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PROPOSALS FOR TIMBER, See., I KOK THE NAVY. Navt Department, Bureau of Construction, Equipment and Repair, June 13,1849. MEALED proposals,endorsed "Proposalsfor Tim0 bar or Lumber, as the case may 6c," (naming the yard for which the offer is intended,! will be received by this Bureau until three o'clock, P. M.,of the fifteenth of August next, for furnishing and delivering, under contract, at the several nuvy yards hereinafter named, the umber, lumber, and other articles embraced in this advertisement. One-fourth of the whole quantity required ut each navy yard, must be delivered on or before the 1st July ; onefourth on or before the 1st September ; one-fourth on or before the 1st November; and one-fourth on or before the 30th December, 1850. In case of failure to deliver the articles within the times and in the proportions si>ecihed, the Bureau or the several I commandants to liuve the right to supply deficiencies by purchase, and the contractor ami his sureties to lie responsible in twice the contract price. All the umber, lumber, ami other articles must be of the very best quality, and subject to the inspection and measurement established for the government of the several navy yards, printed rules of which may be obtained on application to the different commandants or navy agems. All said Umber, lumt>er, and other articles must be enurely satisfactory to the respective commandants. The white oak umber must be rough squared, according to the growth of the tree, to have no wane exceeding one-fourth the width of the face of the side as squared. All the yellow pine timber must be of the very best quality of long leaf, fine grain, Southern yellow pine, to be hewed to a lair edge, and to have no more sap than one-eighth of the breadth of the face from each comer; the contents of all sap to be excluded in the measurement of the timber. The oak must be felled between the 1st of October and the 1st of March, and must have grown within sixty miles of the sea coast; must be stripped of the bark or hewed within twenty days after it is felled, and placed clear of the ground: of which satisfactory evidence must be given by the contractor, by the production of certificates signed by two respectable witnesses, with their deposition on oath, before some judge of the court or magistrate within the township or county where the umber was felled. Persons offering for more than one yard, mint make separate and distinct proposals for the supply of each, keeping the classes of articles separate, and embracing the whole quantity of all the articles in the class. The cost of each item must be distinctly earned out, and the aggregate of each class correctly fooled up, which is material to a fair comparison of bids. An erroneous extension or an erroneous aggregate will constitute an informality, and the bid wdi not be considered. No extension of time for deliveries under any contract will be granted, and penalties for non-fulfilment will in all cases be rigidly enforced; bidders are, therefore, requested to offer for no more than they are sure they can furnish within the time specified. The price of all manufactured or sawed lumber will be estimated and determined by " board measure,the square and round timber, unless otherwise specified, by the " cubic foot." Approved sureties in twice the estimated amount, in the manner set forth in the form of the contract, will tie required, and ten }>er centum, in addition, will be withheld from the amount of each payment a* collateral security tor tne taitnlul performance of the contract. Ninety per centum of each delivery will be paid by the navy agent within thirty days afierthe presentation of approved bills, in triplicate, by the commandant of the yard at which the deliveries are made. Every offer must be accompanied by a written guaranty, (the responsibility of lite guarantor or guarantors to be certified to by a navy agent or other official person, or by some one known to the Bureau,) tliat, if the offer be accepted, the bidder or bidders will, within five days after the receipt of the contract at the poal office designated, execute the same with gooa and sufficient sureties, to furnish the articles proposed, agreeably to the terms specified in this advertisement, and which may lie embodied in the contract. The law of 10th August, 1846, forbids the consideration of all proposals not accompanied by such guaranty. Bidders are particularly cautioned to tndoru their offer*, as above required, that they may be distinguished from other business letters, in order to prevent their being opened before the proper time. AJI offers not made in strict conformity with this rivsriiiwmenOn ???ry p*rti/-i|lnr. will be rejected m informal. Those whose offers are accepted will be duly notified, and contracts forwarded without delay. Persons offering are directed to designate the post office through which they desire to be addressed, and the navy agent to whom the contract shall be sent for execution. | FORM OF OFFER. I Wabmimgtom, , 1849. I - Sia: I hereby agree to furnish and deliver at the I navy yard at , in conformity with the I requirements of the advertisement from the Bureau I of Construction, Equipment, and Repair, of the B 19th June, 1849, the several artirle* o# , enu me rated in (class ,) or classes and , for that yard, to wit: Class mo. ?? cubic feet white oak plank stocks, at ?cents per cubic foot - ... f sided inches of white oak boat knees, at ? cents per sided inch ... Clam WO. cub* feet yellow pine plank a'orka, at ? cent* per cub* foot ... | ? ? cubic feet promiaruout yellow pine, at ? cent* per cubic foot ... ? I %? ~ If my bill >>e accepted, I desire to he adJrea*ed through the pout office at , and the contract to be aent to the nary accent at ', for execution. Reapectfullv, A. B. To Commodore C. W. Haiwwaa, Chief Bureau of ConwtnirUon, Ac., Ac., Waah ingtoo. We, the underaigned. remdent* of , u the State of hereby guarantee, that it caae the foregoing bid of. be accepted that ?? will, within fire daya after the receip of the contract at the pout office demgnaaed in aait bid, execute the name, with good and aufficien uretiea, to furniah the article* propoaed, in con formity with tlie term* of the advertiaement unde which it waa made. C. D., E. P. I hereny rertity, trm to tne tieri ot my Know ledee and belief, the aiiove named guarantor* ar food and auffi< ieni J. II., Navy Agent. NAVY YARD, KITTERY, MAINE ) at Ci-aaa. White oak knee* (by the titled inch.) ' WOO White Oak kneea, (or 4.500 aided inrhea.) th net aiding of one third to be 7 inchea, the net widin of one third to lie 8 inrhea, and the net aiding of th other third to be 9 inrhea; the arm* to be in length from 5 feet to 5 feet end 6 inrhea; the lx,die? u, |, in lengtha from 5J to 7j, averaging 6i feeL The I waiter are in be aided to the diameter of th Iarrri, tha awing aira laaari minf mmuir <>| mr h-iism of the arm, (cJaar of liark ) Thraa-fourtha of t> aiding or diimrtfr im to ba cnnaidarad lb# nat anlir of iha knoa. Th? moulding mra of tha body, in tha mtddla < ita langth, to ba full ona and ona-half tha nal aidir of tha knaa f)na-half of tha abora knaaa to ba aquara, an ona-fourth to form an angla from eighty to ninat dagraaa tha ramaind?r to form an angla from ninat to ona hundrad dagrara 1 Tha langth of tha arm to ba maaaurad from t) lan k of the body aa mouldad hy tha angla* gitmr 3d CL*?B. (" RoarrJ ^ thmisnn 2,000 faai twiard maaanra. lat finality S-inah clai Whita Pina plank. 