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10, NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1918. The Classified Columns are your agents the penny ads reach hundreds in the city every week night and the chances are that several read ers out of the hundreds will be interested in your propo sition. Have you lost a sum of money? Glasses, Pins and Rings are found in surprising quantities and turned in at the Herald. Your money will En ITTT TJ surely remain in the finders .rail q Jni CASH IN ADVANCE. MINIMUM CHARGE 1C3 j hands if he does net know 3 Still has a limited number of W A R M These Maps are Complete in every de tail and will make a valuable souvenir of The World War. Parents of Boys in the Service Over There should have one of these Maps when the boy comes home so they can be shown the exact places where they did their fighting. While they last they can be procured at the Herald Office for 20c EACH All Advertisements for the classified column must be in the Herald office by 1 :30 p. m. on the day of issue. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young . woman -ho has had some experience in checking freight bills, by local concern. Box 8C, Herald. 11 -14 -3d WANTED Woman for housework. Part time. Apply to the Y. W. C. A,, Hungerford Court. ll-14-3d WANTED Seamstress wishes work out by day, also at home. Mrs. B. Douchette, 53 Cherry street. ll-14-6dx (WANTED Waitress and lady dish washer. Hotel Beloin. 11-13-tf. WANTED Girl competent to do Proofreading. Part time or full time. Adkins Printing Co., 6 6 Church street. ll-13-3d WANTED Woman to help wash dishes noon hours. New Britain Dairy Lunch, 348 Main St. ll-13-2d WANTED Girls, easy work, steady employment with good pay. Office room No. 21, 11. R. Arcade. 11-1 3-2d UKtP WANTED MALE. WANTED Two men, canvasssing and collecting. Permanent position. Salary and commission. Box 797, 1'. O. 11 -14-3d WANTED 3 messengers with bi cycles. Can make ?40 per month. 8 hours, no Sunday work. Western Union Tel. Co. ll-13-2d WANTED Young man with soda fountain experience at Riker-Hege-man Co. ll-13-3d. WANTED Chauffeur at Shuttle Meadow club. $65.00 per month and board. One who is willing to work. Good steady man. No others need apply. ll-13-3d. WANTED Young men to learn tel ephone business. Central office ap paratus. Interesting work. Ad vancement. Apply office of Local Wiro Chief, Court St. ll-12-3dx WANTED Porter to clean offices and make himself generally useful. Give age. references and wages. Box 14, Herald. 11-7-tf WANTED Timekeeper and cost clerk, In local factory. Good chance for advancement. Herald. Box 25XX. 9-5-tf WANTED, TO RENT. WANTED A woman to take charge of household and care for a boy of five. Good home for right party. Call Tuesday evening between 6:30 and 7:30 at 310 Maple street. ll-12-3dx WANTED A girl for general house work. Must know how to cook and wash. $40.00 a month. In quire 373 W. Main street. 11-11-tf WANTED Saleswomen In our several departments; whole or part time. Apply to the McMillan Store. 10-21-tf TO RENT Tenement, five rooms, all improvements. 177 Hart street. ll-14-3dx TO RENT Two four-room tenements. 12 Rockwell avenue. ll-14-3d TO RENT Garage. Apply 6o9 Stan ley street. Tel. 1034. 11-14-6 dx 1 TO RENT Tenement of four rooms, improvements. 220 Kensington avenue. 11-14-tf TO RENT Four room tenement. Garden. 12 4Hart St. ll-14-3d LOST. DOST Automobile curtain wraipped in paper, between Arch and Ellis streets. Return to Herald. 11-1-4 -3-d LOST A brindle Boston bull dog. Finder kindly return same to A. II. Schilling, 29 Lincoln street and re ceive reward. ll-14-3dx LOST Silver lead pencil with pocket clip. Finder return to Dickinson Drug Co. 11-14-ld LOST Strayed or stolen, from pas ture in Kensington, yearling Guern sey heifer, brown and white. Suit able reward. F. L. Norton. ll-8-6d LOST- Ring, set five opals. Reward if returned to 120 South Main. ll-12-5dx DR. A. A. TUTTLE Veteinary Surgeon is again located at 273 Chestnut Street. Phone 451-5. DOHERTY MARKET 406 Arch St. Try Us For Native Chickens and Fowls, Top Beef and Spring Lamb. II. I. Hart THE Chas. Beh PARK GARAGE Now Open for STORAC3K and LIVERY. Reasonable Rates. Tel. Rear 180 Main St. Tel 769-5 WANTED Five room furnished flat. Walking distance to Curtis and West Main street. Box X9N Herald. ll-13-3dx TO RENT Tenement near Kensing ton church. With gas. Only $8.00 per month. E. P. Dunham. Tel. 92-4, evenings. ll-13-3dx. TO RENT Tenement of five rooms. Top floor, modern improvements. 93 West street. ll-12-6dx GARAGE TO RENT Apply 32 Gar den street. 11-9-tf TO RENT Six rooms and bath, with all improvements. Attractive grounds, garage, best neighborhood, on trolley line, 40 minutes from New Britain, now ready. An op portunity for the right party. Seen Saturday or Sunday. C. D. Allen, 2 56 N. Main street, Southington. ll-9-6dx WANTED Room and board with pri vate family. References furnished if required. l?ox 1."A, Herald. ll-14-3d WANTED iCy young couple, two fur nished rooms for light housekeep ing. Box o BB., Herald ollice. ll-14-6dx WANTED Woman living in south end of city to go out washing. Box 24, Herald. 