Ob Ttk it-i oppo?4t? Odd-Fellow?' Hall;
At Ten CenU a Week, or
To snbeertfcer* served by the carriers, the paper will
' be furnished regularly for ten cent! per vieek, payable
weekly. 4^* To mall subscriber*, $6 a year; $'2 60 lor
six month*; 11 26 for three mouth*; 60 cento a month.
Nd VOer milled unless pal?l tor in advance, and discon
tinued when the term paid for expires.
CASH TERMS OF advertising.
Half square, (A lines or loss,) 25 oents for each Insertion.
" "* " 1 square, X month... $4 00
1 do 2 months . . 7 Ot
1 square, 1 insertion - $0 60
1 do 2 Insertions 0 76
l do 8 insertions 1 00
1 do 1 week 1 76
1, <to 2 Wtwks ? ? ? 2 76
1 do 8 months .. 10 0O
1 do 0 months. . 16 00
I do 1 year .... 30 00
Twelve lines (?r over six) make a square?longer adver
tisements in ft*act proportion.
AnvnTiama will please endeavor to send in their favors
before 11 o'clock, if possible.
T? Hotel Proprietors and others.
the daily rbgistkr,
18 circulated extensively among the Merchants of that
dty, wi travellers find it in all the llotels, Steam
boats, ?1"1 Railroad conveyances diverging from Phiior
delphla. It contains a correct list of the namus of those
persons arriving at the principal hotels daily, and conse
quently to the best means the Proprietors of Hotels in
other cities can have for extending their business among
the travelling pnblio.
49* Messrs. Connolly, Wi?r 4 moGill, Publishers of
the American TW(graph, are the authorized agents for
Washington city. mar 24?tt
Tkn tttr Twk T.i war pool United States Mail
The ships comprising this line are the?
ATLANTIC, Capt. West.
PACIFIC, Capt. Nye.
ARCTIC, Capt. Luce.
ADRIATIC, Capt. Grafton.
These ships, having been built by contract, expressly
for Government service, every care has been taken in their
construction, as also in their engine*, to insure strength
and speed, and their accommodations for passengers are
unequalled foC elegance or comfort. . ?
Pnottof passage from New York to Liverpool, $130, ex
clusive uaeofe&tra sire state rooms, $325; from Liverpool
experienced Surgeon will be attached to each ship.
No berth can be secured until paid for.
49- The owners of these ships will not be accountable
for eold, silver, bullion, specie, Jewelry, precious stones,
or metal*, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and
the value thereof therein eipresftod. i
for freight and passage apply to
EDWARD K. COLLIN8, 56 Wall st., N. Y., or to
BROWN,"BHIPLEY A CO., Liverpool.
B. 6. ROBERTS A 00., 14, King's Arm Yard, London.
L. DRAPER, Jr., 8 Boulevard, Montmartre, Pari*.
mar 44?4 ' _________
PACKETS?Sailing from Philadelphia on the 6th,
Inborn Liverpool on the 1st of every month.
Ship SHENANDOAH, Capt. Wm. II. West; Ship EU
ROPE, Captain William McDowell; Ship MAUY 1 LEA
8ANTS, Capt. Anthony Michaels.
The above first-class ships are built of the lnsst mate
rials, and commanded by experienced navigators.
Due regard hae been paid to select models for speed,
with comfort for passengers.
Persons wishing to engage passage for their friends can
6btain certificates which will be good for eight months.
Those who wish to remit money can be accommodated
wit I* rtufiw ffif f~x ntarlintr and upwards, at sight, without
for the continent will be forwarded free of ex
pense of commission, if addressed to James McIIonry, No.
6, Temple Place, Liverpool. ^ Wjam & ^
mar 24?d No. 37, Walnut street, Philadelphia.
parkeville hydropathic institute.
At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Parke
1 ytne Hydropathic Institute, held fifth month 15th,
1860, Joseph A. Weder, M. D., was unanimously elected
Resident jPhyrician In the place of Dr. Dexter, resignod.
Having made various improvements, this Institute Is
now prepared to receive an additional number of patients;
and from Dr. Wader's well-Known skill and practuni e*
perienee in Europe, (acquired uude* Vincen* PreissulU,
the founder of the Hydropathic system.) and for sevoral
?ears past in this country, and particularly in the city of
PhfiadSphia, (where he has had many patients.) the Man
agers believe the afflicted will find him an able and an
* The domestic''department being under the charge of a
Btefrard and Matron, will enable the Doctor to devote to
the patients whatever time may be necessary.
Aunlleation for admission to be made to
Appnea HAMUKL WEBB, Secretary.
Offlce No. 68 South Fourth stroet, residence No. 10 Lo
gan squase, Philadelphia.
General Description of the I\irkerill* Hydnpathir Institute.
The main building Is three stories high, standing back
from the street about one hundred feet, with a semicircu
lar (trass plot In front, and oontains thirty to forty rooms.
The grounds around the house are tastefully laid out with
walks and planted with tree*, shrubs, Ac. On the left of
the entrance to these ground* Is a cottage containing four
rooms, used by male patients as a bathing house, with
e*?ry convenience for " packing," bathing, Ac ; on the
right of the entrance, about two hundred feet distant,
steads a similar cottage, used by the ladles for similar
PUlTthe"'rear of the Institute, at the distance of one hun
dred feet, are three other cottages, some eighty feet apart.
