Newi of the World
Average Daily Circulation
Week Ending Q O yf 1
March iUiUiCi
5 i - Ixion .... ;
a . r, mm
Both Had Been Stabbed
and Their Throats Cut
One, Married, Lived
in Jersey City, Other
Was From Utica
Police Believe That Murders
Occurred Elsewhere and
Bodies Were Thrown
From Passing Automobile
Husband Being Ques-
; tioned. ,
Census Figures Put Boston
Eighth N. Y., Chicago,
Phila. and Detroit Lead
New' York, April . Miss Bessie
McMahon of Utica, N. T., and Mr.
Irene Blandlno of Jersey City, N. J.,
were found murdered : with ; their
throats cut along an isolated road
side at Dongan Hills, Staten Island,
early today. The police believe they
. were murdered elsewhere and thelf
bodies thrown, from an automobile.
Identified By Artificial Leg.
" Mrs. Blandlno, who had . an arti
ficial leg, was identified through the
finding of a receipt for the limb. Miss
.McMahon had' been visiting her at
her, home in Coles street, Jersey City,
according to the police. , ,
The receipt was issued, by John N.
Escher, New York artificial limb man
ufacturer. , Mrs. Blandlno had vls
; ited his shop last Saturday to have
the leg adjusted.
Husband in Saloon Business.. ; '
v Mr. Escher said she had told him
that she -was married four years ago,
wlien she was 15 years old. Her hus
bands a barber In Jersey City, told
ltlm ast week, he said, that. he .had
gonoj into "the saloon business," in
Jersey City, Mrs. Blandlno, Escher
a,Vd, always, wore expensive. Jewelry.
- j -a Stabbed to Back, ; ; j
Mrs. Blandino's throat .bore three
separate wounds and theie was a long
slash in her back. A long slit ' had
Veen cut : In the back of . her expen'-
sive fur' coat by the assailant's knife.
, Thq body of Miss McMahon also
bore wounds on the back in addition
te those at the throat. Her top coat,
however, had not been cut and the
' police think the garment must have
been put on the body after,, she had
been slain. ..:'.
Butcher Knife I'sed
The- slayer's weapon, a long thin
butcher, knife, of the type known as
a trimmer was found Jn a clump of
bushes a few feet from the bodies. It
was bloodstained, but appeared to be
comparatively new. y -
Blandlno, found at'lils barber shop
In . Jersey City, . taken to police
headquarters for questioning.
An assistant; Broyario dl Lorenc,
told the police Blandlno had been
perturbed because his wife and Miss
.McMahon had been absent all night.
Was Beautiful Girl
! Medical Examiner Lord said the
young woman identified as Miss Mc
Mahon was a married woman. 8he
wore a wedding ring.. Dr. Lord said
he believed her to be about 18. He
added she had been one of the most
beautiful girls he ever had seen.
, Lorene said Mrs. Blandlno and Miss
McMahon, who had been visiting at
the Blandinos for about five weeks
; went together about 8 o'clock last
night a short time after Blandlno had
left the house, j
Washington, April . Several
changes in the relative size of the
larger American cities are indicated
by new census bureau figures pre
pared on the assumption that growth
conditions prevailing in 1920 in the
various localities are continuing.
Baltimore has gone ahead of Bos
ton and new ranks at the seventh
largest city of the country- Col urn
bus, O., has passed Providence and
now ranks 27th.
Peterson. 49th city in 1920 has been
forced out of the first 50 city class by
Springfield, Mass.
The estimates Include:
New Hsjven,- 172,967: Bridgeport,
not estimated; Hartford, 162,138.
The estimates show probable totals
as of July 1, 1923 as follows:
New Yerk, 5,927,625: Chicago, 2,
886,121 ; Philadelphia, 1,922,788; De
troit, 995,668; Cleveland, 888,619; St.
Louis, 808,858; Baltimore. 773,850;
Boston, 770,400; Los Angeles, 666,858;
Pittsburgh, 613,442; San Francisco,
639,058; Buffalo, 536,718; Milwaukee,
484,695; Washington not estimated;
Newark, 438,099; Minneapolis, 409,
126; Cincinnati, 406,312; New Orleans,
404,576; Kansas City, Mo.. - 861,819;
Seattle, not estimated; Indianapolis,
340,882; Rochester, 317,867; Jersey
City, 309,034: Portland, Ore., 273,621;
Denver, 272,031: Toledo, 268,838;
Columbus, 261,082; Louisville, 257.
