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PRESS AND TRIBUNE, Dally, Tri-"Weekly and Weekly. EDITORS A.VD r£OP£ICTORS: ion L, Scum, ruun n. Rat, " xauax DfcOfti, Jimxtu AUID C«WL*I. OFFICE 80. sf CUBE RBBBTi rnu or ns ram avd tiiscia p»Ur,<lonTef*d la city, by c*rritr, per jw tg.oo Molly, deliver* dlt city. ty carrier, per week. IB ) felly, to Mail rabj ril'crs. r>er year 7 OB £feU/.toMeU Suto3aiMtt,per4izi&o&l£« 4JB Tn-Weekly, per >eor 4,n0 Weekly rlnele “ S copies. , 4.00 " B copies. (.00 “ lit copies. 10.00 44 *0 copier on* to ffe'tor up 0fc1ub)...,....5»ji0 Mosey la regittervJ If tiers m»y b* rent u» st oar risk. liras &€miune« WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1800, Lecau, Goodhue and Savage's Ap pointments, Ur. Logan, candidate for Slate Attorney, ard Messrs. Goodhue and Savage of Will Gotmty, will address tbo citizens of Dapago County, as below specified Ntotrvllle..^ Wheaton...... Blooulasdelfi. .Wedoe*day emlog, Oct. SI .IturcdwevcDluc, ** S8 .Friday «vfclnc, *• SI Isaac R. Arnold’s Appointments. Ur. Arnold will address the people as fol lows : .7hnTrdjy.Oct.2s, ttSr.«. .Thursday Oct. S\ .Saturday. Oct. S7,»t «r. v. .Tneadar Evening, O UJW. ..Tbendav hlTe&lßf, So\, I Harritucton Station. B .nlLflon Centre.. Kap'trWe Uateock'iGiov*... Appointment* or lion* John W, North* lion. John W. North, of Minnesota, will ad dress the people of Illinois on polities! topics nt the following times and places: Junction, Dupt£« C 0... XAnc. Oflt Ofl.. McrtlL'f, WLUefnJe Co. It.renso, McHenry Co. Mama. Jo Co. Maod'rfa, La talk Co. Chicago. John P. Hale’s Appointments* Hen. John P. Hale, of Keir Hampshire, will fddreti the peoj>le cf Illinois on political topics at the following times and places: . iling. v'b'uil'le Co. Mteitfo-McUumy Co., tt rrtm, J 3 Darte-e Co. ** rt.doU. Lab*Ue C 0.... Ch'tcsso - Appointments of lion* D* K« earner* iioo. D. K. Cartier, of Ohio, will address the people of Illinois on political topics at the fol lowing ttmss acd places AaLlrr, Wuhtaetco C 0.... iiU V«non, .uffenatiCo... I>qquo4o, i'erryJJo Ucii-00. nviklm Co Carbosdale. Jjc&mii C 0... Manor, Wllll'm-on Co„, Calm. AlocMider C 0... Caledonia. l*u!aitiOo. Sam. Gtllowayis Appolntmenio* Hon. Sun. Gallowsj of Ohio, will address the people of Illinois in political topics at the fol* lowing limes and places tfile&Ußti. Kncs Co. tieaofto. Hcorr Co. Fr*Ek Blair’s Appointments. Hon. IT. r. Blair, Jr., will address the people of Illinois at the following times and places: Co. .. Pecria, IW.rii Toulon, tiuob feUre,jienry Ben. Blchsrd Vata’ Appointments. Hon. Richard Yates, Republican nominee for Governor, will address the people on politi cal topics at the following times and places: Ttatoli, Co Friday, “ 28 Utlaaa. V l !ams*l*eC» SaturJKy, “ 27 isrxvUl*, Vcimilicß Co Monday, “ IS jar. LoTtJojr’* Appointment*. Hon. Owen LotsJoj will address lb; people of Illinois on political topics at the following times and places: Lex Qftoo. Co. JißrOtstOQ, low*. Joint ruenMiocit D. T. Lyiegar and John A. Logan, candidates lor Congress in the l£th Cosgreuional Dis trict, will discuss the poU . issues of the daj ctlbe following times and p'-rcs (iiiwrJt.TUle &>.•••»*••••. AIMon, Ed«nnl>Oo»»*».»... ryirtdil, WaycsCo...... The discussion at Fairfield will be at night Wn. U. Plato’s Appointments. Wm. B. I'ialo, Republican candidate for Elec tor, will aadrose tUs people as follows; So** 1 Htaohits. * Ucrlst|don,.j..... f iiUckbtrry 6 Tom. Cortt in in Chicago ! Grand Bsllr st U>n wigwam this ItTviitvE!! Tbo “ Waeon Boy" ol Ohio will apeak at the Wigwam ibis city, this (Wednesday) evening. This, wo believe, is Mr. Corwin’s first appear* once in our city as a public speaker, and. ho will of course be greeted with an overflowing house. Mr. Corwin has been making a tour of the Slat*, which has been not unlike a tri umphant procession. The following is a fair estimate of bis audiences at the points where lie has spoken in Illinois; Paris 15,000, Decatur 8,000, Jacksonville G,OOO, Edwardsville 6,000, Tremont 5,000, Canton 15,000, Macomb 15,000, Quincy 15,000. It is not 100 much to cay that Mr. Corwin has displayed powers as an orator in tbe campaign this year equal to those of his palmiest days—which la perhaps the highest encomium that can be awarded him. The Ho* publicans of Indiana ascribe to him very much of the triumph which they have achieved, and it will be shown in November that his pics once and bis arguments have contributed largely to tbe majority for Old Abo in Illinois. Let tbe Republicans of Chicago give him a rousing welcome I MAKE IX UNANIMOUS. If there be any genuine pro-slavery men in Illinois,—men who belive slavery to be of divine origin, and the selling and Hogging of men, women nod children to bo the higher form of Christian civilisation, —tbey ought not certainly to vote for Lincoln. But aside from this dies, there is not a man in the State but ought to cast his ballot for Honest Old Abe. We care not if their first prefer ences are for Douglas or Bell, tho obligations of patriotism and loyally to their own princi ple require that they should vote for Lincoln. If Douglas or Bell were really in the fight at all —if there were any possible contingency by which either would stand tbe slightest chance of an election-men those who prefer tho one or the other to either Lincoln or Breckinridge should not hesitate how to vote; but as there can be no such contingency, tbe man wbo still persists in voting for them dees violence to bis principles. If ho is a pro-slavery mtn, he is under obligations to vote for Breckin ridge; if he is not, his dutyis equally impera tive to vote for Lincoln. There fa a show of consistency in a pro-slavery man’s voting for Douglas or Bell, for by so.doing he may be contributing something towards throwing the election into Congress, in which event either Breckinridge or Lone will be elected; but there is not tbe ftemblenco of consistency in a similar vote from any (me else. Either he must vote for Lincoln, or be throws away bia vote en tirely by giving It to Douglas and Bell, or he indirectly aids in tbe election of a ms whose principles he abhors. But this is no time to adopt either of the last two alternatives, and no honest patriot who rightly appreciates the position of parties and tho important bearing which the present oontest must have in fihap jag the future destinies of the country, will do so. Wo appeal to every citizen of Illinois who is not at heart a pro-slavery man, to aid ia swelling the majority of Honest Old Abe. Kot that the votes of Douglas or Bell men are necessary to elect him, for that is no longer a tnetfor of doubt; but that ho may goto in tho Presidential chair backed by the moral power of such an overwhelming majority as will cov er all plots of disunion and treason with confu sion and dismay. There is no reason why tho vote for lincoln in of tbe Northwestern States should not be almost unanimous. CEICIOO PBOPDCE TBADE. The receipt* and shipment* of Floor and grwa during tk. jut w»ek Tero aj fol low*: go*". «.K« 1P,771 tobsah bo, .. Mt,K* C*U6t Corn, bo. OJtt Oats, bo. ....... 71.0-* Uye.l,o leans rtoo Bariev, bo. 5H.1C1 12,101 The following table shows tbe total receipt! and shipments of Flour and Grain tlnco the Ist of January last, compared with 1859: Qnr-hrit. 461,1(2 816.MT 477 S4t IWK.7'7 «41WU5 shom lei 2is joi.ta si^s iiaiWr.lm »j,UT tU,*4 Reducing the flour to bushels, the total receipts of grain In tbia pity the Jet of January last, foot up 20,0X0,813 against 14,854,333 bushels received during the corresponding period in 1859. VOLUME XTV. Republican Dlsu netting at Blue Inland. The Republican mass meeting at Bine Island os Uonday was one of the most luccesafol gatherings of the campa'gn. Nearly every town !n the south pari cf the county was rep* resented. Judge Trumbull and Senator Ila’e, of New Hampshire, addressed the people most effectively in ' the afternoon;. and J. Y. Scam* mon, A. C. Ilcsicg end Geo. Schneider spoke to a large German gathering in,the evening. The town of Worth, in which Blue Island it situated, will give a larger Republican mtjorily this year than it did in 1856. Gen. Jackson and Regro Equality. The old constitution of Tennettee, adopted in 179 C, made no distinction among citizens on ac count of color. All free males over 21 years could rote. Gen. Jackson was a member of that convention and voted for the 44 negro equality ” clause, and under it the free negroes of Tennessee all voted at every election for n&ny years, and until a new constitution was framed. .October IS Would it not be well for those DocglasUes who call themselves Jackson Democrats, to “ dry up ” on the subject of negro cqality ? *-54 44 3ft - :< 44 ST ** 39 44 « Work for tlie Keller Society. The Timtt and Strald ia laying oct work for the Chicago Relief Society, the Ministry .at- Large and those who do their charities In pri vate. The following ia Its response to & hand bill posted in varlam: parts of the city announc ing the want of 75 to 100 laborers on the Kenosha, Rockford and Rock Island Railroad: Repdomcak Frauds!—Dzuocrats Rewind —The Republicans are resorting to one of their old tricks to disfranchise Democratic voters ia Chicago. All over the city, and especially ia the Demo cratic neighborhoods of the South Division, hand-bills have been pos.od, beaded 41 Dsvoreis Wanted. 