Newspaper Page Text
THE REPUBLIC. WASHINGTON: MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3, 1853. ^ -? " ??uvw vuucurui The Concord (N. H.) Patriot, which appears by common consent to be regarded as reflecting accurately the views of Gen. Pierce, has the following significant paragraph in its editorial article of Friday last: "We shall spare no effort to promote the harmony and consequent success of the democratic party iu this State, and shall do all in our power to sustain the National administration which is so soon to come under the direction of New Hampshire's gallant son. In so doing we shall doubtless be compelled to cross the track of factionists, disappointed and disaffected office seekers and mercenary demagogues, who, finding they cannot make money out of the new national administration, as they have out of others, will raise their feeble hands against it. With all such we shall deal as we have dealt wi>h their like in times past; while among true men of the party we shall, as heretofore, know no difference either in respect to locality or personal considerations, but treat all as equals and equally entitled to the consideration of the party in the bestowal of its favors " Assuming that the Patriot does not speak lightly or without sufficient authority, it is evident that the President elect already dis covers the germs of future factions in the ranks of the Democrats. His organ realizes the fact, if he does not, that the next three months will develope disappointment and disaffection as consequences of the distribution of patronage; and that thenceforward the Demo cratic administration will be constrained to encounter opposition from portions of its own party. The discovery is not new. It was made long ago when first the mass of hostile elements were, professedly, bound together for a common purpose; but it is worthy of note that an anticipation so uniformly denied when proceeding from Whig pens, is now admitted to its full extent by the "home organ." It will be seen, too, that the Patriot reiterates the determination of the new Executive to "know no difference" in the distribution of favors. Should not "principles" be substituted for "personal considerations," however? And with that alteration, is not the sentence de signed to afford special consolation to the extremists, North and South? }Ii<ilMlppl Senator. it has been suggested that a material error has crept into the published despatch announc iiiST that Mr. B. N. Kinyon. a Union Demo crat, has been appointed by Gov. Foote to succeed the Hon. W. Brooke, whose Senatorial term expires on the 4th of March: The appointment is merely ad interim, and is intended to supply the vacancy which the Legislature of Mississippi, at its late session, neglected or failed to fill. The power of the Governor to make the appointment under these circumstances is questioned ; and hence the suggestion that the original despatch was probably incorrect. We learn, however, from our Mississippi exchanges that the appointment has been tendered to Mr. Kinyon, and that Governor Foote, in communicating it, referred to the point in question, in the following terms: "On looking into the Senatorial precedents you will find that it decided, at a very early period, that the Executive of a State has no right to appoint to a Senatorial vacaucy which had not, at the period of such appointment, actually arisen. Therefore, no appointment made before the 4th day of March would be valid. This is quite unfortunate for us?since it is almost certain that no appointment of Senator could be made at so late a day as the 4th of March, which would enable the person appointed to reach Washington in time fcr Sena torial service, during the special session of the Senate, which, according to usage, will commence on the next 4th of March. All that perhaps can be now done, istosee that the seat in the Senate, which is to become vacant on the 4th of March, 1353, shall be occupied on the first Monday of December of the same year." all...];.... ?? ci ic >- ?c . x?.iiuvitug vu uuTciuuf i'uuit s rtJierence iu precedent, the JWississippian of December 24th remarks: "We presume the case here referred to is that of James Lanman, of Connecticut. On the 4th of March, 1825, at a session of the Senate specially called, credentials of his appointment by the Gov- ; ernorof the State as a Senator, 'to take effect immediately after the 3d of March, 1825, and to continue until the next meeting of the Legislature' of said State, were presented. After due consideration, his claims were rejected on the ground, according to the authority before us, that 'it is not competent for the Executive of a State, in the recess of a Legislature, to appoint a Senator to fill a vacancy which thall happen, but has not happened at ^ the time of the appointment.* It, however, pro ceeds to say, in a note, that 'such appeari to have been the ground of decision in this case; but neither the report, nor the action of the Senate on it, fully ditclotet the reatont of the decieion.' (Book of contested elections in Congress, from 1789 to 1834, inclusive, page 871.) Mr. Lanman was appointed to a new term precisely as in the case before us "The power of the Governor to make the appointment, under the circumstances, is a matter of doubt and controversy. The weight of opinion, so far as we have heard it expressed, hangs against it, on the ground that the Constitution limits the authority of the Executive to fill such I vacancies as arise after an election by the Legislature, and not by expiration of a term. This is our own view of the case. The point in issue is one, however, which will have to be finally and authoritatively determined by the Senate itself, when Mr. Kinyon presents his credentials." lion. Francis W. Pickens. The Charleston Mercury publishes a correspondence between President Polk and Mr. Fkakci8 W. Pickems, of South Carolina, by which it appears that on tha 21st of April, '845, the President tendered to Mr. Pickens appointment of Minister to England as a successor to Mr. Everett, but which was de clined by Mr. Pickens on the 28th of the same month, on the gioynd that questions then pending forbade his acceptance consistently with the feelings of allegiance which he bore his own State. Tlie Mileage to Kentucky. We append an article from the Frankfort (Ky.) Commonwealth, introducing a letter from the Hon. Humphrey Marshall, and another from the Louisville Journal, introducing a letter from the Hon. D. Merriwether?both in reference to the amount of mileage received in connection with their services in Congress. We publish the documents as an act of justice tn tho (Mntlaman i>nni>?rniul and with no inten tion of reopening the controversy on the points to which they relate : From the Frankfort Commonwealth, Dee 29. We have received the following' letter from Col. Hcm*h?cy Marshall, now on hie way to China, as Commissioner from the United States to that Empire: Nahii, Nov. 21,1852. My Dear SirI observe by a paragraph from jour paper, copied into the Rejneblic of the 23d of October, which is now before me, that you allude to the fact of my mileage account having afforded the precedent for that of Hon. Dawid Me a biwsth jkb, and you propose to pass the question of its ^ " honesty," so far as I am concerned, until my return to Kentucky. It would acem to be a:; act of simple justice tc leave my acts unheard, as well as without judgment, during my absence from our country.; but 8t, since my mileage is already connected with a question of honetty, it may not be amiss at once, *e and nova, to respond with the facts of the case ? w It is, then, a controlling fact that my mileage ac- . count was not fixed by me, but by the committee on mileage of the House of Representatives, and I iu accepted merely what th - committee ordered to be passed to my credit in the office of the sergeantat arms of the House of Representatives. The pi committee addressed to me a circular letter, ask- 8( ing by what route I traveled to Washington from my home, and what was the most direct or usual route. I responded by stating my embarkation at a Louisville, my travel by steamer and railway, via te Pittsburgh, to Washington, and stated what is the jj, fact, that at that season the route via Pittsburgh is as " usual" as any, and the most convenient and ?