Newspaper Page Text
NATIONAL. MEDICAL t'OLMCUK, Vluklngluu, O. C. rpHE ANNUAL COURSE OF LECTURES will X commence on the first Monday in November, and continue until the end of March. FACULTY. Thomas Miller, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiolog-v. William P. Johnston, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children. Joshua Riley, M. I)., Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Hygiene. John Fried. May. M. !>., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. Grafton Tyler, M. D., Professor of Pathology and Practice of Medicine. i^foimrti n. u?iv, m. u., rroieaaor ox l ncmieiry and Pharmacy. Robert King'Stone, M. D., Adjunct Professor ol Anatomy and Physiology. James E. Morgan, M. D., Projector and Demonstrator. Clinical Lectures twice a week, on cases selected (rotn the Washington Infirmary. Operations performed before the class. Fee for a full Course of Lectures, $90. Demon- I strator's ticket, $10. Graduation fee, $25. Good board can be procured at lroin $2.50 to $3 per week. WILLIAM P. JOHNSTON, M. D., Dean, 7th st., between E and F sts. July 10?2a wt IstMon.Nov Colonization Rooms, Washington, July 6, 1*49. I^HE LIBERIA PACKET will suil from Haitimore for Monrovia and other ports in Liberia, on the first day of August next. Emigrants who design going in this vessel should be in Baltimore ? ,i?... ...... .....i .......... ... ,i... Colonization Office, Post Office building-. Letters for Liberia or the U. S. Squadron on that coast, will be forwarded if sent in time, and post paid, to this office, or to the Colonization Office, Baltimore. W c are in great need of funds to enable us to send some emigrants in this expedition. We have to pay this month, $'2,4'29 88, toward the expedition from New Orleans, iu April; 01,600 00 toward the one from the same place iu January last; and $1,500 00 toward the one from Savannah in May, and our treasury is now empty. w e are therefore under the necessity of appealing to our patrons for aid. Auxiliary societies, pastors of churches, and the friends of tlie cause generally, will confer a special favor by making us remittan- j i'f? with the least possible delay. W. McLAIN, Sec'y A. C. S. July 9 j Catholic bibles, prayeb books, : testaments,<fcc?TAYLOR & MAURY, ] Booksellers, Pennsylvania avenue, near 9th street, I have iust received a fine lot of? Catnolic Bibles, large and small, in rich bindings | and plain. Catholic Prayer Books, in beautiful velvet and I Morocco bindings, and plain. "Tales of the Sacraments." Schmidt's Tales. "Catholic Keepsake." And others, loo many for an advertisement. July 7 PK.MTKVTIAKY. Office Pknitextiakv, D. C., W ashington, July 6, 1849. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals ] for Wood and Coal," will be received at this j office until25th inst. 80 cords of half-seasoned good oak wood, full ; length of medium sire, and free from limbs or lap wood. 12 tons <*f red ash anthracite grate coal. The above to be delivered at the Penitentiary wharf. THOS. FITNAM, Warden. Jul}'7?edtJuly 25 (Intel. & Union.) For Norfolk--Two trips a week. j^-i:fr-. rp H K STEAMER OSCEOLA P LJ -* 0,1 Saturday, the 7tli installl, commence making- two trips a week to the above place? leaving Washington every Wednesday ana Saturday, at 9 o'clock, a. m.; returning, leave Norfolk every Monday and Thursday, at 4 o'clock, p. m. She will touch, going and returning, at Pinev roint, Via roint, tone river, anu me usual lunmngon the Potomac. Puatp- and fare to Norfolk, S'o : passage and tare to Piney Point, during the bathing- season, $2. ! JAS. MITCHELL, July 7?dtf Captain. Scenes in a clergyman's life, by c b ! Taylor. Nelson on Infidelity?Its Cause and Cure. Philosophy of Religion, by Mcrrell. Gardner's Memoirs of Christian Females. A few copies for sale by TAYLOR & MAl'RY, j July 4 Bookstore near 9th struct. Agency of the Book Publishing Houses In the United Htmtes. TAYLOR k MAl'RY, Booksellers and Stationers, Pennsylvania Avenue, near 9tli street. Laving formed connexion* with the principal Book establishment* of the country, will supply all order* for Religious. Miscellaneous, Law, Medical, Scientific, and School Book*, in lot* or single copies, at the lowest publication prices. Schools, institutions, and individuals intending to order foreign or American book* from tor northern cities, ran save trouble and expense of Is-avy freight, kcc., by testing their orders with Taylor & Maury, in Washington city. Jnlv 2 -J ? V " KU BOO KM AT TAYLOR <V MAI HI ? II near Ulh ilmt. " ROWLAND CASHEL," by L ?-r, -hi part. HILDRETH* NEW HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, Vol. I. SOUTHEY'S COMMON-PLACE BOOK Harper*' edition. No. I. " ED.MOND DANTE*;" Sequel to " COUNT OF MONTE-CHRISTO." " EUROPEAN LIFE AND MANNERS " By Henry Col man MRS. GREY'S NEW NOVEL- "MugdrUn and Marcui, or Tht Rrrlory Our*/." July S LAND WARRANT* WANTED. C'ORPORATION STOCK and Cb<n?pftkr and /Ohio Canal R>nd? for ?ale. Government, Stair, and other elorka, and check* on all the principal citiea, bouyht and Hold. Collection* made through out the Lpited State*. Note* and draft* payable in the District collected and remitted Sir in rnecka on New York. Raton. Philadelphia, or Baltimore, at one quarter per rent., bv Chi bb a schenck June 2*?3tw4w SI BW4 KIBKKM ut the American Art Union for lH4t ran obtain their engraving* by calling at the bookatorr of TAYLOR k MAURY, iunr 21 Mr*r Ninth rtn-rt. , IKU BtNIKlt ATTML(IK? MAIH)ti. ARRATIVKof tix U. K Expedition lutbt Dead Sea and lb*- River Jordan, by Lieut W. F. Lynch, I'. H. V, with map* and numemua illu* t ration*. Ninevah and ita R>main*, witli an account of a viait to the Chaldean Christian* of Kurdiatan. kc., kr., hy A. If. I^jard. Hint* on Public Arrhitecturr, with view? ano plana of the Srnithaoman Inatitution, by Robt. Dale Owen, Eaq. Minifie'* Teat Book of Geometrical Drawing, illuatrated witli 50 aleel plate* and 201)diagram*. Downing'* l.wiid*rapc Gardening ami Rural Ar rht torture Five Year* in China, from 1H42 to Lieut. F. E Forhe*. R N., I vol. I>mdon For aale l.y TAYLOR ? . MA CRY, June IS Bookaeller*, near ?Hh *tr?WT\ MKMOIK OV WILLIAM ELL KMT ( HAS* TITO, with eatra< t* from bia'Corrcapondetne and Manual ript*. 3 vol*., with portrait. The Work* of William E. Channing, D D., with an introduction. S vol*., complete. TAYLOR k MACRY, june <11 n?tir fin at. HALTINOHK, ALKIAVORIA. AND DIMTHKT OF (OL1 MBIA ft CT^jS HKmhi P-" k't WASHINGTON, Isaac Wowl, M?