671; Providence, 242,378: St Paul,
241,891; Oakland, 240,086; Akron, not
estimated; Atlanta,., 222,963; Omaha,
204,382. '
Hearing Also for Policeman
Who Refused to Testify
in Court
Retired Naval Officer, Native ol
New Britain, Dies in Hartford
Was Appointed To Annapolis By Sen
tor Hawlry First Vessel Under
His Command Was the V. 8. 8.
Tennessee In 1911.
Hartford, April 6. Rear Admiral
Harry 8. Knapp, I". S. N., retired, was
suddenly stricken this noon while on
a trolley car and died while he was
being taken to the Hartford hospital.
, Admiral Knapp had entered the
trolley car near his home on Farm-
ington avenue. He collapsed while the
car was on- tho way . down Asylum
street. The car was stopped on rearl
street In front of the Hartford Elec
tric Light Co. and an ambulance was
Was Born In This City
Hear Admiral Knapp reached the
retirement age in the navy on June
27, 1920. He was born in New Britain,
Conn., June 27, 1856, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick Knapp. The fam
ily lived In Farmlngton avenue, Hart
ford, many years. He was graduated
from the Hartford high school in
1874 and was appointed to the tT. 8,
Naval Academy by . Senator Joseph
R. Hawley. Being graduated from
the academy in 1878 he became a
I . .DBA J 1
juiuauiyiuu.ii in ioou aim liuacu , .- -i-i,,.
, . .. u u" . T The bird box or house was built by
uitro.1, w nn;n i an zv nc w u.a uuiujimb
Confensol Burglar Make lain At
tempt At Suicide -ComlcnuiMl
Hy His Pal
New York, April (.After an all
night grilling in which police say he
confessed to 30 chain store robberies
In Brooklyn, Edward. Dougherty
gnawed at arteries of both wrists in a
vain attempt to end his life.
His arrest came after a confession
by Ralph de Salvo, sentenced to Hlng
Sing for ten to 20 years for robbery,
who "squealed on his pal so as to got
the dirty rat who tried to steal my
wife because I was taking a trip up
the river."
Auction Held at Luncheon
of Community Cam
paigners Today
A toy bird box made by Benny
Richman of The Handy Carpenters'
Junior Achievement club, of the New
Britain Boys' club sold at auction to
day for $11 to E. V. Pelton at the
luncheon of the workers in the United
Community corporation drive, while
at the same time the total amount of
money pledged raised the figures to
approximately 12,000 higher than the
amount reported on the closing day
Will Insist on Service Being
Provided to Avoid
5 Nuisance ' ;
If the water department carries out
its announced intention of shutting
off water service in buildings where
water rentals have not, been paid
. promptly, and as a result of that ac-
, tion there is danger of a nuisance or
, hardship being caused, the health de
partment will Issue orders to have the
4 water turned on, ' Dr. K. P. Lee, su
perintendent of the department, as
serted this' morning, in answer to a
query as to what the department's
stand would be tinder those condi
tions. Several days ago it was announced
at the office of the water board that
there are many delinquents. . on the
books of the office,, and that it had
, been decided that drastic steps. must
be taken to ensure payment. . It was
,. stated that water service .would . be
turned off in a few. days in the houses
controlled by some of the delinquents.
In many cases the houses are ten
anted by persons other than the own-
. era and in dome Instances the owners
re not even In the city or within
bounds of easy communication. - If
the water was turned off the tenants
' and not the owners would suffer and
in answer to the water board's sugges
" tion that they move, It was argued
that it Is not possible to get out of
; one tenement and into another sum
' morlly.' If required to go several days
without' water, nuisance and hardship
'' would be caused sufficient to warrant
orders from the health - department
ifor the return of water service, Dr.
The first meeting of the discipline
committee of the police commission
will be held tonight at 6:30 o'clock
for the purpose of Investigating a
complaint made by Petetr Olescavlch
that he had been assaulted by three
members of the police force, Sergeant
McAvay. and Patrolmen , Maurice
Plynn and Patrick O'Mara. ' Olesca
vlch was .placed under arrest late one
night last month for operating a
motor vehicle while under the influ
ence of liquor. He was examined by
a physician who declared that he was
competent to drive a car. ' He was
then discharged from custody by Ser
geant Matthias Rival. The same day
Olescavach lodged a complaint with
the police boRrd that he had been as
saulted by the policemen.