>' comfortable. Upon these facts, the commit- p< tee computed the distance upon principles es- ri tabiished by them under the existing law, and p, made the decision in regard to my mileage, on exactly the same principles which governed them as to all members who went up the Ohio river. I w sought to fix no precedent^ I did not state any amount of money or distance, as I recollect; and so, having referred the whole matter to the body l"? provided bv the House for its adiudication, and es- ai pecially finding that mine was juat the same as the case of my colleagues, I presumed that it was "honest" to take what the committee said was due ** to me under the law. These are just the facts of ? my case. I think that the whole mileage and pay ? of our members is top small a matter to be eter- ? nally harping on, in a government whose annual appropriations exceed fifty million^, but I am .* ready to bear any sentence the most censorious ' can cast on me, under a knowledge of the facts in ^ my case. E Thanking you for the friendly spirit in which ? you have repeatedly treated me, 1 remain your ? obedient servant, &e. ? HUMPHREY MARSHALL. f To the Editor of the Frankfort Commonwealth. ? The paragragb to which Colonel Marshall refers, ^ must be the following, which appeared in the ? Commonwealth early in October last: A "Mr. Meriwether is trying to shield himself from E censure for his big mileage charge behind the F skirts of Colonel Humphrey Marshall, who, he says, charged according to the same computation of distance. Colonel Marshall is not now in this Cl country, and his affairs ought to be l?t alone. The guestion for Mr. Merriwether to answer is Y this: Is the distance from Louisville to Washing- c' ton one thousand and sixty five miles? and if not, X was it right for Mr. Meriwether to charge mileage t, for that distance, whether Colonel Marshall did or not? It is a question of honesty, not of precedent." 0| Colonel Marshall being out of the country, we j, shall make his letter the subject of no other re- jy mark than that he has mistaken the spirit and intention of the paragraph to which he alludes. u In writing it we intended only to strip Mr. Meriwether of a defence which we thought improperly set up; for we considered that if his mileage charge jr was right in itself, it could be defended upon its r.i own merits; and if wrong, it was impossible that vi any thing in Colonel Marshall's case could make it right. We neither stated, insinuated, or implied, any opinion whatever in regard to Colonel ?' Marshall's'charge for mileage, and for the good n reason, among others, that we knew nothing con 8' cerning it, or the circumstances under which it lr was made. But whatever might be Colonel Marshall's merits or demerits upon the subject, we did ^ not intend, so far as we were concerned, that pub- 7; lie attention should be diverted from Mr. Meri- bi Wether to him. . al As to Congressional mileage being "too small a matter" for newspaper comment in this country, b| there may be two opinions about that. We think Cl that circular mileage and constructive mileage si have grown into a great abuse, and that when the 2; law has been so stretched that a single Senator has been allowed to draw upwards of $4,000 from the treasury for a single imaginary journey, per- oi formed in a single night while he was asleep in ci his bed at Washington, the "matter" has become lr quite large enough for examination and for reform ti From the Louisville Journal, December '23. We publish with pleasure a letter from the Hon. b< David Meriwether in explanation of the charge el made by him for mileage in going to Washington last summer aud returning home at the close of the session. We have never thought, nor have we w ever intended to imply in any remarks of ours a( that Mr. M. was not strictly and scrupulously conecientious in the charge made by him and allowed by the constituted authorities. Unquestionably it is a t,uv uuvjr vs ?uo v/uuiUllVb?c UU 111licagc iu ucicr- 9 mine from actual inquiry and investigation what 81 amount each member is entitled to, and Mr. M-, presuming, no doubt, that the committee had been 8j. in the habit of performing this plain duty, natu- th rally based his own estimate of mileage upon what gi had been charged and received by the Hon. H. ai Marshall, allowing only for the very brief distance al between their places of residence. th It appears, however, that the committee on or mileage is of little or no account. Every member fi' of Congress makes bis own estimate, and the estimate is allowed, so Skat there is no uniformity in co the system. Members generally are paid not so ar much according to the distances they live from Washington as according to the length of their P< consciences. Mr. Meriwether's scrupulous honesty in regard to money matters is above suspicion. . gt To the Editor* a/ the Louisville Journal: jn Gentlemen: In your weekly Journal of the 13th th, of October last, I find an article in reference to the m( amount of mileage received by me as a member of the Senate of the United States, and immediately after the appearance of said article I wrote to Washington city for the necessary data upon which , ' to base a defence of myself; but failing to receive it, until my arrival here, I now hasten to forward you this communication, with the hope that you j? will give it a place in-your columns. Thechargemade against rneis not that of having .l received more mileage than the law allows,.but for having received more than the amount received ru by my predecessor, the Hon. Henry Clay; and I would respectfully submit whether the laws of the land or the practice of my distinguished prede- rpj cessor should govern in this case? If the latter is to be the standard by which I am to be measured, ' then I ask that the Same rule of measurement be applied to others, and especially to several very honorable Whig friends of mine who have been members of Congress from Kentucky. For instance, Mr. Clay received mileage for only 560 t ' miles each way, when the Hon. John J. Crittenden charged and received mileage for 800 miles each way, when it is a well-known fact that the places of residence of these two honorable gentlemen are p not more than 25 miles from each other; yet the "B difference in their mileage is 240 miles. Again : the Hon. Thomas Metcalfe received nav . for #>9 milea, which is 137 miles more than the 1" distance for which Mr. Clay was paid ; yet it is a "v well known fact that Mr. Metcalfe resides nearer m to Washington than did Mr. Clay. Again: the BU Hon. Charles S. Morehead received pay for 972 P^ miles, which is 412 miles more than Mr. Clay, and yet they resided only about twenty-five miles from each other. Again : the Hon. H Marshall receiv- or ed pay lor 1094 miles, which is 634 miles more eft than Mr Clay, and yet these two gentlemen did ?f not reside over fifty miles from each other. This C1' comparison could be carried out through the entire delegation from Kentucky, and indeed the . . delegations of other neighboring States, with aimilar reBylts: but I have selected the above named ^ gentlemen because of their residence in theimme 811 diate neighborhood of ftjr. Clay, and ?think them sufficient for my purpose : which is to show that others have not deemed it