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AMERICAN TELEGRAPH wasiujuuton ? THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 7. Judge Jobs C. W riuht, the distinguished editor of the Cincinnati Gazette, (and formerly a conspicuous member of Congress who dared attack the bite John Randolph of Roanoke, to his face,) is in town, stopping at the " Na tional." We perceive that Wm. W. Cubcouan, esq., and not Mr. Postmaster General Hall, accom panied President Fillmore and Secretaries Con rad and Stuart on their excursion into the mountains of Virginia. Instinct.?Last night a mouse's nest was discovered in our neighborhood, in a wooden box about ten inches high, with several young ones in it. The box was placed on a counter, aud a large pane of glass, weighing a pound and a half, placed over it. This morning the box was found gnawed at the top, and a hole made almost large enough for a mouse to pass through. The gnawing was done from the outside, and the mouse must have reached or been held up to the height of ten inches. There was no food in the box, and no other mouse than the parent of the little ones would have taken the trouble to enter it. It may be possible that she could climb up the smooth Bide, and hold fast while at Work; but it does not look probable. Could it be that her friends came and held her up ? As great ingenuity as this must certainly have been practised. Immigrants?Extensive Arrivals.?From noon on Saturday till noon on Monday the following vessels arrived at New York, with the numbers of passengers annexed: Ship Devonshire, from London .... 387 Ship Dewitt Clinton, from Liverpool . . 252 Ship Crescent, from Liverpool .... 279 Ship Minnesota, from Havre . . . , 294 Ship Reliance, from Antwerp .... 162 Ship Neree, from Bremen 192 Ship Splendid, from Havre 265 Ship Kennebeck, from Liverpool ... 406 Ship Constantino, from Liverpool . . . 460 Ship William Sprague, from Liverpool . 245 Hark J organ Beoh, from Copenhagen . . 9 Bark Adelheid, from Bremen . . . . 180 Bark Rheim, from Hamburg .... 280 Bark Menapia, from Wexford .... 76 Bark Fanny, from London 165 Brig Harriet, from Limerick .... 82 Brig Aurora, from Hamburg .... 135 Total ????.... . . 3759 Despatches fbom Europe John S. Cun ningham, esq., of Virginia, who arrived in the Atlantic with despatches to our Government, passed through this city yesterday afternoon for Washington city. The treaty with Portu gal, which he had been awaiting it is under stood, is not yet concluded. The present dis turbed state of the government of that country may have caused some delay.?Bait. Sun. Mr. Cunningham arrived in this city last evening, where his family has resided during his absence. A letter from his pen will be found in our paper of to-day. Advicb, Gratuitous and Unprofessional. "We have excessively warm weather upon us again; and now, more than in July, it behooves every one to be cautious. Prostration from fatigue should be avoided; give attention to your labors, but work moderately. Drink cold irater when you require it, but stop drinking before you are quite satisfied. Eat freely of ripe and sound fruits; but do not surfeit your selves, nor touch them if unripe or unsound. When very good, they are your best medicine. Melons are good, and so are pears; but peaches are eminently so. If you find you are getting sick from any cause, pass a day of repose in the shade, eating very temperately and cherishing pleasant feelings: mental and bodily excite ment should both be avoided. Bathing should not be omitted, and every person should retire and rise early. Thi Elections.?Some telegraphic returns from the elections, which took place in several of the States on Monday last, have come to hand ; but they are not sufficiently explicit or fall to enable us to give to our readers any satisfactory information as to what party has been the most successful. In Alabama, it is thought, there have been elected to Congress six Union men, one of whom, Mr. Abercrombie, of the Montgomery district, is a thorough-going Whig. He is eleoted by Mr. Hilliard's old district. In the Tuscaloosa district, last represented by Mr. Inge, William R. Smith, a Union man, beats Mr. Erwin, a Resistance man. If our memory serves us correctly, Mr. Smith was formerly a "Whig, whatever he may be now. In the Hunts ville district, Mr. George S. Houston, a Union Democrat, beats David Hubbard, Secessionist, Who was in the last Congress. Houston seems to be popular at home, for he was formerly in Congress for several years; but a more unpop ular man m Congress has hardly ever been known. He assumes to be