Newspaper Page Text
NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY IS, 1921. 19 MY HUSBAND'S LOVE REVELATIONS Ida "Mirpria Itlimwr" llarrjr tiwVrwHMl Ordered It took tint but ncitiitd lo riur Harry I'ltderwvo'i'a M'ry to wliwr ahuuld like lo Unto. If hwt on lnli which ' ' lm- ,aur tt l th rt or rtniuiiruni dining. "d 1 pok With prompt dcMai. l pave Untimely nu prtinfetitf. I ahoiild Ilka to Uu choice t you. ami not ntlUn !"' tit dinner een. ' rior " ' u" dared. . . Ha a BiHtimMl IHHu laugh. "Haven't fiii'uut'i'it 'n1"' "', l't",fl rmuiny'i apeelulty. hn"! '""r' 11,1 iked, ami I km"' tHut If wn pleased at my iw-mor uf hi ability a a throe-year-old child oni. lu with tli gift of. loillpup. I lis. I a tiny mile n I rr nuet. d on thla bit of nmnfUlimi Idb.ayurrticy. which ! ha noticed In other nun. especially I'leky. They are l.mrdi rarely proud of aoiiio alrllltnii uetmi pllshment. and oUr.-mely mode! concerning llmlr real ( ot It. "It la on or my pkHwmlct ro membranre," I nld. feeling that I apoka only th truth due. my ! banda old friend, for whnleur dark blot there may mi upon Hurry I n iWwond' career thoy onnnot de- ........ k. m.....n.. il friend cher- lull of hi royal and iinhiuo honpl- tnllty. "That certainly et a atnndanl for me," lie replied. ht eye diinc Ing. Then h took up th.t window tube, algnaled the chauffeur to II ten and pok crlnply Into the mouthpiece. 'T)i-ielo my hrt bet. fete," he raid, and I knew that purpnsoly he bad cHmoiiflogi-d the illrectlon o that I would not kiio-v where we wre going until our arrival at the piece. Fifteen minutes later. aMer r'ete h1 given it really remarkable ex hibition of his ability to rratf through trunk', wu drew up the entrance to a restaurant which I knew at the flirt ijliint"! waa of tho type. Harry I'ndiTwood likes b"st I'lamboyant and theatrical as he I Is, yet the noisy and the garish In ealing places do not appeal to him, ami the place which we . ciitereu, while luxurious and up-to-date In Its appointment, held an elusive and delicate air of reserve mieh h a princess who Mas leasing her castlu for hire might wear. Harry Oriicrs I tinner There was no strained and elab orate pretense that the dancing room, round which tables were set, was the heart of a rose or any of the other floral fanluMes so dear to the hearts of New York bonlfnces. Th room might have been he re ception hall of dome palatial . home. A few really good pieces of tapestry, sonic paintings, which the knowl edge I hae absorbed from Dicky told me were not only valuable, but suited to their surrounding, rare, fresh blossoms on. o.very table each detail apellcd culture! That Harry I ndenvood was favor able known to the staff was mnni fest from the inelant of our en trance, and it was but a few sec onds before we were installed at one of tle best tables In the room, with a good view of the dancing floor. A waiter hovered obsequious ly Rt his elbow, and Jlr. I.'nder wocd with a deft movement slipped his pad and pencil from him. "PM write this order myself," he said, opening a menu card. "It's to be a surprise ilinner, and I don't want any unnecessary speech about it, Your job wiil be to stand right hc-re at my eibow. and when 1 point, to an item tell mo if it is especially good, er whether you would advise, a gnhallt tits. You know the vvnyf like things, but don't mention any t.atnes." "Yes, sir. T understand," the waiter replied. ' Then for several minutes Mr. L'n- totter rront .Sally Athrrton lo James Condon. Dear Jim ' As I read your long letter 3 laughed and no, I didn't cry. 1 just awore a little now nnd then. You ay you are talking lo mo like a father. You are doing nothing of the kind, my dear. You arc just talking like a boy who is much hurt by the fancied indifferenco or hts be loved. - Dear Jim, I am very fond of you you should know that. You did make my lire bearable all that timis while you and I and fam were with Mr. Hamilton. You taught me all the patience I shall ever