2,000 faat, hoard maaaurc. lat quality 4-inrh rbs Whita Pina plank. 3,000 faet. board maaaura, ]at quality 3-inah da Whita Pina ptatnk. 3,000 faat, board maaanra, Jat quality 2j-tnah elf Whita Pina plank. 10,000 faat, board maaanra, I at quality 2-inah alt Whita Pina plank 10.000 faat. board man?nra. lat qualify 1J-inrh ck Whita Pina plank. 6.000 faat, board maaanra, lat quality IJ-inch < li Whita Pina plank. J.000 faat, board m? naura, lat quality IJ-inahrk ( yprnw plank. 4,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 1-inch clear Cypress boards. 2,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 3-inch cleur White Ash plank. 2.0(H) feet, board measure, 1st quality 2?-inch clear While Ash plank. 6,000 feel, board measure, 1st quality 2-uich clear White Ash plank. 2,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 1 J-inch clear White Ash plank : one.-half to lie not less than 20 inches wide. 2,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality lj-inch clear White Ash plank; one-half to be not less * than 20 inches wide. 3,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 1-inch clear White Ash boards. 500 feet, board meusure, 1st quality 4-inch Black Walnut plank. 500 eel, board measure, 1st quality 3-mch Black Walnut plank. 1,000 feet, board measure, Ibi quality 2-inch Bluck Walnut plank. 500 feet, board measure, 1st quality 1J inch Black Walnut plank. I 2,000 feet, board measure, 1st quality 1-inch Black Walnut boards. 62,500 NAVY YARD, CHARLESTOWN, MASS. Class No. 1. White Oak Timber, &>'c. 40,000 cubic feel White Oak plunk slocks, to average forty-three feet in length, none to be less than thirty-five long, and none less than twelve inches square at the top end, clear of wane. The stocks to be lined straight the siding way, and may be straight, or have a long fair curve, the other way; both sides muy be lined tapering in conformity with the growth of the tree. The wane must not exceed one-fourth of the width of the face of the stocks, as ! squared?per cubic foot. 4,000 cubic feet White Oak butt pieces, in lengths j from 25 to 40 feet long, and from 14 to 24 inches square, equal proportions of the different lengths and sizes?per cubic foot. 40 White Oak knees for cheeks, (say 420 siding inches, per inch,) the bodies and arms to lie from eight to ten feet long; nett siding from nine to twelve inches; and to form an angle from 110 to 120 degrees. The bodies to be rough aided to the diameter of the urnis, including the bark. The moulding size of the bodies in the middle of their lengths to be from fifteen to twenty inches, (per siding inch) ?per inch. 200 White Oak boat knees, (say 800 siding inches,) arms not less than four inches diameter clear of the bark, and the arms and bodies to be not less than thirty-two inches long. One-third of the whole number to be square knees?per inch, nett siding. All the above White Oak timber and knees to be of the very liest quality, and free from all defects. The ends to be sawed off squure to sound and perfect wpod by the contractor. Class No. 2. Yellow Pine Timber. 40,000 cubic feet fine grained Southern Yellow Pine plank stocks, to average forty-five feet in length, and none less than thiity-nve feet long. Two sides must be lined straight, but mav retain the natural taper of the tree, 'l'he other two aide* may be lined : ot purallel breadths, or with the natural taper, and must be lined straight, or with a fair curve. The small end must not be less than four-fifths of the butt end, and the small end must not be less than twelve inches square, clear of wane. No more sap wood than one-eighth of the breadth of the face from each corner will be allowed on the stocks The sap wood to be excluded in the measurement?per . cubic foot. 5,000 cubic feet fine grained Southern Yellow Pine promiscuous timber, from 25 to 40 feet long, and from 18 to 24 inches square?per cubic foot. All the al*>ve Yellow Pine timber to be of the very -best quality, and free from all defects. The ends to be sawed utf square to sound aud perfect wood by the contractor. Class No. 3. White Pine. 2.000 feet, board measure, No 1 White Pine 1 inch boards, to be clear of all defects, such as knots, rot, splits, shakts, slams, coarseness of quality, sap wood, holes, and uneven saw ing?per thousand feet, board measure. 30,000 feet, board measure, No. 2 While Pine one inch boards, to have not more thun three medium size knots within the surface of fifteen feet ; to be clear of ail oilier knots, sap wood, rot, shakes, splits, holes, and uneven sawing?t?er thousand feet board measure. jishy Cherry, Black Walnut, Cypress, Locust, {fc. eOO cubic feet White Ash butt pieces, from 14 to 30 feat long, and to average lb inches diameter in the middle of the sticks, clear of bark; none leas than 16 inches diameter?|?er cubic foot. 500 feet board measure, Cherry boards, one inch thick, to avernge 16 inches?per thousand feet, board measure. 20,000 feet board measure, While Ash plank, 2 inches thick?tier thousand feet, board measure. 500 feel board measure, Cherry plank, 2 inched thick to average 14 inchea wide?per ihouaand feet board measure. 1,000 feet hoard iwaiure, Black Walnut boards, 1 inch thick, to average 18 inchea wide?per ihouaand feet, board measure. 1,500 feet board meaaure, Black Walnut boards, 1 inch thick, to average 14 inches wide?per thousand feet, board measure. 500 feet board measure, Black Walnut plank, 2 inches thick, to average 14 inches wide?per thousand feet board measure. 10,000 feet board meaaure, Cypreaa boards, 1 inch thick, from 20 to 30 feet long, und from 8 to 12 inches wide?per thousand feet, board measure.. 