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NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1918 '3 oston Store COUNCIL OF DEFENSE; SPANISH INFLUENZA- BACKS UP PRESIDENT A decidedly attractive sec- 9 tion in the store today is the) DRESS GOODS. The leading novelties in the popular weaves in a charming collection of color ings are ready for your in spection, in Plaids, Stripes and solid colors. Opposes Peace Until Germany Makes Unconditional Surrender AND HOW IT S -WHAT IT IS Nothing New Simply the Old Grip, or la Grippe That Was Epidemic in 1889-9 0, Only Then It Came From Russia By Way of France and This Time By Way of Spain. Here you will also find artistic designs in FANCY SILKS Suitable for Skirts, Waists and Trimmings as well as the popular weaves in plain shades. Velvets and Velveteens in all desirable colors. McCall Patterns 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c. ASHMAX-SULLIVAX. Local School Teacher to Become Bride of Warren 31 an October 16. Announcement is made of the ap proaching marriage of Miss Catherine Sullivan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' M. J. Sullivan of Myrtle street, and Raymond F. Ashman of Warren, Conn., which will be solemnized at St. j Mary's parsonage on October 1 6. Miss Sullivan was graduated from the New Britain State Normal, school with the class of 1912 and has since been engaged as a school teacher here. MV. Ashman is a contractor. RELIEVED FROM ITCHING BURNING ECZEMA Gives Resinol the Whole Credit. Aug. 15. "For some time I suf fered frightfully from eczema on my legs. From my knees down they were covered with scales, and itched and burned as though hot coals were rest ing on them. I would scratch until the blood came, and was unable to sleep at night. Nothing that 1 tried helped me, until a druggist recom mended Resinol Ointment. Ater ap plying it once, I enjoyed the first good night's sleep I had had in weeks. Now I am sound and well after us ing a little over one jar of Resinol Ointment, to which I give the whole credit". (Signed) F. B. Price, 414 Downey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap are carried in stock by all druggists. SALTS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEYS HURT Dr'nk lots of water and stop eating meat for a while if your Bladder troubles you. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region ;t generally means you have been eat Lner too much meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from 'the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and logxy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick head ache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times dur ing the night. Either consult a good. reliable physician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of .Tad Salts; take a tablespoonf ul in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then aet fine. This famous salts is made frmn the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and Juts been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in tne urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular .meat eaters. It is inexpensive, can not injure and makes a delightful, ef fervescent lithia-water drink. Hartford, Oct. 9. 'Connecticut op poses any peaco treaty with Ger many and her vassals "unless preced ed by an unconditional surrender" as being "ajjainst the interests of Ameri ca and her allies and against an en during and a just peaice." This expression of the fighting spirit of all Connecticut is contained in a resolution passed by the Connec ticut State Council of Defense, tele graphed last night by the Council to the President of the United States, and sent to memfoers of the cabinet. the Connecticut delegation in congress and to all other state defense councils. The resolution, drawn by Justice George W. Wheeler of Bridgeport, was passed unanimously by the coun cil. In passing it, members of the council believed that they were ex pressing the spirit of the entire state of Connecticut. The peace stand of Connecticut, as interpreted by the council's resolution is: No consideration of peace until Ger many and her vassals are thoroughly beaten and her far-reaching plan of world domination destroyed. No peace negotiations, conciliations or bargaining. No ipeace until Germany is- stripped of the territory she has wrested from other nations. No peace treaty that does not re quire that Germany make reparation for the damages and losses she has caused, and compels her to give ade quate assurances for the future. No armistice while a soldier of Ger many is beyond the German borders, nor while a single strbmarine is fight ing against the ships of 'the Allies. The Resolution. The complete text of the resolution follows: "Resolved, That the Connecticut Council of Defense heartily rejoices in the unparalleled achievements of the Allies. Bulgaria has unconditionally surrendered. Turkey is cut off from the Central Powers. The right wing of f.e Austrian Army is fleeing from Serbia. Its left