1 ’ These hand-bills proceed to state that grea^numbers of laborers are wanted at distant points in \V iscontin, Jl issonri, and othtr States, to work on railroads, Ac. It is hardly neeesnary for us to caution La boring men against these false and fraudulent representations. They are intended to draw voters away from the city, and ontof the State, where they cannot vote. It is a farce golteu up by Repoblic&ns to defraud laboring Demo crats of their votes. .Oc*ob«SS. .October .Octobers?. .OrtolwSt. .OOoterSQ. ...Oct, 26 ...l-ct. I* ...Ocu try ...OcL SS ...Oc.w ...OcL SI ..Nor. 1 ..Nov. S Let no Democrats be deceived by these f*lse andfraudulest pretenses.. They, .will find, to-) late, that instead of obtainingemployzDentthey here been decoyed into a snare. They will find only disappointment and the privilege of pay* ing their own expenses homeward the moment the elecUou is over. > At, 9% There is work eneegh it the city for ell la borer?, end will bo duriug the coming winter. One work alone will require from 400 to 500 men. We a’Jnda to the laying down of the pipes of the new gas company. The iron lor that work is cow on the way hither, and imme diately upon its arrival the work of putting It in the groucdwiU commence. This work must be completed in itco m-miht after the iron ar rives, bo that a very large force of men will hare to be employed. Instead of there being any occasion for la borers to go out of the city to obtain work, there is enough of it here to bring them from abroad—especially from those places where these lying Bepnblic&n ha.d-bUls pretend la borers are wasted. OcLM. ..OitabwSS. .October SI. Let so ose be doeelred by pitiful Repub lican “ dodge.** The following is the bill which h&s excited (h!s flood of wr&ih: ANTED —IS Men to ivork on, » T the Ken* aha, Rockford & Roftt lilird Bal'road, cornmnacltg M harvard, 60 miles irr.m Chicago, rn the Korthwtblem Railroad. Vt tl.tu per Cay. Hoard tlS&perwuh. fcltady work all winter. Wasted at the above ito»d iu Team* «ud 7 Ftrtmc:-. AUo.4 Hording Besots. Parties wltb'mg to get employin'&t m Ibr abevf Road, must make appUcult.ii io Knight’s Balldtcg. No. 131 Ba-rUrra street, at<d bereacy to etstt wita the cars on Tuesday motiilt-g, theS3dhut. J. W. Wli>oN, Builder for the Company. Oct 57 Mr. Wilson whose name is signed to the above is an old contractor living in this city and a responsible man. We do net know his pol.tica, bat we do know that his advertisement is put out in good faith, and 'that be wants the men for whom bo calls, and will unquestionably pa/ them the wages offered. It is notorious that work for laborers in Chicago is scarce, that what is now offered will soon be done, end that the wiater will be as usual a time of dollness, and, to too many of the laboring cUs«, want. Sot. l We submit that the courae cf the Timet and Herald Is grossly unjust not only to Mr. Wilson but to the laborers themselves; but it fa in korpisg with Dcmcsrali'e professions cf lovo for the poor. The fugleman of that party have no hesitation in sending out their 1/ing bills all ever Wisconsin and lowa, calling for laborers on the railroads of Illinois, with the sole and onl/ purpose of chesting men Into ccmingbere to vote; but as soon as work is offered, the/ discourage its acceptance bj all the means in the r power. This is a case that demands the oars of the Belief Society whose hardens wil 1 , it the Tina ar.d Herald pursues its present coarse, be largely increased. Coming Over. The Indianapolis Journal says: “We h'trd yesterday from gosd authority, that es-Govern or Paris C* Dunning, one of the ablest and fitmest of the friends of Ur. Douglas in this Slate, bas avowed his Intention to support Mr. Lincoln, now that he fees bis own preference cannot bs realized. We are also informed that Mr. Bryant, the present State Librarian, bag expressed a similar determination.” The same paper farther says: “ There is no doubt that very many sincere Douglas men, who adhered to him because tbey believed his policy would operate as effectually against tho extension of slavery as any other, without needless irritation of the slave Stales, and wbo desired honestly to give fr»e labor the ascend ancy it deserves in the Territories, see now that his chance is hopeless.and the only man through whom their views can possibly be realized is Abraham Lincoln, on honest and conservative man they all know, aid the lest man on earth to tolerate any aggression, or improper irrita- Hon of one section by another. Pennsylvania* Amen! The official esnraes of Pennsylvania reveals a Republican majority of S2,OSi for Curtin 1 The total vote is as follows s ICO. 1661. RppabUcts.. - 181.&35 Stii'itS IfeACCrst 12u.SU f S3 .cat In 1856, the vote of Pennsylvania was: Bu chanan, 250,772; Fremont, 147,903, Fillmore, 62 207. The Legislature stands &s follows: Republican*, 27 Demoerst* 6 /Amu#—UepabUcani., "I liexnocm*.. .3 On Jo'nt ballot... (9 S3 Republican ntfjoiUr—.«g. Xtlncola In Maryland* £x Governor Francis Thomas, whom tbe Democracy barn often honored, takes bold ground against the Southern fanatics. So far from tbe election of Lincoln giving tbe South cause for dissolution, Gov. Thomas, though s slaveholder, argues to the contrary. In a speech at Hagerstown, a few days since, he said: We have nothing to fear from the election of Mr. Lincoln. AJ formerly stood upon kit plat form. None ever doubled tbe right of Con gress to legislate for the Territories. He cared not what a man’s abstract opinions were: we bad had many free-sotlers in the Presidential chair. Jfffenon teas *rt*hfrttsoiUr, Modi ten aitdMottros were both fret toilers, He knew Mr, Fillmore well; and abetter President we never bad. Mr. Fillrrore would have respond ed. Yet, to every question put to Mr. Lincoln. Jfr. Clay teat an out at*d out fru-nder* “So help me God,” arid Ur. Clay, *'so held me Gjd, I will never vote for the admission of slavery into any Territory where it does not new exist.” Plttobargb, Fort Way ne and Chicago Ziallroad* [From the K. Y. Tribune 53£ f ] A meeting of the stockholders, bondholders, and creditors of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago road was held at tee office of Wiqs lowf Lanier A Co., on Saturday, and unanimous approval obtained for the plan for reorganizing the company, which is briefly as follows: The property is to be bought for the genera! benefit by a Purchaser's Committee, consisting of J. F. D. Lanier, Samuel J. Tilden, and L. B. Mey er, of New York, J. Edgar Thompson of Phils* delphia,andSunoeJ Banns cf Indiana; sub ject, also, to the assent of an Advisory Commit tee, consisting of Ur.Erana of London, and L. von Boffaanof New York. A new issue of bonds and stock to be made as follow;, the mortgage to bo upon the whole line: First mortgage of 15.250,000, at 7 tJ ceaL, the bondholders to vets as stockholders on both upon • ea-jh 2200 of bonds—interest to com mence after Jan. J., ISC2. mortgage, $5,100,000 'at 7 per cent, with tbe same power of voting at lit Mortgage. an 4 interest to commence April 1,18Q2. 2d mortgage, $8,005,000 at 7 per cent, with power of voting at par, and to receive all the profits end interest cponlstand 2d mortgage after April, 1862, up to 7 per cent. New stock ol $6,500,000, entitled to 6 per cent per annum, after interest u paid on the bonds. Ist mortgage bondholders of tbe qW lines arc to get sew Ist mortgsge for principal and inte rest, 2e mortgage bondholders sod 3d mortgage bondholders of the oldOo&icanr to get Sd mortr gages for the principal, and 3d mortgages for their arrears of interest doe since Oct. 1, 1659. Beal es'a’e hoods are to get 8d mortgage bonds, and central oy floating debt creditors are to be paid m the tame way, Stockholders are to get new stock at par. The plan. In brief, Is to postpone the payment of interest for a phprt period, and to allow all the creditors to retain an eoqitahle interest in the new con. ,tmc Parity ti at BLtpmeiti. Grand Bally at Ike' Junction. 12,000 Republicans In Council, Speeches hy Hale, Farnsworth, North, fl&to and others tCtrrespCEueiccof Ujc Ftes* and Tribose.] Jcscno»,Dv PaoiCo., 0ct.2,1860. To day is one locg to be remembered by the Republicans of Northern Illinois. We hare dose honor to our cause, to New Hampshire's noble Senator, and to ourselves. Well may John P. llale feel proud of hia reception in cur Slate. With every indication of bad weather, with disagreed, le muddy roads, and but little effort to circulate word of the proposed meet ing, the Republicans of Du Page and adjoining counties rallied to the number of at least IS,COO *at this place to-day. to hear words of cheer from the lion. John P. Hale and others. The meet ing wss felly equal in nnmb:ra and,enthusiasm to tho one held here in 1856. From early in the morning till the speaking commenced, long trains and processions of lire Republicans came in by the different Railroads and public roads leading to this place. It would be impossible to enumerate them all and hare ifc’ezaet. Every conveyance carried its quota of citizens, old and ycuug, male and female. The general remark wait 4 44 Where do all these peop'e come from ?” Large bodies of Wide Awakes were present from the diCereat towns andpreclnets surround m* this centre. Ladles representing the differ ent States and Kacsts wtre m the procession. The banners and devices were similar to those carried at other Republican gatherings. One company of old men from UUton, pressed in the garb cf Quakers, carrying a banner with the inscription, 44 The Quakers are voting this year," attracted much attention. I understand they were all formerly Democrats, baric g acted with that parly up to this time; but becoming dis gusted with the corruptions and debasement of their parly, hare entered their names on the roll of tho great Republican army. Toe cpeakieg commenced abont half-pset twelve, Hod. John F. FarnEwcrth leading off in e stirring epetcb to tbo Republicans, telling them what they must do in order Jo carry Illi nois by a proper mejority for lionet! Old Abe. Ho made some good hits at the donghfaco De mocracy, Ti7benhe bad concluded hi > remarks the Chairman, President Blanchard, introduced ibe Ucc. JobnP. Hole of New Hampshire, who wcs received with three rousing cheers and a “tiger.” I shall attempt no description of bis speech, farther than to say 1 never heard the Senator do better, and 1 bare beard him on a number of different occasions. He was in ex cellent voles and spirits, and there seemed to be no end to his hard knocks at the Artful Dodger and his “ Gur-rcat Pur ria-ciple.” He kept his va»t audience in the best possible hu mor by his wit, and I never saw a crowd listen with deeper attention for so long a lime. He concluded by urging npoa Illinois the import ance of her position in this eempaign, and re marked that more interest wss felt in the East, for her redemption from the rale of ibe Slave ocracy than for any other State in the Union. He was vociferously cheered throughout bis speech. In the evening those waiting for the trains were entertained by speeches from Hon. J. W. North of Minnesota, and Hon. W. B. Plato of this county. On the whole, this has been a glorious day in Du Page, and joa may look for a lead report on the Clh day of November. Keep up the tight a few days longer, atd we will bnry Equstlcrism, and put the institution ct Doughfaceism in a “ c;urso of ultimate ex tinction,” Voorv, ~ TT. H. U. From TPaalilogton. Special dispatch to tie Ife*r York Trilrase.l WasauoTOV, October SU ecrxTOß nxuuosD akd secession. The fact that Senator Hammond of South Carolina has definite!