Newspaper Page Text
I i itE RE f I! B.LIC. EDITED BV p I A. C. BI LUT1' At JOHN O. 8AEQUNT. PUBLISHED BV GIDEON & Co. TERMS OK THE DAILY AND I HI WEEKLY For the Daily paper, per annum . . . 10 00 For the Tri-weekly, " 6 00 For three copies of the Tri-weekly . . 15 00 TERMS OF THE WEEKLY. Single subscription for one yeur . . . <$ 2 00 Six copies, for one year 10 00 Sixteen copies, for one year "20 00 Twenty-five, copies, for one year, (when ordered at one and the same time) . . '26 00 No puper will lie sent until the money is received. PROPOSALS FOR TIMBER, &c., FOR THE NAVY. Navy Department, Bureau of Construction, Equipment and Repair, tiLiir 13. 1H40. I ll E RE PI P.LI'C. Vol. I. WASHINGTON: WEDNESDAY MOANING, JUNE 13, 1849. No. I MEALED proposals, endorsed " Proposals for TimlO ber or Lumber, as the case may be," (naming the yard for which the offer is intended,) will be received by this Bureau until three o'clock, P. M.,of the fifteenth of August next, for furnishing and delivering, under contract, at the several navy yards hereinafter named, the timber, lumber, and other arti '.Irs embraced in this advertisement. One-fourth c the whole quantity required at each navy yard, i 'ist be delivered on or before the 1st July; onet urth on or before the 1st September; one-fourth on or before the 1st November; and one-fourth on or before the 30th December, 1850- In case of failure to deliver the urticles within the times and in the proportions specified, the Bureau or the several commandants to nave the right to supply deficiencies by purchase, and the contractor and his sure ies to be responsible in twice the contract price. All the limber, lumber, and other articles must be of the very best quality, and subject to the inspection and measurement established for the government of the several navy yards, printed rules of which may be obtained on application to the different commandants or navy ugents. All said timber, lumber, and other articles must be entirely satisfactory to the respective commandants. The white oak timber must be rough squared, according to the growth of the tree, to huve no /ane exceeding one-fourth the width of the face of the side as squared. All the yellow pine timber must be of the very best quality of lone leaf, f'ne groin, Southern yellow pine, to be hewed to a . iir edge, und to have no more sap than one-eighth of the breadth of the face from each corner; the contents of all sap to be excluded in the measurement of the timber. The oak must be. felled between ,he 1st of October and the 1st of March, and must fave grown within sixty miles of the seacoust; lust be stnppea 01 me uura or neweu wiimii iwcny days after it is felled, and placed clear of the ptund: of which satisfactory evidence must be frven by the contractor, by the production of certi ates signed by two respectable witnesses, with heir deposition on oath, before some judge of the ourt or magistrate within the township or county rbere the timber was felled. Persons offering for more than one yard, mujf sake separate and distinct proposals for the supply oj rtch, keeping the classes of articles separate, and emlacing the whole quantity of all the articles in the iass. The cost of each item must be distinctly ?rried out, and the aggregate a each class correcty footed up, which is material to a fair comparison r! bids. An erroneous extension or an erroneous aggregate will constitute an informality, and the bid will not be considered. No extension of time for deliveries under any - ntract will be granted, ani} penalties for non-fuli -nent will in all cases be rigidly enforced; bidders therefore, requested to offer for no more than y are sure they can furrish within the time spe. led. The price of all manufactured or sawed lumber be estimated and dAermined by " board meu" the square and rsund timber, unless othertpecifieu, by the " rubic foot." roved sureties in twice the estimated amount, nanner set forth in the form of the contract, required, and ten per centum, in addition, i <se withheld from <ne amount of each payment a collateral security for the faithful performance of he contract. Ninety per centum of each delivery trill be paid by the navy agent within thirty dnys fter the presentation of approved bills, in triplicate, y the commandant of the yard at which the delive) are made. /cry offer must be accompanied by a written ty, (the responsibility of the guarantor or ors to be certified to by a navy agent or other erson, or by some one known to the Bu j hat. if the offer be accepted, the bidder or will, within five days after the receipt of the jj nt the post office designated, execute the i ./ith good and sufficient sureties, to furnish licles proposed, agreeably to the terms speciV ? this advertisement, and which may be em< in the contract. The law of 10th August, ? . 7,forbids the consideration of all proposals not nrpanied by such guaranty, udders are particularly cautioned to endorse their 'rs, as above required, that they may be distinuished from other business letters, in order to p-event their being opened before the proper time. All offers not made in strict conformity with this (dvertisement, in every particular, will be rejected is informal. Those whose offers are accepted will te duly notified, and contracts forwarded without ielay. Persons,offering are directed to designate the post fficc through which they desire to be addressed, Ind the navy agent to whom the contract shall be tent for execution. FORM OF OFFER Washimc.tom, , 1849. Sis: I hereby agree to furnish and deliver at the javy yard at , in conformity with the requirements of the advertisement from the Bureau >f Construction, Equipment, and Repair, of the 13th June, 1849, the several articles of , enunerated in (class r,) or classes and , or that yard, to wit: Cl.At* MO. ? cubic feet white oak plank stocks, at ? cents per cubic foot - - ft? ? ? Bided inches of white oak boat knees, at ? cents per sided inch - _ ? Class no. ?? cubic feet yellow pine plank s'ocks, at ? cents pier cubic foot - $? ? cubic feet promiscuous yellow pine, at ? cents per cubic foot ... i , | If my bid be accepted, F desire to be addressee '.hrough the post office at , and the contrac to be sent to the navy agent nt , for execu lion. Respectfully, A. IF. To Commodore C. W Skinnkr, Chief Bureau of Construction, Ac., Ac., Wash wgton. We, the undersigned, residents of , ii the State of , hereby guarantee, that ir case the foregoing bid of be accepted *that will, within five days after the receip of the contract nt the post office designated in salt bid, execute the same, with good and sufficien sureties, to furnish the articles proposed, in con formity with the terms of the advertisement undc which it was made. C. D., n n rv r. I herehy certify, that to the beat of my know 'edge and lieltef, the above named guarantors ari food and sufficient J. H., Navy Agent. NAVY YARD, KITTKRY, MAINE. 