necessary to regulate their receipts for milage by those of Mr. Clay. ^ Indeed, I find that no other member of Congress Cl1 has ever deemed it necessary to measure himself in J?, th?a particular by the standard recently erected ' J a portion pf the Whig press by which to measure me. # As I stated in " Duoucauou made jn October last, I now repeat, that I regulated ray charge for mile- J? age by the allowance made hy the committee on , mileage of the House of Representative to Colonel H. Marshall, the member from the Congressional I_ district in which 1 reside, and the member whose residence was nearest my own. It was but fair to co presume,that a committee of Congress,whose espe- ^r< cial duty it was to regulate the mileage of members, m had done so with more accuracy than I or any other by individual could do, and hence this plan was resortedjto, and my mileage was fixed at 1065 miles, which is less than the amount allowed by the committe to Colonel Marshall, although his residence is nearer to Washington city than my own. By the act of Congress, every Senator is entitled to draw " $8 for every twenty miles of estimated bii distance by the most usual road from his place ot residence to the seat of Congress," This I have done, and no more. So Respectfully, an D MERIWETHER. Se Washington, December 16, 1852. arJ wi Th* Liftuoa Law in Nbw Hampshibx.?The wi New Hampshire House of Representatives, on f? Thursday, indefinitely postponed the liquor bill, J?.1 by a vote of 1^5 to 128, ' . *>** : 1 J Whig Government In Minnesota. The Minnesota Piofteer, a Democratic paper, id one which has contributed largely to the tl ock of floating information in relation to that '? rritory, bears testimony to the efficiency with ^ hich the officers of a Whig administration tve discharged their duties, vindicating the j dependent action of the Democrats, as opposed the party opposition which a contemporary int has labored to excite. The Pioneer ob- ? jrves: j "It has turned out that a citizens' party, during ? Whig administration, has been more for the in- * rests of the territory. We have had enlisted the : rely interest in our improvements of the whole c avernment. We sincerely believe that this .' jlicy has been peculiarly favorable to our territoal interests. We have effected the great national ; jrposes so much desired?the Sioux purchase, id unprecedcntly liberal appropriations other J ise.r' Saving Banks in Connecticut.?By the latest ; tlnrna for fhp Maw Hnvpn Iflnnn 'I Itpjiflfpr. the ( mounts on deposit at the several Saving- Hanks in >e State, and the annual dividends, are as follows: j artford .....$1,958,675 at 6 percent. lorwich 1,116,169 6 " liddletowu 938,374 6 " 1 few Haven 835,112 5| " lew London 675,989 6 " ridgeport 550,000 6 " olland 143 322 5 Villimantic 103,588 6 " ' >erby 61,2"1 6 " lorwalk..... 56,160 5 " tonington 46,182 5j " lanbury 45,000 5 " ' altsbury 40,552 5 " J Issex 38,207 5 . " Vaterbury 28,408 5 " litchfield 24,550 5 " tamford 19,276 5 " leriden 15,314 5 " >eep River 13,028 6 " 'armington 10,422 5 " ,' James R. Spalding, esq., formerly European Drrespondent of the New York Courier and Enuirer, under the signature of "Sigma," has beome permanently associated with James Watson ; if ebb, esq , in the editorial management and con-ol of that journal. Roger A. Pryor, esq., notifies the subscribers f the Soulh*ide Democrat, at Petersburg, Va , that e has transferred his interest in that journal to < lessrs. A. D. Banks and J. Hichard L-wellen, and lat he is no Ion ger in any way concerned in its " lanagement, Judge Samuel C. Roane died on his plantation " i Jefferson county, Arkaneas, on the 8th of Desmber, in the 60th year of his age. He had held ' irious prominent official positions in that State. Crime in Baltimore.?from the annual report < F High Constable Herring to the Mayor of Balti- ' lore, the Patriot takes the following statistics, " lowing the number of arrests, for all causes, durig the year 1852 : S ? For aaaaultand battery 908 ; asaault with in- j :nt to kill 74 ; asaault with intent to commit rape 1 ; asaault with intent to rob 28; assault on officera ); assaulting and stabbing 43; assaulting-and j, sating wives 115; assaulting and maiming 6; a ttacklng and stoning bouses 54; arson 6; abuse tl 14; abuse of parents 18; abuse of families29; abuse e F horses 11; abduction 6; breach of ordinances 504; Bj reach of peace 790; burglary 17; bigamy 3; dese- 3| ration of the Sabbath 20j disturbing public wor- ; lip 13; fast ridlingand driving 51; fraud 1$ forgery false pretences 8; false imprisonment 2; fornica 8j onand bastardy 9; fighting in the streets337; gam- s| ling on the Sabbath 55; horse stealing 2; house e< reaking 13; inciting to riot 53; interfering with tl ficers33; insulting ladies in the streets 19; intoxi- ]L ition 1,319 ; indecent exposure of person 21; keep- v ig disorderly houses 4; larceny 178; malicious mis- h lief 95; mania-a-potu 17; murder 3; suspicion <j murder 10; minors running with fire appara u ises 13; peddling without license 15; picking jckets 6; rioting 455; rioting during alarms of a* re 108 ; rape 1 ; receiving stolen goods 13 ; rob- tc ?ry 24 ; selling liquor on the Sabbath 5 ; threatling to kill 69 ; threatening to abuse 199 ; threat- h ling to destroy property 4 ; selling lottery poli- p es 10 ; misdemeanors 22. Total 6,302. o: The number of robberies reported at the office jr as 187, and the amount of property stolen valued ; $113,538. Number of persons sent to the alms- y jute 998, of whom 428 were adult males, 480 fe tales, and 33 children. There were 498 alarms of re during the year, of which 218 were false. t( mount of property destroyed by fire estimated at ^ 267,540, on which there was insurance to the y nount of $166,345. Persons burned to death 8. a b Naval.?The officera of the United States steam- </ dp Princeton have received orders transferring p em to the frigate Macedonian. The steam-fri g ite Powhatan is to have such of her petty officers n id crew as are wanted by her, and the balance 5^ e t-i be transferred to the Macedonian. a The Princeton's stores have been taken out, and fe e contractors and their employees are at work tv 1 the boilers, which are to be completed by the w st ol April. nl The naval court martial, which has been in ses- 8l 3D for about & fortnight at the navy yard, has ^ included the business before it. The sentences 0I e not yet known.?Norfolk Beacon, December 31. e? The United States frigate Columbia, Captain at sndergrast, was put in commission yesterday. * le is attached to the Home Squadron and is to be a e flag ship of Commodore Newton Orders ej sre received here on Thursday, that the United tft ates steamship Fulton should proceed to Wash- jn gton with all dispatch. As she was not ready, ju e engineer left for Washington City ye terday rc orning, and the f*ulton will follow if necessary [Norfolk Beacon, January 1. fr ~~ m Admiral Rkebidb.?The enterprising and gal- lo it Reeside, who has, by means of horse-power to d coaches, been pushing the mails and passen- er rs through to and from Wheeling to the termi- la tion points on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, s been driven off the track by the completion of st e railroad to Wheeling. It is a remarkable fact gi st the father of the admiral was the lirst man to ea n aline of stages over the mountains on this ute and his son run the last coaches, which was pi pt up until the rails reached the Ohio river, tit ie admiral, however, is not defeated yet. He has st assed the Ohio with his stock and stages, and will n from Wheelingtwo lines a day over a turn- st ke to Dayton ana other points West, a distance ro about seventy-five miles, where he connects ne th other railroads, and will continue to serve e public with the same fidelity which has here- ei fore characterized his enterprise and zeal. in [Baltimore Sun st to Cholbra in Apalachicola.?The Albany (Ga ) itriot learns that " a malignant and fatal dia- ar se, resembling the Asiatic cholera has broken out th Apalachicola. JVithin ten days previous to the ne the steamer Henry left, as many as seventy- a( e deaths had occurred ; and there was no abate- jy ent at the time of her leaving-. The disease is pposed to be caused by par>aking of the oysters pi ocured in the Bay. Either from being deprived jr salt water by tbe unusual quantity of fresh wa- at r discharged into the Bay alter the late freshet, jn some other cause, tbe oysters have become dis- to sed, and in large portions of the beds have died ca disappeared. They are pronounced by physi tr ins and others to be not only unwholesome, but be isolutely poisonous. fa " We suppose the disease at Apalachicola to be te entical with that reported in Columbus some ? jek or two since. If we remember rightly, sj( onilar effects followed the eating of New Haven nt sters some few years ago."