Newspaper Page Text
II K , THE REPUBLIC. K1MTBD BY A. C. BVLUTT 4t JOHN O. MRtilCNT. s PUBLIBHBD BY N GIDEON * Co. TERMS OK THE DAILY AND TR1- WEEKLY. Fur the Daily paper, per annum . . . R 10 00 For the Tri-weekly, " 6 00 For three copies of the Tri-weekly . . 16 00 TERMS OF THE WEEKLY. Mingle subscription for one year . . . # 2 00 Six copiea, for one year 10 00 Sixteen copies, for oue year 20 00 Twenty-Ave copiea, for one year, (when i ordered at one and the name time) . . 25 00 No paper will be sent until the money is received. Navy Supplies under the Bureau of Yards and Docks. THE REPUBLIC? ' I DAILY. ...... * * _f_z~Vol. I. WASHINGTON: TUESDAY. MORNING, JUNE *26, 1849. No. 1*2. Navt Agent's Office, ! Memphis, Tennessee, May 30, i649> QEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate, for each O class separately endorsed "Proposals for supplies for navy yards," will be received at this office . until 12 o'clock, m., on the 29th day of June next, i for furnishing and delivering at the navy yard at Memphis, Tennessee, at such place or places as may oe directed by the commandant, free of expense to the Government, the materials and articles hereinafter to be specified, viz: Clou Jib. 1?Bricks. 422,400 best quality paving bricks 364,100 " hard burnt do Class Jib. 2.?Stone. 754 perches stone for foundations, in pieces from 6 to 18 inches thick, not less than 18 inches wide, and from 2 to 4 ffeet long. The pieces must be well shaped, and may be sand or limestone, or both. 210 perches stone in rectangular blocks, 3 to 5 feet long, 6 inches thick, and 18 inches wide. Class Jio. 3?Lumber. 120 pieces cypress or pine, 23 feet long, 3? x 12 inches 120 pieces cypress or pine, 22 feet long, 3J X 12 inches 120 pieces cypress or pine, 12 feet long, 3J x 12 inches 1,100 pieces cypress or pine, 35 feet loi)g, 10 x 10 for piling 1,000 pieces cypress or pine, 35 feet long, 6 x 12 for piling 200 pieces round timber for piles, 50 feet long, 12 inches diameter in the middle 3UU pieces round umber tor piles, 4U reel long, 12 inches diameter in the middle 500 pieces round timber for piles, 35 feet long, 12 inches diameter in the middle 20,300 feet 1 inch cypress or pine boards, for sheeting 450 feet 14 inch cypress or pine plank * 50 cedar posts, 8x8 inches, 8 feet long 45 pieces cedar plank, 9 feet long, lj x9 inches 90 pieces cedar plank, 9 feet long, 2} x 5 " Class Jib. 4.?Limb and Cement. 12,660 bushels of unslacked lime 350 barrels of hydraulic cement Class Jio. 5.?Sand. 31,280 bushels of sand Class Ah- 6.?Iron, Steel, and Nails. 65 pounds bar iron, 3 inches by j inch 1,100 44 44 2 J 44 by J 41 2,500 44 44 2 44 by i 44 1,120 4 4 44 li 44 by 1J 44 195 44 44 J 44 by 2 44 100 44 6d cut nails 200 44 8d 44 300 44 lOd 44 200 44 20d 44 112 sash weights, weighing 7 pounds each 8 doz best 12 inch axle window pulleys ] 12 44 12 44 wood screws, No. 12 Class Ao 6.?Miscellaneous. 200 pounds cast steel, 1 inch square 100 44 4 inch round iron 300 44 I 44 44 300 44 1 44 44 800 44 1 44 500 44 horse-shoe 44 Class Jio. 7.?Copper. 42 sheets of copper 30 x 60 inches, weighing 11 pounds eacn Class Jio. 8.?Paints, Oil, and Glass. 450 pounds of Spanish whiting ?l AAA EA u:.. I A j,^w - pure wniie iwki 176 gallons of linseed oil 8 " of spirits turpentine 59 pounds of litharge 8 * of lampblack 2 boxes of wrfndow glass, 10 x 16 inches 3 " best quality crown glass, 11 x 20 inches Class -Vb. 9-?Hardwark, Misceilankocs. 1J dozen 14 inch flat files 1 do 14 do half round files 1 do 12 do flat smooth files j do 10 do flat smooth Ales 1 do 12 do half round smooth files j do 12 do square Ales 1 do 10 do three square do 1 do 6 do do do 4 do 5 do hand-raw do 3 do 41 do do do 2 do 12 do mill saw do 2 do 14 do do do V1 J do 12 do rat-tail do 1 blacksmith's vice (solid box) weighing 80 pounds 10 pounds borax 30 do horae-ahoe nails 200 do nig lead 100 do olock tin 1 ream No. 2 sand paper 1 do No. 3 do 150 pounds white chalk 100 do glue 10 dozen mason's lines 30 gallon* lard oil 60 do apiril gaa Clmm Afe 10 ?STATfOMBBT, Mikiiumiwi. 10 ream* beat quality ruled letter paper 10 " " foolacap paper, ruled 9 quirea Atlas drawing paper 500 quilla, No. 90 4 groaa heat metallic pena 1 dor en pint bottlea black ink 1 dozen (xitilea French carmine red ink 12 pound* red aealing-wax 1 dozen paper* Mark sand 9 " blank book*. No 9, Bvo. , ] " niece* India rubber 12 " black lead -pencil*, aeaorted number* CUm Wo. 11.?Hat, MtacaixAMaon* 25 tona Hay ('Um AT*. 12.?MiarELLAMKOtia. 16,000 pound* of chopped rye 500 buabela of corn 500 44 oat* 7,000 pound# of aheaf oata . 8 bnahel* O. A. aalt 3 Iwrrela tar, each barrel to contain 31 gallon* (Xm? Jfc 13.?MitcaLLAUcon*. 2,000 buabela of beat bitominoua coaj It ia to be provided in the contract, and to be diatinetly underatood, that the Government renerrea the right to increaee or dimintah the quentitie* of article* contracted for to the amount of 60y par cent , aa the want* of the eerrice may require ; and whether the quentitie* requi-ed be more or lea* than thoae apeeifkd, the pncea ahall remein the aame All the article* mum he of the knt qn*lit*, delivered in fond order, end subject to snch inspection at the yard of delivery aa the bureau may diiect, I and be in all reepect* satisfactory to the command. 