1st Cl.Asa. White oak knees (by the sifted inch.) fiOO White Oak knees, (or 4,.100 aided inches,) thi net aiding of one thitd to be 7 inches, the net sidinf of one third to be 8 Inches, and the net aiding of tin other third to tie 0 inrlies; the arms to tie in length: from 5 feet to 5 feet ind 6 inches; the bodies to bi in lengths from 5} to 7 J, averaging 6J feet. The bodies nre to be sided to the diameter of thi arm, the aiding size taken at the middle of the lengtl of ilie arm, (clear of linrk.) Three-fourths of thi aiding or diameter is In be considered the net aidinj of the knee. The moulding size of the body, in the middle o its length, to be full one and one-half the net stdinf ,of the knee One-half of the above knees to be square, ant one-fourth to form an angle from eighty to ninetj degi or ; the remainder to form an angle from ninety to one hundred degrees. I ' * - The length of the Hrm to be measured from the buck of the body as moulded by the angles given. 2d Class. Lumber, (" Hoard measure f) per thousand feet. 2,000 feet, bourd measure, 1st quality 5-inch clear White Pine plank. 2,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 4-inch clear White Pine plunk. 3,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 3-inch clear White Pine plank. 3,000 feet, board measure, 1st quulity 2Hnch clear White Pine plank 10,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 2-inch clear White Pine plank. 10,000 feet, board measure, 1st quulity li-inch clear White Pine plank. 6,000 feet, board meusure, 1st quality 11-inch clear White Pine plank. 1,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 11-inch clear Cypress plank. 4,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 1-inch clear Cypress boards. 2,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 3-inch clear White Ash plank. 2,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 24-inch clear White Ash plank. 6,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 2-inch clear White Ash olunk. 2,000 feet, bourd measure, lstquulity l^-inch clear White Ash plank ; one-half to be not leas than 20 inches wide. 2,000 feet, bourd measure, 1st quality lj-inch clear White Ash plank; one-half to be not less than 20 inches wide. 3,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 1-inch clear White Ash boards. 500 feet, board measure, 1st quality 4-inch Black Walnut plank. 500 eet, board measure, 1st quality 3-inch Black Walnut plank. ' 1,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 2-inch Black Walnut plank. 500 feet, board measure, 1st quality 1J inch Black Walnut plank. 2,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 1-inch Black Walnut boards. 62,500 NAVY YARD, CHARLESTOWN, MASS. Class No. 1. White Oak Timber, Sec. 40,000 cubic feet White Oak plank stocks, to average forty-three feet in length, none to be less than thirty-five long, and none less than twelve inches square at the top end, clear of wane. The stocks to be lined straight the siding way, and may be straight, or have a long fair curve, the other way; both sides muy be lined tapering in conformity with the growth of the tree. 1 he wane must not exceed one-fourth of the width of the face of the stocks, as squared?per cubic foot. 4,000 cubic feet While Oak butt pieces, in lengths from 25 to 40 feet long, and from 14 to 24 inches square, equal proportions of the different lengths and sizes?per cubic foot. titl r\ i_ i 1 _ , 4oa ?:,! ? 4u w niie uak Knees ior cnecKs, ^sny i-ju stuuig inches, per inch,) the bodies and arms to be from eight to ten feet long; nett siding from nine to twelve inches; and to form an angle from 110 to 120 degrees. The bodies to be rough sided to the diameter of the arms, including the bark. The moulding size of the bodies in the middle of their lengths to . be from fifteen to twenty inches, (per siding inch) ?per inch. 200 White Oak boat knees, (suy 800 siding inches,) arms not less than four inches diameter clear of the bark, and the arms and bodies to be not less than thirty-two inches long. One-third of the whole number to be square knees?per inch, nett siding. All the above White Oak timber and knees to be of the very liest quality, and free from all defects. The ends to be sawed otf square to sound and perfect wood by the contractor. Clam No. 2. Yellow Pine Timf>er. 40,000 cubic feet fine grained Southern Yellow Pine plank stocks, to average forty-five feet in length, and none leas ihan thuty-nve feet long. Two sides must be lined straight, but may retain the natural taper of the tree. The other two sides may be lined of parallel breadths, or with the natural taper, and must be lined straight, or with a fair curve. The small end must not be less than four fifths of the butt end, and the small end must not be less than 1 twelve inches square, clear of wane. No more sap wood than one-eighth of the breadth of the face from each corner will be allowed on the stocks. The sap wood to be excluded in the measurement?per cubic foot. 6,000cubic feet finegrained Southern Yellow Pine 1 promiscuous timber, from 25 to 40 feet long, and from 18 to 24 inches square?per cubic foot. All the above Yellow Pine timber to be of the vcrv best aualitv. and free from all defects. The ends to be sawed off square to sound and perfect wood by the contractor. Class No. 3. White Pine. 2,000 feet, board measure, No. 1 White Pine 1 inch boaids, to be clear of all defects, such ns knots, i rot, splits, shaki s, stains, coarseness of quality, sap wood, holes, and uneven sawing?per thousand feet, board measure. 