/ announced himself as a candidate for re-elcctlon to toe United States Senate does not loo r as if he anticipates a se cession of .Southern State*. It was upon the belief that ifastgeotlemau would not again be a candidate, that several South Carolina politi cian* have been so forward with their ultra sec liccA-. manifesice*. There »ro little c-r no means of knowing tbe character of the speeches made upon the stamp ia Southern States; bet I am satisfied, from in formation latterly received, that there is scarce* ly any Disunion feeling in Virginia or North Carolina. The questions put to Mr. Douglas at Norfolk were thrust at Senator Hunt r, a few evenings nines,at Petersburg,when he answered teat he was opposed to a dissolution upon mere epprebemionjof danger. At the first speech of Mr. Pryor in bia District,he denounced the iden that the mere election of a Republican was cause of Disunion* By the way, it is but sheer justice to state that this gentleman denies hsv* leg made use of language to the effect that he would enast the part of Brutus to prevent tbe inauguration of Mr. Lincoln. The note of warlike preparation in Virginia by Gov. Letcher is generally regarded by eon* seryative men here as'founded more in tbe dic tates of pf-iwmal ambition than by any call of pr pclar sentiment in Lis State. He alfrcts to diprccate and deplore tbe course of the South ern secessionists, but says that Virginia must be ready to make common cause with them if they are pushed by tbe General Government. Tbe Governor doubtless think* that be must do something to make up what he has lost of pres* ttge among partisans by supporting Mr. Doug* las. COVXSKKZXT CREDIT. Tbe leader of tbe Oorutituiion of yesterday is replete with observations impairing the credit of the Government, while its advertising col umns contchs proposals for a loan, bids for which are to be opened to-morrow. What can exceed this in shamelessness? Would Gen. Jackson have allowed of sneh* transactions by his subordinates in the Government? Central and Northern New York* IFrom the X. Y. Tribune, SJ-J.J Wo spent the latter portloa of lost week ia tbe heart of our State, and found the peo:le fully aroused to the importance of the Presiden tial contest. Unless we are grievously mistak en, the great Central and Northern Counties will give Lincoln majorities lUUe short of those magnificently rolled op for Fremunt in ISSG, while seme of them will even exceed the major ities of that year. We trust Oaoudaga will claim a place in this category, though she gave Fitment five thrussnd. Wejxe gave him nearly three thousand; we trust she will make up that full number on the Cth of November. Hosroe gave Fremont nearly three thou sand ; she will give Lincoln more than that number—we hope lor another thousand. EriegaveßacbananaplcraUtyof six hundred; we are well assured that she will Lincoln alleast twice tlat number. Ana, exception wi d Hamilton, which costs barely five hundred votes in all, there is not a single county west or north of Albany that will not give Lincoln a majority, and nearly ev«'j one will give one worth having. Beside Ene aforesaid and Sen eca, there is not ope of the forty oonnlias west and north of Albany as aforesaid which the Fariomsts can even hop* to carry, unless by & mere handful of votes. Those forty counties will give Lincoln in tbs aggregate not less than seventy fire thousand majority, in defiance of all the money that can be squeezed oat of oar Dry Goods rqsn and oorrppt them. Yes, after all have been bought that cau be, tbe clear Republican majority north and west of Albany will exceed seventy-five thousand. The Lato Earthquake. Tbs carlhquska extended oter &U the North* era part of New England snd through Canid*. At Boston and vicinity. It seems to hare been lighter than here; at Manchester, X. H., about the same; while at Saco, Me., there was a leu i report, apsteepiiilo rocking of baUdisgswith the ringing of bell*. It grew in adverily as it extended up tie Connecticut Valley; we hoir of it through Vermont, at Barton, 8U Johns bory, North -eld, Woodstock, Windaor and Lit tleton. At Barton, fa lecei doors were un locked and the church bells rung by it, and at Purthfleld a church spire was shaken out of its propriety, and leit standing obliquely. The Connecticut, Albany and New York yaperrdo not mention the pnenomeoon as obaerred in those places, —Sprihgfrdd Jt-publican. pT Ihe Daily Keut, after screaming itself boaree over tbe perils to which Lincoln's elec tion will subject tbe csnntry,makes tbe follow ing portinsnt and plain confession i “ Tbe foolishness of paying any attention to tbe periodical prophesies of national danger with which aspiring candidates for official places rega]e their hearers, is manifest to any sensible men.” Of course tbe Jftiesand tbe whole crowd of panic journals have held these asttimenta all along, bat the desperate state of taelr cause left them no alternative except the coward's last dodge of attempting to frighten men out of tbe expression of their honest convictions.— K, y. Tribune. Dspibted Wear*.—The funeral of O. C. Parks, Ecq., of this city, was solemnized at Waukegan yesterday, in the Episcopal Church there, and in part at Rotchill Cemetery. A large number of our cilizenp, together with the following clergy—Rev. Ur. Pratt, Hr. Tuttlf gad pr. Clarjc son—were present’to testify theiy respect for tbe deceased. Rev. Ur. Cooper, the Rector, preached sermon on the text, ” There Is a spirit fn mss," fr«p which hs deduced men’s immortality. Rev. Dr. Park, of Racine, as also the Ber. J. McNamara, of Ecoosha, were present and took part in the solemn services. The venerable Ur* was present in tbe chancel. At the grave a touch* icg eulogy was delivered by his former Pastor, (Ur. McNamara) brer the last of all that is earthly of Ur. Parks; when the grave closed over him with the setting of tbe itm, T. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 24 . 1860. THE CITY. Wide Awake.— * : The Great Wide Awaken ing,” or Mr. Pippa among the Wide Awakes, London Art Journal for October, and Atlantic Monthly for November, hare been received by McNally & Co., 81 Dearborn street. Mirror or Italy.—Our readers should hear in mind that this splendid painting exhibits again this evening, also this afternoon, afre daeed ratea for ladies and children. Go end see it by all means. Tub West Side Tunnels.—Good progress is making in the railroad tunnels. The Lake street crossing la resumed, the structure having stood every test. At Randolph street abet xnents are being pat in, instead of the timbers . of the Lake stieei viadect. Opposes to Prcosess.— A pair of steeds on one of the State street railway cars took ground, yesterday, against progress Kith a car-" load of hungry passengers, and gave a specimen of equine conservatism sad to see when tea was waiting. They made a dead balk of it for a space of time more liberal than convenient. Personal.—Hon. John P, Hale, New Hamp shire; Cfaas. P. Williams, £sq., and family, Stonicgton, Ct ; E. J. Comstock and wife, New York; lion. Galusha A. Grow, Fecn.; John Cole and wife, Natchez; F. F. Cr-nstos, Ear lock, Ecgland; Robert Wbelhlogfaam, Britkb Army; R. C. Hyatt, New Orleans; Judge J. Bancs,Pittsburgh; Kent Jarvis, Ohio; Prof. J. S. Hill, New York, are among the recent ar rivals at the Richmond Home. Ik. a New Place.—The extensive Printing Establishment, Stereotype Foundry and Prin ters Famishing Warehouse of Sterling P. Rounds, has been removed from Randolph street to new quarters in Liflm’s block Just completed on State street between Lake acid Randolph, where Mr. Rounds is hotter settled than ever before for the extensive business his enterprise and energy have bnilt up. The craft throughout the Northwest know him and will find him out in his new “ sit.” Milunket Goods.— The establishment of 1L W. Wotherell, at No. 54 Lake street, is, from completeness end desirableness of stock, wor thy the attention of the trade, and especially of the ladies, who will find in the extensive retail rooms under the charge of Miss Williams, a wide variety to select from, and an abundant and acknowledged skill In miking op the same. Mr. WelhertU was never before betlerprepsred for the season’s requirements in a superb stock of seasonable goods. Prospective New Route to St. Louis.—This railroad is now open for travel between Peoria and Jacksonville, and connects at the former city with toe Bnreon Valley Railroad to a junc tion with the Rock Island Railroad, thus fern* tag a continuous line from Jacksonville to Chi cago. It passes through Pekin, Bath, Havana, sad other nourishing towns, and whan the road now bo-ldirg between SL Louis and Jackson ville is finished, another direct route between St. Louis and Chicago will bo opened. These roads run through some of tho richest agricul tural lands cf Illinois. Norwegian Evangelical Luiheran Church Fair.— The Ladies connected with the Norwe gian Evangelical Lutheran Church will have a Fair at North Market Hall, to morrow evening, when a beautiful mod.l of a full rigged clipper ship will be dram. The ship was present©» for the purpose by C*pt- Christian Anderson, and bears the same of “ Paul Anderson.” It is valued at S2OO, and the ladies are selling tickets at .10 cents. It is really a beautiful affair, and Kcaldbe an ornament to almostasy place. We trust there will be no difficulty in disposing of it in the manner proposed. The receipts will be for tbs benefit of the above church. Resignation and I'reshatauon.