1 ant thereof. For further description of material* and aamplea, apply m the rorhmandant of the navy yard. The deliveries of all the bi.iUine material*, excepting miscellaneous articles arwf pilea, may he commenced forthwith, and must be commenced within sixty daya aflrr the date of the contract, and i . he continued from time to time aa, in the opinion of the commandant of the yard, the want* of the eer- 1 vice may require, and mu*t ail he completed within six month* after aaid date. But no payment will ha made until July I, 1849 Classes headed " Miacellaneoua," to he delivered aa required during the fiscal year. On theae, the 90 per cent, retained may, at the option of the bureau, be paid Quarterly, on the 1st of January, April, July, son October. When deliveriea have Imeu | sattafactory, the balance (80 per cent.) will lie paid by the Navy Agent, within thirty daya after the preaentation of hill* in triplicate, properly vonchrd and approved. A rtgid adherence to the contract will he required. Riddera, therefore, are especially cautioned not to ofler uhder an nopreAaion that an extension of time will be g rap ted or permitted, f 1 4 I . . ' . Approved sureties in one-half of the amount of the contract will be required, and 20 per ceht. us additional security deducted from each payment, until the contract shall have been completed or cancelled. The sureties must sign the contract as sureties, and make affidavit that they, in the aggrefate, are worth, over and above their debts analiailities, the full amount of the contract. Each offer must be signed by the person or persons making it, and his or their residence, as well us the guarantors, naming the town and State, must be distinctly stated. Persons whose offers shall be-accepted, will be notified by letter through the post office, which notice shall be considered sufficient; and if they do not enter into contract accordingly for the supplies specified, within fifteen da?s from the date of notice of the acceptance of their bid, a contract will be made with some other person or persons, and the guarantors to said defaulting bidder will lie held responsible for excess of price, if any, over the accepted offer. Form or orrER. To the Navy Agent at , I of , in the State of , hereby offer to furnish under your advertisement dated , and subject to all the requirements of the same, all the articles embraced in class No , viz: for (here insert the articles and prices curried out,) amounting to, (write the aggregate in words.) The undersigned, of , and , of , in the State of , as guarantors, hereby undertake that the above named will, if his offer be accepted, enter into contract, as before required, with the United States, within fifteen days after the date of notice, through the post office, of the acceptance of his bid, as before mentioned. (Signatures.) T certify the above named, , and , are known to me to be good and responsible guarantors in this case. GEO. W. SMITH, June 12?lnwtjiine29 Navy Agent. STATIONERY, PRINTING, AND BINDING. Navy Department, May 26, 1849. QEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS will be U received at the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, until 3 o'clock, p. m., the 28th day of June next, for furnishing all the Stationery and executing all the Printing and Binding that may be required by the Navy Department and its several Bureaus iur uic y ecu wiuiucjiuiig uic 111 ui Juiy, ioijy cuiu ending on the 30th June, 1850. All the articles furnished,'and work executed, must be of the best quality, delivered without delay when ordered, and to the satisfaction qf the head of the office for which they are required. If it be required, each bidder for stationery must furnish with hisproposal a sample of each article bid for. To ensure uniformity in the proposals, blank forms will be furnished to those disposed to bid; and no bid will be considered not fully conforming to the advertisement, and in which each and every article is not bid for, and in which more than one price is named for any one article. Bond, in sufficient amount, with two or more approved sureties for the faithful execution of the contract, will be required of the person or persons contracting. The authorised name or names of the sureties that will be given, as also satisfactory testimonials to fulfil a contract, must accompany the bid, otherwise it will not be considered. The Department reserves to itself the right of ordering a greater or less quantity of each and every article contracted for, as the public service may require. Should any article be required not enumerated in the contract, it is to be furnished at the lowest market price, according to its quality. STATIONERY. Writing Paper qf linen tlock 3 reams folio post, blue or white, ruled, per .ream 10 reams Owen A. Hurl hut's superior blue-laid foolscap, weighing not leas than 16 pounds per ream, or of any other manufacture of equal quality, per ream 10 mams South worth '? extra superfine foolscap, wove, blue or whu^ ruled, weighing not less than 16 pounds per ream, or of any other manufacture of equal quality, per ream 10 reams South worth's Congress exirn superfine quarto post paper, blue or white, ruled, weighing not less than 9 pounds per ream, or of any other manufacture of equal quality, per ream 20 rwimi Jeaaup's hrst data quarto pott, wove or laid, blue or white, ruled, weighing 9 pounds per ream, or of any other manufacture of oquai quality, ner ream 90 reams Planter, Smith A Co'e extra superfine blue wove quarto poat, ruled, weighing bj pounds per ream, per ream 30 reams beat yellow or buff enveloping paper, flat, per ream 10 reams best while enveloping paper, smooth surface, flat, 20 by 25 inches, per ream 5 reams note paper, gilt-edged, per ream 90 reams copying or tissue peper, quarto post, per ream 10 reams copying or tissue paper, cap, per ream 5 reams beat I-ranch quarto post paper, rnled, per ream 150 sheets best tracing paper, 40 by 97 inches, per sheet 3 reams blotung paper, royal, ner ream 150 sheets best drawing paper, from medium to antiquarian, per sheet 500 sheets of parchment, best prepared, 14 by 18, ' per sheet 50 dozen cards steel pens, (the I>epurlmen t to have the liberty of selecung from all the different kinds manufactured, English or Ame