?Mobile Advertiser. ec of Rkmoval or Rocks in New Havbn Hakbor, d< innkcticut.? Mons. l>Jaillefcrt bias just con- pi jded a contract with tbe Government for the re- th oval of "Middle Rock"from New Haven harbor. B< lis rock is situated about one mile southeast of m e lighthouse and is altogether the most danger- th s of any in the harbor. It is twenty-seven w irds long, fifteen yards wide, and ten feet from ci e surface at mean low water. The removal of is rock is of the greatest importance to tbe city on New Haven, aqd tbe prompt action of the Gen- is al Government in tbe matter?as soon us sure th d satisfactory means for its removal were at th rotnatjdq-will meet with deserved appreciation be >m the merchants of that city. The arrange- tit entsonthe part of the Government were made an Captain George Dutton, U. S E. Corps. tie [JV. Y. Courier and Enquirer. ? bu Th* Seciuki. or a Jok*.?It will be remembered an at some three months since a family named A< agg engaged passage in the clipper Polynesian, lai California, but by some mistake were left be- an ad, while their baggage was carried off in the vis ilynesian. At that time the clipper Winged 'row was on the stocks at Brigg's ship yard at by uth Boston, but within two weeks was launched- ev d set sail, with the family on board as passen- an rs. By the steamer Uncle Sam, we learn of the Sn rival of the Winged Arrow at San Francisco lot tb the Bragg family, who, at last accounts, were he liting patiently for their baggage, the Polynesian ' t having arrived. A joke at both ends of the tol lrney has surely been the lot of Mr. Braggand mi i friends.?BotUm Travtller, 3Jsf. rp 9 '*"l 1 i! rrtilil 1111,1 ? ^HE REPUBLIC. City of Washington. ] We copy from the National Intelligencer J be following annual report of the venerable , ohn Sessford, sr., the accurate chronicler of ! ur local iihprovements. It is a flattering ex- 1 libit of our city's prosperity. * Vumber of Dwellings, fyc., erected within the i . . year 1852. 1 t ?H~ $$ i r s ; r OO&O < =: ? ? 5*2 ? 1 B | S I I I J S ::::::: ss < I ::::::: Siii ( <2 H-* tO H* >?? 1 J* I >-* I -3 >-* tO CO - OWI o ? ? B X... _ wtooi^- w co cn co cn co & O Ob Ot O) h CO ?3 W O ? . o tt 1 ?- H- 1 i-a ^ ^ ^ to ? O* ( ? CO I *.CnCD~?~l 00 tO JJ "" , ff f < ? I I I to I I I 3 | I H " = ' 3' ? cnj H* CO ? I "* t I # I I co woicn | co g * 1 t _ O I co ts ^ j -? H- i? co ** 1 * 03 ? I CO rfk ! I ta rf^ODlO bD I I I I I I I I CO I I f CO I ?-* 5' I ? I i ^ H-i O Is3 ?> C 4 OJ I WOtWMM ? rfk. CO rfk. CO CO 5 ? ? tt CO to I o CO to -? 05 * ? ? CO to to rfk. rfk. CO rfk. QD O* rn ? co rfk. cn ** ?-* c* h- co ? co rf*. co to St ^ 3 f ? o ? ? S" g. ' ? I ? CO I bi O CO ? tO-J 1-* _ ^ < u I 1 I I I I I I I I Ol I I I Ol Ol o 5' ? : IT Cg * _ g> #.--8S g *. oi co en -a co to >3 bs ci co co to g 5" c 2 ? O I I I I I to I -4 ' CO ( CO b, _ Total number ^ en _ ? H- H- to??V 01 w to co rfk. CJ1 CO O) -J en CO CC en Hwpllino-a co rfk. O) o> go <*. o co co to o u weiiiugn. & b3 bo eg Shops, &c. C W I WrfktSOiW W (XOiCOO a 5 be h- gc Public. t 10 -. I I I? II? 4. 4. 4. -J <o g ^ Running1 feet ji bo toj?cobsco . oi jj o,pi of brick pave- ? S ^ ' S'Soo? iS Slci~io3 ment laid. c. ts COCOtO~tCn en ?* 00 bS Ol ^ x ^ Estimated po- * 0 oi44o#ic-i ] pulation Dec. 1 31, 1862. O CO b3 -1 CO b5 CO CO I C The deepening and walling of the canal from 5th street to the Anacostia has been completed, nd several cesspools made^along its margin for J ie reception of the sediment from drains. The I xcavations west of 16th street, by dredging, are 1 till unfinished, and vessels which can get to 17th > treet cannot get from thence to the deen water at * 5th street, thus continuing the necessity of un- J lading at 17th street, or of 3powing up to the bu- J nesa portion of the city. The work on the canal / iculd have been begun from the two extremes in g jctions, and, on the completion of each section, ( ie vessels been admitted, bringing in wood, coal, I imber, &c., and thus affording an immediate re- I enue from wharfage. The canal itself ought to ave been kept free for vessels to pass up through raws in the bridges at 14th, 12th, and 10th streets, > the Centre Market. Had this been done, a livej and active business would have been created, nd the revenue from rentals more than trebled, ) the great relief of the general and ward funds; ut instead of this, a narrow, contracted policy as been pursued, to the great injury of the centre ortionofthe city, by depriving the inhabitants f the free use of the natural highway, and confinig the business to boats alone. The importance of rebuilding the Potomac ridge is again urged; for no better site can be elected for the interest of the city and adjoining auntry in Virginia, re-uniting, as it would, tho arnpikes leading to it irom Alexandria and the little River turnpike. At its present site, the ridge can be rebuilt at a much less cost than at . tiy other, and the evils from freshets prevented y making the openings wide enough to pass all Z rift wood without hindrance; this alone would revent the backing of water on the wharves of eorgetown and the central portion of the city, nd would leave gmple water in the channel of Id icct on the city side, and 942 feet on the Vir- 3 inia side, leaving the centre causeway of 1,600 et permanent, as well as those connecting the vo shores. Toe bridge might be increased some- ? hat in height and breadth, so as to afford conve- g ience for a railroad over it into the city at 14th ? rert, and continued around the squares facing le river and the Monument Square, to 16th street, i the canal; and on the south side of the canal, istward, to some convenient point near Maryland renue and 3d 6treet. The extension of the North Market has produced 11 beneficial effect, and increased attendance. The ctension of the Centre market on 7th and 9th 11 reets to B street is much wanted; the increased B come from which would, no doubt, pay double '' terest on the outlay, and over which might be " ems for many public purposes. ' Iu the First Ward, K street has been graded a om 20th street to Pennsylvania avenue; earth re- 81 oved from H street; a new brick church for co- P red people has been erected; D street, from 17th " 19th, partly graded; and the new foundry, n ected by Messrs. Cathcart & Schneider, en- n rged. .e In the Second Ward but little has been done on " reets, except casually; several alleys have been " ad?i and paved; and in the Third Ward the n me. a In the1 Fourth Ward some streets have been im- 9 oved by grading, and a very neat and substan- ? ti building erected on the corner of 6th and 1 reets for a Presbyterian church. In the Fifih Ward the principal improvement of " reels has been on those leading to the new Rail- 18 ad Depot, changing the appearance of the whole 'r lighborhood. Jj In the Sixth Ward there has not much been done . ther by grading or improving streets; the grad 01 g and paving the footways on both sides of 11th P3 reet, south of Virginia avenue, would add much b< the value and convenience of that neighborhood. 