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•P&ESS AND TRmUftE: ' { • I'UULISUED DJULT, TRI-WEEKLT AND WEEKLY. EDITORS AXD PVHLISIIF.IIS: jouj* l. acitirra, cbablxb u. sat, wtLLiAX aaose, jobepb jiidill, AUCED COVLH. OFFICE NO. 43 CLARK STBKET, ovn oco. mmi'» b*sk. TERMS OF THE TRESS AND TRIBUNE. ~ l>ally, tfellverrd In dty, by carrier, per year t&00 l>alty, <Je!tTercd in dty t»y catrler. |>er week _ 16 t>aUy, to Mail Saltwnucra. i>er year ».00 DtOr. to Mali Sutacribcn, uioutlifl.. M 4.09 Tri W«ckly, per year «*<" ■ Weekly, (dope suiacrlboii. S.CXI ** tropics... 8.00 ** a copies '** 10 cwplcs to one jutdrcs* lIMKi M 20 conic# to otu; AtldnaM SO.W ... And otu- free em'.r to jKtiT up or club of Iwculy. Pr Tticrv «'fii tw uu deviation fnxu lliese rates. - pi prvwwr la registered letters uiay be acnt ut at our 1 Address m PRESS AND TRIBCKE. Chkapa. UUnoia. P' ol Utces & Ctiimttc. * THDBSIJAY, iIAUCH 17, 18:.!). Ji' NEW ADVERTISING SCALE. The Press and Triri'nc has adopted a re vised advertising schedule to take effect on and after this day. An übstmct of the new rates, will be found at the head of the last column on in thia page. Advertisers have long complained wl that Ihe prices charged by Chicago papers for st transient advertising, were much higher than in fit 'other cities—that is, fur advertisements inserted in Tor convinced that the old rates deterred a great many persons from Advertising those matters thai come iiuder the head of u Wants," "No tices," " and Pound," "For Ilent," " For Sale," jrtc., as frequently as they would, if the m charges were materially less; and actiug ujion this beh'ef, wc have established a new schedule 0 j of rates, which we arc confident will remove those objections und give general satisfaction. Two year* ago a scale of prices for advertising D' was adopted by the Chicago daily papers; but 1° with the exception of one or two ofllces, the f° rates then agreed upon have never been lived A' by the others. This violation of the saale has caused continual disputes between adver- so tivrsand those psipers which charged by the hcale. We have buffered from these acts of bad I'aith on the part of other city papers, until our u j patience became exhausted, and at last wc f 0 resolved to adopt a standard of prices, with- jj out reference (o what others may see lit lo n , charge. We also concluded to pnblisli our ad- jj veriising tfiTiis. so that all persons may know jj, beforehand what a piece of advertising will cost. The prices heretofore charged for quarterly mid yearly advertising, arc generally conceded to be fair and reasonable, and as low as publishers ran afford. Wc will not deviate from the old j*' rates in respect to these. * That the public may see how far we have O modified our former ratos, we publish a com- SI parutivo table of the old and new schedule for V 1 upiatr, rir: Ol4> KATES. iTIT *ATR«. ;ll <hu-I>av \\ Tn-olMvn 7r, Tliff IVIVH .. S.O'l l.'Hi X Four l>ay« 2.50 li.*, Km;ll.iv« 2.T5 1 r Si> I M'.t JS.IM 1.70 \ Si-v-n i>2v> v.*:, 2.mi v\ Two ttYck« «.«« a •flint* W.vks 4.m Omv «.<•"» r».«> S* Wnlw 6.00 7.«« i i 2 T*.» Mi.irtlw 9.»*> b Tiitvr M..«Uw . K<»ir Mui,!!,* >ix 2iMk> cl Nitu- n Twcl\i> Mu;ilh» W.OO W.W It will mtu that for the fu>(,second, third and n fourth days the new prices are only half as notch as the old ones; that the charge for one week is 40 per ceut. less; for two weeks, per p cent., aud for one mouth 17 per cent. less. u The scale we have adopted, corresponds very Ir neat ly with the rates charged by the lending papen* in Cincinnati, St. Lottis, Baltimore, Bos- d ton and other large cities, but it is far below the f t advertising rates iu either Xew York or New r, Orleans: ii We now say to our patrons, bring on yourad vertisements and let the great public know what i? you want and what you have for sale. The pres- 1' cut lnrtia fu't daily circulation of the Pkess and " TatcuNE is 8,000, our weekly edition 15,000 aud s rapidly increasing. f In conclusion, u have only to sav: i Have you a house to rent; t Do you want to hire a house; Have you found anything; Have you lost any thing; j l)o you want a servant; Does a servant want a place; Have you anything to sell; . Do you want to buy anything; Have you an iinjuiry to make of the public; Do you wish an imjuiry answered? Advertise. A notice in the Press ami Tuici nk, will cost but half-a-dullar; and only s twenty-iive cents a day for a week ur fortnight « I hereafter. TIIE AK QI ITTAL OF ItCSCII. 1 The jieiprtal «»f Buscli, chargj'd with the s murder of Magee. will, we fear, give 1 impulse to crime and lawlessness iu this city. Wc.had hoped that lite days of the bludgeon, ( l».iwic-knifi» and revolver had passed, and that 1 hereafter we might say that life is as well pro- » Uvted in this commercial centre as ill the most quiet' rural district of Kew England. But i when quibbles and technicalities are resorted 1 to by juries to .ward off what ought to be the ' inevitable consequences of a crime like that wine!i Ihiseh committal, tlmse who have i «l<*r in their hearts, mid t" whom pistol-pnic- < lice is a piistime, may take courage. The ( ' hangman's olliee is a sinecure. Let neighbors, who have disputes al»out 1 boundary 4 lines, lorego the tardy adjust- . lueutrt ofihc law, arm themselves and kill in * defence of their fancied rights. Let tres|iafs ors. however innocent ofcrimimd intention, lie- j ware of iho swift bullet which may let out life. L-t the •• mukitig of faces "at any silly and hot- h"ade<l yonn.-r man. if coupled with the oppro- 1 bioits epithet, *• Dutehmati," be cause of in stant d":ith. Let jrurder wave his red hand ' in of law—-juries are complaisant, and i ihe life «'f a man is nothing! We write with tions of (he Court—insiruclions conceived in just aud humane sentiment?, and clothed in i language thi.t none could misunderstand—and * se" whal a monstrous wrong this jury lias done. This verdict is, aud will lie, a standing repr-wli to ot:r Courts and to Chicago justice. We have no more reproaches for Kentucky, ! iu <-onse'|Ucn'.o of tho action of the mob at II »wsvl)le. misiistined a jury*; or the memor able verdict at I/misville in the case of Ward. Hut we do what no Kentucky journal dared— s:u* tint tii.' proceeding here is an outrage that ought never to be repented—that the man ac quitted is reddianded, and though he escapes the penally of the law, lie carries with liim to the end of life the Nemesis which will prove to b.» poor Mcfiee's terrible avenger! AM INSUtTING CLAIM PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. The enormous election frauds perpetrated in Wisconsin in 15.%6, by which llurstow retained po>scsMon of the Gubernatorial chair until ousted by the Supreme Court of that State, ore not forgotten by the readers of this journal. A more blameless and corrupt procedure has iK'ver occurred under the election laws of any of the States—the ballot-box stuffing and shoul der-hitting which formerly characterized elec tions in Sun Francisco, not excepted—and every participant ihcrciu, if he bad received his deserts, would have been consigned to the States Prison " without bcnc&t of clergy." Remembering these things, our readers will be surprised to to leurn that this fellow Darstow lias had the effrontery to bring before the Wisconsin Legis lature a claim of for expenses incurred in trviug to contiuue his usurpation of the office of Chief Magistrate of the State! That body made short work of this impudent demand upon the peoples' treasury, and this will be the last wc shall iiavc of it, unless Wisconsin should at Mime future time be turned over to the tender mercies of a Border Ruffian Legislature. ILLINOIS CENTRAL BAILBOAD. The Anuual Meeting of the Illinois Central lUulroad Compauy was held in this dty yes terday. We are told that 122,000,' out of 170.000 (the whole number) shares were re presented, aud that the proceedings were har* : roonious and satisfactory. Tho following Di rectors, whose • term of office was about to expire, were ro-elected without opposition, viz; Jonathan Sturges, Jos. W. Alsop and Frederick C. GeblianL RICHABD Cobdev, Esq., M. P., was present as the representative in part of the"Kuglisli bondholders; and pointed ly expressed liis approbation of tho policy pursued by the Directory, and his confidence in the ultimata success of the enterprise. ,-r-riO". | •'•• VOLUME xn. The mayor's Inaugural* The Inaugural Address or Mayor Haines* which wo copy this doming on the second page, will doubtless receive the hearty indorse ment of a large majority of the people. Let the policy therein avowed the strict enforcement of tlie ordinaces ; the prompt dismissul of alt useless city employees; adherence to a rigid c economy; the employment of none but compe- A tent and honest subordinates—be energetically " carried out, und the Administration will find itself at the close of the year more strongly in trenched in the popular heart than ony^which jj has preceded it. e< Who's the Lfttlqr Man? ! . J The citizens of Onargo, Iroquois county, have ct made np by subscription, a bonus of SI,OOO P wliich they offer to any man who will build a steam flouring mill m their village. Onargo isn <3l fine settlement of about bOO inhabitants, and is ii in the centre of a growing and prosperous com- j) muuity. Who accept* the offer? Wifccoiiftlit Legislature. ; j' A joint resolution passed both branches of p the Wisconsin Legislature on Tuesday lest, ex- 6 tending the session until Monday next. This * action becomes necessity in order to secure ac- H tion upon some of the most important measures J of tho session. * Sa. Loci# The pro-slavery d Democracy of St, Loots hare nominated the fol lowing ticket: For Mayor, Lewis Vv I)3gy; for Comptroller, Richard I\ llalicnkamp; for Auditor, James Mulholland; for Treasurer, Henry EUsmillcf; for Register, Henry G. Car- son; for llarbor Master, James M. Reilly; for o Recorder, John Widgerv; Thoc. C. Ch«ler. f' : -• b Srß!N*Gt*!Ei»n XominaViAnk—The Democrats i of Springfield have nominated Isaac B. Curran v for Mayor; William Lavelv for Assessor; Eli H. & Hosea for Treasurer; Joseph Wallace for Attor- ii nev; John Kavanaugh for Supervisor} and 8 Henry Carrigau for Marshal. Tlie election will jj be held on Tuesday, April .'th. j Filial Decision In tlie Great Atlantic t Colllfdoa *; IKrumUic Detroit Tribune, lUli.] j, 1n Ih.v_», it will be remembered that .lie steam- t boat Atlantic and propeller Ogdeiisburgh came j in colli>ion near Long fVriut, in Canada, by which j| the Atlantic, worth £7o,""" was sunk, utid the j Ogdensburgh damaged some Tlie v Messrs. Ward, of this city, owner* rJltie stearu- t er. instituted a suit in the U. S. District Court v in Ohio for damages On the first trial the own- r ers of the Ogdensburgh recovered An r appeal to the U. S. Circuit Court before Judge <] JicLean, reversed the judgmeut and gave the || Messrs. Ward damages. t The case was taken by aj'pcal to the Supreme t Court at Washington." It was argne'd 'uost ehiborateiy by Judge Spalding, of Cleveland, ( ' and Henry Stansberry, of Cincinnati, lor the & owners of the Ogdensl»u'rg?i, and by Hon. X. H. 1 Swayne, of Colun»l"*.s, Oiiio, and dno. S. New- j berry, Ksq., of this citv, for the owners of the j Atlantic, at the tenn of the Supreme Court just closed. On Saturday the Supreme (Joint v affinned the decree below, which give* a judg- j ment iu favor of K. B. Ward and StephenCCl- f ment, of about tfil.'joo. , We are also advised that, on Monday tnnm- j ing Mr. Chamberlain, one of the proprietors of the Northern Transportation Company, and the ( principal defendant in this suit, met in this city f with Capt. Ward, and the amount of the judg ment was fully aud satisfactorily arranged. s The Wah.vsh Caxal.