#trr, burthen '2,000 ^ K*Wi!S*tbarrel*, leaves Baltimore, on Mat uruay evening, at 5, p. ru.; leave# Gvurgi town ? ery Tuesday; leave* Alexandria every Wednesday morning, at 1 o'c lo k, a. m. , For freight or passage, apply to LAMHF.kt k M< KENZIK, .tUrondrvi, Agents: Peter Berry, Georgetown. Rose. .Merrill A Co., tin It i more, Md, June 18?1 nid rpAYLOB ?<t MAI BY. Bnok-.-li.... 9ih *t , I Washington City,are r? . iving regularly from the publishing house# in tin United State# all p?J>. I nation#?which they sell in every ase at the publisher'* lowest prices? kirhuol Hook* af erery kind. \lrrltrol Hook a, Mttrrl laneou* and I-air Book*, J norm If Hook*, and rhmf, LlUraturt. BibU* and Prayer Book*, piatn and rtrhly bound Blank Bnoksof every ?ixe and qu?ltty. Stationery, Slates, Copy Hook*, A< June 13 LIKK OK ROIENPIBBBB. Aith extracts from his impuMished correspondence.-by G H. Lewes. THE POTTLETON LEGACY', o netr norr/ by Albert Smith, author of Christopher Tadpole." Ar., I volume Tbia day received, for sale by TAYLOR A MAURY, June 22 Bookseller*, near 9th at <*% I Ebenkzeb Cook. Gkobok B. Sabobnt. COOK A 8AROKST, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Comer of Main and Second Street?, Oavatfwrt. Iowa. June 30?dtf UKOHOK MACK A Y, Attorney, (late ok klobiua,) 11 7 ILL attend to all kind* of buainean before CunV? grave and tile Department*. REFERENCES: Hon. E. C. Cabell, Florida; " K. Toombs, Georgia; ' 11. W. Hilliabl), Alabama; ' A. Bum, Soutli Carolina; " K. C. WtNTHB<*l?, Minseai hu.K Its; " C. B. Smith, Indiana; " R. L. Kobe, New York; " John Young, New York. June 16?tf K. W. HlS(iUBf ATTORNEY at bw aud Agent for Claims against the United States. Office on Pennsylvania avenue, near 15th street, Washington. | June 13?ly MARTIN & WRIGHT, Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, SEVENTH STREET, H'a*hingtun city. I JOHN MARTIN. EDWARD 8. WRIOHT. i June 13?3tawlm BROWN'S HOTEL. i T. P. & 1H. BROWN, PROPRIETORS. Pa. Avenue, between Bth aud 7th street*, j Washington, D. C. June 13? tf j WILLARD'S HOTEL. Corner of Pru. Avenae and 14th itrrrt. Washington, D. C. HENRY A. WILLARD, Proprietor. June 13?tl" DM FKVE ?fc HOLMEAD. OFFICE Pennsylvania avenue, near the corner of 4$ street, Washington, D. C. June 13?ly E. OWEN & SON, military and naval UPUrH ANT TATi riP? Pennsylvania avenue, between 141A and 151A streets, WASHINGTON, D. C. June 13?ly COPP'S PAVILION, LOCATED ON LOUISIANA AVENUE, Near Sixth street, adjoining the Washington and Neu> York Telegraph Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS, for permanent or transient boarders, with or without meals. Also, SPLENDID BATHING ROOMS; Hot, Cold, Salt, Vapor, Shower, Sulphur-fume, and Elec tro-Magnetic Baths, always in readiness. June 13?3taw4w Notice to Owner* of Land Warrants. General Land Office, June 1*2, 1849. THE OWNERS of the Land Warrants mentioned in the letter below, and which are supposed to have been burnt in the late fire at St. Louis, are requested to file proofs of their ownership with the Register of the Land Office at St. Louit, Mittouri, in order that they may be replaced by duplicates from the Pension Office at Washington e'ity, and the lauds selected located according' to the original intention of the applicants. And it may be well, in cases where the description of the tract intended to be located has been also lost or destroyed by the fire, to file a new description with the Register, in order that the lands thus selected may be reserved from sale until duplicate warrants can be obtained as above suggested. RICHARD M. YOUNG, Commissioner. Land Office, St. Lotus, (Mo.,) May26, IH49. Sib : The following are the numbers of twentythree .Military Bounty Land Warrants brought to this office for location between the 1st and 17th instant, all of which were lust in the late fire, vis., No. 794, .>3,177 , 7,972 , 53.677 , 4,273, 11,938 , 30,058, 3,190, 30,960, 15.58S, 39,750, 37,946, 47,982, 31,0-25. 42.575,42,574,52,312,53,465 , 52,872, 55,482,4,024, 3,900, 40,302; allof which numbers are in pencil on the township plats, but the namcsof the person* who located them are not known. In addition to these, several warrants, the numbers not known, which were awaiting further action on the part of the owners, were lost at the same time, as also some of Ukm' returned by U>< UenrrHl Cam! (Mb re Ujt correction. The'nam** and numliers of tlintr are nut known to thiaoffice, aa the letter which accompanied j them ia alao lost. Verv reaper tfully, your obedient acrvanta, THOMAS WATSON, Refiater. RICHARD H DALLAM, Receiver. Hon. Ricmahp M. Yopwo, Commimxonrr of tKe Hmrral /.arid Officf, June 16?31 Wmtkimgiim, D. . SOI'THKVM Commonplace Book, 1 volume, Lomtuu, I?Southry'a Coiumuiiplace Book ?choice pawaye*?moral, religioua, political, philoaophiral, historical, poetical, and miace-Hancou*.? Edited hy hia aon-in-law. For aale by TAYLOR A MAURY, June 2* Buokaellera, near 9th etreet \WEEK O.N THE CONCORD \M> .MERRIMACK RIVERS, by H. D. Tboreau, I vol. ELEMENTS OF LITERATURE, or an introdu< lion to the study of Rhetoric and B< Ilea Ixtln-a, E t tn-li v. \ M. Juat received. For aale at TAYLOR fc MAURY'S June lb Honkatorc, near 9th street. P. II. HOOK A CO.. U'HOLESALE and retail dealer* in Carpeting, Floor Oil Clotlia, Matting*, Ruga, Curtain Ma n-riala. Sheeting', Blanket*, and Houae Furnishing Good* generally. P?nn. av., between 7th ami Nth ?lrreU. Washing ton, I) f Junr 16 I - \ I \ I lilVVIII I IIL II ?.' I ll:llil v*nu< 1 [j L.KIM?K. illustrated ?ith map- and engraving*, 1 Urfp volume. ftiick'o iBunUitUuM of the Huljr U ripmrw, I larft volume, with many plate*. Simpson'* Key to the Bible, with map* and illuatraliuns, London, I volume, St ran*'* Life of Jrsua, laiiidon, 3 volume*, Hvo. For *al* low at T.AYI/)H It MAURY'S June 2A Bookalor. . near *?tii at. \ HI N K I KDI'I ION Ol ( I AHHK I vl FX V> Compriainr in one Volume R***rla*, Vicar of Wakefield. of Siberia, Paul and Virginia, Gulliver'* Tr*\eU, Sterne 'a Sent mien ta I Jtmrney, Caalle of fhranto. fcc., i , In-. W tVERI.V A NF.<'1M>TF>, illustrating popular < liarae tera, m emea, ami in< idenu, in the .Novel* and Roman' ? of Sir Walter S< ott, I vol., I>>ndon. j TAYLOR It MAURY, June 21 Hnokaeller*. near 9th at. / \ (Alt A* Mil \ HPKt *M HI NA A ANATOMY. VIL edited by Joaeph is-idy, M. D., 2 vol*. <a tavo, with over five bund rod illustration* Saco?o Ncmiii or OAVII) COPPKRFIKLD, by Di? ken*. < But,) thi* day received for aaie by TAYLOR It MAURY, June 19 Book?ell< r*, near 9th at. > K A t'TIKt l. I'll it Kit RtNtKI III) Hill HI,KM. of every atyle and <nt> Plain liound 'heap Prayer Book* and Bible*, of i every varietY. Family Rinlea of the largest ?i?