Ono of these Is the laundry I with a hydrant at the door;
the other two are occupied by the servants.
The hydrant water Is Introduced Into these cottages as
well as Into the main building, and all the waste water
carried off by drains under ground.
Consist of a droalar stone building, standing on the brow
of a hill, surmounted by a large cedar reservoir containing
five hundred barrels, brought from a never-failing spring
of pure cold water in the side of the hill, by " a hydraulic
nun " a self-acting machine of east iron, that Is kept con
stantly going, night and day, by the descent of the water
from the spring. The surplus water is carried from the
rtMffrolr to a fountain in the water-works yard, surround
rfTlV taping widow*. Ill the first story of the water
works is a circular room, containing the douche bath,
which Is a stream falling from a height of about thirty
feet, and can he varied In slse from half an Inch to nn
inch and a half In diameter. Adjoining the douche room
is a dressing footn, with marble tables, kr.\ the ruing
dourhe (for the cure of plies, Ac.) Is one of the most coin
plate contrivances of the kind, being entirely under the
control of the patient rising the same.
There are many other appliances, which can be better
understood by a personal examlnatlon. mar 24?
MOULTON A OO., Successors to Jwo. FAl.ro*? A Co.,
64 Cedar and 22 Pine streets. New York, invite mer
chants visiting New York city to their immense stock of
Foreign and Domestic, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods.
Their stock Is enUrely new, and. In addition, still recel re
by every steamer new and elegant, styles, confined exc.u
slvely to this house, consisting of every variety of Dr? ss
Goods to be found in the French, German. Kngllsh. and
American markets, and at price* that will defy competitors.
Cash buyers and merchants generally will do well to
call and examine our stock, as our good* are adapted to
every section of the country, and we are resolved to spare
no efforts to make tt the interest of every merchant to
favor us with their patronage.
New York, March, 1*61. mar
Varnishf.s, gum copals, spirits, turpen;
60 cases Gum Copal, med. and fine Zanzibar, Ac.
400 bbl* superior Coach Body, Carriage Oil Cloth Polish
ing, Flowing. Scraping, Cabinet and \ cultlan Blind \ ar
nlSfie*. Nos. 1,2, and .V
'10 HhTfc. Sign and Graining Varnish.
5 do white (lowing do
6 do outside do do warranted.
8 do White do do for maps or whips.
10 do Iron Varnish.
do Painters' Japan. .....
100 (lb Spirits Turpentine, in glned bbls or half bbls.
1000 gallons American Linseed Oil.
10,0<?) ItW pure White Lead, in oil, at manufacturers'
ellact Sandrac, Litharge, Red Lead, Dry
White Lead. In 100 lh. kegs, wholesale and retail, at the
lowest wht rates.
.Person* purchasing the above will do well to caTl and
examine for themselves.
, 'R. 0 Persons wanting Varnishes manufactured will
umw call, as the subscriber Is prepared to manufacture
-11 kW? BENJ. C. HORNOR,
SOU Orange street, running from SeOPod to Thlrd.be
JNNPIl Mwkat and Arch streets, Phlla. mar 2+-tf ^
To Pcrsont out of Employment.
Ju*t published by R. SEARS, and for sale at No. 128
Naasuu street, New York
InbaWU^tt8tl!f0Un1f ?/ ~?ntHeHaDd their
to thonrerniuim > P?ri<?d of authentic htotory
onlyXthThiifl.i,n wl!lch1U"' ?"tor haa treated uot
-"Anln rnllnT^ m but ?r th? xuunen*,
'mM? l""* " a"
ini*ln'nfa" S 'r domestic occupations, their
^?0i.^CUltr' c?mm?rclal pursuits, arts, 4c. They
the wor*^ " ?ftch on# ha8 h??1* mad? expressly for
US forms a largo octavo, containing between
five aud six hundred pages, printed in the best stvle ?,,,i
on good substantial white paper. Iti*furnished toaiconts
handsomely bound in muslin, gl|t, or leathor,*th?*&
tlti nfUa>i PreItat" Vo*y 'ibeml discouift, wbea auiui
fJHesofnotU tian twenty oople.TTJMP.HS;
"0st "trik'n? remarkable events of
uie involution, the French war, the Tripolitan war the
Melt"*w^ ^no,WarZHh, Oroat llritai"> ,lud the
; . , ' with Ulree hundred engravings! Retail
?^'L, pCr Umu- Orders respectfully solicited.
f" decldedlv thu bost books that agents can possibly em
States Thev'arlf 8Ufpl#n& to the Pe?Pl? of the United
atiites. They are valuable for reference, and should be
possessed by every family in this great republic There is
not a c y or town in these United Statesfnoteventh^
of small importance, but contains many ciUtens to whom
these works are indispensable. They are adapted to the
literary wants of the Christian, the patriot, Uie statesman
and the domestic circle, got up in a superior stvle of ?w
Si Z?raShiT' Hnd arv n0t o^yUsucrih?^eM?fwm
sell, but are such as an agent of good principle will feel
men as agents, who are well known in their own counties
towns, and village,, and have time JtSLSfiEtoZ
culate good and instructive books among their neighbors
Drill win'rtik'tuH P1r8?n "i?hin* to embark in the enter
prise will risk little in sendlag $25 or $60, for which he
sale ^h priceflOMOrtment 88 may <UnCt> at the who^
Enterprising and active men of respectability and (rood
address, would do well to engage in the sale of the above
volumes; and all postmaste?, clergymen, book^Sl
m tSZSS? TZn\ Hre re8pectful|y guested to act
as our agents. A handsome remuneration allowed tn ,,ii
who engage in their sale. For particulars ^di^ss wH
paid, ROBERT SEARS, ffias.au s^N. Y?
t o publishers of newspapers throughout the United States ?