01 In the Seventh Ward the principal improvements e the new grading of 11th street and relaying e footway from D to Water street. n' Steamboats are engaged in running hourly to td from Alexandria', daily to Aquia creek, week- 36 to BaitimoreandNorfolk,and occasional tripsare be ade to Mount Vernon. The new steam ferry-boat, jr ying from the south end of 7th street to Alexania, is a great convenience to travellers. Various P* id important manufacturing establishments are lull operation in the city, giving employment a large number of workmen, concentrating Jr pital, and lurnishing a home market for coun- (J, y and other produce. All around the neighbor- Ei tod of the city are important improvements on $c rms, &c. A plank-road has been made from the w rmination of 7th street, on the turnpike, to the Fi istrict line, with a prospect of a further exten- Sp in. The Army Asylum, on a beautiful elevation g? :ar Rock Creek Church, on the farm lately own- H< 1 by Mr. Riggs, is begun. The beautiful place jSi Mr. Blagden, south of <he Anacostia, it is un- Sv tratood, has been selected for the Lunatic Hos D( tal. A site for a new Cemetery, a mile north of its e city, has been purchased?late the farm of'Mr.' Pc jyle?on a commanding height, and a com- Be encement made, in preparing and laying'Out V) e grounds, to an jextent sufficient to do away Ni Lth the necessity of new grave-yards within the Sa ty limits. So The Columbian College, so beautifully located Ca i the heights adjoining the north part of the city, Cb understood to be in a more flourishing condition si( an it has hitherto been; but it is to be regretted M> at so little has been done to improve and em- Ri llish the grounds, so as to make them asBUrac Ea re to the eye as those of Mr. Stone, adjoining, Ti id which might be done at a small cost and a lit- Gi s energy. Po The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is doing a good Ar isiness, producing a lively trade in Georgetown, d the town is steadily growing to importance. Ijoining to it the new Cemetery on Rock creek, id out on a most romantic site,-with great taste . d judgment, by Mr. De La Roche, is worth G siting. ed Alexandria has been much improved this year the erection of a large number of buildings in ery part of the town} having water, by pipes, d gaslight introduced. The establishment of sith and Perkins is very extensive, and superior ^ '.omotive nam. Xrr... are m?it? at it- th?r?h* eping capital ?t home. fhe commencement of the wings of the Capi- . , now up to the level of the first floor, and of ' 9st solid workmanship, has given a stimulus to rui ivate improvements, affording employment to a an arge body of workmen, beside creating new esablishments for the preparation of the necessary n&terials, and which, no doubt, will be carried up < with vigor as soon as the season opens. The old < ibrary-room has been cleared, an iron-framed | oof replacing the old wooden one; the alcoves and , helving for books are entirely of ornamental ast-iron, leaving nothing for fire to operate on. j The Monument to Washington is now up to 104 , eet, with a prospect of a more rapid elevation in 1853, from the increased means which have been j >btained. The Smithsonian Institution is steadily , progressing in its various branches, and already is i place of much resort. Standing in a central po- j lit ion, with extensive and neatly laid-off grounds, , with walks, shrubbery, and grass plats, it already iffords a pleasant retreat for recreation. In the , Navy Yard extensive improvements have been ] made, in additional buildings^and extensive work- , shops, foundries, &c., at which all kinds of work is done for the use of the navy; at which also vessels are , puilt and repaired in a manner not excelled by any | Jther yard. At the Arsenal much activity prevails in the various machine shops, in making and fitting gun- , carriages, &c., and all the necessary appendages. The extension of the Patent Office Building, on , 7th street, is now nearly finished of white marble, ( ind a commencement made on the western wing; , the building is on the plan of Town & Elliot, and , is much admired for neatness of design and bold- < aess of effect. On the square south is the hand- < some General Post Office building, already too j contracted for the transaction of the business, re- | quiring, at least, one of its wings. The City Post \ Office is too much cramped far room, and occupies very insecure buildings,ialtogether unsightly and ] unfit for the purpose. Some Further improvemeuts have been made on the grounds of the Observatory; the building requires an extension. Preparations | ? </ aastasasug IU pi lUg IUC pCUCfllHl UU WIJ1UU IB to be placed the equestrian statue of General Jackson, one-third larger than lile, to be placed in Lafayette Square, north of the President's House. The statue is a beautiful piece of workmanship, and reflects great credit on the native talent of IMr. Mills, and will be a great ornament and much admired. JOHN SESSFORD. December 31, 1852. Operations of the United States Mint. From the Inquirer and American of Philadelphia, we derive the following statement of the operations af the Mint in that city, for the month of December and for the year: coinage for december, 1852. Gold. 265,816 double eagles $5,316,.?20 11,245 eagles 112,450 22,287 half eagles 111,435 38,660 quarter eagles 96,650 133,850 gold dollars 133,850 471,858 pieces $5,770 705 Silver. 4,590 half dollars 2,295 16,660 quarter dollars 4,165 280,500 climes 28,650 241,500 half dimes 12,075 1,553,900 three cent pieces 106,617 1,575,008 pieces $5,924,507 Copper. 886,341 cents ." 8,863 41 >,461,349 pieces $5,933,370 41 Gold Bullion deposited, <Yom California $3,265,000 00 Trom of aer sources 65,000 00 $3,330,000 00 i snver ouinon deposited 19,500 00 ? Gold Depoeil* in 1851 and 1852. 1 1851, 1852. j January $5,071,669 $4,161,688 February. 3,004,970 3,010,222 c flarch 2,880,271 3.892,166 . Ipril 2,878,353 3,091,037 , flay 3,269,491 4,335,578 c une 3,637,560 6,689,474 uly 3 127,517 4,193,880 t Lugust 4,135,312 2,671,563 t leptember 4,046,799 4,253,687 , Jctober .......... 4,743,584 4,140,069 c November 5,492,454 7,279,941 s lecember 5,641,425 3,330,000 $47,929,405 $51,059,295 t TOTAL COIN A as FOB 1852. 1 Gold. ? J 2,053,026 double eagles $41,060 520 00 2t3,l 06 eagles 2,631,060 00 t 573,901 half eagles 2,869,505 00 l 1,159,381 quarter eagles 2,899,202 50 2,045,351 gold dollars 2,045,351 00 6,094,765 pieces! $51,505,638 50 p Silver. l 1,100 dollars 1,100 00 11 77,130 half-dollars 38,565 00 0 177,060 quarter-dollars 44,265 00 r 1,535,500 dimes 153.550 00 9 1,000,500 half-dimes 50,025 00 8,663.600 three cent pieces 559 905 00 * 7,549,555 pieces. $52,352,948 50 Copper. '' 5,162,094 cents. $51,620 94 i, 2,711,649 pieces $52,404,569 44 ^ COMPARATIVE COINAGE IN 1851 AND 1852. p 1851. 