rtcan, in the market,) 12 on a card, per dozen cards 100 cards Perry' pens, assorted, per card 1 grass Damascus pens, in boxes, with one dozen holders, per gross 4 gross of any of Jos. Oillntt'e pens (in boxes) | the Department may select, per groat 6 cards engineer's pens, per card 4 do lithographic pens do 4 dozen quart bottle* Maynard A Noyce's black ink, per dozen 4 dorm ouarl hot I Ira Hoover's Mark ink ner do?n ] dozen quart bnttlea blue ink, per dozen 3 dozen quart b ittle* beet London copying ink, Amnld'a or Terry'a, per dozen 3 dozen gill bnulea Arnold'a red ink, per doz. 100 rtran quilla, beet quality, per 100 1000 quiTIa No. 80, opaque or clarified, per 100 100 crow or Brandt quill* do 75 dozen red tape, No. 15 to No. 95, per dozen 6 do ailk taale, do 4 do penknivea, 4 bladee, Rodger* and Son'a beat, per dozen 4 do eraaera, ivory handle*, in caaea, Rodger* and 8on*a manufacture, per dozen 9 do pair of ?heara and auaaora, per pair 3 do ivory folder*, 9 inchea per dozen 2 do Camnfton'a parallel nilera, do 9 do annd-boxea, cocoa wood do 9 do wafer ataoda, do do 2 do poo nee bozea, do do 1 do do i*ory, do 9 do wafer-atampa, irory handle*, do 10 do black lead pencil*, Faherbi haat gradu- , ated, ner dozen 4 do beat American drawing pencil*, gr*dn- ' ated, per dozer 4 do Cohen'a red lead pencila, per dozen 2 do noble bruahee, assorted, do 2 do camel'a hair bruahea, n**'d, do 4 do cut glna* inkntanda, 2| inche* aquare, plain or pillared, per dozen Q An afirka Itrat In-lia ink Mr airl 30 pound* 1**1 auperfine arartet *enl?ng-wax per pound 90 do aecond quality acarlel aeaJing-wnx, per pound 15 do neat quality wafer*, per pound 10 do pim arable, do 3 do pounce, do 10 do neat cotton twine, do 10 do beat On* twine, do 1000 large office wafer* for Department aeala, |>er j 1,1100 ?j 12 paper weight* of braae, compnaition, or lead, per weight 60 quarts black sand, in papers, per dozen papers 4 pounds India rubber, prepared, per pounu PRINTING. 3000 copies of Navy Register, in brevier type, about 150 pages, on folio post 8vo, mostly rule and figure work, with blue printed covers, folding, stitching, and paper included, per copy for 150 pages, and per page for the excess over 150 pages 40 copies of Navy Register, same matter overrun into quarto form 10 copies Navy Register, ouarto form, interleaved, faint lined, ana half bound, with spring backs and marginal indices Circulars, paper included. 15 reams quarto post writing paper, 1, 2, 3, or 4 pages, per quire 50 reams foolscap writing paper, 1, 2, 3, or 4 pages, per quire Blanks, Paper, faint and red lining included. 30 reams demi, folio post, foolscap, or quarto post, per quire 1 Book-work, exclusive of paper, viz: Composition, per 1,000 ems Presswork per token BINDING. IA V.ans].. iv vuiuiiico ui iiv wdjiapcid, uany, y tai iy volume 10 voiumee of newspapers, weekly, tri or semiweekly, per yearly volume 50 volumes of books, 12 mo., 8vo., 4to., or folio, full bound in calf, sheep, or Russia, per vol. 150 volumes of books, half bound in Russia, per volume Blank books for records, &c., similar in form to those now in use, which may be examinedf to be of the best linen paper, per book 200 manuscript 'etters, to be half-bound, as per pattern, per volume 150 guard-books, foolscap or quarto post size, with indices and lettered backs, per book Faint and red lining, foolscap and quarto post, per ream June 14?law3w Stationery and Printing. Department of the Interior, May 30, 1849. SEPARATE PROPOSALS for furnishing the stationery, and for executing the prin'ing of this Department, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1850, will be received until 3 o'clock p. m., on the 29th day of June next. Those unaccompanied by satisfactory testimonials of ability to fulfil a contract will not be considered. All the articles of stationery must be of the very best quality?samples of the principal articles of which, such as paper, quiils, metallic pens, lead pencils, knives, ink, (fee., must accompany the bids, put up in classes as per schedule ; and the Department reserves the right to retain such samples, and pay for the same at the prices stated in the offer, or to return inem, at its option. No bid will be considered where the articles accompanying it are not of the kind and quality required for tne Department. Each proposal must be signed by the individual or firm making it. and must specify a price, and but one price, for each and every Brticle contained in the schedule. Should any article* be required not enumerated, they are to be furnished at the lowest market prices?according to quality. Blank forma for proposals will be furnished at the Department to persons applying for them; and as without uniformity therein the Department would find it difficult to make a decision none will be taken into consideration unless substantially agreeing therewith. The printing must be executed with new and perfect type, and on the best paper used for the different descriptions required. The paper for the Kinung will be furnished by the contractor ; the ipartroent or the office ordering it. to designate the kind of paner and type, wnetner script or otherwise, ana the number to go on a sheet, when the matter or article will admit of more than one. Each class will be bid for and decided upon separately, and all other things being equal, it will lie assigned to the lowest bidder. Where more than one class is assigned to s bidder, they may all be embraced in one contract ; and each bidder, who may have one or more classes assigned to him, shall take all such classes, or forfeit his right to any portion of the contract All the articles to be furnished and work to be executed must be of the best quality, and delivered without delay when ordered, and to the satisfaction of the head of the office for which they are required. The Department reserves to itself the right of ordering a greater or less quanUly of each and every article contracted for, as the public service may require. Bonds, wiih approved security, to be given by the person or persons contracting; and in case of a failure to supply the articles, or to perform the work, the contractor and his sureties shall be liable for the forfeiture specified in such bond, as liquidated damages. The subjoined lists specify,as nearly as now can be done, the amount, quality, and description of each of the kinds of articles and work that will ht wanted. It being impracticable to give a prwise description of the nature and quality of tne various kinds of nrtnung, bidders are referred to the sample* in the different office* for specimens of the general descriptions required. STATIONERY. fVrtttnp paper, made of /men, Itrid or trot*, ir/ltte or blue. Class No. 1. 75 reams folio post, satin or plain finish, faint lined, and trimmed, to weigh not less <k.n IT rwr-r r^mrr, 100 do foolscap, hand-made, Cunt lined and trimmed, to weigh not less than 12 Kunds per ream dscap, machine, faint-lined and trimmed, to weigh not leas that 12 pounds per ream 15 do foolscap, plain, hand-made, fnintlined and trimmed, to weigh not lean than 12 pounds per ream 10 do foolscap, plain, machine, faint-lined and trimmed, to weigh not less than 19 pounds per rram 18 do foolscap, blue-laid, hand-made, faintlined, garden pattern, commonly known as deapatrh or consular papar, to weigh not leas than 16 pounds per ream 250 do quarto post, hsnd-inade, plain, faintfmed three sidea, per ream 190 do quarto post, machine, plain, faintlined three sides, per ream 60 do quarto poet, hand-made, plain, faintlined four sides, per ream 10 do quarto post, machine, faint-lined four sides, per ream 40 do quarto post French, faint-lined three sidea, per ream l.i ao note paper, gut ner rrim 5 do do pl?m do Clm* NO. 9. 3 do royal paper for hooka ? do medium paner for hooka 40 do copying tin do 190 do envelope paper, yallow or huff, royal, per ream 60 do envelope paper, flat cap, while or blue, per ream % 10 do large brown envelope, per ream 90 do hlotung^>aper, royal, per ream 2T> doaen patent Hotline Wr 90 ahewta drawing paper, antiquarian, per aheet 95 do do do double elephant, per aheet SO do do do elephant, per aheet 50 do tracing do large* air.e, French, per aheet 24 do drawing do royal per aheet 5,000 bindera' Iroarda, 61 by 10J mchea, per 1000 Ci.aa* No. 9 450 doten card a Per-y 'a beat metallic pena, per doien card a 950 do carda of all other manufacture in uae, per doten carda ^ 40 gross metallic pen*, per gross j 15,000 ouills, No. 80, per tliousaud 10 aozen ever-pointed pencils, silver, per dozen 10 do ever-pointed silver desk-pencils, with rosewood handles, |>er dozen 40 gross of leads, for ever-pointed pencils, assorted sizes, per gross 75 dozen Contee's beat black lead pencils, graduated 100 do Monroe's, or other manufactured do 10 do reu lead pencils, per dozen 3 do drawing pencils, assorted Class No. 4. 20 dozen folders, ivory, 9-inch, per dozen 000 do red linen tape, assorted do 60 do silk taste, assorted colors and widths, in hanks, per dozen 2 do pounce boxes, of ivory, per dozen 10 do do cocoa, do 12 do sand boxes, do do 10 do do tin do 15 do wafer stands, or boxes, cocoa, per dozen 25 do erasers, Rodgers & Son's, ivory handle. ner dozen. Pennine 30 do penknives, Rodders & Son's, 4 blades, Duckhorn handles, per dozen, genuine 10 do penknives, Abbott's, American, fourblade, buckhorn handles, per dozen, genuine 5 do desk-knives, Rodgers & Son's, one blade, ivory handles, per dozen, genuine 6 do wafer-stamps, ivory handles, per dozen 5 do wafer-stamps, lignumvitae handles, per dozen 4 do office shears, 11 inches, per dozen Class No. S. 12 dozen inkstands, cut glass, recently invented fountain, movable tops, per dozen 4 do inkstands, cast iron, large, double 2 do do do do single 4 do French pump China inkstands 15 gallons ink, black, Muynard & Noyes's, per gallon 600 bottles ink, black, Maynard dt Noyes's, in bolOes, per quart 10 quarts ink, rto, per quart 75 bottles ink, black, Cooper it Phillips's, or equal, per quart bottle 30 do ink, blue, Stephen3's, per quart bottle 300 do ink, red, Arnold's, or equal, in J-pint bottles, per bottle 120 do carmine ink, small size, French, or equal H.i ink ennvinf Terrv's in l-nint bottles. ? 1 r; "*o? / ' " i ? per bottle Class No. 6. 80,000 wafers, large red, for office seals, per thousand 100 pounds warers, con.mon size* red, per pound 150 do sealing-wax, l>est extra superfine, scarlet, per pound 30 do sealing-wax, superfine, per pound 15 do (To black, do 40 do India rubber, prepared, do 5 do do unprepared, do 300 quarts black sand, per quart Class No 7. 150 ounces pounce, per ounce 1 dozen India ink, best, per dozen 2 do camel's hair pencils, per dozen, assorted 2 do sable pencils, per dozen, assorted 1 do Osborn's best water colors, per dozen cakes 400 pounds twine, linen, per pound 100 do twine, cotton, do 50,000 pocket envelops, of white or yell<>w i?per, of the following sizes, viz: 8} by 3| inches, per hundred 30,000 pocket envelopes, letter size 6 dozen rulers, mahogany, round or fiat, per dozen 2 dozen lignumvite, round, per dozen 8 do elastic penholders, Alden's, per dozen 1 do tortoise shell, per dozen 5 pounds sponge, best, per pound 10 do gum arabtc, best, do PRINTING. The printing of all kinds, including paper, which may be required to be. executed for the use of the ! Department of the Interior, or any of the offices thereof, whether the nmc be circulars, instruction*, warrants, forma, returns, blanks, solid matter or not, leaded, rule work, or rule and figure work, faint ruling or lining, and red ruling or lining, or by whatever name, titie, or description the same shall be known to, or usually designated by, the office requiring it, and including also folding, stitching, pasting, Ac., on the following descriptions of paper, to wit: .Vo. gf dhetit On quarto poal, I page on a sheet, per 100 sheet* .... 