—Tliis Canal was nearly [ destn»yed last yenr by the heavy rains. By the J following, which we clip from the Fort Wayue 1 HffAibUcim, it will be seen that attempts arc be- f ing made to clean it out: f The Canal is to he opened, but for how long, 1 is not known. The warehouse men ««f this l ' place have advanced 'U" towards paying the * ! necessary expenses of cleaning out the Tatial ; I and getting it open for navigation. We under stand that other sums have been or will he 1 raised along the Canal, so that it will be opened ' iu about two weeks as far south as Terre Haute. J These sums are to be paid b&ck out of the first 1 tolls collected." ' JS?-Judge WUiton, of the Wisconsin Su- < preme Court, is seriously ill at his residence in J Jancsville. , THE CITY. 1 Sr. Patrick's Day.—To-day is St. Patrick's ] Day, the patron saint of Green Erin. 1 At ma TanuoxT.—Mx-iJov. W. A. Richard son of Nebraska, and Hon. David Todd of Ohio, j arc at the Tremont House. < j Rk u, Kstatk. —The residence and grounds of : Dr. Sim, at Lake View, were sold a few days 1 since for iV,o"'» cash. The purchaser was from Blnoniington. Hi:ni:y <iiu:s. — It will be seen that Henry 1 (Jiles, Esq., Lectures on Daniel OVonnell at j the Mechanics' Institute Hall cut Saturday even- , ing. _ 1 Thk Formks Concert.Tin* sale of seats for the Fnrtues and Laborde Concerts commenees on Monday next, at Coolds Music Store Xo. tK.» Luke street. Wanti:i«.— At the I'olice Office, for a double barrelled gun, :dso at the Station House of l'iukcrlon's l'cdice for a black cloth frock coat. Special Deposit.—A fine little infant of un known pmcntage was found on the doorstep of J. S. Newhouse yesterday morning. It was handsomely attired. E. Pi.n:n:rs Uni v.—One single case of ar rest at the Pcdiee Court yesterday, notwith standing the number of runners for that insti tution. Well, who could be disorderly yester day nnder such weather influences. Look to it. —The pressure of the late crowds is telling upon the appearance, und worss than that, upon the safety of the staircases at the Court House. Let th'.« nutter bo looked to in time. Personal.—The following are ami*»g th .» gen* tlemcn at the Richmond House: Richard Cob den, Es:j., M. P.; W. 11. Osborne, Esq., President of the Illinois Central Railroad; and Hon. C. C. Washburne, Wis. RunriLDiNO. —Tne old block of four story stores on South Water street adjoining on the West, !«onmis' new building on corner of South Water and Clark street, is being rebuilt into first class stores. Citv Improvements.—We notice that the Ex change Building on the comer of Clar? and Lake street is being brought togtade by raising the floors of its stores, the wails re maining the same. A Child Estiiay.—A little girl about two years of age was found on Wells street bridge yester day, alone aud crying bitterly. She was dressed in a light, summer dress, worsted hood and plain shawl. She is now in the care of Mrs. Jor dan, residing near the Galena depot. Thk Children's Fuisxn. —We learn that Rev. W. C. Van Meter is now en route for this city from New York, with twenty little folks from the Five Points Mission, seeking homes in the West. When Mr. Van Meter runs for President of the United States, many a score of Children in the West will throw up their caps for him. Not thut they will wait till then. £5?" Prop. Whitney will give one more ofhis inimitable imitations of the great orators of the Old and New Worlds, at Metropolitan Hall, on , Friday evening. Those who heard Mr. Whitney at his previous entertainments will go again. By particular request the entertainment will in- I elude the celebrated speeches of Haync and Webster, and assumptions of a well-known char acter in Chicago. 1 Tue Old and the New —Ixacgvratiox op " tub New City Government. —Yesterday at 3 o'clock P. M., in the presence of a crowd which r tested the fullest capacity of the IJccordcr's Court Room, the Mayor re-elected and newly elected Aldermen were sworn in and took tlicir j seats. The roll of the late Council was called. Mayor J. Haines in the Chair, and a quorum announced present. On motion of Alderman Ward, the new members of the -Council, and John C. r * Haines, Esq., as Mayor for the ensuing year, 1* took the oath of office, administered (o them by O Hon. Judge J. M. Wilson, of the Court of Com j mon Pleas. l( j His Honor the Mayor then read his Inaugural Address to the new Council. It is given in l' another part of tixU paper to-day.. At the close of the Address the Common Council, as newly organized, was adjourned. The exercises were brief, simple, and busi- C® ness-like, without parade, and a happy aogury of tha official year they opened. THE STATE STREET TRAGEDY. FRANCIS BCSCH ACQ,UITTEDt In the Court of Common PTcas, the case of oj The People ve. Biisch, for the murder of James Mtigce, was given to the jury yesterday at the a close of the long and able argument of District p. Attorney Haven, accompanied by the following re instructions: ox rail PAitT or TtfE r£o£Ltf. g Implied ilallce; IFtbejntV shall find from the evidence that the defendant deliberately assaulted the defeat ed, James Magee, and indicted upon him such a wound as was naturally, calculated .to produce ct death, and death did in fact result th&rcfrom, no u considerable provocation for such shootintr no pears to have been given, would reduce r the killing to the grnd« fcf manslaughter, or if all is the circumstances of the killing show an abend* u | oncd and malignant heart, in the law . implies malice, and the offence is murder, though the defendant may not hare inteuded to kill. . fr ■ Or if the jury shall find from the evidence that the defendant made an unlawful assault tipou r( James Magee. and shot him iu the manner char* ged iu the indictment; and if the jury shall also lu find that the lUanucr of such unlawful assault w and shooting tended naturallv to destroy the life of the said James Mawei although the jury may believe from the evidence that tne deceased 1C Jamw Magee was committing a trespass upon Ihe property of John U. Bosch, vet if the jury ai believe from the evidence, that to-anefe Busch u , deliberately shot «nd kiiieu said Magee while be wa* commliling said trespass to prevent such trespass, such killing is. murder, aiid the jury tc should so find. . f r Although the jury may believe.from evidence that the building on winch Sam Magee was en- 1 >: gaged was the property of John B. Bush, and tl the sm'd Magee was committing a trespass there on by stripping off the siding, yet if the jury further believe from the evidence that the said ' building was uot then occupied bvthc said John ti B. Busch or his family, the fact that said Mngee was committing u trespass Ihehrou, us afore* i said, did not justify the defendant in shootiug said Magee* and if the jury believe from the ev- * T idcnce that Francis Busch did not ehoot audkill F said Magee,"us charired in the indictment, to prevent the trespass aforesaid, such killing is inurpet*.—(Com. vs. Brew, 4 Mass., 3l'G W. S. li. 185,475.). . . " If the jury believe from the evidence that |, John B. H inrch moved his building to the south ■ i*n hi?» (said Buseh's) lot, and that thereupon Boggs, with the consent of said Busch. built the south foundation wall of hi* hmrtl hlbiig the supposed Ijne of fn'd Bouga and Buseh, and had ertWed saiti wall to the Height of the water table, and that iu order to complete the said 3 wall it became necessary to remove a portion of the siding and to trim the siding of the said wooden building of Bu«ch, SO hiuch of it as projected over the said foundation wall, such removal of the siding and trimming of the stud- Jj ding was uot in law a diseo.sSfti'n of the free- <j hold of Bns'rh-.bu* wusu lucrctrespass although y the said fntihdatiou was and may be wholly'on the land of Busch. If the jury believe from the evidence that the } defendant shot and killed James Magee, mid that soon after such killing he stated that tl he knew the consequeuces of shooting A man, uml when < it was dime in the right* aim that lie had done that in the right, that what he had done he had done in protecting his father's property, and he would have been dishonored it* heliad'not done a it, and thai he had to screw his courage up he* c fore he could do it," they will take the «ta»e --j ments of the defendant into rn)i*hV..itioii, both |in detenniniutf whether i«c shot was tired iu |, | defence of defendant's person or in defence ; of Hi* father's property, auu in also determining ] I the intent with which such shot was fired. The jury will take into consideration all the statements of the defendant in relation to the I I shooting, the manner of the tlf fthftrtnl jtnnicdi- t : | atel.v before and at the little of the shooting, the s 1 kinu'of weapon used, the manner of usiiiti it, in ] detejfujihing the extent with \vhWi the killing a was a«ne. A the property \ of another, t»'«vt his dwelling-house, is not a suit ficient pVovocation to warrant the owner in ji using a deadly weapon its defence;. nn-1 if he do, ( and with it kill thctre.«j»:iiw*- r V\ ill be murder, t though killing wi»r*» i'.eiually necessarv to pre- 1 vent the tw^puss. The extreme force to which bv law a party may resort in defence of a dweiling-housi* or other building, applies to /hose, who, by them* selves and families, occupy such house «*>*• build* ing, and not to those who pihv tmn Mich house v or building, independent of sovh ' If the jury believe fnim Hie cwdencc that the defendant nt ♦!•■* lime he tired the pisto! as Ma* ted by the was roused to a sudden and uncontrollable pulsion by the offcusivc conduct * and opprobious epithets aj»idie«l to hint bv the j deceased and others before the fiivt :isre.<»* and by the deceased at the time of the fatal act. and that suqlt provocations were of a chatacter cal culated to aggravate and to enrage a reasonable man so as to denrivo him of the control of his j re:i>on and jaugnteii», >urh provocathm is enough to reduce an act lo lUf.n.-lau-jhterwhich, without such provocation, would be murder. ' And if the jury lind that the defendant killed the deceased under the i»Hucu;*c of Mich pt«vo- | and from a Mithleu passion excited. •; and without malice or deliberation, the jury t sinmhl lind the defendaui guillv of mau.-lauirli ter. i:x tiu: p.