know'. You . were so kind and sweet to Sam w hile he was recovering his sight, and he, w&s so irascible and Impossible. He eould not have kept his po.sitio.n with Mr. Hamilton a minute If it had not been for you. Aa It was, whn I found I could pot keep my position as a wife when I feund I was a coward when I found it wa.i not in my nature to accept personal responnihility when I found that 1 bated to pay for my mistake more than anything else In the world I ran away and came Why Women took 00 at 10. With dark circle under their cyca aallow complexion, drawn cxpres tlona drooping shoulders, a lagging Mop, many women of forty have tho appearance of women of. sixty. In many ca.sen this condition la caused by overwork or neglect of such warning aymptome, aa headache, beekache, nervousness, displace ments, and Irregularities which Indi r.'c ailment. peculiar to women. If all women o afflicted would only rely upon Ij-dia E. Flnkham' Veg etable Compound It would restore them to normal healthy .condition. nd the prematura signs of age will aoon disappear. OF A WIFE 4rooU pointed to tariuua items, re. n'ivfj tlw waiier'a opinion upon (hum, guii actual myaleriouit dirto. tluna a to time of coukiUH and gar. uniting, and .wrote the order, with, out my being able lu.iiUb a mul detail, Wltat IW-irtato.?" 'list waiter took thu oi.i.r, gianccl our It, liuiiiulml, a if -ui'nit 4, linn aakud diffhKittii Wimt 'lM)'tiiHi-a ali'V" Hurry I inlti woiiij i luig darkened ami In i jm itarrowd, "Mo ou aee any wrhtc-n un the order?" "No, ir. Thni.k yon, air," hv murmured ami tlc.l, whita Mr. Lit- gYruiiml p , lmi iili-ly nilM.iiit. .1 liiui j alnnUt pullllcr, w ill nut Imte to puy mil all hi lir.-tlxin to outer i1hiIUIi clonwin.Kvl iniiiKf, aioor.linc to lK'a. "H'i oiiBht to know with ona look," i toriii(.'d. "thut I wouliln't rt yon drink tiny of that fiinol oil and TNT llioy cull cli.i.iiixtsiie here, cvrti If yuu'u tullrn nil thv wnti'r Mfsoii ymi iin. I to oritnmfnt to cuu kpicunuiily," "I han't even chaiis'td my aent," I replied. Minim. .) at the puradox uhlch tho nmn opposite mo pre. i nlfl. A a-cret kiiiK ami'l'S liootleggeia 1 hud rcinon to belleva It t m to bo vtt he ould not offr to nie oriTH court liel.l thnt the painter now i iiintaclf rtrlnh the ery rtnft 'which h wn avtitng contrury to tn taw or ino )4. .,, Gossip's Comer Mill UimiI I'laltl The plaid ciiat of very aoft wool, iiiudu on peri'ecily traight lim rind wrapped about tho figure I a casual fashion, la one of thu mor.t diatlnctlve offerings In realm of aport attire. I'inil Menls AIhtiI Plan your meals at least a week ' aheuil iliirlii,? the Htimmor months In order that you may buy Intelligently jand uso up your supplies before they : decay. l.uv fic.'lnilc (Quantity It Is always better when buying to order a definite quantity of food by weight or measure, not U or 20 cents worth. ' Cliniiges In l'rlccs Nearly all roods have a seasonal rise and full in price. By learning these you can buy when prices are reasonable und save money. - .-t ' " ' Itcttcr Flavor In buying meat bear in mind that flecks cof fat all through- the fibers r.iean that it will be more tender and have better llavor than if it did not have have them. Iteplncc I.itrht Hutlis Look over 'your electric light bulbs occasionally and replace those, that may have become dim and old with new ones that will give belter light. Coat llanjrers Wind elastic bands tihouOthe ends of your clothes hangers and you will have no trouble with the clothes slipping from them. Old J lov es When the fingers of the long kid gloves are worn out often' the upper portions are still good and may be used for baby's bootees. t'lmiiKC Air If your clothes closet seems .hot and the nlr dead, connect the elec tric fan and let ft. change, the air by operating there for a few minutes. Flesh Sihiule The most popular shades for stock ings are those which most nearly match the flesh.' Black and gray ones are rarely seen. over here. I thought, it