Newspaper Page Text
r (Jorrcaponbeitce of tf)e Hqmblic. I ' - 11 1 ' NL? Yokk, Juiu 1849. i tub gold mink*. I do not know that I can give your reader* uny tiling more interesting than the details of u most important communication from California, which 1 have been |<ermitted to peruse. As you are well aware, the most intense curiosity everywhere prevails with regard to the gold mines, and every thing connected with them. In all uges gold digging has been the most exciting pursuit in which man can engage, and if the placers in California are not surII rounded by that mysterious and romantic interest which attached to the first discoveries of the Spaniards on this continent, there is a practical charm about them which, some how or other, does come home to the boBom and business of every man. Hence the details which I am about to give cannot fail to be rcud with the greatest interest, inasmuch I as they are perfectly authentic and reliable. The source from which they come is Colonel J. D. Stevenson, a gentleman whom I have known for years, and whose name must be fomiliur to many of your readers. The region from which the gold is taken extends north and south, a distance of five hundred miles. Throughout all this vust region there is not a river, stream or valley, in which the glittering ore may not be found in more or less abundance. An industrious sober man can realize at least one ounce a day, after paying all expenses. But the gold is not to be got without labor. Like a capricious beauty, gold, in whatever form, in Wall street, or the placers, must be wooed with u zeal and an ardor which allow no repose, no remission. In Wall street, to get the gold, you must be up to the neck in all sorts of iniquity. In California you mujit be up to the middle in water. After the labors of the dav. with vour ounce of "-old in vour breaches pocket, you dine upon dough, washed down with delectable rum, for which you pay only five shillings a glass, and afterwards seek repose in a " bourding tent," whose accommodations are not quite equal to those at the Astor. Such is life at the mines The scurvy is breaking out in some parts of the country, but with prudence and care a tolerably vigorous man may maintain very good heulth at the diggings. Colonel Stevenson states that an industrious digger, who does not gamble, and drinks like a christian, may realize from fifteen hundred to thirty-five hundred dollars a year, over and above his expenses. At first, parties proceeding to the mines bought oxen and carts and took up their own provisions, but that is now out of the question. A yoke of oxen which could have been purchased in September last for fourteen dollars, are now worth two hundred and fifty dollars ; and hence all persons going to the mines go as far as they can by water, taking their blanket and a few other articles in a knapsack, with which they start for the mountains. , Provisions, lodgings, every thing, are enormously high. Fifty dollars a month is paid for a "shakedown" in a shanty. Sardines sell at ten dollars a box ; jerked beef, or strips of animal fibre, dried in the sun, and of the consistence of wood, is worth one dollar a pound. Sugar ten shillings a pound. Potatoes twelve shillings a pound. Ham two dollars a pound. Such are a few items from the California prices current. Gambling, drinking, and other vices of civilizartion, of course, prevail. Goods of all kinds were pouring into San Francisco. Laboring men in stores get one hundred and twenty-five dollars a month.' Colonel Stevenson was paying sixty-four dollars a month for his board, and forty dollars a month for his bed-room?a splendid department no doubt. At Sutter's fort the rales were two dollars a meal. The colonel gives no encouragement to professional men. Hard working men, mechanics, citizens, and laborers, are the men to go to Cali forma. I have thus given a few items from thin lnteresting communication, which haa given me a more definite and aatiafactory idea of matters in California than any accounts which I have yet seen from that region. The volunteers who went out under the nommand of the colonel almost to a man remain. local newi. Excessively hot?Sherry cobblers in demand? Wall street in a fever?Mock auctions deserted? Thin attendance at the churches?People forget that this a fast day?The chimes of Trinity as mul sical as ever?Dusty roads out of town?Every thing rather stale and flat. Boston, June 19, 1849. Among the sudden deaths to-day, was that of the Rev. Wm B. Tappan, agent of the American Sunday School Union, in this city, and well-known to . members of his religious denomination as a poetical writer. His disease was pronounced cholera. He was seized ycslerday afternoon while in the city, and died at his residence near Needhnm, early mm morning, ne was a mom Kinii-nearu(i and estimable peraon; and, if not a great poet, had one quality, without which a poet cannot l>r great? good new. Our east winds have at last forsaken us, and we ure having some cnntimi.Mis warm weather, under ' which vegelatien is taking strides that promise to make up for past delinquencies. Wc no longer have to import our strawlierrica from New York, the home supply is quite equal to the demand. Numerous robberies and petty larcenies having taken place in our city of mte, the police have been actively on the alert, and the result shows that there are organiz-ed gangs of vagrant boys about the city, who make Jack Sheppard and Dick Turpin their models, and practise theft systematically. A curious document in proof of this was brought to light few evenings syicr A youth of snout I.r>, named Patrick Carroll, was arrested on a charge of stealing about $100 worth of jewelry, when the following paper was found upon his peraon: Contract drawn hrtwrrn P. C. k Co.?Know all men by these presents, that we, the undersigned, do hereby swear that we will oliey P. C. in nil things lawful and unlawful; and the said P. C. is to pay to us in the half of what the company mnkes. And, furthermore, neither we, the undersigned, nor the said P. C., will keep any share of the goods of the firm without the consent of one and all the company. To which we hereby aet our hands find seals this llth day of June, 1849. (Signed) P. C. fska1..1 J. P. P. [aval] k It is the opinion of the city marshnl that there are some fifteen hundred vagrant children, (of whom only 1(13 are of American parents,) between six end sivteen vears of age, who prowl about our wbsrve* and street*, and live precariously; uncared for by parent* or guardian*. Some of theae children are hawker* of paper*, or seller* of matchea, moat of the time occupied