— Mr. W. TilHnghaat, who for four years past has bsen teacher of vocal music in our public reboots re cently resigned the duties of the post. On re tiring he was made the recipient of vai ioos tes timonials of regard by the teachers and pupils with whom be has so tang and pleasantly been concocted. Among those more intrinsically valuable, were numerous articles of silver plate, furs, Ac., from the Scammon, Jones and Wash ington schools, of which Messrs. D. 8. Went worth, W. Woodward and B. R. Cutter ore re spectively the Principals. It is understood that Mr. TUUngbost will de vote himself to holding Musical Conventions, Institutes, Ac. Tub "Wigwam Bxseuvation To night.— l lho great pUtform of the Wigwam Is to to reserv ed to night exclusively lor the organized com panies of Bangers and Wide Awakes. Thin is right, and wo hope the reservation will be strictly maintained, and not be invaded by any other persons, gentleman or ladv. And the reasons are', or should be, sufficient. It is a compliment and a just right accorded to these spirited organizations, who have, at on expense to themselves, borne a noble and brilliant part in the campaign. They have, on each previous occasion,reached the Wigwam and been releas ed from their duty as escort, only to see every good and available place in the interior takes; and many of them bare more than once been unable to obtain admission. Let them have tt e platform to-night,and that ingredienlly. If tie ladies wish to hear Tern. Corwin, the gallant are reserved fur them and their attendant es* ewt, Hat let everybody leave the stsga to the boys, and let the bo s be present la tuffieient numbeis to protect their own area. A Villain Abustbd.— lt will be remembered that on the night of the great Republican dem onstration at Springfield, an attempt was mace to torn off an excursion train on the St, Lsai*, Alton A Chicago Eailroad, by removing a rail. The displacement of the rail was, fortunately, discovered by ai employee of the Company, a short time before the tr«in would have pasied over the place. The rail was taken np on the approach to a bridge, and the running of the train most have resulted In a fearful loss of life. Bat for the extra vigilsrce of the Company’s employees the consequences of this aet of fisnd- Ish malice must have been frightful. We are glad to be able to chronicle the arrest of a man named James Kennedy, nowin the jail of Sac* gamon county charged with this serious crime. The detection, If it shall eo prove, was made by Capt. C. P. Bradley of this city. The prisoner, it is alleged, Is the man who tore up the rail— deelaring with an oath, at the time he commit tod the murderous tet, that he would u hV. soon cf d — d black J&pvhliean* io-nighij* The public are to be congratulated that a man of snch disposition Is not at large in community New School Book*. There is ft dreed of, and prejudice against, new tehool books, which touches the question of merits less then the pockets of parents who hare ft very natural and well-founded dread of seeing text books, •* as good as new,” laid aside and replaced by others, often for reasons mere ly trivial and capricious. This has been done often and again, and sometimes with such at tendant circumstances and sjmptcms as to in dicate that there is a power in good dinners when wielded by affable publishers and their agents. No wonder that parents hare a dread of new school books, and new editions of old ones, which come in to torn the half worn books !q nsQ into ao much rubbish. It will not answer, however, to oppese progress in this metter, nor to deny that notable and sterling improvements hare been made in onr educational literature Within the past decade, in a direction in which they are still moving forward, and acquiring fresh steps of progress. And it is, notwith standing the above facts, not the lees worthy to be made note of, when a fresh path is opened np for the young learner, and a feature entirely new in our school books introduced. Sdehcer tainlrare the now scries of ■Wilson’s Headers, flrom the preis cf Harper £ Brothers, New York. The author is one whose name is favorably as sociated with a history of the United States. The principle of these Readers is a nonlty In (hat the pupil, while gaining the first and suc cessive steps in. reading, is inducted into the rudiments of the Natural Sciences, profuse il lustrations of whith are the chief and excellent adornments of the volumes. They are well worth an examination by all interested in edu cational matters,, as in an admirable degree blending amusement, interest and instruction. In all the mechanical details of paper, wood cuts or letter presd we do not know of a; more beautiful or attractive scries. Their chief merit, and leading feature to commend them to an examination, is the new principle, above briefly set forth. They are a series that will live and become widely popular and extensive •y introduced on their own merits. To the Lincoln Ranger* and IFldr iwtkn. £ iTia whole fores will parade on Wednesday evening. Oct. 21th, to escort Uon, Thcm&a Cor* we, of Ohio, to the Wigwam, wbtxe he willtd. drcaa tho people. The lice will be formed in the same order aa heretofore, at o’clock, en Washington street, right resting on Clark, and more pesetas!!/ st 71 o’clock. The pUtorm will be res erred exclusively for Committees, Ranger*, and-Wide Awakes, and the gallery for ladies and gentleman accompn- Dying ladies. Commanded Raymond, of the West Side Club, ia requested to detail an officer and twelre men to attend to this doty. The Chief Marshal here .'returns bis thanks to the several companies 'for the promptness displayed by them in forming the line on the occasion of onr last parade, and for the large turn-out, notwithstanding the inclemency of tho weather. It is an earnest of the victory that will crown oar efforts. * Jens A. Baoss, Chief Marshak Central Wide Awakes, Attention ! —Ton are requested to be at head-quarters this, Wednesday, evening at 7 o’clock, fully prepared for eseort duty to tbe Uon. Tom Corwin, bach man is expected to be prompt on this occasion. By order of W. Uctchixgs, Capt. Picxsers, ArrENnoN!—The Chicago Wide Awake club will tarn out this evening to eseort the Hon. Tom Corwin. Tho elnb will leave their clnb ream at seven past seven, o'clock, precisely. Per order,' . i J. R. Hatdex. pT Torn out, Company B, end Join ia the cicort of tbe Hon. Thomas Corwin to tbe Wig wam this,Wtdnesday evening. Be at Head- Quarters at €1 o’cbck precisely. C. Miller, Capt North Side Wide Awakfe.—Turn out I You era notified to’appear io loS uniform this eve ning si half patt o o’clock, at Republican Head Quarters, No. 147 Cl -rk street, for escorting Hon. Tbos. Corwin to -he Wigwam. Let this bo the biggest torn-out of the campaign. By order, J. H. Cltbourk, Capt. Cokpint A, West Side Wide Awakes At tention. —You are notified to be at oar Hall, coraer of Jffferson and West Randolph streets at 7 o'clock tlarp, in fall tit iform, for escort duty. Lit every man be ©aland. . Vit order of Ji U. Btoas, Cspt, Attention West Sins Wjp»* Awakes, Divu sion O,lotu Ward.—Yna are notified to attend the meeting this, Wednesday, evening, at 7 o’clock precisely, uniformed, to attend the reception of the lion. Tom. Corwin. Be on hand to attend the tecept oa of one of the beet Republican speakers of the day. By order. Jos. WEan/Capt. West Side Junior Wide -Awakes, Atten tion.—Yon are hereby notified to appear at your Hall, corner of Randolph and Morgan streets. By order of Secretary. ■ H. C. I)aogt, Esq. -Weit Side Wide Awakes— I Tubs Out.—Ev ery member is requested to be on band at Head Quarters, Whitbcck’s Holiest 61 o’clock this, Wednesday evening, to joinrin the escort of the Hon. Thomas Corwin to the Wigwam. Tarn out and give tbs Wagon Boy a good re ception. By order. S. Bl Ratsond, Com. INQUtSfS. Sacckinu Cisuaur.—Coroner James held an isqncafc on the body of a child named William Qe&inF, aged two years tud three months. Some children had made a baefiro of straw on avacahtlct near their home; the little one’s garments took fire, and he was ao severely burned that he died about twenty four hours afterward. Mobs Bodies Found.— Since our last issue the following inquests have l>e6n held on bod ies supposed to be those of victims of the Lady E’giu disaster; the numbers are those of the coroner’s list: ’ . No. 154. The body of a woman found on the heiish at Cleaverville. Very much decompos'd acd entirely destitute of clothing; small hands and fart. No. 155. Body of a m&n foond on the beeeh at Woodlawn Station, about two miles south of Hyde pat k. Middle bized man; destitute ol do ming except span of the pantaloons, which were cf gray ribbed cassimere, with a dark stripe betwfen the ribs, j > • No. 156* Body of a woman; feund about 80 ropß south of Calumet light-borne. About 5 f«ct 3 inches high; figured muslin dress with bright colors; sa Agrut Pei scapula hung around the neck; cotton chemise, embroidered' around the bosom and blscves; hoop skirt;. Lisle thread boss; black prunella gaiters, near ly r-ew; one gold rirg, with double heart in the mcUl. No. 157. Body of a mm found about one mile north of Calumet light-house. Blue military coat, eagle buttons; black satin vest; block cassimere pantaloons; white cotton shirt with embroidered muslin bosom; white woolen wrapper and white woolen underihirt and draw ers; kip boots. SoFFf niNQ ix Kansas.— ftse undersigned, having been the meeting ia Bryan Hall, ns one to rei-eivo aid for the destitute in Kansas, will be glni to forward grain, clothing, or money, in a channel most likely to reach the most needy. Intimations given to him, where these things may be sent for, will be attended to by him, or by the Executive Committee of the City Misfclon: Dr J. Brinkerhoff, J C, Far go, E?q., F. A. Bryan, Eiq., C. B. Larrobee, Esq., Hr. C. M. Fitch. E. a Tumi, Ciiy Missionary, Of} North Franklin fit. A GENERAL GOOD TIME May bs expected at the ' "W I Gr WA M. Thursday Evening, October 25th. When a number of short and stirring speeches will be delivered by onr own citizens. The exercises will be interspersed with CAMPAIGN SONGS. Political Sentiments will be furnished by La dies and Gentlemen, and read from the Speak* cr*s Stand. Speaking will commence at 7 o'clock. The platform and galleries will be reserved for Ladies and Gentlemen accompanying them. Let everybody attend lb : s POLITICAL SOCIABLE. By order of the Campaign Committee. J. WHITE, Chairman. (Advertisement.) HUM. THOMPSON CAMPBELL, Democratic Elector at Large, Will tpeak to the; eople of BUREAU COUNTY, AT PRINCETON, On Friday, October 2Ctli» And the people of Peoria County , at Peoria , On SATURDAY, Oct. 27th, in favor of the election of the National Democratic candidates, BRECKINRIDGE AND LANE, The Douglas bolters from the regular Demo* erotic organization—the glorious old Democrat ic party—are specially invited to attend. By order of tba Coxxirru. Iw-oc 20. LOCAL WAITERS, fg*Go to John Jooea, 119 Dearborn eireak and get yonr clothes cleaned and repaired. They will he well done and at prices to suit the times. 