would be bettor for all of us. Poor old Sam Is out of it, and you are over there succeeding as you should be, while 1 well, Jim, I'm going to be a rich vv;oman before I die. I don't wont to be any one's wife. Of coiiiwe, 1 like to be loved. Y on were very svvcel when you Implied that I would glvo the attentions of any one for the speech of people, if thu nun amused mc. I will do nothing of the kind. Kor It's only amusement, Sam it's exactly the fiiinu land of amusement that Is ni way.s being prepared for the tired business man just .something by which to forget. The lethal drink of some man's flatteries always rests me. Hut 'I don't wont to be serious about it, even with you, my dear. Surely you know, dear boy, that a man is much worse off If he marriro his first love than if throughout hl.i long life he remembers her as an ideal. Think how- lovely it will be when you ore older, and bored to deutii with the world and your wife, and hura.sscd by responsibilities of your children, to sit by the tire and dream how much better it would have been had you married me. Theoe "would have beens," dear boy, are not sad; they are Just memories of dreams that ro beautiful too beautiful to be ever realised. Yet, t expect, dear boy, that. I am about the worst Woman on earth to Idealize, for I have no particular feminine Ideals or even particularly feminine Ideas, you know. I want to succeed. I want money, t want a lot of money not because It mean to much to ine In Iteelf, but btcause money n-nia to be the meas ure by which all America ,onipuH succe.". and I have a wholly msrii line desire to be aucceiaful In what ever I undertake. (Copyright, HC4, NBA Service, Inc.) -ttH aHIU KmK TRY THIS TO ir yoi want to toots a cou a puilie, try a model like lliia la Imf irreen, or li.;io. I liu puokt-ta Uk oil an aMol Interest ly Utlna niaUv o( tine inji. (fliirf liiirn.willi an tnc of Irtalt liti ami a lauu eiltiim, 'Jhe vutu h iil liuk of the uliur aro iiuJu of Ilia imiiih. A f' ininliie.lookiiia Uow of aatoril ailk riliiwu Hi color of I He Im k form Ihu unly ullu r iriiiimiMjj, ids amui'iylly full akirt in nirit iliHimii'. Thi oul4 b vitually t.lT'LlMO in eulton or In Hk. ji tn.Mi vi in vi iisi n tiii-t ami t rill. .NnI ,n l ay Hani. aift Mill rretmutly ,! itt. July II. The ailial Kei .Van Ijong.-n and the untie Hemy M. Mian, Jian I h milium mi l until le Mwui'luir, ili.finilant in a Umtr auli tor :,unu fianr lllfl by l.otii Monti, i.'lll, t'outin ami lu lr of 'lw imm. a d'cUlun jukt hmiijHj down by a I'arm court. The .leli'mlmit", ai't'onilng to tho mN haation, had vtntcd In Iroturea and artirloa Unit fit) finimua impr.'iitliiiit had one alrpt In tint ulit'l fit Mitr Ki'lllci. had Ihi'.l ly r''lllnij li, now prh'i'lemi pli'turc In aailnrn' ciif for n tfv cent and had died ..liiiili', Th cousin had i" diftloulty In pnnlnr thnt the puintrr had lived 111 vumfort, if not in luxury, and aold hi pluturc at fair ih'Iiti, one being purchniicd by tho Kinprew i;us"nle. j I'elonged to hlntory and thnt hiatorlan " " minoin uiao cnniKinrinK inn pMnoimuty or tne artlNt, Further, It wan held, the de. fendilnta had no Intention of mlrch Ing the hono." and reputation of Ion tleelll. Consequently the plea for umuuges was rejected. er, has atarti-U on uu e.-ipedillun Intu .tlliiUl, ilu l ucCOIilllUil- led by the government K. Ward. geologist, L. 'FAlil.Ks OM WATCH SURPLUS FLESH When Mr. Maun of Anytown took out life insurance he learned a few things about weight thnt lie had not thought about before. Jfany men to whom he had for merly pointed as "fine, big speci mens," suddenly seemed less a cause for envy. Statistics gathered by the Insur ance companies cover a bro;td field of underweight aii overweight figur ing, and framework and general physical structure enter Into many of the considerations. However, mortality experience youthful underweights has been The new house on wheels was ever eo much better than the old house en wheels for the new one was