Newspapers copying this advertisement enOrTwlthout
The Baltimore and Philadelphia Steamboat ~~
"aTe "?umed their operations for the
fom.r Sr?'dV?Sdi'
KSR&Hsffia:100 -"?d-?a
e-.^- pxs rss g??Sj?Sss
and it will prove a protection against the double mi...
a?<f!lLj'rjtherlinna, who have no published rates
vnn!ri!?HrtinB<1 ?? *5 We"t' Sou,h' or oU>er places be
yond Baltimore, forwarded promptly on the dav of their
arrival, with every r?re and attention, Wof il cK
JhSS. thls Bervicc'in the 8h^of
Freight to or from Baltimore, as above, 10 cents ner 100
p0""^? freights taken at still ]?. ^ 10?
The established character and known reputation of this
??i ?Kniy an arap1'' guarantee to those disposed to con
fide their property to the care of the company
, ,"r mori! "f the company's boats leaves Philadelphia
IS?,010 upper ailJe of Chestnut atreet wharf every dnv.
(Sunday excepted,) at 3 o'clock, arriving In Iialtimore
early next morning. Apply in Philadelphia to Um0PF
In like m N?' 19>^.Uth WhlLrTes, alwVchesfnutst.
Apply in Baltimore to
msr 24? J' A' SIIKIV^R- Agent, No. 3 Light *t.,
mar 24? nMr thp IVpot of t|)p ? 4 Q R. R.
DN.ivr York India Rubber W.rehouae.
J9?^mAN,27 Maiden Lane and fi9 Nassau street
*r>r p?rncr from Hroadway.) New York Fartnrv
root of Twenty-fourth street, East River. actery
,throu?bout th? United States are respectful I v
informed that my spring stock of India RubherOoodB wll
be '<?>nd far superior to any before offered i!!
stow?i upon each individual article the Is-nefl't of my^ong
ZS^iEESS"** whWl cnabUi me ^
Among the most important, I would call attention t/,
^teW^.|u^k *'f CT"lh' ?<
?,, , Inclusive, and made on the choicest drills and nf
the best of gum. Purchasers will And that it will neither
crack peel, ??r become sticky, as is the A?wlL much
that has boen and continues to be sold in this city.
Cp.?'lk". Capo-, Pouches, Pants, Over
lis, Lefrfnogs, Boots, OftM Ac., now so *xt<?nsWely worn
by farmers, physicians, drivers, sea captains, sailors, Ac.
Baptismal Pants, manufactured expressly for the elerirv
Vt? . an ,,ffntlcmen's G loves?r> perfei tcure for rh?iv
p?l hands by wearing them for a short time, at the same
time bleaching and rendering them soft ?nd delicate
These Oloves sre also much Corn by !u?T T?nn?r?
l^""' 4p ' ^'"8 a perfect protection against acid and'
Machine IirUxng ami Strain PhcHng,
't\.iTury Tar'e*y> and cheaper and better than anv thlrnr
which can be substituted for cither. 8
II^WhiM^i^r "f O^en and Engine
R.*7T' iif!t Covers, Horse Fenders. Hoof B<wte.
Itol? Life Preservers, Breast Pumps, Syringes Tobacco
Ac" ^l,ioin.KCri ' ,>ap#r n"lders, DoorlpringP, tc
i ftc.j besides An immense stock of ' '
India Rubber Ilallt,
and other fancy articles, such as Elastics Doll. i
ESSr" i\u*r ?:
natters use. All orders executed with despatch.
New York, New Orleans, and Mobile Bzpreu
( WNNETTING with the swiftest and most responsible
,. J expresses between the principal towns In Maine New
Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Hhode Island Con
nirctlcut, Lower Canada, New York State Delaware
y.1/""'4'^aryUnd, District of Columbia, Indiana, Ohio
* i VI! j" ('HU,rn States generally, the Mississippi Kn(i
tninks, packages, and valuable parcels, ft-om one end ot
^country to the other, and between' the moSt remote
From our many years' experience In the express bnsi
ness. while connected with Messrs. Adams A Co , an?l our
numerous advantages in other respects, (not the least nt
which in the confidence and patronage or the New York
immunity.) we fee! assure! 'that w7ah.il never ^ t,,
F y1? most entire smtlafHrtfon to our fHends tho
lers^ bankers, and merchants generally ' jewel
fW.m \e? nlV" 10 ca" at,*ntlon onrCall#>mia Express
an<r\t(>hnp ' Express between New OrCs
'?wK^flgry """dln" ""2STF
jofr nedn
March, The^U Rc,enc?* for
lished journal is n(,w t!'1" """
communications from the
Me,ileal Professio,V^W" H 'SSrenthe
rian tumor, in which death res,"^ (V, m ?w' ''***-!! "I?
arising from a novel cause, Illustrated by . iJl f
on tetenus, by E*ra P. Bennet, M. !>., of ConneeHe.^?"
ture of bladder, liy ?!. Kneeland. M D rZ,w?V?, r?P,
n \ K 'I' M D -oihersTj^ch L?W
by Drs. Sweat, Cliurch, and Star. '"terest
Tho Foreign and Americau Medical Retrospect l? ft.il
Tlsh ftnn|IPAl' ,' ^n,bll\^7.lph,l?*1 nf),lr'" of a" th" 'ate Eng
llsb and American Medical works, Ac. !