50 piece* Yellow Locust, from 12 to 25 feet long, and from 10 to 18 inchea diameter, to average 14 inchea diameter, clear of bark, in the middle of the aticka, or 575 cubic feet?per cubic foot. 6 pieces Fustic, three fret long and sixteen inches diameter, say 17 cubic fret?per cubic foot. 1,201) feet U>ard measure, Cedar (wards, 15 to 25 fret long, and from 8 to 12 inchea wide, and { of an inch thick?per thousand fret, board measure. All the Ash, Cherry, Ac., almve described, to lie of the very best quality, clear of rot, splits, shakes, knots, cross grain, worm holes, Mains, Ac The plank and boards to be sawed to even thicknesses. i Cum No. 4. ' Hfuck Spruce Sjxrrs and Poles.?Hy the inch J am/ pole. 1 .10 pieces, 37 feet long, 8 inches diameter in the t middle, 5 inches diameter at the top end, clear of - the l?ark?per inch, 240 inches, r 40 pieces 35 feet long, 7 inches diameter in the middle, 4 J inches diameter at the top end, clear of the tiark?jer inch, 2H0 inches 30 piece*,. 30 feet long, 7 inches diameter in the t middle, 4{ inches diameter at the top end, clear of the bark?per inch, 210 inches. 4<l pieces, 27 feet long, f? inches diameter in the middle, 4 inches diameter at the top end, clear ??f the hark ?per inch, 240 inches 100 pieces, 25 feet long, 5 inches diameter in the middle, 3| inches diameter at the top end, clear of the bark?per inch, 500 inches. 100 poles, 20 feet long, 4 inches diameter in the e middle, 3 inches diameter at the top end, clear ol e the Itark?per pole, by the pole, ir> All the shove ajMira to be of the very liest quality, is straight and free trom all defects. * NAVY YARD, BRfX)KLYN, N. Y. is Cu?? No. 1. h Lire (ink 11 miser, (by fhe cubic foot.) Live link keelson pieces for a frigate of the Is ciase, (two sets,) as follows : if 24 pieces 23 feet lone, 1,744) cubic feet. >g 2 do 35 do 175 do. 2 do 25 do 124 do id 2 do 22 do 110 do y 2 do 14 do 70 do y To he sided 20 inches and moulded 18 inches Eoch of these pieces is intended to form two pieces te to lie worked to 18 inches siding, nod six incl t. moulded, nett dimension; an allowance is made o 6 inches the moulding way, that the heart of thi piece may be taken out if deemed pro|ier, and tb !// contractor will hew them with reference to thu arrangement. [|r Live thik keelaon pieces, for ta aloop-of-wnr of th< I at Haaa, (three set*,) a* follow*: ?r 18 piece* 29 feet long, 1,071 cubic, feet. 6 do .1.1 do do 408 do. *r 3 do 21 do do 130 do. 3 do 'JO do do 124 do. *r To be aided 16; irtcbea and moulded 18 inches ! Each of the piece* w infeodeil to form two piece *r to work 14< niche* siding, and 6* moulding netl dimensions; an allowance i* made of 6 niche ar in the moulding way, that the heart of the pier may be taken out if deemed proper, and the con car ' tractor will he* then with reference to thin ai rangetnenl t*r All the aforesaid Live (ink keelson timber ahm have gTown not more than twenty-five mdee fror I the sea, and shall be free from all defects which may impair the good quality for the purpose for which it is required; U> be got Out straight the siding way, ana by a sweep curving 6 inches in 45 feet, the moulding way. Class No. 2. Locust timber. 500 cubic feet Long Inland Locust timber, lengths not leas than 10 feet, to average I2 inches . diameter, not leas than 10 inches, to be of the best quality, free from all defect#. 2 pieces Yellow Locust timber, 18 cubic feet, L. Island, 4 feet each, 23 inches diameter 8 pieces Yellow Locust timber, 37 cubic feet, L. Island, 7 feet each, 8 x 12 inches diameter. 30 pieces Yellow Locust timber, 150 cubic feel, L. Island, 12 feet each, 7x9 inches diameter. Class No. 3. Yellow Pine timber. 20 000 cubic feet Southern Yellow Pine plank 10 000 cubic feet Southern Yellow 1'ine promiscuous timber. The "plank stock" to be in length not less than 115 feel, averaging 45 feet, hull to square 1:2 inches and hulf to square 14 inches and up war tin at the top end of the sticks; to be of the beat quality, long leaf, fine grum, free from heart shakes, wind shakes, and all other defects; to be hewed to a fai,r edge, und to have no more sup than one-eighth of the breadth of the face from euch corner, und the cubical contents of nil sup to be excluded in the measurement of the timber. The "promiscuous timber" to be in lengths not less than 30 feet, to average 40 feel, to square 14 inches und upwards ut the top ends, averaging 16 inches square; to be of the best quality, long leuf, I fine grain, free from heart shakes, wind shakes, | und ail other defects; to be hewed to a fair edge, ac- j cording to the growth of the tree, and to have no { more sap than J of the breadth of the face from j each corner, and the cubical contents of all the sap j to be excluded in the measurement of the timber. ( A proportion of the above timber may be hewed j with a fuir curve of 6 inches spring one way of the \ suck. The aforesaid "plank stocks" and "promiscuous timber" must be felled between the 1st of October : and the 1st of March, and must have grown within 60 miles of the sea coast; must be stripped of the bark, or hewed within 20 days after it is felled, and > placed clear of the ground. Class No. 4. Spar timber. 3 yellow pine sticks,or 267 cubic feetof spar timber, 50 feet long, 16 inches parallel. 3 yellow pine sticks, or 210 cubic feet of spar timber, 45 feet long, 15 inches parullel. 4 yellow pine sucks, or 1,035 cubic feet of spar timber, 73 feet long, 251 inches ^ from butt. 4 yellow pine sticks, or 722 cubic feet of spur tim- j ber, 65 feet long, 23 inches ? from butt. 4 yellow pine sucks, or 468 cubic feet of spar tim- I ber, 52 feet long, 19 inches j from butt. 4 yellow pine sticks, or 384 cubic feet of spar tim- j ber, 48 feet long, 18 inches ^ from butt. 2 yellow nine sticks, or 147 cubic feetof spar tim- ! lier, 54 feet long, 16 inches j from butt. 4 yellow pine sticks, or 968 cubic feet of spar timber, 7ii feet long, 22 inches parallel. 