1.500 Baffalo Rnbesfor sileat New York ana St. Louts prices, by J. A. Smith & Co., 113 Lake street. oct-21-6t Bazin's Camphor and Gltcxrixb Soap.— The best Toilet Sosp for winter—infallible for chap ped hands. Sold by S urgent, Apothecary, cor ner of Randolph and >tste streets. Sew York, Sept,2M,lSo.S JofciPK Burkett. Esq. —Dear Sir : Foreome time past, 1 bare been using jour Coco an e, and consider it f»r preferable to anything 1 have ever used for the hair. If my endorsement is of any value, yon are perfectly at liberty to nse it. Respectfully yonrs, Oct2 Im-WFAU Frame WnscLsa A Wilson's Sewing Machines.— We prefer them for family use,— JSdo Xorh Tribune. They are lihe favorites of families.—iV. T. Time*, It has no rival.— Scientific American, AWARDS or 1860 AS VAR AS HRARD PEOX, ; First Prcmidk or U. S. Fair. . . no. do. Terror? Stats Fair, do. do. New Jsastr. Statb Fair, do. so. Kbxiocct State Fair, do. so. Oaio State Fair. 'do. do. Illinois State Fair, do. do. Wisconsin State Fair, do. do. Chicago Msco. Institute. And at hundreds of County Fairs throughout the Union. Office 167 and 169 Lake street. Qeo. R. Chittenden, General Agent for Illinois, Wiioonein, and Northern Indiana. , cc2o std-2tw yg?"Ladies and gentlemen who are looking fora Djehoute wbfre they will get their work well dune, either m djeing or cleaning, in all its branches* will find such by calling at the Boston Fancy Steam Dyeing 'BstabHshment of Angnat Schwarz, No. 7S South (Bark street and 153 lilinoia street. celSxlw pg-AIl should not fail to read the adrertisa meat of ProL Wood in to-day’s faper, ic^-ly MARRIED. In nan™«l>, Malar, OcLfcer IHI. Mr. WILMASt SPRAGUE, cf the dm of Lewis. Psf« * Co., of Chica go, tnd ALs KARttIE 1L CiujLler of Justin Z, hc.lL>, Jfsq.. of the forcer place. Oo the tid Inst.. BENJAMIN r. BEDELL and Mln EUUA il. LEV/IS, by tbs Lef. Vb. fcL sp-ccu, all of Ills d*r. i-iathUc'tyon th» l£:b lut.. bvt'i- Psv. rtdab RVer, Mr. JOHN McWIUaNEY ana MARGARET FUI'.Y, both of Lacon. ill. ln»t, hr Rer. Isa’ai Rider, Vr. DANIEL B. KAIRUAN end Mr*. LUCINDA a. SOUTHWiCK, all of tais city. DIED. OatbeSXhlnD-at (be re»M»nce oMJ»fa'.bs?ln Bow- Unz Gtees, Ky., Mr. P. W. STUBBING, formerly o: tnU diy. In thUHty on Tuesday, OcL 53. rf Tynbotd Fever. Mr. DAVID LEWIS WlLua, late of the illy of New York, la ibe 3jtb year of bU a^e. Funeisl on Thursday allerncca at 3 o’clock F. U., at the teeldsoceof h!«brother-la liw.Hcraltollill, Maple htrect. neir Dearborn. Fdendeoflbe fasdlf acd of bis brother, A.T. WU;B,aie Invited to attend without far.berlavUs* Uon. pew York and Boston papers pletse copy. * Keto abbertisments. IF" C.H, LCRIVES, JJi<er:itiny Ajent, 63 Dearborn-*. M authorized to rrcric* AJrrrtioemenit for thU and aH tht £*o*ll*4 Papers of tho SorthuuL jal-tSJt-y T OST.—A Canary Bird, with ytl- JL-J low I'M! 1 , brows w.sgi, acd a blown tin* armnd it* neck, TheCcflerwUlce .uer.Uy rewards! by leanne Rat No. OS Lasal e LL ceJlrtt TT/'ANTFD —By an English girl, * « who raa trlEgtbabMt of Ref->tbvM, sMIoU on plCßeiabwmLil, t or IntassAarso. e^Udr'ji. Addieai *• R. T. rtmtecJea. ntut XpURNISnED HOUSE to RENT J- la « plca-ut Icent^rt—low to a rood tenant. Ad df&» ♦‘Toagg.* 1 BorzaiO, ccsii3t TD WHOLESALE and RETAIL OP.OOSFB and STORE KEEPER?, Wanted, a *lloaMm by a jouEg M*n willing to do a*.y alcd *f work to cDiaxccce with, who b&i Had 13 years exo'r'enc-In Lon ico, England. Addieas “W. H. 0." 4178 F. O. Lor. o-aiaSt WANTED—A situation as Cook, Ti W aiber ted Inner, bv & girl who caa come with good reference?. Arply*tl6olnd-nnnSt. Of£<xU PHOTOGRAPHIC OIL PAINT- I, ING?. AKtnt«waitcito Introdace t>t« brasilf-il ait Yotmemenare maktßzovir Sto a month In I hi* bo nces. Terras and gitestseua sent fr.e, »y aAtemlce, wjtbstsmp Ijr rtturn jxxtaje. L. L.TUi.-D &•» ). Low. ell, MflAi. odj-diattw LOST —On Sahhath last, from 12 10 5 o'ckck, oq Ml:felffaa Avenue, f»tween tie Bur lirg-oi St Qnocy Hal I real ercMln* and l£th freer, a iItMC MCtTK. Any psraoa **fao will return It t> the owner, at tie £d loose noita cf t*e BorUcctoo Road, Ut bMO Avtane, Et»tCde,irlU be liberallyreward e<U Cui.ago. Oct, 13. l:tQ. ocMilt "VTiiCW SWEET CIDER.— SO bblp. li Fare Appi«Ja'«ivillbii9dlov, Also choice va rieties of Grten Apples at the basement. 91 fctate Street. lotiMUwj a. 15. EXNLLY. r PO MERCHANTS AND OTH JL ere. A teßUrtcar* 1« about Tcrk, Doe ton.and 1 biladeiph’a, who wl l atJeirt tooll le*al,coai tceTA'. and financial n-xoliaroni that mav be .nlrsit d to M. thane. lie 5.47 be costal ed oaily. for one wcct, attaeotficeofMeaera-Andrltk ABallorJ,Methodist Block, Boom No.«. ocMxtt T?OUND.—On Sunday, October JL' SUt.alodVt’yUß MUFF. The owa-rcao have it by canny at this effleo, provieg the property acd paring for thla advertisement. o Jtxlt OTRAf ED OR STOLEN.—Stray fcjj eder stolen from the preralsts of the rebecrlber.’at cncer of Archer rood and booth «'ie;t,Caka:o. cn Sun day CTfnitg, HORSES ; one ot them was & !***• b’ark hcree, ton year* old. ta rood conditio - *, white»torln forehead, and e-:t ever the hoof of theUft 1.-c. The ctbrr was a small hay hone, both fore Ice: whits to fetlosk. ehTi tall, and whhe eprtoa fcr.hrad, alootiOyearsold.aßdr-tber towlaeoiMiti'in. Any per son if tamln,: or tlvicx laf .motion that will lead to tnelr racimry will be Lheiofiy leworded. DANIEL MAHER. Chlcaro. OeLTLISCO. ocftxft •WANTED.—A Medium Sized, T T eocoad-fcand SAFE anT LETTER PRESS, and a’fOa STEAM BOCLaR wita 1% to Sl&chfioe%l3 r <et locghyafecttaaiameicr. Addre»ißoi2lS9. ocl4t3i T\7'ANTED—An Active young T V lofvty Town, for the «al# of a PV.cnt artic e. From $* to SSO per week are belsc pild, Addrwa **J. K. B.** Box 213. ChUaga, lit. oeatiwlt TNFORMATION WANTED—of JL ROBERT FLICTT, who l:fl Geneva. WDroaaiu. In Mvcb last for Mllwack'e, IntendiDe to sail on the Lakes. An* Inf- motion lezudinc him or wne*e hems* he found, will he LLn-Wnl y received by his brother, JAMES C. > L KTT, 119 South Clark BL, Chleaxo.lll. P.O. Box 3773. Omo<>.fct.H. IfaU. -o{S4x3t WILBER’S SAFES. Davids on’s Safes, BACON'S SAFES Shart’s Safes. We Hare ilie hsTgeit Stock West of New York. Sell More Than all Other Dealers. SELL HILL TEN TO FIFTEEN PER OFNT. LOWER THAN OTHERS, ASO SELL FUR Cash. Only ! PRATT St WORCESTER, Aeeata. loeMj 197 aoath Water et. “DOTANTC PHYSICIAN.—Tha JJ and-rhlgced whs has be?n 11 practice for ever twen ty yearn, ireila ►ncceastully all fotm* of dUeiiCWlthont tee use of Mercury, Antimony, Arsenic, or other pottos* on* d nt*. CHRuMC incurable cnier ether modes of practice, readily yield t> his, Tit: Kteoma-1.-m, i.y*- pepsla, Aslhm-t, BrotehUK Consumption. i Irer Com pbluls, Female Weaknesses (of h>we*«r lone ttaad -Ist), Ac. WU.B. STRaN TON, M. D. Oicc Southwest ccraer ot Kando’ph and State ttrreu. oeM-d;g;-lw gTATIONERYFOR LAWYERS. D. B. COOK & CO. HAVE cn haad at all times an extensive stock of ChoiCJ STAPLE STATIONKRV, tollable for tie profes sion. Gentkmea un hare their erdr m piled prompt!? aaJ at low prices. Leya: Cap, Blue and Waite, b'avytnd flae Buaiilv,tte«.COa r .d4s,OJp»r tram. Legal Envelopes. at I tO, fit 00, aod ftUO per trtoosand. Later Envelopes. White and cun’, at <1 ft’.ILUO, td t\ tiiO. and $3 0 > per thousand. L*t?er and Foolscap Papers, at llou, siio. ft! CO, |i.flO«nd f(.0) per team. Commercial Not?. atlljio ftLOj, and MAO per ream. I-awjcr* Hand Decse’e, at >l.o* and etSi each. Ja> , lro , » Deckel*, at ei tO, ftl 5. 1 , SL»O, and MOJeach. Together with every article or Sta tionery (or the Office ana Coanting Room. i!u be o»> ta ced of os at th- nok reaionablc pile s. Red Tape, al- Inc Wax. Ist and InkVtinaa, Qjllle aid Quilt Peru, Gold arid Steel Peat of best quality, Let’rr Pm*-e and Book?, Pencils, Ac. D. B. TO3EE ± CO„ ceCI 111 Lake btneL JJE KHERSON’S HOT AIR FURNACES. These Furu&ces are the remit of yesn of experience aart aresutenor ta Economy, Capacity, DinbLtty, Earc of Micajemeut to any other FURNACE. The best way to Warm llouea, Bstka, Eemlnaxlee, ChurcLts, Stores acd ail Is by llendcrson’d Hot Air Furnace. John L. WRson.Eso., Wsbuh Avenue; Plilts Burton. Plase; felx G. Keitrau, Esq , O. It. Fstsod. J. C.Walter. E»q. G. O, BalL E»q*» Than. B. Alee, n>q, A. B. Lsr.'Cßler. Beloit; h.Thompson, E-q , Sa'nt P*ul; J. v. guwes, faint Paul; if. I*. Bind, Ksq_ llitker, Fort Wayoe; H. B. Hmd. Km., Evaa-too; w. H. A flairs K«q., Waiaah Are.: J. M. Ads t, Esq-Bauker. Rev.LH. Dcf, Biiil'v, iluhlfce A Co- Lake m.; K.wl Thayer, tewMiermw ITouse, B.Sayer*, Esq. larlsaaAv* (uue; Marsh. Peafce A Deluca. Lak: St; Setb P. Warner, Wabash Avtnu*. A- tfegtlow, tsq. Mxuhcaa Avecue; Wabub Aveuoe MethodUt Church; Jemme Beecbrr, Mlc&ina Avenue, Amsrteaa kaprcraCo- W. H.Taylor. £*q- Wabash Avenue; Jonnß.Mlila, tre , Wabarh Av.; W. tl. Pn ll'ps. E»q, Wabttb Av.; E. b. Smith 4 Oj., A dame St, Tnci.Cucith. E*q- Wabarh Av.; L. Newton. EiO- Batavia, W.Vf. Buyntuu,Architect,Mich.Av,; lien. J.F, Fain.worth, warm with tbcen. Aor aslewhoerale and 'Clall by JOitfPM C. HENDERSON, Man of timer. IsZC-ark St, Chichago, the new Co>lom Boua*. oc3J dlfibSt "MORTGAGE SALE.