30,000 feet, board measure, No. 2 White Pine one inch boards, to have not more than three medium size knots within the surface of fifteen feet; to be clear of all other knots, sap wood, rot, shakes, splits, holes, and uneven sawing?per thousand feet board measure. : Jlsh, Cherry, Black Walnut, Cypress, Locust, Arc. 800 cubic feet White Ash butt pieces, from 14 to " 30 fest long, and to average 18 inches diameter in the middle of the sticks, clear of bark; none leas * than 16 inches diameter?per cubic foot. 500 feet board measure, Cherry boards, one inch thick, to average 16 inches?per thousand feet, boahd ' measure. 20,000 feet board measure, White Ash plank, 2 1 inches thick?per thousand feet, board measure. 500 feet board measure. Cherry plank, 2 inches thick to average 14 inches wide?per thousand feet board measure. 1,000 feet board measure, Blnrk Walnut boards, 1 inch thick, to average 18 inches wide?per thousand feet, board measure. 1 1,500 Icet board measure, Black Walnut boards, ' 1 inch thick, to average 14 inches wide?per thou' sand feel, board measure. J 500 feet board measure, Blaek Walnut plank, 2 inches thick, to average 14 inches wide?per thou' sand feet board measure. 10,000 feet board measure, Cypress boards, 1 r inch thick, from 20 to 30 feet" long, and from 8 to 12 inches wide?per thousand feet, board measure. 50 piece* Yellow Locust, from 12 to 25 feet long, and from 10 to 18 inches diameter, to average 14 t inches diameter, clear of bark, in the middle of the sticks, or 575 cubic feet?per cubic foot. 6 pieces Fustic, three feet long and sixteen inches diameter, say 17 cubic feet?per cubic foot. 1,200 feet board measure, Cedar boards, 15 to 25 feet long, and from 8 to 12 inches wide, and jj of nn inch thick?per thousand feet, Imard measure. All the Ash, Cherry, Ac., above des< ril>cd, to be of the very best quality, clear of rot, splits, shakes, knots, cross grain, worm holes, Mains, Ac. The plank nnd boards to br sawrd to even thicknesses, r Clam No. 4. * Black S/>rucc Spars and Poles. ? By the inch and pole. c 30 pieces, 37 feet long, 8 inches diameter in the i middle, 5 inches diameter at the top end, clear of B the bark?per inch, 240 inches. ; 40 pieces 3.1* feet long, 7 inches diameter in the middle, 4J inches diameter nt the top end, clear of f the hark?-j?er inch, 280 inches, f 30 pieces, 30 feet long, 7 inches diameter in the middle, 4? inches diameter at the top end, clear of 1 the bark?per inch, 210 inches. f 40 pieces, 27 feet long, fi inches diameter in the f middle, 4 inches diameter at the top-end, clear of the bark?per inch, 240 inches. 100 pieces, 25 feet long, 5 inches diumeter in the middle, 31 incites diameter at the top end, clear of the bark?per inch, 500 inches. 100 poles, 20 feet long, 4 inches diumeter in the middle, 3 inches diameter at the top end, clear of the bark?per pole, by the pole. All the above spars to be of the very best quality, straight and free from all defects. NAVY YARD, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Class No. 1. Live Oak timber, (by the cubic'foot.) Live Oak keelson pieces for a frigate of the 1st class, (two sets,) as follows : 24 pieces 29 feet long, 1,740 cubic feet. 2 do 35 do 175 do. 2 do 25 do 124 do 2 do 22 do 110 do 2 do 14 do 70 do To be sided 20 inches und moulded 18 inches. Euch of these pieces is intended to form two pieces, to be worketl to 18 inches siding, und six inch moulded, nett dimension; an allowance is made of 6 inches the moulding way, that the heart of the piece may be taken out if deemed proper, and the contractor will hew them with reference to this arrangement. Live Oak keelson pieces, for a sloop-of-war of the 1st class, (three sets,) as follows: 18 pieceH 29 feet long, 1,071 cubic feet. 6 do 33 do do 408 do. 3 do 21 do do 130 do. 3 do 20 do do 124 do. To be sided 16? inches and moulded 18 inches. Each of the pieces is intended to form two pieces to work 14^ inches siding, and 6 inches moulding;, nett dimensions; un allowance is made of 6 inches in the moulding way, that the heart of the piece may be taken out if deemed proper, and the contractor will hew them with reference to this arrangement. All the aforesaid Live Oak keelson timber shall have grown not more than twenty-five miles from the sea, and shall be free from all defects which may impair the good quality for the purpose for which it is required; to be got out straight the siding way, anu by a sweep curving 6 inches in 45 feet, the moulding way. Class No. 2. Locust timber. 500 cubic feet Long Island Locust timber, lengths not less than 10 feet, to average 12 inches diameter, not less than 10 inches, to be of the best quality, free from all defects. 2 pieces Yellow Locust timber, 18 cubic feet, L. Island, 4 feet each, 23 inches diameter. 8 pieces Yellow Locust timber, 37 cubic feet, L. Island, 7 feet each, 8 x 12 inches diameter. 30 pieces Yellow Locust timber, 150 cubic feet, L. Island, 12 feet each, 7x9 inches diameter. Class No. 3. Yellow Pine timber. 2ft 000 cnhic feet Southern Yellow Pine plank stock. 