1852. g rold $52,143,446 00 $ 51,505,638 50 d ilver 446,797 00 847,310 00 c topper 99,635 43 51,620 94 $52,689,878 43 $52,404,569 44 e< In presenting these tables, the Ledger remarks: ? "The gold by the last California steamer, though i New York on the morning; of the 31st, did not each the Mint. Had she arrived one day earlier, tie deposits for the month would have been about ix millions, and for the year nearly fifty four .. lillions. As it is, though the deposits of gold at his Mint for the year are some three millions in e xcess of the deposits here in 1851, the deposits at 11 the Mints of the United States are some six or S even millions less. The coinage of gold at the g arent Mint iB also less than in 1851. By running ^ he eye over our tables, it will be seen that the umber of double eagles coined exceed even the * umber of gold dollars; the number of each, how- ol ver, exceeding two millions. The silver coinage oi > very inconsiderable in amount, though very irge in the number of three cent viecee. The umber coined in December was 3,553,900 pieces; r? nd for the year 18,663,500 pieces; each piece re- H uiring the same amount of labor as the coinage ?i f the gold dollar. Singular as it may seem, el ,1(52 094 of the filthy copper centp were coined. ? Sphere can they all go to? The more convenient ni iree cent pieces ought to render them almost ta holly useless as a currency, and from the de- of tand for the new coin, which the treasurer in- P< >rms us is fully up to the supply, we are in hopes ley will. In the present year, 1853, the coinage w " three-cent pieces will probably exceed thirty p< tillions of pieces* The gold deposits for Decern w sr, as will be seen, were $3,330,000, and the gold in linage $5,770,705." jo Immigration, for thr Year 1852. The total ca imber of arrivals at the port of New York from reign countries during the year 1852, adds up fr. 13,556. Of these 39,052 are ascertained to have en American citizens, returning home from hi avel abroad. We anne* a table giving a com- hi irative view of the immigration at this port dur- ^ g the four years put: Jj] Nation. 1849. 185Q 1851. 1852. pa land !' 112,587 116,542 163,256 117,537 G ermany 65,705 46,407 69,883 118,126 g-r inland ...... 28,321 28,125 28,551 '31,275 pc otland... ... 8 840 6,771 7,302 7,640 be ralfs 1,782 1,620 2,189 2,531 an ance ...... 2,683 3,398 6,064 8,718 wi tain 214 257 2*78 450 th vitzerland... 1,405 2,361 4,499 6,455 w< >lland 2,447 1 174 1,798 1,323 en jrway 3 300 3,160 2,112 1.389 dii reden 1,007 1,110 872 2,034 an inmark...... 159 90 229 156 He ily 602 475 618 358 ric irtuffall 287 '55 26 29 Ha tlffium 118 230 47 5 82 ve 'est Indies... 4f9 664 675 266 xa Scotia... 161 ltit 81 73 rdinia 172 165 98 69 on utb America. 38 103 121 120 cei .nada 69 61 60 48 the una... 5! 11 9 14 sio :ily 21 68 11 42 Uc exico 22 41 42 22 yai issia :.'8 18 23 35 the st Indies.... 34 92 10 13 irkey 6 5 4 4 eece ....... 6 3 1 land 133 183 142 186 sioi 4tbia 8 - - opt Total 230 608 212,896 239,601 306,504 Jut I New York Exprett ere Fbom Costa Rica.? We are in receipt of the ... iceld to December 4. The concordant negotiaf on' the 7th of October last with the See of Rome , a received at San Joei on the 27th Nove'tnber . th great official and popular enthusiasm. It was >,. >h after ratified by the Congress, as werealsothe aties of peace and navigation recently nego- ??? ted with Peru and the Netherlands. ' [JVetr York Tribune. 3mnibuskb.?The total number of these vehicles ^ lining in the city of New York is six hundred mo d fifty-four. sici * 0 From Hitmw. The United States mail steamship Empire City > Captain H Windle, commander, arrived at New . Orleans on Thursday last, from New York via Havana, having left the former port on the 13 th, < and the latter on the 19th instant. c The Empire City reports that the English fleet c bad taken three slavers?one barque and two t schooners?just fitted out for the African coast. [ Advices from St. Jago had been received to the t 5th instant, On the 2d aud 4th light shocks of s earthquake were again felt there. The inhabitants 1 were leaving the city in great numbers, fleeing t from the menaced destruction by the convulsions i af the earth and the raging epidemic. s A long list is published, comprising the names v of the most respectable inhabitants, as having left ( for other parts of the Island, and we find in the no- t t'ices of deaths, several names of ladies and gen- t tlemen of high standing. This series of untortu- 1 ate events had given a new impulse to the contri i buttons in other parts of the island for the use of the sufferers. A lyrical performance at the Tacon i theatre bad been given by the Lyceum Society, < md the Ravels offer another. ' The Diario de la Marina denies the truth of the I rumor that Gen. Canedo was to be removed. It \ copies the following from Btpana, a Madrid journ- i il: " We have authority to say that the rumors < which have been circulated relative to the removal i >f Gen. Canedo from the Captain-Generalship of [ 3uba are entirely false. From the best sources we f (now that not only has this measure not been t .bought of, but that her Majesty entirely approves < .he course of this officer during recent events." 1 The Diario adds that its own information, from t ligh sources, confirms the foregoing. f The Captain General held a state levee on the a 19th. being the birthday of the Princess cf As f turias. v On the sugar estate of the Senor del Valle the o boiler of the steam-engine exploded, killing five people and destroying the boiling house and sugar a mills. The head of one of the unfortunate men c was fouud completely severed from the body. ( Eight or ten other persons suffered from contu- c sions, but the most of them were not dangerously t wounded. Loss estimated at $50,000. t Processes against people for treason had not a -eased. Among the new ones cited to appear, we s find the name of Don Francisco do Armas, a law c yer of high standing, formerly of Havana, but s now residing in New York. t The usual Christmas visit to the prison, by tba e luthorities, to receive any complaints the prisoners r have to make, was to begin on the 17th and con- t tinue during the time necessary to see all. The 1 cause of this measure is that besides the prison, the a fortresses of Principe, the Punta. the Cubana, and x the Moro have to be visited, there being many o prisoners in each of them. a The Diario de la Marina comments on the Presi- S ient's message and the Washington correspond- f snce of the New York Exprete, while Peter Hicks, P ts New York correspondent, dilates upon the Presi- a ient's letter to Mr. Maxwell and George Law's r possession of 144,353 muskets. Its New Orleans j correspondent occupies himself with the obsequies >f Clay, Calhoun, and Webster. P An extract from a private letter, dated Havana, v ibe 19ih, says: "H. B. M.'s frigate Vestal, Captain s ft?rnill/>n --.i 1 I * ? wU| ai itcu uerc mis inurmng, wiid tne 110- c .orioua slave schooner Venus, and two other vessels, C is prizes.?Mobile Regitter, Dec. 28. ti tl From Baracoa?The Cholera.?A gentleman f< who hac just arrived from Baracoa, on the eastern a snd of the island ofCuba, informs us that the cho- a era, which has been so fatally prevalent in the c ;ity of St. Jago, had almost disappeared, the num. n >er of deaths having decreased from one hundred h ind ten daily to eight or ten. c in the surrounding country the disease was still d naking dreadful ravages. At the mines of Colva, o md in the village of the same name, and also iu tl ;he village of Caney, its violence was unprecedent- a sd. At first the negroes only fell victims to it. but e t soon spread to the whites, sparing no condition, ti It had extended to Santa-Catalina, where it is d lecimating the population, it had also appeared it Sagua Tenamo, westward of Baracoa, where the n nortality was frightful. Destitution as well as it lisease prevailed through the province. w The same gentleman reports an earthquake on b he 26th of November, of great violence, exceeding tl hat of August 20. The shock was felt through the B vhole eastern part of the island. The principal tl lamage occurred in the city of St. Jago, and the p mmediate neighborhood. S The greatest shock was felt there at half past V hree o'clock a. m. Buildings and wallB were b brown down, and personal injuries were received, ii iut no fatality resulted. The shocks continued, u hough with abated violence, up to the 