—Whereas, JITX Slaron S. WQlsm, and Miry O. h's wir«, -11 ts theSStb diy of April, A. U. i 337. ezaeu-s snd deliver to Jisob W. Ladlim, Haw sxcxuts, their evrtiln mcrt<Kv, Icjicj dstetnrdiy ind year uorcsild, ud r«co;d-d In the Recorder’s office of f kok County, JU-nots, la book 33 of M il<*fi«, pMe 437* and Cld thenhy noavey to Ui« said Jsc: b W. Ludlam the premises bneiZafUr nsm-d. to secure tbs pays eat of four cat min promissory nets* there- InpurikoUrU mtnlloteC. And waerta*. It w»» p-cTided la sad by said that In cue deuull In ih« pit sent of ud n<xs«. cither of prmdaal or intertrt, vu made, the whole of said prladml and ictcrert shea d be- e. Ant the said Ja ob W.Lndiim, bis heirs ei-ct tors, admin atnuen or assizes, after twenty days notice in a tewspaper crated In the Cuy of CUleicr, mUnt te*lather*lns'ter notUed.the said premLea. sad -u right ud eqaity of redesMloo of the said Slmeoa S. Wiltsce. a-.d Ma*y C. bis wi:e, trmle. And wLerea-, defsailbsi been made the p*fn»ea of two of raid ncteNud of la*crt»t on lhr*e theaef. Now, ihere’trv. puoilenotkelf h«!KbyciYaith-t lbsundMiigaed, Jimrs i.noUta ud Mary Ludlam, admlniatrator* of t.e .sute of Jacob W. L’-.dlsm, deceased, w:Il on Fr diy, the siz tMctn diy of Norrmtitr, A. L». ls€o. at the bnnr of 10 o’cWk A. M. of <hat -lav. sdl at public anetion at the NorJs doer of the Court Ilonse la said City of Chicago, to tiir tlgbirt bidder for cash.the fo.lowinep;exLe>, to-wit: Conoeceinz in tre center lias o r the Chi-am and Green Baytotd. atd on th< line cf Henry Heaworth’s luo. (mraaloe the line of Henry H-pworlh s land at the date of svd Unruacv) and ran aloe We-t casins; thence Math tit chains; thtsce Eirt 13.T5K ctuiiiuto the center of the sail toad to tae pU'e ot contalnlnx 10 act es. and belss a part c f Northwest on uie? of «eitum SD. township 41, nags 11, In Cook Cooney. lUiuols. ui all rirhl atd eqjity of redeaptlon of tee ta d Slineaa a. Wl tseeanl stary C. W'lUet,thercln. to make the aaoset due cn stld notraasd th- costs ud expenses o? .uca rale. _Ch'C*P>,October JLlsftO, JCtu D. LT7OLAH. 6 MAY U. LUkLAM. Adtrloistrators of the estate of Jacob W. Lndlua, de cuaed. tiea’oresald Mo.tgsjcs. ocift dall-td JJEAL ESTATE OFFICE. • KERFOOT & CO. We have lemated fviTlUei for r.tcadluc to the care sad capm laloa of Real Estate le Calc ‘go anl rlcmity, u well ai In the adloislse Statse. , . . We are pwnaretl to pay tare?, ervche ana repo: too the tt!es tad value of proper!- It Chiago, and the Northwest f* pvt experience la nuk'nf edes of Real Edit*, we fee' eoaCdcotuial w.tltie p «*., i rev.val vf bitlness of all kinds ta the nonhwest, oats will recilre renewed Tlior Ta*re Is ao question but that now is the best Uae ws bare taadta w&kh to umstlo Estate. Purchases Judiciously made now wU p.y«ly. We leader o CrM nrlcM,oaraapi,aadaaexi>«neaesto prisons deilr hi; to buy or sell, uoruOCsuowu a * 1 Ho. 1, MASONIC TEMPLE. Ch October VA IS'-O. cc3l c&l-st fk/j INCE MEAT.—The Following JjX parties are arpolnted to sell this superior srtlc.e. or the test m\Uriai>, and pot up in small jars, ex prttiiy ier family use; geo. E. STANTON. *S, Sooth Clark Street. >£WALL SNOW. lii M V J. tf. COKLT, 137 " M *♦ D. B. WIN TON. I*9 State Etrest, J. H. BOWERS. HI V r. B. wo LruKU A CO. a» StaU Street. Go 3* A HOacK North Ciar* street. HASEINS A JOYCE, Nona Market Street. Cctuier Xh IsW. • ocjxlt AE. KEYES, M. - D, Homeop • athlc A Sorceoa. woaU mpectfslly aaaeauee to tba of Ch ciro, that hi U p«miQentlr locatid la th's d-y. «&cr> ne ma« bi found In readmes* to attend to* alicaiUlnlheU'-e of his profes-ba. Res : denre Cd hush atrseL Ofllte 101 Wssahirtoa Street. Office boers from bWlOA.M.»adttwam.iP. JL ocSKUI-la Ncto anbertismeutff. JST" REMO VAE ! g. i>. touaiDS’ Steam, Book, and Job, Printing ESTABLISHMENT, ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY, AND PRINTERS’ FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, Is Now Being Removed to tbe New, Spacious, & Elegant Building, IVo. 46 Slate Street, O:po*:tc tbe CITY HOTEL, aat adlclnlnt tbe Paper W-rebouee of t» n.SL LAFLU. wetre be wta be happy to ate his cld Irenas and euatoxm. Tbe Entire Building lioecnpledbvtb«diff«re”t branches o’ hbhmlco*. asd lias erect'd with (CSHECIAL RCFERaNC£ to IU CONVENIENT aad ECOnuhICaL aro-ceutmn: sat Itiunprive-larranatmeats,tenths* with terse adsttleni of New & Elegant Typc A Machinery Anascb u to five him th’ ezAcuUcn oz Every Variety of Book and Job Printing, at Greatly Reduced Rates , And la his ami well known woikmssUke etylc. Ileae lUrernllNEW to» Be#4hi.a«t.M well se hie oldn-t. Bi er* of te*iT-«r«’ atnadiac. that hi* IN TIKE PEitMiNAL A ' TEKTtOV will in future be Rlrea to the I-RINTiNG DEPARTMENT of r.Ub««lce»s,whith will eanble him to wirid; br*»tr of »tyle, p ompt-,e-a, tod the lowest Lr.nsmes on til order* with wmea he may n- mvered. 0.-den tor XtedntyMnz. iwck bindlnr, ttper Roilnz and Wood executed promptly tna at ipwratn. PT Coontlsz Room and business efflee flr-t floor. oeid-thUS ft-net E. GOODRICH & CO., 154 - - South Water Street, - - 154 Uaaofactarert and General Dealers ia Oils, Alcohol, Oaaphene and Fluid, Have constantly oa hand the very beat Quality of GENUINE KEROSENE, Colorless aaJlaodorou*. Ain Carbon OH. the be*t brand ot Co*l o 1, tor i\le at oaaaZac'.are:** prices, toanspvtUUo i additocal. Cot! Torch Light Oil at a low pr'cc. ccgd«o9-toset A. fc. OOODIU‘,II A CO. T\ODWORTH’S MUSIC STORE, A> No. C. Arro* PLtOi, Kiv Took. Publisher and Dealer :n FcreUn acd Americas Music. Instruments, and Musical Mrrchsadbe. Posts acd Com positions for the Piano Forte by V e best mash rs; tiaersd and O eon Music: Dance ena Military Music, for the Pano-Foits,ieLt by mill, prmase iree. (‘■''traps sat he s-Dt ißftoad of chase*.} .'atslofues of Music for Haa Bands,Q-iaditile baacLsmali or UreiOrcfisitrtf. Price Ll-t of B ms Instruments sent an application. The -Jaanal for Bran Hand*." A new pubiiutUoa of Band it'jslc, 1* Israel on the 15 bof each month; a ncle Nos. $1.73 or sl3 pera-mus; Puce $t numbe*; also the • €■ mpu-lon,’* conuinlßE M.r'bs*, Med'cy*, .tc-. The IcstrumeaUl patts in these worki are aepanr* and ready fcrpettormocce. UARVKT it. DOOWOUTd, th.2P3i2-am Director of DodwotUPs Band. PUR MANUFACTORY. G. II- SPEAKS, JR,, J. &. A. HERZOG, WhoTeaale and Retail Dtalen la HATS* CAPS AND FCBB, Besroad Wolf Rotes, G5 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. ILL. 65 Would •espeilfuUyoanocnce to their patron* and the Trade, that itey ate now tn receipt cf a larfeasd lallaa aonxeDt of all sooda is their Une, cel7o3f( J>LAX SEED WANTED. Havlnc cotnzneaeed the pacufactsre of Linseed Oil at Chicago, laa prepared to pay the behest sarket price f» FLil SEED. OIL OAKS for sale st all tiroes. 0. A. KOOER.S. N0.3 Milliard's 81-xk, teSS-dlQsßa Cor. of Utarkoods. Water tt_ Cn'-etic. IVfASTEK’S SALE.—State of DU- J.f JL noli. Cook County. SS —**uperif»r Coart of Ch:cv to- in Co* eery. Jteob Fisher v*. Andrew T. nherman. Frauds H. Besson Robert Merrill, Jr., Isaac P. Polnler, i’otlfr Paimer, and Patrick F. So. Bit to Foreclose Mortgage. Public notice !e hereby given that la pursuance of a decretal order. «n-sred to the above emitted cans* re the Jftth day of October. A. D. 1840. L In Scott. as blaster to Chancery of tee Superior C art of Cbleigo will, on the seventeenth day of November, A. U. ISSO. at tec o’dockiu toe fcteaooo of that day, sell at public anetion to (be LUb eat bidder for cash, at the northuoor of the t'ourt Hoes*, IntbeCity of Chicago, In said County of Cook, the Irl lowing desorbed real estate, (ar ao much th a ieof mi stay be necessary to satUf* the amount of said decee with In* lerwt and cuts,together with Marten’ fee«,d!»bcrresienU and cost missions on satdsale).tow.t: allthefotlowinede *crb*d lo'.ple ror parcel of land Attaate m the town ct Ley oen. Coant* of Cook, and Slate of Ituno s known as th*» Northvast quarter or section seventem (17), and 'he Wet tat of the West half of the Nostheatf quutero- section seventeen (17) In township camber forty (*0) North. of range twv'va flj) East, ot the third phecip*! menu aa. Also lot number seventeen (17) of let number one fl). of the Sooth section of Robinson’s re?creation, tyir g soil bring In the township aforetair, with the oolldlnts sttaaw hereon. IRASSOTT. blaster In Chancery of the Superior Coert or enleago. Dated October 23d. ISM. ocJS cSiPtd "PRINTING of Every Detcription A required by MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, CORPORATIONS, SOCIETIES. ACADEMIES. CHURCHES, Ac. TiiWa’ly and promptly executed at lb* Prtw anl Tribune Office, A 1 Clxrattratt. WS. U. BAND. r PO EXCHANGE.—2BO Acres of JL Land In Nortbera Wl«coisln, well located and oan cumbered, wdl be exrhaccrd at two eoilara oerscre fu-aar kind of meachand eaata price. Also, id acres of i««i* vilhiDthee lyUmi'.sofO:hkaih, Wlscoaain, to rxchanee for dry yooda, aroeeHes. aettl men’s fumistdojt roods, d {a.i, or bnoks sufficient for a library of SUW Tu-omna, to t m s-lected fr»« a catalufue. Adiress “FRANKLIN, 1 * Press and Tribune cffice. octXHt A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE can obtain board with a small prlva?* r«ml!y on Wataab Arraus. Addrta* **P.O.** Buz 3903* Refer ences «Xwun«td. oclftia. (&XA AHA CASH, and $50,000 vu of Real Estate to Invest In first* class Uortsacef. or will be exchanged fer Chicago cr Mil wsuk*e property. Apr>vto E S. TAYLOR, oci3t3t E. Church D ock.Cb cito. 11l T5 BRICKMAKER3 AND LUM- Exchange on reasonable terms for Brlcki or Lumber, Lot OOCzITS) No. 0, block fil Csaa Trustee’s SnbolvUlca ofn.w, >., township 39, runff* li. Acrly to M. a. BOREr, Attorney at Law, No. 9 si*»on!e temple. 1-tar* bora a * set. Ohleaeo. ID. aeJT-drll-Sm 'J'HE TWO DICTIONARIES. WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, N'tw Fletorisl EdLloa. Pries, •*.03, It- T7ORCK3TER’3 QUARTO DICTION ART, plcto rUl Edition. 91M, D.B. COuKE 4 CO, ocl» 111 Lose sovet. STOCK OF GOODS FOR EXCHANGE. The Advertlaer wishes to exeheage ▲ Stock of CrOOda For Real Eitste. Addreaa Box 1333. Chiour* Post Office. anlft'SO ly Q.LOVESI GLOVES GLOVES! Don’t f-jrj;et to buy your Q’.ovw at BOWEN*d, No. SO Clark street, (u>et»lr*.) Tae b»t and cheapest Buckskin aa.i Fur, all sold lower than ever before. N. B.—BoweiU a'stAxent for the Wert of Wilson’s Sewinc Machine. The most simple and perfeit macclse ever made. Call and s«s tu ocld d3ss fit T'ALLOW CANDLES, X i t- SOAP. Tallow, No. t.3 sad sttilc rendered: Grease cf all kmde,Osntiia—fiunn cr. Pressed and MoaM Csndlw; SUniey’sGleTelaad Bte«rffitCaadlca. boarwFalm, Family acdEraalte. Forcceby 9 J. C. MITCHELL, . 