Newspaper Page Text
THE REPUBLIC. EillTKU BY A. C. HCI,L,ITT d> JOHN O. MARUKNT. PUBL1BMEU BY GIDEON A Co. TERMS OF THE DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY. For the Daily pa|ar, per annum . . #IOO<J For U>e Tri-weefly, " t> 00 For three copies ol the Tri-weekly . . 15 (X) TERMS OF THE WEEKLY. Single *ul?H'riptiuu for one year . . . # 2 00 Six copies, for one year 10 (X) Sixteen copies, for one year 20 (XI Twenty-five copies, for one year, (when ordered at one and the same tune) . . 25 00 No paper will be sent until the money in received. Nero Dork TUtoertiaemrnta. FANCY DRY (iOOUM. SILKS! SILKS!! sILKS!!! r ISO WEN & McNAVIKE, 10 unci 18 William sireet, NEW YORK, urn t a>< nltnnl th*? niiHflli' of Jnlv a/< - j THE REPUBLIC. \ i ^ . 11 11111 11 ii ii i i ?PW??? i j i SSSBSOBB!. .- i. i 1 ... mm ? DAILY. vol. 1. WASHINGTON: FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1849. No. jo. Il??-ir full assortment of French, Iudia, Italian, German and English SILK AND FANCY GOODS, ADAPTED to every act;tion of trade, North, East, South or West; and it ia believed that, in regard to variety, extent, or richness, their stock will not be surpassed by that of uny aimilar establishment in the country. No paina will be apared to present the newest and most fashionable styles of goods brought to this market. They will receive by the various packets and steamers, of their own importation, u great variety of dress goods, of entirely new designs, ordered expressly tor their best trade, to which they would invite the special attention of merchants from cities and the. larger towns. Their stock will consist in part of the following: SILKS. Rich figured, changeable, brocade, small plaids and stripes, satin de Cliine, plain twilled, rich Foulard, Italian, Gros de Rhine, &c. MUSLIN DE LAINES. Super Puris designs, very rich and high colored, on crimson, green, and blue grounds, tlie styles of if ia will hp mumfirinr tn hmv nprptii. fore offered. CASHMERES. Ne plus ultra styles, with the richest colorings, and in great variety. These good*, or the designs, will be obtained from the great French "Krpotilion," in Paris, and from original designs furnished by us. MERINOS. French, German and English manufacture?a large proportion, ordered expressly by us for the best trade, consisting of every variety of color, offered at reduced prices. RIBBONS. An extensive variety of the newest and richest styles, embracing one of the most desirable assortments ever offered in this market. KID GLOVES. Best manufacture, ordered expressly for us, with entirely new fastenings. ALSO? Plain Muslin de Laincs, Italian Cravats, High colored do. French Crapes, French Broche Shawls, Pongee Handkerchiefs, Plaid Long do. Laces and White Goods, Thibet Wool do. Cantou Goods, Plain Cashmere do. Italian Sewings, Printed do. do. Oil Silks, Cantou Crape do. Taffeta & Satin Ribbons, French Table Covers, Silk Hosiery, French Piano Covers, Frch. & Eng. Ginghams, Dress Hdkfs. & Cravats, Black & Colored velvets, French Suspenders, Satin Vestings, Bomtiazines & Alpaccas, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Irish Linens, Dress Trimmings, lie. June 13?fit Aooouvt books.stationery, paper, dtr,?The subscriber l>egB leave to call attention to his very full and well selected stock of Blank Hooks, Stationery, lie., comprising every article required for the Bank, Insurance Company, or Counting room. Account Books of every pattern and style, and warranted equal, if not superior, to any made. lVrili.xr P-.n.-r-ot fvi'pv rintiim. inr_ln^iuc letter, cap, an<T ledger papers, both wove and laicT, of foreign aud domestic manufacture, at mill prices. Note Paper and Envelope, both plain and fancy? a large assortment. Wrapping Papers?straw, palm leaf, tea, Manilla, rag, lie. Copying Presses, of various styles and patterns. Cards, Printers', ivory surface aud enamelled. Playing Ca ds of the usual varieties. Ink, riling and Copying, of various colors. Sealing Wn aud Walers?a large assortment. Steel and Gold Pelts and Quills?a great variety. Slates?hard and soft wood frame acltuol, log and counting-house slates; also, every variety of porcelain, transparent and paper slates. For sale by GEORGE F NE8BITT, Stationer & Printer, cor. of Wall It Water sis. June 13?tf JBWBLRV, Ate. TIFFANY, YOUNG & ELLIS, No. 271 Broadway, N. Y., ( Corner of Chamber t nlreet, opporitr the Park,) IMPORTERS OF THR I 'uriou* Fancy Manufacture* of England, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and China, JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, Itc., /leg leave rmpectfully to obeerve? Til *T ili,-ir ioinortations and variety lire larger limn iIkmi' of any other Imuae in the trade; That their gooda are all made apecially to order, or neiertnl with much care by one of their firm reaident ill Europe; That their purrhaaea are made with Yaah, under every facility of experience and perfected arrang-einniti, in the principal marketa, and with tlie beat manufacture ra; That the extent of their aalea, while it enablca t Item to buy in aufiicient quantitiea to aecure material advantage* in price, enable* tiiem alao to aell at a atnaller advance than would be practicable for other*, and inaure* a freah and deairablc atock; S?> that they feel perfectly confident they offer a larger, ncAer. and more dmrabir *clection than can la- had e lac where in the United State*, and aI lowrr prim. To our JEWELRY DEPARTMENT we wiah to call particular attention, ami we invite all who may feel an intereat on tbeaubject, either aa purchaaeraor connoianeur*, to aaaure thcmaelvea, by an inapertion ofotir*ti*'k and price*, of the propriety orarroganco (aa the caae may lie) of our HMMTtSnia: I at. That we have by far the large**, a* well a* nmwt elegant, collection of Engliah, French, German and Swina Jewelry, ever offered for aalc in the United Stale*. 2d. That we have tlie large*! collection of Dia? c "?i- ? t- ?I.I. T..rkwl. m'MHiP, rrnriK, nuinrn, nim rnnm, ? unju^.n Sapphires, Stone and Shell Cameos, Corals, Enamels, and various "materiel" for the manufacture of rich Jewelry. 