-, 81.25 In $50.00 each, and intermediate price*. laurr Ml! JI?- * r< . . n < li< I l?>f h| I.?Vk.-t Northern pr* e?, at TAYLOR it MAURY'S June 36 loukiloK, near 6th itmt. WINK fITOKK. JOHN H BUTMMANN. Pennsylvania Avenue, south aide, between 4 j and streets, haa received a further supply ??f nuperior Cognac and Pale Brandy, Port Wine, and I on don Brown Stout. Al?<> expet t?-d, by schooner Aauaotoii, a few riKire dneen of Ui? old "Alpha" Cognat vintage of 1*15, and a few doxen of the do. June 13?St For the Springs PtRKER at hi* Fancy *nd Perfumery Store, ha* a freah aaaortmeni of good* ordered expressly for peraona visiting the Spring*, Sea ahofe, or the (Viuntry ; such a* Floating Soap, Bay Water, Florida Water, German Cologne, eery mpertm And alao the largest and beat assortment of l>rea*ing Com ha, flair Brushes, Tooth and Nail Bruidisx. Ox Marrow, Pomade, lie. ; in fart every ne> emary requiaite for the convenient e and comfort of the toilet, June 16 3tif New Style Gilt Cornices and Window Shades. 1HAVE juet ret t-ived from the .Nt?rth a large anil pleiiditl ae?ortment of Gilt W indow Cornice*, w iomow Shadea. and a new atyle of Pit lure Cord and ThhwU. I alan keep on hand a large aaanrtmerit of Aineri- I i an and Fr< nt h Paper Hangings. Kire Board Print*. , Column*, Feather Hod*. Hair ami Husk Mattresses. ] I make to order, at the shortest notice, Brvl end V\ imiow Curtain*, Carpet* and Cuahiona, and every thing in the Uphotatrririg line furnished complete on trie test tern.* J NO. ALEXANDER. Penn av , bet. 12th and 1>th ?ta. June 13 3taw2w Orrtce ok thk Soucrroa ok tuk tstatuhv, Jwu 27, 1849. SKALEI) PKOPOSAUsi will be received at this j office until the 1st day of September next, at j 1 2 o'clock noon, for (lie purchase of the interest ot the United Stale*, at law and in equity, in the property hereinafter described, upon the terms and | condition* mentioned below, to wit: No. 1. Lot No. 21, in eastern section of Washing- i ton, District of Columbia. No. 1 Lot No. 22, in eastern Met. of Washington I No. 3. IsH No. 23, do do do No. 4. Lot No. 24, do do do No. 6. Lot No. 25, do do do The five lots above named were sold ou execution j against Nathaniel and Henry Ingruham, by Tench i Ringgold, marshal, and by him conveyed to the : United Mtatea, December 29, 1831. No. 6, Lot No. 1, in block 504, in Washington. This lot wa* conveyed to the United States by i Luther Rice, President, file., of Columbia College, October 13, 1H2H. No. 7. Lot 10, in square 651, in Washington. " 8. I/ot II, do o51, do ' 9. Lot 12, do 561, do " 10. Lot 27, do 552, do *' II. Lot 2d, do 552, do " 12. Lot 29, do 552, do " 13. Lot 30, do 552, do " 14. Lot 7, do 553, do " 15. Lot 8, do 563, do " 16. Lot 9, do 553, do " 17. Lot 10, do 553, do ' 18. Lot 11, do 553, do " 19. Lot 12, do 553, do ' 20. Lot 13, do 553, do " 21. Lot 19, do 553, do 22. Lot 20, do 553, du " 23. Lot 13, do 554, do " 24. Lot 14, do 554, do " 25. Lot 15, do 554, do *< O.H litt lit ,In 554. fin ' '27. Lot 17, do 564, do " -28. Lot 1, do '299, do " -29. Lot '2, do -299, do " 30. Lot 3, do '299, do " 31. Lot 4, do '299, do " 3'2. Lot 5, do '299, do " 33. Lot 6, do '299, do ?' 34. Lot 7, do '299, do < )", I,.i 17 .1.. OUO .1., " 36. Lot 18, do 239, do " 37. Lot 19, do 377, do " 38. Lot 17, do 653, do " 39. Lot 18, do 653, do " 40. Lot 1, do 705, do " 41. Lot 1, do 4, do " 4i Part of square 743, 5,000 square feet, do " 43. Part of lot 10, in square 686 do The lands described under the numbers from 7 to 43, inclusive, were purchased by S. Pleasanton, agent of the Treasury, from Robert Y. Brent and Jo. Pearson, executors and trustees of Robert Brent. No. 44. Lot 1, in square 948, in Washington No. 45. Lot 2, do 948, do These two lots were conveyed to the United States by Buller Cocke and Edmund Law, trustees, kc., of Lewis Deblois, an insolvent debtor, June 4,1821. No. 46. Lot No. 1, in square 902, in Washington No. 47. Lot No. 7, do 951, do The two lots Now. 46 and 47 were conveyed to the United States, in 1818, by Charles L. Kaulkman. CONDITIONS. 1. Each bid must be for a separate number on the schedule, for cash: to be deposited at one of the following places, to the credit of the Solicitor of the Treasury, specifying on account of what particular number in the schedule of property it is deposited, to wit: The United States Treasury at Washington, District of Columbia; the AssistantTreasurer at Boston and New York. 2. Each bid must be accompanied with a guaranty, in the form given below; which must be certified by a collector, naval officer, marshal, United States district attorney, or postmaster, that the guarantor is good, and the party making it is re. sponsible for the amount. 3. On receiving a certificate of deposite, signed by one of the depositaries above mentioned, a quitclaim deed, conveying all the right, title, interest, and claim of the United States to the property described in the bid, and paid for, will be executed and acknowledged by the Solicitor of the Treasury, irrc ui mi tiwr^r w mr pun. uiuci. outn ronvejrance will be sent free of expense, to any post office in the United States, as may be requested. 4. No bid will be accepted unless it shall be satisfactory to the Solicitor, whether there shall be one or more bids for the property. 5. Before bidding', all persons are requested to make themselves acquainted with the situation, value, and title of the property they intend to bid for, so as to rely upon their own judgment in bidding. 6. After the last day for receiving them, the bids will be opened in the presence of such officers of the Department as shall be able to attend, and will be examined and passed upon. Notice will be given promptly to each person whose bid is accepted, but to no others. 