wing is being steadily pressed out of Albania and Monte negro. The Italian drive is on the way. From the North Sea, south all along the Western Front the allies are steadily driving Germany and her vas sals out of Belgium and France. On September 9th, in resolutions then passed by the Council, we said. We wait with confidence the day when the American troops, under their own commanders, shall execute their or ders and carry on a battle uipon their own pector.' They will emulate the valor and military skill of our Allies, and we cannot ask for more. Three days later General Pershin;? struck at the St. Mihiel salient and the Ameri can forces Avon in an incredi'bly short time one of the most brilliant victories of the war. The valor of our troops had been demonstrated at Seiieheprey and in every conflict in which they have been engaged since. 'ISt. Mihiel told the world that the American general could conceive a plan of battle which is the admira tion of military experts, prepare it to its last detail and cany it out ahead of schedule time, successful at every point. "All of this continued, triumphant progress is due in no small measure to the unity of command under that master of strategy and self control Marshal Foch. "Germany is resisting desperately. As she is forced back she leaves be hind her a waste of desolation and woe. No single thing that their trained and ruthless cruelty could conceive of has been omitted. Her cruelty continues on land and sea. Every industry which could comipete with Germany is destroyed. All that she can do to despoil Belgium and France that she continues to do. "Germany is organizing her indus try and her business so that after the war she may flood the markets of the world with her goods at a cheaper rate than any can sell for. Her in dustry and her business have largely 'been put under Governmental control Her mercantile marine and her fleet are largely intact. Her present pur- ' pose is to secure an economic domin- I ion upon which to build another world-dominion war. Neither the German Government, nor the German people show the slightest appreciation of their crimes, nor the smallest, desire to make reparation. They finally see that, their doom is impending, and they ask directly or through their vas sals that we enter upon negotiations for peace, "For an honorable peace,' as William proclaims. meaning a peace which will not strip the Father land of all the land it has seized, or the plunder its troops have taken, nor make her pay for the losses she has caused to the innocent whoever her troops have gone. '"Resolved, That in the opinion of the Council there should be no peaco vassals are thoroughly beaten, and her far-reaching plan of world-dominion destroyed. We are opposed to any peaco by negotiation, conciliation, or bargaining. "Germany must be stripped, of all the territory she has won and her grip on territory, nations and people adjoining her must be loosed. The safety of the world depends upon this. "Justice demands from Germany and the German people and her vas sals, and Connecticut insists upon Hint demand, thai they make re pa ro I .ion for the dam ages and looses caused by them, and (hat they bo compelled to give adequate, assurance;-: of the future and to prnntiee. lawful li'berly to nil. We ore opo.-vnl to a ny pe.v.e. Jreaty which does not ' in chide these provi sions. "Resolved. That thi" T'onn'-it i-. op posed to every suggestion of aoi armis- Go to Bod and Stay Quiet Take A Laxative Eat Plenty of Nourish ing Food Keep Fp Your Strength Nature is the "Cure". ALWAYS CALL A DOCTOR too now chill NO OCCASION FOR PANIC. Spanish influenza, which apperaed in Spain in May, has all the appear ance of grip or la grippe, which has swept over the world in numerous epidemics as far back as history runs. Hippocrates refers to an epidemic in. 412 B. C. which is regarded by many to have been influenza. Every cen tury has had its attacks. Beginning with 1831, this country has had five epidemics, th last in 1S89-9 0. There is no occasion for panic influenza itself has a very low per centage of fatalities not over one death out of every four hundred cases, according to the N. C. Board of Health The chief danger lies in complica tions arising, attacking principally, patients in a run down condition those who don't go to bed soon enough, or those who get up early. THE SYMPTOMS. Grippe, or influenza as it is called, usually begins with a followed by aching, feverishness and sometimes nausea and dizziness, and a general feeling of weakness and depression. The temperature is from 100 to 104, and the fever usually lasts from three to live days. The germs attack the mucuous membrane, or lining of the air passages nose, throat and bronchial tubes there is usually a hard cough, especially bad at night, often times a sore throat or tonsilitis, and frequently all the appearances of a severe head cold. THE TREATMENT. Go to bed at the first symptoms, not only for your own sake but to avoid spreading the disease to others take a