Newspaper Page Text
?' THE REPUBLIC. ' BIMTKLt 11V A. C. BlfiUTT A JOHN O. SAKUJCNT. FUVLlimO B V GIDEON A Co. TERMS OF THE DAILY AND TRI WEEKLY. For the Daily paper, per annum 10 00 For the Tri-wcekly, " t> 00 For three copies of the Tri-weekly 16 00 TERMS OF THE WEEKLY. Single subscription for one year . . . 2 00 Six copies, for one year . .* 10 00 Sixteen copies, for one year 20 00 Twenty-five copies, for one year, (when ordered at one and the same time) . . 26 00 No paper will be sent until the money is received. THE REPUBLIC. r ' I** *BsmBmKamammamsmamamamBassBSBBSES2mmssaBSBssaEsasaEE?z----?--*~r**?~??~**^^ _ DAILY. Vol. I. WASHINGTON: SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1849. No. 41. __ * ?^== ?- - NfU) Hork ^Utoertisetruntfl. FANCY DRY GOODS. SILKS! SILKS!! SILKS!!! BO WEN & McNAMKE, 16 and 18 William street, NEW YORK, WILL receive, on or about the middle of July, their full assortment of Freach, India, Italian, German and English SILK AND FANCY GOODS, ADAPTED to every section of trade, North, East, South or West; and it is believed that, in regard to variety, extent, or richness. their stock will not be surpassed by that of any similar establishment in the country. No pains will be spared to present the newest and most fashionable styles ol goods brought to this market. They will receive by the various packets and steamers, af their own importation, a great variety of dress goods, of entirely new designs, ordered expressly tor their beet trade, to whicn they would invite the special attention of merchants from cities and the larger towns. Their stock will consist in part of the following: SILKS. Rich figured, changeable, brocade, small plaids and stripes, sutin de Chine, plain twilled, rich Foulard, Italian, Gros de Rhine, Ac. MUSLIN DE LAINES. Super Paris designs, very rich and high colored, on crimson, green, and blue grounds, the stvles of which, it is believed, will be superior to any licreto. i ion* uiin cu. CASHMERES. Ne plus ultra styles, with tlie richest coloring*, and in great variety. These goods, or the designs, will be obtained from the great French "Expotilion," in Paris, and from original designs furnished by us. MERINOS. French, German and English manufacture?a large proportion, ordered expressly by us for the best trade, consisting of every vnriety of color, offered at redtved prices. RIBBONS. An extensive variety of the newest and richest styles, embracing one of the most desirable assortments ever offered in this market. KID GLOVES. Best manufacture, ordered expressly for us, with entirely new fastenings. ALSO? Plain Muslin de Laines, Italian Cravats, High colored do. French Crapes, French Broche Shawls, Pongee Handkerchiefs, Plaid Long do. Laces and White Goods, Thibet Wool do. Canton Goods, Plain Cashmere do. Italian Sewings, Printed do. do. Oil Silks, Canton Crape do. Taffeta & Satin Ribbons, French Table Covers, Silk Hosiery, French Piano Covers, FrCh. & Eng. Ginghams, Dress Hdkfs. k Cravats, Black k Colored Velvets, French Suspenders, Satin Vesting*, Bombazines k Alpaccas, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Irish Linens, Dress Trimmings, kc. June II tt ACCOI VT BOOKS.STATIONERY, PAPER. Ac.?The subscriber begs leave to call attention to his very full and well selected stock of Blank Books, Stationery, kc., comprising every article required for the Bank, Insurance Company, or Counting room. Account Books of every pattern and style, and warranted equal, if not superior, to any made. Writing Papers of every desc ription, including letter, cap, and ledger papers, both wove and laid, of foreign and domestic' manufacture, at mill prices. Note Paper and Envelopes, both plain aud fancy? a large awortmeut. Wrapping Papers?straw, palm leaf, tea, Manilla, rag, kc. Copying Presses, of various styles aud pattern*. tarns, Printers', ivory surface and enamelled. Playing Cards of the usual varieties. Ink, Writing and Copying, of various colors. Sealing Wax and Wafers?a large assortment. Steel and Gold Pens and Quills?a great variety. Hlalea?hard and soft wood frame school, log and counting-house slates; also, every variety of porcelain, transparent and paper slates. ? 1 ? l- npitDiir L" vtwuiTT For SJU4- UT uwnub r . * i , Stationer i Printer, cor. of Wall k Water aU. June 13?tf JEWELRY, Ac. TIFFANY, YOUNG & ELLIS, No. 271 Broadway N. Y., ( (ortur ('Humbert itreet, opponte the Park,) impohtehm or the lariow Fancy Manufactwe* of England, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and China, JEWELRY. WATCHES, CLOCKS, he., Beg lean* retperl/uHy to obteroe Til AT thi it 11 n r\i >rtj? ^ And ViiMi'tV a_ri luriTfT than Uxar of an J other houae in the trade; That their goods are all made specially to order, or elected with murh care by one of their firm resident in Europe; That their purchases are made with cash, tinder every facility of experience and perfected arrange incuts, in the principal markets, and with the best man ufnr turera; That the extent of their sales, while it enables them to buy in sufficient quantities to secure material advantages in price, enables them also to aell at a smaller advance than would be practicable for others, and insures a fresh and deairabie stock; So that they feel perfectly confident they offhr a larger, richer. and more dtnrnbU selection than can he I old elsewhere in the United States, and at lower prim. To our JEWELRY DEPARTMENT we wish to rail parts iilar attention, and we invite all who may feel an intenwt on the subject, either as purchasers or connoisseurs, to assure themselves, by an inspection of our stork and prices, of the propriety or arrogance (as the case may be) of our asarrtiona: 1st. That we have hy far the largest, as well as most elegant, collection of English, French. German and Swiss Jewelry, ever offered for sale in the I ..tfo.1 flit afoa 2d. That wc have tha largv*t collection of Dia monda, PiurU, Rtibiea, Emeralds, Turquoise, OpaU, Jfepphiraa, Stone and Shell Cameos, (Morals, Enam la, and various "mattrisi" for the manufacture of rich Jfwrlrj. Jd. That wr have in our employ a akilful deaitjner and several workman from on a of the moat fashion able and e*tenaive establishments