4 yellow pine sticks, or 874 cubic, feet of spar timber, 65 feet long, 22 inches parallel. All of the abuve Yellow Pine spar timber is to be of the best quality, free from heart shakes, wind i shakes, and all other defects, to be hewed to a fair ; edge, and to have no more sap than 1-6 of the ' breadth of the face from euch corner. Those pieces marked "gfrom butt" aie for yards, and j must be the same at the butt, and lined full towards the end, which can be tapered off, the large pieces i to 14 inches and the smallest to 11 inches?by the cubic foot. Class No. 5. Spruce spars. '25 spruce spars, 55 to 6U feel long, of proportionate size, per spar. 25 spruce spars, 45 to 50 feet long, of proportionate, size, per spar. 500 inches spruce spars, 6J to 9| inches, per inch. Clais No. 6 Jlsh timber, tfc., ftc. 4 ash logs, 14 feet long and 20 to 24 inches diameter, 308 inches, per inch. 300 inches round ash timber, 20 lo 24 inc.hea diameter, per inch. 200 inches round ash limber, 24 inches diameter, per inch. 200 inches round ash timlier, 20 inches diameter, per inch. 1000 feet ash plunk, 4 inches thick, 22 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 1500 feetaah plank, 3j inches thick, 21 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 1500 feet ash plank, 3} inches thick, 20 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet ash plank, 3 inches thick, 21 inches wide, lioard measure, per 1000 feet. 1500 feet ash plank, 3 inches thick, 18 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet 1500 feet ash plank, 2j inches thick, 20 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feetaah plank, 2} inches thick, 17 inches wide, board measure, j>er 1000 feet. 1000 feet ash plank, 2| uidiea thick, 20 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feeL 2000 feet ash plank, 2$ inches thick, 16 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 1000 feet ash plank, 2J inches thick, 2J inches wide, hoard measure, per 1000 feet. 1500 feel ash plank, 2J inches thick, 17 inches wide, lioard measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feel ash plank, 2i inches thick, 15 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet ash plank, 2J tnrhea thick, 13 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. I 2000 feel ash plank, 2 inches thick, 15 inches wide, lioard measure, per 1000 feet. ' 2000 feetaah plank, 2 inches thick, 13 inches wide, board measure, per 1000 feet, i 1500 feet ash plank, 2 inches thick, 12 inches wide, Imard measure, per 1000 feeL ijw irei nan puma, z incnca inn a, Ti incnea wioe, Umrd mfiwiire, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet aah plunk, I j inchea thick, 18 inchea wide, Iwmrd measure, per 10110 feet 15(J0 feet aah plank, 1J inr,he* thick, 17 inchea wide, hoard meaaure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet aah (dank, 1 j inchea thick, 16 inche* wide, board meaaure, per 1000 feet. 1500 feet aah plank, 1} inchea thick, 12 inchea wide, board meaaure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet aah plank, 1} inchea thick, 17 inchea wide, hoard meaaure, per 1000 feet. 2000 feet aah plank, 1J inches thick, 17 inchea wide, board measure, per 1000 feet. .'1000 feet aah plank, 1^ inchea wide, board meaaure, per 10t)0 feet. 9000 feet aah plank, lj inchea thick, lioard meaaure, . I per 1000 feet. 41 Ml feet aah plank, 4 inches thick. 12 to 20 inchea wide, 12 to 14 feet long, well seasoned. 000 feel uh plank, 3 inches thick, 12 to 20 inches wide, 12 to 16 frrt tone, well wMimrd 1.100 feet aah plunk, 2 m< he* thick, 15 to 20 inch** wide, and upward*, to lie clear and well * canon ed . 1 .'{60 feetaah plank, 1} inches thick, 18 to 24 inche* - wide, to be clear and well aeaaoned. .1000 feet aah plank, If inclwa thick, 18 to 24 inche* wide, to he clear and well aeaaoned. 6000 feet aah plank, IJ iochea thick, 20 inches wide, and upwarda, to lie clear and well aeaaoned 600 feet aah plank, ] inch thick, 12 to 20 inchda wide, to be clear and well aeaaoned. 350 feet aah plank, 1J inchea thick, 10 to 14 inche* , wide, to be clear and well aeaaoned. .1000 feet aah plank, l? inchea thick, 10 to 18 inche* wide, to be clear and well aewwmed. .100 feet 4 inch aah plank, Imant two wire 500 do 3 do do do .100 do 2} do do do 500 do 2 do do do 200 do 1} do do do 500 do 1, do do do i 500 do 1J do do do *1 500 do 1 do board*, do ^ ' 50 white aah oara, 17 feet long, or 850 feet in length, by (he foot. HKI won' linn "nm, in i#ei long, or IM?l i"'i in " length, by the foot. 1.70 white **h our*, 15 feet long, or 2250 feet in e length, l>y the fool. 300 white a*h oar*, 14 feel long, or 4200 fret in length, by the foot. 500 white a*h our*, 13 feet long, or 0500 feet in length, by the foot. 300 while a?h oar*. 12 feet long, or 3000 feet in length, by the foot. ? All tlie foregoing iwh timler end plank to be o< the lieet quality white eeh, free from knole, shake*, 'n Nplit*, and all other defeeta. e Ct am No. 7. ^ ' White Oak timber, 6fr., per cnJ/ic foot. 30000 onbir. feet white oak plunk ntoek, per mh. ft. II 10000 eubh- feei white oak promtacuoua timber, pei n cubic foot. I THE REPUBLIC. 2000 feet 1J inch white oak~plank, per thousand feet, hoard measure. 2000 feet 1| iueh white oak plank, per thousand feet, board measure. 3000 feet 1 inch White oak boards, per thousand feet, board measure. 3000 fast J inch white oak boards, per thousand feet, board measure. The above "white oak plank stocks" to be in lengths not less than 35 feet, uveraging 43 feet, half to square 12 inches and half to square 14 inchea and upwards at die top end of the suck. They must be rough-squared, according to the growth of the tree; to luive no wane exceeding 1-5 the width of the face qf the side, as squared; to be of the beat quality, free from heart shakes, wind shakes, had knots, short crooks, and all oilier defects. The cubical contents of the sup shall be excluded in the measurement. The "promiscuous timber" to be in lengths not less than 20 feet, to average 35 feet, to square 14 inches and upwards at the top end of the stick?to average 17 inches. It must tie rough-squared according to the growth of the tree; to have no wane exceeding 1-5 the width of the face of the Bides as squared; to be of the best quality, free from heart shakes, wind shakes, bad knots, and all other defects, and the cubical contents of the sap shall be excluded in the measurement. The above white oak plank stocks and promiscuous timber must be felled between the 1st October and 1st March, and must have grown within 60 miles of the sea-coast, must be stripped of the bark, or hewed within 120 days ufter it is felled, and pluced clear of the ground. Class No. 8White Pine timber, Sfc., (board measure, per thousand feet.) f>00 feet 4J-inch clear white pine, well seasoned, 12 to 16 feel long, equal quantities. 700 feet 4-inch clear while pine, 12 to 18 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 1,000 feet 3-inch clear while pine, 12 to 18 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equul quantities. 2,000 feet 2j-inch clear white pine, 12 to 18 inches wide, 12 to 16 feci long, equal quantities. 1,000 feet 2J-inch clear white pine, 12 to 14 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 12,000 2-inch clear white pine, 12 to 14 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 1,000 Ifeet lj-inch clear white pine, 12 to 14 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 11,000 feet lj-inch clear white pine, 12 to 14 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 10,000 feet lj-incli clear white pine, 12 to 14 inches wide, 12 to 16 feel long, equal quantities. 