a great parliamen tary lawyer, and is almost always, when the House is in session, on the floor or attempting to get the floor. He is a very talkative, but a very poor speaker, and exercises no influence over the House. No doubt he will set up for the Speakership. In the Mobile distriot, Charles C. Langdon, the Whig Union candidate, is probably beaten by John Bragg, a States' Rights Democrat, end the brother of Colonel Bragg, of the artil lery. If Langdon is defeated, his defeat will cause deep regret among his many warm friends here, as well as among his warm friends in the Mobile district. We know him well, and we say lie deserved a better fate at the hands of the Whig majority in that vicinage. A better or truer Whig, or one of more practical good sense than Charley Langdon, does not live in Ala bama, nor anywhere else. Messrs. Cobb and Harris, of the last Ala bama delegation in Congress, we believe, are re-elected. Also, a Union Democrat is understood to be elected in Bowdon's old district. In Kentucky we learn that all is as yet doubt and uncertainty. Further returns must clear np the fog. In Indiana, ditto. The telegraphic reports are thus fer too contradictory to be relied on. Annual ExiuniTiON or the Franklin Insti tute.?This gratifying exhibition of American industry and skill will take plaoe at Philadel phia ia October next. Who is th? Do?tor I That this matter may be fairly understood, we republish, as requested, the anecdote from the Dayton (Ohio) Oautte, and the "order" in question: " To a friend of ours who saw him [Mr. Cor win] the other day at Lebanon, he gave a most amusing, and we doubt not truthful, account of the condition of things in the Treasury Depart ment when he entered upon the duties of Secre tary. The clerks he estimated were tick, on an average, about half the time; but it struck him as somewhat remarkable that, muoh as they were sick, none of them died. The fact was apparent, at a glance, that they did very little work for the public, and the inference was ir resistible that something must be done for them. Accordingly, the Secretary turned physioian, and began to prescribe for the invalids. He issued an order that all clerkB who were absent from their desks a certain number of days?say two?-on account of sickness, should submit to a proportionate deduction from their respective salaries; and that all who were absent longer? say one week?should be required either to die or resign. " The prescription worked like a charm, and in a short time there was uot a sick clerk in the whole department. A healthier set of men than they are now, Mr. Corwin declares, cannot be found anywhere. "Treasury Department, " Washington, April 28,1861. "Sir; I am informed that the business of your bureau in some of its branches is muoh in arrear, and in others, especially in the duties arising under the late bounty-land act, there is absolute necessity for prompt action. I must there fore require a strict observance of the following rules: " First. Every clerk must work at least seven hours each day; and if the business assigned to his desk is not well and promptly .done, and his attendance constant, he should be reported for removal. "Second. Where the business is of acharaoter to require closing monthly or quarterly, if any clerk's business is not brought up at the end of such period, he should be reported for removal. "Third. When any clerk is sick for a longer period than one week, he must resign, or-fur nish a substitute, (to be approved by the De partment,) who shall serve only till the clerk is restored to health, but in no case longer than one month. THOMAS CORWIN. "J. S. Gallaher, Third Auditor." Counterfeits.?Tens on the Farmers and Merchants' Bank of Carroll county, Westmin ster, Maryland, are said by the Intellu/encer to be in circulation in this city. The signatures are J. Mather, President, and J. Reese, Cashier; letter A; number 453. The signatures are pretty well executed. Notes of other denomi nations on the same institution are also said to be in circulation here. Third District Schools.?The Bchools of this district assembled in the Ebenezer (Meth odist) Church, near the navy yard, yesterday afternoon. There were present, the Mayor, the Secretary of the Board, (Mr. Davis,) Messrs. Farnham, Adams, Walsh, MoKim, Randolph, Pearson, and Abbott, trustees; Messrs. Brent, Miller, Gordon, and Thornley, of the councils. In this district there are five schools, number ing about five hundred a^d fifty pupils. I An opening song was very beautifully sung by the pupils of the district schools, and several songs were