\i{T of tjjb h»:ken - cs:. If the jury enteilain any reasojudde doubt < arising fiom the evidence in the ca«i\ whether defendant was guilty of or e\eus- • able homicide, it i»*'h»> duty of the jury to jrjve the defeiuh'nt the beuelit of the doubt, and ;:c- ! quit Ithn altogether, unless they believe bin: j guillv of inansjaughter. If the jury believe from the evidence that at the instant the pistol was discharged by 1 Francis, that Magee, the deceased stood' front ing him w illi a hatchet or hammer i:t his hand raised in an attitude to Mrike, and that he had, i prior to that time, used threatening language or ! gestures* towards defendant, or if the jurv be lieve that the instant the pistol was tired Magee was in the act of striking towards Jhtsch, and that the circumstances were such as to justifv a reasonable conclusion in the mind of Francis* of serious bodily injury from the deceased, mid that , Francis actecl instantly from the instinct of self- < preservation, and not from motives of malice or 1 revenge, he was nut guiltv of either murder or manslaughter, although, in point of fact, Fran cis was mistaken, ami in fact Magee intended merely to threaten him and drive him away. That an assault is an uulawful attempt, \ coupled with anrcsent ability to commit a vio* lent injury on tlie person of another; and if the • jurv believe from tlie evidciiec that the deceased orucred tlfe prisoner oil" the wall upon which he was standing, used opprobrious epithets to wards the prisoner, anu thereupon drew up his ha'che! in a threatening mauner, and was with in reach of the prisoner, and indicated a design to stri!;e with or throw the hatchet at the pris oner, this would constitute iu law such an as sault upon the prisoner as would authorize the hitter to defend himself from the assault. If the jurv believe from this evidence that a reasonable »{oubt exists as to the question wheth er the defendant was justifiable in this cause, or guilty of manslaughter, they must acquit the prisoner, unless they believe from the evidence that the prisoner is guilty of the higher crime of murder.' If the jary believe from the evidence that the prisoner was assaulted bv the decease'd in such a manner and under such circumstances as to iudupc in the mind of the prisoner a reasonable ami well grounded belief that the prisoner was in actual danger of losing his life, or suffering great bodilv harm by reason of such ass:mU, and that the prisoner acting nnder such real appre hension of assault, s::;<fshot the deceased, he is justilicd in law, although he was not at the time in actual peril or danger, and in determining the question, whether the prisoner had such reasonable apprehension or well grounded be lief, the jury ought to cousider all of the c:r. cum«tances which preceded and took place at 1 the time the pistol shot was fired by the prisoner. BV TUK COCItT. * I Verbal admissions of the defendant arc ty> be i received by the jury with caution. All tiie cir* ; cumstances surrounding the defendant at the j time of the admissions "sworn to, the circum* j stances of the witness at the time, his intelli- ! gence, and the character of his memorv, should \ all be taken iuto account in determining the ; weight to be given to his statements of the words used by the defendant. The Juty retired a little before noon, and it ! was announced at half-paslS p. 51. that the jnrv had agreed upon their verdict. This was while the exercises inauguratingthc incoming City Administration were in progress, and lind attracted a large .crowd to the Court House, as elsewhere noticed. Judge J. M. Wilson, of this Court, being engaged in adniiu* istering the oath to the new city officers. At the close of the Inauguration ceremonies the densely-packed Court Koom and outer hall lost none of their number of spectators, it hav ing been noised about that the jury were in ' readiness. Owing to the pressure of the crowd, arrange ments were quietly made and effected for the t transfer of the court scene from ihc second to I the third story—the stairways leading to the 1 1 same beiug kept by a strong force of the po -3 lice. By this means, so admirable were Sheriff ♦ Gray's arrangements, it came to pass that while r over a thousand people were in waiting below, in the Recorder's Court room and vestibule, to r see and hear the finale of the trial, the whole I transpired in the smaller (Common Pleas) court e room in the third story, in the presence only of !. the Court and its officers, and an hundred or • two spectators, half of the same ladies. j Young Bosch had been brought to the Court 1. room previously, his father came in and sat by . his side, also his counsel, Messrs. Arnold and tl Hoy no. Among the ladies present were rcla n tires of the prisoner and female friends, his mother who bad been present during the trial n now awaiting its result at home. The jury returned into their seats at half-past j. tfour P. M.,' and by James Michie, their foreman, ■j after the poll of the jary, sent up their verdict to the Clerk, Mr. KimbalL CHICAGO, THURSDAY, The appearance of the prisoner at this as well u of those most interested lb bis fate, wm one <jf inlense and nnrepressed anxiety, _ even more than bad been noticeable since the ® opening of the case. It pros the culmination, the topmost point of suspense, the next step to a certainty, and it was not long delayed* The paper of such fearful purport Vra£ opened, and to read* d: " We, the jurr, find the prisoner Not '° G The care that had been taken to secure deco- w< fum to tiie proceedings of the Court, whatever br the issue, had its effect, and the verdict was re- ceived without saved from p u few. speedily chocked. Young Busch sprang th from his seat, we risk nothing in saying aston- ished, (not unpleasantly so of course,) as at the j, utmost a light term of imprisonment for man slaughter was the most favorable result looked for even by the most sanguine of the defehdant's pj fHends; Frdbctsßnsch and his father were at oncesur- in rounded by a crowd; who pressed forward and iuto the Court Room to Congratulate them, uud not long after, he left the Court House fur his U e home ou State street, for the first time since his *n incarceration iu August last. jj* It is said the peflvatinn produced iu the jail among the inmates, and especially the unfortu- C< nute condemned men, Jumpcrtz and Finn and l la McXamee, was powerfully afitatinffv rs Busch 111 took leave of thetti; he to return to life and Pi freedom, they to go ou in tin imprisoament, f" r promising only to eud with a fate worse than the simple pang of death. d, So, probably cuds the "Scarlet Era." as con- P; cerns the Court*. It gave us in its enactingsix jjj tragedies, involving the loss of six lives. They have passed before our juries, and there have cr been three convictions of capital oflences, two are riow in the State Penitentiary, and one, Francis Busch is free. Long may it lie ere u lifco chapter of blood may be redly written upon the aunals of crime in our city. It was an era new to us; may it be in the future as iu its past, without a par- - s' LOCAL MATTERS. j Wheeler & "Wilson's Sewing Machines.— w Northwestern Office, 169 Lake street, Chicago, rs Oeo; It".jCiiittkniien, di mhs-3\v tlcneral Agent. • Pike's Peak. —Trunks, Valises aud travelling ti baifs, manufactured expressly for a trip to the II ({old Mines at W. & (J. fc>. "Wright's, CI and L'lO ai South Clark street. feiy-2m ft 25?" f?ee advertisement of Boudoir Sewing 51 Machine?, ir>2l/ake street. jal-blß'tf J j EST* See^advertisement of Quaker City i Sewing Machine. L. Cornell & Co*., p oc2»My 100 Lake street. n For sale on ten years tinie. Under new t' advertisement*. Roatt tidvertisement of first- duelling-for sale. It is a rare opportunity, o Fuee Lecture.—The Rev. Mr. Collier will s lecture this evening before the Wnsbttiaiimian Tnion Temperance Society, at tbe West Market b Hall, Randolph street, at *74 o'clock; Tc> riic Lathes op CriicAoo.—Messrs. Cook Brothers, South Clark street, are beyond a ti doubt the best dverS und cleaners of "indie's shawls, drt-sses, silks, Ac., in the country, e They restore every article to its original beauty, s aud when dyed by them its colors mm be in no way (ILstiiig"ui<!u'd f>-o:n any uew article from a the drv p»o«ls store. Tliev also pay particular s attention to dj'eing and cleaning crape shawls. i Our lady readers will do well to""make a note of their address, li'.'t South Clark street. particular Notices. J Monky to loan on real I KSI.U E SECURITIES.In mjiih of»l,(«JO aud up- t wunb, waning «mc to tbtve vtar*. < 'lie vrar limits pre- <• ferrrrt. .\}.|.ly to fc. AUMSTftONO, ; uilil."> f l 12 Sw &"i Clark Kttvct. 1 "V"OTICK.—AiI Agents for the Sale r a i iT tlii? Slink of the Dement I'ulMlng Association i: will Mtin the same, <t imwiN of sales l>v the llth of \ April. :i? it U Intended to have a drawings division on the , !.*.:!» «>f At.rll. ImblMmJ _ I'M A3. DEMENT. * \\7 ANTED . I t Hi SxcllAXcß J I iOO ACRES PINK l.l\D ■ lti Michigan fur city or e<>"k ('(unity Trfifriy. ' tuiiSiw* Iniulrv ut 21 Chirk Mrvvt. • f riiE anxi:at7 meeting ok ! the . v "ti.ikln>MiT.< of the (lanli'ii City HuiMiii? As-"- \ win li- hi!.! :it tlu- i.ffli-i* uf siM A"-K-iati"ii. Xi>. IU" , s 'iilli Wat.T»>lrivt.«"» Widiu-xlav Kvouiiiii. tlu- •"'■"til tlav , '< f Mjrcli. ut 7 o'ch'ck, f'»r the ikxtioti of officin for • till* WAT. 1 ii.hir.-iw-tJT4 _ _L. C. HALL, \ JIEKTIXG OF THE SIiAHK JL HoLUEtt* of the Saline <Ncil unit Mnnnfadnrinj: " c.iiii;>:it!v. will Ik- hihl at tin: nfflcir ut Amitvu-11. <invn. ' X.»- 4 i ftnvt. .taumvy Court. In the cltv «.f .Now York. \ on the .Mh ilav uf Ai>ril next, I£>9, at 12* oVIoi-k . Tlifaniiiiu] of tho StockhuliiiTs of Nild C».ii|':iny . >vili Iv hi-M at UiL- Sli.t otan- oti the Cr«t Tiii'mlhv of.lMn- ' hv*t at Li at no>m t at which Last im'iitii.m-tt Ilint- aii-! • )'Lu-j an vlv.Vioii »>f a and vifrtit L'ir.ttors of . tho !":i!i| ct>!ii;ianv will take place. Jlv <«r.hT of tho lloanl of lUr»-dors; 1 lulilii WI £i.t UKO. ESCOL SELLERS. Prws«!c:it. r ro «)Al' MAKEUS.—A Hare j ( 'liaiiic i« o.TiTiM to a Siaii Maker man t-Mal*- , l;«!uiifiit n.tvntly .Mart<-d in Fairfield. •K-rfrrxin cutintv, lowa. ' t.> Uvume jiartJ.iT, with a Miiall ot'lial. A lartv * <-i!i t>e done in the Soji and Candle tnulc. Nu other t-?tal»- 1 IL-liniciit of the kind in tho jilai-e. For further particulars . afply to the MttaciiluT ou the tiremL-es or hv litter. WSI. C. LEWIS. 1 Fairfield, Xovva, Mareh 4. Is.*9. lidiS lw "V* O'L'lCK.—The Animal Moctinj; of i Xl the Sloekholdcr* of theChii-agy Hrenie»»* Insuratu-v Coin|atiV will l>c held at the office of >;ild i-oujpanv <'ii Tnes dav. the I «li day of Martli, A. I>. liv'J, for the election of hif.e l)ir«vti>rs fur tlie enmliu; year, uilu It* ei~S I', X. IIOLI'EX. Sec'y. OUT"iiUSIXESS—K. i \J A\*. I!UTCIIIN<JS. Ifi7 Uandi'li>li rtnit. will mII th>' ] v. Ji 'le of hUlarjre clock of Klch Cabinet Ftiniiltire at Icjw i lhati co«t Ihlwwii thisa:id the trt of May. to clw the hn-i --tie*«. Every piece I* fully warranted, and all itiai'.e in his oivn manufactory. 