3d. That we have in our employ a skilful designer and several workmen from one of the moat fashion able and extensive establishment* in Paris, and are prepared to make the most elaborate and difficult piece*, in n style, quality and finish, equal to any manufactory in the world. Catalogue of Utrful and Fancy) Article*. Inlaid Ebony and Rosrwoon Desks, Drv-sino and Toilet Cases, Work Hoxf.h, Ac., Clocks, Orna ments tor the Mantel en suite, & c. Krench, Dresden, and India Porcelain, Bohemian Glass, Bronxe, Artistique, and Berlin Iron, Paper, Envelopes, and Fancy Stationery, Perpcmerv, and Articles for the Toilet, Papier Macme Goods, Chinese Goons, Indian Goons, Opera Glasses, Fans, Paintinms, Bridal Presents, Portfolios, Umbrellas, Whips, Combs, Games, Brushes, kc., kc. riirrnnnrrp nn- rwpn IIUIIT iiiMJrmru inn* ??ri; article hna it" price marked in plain fig-urea, frnm which not the "lig-hteat deduction will he made under any eonaideratiom whatever. T. Y. k. B. deaire to aaaure atrnrig-era atul other" ithaJ a viait and iliapeetion of their eatahliahmenl doe* not itnpoae tin- "lig-hteat obligation to make purchase* June IS? 3t Proposals for Amrri?u Water-rotted Hemp. Navy Dkpahtmknt, Burrau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair. Mrnch 1, 1849. I] NDER the joint resolution of Congress, ap1 proved May 9, 1848, entitled a "Resolution res|>ecting contracts for liemp for the use of the American navy," sealed proposals will be received at this bureuu, or the United States hemp agencies at Louisville, Kentucky, or St. Louis, Missouri, (to be fowurded by them unopened to this bureau,) for delivering under contract, at either of the said hemp agencies, for a term not exceeding five yeurs, the best quality of Jimerican Water-rotted hemp, in quantities of five tons and upwards, the ton to consist of 2,240 pounds. No bid will be considered at a higher rale than two hundred and forty-one dollars per ton. The proposals to be opened on the 6th of August next. The department will then determine whether the contracts shull be awarded. No delivery will be required sooner than the 1st duy of January, 1850. The said hemp must be eaual in quality to the best foreign hemp; and in alt cases of equality of bid, the contract will be given to the hemp grower. The quantity required annually will be about 500 tons. The said hemp must be thoroughly dressed, cleaned, tree trom sluves, and must not lose more than sixteen per cent of tow and waste when hatchelled to the satisfaction of the inspectors ready for spinning. Its strength must be such that a rope of one and three-fourths of an inch in circumference, made from twenty-one yarns, as prepared and tested by the inspectors, or by their oirection, will bear at least 4,200 pounds, and its length, color, and other properties must be entirely satisfactory to the inspectors, or the chief of this bureuu, or it will not be received; it will be inspected and tested at the respective places of delivery. The respective United States hemp agents to certify bills for the hemp which may pass inspection and be received by them, according to the contracts which may be entered into; ninety per cent, of which bills to be payable within thirty days sfter their presentation to such navy agents as may be agreed upon and named it; the contracts. Persons offering must state the price, in words and figures, (clearly and legibly,) asked per ton of 2,240 pounds, when delivered, inspected, tested, approved, and received by the said hemp agent, and payable, as above specified. Every offer must be accompanied, as directed in the act of Congress making appropriations for the naval service, approved 10th August, 1846, by a written guaranty, signed by one or more responsible persons, (to be certified by some official personage,! to the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within fifteen days after the contract is submitted for signature, with good and sufficient sureties to furnish the supplies proposed. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such guaranty. uuiiuo, wiiu iwu uppiuvcu Buicuco in uiic-uaii the estimated amount of the respective contracts, will be required, and ten per centum in addition will be withheld from the amount of each payment to be made, as collateral security for the due and faithful performance of the respective contracts, which will on no account be paid until the contracts are complied with in all respects according to their terms. Offers must be made in strict conformity with the i terms of this advertisement. The persons offering I must state by which navy agent they wish their bills paid, if their offer is accepted, and by which hemp or navy agency they wish to have contracts and bonds sent for their signature; and if they should not be executed within fifteen days after tney are received by the agents, the Department will consider itself at liberty to accept other offers in place of those thus neglected. June 16?lawtGthAug NOTICE.?The steamer CO^L, LUMBIA, Captain James liarPt r' w'" leave Commerce street I wharf, in Baltimore, on Satur! day, March 3d, at four o'clock in the afternoon, for | Washington, Alexandria and Georgetown; and reI turning, will leave Washington at ti o'clock and 1 Alexandria at 7 o'clock in the morning of the following Wednesday. Thereafter, she will leave Baltimore on every succeeding Saturday afternoon, and Washington and Alexandria on every succeeding Wednesday morning, at the hours before mentioned, during'the season. For passage and freight, apply to the Captain on UiHrd, or to the several agents: C. Wortningtou, Baltimore; Mr. Riley, Washington; Messrs. Pirkrcll, Georgetown; and Messrs. Wheal, Alexandria. JAMES HARPER, Captain. A report having been extensively circulated that th<' steamer Columbia had been condemned by the Inspector of Staamboat Hulls for the port of W ashington, the annexed certificates are published in refutation thereof: Having been called upon by you to examine the hull of the steamer Columbia, whilst on the railway in Baltimore, on the 23d ultimo, and having performed that dutv^I feel no hesitancy in saying that worthy for the carriage offreight and passengers between this place and Baltimore. The injury (Tone to the sternpost having now been repaired,! conaider her to be a* good aa many ateamboata of five yeara of age, I am, air, very reapertfully, your