10,000 cubic feet Southern Yellow Pine promiscuous timber. The "plank stock" to be in length not less than 35 feet, averaging 45 feet, halt to square 12 inches and half to square 14 inches and upwards at the lop end of the sticks; to be of the best quality, long leaf, fine grain, free from heart shakes, wind shakes, and all other defects; to be hewed to a fair edge, und to have no more sap than one-eighth of the breadth of the face from each corner, and the cubical contents of all sap to be excluded in the measurement of the timber. The "promiscuous timber" to be in lengths not less than 30 feet, to average 40 feet, to square 14 inches and upwards at the, lop ends, averaging 16 inches square ; to be of the best quality, long leaf, fine gram, free from heart shakes, wind shukes, and all other defects; to be hewed to a fair edge, according to the growth of the tree, and to have no more sap than ? of the breadth of the face from each corner, and the cubical contents of all the sap to be excluded in the measurement of the timber. A proportion of the above timber may be hewed with a fair curve of 6 inches spring one way of the stick. The aforesaid "plank stocks" and "promiscuous timber" must be felled between the 1st of October and the 1st of March, and must have grown within 60 miles of the sea coast; must be stripped of the bark, or hewed within 20 days after it is felled, and placed clear of the ground. Class No. 4. Spar timber. 3 yellow pine sticks, or 267 cubic feet of spar timber, 50 feet long, 16 inches parallel. 3 yellow pine sticks, or 210 cubic feet of spar timber, 45 feet long, 15 inches parallel. 4 yellow pine sticks, or 1,035 cubic feet of spar timber, <3 feet long, 25j inches J from butt. 4 yellow pine sticks, or 722 cubic feet of spar timber, 65 feet king, 23 inches ? from butt. 4 yellow pine slicks, or 468 cubic feet of spar timber, 52 feet long, 19 inches } from butt. 4 yellow nine sticks, or 384 cubic feet of spar timber, 48 feet long, 18 inches } from butt. 2 yellow pine sticks, or 147 cubic feet of spar timber, 54 feet long, 1(5 inches { from butt. 4 yellow pine sticks, or 968 cubic feet of spar timber, 72 feet long, 22 inches parallel. 4 yellow pine sticks, or 874 cubic feet of spar timber, 65 feet loner, 22 inches parallel. All of the above Yellow Pine spar timber is to be of the best quality, free from heart shakes, wind shakes, and all other defects, to be hewed to a fair edge, and to have no more sap than 1-6 of the breadth of the face from each corner. Those pieces marked "J from butt" nie for yards, and must lie the same at the butt, and lined full towards the end, which can be tapered off, the large pieces to 14 inches and the smallest to 11 inches?by the cubic foot. Class No. 5. Spruce spars. 25 spruce spars, 55 to 60 feet long, of proportionate , size, per Spar. 25 spruce s|mrs, 45 to 50 feet long, of proportionate size, per spsr. 500 inches spruce spars, 6j to 9J inches, per inch. Class No. 6. timber, A'r., S'c. 4 ash logs, 14 feet long and 20 to 24 inches diameter, 308 inches, per inch. 300 inches round ash timl>er, 20 to 24 inches di iimcier, per men. 200 inches round ash tunlJer, 24 inches diameter, per inch. 200 inches round ash timber, 20 inches diameter, per inch. 10(H) feet ash plank, 4 inches thick, 22 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet 1500 feet ash plank, 3} inches thick, 21 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 1500 feet ash plnnk, 3] inches thick, 20 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 9000 feet ash plank. 3 inches thick. 21 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 1500 feet ash plank, 3 inches thick, 1H inches wide, board measure, per 10(H) feet. 1500 feet ash plank, 2J im hes thick, 20 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet ash plank, 2$ inches thick, 17 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 1000 feet ash plank, 2} inches thick, 20 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. , 2000 feet ash plnnk, 2j inches thick, 16 inches wide, board measure, per |(HHI feet. 1000 feet ash plank,2J inches thick, 21 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 15(H) feet srsh plank, 2| inches thick, 17 inches wide, board measure, per 1(HH) feet. 2000 feet ash plank, 2J inches thick, 15 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet ash plank, 2J inches thick, 13 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet ash plnnk, 2 inches thick, 15 inches wide, board measure, per 1000?feet. 2000 feet ash plank, 2 inches thick, 13 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 1500 feet ash plank, 2 inches thick, 12 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 1500 feet ash plunk, 2 inches thick, 22 inches wide, ; hoard measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet usli plank, 1 j inches thick, Id inches wide, I board measure, per 1000 feet. 15t)0 feetash plank, 1J inches tliick, 17 inches wide, | board measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet ash plank, inches thick, l(j inches wide, ] board measure, per 1000 feel. 1500 feetash plank, ljj inches thick, 12 inches wide, ] hoard measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet ash plank, 1 j inches thick, 17 inches wide, j hoard measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feetush plank, 1J inches thick, 17 inches wide, ^ board measure, per 1000 feet. 3000 feetush plank, li inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 4 3000 feetash plank, 1^ inches thick, board measure, per 1000 feet. 400 feet ash (dank, 4 inches thick, 12 to 20 inches ] wide, 12 to 14 feet long', well seasoned. 000 feet ash plank, 3 inches thick, 12 to 20 inches j wide, 12 to 10 feet long, well seasoned. 1300 feet ash plank, 2 inches thick, 15 to 20 inches Wiae, nnu upwarus, u> no cieur unu wen seasoned. * 350 feet ash plank, 1J inches thick, 18 to 24 inches wide, to be clear and well seasoned. 3000 feet ash plunk, inches thick, 18 to 24 inches wide, to be clear and well seasoned. 6000 feet ash plunk, 1^ inches thick, 20 inches wide, and upwards, to be clear and well seasoned. 600 feet ash plank, 1 inch thick, 12 to 20 inches wide, to be clear and well seasoned. 350 feet ash plank, 1J inches thick, 10 to 14 inches wide, to be clear and well seasoned. 3000 feet ash plank, 1? inches thick, 10 to 18 inches wide, to be clear and well seasoned. 500 feet 4 inch ash plank, board measure. 