in quarrelling and gantbling. They are tieggars, strolling from street to street, through Innea, byway* and alleys; practising the elementary lesson* of pilfering, lying, deception and thefi. They may be seen wherever wooden structure* are in the process of building, repairing, or tearing down, aeeking lor fragments of wood, to which they evidently feel they hnveu very questionable right. Ft is nn embarrassing question -vith our city authorities, what shall wi do with itheae juvenile vagrant*' How far have we the right to aland towarda them in loco parentii, and force them to induatry and reformed habita. A single fact in thia connection will illustrate the difficulties of the case. During the winter months the secretary of the Boston Employment Society had in charge 72 boys of foreign parentage-, all of them were exceedingly destitute, themselves and friends living mostly on charity. Good homes were offered to theso boys in the country, where they would be educated to usefulness; but only 17 of the 72 could be persuaded to accept of the benefits. In view of such facts, it seems as if there ought to be lodged somewhere a power to rescue these young outcasts, even against their own will and that of their parents, from their inevitable tendencies to crime. The State is to be the sufferer from their vicious courses, and ought not the State to have authority to take seasonable measures for its protection? A yellow covered pamphlet has just been laid upon my table, entitled, "Report of the Directors of the Northern Railroad Company, Ogdensburgh to Rouse's Point, New York, submitted to the stockholders." This road, you may be aware, is almost entirely in the hands of Boston capitalists. The report is signed by G. Parish, Abbott Lawrence, and ten others. The expenditure of the compuny to the 4th insl. has been $1,326,977.? The first complete estimate of the road was rather under 000,000. It is now proposed that there should be an issue of bonds by the company, to procure the means necessary for a proper continuance of the work; and the belief is expressed, that such issues need not exceed $1,000,000. The report states in conclusion: "The Northern railroad was put under contract in its entire length, at the commencement of last year, since when no efforts have been spared to push the work at every important point. Twelve I miles of the road from Champlain village, (connecting the Champlain river landing,) to Centreville, are ready for business; to this will be added fifteen ' miles by the month of September, and, if required, the road can be further opened thiB season to Chateaue'UHV. a distance of fnrtv-five miles fr??m T Champlain. Of the remaining distance, weat, about fifty miles are further advanced than any other portion of the line, of same extent, and the entire work is at present in so forward a state that it requires but an ordinary exertion of the same means hitherto employed, to ensure the opening of the whole line by the summer of next year." LATE FROM MONTREAL. We learn by telegraph that the British American League is growing in strength daily, and now numbers thirty-six branches. Their intention is to agitate for farther alterations of the colonial laws. If by the next steamer it is ascertained that the Queen sanctions the Rebellion Losses bill, decisive steps | will be taken, and will probably be renewed. Tne Governor is at Monckland, and is looked upon as a prisoner there. * The military have been engaged in ball practice for the last ten days. The anniversary of the battle of Waterloo has not been celebrated.?.Y". Y. Evening Post, 20th. New Orleans, June 18, 1849. The steamer Crescent City sailed for New York this afternoon. Col. Hughes, of the Topographical Engineers, and his surveying party, took passage in her. She has nearly half a million on board as freight, and also fifty thousand dollars in specie. Mobile, June 18, 1849. A fire broke out to-day in a building at the corner of Monroe and Franklin streets, and before it could be subdued, destroyed the same together with seven others, mostly all built of wood. The loss is | estimated at $10,000St. Lot is, June 19, 1849. Senator Benton has made a speech at Boonville, an echo of his famous speech at Jefferson City. The Democracy of Missouri are pretty well divided. j. lie onoiera is disappearing trom the Upper Mississippi, but is breaking out again in Osage. j Boston, Jwu 19, 1849. By the arrival of the brig Vulture at this port from Port au Prince, we have dates to May 29th. Coffee continued i^uite scarce. The monopoly law was still in operauon, and several infractions of the law by the Haytien officials had been punished by the Government. A portion of the President's army was still in the barracks at Port au Prince, hut there was no probability of a renewal of the war. A collision occurred on the Worcester railroad this afternoon, at Brookline Crossing, between the New Haven and Brookline train. Tne engineer of the latter, named McCoy, had both of nis legs broken, and it is feared that he is fatally wounded. A fireman and brakeman were also injured. The cars were more or less damaged, and the rails badly torn up. The passengers escaped unhurt. CALIPORXIA NKWS. Our exchange papers, both from the North and the South, arc filkd with news from California. Some interesting details arc given by our New Ynrk mrrf?4innnri#Mit nnii in tho r ?... .?V W. MVIV ..VIII Vl.v Picayune which we publish to-day. In addition to those, we select the following from the correspondence of the New York Courier and Enquirer, which seta forth some portions of the dark side of the picture: "Now, let me say a few words to those ut home who have only the premonitory symptoms of the gold fever. To such as may contemplate coming out here in companies, and employing persons to dig for them, I will relate a short anecdote: Ten i men Itelonging to a company established for this purpose arrived one day upon the hanks of Feather river, in the very midst of the gold region, where they met ten Indians, who were lolling listlessly about, under the shade of a large tree. ' These are the very men for us,' thought and said the whiles, and an offer was immediately made the Indians of two dollars a day for every mnn who would dig. This being the amount that the said people worked for per mtmlh in the settlement, was, at the time, thought a sufficient inducement, certainly; but the Indians shook their heads. Five dollars were then offered; again the Indians shook their heads. Ten dollars wan the next offer, when one of the Indians rose and said: 'Here are ten of you and ten of us; we make you the same offer. You