47"» Broadway Now York. Callatid ex aiultiu l»efore jtufi:la.-ing rahl lm c'HT i CTKRLIXG KXCIIAXGK—Drafts iO on tlie fiilon Hank of London «>f £! and ti)iward.s available in anv part of the Vnltetl Kingdom, for Kile t>v rtil 6m" IIOFFMA.N.V&GELI'CKE. /CHECKS OX THE ILLINOIS ! V MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE <'o. wanted l.v tat c 271 5m HOFFMANN* jt(«EI.I'CKE. A rOXEY TO LOAX J.* JL At Ten per Cent per Anrttai, FOU FIVE YEARS. Fih4-da*t City Real Estate and Commercial Notes wanted IUWNINC. FROM ONE TO TWELVE MONTHS, jaiu c.» It. F. POWNIXG. r.~ <*lark-st. ONE nUXDUED THOUSAND DOLLARS TO IA) AN.—The under>!tn:ed, as apent f>r hivstem CapltaU>t!«. is nnjareit to make Loans on long tloeat ten j«crcent. onCmcapuproperty. Hr>t irjvhir fn-c: one to live years to niii, wauted at fair rites. j. L. LEK, at Wad? worth it Ci's llank. fill _66 Clark stect, Chlcajm. HM) WHOLESALE MlCli- A < uaxt>.—A iTi'ntlctuau with a brja' and eitrti-ive ait|«al:itaitei*amorjriho bushic><coumuiuiiy <if the North «vl. de.-lrvT to c-nter into an ctipipemcnt with a lii'dv.' as Tnveler. lie Is familiar with the Harden' trade, in rdl Its li.-a'R'lies and iutiuute witlt all the (he Wi>t aud Northwe?l, anil -altu'-!e fadlitU-4 for cvinnimricatiou with them. He would prefer to di> a pcr.e ra! trade. iinL-s.* e.tbi'rwi-v nxjninil. Aildrc:t.< TRAVELER Bos 4«0 Tost Ofilce, Chicago. mhU'-iw-dfiy , ON NEW YORK. : Drafts. Acceptances and Nutw (aldlu New York on the I dav of mattiritv. orlAst tlav of crace, ai«l niondy dejx>i.lte<l I account In the city of New Yort. and M-nt to cities In j New York, on Tde^raj>hk^)rd^<.^ j;iS 1A53 8m Telegraph Ofilce. ! A fOXEV LOAXED On City lit-al ■' I Entate, Securities Tnist | stocks. Uiwinens Notes aud all food uegotlable ttecurilh-s, I t«>ii£ht and !>old. Certificates of Deposit# and Checks of H- I K." Swift. Brother ± Johnson, purchased for cash at the | niarkct price. Dealers u» IlllnoK >\lscon>ln and Jowatui»l«,lni;>n)ve<l farms mbarban lots ami dty real es -1 tate. Oice No. 6 (wnd tl«N»r) Mctroptdltaii Block, corner ! Randolph and La.-olle ftrevts Chicago, j dritA»2 4m W. DAVIDSON. HAVIXGOI'EXED ax office at No. r.l South Clark street for the «»f the Mock of the Denit-'it Building AwodaUon, 1 would aUi jrivc iiotlcethatl will negotiate loans and flud purchasers for pH«I commercial paper f<ir a rvasoiiable commivlon. r« r f ii.s havluß money to loan, bv uoUfyiug me of the fact, will S lie called ou If anything pruwnU worth their attention. TO , i»>t our frtend* come In and take the balance t>f slock, and 1 let us choc up the Institution, as It Is expensive to coclLnue it? I a*«uru you Uls all right and perfectly fcSicJIJ In CIIAS. DKUEXT. ' j3ROTr,TOnX IJjVPTIST SMl'l\ Nineteen Year* of Age, ' Borntcitha .Yaltiral Gift, 0 i>- THE CITY OF MONTREAL. CANADA, * Would call the attention of-the cttbens of Chicago to the IT fact that lie cm cure all kinds of ? RHEUMATISM, ft And all other diseases INSTANTLY, without the use of medicine and without pain. He Is expected to stop bat a e short and If any person or persons afflicted with such . dfecaaea will please call tra Professor Smlt, they will find lm "t medial relief. Such an opportunity Is rarely met with, r Itbafreateuriwdtytoneehlm work. Uanv who have al moot been raised from thedead can testify to Ida miraculous ,r I power of healing all diseases. , ! EF~Offlce No. 199 Washington Chicago, HPgob. " l ' |VSSOLUTIOX.-The firm of E. •J" ' J / w. Densmorc t Co. has been dissolved by mutual ld ;««*. Elther^rWn^^to^Uquida i. ' GARDNER PHILLIPS. Algonquin. . 1 MarcMith. 1559- •« -mhlMw-c47S It IT? AV. DENSMORE, having re ' X-Je moved to bis sew location, will coßtisfe in the . ! Floor, Grain* Meal and Fed! Bast i nea«) Q, I As heretofore, and is also prepared to do a General Coinmb . I aion lousiness and make cash advances on cwrignmeaU of Ct Svperty i.i«ore. SOT SOUTH WATER STREET | mhlHyclTl Comer of TVcQ*. MS BY TELEGRAPH. Four Days Later from Europe. Jrritml of th* "CJy of WmtMnetonf* Kfcw York, Stareh 16.—The Citv of Washing- b. ton arrired ot 9 o'clock, brininiig Lirerpool _ dates of the morning of the 2d. Passed, lat. 4i3, I long. 35:49, a ateamer, supposed to be the Africa; •J. on the 14th, lat. 41, tehg. the City of Bal tiraore, hence. Had a constant succession of westerly gales almost the entire passage. She / brings 17u passenger*. _ \ It u explained that Jhe ground for supposing un the French and Auttrians trill evacuate the Papal States, is because the l'ope has iuvited at them to do ao. Nothing has transpired to indi cate how cither of the powers will proceed, but rumors from Paris say the French will with draw. War preparations continued actirelr, and the , funds, which were so buoyant on the 'departure of the Arabia; had become depressed. The H French 3's closed at G7i. J Lord Cowley had reached Vienna, and had an ro< interview witfi the Emuerbr. . j.'j D'lsraeli's t&i nmfers fraschisc upon thi all learned professions and upon parties luivlng small investmeuts in the fuud.4 and saving banks. The representations of 15 j small boroughs is reduced from two to one mem ber each, and the vaaued given to coun ties and uew boroughs. * The bill is stongly at tacked by the Keformers, but a large meeting of , Conservatives, strong, at Lonl Dt-riiy's had pledged their unanimous support to the measure. X Walpolc, the Home Secrctatr, and Ilenly, the _ i President of the Board of Trade, had retired from the Cabinet on :iccount of diflereiices of opinion in regard to reform. Mr. Sotheron Es- - court, succeeds the former, and Lord Dunamore the latter. Lord 31 arch replaced Kacourt as President bf the Board. There are minors of further secessions from the Cabinet, iucluding the Karl of Salisbury and Mr. Adderly. " 1 The British exports shuw an enormous in- J crease over last year. vt Latest Paris letters say the chances of war or peace continued still the same. i» The war fever ran high iu Germany. . Late news fr«m Brazil says Presideut Loper. | of Paraguay, had accepted the mediation of the * Brazilian Government in the difficulty with S America. later. . n Lo?moy, "\\ e'dhesuay mommg.—The -"Daily Xews says: Gloom once :aore overshadows the j-. Stock Exchange, the moet reassuriug portions of the statement made by the Ministers on Fri- 1,1 dav having been officiary exj'lained away. The prospect of a miuirderial crisis had like- _ wise some ellect.on ihe ifturSu ' rates fell * per cent. Money continued in fair demand at f) cent. Exchange on Austria ol still further advanced. cr At the meeting vesterdav, of the Conserva tives, to consider to'lsraeli's Beform bill, Lord t Derby stated, if at a second readiug, or upon <,*! any main clauses of the biil in committee, they U found iheinselVes in ihe minority, he said he | fhould unhesitatingly advise the Queen to dis- I soh'c Parliament, "fhis is a challenge to Lord n John Bussell: c ' LATEST. r, There is a rumor that Count Cavour is ex- » pected at Paris. ... The Sardinian loau bf £'2w\ood had not been negotiated a! Pari* by M; as was at one * time supposed. This is looked upon us an un- g favorable symptom, since M. Foule as Minister of.J?tate, ninst have opportunities of foreseeing ~ if events are at hand which might render the speculation hazardous. Advices from ltio Janeiro to February 7th had been received at Li*bon« Calcuiia n\ailn .tamhiry -J'_d and China of the IStii had reached I Private letters confirm the complete pacifica tion of Oude. Lord Elgin's expedition tip the Yangtse Kiang extended us far as Ilong Kong, and is reported a successful. . The steamer Powhattan was at Hong Kong, and the Mississippi in the Canton Uiver. The ship Flying Fish had been sold at Loo Choo Foo. _ Tlie Union on ITlcxlcan Affairs. a Washington, Jlarcli 10. —Tl»e Union of this a.m., in au authoritire article on our Mexican aud Central American re'aJi«iii>, says there is # not the least rt'Wm to from anything which has yet transpired, Ili:;t either t!io French < or British Government meditates any iuterfer- \ ence in the political coucerns of Mexico, and it t is known that Captain Turner, the American commanding officer, hns»~. oierca iuto an ar-. - rangement with the Firnch and British com- i manders, that the naval officers of the thrc.v' na- j tions sliall land together, should it be necessary i to allbrd protectiim to their respective citizuns. i It appears further that our government does 1 not take the ground that the Monroe doctrine [ precludes any European nation going to wat'with t Mexico, whatever Ihe cause which might exist. J. It intends and means to take care that the > Spani>h American States shnll not ngain be re- < duced to European dominion, but does not main- 6 tain that those States may commit just such , wrongs as they please against European powers < without being* re>ponsible to those powers for their tortuous acts. Spain has declared that it has not the remotest idea of attempting to sub ugate Mexico. The United States has no ob- i eetion to one canal or twenty canals as large as the Eric in Central America. This is no ques tion under the Monroe doctrine. What they want to make good is that ihe contracts already made and existing with their citizens shall not he violated, and that suHi cattaU, when made, shall be cjuallv free and opi-n to all commercial nations, and shall not be controlled by any one power, especially an Euronean power. ; Our Government is assured that England is not pursuing a toituous or dishouest policy in Nicaragua. The British Government professes fairness, and ours is not ut liberty to doubt their honor in the treaties they medi tate with the Government of Nicaragua— one for the regulation of the Transit route, and the other for tlie abandonment of the Mosquito Protectorate. The general principles have been submitted to the Government of the Cuited States and approved by it. From Washington. Washington, March I.".—Diplomatic corre spondence from Madrid, says Mr. Preston will be received unconditionally, but that any pro position touching Cuba will he followed by the Government sending him his passports. The Attorney-General to-day appointed A. B. McAluiont of Pennsylvania, Assistant Attorney- General. Tlie Secretary of State recently submitted to the Attorney-General the question whether the Chiuese Coolie trade, as carried on by Ameri can ships, conies within the law for'the sup pression of the Slave Trade. The Attorney- General decides that it does not. Tlie Railroad* In Convention. Bi'kfai.o, March lti.—The ltailroad Conven tion met at Kremlin Hall, in this citv to-day at 11 A. M. Organized by the election of Orrin Follett, of theTSandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati Ilailroad as President, and J. B. Anderson of the Pittsburgh, Chicago and Fort Wayne Kail road as Secretary. A committee of 1»>, with Judge Jewett, of Steubenviile, as chairman, was appointed to ar range new time tables. Adjourned till 3 P. M. Kcwn from the Frontier* Leavenworth, March I<i.