Puhliahnd every other month, at $3 per annum- K
number containing 144 pages. ^ annum, each
? Wallrtmt, WYoJi,
Hardware, Cutlery, Edge Tools, ftc.
CHARLES 8. LITTLE, Importer and
ineral dealer In English, German, and
American Hardware, Cutlory, Edge Twin,
Ac., 33 and 34 Fulton street, opposite tlje
United States Hotel, New York, respoetfu|ly invite* the
attention of Merchant*, making their purchases, to bifl
very extensive assortment, comprising every thing in the
line, and to which new und constant supplies are being
added. His variety of Tool* is adapted to all the various
branches of mechanic*, especially Coopers and Carpenters.
Particular attention given to oil orders, all of which are
offejpd at the lowest market prices for cash or on approved
Cut and Wrought Nails, Locks and Late beta
Knives and Forks, Pen and Pocket Knives
Itaxors, Scissors nnd Shear*, in great variety
Skates, Slates, Sleigh Bells, loose and strapped
Shovels, Spades, lloes, Forks, Scythes and Snathe*
Kifles, Black I/ead l'ots, atju Sand Crucibles
Pumps, for wells or cisterns; force Pumps and Hydrau
lic Rams
Ames' Pump, Augers and Runivers
Turkey Oil Stone, dressed and undressed
Scotch Water of Ayr Stone, for marble polishers
Coopers' Tools, in great variety, of the most celebrated
manufacturers, Albertson, Conger, Morton, Barton, and
Coaehmakers' Tools
House and Ship Carpenters' Tools
Blacksmiths' Tools, Cabinet makers' Trimmings
House and Ship builders' Hardware
House furnishing Hardware, in great variety
Iron, Brass, Copper, and Steel wire
Genuine Haarlem Oil, and Nuremberg Salve.
mar 24?
Office, No. 1 11 eade Street, New Forte.
IN consequence of the great number of complaints which
have for a long time been made by Emigrants, of frauds
committed upon them in the sending of money to their
friends in Ireland, and to aid and protect the Emigrant,
the Irish Emigrant Society establlshud a fund, deposited
in the Bank of Ireland, upon which they draw drafts,
payable at sight, at any of the branches of the bank.
Persons residing out of the city, by enclosing in a letter
the sum they wish forwarded, with the plainly written
direction to whom and where it is to be paid, will have the
same remitted.
There is a great advantage in purchasing the Society's
drafts?that the Bank has a branch in each of the princi
pal towns in Ireland, and thus the losses by discount, and
otherwise, are avoided.
The Society keeps an office at No. 22 Spruce street, to
which Emigrants can apply to obtain situations for which
they are fitted.
Orders from employers in the country, stating the ser
vices required, the wages, and the cheapest modes of con
veyance, and giving a respectable reference, will meet with
prompt attention.
The Society will be thankful for all circumstantial and
early information of any fraud, imposition, or outrage
committed on Emigrants, and will endeavor speedily to
apply a remedy. GREGORY DILLON, President
JAMES MATHEWS, VVice Presidents.
Edward C. Donnelly, Corresponding Secretary.
Kiernan B. Daly, Recording Secretary.
Joskph Stuakt, Treasurer.
Felix Ingoldsby, William Redmond,
William Watson, Francis Mann,
John Manning, James Stuart,
Terence Donnelly, Stuart J. Mollan,
James Olwell, Cornelius II. Sheohan,
Charles M. Nanry, John Nicholson, mar 24?
Invtniort and Manufacturer* of the Ethiopian avd Fire
proqf I hint, Wilmington, Clinton co., Ohio.
W MVERS, No. 319 Main street, near Rth, Cincinna
ti * 0h,?'to whon> orders must be addressed.
The superiority of this paint over all other, for carriage,
house, aiul chip painting, will be seen in its rapid sale.
It is not over four months since this paint has been intro
duced into market, and our agent has been able to ordur
one hundred tons. The jfciint is ground in oil, and put
up reaily for use, from the finest block down to any shade
to suit the fancy.
Also, inventors and manufacturers of Tunnerf Brack
ing. This article is so universally approbated by all who
have used it, that it scarcely needs commendation. But
to give confidence to those who may not have tried it, we
would say that Z. C. Ryon, foreman to A. M.Taylor & Co.,
Columbia street, Cincinnati, has authorized us to use his
name as a recommendation to tanners in general. To all
who know Mr. 7.. C. Ryon this would be sufficient; but all
tanners in the city and country, who have used it, have
granted us this privilege. If It were necessary we could
fill a newspaper with testimonials; but where all who use
are pleased we deem it uncallod for.
The Tanners' Blacking Is put up in kegs containing six
gallons, ready for use, and will be sent to any point on
the canal, railroad, or river, at fifty cents per gallsn.
All orders should be addressed, post paid, to
Wilmington, Clinton no., Ohio; or
, J. II. HAVENS, Cincinnati.