77 CsxLc-bL, ud ecr.BUU-rt. and Archer Read. »WW4y "VTATLS CHEAP,—2,OOO kegs as* Xi sorted Cut Mils, from 31 to 3d, for nie at No 1C eouth Market street by FUKD 4 NORTON. ocneS7S4w BARRELS CHOICE WIN. wt/U ter A poles, and SO bine’s NewTnrk Qul ee?, just resrived and form’s by STEVEN** A WCIiuCR. 0C3»d3184m IQS Rudolph dU PURE SWEET CIDER—in wliolo X and half barrels, recrireJ fa ty and for rale at _ . STEVENS 4 WEBBErt’S, oeC&dM34a 108 Randolph at. CHOICE CATAWBA AND ISA- V/ belli Grapes fer sale low sy , STEVENS A WEBBER, edS-ias-te loaiusdotea st. PAMPHLET and BOOK PRINT- L 170. La ce feats cf different sixes of Book type, Advms’Powo- Franca. Hoe's hydraulic Press, and giod workmen free as suaenor facilities for tumm- oat tali clasi of work. Animates made oat sod forwanTeJ to say partot sseafletfons. WSI.H. RAND, oeNtSw Tress and Tribune Office. POSTERS IN ONE OR MANY COLORS at thePrets and Trlhnne Offlre. OCM-Sw Wit. H. HAND. TTANPBILLS, CIRCULARS, &c. A~( tbtefaliydizplayaltoorderat *bs Press and Tri bune OflUe- WE. H. HAND. PARD3 AND BILL HEADS AT W a few hoars’ notice. At the 7ms and Tribuns Office, ftl CUrkstmt. V«. H. ASu. 'T'OBACCO.—IOO bC bbls. Chew las Tobacco, UO fcbls. Saoklsx Tobacco, SCO box* sad Caddies Tobacco, cf various brands, for sale low. WM. LITTLE A <N>. m Woatb Walaf t. ROCERTEB.—SO Bbla. N. Y. VJ Syntpjshhds. Molacsea, UJbazs CoffiM,asObeztt Paha sad C, £. Soso, 100 boxes Concentrated Lye, at low stt market prim. WM LITTLE A CO., ta Stoth Wtie-maaL OAA Hhda. N. O. SUGAR, in Uvv store tad for sal*. * REYNOLD?, ELY A 00. AAA Bblfit N. T. SYRUPS, TtVV RXINOLW. E*X * OQ. NUMBER 98. aaraseuwsng. TtfoVICKER-S THEATRE. XTJL Vnnsr.aatiMt. hetwgaa iUUtt3Dmto», - P" D?cr« cpsa it 7 o'clock. Performance lo cnsmMro aTX o'clock. Sox CSst open from ID UUI aad Cron 3 til 6 o'clock. AmonKurt—Drtss Circle. 50 cmt* • Seccad Circle. 31 OfciU; l-ttate Boxes, HjOuii |«J3O. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24. MISS MCCARTHY AH!) MR, VUCCEST. create* Oct. Sllh. St*’: eight of the Sew lo cV. PoLlica 1 , Cc&vc Drama. will! ea by » 7Vesoc»ai and Sf POLITICS: 0& to* (Mrar n Ch.o*oo, A'jament—«r rjixf matter* a* ter newspapers. Tlnw —lan betoie E’.nrhn and tUCJen * %v. hcears—The Wigwam and outer places. CLarwfrrwHeo-.blicaot, D*tioc'»t*, Ajcerlracr. n >be lB«v:uhIe” tad Stutter “(vioruWv," Lracolnaid Dontlus Some, frmtheCenv pa*cn I>ok*. \TI ertwak* am Inritct lo Pzoce*tlots. Tks petfcnmace will commence with THE B9SSIS PISH WITZ, Macftrlana. («Uh Msa.).....U!t* Mscvthf. To ccnclrda w‘.Ln the Matkal ExtnTacvxa. JESSY IiXSD. lo which rte wiu slog six soagssad » duett, xsd aa&se Mr. Vl"C<rt. D WIDE-AWAKE PROMEN ATE CONCERT, To be *lrea by tie Nonxn sros wid&au’.ike clud. t)a PEli’r Y STevitr-, #Vt. 55tb, 1®»0. at tiOP.TH HiURST HAUIm OPTiCEKtop TU< B.VENIX-'I. PxaraxTT- aLc* • Eiirey. C. p.*ai«—J. U.Clybcara crilMilTlE 0- AItHaSGSMZSTS. A.?*rr«f, J. lia W. Euil', C.J. \Pllder, tteorre Kotir, c.J. cnoJeiU C.TtUßichffv, L Atwaur. DECOOAIIOX COJIUJTTE?. i» V"'p«, T. Mflrr, H. E Praatw, J'baOre. -• I'..C.Wai?, ViarKSßElh, XKlunl Barnard. Ib.K!oake, P. Basse. J:cr»«f*TlOS OOMiIITTEB. 11.8. Wade, K. Kosoer, Frtd.Vartea. UOSORART ilAN’AOlria. ITon.'W. B. , , , R't«n.lloti. I. N. anolt. Hon. K. B. Jed d. K.C.lamed. Kaq.< kfcj KU B.tea, htq. *. Uaws:n. Bq. C. E*q. John AUtoa arq. W. Vnnger, Kaq. J..s, Koauer.Kq.O. n. Habl»*d, h»j W. R. Smith. Z*t B. M.Wtisoo.Ksq. J. J. Rk£»tur, S q PWSOR MANAGERS. r.Taro!c r lffd, I>oocin McLean, HEaanjer. Ctaa-VVc-r, I>. H, itirl:n, Asg. Braaslsg, LrrwtG'je, Frank Utven. The ••ifferent Wtde-AwakeC'Q’Jaof the citj are fpeelallf l&vitei to a'.lesd n IqL onirotm. Tk'eets Si) e-nic to be b«d of the Coaalttoa of Ar* ra-’temtcU and ot iQemb:ri of'.be Vlnb. The programme bathotly asneanmi. ee23tl JIALL. 3HORSOAY SVZNISO.CCT. 18TIL. —ATO— On Vcdnctdiy mud Satudhjr Aft«i« nooats will is sxajurriD WAUGH’S MAGNIFICENT Mirror of Italy. Thethrairsofthe warof Empires. The most mar)lfle*nt (dies of raaoramic Palnttiueinthlscoaatrr, «Uhtb* new and bflllaeta tracllonsoftbe illarcln.tlOLS of fit. FeUtl Church, Cathedral or 31 ian. Ac. re r i ISc-Us. loafte-nooa exhiMtUns -Ladia* Chllaren lOits. Doors open at 6,H o deck. rammrrco stTKo’coek. ccUdas-l v rj. mirasole’s dancing vJI • ArADKUT. Ccraer Madison and Clark Entrance oa Uadlioc. Class open at all tlxe* ter beginners. CoiLsasa’a Class ev’tv Tuesday and SAturdvr. Pa* nstso'-iyalloweias vi»tr«rs. AA.en.bJy every Tur»d*y Sitnbt, Fr.ods, and oo persons alm'.t'ed except these Introduced by Scholars. seddSv <m iUKanteh. TXT’ANTED-—Several good steady * V Boy». fmn 13 to 14 yew eld,find steady eta* ploymeatat 103 We*tXokattmU o^aixlt TyANTED—To Borrow—Twenty v T Tits Hood •! Co.lare. on »ocd ncur.ty. Xd dr.aslhnm*h 1374. Chlcsxu. ocCdflfllt TT r ANTED—By a young man of Jl" pood morals and anility, a eltnailoa ae Teacher lx a Hlih School or Ac»d*raT,crt*rndpalofa Public School. Uctxs'pUossbb references given. Adixeia bos isml Saajwxh. HI. ccllxJw WANTED immediately.— 7 y 100 Teas of eod loose TIMOTTIT HAT, for which the t;ch*et market price will be pvd In C*sh on dahmyatoorpßSfl. hUxwetl corner of bine ts:«n4 avccce. Wc;;ChLago, KIU3EIE BhOTHEIk*. ocUOxlm Ogee 43 Market st. WANTED— A Stock of Dry Good*. Jewe'ry, Clothing, or Boots asd Sb see, la rxebaoee for Improv-d nr Uslaproved Beat Brtate in Ciilcago, HUwau tee or Pcrtage CUy. Wls. Aayoaewhh* l-i.■ ornate an exchtegx will pUa:e address P. O. bos 933. Chicago. cedixlw • TyANTED.—The undersigned hag m a Reetlfy’af eiUhllshmeor, well loctted in afl ier bhixg city In the mteilor or Wkccs>in.an3 wants a raitcer w;taiwoorth,rtehODdr.ddoltari,ca<h,toa»e la the *Tir chAsecf hWhwlntsfur IramfcUten*-. in additloa to the liquor trade, 'beet tabUsbnwnt U making from two 'a Three barßl. vinegar the pro 111 o' «b cl> wUlpivei pensrt. Atkrrear, wlta ted naraafet an rep y will be nvta) “ Minufictuier," PreAsaxl Ttlhonc Chicago. ocig-atg WANTED. —Agents to engacro in T T a ot>«Esot ssd prcftuft'e BnFsesr, la which La* die* and UeuUstuea of good can nuke From $2 to $lO per l>ar« Call between the hoars of Sand It a. m.. and Sand 4 r. ic, at No. H Maacnle Temple, opposite ih* Poet OflW; or ridx***. encoding stamp, P. O. Box 3543. « 111 * <H,t (J-l3^Mm tfox Sale. T>IAXO tor SALE—A good Piano, A nearly new, wll' h* w>l>l coni*. Inquire at Wagon's IWf gtapnO-Uery. |3I Late ttieet. oSjtit SALE—A few more of those A Ladders, from Uin 20 fcet lons, manufactured rom New Tort State J*nmc* Timber. Clo-ice oat it Re. ter foot. T. M. UIBDAttD. U3 Rlnsiest-veL »etc2M-:za OR SALE—IB,OOO Acres of Land A near Fort DcJge,lo**a. at a low fico** for cash. An* ply to A. J. GALLOWAY A CO. Lake stmt. Chid go. ec*U!3»tw TJ’OR SALE—Any person wishing L to partitlsn an cfloeln a store or wartbons*, can Sod sub and board* for miecbetp by SMITH tUHi SR, UfaggisU, eaeceascta to PenUn A Co, 91 Lake street. Chicago. vclMffiHw PEDDLERS’ WAGON for Sale. X —A light Peddler*’Wagon. netrlyeew. win be sold cheap. Apply to UEO. X. CONODUN, 39 Lake street. < clflctw POR SALS.—3OO Acre, of Choice JL Had LANDSfor sale or exchange fur good Citv Pro perty. Ihe l*nd Is In Wisconsin, cn the Ocnta River, thirty mllvs above the mouth, near EldrU'ge A Baco-.'a Mill*. Al*o, two valnssie Hones, Busgy, harness, Ac. Forfarherlnrcnaat;on,apnly to ROa’l* E. HILL, octsdlstla Proprlct rof Harden City House. J7OH SALK.—The stock of a well I- established and pr'fiUbl.* rruanfactnrlo/ cone*rn la tclaeityamoutlDgtoCS.'kO. Ons-hsif cash aadseeured short paper, balance la w-U located re*l estate In this cry crfa-nUßglaadslatheccuntry. Address **S,‘*P IWdi. w’Tr'm SEo iient. TD LAWYERS.—A s-at in a far nl«bed office to LL Inquire at Boom 6. No. 41 Sowlb C'ark street. offijalw 'T'O RENT—That largo Dwelling JL h'MjfeonlhecOTarrofßarri-oaavt Bdlalhttrta^ All sew y papered sod painted, with *as. bata ccllir, sli a fin; rule order. Large utacds*able. Applv wJ mN S. DUGUaNAN, No. iifi Randolph street, from 10 to 11 o’clock. oclT-lfd-Iw TO RENT—The Commodious Ptnre, Ro. 49 Clark street, under the Foster House. A first mis location for tweavs*. verticui.rly Clott-bs. Hardware. As. Apply to GhO. F. Y USISit, or M. if. BAXTER, of the fo:ter House. oclv*<a.T).2w r I , O KENT—One New Three Story JL B RICE HGURK. with Urge yard aad larg* barn, co Did street, east of Michigan Avenue—one of rue ficcyt lo* ratlons«Ddneigbborhaoc«ui thecity. Rent only 433 per rvrir.oaiA. Apply oataepremacs. oraddrea* P. u. box 3M>O. esSdiaJm r PO BENT—Four Story Brick X Store, with eel'ar 50 by ISJ feet, on North Water street, designed for btenge. Can be r«a'.*d fr.r pcrk cui- Ltg and backing. Apply to O. W. ADAMB, No 1M) North water street. wtfsla ■ntSTCLLTiRY TO RENT OR JL/ FOR SALE. Tb? fln# di stlHerr tttjcheJ to the J'raltle M.rf* Mill at Cllntonviil.-, attfTfn, nn ths Cbl- C3goJSQ,.ai*B*iLD4il. Appllv t>» DAVIS A NISSEN, 0c1W33 lat 49 Laaalla .trtet; AND SECOND fx A fturo* for*a>!ow. Pluosud | j *2 x t • Ueiodecsa to Rent. Orders fur rohiag Tla4<.s.llelodeOiS.Organa.atk<lall kinds of Musical laatri* meats proa ptlv attended to. All kinds of Mvical lartra* Best* repslrecl it tbcrtnotlce. US LahestrMt—aear Clark. lioarDing. T>OARD—A Gentleman and his JLw wife, or cue or two slcxis gmtbm-n will Sad board and pleasant rocms,•a:c:a'»-d or aofuruldwd. w.tain tea ninate- wvk fmm the Coart liou*e, Wtst Sid*. Ardmi P.O. b0x3213. OcCdJOT Jw TJOARDTNG—There are now ra- JLJ ca-.t at £33 and 323 B<« street, arwe pleasant front moss satiable for families or sirgle m te men. it Is also a eonv-tlcnl location for day boa d ra. as It Is only oae bl.ek lro.ii tbe new Post UCce. Terns mod* state. cciCxtW T?OARD.—A Suite of Front Rooms JLj to Rent, with Hoard, at 19 and SI Michigan avenge. Reference. requited. octlOdatlm BO A R DIN G—Pleasant rooms with Beard can be obtained at No. 49 Tan Bursa atrtet, between £'ate as t Watnudi avenue. o;‘9nlm All personshaving claims azalost the Me Srtr\ef BTEVENS A HES TON ere hereby notified to present the same to w-» nadsr slgned. at h'sOflce. No. 11-1 Booth Water s tear, tefort tbs 8d day of November sext. at-which tin' the vs-ts In ms pc a>essl-.n will be anpl ed to piymen* rf tne isdrbtae. n*esef raid dun, ibr a-nduionsof a eenaln deed of aaelsiimiai bolrmz dale tn« i>ih day of Martb. A. D.1360 U. W. UIN3UALD, octldVVla AstlihtJ ofSlCTtsa Ailajthß, npo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN A Any ooe bavin* an Express Wajon, Horse and Bar* seas, or adoable Team with Wa£Qs.ut Dray Horse. Dray and Harness, and wlsslnz *0 d>spo*e or them In etrhaega f.