—The case of Doy ami son, who were übducted from Kansas into Mi.-souri, charged with aiding the escape of sdaves, u chauge of venue has been granted, and the trial transferred to St. Joseph. Dates from the gold mines to the 12th of Feb. \j*rc received. Accounts continue flattering. The rush towards Pike's Peak has fairly com menced. Several large compauies left here yes terday. Emigrants arrive daily by hundreds. Won't Say tlie Lord's Prayer# Boston, March l."».—Some 200 or SCHJ children of Catholic parentage, attending the Elliot School in the north part of the city, caused 1 vesterdav and to-day quite a disturbance by re -1 'fusing to* chant the Lord's Prayer and-the Ten Commandments in conformity to the rules of the Public Schools. The School Committee and I teachers remain firm, and a large number have 1 been dismissed from tlnj school. .Kcxv Jersey Senator. I Trenton, >\ J., March 10.—The joint meeting of the Legislature for the election of U Unitea r States Senator in the place of Hon. William Wright, will be held to-morrow at three o'clock , P. M. _ e Sickles Indicted for Murder. e Washington, March I*».—'The Grand Jury T . have found a true bill of iudictment against i Daniel for murder. They have not U vet decided respecting Butterworth's complicity * in the affair. Sailing of the Enropa. ' >*bw York, March 1»>. —The Europa sailed at ' a o'clock, with 100 passengers, and in specie. 5 |T<OR MILWAUKEE, 3IANITO- I woe. Two lUvcrs, and all ttiU-nuctliate IVrts. - Captain S. JVI J(OHGAN^, Will leave for tbe above Ports on THURSDAY, Mareh af 17th, at G o'clock P. M. f "'■nißEW A GOODRICH. I: »T C. S 311 Til & CO. as X. • ILiTX JtCGEXT & Overs.} • CHICAGO BRASS F°rNDRV COPPERSIUIH Wcfrklnz In Bmi an«l Copper la all their various branch®*. i 1 Superintendents Enrlneers and th» pabUc fraerallr, are re *' twlfully that * foil assortment of Finished lira* ial Work, suitable for locomotive «w statlonaiy Engines always a- on hand, or made to order, at ahpjs notice. Bra» Castia« done to order. Manufsetutrts oHUft and Force Pnaips. of n. ait alley, suitable for Railroads, Tanneries ~ TOBXEK OF MARKET 4 WASHIXOTOX STREETS, g. Chicago- nihMm . f OIBER YARD WATER LOTS JLi co South Branch for R«nt. 1 rant corner Canal and Monroe »- 1 - on Canal, near >an Daren, of i - on Bach, near Pols. _ Will be leased low by B. A. A J. )L tVILLIAMS, i feMcSIS-ln Office 2101-3 South Water at. MARCH 17, 1859; Kcto aiibertiscmgntg. "WANTED —Trunk Makers. Apt i Ti ply Immediately to W. 40. S.WRIGIIT,®I and 1 Clark street. mhlici33a or WANTED— A Situation as Book- t deeper, tharougblr .competent to take charge of any sett of I locks. Best ci fefcrcacts givtn. T. - B. botsaa. ii»bt7 gw* _ y ! T?IVE THOUSAND Bushels "Wis- * *JL cousin Seed Oats for salu by **U » BURT A BIGQZXS. * mh17c4551m Cof. Kentiy and Ucarbom «tm-U. "f : — Tlie Un- ' derrigned have this dar entered Into a Co-partnccaMp p X . * under the name and style of wllßams. Smith k um A»i J pun>wof continuing the buslntw of Who!e«J«j' Grocers, po : assucce«oraof WUliamsAThompsonand JubuC.Wililams. 1 at tlie okl numhr, t «^, "t , of the late Ann of William* & Thompson. 1 t WIUIC WASHINGTON SMITIfT «« Formerly la the Wholesale I>tt GootU Tnuie. of ' Ui t nfr viih "niocipsira. - ; CMcacn. March 1«: ISM: cil: lm 1 * 'PHE PKOPniETOHB OF THE J JL THEMOXT BILLIARD ROOMS havlnffhad thclf pr. 1 rwoni# c!u*-d fur the bs« Uirve week* fur the piirp»»« «r At iif*lf ttd&tlnr, dc-corating, introdudn* new tables, and J Phelan'sComMnatlon Caihlons, nwwctftOJy announce tfcit l the room# will be opened to the pabi!c on Saturday ewnlng, 1 I March IMb. _ mbl. c-tai 3t } I "VOTICE.—\Ve have lor sale, Si 100 bbls Unpaired Peaches, T* 20 - I"ared ~ If} 1 Si kejrs Cherries, ' • LIITLEirO 1 I n»h17«470 I4*g«iuth Walef-s*. ' » \ rAPLE SUGAR! ft \ r PEAS AND SUNDRIES. w JL 200 hf. cherts Tea. SO bbls Bath Brick. C KO - Suck Salt* ~ s SOO boxes Soap. 1 V .For sale low by WM. LITTLE St CO, " mhlTc47i' ten South WaUT«t._ FOR SALE.—A Neiv Large Brick , ftatirießce oa one of the l*st avenues in the S>-uth Pi- " vl»l<>n.and south of the iminml fiuUlied in the 1 _ bwtstyicjirtthtinrelot. ctablesand everv convenience f»r 1 a Uive foully. Will 1* scjd very cheap—l«art can on b.ngtlna:. Aitjiy O. mhl7-;vv-cW ONE MORE EVENING - -*mi b SHAKSFEABE AND TIIE ORATORS. PfcOF. WIIITNKV g "Will f!\e an cnieHainuient ai ii&tIIOi'ULIT.VZT II.'LL, £; y On Friday Evening, ITlarcli IS, e Fruui the rcnowued Orators of the Old and New World?. S Uy particular the pn'franime will Include the i. l.ratiil jipt-echo of ilavne ebstcr In the Senate, in ISW. and an assuinptlon of u well known character _ Admlvion cenl«i _ _ n»M7-2t-v'viA_ r A r n ; ENTI(JX OF MAX- . ir -I- rKACTUKEUS. Fouudrrmen. SlUlera. Pn>priet«ra a of MadilneShi>l«.TuK Owners and Steani I'onsitriiera gca- _ e rally, who arw lntervsted Iu vcououy, b invited u> the PEBU COAL, j It U not dainicd Uu* thi) ( -' oal b ,v< l Uul - to Krie or Briar UilU"M»ttlhv tfjp>rrtfn»n« ACTI Ai.TESTS «- u on LocomotivtscaJibeshowutoprufe that the I'eni (.'-a. V is worth 2i».per cent, more f.jr Steam purposes th:m that * which U advertised as ie Briar Will? 1 . . . .£. r• Thi* Coal l* freer from StHphuranu oo.c? Inip'irUua ccrn- jj, II irnrn to Illinois Coal, which nave been the cause of so iuuc.. Complalut, tlian any other Northern IllinoU Coal. f Tbe j*ul*cribcr U prepared to fill uiCers or make amtrarts for anv amount, ad lo? a: t'w C"al «i b« at the i- iniiit^."and will l>e jriad to supplv tho*c who wish to t.'«t t|»ls a C«al with eii'Xigb for that purpose at the same rate as lor J. lurtfe quantities. U 'f hb» Coal will l»e brmiglit hen by Canal, the present sea- - ii» sotuatTerylpwflaurcs. T Oflice, for tbe prefect, on Polk rtfMt. hetwrni Clark and Sherman strwtd. Address P. O. Box • ;r mh!7-lw* W3I. JVARD._ S ,? AL L PAPERS. ? id F. E. BIGBI 4 CO., r Invite im«pectioa of their recently Imported rtfxk t-f Wall f Papers and (JKNEB.VL DECORATIONS, f '? Which they fM t»»nfliient wl'l W/oCiid unrivalled in quality Ml and clu-njnu**-. : Xsf"General llou>o Painting, Frescoing, CaWmhiln(r.St 4 ai * IF Writing, Jcc. '/* mh!7 c47«> 3n>_ R 'e \ T EW YOHK AND AVESTEKX '} >° X> STATES LEXE. 1859. MlEggi! I i» STIiLII ON TIIE EBlfc CANAL. ' Tlie of this Line *olidt public attention to it-« f a>lv:i!ita£i-H oa n medium of tmn-'portiillon Nex >£J York ami and the West and Northwftrt—bcicz a line •Jl of Hr>t-Cla» Canal I'roptllcrs and Canal Ikuls to run lv- twevo New York, Allunv and Buffalo without tnufhlppln*, j 1* with Boston cotmcctiuus'at Albany; and to conuecl ai Buf> it falo with tbe ] m Line or Propellers ( ir " • To Chlcapi aitd I'pper Lake port*. It un.<jjrjw(««i tl- •fuelllitics to sLipi«crs «jf Mcrvhandbo Westward aud i'n-'lucv „ Eastward; ensuring eare and dispatch In the tnii»M:»L«ai'ii of I their property. "Willi ample pecuniary means and rv*i«>n*i t*y bllitv, and the U*t advaiitatfes arising from the use of lj». on the Erie Canal, and having the U-ueflt <«f Inntr exjwneniv < ~o In the business, they present thi-uiselve* and tltelr line as t for public pntronajre, fuU contldvuce that, * "V by an uniform course of tfriitaUvtitli.n to tlu* want* and in- i til tert-sU of their cr>tomers. thfjr wjll merit n n-»«.-r»ai-iv shan* t .4 of the carrying limine** Mwevo New York, Boston, and i , " other Eastern clllrs. ard the Western and Northwi-»tert« * lie States*. Tbeajjentsof this line arc authoriw»l t«» rontwit by V- Canal, and steam uti Lakes, or by RaiU to Baffalo. thenvu / n »teani on the Likes, or all Bail, as chli'pers nnv il«-sliv. , Rates hyeiUwr of UivseMutn will W a* low as by any L'li other ruspoiisible Line. Shippers an? rs call on our agvnU before contracting elsewhere. J .JOHN POA<>. (Poap. Davis & Co„) 5 ur WM.«. KAUMEIL 171 lin-a-lwav, « ll GEO. DAVIS, 113 Broad stn-vt. « b- iozsT»: ) *>• W. 11. Cnxsc, 171 Broadway, ID. K. Niil, 11.1 Broad st. I us .T.P. Wocsi.ux, ** ) LouwFostaise, " < » s I. B. llrwT, 171 Broadway. ev S.INFORD, IZALL & CO., ,lV mh!7vA6l2ra Chicago, IlllnoL*. I £! T3IPROVE YOUR EYESIGIIT. . «> t£3**i!S& i ne 37 - - - - Clark Street, • • • - 37 u, | Room 3, upstairs, Chicago, IDlnuls. 1 •nt The cvM>ratv>\ R;uola Rouk Cn-rtal and Brazilian Pebble j 0 S;Hxtacles,acknowledgwlbycompitfUtJud^»*»tobeUie dt- Best of All Glaascs Noivln Use, ' l— * For long or short slghteil persons, from 10to«0j\-ar»of3g?, lid aud for weak, sore and inflanteil eyes, cataracts, and cn»»- ilO are f>T sale at .17 S.mth Clark utrect. Room No. 2. up f-ta'.rs. Also.all kiudsof itptlcal lustruuwutA and Artiticlal j Eves kept constantly on hand. t?d ivrnius resl'ling at * distance requiring Sp<xtarlcs Ere ftlass<s, Ac., can t>e exactly suited acconling to their condi tion of idght, and supplied with them by unit ur cxpn-ss, safely and quicklv, by nruding correct and distinct answers the following quesuous:— Jj>t. State vour age, state of health and occupation. fO- i,i. Mate If £la.<«r*- are wantcii for reading, writing, etc., rill orftir looking 34 distant object*. .... ;ij. State the exact imml-er of inches you in Ad a took In ' * reading, with or without glasses, plainly aud clearly. UO The prices of our improved Spectacles and Eye Glasses areas follows: lk-st Pebble or Crytfal (ilaws. In gold 1> Ikivvs. #li fit) and fd. Be?* CJlaastn, in silver bows, #5, ft, * $-1 ami $2. Best Glasses Iu stcvl Ikjws, It. H, liand ft. .'V- Enclose either of tbe alx»ve sums with fotir |H«tage stamps In a registered letu-r. and you will receive by return mall, «>r bv express if you j>n.ferU, tbe quality and kind of Glasses , raid for, aud the best adapted to your sight, he 1 I»a.L. E. UOSEMIEIIG, »ri- mht7lm* Practical Optician an.l Oculist. qiioice cooking ,u;ticles. FIXE TOILET PEBFCSES, KOGEKS' 4 OTHERS POCKET KXIVKS, cn <•< Traveling Flanks, rin iati DRESSING CASES, CABD CASES, 1 Ladles 9 Scissors, Fine Powders and u "' Cosmetics, of CHOICE COLOGNES, ftr * For sale by J. H. REED A; CO., AI*OTIIECAIUES AND CUEMISTS, I*l i 115 Lake Street 14! A 146 . [mlil7 c-fcO] JOV - ------ - - - - - ntj. 3IOST POPULAR BOOKS. and T . TIIESCOtTRINO OF TIIE WHITE HORSE; or, Tbe '<>h Loug VauUluti Holiday of a London Clerk: by the author . u * of "School Daysat Kugl>y~ with illustrations by IK>yle. HjT. 1 vol. uniform with ~Tooi Brown's School itays. #iiW. om- 11. res- WHILE IT WAS MORNINU, by Virginia F. Townacnd, j. editor «.f**Artbur*s Home Magazine." Price #l. • " Kepletc with interest, morality acd bcaotT."—{.Buffalo Advocate. nr. xen FUTUIIE LIFE: or. Scenes in Another Wortd; by George Hot Wood. Price ised iv. re- A YACHT VOYAGE: or. Letters from High Latitudes: IV n ji-eing an account of a vox-age to lcelacd. Jan Mayen and s 0 f Spritxcu. By Loni Dufferin. limo. l*ricc 91. SERMONS by tlie late Rev. G.W. Perkins. 1 vol. limo. iaTe lTice9L TI. DAY DAWN IN AFRICA: or. Prom* of the Protertant Episconl Mbalon at Cape Palsas. West Africa. By Mis tinE Anna 2L Scott. 