500 do 3 do do do 300 do 2J do do do 500 do 2 do do do 200 do 1J do do do 500 do lj do do do 500 do 1{ do do do 500 do 1 do boards, do 50 white ash ours, 17 feet long, or 850 feet in length, by the foot. 100 white ash oars, 16 feet long, or 1600 feet in length, by the?foot. 150 white ash oars, 15 feet long, or 2250 feet in length, by the foot. 300 white ash oars, 14 feet long, or 4200 feet in length, by the foot. 500 white ash oars, 13 feet long, or 6500 feet in length, by the foot. 300 white ash oars, 12 feet long, or 3600 feet in length, by the foot. All the foregoing ash timber and plank to be of the best quality white ash, free from knots, shakes, spats, anu an otner ueiecis. Class No. 7. White Oak timber, 8fc., per cubic foot. 30000 cubtc feet white oak plank stock, per cub: ft. 10000 cubic feel white oak promiscuous timber, per cubic foot. 2000 feet 11 inch white oak plank, per thousand feet, board measure. 2000 feet 1J inch white oak plank, per thousand feet, board measure. 3000 feet 1 inch white oak boards, per thousand feet, board measure. 3000 feet j inch white oak boards, per thousand feet, board measure. The above "white oak plank stocks" to be in lengths not less than 35 feet, averaging 43 feet, hal f to square 12 inches and half tit square 14 inches and upwards at the top end of the stick. They must be rough-squared, according to the growth of tlic tree; to have no wane exceeding 1-5 the width of the face of the side, as squared; to l>e of the best quality, free from heart shakes, wind shakes, bad knots, short crooks, and all other defects. The cubical contents of the sap shall be excluded in the measurement. * The "promiscuous timber" to be in lengths not less than 20 feet, to average 35 feet, to square 14 inches and upwards at the top end of the stick?to average 17 inches. It must lie rough-squared ao cording to the growth of the tree; to have no wane exceeding 1-5 the width of the face of the sides as squared; to be of the best quality, free from heart shakes, wind shakes, bad knots, and all other defects, and the cubical contents of the sap shall be excluded in the measurement. The alaive white oak plank stocks and promiscuous timber must be felled between the 1st October und 1st March, and must have grown vuhin 60 miles of the sea-const, must be stripped of the bark, or hewed within 20 days after it is felled, and plant clear Of the ground . Class No. 8. White Pine timber, A*r., (board measure, per thousand feet.) 500 feet t^-inch clear white pine, well seasoned, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. "00 feet 4-inrh clear while pine, 12 to 18 inches wide, 12 in 16 feet long, equal quantities. 1,000 feet 3-inch clear white pine, 12 to 18 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 2,000 feel 2j-inch clear w hite pine, 12 lo 18 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 1,000 feet Qj-iiirh clear while pine, 12 to Mnches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 12,000 2-inch clear white pine, 12 to 14 inches wide, 12 to 16 feel long, equal quantities. 1,000 feet 1 J-uich clear white pine, 12 to 14 incite wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities 11,000 feet 1 ?-inch clear white pine, 12 to 14 inch* wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities 10,000 feet IJ-inrh clear while pine, 12 to 14 inche' wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal qoantiliea. 11,000 feet linch clear w hile pine, 12 to 14 inches w ide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 4,000 feci J-inch clear while pine, 12 to 14 inches , wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 9,000 feet }-inch clear while pine, 12 to 14 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 10,000 feet 2-inch merchantable white pine, 14 feet and upwards in length. 10,000 feet 2-inch merchantable white pine, 14 feet and upw ards in lenelh. 10,000 feet 2-wch merchantable white pine, 14 feet and upwards in length. 10,000 feet good box lioards, f 10 feet long, j 12 feet long, 12, 15, and 20 inches wide, equal ' quantities. 2.000 merchantable Albany plank, per plank 1,300 do do boards, per board. Class No. 9. Lignumvittf [per ton.) 12 tuna, of 2,240 lbs, of Lignumvittr 17} in. diam. 4 tSo do do do 5 to 16 do do 3 do do do do i3 to 14 do do 4 do do do do .1 to 12 do do 4 do do do do 9 to It) do do 5 do do do do 8 to 8} do do 4 do do do do 7 to 7} do do 4 do do do do 6 to 6} do do 4 do do do do 3 to 5} do do To be of the best quality of It. Domingo Ltgnunivittt, to lie straight and aould, and free from checks, and not leas than 3 feet lo^g. Class No. 10. Hickory liars (by thl bar.) 50 rough Hickory bars, 13 feet ling, to square 5 inches 2 feet above butt. 200 rough Hickory bars, 5} feet bng, to square 3 inches 1 feet above butt. 75 rough Hickory bars, 5 feet long, to square 3 inches 1 foot above butt, 100 rough Hickory bars, 6 feet hng, to square 3} inches. All to lie split straight from thi best quality of white heart hickory, free from knots and all other defects. Cyjrress, (board measure.) 5.000 feet of Cypress boards } inch thick. 5,000 do do . 1} do filack Walnut, (board measure,) per one hundred feet. 200 feet 4 x 4-inch black walnut jout, good and dry 200 feet 4-inch black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 400feet 3}-inch black walnut plank, good and dry, ( 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide " 500 feet 3-inch black walnut plank, good arid dry, , 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 100 feet 2i-wk h black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. jOOfeet 2-inch black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 100 feet 1J-inch black walnut plunk, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 100 feet l^-inch black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 {o 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 150 feet 11-inch black wulnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feel long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 100 feet 1-inch black walnut boards, good and dry, 10 to 14 feet long, 14 to 24 inches wide, equal quantities. 100 feet J inch black walnut boards, good and dry, 10 to 14 feet long, 14 to 24 inches wide, equal quantities. 