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NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD. FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 19.1S. NTIMATE NEWS TU PC RE WORLD iIKIiiiiihhi mrnna ARTCRAFT NEWS PAV'Q Cool, Clean, rUA O Comfortable TODAY ONLY DOUGIiAS FAIRBANKS in AMERICAN ARISTOCRACY A reel hot coined y drama, Supported by Jewel Carmen. T0M0IUM)W"0X JjY TOM MIX m "ACT-: HIGH" A hair-raising drama of the Northwest. Episode No. 9 The Woman in the Web Mutt and Jeff Many Others COMING MONDAY BESSIE BARRISCALE "THOSE WHO PAY" 1 Reels Who Pays? -The Man or fhe Woman. Chotnas EInce, one heumry bkeleton By Bert 1-"iiot Uraimt Victor SckfHji0a 9Jtotcsjtiihttt Cho4LTOi $upT'itton of fhom&j H htc F1 .Mary Pickford is learning- what t means to bo a "toujih" and what kind of thrills one sets from a pa up right." While Marshall Neilan was making her Artcraft picture, "Amarilly of Clothes-Lane Alley," he staged a rough-and-tumble light, that was a wonder, and "Little. Mary" occupied a grandstand seat on the bar of the saloon. William S. Hart has finished his latest Artcraft picture, "The Tijrcr Alan." The story is by C. Gavdii'M Sullivan and it has one of Ihe biggest, ideas behind it that Hart has ever had. "HeadiiV South"' will be Douglas Fairbanks' next Artcraft picture With the picture he will introduce his new leading lady, Catherine Mac Donald. B. G. Seielstad. the well-known artist of the, Los Angeles Kxnminer. turned motion picture star in the Art craft picture, "The Whispering Chorus.'' TTe was engrag-fd to sit in the srourt room scene to sketch Kath lyn Williams. Maurice Maeterlinck's wonderful work. "The Blue Bird." will be the special offering- of Artcraft for Easter. This is conceded to be one of the most, spectacular screen productions that has ever been produced. Every biT, of the production symbolizes happi ness, and Maurice Tourneur, one of the world's greatest directors, made a wonderful piece of art work out of this play. NERVOUS RUN-DOWN WOMAN Tells How Vinol Creates Strength. .Puked, Tenn. "1 live on a farm and keep house for six. in my family. I got into a nervous run-down condi tion so it seemed as though I would die. A friend advised me to try Vinol 1 have been greatly improved by its use and am better and stronger, in ever way." Mrs. ii. H. Goodwin. The reason Vinol was so successful in Mrs. Goodwin's case is because it contains beef and cod liver peptones, iron and manganese peptonates and glycerophosphates, the very elements needed to build up a weak, run-down system and create strength. The Clark & Bra ".nerd Co.. Liggett's Kiker-Hegeman Drug Stores, John J. MeBriarty, Nathan Xoveck, W. 11. Russell and druggists everywhere. TO 'SHOOT' FRED. STONE I NOW IT'S COL. MARY CHARLES RAY in "THE FAMILY SKKLETOV Your "Wonder Boj V" Greales Success, FEATURE HELL & CO. SPECIAL ADELAIDE The Famous New Y ork Hit. A Wonderful Dancing Act. MACK and BEDDING Funmakcjrs JOHN DUNSMORE Singing Comedian FA1R BA N K S 1 N 1 1 fs N I AY EST PI C 11 EES NEXT WEEK -Continuous Show Saturday - A&MiWvxm AT THE LYCEUM. - flNUM A MIGHTY N IMBOD. A NOT HE II LINK WELDED. Following the announcement that Fat he Freres. the great French film concern, had donated one of its big factories to the American Army, an other celluloid link in the chain that binds France and the United States was welded at a dinner at Delnlauicos tendered last week to Paul Brunet. just elected the new vice-president .and general roanag-er of Pathe Exchange, Inc., and Ferdinand Zeoca, a famous man in France, who. with Charles Bathe, made the first story-motion picture. Mr. Xecca has ."just come to this country to take charge of pro duction in the Pathe American or ganization. Especial importance to the occasion was lent by the presence of the entire board of directors with the xception of Paul Fuller, of the well known law firm of Coudert Pros., who, V-ing in Washington on government, business, was represented by Charles B. Samuels. any 11) e tar Catches One Fish That Feeds Entire Staff. day fell on a Wednesday in- of Friday recently at the Wil- Fox studio at Hollywood, Cal., I;e William Farnum, who had a few. days at Catalina Island, lent a huge yellowtail to the Immediately upon its ar- lihe studio chef got busy and by' foh time the lish was ready to tved to every member of the personal staff. 