1 vol. lino, price 91. iteu TO ' i: am FATHER AM) DAUGHTER; by Fredrika Bremer, 1 vol I 1*"? li mo. Price $123. c vm. POETS AM) POETRY OF VERMONT: edited by Abba Maria Ueoenway. 1 vol. 12mo. Price 91-25. '. ar T REMARKABLE CONVERSATIONS of LADY BLES .tnst SLNUTON With LORD BYRON. 1 vol. limo. 91-UO. not y u r sale by icitr D. B. Cooke & Co., Aeents, tpTitT Nu. 11l Lake sirvet. F" OR PIKE'S PEAK.—Hard Bmd and subMrriben would call al uUk tontl"" nf to their superior fadlitlea for supplying *) in them with Ilanl Bread and Crackers. Having been many vears In the California trade, we can assure all who entrust __ iheironl '" ,o ° S,,<T " C,O O. < KSsbiIX*SOSS. „ mlii-lm e33l Comer Waahh«ton and Dearborn-rts. ' QTEXyi SAW MILL FOR SALE O CHEAP, on ex«y terms, together with ■A 3,600 ACRES OF PDfE TIMBER LAND. The subscriber has for sale the above property which will be sold at a bargain. . , _ Tbe mill i» noriy new, and Is dtuatea oa Bay, WLKonsia, In a floaii-shinr village, the County Seat of Door Harefa cnunty; andts«osituated that vesads dia«-inf li feet of water can all up to the Mill Dock and reeelre the lumber. Tbe land la well timbered aDd logs coovenieut to the mill, CH. aM b well adapted U> farming purposes after the timber Is eff O The subscriber being unacquainted with the lumber bus!- v • DCMa and bdnr enured la ouer budneas. Is desiroav'f wil- Inc the property atthlstime. There are about 4.000 logs on tITIH the bans 01 the Bay, which will be sohl with tbe other nartlculan please address or call on whea. * or lunaer BABTLETT A CO. mhS-lm-cSM No.S Lake street. I HANGE ON NEW YORK, "Pi of All BOSTON. rniLADELPHU, ST. LOUIS, «nd «"• ECKOPE :ets. FOR SALE. 1-1111 \nu buy Dnfta, CntlflcalM of Deposit oa Eastern States DTS L. E. ALEXANDER 4CO Bmkira, mhlS c4«S 4t No. SO Clark street. OAA HI IDS. SUGAIt NOW ■ < ARRIVING, !«st. and for by REYNOLDS, ELY * CO. &rH* mt e. g&anteft. \\T ANTED—Goo<l Uusincss Paper. "V T T lam prepaml tr» nesotlate ernxi buslntM paper, JL or to make advances on Warehouse KecrlpU. Applvtu ddivi E. ABiLSTKONG, . . At Campbell A L'o.'s Exchange Oflice, mh!Hw<44l Ko. S3 Clark street. WANTED —Boartljnjj iu a Pri- 001 Family by a single gentleman who is dertrnua foracoiutortable h<ra«\- at a reasonable price. WiQ rive Arot elaurtfer>n e*. Nor 12 rt West SW«> prefemd. Adlnasa ~U. li." P. O. Box gt>t. Chkag'% mhlMw* \\7"ANTED —A House on the Ist T T May, wjthtn half a mile of the Court House, In a quiet, bcullny a bouse of S or 10 moui\ with pw and water flxturv compaie, ah*4 without furniture. B*" AtUivss. :<tating location, rent aud she of bou»o,B«n "IW." . Poet Office. tUW l j \\T ANTED—A _ Nrath^Firiishe.l * T Two Story House with from eight to tea rooms, sit- " t naletl on Wabash avenue or on one of the otu "treats east of Stat*—p<»«*easiun to be given May Ist. Address with tenia, P.O. Bu*WTi.__ mhS-lm<3«) W~ ANTED—For °* House and Lot. House to be AirtartwU with Gas and Water, ar.d of twelve or more rooms. A MabU* «n prvmbes wouM he desirable. Nnrth or West Side prefemd. Addivn* Box stitlng location and price. fc2Ma-c£sl WANTED—A 3l:ui 23 A «; V ? years of ace desires a »ltnaii»n m i«Ka»uian or clerk the r in some wholesale liouk*. where an opportunity w<>u!<! be ever offend fur advancement and ytmanency. lias had twelve H<>u year* experience In rariuus oraniiieN «if bnaiDtaa. and can pi-w. (rive unexceptionable references. Addruss "11." lW>x 4"U4, K o. fc-11-c577-lm I \XTANTED —To Merchant T:iilors. Jjjj T T A wtifali-m ik Cuttor. Good references fiveu. No Eun ol jejtlon to any jori of Ihtt West. Atkins* "E. L. W." n<e| P. O. Box Tug. - mh4-2w* s-nt \XT AX TED—lnformation of Daviil »'* ! I Klax. m-bo left Stokn* IVuntr, some JOvears , airo. He or his heirs are entitled u> a Irtacr of aJx.ut tiUM). Addrea* D. ifrVrAHUUt'K. a'aleiu. N. C. WANTED —Iluncrarian Grass t< U Scedand *" MILLET SEED. "«w By 3. ti. BITXER. nihlMtn* CortiwSouth WoierandClarkstn-ct". S." c .. . _ _ E»ri WANTED.—Koardinir in a Pri- T I vate Fainllvby a p ntleuun aud wife, with n*<m C: or room* matlv funrfshi'd.' Rcfenmces riven and reuuiftiL Siiiti Adilris-N ImukdLatlyj "N. Post Ofßce lJ<>x 1741. ?"A« mhlG-lw* ANI ■ fron: T\TANTED.— To tmv Counters, In f T dlan UubWr llw, Wall I*3j*r. Show-Cases, » Stone .Tars. Tin Cans, Meaanrw. Tunnel*. sfat«. Kepi. Lamps 1 Kittcls Hru.'hi.Ts. an Iron Sjuare. ai:d AiUn-ss Wit! Ltttcr I»K !.-*lPu»t (lAce, ©r±JU Wolcwtt street, Chicafe-o. tb<« mlil<.*t* whli gTa 1-v cut. 31 " r rO HENT—llonse No. 045 Wa- mE _l* ba«h Avenue, from Jlav lti. AM-iytc* a ' SAWYER. PAIUE A CO.. 16 Lake at. 'T'O KENT—lieajvr Factor)-, ami sit _Ju Machine bhop Applv to _ SAWYER, PAIGE it TO HENT.—TIie New 1 Fn-nt Building. !?•"'. I7f» Clark street. Four I'' stories and Uiaemeiit, together ftr "^itiraielv*; Applv to GEO. W. NfcVTCrtMK _ _ SO l>e»rbcr!) »trt«?. liEXT.—A Desirable House, 1 ci'UtalnlniC seven rooms, a few weeks, by a t<«*l party, ven* n-asotublc. .IpJ-hrto J. T; ll»»LT. Job Ilootu, Prussaud Tribune Oflce. mhls'c4()(hi^t ON '"PO KENT AVliarfing c I'ropertv. W]iq|f I>ji27antl 2\ In IMoek !<<.—Vf. <v» Hie east ofjt>uth IJraiicb. between IlarTi-H-n and Van year, or a tinufife>caßl of. . liENT—The Kte Stfiry Brick JL Storr, Nos. SoutliWater The Oliovf. lo»x>-yil> trnaiilNti l ! ,H -' cheap. r-rv-OA-lon *ivenoH ii.(. If! i!:" "( ti> C. I CHASE. letter to l'.-TOffice _ i.rrc.U.Vh.l TO 11ENT—The Stone-front three stoir ard basement Hon**, No. .">Ol North Laaalle 3! street, wl'n a two-*torv lant au<l wrwd slu'd In the rear. Lot Applv to U. SwirLTAKIO-0.l liwuiU* Block, l: mhi-ciO-iui Corner vliik Water !<-■*♦ > TO KENT.—On Jlichijian avenue, »«' several Cottaxw to n-nt from the first of May next on the Lot on comer of Michigan avenue and Harrt>-on ~v Abo, No. 13 Sotith Water street, suitable for |- wholtnale or comniis."li<n trade. Applv to CIIARLEM M. JL DUI'UV. N0.317 Michlon avenue, or*at Fult'-n Elev:itora, No. fM! iiorth Water ►tre*t. mhltMrnciM X< r PO RENT.—In the Wt"l Division JL on MAv rtmt, Wrtdtinet«'ft ami ifadi^on otn-ets two 'tbn.e-»tor>' (Eiirfliah lja.-*ment» Dwelling r>r H"U*s on Lijrh gronn>l, where the atmospben* b purr ami ht,*althfid. Thev contain twelve f»ina, with Water, ever>" 7J minutes. Address Box 41M. or apply at No.« PruieroyV liullditip, or nt 'No. CO May street. A _mhlf-?w* _ V TO RENT.—A House.. No. yui Ohio strevL Tbe H<»ateisnew. built «i* P*ick. and con.'L*t* of Ui-seiuent, attic, and b» flnWted In ] tbe very »est ftvle tliroiiKbont, with Rain ami lllvdmtit CX i Water, Hath, Water Closet. Bells, J'pv-aUiJjtTtilirs. Roittfe, C p, AeAb»>. a p>od Brick Barn in nur. piHnewilon c„ r iziven ou flr>t of Mav. Imjulre on the prvniL-v* In tbe after- | ra noon, ur <>f J. McE\VEN, coruer of North Wells and Pear* llLt mm Marl?; uihlS-lw* f„i TO RENT—Lumber Yard to Let. [•" The Lnm!>cr Ynrd and IV<t» jvlnzon the wt-st side of the South Branch,lmnuMbtelvn^rthof the newbrid*^r«>f tbe Fort Wayne and the St. RaiiriuiK arrow the South HrancK. Uto Iv let fur oue vt more yetiri. There L< a boi dockaiK froiit of is»2 feet; a private switch or tuni-""t —« truck laid down upon tbe lot,ar.d eontlneil to it* excltl- a! M rive which bto l>e feet lotip, or ent3clent for tbe ,UI loadlJiirof sevenoreltfbt cars atatune. Po.*s<w.lou jrfven a:n inimeiilatelv. Iri'iulrv «<f the at Peyton Mtvvt, oppo-'lte IllinoU street, or at 175 South Jefferson >treet. or Box al l P«>t Otnce. mhli<Ky-2w ARTEMAS ('ARTEC. f " KENT—A Fine Lot on Wash- *\ l ; JL Inxton street, K'twren Market anil Franklin <{<. Tbe lot &40 feel fnuit 1-v Ist feet (hrp.t-i Rn l« plankul tin alley. Tbe rtnxt b paved with bloi'k stone, and the lot will tw l-eretitfl Bve years or more. In«|ulreof iv JOIIN Wr.UiHT. C» iifcctloiier. No. SJ South Clark street, u op|>oslte tbe Court Hottse. mlill-elil-ltu tin TO UENT—One of the most de- JL slrulile Dwellings on the North Side, east of Clark <. Tbe hou«e b brick, witb nine rooms ami lanre CTimnds. The will l"« expected t» buy a portion of the Furniture. Mich as car}i-ts aud atoves. AdJrewt Box jil u tl __ mM!-c4iV_l(t_ Mi TO RENT.—North Branch Canal. We now offer for rent the lV«ck»on each sUleof the Caial recently ctinstroctcil by us, and which exteuda fr»m th; the North Branch of the river, opp>->itc ChK-.w» Avenue pb llriiUe. to ilalsted street. The Canal li 110 fevt wide and 12 lir t-» 1"> feet deep, newly dockvtl and hi complete order, and th upwards of 2.7i0 feet of water fnmt. with depths of y«, lot* from It«i t«> 4.'« feet. Tlds property will be leased wry low to eiuhl tenants. , 1* uiMt-c127 lm Oti DEN. FLEETWOOD ni, r PO RENT.—lSrick Warehouse ami I Dwelling Honx-s for foratenu of vear», on favorable terms, hi* Brick l'acklnjf CJ , HoiL»e. fmntliij: on the Uiver and North Water street, ju«t W | Kb.w Kuril Street BriiUe. w] or Wholesale Business, will n-i.t iu conuec- rj tion with tlie al-ive the adjoining premU-s. wbldi are cov ered l>v ashed with composition n*>f. and building u» by W> flit, extending together I.M feet on tbtf River. Po?.-*saloii « given the tsr>t of April or May. J, Al?o—Two new llrick Dwelling Iloa««. andla twi»-.<i>ry Frame I>»\-lllng. hervt«ifore occiipU-d by (J. » . -- Dole -.Uuateil nn Miclus-u street, between l'lno aud Rusu, , D. CABPEXTER. i TO RENT OR FOR SALE— « I A law fiM-class Brick Dwelling, with SUI-le and Ice * House containing f.urfeen rooms. cellar and ~ attic. It Is eligibh- sittiated in tbe South I'ivirion. and pov " caa U-Wat any time. Apply on the• tiremb**. eor- u tier Ir.dlana, Avenue ana Place, or to .R. IHH>D LESS, Box l'i P. O. ■ TO RENT.—Lake Street Store, No. 197, now occupied by John West. Possession . n>fdenee of Dr. Duck, on West Madison street. A rerideuce. No. 64, with Barn and Gardeu. r urniture J '°LoTS—Comer of West Madison and Clinton AL*o lota on Uuiunand West Madison streets. Just east of I'uion. J FOR SALE. A GOTHIC RESIDENCE and Item (with lot) near , Utilon Park. A large lot, corner of Pauliitk and Randolph „ streets, near "Union Park, S3 by 143 feet. For particular* in- , t;U f^- < Pit. DUCK. *4 Clark street. e T7) liENT—From the Ist of May, I two three—Jorv ISrick Dwelllnga. No*. lis and li t tjak street, between Clark ami Lasalle streets, each containing V eleven rooms, with lalh-r.«>nis ami do?<t> eWern and hrdnmlle water. Lot A»xl7ofi»t. with lUrn m the rear. "AN». Dwelling No. 337 Oblo street, between Rush » aud Pine, containing ten rooms, bath-room and closets, gas, » cL-teru. and hydniulc water. ... ... a 0 "The above tamed bouses are located In the best neighbor hoods in the North Division, and will lie rented to good, re- ) sponsible tenant*. None other need apply. WM. GAMBLE, office No, 8 Lind'a lUock, corner of Ran- E dolph and Market rirects. mh4-c3W-ta» j , QTOKES VXD DAVELLIXGS TO ! «i O LET-«Delongin*tnthee<ateofSaml P. Skinner.) Iron Store, 56 Lake streett ITrst Floor, Basement, a&d Store, 7« state street. First Floor and Basement. '• llrick Store. 227 West Lake street. llrick Dwelling. S£> AVVtLake street. < llrst Hoor of 43 Lasalltt street, from 3lay Ist. , Inquire of E. C». HALL, " No. 1W _ OIBER YARDS TO RENT.