large enough for the nice poor man to en ter. And there was also an lee whiet bed for him to sleep in beside the little white bed for Raggedy Ann, one for Raggedy Andy and one for the hobby horse. . "Doesn't the poor man look better since he w-aahed hle face and hands, Raggedy Andy?" Raggedy Ann asked aa they sat out upon th front porch and watched the scenery a.3 they whizzed by. "Indeed! He does"' Raggedy Andy agreed. "It makes him look like a new person and I guee,s that is how he happened to food old Mlnga, the witch and get In her house to rescue me'." "And I can tell you thut I feel like a new pedson too: tne poor man paid. "I guess really the one reason why I have always been poor is be cause when I was a little boy, I never liked to wanh my face and hands when my mamma told me to; and when I grew up, I still did not like water either. You know," the poor man said, "If we do not get used to doing the thing that are good for u.s when we are little, we also neglect them when we grow up. And I know now, just why mamma wanted me to keep nice and clean!" "Why wa3 It?" the hobby horse s.kcd. You see, the hobby horse had only been made a very short time and lie did not know a many thing a OU and I know. "Why!" the nice poor man said. "Mama knew that if I did not al ways kep my fsce and hand clean, i I would alw-aya be poor, for no on I wishes to hire anyone to worn tor them with dirty face." "Then, if I was a boy. 1 should al ways keep my hands and face clean!" the hobby horse said. "So that 1 w ouldn't have flo grow up into a poor man!" "Ycfl!" Rngsedy Ann agreed. "It Is always best to be clean, for then, you also think nice rleon thoughts too!" "I have the little green book In my pocket!" Raggedy Andy said. "I Riiers I r.hall work some magic for the nice poor man!" "Will It hurt?" the poor man asked. "Not a smidgin!" Resgedy Andy laughed a he pulled out the litll tcrfn magic book. "1 have never tried working mngic from the magic books, but I gues I Just have to rrad bow to work the magic and that i on lilt- ' ' " " - LOOK COOL l"l v! I f"J 111 ! ' tlK.4l.TH" favorable and mortality experience on cldurly overweights has been equally unfavorable. The age of 35 becomes the divid ing line. It is pointed out that the lowest mortality Is found among thoso who average Just a few pounds ovur their normal weight before 35 and a few pounds under the average weight after 35. After 35 any marked overweight is considered a "risk," pointing to faulty living or its presence as a physical handicap. Some IS or 2u pounds overweight after the age of 35 should be a sig nal to get in and reduce. all; Isn't it, Riiggedy Ann?" ' "That is all you have to do! The magic books tell you just what to eay to work magic!" Raggedy Ann told Mm. "Then that Is what I have bsen waiting to hear!" the voice of Munga witch howld. "Hand me (Wit little green magic book, Mi.i'.er Raggedy Andyl" "She's got in'o the house on wheel -1,'aption for illustration Munga Witi'li howled. with her magic!" the hobby horse cried. "Vnu bet I did" the witch chuckled. "And 1 know what you did to my sis ter Mlnga! You thumped her with jour head, magical hobby horse; but I have magiced myself o that you can not touch me. J,ust try!" Th hobby horse tried, but found he could not bump into the witch at nil. "Ha! Ha! See what I told you?" the wi'ch howled again. "New- will you give me the book, Raggedy Andv, or shall 1 take It away from you?" Raggedy Andy Instead of saying I anything to the w licit kept getting ! r!or"r to 'he window and when he wa."i etc.