7ES AND SMILE $20,000. ge Kennedy is happy in the jdge that despite her constant it the Goldwyn studios she is "help the government by the 2st forces at her command res and her smile. A special is been prepared showing: the ktar standing before a back- of Liberty Loan posters urg- lople to subscribe to the third t Liberty Bonds. The film is lersed with appropriate cap- When this motion picture was in Detroit recently at the In theater more than $20,000 Ibscribed in a short time. LONESOME FOR BROTHER. Her unfailing vivacity and high spirits make Mabel Normand the joy of every one associated with her at the Goldwyn Studios in Fort Lee. At present she is torn between joy and sadness on account of her brother. She is genuinely devoted to Private Claude Normand of the 106t.h Ala chine Gun Battalion, now at Spartan burg S. C. She has not seen him since he became a soldier. When Miss Normand wont to Tam pa with Georg-e Loane Tucker to do scenes for "Joan of Plattsburg-" it -was her fond hope that she might stop off and spend a day with her brother. But on account of the uncertain weather in Florida the -company hur ried back as soon as work was com pleted. Then work was started im mediately on the successor of "Joan of Plattsburg.'' But now Miss Xor mand has put her neat foot down with all the weight of her slim body on it. She simply must see Claude. She. has the solemn promise of the Goldwyn officials that she is to have a holiday as soon as her present pro duction is completed. Then she will journey down to Camp Wadsworth in her car. After ha' ing held the enviable posi tion of "the nation's sweetheart" for many years, Mary Pickford. the most popular of all scrcoi stars was signally honored by having confer red upon her the honorary title of "Colonel" at tht gigantic military gathering held at San Diego last week. This is the first, time in the history of the Putted States thai woman has been so -honored by Army. Upon this occasion Miss Pickfoa-d .announced that f-ue had adopted the en tide 11 3rd Regiment, Field Artillery of the 40th, or the Sunshine. Division, which is also known in the Army as "The He-Ma))," at. the same time pre senting each member of the regiment with a Sniileage book and presentng them with a handsome standard 'which fhe men will carry with them when they go into battle. In turn, the regiment presented the Artcraft star with a magnilicent silver l-oviuj cup. With Colonel Faneuf. Lieutenant Colonel Fred Peterson, Major Genera! F. S. Strong, Captain Harold D. Fer guson, Major Loizeaux, and Lieuten ant C. Fulweiler, Miss Pickford, mounted on Dolly Dimples, a magni ficent, thoroughbred mare, reviewed the troops. After the review, the star received the surprise of her young life, when she was formally made a present of the animal. During the afternoon's celebrafton, Miss Pickford blew the silver whistle which started the football game between her regi ment and the Grizzlies, as the 14 4th Field Artillery are known. In the. Urst quarter, Mary's team lost its best man when Captain Thompson, the full-back, was carried off the field with a broken leg and the Grizzles won the gaunt, .'r to 0. During the football game. Mis.s Pickford occupied the box with Maj. General Strong, Brig. General Lyons, Col. Faneuf a.nd other prominent military 'men. in the evening she was the guest of honor at the Tle'Si artental banquet and ball, and led the grand march with Col. Faneuf. This event proved to be the greatest day in fhe history of San Diego and Miss Pickford 'Carried the town While- Fred Stone is still, "standing them, up" on Broadway in his won derful work in "Jack O' Lantern." the motion picture people who have con vinced him that he is needed on the screen' are getting- ready to "shoot" him. And it's a wonderful combina tion that Famous Players-Lasky Corporation have handed.... Stone to make his debut, for -prior 'to' (heir commencing a.rivit ies on the special series of productions. John Emerson and Anita. Loos are to do for Para mount, they are, to write Stone's scenarios. it will be remembered that the Emerson -Loos combination, director and writer, were the duo that put a ci'oss the wonderful . pictures in which Doug. Fairbanks appeared in'..' ' For Mr. Stone's initial appearance they have decided upon a story in .which he will play the part of a circus per former and be of the melodramatic farce order, giving h'nn every ' op portunity of doing every stunt which has made his name famous in the theatre. It is -announced by Paramount, that Donald Crisp, who recently signed a long term contract with the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation will direct the initial Stone film. - A? pro duction will be commenced upon the conclusion of the star's present theatrical engagement, at. the Holly wood. California, studios, early next summer. Work on the John Emerson-Anita Eons Productions for Paramount will be started on May 1st. FATTY'S NEW COMEDY. Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuekle has com pleted bis eleventh hilarious screen farce, "Good Xight, Xurse." to be re leased ly Paramount. The rotund comedian believes there is nothing like- realism even in the broadest of farces, so he took his entire company to a famous Southern California health resort. Arrowhead Hot Springs, to film the proper locations. In "Good Xight, Xurse'', Fatty is supporter! by his usual excellent, cast of comics. Here arc some of the things yott will laugh at in "Good Xight, Nurse": Did you ever try to light a c-iga-rett in a. blinding rainstorm? Fatty will show you how in "Good Night Xurse." If you are afraid to go to a sani tarium. Fatty's laughable experiences in one will remove your feara. The funny dreams ether brought to Fatty. Tlie rotund comedian accidentally winning a. fat man's marathon race at a county fair. Fatty disguised as a female tiUrsa and, last but not least. Fatty making love to a girl who believes everybody is crazv but herself. M The Effects of Opiates. THAT INFANTS are peculiarly susceptible to opium and its rariooi preparations, all of which are narcotic, is well known. Even in tht smallest doses, if continued, these opiates cause changes in the func tions and growth of the cells which are likely to become permanent, causing imbecility, mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later life. , Nervous diseases, such as intractable nervous dyspepsia and lack of staying -v powers are a result of dosing with opiates or narcotics to keep children quiet ' in their infancy. The rule among physicians is that children should never receive opiates in the smallest doses for more than a day at a time, and only then if unavoidable. The administration of Anodynes, Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups and other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot be too strongly . decried, and the druggist should not be a party to it. Children who are ill need the attention of a physician, and it is nothing less than a crime to iose them willfully with narcotics. Castoria contains no narcotics if it bears the signature of Chas. II. Fletcher. Genuine Castoria always bears the signature of ST? AT FOX'S. A 1 ITO O X S A N N OUN CE I ) . LLOYD IS RESOURCEFUL. rHAT FOR EXPENSE'! y behrman, who makes the hrman Sunshine Comedies has und contempt for expense. Re- when one of the Fox Sunshine es required a railroad sleeping ning car, Lehrman promptly two discarded cars of this type. m brought In sections to the Fox studio, at Hollj'wood, n assembled. The same scene or a, whole train of cars. Lehr- red the locomotive and eight er coaches for oire day's work. figured it was worth it, as the was a scream. THORNBY FORMERLY ACTOR. Robert Thornby, the newest Wil liam Fox director, who is directing Jewel Carmen in her production of Gouverneur Morris' storj- "You Can't Get Away With It", wa,s formerly an actor, playing in stock companies in the East. Farnum Director Changes Script If It Is Unsatisfactory. Frank Lloyd, who has just, begun work on the twelfth William Farnum production, "The B.ainbow Trail," does not let his imagination be 'con fined by the author's script in the plays he produces. If the script reads unsatisfactorily he changes it. He may rewrite the. whole thing. As a matter of fact, several of William Farnum's successes are from Lloyd's pen alone. Lloyd, it will be remem bered, directed "Les Tale of Two Cities" Man Sees lied" and note. Two New .Mutt and .leff "Animateds" Are Given. " The next two Bud Fisher animated c artoons that William Fox will release will be "Superintendents" and "Ton sorial Artists," in both of which Mutt and Jeff pen-and-ink their way to triumph as janitors, and then as barbers. "Superintendents" r-riows the trials of Mutt and Jeff in trying to quiet a noisy pianola pumped incessantly by a woman of generous proportions, bu; with a small, ear for music. She has one roll that she plays half the day to, the annoyance of all the other tenants. Mutt and Jeff,, in their capacity as joint-janitor, go upstairs