11,000 feet 1-inch clear white pine, 12 to 14 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 4,000 feet jj-inch clear white pine, 12 to 14 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equul quantities. 9,000 feet ?-inch clear white pine, 12 to 14 inches wide, 12 to 16 feet long, equal quantities. 10,000 feet 2-inch merchantable white pine, 14 feet and upwards in length. 10,000 feet 2-inch merchantable white pine, 14 feet and upwards in length. 10,000 feet 2-inch merchantable white pine, 14 feet 1 -.4.. .-v 1 u ill I n upwaruo in iiru^wi. 10,000 feet good box boards, ^ 1G feet long, J 12 feet long, 12, 15, and 20 inches wide, equal quantities. 2,000 merchantable Albany plank, per plank 1,300 do do boards, per board. Class No. 9. Lignumvitce (per ton.) 12 ton3, of 2,240 lbs, of Lignumvitae 17? in. diam. 4 do do do do 15 to 16 do do 3 do do do do 13 to 14 do do 4 do do do do 11 to 12 do do 4 do . do do do 9 to lw do do 5 do do do do 8 to 8J do do 4 do do do do 7 to 7! do do 4 do do do do 6 to 61 do do 4 do do do do 3 to 5^ do do To be of the best quality of St. Domingo Lignumvitae, to be straight and sound, and free from checks, and not less than 3 feet long. Class No. 10. Hickory Bars (by the bar.) 50 rough Hickory bars, 13 feet long, to square 5 inches 2 feet above butt. 200 rough Hickory bars, 5J feet long, to square 3 inches 1 feet above butt. 75 rough Hickory bars, 5 feet long, to square 3 inches 1 foot above butt. 100 rough Hickory bars, 6 feet long, to square 3J inches. All to be split straight from the best quality of white heart hickory, free from knots and all other dolVolo. Cypress, (board measure.) 5,000 feet of Cypress boards J inch thick. I 5,(KK) do do do Black Walnut, (board measure,) per one hundred feet. 200 fret 4 x 4-inch black walnut joial, good and dry 200 feel 4-inch black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to lb feet long, 12 to 18 laches wide I 400 feet 3i-mch black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 500 feet 3-inch black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inchea wide. 1 .'NX) feet 2j-tnch blacdt walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inchea wide. 600 feet 2-inch black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inchea wide. 100 feet |}-inr.h black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 1H inchea wide. 100 feet 11-inch black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inchea wide. 150 feet 11-inch black walnut plank, good and dry, 12 to 16 feet long, 12 to 18 inchea wide. : 4(H) feet 1-inch blitrk walnut tioarda. good and dry, 10 to 14 feet long, 14 to 24 inchea wide, equal Siuantiliea. eel J-inch black walnut boarda, good and dry, 10 to 14 feet long, 14 to 24 inchea wide, equal quantities. ! 150 feet J-inch black walnut lioards, good and dry, 12 to 18 inchea wide. I 200 feet black walnut veneera, 3 feet long. Class No. 11. Mahogany, (board measure,) per one hundred Jeei. ' 120 feet 3|-inch mahogany, 10 to 14'eet long, 12 to 16 inchea wide, equal quantities. 100 feet 4-inch mahogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 12 to 16 inches wide, equal quantities 100 feet 3-ineh mahogany, 10 to 11 fret long, 12 to 16 inches wide, equal quantities. 150 feet 2,-inch mahogany, 10 to 14 fret long, 10 to 24 inches wide, equal quantities. ' 200 fret 2-inch mahogany, 10 ts 14 fret long, 10 to 24 inches wide, equal quantities. 100 feet 11-inch mahogany, 1(/ to 14 fret long, 10to 24 inches wide, equal qualities. 200 feet IJ'-inch mahogany,8 to 12 fret long, onethird 12 to l.r> inches w/de, one-tlurd 18 inches wide, one-third 24 inches wide, equal quantities. 250 fret 1-tnch mahogany.8 to 12 feet long, oneqnarter 12 to 15 mines wide, one-quarter 18 inches wide, nnr-qtierter 20 inches wide, onequarter 24 inches wide, equal quantities. 150 (eet J-inch mahogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 15 to 20 inches wide, equal quantities. 100 fret t-ineh mohogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 15 to 20 inches wide, equal quantities. 200 feet I Sand 3-tsch mahogany, 10 to 14 feet long, 15 to {0 inches wide, equal quantities. 100 feet namrted rialiogany, crotch veneers, 3 feet long. 900 cubic fret African mahogany, in the log, not less than TO feat long, 26 to 30 inches square. Class No. 12. i | Maple, I h< kit J measure,) per 100 feet. 100 feet Vfcple Joiat, 4 x 4, 3} X 4, and 3x3 inches, squai quantities. 25 fret Vhiple Veneers, 3 feet long, assorted. fWor, board measure, per M. 1000 fret Cedar Boards, J inch thick. C'berfv. (board measure.) 100 feet Cherry Plank. 2>-inch, 18 to |g inehe* wide, 10 u> 14 fort long, equal quantitle*. 100 feet Cherry Plank, 2-irwh, 12 lo lb inchea wide, 10 to 14 feet long, equal quant me*. 100 feet Cherry Plank, lj-ineh, 12 to 18 inehe* witje, 10 to 14 feet long, equal quantitie*. 100 feet Cherry Board*, l*inch, 18 to 24 inehe* wile, 12 to 16 feet lone, equal quantitie* 100 feet Cherry Board*, J-moh, 18 to 24 tnclie* wi4e, 12 to 16 feet Ion*, equal quantitie*. 100 feet Cherry Board*, Jj-ineh, 12 to 18 inches wide, |2 (let long, equal quantitie*. 100 fee Chernp Board*, J-ineh, 12 to 18 inehe* wide, 12 feet long, equal quantitie*. 100 feet Cherry Joiat, 4 * 4-inrn, 12 feet long. ISO feet Cherry Joi*t, 3, X 3j-inch, 12 fert long. 2000 feet ' and J*tnrh Whit? wood Board*, 14 to 2# inehe* wide, (hoard meaaure.) # NAVY YARO, PHIT.Ai>ELPTHA* No. 1. While Onk, (by the rubir foot.) 13,000 iiihie feet While Oak [dank atoe.k. | Inalntrtions farmahed at the yard. Class No. 2. White Pine (by the thousand feet.) 60,000 feet (board measure) 3-inch While Pine plank, 40 feet long, 14 to 16 inches wide, square-edged, free from defects that would injure them as stage plank. 10,000 feet (board measure)^ 2-inch White Pine panel plank, 16 feet long. 10,000 feet (board measure) lj-inch White Pine panel plank, 16 feel long. 5,000 feet (board measure) 1J-inch White Pine panel plank, 16 feet long. 10,000 feel (board measure) 1-inch White Pine panel boards, 16 feet long. Class No. 3White Jhh, (by lineal foot.) 100 seasoned White Ash, for raflers, 14 feet, or 1400 lineal feet. 100 seasoned White Ash, for raflers, 16 feet, or 1600 lineal feet. 3 J inches square at loom; 5$ by 1J inches at the end. NAVY YARD, WASHINGTON. Class No. 1. * White Pine, (board measure, per thousand feet.) 7,000 sup. ft, 2 inch White Pine panel boards. 12,000 do 1} do do ' do 7,000 do 1 do do do Class No. 2. Jlsh, per cubic feet. 1,500 cubic feet of Ash logs, viz: 500, or one-third to be from 16 to 20 inches in diameter. 