7. The name of the bidder should, in all cases, be written at lenrth, and in a legible hand. The bidder should give the name of the post office to which communications for him are to t>e sent. 8. Bids must tie sealed, and marked on the out aide in thr*e words: " Sealed bids fob C. S. Property," and addressed to the "Solicitor of the Treasury, Washington, D. C." 9. Form of bid, guaranty, and certificate : I, , raiding at , in the county of , State of , hereby offer the United State* the sum of dollar* in cash, for their right, title, interest, and claim in the property described in the printed advertisement to the Solicitor of the Treasury, dated June 27th, 1*49, upon the terms and condition* therein mentioned ; and I hereby, in c<msideration of the premises, agree, in case my bid therefor shall be accepted by said Solicitor, to d?poaite that sum in lawful money, in one of the depositories mentioned in said advertisement within sixty days after my bid shall be accepted and notice thereof sent to rue by mail; and, m case of forfeiture hf may resell at my expense, or accept the bid of anv lower bidder wbo will oav for the same. unci I agree to pay all it mm in mitaequenee of my failure in perform my hid. Dated , , IM9. For value received, 1 guaranty U> the United 1 Stale* the p? r lor I mince <*t the aluve undertak nig by the aigner thereof, in cam- hie bid be accepted. Dated , , IH49. I certify that the above guarantor ia reaponaible for the mini mentioned in the above bid. 10. Bida not performed on th< part of the bidder, according to thr term* upecifted in the above condition*. may. at the option of the Solicitor, be declared null and void; or he may, if he aball rbooae to do ao, rearII the property, and require auch bidder to pay the difference between the mini actually realized therefor and the price offered in Ilia bid. 11. In all caae* where fraud ahall have been prar- 1 tiaed againat the United Statea, the Solicitor may, j before eieruting the ronveyam e, declare the bid invalid, and of no effect. RANSOM H. Oil.LET. June ?1?2dlr'2w Solicitor of the Treaaury. POTOMAi PAVILION, AT PMKV POINT. M A H YI?A NI>. 1AHE ?l*rtr place will h?- open for the acrommo- 1 dation of viaitera on the let of June. Thia de- ! Iightful watering place ia at tin- mouth of the Potomill rill r litut full l it'U t?f !>?< fIri Rnu A mnetant and regular ara-brrrxe. beautiful *hadr- ( tree*, aii'l the great nafcljr of ?urf bathing, (there I being mo under-rurrrnt,} combine to make this one of the nxait plenaant lad healthy reaort* to be found. I ft m dtwlrfl on the beach, but o few junta from the j water, with every convenience for bathing free of charge, win-re will be found obliging and competent attendants The Table will be oupplied with "all the luxurie* of the aeaxon, both fn>m the markrte and the water. | An excellent Band of Mimic ie engaged for the aeaxon. and a variety of amimeniento furniahed for | (rued* free of i harjfr. TF.RMS OF BOARD. Per day 91 60 Per week 9 00 Per month 30 00 i The proprietor* arc now ready to make arrangement* with familie* for the waxon. The aU-amer Oreola, ('apt. Jauie* Mitchell, leave* Waahington every Thuraday at A O'clock A. M., and Sunday* at 7 o'clock A. M., for the Pavilion; j returning, leavrw the Pavilion on Saturday* at 3 A.M. for W**hington, and Sunday* at fc P M. for 1 Baltimore. The ateainer Columbia leave* Baltimore on Halur- | day* at .i P M , arriving at the Point at 6 A. M. on Sunday*; returning, leave* Waxhington every | Wedncaday for Baltimore at 6 A. M., arriving at , the Point *ame eiening at 6 P M Due rw/tt< e will be given of the other taint* wtcn ; they irf pl?fn) on the rout*". KIRK WOOD ?c KELLER, June 1.1 2?w tS.pI Proprietorn. tiroeery. Klour. and KmH IlHfc ?nlw riber baa now on hand a large aaaort menl of ironda < arefully irlo ted, whirh he c?f fern low. All who d?irr really giaid article*, are requentcd to rail. Th<- hip beat pri< paid for country produce, f AM'I, PUMPHREY, Pa. aw nor, near the A<lelphi. June 1.1 3t Terma redweect l^inlavllle ttrrhl) Janrnal. fjlOR one copy, on- ymr. paid al the time of anh acrihing, or at m la-fore the commencement of the year f'l 50 For one copy paid after the time of nubac ribing, or after the la ginning of the year, and within ai* month* therefrom 3 00 For one copy paid after ai* month* * 3 fiO For cluh* of one or more, pnicHn advance, each .. ... J 00 We aak om Whig frienda to aid in procuring clnba for the Weekly Journal, ft in now, for tfie matter it contain*, one of the c heapent napera in America PRENTICE k WE WRINGER, June ? i FAitort \ T:HK KKFUBUiT. NAVY NI'PFUiM LNIilCU TUK Hl'UKAl' I OF YAltDS AND UO( KH. , Navv Aukst'k Omvi, Pensacola, JuutdO, 1H49. OKALK1) phoposals 111 duplicate, for each k ' class s<murately, endorsed "Proposulsforsupplics for Navy \ ards," will be received at thin office until 12 o'clock M., on Monday, the 30th day of July next, for furnishing and delivering' at the Navy Yard at Peusucola, at audi place or places us atay be directed by the Commandant, free of expense to the Government, the materials and articles hereinafter specified, via: Class No. 1. Specification of the granite to build the permanent wharf at the Pensacola Navy Yard. Bill Jh No. 1, Include* all the Header$ under water from the foot course to the surface of the water, a height of 24 feet, and extending 400 feet. 1st course, 42 headers 11 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 24j inches thick 2d do 44 headers 10 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet wide, and 26 inches thick 3d do 42 headers 10 feet 0 inches long, 2 feet wide, and 25 inches thick 4th do 44 headers 9 feet 9 inches long, 2 feet wide, and 25 inches thick 5th do 42 headers 9 feet 3 inches long, 2 feet wide, and 25 inches thick utii no ft iicuacrn v icn u iiRiiuM lung, z leci wide, ami 25 inches thick 7 th do -1 '2 head era 4 feet 6 inches long-, 2 feet wide, and 26 inched thick 8th do 44 headers 8 feet 3 inches long", 2 feet wide, and 26 inches thick 9th do 42 headers 7 feet 8 inches long, 2 feet wide, ami 26 inches thick 10th do 44 headers 7 feet 3 inches long, 2 feet wide, and 25 inches thick 11th do 42 headers 6 feet 9 inches long, 2 feet wide, and 24J inches thick 12th do 44 headers to feet to inches long, 2 feet wide, and *24 inches thick In all, 516 blocks. The above headers are only to be dressed ou the beds and builds, which dressing- is to extend 2 fpet to inches inwards from each end of the stone. There is no face work, but a draft of an inch must be run round each end of the stone, showing full corners and square edges, which must continue full to the gauge within. The ends and middles of the stone may be left as split from the quarry, being full dimensions, but no allowance will la- made for any excess of size. Bill j2, No. 2, Includes all the front and back stretchers, closing blocks, and counterfort encasement stone, from the foot course to the surface of the water. 1st front. 468 stretchers 8 feet long, 2 feet wide bed. '24 inches hiirh. *2d front. 34 blocks 4 feet long, '2 feet wide bed, '24 inches high. 3d back. 480 stretchers 8 feet long, 18 inches wide bed, '24 inches high. 4th counterforts. 