purgative, eat plenty of nourishing food, remain perfectly quiet and don't worry. Quinine, aspirin or Dover's Powder, etc., may be administered by the physician's directions to relieve the aching. But there is no cure or specific for in- ! fluenza the disease must run its j course, but nature will throw off the ! attack if only you keep up your strength. The chief danger lies in the complications which may arise. Influenza so weakens the bodily re sistance that there is danger of pneumonia or bronchitis developing, and sometimes inflammation of the middle ear, or heart affections. F"nr these reasons, it 4 very important that the patient remain in bed until his strength returns stay in bed at least two days or more after the fever has left you, or if you are over 50 or not strong, stay in bed four days or more, according to the sever ity of the attack. EXTERN A I i APPLICATION S. In order to stimulate the lining of the air passages to throw off the grippe germs, to aid in loosening the phlegm and keeping the air passages open, thus making t,he breathing easier Vick's VapoRub will be found effective. Hot, wet towels should be applied over the throat, chest and back between the shoulder blades to open the pores. Then VapoRub should be rubbed in over the parts until the skin is red, spread on thick ly and covered with two thicknesses of hot flannel cloths. Leave the clothing loose around the neck as the heat of the body liberates the ingred ients in the form of vapors. These vapors, inhaled with each breath, carry the medication directly to the parts affected. At the same time VapoRub is absorbed through and stimulates the skin, attracting the blood to the surface, and thus aids in relieving the congestion within. MOW TO AVOID THE DISEASE. Evidence seems to prove that this is a germ disease, spread principally by human contact, chiefly through coughing, sneezing or spit ting. So avoid persons having colds which means avoiding crowds common drinking cups, roller towe s, etc. Keep up your bodily strength by plenty of exercise in the open air, and good food. Above all, keep free from colds, as colds irritate the lin ing of the air passages and render them much better breeding places for the germs. Use Cick's VapoRub at the very first sign of a cold. For a head cold, melt a little VapoRub in a spoon and inhale the vapors, or better still, use VapoRub in a benzoin steam kettle. If this is not available,, use an ordinary tea kettle. Fill half full of boiling water, put in half a teaspoon of VapoRub from time to time keep the kettle just slowly boiling and inhale the steam arising. NOTE. Vick's VapoRub is the discovery of a North Carolina druggist, who found how to combine, in salve form, Men thol and Camphor with such volatile oils as Eucalytus, Thyme, Cubebs, etc., so that when the salve is ap plied to the body heat, these ingredi ents are liberated in the form of vapors. VapoRub is comparatively new in New York State and New England and a few Western states where it is just, now being introduced, but in the other sections of the country it is the standard home remedy in over a mil lion homes for all forms of cold troubles. Over six million jars werfe sold last year. It. is particularly recommended for children's croup or colds, since it is externally applied and therefore can be used as freely as desired without the slightest harm ful effects. VapoRub can be had in three sizes at all druggists'. tice while a soldier of Germany is without the 'bounds of Germany as they were at the outbreak of the war, and while a single submarine is op erating against the ships of the Al lies. "Resolved. That the making of a peace treaty with Germany and her vassals at this time unless preceded by an unconditional surrender, is against the interests of lAmerica and her al lies and against an enduring and a just peace." SHAVE 25, HAIRCUT 50. Boston, Oct. 9. Barbers in this city yesterday raised their prices to 5 0 cents for a haircut and 25 cents for a shave. At the same time an in creased wage scale for union barbers went into effect. DOCTORS TO ATTEND Members of Medical Society Going to Funeral of Dr. Grace. Members of the New Britain Medi cal society, through the secretary. Dr. Robinson, are advised that the funeral of Dr. Edward S. Grace, who died early yesterday morning, will be held from St. Mary's church at 1 0 o'clock tomorrow morning and all members of the society are to attend in a body. Dr. Grace was one of the younger members of the New Britain Medical society and his death is a distinct j loss, which is keenly felt by his j brother physicians throughout the ' city. ! ..Lg Postuui 1 Good Friend of the Coffee Drinker Coffee often disagrees with the best of us When you find it wise to stop coffee for a few days on account of disturbed di gestion or too much "nervesV switch to Postum and note the result. Man people who love their coffee follow this plan with excellent results. Postum comes in two forms; Postum Cereal which must be boiled, and Instant Postum, made in the cup