Newspaper Page Text
NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, THUHSDAY, "JULY 17, 1921? (iirirM mm 3 E'LEARAfVCt MOW cones oui; biggert price-cut event of the season. Thous. ands of dollars worth of superb dress goods materials is now to be offered at sharp reduc tions. It is to be a double sales event, for we are closing our alteration sale with this big clearance. This sale means much to every woman and girl in town so be here early. The sale will be in force for two daysFriday and Saturday but don't wait until the last day for you may not get what you want. Come Early Tomorrow; The First Day of This Big Event! JUST READ THE FEW OF THE MANY UNUSUAL BARGAINS WE OFFER FBLV l,! fi 1 I ' BATH I M I I 1 TOWELS Jul -III llllll i Extra large size, 3ftPa l M1V1 heavy quality, regu- IMlittl lar79c- Hni I Mr Each ' lUi'ilU Dish Toweling, Mlw 5S... 124c I SILKS ilk (anion t ropp KMnrli, rry lict iiithl, InMi'O linl-li. hultalilr ilit'ur, plrati-d thirl, ie ill J Ar all color It.u. 2.2i ltHV Nlllll Iniftl I Hilton ll'I'llO III. llllll, (toil alue fir onr iimiu-y, in nil J "I Qf wmiliMl colon.. Itcif. J.: . . Jl0t7 ll silk Crepe ile 1'hliii' (iuuil iiiHlll, for linucrlc nml ctunlnir Kimim. j 1 r"Q Hi'., In nil t'olur. Ik-it. M.'.'S J 1 DtJ lYiiilrtl silk l'it-ii iln t liliie hninll nil D4 rr llmirvi In nil w initial 1 Q color. U $I.PN 01 It? liuuml silk I union frrpm tery hoi quality. hIHi latest iIi'kIbiih f"Q nnil color.. Iti'ff. i .2 .... J) 1 eOi llrocailcri I anion Crept' In nil color, in cry ai(rui'tle pattern.. d -t r"rv Hoc 2.S,1 OlOU Klinirnl (ii-oreetto Ci-open lAlra heavy quality, Imnil pa In led flower patterns, for rvpiilnur itonnii. wnrfi, do. JC nrg, .oo J)ly nnmnrt Satin 40-lnrhps whin, for snort aklrts and dreiwes, very Q hcM i(iiHllty. TlPg. J.I ... ij 1 Silk Jersey Tuhinu Siiltahlo for llngr-rlc, scarfs, etc. IMn heavy quality. Reg. $1.23 79c WOOLENS I ivin li Mnnnrln I'lillTnn llnUh, In laiigi-r. Inc. a Mies of rnsca, gray, An in and pamlre blue, Iteg, .1.s, OtT All Wool Jersey .IMnrh, far Imlhlnij tiil, lione and apnrt a in R'C M.85 ipltri Wool Canton Orpr riain nnil tun. (one rherkaj Millaliln for pleateil kklrls, ilror, etc. Itec. 9&V, 69c LINENS lrru l.lnen Made In Ireland, hhnink, mmt'rtikial)lt. Rvg. 9v 65c nojal Iritih l.lnen Even woven, nft allky finlih, very be! quality, hriink and I'on-crii-lmhlr, Hec (I.SS 85c lniHirlpl l.lnrn Tout-Hits: Made In Scot- land, ilh i-olored Imrdern, e. Ira heavy quality, nog. iltc, , . . 25c DRESS MATERIALS Xomiandy Voiles io-lnche wlilr, dolled or all over patterns. A r nee. SOc Yard ftOC Oetimnes (Jnaranteed sunfast and wash able. Extra heavy quality, artistic de signs and colors. nv Reg. 40n Q Madras Shirting Xeally silk striped, very best quality. n r Reg. 40c m..-jc..-k.4. uOC IMPORTED MATERIALS Imported Silk I'lnlsh Tissues Small i-heoks and plaids In all wanted colors.. Reg. 59c , 39c Imported Scotch Silk Finished (.Inghams for house and i-liililren's dresses, fQ draMrles. rte. Itcg. 40c to SOc SC lni)orted French F.nonge rialn checks, for house and sport drosses. Reg. 81.25 and 79c CREPES Figured Crepes Mdnclirt wide, small all over figures, guaranteed wash- QQ able. Reg. 4t)o 35C Serpentina Kimono Cree (Guaranteed fast color, Oriental iattcnls, og Reg. 4c y ODC Lingerie Crepe Very best quality in plain and figured. Reg. a.V fcOC SILKS ill Silk Fo'ilsnl Large arlrl,r jq ioor and paticins. Reg, f j 5 P10 Inh silks Stripe In randy silrks colors Very hi-l qual.ty. li'-g. 92.3. $1.69 Ch'ik Toll silks In all wantml innrs. Very best iiilllv. Made by Paubrook Silks. Ilrg. '... $1.98 to $2.25 Silk and VAnnl Russian irx-j 10. Inch, rlr gnoit quality, large variety colors, Reg. .1.2A $2.25 Arl Silk Urnoados Ifl-inchrs wide, In small, alt over patiems, all colors. n Reg. l.0 Pl.iy Silk I'nngee .Natural color only. Reg. "9o 49 c SPECIAL 9 a. m. to lp.m. Pequot Pillow Cases 4238. 