In Paris, and are prepared to maka tha moat elaborate and difficult pieces, in a style, quality and finish. equal to any manufactory in tha world. ( ninU^r* of t teful and AVtney Artirl** laum Rbowy awd Roaawoon Desk*, IlaaaaiNo awd Toilet Caaaa, Woaa Boxes, Itc., ('loces, t)an am swts fob tmr Mantel in suite, ac. Piini h, Deesdrn, *nb India Porcelain, Hohimiin Glass, Baov7.?. Artisviqir, a wr Rbwliw laow. Paper, Envelopes, and Fancy Rtatiowbbv, Perfumery, awn AaTict.aa fob the Toilet, Papier Maths Goona, Chinese Goona, Iwoiaw Goona, Oprba GLAaaEa, Fawb, PAIWTIWoa, Bridal Presents, PoaTroLioa, UmsrelIas, Whips, Combs, Games. Brushes. fee., kc. Purchasers are respectfully informed that every artirla has it* price marked in plain figures, from which not tha slightest deduction will ha made under any considers!fen whatever. T. V. It E. deaira to aaaura stranrrra and otliara that a viait and inapection of their aatabliahmant riora not impoea the slightest ohliration to make purrhaaea. June IS?ft Proposal* for American Water-rotted Hemp. Navy Dkpabtmkkt, Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair. March 1, 1849. [^NDER the joint resolution of Congress, ap; proved May 9, 1848, entitled a "Resolution respecting contracts for hemp for the use of the American navy," sealed proposals will be received at this bureau, or the United States hemp agencies at Louisville, Kentucky, or St. Louis, Missouri, (to be fownrded by them unopened to this bureau,) for delivering under contract, at either of the said hemp agencies, for a term not exceeding five years, the best quality qf American Water-rotted hemp, in quantities of five tons and upwards, the ton to consist of 2,240 pounds. No bid will be considered at a higher rate than two hundred and forty-one dollars per ton. The proposals to be opened on the 6th of August next. The department will then determine whether the contracts shall be awarded. No delivery will be required sooner than the 1st day of January, 1850. The said hemp must be equal in quality to the best foreign hemp; and in alt cases of equality of bid, the contract will be given to the hemp grower. The quantity required annually will be about 500 ions. The said hemp must be thoroughly dressed, cleaned, free from shives, and must not lose more than sixteen per cent, of tow and wsste when hatchelled to the satisfaction of the inspectors ready for spinning. Its strength must be such that a rope of one and tnree-fourths of an inch in circumference, made from twenty-one yarns, as prepared and tested by the inspectors, or by their direction, will bear at least 4.200 pounds, and its length, color, and other properties must be entirely satisfactory to the inspectors, or the chief of this bureau, or it will not be received; it will be inspected and tested at the respective places of delivery. The respective United States hemp agents to certify bills for the hemp which may pass inspection and be received by them, according to the contracts which may be cnte redyjnto; ninety per cent, of whicli bills to be payable "within thirty days after their presentation to such navy agents as may be agreed upon and named in the contracts. Persons offering must state the price, in words and figures, (clearly and legibly,) asked per ton of 2,240 pounds, when delivered, inspected, tested, I i i : J I .L IJ l_ A tifipruveu, umu reccivuu uy mc suiu iiemp agent, anu payable, up above specified. Every offer must be accompanied, us directed in the act of Congress making appropriations for the naval service, approved 10th August, 1846, by a written guaranty, signed by one or more responsible persons, (to be certified by some official personage,^ to the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within fifteen days after the contract is submitted for signature, with good and sufficient sureties to furnish the supplies proposed. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such guaranty. Bonds, with two approved sureties in one-half I the estimated amount of the respective contracts, will be reauired,and ten per centum in addition will be withheld from the amount of each payment to be male, as collateral security for the due and faithful performance of the respective contracts, which will on no account be paid until the contracts are complied with in all respects according to their terms. Offers must be made in strict conformity with the terms of (his advertisement. The persons offering must state by wkick navy agent they wish their bills paid, if their offer is accepted, and by wkick hemp or nary agency they wish to have contracts and bonds sent for their signature; and if they should not be executed within fifteen days after they are received by the agents, the Department will consider itself at liberty to accent other offers in nlace of those thus neglected. June 16? lawt6thAug ri NOTICE?The ateamer COLl'MBlA, Captain J a men Har per, will leave Commerce atreet wharf, in Baltimore, on Saturday, March 3d, at four o'clock in lite afternoon, for Waahington, Alexandria and Georgetown; and returning, will leave Waahington at 6 o'clock and Alexandria at 7 o'clock in the morning of the following Wednesday. Thereafter, aht: will leave Baltimore on every aucceeding Saturday afternoon, and Waahington and Alexandria on every aurreeding Wednesday morning, at the houra before mentioned, during the aeaaoti. For paaaagr and freight, apply to the Captain on Ixiard, or to the arvcral agent*: C. W'ortnington, Baltimore; Mr. Riley, Waahinglon; Meaara. Pi( k I rell, Georgetown; and Meaara. Wheat, Alexandria. , JAMES HARPER. C-aptntn I A report hating been extensively circulated mat ] the sb-amer Columbia had hern condemned by the j Inspector of bteaiiilsmt Hull* for the port of H ssh1 ington, the annexed certificate* are published in i refutation thereof: Having been called upon by you to examine the hull of the a tranter Columbia! whilst on the railway 1 in Haltimore, on the 23d ultimo, and having performed that duty, 1 feel no hesitancy in saying that the hull of tiiat boat ia in rood condition, and trout worthy for the carriage id" freight and passengers between thia place and Baltimore. The injury dime