obedient aervant, WILLIAM EASBY, I nance tor of Steamboat*. Washington, Frbrutiry 17, 1H49. To William Gunton, Eat]., President of the Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Steam Packet Company. Baltimoxe, Frbniary 20, IH49. We, the undersigned, shipwright* of Baltimore, have had the steamer Columbia upon our railway, and, at the request of the owner* and agent, have examined her throughout and made all necessary repairs. Wu now, without hesitation, pronounce her to lie in very good order for the transportation of freight and passengers between Baltimore and Washington. FLANNIGAN k. TRIMBLE. June I J? 3tawbw TO INVENTORS. THE SUBSCRIBERS offer their services to persons wishing to obtain patents in the United State* or in foreign countries, anil wiU prepare specifications and drawings, and take all necessary steps to secure a patent. From their long experience a* practical mechanics, added to a thorough knowledge of the Patent Law and acquaintance with the (letails connected with the busiiH-ss of the Patent Office, they trust they will lie able to give satisfaction to their employers, both in the clearness and precision of their specifications, and in the promptness and ability with which they transact all business entrusted to them. Persons residing at a distance may procure all necessary information, have their business transacted, and obtain a patent, by writing to the subscribers, without incurring the expense of a per Hoiial awndftocc at niwmnjwn. Models can be KOt with perfect saftty by the ckprfMn. Rough sketches and description* can be wnt by mail. For evidence of their competence and integrity, they would respectfully refer to all thoae for whom they have tranaacted business. letter* moat be postpaid. Office on F street, opposite tlie Patent Office. P. H. WATSON, June 13?linw E. 8. RENWICK. K. W. RINRI R. ATTORNEY at Uw an<l Agent for Claime againat the United State*. Office on Peimayl-vania avenue, near 16th street, Washington. June 13? ly MARTIN A WRIGHT. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, IfaMinftm city. JOHN MARTIN. EDWARD R. WRICIHT. June 13?Jtnwlm W T. PORTER, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, CORNER 6TH STREET AND FINN. A VENUE, DP STAIRS, fhrertly oppomfe the Noiitmal Hotel June 13?I y SPLENDID LOTTERIES, FOR JULY, 1849. J. W. MAURY & CO., MANAGERS. $40,000! 20 PRIZES OF #4,000 are #*0,000! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Clu** No. 84, for 1849. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the 7th of July, 1849. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 prize of ... #40,000 '20 prize* of - - - 4,000 10 do .... 1,693 10 do .... 1,200 Ticket* only #10?Halve** #6?Quarter* #'2 50. Certificate* of package* of 25 Whole tickct*#130 00 Do do of *25 Half do 65 00 Do do of '25 Quarter do 3*2 50 3 PRIZES OF #26,000 ARE #78,000! 3 prize* of #10,000 are #30,000! o\r pi Jtcn *11 ^ i ,u*A?: VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of Moiiongulia Academy, Class No. 87, for 1849, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the 14th of July, 1849. GRAND SCHEME: 1 prize of - - - # 26,000 1 do - ... 26,000 1 do .... 26,000 3 prizes of - - - 10,000 1 3 do .... 5,000 3 do .... 3,182 30 do - - - - 1.000 178 do .... 500 o &c ^' Tickets #10?Halves #6?Quarters #2 50. Certificates of packages of *26 Whole tickets $ 140 00 Do do of 26 Half do 70 00 Do do of'26 Quarter do 36 00 CAPITAL, #35,000! #18,000! * #10,000! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Class No. 90, for 1849, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the .list ,vf I..l? 1U4Q uini ui utjf) uriJ. 75 number lottery, 13 drawn ballots. SPLENDID SCHEME: 1 splendid prize of - - ' - #35,000 1 prize of ... 18,000 , 1 do .... 10,000 , 1 do .... 8,000 1 do .... 5.000 1 do .... 4,000 1 do .... 2,255 20 prizes of - - 1,200 20 do .... 000 20 do . - - - 400 iiC. & c. &c. , Tickets #10?Halves #5?Quarters #2 50. Certificates of packages of 25 Whole tickets # 130 00 Do do of 25 Half do 65 00 Do do of 25 Quarter do 32 50 ( $52 000! # 18,000! #11,000! Sixteen 'Drawn Ballots VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY. For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Class G, for 1849, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the 28th of July, 1849. , 78 number lottery?16 drawn ballots! More prixts than blanks' ? SPLENDID SCHEME: 1 splendid prize of - - #52,000 1 prize of 18,000 1 do .... 11,000 I do .... 8,000 1 do .... 6,000 I do . . . 4,000 1 do .... 3,000 1 do .... 2,696 10 prizes of .... 1,600 10 do .... 1,100 10 do - . 500 i. ?. ? Ticket* #16?Halve* #7 60--Quarter* #.'< 76 Eighth* #1 871. Certificate* of jMickagv* of 26 Whole ticket* #170 00 I)o do of 26 Half do 86 00 Do do of 26 Quarter do 42 60 Do do of 26 Eighth do 21 26 Order* for Ticket* and Share* and Certificate* of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing went, immediately after it is over, to all who order from u*. Address J. & C. MAURY, Agent*. June 14 Alexandria, Va. MEXIC AN CLAIMS. Notice to holder* of claim* again*/ Mexico, provided for by the fifth article of the unratified convention of November 20, 1843. THE Board of Commissioner* to adjust claim* j against Mexico, appointed under act of Con- | gress of 3d March, 1849, have adopted the follow- ! ing order, to wit: " It appearing to th? Board that memorial in I several ot the case* provided for in the fifth article of the unratified convention of November 20, 1843, | between the government of the United Stat*-* and of j M exico, to wit, claims which were considered by the commissioners under the treaty of 11th April, 1839, and referred to the umpire, and which were ; not decided by him, have not been filed agTreably the orders heretofore established, and it bving represented that further time is necessary, therefore | it is *' Ordered, That the time for filing such memorial* 1* extended to the firtt Monday of November next; and all memorials and arguments relating to said claim* are required to be filed on or before said day." OrpicR op haid Commiskion, Washington, June 7, 1849. WM CARRY JONES, Secretary. June 14?d lOt P. H. HOOK <fc CO., Pa. Avenue, between 7th and Nth streets, HAVE now ill store and are