11-1 3-3d WANTED Refined gentleman desires room in private family. Steam heat. Permanent. Centrally located, Box 27C, Herald. ll-13-2d WANTED At once, Experienced stenographer. Good pay to right party. Address, Manager, Box 156, New Britain, Conn. 11-13-tf WANTED AND FOR SALE Rabbits, Belgian Hares, Flemish Giants, large or small. Bantams, Puppies and Pets of every description. Highest cash price paid. Groesbeck's Pet Shop, 267 Asylum St., Hart ford. ll-13-4dx. WANTED Inside painting and deco rating. Best references. Harry F. Crusberg, 3 2 Chapman St. Ring 1438-23 or 1063-23. ll-13-3dx. WANTED By December 1st, mod ern four or five room tenement, lo cated near Stanley Works, by fam ily of two adults. Tel. 404-12. 11-12-tf WANTED To put on interlocking weather strips on doors, regardless of their condition. Apply by postal to A. A. Fuller 4 01 Chestnut street. 9-12-6dx FOR SALE. FOR SALE A Ford roadster, 19 model, recently overhauled, in gt running condition. Call evenings p Sundays, 419 Stanley SK 11-12-3(1 FOR SALE Hara wood cut length for use in fire place.' T Berlin Farms. Berlin Conn. T 668-4. 10-17 FOR SALE Four second hand rar in good repair. Also full line Stewarts. F. W. jLooniis Co., It Arch St. 10-231 m i -.ii i . i. i in w WANTED Crossing tenders, 8 he basic day, 35 cents per hour. A3 freight handlers wanted. Apii freight ofiice, Whitting street. FOR SALE Guernsey cow. Rif milk. Excellent family cow. Ba gain to quick purchaser. H. Shulal sky. Beckley, Conn. 11-51 FOR SALE Baldwin apples by bani or box. D. J. Smith, P. O. Southh ton, Conn., or Tel. 156-2. 11-4- FOR SALE Brand new Ford toil ing car. 1916 Ford truck. In condition. Bargain for cash, if 1419-3 or 473-3. 11-7 WANTED Dishwasher Lunch, 40 Church St. week and meals. at Victory $10.00 a 11-5-tf. NOTICE. NOW IS THE TIME For operators and learners to secure permanent positions. Engage now in this steady, essential industry, making shirts. Work clean, light and in teresting. Commercial Shirt Co., 266 Arch St. ll-12-4dx ( NOTICE When your car needs re pairing call M. A. Heleive, rear 90 Arch street and get. the benefit of a skilled mechanic to dp the work. Also several used cars for sale. 1 11-9-lSdx FURNISHEI ROOMS. FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM For Gentleman. Modern improvements. 45 Walnut street. 11-14-tf FURNISHED ROOM Pleasant room with or without board. All con veniences. Tel. 1213-3. DRAUGHTSMEN WANTED On government work. If on government work now do not apply. The American Engi neering Co. 200 East Main St. FOR SALE Maple sugar, sweet cld corn to pop at McEnroe's, "VVf jviain i. 11-166 FOR SALE New Milk Cow. Pr, $85. 10 qts milk a day. W Russell, Berlin, Ct. ll-13-2f FOR SALE Pigs, all agres, fronf, weeks to 24 weeks old. The Bert Farms, Berlin, Conn. Tel. 66, 10-11 FOR SALE Parlor mirror, kitch? table, rocking chair and pai clock. Price reasonable if taken! once. Inquire 287 Main street, bi ber shop. 11-12-1 FOR SALE! Drop Head Singer Stf ing Machine. Perfect condition, attachments. Will sell at a sacrjif Mrs. Crane, 57 City Ave. 11-14-1 FOR SALE Ford eight delivery bd or trade for touring' body. 32 Au.f street. 11-14- X INSURANCE. The "Home Fires" will keep burning, even if the war is over. Prrf tect yourself by keeping well insured. All kinds of insurance; ahi bargains in Real Estate. H. D. HUMPHREY, 272 Main St. Room 203 National Bank Building, Real Estate. Insurance. Here's a Three Family Brick House Brings in tl 0 I ner cent, on monev Has electric liffnts and all ii; M 1 provements Good lot It is seldom you can buy a bri house to show you 10 per cent. See us about it. H son Street Rent. $ CAMP REAL ESTATE CO. 272 Main rrreet SO& Bank Bntlalne. ll-14-3d j 1 ; ; TYPEWRITER! All Makes Repaired. Sold, Rented and EXCHANG? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. TO RENT Furnished room for gen tleman, centrally located; modern improvements. Address P. O. Box 589. ll-12-3dx Williams Auto Go. Office and Service. Station, 287 Elm St NEW BRITAIN TYPEWRITER EXCHANu Tel. 612. 72 WEST MAIN STREET. a: C0RB1N PAPER CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS PAPER AND PAPER BAGS GENERAL TRUCKING 131 MainStreet PHONE 706. New Britain, Conn. GIRLS and young women are wanted by THE SOUTHERN NEW ENG LAND TELEPHONE CO. to operate their switch inoMiD s Experience is unnecessary. You will be paid while learning and after that frequent salary increases are given. Call between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. and be given information about working: conditions, salaries, etc. After 5 p. m. or on Sunday call, chief operator by telephone, or apply U. S. Emp. Bureau, 1 Main street. THIS SOUTHERN NEW ENG LAND TELEPHONE CO. 3-1 Court street. If you are working- on other government work, do not apply for one of these positions. - m - T 1 tkSpt!iri! I tri t4 rBiw.' iwW-Utw "win. LETOS flOOStfOYOO SSraLOar Class Med low matt Tii. mail o.MIkr U UTm :oIumn5&m7dojti Vet i uaBSBE&Ha mutt Mi .I I ...r.l.S-SiBBB