to stop this. Mutt comes down quickly via the dumbwaiter shaft, diplomatic, and the win victory are said laughs. "Tonsorial Artists" will be the last Mutt and Jeff issue, in May, and treats of the tribulations that the partners have when they buy a barbershop in a district where the only residents are inmates of the old sailors' home. There whiskers are an institution in t hemselves. Jeff proves more mean's he uses to. to provoke many MisCrables," and "When other plays 'A a of BOY. PAGE A STKETCHEK: A press agent writes this, but bear 1 in mind that it's a lion story and not. ! u lyin' story. The Sunshine Comedies! are famous for the nonchalant way j In which the lions roam through the j film (to the great distress of the ac tors), but. they establish a new mark I in "Wild Women and Tame Lions." i In one scene, a live, honest-to-good- ness crocodile makes itself at home j with a gentleman's coat-tails. How'd j you like to be in comedies? I EW IDOLS FOR OLD. ipan, where she has been a for years. Mabel Normand is by the affectionate name of U-san. At a recent exhibi- her photographs in Kyoto, Ker points of beauty were de- y enthusiastic students, the declared that the sparkling star embodies all the charms no-Komachi, an idolized my- hl figure of the flowery king- USt how this was arrived at rican knows, least of all Ma- nand herself. r M MOORE, DIPLOMAT. Moore supports each of the stars -Mae Marsh, Madge and . Mabel Xormand -in d always his work evokes ommendation from the critics public. He was asked the y which star he most en- kying with. His eyes gleamed Say, do you want me to be from the diplomatic set? The at war can't you leave e?- Im willing to tight at L.all right, but " AE MARSH'S SONG. farsh, the personification of r?' loving girl, is seen on the a popular song published by ark & Sons, "He Has Those Eyes Like You, Daddy In a specially posed picture ome Goldwyn star is seen a baby, the expression on being calculated to endear to her admirers. -a Proof that Some Worn do Avoid Operations Mrs. Etta Dorion, of Ogdensbursr. Wis., sava -I suffered from female troubles which caused piercing pains like a knife through my back and side. I finally lost all mv strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an operation but I would not listen to it. I thought of what I. had read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind 'should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. Canton, Ohio. "I suffered from a female trouble which caused me much sutiermg. and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could get well. "My mother, who had been helped by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, advised me to try it be- lore suumuung iv an operation, it, relieved meirom my troubles so 1 can do my house work without any uiiiituiiv. iauvisoau,y wuiuau w no is anuuveu wun . female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial and it will do as much -fnr t.hdm " fr3 XT D?tp Unvn IJoi Kf K. E., Canton, Oliio. BOYD, 1421 5th St., A Evenj Sick Woman 5 LYDIA E. VEGETABLE 00MP0UN Before Submitting To An Operation en I if It x : I , I 1 A. ft , Iff Hi: 1 ' H&M w r i&r-x. wi mm w w w i-:zsr ! lit r B IT : 1,11 I i MM iM M II. 7-7 X,AW if, i ':JT I r , fu :J I 3 PINKHAM'S mr m IT I LYDIA E.P1NKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS BfgSpil pesmrrygT-.' -I. UiaaMim .. . -, . w.. '-.M . , I Jt . rJ1 h.L k Jmt-.m.JlZ.m I'll III Hull The Sign ofS ervice NY Motor A wide variety of mixtures is being sold under the name "gasoline." The best way to be sure that the gasoline you buy measures up to quality standards The Sign of a Reliable . Dealer j STANDARD ulLCO-SS N.Y.j Gasoline is to buy from the dealers listed be low. They sell only SOGONY uniform, pure, powerful. Look for the Red, White and Blue So-CO-ny Sign. and the World's Best Gasoline DEALERS WHO SELL SOCONY MOTOR GASOLINE Rackliffe Bros, Si 50 Park St., New Britain, Ct. Corbin Motor Vehicle, 12G Chestnut St., New Britain, Ct. C. A. Bcnce, .. Main St.. New Britain, Ct. Central Auto Station, Main St., New Britain, Ct. Dcnnison Garage, ISO .Main St., New Britain, Ct. New Britain Carriage, 200 Fast Main St., New Britain, Ct. City Service Station, Hartford Ave. and Stanley St.. New Bin tain. Ct. M. Kaminsky, 1 Farming-ton Ave., New Britain, Ct. T. Ravizza, South Main and Brook St.., New Britain, Ct. J. W. Woodruff, E. W. Bowers, Berlin, Ct. East Berlin, Ct. STANDARD OIL COMPANY oNEW YORK