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NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1918. 13 !ltlflHUR)U.iMIWJl 11 ! Ill II II III 111 ! i v a Boston '"'l 3 iitt&a. annua. The State Council of De i fense on the advice of the Council of National Defense have issued the following RULES FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HARTFORD. own Store Y 1. Buy useful articles. 2. Pay cash for them. 3. Do your shopping early or you may not be able to do it at all, retailers are asked jnot to put on extra Christ mas help. 4. Ship your gifts early, mails and expresses must not be congested. 5. Select gifts that can be shipped in small space. 6. Deliver presents in per son where you can. . We would suggest the fol lowing useful articles: Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Corset uiicases and Traveling Gloves, aprons, j m Covers. I i Chemise, G owns, Bath Robe ID ."l . r n i n i fl iiemise, 1 1 owns, uatn it ones, Blankets, C o m f o r tables, Towels, Table Linen, Quilts, Napkins and a lot of things for Baby's use. These Goods Are Somewhat Shopworn But Are Not Injured For Service. SOME ARE REDUCED ONE-HALF OTHERS REDUCED ONE-THIRD On Friday morning we will place on sale some very desirable traveling bags, suit cases and trunks, all from our regular stock. A bit shop worn. We have reduced these for quick sale from one third to one-half their regular prices. You can find some extraordinary values here. Also BLACK ENAMEL CLOTH SUIT CASES. Fifteen inch size, selling at 89c. These are very desirable for school use and also for shopping. MATTING SUIT CASES. 24 inch size, $2.00 value. Selling at $1.39. Well made and durable. TJSm The best of selected raw milk thor oughly PASTEURIZED by our mod ern process is what is offered you over our brand of PASTEURIZED MILK. The finest raw milk cannot compare with OUR PASTEURIZED MILK or ours i the finer.t raw milk made ABSOLUTELY SAVE and PURE by correct pasteurizing:. RICH PURE DELICIOUS SAFE. Order it today. 401 PARK STREET. Telephone 193K. BERLIN GARAGE Storage and Repairing a Specialty. Auto Supplies. George A. Ventres, Berlin, .Conn. J. HOCHMAN Pavs Best Prices For JUNK and SECOND HAND FURNITURE TEL. 4684 fajtmnj- jg GOOD BUYS. Modern 3 tenement house with larprc lot only $4,000. Terms $1,000 ca$Ii. Another at $5,600 and 2 single houses in suburbs with extra lots. 82,500 and $.1 000. H. N. LOCKWOOD, Ro il Estate and Insurance City Hall IMNROSS AUTO CO. OVZRLAXD AGENCY, Storage and Accessories, Repair Work a Specialty. Phone 2227 139 Arch St. Notice to Water Consumers. Owing to the continued dry weather', we ask all users of City water to be careful, as on account of the prevailing: dry conditions, it is not known when we may have a copious rainfall and it is the urgent wish of the Board or Water Com missioners that all consumers hereby use care in the use of City water for any or all purposes. HOARD OF .WATER COMMISSIONERS nil MIlITMi HTLESS NIGHTS ORDERS M0D1FIEI Extravagant Use of Light Pro duced by Coal Strictly Prohibited Thomas W. Russell, fuel adminis trator, has announced the following reg-ulation restricting the use in cities, villages and towns of light generated or produced by the use of fuel. The extravagant or wasteful use of light generated or produced by the uae or consumption of coal, oil, gas or other fuel for illuminating pur poses, in the streets, parks, or other public places of any city, village or town, ar for other outdoor illumina tion, public or private, is hereby pro hibited. The use of light generated of pro duced by the use of consumption of coal, oil, gas, or other fuel, for illu minating or., displaying advertise ments, announcements or signs on the exterior of any building or on any billboard, or other structure for the display of advertisements, announce ments or signs, and the use of such light for the external ornamentation cf. any building or structure, or for illuminating or displaying any window in any shop or store, when such shop or store is not open for business, shall be entirely discontinued on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week in New England, and in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and in the District, of Columbia, and shall be entirely discontined on Monday and Tuesday of each week in the states of Michigan and Ohio; and in any state not hereinbefore mentioned, when the Federal Fuel Administrator for such state shall so order, provided however, that nothing in this regula tion shall be construed to prohibit the maintenance in any shop or store window of any lights required by a state law or municipal ordinanace, or for the purpose of safety. The Federal Fuel Administrator for each state is hereby authorized and directed to enforce this regulation within eash state. Anv person violating or refusing to conform to this regulation will liable to the penalties prescribed the aforesaid act of congress. Charter Xo. US 4 Reserve District No. 1 Report of Condition of the NEW BRITAIN NATIONAL BANK at New Britain, in the State of Connecticut, at the close of business on Nov. 1, 1918. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts (except those shown in b and c) $2,520,670.26 (b) Acceptances of other banks discount ed 257.41S.1S Total loans Overdrafts unsecured $2,778,086.42 3,949.49 846,500.00 be in LOCAL MAN ACCUSED OF CHICKEN THEFTS Coons Brothers and Arthur Martin Arrested and Turned Over Berlin Officials. to V. S. Bonds (other than Liberty Bonds, but including U. S. certificates of indebtedness: U. S. bonds and certifi cates of indebtedness plodg-ed to secure I. S. deposits (par value) 810,000 IT. S. bonds and certifi cates of indebtedness owned and unpledged 36,500 Liberty Loan Bonds: Liberty Loan Bonds, 3 1-2, 4 and 4 1-4 per cent., un pledged 129,100 Liberty Loan Bonds, 3 1-2, 4 and 4 1-4 per cent., pledged to secure TJ. S. deposits 100,090 Payments actually made on Liberty 4 1-4 per cent bonds of the Fourth Liberty Loan owned 40,115.00 269,215.00 Bond!, securities, etc. (other than I. S.): Bonds (other than IT. S. bonds) pledged to se cure postal savings deposits 127,749.75 Securities other than U. H. bonds (not including Btocks) owned un pledged 296,499.08 Collateral Trust and other notes of corpor ations Issued for not less than ONE YEAR nor more than THREE YEARS' time 32,635.50 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than 17. S. 456,884.33 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent, of subscription) 18,600.00 Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered 210,000.00 Lawful reserve with Federal Re- serve bank 265,457.23 Items with Federal Reserve Bank in process of collection (not available as reserve) 33,947 08 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks 844,430 91 Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies G3.494 04 Total 941.872.03 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other .cash items 3 518 56 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. 1 reasurer War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned 133.52 3,301.72 ?5, 797,518. 30 26,311.49 92.198.19 ,157.74 76,200.00 2,861.25 6,552.85 Wilbert and Edwin Coons and Arthur Martin will face trial in the Berlin court tomorrow morning for the theft of three chickens, the pro perty of Mrs. Anna Quasnick of Beach Swamp Road. The chickens were found in their possession this morning by Officer Patrick O'Meara. The case was to have been tried this morning in the local court, but it was found upon investigation that the chickens were taken from Berlin and was therefore under the jurisdiction of the court of that town. The three accused were turned over! this morning to Constables Enrico Polo and John Hackett. Officer O'Meara while patrolling his beat early this morning saw three men with a suspicious looking bag on the railroad tracks near Park street. He approached them and all three ran; Wilbert Coons and MartinJ being caught within a few feet, and Edwin Coons, latter at his home. The of ficer opened the bag and found three unplucked chickens bearing evidences of being killed shortly before. He questioned the men and as they were nnnhlP to tell where the chickens had come from they were taken in. .Tudtre George G. on the bench in the Berlin court, to torrow morning to try the case. Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $310,000 00 Surplus fund 310.00o"oo Undivided profits 131,431.60 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes 4,Pd. , 13,440.04117,991.56 Amount reserved for taxes accrued 1 -24 67 Net amounts due to National oanKs Net amounts due to banks, bank ers and trust companies Total 110 caq co Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Re serve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check 3 26 Certificates of deposit due in less " than 30 days (other than ior money borrowed) Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding Tntal -J . . uciaauu aeposns totner than bank deposits) subject to reserve 3,347,771.84 Time deposits subject to reserve (payable after 30 days, or sub ject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 150,000 00 .Postal savings deposits 103 055 34 Other time deposits 43o'460"1 Total of time deposits subject to reserve 653,515.5.". United States deposits (other than postal savings) : aK.,!an dpoalt account 90S.000.00 liabilities other than above stated 505.00 x7?tAK $5,797,518.30 btate of Connecticut. County of Hartford, ss I, F. S. Chamberlain, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. S. CHAMBERLAIN, Cashier. Correct Attest: A. J. SLOPER, H. C. M. THOMSON, J. B. MINOR. . Directors, subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of November, 1918. R. E. TRYON, Notary Public. Griswold will be' rosieys Orchestra at T. A. B. DANCE TONIGHT 5S! '4 t.ti Buy a Christ mas . Present a Week THE, JlwIVE STO A 3 to 5 o'clock These are the Specials Customers Last We Intended Giving Our Monday Evening nday N egligee blurts, ernoon, IT inter union suits more than three to a customer A ernoon, 0 cioc en's ose, A ernoon, 0 clock, 9 ore rousers wo pairs to. a customer Largest Clothing Organization in New England 3d C Ml - A If; -1 re i 14 n