white men dig for us, and we will give each one of you ten dollars .a day!' So you will observe that none but hale, hearty, stout, well-knit and healthy men, need come out here for gold. And two-thirds of these (let me warn them in time) will lay their Imnes where they go with the hope of accumulating fortunes. My reasons for thinking thus must be obvious enough Ln nftrufini nt *11 *r/in*?nt*H with When the unhealthy season net* in at the placer, the temptation for augmenting one's heap is too strong to he resisted. As each individual imagines that he will escape, or, at any rnte, that the chances are somewhat in his favor, none leave until a raging fever has taken a strong hold, when in most cases it is too late to depart. But this is useless. No warning from me, or any one else, will turn a tide; and I fancy that every person coming to California intends to take this at the flood, feeling confident that it must 'lead on to fortune.' But I know, from actual observation, that the tide runs both ways out here. There is an ebb, as well as a flood ' if any suppose that gold can lie procured without labor, and that of the severest kind, they are, I assure you, very much mistaken. Why, laying water or gas pipes in the streets of New York is not half as toilsome work. No man should come to this country with the expectation of making his fortune at the mines, by getting out gold, but such a one as feels fully able to dig almut half a dozen graves a day, taking a cold bath every fifteen or twenty minutes during his work, and whilst in a profuse perspiration, and that without injury to the constitution. It would not lie n had nlan to orsc tine thm, for a month or two, on the lianks of some river, before leaving the United States." ETHioruN Melodies.?Mr. Kendall writes from Pari*: "Whether we should take it aa a compliment or not ia more than I feel called upon to decide, but the moat popular airs one now hears at all the minor theAlres, as well aa in the streets, are neither more nor leas than some of Our Ethiopian melodies. The favorite of all?one that is danced and hummed, and whistler! by every person?goes by the title of 'Drin, drin,' here in Paris, nnd is an adaptation of 'Sing, sing, the boatmen sing.' Another air, which appears to tie rapidly growing into favor, is taken from 'Dance, the Itoatman, dance.' I shall lie ready to go when 'Mary Blane' and 'l.ucy Neal' I get upon the Parisian stage and on the Boulevards, j and they'll soon be along." I B Y T E L E (i R A P H REPORTED FOR THE REPUBLIC. J Tilt Latest News by tbe AiutrU*. 1 New York, June 21, 2 p. m. The weatiier ia intensely hot, thermometer in the shade 96?. The papers this morning contain their usual one day later accounts from Europe. At Liverpool, on the 9th ult., at noon, corn was dull and nominal; flour as previously quoted; cotton still' and holders firm. No political news of moment. Naw York, June 21, 2 p. m. The flour market is heavy and prices fa voting buyers. Sales of 3,000 bbls. at $4.44 a $4 62 for common Western and Genessee brands. Corn is steady, but not active?sales of 1,500 bushels at 57 a 5b cents for mixed and 58 a 60 cents for yellow; oats 38 cents; rye 58 cents. Provisions quiet, and stiles only to the regular i trade. Groceries quiet. The cotton market is firm at an advance of I cent per lb. quoted yesterday?sules of 500 bales. I Whisky is selling at 20} a 21J cents per gallon. ' The Board of Health have not yet reported the i cases of cholera. ' Philadelphia, June 21, 8 o'clock, p. m. The thermometer has been up to 102 degrees here to-day. Young Man drowned In Philadelphia?Hot weather. Philadelphia, June 21, 2 p in. The young man who was drowned yesterday, while bathing in the Delaware, opposite the city, is named Brown. He belonged to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The weather is exceedingly hot?at 10 a. m. the thermometer stood at 95? in the shade. It is now up to 97?. Philadelphia, June 21, 2 p. m. The stock market is steady; sales moderate?Pa. 5's 90 i a 901; do 6's 101. Flour is dull, under the steamer's advices; sales of a few hundred barrels at $4 50. No change in wheat; small sales of red al$l. Corn has declined one cent per bushel?sales of yellow at 60 cts. Oats 28 a 30 c.; rye 58 els. Provisions and groceries quiet?butter has improved g cent per pound, some asking more. Whisky 20 a 21 j cents per gallon. Philadelphia, June 21, 4 p. m. . There were ten cases of cholera to-day and four deaths. The fatal malady is gradually increasing. Baltimore, June 21, 8 o'clock, p. m. The ship St. Laudenie, at Newport, R. I., from Liverpool, had thirty deaths aboard during her passage, and has forty now sick of ship fever. Among the sick is Captain Brown, the master of the vessel. A person who came passenger here in a packet from New York died of cholera to-day. Baltimore, June 21, 5 p. m This has been the warmest day of the season. The thermometer in the shade now stands at 91?. ' Our city still continues free of cholera. The following is the official announcement and ' recommendation by the Governor of Maryland in leference to the death of Ex-President Polk: Official?State Department. Annapolis, Mo., June 20, 1849. The painful duty devolves upon the Governor of Maryland to announce, officially, to his fellowcitizens, the demise of Janes K. Polk, late ExPresident of the United States, which mournful event occurred at Nashville, Tennessee, on the 15th inst. The patriotic people of Maryland are thus called to mourn the early death of one who has, successively, filled important positions in the councils of the country, and who but recently retired from the most exalted of all earthly stations, the Presidency of the United Stales. In view of the public and private virtues of the deceased, of his long, faithful, and arduous services in the various trusts committed to his hands, and of the brilliant events which distinguished his administration of the Government, 1 recommend to the people of Maryland to assemble in their respective cities and country towns, at such time as may be most convenient, for the purpose of expressing the sorrow which this sudden dispensation has occasioned, and of testifying, in a suitable manner, their respect for his memory. By the Governor, ph ii ip c tuom a a a. . liivrono. John Nick Watkivs, Secretory of State. Upon the opening of the court this morning at nine o'clock, John Price was placed in the prisoner's box, and u|>on being asked by the Attorney General whether he was ready for trial, replied that he was not?the counsel previously engaged for j him, Messrs. Preston and Pitts, having declined to ( act in his behalf. The Attorney General then gave him notice to secure the services of counsel by Monday, at which time the case will be taken up and proceeded with. The market for Howard street Flour is a good I deal unsettled to-day. The sales amount to 600 bbls., composed of several lots, at f4 50, all fresh ground. Sales 1,900 bbls. City Mills at the uniform rate of |4.69}. Wheat has further declined, and we quote sales of good to prime red at 95 a 100c., and white 109c. Sales yellow Corn at 56 n 58c. and white 50n 59c.; the bulk of the yellow at 57c. Sales Pennsylvania Rye at 61c., and Maryland 53c. Oats are dull at 24 a 28c., for good to prime. Nairn Whisky at 21c., in bbla. Provisions air without change Sales Mess Pork at $11, and bacon at 6 a 6Je. for sides and assorted, 5J at 5}c. for shoulders, and hams 7 a 9jc. Lanl without sales. Cincinnati, Tune 21. There were 26 deaths by cholera to-day, besides ! 