The committee will also 1 invest!
gate a complaint that . Patrolman
Thomas Lee refused to appear in
police court 'yesterday as a witness
against a man who was charged with
selling liquor. ' A raid was made on
Lee's beat and It is said that he de
dined to 'testify on the ground thHt
he knew nothing against the reputa
tion of- the place. . "
It Is said that Patrolman Lee has
reported his predicament to Alderman
Pajewskl of the fifth ward, who has
conferred with the mayor about the
The discipline committee is com
posed of Commissioners E. A. Parker
and T. F. Jackson.
stoned on January 17, 1917. He be
came a vice-admiral later in 1919 by
reason of duty assignment. ,
His First Command. .
The first vessel commanded by
.Rear Admiral Knapp was the Tennes
see on which In 1911 he took Presi
dent Taft to Inspect the Panama can
al then in process of construction.
Rear Admiral Knapp was chief of
staff of the Pacific fleet in 1907 and
908 and in 1917 and 1918 was mili
tary governor of Santo Domingo. La
ter and up till a short time before
retirement he - commanded the Am
erican naval forces in European wa
ters. ";: :'- ',' " I
. ,. Named As Investigator.
When Admiral Sims criticized the
award by Secretary Daniels , of the
D..S. M. to Commander. David W.
Bagley, the secretary's brother-in-law
Admiral Knapp was detailed by
secretary to. visit London and inquire
as to the British admiralty system of
distinguished service awards.
Rear Admiral Knapp was a member
of several service and social clubs In
New York and Washington.
Benny at the Boys' club, at a cost of
practically nothing. It was made, as
is the policy of the Junior Achieve
ment movement out of salvaged ma
terials. Benny was one of a team
consisting of three boys, the other
two being Charles Biggie and Harold
Sandquist, selected from a club of
35. -boys to demonstrate. He has
demonstrated this work before both
in New Britain and Springfield.,
The campaigners met as' guests of
the directors of the Chamber of Com
merce. As Benny finished telling how
he made the box, John C, Loomis,
president of the chamber, called out,
"Will you sell the box, Benny?" "I'll
say I will," was the immediate re
sponse and Benny ran his own Hi tie
auction sale right there.; Bids strrted
at 25, cents and climbed Up siVaptdly
heiCould berdl keep track m, :.:!.
I ...... .
102 Million Increase in
January Imports to U. S.
Washington, April Preliminary
estimates of the commerce depart
ment today valued imports of the
United States during January at $319,.
000,000 or $102,000,00) more than
the imports in January 1922, and $26,-
000,000 In excess of imports during
December. .
Alderman PaJewsM Arranges for New
Americanization Clasecs If
School Can Be Secured ,.
Alderman Tcter J. Tajewski of the
fifth ward, has arranged With James
E. O'Brien, director of continuation
schools, for the opening of American
ization classes at the Bartlett school
if the use of the school building for
that purpose can be secured.
The alderman reports that there
are nearly 4,000 men and women in
the fifth ward who will probably be
admitted as electors within a few
years. They are now being educated
tn Amorlcan citizenship through the
Polish American ' Independent Po
litical club and by fifth warders who
have taken an Interest In Americani
zation work. -
New York State Exemption
Of Building Tax Upheld
New York, April 6. The appelate
division of the supreme court today
unanimously reversed the decision ot
Justice Tierney, who declared the
state tax exemption building law un
constitutional. The opinion which was
written by Justice Victor J. Dawling,
declares that the legislation grant
ing tax exemption ' "was wise and
Justifiable and is free from the taint
of unconstitutionality.".
Rackllffe. - Mr. Pelton bid $1 more,
Mr. Rackliffe declared a $10 limit and
the box was awarded to Mr. Pelton
for $11. Benny .immediately present
ed the $11 to the drive.
The total reports showed pledges
received to the amount of $29,071.90,
as compared to something over $27,
000 when the drive closed last year.
The total number of new pledges re
ceived this year Is 1,439, 15 new ones
were added to t'ie report of Dr. Ger
trude J- Kinsella, bringing her total
from 19 to 34.
Team Number 24, Captain Mrs. B.
B. Bassette still continues to main
tain its average of over $1,000 a day
since the drive started. This team
was awarded the blue banner today
for the highest amount pledged, and
Team No. 10, Captain Logan Page,
qualified to retain the blue banner,
awarded yesterday for the highest
number of pledges.
The reports were as follows:
. Teams and Amounts nooeived.