to the atrrnpwt having now been repaired, I con aider her to ne aa goon a* many ateamboata of five year* of age I ain. air, verv reapectfully.your obedientaervant, WILLIAM KASHY, Inspector of Bteamhnata. Washington, faftrmory 17, IH49. To William Gunton. Esq.. President of the Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Nteain Packet I Company. HaLTIMOBB, AW)rwiry 2D, 1*49 We, the undersigned, shipwrigbta of Baltimore, have had the atitmer Columbia upon our railway, and, at the request of the owners and agent, have j examined her throughout and made all necessary repairs. W? now, without hesitation, pronoun. e j tier to be in very good order for the transportation of freight and passenger* between Baltimore and Washing*. . FLANNIGAN A TRIMBLE June ft?3taw6w TO irVrTTOM. THE HI'BW'RIHKR# offer their services to persona wishing to obtain patents in the United , State* or in foreign countries, and will prepare ape' ciflcationa and drawings, and take all necessary ^"rom their long experience u practical mechanic*, added to a thorough knowledge of the Patent Law and acquaintance with the <1ctaiU connected with the buain<ar of the Patent Office, they truet they will be able to give aatiahu lion to their employera, bidh in the < [carncw and precMoa of their aperificationa, and in the nrumptnaaa and ability with which they tranaart all buaineaa animated to them. P< raona reaiding at a 'balance may procure all neceaaary information, have their buaineaa tranaarted, and obtain a patent, by writing to the ruber ri her*, without incurring tha expenar of a per aonal attendance at Waahington. Modela can he aent with perfect aafhty by tha ex ' preaara Rough aketchea and deacriptiona can be aent by | mail. For evidence of their competence and integrity, 1 they would reapertfully refer to alt thoar for whoin they have tranaacted buaineaa. letter* muet he poatpaid. Office on F atreet, oppoaite the Patent Office. P H. WATSON, June IS? Imw F. 8 RKNWICK. V. W. RtMtl R. ATTORNEY at Law and Agent for Clainir againrt the United fttatea. ffffice on Pennaylvania avenue, near IMh atreet, Warhington. June IS?ly MARTIN * WRIGHT, Auctioneer* and Commission Merchant* K aaMnirfim fity I JOHK MABTie. inwAin ?. W*I?HT. ! June IS?Stawlin W T PORTER House. Sign, and Ornamental Painter. roanra 6th arraaaT ano pink, aviivvb, vr rrata*. fhr*rOy oppotit* Ik* Xahtmal Hotft. June IS?1 y SPLENDID LOTTERIES, FOR JULY, 1849. J. W. MAURY & CO., MANAGERS. $40,000! 20 PRIZES OF #4,000 are #80,000! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Clans No. 84, for 1849. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the 7th of July, 1849. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 prize of #40,000 20 prizes of - - - 4,000 10 do .... 1,693 10 do .... 1,200 Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets only # 10?Halves #6?Quarters #2 60. Certificates of packages of 25 Whole tickets $ 130 00 Do do of 26 Half do 66 00 Do do of 25 Quarter do 32 50 3 PRIZES OF #26,000 ARE #78,000' 3 prizes of #10,000 are #30,000! 30 prizes of $ 1,000! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Class No. 87, for 1849, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the 14th of July, 1849. CDINn UCUCMC. 1 prize of - - - #26,000 1 do . - - - - 26,000 1 do .... 26,000 3 prizes of - - 10,000 3 do .... 5,000 3 do .... 3,1*2 30 do - - - - 1,000 178 do - - - 500 Tickets #10?Halves #5?Quarters #'2 50. Certificates of packages of 26 Whole tickets# 140 00 Do do of 26 Hall' do 70 00 Do do of 26 Quarter do 35 00 CAPITAL, #35,000! #18,000! #10,000! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Class No. 90, for 1849, To be drawn at Alexandria, V&., on Saturday, the 21st of July, 1849. 75 number lottery, 13 drawn ballots. SPLENDID SCHEME: 1 splendid prize of - - - #35,000 1 prize of 18,000 1 do .... 10,000 1 do .... 8,000 1 do - - 5,000 1 do .... 4,000 1 do .... 2,256 20 prizes of - 1,200 20 do .... 600 20 do .... 400 Tickets $10?Halve* $5?Quarters $2 60. Certificates of packages o f25 Whole tickets $130 00 Do do of 26 Half do 66 00 Do do of 25 Quarter do 32 60 $52 000! $18,000! $11,000' Sixteen Drawn Ballotm! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY. For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Cla#w G, for 1S49, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, the 2?th of July, 1849. 78 number lottery?16 drawn balloto! More prixt* than blankb ' SPLENDID SCHEME: 1 splendid prize of - $62,000 1 prise of 18,000 1 do .... 11,000 i Ar. u Ann ft IIU .... o,vw 1 do .... 6,000 1 do .... 4,000 1 do .... 3,000 1 do .... >2,6% 10 prise* of .... 1,600 10 do .... 1,100 10 do .... 500 Jcr. ftcc. kc Ticket* $16? Halve* $7 60?Quarter* $3 76 Eighth* ftl *71. Certificate* of packages of 26 Whole tickets# 170 00 Do do of 26 Half do H6 00 Do do of 26 Quarter do 42 60 Do do of 26 Eighth do 21 26 Order* for Ticket* and Share* and Certificate* of Package* in the above Splendid Ixtterie* will receive the ino*t prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing sent, immediately after it is over, to all who order from u*. Address J. & C. MAURY, AgmJt, June 14 Alexandria, I 'a. MEXICAN CLAIMS. .\otiet to hohieri of rlutnu against .Mexico, provided ' for by the fifth article qf the unratified convention of .Xovemhrr 90, 1H43. TIIR Hoard of Commissioner* to adjust claim* again*t Mexico, appointed under act of Con ! grew* of 2d March, 1*49. have adopted lb?i following order, to wit: " It appearing to th? Board Uiat memorial m ' several of the case* provided for in the fifth article I I of the unratified convention of November 20, 1843, between the governmentof the United 8 la tea and of , Mexico, to wit, claim* which were coneulcred by the rommiarionrr* under the treaty of 11th April, j 1829, and referred to the umpire, and which were not derided by him, have not been filed agreeably to the order* heretofore established, and it being represented that further time i* nee aweary, therefcwc it m " OriUrnl, That the time for filing such memorial* be >* tended to the firti Monday of Wor+mbfr nexf; and all memorial* and argument* relating to aaid claim* are required to be filed on or before aaid day " Orrtci or aato Commission, Washington, June 7, IK49. WM. CARP.V JONES. Secretary. June 14?dIOt P. H. HOOK A CO., Pa- A venue, between 7th and ath street*. HAVE now in store aod are constantly receiving from manufacturer* and importers addition* to the following description of good*, via: House furnishing article* of every variety, such 1 ?