150feet J-inch black walnut boards, good and dry, 12 to 18 inches wide. >00 feet black walnut veneers, 3 feet long. Class No. 11. Mahogany, (board measure,) per one hundred Jeet. 120 feet 3 j-inch mahogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 12 to 16 inches wide, equal quantities. 100 feet 4-inch mahogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 12 to Hi inrhp.a whIp cmml nnnntitipft. 100 feet 3-inch mahogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 12 to 16 inches wide, equal quantities. 150 IVet 2?-inch mahogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 10 to '2' inches wide, equal quantities. 200 fee. 2-inch mahogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 10 to 24 inches wide, equal quantities. 100 feet I'-inch mahogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 10 to 24 indies wide, equal quantities. 200 feet lj-inch mahogany, 8 to 12 feet long, onethird 12 to 15 inches wide, one-third 18 inches wide, one-third 24 inches wide, equal quantities. 250 feet 1-inch mahogany, 8 to 12 feet long, onequarter 12 to 15 inches wide, one-quarter 18 inches wide, one-quarter 20 inches wide, oneSiuarter 24 inches wide, equal quantities, eet J-inch mahogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 15 to 20 inches wide, equal quantities. 100 feet ?-inch molioganv, 10 to 14 feet long, 15 to 20 inches wide, equal quantities. 300 feet 11 and 2-mch muhogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 15 to 20 inches wide, equal quantities. [00 feet assorted mahogany, crotch veneers, 3 feet long. SOO cubic feet African mahogany, in the log, not less titan 10 feet long, 26 to 30 inches square. Class No. 12. Maple, (board measure,) per 100 feet. 100 feet Maple Joist, 4 r 4,3| x 4, and 3x3 inches, equal quantities. 25 feet Maple Veneers, 3 feet long, assorted. Cedar, board measure, per M. 1000 feet Cedar Boards, J inch thick. Cherry, (board measure.) 1C0 feet Cherry Plank, 2J-inch, 12 to 18 inches wide, 10 to 14 feel long, equal quantities. 700 feet Cherry Plank, 2-inch, 12 to 18 inches wide, 10 to 14 feet long, equal quantities. 100 feet Cherry Plank, 1^-inch, 12 to 18 inches wide, 10 to 14 feet long, equal quantities. 100 feet Cherry Boards, 1-inch, 18 to 24 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 100 feet Cherrv Boards, 1-inrh. 1ft to Q4 inr.heii wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 100 felt Cherry Boards, ^-inch, 12 to 18 inches wide, 12 feet long, equal quantities. 100 feet Cherry Boards, J-inch, 12 to 18 inches wide, 12 feet long, equal quantities. 100 feet Cherry Joist, 4 x 4-incn, 12 feet long. 150 feet Cherry Joist, 3!, x 3)-inch, 12 feet long. 2000 feet 4 and ^-inch White wood Boards, 14 to 20 inches wide, (board measure.) NAVY YARD, PHILADELPHIA. Class No. 1. White Oaky [by the cubic foot.) 15,000 cubic feet White Oak plank stock. Instructions furnished at the yard. Class No. 2. White Pine (by the thousand feet.) 60,000 feet (twiard measure) 3 inch White Pine plank. 40 feet long, 14 to 16 inches wide, square-edged, free fromdefects that would in jure them as stage plank. 10 000 feet (hoard measure) 2-inch White Pine panel plank, 16 feet long. 10,000 feet (board measure) Ij-inch White Pine panel plank, 16 feet long. 5,000 feet (board measure) lj-inch White Pine panel plank, 16 feet long. 10,000 feet (board measure) 1-inch White Pine panel boards, 16 feet long. Class No. 3. White dish, (by lineal foot.) 100 seasoned White Ash, for rafters, 14 feet, or 1400 lineal feet. 100 seasoned White Ash, for rafters, 16 feet, or 1600 lineal feet. 3| inches square at loom; 5 J by l? inches at the end. NAVY YARD, WASHINGTON. Clam No. 1. White Pine, (board measure, />gr thousand feet.) 7,000 sup. ft, 2 inch White Pine panel boards. 12,000 do IJ do do do 7,000 do 1 do do do Oi. asa No. 2. ?1shy per cubic feet. 1,500 cubic feet of Ash logs, viz: 5W, or one-third to be from 16 to 20 inches in diameter. 501, or one-third to be from 20 to 24 inches in diameter, and 500 or one-third to be from 24 to 28 inches in diameter. A1 to be from 12 to 20 feet in length. Clam No. 3. .Miscellaneous, (board measure, per thousand feet.) 500 sup. ft. J inch Yellow Poplar panel boards. 500 " 2 do Black Walnut do do 500 44 1} do do do do 500 44 1 do do do do 500 44 j do do do do The whale to be inspected and measured agreeably to thi printed rules issued by the Bureau, a copy of wlich will be furnished bidders by the Commandait of the Navy Yard, Washington. ' NAVY YARD, GOSPORT, VA. Class No. 1. White Oak timber, per cubic foot. 30.000 cubic feet White Oak plank stocks, 1,000 do do promiscuous timber. To be rough squared, from 30 to 50 feet in length, to average 40 fee', in length, and not to be less than 14 inches square at small end. White Oak thick stuffy for caps and trestletrees. 10 pieces, each nice 21 fprt in length, 16 inches wide, 10 inches thick, or 232 cubic feet. 10 pieces, each piece 19 feet in length, 14 inches wide, 9 inches tl ic.k, or 162 cubic feet. 15 pieces, each piece 17 feet in length, 14 inches wide, 8 inches thi-k, or 200 cubic, feet. 15 pieces, each piece II feet in length, 13 inches wide, 7 inches thick, or 120 cubic feet. White Oak or Hickory small frutts, for Cooper. 4 pieces, 20 feet in length, by the piece. 4 do 14 do do 4 do 10 do do 4 do 6 do do To be not less than 6 inches at the small end, and clear of knots and straight grained. 5,000 white oak barrel staves, usual sizes, by the thousand. Clash No. 2. White Pine, board measure, by the thousand feet. 5,000 feet of plank stocks, to be from 35 to 60 feet in length, to average 45 feet in length, not to be less than 14 inches square at small end. 4,000 feel plank, 4 inches thick, 5,000 do 3 do Susquehanna pine; no plank to be under 12 inches wide. 30,000 feet plank, 2 inches thick, 30,000 do IJ do 35,000 feet boards, 1 inch thick, To be of the usual breadth, Susquehanna pine No. 1, or'first quality. 20,000 feet boards, i inch thick, to be of the usual breadth, Susquehanna pine No. 1, or first quality. 