308 stretchers 61 feet long, 18 inches wide bed, '24 inches high. The above stretchers are required to be dressed only on the bed? and build*, the face and back being left as split from the quarry. That is, the top, hot una, aiiu me two anas 01 tin' stone art; atone u> De dressed, with the exception of a fair draft of an inch run round the face and back of each stone, so as to show full courses and square edges. It will be perceived that the back stretchers and counterfort stone have but 18-inch beds, while the rise of the course is '24 inches. It is the 18-inch beds and the builds of these stone that are to be dressed. Bill A, No. 3, Is the balunce of the foot course. HEADERS.?134 lineal feet of header blocks, of o jet-i oeo, ano irom i to o ieei wiae on tne race. This course is to be *2 feet thick for 2 feet in from the face, thence the top bed is sloped inwards, at the rate of one in six for three feet, so that the inner ends of th?-#e stone are but 18 inches thick. The beds and builds of these stone are to be dressed, but not the ends, except the draft before directed. Bill B, JVo. 1, Includes all the Headers of the rusticated rock work above the water. 13th course. 42 headers 6 feet 6 inches, 2 feet wide on the face, 18 inches high. 14th and 15th courses. 76 headers 6 feet lonir, 2 feet wide on the face, 18 inches nigh. These headers are to be dressed throughout their whole length, on the top and bottom beds, and for 2} feet in trom the face of the builds. The face is to be rusticated rock work, hereafter described. Bill B, Jo. 2, Includes all the Stretches of the rusticated ruck work above the water, 13th, 14th, and 15th courses, 120 stretchers, 8 feet long, 2 feet bed, 18 inches high. The lieds and builds of these courses are to be closely dressed; and the (ace, first class, rusticated rfM'k u iii'k Bill By jYo. 3.?Coping. 434 lineal feet coping-, 5 feet wide on the bed, and front b feet to 8 feet long, and '2 feet thick. The coping in to be dreascd on the top and fare, according to the specification* for the firat chute fine cut work. The bed* mid builds are to be dressed truly, so aa to make clone joint*, with tiliarp arri* edge* and full corner*. The hack line of the top to be full and aquarr. First Class Work. The fact and the top of tSr coping muat be of the uaual iiea? notion, of fine cut tcor*. Smooth and true draft lines, two inchc* wide, muat be run round each aurface, which niuat be worked perftelly out of trtrui ; within the draft line* the atone muat be drcaaed to a true, even aurface, without depression of any kind, and finished by tooling at right angles to the betls, and on the top of the coping at right anglea to the front line. The tooling to De such a* would be produced by a patent hammer of six blade* to an inch. The arris edg?-* of all joint* of the work above the nurface of the water included in Bill B, Noa. 1,2, and 3, must be sharp, clean, and true, without 1 break, nick, or ?palling of any kind. The front top line of the coping is to be rounded on the arri* edge, two inches on each face, or the-quadrant of a circle of two inches radius. The face of the stone included in Bills No*. 1 and '2 is to be well executed ' Rusticated rock a-ork," formed by fine cut draft lines, two incAss truit, run round the surface as above specified; said draft line* to be sunk to a depth of not lets than half an tnck, or more tkan two incites, below the rough surface of the face of the stone, within said draft lines. The rough surface of the fair to be full, and round ing* from mm- urait Him*, and in no ctu* hollow, or flunk In-low thr limits. Second Clas* Work. (M Ihe Bed* and Buildi qf (he finr tooted mark above the mater. The arris shall be straight arid true, fcraiinf clone, and dean even joint. True draft linen 4 un ite* wide munt be run entirely round each lied, and the surfs/ of the top and bottom beds worked perfectly out of wind, and parallel to each other. The surface within the draft linen munt be drraeed true to a straight edge, without Itollowing. No depression of any kind will be admitted within b inched of the face arrin or within the draft lines on the back and jointa; and none will be admitted on the hedn or builds exceeding b indie* diameter and one inch in depth, nor doner together than one foot; and in no rase when- they shall together exceed one-fourth of the area of the surface ' hird CI run Work. AU (he fame included in fitiit A, Am I, 2. and 3, | or nit mat tttrn nturw IM turj act <y m water, trtu ot qf On* dttrriptum. The corner* and mI^? of each atone mu*t be full to the line*, A fair, atraigfht draft, two inrhea wide, munt lw run round Urn top and bottom beda ; which munt alao be taken truly out of wind, and made parallel to each other, and of the thi< knee* *tated in the bill. Within the draft line* the atirf*? e of the ntrntrhcr la-da inuat be pointed down arid finiahed with a common axe, no aa to preaent a full, even, tlmiijrh rouyh aurfare, to a alraigbt edgw. For two feet of the lieda at the middle of each front and hark ntretrher, and the drrnaad portiona of the beda of each header mirat be worked more clnaely, and no deprr??ion will be therein admitted exceeding three in. hea in diameter and half an inrh in "* t!-iT irmrr in?n iwu n ur|ii i wnnif i?i thin portion of the rurface ; on the remainder of the lada and tan Ida thf aame allow*n< < . in thi* rcaporl, will bf made h? in tbf aecond <l*?r work. A fair <Ira ft of an inch i? to br run round the front and ha< k of < arh atretcher, and round lioth endliof ca< b header, an hk In *kmr full rarnrri and iquarr tdrn The bttilda or joint* muat he dreaaed aquare to the fare lin?