- rnciiigli. he gne a leap nnd out be went, rolling over and over when he hit the ground. Then he got up and ran Into the bushco. "Stop the house on wheel! I must ca'rh htm!" the witch cried, but when the house did not stop, she also ran to the window and jumped. "Ha! Ha!" Raggedy Andy cried as t. walked tntn the house from the frnni notch, itwt a soon n I got in 1 th bushes. I wisned myseir naca nere and 1 fooled the witch Into getting herself a very hard bump!" ' O 1RD MrCIHIAUmillllEIF HMtlSJ Ml UK TOIIAY John Alnslcy, a man of Umation and breeding. Ixcuine a inmlir crunk prwt iliT Upuil lit her thlrvr. At Monla Carlo lie lcii that aame clever thief b atoleu a piail neck lace frnni tho Parortne d I n ter lh Aiiikby over hour a man poting a a llumiun prlnc offer Hie mm of hi hotel Hparlment to young l.iilih. matt and hi American bride, who have loft all their money at lou(tte, l.iit.r the prime bring hold attciidani to I ha aAiarliin-nl, einintluK that the young Kiiglliliiiiiiii hu atolen lii kty. The prince oiler to frwu tho Kiiglialuitan IV he i allowed to take the young bride on a motor trip, Thl bring on a light. Ijiter th prince diaiulM.' the charge. Atualey wonder what I the tittturo of tho prince game. .NOW UO OX WITH THF. KJnHY For I bad no more dealrn to face a court, even In the role uf wiiin, than, I impeded, the I'rlnce had to stand beforo a Judge a complainant. And If 1 offered tcdlinouy In support of young Hcreaford, aurh a plot wn ao flagrant, o vlcioun, Hint not oven th Mnnegaaqiie. willing to wink their eye nt nlinoct any olfena'e, If scandal cpuld be thu avertetrl, could ignore I hi. The French, lor all that i written about their moral, have a reapect for wifehood. They would insist that th Prince be brought to trial for conspiracy, and I would have lo testify In court. So, while I had no intention of permitting Hercarord to be deported, under circumstance that would for ever stain hi name, 1 waited. There might bo only one way of klnnlnir this particular polecat, but I sus pected thut there might bo anotfcer. And so, two hour later, when all the hotel save probably, young He res ford slept, 1 entered the Trince' rooms. l.iko tho cat which walks alone. I walked silently. Also my movements were quiet, I picked the lock with out difficulty ,and passed through the door . 1 found myself In a living, room, at tho far side of which wa an open door, through which I heard snores. J tiptoed to it. nceriri through and entered tho bedroom, A night-light whs burning, and by Its rays I could distinguish the screen behind which, I had heard the Prince tell Uereaford was a trunk. Now that trunk had unquestionably con tained a cash-box-. But If it had contained anything else of value. would the Prince have rashly handed the Knglishmun his keys? Jf, for instance, the trunk had contained evidence which would indicate that its owner possessed unnrlncelv habits would the Prince have given up the Keys : - This action of mine was based on Uj iiiuury, none ioo logically ac quired, that the Prince was a crimi nal. Unless I should find proof in support of my theory, my nocturnal visit would be not merely dangerous but useless. And it was silly to look for evidence in tho trunk, It the rrince ivas what I thought him to be, proof in support of my be lief would be found only upon his person. And It is a difficult thing to search a sleeping man without awak ening him, Nevertheless I did it. And having done so, I raggedly clipped from his great black beard a tuft of his precious whiskers. Theji i returned to my room. Three minutes later I had broken two chairs, overturned a dressing table, and smashed a pane of glass in the window. Also, I had shouted at the top of my lungs, and had aroused the valeet de chnmbre who slept in a cubbyhole at the end of the cor ridor. He had aroused the night clerks, and to these latter and to the porters who accompanied them, I poured forth my tale of nocturnal crime; , "I was awakened by the sound of footsteps. I saw a huge figure by the side of my bed. 1 attacked him. We fought. Behold, messieurs, the condition of my room." 1 gesticu lated wildly, indicating the damage which I had just committed. "But it is outrageous, monsieur," cried one of the clerks. "That such a thing should happen In the Hotel tie Paris is almost incredible. Was anything taken from Monsieur?" "I doubt it," 1 replied, "but I will see." J felt In the pocket of my dinner Jacket. "My purse," I cried, "with fifteen mlllo notes, a thousand franc plaque, an dan express check for a thousand dollars." "Could Monsieur identify the thief?" 