15,000 feet plank, 2 inches thick, 15,000 do 1 do Usual breadth, Susquehanna pine No. 2, or second quality. Class No. 3. Southern Yellow Pine, by the cubic foot. STEAMERS. 10 ueams, to icei 111 lengm, 10 siue incnes, and mould 15 inches, 2,925 cubic feet. 40 beams, 45 feet in length, to side 12 inches, and mould 14 incites, 2,100 cubic feet. FRIGATES. 10 beams, 46 feet in length, to side 15 inches, and mould 14jwetiEff3Hh*<ybic feet. 10 beams, 4<neetTTi"Tt'm?t(|^hs side 15 inches, and moujfl 14>i^fli3,2f60 cuGc^eet. 4 beam, 4^*61 in lengthyto ^jWe 15 inches, and m/uldA?inches, 2JW cubjpUn. 10 beams,feet^jp l^|th, Tojsi|H 17 inches, and iaoul(n!5 in^es~H25 cuG3 fat 10 beirnsJ>?j feet in Jprigth, A^aj*W17 inches, and iTOultrtS incheajfclS cmncSen. 5 beams 42fe,et ih^engthjto syfe 17 inches, and mot HdT^iiSthes, ^1 xuMe/eet. 10 beams,%&3k?Lin icagihfyiiside 15 inches, and mould lT'safcnSt.fifaEetfbic feet. 10 beams, 42 feel in length, to side 15 inches, and mould 11 inches, 520 cubic feet. 10 beams, 40 feet in length, to side 15 inches, and mould 11 inches, 500 cubic feet. The above beams to be fine grain Yellow Pine, to spring 6 inches in 45 feet. 20,000 feet Yellow Pine plank stock, to be fine grain. Class No. 4. Southern Yellow Pine, [by cubic foot.) ?-* | C- v. ' GG | X 13 3VI3I> Sil> S I; J2 JS\ JS\ S3 u ? i . I? " I? ? = . TT .. , iJJ I^Bi.W^ DS ciS 8J? Half yards. , rS ? Is" - i*"' - r" - sj= i ? obS eiSiaoS ? u _ sc-:n:;>f 3,?: ? a ? | j3 S3 S3"Z-~ ' g v I S m ? & ? w ? J i J co <? c: co 1680 cubic feet, or 12 pieces, each piece 62 22 22 19 16 10 1176 cubic feet, or 12 pieces, each piece 55 20 j 20 17 14 9 White Ash (board measure) per thousand feet. 12,000 feet of plank, 2 inches thick 5,000 do do 1J do A 4,000 do. boards, 1 do To be 12 inches and upwards in breadths and usual lengths. 2,000 feet of plank, 2 inches thick 2,000 do do do 2,000 do boards, 1 do From 8 to 10 inches wide, 12 to 18 feet lengths. Black Walnut, (board measure.) 1.000 feet of plank, 4 inches thick 1,000 do do 3 do 1,000 do do 2? do 1,000 do do 2 do 12 inches and upwards in breadth. 1,000 feet of boards, 1 inch thick 1,000 do do I do To be in breadths of 16, 18,and 20 inches, in proportions of ea/ Cherry, (board measure.) 1,00C feet of boards 1 inch thick, 16, 18, and 20, inches wide, proportions of each breadth, to be clear of all defects. Elm, (board measure.) 3,000 feet quartered boards, j inch thick, 8 to 10 inches wide, 15 to 23 feet in length. 1,000 feet of plank, 3 inches thick, 24 inches wide. Cypress, (board measure.) 6,000 feet quartered boards, 1 inch thick, 8 to 10 inches wide, 15 to 25 feet in length. Class No. 5. St. Domingo Mahogany for capstans, (board measure.) 4 pieces, each piece 4} inches thick, 29 inches wide, 9 feet long, 400 feet. 4 pieces, each piece 4 inches thick, 25 inches wide, 9 feet long, 304 feet. 2 pieces, each piece 4 inches thick, 25 inches wide, 8 feet long, 156 feet. 4 pieces, each piece 5 inches thick, 12 inches wide, 9 feet long, 180 feet. 4 pieces, each piece 4 inches thick, 12 inches wide, 9 feet long, 134 feet. 2 pieces, ench niece 4 inches thick, 12 inches wide, 8 feel long, 64 feet. 2 pieces, each niece 3 J inches thick, 12 inches wide, 8 feet long, 56 feet. To be straight grained, clear of knots, splits, and all other defects, (by the foot.) Bay Mahogany, (board measure.) 1 ,(>00 feet of plank, 4 inches thick, to be 12 inches and upwards in breadth. 1,000 feet of boards, 1 inch thick 1,000 do do } do 1,000 do do. ) do To be 16, 18, nnd 20 inches wide, equal proportions of each, by the foot. Class No. 6. 200 Hickory handspikes, ench 6 feet in length, 4 inches square at the butt end, and not less than 2) inches at the small end. To be offered for by the piece. Class No. 7. r LignumritVy (by the ton of '2,240 pounds.) 3 tons Lignumvitr, an equal proportion of the following diameters, viz., 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. and 10 inches. To be free of shakes, rents, cracks, and all other defects. NAVY YARD, PENSACOLA. Clam No. 1. White Oak Timbrr, (by the cubic foot.) 2,500 cubic feet best quality white oak plank stocks, to average forty-five feet long, and none less than thirty-five feet long; to square from thirteen to fifteen incnes, and average thirteen at top ends. Ci.asa No. 2. Ye/low Pine Timber, (by the cubic foot.) 2,000 cubic feet fine-grained long-leaf yellow pine plank stocks, best quality, length not less than thirty-five feet, averaging forty-five feet; to square from twelve to fourteen inches, and average thirteen at top end. Class No. 3. Lumber, (boon/ measure,) per thousand feet. 20,000 feet best quality white pine boards, 1 inch thick. / 10,000 feet best quality white pine plaak, 11 inch thick. 10,000 feet best quality white pine plank lj inch thick. 10,000 feet best quality white pine plank, 2 inches thick. OFFIOB OP THB BBPUBHC, NI5TU STBBBTy i NBA It PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D U? ADVERTISING! Advertisements will be inserted in Thji Rkpueuo at the usual rate* of the other papers published in Washington. A deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. THE TRI WEEKLY REPUBLIC will be issued every TUESDAY,THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. THE WEEKLY REPUBLIC WILL BE PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY , 10,000 feel juniper, 1 inch, best quality; length to be from 12 to 16 feet, width from 10 to 14 inches. Class No 4- j Hard Wood Flank and noaras, {ooara measure.) 