prettily sung during the evening. An address was then delivered by B. B. French, esq., President of the Board of Alder men. Medals were then awarded as follows: To Joseph Morris and Georgiana Evans, of the third distriot school; Charles Pumphrey, inter mediate school; Geneva Reid and Susan Peirce, first primary ; Georgiana Holroyd and Margaret Simonds, second primary; Mary E. Nokes, third primary ; and Martha French, fourth pri | mary. One hundred and ten diplomas were also con ferred upon meritorious pupils. The number of medals was limited, or the following-named pupils would also have been thus honored, viz: Miss St. John and two Misses Acton, and Charles Simms, Benjamin Vanhorn, and Israel Cross, of the district school; and | Miss Yates and Miss Kennedy, of the third pri-' mary school. The cxerciscs wore closed with addresses by the Mayor and G. J. Abbott, esq., one of the I trustees. The Mayor then announced that he was au thorized by a friend of the schools to offer to j the best scholar in the first class of each of the district schools a silver pitcher at the next an ' nual examination. The schools of the fourth district will have | their celebration this afternoon, at the Smith sonian Institution. The address will be by the Rev. A. Given Carothers. Small Notes.?On Tuesday, Mr. Radcliffe, I in tire criminal court, demurred to the indict I ment against J. F. Callan and T. M. Hanson i for issuing notes under the denomination of five dollars. One of the points presented was j "uncertainty, in this, that it does not appear that the note or bill mentioned was issued and passed as currency." Yesterday reference was made to a decision of Chief Justice Cranch, in the circuit court, in the case of the United States v*. Stettinius, in 1889; and on that the oourt sustained the demurrer. Therefore the indictment falls; and those against William Selden and R. W. Latham Bhare the same fate on similar grounds.?Republic. The San Jacinto's Rudder, manufactured at the Washington Navy Yard, weighs about six thousand three hundred and fifty pounds. It is about twenty-four feet in length, composed of i a centre wrought-iron spindle weighing two ; thousand two hundred and forty pounds, turned and finished; upon this^ spindle is cast, for nearly the entire length,*a composition casing of copper and tin (for the purpose of insulating the iron, and thereby preventing the destruc tive effects of galvanic action) of one thousand nine hundred and forty pounds; to this casing, flanches project nearly the entire length of spindle, to which are riveted the copper plates which form the rudder.? Intelligencer. Further Iktrllioencr bt the Europa.? France.?The Minister of Finance has presented to the Assembly a bill authorizing the formation of a bank in Algeria. The Chamber of Commerce has declared that Algeria cotton is of inferior quality to any of the American. The harvest no longer inspires serious appre | hensions. Every body agrees that there will be a fair average crop. At the worst the crop will not be below mediocrity. It is stated in the " Watchman and Reflector," that two hundred Baptist ohurches in New Eng ; land are destitute of pastors, and from five to i six thousand throughout the oountry, of the ) same denonu&atioo, are destitute. Cam in ax. Court.?The verdiot in the cm? of Day ha? not yet been rendered. At hood to-day Judge Crawford km informed by the jury that they had not been able to agree. Mr. Wardell, the foreman, continues much imlis poeed. Thin jury has now been menteen days engaged upon this oaae. Hatti.?The brig Fairy, Captain^Sheed, ar rived at Philadelphia yesterday morning from Port au Prince, whenoe she sailed on the 23d July. The empire of Hayti was perfectly quiet. There is no confirmation whatever of the recent reports of battles between the Haytiens ami Dominicans. The people of the island had been thrown into terrible alarm by the accounts from Cuba, of insurrections in that island. Fears were entertained of a visit from the Filibus ters in Hayti also. The markets were well supplied with American produce. Native pro duce was scarce and ruled high. Prom Cuba. The following despatch, from New York, ap pears in this morning's papers: Nkw York, August 6?9 p. m.?The Cuban Invasion put down ? Insurgents Shot. ? The steamer Cherokee arrived here this evening fromChagrea. Her accounts from California are no later than those of the Empire City. She touched at Havana. Private letters are said to have been received, announcing that the Cuban insurrection has been subdued or put down, and that a large number of the insurgents had already