constantly receiving from manufacturer* and importer* nddi- | tiona to the following deacription of go<Kla, vis: Houhc furniahing articlea of every variety, *uch aa Carpeting*, Ruga, Floor Oil Clotns, Canfon and Spanish Matting*. Curtain Material* and Fixture*, lan e Curtain*, Embroidered Moulin Cur tain*, Marseille* Counterpanes, Furniture Chints, Linen Sheeting*, Pillow Cam Linens, Towellings, Table Damasks, Table Cloth*, Damask Napkin*, Bird'* Rye, 8eotch and Ruaaia Diaper*, Cloth, Wor*ted, and Cotton Table and Piano C<?vers, kr., kc. IN LADIES' WEAR, FANCY GOODS, kc.. WE NAME? French and India Silk* of Uie latest style* Black Gro* de Rhine* and Satin de Cnine for veaitea French Barege*, Ti**ure*. and Grenadine* French, Scotch, and American Lawn* and Ging- j ham*. ( Plaid, Striped and Plain Swia* Muslin* Lace Cap*-*, Fratich worked Collar* and Cuff* Splendidly Embroidered and Plain Canton Crape Shawl* Needle worked and Bordered Shear I .awn Hand- 1 kerchief* Silk, Cotton and Raw Silk Hosiery of every description Kid. Silk and l.isle Thread Glove*, of everv de- ' acription Black Net Mit*, Thread Lace*. Black Silk I,ncc* . Bobbin Edging*, Ate. IN GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, WE NAME French, English, and American Cloth* af every color, from the inoat celebrated maker* French Doeskin* and Cnasimere* of (he finest , quality Silk, Satin, and Maraeillea Veating*, a great variety Silk, Merino,and Cotton Under Vest* and Drawer* Silk and Linen Cambric Handkerchief*, Fancy Cravat* Linen Shirting* and Drawer*, Linen*, kc.. Together with a complete aaaorlment of good* of every description in our line, to which we invita the attention of purehaaer* before purrhaaingelaewhere, a* inducement* will be offered. P H HOOK ii Co. June IS [Union Nod Dork 2lto)frti0fmcnts. NEW YORK FOREIGN EXPRESS AGENCY. L.IVinrCJHTON, WELLS ?fc CO., No. 10 Wall at., Hew York, HAVE agencies ill Paris, Havre, Bordeaux, Liverpool, Loudon, Southampton, Glasgow, and the Principal CitieaofGreat Britain; alaoat Bremen, and the chief Towns in Germany, and attend to any kind of commissions to be executed there. Goods bought by them to order, in any amounts, large or small, whether for sale or personal use. Books. Furniture, China, Wines, Luggage, Specie, Clothing, Paintings, Statuary, Wobks op Art, &c., received at the various Agencies, cleared at the Foreign Custom-houses, passed at the New York and Bostou Custom-houses, and forwarded by express to any part of the United States. Letters and Newspapers forwarded. Travellers visiting Europe iutrodnccd at the various Agencies, and assisted in the transaction of their foreign business, the forwarding of their luggage, and transmission of funds. Orders of ail kinds attended to and filled in Paris, by an accomplished and experienced American re sidcnt there. June 13?btd&luwbw C AI/IKOK.V1A KXPHKSX. H A VK.N ^ LI V INGSTON lmve established themselves as a Commission and Express Forwarding House, at San Francisco, anil in connection witli Zarharison & Nelson, at Panama. S. LEA, at Chagrcs, and LIVINGSTON, WELLS & CO., 10 Wall street, New York, will receive and forward goods, in parcels not exceeding 100 ll)s. each, and of 30 by 20 inches square, will receipt for the same through between New York and San Francisco. Specie and gold ore forwarded with despatch. Apply to LIVINGSTON, WELLS k CO., June 13?btdlawbw 10 Wall st., N. Y. LIVINGSTON, WELLS Hi Co., FOREIGN EXPRESS AGENCY. THE undersigned have Express Agencies established at Paris, No. 8 Place de la Bourse; at London, No. 7 Fen Court, Fenchurch street; at Liverpool, No. 9 Fcnwirk street; and also at Southampton, Hamburgh, Bremen, Havre, Marseilles, Lyons, Rome, Genoa, Florence, San Francisco, Panama, and Chagres, and will carry to and receive from all those places specie, packages, books, papers, letters, anil merchandise generally, ami execute all orders that may be entrusted to their rare. LIVINGSTON, WELLS k CO., 10 Wall street, New York. June 13?btd&lawbw AMERICAN SHIPPING Hi GENERAL COMMISSION HOUSE. Livingston, wells & co., 7 Fen court, Fenchurch street, London, will receive at their offices Goods, Parcels and Specie, and forward the same by British and American steamers, via Liverpool and Southampton, and first class American liners from this port, through their House, 10 Wall ntreet, New York, to all parts of the United States mid Canada. Drafts collected with care, and nt moderate rates. Monthly and all other Publications, and Samnle Parcels of every description, scut by our Express cars. Orders received for American produce, and advances made ou consignments. Books, periodicals and newspapers purchased on rominission for the trade and public institutions in the United States. London Express Agency. JAMES McNICOL, Director. June 13?6tdAlaw6w LIVINGSTON, UELLN &. (IE., A PA KIN, 8 PLACE DE LA BOURSE. Office pour la reception el expedition de loutes sortea de Marchandises pur les ETATS-UNIS, le CANADA, le MEX1Q.UE, et les ANTILLES, suit par le Havre tiu I'Angleterie. Lea voyugeurs trouveront A ce bureau la lisle de to us lea navirea en charge au Havre, ainai que tous lea renseignemtnts utiles pour enlreprendre un voyage d'oulre-mer. Lea exporteura aeront mis au courant du marche Americuin. Lea MARCHANDISES consignees recevront toute fattention desirable et les expeditions aeront faites aver promptitude. Recouvrements d'effeU et reclamations. Trnitea aur NEW-YORK i vendre. Cabinetde lecinreetjournaux Americaina (gratia) JOHN CAUCHOfS, Agent. Reference: Chez MM. HOTTINGER dt Cie., June 13?6<d&law6w. Bnnquiers a Paris SANDERSON'S COLLEGE HOTEL. No. 28 Murray st., N?w York. THIS new and conveniently arranged Hotel, expressly adapted for the accommodation of families, situated within a hundred yards of Broadway and the Park, in the College Grounds, nnd furnished in the most elegnut and recherche style, with all the modem improvements, (Hat and Cold Baths, Water Closets, &o., &r., on every floor, is now ready for the reception of transient visiters. June 13?5t SELLING OFF.- Being desirous of reducing our stock of Summer goods, we have determined I from this day forward to offer all goods the demand for which ceases with the scaaoii, without regard to coat. Our stork is now large and very complete, and well worthy the attention of purchasers. We name in part2,000 yards French Lawns,fast colors,at I2iceuts 3,000 do fine do do from 16 to 25 cents 1,000 do black and white French Gingham, at ?*? 2,<KKI <lo colored ami white- French Gingham. friMii 121 to 25 200 pieces French Berrgr and Grenadine, all colors, among them several plain green, 25 to .V) fiO do plain blackandsatin-striped Berrges, 25 to 50 20 do checked and striped India Silks, very cheap 10 do black Foulard Silk,a lienutiful article 50 do Linen Lustres, all colors, at 25 30 do white and colored embroidered Muslin, at 37J 150 do checked and striped Cain brie*, from 12} 21KI do plain ('ambries and Jaconets, from 121 to 25 200 do Nain*<*>k and Swiss Muslins, from 20 U> 50 '25 do India or Swiss Book, two yards wide, a beautiful article for summer dresses 10,000yards fine Prints, all rolor* and styles, from from 61 to 12i, warranted fast, together with a large assortment of Hosiery, plain open-worked and embroidered Kid, Silk, ami Thread Gloves, Linencambric Handkerchiefs, Lace ('ajs-s, Swiss and Cambric Edging and Inserting, Thread Edging, lilack Silk Lace, Parasols, Fans, 4tc., liesides a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention. We earnestly request all persons in want of Dry GihkIs to give us a call before purr basing elsewhere, as we arc confident ol being able to save them from ten to twenty per rent, on their bill*. YERBY fc BROTHER. No. 6 Market Space, liet. 7th and 8til at*. June IS?3trod WHITE AND DHAH HEATER. PINE MOLE SKIN BLACK HATS, nnH every variety of Straw H*U. I have now on han<l a large atock of fin*' Hal* and Crim, whirh I will aril on accommodating trrnin. Aim) an axHortinrnt of I'mhrrllaa. P. MATTINGLY, 7th atmet, Junr 13?31 above Odd Fellow*' Hall. WAVIRLY HOr?K. r|^HE aubarribrr ia now rerdviny dtilj tlir finrat A Oyatera and Piah, whirh he will be happy to aervr in the beat atylc nml on rcaaonable term*. Hoarder* taken by the week or dny. The Frederick anil Marlborough xtage* leave thix honae every Turaday, Thurada*, and Saturday. P. A. Da 8AVLE8, Agent, Penii. avenue, oppoaite National Hotel. June 13- - 3t (tRIIRUK MACK 4 Y. Attorney. ' (late or rtoaiDA,! WILL attend to all kinda ofbuainea* before Con grcaa and the Depart men fa. REFERENCES: Hon. E. C. Cahkll, Florida; " R. Toom**, G?"orgia; " II. W. II11.1.1 aki>. Alaltama; " A. Hu*t, Smith Carolina; " R. C. WiHTHnae, Maaaarhuaetta; " C. H. Smith, Indiana; ' R L. Rosa, New York; " John Yoiinu, New York. June |fi?tf Pension and Bounty Laud Agency, WASHINGTON CITY, Office removed to 1 frth street, opposite tiie 'J\easury Department. George m. Phillips, Notary Public, Commissioner uf Deeds, und formerly of the Treasury Department, attends to the prosecution and collection of Claims liefore Congress und the several Executive Departments of the Government. His attention is more particularly directed to the presentation and prosecution of CLAIMS for pensions, whether? Revolutionary, Invalid, Navy, Half-pay or Widow's; Pre-emption and other Land Claims; Revolutionary Services?for Commutation, Halfpay, or Bounty Lands; Bounty Lands and Pensions for services in the late War with Mexico; Contracts with the different Departments for Supplies, &c.; Settlement of the accounts of disbursing and other officers of the Governuieut; Collection of unclaimed dividends on the funded debt of the United States. Being in possession of a large number of Rolls of the Army of the Revolution, he is enabled to produce the "proof of service" of a large proportion of those engaged in that struggle, and for which they or their widows arc entitled to iicusions from the United States. Ah Notary Public, the undersigned in prepared to furnish legalized copies of Documents or Records. Charges will be moderate, varying according to the nature of the business transacted. Letters, to receive attention, should be postage paid, and may Ik- addressed GEORGE M. PHILLIPS, Box No. 62, Washington city. REFERENCES. He has the pleasure of referring claimants and others to the following gentlemen: Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott, U. S. Army. Brig. General Nathan Tow son, Paymaster General U. S. A. " George Gibson, Commissary GeneralU. S. A. Hon. A. K. Paris, Second Comptroller of the Treasury. ' Walter Forward, late Secretary of the Treasury. " Simon Cameron, United States Senate. " Patrick G. Goodc, Sidney, Ohio. " Alexander Harper, Zanesvillc, Ohio. " Willis Green, Green, Kentucky. " Garrett Davis, Paris, " " Bailie Peyton, New Orleans. " John W. Davis, Speaker of the House of Reps. " James G. Hampton, New Jersey. " R. W. Thompson, Terre Haute, Indiana. '* E. M. Huntington, Indiana. " Edmund Deberry, Lawrenceville, N. C. . " D. S. Kautfman, Texas. " M. P. Gentry, Teuuessee. " Andrew Stewart, Pennsylvania. " James Irviu. " " Richard Brodhead, " " Truman Smith, Litchfield, Connecticut. " S. F. Vinton, Ohio. " B. G. Thibodcanx, Louisiana. " Calvin Blythe, Philadelphia. ' Win. B. Reed, " C. B. Smith, Indiana. " Joshua A. Spencer, Utica, New Vork. " Robert Smith, Alton, Illinois. " William Sawyer, Ohio. Messrs. Gales & Salon, Washington city. Joseph H. Bradley, Esq., " Rev. Win. McLain, " " Win. T. Sprolc, West Point. " James Knox, New York. " James G. Hamncr, Baltimore. Messrs. A. E. Sang* ton & Co., Baltimore. D. Leche ii Son, Baltimore. Dr. W. L. Atlee, Philadelphia. Rev. George Dutficld, Detroit. Bishop McCoskrey " Rev. J. P. Durbiit, D. D., Philadelphia. S. Briuly, Esq., Wheehinr, Virginia. A. M. PliilMns & Sou, ' " Rev. E. H. Cumpston, Lynchburg, Va. Rev. Richard Craighead, Meadvtlle, Penn. J. D. Dcfrees, Esq., Indianapolis. June 13?dtf To the Public. Ct WOODWARD respectfully invite* the attenJ tion of his old customers and the public generally, to his large and well selected stock of Hardware, Fancy Gcxxls, &c. I have just received a splendid assortment of Bathing Tubs, as follows: Hip Baths, Zinc and Tin, Boston Baths, Large Bathing Tuhs with beaters, Hand Shower Baths, Niagara Jet Shower Baths, &e., &c. 1 have also just received a lot of very fine Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Cciolers,Clocks, Buckets, Bird Cages, Britannia Water Pitchers, Basket Carriages ami Chairs, Ris king Horsi* and Pnjpellers, Iron and Brick Furnaces of all kinds and sizes, and a great variety of House Furnishing Articles, Safes, and every other article usually found in the Hardware Line. i .. j :.. - -1 1.1 f i ?ill : -i-_. .Anil in ? ?i?? yuu nuwuju i ? 