New Amount
Pledges Pledged
1. Max Coe 9
Democrats Minns Candidates lor
Common Council Positions,
Nominee Kays He is Absent From City
Greater Pnrt of Time Kgan In
formed Positively His Name Is Not
On Voting List.
The democratic ticket went to the
printers this morning without a single
nominee from the fifth ward, a cau
cus In that district Tuesday evening
having decided that the republican
nominee for alderman, Peter J. Pa-
Jewskl, should be endorsed; William
K. Egan, a nominee for councilman,
having been found to be not on the
voting list, while William Slkora, the
other nominee for councilman, has
withdrawn due to the fact that he is
seldom in the city.
The democratic town committee
was authorized at the city convention
last night to fill any vacancies that
might exist qji the ticket, but it was
not until this morning that announce
ment was made of Slkora's with
drawal. It became known yesterday
afternoon that Egan, through a mis
understanding, had never' been an-
mltted as a voter, although his appli
cation was in the hands of the regis
trars of voters last March within the
time limits.
Clear Path for G. O. P.
These facts assure the fifth Want
republican nominees of election. They
are, besides the alderman whose can
didacy was endorsed, Albln Backiel
and Stanley Karplnski, both of whom
now have a clear field although their
candidacy was not formally endorsed.
The last two have not previously held
public office. Alderman Pajewski ts
rounding out his first term.
Egan was surprised yesterday after
noon to find that he was not on the
list. He said he was given to under
stand .by certain leaders of the demo
cratic party that his application had
gone through the regular channels
and he was eligible to vote.
Egan Advised By Lawyer
Tha fifth ward nominee retalnea
attorney Thomas F. :McDonough to
determine his rights and was advised
Oial'-ji'htlg'ttee nominate of itself
mi. ot atJ?. lie could ne' jbe elected
and., take office unless a special ses
sion of the board of selectmen is held
before , election day. Attorney Me-
Donough stated today that the demo-
ratie town committee had not sent
the name of Egan to the town clerk's
office wihin the required time anaj
that he could not now, under any con
ditions be a candidate.
Old members of the party say that
People Will Demand
Harding Again, Says
Vice Pres. Coolidge
C - vw 1
(Continued on Page Twenty-Five)
Washington, April 6. Vice-President
Coolidge today predicted that
President Harding's renomination and
re-election would be demanded by the
people because of the record of his
The vice-president declined to pre
diet what his attitude would be to
ward a re-nominatlon as Mr. Hard
ing's running mate, indicating that
he did not regard the present as op
portune time for discussion of the
It was explained at Mr. Coolidge'e
office that he had made his position
regarding the presidential nomination
clear because of numerous questions
addressed to him and because of re
cent newspaper speculation involving
his name in connection with the par.
ty'S 1924 ticket.-
He eeut this telegram in reply to a
questioner who asked whether he be
lieved - President Harding would be
renominated and whether he himself
would again become a candidate for
the vice-presidency:
"I believe the people will demand
the renomination and re-election of
President Harding because of the
sreat record of achievement under
his leadership.
"I have no announcement to make
at this time of my own plans for the
Washington, April 0. The comp
troller ot the currency today issued a
call .for condition of all banks at th
close of business on Tuesday, April S.
Deserted by Family, Portland Man
Hears Judge Impose Life Sentence
Sjogren, Who Murdered His Brother in Argument Over a
Quarter in 1913, Was Harassed By Guilty Conscience.
2. Fred Housmann
3. Frank Woods .
4. George Christ .
.5. D. L. Bartlett
6. Harry Traver .
7. R. McCutcheon
8. Carl Newmartn
9. George Bean .
10. Logan Tage . ,
11. F. W. Macom-
ber ........
12. Maurice John-
14. Fred Rackliffe
15. Dr. Fred Lee .
16. John C. Loomis
17, James O'Brien
18. Frank Shields
19. P. J. Smith . . .
20. C. W. Wilson
21. Dr. Gertrude
Klnsella ....
22. Mrs. H. C. War
ner .'
23. Mrs. Catherine
Wilbor Smith
24. Mrs. : B. Bas
. 57
Mail Bandit, Believed Escaped,
Really Gets Away Today After
Discovery in Hospital Cellar
Three of Five New York
Refiners Advance Rate
20 to 25 Points, In
crease of 1-4 Cent Over
Yesterday's Figures ,
Washington Probers Start
Drafting a Preliminary
Statement in Reply to
President's Request for
New York, April . Three of the
five local refiners today advanced the
price of refined sugar 20 to 25 points. "
the quotations ranging from 8.90 to
9.26 cents a pound an Increase of ap
proximately 1-4 of a cent above yes
terday's prices.