been tried and shot. Th? Faij. Exhibitions at Baltimobn.? The Clipper of this morning says: " The State Agricultural Society, yesterday, determined to change the time for holding its fall cattle-show from September, as heretofore announced, to the 21st, 22d, 23d, and 24th of October, which will bring it within the period appointed for the holding of the Exhibition of the Maryland Institute, at its new hall. It was announced to the meeting that the Secretary of State, Mr. | Webster, would deliver the address before the I Society. A^distinguished Senator is also ex pected to deliver the address before the Insti tute. The Agricultural Society is to hold its exhibition on the new grounds about being pur chased by the committee of citixens. We are desired by the officers of the Society to request the favor of editors to notice the change in the time of holding the cattle-show." "Victor Hugo, it is said, has ready for the press, three volumes?the accumulation during a five years' contraot with the booksellers not to print any new work." j The world has stood it nobly without these I intellectual lights. Ah Ambbican Entertainment to the Oueen of England is talked of in London by the Amer ican visiters to the World's Exhibition and the Americans residing in London. The London Sunday Timet says: "It would be a most interesting sight to be hold the republican sons of Columbia entertain ing the sovereignty of their ancestral country, casting aside the petty jealousies and absurd rivalry that have too long subsisted between John Bull and Brother Jonathan, and, in the face of the world, renewing, by kindly and generous intercourse, the ties of blood and lan image that should unite Englishmen and Amer icans across the broad waters of the Atlantic, i The sight would be very interesting, and to us gratifying, if we could hope that even there the Yankee republicans could be secure from unmerited reproaches; but of late these things have been more frequent even than in past times. a Centric Market.?Marketables were abund ant this morning. Peaches sell at 20@60c. per peck; apples, 12?26c. do; eggs, 16c. doz.; butter, 16@26c. lb.; honey, 18?20c. lb.; po tatoes, 25@87c. peck; tomatoes, 26c. do.; Lima beans, 16c. qt.; green corn, 16@20c. do*.; watermelons, fine, 20c. a piece; cante lopes, 3?18c. do. ; egg plants, 6@12Jc. do.; chiokcns, 20c. each. Georgia Whigs in Motion.?We have heard it Btated, but do not vouch for the fact, that distinguished Georgia Whigs are making an effort to induce the Administration to remote from office Messrs. Ewbank, Butteriield, Col lins, and Sprague, upon the ground that these office-holders are too much tinctured with Abo litionism to be retained in ther respective places by a Union administration. Upon Mr. Hocretary Stuart's rule, laid down in his fa mous Richmond speech, they may have to "walk the plank;" though we do not undertake to define the shade of thought or opinion which, in Mr. Stuart's judgment, constitutes Abolitionism. Mr. Clat. The Paducah Journal says that it is highly probable that Mr. Clay will resign his seat in the United States Senate soon Mr. Underwood's term expires in 1863, so that the Legislature just chosen, which holds for two years under the new constitution, will have to elect one United States Senator at all events, and two in the event of Mr. Clay's resignation. First Impressions.?Mr. Greeley, writing from Cirita Vecchia, says: " Aside from those engaged in fleecing us, I saw but three sorts of men in Civita Vecchia, or rather men pursuing three several avocations?those of priests, sol diers and beggars. Some united two of these callings. A number of brown, bare-headed, wretched-looking women were washing olothee in the hot sun of the sea-side, but I saw no trace of masculine industry other than what 1 have described, and the place contains seven thousand inhabitants." Railroad to Canada.?The boundary line between Canada and the United htates, on the west side of Lake Champlain, was crossed on Friday last for the first time by railroad; an excursion having been made from St. John's to Rouse's Point. The Hon. Edward Curtis, of New York, U at the " National" in this city. BurFALo, August 6.?We had a terrible gale last night, which attained its height about two o'clock this morning. The schooner II. N. Gates, from the Upper Lakes for Montreal, lost her sails and put in here for repairs. She will have to discharge her oargo of grain. The schooner J. 0. Ward ran on to the pier while endeavoring to make this harbor, and sunk almost immediately. It is feared that she will be a total loss. The schooner