75,000 2 do do 30,500 3 do do 5,000 4 do do 3,000 On foolscap, 1 do do 8,500 2 do do 00,(KM 3 do do 2,200 4 do do 1,800 On folio post, 1 do do H.000 2 do do 7.200 3 do do 2,000 4 do do 2,000 On every other description of paper, not designated above, bat to be so by the office ordering it, whether circulars, instructions, warrants, forms, return*, Ac., a* specified in the first paragraph, for? 1 page on s sheet, per 100 sheet* .... 2,700 2 do do 20 000 3 do do 2,100 4 do do 1,250 State the price par page for ever? additional page on any of the above over four pages, estimating at 1,000 page*. On parchment, to lie furnished by the j, per I'*) .... 65,000 fllink form*, or any other deecription of prinung reouired brood side on anv of tb? above naner. eacn j broadaide to be counted ft* one page It it expressly to he underatoml that no extra charge of any anarnfHion will be allowed. The prioea bid for printing must cover and include all contingenn** and extra* The Ihpartment reaerrea the right to hare any ' deacription of printing, which may properly I* called "book or pamphlet work," executed by apecuil contract. The bidder* for nnntirg will accompany their bids with sample* of quality of the different kind* of paper they frnf?n*e to furniah. June 14?Jawi 2fhh. OI.D Unitna Rriitcr* An historical novel, by C. HJtodweH. GRACE l>CTDLEY, OR ARNOLD AT SARA TOGA, by Cha* J. Petcrann. OLD J< FXJK. OR IJFE IN A COLONY, by the . At ihnr of Rani She k. MRS ELLIS' HOl'SF.KEKPrNG MAOF. F.ASY CHOLERA, it* Nature, Symptom*, and TrcaS | ment, r< in pi led from the pagveoi the. "l*?ndon LanJ cel." Thia day received: k>r aale at TAYLOR h MACRY-R Roiknturr, near 9th atreet. 1, ' WOW i'S HOTF.L! ' tjTEVENS'GREAT HAT ANDOENTLEMEN S O Ot'TFITTING EST A H.fSHMENT, ia well I anppliad with Whit R'? ky Mountain Bear,*, j (w i Ux a it mixture,) Bine Sapped and Plain Blue and White and Mark Hat*, <>f great alrgwnce and atyle, in Amah and ehape. A Ian a full anil complete aaaortment of pratlrnien'i Wardrobe and Toilet gnoda, via: "Yoke Neck" Shirt*, UndeeShirta, and Drawers, in Silk. Merino, Cotton, and Gaitxe, in great variety, and at low prima foe Aral quality good*. Vlan a few very auperior Ifanuooi a*. for lltrwMi u'Kii intonrf viaif ill tr -i-u feriti it r* la. <.* All .A which will I* aoM at fair pricaa for c?ah. M H STtVKIffl. Orotl Hat and (?< nt? Outfitting EaUlilmlinHiit, No. I, Rnjwn'a Htrtel June It?Mf WfLLA R1Y8 Hi a EL. ( owner of Peon tr?n?? and 14th alrret. W 4KHINOTON, f>. C. HfTVHY A. WtLI.tRD, Proprietor. June 19?t/ 4 Propoiali tor A inert out Water-rotted He in p. Navy Dbpastmknt, Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair. March 1, 1849. ONDER the joint resolution of Congress, approved May 9, 1848, entitled a "Resolution respecting contracts for hemp for the use of the American navy," sealed proposals will be received at this bureau, or the United Stales hemp agencies at Louisville, Kentucky, or St. Louis, Missouri, (to be fowarded by them unopened to this bureau,) tor delivering under contract, at either of the said hemp agencies, for a term not exceeding five years, the best quality qf American Water-rotted hemp, in quantities of five tons and upwards, the ton to consist of 2,240 pounds. No bid will be considered at a higher rate than two hundred and forty-one dollars per ton. The proposals to be opened on the 6th of August next. The department will then determine whether the contracts shall be awarded. No delivery will be required sooner than the 1st dav of January, 1850. i ne saiu nemp must De equal in quality to uie best foreign hemp; and in all casea of equality of bid, the contract will be given to the hemp grower. The quantity required annually will be about 500 tons. The said hemp must be thoroughly dressed, cleaned, free from shivcs, and must not lose more than sixteen per cent of tow and waste when hatchelled to tne satisfaction of the inspectors ready for spinning. Its strength must be such that a rope of one and three-fourths of an inch in circumference, made from twenty-one yarns, as prepared and tested by the inspectors, or by their direction, will bear at least 4,200 pounds, and its length, colojr, and other properties must be entirely sausfactory to the inspectors, or the chief of this bureau, or it will not be received; it will be inspected and tested at the respective places of delivery. The respective United States hemp agents to certify bills for the hemp which may pass inspection and be received by them, according to the contracts which may be entered into; ninety per cent, of which bills to be payable within thirty days after their presentation to such navy agents as may be agreed upon and named it; the contracts. Persons offering must state the price, in words and figures, (clearly and legibly,) asked per ton of 2,240 pounds, when delivered, inspected, tested, approved, and received by the said hemp agent, and payable, as above specified. Every offer must be accompanied, as directed in j the act of Congress mai.tng appropriations for the nava! service, approved 10th A ugust, 1846, by a written guaranty, signed by one or more responsible persons, (to be certified by some official personage,) to the effect that he or they under'ake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within fifteen days after the contract is submitted for signature, with good and sufficient sureties to furnish the supplies proposed. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by Buch guaranty. Bonds, with two approved sureties in one-half the estimated ..mount of the respective contracts, . will be required '?ul ten per centum in addition wnl be withheld from the amount of each payment to be made, as coi'ttcral security for the due and faithful performance of the respective contracts, which will on no account be paid until the contracts are complied with in all respects according to their terms. Offers must be made in stnet conformity with the terms of this advertisement. The persons offering must state by which nary agent they wish their bilis paid, if their offer is accepted, and by which lump or nary agency they wish to have contracts and bonds sent for their signature; and if they should not be executed within fifteen days after they are received by the ^cnts, the Department will consider itself at liberty to accept other offers in place of those thus neglected. June 16?lawi6ihAug Pension and Bounty Land Agency, WASHINGTON C1TT, Office removed to l&A street, opposite the Treasury Department. GEORGE M. PHILLIPS, Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds, and formerly of the Treasury Department, attends to the prosecution and collection of Claims before Congress and the several Executive Departments of the Government. His attention is more particularly directed to the presentation and prosecution of CLAIMS FOR PENSIONS, whether? Revolutionary, Invalid, Navy, Half-pay or Widow's; Pre-emption and other Land Claims; Re\oluli<?uary Services?for Commutation, Halfpay, or Bounty Lands; H. ?unty lands and Pensions for services in the late ; War with Mexico; Contracts with the different Departments for Supplies, lie.; Settlement of the accounts of disbursing and other | officers of the Government; Collection of unclaimed dividends on the funded : debt of the United States. Being in possession of a large number of Rolls of ! the Ariuy of the Revolution, he is euabied to produce the "proqf of mrvtce" of a large propoi tion of those engaged in that struggle, and for which they or I . u r. fr,.m th.. ' I'oiM Stair*. A* Notary Public, the undersigned ' prepared to furiitab legalised copies of Documents or Record#. Charges will be moderate, varying according to the nature of the business transacted. Letters, to receive attention, afiould he p??tagr paid, and may be addressed GEORGE M PHILLIPS, ' Box \'o f>2, Washington rity. R KFERENCEM. He baa the pleasure of referring < laiiuanls and other* to the following gentlemen: Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott, U. 8. Army. Brig, (ionreal Nathan Tom, Paymaster Gene raj U. 8. A. " George Gibson, Commissary GenerafU. 8. A. Hon. A. K. Paris, Second Comptroller of the Treasury. ? Walter Forward, late Secretary of the Treasury. " Simon Cameron, Cnited Stan-* Senate. " Patrick G. Goode, Sidney. Ohio. " Alexander Harper, ZaDesville, Ohio. " Willis Green, Green, Kentucky. " Garrett Davis, Paris, " " Bailie Peyton, New Orleans. " John W, Davis, Speaker of the House of Reps. James (I. Hampton, New Jersey. " R. W. Thompson, Terre Haute, Indiana. " K. M Huntington, Indiana. " E<* uuihI Deberry, Lawrenceville, N. C. * I). H K.uiffman. Texas. " M P. Gentry, Tennessee. " Andrew Stewart, Pennsylvania. " James Irvin, " Richard Brodhead, " ' Truman Smith. Litchfield, Connecticut. " 8. F. Vinton, Ohio. " B O. Thibodeaux, Ixnnsiana. " Calvin Blytbe, Philadelphia. " Win. B. Ri-ed, " " C. H. Sinitli, Indiana. " Joshua A. Spencer, Utica, New York. " Robert Smith, Alton, Illinois. _ M William Sawyer, Ohm. Messrs. (Jilt* k Sea tern. Washington city. J?wrph li. Bradley, Esq., Rev. Win McLain, " " Wm. T. Sprolc, W'est Point. " James Knox, New York. " Jamn G. Hainner, Baltimore. niwip. /% r. nnnpinri ? v*>.% nniuifiorr D. L<vh? & Hon, Baltimore. L)r. W. L. AtJee. Philadelphia. R<v. (iwr1 Dtiiflrld, Detroit. Hiohop McConhrey " Rev. J. P. DurM i, D. D., Philadelphia. S Hmdy, Km, . Wheeling, Virginia A. M Phillip" k 8 >ti, " Rev. F.. H. Lynohlnirf, V*. Ri-v. Richard Praiiiwad, Meadvillc, Penn. J. D. IVfree*, H*q., Indianapolin. June II?<M I A. -*2 APPONE 7~ t tONflN'KS to offer hie arrviee* .%* Proframrr Vy Mild Tranalator of the FRKNCH, SPANISH, ITALIAN and LATIN lanKiMMr''* Ro?*h pronunciation noon improved, a no bad pronunciation r?r- I tainly Oufndrd, under hi* inatrih tion. L amm* are friven in arh<*>l* and private familien on Very moderate term*; and Indie* who nin? Italian, French or Kpaniali nongK, air mid *end noon for him if deairin^ hi* aervire*. Renidence, Mr. Fugitt'*, Indiana avenue, near City Hall. June 15??ljf | PATENT OFFICE, Ma* 9, 1849. TN pursuance of the "act legalizing and making I appropriations for such necessary objects as have been usually included in the General Appropriation bills without authority of law, and to nx and provide for certain incidental expenses of the Departments and offices of the Government, and for other purposes," approved the 126th August, 1842, separate proposals will be received at this office until ths 25th day of June next, for ftirnishing all the stationery (a list of which is below) andexeeuting all the printing and book-binding that may be required by this office for the year commencingon the 1st day of July, 1849, and ending on the 30th day of June, 1850. All the articles to be furnished, and work to be executed, must be of the best quality, and in the beat manner, delivered without delay at such times and ip such quantities as may be required, and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. Bonds, with approved security, to be given by the person or persons contracting. Specimens of the printing anil binding may be seen at this office. It is to be understood by the persons proposing, that the office is to be at liberty to take either a greater