* Carpeting*, Rug*. Floor Oil Cloths, Canton and tapanian matting*, t urtain inn rixturca, I I^ace Curtain*, Embroidered Muslin Curtain*. Mar' *rille* Counterpanes, Furniture Chuitx, Line 11 Sheet i ing?, Pillow Case Linen*, Towelling*. Table Da maaliH, Table Cloth*, Damask Napkin*, Bird's Eye, Scotch and Ruaaia Diaper*, Cloth, W'orated. and i Cotton Tahlc and Piano Cover*, Jtc., Ate. IN LADIES' WEAR. FANCY GOODS, kr.. WE NAMEFrench and India Silk* of tire latcat style* Rlack Gnu <le Rhine* ami Satin de Chine h?r veal tea French Bareges, Tiasure*, and Grenadine* French, Scotch, and American Lawna and Girurhain*. Plaid, Striped and Plain Rwiaa Mualin* Lace Cape*, French worked Collar* and Cuff* Splenduflv Embroidered and Plain Canton Crape Shawl* Needle worked and Bordered Shear Lawn Handkerchief* Silk, Cotton and Raw Silk lh>*lery of every dear ription Kid, Silk and Liale Thread Glove*, of every de?< ription Black Net Mil*. Thread lj*<ea, Black Silk l^aee* Bobbin Edging*, kc., kr. IN GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, WE NAMEFrench, English, and American Clotlia af every color, from the moat celebrated maker* French Doeskin* and Caaaimerea of the Swat quality Silk, Satin, and Marseille* Veating*. * great variety Silk, Merino,and Cotton Under Veat* and Drawer* Silk and Linen Can brie Handkerchief*, Fancy Cravat* Linen Shirting* and Drawer*, Linen*, kc. Together with a complete assort merit of good* of every dmcription in our line, to which we invito the attention of purrhaarra before purrbasing elsewhere, aa indneementa will he offered. P H HOOK k Co , June IS [Union Nero Dork Zbrfrtifiementg. NEW YORK FOREIGN EXPRESS AGENCY. LIVINGSTON, WKLLN it CO., 'No. 10 Wall at., New York, HAVE ageucies in Paris, Havre, Bordeaux, Liverpool, London, Southampton, Glasgow, and the Principal Cities of Great Britain; alsoutBremen, and the chief Towns in Germany, aud attend to any kind of commissions to be executed there. Goods bought by them to order, in any amounts, large or small, whether for sale or personal use. Books, Fcrniturk, China, Winks, Luggage, Specie, Clothing, Paintings, Statuary, Works of Art, he., received at the various Agencies, cleared at the Foreign Custom-houses, passed at the New York and Boston Custom-houses, and forwarded by express to any part of the United States. Letters and Newspapers forwarded. Travellers visiting Europe iutrodnced at the various Agencies, aud assisted in the transaction of their foreign business, the forwarding of their luggage, and transmission of funds, Orders of all kinds attended to and filled in Paris, | by an accomplished and experienced American resident there. June ft?hid jc lawtjw C' ALIFORNIA KXPKKS8?HAVEN & LIV- j INGSTON have established themselves as a ! j Commission and Express Forwarding House, at San j I Francisco, and in connection with Zacharison k . | Nelson, at Panama. S. LEA, at Chagres, and LIVINGSTON, WELLS & CO., 10 Wall street, New York, will receive and forward goods, in parcels not exceeding 100 lbs. each, and of 30 by 20 inches square, will receipt for the same through between New York and San r rancisco. apecie unci goto ore lurwiuuuu wiwi ueHpaich. Apply to LIVINGSTON, WELLS & CO., June 13?6tdlaw(>w 10 Wall at., N. Y. LIVINGSTON, WELLS & Co., FOREIGN EXPRESS AGENCY. THE undersigned have Express Agencies established at Paris, No. b Place de La Bourse; at London, No. 7 Fen Court, Fenchurch street; at Liverpool, No. 9 Fen wick street; and also at Southampton, Hamburgh, Bremen, Havre, Marseilles, Lyons, Rome, Genoa, Florence, San Francisco, Panama, and Chagres, and will carry to and receive from all those places specie, packages, books, papers, letters, and merchandise generally, and execute all orders that may be entrusted to their ( arc. LIVINGSTON, WELLS k CO., 10 Wall street, New York. June 13?6td&lawt>w i AMERICAN SHIPPING A GENERAL COM MISSION HOUSE. Livingston, wells & co., 7 />* court, Fenchurch street, Fond on, will receive at their offices Goods, Parcels and Specie, and forward the same by British and American steamors, via LiverEwl and Southampton, and first class American ners from this port, through thrir House, 10 Wall street, Neve York, to all parts of the United States and Canada. Drafts collected with care, and at moderate rates. Monthly and all other Publication*, and sample Parcel* of every description, sent by our Express cars. Orders received for American produce, and ad vanccs made on consignments. Books, periodicals and newspapers purchased on commisakm for the trade and public institutions in the United States. London Express Agency. JAMES McNICOL, IHr re tor June 13?btd&lawbw LIVUVG8T01V, VVKLLS A CIK., A PAKUI, 8 PLACE DE LA BOURSE. Office pour la rfception et expedition de toutes I sortes de Marchandises pur lea ETATS-UNIS, le ' CANADA, le MEX1Q.UE, et les ANTILLES, ' soit par le Hlvre du I'Angleterre. Les voyageurs trouveront a ce bureau la bate de | tous les navirea eti charge au Hivre, ainai que lous | les renaeignemenu utiles pour entreprendre un , voyage d'oulre-mer. Lea exportears eeroni mi* I uu courant du marche Am&icain. Lea MAR' CHANDISES consignees reoevront toute l'atten! uon desirable et lea exi>fdilions aeront laitea arec ' promptitude. Recouvrementa d'effrta et rfclumaUona. Trnitea *ur NEW-YORK i vendre. Cabinet lie leetureet jourruiux Am#ricaii?a (graiui.) JOHN CAUCHOIS. Agent. Reference: Chez MM. HUTTINGER A Cie., June 13?6'ddUaw6w Bnnquiera a Parte. N4KDKRMM *H COLLKUE HOTK1,. No. Muiiat rr., New Yoaa. THIS new and conveniently arranged Hotel, xpreaaly adapted for the arrorumodaUou of fiuri| ilim, nitualed within a hundred yard* of Broadway and the Park, in the College Grounda, and furniah I od in the moat elegant and rerVrrke xtylr. with all ! the modern improvement*, (Hat and Cold Bathe, Water CloaeU. 