500, or one-third to be from 20 to 24 inches in diameter, and 500, or one-third to be from 24 to 28 inches in diameter. All to be from 12 to 20 feet in length. Class No. 3. Miscellaneous, {board measure, per thousand feet.) ^ 500 sup. ft. I inch Yellow Poplar panel boards. r.iin ? O ,1., UU,.Lr W.lnnl ,1., 500 " 1^ do do do do 500 " 1 do do do do 500 " 'j .do do do do The whole to be inspected and measured agreeably to the printed rules issued by the Bureau, a copy of which will be furnished bidders by the Commandant of the Navy Yard, Washington. NAVY YARD, GOSPORT, VA. Class No. 1. White Oak timber, per cubic foot. 30,000 cubic feet White Oak plank stocks, 1,000 do do promiscuous timber. To be rough squared, from 30 to 50 feet in length, to average 40 feet in length, and not to be less than 14 inches square at small end. White Oak thick stuff, for caps and trestletrees. 10 pieces, each piece 21 feet in length, 16 inches wide, 10 inches thick, or 232 cubic feet. 10 pieces, each piece 19 feet in length, 14 inches wide, 9 inches thick, or 162 cubic feet 15 pieces, each piece 17 feet in length, 14 inches wide, 8 inches thick, or 200 cubic feet. 15 pieces, each piece 11 feet in length, 13 inches wide, 7 inches thick, or 120 cubic feet. White Oak or Hickory small butts, for Cooper. 4 pieces, 20 feet in length, by the piece. 4 do 14 do do 4 do 10 do do 4 do 6 do do To be not less than 6 inches at the small end, and clear of knots and straight grained. 5,000 white oak barrel staves, usual sizes, by the thousand. ' Class No. 2. White Pine, board measure, by the thousand feet. 5,000 feet of plank stocks, to be from 35 to f>0 feet in length, to average 45 feet in length, not to lie less than 14 inches square at small end. 4,000 feel plank, 4 inches thick, 5,000 do 3 do Susquehanna pine; no plank to be under 12 inches wide. 30,000 feet plank, 2 inches thick, 30,000 do 1} do 35,000 feet boards, 1 inch thick, To be of the usual breadth, Susquehanna pine No. 1, or first quality. 20,000 feet boards, ? mrb thick, to be of the usual breadth, Susquehanna pine No. 1, or first quality. 15,000 feet plank, 2 inches thick, 15,000 do 1 do Usual breadth, Susquehanna pine No. 2, or second quality. Class No. 3. Southern Yellow Pine, by the cubic foot. STEAMERS. 45 beams, 45 feet in length, to side 13J inches, and mould 15 inches, 2,025 cubic feet 40 beams, 45 feel in length, to side 12 inches, and mould 14 inches, 2,100 cubic feel. FRIGATES. 10 beams, 46 feel in length, to side 15 inches, and mould 14 inches, 670 cubic feet. 10 beams, 45 feel in length, to side 15 inches, and mould 14 inches, 660 cubic feet. 4 beams,.42 feel in length, to side 15 inches, and mould 14 inches, 245 cubic feet. 10 beams, 47 feet in length, to side 17 inches, and mould 15 inches, 825 cubic feet. 10 beams, 46 feet in length, to side 17 inches, and mould 15 inches, 815 cubic feet. 5 l>eams 42 feet in l^igth, to side 17 inches, and mould 15 inches, 371 cubic feet. 10 I teams, 44 feet in length, to side 15 inches, and mould 11 inches, 550 cubic feet. 10 beams, 42 feet in length, to side 15 inches, and mould 11 inches, 520 cubic feet. 10 beams, 40 feet in length, to side 15 inches, and mould 11 inches, 500 cubic feet. The above beams to be fine grain Yellow Pine, to spring 6 inches in 45 feel. 20,000 feet Yellow Pine plank stock, to be fine grain. Class No. 4. Southern Yellow Pine, [by cubic foot.) ] if iS'i'&'ils'" "8 Half yards. ^ * s J 6 ? Bji<? 1 WO cubic feel, or 12 pieces, each piece 62 22 22 19 16 10 1176 cubic feet, or 12 pieces, each piece 55 20 20 17 14 9 It kite . Is/i (board measure) prr Ihmtxarui feri. 12,(MM) feci of plank, 2 inches thick 5,000 do do 11 do 4,000 do boards, 1 do To lie 12 inches and upwards in breadths and usual lengths. 2,000 feet of plank, 2 inches thick 2,000 do do 1| do 2,000 do boards, 1 do From 8 to 10 inches wide, 12 to 18 feet lengths. Mock WaJnut, (board mranirr.) 1,000 feet of plank, 4 inches thick 1,000 do do 3 do 1.000 do do 21 do 1,000 do do 2 do 12 inch** and upward* in breadth. I,(KM) fact of board*, 1 inch thick 1,(MM) do do J do To l>h in breadth* of lf?, 18, and 20 inches, in proportion* of each. Chrrry, {board mtatnirr.) I,(KM feet of hoard* 1 inch thick, 16, 18, and 20, inohe* wide, proportion* of each hreadth, tc lie clear of all defect*. Elm, (board meaxiire.) 3,000 feet quartered hoard*, J inch thick, 8 to 10 inches wide, 15 to 25 feet in length, 1,000 feet of plank, 3 inche* thick, 24 inchea wide Cypress, (hoard mrafturr.) 6,(MM) feet quartered hoard*, I inch thick, 8 to 1(1 inche* wide, 15 to 25 feet in length Claw No. 5. ' St. Domingo Mahogany for capstans, {board measure.) 4 pieces, each piece 4J inches ihick, 29 indies wide, 9 feel long, 400 feet. 4 pieces, each piece 4 inches lluck, 25 inches wide, 9 feci long, 304 feel. 2 pieces, each piece 4 inches thick, 25 inches wide, 8 feel long, 156 feet. 4 pieces, each piece 5 inches thick, 12 inches wide, 9 feet long, 180 feet. 4 pieces, each piece 4 inches thick, 12 inches wide, 9 feet long, 134 feet. 2 pieces, each piece 4 inches thick, 12 inches wide, 8 feet long, 64 feet. 2 pieces, euch piece 3J inches thick, 12 inches wide, 8 feet long, 56 feet. To be straight grained, clear of knots, splits, and all other defects, (by the foot.) Bay Mahogany, {board measure.) 1,000 feet of plank, 4 inches thick, to be 12 inches and upwards in breadth. 1,000 feet of hoards, 1 inch thick 1 INK) Ho Ho ? do 1,000 do do J do To be 16, 18, and 20 inches wide, equal proportions of each, by the foot. Clas* No. 6. 200 Hickory handspikes, each 6 feet in length, 4 inches square at the butt end, and not less than 2? inches at the small end. To be offered for by the piece. Class No. 7. Lignumvita, (by the ton of 2,240 pounds.) 3 tons Lignumvitas, an equal proportion of the following diameters, viz., 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, b, 9. and 10 inches. To be free of shakes, rents, cracks, and all other defocts. NAVY YARD, PENSACOLA. Class No. 1. White Oak Timber, (by the cubic foot.) 2,500 cubic feet best quality white oak plank stocks, to averuge forty-five feet long, and none less than thirty-five feet long; to square from thirteen to fifteen incnes, and average thirteen at top ends. Class No. 2. Yellow Pine Timber, (by the cubic foot.) 2,000 cubic feet fine-grained long-leaf yellow pine plank stocks, best quality, length not less than thirty-five feet, averaging forty-five feet; to square from twelve to fourteen inches, and average thirteen at lop end. Class No. 3Lumber, (board measure,) per thousand feet. 20,000 feet best quality white pine boards, 1 inch thick. lO,0OO feet best quality white pine plank, 1J inch thick. 