1500 sup. feet cherry boards, 1 inch thick, 12 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 1000 sup. feet black walnut, 1 inch thick, 12 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 500 sup. feel St. Domingo mahogany, 1 inch, and 10 J.0 12 feet long, 15 to 26 inches wide. 500 sup. I'eet St. Domingo ipuhogany, 3 inch, and 10 to 12 feet long, 15 to 20 inches wide. Class No. 5. White Ash Oar Rafters and Ash Logs. 25 oar rafters, first quality, 18 feet long, to be 4 inches square in the looms, 450 feet irt all, by the foot. 25 oar rafters, first quality, 16 feet long, 4 inches ? square in the looms, 400 feet in all, by the foot. 25 oar rafters, first quality, 14 feet long, 4 inches square in the looms, 350 feet in all, by the foot. " - i I 25 oar rafters, first quality, 12 feet long, 4 inches square in the looms, 300 feet in all, by the foot. 6 oar rafters, first quality, 28 feet long, to be 5j inches square in the looms, the blades to be one-third the length of the rafters, and 7 inches wide and 2 inches thick at the biaue end, 168 feet in all, by the foot. 10 ash logs, 12 to 14 inches in diameter, and 12 feet long, (per cubic foot,) 130 cubic feet. Class No. 6. White Oak Knees, (per sided inch.) 25 knees, sided 7 inches, arm 4 to 5 feet, body 5 to 7 feet in length, 175 inches. 25 knees, sided 6 inches, arm 4 to 5 feet, body 5 to 7 feet in length, 150 inches. < 25 knees, sided 5 inches, arm 4 to 5 feet, body 5 to 7 I'eel in length, 125 inches. None to vary more than 3 degrees from a right angle. June 13?lawtl5Aug. \KYV BOOKS AT TAYLOR A M VI IIY'S. NARRATIVEof the U. S. Expedition to the Dead Sea and the River Jordan, by Lieut W. F. Lynch, I". S. N\, with maps and numerous illuatrations. * Nine vail and its Remains, with an account of a /i visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, &c., 11 Stc., by A. H. I.ayard, Est). j Hints on Public Arciiitecture, with views and I plans of the Smithsonian Institution, by Robt. Dale r ( |j M inifie's Text Book of Geometrical Drawing, il- Mil lustmted with ofi steel plates and 200 diagrams. a ll Downing's Landscape Gardening and Rural Ar- I II chiteoture. Bjfl| Five Years in China, from ]94'2 to li>47, hy Lieut. SfJIJ F. E. Forbes, R. N'., 1 vol. London. Ill For sale by TAYLOR &. MAURY, II June 13 Book sellers, near 9th street. I I I Taylor a macry, B.H.ksciiers, ii.-.-ir 9ih-t.. IjlJ Washington City,are receiving regularly from I [I the publishing houses in the United States all pub- I M lieations? which they sell in every case at the pub- 1 H Usher's lowest prices? llV School Hook? of every kind. Medical Hook*, Mi?cci- I j m laneou* and l.uic Hook*, Juvenile Hook*, und cheap I F Literature, Hihle* and Prayer Hook*, plain and richly I ' bound. ' Blank Books of every size and quality, Stationery, Slates, Copy Books, Sec. June 13 LACRONICA, . A Spanish !Vrwx|)i>prr printed in New York. THIS valuable paper is handsomely printed twice a week on a large double royal sheet, in the j quarto form, in the most approved modern Spanish orthography, and. having reached the ninth month I fi of its publicatf.'.n, may bo said to be placed on a du- " ft rablo basis. It is ably conducted by Senor A. X. San Martin, and employs a regular correspondent at the Court of Madrid, besides"haying correspondent* in all th?- countries of Spanish' America. Officers of the American Government, Diplomatic Representatives, and others, will find the Crrmica a valuable compendium of Spanish and Spanish American news, politics, and interests. It is sent by mail, postage tree, (the postage being pre-paid * by the editor without cost to the subscribers,) to all parts of the I'nited States at the following rates, invartably in advance: For one year - $10 00 For six months i 30 jB For three months 2 75 * Persons wishing to subscribe will apply to III F JEFFERSON, l| Smith's Row, Eh Moll dr-.-ct, near F. June I.'I M H ('[(JARS, TOBACCO, .v. f GFORGF W. COCHRAN, I wholes a lk and retail dealer in cigars, tobacco,sNtrrr, Stc. I j Seventh street, four doors north of Odd- Fellows' Hall. UFOULD cbII the attention of the Trade, and the I public generally, to his choice and well-select- I ed stock of the above articles, and respectfully solicits I a rail an th<* prices and quality cannot tail to give satisfaction. A lurge and well selected stock of GENUINE HAVANA AND PRINCIPE CIGARS, and first quality CHEWING TOBACCO, always on hand, which for richness of flavor and quality will compare favorably with any in this market. Jim. IS TOBACCO. R.1VPP. AND HEUtRI. t I^HE subscriber tm- received a large lot of choice ) Segars, which he can particularly rocommend, j embracing the following brands: ('orontM, A'apo Iron, Hetrurrerlton. l.rondrro. Arc. Also a fine article of Principe Scgars. He has also in store a fine assortment of Chewing Tobacco and Snuffs. F. H. WILLIAMS, Sign of the Big Indian. Penn. avenue. June 13?3t WWKRI.V HOl'SE. j tpHE subscriber is now receiving daily the finest I Oysters and Fish, which he willlje happy to sens in the b?-si style and on reasonable terms. Hoarders taken by the week or day. The Frederick and Marlborough stages leave this house every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. ^ P A. Dt HAULER, Agent, Penn. avenue, opposite National Hotel June 13?3t . VMI vroiti:. I'OIIN H. BI'THM.ANN. Pennsylvania Avenue, south side, between and t:h atre-ts, fias re ociveo a itirtrirr supply 01 superior *. ?sr?i*e anil Pale Brandy, Port Wine, and London Brown Stout. Also riplrtfd, by rhonnrr Am.tNt.TOW, a few inure dozen of the old "Alpha" Cognac vintage of 1S1&, and a few dozen of the "Q" do. Iw I)?h I l?l?N. PHI .v. HG1.WICAD. OFFICE Pennsybania avrnue, near the corner of 4} street, Washington, D. C. June II I y BROWN'S HOTEL 1 T. P. Ac M. BROW*, PROPRIETOR)!, * ] Pa. Avenue, between ttth and 7th afreet*. f % I Washington, ft. G. June 13?tf 'W I W. HI PP'! RRRT \ITR A \T, fA||B choicest Wjnea, Liquors, and Regar*. con 1 -tantlv kept. .lone 13?3t I.IVRRV AM) HALE STABI.R. \lTEhav< recently added to our former comnio | diou* Stable, a large addition, and can no* " ; aceoinodate any number of horses. Harness and Snddle Horses for Sale, aild every ^ j attention (Wiid to Horses .it livery. ^ '^k I SMITHA A BIRCH, V JH J June 13 3t I) street ueur 8th. Groeery, Flour, and Feed Store. acB rI^HF, subscriber has now on hand .ilarj, assort1 ment of goods carefully seleetetl, which he ofAll who desire really gi*xl articles, are retpiested i". I'll. -1 <l\ A'dnre H SAM L Pi MPHRF.Y, T *, V ; Pa avenue, near the AdtBnkf. ^ > J J