<r Farmtnc l and In M;dUr«r>. can have tbe opportmiAy bybddiesaloxZ’ottOiScsHoxSSOU. »essdii4 im ■p»OH MILLINJiUY, BHESS AND A Cloak maSdag, Pa'Waa and UaeUie attlehiaz. to to Mil A, O, NUitrtld, 119-Si at. CUr; street, Cmhoaa EDWARD 8. L. RICHARDSON, *** m yroprtater. RG. GOOD WILLIE’S • WIIOLX3ALE PACKINQ BOX PAOTOBT, coxjta «ucx axz> imsri ss. Orders for Boxes, Trttalc bodies and Frail Omwen vQ re e.O. 8cx3373. XJ. PACKING BARRELS ALWAYS JL on baod aod,br sale. A prime article. OiO, A. 3 Cl VEENS. 'PDtarboniiUtst, VBW US TBISJm ad Tisuaih a aasißtLZ -lie Mowing ire the rates of edT«itiala#i &la j run pbkhi inn Taißvnsi Oat Square, Ol&eaagaCaJ one a „ “ «cb sshacqneat dan *Ksl * " two weeks, («w «T.) „ ;.j " onemanta- (2a il M ** three month*. f4» »IA) —..'l.jj “ Axteoatos, <£»*4#,). ,j “ #uyiar. tt'.j WT ASchednleoTPilaeefarmonipeMUaavbeJqr:; CMte seen at tie Comma* Room, AllTraadeat AdrwttMa)eatitobepalilaA(l»te;«, tar AHohasgeectarxedaCoeaUperSquie. > iazm n iiTuiui nr tuxit mn us aam •HS a *"» «*** w*«k. tax 4m month. -2**2 »• .. lormcu eubeeqieaiEioatt. foroneyeaf. fiuitian Saits. BTrrr G ,?J; BERT * SA3IPSOK, J-» AUCT;OSE!RS. Ka. 83 LASS ST. * Superior Furniture And Household Good* at Auction* Oa lhar»la», Ociober *y*». as gw oVaik. «• *t i oettof eat3Mur*.A<x, imuiil.iE; of ToroXlas *f.e E*-y a^Roct;o rth>i;**rJu® T?p l F Arlort>ilM,U*lTrec«, V*A.kCl. li* Ku. w »; h ' | a r ‘S'. r-’*no SlooL, Prrrch lwft?V^ X * Unj 2£ , ‘ T*o!r*. tana Uiblrs^f u.ti.n. Lem ge«, Wtrdtvb-**. Hdr and <.ta?r -. ’ Tab!«vJ.*ak Sldetr wd*, Carpets Mir nrt 2?LsJ£*£.TV m i B««atClT«^rs«S: gfc-Wg« 8t OIL3EET k SAMPSON. AaeHoueqrm. gY TO A. BUTTERS & CO. HOUSE AND LOT ON WABASH AT/, - AT ACCTIOtT. Os tussoat Arruis oox, ccr. 30, ais cclocS. Os the Frudsee, A T? ue. near m ß „.d The Let front* 3i» feeten Aeaine,mniltr M.*k toon oiler iia f r.'«**a 1 " a Uott r “ lWßu ’<«*«ht rooms, w-ih a • n4 ?J. f '.'° d w,Mi w««Gfii*Uxn, fnrtt**-; an - ! sbrti •bezy *f ail xlads. That tie to the prri?er»l» perfect. For fun her cartlca* ’an. e*n at our ■ 30 Dourbom stnet Qcl»aS6t4 WM, A. BUTfhRS A >.0.» Auetlcpsera. WK A. BUTTERS As CO., OAimtl,' ACCIIMKSK9, «•. «a * 10 DIASBOKH &T&SST, SBnctlj oppose tbs Tnaopt Sou<^ FBBSIXOBE SAAB Erenr Wednesday A Saturday. At tK o'clock a. s. DBY GOODS SAI.Y X9*ry M*ud*p mi 0 1-2 O’efoA J t AT OUR SALESROOM. _ •*“ C«h advanced on Farnltora, Ihy Goods. Eoofsail Sao««, Ac. aud.* < ;vfj.iy • Stafford’* Olive Olirc Only and no other prrparatlaa r»«i ccßpotxcded With the view of a genera! >ale has ry«r been able to obtain test Olive moßlaU from person* of such promt Olive Jio Law. r\rih avro..Xsw Tort *•»»>» Dtapsa. E,q , Hanko-. S. 1 niuiLov Who l»g.I xihsoy, N. k DcrMJaisv. Wvhlntfton, D.C Coo. Pa atm. Cclt. HuifonL Cana* on. < a.4 Mat. U K.A. Kit Jesatra Lcavitt. Editor I tide pe-dent, y. r. K* Hmn. *J.*xim'aer.:».T. K * r * U*° s *» hteu. of Amer, CM Bl'HoUtt'B. 5 t. tlsr. t». r. A. Sruxsio, ButJemitl - Few >orc Olive Olive Olive lUt. Da. LayiAao, Xxttar, If. H. And mote than 100 other well knows Olive Olive OLIVE TAB. • Wxtx OntTx Tax ra lax*L<i> Iti hexing Basuale odo*x an brought 1b contact with the w«i"g mtmbrac* of the Olive throat* Brourhiel 7ub*e.mm4 mil th* of the Olive Rel r *vtog at ones any jw'a otepprv«>!on vdaeahcgenylnluiloa or inflamma tion. Olive Wxxa Ouve Tax is taxxjt rrov scoab it 10-mtan unequal*! Boothia* t'd Ueal Bgbyiap for Cou*tu and all HirratUl—»<•«. Wnu Out* Tax u Arrv.riD ( tr 3faj(t>e:luorconc,QtniK! carAtlvepow trsrenr er It a nett sye-dr Pala Anolbllator. Olive Tar uno t sticky. does no t discolor, fifty ccniaalwUlv. Clive Olive Olive J. R. STeFrOaDR Iron mntt Sulphur Foicdtr* Area lolit-le pnpnrauoa cf lion ana Sulphur. Identt-n! with that e«l«‘nelr lib1ib- blood ot a pvtfrctlr bealO-y pe r-oe. Untie* with the dxevted fooo—Ther Itevltsllseand Ponfyihe B'ocd—they I” put JCa;my to the N<rvonsSy*t*uv llivv tnvuutatv tn I.lvor—Tisy Mnß<*heatk« UUeaticn—lhey Kern lata too Seeretlona of the Body—Ar.o ARaspedflrfora'i Female Wasted*'*. rttex Un Dannax a Paoxasc. STAFFORD’S OLIVE TAR. STaFWORu’S IRON AUD SUL PUUR POWDEKB. STAFFORD'S LVdALER. For sale by Olive Olive Olive Olive Olive SMITH & DWTBB, (•<actes«Oß to Pen'oa k Co^> : Who esaie anc Retail AxenU laCnicace. Clive EAT YICTOItXA BRIDGE ►PEN. Thislmvanaefroa stnetara, nearly twa eagth. (the longest la the worjl) erected aoroasth Ol miles tale: BITER ST* LAWRENCE At Montreal. at * co«t of Mx-aud vHalf Mlinr.ns of TVI. lara, to connect the Ea*Ura and Western Dirt*loot of 4^ Grand Trunk ICaihoay OF CANADA. Is now optn for public traffic. This road of nearly LU9 miles la length, la operated under OSX MANAGEMENT FROM DETROIT. MICH. TO PORTLAND, ME. * And than la only ora ohauqh or cabs From Chicago or the Mississippi River to Portland or Bo** ton. Quickest and mo.t eenveeieit route for tmvel be* tween the SoaUi and Wett aad Canada and New kagland Passengers and freight bo< Bed through all parttof Canada and the Hew England state*, also to and from CBIUAGO AND LIVERPOOL And the Continent of Europe, at eonsidemklr redveed rat*>, by tbeonlvtefularw«*klyllnsof UNITED STATE-. AND EUROPEAN MAIL STEAM BUS. *ai;in Z from Quebec every baturda*. and from Liverpool everv Weu* neaday throughout the year. For further particulars aoN v to WALTER bHANLV. nrsrril Manager. Montreal. JAR. W ARRACK, Gent nnltn Aeant. _ No. 1» Lake street, « Uaderthe AdaasHause, C>»i««y«T TTNITED STATES MAIL.— LJ * Only Weakly Line to CORE, LIVERPOOL, And all the principal cities of Great Britain an I the Coatt* nent of Korop*, calling at Qu:eastc wa,(Corx) Ire And. TUB 9IONTBSU HAIL Ocean Steamship Company’s Flnt-elaaa full powered Clyde bnllt ri«am*te In cottier* tloawithiheQKAND TRUNK RAILWAY .-f •all every Saturday from Quebec, carrying the United state* and Canada Mails and passengers: Bohenjlan.C*pt, McMastar.: Nova Scotian, CapLßO'iaa-* No.-thbriU-n,” Oncxe. I Nth American, *• A-MU Anglo Saxon,** BJanUne. > Canadian, (new.) Two newahlps (buildicg). Qnlckevt, Cheapest and most cominrtA'.ie LAsynn. Farvfrum Chicago or Mllwankeeio Queenstown twntk) # Liverpool: Tsd Class, according to stats room ~ yg? aadlL#.', Steerage, found with cooked proviiloea...... Reiarn nckets # firslCl*s*4oodforqmoaths,*iao asdllt Steenre. m usd . CeitUcateslKuedfor brining out passengers frexn Ihe principal towns of Great Untaln and Ireland, by ahev. steamers or sailing vessels, at very nuaevd rates. For fiv'ghsor pa*a*ra ip.Jv to the Conpany’a Genera Agents, sabel A Searle, Is water street, Liverpool Cors and Dublin, and It Broadway, New York, Wa. UraLaat Detroit and MUvaaxea Railroad, Milwaukee, or to JAMES WAKKaCK. Grand Trunk, Railway Office, I* Luka* t„ dlylstp Under Adams llou-e, Ou'cieo AND OH. EMPORIUM, Clias. Xx. Noble. 1M CLAHK STEXIT. m Sedreea Washington and Madison stmt. Kerosene and Coal Oii Goods, The only party In Chicago to whom Downer send** XSTBA S2ZBOSB7TQ, This Oil Is purs and not adulterated with cheaper (olds All good brands of Cuel Oils, Lamps tor Churches, Pia* Bulidlrcs, Blotea. Ac. Agency of Bldwelt’s Coal u Grease and Depot of Grafton Mineral Paint Company, auSfrcWOsmlatp gEWINQ MACHINE AGENTS. Wasted la every Coaaly throughout the Western Btatse to Mil. Tous*i Improred 930 .Sewln* BU* dilnt. These Machine* are Adapted to all Turtles of work, TamUy&ewiDg.TaUotlßgaMUootaDdSbae.Maltiag They bsTemelwiUisTerylsrjeiaJednilnxibe past year, lag naivenal saUafaoloa. Adame WM. B. YOCNO * CO., IWjljtp Manufacturers, Cuhgo, 13. * CHICAGO SALESROOM. 133 LASS t>TRULI ■\TOTICE —CHICAGO 'WATER Xl WORKS AH owners cr cc-upactaof balldlccv supplied »Ub water by tno Chicago City Uydrmauo Cost p*ny, are hereby nodded taut Ui*m.o d nai p,j. mrntoMh* jeir eumrneaclng 'lay 1«, ljV, and enaiaj jlay Ist tail, will be due end pay-we on the hi o; Noreit b*rncxt, at the Wat r Commissioner's CIS e. comer ot LaSea-dHsa.lesJrrela.rooo 50,4 over Ratios Uaak. The paym'ntbrttiad'caTed tone fine ootbe litcf No. vemhrrntxt Is for tL« u*ei.f water forth* belt year com* me cngwiblhitdava-d eu-’lng May Ist, l«el. Owucrs or mutants uf bitLd-ngs wolc.are aUaa>*d cm tolsadlolnlng tuy street, areata nr alley tbroagb wh'ch the dirtrliMiheg w»ur plpcsare laid bat which ere aotsap. riled wl’b water. are alto noafeitbst tbs second teal* annual n»yme&t fir me iscwrotnl fur Hut yiwp ewaiQsac* tog >*ar 1-1 ISfO, and enct'g May ljt,lcel,»Bl be due *<*4 p»-sb *at ibesamu I'mesad nUc*. Pyorlemrtbe Hoard. a. W. TIJJKHAM,BWe*spy. WaUrComorstbßen'OflJce.Cet Ju.ltftf. ocAjUAU t a. a. aaarxtrtxß. a. a. ernes B.a,exme. JjVXCHANGE * DEPOSIT Bank CARPE&TZR* STtDBS 4* <?9, (tvccxMoiA to wxuir, cunßo a oeO CXXtAR SAPXDS, 10 •Hx* Riftxjvcxj—Read, Drexel A Co, Sew Tori; Uoffoaa A UeJpcbe.tblcago. Meivly SPIRITUAL MAMFHSTA TIONS —M'm ADA L. HOTT, Writlrgaad Kapptmc T«t Me!lum,wlil ghe titllxuis for tbs ot ueMpbe&om«osfraa»A.)c. toOp.K.,at No.34Scalrv Uesplalnea street. Terms, 9UOO Ax aourforoir* or two paeoai. pctSilw T ADIES AND GENTLE3IEN Li who are I'oblnx fora whets tier wtUget their work w-cil done, saber In dyeLnz or eUanlnc. ta al> .to branrhes, will fled each b« cb'.tlrr at the Uoe-on Finer Meua Dyei&z uiabl.s9m«>tof tentv rcbwarx. No. 7S Socta Clark street and 13H lillacls street. oc'tilw WANTED to exchange— > T FOB cm PBOMBIT, A FARM Coaslstlag of 100 acres prairie and iOaaee oft'mber ha9L Address Rax 14. osCflUTlii rpHENEW POST OFFICE WILL A be occupied on the lit of November. A large toil handsome sjcreaad tvpanle or togvUMr r abn* c4ces and lodging rooms will be rea'ed eh’W». Apply ah . tbe balk iz. roam 18, ecl3d.»sw H »Pc»bo»n slrveu XT OOPS, HOOPS, HOW’S—Four II Hualrw TIWO-.4 F“i l ?!S r .. 3 * n *'i rimu .f. iflllillW CJ. MAOtLL. MU., a, *. wt. »nUi Wri« ka« vU raw, Tar| Tan lar. Far, Tan far. Tar, penons. Tan Tar, Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar. Tar.