4tc., kc.f on every door, it now ready for the reception of trnnaient viilter*. June 13?M SELLING OFF.? Being demimua of reducing our atoek of Summer good*, we have determined ' f rom thia day forward to offer all grind* the demand | for which reaaee with the mwnn, without regard to ' 'f?t. tnir hum'R i? now lar^r inn very ognpirK'. ' and well worthy tbr attention of pnrrhaarra Wt mmr in pari *2,1100 yard* Frmrti Lan'aa, faflt color*, at 121 rente 3,000 do fine do tin from la to 26 emu 1,000 Ho Mark and whitr French Ginirhain. at 12) 2,000 Ho colored and whitr Frrnch Gingham, from 12) to 26 *200 piece* French Hereof and Grenadine, all color*, a mon? litem arveral plain irreen, 26 to AO M do plain Mack and antin-atriped He re pea, 26 to 60 *20 Ho checked anH atriped India Milk*, very cheap 10 Ho black Foulard Hilk, a beautiful article 60 Ho Linen lAMrtrea, all color*, at 26 SO Ho white and colored embroidered Minim, at 37) 160 do checked and atriped Catnbrira, from 121 to 26 901) do plain Cambric* and ia onru, from 12 J to fS 200 do Nainsook and Swi? Mnalina, from 20 to SO IS do India or Swiaa Book, two yard* wide, a beautiful article fbt iiuninrr driwani 10,000 yard* fine Printa, all coiora and atylea, from from i| to If 1, warranted faat, tofrthrr with a large aaaortmrn t of Hcariery, nUin open-worked and rm iwoidered Kid, Hilk.anu Thread Olorra, Lineni am 1 brie Haiidken hie fa, Lnrt- Capca, Swiaa and Cambric Edjring and Inarrting, Thread Gdfpnfr, blwk Silk Lm c, Paraaola, Fan*. k< I*aidr* a great variety of i othrr arti< Ira too numerou* to mention Wr varnnrtly rrqmut all peraona In want of Dry Good* to give n* a rail before purr baaing alt* km , a* wr are confident of iwing ablr to nrr tbetn from trn to twenty par rant, on their bill*. TERRY * BROTHER. No. fc Market Spare, bat. 7th and Sth ata Jnna 13?3 trod UTHITF. AND OR SB BEAVER. FINE MOI.E SKIN BLACK HATS, and every variety of Straw Hat*. I have now- on hand a large *tnr k of fine Hat* and ('.ana, which I will aril oo arcoiiunodatinfr term* Alao an aaaortinent of I'mbrellaa. F. MATTINGLY, 7th *traet, June 13- 3t *boxa Odd Fellow*' Hall. x\ I X KKId HOt SR. ItHE auharrilirr I* now rrrriving daily the fineat Oyatrra and Fiah, which he will N> happy to arrva in the beat atyle and on reaaonabla term* Hoarder* taken by the week or day. The Frederick ami Marlborough atage* leave thi* lionae every Tueaday. Thnradny, and Saturday. P A Da SAULE8, Agent, Pi nn. avenor, oppnaita National Hotel, i Jnna IF?3t OKOROR MAt K ST. Attorney. f latk or rLoaioA,) 117" ILL attend to all kind* of buainaa* before Con- ! VY graaa and the Departinanta REFERENCES Hon. E. C. Ca*bi.l, Floridh; " R. TooMaa, Georgia; " H. W. HilliarD, Alabama; " A. BnaT, South Carolina: " R. C. WiNTHttr, Maaaar buaetta: " C. B Smith, Indiana; R. L. Ro?a, New York; " Jona Yovno. New York June IS?tf Pension and Bounty Land Agency, WASHINGTON CITY, Officr removed to 16th strut, opposite the Treasury Department. G?ORG? M. PHILLIPS, Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds, and formerly of the Treasury Department, attends to the prosecution and collection of Claims before Congress and the several Executive Departments of the Government. His attention is more particularly directed to the presentation and prosecution of CLAIMS FOR PENSIONS, whether? Revolutionary, Invalid, Navy, Half-pay or Widow's; Pre-emption and other Land Claims; Revolutionary Services?for Commutation, Halfpay, or Bounty Lands; Bounty Lands and Pensions for services in the late War with Mexico; Contracts with the different Departments for Supplies, itc.; Settlement of the accounts of disbursing and other officers of the Government; Collection of unclaimed dividends on the funded debt of the United States. Being in possession of a large number of Rolls of the Army of the Revolution, he is enabled to produce the "proof of service" of a large proportion of those engaged in that struggle, and for which they or their widows are entitled to pensions from the United States. As Notary Public, the undersigned is prepared to furnish legalized copies of Documents or Records. Charges will be moderate, varying according to the nature of the business transacted. Letters, to receive attention, should be postage paid, and may be addressed GEORGE M. PHILLIPS, Box No. 62, Washington city. REFERENCES. He hu* the pleasure of referring claimant* and | others to the following gentlemen: j Maj. Gen. Winficld Scott, U. S. Army. ! Brig. General Nathan Towson, Paymaster General U. S. A. i ' ' George Gibson, Commissary GenerafU.S. A. i Hon. A. K. Paris, Second Comptroller of the Treasury. " Walter Forward, late Secretary of the Treasury. j " Simon Cameron, United States Senate. j " Patrick G. Goode, Sidney, Ohio. " Alexander Harper, Zanesville, Ohio. , " Willi* Green, Green, Kentucky " Garrett Davia, Paris, " '? Bailie Peyton, New Orleans. " John W. Davis, Speaker of the House of Rep*. " James G. Hampton, New Jersey. " R. W. Thompson, Terre Haute, Indiana. " E. M. Huntington, Indiana. " Edmund Deberry, Lawrenceville, N. C. " D. S. Kuuffman, Texas. " M. P. Gentry, Tennessee. " Andrew Stewart, Pennsylvania. " James Irvin, " " Richard Brodhead, " " Truman Smith, Litchfield, Connecticut. " S. F. Vinton, Ohio. " B. G. Thibodeaux, Louisiana. " Calvin Blytlie, Philadelphia. " Win. B. Reed, " C. B. Smith, Indiana. " Joshua A. Spencer, Utica, New York. " Robert Smitn, Alton, Illinois. " William Sawver. Ohio. Messrs. Gales & Seuton, Washington city. Joseph H. Bradley, Eaq., " Rev. Win. Me Lain, " Win. T. Sprole, Went Point. ' " James Knox, New York. " James G. Hanincr, Baltimore. A. E. San gs ton It Co., Baltimore. 