29 interments of other diseases in one cemetery; there were ten interments, diseases not known. ! The river has fallen eight feet. Montrkai., .Attic 21. Affairs an' still in n disturbed and unsettled state, and there are apprehensions of further outbreaks. The contemplated celebration of the anniversary of the Imttle of Waterloo has been indefinitely postponed by order of the Government. The authon- J I ties were unwilling to leave the city unprotected. The Provincial Secretary ha* asserted that if the i Royalists should attempt to invite or gel up dta- j turhanees, the streets shall lie swept with grape-shot | fmm one end of the city to the other. This procla- ^ malion has caused great anxiety, and all are now anxiously waiting the reault of the discussion of Canadian affair* in the British Parliament. The city continues healthy. The cholern has not yet made its apjiearance. The weather here is unusually warm, and the thermometer at this writ- | ing stands 95 degrees in the shade. Five hundred and thirty-five alien pnsaengera ar | rived at Boston during the week ending June llth. J THE REPUBLIC, HUBHOTA TKRJUTOKY. Muiemia increases in population with such rabidity, that it caii scarcely ue lunger than a few 5earn before ahe will be knocking at the door of the Won for admission 98 a State. St. Paul, the capiat, ia growing with hot-bed quickneaa. The P10leer telle ua that? " Lob* which were the other day considered quite -emote, are now " right in town." More titan leventy buildings, it ia said, have been erected here luring the past three weeks; and the town ia so banged in its appearance, and has so multiplied its nhabitants, that a person absent for three weeks, m returning, almost fancies that he has been aking a Rip Van Winkle Mlumber. The two landings have already locked their arms in a fraternal iiubrac-e." , The Pioneer, in surveying this stale of things, lptly remarks, that? "Scratch up, scramble up, tumble up, any way to jet up," seems to be illustrated in tine sudden jrowtli of buildings in St. Paul. California, with its wondrous treasures, sceins in no wise to have injured the prospects of this embryo. Gov. Ramsey and the other officers of the new lerritory have arrived at St. i'aul. I he Governor lias issued the customary proclamation, announcing the organization of the territorial government, accompanied by the act of Congress relating thereto. On his arrival he went to spend a short time with Hon. H. H. Sibley, the late representative in Congress. He was received in due form by the troops at FortSneliing. Dr. J. S. Li verm ore, Indian Sub-Agent for the Chippewas of Lake Superior region, on a tour through the several stations and bands of his agency, had arrived in a birch canoe ut St. Paul's front Lake Superior. Election of Judges by the People.?This is a question which will be before the people of Texas at the election in August next. An amendment to the constitution to this effect has Iteen proposed, and the people arc culled upon to decide by direct vote whether they wish it or not. LOCAL MATTERS Washington Light Infantry.?This fine corps is actively engaged in the necessary arrangement for a trip to Fredericksburg on the ensuing Fourth of July, the military of that hospitable town having extended thenl an invitation, which has been accepted. Their tents were pitched yesterday afternoon in the City Hall square, and weekly drills in the school of the soldier have been had for some time at the company's armory on C street. Sale of Furniture.?The 3ale of the extensive furniture of the National Hotel closed on Wednesday afternoon. The furniture brought fair prices, and the amount of sales, we learn, will reach to $25,000, or thereabouts. Anglino.?Fine sport is offered to the disciples of Izaak Walton and the lovers of angling, at the Little Falls, where rock, perch, and others of the finny tribe, abound in goodly numbers at the present season. An amateur fisher hooked a rock on Tuesday weighing twenty pounds, and others of large size are caught daily by the numerous parties which frequent this famous fishing spot. Shad of large size are also caught readily by the fishermen in dip nets, and find a ready sale, despite the recommendations of the faculty to beware of the use of fresh fish. Criminal Court.?This court resumed its session on yesterday morning. The case of the United States vi. Allison Nailor, for resisting a Georgetown police officer in the execution of a warrant, was taken up, and an argument held liefore the court as to the validity of the warrant issued by the corporation of Georgetown, on which the action wua based. Mr. Auld appeared for th? corporation of Georgetown, and Mr. Bradley for Mr. Nailor. Judge Crawford reserved his decision until a future day The case against Alfred Wallingsford for per muting ntgh ball" 10 oe played at his billiard I saloon, in violation of the statutes against gaming, was next taken up, Messrs Lenox and Radcliffe appearing for defendant. A jury was empannelled, and some testimony taken ; but it appearing, from the statement of Dr. Dawes and other witnesses, that the defendant was laboring under a most severe illness, and had been no at the time alleged in the indictment, the case was dismissed, and the court adjourned. LIFK OF KOBK.HFIKKRK. with extracts from his unpublished correspondence, by G. H. Lewes. THE POTTLETON LEGACY, a nnr novel, by Alliert Smith, author of "Christopher Tadpole," &c., 1 volume. This day received, for sale by TAYLORk MACRY. June 2*2 Booksellers, near 9th st. Attention! Walker Sharpshooters! YOU are requested to meet at the Armory, this (Friday) evening, at M o'clock precisely, to make arrangements for celebrating the approiu fling National anniversary. JOHN Y. BRYANT Captain June '22 NOTICR.?The Lecture of Mr. W. M. Yoctto, before the Washington Litrrary Association, which was to have taken place on last Friday evening, but was piwtpitH'd on account of the weather, willtakc pla< eon tliis f Friday) evening at S o'clock, in the room of the Sabbath School attached to Wesley Chapel,on 6th, near Fstreet. Subject: "The true greatness of the human mind." The public is respectfully invited to attend. VM. G. MOORE, June 22 Srcrrtary. MAIL NTKAMKR KAMOS, K<?R A CHAORM.