111 jUNimtY umi ; I have a few more Stove* and Grate* of the name Hurt left, and shall continue to keep them on liand a* n*i tul. Thankful for paat patronage, 1 shall be happy to wait upon and allow my good* to any one who will favor me with a call. Having bought goods very low, I am determined to sell as low or lower than ran be bought in the city elsewhere. C. WOODWARD Pa. Av., between 10th and Uth streets. J une 15?6teod L. A < H <> N I < A , A Spanish Newspaper printed In New York. THIS valuable paper is handsomely printed twice a week on a large double royal sheet, in the quarto form, in the most approve*! modern Spanish orthography, and, having reached the ninth month of its publication, may he said to be placed on a durable Iamis. It is ahfy conducted by Senor A. X. San Martin, and employs a regular correspondent at the Court of Madrid, lieside* lia\ing correspondents in all the countries of Spanish America. Officers of the American Government, Diplomatic Representatives, anil others, will find the (Yomrn a valuable compendium of Spanish and Spanish American news, politics, and interests. It is sent by mail, postage frtt, (the postage being pre-paid by the editor without cost to tike sutiscribrrs,) to all parts of the United States at the following rates, ?nrxiriably tn advanct For one year - - - #10 00 For Hi* month* 5 50 For three month* - - - '2 16 Parson* wishing to aubacribe will apply to F. JEFFERSON, Smith'* Row, Eleventh ?trcct, near F. June IS?St OLD Lontlon Bridge?An historical novel, by C. H. Rod well. GRACE DUDLEY. OR ARNOLD AT SARATOGA, by Cha*. J. Peterson. OLD JUDGE, OR IJFE IN A COLONY, by the Author of 8am Slirk MRS ELLIS' HOUSEKEEPING MADE EASY. CHOLERA, it* Nature, Symptom*, and Treatment, ?x?nipihxl from the pagceol the "London Lan- I ret." Thi* day received: for sale at TAYLOR A MAURY'S Bookstore, near 9th street. \ 1, BROWN'S HOTEL?) Ct TEVENS'GREAT H \T AND GENTLEMEN'S O OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, is well supplied with White Reirkv Mountain BraxrrHata, (without mixture,) Blue Nappeel nn<l Plain Blur and White and Bla. k Hat*. of great rle-gani-e and style, in finish and shape. Alaoa fulland complete assortment ??f Gentlemen's Wardrobe and Toilet goods, viz: "Yoke Neck" Shirts. Under Shirts, and IJrawrrs. in Silk, Merino, Cotton, and Gauze, in great variety, and at low prieea for first finality goods. Alao a few very auperior Hammocks, for t those who inte nd visiting watering places. All of which will be' aold at fair price* for caah. M H. STEVENS. Great Hat and Gent*. Outfitting Katahliahinent, No. I, Brown'a Hotel. June 13?fitif , . \i \. ZAPP0K1 tlONTINUES to offer hia service* aa Pruff-nur < / and Tranalate.r of the FRENCH. SPANISH, ITALIAN and LATIN language*. Rough protmn- , nation soon improved, and ban pronunciation rer- . tainly rorrerteo, under hia inatructie>n. Lesson* are given in school* and private families ! on very moderate te'rma; anel ladiea whe> sing Italian, French or Spanish songs, should aend aea?n for him ' if desiring hia services. ? I Resilience, Mr. Fugitt's, Indiana avenue, near ' City Hall. June 15?ly |< HflisciHancons. MEXICO. The following Declaration of Independence of the proposed Republic of the Sierra Mudre appears to have been originally written in English, from which it was translated by the N. O. Putria. It has now undergone u second translation. Unanimous declaration of the Seven Northern States of lite Sierra Modre of Mexico : When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them,a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. The history of the present and past governments of Mexico is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these Slates. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. Fit it-?They have harrassed us with political changes, which, up to.the present time, have been nothing else but a continued oppression through new ugents (tnanos.) We declare ourselves free. Second.?They have ground us down by taxation, exacted solely to perpetuate the power of the usurpers of the liberty of the people. We declare ourselves free. Third.?They have persecuted us with standing armies, kept up to oppress and annihilate the industry of all, except that of our oppressors. We declare ourselves free. Fourth.?They have acted so that our beloved religion, constantly threatened by bayonets, has been trammelled in its action of benevolence and public instruction. We declare ourselves free. Ftfth.?They have so managed that the people in the midst of their vast territory arc denied the right of individual property. We declare ourselves free. Sixth.?They have violated the promises made to our children, who, in anxiety, vainly claim from their rulers the right of education. We declare ourselves free. Seventh.?They have ho misgoverned, that our gray-headed parents gradually descend to the tomb, like brute bemits, without honor und without hope. We declare ourselves free. Eighth.?They have so arranged that whilst indigence und misery are seen every where, they go clad in purple and gold. We declare ourselves free. Ninth.?They have adhered to the national declaration that there shall be no slavery on the soil whilst domestic servitude is an odious, a horrible and a cruel system, and it exists without notice and without reprobation. We declare ourselves free. We, therefore, the public of these seven Northern States of the Sierra Madre of Mexico, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, solemnly publish and declare that "these United States are free and independent;'1 that they are absolved from all allegiance to the Mexican Government, and that all connexion which has ceased, is, and ought to be, totally dissolved. Con seauently, as free and independent States, they have full power to levy war, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do ail other acts and things which free and independent Stales may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on Divine Providence, we, the people, mutually pledg? to ?