1 looked at the clerk who put tho question. i opened my hand, fpon my palm lay a tuft of black whiskers. "I tore these from his face in our struggle' I declared. "Ah!" they cried in unison. I glanced down upon the floor. Something caught my eye. "Look!" I cried. A porter picked up the golden ob ject. It was a pencil, richly chased. I bent over and from the floor picked up a visiting card, torn and crushed. Dramatically I smoothed it, and read the name, "Prince Meerkovst." "The thief name," I exclaimed. "Trince Meerkovst!" eried on of the clerk. The other echoed hi name. The second clerk assumed an air of great shrewdness. "That is why, a thief himself, h was ao lenient to tho Kng!iehmn," he said. "Ah. the canaille! We shall go to him!" Ve did. opening up hi door with a pass-key. He sat. up In bed, amazed at the intrusion, and at first disdainful of our charge. Hut when I found Underneath hi pillow, where I had planted It a quarter of an hour earlier, my purse, his scornful dis dain gave way to sudden fear. And when the clerk bade him look In the mirror and note the gsp in hi brist ling whisker, and also asked him to ob'erve the hirsute trophy which I wa anppesed to have tern from his face, fear begun lo give way to panic. And the gold pencil with the broken link which fitted to hi watrh chain, and hi visiting card, were final proof MwrSomeftlfyclie .Copyright 1934 8f ft'icc. Inc. - calculated, he wa well aware, la cult. Mlnro any court in tliu vorlJ, l or a moment ho must Uae b. lv4 that be lial Ueii walking in In lei pi but suddenly In band felt nl In til, where. I had non lo know, be a num. "I am tnnocvM," lie cried. "I am Ilia victim at at pint. It la I who have been loblx-d"' lie wa standing beside 111 bed, pajama.clad, I shouldered my way In front of the other, and atarred bint In Hta eye, "Monaieiir alale that It I h who baa been lobbed," I Mid ill)', "Ma "MOXSIKfn STATKS IT IS WHO HAS DEEM ROBBED" I ask Monsieur of what?" HI mouth opened; but word did not como from It for a moment. For nearly half a minute, wide-mouthed, he stared at mc. And If he had looked venomously at Iieresford earlier tonight, his regard of the young Englishman bad been friendly as compared with the glance he gave mo . Then ho replied "Of nothing, monsieur." "We shall take him at onco to the Jail," cried tho clerk. "Two rob beries In the same night in this hotel! Hut this thief shall not go free!" "Wait," I told them, raising my hand in protest. I turned to tho Prince. "Ono forgives a repentant sinner," I told him. I spoke In English. "You are a thief caught practically In' tho act. Nothing can save your name. But you can save your kin. It you will gtato to these gentlemen the truth about Monsieur Berestord' entrance into your room. I, who have recovered the property which you stole from me, will forget the matler." He stared at me. "So? Some day, monsieur, wo shall meet again." "Rut not at Monte Carlo," I told him. I looked at my watch. 'It Is Is now 4 o'clock. At 4:30 the de luxe from Rome stops here en route to Paris. If you take that train, after having confessed your vile plot, the matter is ended." "Monsieur is a great detective," he sneered. - set a tnier to eaten a thief--" "I am waiting for your answer," I interrupted him sternly. And thcro could only be one an swer. Ho accepted. Ho withdrew his charge against Beresford, packed his things, and took the train de luxe, I left an order to be called at 7. I wished to take no chances of miss ing the Bercsfords . True, the young man was cleared of the charge of crime, but in his humiliation at be ing unable to pay his bill, he might slip quietly away , And ,at 8 I knocked upon his door. The management had already apologized for last night' contre temps, but it was a harassed-looklng