~TIh' owner* will dispatch this fine steamer with the Government Mail* for Chagres, via Havana and New Orleans, on the *2Sth June, instant. On the last voyage two or more person* who eniImrkrd at litis port, evidently for sinister purpoe<*. were the cause of some difficulty and delay at Havana. To guard against any similar occurrence in future, the ship will pri*-ee<l on each trip toCHAGRES, and return thence via New Orleans. On her last return voyage she made shorter time than had ever before been known, having reached this port from Havana in loss than four and a half days. For speed, safety, and excellent accommodations, the Falcon is unsurpassed by any sea steamer afloat. This conveyance offers the most desirable medium of communication with the Isthmus of Panama. Passengers at a distance are recommended to make early application for state room*. New York, June 19. June 22?Iw KOH KK,\\< IM U. Via <H\?.ltK.V 3(lth June. tr fTP"*/^T,HE NEW AND SPLENDID i, -hy 1 Steamship CRESCENT CIT Y, HBHHHmi 16,000 ton* burthen, Cha's Stoddard, master, will leave for Chagres direct, from her dork, Ht Pier i, N. R . on Saturday, .10th June, at 3 o'clock. The C'resrent City goes direct to Chagres, without touching at intermediate ports, an<i makes the run in about eight and a half days, thus ensuring that passenger* by this Steamer will reach Panama in time for the U. S. Pacific Mail Steamer of July. Passage in the After Saloon - jgtl/St do do Forwaril Saloon - lift do do I/>wcr Cabin . 101) do do Steerage... SO Freight on spryie, 1 per cent. Merchandise, 70 rents per foot. Eight cubic fort of Imggagc allowed each cabin passenger; six cubic feet each steerage passenger. No passage secured unless paid for. iny peraon D-IIIII11IItr """ ?' ' amount Ol pah ??ge money ran *e< ore a Ix rUi for ont wmk. In imiaoqenee of the arrival at I*.mania, from San Franciaro, of the Steamer* "California" anil "Oregon," tin Parifii Mail Steamahin Company liave recommenced the iarar of ticlu t* for their Steamer*. Tln-ae ticket*, however, will not in future la- entirely diapoaeif of here -a large proportion of thoae for the ne*t. anil nuhaequent Steamer*, lieing reserved for aale in Panama. For freight or pa**age apply to J. HOWARD & SON. .lime 2J t.'tn 34 Broadway. Dark orera m.k i mbhrm,** Thi* lay received, a small lot of Dark Green Silk U mhrclla* Also, a few doccn Linen Yoke neek Shirt*. STKVENSS, Great Hat anil Gentlemen'* Outfitting atore, No. I, Brown'* Hotel. June 22 eoJtif I THE WEEKLY RKPVBLIC. That we may commence it with the half year, and on a propitious day, we have determined to laaue the first number of our Weekly (taper on the Fourth or July. The Weekly Republic will contain all the moat interesting and important matter of our Daily (tapers. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY REPUBLIC. Single subscription, for one year f 2 00 Six copies, for one year - - 10 .00 Sixteen copies, for one year , - - 20 00 TWENTY-FIVE COPIES, for one yeur 25 00 And at the same rate for a larger number. The Daily and Tri-Weekly Republic are now regularly published, and mailed to subscribers at the following rates: TERMS OF THE DAILY & TRI-WEEKLY. For the Daily Republic, per annum - J10 00 For the Tri-weckly, " 6 00 j For three copies of the Tri-weekly, (ordered at the same time) - 15 00 No paper will be seat unless the order is accompanied by the money. All communications upon business must be addressed to? GIDEON & CO. Washington Citt, June 19, 1849. (CABINET EDITION OF CLASSIC TALES. J Comprising in one volume tRassel&s, Vicar of Wakefield, Exiles of Siberia, Paul and Virginia, Gulliver's Travels, Sterne's Sentimental Journey, Castle of Otranto, &c., &c., Stc. WAVEftLY ANECDOTES, illustrating popular characters, scenes, and incidents, in the Novels and n w.ii?u....n t ....I r i.... ' T A YLOR * & "MAURY" June.' 21 Booksellers, near 9th st. Biography ok john Randolph a few copies of Mr. Sawyer's life of John Randolph arc left for sale at TAYLOR & MAURY'S, Bookstore, Pa. A v. near 9th street. June 21 Subscribers to the American Art Union for 1848 can obtain their engravings by calling at the bookstore of TAYLOR & MAURY, June 21 Near Ninth street. Washington, May 16, 1849. BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS entitled "An act to make arrangements for taking the Seventh Census," it is provided that the Census Board "shall prepare and cause to be printed such forms and schedules as may be necessary fur the full enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States; and also proper forms and schedules for collecting in statistical tables, under proper heads, such information as to Mines, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, Education, and other topics, as will exhibit a full view of the pursuits, industry, education, and resources of tne country; it being provided that the number of said inquiries, exclusive of the enumeration, shall not exceed one hundred. The principal aim of the Board at this time is to acquire such information as will enable it to arrive at the most proper enumeration of subjects to be embraced in the next Census. The communications of all persons who may feel disposed to make suggestions or contribute information on the subject, will be respectfully considered. Address "Department of State?Census," Washington. JOHN M. CLAYTON, REVERDY JOHNSON, JACOB COLLAMER. Jos. C. G. Kknnedy, Secretary. June 20?3t L 111 mill ON the petition of Charles Davenport, of Cainbridgeport, Massachusetts, praying" for the extension of a patent granted to saia Davenport, for an improvement in Draw Springs for railway carriages for seven yeans from tin- expiration of said patent, which takes place on the ninth day of September, 1849: It is ordered that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office, on the fourth Monday in August next, at 1'2 o'clock, in.; and all persons are notified to appear and allow cause, if any they have, why said petition ought not to be granted. Ordered, also, that this notice be published in the Republic, and Union, Washington City, D. C.; American, Baltimore; North American and Garotte, Philadelphia; Tribune, New York; Couraut, Hartford ; Daily Bee, Boston ; Journal, Portsmouth, New Hampshire ; Daily Atlas, Cincinnati; Advertiser, Detroit; Republic, Augusta Georgia ; once a week for three successive weeks previous to the fourth Monday in August next. TUO. EWBANK, Commissioner of Patent* P. 8.?Editors of the atiove papers will please ropy, and send their tiills to the Patent Office, with a paper containing this notice. June 20?law3w MKMOIR OF WILLIAM ELLERY CHAINING, with extracts from his Correspondence and Manuscripts. 