*ch oilier our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. Our sword* are drawn! The scabbards are thrown away! Now, then, death to tyrants! Matamoros, Mexico, June 16, 1849. The movement just now is significant, especially as it does away with all idea of Mexican interference with California. The boundaries of the contemplated Republic of Sierra Madre are the Rio Grande on the North, the Sierra Madre chain of mountains on the west ami south, and the Gulf of Mexico on the east, including the port of Tampico; in all, by far the most valuable territory of its size in Mexico. It will take in the States of Tamaulipaa, and portions of Coahuila, San Luis, Zacatecaa, New Leon, and Chihuahua and Durango, embracing an extent of 950,000 square miles, or six times the size of Cuba, and a population of nearly one and a half millions. The city of San Luis is intended for the capital of the Republic. Porrl|(n Dramatic and .Musical. The Theatre Royal, Liverpool, which has lieen much beautified by the new lessee, Mr. Copeland, is to be opened on the 2d July. Mr. Marready makes his first appearance in that theatre since his return from America. Mr J. Wallack, Keeley, Buckslone, Webster, and Mrs. Glover, are acting in comedy at the HayMarket. French plays are still in vogue at the St. James Theatre. Mr. Davenport and Miss Fanny Vining are still engaged at the Marylebone, where they are also playing a version of" Dombey and Son." (inai. Pprmnin. Hiirnnr Mnrm I'umluinni Vlati- I I ?S 1 ni, and other vocaiiatn, are giving Italian o|>eras at j Covent Garden. Mr. W. Farrcn and Leigh Murray arc at the New Strand. The everlasting "Lady of Lyons," and " Lsmeralda," which we had at several theatres in this city last winter, are on the hills of the Surrey Theatre. Madame Macarte is equestnanizing at Astley's. Taglioni is dancing at her Majesty's Theatre, between the acts of opeia, in which Album and Lablache appear. The Royal Chinese Junk, with " Mandarin Keying and Artist Jansing in full dress," is lying at the Last India Docks for exhibition. , The 7th annual concert of the London PtulharmonicSociety?Mr. Costa, conductor?was attend- j ed by an overflowing audience. I ( The bills of the Adclphi Theatre contained the mysterious announcement that " a most unwarrantable intrusion would be committed by Mr. Wright to the annoyance of Mr. Paul Bedford." This I statement was, in fact, the title of a farce, in which Mr. Bedford acts a portly old gentleman, determined to have a day of quiet and enjoyment to himself, and Mr. Wright appears as an intruder, who inter- ( rupta his breakfast arrangements, tells a quantity | of stuff he does not want to hear, and by seeming ( accident breaks divers articles of furniture. Darav Lane Theatre.?At the dinner of the Drury Lane Theatrical Fund, given on the 11th at ( the Freemason's Tavern, London, the Ihikr of ( Beaufort, who presided, gave: " The Drury Lane Theatre and the legitimate drama, and success to j Mr. Anderson, the new lessee;" to which Mr. An- ( demon responded. Mr. Stammers has since writ- , ten to the papers, denying that Mr. Andeison is ^ the man, but tnat ht (Mr. Stammers) has taken the theatre, and will open it for operas next Christ- (1 mas. Under these circumstances wc arc inclined f( to sing with Wilhelmina, "Which, which is the i man?" ?/ C-? M- n- I ?' uiihir w/ .Mr jnnix nwnarttmm % r.jpniunm tn <f itarck q) .Sir John Franklin.?Letters were received tl yesterday from the Hudson's Ray Territory l?y hi way of the Snult St. M?rie, bringing intelligence si Irom Port fHWMQtl of date the 4th of October last The writer of n letter from that post says, " eigh- | teen men of the expedition arrived hrrr yesterilay t| from Fort Confidence, sent to l>c kepi during win- T ter. They went round from the mouth of the ? to the Copper mine, but no vestige or vi word of Sir John Franklin, or any one else except Ksrpiirouux, whom they saw in large numbers A very large party of those daring rascals met the ex- t< oedilion at the mouth of the McKenzie, and, as on [, ? former occasion, wanted to make a prize of the _* i?oats and nil that was in them. Rut nothing serious bi happened. Sir John Richardson is to proceed to Canadn as soon as the McKenzie breaks up next ipring. Rae is going with one boat again to the a :oaat.?Montrtal Gazette qf Thursday. I Is J OFFICE OF THE R^UBLIC NINTH STREET, near pennsylvania avenue, WASHINGTON, P. C. ADVERTISING: Advertisements will be inserted in The Republic at the usual rates <>f the other papers publialw-d in Washington. A deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. THE TRI-WEEKLY REPUBLIC will sb issued every TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. THE WEEKLY REPUBLIC WILL BE PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Law or International Copyright.?In the court of exchequer, on Tuesday, Chief Baron Pollock pronounced judgment in the case of Boosey v. TV,? nluinlilfk?l tnlren frnm one Rirnrrii I an assignment of the opera of Sonnambula, which the composer Bellini had assigned to Ricordi. The defendant afterwards published some of the airs out of it in London. The main question was, whether the plaintiff acquired any copyright, having a title by assignment from a foreigner. The court held that he did not. The intention of the statute was not to protect foreigners. They, therefore, had no copyright in this country; ana, of course, could not assign what they had not. The learned judge intimated that the decision was at variance with others, and that the question would probably be brought before the House of Lords. Constabulary in Ireland.?A return, presented pursuant to the act 6th William IV.,cap. 13,shows that the total number of county inspectors of constabulary employed in Irelana on the 1st day of January, 1849, amounted to 35, the number of sub-inspectors to 247, the number of head constables to 332, the number of constables to 1,714, the number of "acting" constables to 381, and the number of deputy constables to 9,503; making a total of all ranks of 12,212. The number of horses was 344. The total expenditure for the maintenance of this force amounted to 