— The now occupied bv c. Mean it Co., on Lum ,u ber rtreet, adjoining the Fort Wavne Depot grounds, two block* »otith of Twelfth Street Bridge. A railroad tr*k Is laid parallel with the dock, connecting with several of the mort important railroada leading from this city, affordin* ** unequalled facilities for shipping and hMdllng Lumber. Apply to J. " • KA>SOM, No. 13 South Peoria street. T'O MILLERS, MECHANICS, Ac. _1 TO RENT, for a term of rear% that large builiUng next east of the Elevator of Glbbs, Oriffin A with tbe fine L"t on which It sunds—being isO feet, more or kss, on the river and running back to the li.«C. 1. R. R. At rl Ucbcd to the building is a steam engine room, with an en gine This Is a tine location fura Flouring Mill, or for Me> % ctauolpuTKao. ay dei(-bels-3m 213 South Water st. TO RENT—Whirling Lots to Let. We have several Wharflng Lots, well located, ami of various dimensions, on the North and South Branches of the E River, which we will lease for a term of years or for one to """SbDES. FLEETWOOD 4 CO. ™ .33oatSing. of X> OARDING.—First Classs Board ■J.' JL> and plcaxant rooms, either suites or single, at T! fcoath Clark street. Transient Board at reasonable rates. 1 TRISII 3IOSS, ! »er J. I SHBED AND SHEET ISINGLASS, | TAPIOCA, FRESH HOPS, C, Coxc's Sparkling Gelatine, ad . SAGO. OAT MEAL, CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF LEJ ION. tes SABGEXT d: IL SET, Apotlieeart es. {e3eSZS 140 Lake «i wet. -V -p|RIED FRITfT! DRIED FRT JIT! .1 M 10,000 Pounds Dr'ied Apples and Peaches, t& rnls by '• mhlO-ly J. iSQWlOSoothDeartora *- NUMBER 219T amusements. | Young men's assoclvhox -r> Ltcnmr*.—The next Lecture of the course will be Ij delivered at the Metropolitan Hall, Bki On TUCRSDAY EVENING, the 17th Ift* , at 7J o'c'ock, By CEO. D. PBOTICE, Ewj., Jj"l of the LontoUlc Jmrul. &T Admittance 25 cents. I JAS. GRANT WILSON. HENRY W. BISHOP, Jr„ R, « JNU. LTI.K KINO. mhl<-a-c4T3 Lecture Committee. « a *T l Metropolitan' hall". (E eaten WEDMSDIY JIVD TnrBSD.IT EYESI.US, MARCH Sal and 21th. A ONLY GRAND CONCBRTS •pnM with -° r - ttii LABOROE AND FO!UIES» p«ri« Mr. ULLMAX. Director and Lca-eu oft>e Ntw Y« rk ~\.\ Acadeim* of respectfully Informs the public that, for <\ | the purr* I ** of curry in* out hla grand scheme <xf sending , H everv artist of uvUbrttv encaged bv Mm for the Opt ra Hon' Houiesof New York, Philadelphia ami llortun, t>> every then plxe of note hi the Union, he has made amngvtiMait* with ISV>. ra'me Laborde and Carl Former ga*e Now under esgsgt-nient to hlni for a rapid tour through lbe nil priucipal cities of the Uai>»fk prior to their departure fur - - tunrj*. GratcfuHv remem!«cruy: the very UUraJ |*trons;rc TT"I rvteived from the public. a.* Mana/vr of Mr. Thalbcry. M*iue IH S-nU*. lli-uri Hcrz. CaniuloSlvuri, and olherafllsts wh< m JLJ he ha.-* Induced to visit America, he re>t»ectfullv announces terfr "IRST APPEARANCE la Ihl* «tv. t>n the samp o*rv>!ng will »M*ar GUsT.VVE MATTER. CO UicCvleUmed Piankti and THEODORE THOMAS, Dl rector of Thomas A Masuu's CUs»k'»l Unartctte* Maitatv*. The whole under t hi* Direction of CARL AN>VIIUT<£» liu* win skal Director fn.iu the New York Academy of Mualc. Aucl TO TllE rUBLIIV—The jusltion of M'me L*!«ordr, a* now the most pnmdncut singer of the «lav, and the world-re- _ " nowned reputation of Carl Forme* as the greatest living Hi*- 11 so and Oratorio Mnp'r, thtf Immense senxithtn produced by ■' his extraonliiury voice. both lutld* country and all over * Europe. Induced Mr. Ullntin tu believe that he will meet with a pstmnagt commensurate with the heavy expenses of this undertaking. Carl Form* 1 * like M'me Laborde. equally famoil 34a t Sliiitrr well a» «f the ?4vli-» of SACKEP Ml'SlC.and the OItATOIU«»J* <)K H.VM'KL AND ILVYDN. the will ooa>Lit of tmm the nj"< celebrated Operas and Oratorios, IT.VLI.VN, ENGLISH AND OEMAN MUSIC. rj' Wltha view rf aff.»nllti4 the mibllcan «TP<«ftmiltr t>> hi-ar I cekbraJi-tl artl»t» lu all the dUTereot >4)iu of Mu.>lc lu A whlth they stand Qtuppmached. rucnor A»wt»>oaße«rved Svats. #1.50; AJndftJuD at the do»'r, jl.C*.'. ' PARTICULAR SOTIC'E. J, 1 " Per«<n» huyhi*r tl tU-keLt at the d<x>ran* »-n- r 1 tltleil tooeenpy all stuch x-at.t which luve not bvvti ■•xtixtl p _, inadvance. Thev will plea«?apply tu the Chief I'slkt la the II:di. «• S«Ie of Seat.4 wllloniMjh'nce on Ifondav Ini Manrh Jlst, at 3 »V!<«ck jm-cl* 1 !)", at iliiaic Su>rv, No. W Lake street. _ - . -"v ivt' TTENIiV GILKS KSlt-^ 11 Will dclinr tlio 1 PERSONAL CILVRACTETSKfeiKE AND JI3IES Of the Great Irish AsN^ r ' DANIEL O'CONNELL, V at An. Tito ITlcehaulea' InstUtfto Hall, z. Comer of Claris and rtrwts, J," ON* SATURDAY MAKCII I>TH. UN*.5- T C2r*Tukit« i"i oMiti—4-aa be h».t at McNallv'a ami Shcr- Ap lock'sß<«ikstor\.»-s near P.'*t OtSc\-._ juhl7e«Ssa: «»' \l KCHANICS' INSTITUTE } ■ vestital. !! FRIu.IV EVENING, MAItCII 18. ls:9, FOR THE BENEFIT OF TUF. fj llos J. K. FARNSWOUTII, who hx* lately nw»!e a T.*nr J to tlu'lusMute. 11.i.f. THOMAS HoV.NK, pit. K(;.\N. urul others, lavu sljcuiflvd llu-ir wUllnßiiao l»« m nuke *hort r~w Sliwie for the occa-«lon, ftnn In-tntmoTital, by Itoi. ' ■ Loubatnl Tnmpv, Pr>f. W. V. Hamblen, and other*. J Ihktiiiiit; alter M o'clock. Mu'iol.v the Lljiht Guard Rand. jjf-Kcfn-shnientt will be *er»ed by wrtght, df tie wdi-kiHiwu rvstaurant formerly kept by Mr. Anderson. ■ J uihlTei.'Jvt.- _ __ PROCESS OF CKKATIOX. Ca Telescopic and Microscopic IlCTela- V tloua. ■ - UECENT MICROSCOPIC DISCOVERIES. II Dr. SIM *nr»mnce« tk»t he will commence a ewursc of Lee- c^j TffETnOPOI.ITAII BALL, f™ 0a Monday Ereniny, March 21st, "i AT l'ltOC-ESS OK i n>;*TlOX. IUI Each t"p'.e will U- fully ilht*tn»U«l by bill ehU'«yliymyai»;<f aii Ovl hv dr.i k '« U ill- . • cn.-s.ri.i-' ti.. in the United ?tateN and one h.-rrfo- {fj Core Initioti of the *ame Mil.Ject. Th. W capable »f LSfCIiiStWW 1-wcr- J; fid pnitni'O'iid LU;l»tt the ol'jcvU and 11 iistratMi* ""ill Ip. ilHlmtiy wi from tverv part of the lull. The uiilMil' „ f..r llltwraliun Li:d<un<Luit, an«l will conijtare fa\ora!<lv with tlat twd ii* the highest UisUtulioiw of leanilit(f In the Old \ " WoT-.CI. Torici* or tut Lk-tihe*:—Tin' rvaliuaof »ja*x» oih} Ihe whU'lithey an ,-ar wnucal fctlii-r I —Attm>!«plicre of planet— NchiiUmut » nrS***—lSJaiE J s'H.Uoiithchcavc«*-Mulllple»«ar—>»\H st«M *i«d tßclr .] lKea>iiTvd dMaiici-*—Stars wlikli liavc n»»ntly S a:wl thoiw which have «li-op|>*-:iJ>-*l—(N iu-ral view "'the pp>- of planetary cm*k<tT. ami the wLir *\>tenk— Hie earth. J ix>-i\w»u w.tA wferencc t» te-t of t.te unlvcn*—J'f 1 what Uthe earth mailt*, how *ll it niswlc, au.l when.•'--Jt.'* ' former cr*-atl.Hu and IN purHleatlon by t!.\-The ew.llnu „f it* cnn4. and the rv-arnuirtnu'iit of niateru! -*n Its surface—The Mxticil account of the crvation, a«.l tt.i uar moiiv with the rvve-itloiu* of niriiiv—Tin' vc;;etal>le kiOK* t dom—The primonlbl or »rvnu «*II—PIU>TCiI'HYTES aiid the higher .<iierof the vciirtable klnxd»»>— l»iMlnct:oii« be- i twttn iiUut.4 and aidiual-»—VeziUtimi a* it e*i>ti-«l previous , Ivt.. t.'ie cn-atlon of nun—The tfei-cr-phy ui;tohlu\bm veititation. and the chati«r« whkh ,iavc taken pluh-*iiK< Uie The aniioal kitijploiu—'l he anlnul prunonllal or vinuecll. PKi»T()Z(»A.aiiimalcu!ciiuid 'in* bictier unkr of anlnul-« AnlnaNesWhitfpn vioiii'ly t" tlie crvuth.ii of man—Anlnials coiemi-raiy with the di>t mm of iimi unO u,.w V \t:uct—'The ctvirrayhv of atiiia-il*—Man jc races and their reojiniphiral dWributlon—The of the uuiiv of the human race— DWincUoti U'lwwi the c<«>- >t it tat I.M) of man aud the re?* of the annual*— rhe luet.ttu he In common with the airunahsaiid th<x« < be in common with Uod and the Angi-ls. rn It will be nern fn*ni the fon-c-lnff cnniueraJioii of fot.ies ' that the #ul i«t of the LcctnrM enil.nn-e-* a wi'lt Wil ol .. lihili'-'phlc uiuulr}-; and the recent ili*.ov«Tio* of m.U'nttlc will enalile the lectun-r to illvupale niany of .. the do.iWa hi which the sul'Ject has been heatofoie in- flr V< AnioT*rf the multipildty of Ulu<tratloiw on the canvm* will kimi a view of the heavens an they will appear »u the T „ niahtof th» the ju.Ur i>y»tiui idiowiiiK the revolutions of the p!anet<* j|. round tlie puu. their revolution.* nmnd thrir own nics, ami their attenilant satellites Section-, of the earth, ihowtji* dt it-tuntand rrwnt IcneiHM condition, the furuutlon of n f Ac. Jk'Mdw tne hi*hcr »clenllflc there will lie exhibited tlie whi«ky. t'lvineirar. and to other fluids, ttijjvtuer with rarictv of living in*ctis Ac. rjr Tlrketn b> be had at the Bo»k Stnn-« p-ncrdly. and an , at Mr. Wells" Mut >or the w« ' "\rKCIIAX ICS' INSTITI'TE £ iTI HALL, Comer Clark ami Waohln»rtorl stivetA, op. dt pt-ite the Court llou**. The Hall U one of the b»rjre?t la the citv. centrally I-Kilted. * ell lighted and cv«ry way n»n- at • The mk-ing b rtxty fevt 1..«u and elKhleei. wide. The Institute mnnlier* «\cr t>ne Th.m-oii.l MvoiV-vps i au.l as many are daily vhiUiu the lii.-.tittite. n .-.ii-lv the whole 1 nnmler tnav Wat little or no tipcm* muWed vt au> enter J , jfor Sale. First class dwelling S Kur Sole, ON TEN YEARS* TlilE-OR TO LEASE. ei 1. No. It* Ru>h rtrrct. career Superior. North Sldt, with hand-nome Shaile Trees, lanl. Ac. y. The location is not Inferior t-. any In the city. Rush rtn-et ' r will W macadanilze.l with stone curb during the »prtn* / 11 months, which, with our now perfect system of drain-i,e, *ll^Sijsbu3taml"o«upl«d several dwellln* house* In the dty I have comprised In this one. upon ;u» economical icaJe, all the conveniences and comforts usually found In the most J b^n-.U.^HTpain.rf C paperrtl, Mv Ice Ilouiw. well tllle.l. Is conreiilent ) a f Ppcnln* Inti. the banement as a In addlthui d to which 1 have » *o.«l dry ard welbventllaled cellnr. lanp. u summ?r kitchen (makln* the UiM-meut perfectly col Jn Mmmer,) sjiioke-hou.«e, cwJ-ceilar, and IWU lUro. s Flre-Pr.-if nmuifemenw a? perfect m can U-. _ \ t and healthful arran«emem.i superior. Ac. Hot ana ' ci<W water lUth lUwrns and other Improvements u»uall> ti { °lwUMake' phSowln Showing the pn-niLn-s and am dlsr »j porin* of them because of my Intention to I«ve the city ftir the summer. Carpets ami * r ut n< t, as desired. i v .1 ® m c *) At McCormkk's Reaper Factory, or at the hou*?at.l *• f orfttoTr.j*. B_—_—- 1 J TDILLLVRD TABLES FOU ! D SALE.—Two Macnlficent R.«ewood j Table*, wit 1 Phelan's Cushions, but little used, wIU be * called for Immediately. Can be nver Ely L a SUire. liW Randolph street, or address GEAKi, iwx «». ' Chlcagi* Poet OOce. TT _ - TTOTELFORS.VLE.—Tile House, - LJL Fi.mtture.UnilarfTibl«.*KM«;»' .""'■fc'tT.S '■ °* "DEW FOR SALE.—One of the _L four brewt Pews In the new St. James Church, ell*!- bly located on the Centre AWe, I* offered by the ffubscriber c. '» W AV. n« At Olßce of Ogden, Fk-«twn«Kl A _ °° T7OR SALE —By Van Inwasren & Office No. 3, Dole"* Building, Chicago Illinois, the £c." following ve»cld: Schr. ROCKET. ChaaA 1 wilhaStor.-CS T.'as •• ELIZ.V LOGAN ." A 1 3g .. 