3 vols., with portrait. The Works of William E. ('banning, D. D., i with an introduction. t> vols., complete. TAYLOR k MAURY, June 24) Booksellers, near 9th st. WILLIAM K. It It Lt . Importer and Dealer In Fancy and Staple Stationery, Pennsylvania .Irrnue, betteren 1 Ilk ami 1 '2th streets, j. rpHK *ul>*< rlber devote* InnIf? xdusively to the 1 Stationery business, in all it* branches, and ia prepared to furnish all kind* of? Cap, letter, ledger, wrapping, note, and fancy 1 Paper* and Envelope* Cutlery, Steel Pen*, Quill* Ink, Inkstands, Portfolio* Gold Pen* and Pencil*, Drawing' paper*, French paper* Tape*, Blank Rook*, kc. He i* receiving constantly new addition* to hi* stock hv the English steamer* and packets,and will sell at tlie very lowest price*. Letter ami Cap Paper at $ 1.2ft r?er ream. WILLIAM F. BAYLY. | June 19?rMt t'AIN <b SHAKPKV'N If I'M A Si ANATOMY, edited by Joseph Leidy, M. D., 2 vol*, octavo, with over five hundred illustrations. S*co*i> Ni'tur.1 or DAVID COPPERFIELD, by Dickens, (Boz.) this day received for sale by J TAYLORk MAURY, June 19 Booksellers, near 9th *t. BALTIMOKK, ALEXANDRIA. AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAhr {~TmmJS Steam Pa. ket.WASHINGTON. L. Isaac Wood, Master, burthen 2,000 RBHSMMEatlstrrels, lea\e* Baltimore, on Saturday evening, at 5, p. m.; leave* Georgetown rv[ cry Tu?i?day; leaves Alexandria every Wednesday . morning, at 7 o'clock, a. in. For freight or passage, apply to LAMBERT & M. KF.NZIK, Alrzcmdrui Agents: Peter Berry, Georgetown. Rose, Merrill A Co.. Baltimore, Md. June 18?lind UANTIC'S INFERNO - A literal prose translation, with the text of the original, collated from the best edition* and explanatory notes, by John A. Carlyle, M D. i,ip p. ir<i i hp. p ah " r.> i nv ueorge prcd Ruxton, author of Advrnturr* in Mexico and the i Rocky Mountain*, thi* day received for sale by TAYLOR h MAl'RY, June 18 Booksellers, noar <Rh ?treet. I. A CROillt'A, A Spanish Newspaper printed In New York. THIS valuable paper i* handsomely printer! twice a week 011 a large double royal sheet, in the quarto form, in the moat approver! modern Spanish orthography, and, having reached the nintii month of it* puluirntion, may be aaid to he placed on adurahl< lm*i*. It i* ably conducterl by Sctior A. X Sa v M ahtin, ami employ* a regular correspondent at the Court of Madrid, beside* having correspondent* in all the countries of Spanish America. Officer* of the American Government, Diplomatic Representatives, and others, will find the Cronira a valuable compendium of Spanish and Spanish American news, nolitics, and interests. It is sent by mail, postage free, (the prwtugr tiring pre-paid by the editor without cost to tile suhw riber*,) U> all part* of the United State* at tiie following rates, in1*1 ruiNy in advance For one year #10 (XI For six months - - - - ft 60 For three months . - . '2 7ft Persons wishing to sulmcribe will apply to F. JEFFF.ASON, Smith's Row, Eleventh street, near F. June II 'H W A VKRI.Y HOl'MK. THE snhse'riber is now receiving daily the finest Oysters ami Fish, which he will he happy to serve } in the best style and on reasonable terms. Hoarders taken by the week or day. . , The Frederick ami Marlborough stages lenve this house every Tu?"*day, Thursday, and Saturday. P A. Da KAl'l.ES, Agent, Penn. avenue. opposite National Hotel. June IS St j Nero gork ^U)oerti0cmmta. HONTUOnBRV'H PATBJVT TV HULA It BOILKK. The attention of the public is invited to this valuable improvement. Experiment!* the past year on boat*, Doth in Salt and Fredi water, a* also for land purpoae*, have fully tested it* superior qualities a* a steam generator, and the great saving of fuel, weight and space occupied, over any boiler now in use. These Boilers can be seen in operation at Messrs. HECKER & BRO'S, Flour Mills, 201 Cherry street. HOOPER & BRO.'S, 333 Pearl street. " MOTT & AYRES, Foundry, foot 26th street, N. K. ATLANTIC DOCK, Brooklyn. " A. W. METCALF, 63 and 66 Centre street. " D. D. BADGER &CO., 44 and 46 Duano street. N. B. STARBUCK'S Foundry, Troy, New York. ??. SMITH & CURLETT, Baltimore. READING DEPOT, Reading, Pa. And on board steamboats JONAS C. HEARTTand EDWARD PAYSON.foot of Liberty street, N. Y., and towboat JOHN P. WHITNEY, New Orleans. For further information apply to JAMES MONTGOMERY and SAMUEL WAKU, 15 South William street, New York. June '20? tf UOODVBAR RIIBBKH EMPORIUM, 150 Broadway, New York. THE undersigned will furnish at factory prices to gentlemen of the Army or Navy, ana others, all articles manufactured from Metallic Rubber, under the Goodyear Patents, which are warranted to stand in any climate. He is also sole agent in this country for the celebrated house of Molntosh & Co., of England; all goods manufactured by them will be furnished to order. W. WARD, Goodyear Rubber Emporium, 159 Broadway. June 19?3ui REVUE DES DEUX MONDES. Nouvelle Period avec la Collaboration des Somraltes Litters!res et Sclentlflques, de la Prance et des pays Etrangers. Published on the first and fifteenth of every month. Each number contains 176 pages, 8vo., at $12 50 per annum. The Revue des Deux Mondes has been formed for the purpose of establishing an intercourse in the intellectual pursuits the most followed between distinguished men of Europe and America. It is proposed in this collection to give a prominent place to the affairs of the American Union, to the labors of its politicians, and to the Literary and Scientific publications of its Authors. The Revue des Deux Mondes now makes a public appeal to American Authors and Editors, by sending to it, through Mr. Putnam, of New York, a copy of each of their publications. The Revue is in a better position than any other organ in Europe to serve as an intellectual link between the Old and the New World, which has as Editors and Contributors the most eminent political, scientific, and literary men of France. Many of its contributors have visited North and South America, and it still counts among .u ..r . u.. i f i r< iin iii many ui tuc i/ipiuiuaut. aiiu v-uimunvr V'Di iJM. Each nuuiDerof