or leas nuantitv of anv article than is snecincd. no cording to its wants during the year. STATIONERY. Writing paper, hand-made, of linen-laid. 10 reams of folio post paper, ruled to pattern, satin finish 20 do cap paper, ruled, satin finish 20 do letter paper, wore and laid, ruled, per ream Envelope paper, envelopes, Sfc. 10 reams envelope paper, buff, per ream 10 do ao white do 4 do blotting paper 5000 envelopes, large and small, buflf 5000 ao do white 10 pounds linen twine 10 do gum arabic 3000 quills (80) 3000 steel pens, assorted, best quality 3 gross lead pencils (hard and soft) 20 dozen red tape 2 gross silk taste 4 pounds wafers 0 do sealing wax, best extra superfine, scarlet 2 dozen ink, red and black, in cuarts 2 pounds India rubber, prepared, Qoodyear's or other's ? do pounce 1 dozen pounce boxes, ivory 1 bushel blacR sand 1 dozen sand-box*s, cocoa 1 do penknives, 4 blade*, Rodger* & Son's, 1 do do 2 biadea, do 1 do erasers, do | do inkstands, French pump 1 do ivory folders 2 do wafer stamps' 3 pairs paper shears, Rodger* A Son 'a, 6-inch blade, per pair 6 pairs paper shears, Rodgers A Son's, 6J-inch blade, per pair 1 dozen scissors. PRINTING, Blanks on writing paper, 6(c. Demy size, broadside, per quire Do half sheel do Folio post, broadside, per quire Do one puge, do Foolscap broadside, do Do one page, do Cfcuarto post, one page do File envelopes ana letter envelopes, per hundred Circulars on writing papir. 1 page on a sheet, printed per quire, foolscap 3 do do do do 3 do do do do 4 do do do do 1 do do do quarto post 2 do do do do 3 do do do do 4 do do do do The paper for the above must be of the best quality. Book W'ork on printing paper. For composition, per thousand ems, for small pica Do do do brevier For press-work and paper, per token, for royal Do do do for medinm BOOK BINDING. Letter books, per volume Record of patents, (manuscripts) per volume Records for assignments do Received letters do Books (library) miscellaneous do EDMUND BURKE, June IS?tj 1 Commissioner of Patent*. KOTIOE. -The steamer C& I LUMBIA, Captain Jaine* HartSSkm P**r> w'" 'eHvr Commerce street wharf, in Baltimore, on Satur <lay, March 3d, at four o'clock in the afternoon, for W ashington, Alexandria and Georgetown; and returning, will leave Washington at 6 o'clock and Alexandria at 7 o'clock in the morning of the following Wednesday. Thereafter, ehe will leave Baltimore on every succeeding Saturday afternoon, and Washington and Alexandria on every succeeding Wednesday morning, at the hour* before mentioned, during the arason. For passage and freight, apply to the Captain on hoard, or to the several agents: C. Wortfungton, Baltimore; Mr. Riley, Washington; Messrs Pirkrell, Georgetown; and Messrs. Wheat. Alexandria. JAMES HARPER. Captain A report having heen extensively circulated that the steamer Coluiulna had been condemned by the Injector of Bteamhuat Hulls for the port of Wash ington, the annexed certificates arc published in refutation thereof: Having heen called upon by you to examine the hull of the steamer Columbia, whilst on the railway in Baltimore, on the 23d ultimo, and having per formed that duty, I feel no hesitancy in saying that the hull of that boat is in PinmI condition, and trust worthy for the carriage of freight and passengers between this plate and Baltimore. The injury dime to the sternptwl having now been repaired, I consider her to or as good as many steamboats of five years of age, I am. air, very respectfully, your obedient servant, WILLIAM F.ASRV, Inspector of Steamboats. Washington. Frkrumy 17, 1*48. To William Gunton, Esq., President of the Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Steam Packet Company. BALTiMOaa, f'rtrruarn ?0, 1849. We, the uhdersigned, shipwrights of Baltimore, have had the steamer Odttmina op? n jur railway, and, at the request of the owners > nd agent, have , tiamincd her throughout and ina..o a'l noc-asary rrpairw. ?? c nuw t ? iuniui u?niIJI ?ion, ^ruiumoi v her to hp in very good C.-.W for tV* transportation of freight and pnesen^er* Vtwrrn Baltimore and Washington. FLaNN,GAN 4c THIMBLE. June ft?3ta*t?w TO IlVVB.t roM. THE fit'fWCRIBERS off, . tW aerrirra to p* aona wiehing to obtain patents in the United State* or in foreirn ruur.triet*, and will prepare epr cificationa and drawing*, and i*ke ail n>-ceasary step* to secure a patent. Fiotn their long experience ap prActi.xd median k-?, added to a thorough knowledge of (h?- Patent | Law and acquaintance with the details oonnei ted with thr business of the Patent Office, they truat they will be able to give satisfa< tion to U.eir employers, both in the clearness and precision of their specifications, and in the promptness and ability with whirh they tranaaet all business entruated to them. Peraona residing at a (iwtanre may procure all neceaaary in tor ma tion, have their business tran I acted, and obtain a patent, by writing to the nub scrihera, without in< urring the expenae of a per aonal attendance at Washington. Models can he aent with perfect safety by the ex- 1 presses Rough sketches and descriptions can he aent by mail. For evidence of their competence and integrity, they would respectfully refer to all those fin- whom they have transacted business letter* must be postpaid. Office on F street, op I posite th. Patent Office. P. H WATHON, i June IJ-lmw E. 8. REN WICK [ m 9 NINTH 8TKKET, ^ m a m riMmVLVilU AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C. ADVERTISING: Advertisements will be inserted in The Republic si tiir usual rstee of the other papers published in Wuhingtuu. A deduct tun will be made to thoee who advertise by the year. THE T&X-WEEKLY REPUBLIC WILL SB 1MI7BD BVEBY TUESDAV, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. THE WEEKLY REPUBLIC WILL BE PUBIJHHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. SPLENDID LOTTERIES, FOR JULY, 1849. J. W. MAURY 4t CO., MANAGERS. $40,000! 