Also, inventors and manufacturers of a Water-proof
Blacking for Oil-doth, that will reduce the cost fifty per
cent., and will soon be in market. mar 24
IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, S8 Liberty htueet, New
York, (between Rrondway anil Nassau,! are now re
ceiving a rich and heautlftil assortment of Fancy Silk and
Millinery Goods, to which we would particularly invite the
attention of all Cash Purchasers, and will make It an ob
ject for them to give us a call, as we are determined to sell
our assortment, for Cash, lower than ever before offered In
this market.
Milliners can supply themselves with every article In
their line, at about the oost of Importation or Auction
prices. Many of our goods are manufactured expressly
for our own sole, and cannot be surpassed tor beanty or
low prices.
Rich Hat and Cap Ribbons, a large variety
Silks and Satins for Bonnets
Embroidered Capes, Collars, Cuffs, and Ohemlsetts
Embroidered Edgings and Insertings, Swiss and Muslin
Thread, Brussels Valenciene, Silk, and Lisle Thread
Embroidered Reverie and Plain Linen Cambric Hkfs.
Gloves and Mlts, Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, snd win*
Silk B
Scarfr, Cravats, and Dress Ilkfs.
Swiss, Jaconet, Book Muslins, and Bishop Lawns
Embroidered. Damask, and Plain Canton Crape Shawls
A full assortment of Straw Goods
French and American Artificial Flowers
With a large variety not mentioned above.
All wishing to avoid paying long prices will make mo
ney by calling and satisfying themselves, [mr.r 24?tf
Ac., Ac.?WnoL*8ALE AND Retail? No. 104 Market
Street, Philadelphia.?We offer to our friends and custo
mers the largest assortment of Agricultural Implements,
Garden Tools, and Seeds ever offered in this market, con
sisting In part of the following, vl*:
PROUTY A M EARS' Patent Highest Premium Self
sharpening PLOUGHS, right and left handed Side Hill
Suhsoll, of varions sl*es, of superior materials and work
manship, warranted to give satisfaction, or the money
returned, ftour Highest Premium* awarded to these
PLOUGHS at the New York State Fair for 1860. Also
Beaches and Bar Share Ploughs.
Spain's Improved Barrel Churn, constructed In such a
manner that the dasher may lie removed from the Inside
of the Churn by simply unscrewing the handle from the
Hay, Straw, and Com Stalk Cutters In great variety,
among which may be found Harvey's superior Premium
Straw Cutter, of every sine.
Also, Horse Powers, Threshing Machines, Fan Mills,
Corn Shellers, Cheese Presses, Seed Planters, Dirt Scrapers^
Sugar Mills, Ox Yokes and Bows, Turnip Drills, Horse
Rakes, Grain Cradles, Expanding and Extra Cultivators,
Harrows. Snathe, Scythes, Concavod Hoes, Spring tem
pered Cast Steel Oval and Square tlned Manure and Hay
Forks, Pruning Shears and Chisels, Beach and Bar Shear
Repairing Pedes and Castings, Peruvian, Patagonia anil
Prepare! Guano, together with a complete assortment of
Grass, Garden, and Field Seed, all of which will lie sold at
the lowest possible prices, at 194 Market street, Phila.
French and German Looking-Glass Depot,
No. lb Baltimore Street.
BARRATT A DEBEKT, Carvers and Gilders, manufac
turers of every variety of Plain and Ornamental
booking-Glass and Picture Frames, Window Cornices,
Brackets, Bracket Tables, Ceiling Mouldings, Ac., Ac.
Also constantly on hand, a ftill assortment of Gilt and
Mahogany Framed Looking Glasses Old work re-gilt,
/la**** Inflertrd in old Fram?'*, kr. Prior* low and work
unsurpassed in beauty of finish and durability by any
other establishment. The public Is respectfully invited
to examine our stock before purchasing elsowhere.
TMPORTKRS, No. ftfl Market stfeet, Philadelphia; No.
I 102 Broadway, New York, are now receiving and offer
for sale, at Market prices, an excellent assortment of the
following goods:
Cloths and Doeskins, of Deters A Schmidt, Schnabel's,
Hockst-hurmann A flchroeder, and others, consigned to
them direct from the manufacturers.
Frsnch, Swiss, anil German Silks, Fancy and Staple
'foods, of the best makes and styles, suitable for the spring
Also, sole agencv for the TTnlted States of 3. M. Caron
^ 811 k Buttow> other fabrics.
For the American Telegraph.
Contort <if Don Mam/el Carvalio, Minxtter of Chili.
Fare-thee-well! We must not weep;
God Himself hath blent thy sleep,
Making it im sweet to see
As an infant's rest may bo!
God U love !
Now, good-night! Thy day is o'er,
Smllcst mid thy friends no more:
Smilest?ah, that winning grace!
Nevermore lt? Joy to tr?oe?
Never more!
When thy star of life wont out,
Many hearts were snd with doubt??
Lowly hearts, that seldom lind
Lofty hearts bo true and kind
True and kind!
Beautiful wast thou with love,
Living by the law above;
So that all who knew thee found
Karth was fairer! Now, around,
Blessings breathe!
Washington, May 23,1851.
From the Lynchburg Virginian.