the Revue, ia addition to its articles gig-lied by the first names of France, eon tains, under the title of" Chrouique dc la Quinzaine," a historical summary of the principal events of the political world, which will certainly be, for the American, the most faithful picture of the European movement*. THE CONTENTS OF THE NO. FOB MARCH 15. I. De la Renaissance Flamande en Bclgique?Le Romaucier de Flaudre?Henri Conscience, par M. Saint Rone Taillaudier. II. Mozart et Don Juan?Lorenzo da Ponte, nouveaux document! publics en Russie, en Anglcterre, et en Amerique, par M. P. Scudo. III. L'Algcrie et la Buget?Le Gouvernment des Europeens, derniere de parties, par M. Andre Cochut. IV. Les Pages de Jaunesse dc M. de Lamartinc, par M. Gustave planchc. V. Pocmes Evangeliques?La Tempte, par M. Victor de Lapr&dc. VI. Questions Constitutiunelles, de M. de Baraute, par M. Albest de Broglie. VII. Du Comite central pour les Elections. VIII. Histoire Politique?Chronique de la quinzaine. IX. Bulletin Bibliogr&phique. Nos. 1 and 5 of the Revue des Deux Mondes for 1849 have been received, and are for sale at 75 cents each. G. P. PUTNAM, June 18 Agent for the United States. New Style Gilt Cornices and Window Shades. I HAVE just received from the North a large and splendid assortment of Gilt Window Cornices, Window Shades, and a new style of Picture Cord and Tassels. I also keep on hand a large assortment of American and French Paper Hangings, Fire Board Prints, Columns, Feather Beds, Hair and Husk Mattrasses. I make to order, at the shortest notice, Bed and Window Curtains, Carpets and Cushions, and every thing in the Upholstering line furnished complete on the best terms. JNO. ALEXANDER, Pen n. a v., bet. 12th and 13 th sis. June 13?3taw*2w To the Public. C WOODWARD respectfully invites the atten tion.of his old customers and the public geneI.illy. 1" Ills large and wrll selei led stock of Hardware, Fancy Goods, Jtc. I have just received a splendid assortment of Bathing Tubs, lie., as follows: Hip Baths, Zinc and Tin, Huston Baths, Large Bathing Tubs with lu-aters, Hand Shower Baths, Niagnra Jet Slaiwer Baths, lie., &e. I have also just receivi-d a lot of very fine Refrigerators, lee Cream Freezers, Water Coolers. Clocks, Buckets, Bird Cages, Britannia Water Pitchers, Basket Carriages and Chairs, Rocking Horses and Propellers, Iron and Brick Furnace* of all kinds and sizes, and a great variety of House Furnishing Articles, Safes, and every other article usually found in Uie Hardware Line. And in ease you should forget, I will just say that I have a few more Stoves and Grate* of the same sort left, and shall continue to keep them on hand a* usual. Thankful for past patronage. I shall lie happy to wait upon and show my goods to any one who will favor tne with a call. Having bought goods very low, I am determined to sell as low or lower than can lie Isaight in the city elsewhere. C. WOODWARD. Pa. Av., between 10th ami lltli streets. June 15?blood - . -- - - Brandies, Whiskies, < holer Wines, etr., at private sale,? We have on hand, and constantly keen, a i him c ami ain<..ri.,i . ..ll. . iw... ,?f Brandies, V^hiskies, Wines, &< ., among which we enumerate? 6 \ caakssupcrior Brandy, with custom-house certify ate# attached 40 barrel# superior copper distilled MoiMOfkhrll 4 J cask* Otard, Dtipcy & Co., Brandy Together with a choice collection of superior Wine# from the celebrated house of Jacob Snider, jr., of Philadelphia; amongst which will be found? Amontillado Sherry, Hcnnudcz and Pozzio Pale Sherry Haytar Xerxes' superior Pale Sherry Delicate West India Madeira Phelps' superior old nutty Madeira Kxtra superior old delicate Sereial Madeira, vintage of1HI1 Superior Hock, Moselle Clarets, of favored brands Champage, of extra quality. Also 15(leinijohn# of very superior Brandy, warranted pure; pill up expressly for family use, as a preventive for cholera. The attention of gentlemen desiring superior Wines and Liquors, is respectfully invited. EDW. C. ?t (I F DYER, Auction and Commission Merchants. Jam 15??odlw UKOROK MAC KAY. Attorney. (lath or florida,) 117ILL attend Co all kinda of buAiii.tM tieforaCouVv (Trw* *'"l thr Department*. REFERENCES: Hon. E. C. Carri.l, Florida; " R. Too mar, (iiWfria; " H. W. Hii.liard, Alabama: " A. Boat, South Carolina; " R. C. Wintmrop, Mama? huaetta. " C. B. Smith. Indiana; ' " R. L. Rom. New York; " John Yovno, New York. June 16? tf ' BROWN'S HOTEL 1 T. P. A M. BROWN, PROPRIKTOR*. Pa. A vrnnr. Itrlwrrn ftth and 7lh itrrrli. ( Warhinoton, I). C. ( June 13?tf WILLARD'S HOTEL j Corner of Prim. A vrnnr and lllh street, J Warhinoton, D. C. f IIV.NHY A. WILLARD. Proprietor. I June 13?if __ i E. OWEN & SON, military and naval MERCHANT TAILORS, Pmnnylvnnm uwtiw, fcrfieeeri 14th and I !>tk xtrrth, WASHINGTON, I) C. ' , June i*?'y I . . ii ii Boston ^Ibncrtis emmts. NEW LAW BOOKS, JUST PUBLISHED, In press, and preparing for publication, by LITTLE & BROWN, 11*4 Wuhlnftun St., Boston. GREENLEAF'S CRUISE ON REAL PROPERTY. 3 vols., royal 8 vo. Vol. I. now ready. CRUISE'S DIGEST OF THE LAW OF REAL PROPERTY. Revised and considerably enlarged, by Henry Hoplev White, Esq. Fur liter revised and abridged, with Additions and Notes for the use of American Students, by Simon Greenleaf, LL. D. It is with much pleasure that we are able to announce the first volume of this great work, which has been so long looked for. Vols. II. and III. are it* nranaruHltrt unit U/lll ntll lr? iliat'v snnaas. til H?V ??? ..... ~v *""? ance with on little delay as possible. ANNUAL DIGEST, 1848. United States Digest: Being a Digest of Decisions of the Courts of Common Law, Equity and Admiralty, in the United States, by John Pnelps Putnam?Vol. II. for 1848. ANGELL ON COMMON CARRIERS. One volume, Hvo. 791 page*. A Treatise on the Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers, by Land and Water. By Joseph K. Angell. JARMAN ON WILLS. New and greatly enlarged edition. A Treatise on Wills, with a copious Dissertation on the Construction of Devises, by T. Jarmau, with Notes and References to American Law, by Hon. J. C. Perkins; tecond edition, greatly enlarged, with additional Notes and References. 2 vols. Svo. MISSISSIPPI REPORTS-VOL. XI. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Mississippi. By ffm. C. Smedea and T. A. Marshall. Vob XI. SESSIONS LAWS?1848, 1849. The Statutes at Large and Treaties of the United States of America, couunencing with the Second Siawion of the Thirtieth Congress, 1848?1849, carefully collated with the originals at Washington. Edited by George Miuot, Svo. Printed uniformly with Little & Brown's edition of the Laws of the United States. CURTIS ON PATENTS. One volume Hvo. A Treatise on the Law of Patent* for Useful Inventions in the United States of America, and the Remedies for their Infringement. By George T. Curtis, Counsellor at Law. IN PRESS AND PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION, METCALF'S REPORTS, VOL. XII. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Vol. 12 By Theron Metcalf?ready in July. CUSHING'8 REPORTS. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. By Luther S. Cushing. Vol. I. WOODBURY & MINOT'S REPORTS, VOL. II. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First District, vol. 2. By Charles L. Woodbury and George Minot?ready in a few days. ANGELL'S REPORTS, VOL. I. Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Rhoae Island, vol. 1. By Joseph K. Angell. HOWARD'S REPORTS, VOL. VII. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the United States. By Benjamin C. Howard?in July. MISSISSIPPI REPORTS, VOL. XII. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Mississippi. By Win. C. Sinedes and T. A. Marshall. Vol. XII. A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF MARINE INSURANCE AND AVERAGE, With references to the American cases, and the later Continental authorities, by Joseph Arnauld, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barristerat Law, 2 vols. 8vo.; re-edited by Hon. Judge Perkins. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE. ' A Treatise on the Law of Life and Fire Insurance, by Joel Giles, Counsellor at Law. j ANGELL ON WATER COURSES. New and Fourth Edition. Revited and greatly improved. I Treatise on the Common Law, in relation to Water Courses. By Joseph K. Angcll. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE LAW RELATING TO THE SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACTS, By Edmund Batten, Esq., Barrister at Law, with notes and references to American cases, by Hun. Judge Perkins, of Salem, 1 vol. 8vo. THE RAILROAD LAWS AND CHARTERS, Of all the State* in the Union, now for the firtt time collated and arranged in chronological order for publication. The Railroad Laws of the United States, including the charters of the various Railroad Companies, and indeed all the laws, general and special, relative to Railways; with a synopsis and explanatory remarks accompanying each Charter ana Law; the whole in one volume. UNITED STATES EQUITY DIGEST. In active preparation, and will soon be ready, A DIGEST OF ALL THE REPORTS IN EQUITY, decided in the United States Courts, and in the Courts of the several States, from the earliest period to the present time. In one volume, royal 8vo., corresponding with the United States Digests of Common I,aw and Admiralty Reports, by Messrs. Metcalf, Perkins, Curtis, and Putnam; and forming with that a complete Digest of all the Reports to 1847, from which period Mr. Putnam's Annual Digest will include the Common Law, Admiralty, hiw r^piuy iveporis. ay jonn rncip* Putnam, of the Boston Bar. INDEX OF CASES. An Index of the Namiu of all the Cases in the three vol wine* of the United State* Digest, and the two volumes of the Supplement, alphabetically arranged, with Referent e* for ?-aeh Case, to the volume and page of the Report* whence the Case is taken, and to the volume and page of the Digest where it is found; thus muking an Index of cases as well for all the Report* in the. United States as for the United State* Digest. By George P. Sanger, Counsellor at Law. Nearly ready. A TREATISE ON THE LAW OK MORTGAGES. A Treatise on the Law of Mortgage*, embodying all the general principle* of the Law of Mortgage, European and American, with Note*, containing the. Statutory Law of each State in the U uited State*, with their peculiar Local Law, created by the decision* of their Courts, &<., Ac. By Hon. Judge Allen. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. A Practical Treatise ou Medical Jurisprudence, one vol. Hvo. j ;i L. A B also publish the MONTHLY LAW RE PORTER, which is issued on the first of every month, each number containing at least 4H page*. Price Utrtr dollar* per annum, payable in advance. The third page of the cover will be devoted to the publication of professional cards, which will be inserted on reasonable terms, by application to the publishers. The value of the insertions, particularly for commissioners, will be apparent when the extensive circulation of the work is considered. NEW ENGLISH BOOKS, AT" GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. LITTLE At BROW!!, US Washington It, Boston. (Agents for the sale of the publirations of Messrs. Longman A Co., John Murray, a Taylor A Walton, and John Pickering,) have re | matty imported'ju,uititi<-?'.f tin- following wink*. l and offer them for sale, to the trade, and at retail, at gready reduced prim. MACACLAY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND^ I'nlihiihril ill 1 h itillatiui -? ?1 'r ' _ ?T*- ??- W?., VJJWWl (11 1| $2 75?vols. I and 2 received. {? HEISCHEL'S ASTRONOMY?Hvo steel plate*. I'ubituhrd at 1* shilling*, offrrrd at #4. SMITH'S DICTIONARY OF GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES^ 1 volume, royal Hvo. Pah Itxhrd at ?2 it, offrrrd at #4. " SMITH'S DICTIONARY OF GREEK AND RO MAN BIOGRAPHY?J vol*, royal Hvo. nearly 3500 puces. PiMixhrd at ?6 15s I'd, offrrrd at fl.>. THE SOUL?By F W Newman, Hvo? 111 RICH'S COMPANION TO LATIN DICTION ARY AND GREEK LEXICON?Hvo. nearly 2000 illustrations. PuhitrM at ?1 Is, offrrrd at *5. GUESSES AT TRUTH?First an<! second aerie* by C. iuhI J. Hare, 2 vols. l2mo. Pablirhrd at 13 ill tiling*, offrrrd at jjjt'2 50. .ESOP'S FABLES?A new version, Hvo. upward* >f one hundred illustrations I'iMithrd at 20 sA?/ in**, offrrrd at $3. MOORE'S IRISH MELODIES, AND LALLA KOOKH Fine edition. note* and index, Hvo < *, h ml. for sale separately, at ft ' 26. LANE'S A K A HI A N NIGHTS?Illustrated with > >00 wood cuts?3 vols. Hvo. #5 50. CHOKER'S BOS WELL'S JOHNSON ?I vol. oyal Hvo. ft 4. I HALL'S NEW GENERAL ATLAS?53 Maps; Hvinion* and boundaries colored with full index folio, half bound in Russia. Pahlitked at ?5, of SOUTHKY S COMMONPLACE BOOK Con dating of Choi?? PhMfM from Work* in every dt jartmrnt of Literature ? Special Collection* in ?rion* branches of Historical and Library Re march - Ahalytical Readings, being Critical Analy- 4 ica, with intereatinr Kxtracta- and Original Menu>mda, Literary and Miscellaneous, i. riuniilMled by ]] Mr. Soil they ill the whole course of hi* personal and iterary carwr. fi Kdinal br Mr. Southcy's aon-in-law, the Rev. lohn Wood Warier First Series. Square crown Hvn. Z'uAJtsAed < s t/ni/tng* itrrlinf, offntd a I $4 60. } j I J