17th of De- b ember. E The sugar crop, it is expected, will fall below e he average, and with the coffee crop, will come i ate into market.?fV. Y. Corn. Advertiser. if ti The Gibl in Pants.?"Emma Snodgrass," who p ias been so notorious of late in visiting different tl larts of New England, was arrested last evening h a this city by police officer Oliver, and was this r? doming arraigned in the police court on a charge n f vagrancy?the examination of which, however, p esulted in her complete triumph, and her conse- tc uent discharge from custody. It is understood that she is the daughter of a New hi fork official. ir The examination developed the fact that prior to ir lie first arrest of the accused she was regularly G mployed as a clerk in one of our mercantile pal- B ces, and that, during all ,her subsequent wander- ri igs, far and near, she had been well supplied with tt loney, and all bills were promptly paid; so that li| le charge of "being without home, lawful em- ir loyment, or means of support," could not be le- m ally sustained, and the court promptly ordered a or ischarge?much to the apparent satisfaction of a le rowded audience. at His honor afterwards had an interview with la Imma in the judge's private room, and gave her te >me most fatherly and wholesome advice touching ta er recent eccentricities, which she received with th ecoming grace, and promised a reformation. It T i expected that she will at once return to her home ec i New York. ot She was to day dressed in her usual male attire, oi rhicb is really little or no disguise, her form being so ui ght and fragile, and her features and manners so lii ntirely feminine.?Boston Transcript, Wednesday, ni The Boston Traveller of Friday states that Miss uuu grass uas again oeen arrested in pants, to ^ ether with a Miss Harriet French, who had also onned the masculine habiliments. The former 'as to be taken back to-New York by a police ^ Seer and the latter to be examined on a charge gt f vagrancy. Y ^ The Milk in thb Cocoa Not.?It will be in the Qj collection of our readers, that Mr. Nathaniel gr awthorh, of Scarlet Letter fame, during the Predontial campaign, published a pleasant romance, ititled a " Life of Gen. Pierce." Those who tj( ere acquainted with the proclivities of Hawthorn, ar ilurally attributed the apparently singular under- ^ king to the love of fiction prevailing in the breast ^ ' the author; while others presumed that the ap- je sarance of the book was a mere matter of dollars ar id cents, the result of a bargain between the 0g riterand publishers for a certain amount of comisition upon a given subject. It appears both ere mistaken, and that the design of the novelist creating a past for Gen. Pierce, was to lay the ,.i undation for a future for Nathaniel Hawthorn. is now announced that the latter gentleman is a .l indidate?and a persevering one?for the office of Elector of the port of Boston, under the adminis- g J ation. He pleads his cause, doubtless, and urges ^ s claims with pertinacity and volubility. Hav g proved his creative genius, be desires to reap J s reward, and the " Life" is hie mediator with ' a fanciful hero. Hawthorn has before now tasted e sweets of office, having held a subordinate g0| tuation in the Salem custom house, and he de- ^ res to renew his acquaintance with executive itronage. We do not see but his claim upon the odl eneral is valid, and one which, in honor and e^( atitude, he should not overlook. To secure the tgc imination of Pierce was of course something; fue itthe task was rendered easy by the dissensions nongthe old aspirants; to make stump speeches, Rn< rite newspaper articles, canvass districts, and do tge e other labor of the campaign, might be all nu| ill enough in its way, and deserving pf consid- teg( ation; but to write a life of the Democratic can- afc date?a real full volume?to give him a history. d make the story of his life into a book, was a ^ irculean undertaking, and certainly deserves a . .k .11 ...? CT7 I- ?OI iwthorn did not aspire to the Cabinet, and maril at bis modesty.?Buffalo Com. Advertiser. r?E Caloric Ship Ericsson was to have gone the sectional dry-dock on Wednesday to re- ?Hf ve her copper, but drawing- too mnch water for flc i present state of the river, she was, by permis be I n of Captain Hudson, U. S. N., placed in the ?ar lited 'States dry-dock' at the Brooklyn navy *&n' rd, where she now is, well worth a visit from ?re ee interested in marine affairs. th'6 [JV. Y. Courier and Enquirer. bar ' * one Thr Maine Law in RhoDE Island.?The deci- u,,t a of the circuit court en the constitutionality of MrMaine law was delivered yesterday. Separate jog nions were written out by the judges. That of ble ige Curtis was at considerable length, and cov- tny1 d some twenty pages; that of 3udge Pitman was axe rt. Both concurred in the unconstitutionality bur, the law on various points ?Providence Journal. Aim . l ' "mi tossiRi is said to have recently purchased a disc ise in Trieste, and is quite a lion in that city, ablj is a great amateur of fishing, and may be seen the ' ry day, as be pufs out to sea in bis elegant and in C nfortably arranged gondola, to entrap with net to b I hook the brisk inhabitants of the deep; but it nee< ir more comical to see the corpulen tola maestro, the ' l with a white apron, sitting as a salesman in the i market, where he himself turns his booty into rs*p ney; for he is no less a mercantile than a mu- (1 d genius. - crat juMi : ... _ J The British in Central America. , From the New York Ex pre it The treaty of Washington of 1850 provided that 3reat Britain should not "oocupy, or fortify, or iolonize, or assume, or exercise any dominion" iver any part of Central America, or make use of iny alliance or protection which may have been >revioualy exercised for these purposes. This aricle no doubt waB intended?for it was eo under- t tood by the contracting parties?to compel Engand to relinquish the power which she bad forci- s >ly maintained in Nicaragua, in the name and inder the pretence of a protectorate over theblackimoor king of the Mosquito Ind ans, and to prerent further British colonization in nny part of Central America. General Cass, supposing that, in he Island of Ruatan, such further colonization has >cen attempted, no doubt, has introduced his resoution, in order to set forth that there has been a notation of the treaty of Washington The Administration, we may in the first place emark, has done all that it could to remove :ven any semblance of British government in Nilaragua, none of which, it is not pretended, we relieve, now exists, unless it be in Grey Town, [San Juan de Nicaragua.) Thia Grey Town, bow:ver, we may say here, is, for the time being, unler a self constituted mixed government of Amercans and Englishmen, a sort of town council, peoile-chosen, in which the American element largely >rep nderates, so that it cannot in justice be said he British e-overnment. ?n? _ _ 0 ?j ?MV.V *u i^.'uarag^aa, tzercise any authority or dominion whatsoever. Nevertheless, Great Britain had possession there; ler flag- waved there; at one time she cnllectod j >ort duties there; and there h..a been no formal bandonment of power, though port charges, as rom British authority, has ceased, and apology I ras respectfully, nay, regretfully made, for firing n the Prometheus steamer there. To obtain a formal abandonment of all British uthority in Nicaragua in April last, the basis ofa onvention was proposed by the United States and ireat Britain, (Mr. Webster negotiating,) to Ni- 1 aragua and Costa Rica; but belore this conven- , ion was acted upon, or even reached Nicaragua, 1 he substance of it got into the newspapers here, I nd advantage wsls taken of the early publication 1 o to prejudice the mind of Nicaragua that, within t much consideration, and rather from passion, J he rejected it. Costa Rico acceded, but the rejec- t ion by Nicaragua left all thing : tiatu quo, just exactly as they now are, This convention, if we re- 1 nember aright, provided for the ession of Greyown to Nicaragua, with some stipulations to the iing of the Musquitos by wav of remuneration, md the surrender of the province of Guanacaete, vhich Nicaragua claims, to Costa Rica, a province n the Pacific, south of the Lake of Nicaragua, nd apparently having no connexion with that Itate. The indirect recognition of the Mosquito ting, and the surrender of the Guanacaete claim, j Nicaragua would not submit to; and, upon the dvice of her Minister here, (Mr. Marcoleta,) who emonstrated throughout, the convention was reected at home The United States suffers from this rejection, and Nicaragua gains nothing?nay, rather loses?as re think it 13 easy to demonstrate; because Nicaragua loses what it might have, (the possession of rreytown,) and gains nothing, because it has not ruanacaste, which belongs by present possession a Costa Rica. The United States suffers in this: hat Nicaragua resisting, she cannot strictly enarce the treaty of Washington. Mr. Buchanan, s Secretary of State, acting for bis Government, ^ 3 sked Great Britain for an exequatur for an American Consul, and thus formerly recognized the dolinion Great Britain once had; which dominion, owever, Great Britain renounced in behalf of Niaragua, but which renunciation Nicaragua as yet eclines to accept. So new negotiations must be " pened; and, until Nicaragua consents to somening satisfactory to the United States, Great Britin, and Costa Rica, or to the two last named powrs, Greytown must remain under the self-constiuted municipality of American and British resients there. General Cass, however, does not seem to be so luch interested in Nicaragua and Costa Rica as l some islands in the Bay of Honduras, over hich, as we are informed, the British have long sen exercising jurisdiction; as long, almost, as ley have had possession of the Belize. In this elize possession, there is but little doubt, we think, lat the British trading companies there have been usbing their "domiuion", far beyond what the panish permission to trade intended or grants. Vhat that grant was, we cannot now say exactly; ut we are sure they have been pushing into tbe iterior more and more, and an eye upon their lovements there will do no harm. The Belize has een for many years the principal entrepot of 1 Inglish goods for Central America, and the capital mployed in tbe trade was at one time as high as J'2,000,000 (two millions sterling ) Upon certain $ siands in the Bay of Honduras, and long before the eaty of Washington, the British have had like 1 oseession, of which this treaty did not dispossess ? lem. These islands, distant from the Belize, ave been within a year or two formed into a sepaite colony; and if the treaty of Washington did J ot dispossess tbem, there is no doubt that, being !l re-exisung oruisn possessions, tbey bad a rig-tit . I > the benefits of the British government. We are very glad, however, that General Cass is moved in the matter. Give us light?give us iforination?but we do not think he will get much i Washington. We do not imagiue thai our | overnment has had any negotiation with the ritish government on this subject; for, if we 1 ghtfully understand the subject, there wa3 noling to negotiate about. Tbe true sources of jht are in London, or to come from our i Central America, particularly from Guatalala and such officials as we have in Honduras the Belize, if wo bave any there; nevertbess, give us all the light there is All we know 1 . present is, that on or about the 17th of July st, a proclamation emanated from the superinndcncy of Belize, constituting the island of Kuan and its dependencies a British colony, under e designation of the "Colony of the Bay Islands." he allegation is that these islands had been wrest? 1 from the republic of Honduras, their rightful vner, and had been British dependencies in spit* the Clayton and Bulwcr treaty. It is well to aderstand all tbie; but it will be found, we bcsve, that Great Britain has been exercising no j ew authority or dominion; only doing there what r years and years she has been doing in the Beze, and on the like authority from Spain or her ilonics. Hard and Soft.?Country politicians of the ierce and King school, we observe, are sorely uzsled with tbe new classification of the different lades of "Democracy" we have here, in New ork, under the name of "Hard" and "Soft Sceli." gain, some of them are innocently asking if the d divisions of "Hunker" and "Barnburner" are oken up, and if so, what is a "Soft" and what a Hard?" Let us enlighten. A Soft Shell Hunker belongs to the genus Na>nal Democrat, but bis antipathies to abolitionism e not sufficiently sincere to be pocket proof, ence, to get office, and a fair Bhare of "plunder," i fraternizes with the Barnburners par excelnce?the latter meanwhile dropping their name id distinct organization, in order to creep into ice too. under cover of the Soft Shell Hunker, is for this reason that in the recent primary elecms, we bear nothing about Barnburners per at? e battle having been mainly carried on between lard" and "Soft," though the fact was notorious g at the Simon pure Barnburners?the chiefs of e Old Lispenard street organization?were workg hard behind the bush for aud with tbe Soft ells. Tbe two forces thus united, as has already en slated, carried the day against the Hards. But who are "ihe Hards," again ? The Hards e tbe remnant?tbe forlorn hope?of tbe simon re Old Hunkers?political H&nuibate, all of sin, who, like "Dan Sickles," have sworn eternal uility to the Freesoil portion of the parly who ist of having defeated General Cass in 1S4S. pealed efforts have been made, at different perij. bv tbe magnates of the rfv aisawhA. set an union between the two factions?but, >ugh sometimes temporarily successful, the ion has never lasted for any length of time, e elements are as oppugnant to coalition as oil i water. The Hards, in the primary elections, other day, got worsted a little, owing to the merical superiority of the Softs?but as the cont is soon to be transferred to the more compact ua of the General Committee Hoome, the Hards they expect to carry the day, when the time aes to decide the large batch ol contested eler1 caees in reserve.?Aeio York Erprets. sttfinal Machine.?General Pierce, the Preant elect, & few days since received a suspicious king box, per Cheney'8 Express, from the West, iposing, from his exalted position, that some ked Whig or "fanatical Abolitionist" might slotting his destruction, he very naturally reded this as an infernal machine, intended to d him in glory before his time. Not feeling any at partiality for such an apptheosia. he ordered i new Pandora's box to be stowed ffway in the n, "unsigbt unseen," and strictly forbade any to go near it. Thus it remained some days, il one Sunday, when nobody was at home save W., the General's boarding-master, who, be exercised thereto by a courageous and laudachriosity,. determined to solve the "infernal stery." Accordingly seizing a long handled and placing himself at a rational distance, he led (be iron weapon with full lury into the box. sr waiting in breathless expectation for the tchine" to explode, Mr. W. approached it and overed (horibili dictum!) two brace of remark' fat ducks and a haunch of venison, sent to President elect by an admiring Catholic Iriend Cincinnati, with a note accompanying, desiring e remembered in the division of the spoil ! We i only add that the only thing,"infernal" ab?ut "machine" was an inodorous smell?for which reverent disciple of His Holiness was in no way onaible. kuthorny for this atory is the Concord DtmoJ d