A few nights ago Mty. Lewcllen, of Halifax
C. H., lodged at the Washington Hotel, in this
place, and, having a largo amount of money
with him, he was very particular, on retiring to
bed, to secure it about his person. On awaking
next morning, he discovered his pocket-books
were all in place, as well as the roll in which
most of the money was. In one of the pocket
books he had $200, in another $57, into which
he bad divided the money, for particular pur
poses ; but, having occasion to leave his room
in some haste, he had laid the two pocket-books
on the table. During his absence, Billy, a ser
vant of the hotel, went into the room, and, dis
covering the pocket-books exposed on the table,
took them and placed them under Maj. Lewel
len's carpet-bag, and, as soon as the latter came
in, Billy informed him what he had .done. The
Major thanked him for his care, and put them
in his pocket, thinking no more of the matter.
Having no occasion, however, during the day
to open the wallet containing $57, to his as
tonishment he discovered the fifty-dollaT note
was missing. He immediately repaired to
the hotel and acquainted the clerk with his
loss, and detailed the circumstances of the
morning as they occurred in his room. Regard
ing Billy as a most trust-worthy servant, the
clerk was completely astounded , at the revela
tion, and immediately went to the private- resi
dence of Col. Langhorne, the proprietor of the
hotel, for instructions* how to prooeed. (hi
learning that Mr. Norris (the clerk) was at the
door waiting to see Col. Langhorne, Billy, the
suspected servant, remarked to another, " Mr.
Norris, I reckon, bus come up to see about Maj.
Lewellen's pocket-book"?thus indicating an j
anxiety about the matter which confirmed the
suspicions of guilt that already existed against
him. Billy was taken back to the hotel, and,
in the examination to which he was subjected,
involved himself in repeated inconsistencies and
contradictions, all the while manifesting the
greatest confusion and uneasiness, but at the
same time protesting his innocence, and prom
ising to raise the money out of his own means
if they would give him a little time. As soon
as he got an opportunity he made off to his
wife's house, fie says, in order to be the first to
break the sad news of the difficulty in which he
was involved, to " the partner of his bosom,"
because he knew she would be distressed if she
heard it from any body else, and because he
knew she would credit hu asseveration of inno
cence ; but everybody else thought Billy had
gone to hide or destroy the money.
The protracted and rigid examination, how
ever, disclosed no new facts, and the money
was given over as lost, and tendered by Colonel
Langhorne to M^jor Lewellcn, who refused to
receive it. The circumstances left scarcely
a doubt as to Billy's guilt, but it was deemed
best to let the matter rest for a while; and
with this understanding M^jor L. started home,
mmtu fifty dollars. Since his departure some
new facts have come to light, which are dis
closed in the following letter:
Campbell Coi'KT-hocse, May 6, 1851.
Jamet Langhorne, etq.
Dear Sin: It is with sincere pleasure I in
form you that Billy is entirely innocent of tak
ing my lost fifty-dollar note. I delayed my
journey home this morning to see Mr. Dinwid
die, hoping that by some mistake the fifty dol
lars was in his possession. On sight I asked
him whether I had not, the day before, paid to
him fifty dollars in two twenty-dollar bills and
one ten-dollar bill ? He replied that I had done
so, and that be had not unrolled the money
since its receipt. Then, taking out the roll of
money, We found the lost fifty dollars attached
to the lower twenty-dollar note I This equally
surprised us both ; but my pleasure in relieving
Billy's character of all suspicion by this discov
ery was much greater than that derived from
the recovery of my money. 1 trust that you
will make my humble apologies to Billy. I de
tailed to you all the circumstances which ex
cited a suspicion of Billy's guilt; and my con
solation is that they were of such a character as.
apparently, to point to Billy only, who is hap
pily relieved. Very respectfully, yours,
Jno. S. Lkwelle*.
This is a very happy and romantic termina
tion of what the Major and Billy no doubt re
garded as a very sad affair. When the above I
letter was received at the hotel, Billy's wife, as
if by special arrangement of Providence, hap- j
pened to be passing by the door, when she was
immediately called in and the letter read to her
and Billy at the same time by Mr. Norris, who
says he has seen happiness exhibited in various 1
degrees, but never to such ?in extent as the poor
negroes manifested. "I knowed you didn't
b'liove I was guilty, Mary," said the happy
husband. ??No, Billy, 1 knowed you didn't
steal dat money ; bless the Lord, I'm so happy!"
responded his overjoyed spouse.
The Bishop of Rochester, an English paper
says, has ordered the Dean and Chapter of
Rochester Cathedral to interne those parts of the
service which were previously read in that
Cathedral church. On April 20th, the first Sun
day on which this change was made, the bishop,
for the first time during his episcopate, preaohed
twice on the mme day, in the cathedral.
j Extracted from n Sketch by Mauy Kutwooa.j
" How many children have you?"
41 Four."
" AH young Vy
" Yes, ma'am. The oldest is but seven years
of age."
44 Have you a husband?"
The woman replied, in a changed voice,
44 Yes, ma'am. But he isn't much help to
me. Like a great many other men, he drinks
too much. If it wasn't for that, you wouldn't
find me crying fish about the street# in the
spring, and berries through the summer, to get
bread for my children. He could support us
all comfortably, if he was only sober; for he
has a good trade, and is a good workman. He
used to earn ten, and, sometimes, twelve dollars
a week."
" How much do you make towards support
ing your family ?" 1 asked.
?? Nearly all they get to live on, and that
isn't much," she said bitterly. " My husband
sometimes pays the rent, and sometimes doesn t
even do that. I have made as high as four dol
lars in a week, but oftener two or three is the
most I get."