-e and tii the bed* of the atone No alark joint* will in any caae be admitted. The work will he laid in alternate header and atretrher < ouraea, laith beneath and abore the water; the fare of the atimr brin* left rough will fltrrn rejfular met rated rock-work aahiar, earept the enping, which will he full drea?ed a?hlar. ijunlity oj the Stone. All tin atoneeinbra< ed in the foregoing Bill* inu*t l>e of the la at and rnoat durable dew ription of fJranite or Sirnitr, and of theae two the latter will receivr a derided preference; and in every ea*e the atone hating the lra*t frldapor in it* compoaition, and being therefore leaa liable tod lain tegrat ton, will he preferred. Spe< ttnena of the ftonc proponed to be furniahed, properly lal>e||ed, abotild accompany the bida, atat j ing the pre< i*e location of the quarry. The atone muat in all < uaea br aoch a* will withaland the waah of the aea. All the slum: embraced in Hills 11, ?los. 1, 2, and 3, must be uniform in color and appearance, entirely free from sup, stains, crack*, flu ws, and pyrites of iron, The atone embraced in the Hills A, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, may vary in color ami appearance, (he quality being otherwise unexceptionable; they muni be free from sap, cracks, flaws, and the sulphate of iron, as aliove. Order of Delivery. The delivery of the stone should commenceat the Navy Yard, Pensacola, in ninety days from the closing of the contract ; and within sixty days thereafter one-twelfth part of the number of stone in Hills A, Nos. 1 and '2, should be delivered, commencing in the order of the courses as expressed in those bills; one-fourth part of the stone, for the first four courses respectively, should by that time be delivered. The delivery of those two bills should be continued at the rate of not less than one-twelfth part of each bill per month, following the. above order in regard to the courses; that is, one-fourth part of tho course* of stone, from 6 to 8 inclusive, and next from 9 to 12. The delivery of the above bills must be concluded on or before the 1st of July, 1860. Of the remaining bills, one-fourth part of each size specified in the bill will be required to Is- delivered on or before the first day of July, 1860, and the remainder on or before the first day of Juuuary, 1861. Mu.'., n. ? ... u... _:_u. ?r j ugl.l UI .11ereasing the quantity of stone ot lilt' respective sizes, specified in the foregoing bills, seventy-five per cent., to be delivered in such reasonable time utter the date last named above as may be agreed upon. LEWIS.?The stone must be m illed to receive a lewis of such shape and size as the engineer may direct. PATTERNS, gauges, and drawings, with such other information as maybe necessary, will la* furnished to the contractors by the engineer in charge of the work. DISCHARGING VESSELS. Vessels will la' discharged in the order in which their arrival at the yard shall be reported, unless otherwise directed. Cranes, machinery, and such other assistance us may be necessary will be furnished by the Govern luent, as lar an the means of the Navy Yard will allow. Persona offering proposals will please state separately the price per cuuic foot for each description of stone mentioned in the. several bills, to bo paid for by the nett dimensions dressed. They will also state the prices respectively for which they will deliver the several descriptions of stone named in the bills, undressed, but lairly quarried, and to be paid for by the nett dimensions to which they will dress according to the bills. Schedule of other Material# for the Perma nent Wharf Const' '-ction of Railway, Repairs of Dredging Machine, Sfc. Class No. 2?Materials for Concrete. 300 cubic yards of small fragments of any good hard stone, not exceeding { lb. each in weight, intermixed with pieces of various sizes, down to that e\f a honn Tn no rloan u rw4 fr.w. frAnrt nnriti Proposals will also be received for furnishing' any proportion of the above quantity, in Hountf and clean shells, or in similar sized fragments of hard burnt bricks. The delivery to be at the rate of 167 cubic yards per month, unless otherwise directed. Class No. 3?Bricks. 20,000 hard burnt bricks, of the best quality and uniform sizes. Class No. 4?Cement. 3,600 barrels of the best hydraulic cement, made in Rosendale, New York, or fully equal in quality to the best cement prepared there. To be delivered at the rate of 300 barrels per month, unless otherwise directed, and to be subjected to such tests as may lie deemed necessary. Class No. 5.?Bar Iron, Steel and Spikes. 1 ton 0 cwt., 0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 6 by i inch, best American Mir iron 1 ton 18 cwt.,0 qrs. 0 lb*, of 5 by j! inch, best American bar iron 1 ton 6 cwt., 0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 4^ by 2 inch, best American t>ar iron 1 ton 3 cwt.,0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 4^ by J inch, best Ameic&n bur iron 1 ton 2 cwt., 0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 4 by J inch ts-st American bar iron 1 ton 5 cwt., 0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 4 by 2 inch, beat American bar iron 1 ton 2 cwt., 0 qra. 0 lbs. of 4 by jj inch, bent American bar iron 1 ton 5 cwt., 0 qrs. 0 11*. of 4 by J inch, best American bar iron 1 ton 15 cwt.,0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 3J by 1 inch, best American bar iron 1 ton 5 cwt., 0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 3$ by f inch, best American bar iron 1 ton 6 cwt., 0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 3 by 3 inch, best American bar iron 2 tons 5 cwt., 0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 3 by 1} inch, best American bar iron 0 ton 5 cwt., 0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 3 by 1 inch, best American bar iron 2 tons 5 cwt., 0 qrs. 0 lbs. of 3 by ? inch, best American bar iron I ton 5 cwt., 0 qra. 0 lbe. of 3 by J inch, beat American liar iron 0 ton 5 cwt., 0 qrx. 0 II*. of 2 by I inch, be?t American bar iron 0 ton 7 cwt., > qra. 0 Iba. of 2 by ^ inch, heat Ame rican liar iron 0 ton 1 cwt., 0 qm. 0 lb*, of 1 j by ; inch, l*xt American bar iron 0 ton 6 cwt., 0 qra. 0 Iba. of 2 inchra Mquare, bent American liar iron 0 ton 8 cwt., 0 qm. 0 11m. of 1J inchex aqunrr, licat American bar iron 0 ton 10 cwt., 0 qra. 0 It*. of I inch xquarc, beat American bar iron 0 ton 6 cwt.,0 qrx. 0 11*. of incbo aquare. beat American bar iron 0 ton 5 cwt., 0 qra. 0 11*. of j inchex square, bext American bar iron 1 ton 0 cwt., 0 qra. 0 lb*. of , inctw-a xquarr, l**t American liar iron 13 tuna 12 cwt., 0 qra. 0 lba. of bar iron 18 tone 0 ca t., 0 qra. 0 11*. of 3> inch diameter, beat American round iron IF lull n I Wl., u Ijru. II IUB. UI Z , III' II CIIMIIIl'MT. IX-I"I American round iron 2 tona 0 cwi., 0 qra. 0 II*. of 2 inrh diameter, beat American round iron 2 tuna 0 rwt., 0 qni. 0 Iba. of I j inch diameter, beat American round iron 0 ton 3 cwt , 0 qra. 0 llw. of IJ iuch diameter, licet American round iron to tona 10 cwt., 0 qra. 0 lha. of IJ inch diameter, beat American round iron 0 ton 7 cwt., 0 qra. 0 Iba. of IJ inch diameter, beat American round iron 1 ton 10 cwt., 0 qra. 0 Iba. 1 inch diameter, l?e?t American round iron 2 tona 10 cwt.. 0 qra. 0 Iba. of I inrh diameter,beat American round iron 0 ton 6 cwt., 0 qra. 0 Iba. of ^ inrh diameter, iieat American round iron 0 ton 8 rwt., 0 qra. 0 lha. of ^ inch diameter, beat