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NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1918, I 1 : Wounded i KXL.ISTK'D MEN 7 120 Deaths 1 0 0 (i j Wounded 2 10-' j In hands of enemy 24 ! Missing 1 2T S34S I . '3468 f The following- casualties are re-port- ed by the Commanding- General of the American Expeditionary Forces, (in cluded in above total): Killed in action 14 Wounded in action (severely) 2 Missing- in action 2 THE Vinson o. 169-171 Main Sireei 22 NAMES CABLED OVER BY PERSHING Total 18 (Xiglit IICioii) The folio wins casualties arc report ed by the commanding- general of the American Expeditionary forces: Killed in action 01 Missing in action 2S Wounded severely 200 Died from wounds G2 Died from accident and other causes t Died of disease 2 It Died from aeroplane accident 3 Prisoners 6 425 w England Continues to Fur ill Its Percentage of Casualties Today's casualty.' list,' Vca bled in two I ctions contains the names of 822 merican soldiers and New England i-ain furnished its percentage of men. here are no New Britain boys on ther of today's lists. (Day Report.) The following casualties are. report - I by the Commanding General of the nterican Expeditionary Forces: Killed in action !lv Missing action 33 Wounded severely . . ". 170 Died from wounds 62 Died from accident and other causes Died of disease . Wounded slightly Prisoners Total 4 29 6 391 New England men: Killed in Action Lieutenants Allan Wilkins Douglass, 479 Sher- an St., Canton, Mass. Parker B. Jones, 490 Pond St., b. feymouth, Mass. ; Privates j Dennis Barley, 201 Spectacle 'St.., lirview, Mass. ' ! George Devoe, Millbury, Mass. ! PETER G ALLAN, Box 55, Norwich tve., Taftville( Conn. ; THOMAS J. HORAN, 7 Rye St.. aterfo'ury. Conn. Joseph Gielarowski, 34 Everett St., Ksthampton, Mass. JOHN F. MORRISSEY, 16 76 Fair- ?ld Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. AEME TAKLOV, 16 Grove St., South orwalk, Conn. fori frnm Wounds Iteeeived in I Action 1 Harry M. Nightingale, Rumford, faine. J Clarence M. Robinson, Box 24, Post fills, Vt. fWilliam Pollard, 853 S. Weaver St., iw Bedford, Mass. Raymond. H. Batchelder, 4 7 Han- ck St., Audrarndale, Mass. Died of Disease Sergeant Peter IA. Mc.Hu.ffh, 48 Market St., righton, Mass. fed From Accident and Other Causes Private Oliver J. Garrow, Burlington) Vt. ' Wounded Severely i Lieutenants Leonard W. A'Hearn, 13 Bruce St., slimont, Mass. Edwin C. Call, 26 Spring St., Dex r, Maine. Sergeant f Lawrence C. Button, 1426 Common- calth Ave., Boston, Mass. Corporal Frank J. Batoola, 3 85 High St., Cen- al Falls, R. I. Meclianic William J. Burke, 5 9 Cedar St., W. jomerville, Mass. I Privates J Stanislaw, Bagajn, 53 Mirett St., ia"vrence, Mass. V Akim Czmus, , 170 Bloomfield St, i'a-wtucket'R. I. Arthur Degainer, 125 Cone St., New Leo A. DeMarteau, 70 Byers St., pringfield, Mass. Charles H. Dustin, Marlboro, N H Harold G. Earle, North Oxford, iss. f "Morris S. Levine, 1706 N. Main St., 11 River, Mass. Thomas "W. McAuliffe, Monson, lass. . -w .-' -y Y I AIRTHR, , &A$TC OT,; 3 0 Mill 'St., htriam, Conn. "jSiraon Sandier, 353 Broadway, Law i'nee; Mass. , HENRY DOMBRdWSKI, 103 La It St., Waterbury, Conn. 1 , Missing in Action I Lieutenant. Henry Bradley Frost, 58 Old Mystic i, Arlington, Mass. .Mitchell Ie'vesque, 151 Division St., ill River, Mass. (Marine Corps Casualties Summary of casualties to date; OFFICERS t-uths a Total New England men are: Killed in Action. Lieutenant. Emmons John Stockwell, East Burke, Vt. Privates. Antonio D. Decarlo, 30 Prospect Ave., Natick, R. 1. Louis Gerstein. 103 Bedford St., Boston, Mass. THOMAS I. MOSCARIELLA. 17 Wood St.. South Norwalk, Conn. Curleton T. Harlow, Cotuit, Mass. JOHN F. SHESKEY, Bridgewat er. Conn. lied of Wounds. Corporal. Nicholas Spallas, 3 3 Pearl .St., Stoughton, Mass. Private. Frank E. Williams. 28 Traverse Si., Athol, - Mass. Died of Disease. Corporal. Ernest W. Foster, Oak Ridge Road, W. Boxford, Ma.. Privates Harry R. Perkins, R. F. I). 2, Lim erick, Maine. Died of Accident or Other Cause. Private. William 11. Davis, 12 Madison Ave., Central Falls, R. 1. Severely Wounded. Lieutenant.. John Gallishavy, 23 Chauncey St., Cambridge Mass. GEORGE R. STEVENS, JR.. 2 2 East Ave., Canaan. Conn. j Sergeant. ! William J. Sproulc, Newport. j Maine. ' j .Privates. j Alexander A. Bearman, 2 4 Crescent j Place Brockton, Muss. j Louis. Skretos, 27 Spruce, St.. Man chester, N. H. Dennis J. Lyons, lij9 Washington, ! Worcester, Mass. 5 i myym$j man- SHIRTS l I Manr New Fabrics of Special Durability The Luke Horsfall Co., 83 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD. WE THE JOHN BOYLE CO. MEASURE MAKE AND HAKG WINDOW SHADES HOLLANDS-OPAQUES-TINT CLOTH IN COLORS TO SUIT THE HOME PHONE 359 AND WE WILL CALL 3 & 5 FRANKLIN SQ. " SOLD BY l ill A, A. MILLS i ly I 80 WEST MAIN STREET I P Lift Off Cores! 1 Walter J. Quimby, Franklin N. H. Samuel Cigmore, 3 9G Greenville ! AMBROSE FRASCINA, 170 Charles St., Waterbury, Conn. CHARLES GrANYO, 144 East WTa ter St., Greenwich, Conn. FRED MAASS, R. F. D. 1, Willi mantic, Copn. John 'O'Neil, 6 5 Bennington St., Lawrence Mass. Missing in Action. Captain. James Edward Welch, Jr., 2 2 Chambers St., Boston, Mass. Privates. Charles H. O'Brien, 19 City Point Court, S. Boston, Mass. Walter H. Tillotson, 3 8 Prospect St., Hopedale, Mass. Prisoner. Corporal George D. Furlong, East Rutland, Mass. KAilTFORD. 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION TheWonder of the Fashion World "Cravenetto" Finished Ostrieli Feathers That Actually Withstaiul Dampness. As agents for New England, outside of Boston, we invite you to inspect our display of Cravenette finished Ostrich Feathers. No more wonderful news has been given to the fashion world in many a year than the announcement that an ostrich feather that actually with stands dampness can be procured in air the many uses of ordinary ostrich, and in the varied tones in which it is finished. Snow, rain, sleet and dampness will not affect feathers treated in the CRAVENETTEmanner. It has taken twelve years to perfect this process, which does not in the least detract from the fine silkiness or fluffiness of the plumes but rather adds to their attrac tiveness. BEAUTY AND SERVICE Were what the originators of the plan had in mind when they found this wonderful treatment. It has been definitely proven that the durability of the feather is increased while the perishability is de creased simply because the process supplies the-very .thing that is needed to keep the rich flues from shrinking. Patrons have been flocking to our store all week and purchasing these beautiful feathers in a manner far beyond our anticipation which proves, however, that they are worthy of your inspection. Imagine a soft, fluffy ostri ch plume being subjected to a liberal sprinkling and coming out unharmed. No wonder everyone ex claims, "Simply marvelous." Wre have all too recent a memory of what a catastrophe it was to be caught in a rain when wearing an ostrich trimmed hat. pven damp air was fatal in times gone by. This millinerv innovation comes most opportunely. For the y "Return of the Ostrich" is with us and is showing itself more promi pj nently each day. "Freezone" is Magic! Lift any Corn or Callus right off with fingers Wo pain! 7 ! o Irop a little Freezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurt ing, then you lift it right out. It doesn't hurt one bit. Yes, magic! Why wait? Your druggist sells a upmju.j umm aaaeaara III1 11' .HA.UJM!! !!! !JUL tiny bottle of Freezone for few centl, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between, the toes, and calluses, without sore ness or irritation. Try it! No humbug 1 m ' JEW-HUMS '.! ' -g.iu.u.w wnuMS'aammaa ft wry a mkmf&mm M Veal me osi or lviueage When you see a car puffing and panting up steep hills and over rough roacls when it really ought to move along, as easily and as steadily as a brook slides in its course blame it on inferior gasoline. The use of poor gasoline, whether for limousine, touring car, roadster or motor truck, is always extravagant waste. In these days there is no excuse for such waste. Buy high mileage and full power. Buy So-CO-NY Motor Gasoline. SO-CO-NY is the surest economy. It means more miles per gallon. It is clean powerful quick-starting reliable. Look for the Red, White and Blue SO-CO-NY Sign. SO-CO-NY means saving wisely. It cuts the cost of mileage. Saving Here Means Gaining There r y v 1 r . K ' SSSc J 31 wfe i. - j." et .. mm raifr mu. .. r S I-.':' . . : S . t'l W ill JtTv '!?.;?. . .7: ' t- ..- .r ;w "Tailored at Fashion Park ias ll IS &4 cloth gsr t1r w t - r '.-' ciotties Stick to a reliable merchant with a standardized line of high grade tailoring behind him It's a great deal cheaper to wear out one Suit after several sea sons, than to throw out two Suits after several weeks. All Wool goods $32.50 to $47.50. U50n (Ha 1