 931 F st.. near loth, makra beauti ful sets ot artificial teeth lor (3: guaranteed to glvo fall satisfaction: extracting with gas, chloroform or local anesthetics, M cents; without, 23 cents: fllllngsat very low prices. oc2a tTrANTED-LADIES, CITY OR COUNTRY, TV. to make 12 to 13 dally rrlnglng Easter cards; send 30 cents, stamps or postal note, ror instruc tion and sample.. Address Agency, P. O. Box ltuo. New York city. Jal2.ll IF YOU WANT TO BOY, BELL. RENT OR trade city or country property come and seo tbe great bargains at William H. Main & Bre.'s, St. Charles Hotel.corneradst. and l'enn. ave. WANTED Situations Female. Advertisements ora lines nnder thohcad of Bit nations Wanted aro Inserted 2 times free. WANTED-A 81 ronb; nnd tn v. UATfON AH Pr.AIN lb. andlrjnlnasmaltram- llyt also, a girl wont! siination to no nonse- AddreM M. It.. 1219. in work, in asmaii ramii trie rear 01 Mat., bet. llli and Zltb. Jylo "TTT-ANTED-A SITUATION TO DO HOUSE TV work or washloftand Ironing. Mrs. A, Kent, 723 3d st. n. e. P JylO ANTED-A BFMJATION AS NURSE OR chambermaid mi a private ramlly; refer ences, Apply at 1218 Bow York ave. n. w bet. M nnd Nils. Y , JylO TiTAHTED-A BITDATION AS HOOltUELL TV girl, chambermaid and light work by a girl hetwrenljand 14 years old. 3t Ostreei alley. bet. 4ih and 3th and N and O sta. n. w. Jyu TTANTED-A SITUATION BY A WITITE VT girl 13 yearaold, 10 dochamherwork and to make hericlt useful. Address K. D., In the rear ot 129 JI it. n. .. j,u TrrANTED-ABITUATIONBYA RESPEcF TV ipectable whltn girl ua chambcrmal 1; good rerereneea. ApplyqtOMK st. n. w. Jjj) WANTKD-RY A RESPECTABLE Wo man, a pluco to go out wnsnlng by the day or to take It home: good washing and Ironing done: or room, to clean up for ladles. If needed rail at No. 417 II street alley, bet. 4th and Jill and N and Oslreeta. jyu tTT-ANTED-BYA YOUNG COLORED GIRL. TV n strancer In tho city, nasblag to door gentlemen's nulees to clean. Address Mary btenart. Crlllo ofllce. Jyj -T7"ANTED-A SITUATION BY A WnlTE TV girl, 1U years old, to do light housework and toualtoiilbetnolc. Address A. K., milium e. JfU W ANTED-A SITUATION BY A WHITE girl as chambermaid or to assist In house work. Address or call at T2J 7th t. n. e., bet. G atidH. Jy8 TT7-ANTED-A BITUATION BYACOLORED v v girl oa chambermaid and waitress or would tro away with a ramlly. Address Bettle, Critic ofllte. jys -TTTANTED-WASHINO TO DO, EITHER TV at her residence or logo out, XUIrabeih Cutler. 1129 20th st. bet. L nnd M. Jyj "TTrANTEDA RESPECTABLE COLORED TV woman desires a small washing to do at homo or by Ibe day. Apply atlh83Llt. n.w. Jy8 WAN1ED-A SITUATION BY GIRL TO do ct amberwork, nurie children or wash dishes Ilia hotel. Apply at CIS Va. aye, a. w. Jya W ANTED-A SITUATION nY A RE spectakle and honest girl either to cook, wish aud Iron or as chambermaid or dining room servant. No. 419 O street alley, bet. 4th and 8th and N and Oats. Jy8 -T7-ANTED-WABHlNa TO DO BY THE TV day, week or month. Call at 2109 Vermont nve n.w. Jya -TTrANTED-A SITUATION BY A RE TV spcctable colored girl as cook In a small family, or as chambermaid, nurso or dining-room servant and ssslst In cooking. Please cat I at once at 4S3 Oslrcet alley, bet. 4th und 8lh and N and O lis lys WANTED Situations Male. Advertisements of 3 lines under the head of Sit nations Wanted are Inserted 2 times free. W ANTED-A PLaJ3EAS BOOKKEEPER, single or donblitentry: teu years' experi ence; married, tempifato and willing; best of references. Box 802,Cy FoitoQce. Iyl0-3t w ANTED-EMFL8YMENT IN ANY RE- sncctable buifnlai orofllco bva vouth of IS years. Address H.HI B Crlllo ofllce. JylO TrANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNO TT man 17 years of io In a printing oaicoor In a placoot bnsfuesa ofscluo kind: references. Ad- dru. 702 F It. a. w. g IvIO TrfTANTED-A BtTUATION BY A WniTK T T bor In u lawyer's or patent attorney's olllce; good rafcrenres can bo lurnlshed. Address Law- yer, Crlllo ofMce. jyj XTANTED-A SITUATION nY A WHITE V V boy, 17 years of age, to learu tbe bartending business; cau make himself useful; good cltv references. AdareasB. J. L.,499 Hst-s. w. Jy9 W ANTED-A SITUATION BY A WHITE boy In a lawyer's or patent attorney's ofllce. Addreis J. A. it., sli A st. s. e. Jya W ANTED-A SITUATION 1IY A WHITE boy, 18 years old, tn the country, to attend hone and buggy and work about Iho place. Address W.U, Crlllo ofllce. Jyj TTTANTED-A BITUATION BY A YOUNa TV man who can speak French, German and junllili;ls willing to accept any kind of work, tltberlnuty orcountry. Address A.Bernhelm. 729 New Jersey nve. n. w. Jftf TTT-ANTED-A BITUATION BY A YOUNG T colored youth to go an av to the apt lags as bell boy ur iculllon lu hotel. Apply at 318 N. V. ae.n. w. Jya TTrANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNO Tv man front lliorountry ina 1 a.loreur to drlv. Micon: good chy reference. AUitrrss j, is.'r. roil rooip, .iu. I TTTANTED-HITUATIONS BY A MAN A TV nllri wife as ilrst-class cook, man ns waller or Oilier, and a girl as chambermaid or nlirse. (.all at us Nit, n.w. jya- TTrANTED-A BITUATION nY A YOUNG TV man of good business qualifications as wslchmsn, clerk In anonlce, shipping kouse or iplng ko rltlo ornci otnr tuilnens. Address Oscar, i r, uritio ojjrco. jyi UNDERTAKERS. t -iW JOSEPH O.LEE, Formerly of Henry Lee's sons, UNDERTAKER. New and commodious war croon), No. 321 Penn.A ave-nonhMeii. Ittildence on premises. fe4 tf ADDIBON DAY, PRACTICAL UNDERTAKER ANDCA11INET MAKER. Ready-made Conine, Caskets and Shrouds, No., corner of O a. w. Branch Store. (HI Mass, ave, n. w, Ordera promptly executed at reasonable rales. tl RilTHABVEY, UNDERTAKER, Oil SEVENTH BTIIEET NORTHWEST, The pnbllc u reapecttully notified tbat I am no loacerattU2Fst., bnt iX Beventh sirajt .5. w. Make so ulstakB. 11 V. UABYEY.