American round iron 0 ton 1 cwt, 0 qra. 0 Iba. of J inch diameter, Iieat American round iron 0 ton Ocwt., 1 qr. 0 lie. of | inch diameter, Iieat American round iron 0 ton Ocwt., I qr. 0 lbe. of J inch diameter, Iieat American round iron 17 tona 2a;wt., 2 qra. 0 lha. of round iron It pinch barn, in the rnujrh, of to feet Ion*. I J mchm aquare for IN inchea, thence rounded, tapering to |t inch, at the other end xi pinrn nara, in the rough, ? '?"e? lung, inchea aquare at one end for one foot, them e rounded to one inch 80 aheeta of {-inch boiler iron,6 fret long", 26 inchea wide 10 aheeta of i-inch aheet iron 180 pounda of 1-inch octagon caat ateel 100 do j-inrh do do 100 do I g-inch aqua re do 80 do 2 ny 1-inch ahear ateel 800 do 6-inch boat apikca. Class No. 6.?Railway Iron CashnqM and Spikt*. About 20 tona, more or leaa, of American railway iron, a. pattern, 31 inchea high, 2 inrhea wide on the top table, and four inchea on the bottom, in bara not leaa than IS feet kmr, weighing about SH pounda per lineal yard. To he pernVtly welded and free from acalea, < ra< ka, cinder hokca, and other defecta. The bara to he atraight and cut aquare to the mkm. ftOO pound* of hook-headed railway apikea, treat ?|iin Iity. ft in< he- long, about 3 to the pound, pointed or rroaa mil* The iron work of two turning- rail* for thf < ara ol a railway of 4 frtt 8J indiea gauge. Class No. tt?.Miscr///inrmi*. Iron ( Rating* for railway and other purpnara, aa the tame may be rruuired during th- year, including the ratting of IK ahravea of 13 by 31, inrhea to pattern. The price per pound to be ate led. Class No. 7?jhiscel/anetnu. 10,000 noiinda of pig lead 700 fret of lead pita-, I J-inch diainater, (li^rlit i pipe,) made hy Tatem K Rrotlx-ra, Phila delphia 1 200 pounda of ahect copper 20 do apelter 100- do bkx k tin Clans No. h?Miscellaneous. 20,001) yard* of strong double-thread bugging, tola 26 inches or more in width; or proposal* for 10,000 bag* of not lew than 26 incite* iu width and a yard iu length. The proposal* will state the price of each From 100 u> 400 pound* of strong sewing twine 2 dozen of Collin* & Co.'* cost uteri attd wood axes, from 6 to 6 pounds weight each 4 dozen of Ante*'* beat abort-handled shovel* 1 do Arnea'a best long-luind led shovels I do Ames'* best spades II do Ames's broad hoe* I grinding stone, 4 feet diameter, 5-inch face, sharp even grit 1 giinning tuiue, * jeet diameter, 4-iiicn isce, sharp grit, but filter quality 60 pounds oT white lead, ground ill oil 60 do red lead do do 1IM) do tallow 100 do parking yarn 2 coils of 6-inch Manilla rope, 300 fathoiin1 coil of 4-inch do do 100 do 2 eoiln of 3-inch do do 200 do 1 coil of tarred hrinp rope, 4-inch 100 do 2 eoiln of 2-inch tarred hciup rope, 200 do 3 coil* of 12 threud ratline 3 eoiln of 9 do 1 coil of marline 3 coil of houneline 100 pound* of lg-inch deep-sea lead line 10 pound* Itontx Class No. 9?Miscellaneous. HTATIONBKV KOK KNUINKEBs' OKK1CE. ? ream large nize ruled paper, 12 by 18 ilichen, j faint lines, ruled ' inch apart, J. Whatman's j paper 60 sheetn double elephant drawing paper, 41) in. by I 2b in. 10 sheet* antiquarian drawing paper, 27 in. by 19 in. 24 sheets assorted sizes trace paper b smull ttoltles carmine red ink 2 do blue ink 1 gross extra fine pointed steel pens, (Jos. tiillott's) ' I <> <loseu hard lead pencils t> dozen best quality engineer's drawing pencils, j from two H to four H 1 dozen assorted sizes camel and sable hair | bruahce 3 three-quire blank books, good paper and well ruled 3 two-quire blank books, good paper and well I ruled 1 six-quire requisition book 2 dozen leuther-bound memorandum books 3 four-bladed penknives, voiUi one erater blade 1 dozen pieces India rubber '2 sponges, fine 1 piece fine tanned doeskin 4 lbs. gum arabir 3 folding rules, 2 feet long, with three joints 1 small Scotch hone or whetstone. Class No. 10. 700 cedar nilln for railway, 7 feet long-, 6 by 8 in. square. Class No. 11?Miscellaneous. From 500 to H00 cords of sound pine light wood, to be landed in the yard close to the site of the Permanent Wharf, at the rate of not less than 60 or more than 100 cords per month, as may be required. It is to be provided in the contracts, and to be distinctly understood, that the Government reserves the rig-lit to increase or diminish the quantities of articles contracted for to the amount of aO per cent., as the wants of the service may require, and whether the quantities required be more or less than those specified; the prices shall remain the sumc. All the articles must be of the best quality, delivered in gxiod order, and subject to such inspection at the yard of delivery as the Bureau may direct, and be in all respects satisfactory to the commandant thereof. For further description of materials and samples apply to the commandaut of the navy yard. The deliveri<? of all the materials may be commenced forthwith, and must be commenced within sixty days after the date of the contract, and be continued from time to time, as, in the opinion of the commandant of the yard, the wants of the service may require, and must all be completed by or before the 30th of June, 1850, except where otherwise specially provided. Classes headed "Miscellaneous" to be delivered as required during the fiscal year. On these twenty per cent, retained may, at the option of the Bureau, be paid quarterly on the 1st January, April, July, and October, where deliveries have been satisfactory. The balance (eighty per cent.) will be paid by the Navy Agent within thirty days after the presentation of bills in triplicate, ttuly vouched and approved. A rig-id adherence to the contract will be enforced; bidders, therefore, are especially cautioned not to ftin 11n nrnaitArt that on *??foiiainn t\f Mmn will be grail Led or permitted. Approver! sureties, in half the amount of the con tract, will be required, and twenty per cent, a* additional security, deducted from each payment, until the contract shall have been completed or cancelled. The sureties inuat sign the contract as sureties, and make affidavit tiiat they, in the aggregate, are worth, over and above their debt* and liabilities, to the full amount of the contract. Kach offer uiuxt be signed by the neraon or persona making it, and his or their residence, as well as the names and residence of the guarantors, naming the town and btate, must lie distinctly stated. Person* whose offer shall lie accepted will be notified by letter through the post office, which notice shall Ire considered sufficient; and if they do