Commission Starts Work , .
Washington, April 6. The tariff
commission today began the drafting
of a preliminary statement covering
the sugar price situation in" reply to
the president'!! request for informa-'
tion on that subject. It was Indicated
that probably a week would be con
sumed in getting together .certain
statistics which the commission can
obtain from government sources. '
The members of the commission
said however that the statement on'
which they are working would cover
in 'the main patent facts taken front
market records and other easily-ac
cessible sources. It is not intended to
tane the place of the more coraorp.
hensive report on which field Investi
gators are engaged and which will in
clude statistics of production costs
and other items entering into the gen- .
erai price situation. This resort
probably will not be ready for several
Neither is it expected' that the nr.
limihary statement will attempt to fit
responsioiuty for the recent raDld In
creases In prices.
Day's total 680
. Middletown, April (.Joseph L.
Sjogren, who killed his brother. Gus
ts f, in Portland January 8, 1918, to
day pleaded guilty to murder in the
second degree and was sentenced to
life Imprisonment by Judge C. K
Avery In the Middlesex county su
perior court. The grand Jury In
dicted Sjogren for first degree mur
der. The man had - confessed .his
The court session was short. State's
Attorney Inglls related the story of
the crime and Dr. Roy L, Leeks, su
perintendent of the Connecticut State
Hospital, testified that from an exam
ination of Sjogren lie was convinced
that he was sane.
No relative of the man whs in court
so far as was learned. : The court
room was fairly well filled. Sjogren,
in his confession after his arrest re
cently in Hamilton, O., said that he
had had a quarrel with the brother
over a quarter of a dollar. He hit
the brother with a revolver butt and
then shot him four times. He hid
the body in a heap of stones and
two days later left town. The body
was found but no trace of Sjogren
was found until he voluntarily sur
rendered himself at Hamilton. He
was brought back without objection.
Sjogren had said that his conscience
had worried him and this fact led
him to give himself up.
Tho case of Julius Land Indicted
for murder In the second degree will
be railed next Wednesday and 100
talesmen have been called. ,
Total to date ....1439 $29,071.90
Amonrf the contributions received
was one of $200 from the New Britain
Lodge of Elks and one of $26 from
the Russwln Girls' club, $18 from the
four groups of Junior Achievement
girls and $11 from Benny Richman
for his bird box.
Demonstrations were given by a
group of girls who compose the Sey
mour Junior Achievement team, lead-
Ler. Mrs. H. C. Warner.
The C. J. White manufacturing
Passengers on Liner Arriving Today
Find They Cannot Bring Customary
Quart Into' Country.
New York, April 6 When the Ara
guaya arrived today from Bermuda
75 passengers each were armed with
a quart of liquor.
When customs guards began col
lecting Ihe bottlns, the tourists mur
mured "for medicinal purposes" and
produced newspaper clippings of re
cent date stating that Surveyor of the
Port Whittlesey had ruled a quart
was admissible for invalids.
Tho voyagers' faces fell when they
were Informed the local customs rul
ing had been cancelled by Washing
ton. Each faced a $5 fine.
Chapman, Million Dollar
Robber, Mysteriously Dis
appears When Guard
Temporarily Leaves Him
to Revive Fainting Nurse.
New Haven Man, 53, Drinks PoLson
Near Graves of His Parents Lived
With Daughter at Morris Cove. :
Merlden, April 6 The body of Wil
liam H. Barrows, 53. of 165 Townsend
avenue, ew. Haven, was found near
the graves of his parents in Wert
cemetery in this city early today by
factory workers. He had committed
suicide by drinking poison during tha
night. Identification was made by a .
brother, Charles A. Barrows, living
nearby. The dead man left Soulli
Meridcn 20 years ago after separating
from his wife there and had since
lived with his daughter, Mrs. Archie '
oung of Morris Cove. The body was.
removed to an undertaking establish
ment by permission of the medical ex
aminer and Mrs. Young was notified.
The brother here had not seen Bar
iows since last summer. His former
wife still lives in South Merlden and
is married again.
(Continued on Page Twenty-Five)
Hartford. April 4. Voroist
for New Britain ami vicinity i
Fair, somewhat colder tonight.