" How in the world can you support your
self, and husband, and lour children, on three
dollars a week ?"
" 1 have to do it," was her simple answer.
" There are women who would be glad to get
three dollars a week. They would think them
selves well off."
" But how do you live on so small a sum ?"
"We have to deny ourselves almost every
little comfort, ami confine ourselves down to
the mere necessaries of life. After those who
can afford to pay good prices for their market
ing have been supplied, we come in for a part
of what remains. I often get meat enough for
a few oenta to last me several days. And the
same way with vegetables. After the markets
are'over the butchers and country people, whom
we know, let us have lots of tilings for almost
nothing, sooner than take them home. In this
way we make our slender means go a great
deal farther than they would if we had to pay
the highest market price for every thing. But,
it too often happens that what we gain here is
lost, in the eagerness we feel to sell whatever
we have, especially when, from having walked
and cried for a long time, we become much fa
tigued. Almost every one complains that we
ask too much for our things, if we happen to
be one or two cents above what somebody has
paid in market, where there are almost as many
different prices as there are persons who sell.
And, in consequence, almost every one tries to
beat us down. It often happens that, after I
have walked for four hours and sold but very
little, I have parted with my whole stock at
cost to some two or three ladies, who would
not have bought from me at all if they hadn't
known that they were making good bargains
out of me ; and this because 1 could not bear
up any longer. I think it very hard, sometimes,
when ladies, who have every thing in plenty,
take ofT of me nearly all my profits, after I have
toiled through the hot sun for hours, or shiv
ered in the cold of winter. It is no doubt right
enough for every one to be prudent, and buy
things as low as possible; but it has never
seemed to me quite just for a rich lady to beat
down a poor fish-woman, or strawberry woman,
a cent or two on a bunch or a basket, when
that very cent made, perhaps, one-third or one
half of her profits.
?< it was only yesterday that I stopped at a
house to sell a bunch of fish. The lady took a
fancy to a nice bunch of small rock, for which
I asked her twenty cents. They had cost me
just sixteen cents. ?Won't you take three ftps!'
she asked. 4 That leaves me too small a profit,
madam,' I replied. ' You want too much profit,'
she returned; 11 saw just such a bunch of fish
in market yesterday for three fips.' ' Yes, but
remember,' I replied, ' that here arc the fish at
your door. You neither have to send for them,
nor bring them home yourself.' 4 Oh, as to that,'
she answered, 4 I've got a waiter whose business
it is to carry the marketing. It is all the same
to me. So, if you expect to sell me your things,
you must put them at market prices. 1 will give
you three fips for that bunch of fish, and no
more.' I had walked a great deal, and sold but
little. * I was tired and half sick with a dread
ful headache. It was time for me to think about
getting home. So I said, 'Well, ma am, I sup
pose you must take them, but it leaves me only
a mere trifle for my profits.' A servant stand
ing by took the fish, and the lady handed me a
quarter, and held out her hand for the change.
I first put into it a fivc-cent piece. She con
tinued holding it out, until I searched about in
my pocket for a penny. This I next placed in
her hand. 'So you've cheated me out of a
quarter of a cent at last,' she said, half laugh
ing and half in earnest; ' you are a sad rogue.'
A little boy was standing by. ' Here, Charley,'
she said to him, ? is a penny I have just saved.
You can buy candy with it.'
"As I turned away from the door of the
large, beautiful house in which that lady lived,
I felt something rising in my throat and choking
me. I had bitter thoughts of all my kind.
Happily, where I next stopped, I met with one
more considerate. She bought two hunches of
my fish at my own price?apoke very kindly to
me, and oven went so far, seeing that 1 looked
jaded out, to tell me to go down into her
kitchen, and rest myself for a little while.
Leaving my tub of fish in her yard, I accepted
the kind offer. It so happened that the cook
was making tea for some one in the house who
was sick. The lady asked me if I would not
like to have a cup. I said yes; for my head
was aching badly and I felt faint; and, besides,
I had not tasted a cup of tea for several days.
She poured it out for me with her own hands,
and with her own hands brought it to me. 1
think I never tasted such a cup of tea in my
life. It was like cordial. God Mess her! W hen
I again went out upon the street my headache
was gone, and I felt as fresh as ever I did in
my life. Before I stopped at this kind lady's
bouse, I was so worn down and out of heart,
that I determined to go home, even though not
more than half my fish were sold. But now I
went on cheerfully and with confidence. In an
hour my tray was empty, and my fish sold at
fair prices.
41 You do not know, ma'am," continued the
woman, 44 how much good a few kindly-spoken
words, that cost nothing, or a little generous
regard for us, does our often discouraged hearts.
But these we too rarely meet. Much oftener
we are talked to harshly about our exorbitant
prices?called a cheating set?or some other
such name that does not sound very pleasat.Mo
our ears. That there arc many among us who
have no honesty, nor, indeed, any care about
what Is right, Is too true. But all are not so.
To judge us all, then, by the worst of our das*,
is not right. It would not be well for the world
I if all were thus judged.''