not Btt i into contract within fifteen day* from tin date of notice of the acceptance of their bids, a contract will lie made with some othe^person or per mum, nuu tlir ^unmiiUMf MJ PftUl t H I rt U111II UHHUT will be held responsible for cxrrm of prior, if any, over the accepted offer. FORM OF OFFKB. To the Navy Agent at : I, , of , in the State of ??, hereby offer to furnish, under your advertisement dated , ami subject to all the requirement* of the same, all the article* embraced in Clam No. ?, vii: for , (here insert the article and prices carried out,) amounting to , (write the aggregate in words.) The undrnrigned, , of , and , in tin* State of , n* guarantors, bcnbr undertake thai tbc above-named will, il' lux i>(T?t be accepted, enter into r. on tract, ax before required. with the United Ktates, within fifteen day* liter the date of notice through lite poet ofli< r of the acceptance of hi* bid aa before mentioned. (Kumatiircs.) , I certify that the above-named and are known to me to be good and reaponaible gunran tor* in Utia caae. WALKER ANDERSON, Nary, Agtnt iff- AU ,rropotalt irnl hw mail mutt b* prut patH jJO- The New Orlean* Bulletin. Halt American. Philadelphia Enquirer, New York Courier and Enquirer, Ho*ton Daily Advertiser, and Union, Washington, will publiah once a weak until the 30th ilay of July, ItMfl. July 12? At ________ to UIHMRI THE NUKSTRIHERS offer their aerrirea to per ?mix wishing to obtain patentx in the United States or in foreign countries, and will prepare specification* and drawing*, and take all necessary steps to secure a patent. r roni their long experience, ax practical ine< hanica, added to a thorough knowledge of the Patent Lhw and acquaintance with the ih-taila connected with the business of the Patent Office, they trtlat they will lie able to give satisfaction to their employers, Imth in the clearness and precision of their specifications, and in the promplneas and ability with which they transai t all business entrusted to them. Persons residing at a distance may procure all necessary in formal ion, have their business transacted, and obtain a patent, by writing to the nubacribara, without incurring the expense of a personal attendant! at Washington. Model* can tie sent with perfect aaft-ty by the ex- ^ presses. Hough sken lie* and descriptions rati be sent by |nnjf. i, ] rnr fvulrnrf r?f Uirir c4imp*tri?cr unn intrprrity, they would renp?*ctfully refer to all thoar for whom they have tranaai ted buaineaa Ijcttera hi nut he r? etna id Often on F atreet, op. poeite the Patent Office. P H. WATSON, ' June IJ. | mw B. S. REN WICK MEXICAN CLAIMS. Xohrr to boUUrn qf rLatm* a Mrxtro. prtntdsfi for by thr fifth nrtirU qf thr imratifirrt ronrrntion of Xormthrr 20. P*4J r|,HK Hoard of C'ommieaionem to udjuet claim* 1 ii train Hi Meaico, appointed under art of ConfireiM of 3d March, I Mi, have adopted the followng order, hi wit: " It appearing to tha Board thai memorial in several of the caee* provided for in the fifth article of the unratified convention of November 40, IH43, between the government of the United Statea and of Me aieo, to wit, clainia which were conaidered hy I the commieaioncra under the treaty of 11 tit April, ISJW, and referred hi the umpire, and which were not decid?-d hy hiin, have not la-en filed agreeably to tlie ordera bcrytotwe eatahliahed, and it being represented that further time ia necessary, therefore It la " Ordered, That tin-turn lor tiling am h iin-iiioi imIk la ejtrnded to tb< fir it Monday of Xovrmttrr nrxt; and all memorial* and argument* relating to an id cktuna are required to lie tiled on or liefnre an id day." ftrrim or nam Commission, Washington, June 7, IH41. WM, CARKY JONRH, Secretary. Juna 14- dIOt Uouton ^Utoertisrinruts. NEW LAW BOOKS, JUST PUBLISHED, . In prtti, and preparing for pubUrulivn, hp LITTLE & BROWN, 114 Wunhluyluu Ml., Buntuu. GREENLEAF'S CRUISE ON REAL PROPERTY. 3 vol*., royal H vo. Vol. J. now ready. CRUISE S DIGEST OF THE LAW OF REAL PROPERTY. Revised and considerably enlarged, by Henry Hoplev White, Est). Further revised and abridged, with Additions and Notes for the use of American Students, by Simon Greenleaf, LL. D. It it* witli much pleasure that we are able to announce the fir?t volume of this great work, which lain been ao long' looked for. Vols. II. and III. artinactive preparation, and will make their appearance with at) little delay as possible. ANNUAL DIGEST, 1848. United States Digest: Being a Digest of Decisions of the Courts of Common Law, Equity and Admiralty, in the United States, by John Phelps Putnam-Vol. II. for 1*4*. ANGELL ON COMMON CARRIERS. One volume, Hvo. 791 pages. A Treatise on the Istw of Carriers of Goods and Passengers, by Land and Water. By Joseph K. Angell. JARMAN ON WILLS. New tuul greatly enlarged, edition. A Treatise on Wills, with a copious Dissertation on the Construction of Devises, by T. Jarinan, with Notes and References to American Law, by Hon. J. C. Perkins; second edition, greatly enlarged, with additional Notes and References. *2 vols. 8vo. MISSISSIPPI REPORTS?VOL. XI. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court ofthe State of Mississippi. By Win. C. Hmedes and T. A. Marshall. Vol. XL SESSIONS LAWS?1*48, 1849. The Statutes at Large and Treaties ofthe United States of America, commencing with the Second Scssiou of the Thirtieth Congress, 1848?1849, carefully collated with the originuls at Washington. Edited by George. Minot, 8vo. Printed uniformly with Little & Brown's edition of the Laws of the United States. CURTIS ON PATENTS. One volume Hvo. A Treatise on the Law of Patents for Useful Inventions in the United States of America, and the Remedies for their Infringement. By George T, Curtis, Counsellor at Law. IN PRESS AND PREPARING FOE PUBLICATION, METCALF'S REPORTS, VOL. XII. Report* of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Vol. 12 By Theron Metcalf?ready in July. CUSHING'S REPORTS. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. By Luther S. Cushing. Vol. I. WOODBURY & MINOT'S REPORTS, VOL. II. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First District, vol. 2. By Charles L. Woodbury and Geore*e Minot?ready in a few days. ANGELL'S REPORTS, VOL. I. Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court ol Rluxle Island, vol. 1. By Joseph K. Angell. HOWARD'S REPORTS, VOL. VII. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the United States. By Benjamin C. Howard?in July. MISSISSIPPI REPORTS, VOL. 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