Saturday fair, not much change
In temperature; fresh westerly
Engineer on Wrecked tywa Train t'n
fouples Locomotive and Speeds on
to Secure Assistance,
Marshalltown, la., April 6 Twenty-
seven persons were Injured, three
probably seriously, In last night's
wreck of a Minneapolis-Kansas Citv
passenger train on the Chlcagq Great
Western, three miles east of this city.
Four of the seven cars making up
the train turned over on their sides.
William Newlove, engineer of the.
wrecked train uncoupled hln locomo
tlve ana two cars, which were not
derailed, and started for Marshall
town for aid. Half way here the two
cars were derailed. Uncoupling his
engine Newlove speeded on to bring
renei lor me injured.
Htchburg, Mass., April . An
nouncements of 12 1-2 per cent wage
increase effective April 30 were made
today by the Orswelt, Nockege, Grant
and Kitchburg yarn mills of this city.
Approximately 1S00 employes are affected.
New York, April 6. Reginald M.
Lewis of Grenwich, Conn., is expected
to take the place of Oswald Klrkby
of Englewood, N. J., w-ho announced
yesterday he would be' unable to go
to England to compete as a member
of the Walker golf team.
Athens, Ga., April 6, (By Associated
Press). With his loot propped
against a brass rail beside the boiler
In' the basement of the hospital from
which he. was thought to have es
caped oil Wednesday night, Gerald
Chapman, loader In the million dollar
moil robbery in New York 31 months
ago was n.early captured today by
Harry Bishop, a guard from the At
lanta penitentiary.
Makes His Getaway,
Bishop, in giving attention to Miss
Estolle Scott, a nurse who . nccom
pained mm when the discovery was
made and who thereupon fainted, told
Chapman to go back to his room. A
few minutes later, however, when
Miss Srott had been revived Bishop
was unnblc to find the missing crlm
inal. An Immediate soarch was in
stituted, but brought no results.
The Gallant Bandit.
i ne discovery ot Chapman was
made when Bishop, who Is on duty
guarding a federal prisoner now in
the hospital, started for breakfast
with Miss Scott. In passing toward
the kitchen a view of the boiler room
disclosed Chapman. Bishop and Miss
Scott descended to him. He arose and
offered Miss Seott his chair when the
nurse fainted.
Offered First Aid.
Chapman, according to the gUHrd,
immediately offered to give her first
aid. Bishop said he told Chapman
that inasmuch as he was too weak he
should go on up to his room. Chap
man left Bishop with the nurse, and
after he had revived her he went up
to see after the prisoner. No trace
of Chapman could be found, however. I
and an Immediate soarch was unsuccessful.
Chapman, escaped from his room
Wednesday night In a suit of clothes
belonging to his guard, when the
guard had stepped out for a moment.
He was recuperating from gunshot
wounds received when he was cap
tured here last week after a sensa-,
tlonal esoape from the Atlanta fed
eral prison. i
New Haven, April 6. William H. 1
Barrows who died In a Merlden cem
etery today, reported to the police
here Wednesday night that he had,,
been held up at Grannis Corner, near I
ins iiuinc wvunesuay mgni ana roll-
bed of $23. He claimed three men
who stopped him, had guns. As the
corners, while within the town limits '
Is not under Jurisdiction of the city
police the holdup was reported by
the latter to the constables in this
annex. ,
This is Rise of Nearly 10 Fet-t Dur
ing the Pat 48 Hours Hood Crest
Probably Some Time Tomorrow
Hartford. April fi. The Connectl
cut river stood at 16.9 feet above low
water mark hftre this morning
cording to the official report of the
local station of the United states
weather bureau. This Indicates a rise
of nearly ten feet in the 4s hn,
ted ending this morning. Forecafter
W. W. Nelfert predicted a slow hut
steady rise today with the flood prob.
amy cresting sometime tomorrow
between 17 and 18 foot. Last niirhf
rains swelled tributary stroams and
the Park river which discharges at
Hartford was running a torrent todav.
The precipitation here amounted to
about 1 1-2 inches according to offi
cial report.
British Steamer Aground
In Fog on Cape Cod Today;
Chatham, Mass., April 6. The Brit
jsh steamship Competitor, a freighter
of 2,200 tons, ran ashore on (.'hps
Cod near Nausct today In a fog. The
steamer, at first believed to be a runt
runner, was apparently light. The
Competitor was last reported at
Searsport, Me., on March JO after a
voyage from Port Talbot, Wales. Fh
was under command of Captain Bauin.
The Competitor was high and dry
at low tide, and the coast guards
from the N'susct station were able
to walk out to her.