9 a. m. to I p. ni. Each . . Pequot Pillow Cases 453(. 9 a. m. to 1 p. nt. Each . . 33c 37c CAMEO CLOTH Cameo Ladies' Cloth Charmeuse finish, for Jingerie, Infants' near, -l Q dresses, etc. Reg. 29c f v RUFFLED CURTAINS Made of qood quality maiquiscite, full length with tie-bocks. Reg. 91.19... 9, OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS BELOW ANY OTHERS IN THE CITY HOROWIT 348 Main Street LARGEST DRESS- GOODS STORES IN CONNECTICUT Shop Here jrWi Anrf Save ' mc FOREST FIRES ARE LESS MENACING NOW Situation in Far, West Shows Some Improvement cause "fire smouldering In roots and logs keep alive for weeks waiting fav orable conditions to burst out anew.' Governor Richardson announced that he Intended to confer with the State Forester today before replying to President Coolldge's offer to send federal aid. Forestry officials, how. ever predicted that federal assistance would not be required in view of the present situation. San Francisco, July 17. Forest fires in Pacific coast states today were less menacing than for many days, due to rains In Washington and Ore gon and moderation of winds in Cali fornia. Towns In Pend Oreille County, Washington, which had been In danger, were reported to be no longer threatened. One big fire still was burning in the Pine Creek district of Idaho but It was In an Inaccessible and uninhab ited though heavily timbered sectlenf A' number of smaller fires are still burning In that district but are caus ing no alarm. In California the situation was de clared to be the best since the fires started.. Six big fires were , burning but all were said to be under control except that at McKlnney Creek, where the fighters hourly expected to gain the upper hand. Virtually all fires in western Wash ington were reported under conirol. Warning was issued by Fire Warden O. C. Joy of the Washington Forest Fire Association, however, that "con- The giealtst helclit above soa stani vigilance must be maintained to level Is not so great as the greatest fr serious- developments" he- depth that, has been nrobed brlow It. Auto Hits Guy Wire and Occupants Are Injured Rockvllle, July 17. Maurice Stir ling, Arthur E. Haywood, and Fred J. Forster, three agents of the Metropol itan Insurance company were injured yesterday when their automobile was wrecked while the party was on the way to Hartford to attend the regular weekly meeting of the agents. Between Talcotvllle and Manches ter, while rounding a sharp curve the car hit a guy wire supporting a trol ley pole. The running board, top, windshield and one fender of the machine was ripped oft and Sturling, who was riding in the rear seat alone, was thrown forward, his head coining In contact with the front seat. Tie was taken to the Manchester hospital with a fractured jaw. The othpr two men were not seriously hurt.- ABOUT 30,000 AUTO 01 These 369 Were lor Driving While Intoxicated No one ever hns discovered the secret of pevpetual motion, although, scientifically, nothing in existence Is ever still. """""" tate for Castor Oil. Paregoric, Teething Drop, and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infant in arms and Children all ages. Toavoid imiutiom, alway, look fof the iignature of AUZZ frgra directions on each pa., Phyiicuns ererrwbere recommend It. Nearly 3,000 operators' licenses were suspended In the first, half of this year for various violation of the motor vehicle law, It is disclosed in the July bulletin of the state motor vehicle department Issued yesterday. The exact number Is :,92S, of which S9G were suspended for reckless .driv ing, .in for Intoxication, fi7 for evad ing responsibility, 113 on account of fatal accidents, 492 for operating without license, 110 for operating un regtstered cars, GO I for failure to re port accidents and 250 for miscella neous causes. At. the present rate, the suspension record will exceed that of any pre- ous year since the department was eslalillshed. Fer all ot last year. 2S6 licenses were suspended, for 1922, 1.S33. nnd for 1 921. 