10,000 feet best quality white pine plank lj inch thick. 10,000 feet best quality white pine plank, 2 inches thick. 10,000 feet juniper, 1 inch, best quality; length to be from 12 to 16 feet, width from 10 to 14 inches. Class No 4. Hard Wood Plank and Boards, (board measure.) 1500 sup. feet cherry boards, 1 inch thick, 12 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 1000 sup. feet black wulnut, 1 inch thick, 12 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. 500 sup. feel. St. Domingo mahogany, 1 inch, and 10 to 12 feet long, 15 to 20 incites wide. 500 sup. feet Sl Domingo mahogany, 3 inch, and 10 to 12 feet long, 15 to 20 inches wide. Class No. 5. White Jlsh Oar Rafters and Jlsh Logs. ' 25 oar rafters, first quality, 18 feet long, to be 4 inches square in the looms, 450 feet in all, by the fool. 25 oar rafters, first quality, 16 feet long, 4 inches square in the looms, 400 feet in all, by the fooL 25 oar rafters, first quality, 14 feet long, 4 inches square in the looms, 350 feet in all, by the foot. 25 oar rafters, first quality, 12 feet long, 4 inches square in the looms, 300 feet in all, by the foot. 6 oar rafters, first quality, 28 feet long, to be 5| inches square in the looms, the blades to be one-third the length of the rafters, and 7 inches wide and 2 inches thick at the blade end, 168 feet in all, by the foot. 10 ash logs, 12 to 14 inches in diameter, and 12 feet long, (per cubic foot,) 130 cubic feet. Class No. 6. White Oak Knees, (per sided inch.) 25 knees, sided 7 inches, arm 4 to 5 feet, body 5 to 7 feet in length, 175 inches. > 25 knees, sided 6 inches, arm 4 to 5 feet, body 5 to 7 feet in length, 150 inches. 25 knees, sided 5 inches, arm 4 to 5 feet, body 5 to 7 feet in length, 125 inches. None to vary more than 3 degrees from a right angle. June 13?lawil5Aug. SELLING OFF.? Bring di*irou* of reducing our stork of Hummer food*, we have determined from this day forward to offer all goods the demand for which ceases with the season, without regard to rjMt. Our stork is now large and very complete, and well worthy the attention of purchasers. We uuine in Dart? '2,000 yard* French Ijcwna.faHt color*,at 121 cent* 3,000 do fine do do from lei to 25 cent* 1,000 do black and white French Gingham, at 1*4 2,000 do colored and white French Ging-ham, from 121to 25 200 piece* French Bercge and Grenadine, all color*, among them neveral plain jrreen, 25 to 50 50 do plain black andaatin atriped Bcrege*, 25 to 60 20 do chocked and atriped India Silk*, very cheap 10 do black Foulard Silk, a beautiful article 50 do Limn Luatrea, all color*, at 26 30 do whit<- and colored embroidered MuaHn, at 37} 160 do checked and atriped Cambric*, from 12} to 25 200 do plain Cambric* and Jaconet*, from 12} to 25 200 do Namaook and Swi** Mu*lin*, from 20 to 50 25 do India or Swi*? Book, two yard* wide, a tjeuutiful article for aummcr iire**e* 10,000yard* fine Print*, all color* and atyle*, from from 6J to 121, warranted fa*t, together with a large H**ortrni-nt or Hnairry, plain open-worked ami embrnidorrd Kid, Silk, ami Thread Glove*, Linenrambric Handkerchief*, Ijnr<- ('ape*, Swim and Cambric Fdging anil Inaerting, Thread Rdging, black Silk Ii*co, PitraaoU, Fan*, lie., be*ide* a great variety of other article* too nuinerou* to mention. w.. ,i.. , ?n ?.... .,r it,? ..I ...IMTUJ .11 ^ -.v., W. ?,,J (ioodn to give i in a call before pure baaing elnewherc, hji we arc confident of being able to nave thcin from ten to twenty per cent, on tlirir billa. YF.RBY k BROTHER, No. 6 Market Space, bet. 7th and ftth ata. June 12- 3leud TO IWVKWTOH*. ff^HE SUBSCRIBERS offer their aervicea to perI 1 noiih wiahing to obtain patenta in the United . State* or in foreign eon Ulrica, and will prepare apej cifkationa and drawing*, and take ail neeeaaary ati-pa to aecure a patent. From their long experience an practical mechanics, added to a thorough knowledge of the Patent l^iw and acquaintance with the (frtnila connected with the buaineaa of the Patent Office, they truat I Uiey will he Hhlc to give aiitiaTHrlnin to inrir finployera, both in^hr clear n<-w> lUi'l preciaion of their apr< ifi< Htioim, and in the prnmptneaa and ability with which they tranaaet all huainraa cntruated to thein. Prraona reaiding at a diatanre may procure all neceaaary iiifhrinutiou, have their bnaincaa trana acted, ami obtain a patent, by writing1 to the aub arribera, withoul incurring the e.xpcnae of a peraonal attendance at Waaliinglon. Model* can be ant with perfect aafcty by the expreaaea. Hmigh aketrhca and dracriptiona ran be acnt by mail. For evidence of their competence and integrity, they wotild respectfully refer to all thoae for whom they have Iranaactcd bnaineaa. > In-tb-ra moat lie poatpaid. Office on F atreet, oppoaite the Patent Office. P. H. WATSON, June 13- Irnw E H RF.NW1CK. Hoalery and CJInvea Jnat reeelved. WK have thia day opened a lare-e and choice lot of Hoairry and (Jlovea, which will he aokf at very reduced prtcea, via : 40 dos. White Cotton Htorkinga 16 do*. Hlark do do HI do*. Slate do do i '20 do*. Men'a Half Hum 15 do*. Miaara' Cotton do 10 do*. do Openworked do. * And a large aaaortmcnl of Silk, Thread, and Cotton Ulovca. -I B A A TATE, I Penn. av , between 10th and 1 l?h at*. June 13 eo.ft H GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK fl FOB JULY. jH A TRIUMPHANT NUMBER. I M PAOBi.??? EXTRA. I Another instance that the Lady'* Book doe# not J raced*, hut advance*. Not like it* con temporaries I who gave 80 and 84 putfe* in January and Febru- 1 ary, and now reduced to 64 and 60- They alao 1 prouiiar.d Colored Paahion Plate*, and aubetitute I wood ciurruviium. 1 THK GREATEST NUMBER YET ISSUED! ] fcf~ More Paget qf Reading than January, and more J Urn (rations. SOMETHING NOVEL! y ' An entirely Neva Cover.?A Line Engraving. Smut* idea muy be formed of the beauty of this Numlier, from the following notice of its embellishments : A Steel Engraving on the Cover?Lafly, Horse, [and Servant, engraved by Neagle. The First Parting?a beautiful Mezzotint, [by Walters. Returned from his Travels, " " by Welch. A Beautiful Colored Summer Fashion Plate, [by Pease. t t Archery?an engraving on wood, by Keily. A Cottage Plate?printed in two colors, [by Wagner it McGuigun. Music?two pages?original, and composed , [for the Book, by Cramer. A Great Hall at Mount Vernon, engraved by Frost. I The Pic Nie Party by Croome. M Front elevation of W. H. Gatzmer's Cottage, fl [by Frost. Ground Plan of " " " Frost. H Each of the above occupy one full page?making H 11 in all. H Entirely New Set of Wood Engravingt. The Cage Birds of America?two beautiful de- | signs, showing the perfection to which the art of wood engraving has been brought. The Monthly Boquet for July. Pattern* for Braining-, prepared expressly for the Lady's Boole. Let any other Magazine show a tut yf contributors like the following: LADV CONTRIBUTORS. Mrs. E. F. Ellet, Miss Leslie, Grace Greenwood, Kate Hall, Mrs. J. C. Neal, Miss A- C. Twiggs, Mrs. A. M. F. Annan, Mrs. S. A. Lewis, Anna C. Austin, Miss Alice Carey, Mrs. 8. J. Hale, Mrs. M. G. Horsford. GENTLEMEN CONTRIBUTORS. H. T. Tuckeriuan, Lewis J. Cist, Park Benjamin, Win. Alexander, J. F. Otis, Joseph A. Nunes, Francis De H. Janvier, Rev. Alonzo Potter, D. D., W. A. Jones, T. S. Arthur, Thomas King, Charles Muimhy, J. W. Wcidemeyer, J. R. Orton, Alexander J. Morton. ^ RECAPITULATION. The July Number contains 16 Engravings, 11 of , these occupying one page each?