MECHANISM, No. 1.?By Josiah Holbrook.
| Simplicity and vastness mark the works of
: God. These are especially the strong features
| iu the mechanism of the Universe. The term
! mechanism, iu the largest and minutest sense of
the word, presents a vast idea?a subject inei
haustibly rich, inexpressibly beautiful, and il
limitably useful. A telescopic and microscopic
| view of the subject is indispensable even to a
i limited comprehension of it. The mechanism
of the heavens is so vast as to require a teje-,
scope even to get a glimpse of it. The work of
infusoria, or fluoroscopic animals, is.wholly be
yond the power of the naked eye. Inexpressi
bly miuuto is vegetable mechanism, In thou
sands of forms, and beautiful when viewed by
a powerful microscope. Within a square inch
of surface in certain leaves of plants, a micro
scope has shown a hundred and seventy thou
sand openings or mouths for receiving carbonic
acid gas from the ail, to form the substance of
the plant?an important fact for farmers.
The animated universe, or living, moving
things, exhibit mechanism inexpressibly varied,
rich, and beautiful, both in their forms and mo
tions. A fish never moves a fin, a bird a wing,
a centipede a foot, a quadruped a limb, or a
human being a finger, without an exhibition of
some principle or form of mechanism. The
infinitely varied forms of natural objects, em-,
bracing animal, vegetable, and mineral crea
tion, are far beyond the comprehension of any
human being within the period of the longest
natural life. Abbe llauy, of France, spent his
whole life on tho subject of crystallography?
the forms and relations of mineral substance*.,
The most finished human architect, either in
ancient or modern times, though producing
works to be admired through ages, is a. mere
point, well-nigh a dark speck, when compared
with the great Architect of the universe. When
compared with the vastness, the richness, the,
beauty, the sublimity, the glory of the archi
tecture of the heavens and of the earth?the
orbits of the planets and the structure of leaves,
and microscopic work of insects?human archi
tecture is poor indeed.
While mechanism, in the broadest sense of
the word, has u stretch 100 far, and a division
too minute, for any human power, during any
human life, to comprehend, the elements of the
I whole are entirely within the reach of the child
of five, or even of three, years oLd. The most
important element is the most simple object of
human observation?a simple three-sided figure,
or equilateral triangle. Such a figure every
pupil in any school of five or five hundred scho
lars may form, at least approximate, any mo
ment when the opportunity should be afforded
by their teacher, simply by placing before them
slates and pencils, with permitsion to use them.
Several of these figures combined exhibit the
snow-flake. Combined in a different form, they
show the crystal of the diamond, of gold, Of
iron, of lead, and of nearly a hundred forms of
I mineral crystals.
The next most simple figure, the square, is
the next most rich and varied in its combina
tions. For human mechanism, it is eveu more
important than the triangle, and scarcely less
within the skill of the child.
By a short series of short articles on the sub
ject of mechanism, an attempt will be made to
show the importance to every human being of a
familiar acquaintance with its elements, and its
entire fitness for practical exercises in the pri-r
mary instruction of evei^ pupil the moment he
enters a school.
For the American Telegraph.
My home In not the name to me,
My childhood's home is changed:
Where is the brook I used to see,
The wood I often ranged?
Tho watch-dog. doting by the door,
That bounded at my call ?
Dear Hcenea that charm ad my soul of yore?
Not one remain* of all!
Around the hearth no chaira are drawn,
No merry shouts are heard,
No trap in laid upon the lawn
To catch the winter-bin!;
Old faces I have loved are gone,
My childhood's home is changed?
Ah, luckless fate of all earth-born?
Thus every tic's estranged!
Wasbwotos, May 21,1861.
Absurd Humor.?A piece of absurd gossip,
respecting the marriage of Jenny Lind and Bel
i letti, has been going the rounds of the newspa
pers for a month past; and as there seems to
be no hope of its dying a natural death, we fee!
ourselves called upon to mention it for the pur
pose of contradicting it in loto. We are author,
ized to state that there is not a particle of truth
whatever in the rumor. Signor Bellctti has
been acquainted with Miss Lind from the time
of her first appearance on the stage at Stock
holm, and she has always treated him with tho
cordial esteem due to a long-tried friend,
Equally untrue is the report, published in
one or two defamatory papers of this city, that
a personal rencontre took place between Signor
Helletti and a Kentuckian, during the visit of
the party to the Mammoth Cave. A number of
persons, who persisted in following the visiters
through all their subterranean rambles, rudely
i insisted on Jenny hind's singing for their grat
ification in one of the halls. This she politely
' declined doing, and it is probable that tho ru
mor had its origin in the malice of seme disap
pointed individual. We trust that the** idle
I stories will now ccasc, no matter how much
gossips may grieve at being obliged to Relin
quish them.?A'. 1' TVihnne.
The keeper of a groggery happened one day
to break one of his tumblers. He stood for a
moment looking at the fragments, reflecting on
his loss, and then turning to his assistant, he
cried out?*? Tom, put a quart of water in that
old cognac."
The friends of the Union in Mississippi have
presented General Footc with a pair of hi(gh
blooded horses and an elegant carriage, with
which to make his campaign In behalf of Union
pribciples. He has accepted the nomination
for Governor, recently mode by the Union party.
Never trim the hair from the ear of your
horse. It is placed there by nature to protect
the orifice and drum of the ear from insects,
dirt, and sudden changes of the weather.
Mrs. Mowatt. ? This clever and popular
American actress has taken passage for this
country in the steamer which leaves Liverpool
on the Oth of July.
A young lady was told by a married one that
she had better precipitate herself from tho Falls
of the Passaic than marry. ?? I would," replied
Bhe, " if I thought I should fad a husband at
the bottom.'*