1.1S4. Drhlng While Krunk Sixty-three automobiles were sent to Jail in the past six months for driving while under the Influence of liquor. Four mora were similarly dealt with for conviction of reckless driving charges, during 1 923, 176 jail sentences were Imposed in courts throughout the state for driving while Intoxicated and 35 for reckless driv ing, which figures show that, while the department of motor vehicles is finding it advisable to suspend more licenses, the courts are Imprisoning less of the motor vehicle offenders. , Other figures presented in the de partment bulletin, however, lead to the conclusion in It that a compari son of fhe statistics Indicates great hope that the discipline by both police and courts will soon be so severe as to stump out the willful offense." It Is against the type of offense that the major part of the current bulletin is directed by Commissioner Ptoeckel reiterates the policy of the depart ment "to cooperate In every possible way to help and sustain enforcement! officers and the courts, so that the true Intent of the la to punish of fenders shall be carried out, and so that the great class of non-willful of fenses may be equitably and justly disposed of." I Causes of Aurhlcnts Commissioner StoecKel sketches the duties of police, state and municipal sheriffs and constables, and the courts In disciplining and regulating motor vehicle traffic, t.t is pointed out that of 444 such police officers on traffic duty throughout Connecticut, a state of 5,004 square miles, approximately population and 12,000 miles of highways, improved and unim proved, 38!) ity police cover an area of 792 square miles, and 3't slate po licemen, 10 constables and 15 town police officers cover the rest. Nolle Docs No liiKKl ntsciissing disposition of cases by local court officials, the bulletin treats at length of the practice of many prosecutor to nolle cases for a sum of money. This practice, It. says, "so far as any effort to make better driv ing through, discipline Is concerned, is valueless." It provides a means for persons who have violated the motor vehicle law to avoid the publicity of a trial, thereby losing the broad effect of "carrying out the principles of the administration of justice through ex ample." " The publication takes the ( lew that 'a. careful study of the statistics showing disposition of actual court cases, and an examination of these statistics for other years, shows (hat mfnrcement of the motor vehicle law through the courts is becoming better standardized and more and more severe. Cases are being handled bet ter in every particular from the standpoint of safety on the hlehwavs. The argument of safety Is getting into the public mind as the necessity for it increases, it is coming to he ex pected of a court that It will protect the public against the menace of the reckless driver." army flyers hopped off this morning for Frough, near Hull, wehre their planes will rest for a week or ten clays while pontoons are being fitted in preparation for their jump to the Orkney Islands. The air conditions this morning vere favorable, and the flight is ex pected to take about two hours. Half a do?n English planes were In the air when the Americans, took off, and accompanied them part of the distance as a courtesy escort. The same American and Pritlsli officials who yesterday welcomed the fliers to Knghind were present today to wish their guests a good journey. The departure was made without incident amid the cheersofa crowd which was small owing to the fact that few knew whether the Ameri cans were leaving today or tomor row. The pilots of (lie