-Two of them Mezzotints, Two Line Engravings, and two Colored Enugravings. / The. July Number contains 84 pages; 36 of which are extra. The July Number contains 38 distinct articles by able authors. ^ In short, it may in every respect be termed A DOUBLE NUMBER! i And the whole volume will be continued in a style of excellence never before equalled?with some improvements which we dare not even hint at. It will be ONE BLAZE OF BEAUTY THROUGHOUT. The publisher of the Lady's Book pledges his well earned reputation of twenty years, that his work shall surpass, both in the number of pages published, and the number, beauty, and varie.ty of nia Engravings, any other work published in THIS OR ANY OTHER COUNTRY. Besides giving more matter in every Number than any other publication, he gives in audition, to those who pay three dollar**, the Lady's Dollar Newspaper, of lurge size, published twice a month. The , paper alone contains more reading than any monthly except the Lail^y's Book?tlius $3 subscribers get three publications each month, fully equal to two magazines. This is a better premium than 4 the " miserable" engravingsoffered by others. TERMS? CASH IN ADVANCE. 1 copy of the Lady's Book, and 1 copy of the Lady's Dollar Newspaper, one year . . . *3 2 copies, without the paper, one year ... 6 3 " " " " one year ... 6 6 " " " " one year, and a m copy to the person sending the club . . 10 11 copies without the paper, one year, and a copy to the person sending the club ... 20 5 months' subscription without the paper . . 1 ( This incomparable single number for . . 25 cU. Persons wishing to obtain the Lady's Book and Lady's Dollar Newspaper for $>3, must send the money direct to the publisher, L. A. GODEY, ? June 13?6t. No. 113 Chestnut St., Phila. POTOMAC PAVILION, AT PI NICY POINT. MARYLAND. THE above place will lie open for the accommodation of visiters on the 1st of June. This delightful watering place is at the mouth of the Potomac river, and in full view of the Chesapeake Bay. A constant and regular, beautiful shadetrees, and the great safety of surf bathing, (there Ixing no under-current,) combine to make this one of the most pleasant and healthy resorts Co be found. It is situated on the beaeh, hut a few yards from the water, with every convenience for bathing free of charge, where will be found obliging ami competent attendants. The Table will be supplied with all the luxuries of the seaaon, both from the markets and the water. An excellent Band of Music is engaged for the seaaon, and a variety of amusements furnished for guests free of charge. TERMS OF BOARD. Per day # I 60 Per week - . - - - 9 (X) Per month ----- 30 00 j The proprietors are now ready to make arrangements with families for the season. The steamer Oceola, Capt. James Mitchell, leaves 1 Washington every Thursday at 9 o'clock A. M., and Sundays at 7 o'clock A. M., for the Pavilion; returning, leaves the Pnvilion on Saturdays at 3 A.M. for Washington, and Sundays at 6 P. M. for Baltimore. The steamer Columbia leaves Baltimore on Saturdays at. 6 P. M., arriving at the Point at 6 A. M. on Sundays; returning, leaves Washington every Wednesday for Baltimore at 6 A. M., arriving at the Point same evening at 6 P. M. Due notice will be given of the other boats when they are placed on the route. KIRKWOOD k KELLER, , ' June 13?'2awtSepI Proprietors. (r t MOTK K. The steamer f'O LUMBIA, Captain Jhiim* Har(P?r> w'" h'ave Commerce street * wharf, in Baltimore, ou Saturday, March 3d, at four o'clock in the aftern<K>n, for '. Washington, Alexandria and Georgetown; and returning, will leave Washington at 6 o'clock and Alexandria at 7 o'clock in the morning of the fol- / lowing Wednesday. Thereafter, she will leave Baltimore on every succeeding Saturday afternoon, and Washington and Alexandria on every succeeding Wednesday morning, at the hours before men tioned, (hiring' the season. Fur passage and freight, apply to the Captain on hoard, or to the several agents: C. Worlhington, Baltimore; Mr. Riley, Washington; Messrs. rick rell, Georgetown; and Messrs. Wheat, Alexandria. JAMES HA ft PER, Captain A report having been extensively rirenlated that the strainer Columbia had been condemned by the Inapeetor of Steamboat Holla for the port of Washington, the annexed certificates are publiahed in refutation thereof; Having been railed upon by you to examine the hull of the ateamer Columbia, whilst on the railway in Baltimore, on the 23d ultimo, and having performed that duty, I feel no hesitancy in saying that the hull of that float is in gasl condition, and trustworthy for the carriage of freight and passenger* between this place and Baltimore. The injury (Tone to the stempost having now been repaired, I con aider her to lie aa good aa many stcamlxml* of five yrnra of age. I am, air, very rcapTtfully.ynur obedient servant, WILLIAM KASBV. Inapeetor of Steamboats. W ashinoton, February if, 1849. To William Gunton, Esq., President of the Washington. Alexandria, and Georgetown Htenm Pn< k?u ' Company. Baltimoxk, February 20, 1849. We, the undersigned, shipwrights of Baltimore, have had tlie steamer Columbia upon our railway, and, at the request of the owners and agent, have , examined her throughout and made all necessary teoiiirs Ws m.u- uiftunif ttisiliilinn nmiimnir-n lu-r to lv in very (rood order for thr trn importation of freight, and panemgt>ri? between Hiiltimorr and Waahiiitfton. FLANNIOAN & TR1MHI.E Junr 13?3tawf>w W. T PORTER, Home, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, coa*r? ft KTna?T and ^tnn. Avtwrx, up ktaibi, Ihrertly nppoiiU the National Hotel. Juna 13 I y OHM. PR YIC <Ht HOIfNR*n. OFFICE Prnimylvania avenue, near the corner of 4} atraet, Washington, D. C. Juna 13?ly ( i * L -A ?hiiii