0. Lei he & Son, Baltimore. Dr. W. L. Atlee, Philadelphia Rev. George Duifirld, Detroit. Bishop McCoskrey " Rev. J. P. Durbm, D. D., Philadelphia. S. Brady, Esq., Wheeling, Virginia. A.M. Phillips It Son, " Rev. E. H. Cumpatou, Lyurhburg, Va. Rev . Richard Craighead, Meadville, Penn. J. D. Defree*, Esq., Indianapolis. June 13-? < 11f To the Public. CWOODW ARD reapectfully invitee the alien tion of hia old customers and live public gen'" i rally, to hia large and well aelected stork of Hardware, Fancy Goods, Ac. I have just received a splendid assortment of Bathing Tuhs, Ice., as follows: Hip Baths, Zinc and Tin, Boston Baths, Large Bathing Tuba with heaters, Hand Shower Us the, Niagara Jet Shower Baths, Ac., Ac. I have also just rsceived a lot of very fine Refri- i grrators, Ice Cream Frerrem, Water Coolers. Clocks, ' Buckets. Bird Cage*. Britannia Water Pitchers, Basket Carriage* and Cliaira, Rucking- Horaea and , Propellers, Iron and Brick PunifW of all kinds and aizea, and a groat variety of Houae Furnishing , Article*, Safe*, and evrry other article usually | found in the Hard ware Line. And in c&ae you ahuuld forget, I will just say that | I have a few more Ktoves and Gratea of the same wort left, and shall continue to keep them on liand ! .is usual Thankful lot oast patronage, I shall Is- happy to | wait upon and show my goods to any one who will j favor inc with a call. Ha\ imr houinit m?sls very lorn, I am determined to self u low or Tower than [ ! can br bought in the city r lee where. c. woodward P*. Av., between 10th and 11th rtwn June 16?fteod - } LA ( ROIIK A, A Hpaalah Xrwipaprr printed la Irw fork. THIS valuable paper ia handaninely printed twice a week on a large double royal nhert, in the quarto form, in the moat approverf modern Spaniali orthography, and, having reached the ninth month of ita publication. may be anid to be placed on a du ' rnbie haei* It ia ably conducted by Seatnr A. X. j Sam M amti m , and employ a a regular orrwymdc t J at the Court of Madrid, heaide* having rorreapond nt* in all the roiuttriea of Spaniah America.. OS cera of the American Government, DiphitnalH Kepreaentntiroa, and other*, will find the Cranaca 1 a valuable rotripendium id Spaniah and Spaniab American new*, politic*, and intereata. it la aent by mail, pottafr /eat. (the p>ntage bring pre-paid ' by the editor without coat to the an her libers,) to all parta of the United Htatea at the following ratea, m raruMy ta aAvanrt For one year ? 10 00 For six month* 6 60 For three month* 2 76 Paeaona wiahing to aula* rilw will apply u> F. JEFFERSON, Smith** Row, Eleventh street, near F. June 13?3t 0LO London Bridge An historical novel, by C. H Rod well. ORACF. DUDLEY, OR ARNOLD AT SARA TOGA, bv Chaa. J Peterson. OLD JUDGE. OR LIFE IN A COLONY, by the \ moor [ ^?in ,->u< K MRS F.I,I.IS' HOUSEKEEPING MADE EASY. CHOLERA. it* Nature, Symptom*, and Treatinfnt, ruiipiM from the pajpni' tl?? " London | rrt." Thi* day rfrflwg; for aaic at TAYLOR A MADRYU Hook More, war 9th rtreet. No. 1, brown s HOTEL'! oTEV ENS'GREAT HAT ANDG ENTLF.M F.N'S o outfitting establishment. i* writ nupplied with White R<* k\ Mountain Reaver Hat*, (without miiturr,) Blur Napped and Plain Blue and White and Black Hau. ?? great elegance and tyle, in finiehand nhapr Alaoa full and complete **nortmenl of Gentlemen'* Wardmbr and Toilet good*, vi?: "Yoke Neck- Shirt*, Under Shirt*, and Orawrra. in Silk, Merino, Cotton, and Oauir. in great variety, and at low price* for fir?t totality (oxkIh Aloo a few very auperior Hammock*, for I tpoec who intend vimting watering place*, All of i which will be aolrl at fair prices for ra*h. M H STF.VENS. Great Hat and Gent*. Outfitting R*t*Mi?hinrnt, | No. I, Brown ' Hotel June IJ?4?tif A. ZAPPONE CtONTINT'RS to offer hi* nervier* a* Prnfrwaor / and Translator of the FRENCH, SPANISH, ITALIAN and LATIN language* Rmtg-h pmnun t iatmn aoon improved, and had pronunciation certainly corrected, under hi* i nut ruction |y-**oiiM are given in arSonl* and private familiaa on very moderate term*; and ladiea whoring Italian, French or Spanish aonga, ahould send noon for him if deriring hi* nervier*. Reaidenee, Mr. Fugitt'n. Indiana avenue, near [ City Hall June 1ft?ly I Worcester'* Universal and Critical Dictionary of the English Language. Bt J. E. Worcester, LL. D. | One volume, Hvo. sheep, 1032 pages? Price $3 60. The publishers respectfully invite attention to the following eminent testimony to the excellence of this standard dictionary* The execution of this Dictionary fully answers to its title. The Vocabulary is probably more comprehensive than that of all preceding- English Dictionaries united. Constant reference is made to authorities with respect to words newly introduced, and care is taken to note such as are technical, foreign, obsolete, provincial, or vulgar. The definitions are clear and exact, and those pertaining to technical and scientific terms are specially valuable to the general reader. The autnor has evidently bestowed great labor on pronunciation. His system of Notation, which is easily understood, and founded on a more complete analysis of the vowel sounds than we have elsewhere met with, together with his plan of exhibiting all the best English authorities in relation to words differently pronounced by different ortlioepists, gives to this work important advantages as a Pronouncing Dictionary. In orthography he has made no arbitrary changes, but where usage is various and fluc tuating, he has aimed to lie consistent, and to reduce to the same rules words of similar formation. The insertion of Grammatical forms and in nee lions UI wonm u> a IIIUI11 irmici ukui u?u they are given in other English Dictionaries, and the xiKirt critical note* on the orthography, the pronunciation, the grammatical form anil construction, and the peculiar, technical,, local, and American uses of words interspersed through the volume, give to this work much additional value. The copious Vocabulary of Modern Geographical names, with their pronunciation, and a greatly enlarged and improved edition of Walker's Key to the pronunciation of Classical and Scripture prooer names, are important appendages to the Dictionary. Eighteen months nave passed since this Dictionary was published; and its already extensive use, botn among cultivated English readers, and men of wide learning, affords good testimony of its merits. We confidently recommend it as containing an ample and careful view of the present state of our language. J A RED SPARKS, LL. D. McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History, Harvard University. john McLean, ll. d. Justice U. S. Supreme Court, Ohio. MOSES STUART, D. D. Professor of Sacred Literature, Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass. EDWARDS A. PARK, D. D. Abbot Professor of Christian Theology, Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass. LEONARD WOODS, Jr., D. D. President of Bowdoin College, Me. N. lord, d. d. President of Dartmouth College. N. H. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, D- D., LL. D. Proai/lnnt tif A in Imraf Pa] Inm- \f u ju I MARK HOPKINS," D. 57"" President of Williams College, Mass. EDWARD T. CHANN1NG, LL. D. Boy Is ton Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, Harvard University. HENRY W. LONGFELLOW, A. M. Professor of Belles Lett res. Harvard University. ALONZO POTTER, D. D., LL. D. Bishop of Pennsylvania. SIDNEY WILLARD, A. M., Late Professor of Hebrew, kc., Harvard University. BENJ. HALE, D. D. President of Geneva College, N. Y. ROBLEY DUNGLISON, M. D. cc|" ph,kd' lphm i cuaml&wlsom?a^L*""'" 0 review hector humphry v^d ^rt?" athf"*um. david l.'swadv Maryland. *?* Carolina. T"?> t ?mz ?* anient . , rUUIWKTI UJ ~~ IliRI .'tij V. I Cil\, Ok V/U, 16. Water etreei, Boeton. And for sale by the Booksellers generally. Boston, June iff?tf NEOICiL ADVINKH COR THK PEOPLE. The fallacies of the faculty, with the Chrono-Thermal Syaiem of Medicine, edited by Dr. Turner, Ex-Health Commissioner of New York; on the causes, prevention, and cure of Palsv, Epilepsy, Consumption, Heart Disraai', Spinal Disease, White Swelling, Gout, Gravel, Scrofula, Drops v. Rheumatism, Skin Disease, Dyspepsia, Disease ol Womeu and Children, and all other dis- j eases, without blood-letting. Price fi 1; 5124 pages. | " As entertaining as a novel, and a tnousano times inure instructive. ? A. Y. -M Argue. "How grateful should we be to the illustrious author for snowing up the monstrous outrages of the I mia-eallod 8? lenra of Medictae.?N. I. TVibun*. "The day ia out die taut when Qtuu'k* only will reaort U> the lanoat or the leech for any diaeaar."? Dr fhckmrn "How ran we conaider it J blood-letting-] a* a remedy'"?JV. Y. Journal of .Wedirtn*. Organ of the Regular Faculty. Jan. 1*41 Thia work ia written for the popular aa well aa j the profeaaionaJ mind Every traveller abould take a eopy home fitr hie Doctor Pottage to any part I of the United State*, 1*2} tenia. For aale by H. LONG <t BROTHER. June *JK -?if 43 Ann atreet, New York UPK AMI RAItri. Aatloaal Loan Paad Lift Annranre Society, ! *2b CORNHILL, LONDON, AND 71 WALL STREET. NEW YORK CAPITAL, ?500,000 aterling, or $'2,500,000 t Fmpmrereri by Act of Parltamenl,) 2d Fit.? j Royal liaen/, 27(A July. I*JH. "A Saving* Hank k?r the Widow and the Orphan " T. Inline Mur | ray, George atreet, Hanover Square. ('hatrman of the Oowrt of fhrectari, Inndon Uwitsd Statb* Boabd or Local Diaaeroaa. Nbw Yobk.?C. Edward Habit ht, Chairman, ' John S. Palmer, Jamen Boorman, Gnorge Han lay. Sainnel S. How land, Samuel M Fob, VA illiain Van | H<?ik, Aomin G Stout. Fanning C. Tueker. MrEeer*. Phil a na i em a . dement C. Biddle, George R. I tinkham. W Pru?r, (H. B M Coniiil,) Louis A Oodey, William Jones BALTiMoaa.-Jonathan Mrrrdith, John McTavish. ' (H B. M Consul.) Donald M< llvain. Samuel HofT inan. Ihnrj Tiflanv, Dr J. H McOullnch. Bostow. Gmrrr M. Thatcher, larael Whitney, 1 Franklin Dealer, Benjamin Beaver, Elijah D. Brig- | ham. E. A. Grattan, (H. B M (?n?ul.) J GRANDER STARR, Genera/ Agtnl EnwAin T RicHAansow, General Arcmmtanl for (V I 'nti*d Stnlri onii R .V. A 'Moai/i Pamphlfta imiUiiiinfr tlx-rates of premium, pros pectus, riainplaa, name* of Afrnta, mrdiral nam mora, itr., ran be ha/I frit of charge on application at 71 Wall street, and of a|?Qta. Part of the < apilal ia permanently invested in the j United Stair*, in the names of three of the tor a I directors, a# trustors?available aim-ays to the assured i in rases of disputed claims (should any such arise) I or otherwise. Thirty days are allowed, after each payment of ! premium becomes due, without forfeiture of policy. J The United States I/nral Board meet emery Wed- | nesday, at their OflW e in Wall street, where all famine** with tlx Nonet y * operation* in Amrrica i* transacted afliiHinr their by rvery piwibk advantage of promptness and attention to ^artio* in rase* of leave to travel. Uian*. eettlement, j Medical examiners attend daily, at I o'clock, p. , m., at 71, Wall street, and at the Office of the dif ferent Local Board* and Agencies. All communication* to nr addressed to J L&ANDRR STARR, General Agml ft* thf I "niter/ .State* and far B .V. A. < nirtntr* Jane JH A CARD.-The suhw riber* respectfully iaform their patron* thai their respective a rounta will be renoered to them on or nefore the l?tof July, for which they will he extremely obliged for a aettlement at an early date CLAOETT. NF.WTON. MAY k CO. June 9R- Atif D ANTIC'S INF1CRN0?A literal prose Iran*la tion, with the text of the original, rollated from the heat edition* and explanatory note*, by John A. Carlyle, M D LIFR IN THR FAR WRNT- By George Fred. | Ruxton, author of Adventure* in Mexico and the Rocky Mountain*, thi* day received for *ale hy TAYLOR fc MAURY, ji June IN Bookseller*, near 9th street. I OFFICII WfT?? ??PB?LIC, / "WNTH STREET, / Washington, d. C. f ADVERTISING: Advertisement* will be inserted in Tub Rvviur at the ittiual rates of the other pa pern published in Waahiugluu. A deduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. THE TR1.WEKRLY SITUBUC will II wo id cvaav TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. rum WEBKLY REPUBLIC WILL BE PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR JULY. A TRWMPHANT NUMBER. ?? PAOKM.