round-the-world planes will remain in Hrnhgh about two days. They will then return to Inndon while the machines are be. ing overhauled. The mechanics will stay in Proueh to supervise the reno vation. The airmen lost no time In taking leave of London. As soon as they left the ground they headed for trough without. man-nvering over the field. The aviators had little trouble in startirtg, although their en gines are beginning to show signs of wear from their lone trip, and will need a complete overhauling or replacement. The wings and wires of the planes will in some cases require replacing, but Lieutenant Lowell 11. Smith, the flight commander Is confident every thing 'will he shipshape about Aug ust 1 for the la."it big jump. 1 WKWk REST Reach Brongh, Where their Ma chines Will Be Overhauled 17. The round-the- here from thia after- By Th AMoristed Pres. Rrough, Eng., July Three American army world airplams arrived Croydon at 1:08 o'clock noon. The aviators found awaiting them eiery facility for the rapid over hauling of their machines. Includ ing the necesary spare parte, extra wings, instruments and controls. If the survey show any of these parts are required, Including new engines to be installed before the hopoft from Kirkwall, they will be ready for Iretant Installation. If the survey shows only moderate wear and tear It is anticipated the work can be com pleted within three days, but It is considered moie likely that a full week will be devoted to the most thorough overhauling. By The A$s.j'-lstd Press. Croydon, July 17. The American New Discovery Removes Hair Safely --Root5 and All! Nettling lfstr"j8 ft nomurr buty t4 harm mnr quirlOv and surely than upr fluou hair. B(4 fMrenHI fnrepr tn unniglitly hair on fare. un1pr armt and on Ipg-a. A wonderful new d!rwrvry now ently lift out hair, roota and all. N musa, n bother, no pain, nn odor. ahvltitely atf? and hnrmleae. Hkln left clear, white healthy and eift as vehet. This hew discovery, railed Karma. 1e j made of the very finest of smthlng oriental haleama. Aa easily applied aa cold erearn. it penetralea to th hair root, tooaens fhem and "eaaea out tht hairs. Karma la arlen-tlflf-ally prepared and recommenced by prominent beauty apet'taHal. Karma la sold and guaranteed bv raft Pent, aitnre Pro Dept. Hark ft BraJnerd Co. t-rug 6 tor. Invisible Values 4 Now You Can SEE What Makes The Hap mobile So Much Better Those "invisible costs," that have so much to dri with the proverbially tolid and substantial qualities of every Hupmobile, ere now made visible for you. Step into our salesroom and ask to see the Parts Display. There are rickets on these parts that tell you in black type what they are for, how th-y are mode and what they are made of. The same ticket, in red type, tells you a similar etory ibout similar parts in olher cars not so carefully and thoroughly mads Safety! Hupmobile, by means of fina materials ana determinative tests, pra. vidj safety throughout the chassis. The ' parts thown hrre steering knuckle. . steering arm, and front axle are of the ; finr.t material that can be used. All are drop forged steel, double heat-treated, 1 and are unusually heavy. In this group, ' each individual part for each individual ear must pass the Brinell test, Withia ; close limits, for proper hardness of ma. , terial and bears the Brinell hardness mark. If these other cars could match the Hupmobile in excellence and reliability of performance, in durability and economy of upkeep well, you might then be justi fied in laying your money down on the "red." But wisdom says black is tha safe and sane color when it comes to investing hard earned money in an auto mobile. It takes qualify to produca quality results. See the Hup mobile Parts Display at our salesroom. J CITY SERVICE STATION (SHOW ROOMS iAXD SI ANI.ET ST. COR RARTHHtl) AVE. MAIS STREET . . . ..