youth that admitted me to the apart ment. "I am an older man than you," I told him, "and wish the privilege of age." His wife laughed. "You're not a day over thirty," she said.. I frowned at her. "Nevertheless, that is old enough for my purpose, which i to extract from you young sters a promise that you will never gamble again. In return for that promise I make you a present of ten thousand francs. Some day, you will see some unfortunate whom a few hundred dollars will save from misery. Give hint the few hundred, and con sider paid, your debt to me." He was proud; but she bless her heart had common sense. She bade him take the money, then looked at me. "Wn can't thank you. You've cleared Jack's reputation, and you Do Not HE Imitations and Substitutes Ask for and Get who originated and named the product halted mmi Used by thousands for nearly 40 years Best Food 'Drink for All Age Highly nutritious, wily digested For Infant, Invalids. Mother Quick Lunch used hf traveler Saf milk and malt grain extract, In powder form. Na cooking Get a package of "HorlickV and use it at your home i alllu( ua 14 rWia la L"nglB4. I ladua, Mr- Alnaiey, tfcat )vi ' ID ui.csi iiiau we kuu," Aaii ll.luk l ml tho ward lit Let Mem a auiav of muie itiirte. uaa in iltaiiVttf h igli f in ptarl nikli-e lif III lruiitt ) . let. tie , What? Hut of tomte! a lb Print" inauey belt. That w ay to ened thai tot bid bn tobbad. And it a l an why, when I askH Itini of what be bad b.m rubUd, bad replied: "f nothing " Kit it rule guiut mo taultl not blind liiut ij ilia "'at if b CUeell 1114 f tralln' I he i)tcktc from him. be would convict hlmuif uf having atoleu It from Ih Duron. It waa i. why It bad Mid; "gt thief U catch a thief," Naturally, ha would aay I hat. A common thief cannot appreciate aiiial, (II. ginning ill bur Nev luutl 'TIM; JfcWIXKI CA'KKT," SISTER, Mai I.OSi; LIGHT breakfast Four freh apricot, 1 tosated bran muffin, hot water. , Luncheon Ono cup comumm. 1 plec tpong cakt, H cup ti rasp berry lc. Dinner Four ounce broiled Hpn lah mackerel, 1 tablespoon hotatrlng pointer, cup itrlng bn. t rd button radlahe, 1 heart of haad let tuce with 1 tablespoon minced green pepper and 1-4 grapefruit, 1 tabl spoon Comembert cheeie, S totattd altlnr. Hedtlme Ona cup skimmed milk. Total calories, 1,115. Protlen, ::!: fat. "22; carbohydrate, (14; Iron .0179 gram. Tho grapefruit used In tba dinner salad should be In whole lections of pulp free from kln or connecting tissue. Arrange the fruit In tha let tuce heart pulled open and sprinkle pepper over the whole. A dah of paprika may add zest and a contrast lng color. GAIV WEIGHT Breakfast Four fresh apricots, 1 soft boiled egg, 2 toasted bran muf fins. 1 tablespoon butter, 1 cup cocoa. Mid-morning lunch One glass whole milk, 2 graham and raisin cookies. Luncheon One cup consomme, t tablespoons cheese croutones, 2 table spoons Spanish rice, 8 large green olives, 1 large piece eponge cake, cup red raspberry Ice garnished with 2 tablespoons whipped creem, 1 slice bran bread, 1 tablespoon butter. Afternoon tea One cup Iced tea with 1 tablespoon sugar and the juice of '4 lemon nut bread aandwlches. Dinner One cup cream of tomato soup with 2 tablespoon whipped cream, 4 ounces broiled Spanish mackerel, 2 tablespoon shoestring potatoes, 'a cup string bean with 2 teaspoons butter, S button radishe. 1 heart of head lettuce with 1 table spoon minced green pepper, 1-4 grapefruit, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons Camembert cheese, 4 toasted sal tines, 2 slice rye bread, 1 tablespoon butter. Bedtime One cup whole milk. Total calories 2,9SS. Protein, SJli fat, 1,753; carbohydrate, 1,844. Iron, 00194 gram. Hundreds of hen were drowned In a flood in Holland recently. Have your eyes examined and glasses fitted by one who knows. Heavy Zylo-shell spectacle frames; special price $3.50. Lenses Extra. and Examination Lewis A.Hines, Ref.D. Eyesight Specialist 57 PRATT ST. Rooms 504 and 505 Hartford Accept 1