in a moment. Ihey are equally delicious e and the cost per cup is about the same. "There's a Reason " Careful and Prompt Service On Mall Orders (INCORPORATED) HARTFORD. Buy a Bond Then , Buy Another i SS i a, I,, ,r ursday a IHlCjl riday Offering easonaoie any Cases at Less Merchandise in Than Wholesale rices i ooay AN OCCASION OP AN EXTRAORDINARY NATURE We Have Bought the Sample High-Grade Suits of Murray & Wersba WHO MAKE THE VERY HIGHEST GRADE OF WOMEN'S SUITS IN THIS COUNTRY THERE ARE NONE BETTER These Suits would positively retail in the regular way from $75.00 to $200.00. TVe got them at one very low price and are going- to sell them at one very low price A woman who ordinarily buys a suit for $100 or $150 can Buy a Liberty Bond with what she saves if she buys one of these suits. An opportunity like this comes only once a season. THESE SUITS GO ON SALE THURSDAY MORNING PROMPTLY AT 9. These Suits have just been unpacked. They are even beyond our expectations. It is one of the finest collections of Suits ever brought to this city. All show the finest workmanship, every detail per fect. Materials and colors and styles are what you find only in the best garments. It takes genius to make such Suits. Included are Suits of CHIFFON VELVET ESPAGNE RAYONIER SILVERT VEIVETINE DUVET DE LiAINE SIDVERTONE BROAD CLOTH VELOUR MIXTURES, FIGURES AND STRIPES. Most of the Suits are Trimmed with Fur Nutria, all shades, "Wolf, Mole, etc. Many Suits show handsome embroidery work. Such a diversity of models that we cannot begin to describe them, a suit, Come and See Them. WE ARE SELLING MANY OF THESE SUITS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE. Australian Opossum, Ringtail, Evan if you don't want to buy HALF THE REGULAR Not one of them but what cost regularly as much as $50 wholesale. g will they be here when several hun Eighty-two Suits How londred women want them? ALE For Autumn House Cleaning Time PLANNED SPECIALLY TO MEET WOMEN'S DEMANDS FOR DRESSES OF REAL SERVICE AND TRUE ECONOMY The task of "Putting the House in Order" for the long months of winter holds no terror for the. Women who wisely select. Barmon Electric Brand House Dresses to wear while engaged in the strenuous duties that house cleanin g involves. So with our customary timeliness, we announce a sale of these Dresses that so ably serve and save, which will attract wid e-spread attention among women who know, from experience, the merits of BARMON BRAND DRESSES, famed for their faultless fit, attractive style, high quality of material and manufacture, and WHICH ARE ALMOST AS ESSENTIAL TO YOUR HOUSE CLEANING AS YOUR BR0O3I AND YOUR DUST PAN BECAUSE OF THE BODILY COMFORT THEY AFFORD. A COMPLETE NEW ASSORTMENT OF MODELS IN SIZES TO FIT ALL WOMEN PERFECTLY. The new Fall Models will have their initial showing at this sale and we may with honesty herald them as the most attractive Dresses of their kind we have ever offered on sale. THEIR EXCLUSIVE FEATURES ADD A VALUE FOUND IN NO OTHER DRESSES. THE ADJUSTABLE MOD ELS Merely buttoning two buttons adjusts the dress to any irregularity of the iigure, completely filling the requirements o"f women known as "Hard to fit". THE ADJUSTABLE HEM To lengthen the skirt, just pull a thread. No ripping or restitching of the t'kirt-hem necessary. : THE UNDER-ARM SHIELDS Bult-in-Shields that afford almost double wear at the very points where dresses show the first signs of service. STYLES FOR STOUTS Designed expressly for women of stout or large proportions. Graceful in every line of their designing to produce a slenderizing appearance to large figures. AND MANY OTHER FEATURES Menders to repair rips or tears. Reinforced seams to insure added strength to garment. Buttons on to stay on. Buttonholes that will not fray. Big roomy sizes that provide the body with complete freedom of motion. SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE 0NLV T Sizes 1 to 18 and 34 to 56 in light and dark colors and a vast variety of patterns. Trimmed in dainty attrac tive ways that, add charm to the dresses, yet in no way in terfere with I he case of laundering. Al.l.KMtV MOV I IS ON. Cavalry Oe upics Town -Miles From lamsrti. oificial statement issitod bv the British tured. The railway station avul tl. War Otiice. I aerodome hnd been bitrnt by the : Condon. Oei. s. - -Gon .Yllov.'ny's "Ilayak," the stotcnien; continue, "is the point at whi'-li the enemy 1 1 road ::t railway I'ruii! lb :. nowb i -j-valiv on Su.iday oei upif d the towns of il.Tic.h and Tta.vai;. r necti ely, 3 a end "0 rr.i!s iorhwe:t of the Syrian capital of Di'rvu::. according' to an jr.i:u i?n: teirc- .!.i--.e. The iaiiev s:Ujn. therefore, i,- entirely in our hands. A consider able qn a of rollinar stok, ammu nition? and engineers' stoves wa& cap- trep.nne, enemy prior to the ovaet.: tion. "In the cor..r:va'i o:vrny . cvncur.tod ;Jo. ?.;..; ;i. .-.or'.l v.t. "d . "Salda (on tl;e rdediu-n-ancfUl, miles south of "Beirut, wus oceupic-l by "'; M'onucy without opposition, tli infcabitaaic welcoming our arrival.