20 PRIZES OF 94,000 are 980,000! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Clam No. 84, for 1849. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the 7th of July, 1849. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 priae of 940,000 20 price* of - 4,000 10 do .... 1,693 10 do .... 1,200 Ac. Ac. Ac. Ticket* only 910?Halve* 96? Quarter* *2 AO. Certificate* of package* of 25 Whole- ticket* x 130 00 Do do of 26 Half do 65 00 Do do of 25 Quarter do 32 50 3 PRIZES OF 926,000 ARE 978,000! 3 prize* of 910,000 are 930,000! 30 prima of $ 1,000! VIRGINIA 8TATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Clam No. 87, for 1849, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the 14th of July, 1849. GRAND SCHEME: I priae of 926,000 1 do .... 26,000 1 do .... 26,000 3 prise* of - - 10,000 3 do - - 6,000 f 3 do .... 3,182 ' 30 do .... |,000 178 do 600 A . A. A. _ Ticket* $10?Halve* $5?Quarter* $2 60. Certificates of package* of 26 Whole ticket* $ 140 00 Do do of 26 Half do 70 00 Do do of 26 Quarter do JA 00 CAPITAL, $36,000! $ 18,000! $ 10,000! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, .Clan* No. SO, for 1819. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the '21 at of July, 1*19. 76 mjmbcr lottery, 13 drawn ballot*. SPLENDID SCHEME: 1 splendid prize of - - $36,000 1 prize of 16,000 1 do .... 10,000 1 do .... 8,000 1 do .... 5,o00 1 do .... 1.000 1 do - - - - 2,266 20 pnz~s of .... 1,200 20 do .... 000 20 do .... 100 Icc. Ac. Ac. Tickets $10?Halves $6?Quarter* $2 60. Certificates of packages ol 26 Whole tickets $ 130 00 Do do of 26 Half do 66 00 Do do of 26 Quarter do 32 60 ? $52 000! I $18,000! $11,000! I Sixteen Drawn BalloU' 1 VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY. For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Claa* G, for 1849, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the 28thof July, 1849. 18 number lottery?18 drawn ballot*! Mart prixee than blank*.' ? SPLENDID SCHEME: 1 splendid prize of ... $ 52,000 1 prire of 18,000 1 do .... 11,000 1 do .... 8,000 1 do .... 6,000 1 do .... 4,000 1 do .... 3,000 1 do .... 3,6W 10 prisea of .... 1,800 10 do .... 1,100 10 do .... 600 k.r fci Re. Ticket* #15?Halve. $7 60-Quarter. ?3 76 1 Eighth* #1 871. Certificate* of package* of 28 Whole ticket*# 170 00 Do do of 26 Half do 86 00 Do do of 26 Quarter do 42 60 Do do of 28 Eighth do 21 26 Order* for Ticket* and Share* and Certificate* of Package* in the above Splendid Lotteries will receive Uie moat prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing sent, immediately after it i* over, to all who order from u* Address J. it C. MAUHY, Agent*, June 14 Alexandria, Va MEXICAN CLAIMS. .Vohrr to holder i of claim* aga*n*t Mexico, provided for by the fifth article qf the unratified convention qf November 20. 1843. THE Board of Commissioner* to adjust claims agxinat Mexico, appointed under act of Confrroaa of 3d March, 184#, have adopted the following order, to wit: " It appearing to the Board that memorial in everal of the cases provided for in the fifth article of the unratified convention of November 28, 1843. between the government of the United State* and of Mexico, to wit, claim* which were considered by the commissioners under th* treaty of 11th April, 1839, and referred to the umpire, and which were I not decided by him. have not been filed agreeably I to the order, heretofore cla (dished, aud It being represented that further time ia necessary. therefore i w 1 " Ordered, That the time for filing mrh memorial* be extrnded to the firet Monday of November nsxf; and all memorial* and argnrnenta relating to mid chum* are required to b* filed on or before mid \+t'n - -^1 J UFP-ICS or SAID lX)M MI?x|ON , Washington, June 7, 1.449. * WM. CARKV JONES, Rerretary. June 14 ?dIOt P. H. HOOK 4i CO., P*. A frnit. kflWM* tlh Uiil Nth (tFMto, HAVE now in store and are constantly rr*wiring from manufacturers and importers addin -III toll .Wing deer ..f goods, \ i* |J Hoimu furnishing articles of ??< t rarlatT, nek %l | as Carpeting*, Kup, Floor Oil Clothe, Canton and Spanish Mattinr>, < urhil Materials and Fixtures, 1 Liw'e Curtains, Embroidered Muslin Curtains, Marwillrxf O l it. risri.-i, Furniture t'liuilr, Lin. n SIh<ci j inge, Pillow Case Linens, Towellings. Tabic Damasks, T a Me Cloths, Damask Napkins, Bird's Rye, Scotch and Russia Diaprra, CloUt. Worsted, and I i Cutlnn Table and Piano Covers, he... Jtc. I> LADIES' WF.AR. FANCY GOODS, h- , WK NAMCFrench and India Silks of the latest styles Black Grns de Rhine* and Satin de Chine for ve rites Km >i^" x, T sores, and Grenadines French, Scotch, and American Lawns and GingJ hams. Plaid, Striped and Plain Swiss Muslins Lace Capes French worked Collars and Cuffs Splendidly Embroidered and Flam Canton Crape Shawls Needle worked ud Bordered Shear Lawn Hand korchiata Silk, Cotton and Raw Silk Hoaiery of every deacripti.n Kid, Silk and Liale Thread Glovca, of every de < notion BWlr Net Mita, Thread Urn, Bla< k Silk Lara* Rohhin Edging*, he., he. IN GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, WE NAME French. F.ngliah, and American Cloth* of every color, from the moat celebrated maker* French Doe* kin* and (aaaunerea of the flneat quality Silk, Satin, and Maraeillea Veating*. a great variety Silk, Merino,and Cotton Under Veataand Drawer* Silk *nd Linen Cambric Hamlken hiefc, Fancy Cravat* i Linen Shirting* and Drawer*. Linen*, he. Together a ith a complete aaaortment of gv <da of ev ery deer ription in our line, to which we invite the attention of purr haarr* beArreporchaain^ elaewhere, a* inducetnenta will be offered. P. H. HOOK * Co, June IS (Union