562,5061. for the year ended the 31st of December, 1848, of which the proportion borne on the consolidated fund was 525,3861., and the amount borne by counties, cities, and towns, 37,1201. The present Charge of the United Stales to Chili, a correspondent of the Savannah Republican says, is about to return on account of private difficulties of a personal nature: It seeins that Mr. Barton married a Catholic lady in Chili. The Archbishop took it upon himself to inform the lady that she was not living; in lawful wedlock, because she was not married according to the rites of the Catholic church, the marriage having been solemnized by the chaplain of one of our u)en-of-war. Mr. Barton complained of this impertinence to the Chilian Government, and persisted that proceedings be instituted against the Archbishop. They replied that they had nothing to do with the matter. On account of this misunderstanding, Mr. Barton will soon return. The Tides in the German Ocean.?A striking example occurs to us of the happy connexion of theory with observation, in the prediction that there ' must exist a spot in the German Ocean?the central point of an area of rotation, produced by the meeting and mutual action of two opposite tides? where no rise or fall of the tide whatever could occur, a prediction actually verified by Capt. Hewett in 1839, without any prior knowledge that such a point had been supposed to exist. This is one among (he many triumphs of like kind achieved by modern science.?Jhtizan. Annexation or Canada.?The Montreal Herald, of Friday, concludes a long article on this subject with the expression of its belief " that Great Britain will not oppose annexation " It is said that the Queen has written a letter to Sir Robert Peel, congratulating him on the successful debxil of his son. The old gentleman and the young one kept the secret, but mamma, with natural pride, let it out. Garibaldi, the Roman commander, is described as a most picturesque warrior, the ideal of a brigand?eminently handsome, with a red blouse, broad belt full of pistols, wide-brimmed hat, and green feathers. The suspension bridge at Pesth, it is said, has been destroyed by the Austrians, in order to cover their retreat before the Hungarians; the bridge of boats is also said to have been burnt for the same ? purpose. During the last twelve months there have been seized, at Manchester, 22,000 lbs. weight of unsound meat, which would most probably have been otherwise sold to the public for food. According to letters from Cyprus, dated on the '27th of April, the greatest distress prevailed in that island in consequence of the ravages committed by flights of locusts, which had wasted the crops. ; The Court of Common Pleas has pronounced the important decision that mortgages to building societies are exempt from stamp duty under the act of Parliament regulating them. A recent imperial ukase, which imposes a duty of ten copecks a pound on printed books imported r into Russia, provides that double duties shall bepaid for all novels and romances. Lord Stanley has paid the passage money of a great number of his poor Irish tenantry, provided them with clothes, given a small sum ol money to j each, and sent them off to America. j Don Miguel has taken up his abode at Bexhill, in the neighborhood of St. Leonard, where Louis Philippe is his near neighbor. He is attended by three domestic servants only. A rich silver mine, in which some gold is a'.so found, has been discovered in the department of the Herault, France. I Some Knglish gentlemen have taken measures for the establishment of horse races at Alexandria, under the patronage of Said Pacha. Four United States soldiers were brought before the court yesterday morning on a petition of Dr. j Porter, of the U. S. Army, alleging their insanity, and praying that they be sent to the Lunatic Asylum at Jackson, La. Two of the soldiers were, on evidence adduced, ordered by the court to be sent to the Asylum at Jackson, and the other two (lis charged. | One of the lunatica represented himaelf to be the I *on of Gen. Geo. Waahington, and reprimanded I the court aeverely, in high sounding words, and in I no unmeaaured terms, for its interference in the 1 case. He was immediately taken care of by the t sheriff?.V. 0. Picayune, June '26. ( The model Po*tma*ter.?Wm. H. Chandler, eeq., editor of the Evansville Journal, has been appointed |H)stmastcr at that place. Mr. C. says in a card I " I will open, distribute, and deliver the mails no matter at wnat hour of the night they may arrive, 1 and give those who desire it an opportunity to answer their letters by return mail?will keep the 1 office open on Sunday at least four hours, and longer / if requested?will procure a more central office as soon iir it can be done, and in fact do all and more than any reasonable man would ask, and if I fail j to give satisfaction will resign." i! Ceaioca.?On Saturday, the 23d ult., a heavy I' hunder storm passed over Orono, (Me.,) saya a orrcspondent of the Tribune, and at its close a )j ,rellnw scum was observed to rise to the surface of j he rain water, where it had collected in pool*. On ixanunation, this substance was found, we are told, o be veritable sulphur. Doubtful. In all probaulity, it was a fungous matter, theaporules of crypogamous plants, which, according to medical bscrvstions. sod rsoeri.illu tK? " T r -/ ? uj^luinia (ii rn>ssaor Mitchell, become abundant in seasons of epicmic influence. I It is naid that Gov. French, of Illinois, has deirmined to call an extra session of the Legislature lis fall, for the election of a United Statea Senator, nd the consideration* of various local matters conderod to be of great importance to the State. : The Bait. American has dates from Chili up to j ?c 28tli April, and (mm Peru to the 10th of May. [g 'he U. S. ship l>ale was expected at Valparaiso, , nth $ I,JiOO.OOO of California gold?a portion of ft rhich was for the Atlantic Statea. Rhodi Island.?The House on the 27th voted ? restore Thomas Dorr, leader of the Chepachet isurrection, to all the rights of citizenship?yeaa 9, nays 28. The Senate, however, rejected tha ill. j Hon Wm. B. Wrxid has announced himself as candidate for Congress in the 5th district of Alauna. ,fl i