-36 KXTKA. Another instance that the Lady's Book doss not recede, but advances. Not like its contemporaries who gave HO and 84 pages in January and February, and now reduced to 64 and 60. They also promised Colored Fashion Plates, and substitute wood engravings. THE GREATEST NUMBER YET ISSUED! fcf'Morr Paget qf Reading than January, and mart nkutratione. SOMETHING NOVEL! An entirety New Cover.?A Line Engraving. Some idea may be formed of the beauty of this Number, from the following notice of its embellishments : A Steel Engraving on the Cover?Lady, Horse, [and Servant, engraved by Neagle. The Firrt Parting?a beautiful Mezzotint, [by Walters. Returned from his Travels, ' " Dy Welch. A Beautiful Colored Summer Fashion Plate, [by Pease. Archery?an engravingon wood, by Keily. A Cottage Plate?printed in two colors, [by Wagner k McGuigan. Music?two pages?original, and composed [for the Book, by Cramer. Great Hall at Mount Vernon, engraved by Frost. The Pic Nic Party by Croome. Front elevatiou of W. H. Gatzmer'a Cottage, [by Frost. Ground Plan of " " ? Frost. Each of the above occupy one full page?making 11 in all. Entirely New Set qf IVood Engravings. The Cage Birds of America?two beautiful designs, showing the perfection to which the art of | wood engraving has been brought. The Monthly Boauet for July. V | Patterns for Braiding, prepared expressly for the f Lady's Book. Let any other Magazine state a lift of contributor* like the/Ulowing ; LADY CONTRIBUTORS. Mrs. E. F. Eliot, Miss Leslie, Grace Greenwood, Kate Hall, Mrs. J. C. Neal, Miss A. C. Twiggs, Mrs. A. M. F. Annan, Mrs. S. A. Lewis, Anna C. Austin, Miss Alice Carey, Mrs. 8. J. Hale, Mrs. M. G. Horsford. GENTLEMEN CONTRIBUTORS. H. T. Tuckerman, Lewis J. Cist, Park Benjamin, Wm. Alexander, J. F. Otis, Joseph A. Nunes. Francis De H. Janvier, Rev. AlonsoPotter, D. D., W. A. Jones, T. S. Arthur, Thomas King, Charles Murphy, J. W. Weidemeyer, J.R. Orton, Alexander J. Morton. RECAPITULATION. The July Number contains 16 Engravings, U of these occupying one page each?Two of tham Mezaotints, Two Line Engravings, and two Colored Engravings. Tne July Number contains 84 pages; 96 of which are extra. The July Number contains 38 distinct articles by able authors. In short, it may in every respect be termed A DOUBLE NUMBER! And the whole volume will be in metric of excellence never before equalled?with aome improvement* which we dare not even hint at It will be ONE BLAZE OF BEAUTY THROUGHOUT. The publisher of the Lady's Book pledges his well earned reputation of twenty years, that his work shall suraaas, both in the number of pages published, and the number, beauty, and variety of nis Engravings, any other work published in THI8 OR ANY OTHER COUNTRY. Besides giving more matter in every Number than , any other publication, be gives in addition, to thane ! w ho pay three dollars, the Lady's Dollar News| paper, of large sise, published twice a month. The paper alone contains more reading than any month iv except in. i.aiiy-* hook uius f J subscriber* get three publication* each month, fully equal to two magazine* This is a better premium than the ' miserable" engravings offered by other*. TERMS? CASH IN ADVANCE. 1 copy of Uic Lady'* Book, and I copy of the Iauly's Dollar Newspaper, one year ... J J 2 ropiee, without the paper, one year ... 5 3 " " " " one year ... 6 6 " " " " one year, and a copy to the person sending the club . 10 11 copies without the paper, one year, and a copy to the person acnuing the club ... 20 & month*' subscription without the paper . . | This incomparable single number for . . 26 eta. Person* wishing to obtain the Lady's Book and Lady's Dollar Newspaper for 3. must send the money direct to the publisher, L. A. GODffY, June 13?tt. No. 113 Chestnut St., Phil* I V1TKD MTATKM PATUT OPPICE, July 3, 1849. ON the petition of Asa Burgess and Herman Bald win, of Washington. Conn , praying for the extrusion of a patent granted to said Burgess and Baldwin for an improvement in Clover Machines for seven year* from the expiration of *aid patent, which takes plat e on the IOui day of October, 1849: It is ordered, that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office on the seventeenth day of September next, at 12 o'clock, m.; and all persona are notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why said petition ought not to be granted Ordered, also, that this notice he published in the Intelligencer, Republic, and Union, Washington city; North American and G&xrttr. Philadelphia TsVngraph. Harrisburg; Tribune, New York; Advertiser, Rochester; Courant, Hartford; Atlas, Cincinnati; Journal, Columbus; Herald, Cleveland; once a week for three mtrrrmmrt weeks previous to the seventeenth day of September next. THOMAS EWBANK, CiHHfmiwowfr &f Patmta P S Editor* of the above papers will plenne copy, and urnd their bills to the Wtent Offirt. with a paper containing this notice. July 4 ? lawlw ITwited Rtati* Patbwt Omen, Jwu 19, 1M9 ON the petitvwi of Chart** Davenport, of Cam bridgeport, Massachusetts, praying far the axtenaion of a patent granted to said Davenport, far an improvement in fWnw Rpringa far railway car riagt* far seven years from the expiration of said patent, which takes place on the ninth day of Sep t em her, ItgS: It is ordered that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office, on the fourth Monday in August next, at It o'elork, m.; and all persona are notified to appear and abow cause, if any they have, why aid petition ought not to be granted. Ordered, also, that this notice he published in the Repuhlic, and Union, Washington City, D. C.; American, Baltimore; North American and Ga*ette, Philadelphia ; Tribune. New York; Courant, Hartford ; Daily Bee, Boston ; Journal, Pin t?smith. New Hampshire; Daily AtWs. Cincinnati) Adver tiser. Detroit; Rrpublir. Augusta freorgia ; once s week far three succeesfve weeks previous to the fourth M<mday in August next. THO KWBANI, ? unwameiuwar qf fmttnit P Editor* of the above papera will plaaw* opy, and rnti their bill* to the Patent Office, with a paper containing thia notice June 90?1 a w Jw CIGARS ! CIGARST CIGARS !! f Jl'HT received, direct from Havana, the moat au pertor lot of Cigar* ever <dlrred to the c1tiaeaia of Wanhuigton, coneiatinjr of the following branda 20,000 Washington 90,000 Amhmma 10,000 Creapo 20,000 Principe 000,000 r>f vanou* ??ther brands. All of which will he ??ld on the moat accommodating tarma. w H WTntm, June 13- Jtif Si|fn of Jim Crow, Penn avenue DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS T HALL * CO. have thia day received a large and well aeleried luck of fMhionahie Drv Oooda, which will be aold on the moat reasonable terma Stranger* visiting Washington will do well to giv oa a < all, ** wa are determined to ?ell cheaper Ota any other hotiae in thia city. June 1&-H