Sam Hale also came in badly injured. We expect to hear of further disaster from up the Lake. The gale ha* subsided. BY TELEGRAPH. IXPOBTAHT FROM CUBA. Inaurgenta Shot I M>YALTY O* THK SPANISH 80LWBB8 DOUBTJU>1 Bodies of Armed Men oh the Florida Reef. N*w York, August 7?2 p. m. The steamer Georgia arrived here this morn ing with four hundred and thirtj passengers. She brings Havana dates to August 2d. The meeting of the Cuban sympathisers at New Orleans created a great excitement at Havana. All war vessels, except the Pizarro, have left Havana, in consequence of the news received by the government on the night of the 1st inst. It is rumored that large bodies of armed men are collected on the Florida reef. The govern ment hourly receives expresses from the inte rior. The government paper was filled with ex citing matter on August 1st, but its issue was prohibited till the sailing of the Georgia. Several insurgents have been shot, and the Captain-general has issued a proclamation of pardon to all who would lay down their arms, with the exception of the leaders, who will be executed or sent to Spain, if captured. Tho loy alty of many regiments is doubted. [Here our despatoh was cut short, in conse quenoe of interruption of the wires by storm.] Columbus, Ohio, August 4.?The Democratic State Convention.?This convention assembled to-day. Tho attendance was very full. Wil hani Seymour was appointed chairman, and Charles L. Tiller secretary. Committees were appointed to select offioers for a permanent or ganization, and to report resolutions. New Orlsans, August 6.?The fine ship Jos. Badger, which sailed from this port for Liver pool, was totally destroyed by fire on Monday last, while in the southwest pass. She had 2,600 bales of cotton aboard, all of which was consumed, and is a total loss to the insurance companies. Spencer, the slave of John R. Shaw, who stole $4,600, has been arrested, and $1,200 of the money was found on his person. He had sent $3,000 to Henry Dandridge, a negro preacher in Boston. Boston, August 6.?Samuel H. Walley has been elected Mayor of Roxbury for the unex pired term of the late Mayor Dearborn. Philadelphia, August 6.?This morning several unfinished houses in 11th street near Girard avenue were burned. During the con flagration a fight oocurred between the South Penn and Independence Hose companies. The polioe interfered and were assailed by the bel ligerents, and several of the officers beaten. One member of the South Penn, named Diddle back, was shot twice by a policeman, one ball passing through his neck and the other through his shoulder. New York, August,6.?The steamers Connec ticut, bound east, and the Commodore for New York, came in collision on the Sound last night during a fog. The latter is now being towed up to the city. No particulars have yet been learned. It is rumored that three hundred men sailed in a brig from Staten Island on Saturday for Cuba. It is certain that five hundred men, fully armed and equipped, are only awaiting the Georgia's advices to go. Litchfield's extensive storage warehouse, at Brooklyn, fell this morning, destroying im mense quantities of grain, flour, sugar, molas seB and dye-stuffs, including also twenty thou sand bushels of corn. Arrivals at the Principal Hotels, Up to 12 o'clock, m., Unlay. United States?T R Brown, lady, throe children, and servant, Maryland; W T Pepper, Charleston, 8 C.; P G Reading, New Jersey; J Sailer, do; A J Hodadon, Ber muda; Capt Johnston, U S N; V Moreul, New Orleans; 0 L Stewart, New York; R P Harding and lady, D C; W A Samuel, Virginia; II II Joorne, Philadelphia; E Roggio, New Orleans; W G Webb, Virginia; G A Cole, Maryland! Review of the Northern Markets for yesterday. Office of the American Telegraph, Aug. 7. Baltimore, Aug. 6, 6 p. m.?A small sale of fresh ground Howard street flour, from old wheat, was made to-day at $4. Also 600 bbls. city mills flour at $3.87% and a sale of 200 bbls. at $4. Sales of white corn at 63c., and of yellow at 69c. Oats are quoted at 28@33c. for new and old. Sale* of bbls. of whisky at 23%^24c., and of hhds. at 22%&23c. Baltimore bbls. 24c. Philamlphu, Aug. 6, p. m.?Sales of 1000 barrels of flour at $4.12^<?@$4.26 for State brands. Rye flour $8.3714. Corn meal $2.87% 8ales of new mess pork at $15.60, and prime at $13. lard Oe. Bales of Rio coffee at 8c. Porto Rico sugar at 5*@6Uc. fl' 8 P'm ?8*les of 13,000 bbls. flour at $3.93% for common State brands. Southern $4.26^ $4.37% Corn meal is selling at (f2.81@$3.12% and rye flour at $3.60. Sales of 2000 bushels Ohio rid wheat at ?0c., and 16,000 white at 0O@?6c. