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NEW BRITAIN rV,!LY HHRAi.D. WEDNESDAY, NCJYfcM-i tA K5, i9ia 5 WBUPT- wwiusm" KEEP L DOKING YOUNG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feel Sjoung to do this you must watch your liver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look in your face dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from in active bowels and liver. . Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for yeara. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi tute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring about that exuberance of spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be enjoyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clear ing the system of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards Olive Tab lets by their olive color. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. , I-IEUT. PURXEY PROMOTED. I.ooal Doctor Is Camp Medical Offi cer With British Foi-ces. Dr. John E. Purney who entered the Canadian army service with the rank of lieutenant recently complet ed a special training- course at one IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat If Kidneys Fed V) ; Lead or Bladder Bothers You Meat Forms Uric Acid. " Most folks forget that the kidu" . like the bowels, get, sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasion ally, else we have bachache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your- kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablesponful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with' lithia, and is harmless to flush dogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no londer irritates, thus ending bladder dis orders. Jad Salts Is, harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take noV and then to keep their kid neys clean, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be lieve in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. are approved by members of the board, the specifications will be put out to the contracts for bids. Captain Michels of the United States Public Health Service was present and spoke favoring a social clinic in this city. Clinics have been established in Waterbury, New London and Hartford. After a lengthy dis cussion of the matter, the board took a vote, in favor of appointing a com mittee to look into the matter. Chair man Camp appointed Dr. Henry T. Bray and Frank Riley. At the ; ;i j.-ik. re ceived from the- employes of the de partment asking for an increase of 20 per cent, in Avages. The petition will be taken up at the next meeting of the board. Superintendent Moore stated that in connection with, the petition the employes worked 240 hours overtime during the recent epidemic of influenza. The govern ment doctors made 1,298 visits during the epidemic. The canteen in charge of AV. VV. Iceland served 2,600 meals : . . ; ' ,icr meal. The canteen was open for thirteen days. Dr Moore of the board will leave next .Mondnv for Ensrkind where lie 'will do special work with pneumonia serums for the British government in London. He has been given a lcavo of absence. The health board will hold a meeting on Friday night when action will be taken in regard to filling Dr. oore's place while he is away. There arc- several other matters to come up. j ..'!""". r i ' ' " t..:eds cosret;. After nine year:.; .'.. vd efficient service as agent oi .. local freight depot, J. i:. Cosgriff has been promoted to the traveling department in the Yellow Building in New Haven. Mr. Cosgriff has bee n connected with the New York, New Haven and Hart ford railroad for 22 voar.;. Ho has served as station agei-.t at H'iclton, Naugatuck and several other points. His successor wlil be J. 11. Loitch, as- distant, freight agent at Springfield, Mas.s. POSTMASTER A CARRIER. j There are now three vacancies on I the regular force of clerks and carriers i at the post office and six on the eu j pernumeraries force. Civil service 1 examinations to till thse vacancies will soon be held. Postmaster "Wil i liam F. Delaney has been covering one of the rura delivery routes In his auto for some time because of a vacancy caused by a death. LIEUT. JOHN PURNEY. of the largest English officers train ing schools and was detailed as the camp mediqal officer when a vacancy n- occurred. Before entering the training school Dr. Purney made several trips be tween Canada and England on transports. "CHE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS , FOR QUICK RESULTS. DR. MOORE LEAVES TO DO WAR WORK Superintendent of Health Starts , for England Next Monday Board Holds Important Meeting. A meeting of the board of health was held in City hall yetserday after noon with Chairman M. H. Camp presiding. The new machinery will be purchased from the Brecht Com pany which makes a specialty dt this kind of work. An appropriation of $5,475 has been made by ts council for the work. As soon as the plans UK UGGISTS STILL ASKED TO TUCKS OF VAPORUB STRICTS BONSt F.VE S V, :. . ; . . ., "FLO Influenza Epidemic is De creasing in Most Sections and the Demand is Slack ening But We Are Still 18,000 Gross Behind On Orders and it Will Take Some Time to Catch Up. THREE MILLION JARS SHIPPED DURING OCTOBER. On Monday, October 21, we ad dressed an advertisement to the wholesale and retail drug trade, advising that we were badly oversold, due to. the influenza epidemic, stat ing, that all deals and quantity ship ments were postponed, and request ing that VapoRub be purchased in Small lots only. This condition still irevails. At this writing we have back orders for eighteen thousand (18,000) gross find our orders each day are double our daily output. The epidemic, i'owever, is decreasing In most sec ions, the demarid is slackening and e are working night and day to ratch up. In the meantime, v.e ask the trade to be patient with us. Enormous shipments have wiped oct excess stocks. On October 1st, we had on hand at the factory and in twenty ware houses over the country a tremendous stock of VapoRub, accumulate! dur ing the summer months. This is wow gone we actually shipped dur ing the month of October over three million jars of VapoRub. We re speeding up our factory as much ;:v, possible and the problem now Is to distribute the factory's output as fjuickly as possible. We have, there fore, for the time being, abandoned Ireight shipments and are shipping either by Parcel Post or express trying to giv.e each jobber at least a little stock. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS TO DRUGGISTS IN INFLUENZA DISTRICTS. Preference is being given to those sections stricken by influenza. In order to reach these sections as quickly as can be, we are, during this emergency, making shipments by .Parcel Post, direct, to the retail trade, of not more than three (3) dozen 30c size in any one shipment. We prefer that the jobbers order these shipments for their rade, but to pave time we will, if the need i urgent ship direct on receipt of check or money order. Naturally, no 'new ac counts can be opened during this ru3h. SAMPLES AND INFLUENZA BOOK LETS FREE ON REQUEST. We have prepared a little folder giving all the information available so far on Spanish Influenza its origin the symptoms and the treatment, and these will be forwarded to drug gists on request. We will also be glad to mail to any individual one of these booklets, together with a quarter-ounce sample, free. HOW TO USE VAPORUB IN TREATING SPANISH INFLUENZA. In every case call a physician VapoRub should be used only ixi connection with the physician's in ternal treatment. 'Apply hot, wet cloths over the throat, chest and back between the shoulder blades to open the pores. Dry lightly and rub VapoRrub well in until the skin is red spread on thickly ' and cover with hot flannel cloths. Leave the bed-covering loose around the neck, as the body heat re-, leases, the ingredients in the form of vapors. These vapors, inhaled with each breath, stimulate the lining of the air passages to throw off the in fluenza germs. In case of head or chest cold, which often accompanies influenza, the vapors tend to keep the air passages open, loosen the phlegm and make the breathing easier. In addition, VapoRub is absorbed through and stimulates the skin, at tracting the blood to the surface, and thus aids in relieving the congestion' within. " ! HOW TO USE VICK'S VAPORUB AS A PREVENTATIVE. .It is questionable if there Is any thing which will prevent Spanish In fluenza, except avoiding those per sons who are spreading the disease by coughing, sneezing and spitting, and by keeping up the bodily resis tance by plenty of good food and ex ercise in the open air. The Public Health Service recommends that the) nasal passages be coated with a weak solution of Menthol -in liquid petrol-j eum as a protective. For this pur- pose VapoRub is excellent. Just put a small portion up each nostril from: time to time during the day and snuff well back into the head. KEEP FREE FROM COLDS BY INHALING VAPORUB. Colds irritate the lining of the air passages and thus render them a : much better breeding place for the ' germs. At th,e first signs of a cold j use VapoRub at once. Melt a little , in a spoon and inhale the vapors arising, or VapoRub can be used in. a regular benzoin steam kettle, such I as most druggists carry in stock. If I this Is not available, a very good substitute to use is an ordinary tea kettle. Fill half-full of boiling water put in half a teaspoon of j VapoRub from time to time keep the kettle just slowly boiling and in hale the steam arising. THE VICK CHEMICAL COMPANY, j GREENSBORO, N. a OME people have an idea that "all molasses is alike. This is not so. Molasses varies in grades like coffee, for instance. To know real molasses is to know Brer Rabbit absolutely pure New Orleans Molasses from New Orleans. The sugar shortage taught thousands of resourceful housewives how Brer Rabbit takes the place of sugar, ' We all know that we use sugar be cause it's sweet it has no flavor. But Brer Rabbit not only sweetens like sugar it flavors. Both sugar and Br$r Rabbit are made from Sugar Cane. Both are pure. Brer Rabbit contains a large amount of real sugar Titer Are Tw Kinds . Brer Rabbit Molasses Both Are Absolutely Pure New Orleans Molasses GOLD LABEL Brer Rabbit is mild in flavor, light in color and is delicious for table use as a spread ljor pancakes, waffles, biscuits, etc. It is especially fine for cook ing, baking and candy making. Green Label Brer Rabbit Molasses is darker in color, slightly stronger in flavor, and is splendid for cooking, baking and candy making. It costs less than the Gold Label For cooking and baking; for stewing prunes, dried apples, peaches and other dried fruits; for baking apples don't worry about sugar. Use Brer Rabbit Molasses. It is delicious, wholesome and health building. And there is lots of it at all good grocers. J lW? Write us today for Brer Rabbit Li Cook Book of Southern Good ies all made without sugar. Fobj9 Ltd., New Orleans, La. Penick Youngsters naturally crave mojasses. Years ago sliced bread and molasses was part of the daily diet of children. GOLD LABEL Brer Rabbit Molasses gives to the child the elements the young growing body needs. Brer Rabbit is absolutely pure therefore, wholesome, palatable and strength ening. Doctors will tell yots what molasses and bread means to children; Besides it saves saar and cuts the butter bill. a "v'i' m!j , ,,!ln2,I