't. •• NIGHTINGALE A 1 *» .. lof WINGS OF THE WIND, Cla-»AJ —J® .. the •• INTERNATIONAL "" Bt » .. : ti> •• tSERALDINE "»i 2S .. •• PETREL " .. ». •• OSTRICH '* A? .. M •• CORINTHIAN "• .. •• SEA BIRD ** AS. Wl STORM KING * A I STS _ •• live oak ;; « X -W " tELri£ VAN INWAfik'N A CO. rtl ChkajCQ, February i. ISM- jall-bWKnn F" )R SALE—TIie Schr-Bay State, wl the Itet WAVERLT. n. lo« o™. Forpwtlo. ~ | IC Water rtwrt. i THIRST CLASS DWELLINGS » Jj FOR SALE, . - - The two First Clam Dwelling* Now r ON BCSH. NEAR SUPERIOR > \| [ON. pylons puithaabc soon eaa maka such altexalioasa way >. i Amlt to DB. bbaixard. o Cb.k I fttrtct, from • to lu o dock A._ M .s. Si i PBESS AMD TBIBtINE ADVERTISING SCHEDULE. The fbllowtac are the Rates of Advertising In the Dally Fans ajto Tmistnn, *l*: One Sqoare« (3 Ones one insertion. $ 60 •• ** each subsequent day. (3t H; 7t tl) 55 - - two weeks. («»w w.v.....!.;.. 3 S ime month, (im #9.) 4,00 •* •* three month, (im •13.)... *****ls.oo « •• atxmonths,(9m fZS.) !... »co - 44 50.00 \ Schedule of Prices for more space than One Squaro can be seea at the Counting Room. PT*AU Traaakst AthrotiaeioenU to be paid lu Ad' vance. Chances charged 90 cents per Square, sans or. jLDrxsrracTo nr wxxut ratss aao tubi-sc, # 1.00 per Square, each week, fbr diet month. 100 ~ ~ for each suheequent ooath. . W.OO M ** ft>ron*y«r. auction Sales. JJY G ILBERT & AT AITCTIOX, Bich Houaebold Pnrnitnre, Carpota uid Silvor- PUtad Wut On THURSDAY and FRIDAY Mornlnp, March 17th and 13th. at 10 o'clock each day, will be sold at our sale** rwoms. No. 93 Lake street, % choice and beautiful aawrttueut of every description of ' PARLOR, lIKDROOV AND DDttNGROOM FURNITURE. Rich parlor xnlts In hnxntelle aud plush, elegant bedroom suit* sobs, martite-top tables, book etsea, parlor ajf and rveklnx chairs, otfuuens, reception chain, maho gzny and walnut French bwtsteads, marble-top bureaus, •ml washstambi, canl aud centre tat<lus, loonies, wardntbes, cherry and walnut withstands, nuttmaes, cw and walnut extension dining table* and chairs. Very elegant Velvet, Bnissells and Engralu Carpetlaes« Cut In quantities to suit purcha*r«. A choice and beautiful selection of SILVEK-PLATED | WARE, via:—Tea setts table, dessert and tea forks and spoous, dinner and tea knives*, napkin rinjp. elegant caxtor* with cut b<4t!e\ wine castors, muttln covers, butter dUhe*. Jfe w Jkc. Most of the above furniture was made by one of the best manufacturer* in New York, and will be foiuid su perior to anything offered at auction In this ritr. GILBERT A SAMPSON, mhl«-3t c 477 _ Auctioneers M ORTGAGE SALE OF HORSES .T 1 Harnnw. Wacnns, Ac., to be sold at Auc tion t<v E. A. JESSEL, at the Sberman lloa-w St:U>les in the i**r »>f the >beraab House, «i FRIDAY. March Irth, IS-V). at in o'ch«k, SIV llorKrs lit Wwoiuaud liMgim, SCar riaftva, Hartwsa, Rol < e<s Ae. Ity order of the Murt* leasee. Sale positive and without reserve. K. A. JKSSKL, Auctioneer. mhl4-td-cH9 No. lUH Randolph street. TTILL & SWASEV, XX GENEILVL AUCTIONEERS, —ASH— conaissioN .tierchaxts, NO. 61 DEARBORN STREET. Will advance on even* description of #ond* consigned for Auction Sales. a Commission Uoum. nosAtio mi l. (fuhVlyj s.vmcil swaskt, WM. A. BrrrFns sT v<x, f T AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS. Ttt UKAKBOHX STHk'BT, (Near the Post Oflkv,) llllnoU. a<U-3ucea on all k'.nds of Mercbandbe. j! wii. x. kvttt.k*. |tj ly-el-il n. t». n.<Ti>ex. Slranspottatton. X O RTIIEKX TKAXS^ L PORTATION COMPANY. —mj 1859 IS.IO. Uj&StS Will, dtirinsthe prveiit >*.x««>n, nm tlicir w«U-known and pt puLur line of PIRST-t'LASS SCREW STEAMERS, Regularly Iwfween'Ooh'iishuiith and Oswep> and Ihe Up* ■, and Vermont Central RAILROAD ROUTE, IVtween Oinlt'iisiiiinrh, N.whua. Lawretu-v, Lowell, WorveMer aud Boston, aud at . Oswego with the *Vfie OtKMfilUnt ofThiaty //ril-f/si* On Canal. K-twfrn Alluny and Vwk. eonnectinrf al»» at tlx« ' .VKir YORK AXhmKItAILttOAD. And foniuutf a tri weekly Dunkirk and Chiia gf and IntermedUte Port.-.- UT* Mefxhamll* marked " N. T. Co/s EirnW will \-e f.trwanlcd from New York by an Espr\*s.« Freight Traill over 1 lie New York and Erie Railroad aud promptly for*" wanted fn'tu Dunkirk at the !owe?t rale*. ,y Western merchauts are raipectAilly urenl to see tho Ap-uts of t!«!> Company in New York ikiston, Urfuro making contracts. J. MYERS. Agent N. T. C».. No. 177 Broadway. N. Y. ,1. L. WARNER, A cent. No. 1 (Whiles Slip. N. Y. CHAS. S. TAPPAN. ennwrMh and Chestnut ata., Phi Li. lIoVEY A CRAWFORD, Oswep.. N. Y. tiEO. PARK.ER, Agent. t>gileusbur*ti, N. Y. t'H A Ml' Kit I. A IN, J'UAWr'MKD A CO„ Cleveland, O. JOHN HOCKING, Ai(ent, Xi Mate street, Boston. A. CUSIIM AN. Ak'rnt V. C. Line, liW Mate st., lk^tun. FIFE A MICHAKUSt. LOIIU. 11. P. WIUORG A CO., Fulton Cltv.lowa. JACOII WAsHHURN. liavenport. lowa. 9XATIXER & CO., Chicago, mhlO-tm-cllO HE "WESTEKX TIiAXSrOUT ATION COMPANY. 1559. 1859. I.VCORPORATED 185 G. capital .... 7T. . . 9800)000. .TNO. ALLEN, SAM. MOH*»AN, Vice Pres. E. L. FI'RSMAN, Treas. Having completed U* srruitfements for the eiuMilntf reason this<uiy will l>c prrjurv-l on the opeulng of wltli uuKiinomni facilities, both <mi Lakes and Caiwl. totran-t-rt slenluii.!l-e. R;dlna.l Inm. and other pn'tK-rtv tu aim fnuu New York. Philadelphia, ltojton. Al f«n*. TroV. and portson Lake* Erie. Mkhltfan and ilurou. by tbellud>ou Ulfer and krle Canal at low rale*. , . The work of the Erie t"an:kl Enlarrenii-nt Unow a«lvan«<t *.mtiftoe«.inpMl«n.theConii»nyft'elwarranti*l in »niar* auteeinc to it* customer* st»ch incn-aiwt promplnew and liw patch, Ktween New York and Huffalo, as to comiuaud i«li»- faction. .. . . A Line of FIM-cUuw Screw Mwuner* will be run rrjnibrly . !*twrt ii Chh-aipi ajnl llutfilo fur fh-lKht and {laiwennen. dur iiitfthe en-uhitf ; and the iihilnrljcned L* prej»arv«l t>» make C 'ntractxfor up and dowu frrWit bv Steam slid Canal, orMeuni on LmW and Rail t» and fnuu liutfalo, at the lowest nillntt raten. x ThLsCoinpanv nm an Espre*« over the New York ( entral Rsilnad and Meani «m Lake, tlwreby InsuringJo their ens tointrs the cltoicv of route* to and frvui New York aud thtf West.*: Ht-nii Allkt*. (JencroJ Actnt, 1 Cirnlie-s' Slip, N.^Y'. Aiurwri s CoLsox, "' . „"* „ v . Jawem H. Wiua-is# Astor Honse Huildlng, N. Y. <i.; 11.1 Iter, Alluny. |n., p»l Kiver street, Tn>v. J. M. Wii.nts, ContV Atfeiit, Srt State *t««et. lh*toii. L.'ttE «.» A >weeney*treet. TonawaiuU. . W. F. Ilvst'. Mil. A Mi-*". Ilailn«il Dock, Milwaukee. : J. 1.. lltran X Hurl* DoeW, Detroit. Jobu W, Tuttle, mhU-.lm-eKS f.H.t ..f M.vt. »trw-M"nlea«.>. i .ir Eli ICAX THAXSI'ORTA- J.\. TION ■ under the Uws of the State of Sew York, ; CASH CAPITAL, . . . « $900,000. ' JOHN L. KIMBERLY. President, j. FRANKLIN LEE, Vice President. JAME> C. EVANS, Ser'y and Treasurer. s Ou the «>penlu2 of navljtatlon. this Company will be pre pared to transport Pn-peftv. M<-rehainlls»'. etc., from N»'W , York, Huston, Allony and Tn-vto any of the U e*trm cltU-*. r Also, 1-lotir, ProvUioii.*, I'n-luee. etc.. fnun any of the Lak.' 1 Ports t« Tldo Water, with as «r» at care and and it r as low nlw asbyanv other n s(K.n>ll.k' line, at the mihk ! time ({ivlng thniiiKh bills of laillim for all projierty whence* sired. Ti.i-*Company liavea line of 1 EIGHT HTAU.NCfI PROPELLERS, I T.» nlv between Huffaln a<«l Chlcnff., touching r;i route at f Shei««vg:in. Mi!*jukee. llaiU't. \Nauke>s>ii. : Having at Chlemp. ample fa« ilitU-* an-l warrhcnise aicmnin.^- 1 datlons for the reccpllou, urM.rilng ami shipping of alljutl -1 clew entrusted t«» their csiru, which will be under the .liri-etlon ' of their A Kent, who will give Ms persoiul attention to tho f fUlOlment of contract*, adjustment of claims and tbmages. ' A» our Company lave a law line of CANAL BOATS ON' THE ERIE CANAL. I and an- aW>ut to establish a line of Steam t'aiuil lhats al«o, t we f.rl warrantetl lu representing to our numerous custom e ers, thiit they can rely upon GREATER DISPATCH AND AT LESS RATES \ than his h«rvtof.. re »>eennlven. Wo.thereforv, ask the pub !j Uc to continue the putnuiage so liberally l-estowed us k durlri: the pa«t four yi*ar*. . ~ _ n i »ffle.-s and I»"cks on Market street, between W asldngtoa A»P'nt. « TJOSTOX & PIIIL-VDELPIILV '• Jj LINE. The Steamshiiis PUINEAS SPRAGUE, Mathew*. >4{S£DL ■ KENSINGTON, Captain Baker. jIrTTT CITY OF NEW YOHK. Capt. Howes- Form a Begular Line, T Sailing with jm-at reinitarUy fh>m each port. Tbw Steam t era aie stannch and stn>n& and in all respects well fitted ami provided. Thev lave tf—l accommodations for l»a<»enitvt*. and Freight <if all kinds is taken at ftilr rati-s. T 'e<» stuitn era mn In close connection with the l'ennsyi>Tuiia Railroad, n.l ato f„r*mleJ with JaIWWS-Jm Smth Htoit^pWa^ ? CTE.UI FERRY FROM COUX ' O CIL BLUFFS TO OMAHA CITY. >« Nebraska, No. 1. rt ThU 1-ut has th« capacity to «irry 13 Wagons and Team ste:u-h trip, and hx* taken over at one load .KW_ head of id Cattle: ami slie cau make-lOer>«in l c*.ir more each way in iv a «t»r, and will he able to ferry ov«r from four to Ave hun >n and teams from sunrise to sunset each day. ft* We assure travelers who are going to the 1 NEBRASKA GOLD MINES, rtab. California. Oregon, and Washington Territoix, (hut r. tlie rtsuls from Falrfleld. InwaCltv, Dubuque and points lo- J t«rmedlate, bv C«««cil Bluffs ami Omaha City, and up tho u. nortii side of the Platte River, are Utter, nearer and more ZL almml-uitly stocked with w«un.shorses, nxile.iand cat e, tv provisious and Kwods. than any other. And with the «ttle y ments and towns, and the regular and well esiab.bhetl Un« „ ' a f \i .ii cWhe* alreatlv extending to Fort Kearney, ana ** soon t«. be extended all the way toThe Miue*.it L*no longer a wilderness mute through an Indian countiy. but can bo r> travernd as safely and comfortably, and much more easily, than auy of the roads through Mlmoart «>r *°*ra. th There b n«< the same length of road hi the L uited v tateS, 'if so level and etitlrelv without raarabes. sloughs or bad places, n* an.l so uearlv straight. The streaiuson the north side of tho 1 * Platte are ail brldmrd, except the Loun t ork, and hens tho Western Stage Company have a good > L() WE< A For the CouncU Blulb and Nebraska Ferry Com^iny. ail s S! O AV. GATES, WARXER, I** X • CHALMERS A FRASER, Manufacturers of ~ RAILROAD CARS, POBTABIJS ASl> (TTATIO.tIST *' STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, p and llolts; - s«4 Band Uprtaht Drills, Wood Machinery generally. Shingle Mill", E Slide Rests. Steam ami Water Gaugts, Snlsiied llrass Yt otk, POWER AND HAND PLANER, ETC. '?** |3TCastlngs antl mil Gearing made to order, EAGLE WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL. Mark Goods—"GATES A CO." r.w.oAim A#ril 52,13C4. :: to' BUILDERS, OWXERS AXD V Th.^ F r^7',V: #,raUl ' tarE * " r 2 CORBCGATEO ROOFING. - GS "WABASH AVENTE.—I Will sell : b iS \HIEELS.—A i'eiy hundred approved Car Wheels at a :\.l LOTS. —I Will Sell i* cash one or more lots on Carpenter store st Washington sad Ma4U^?^w^*5 aeb 104 J "sJzSfL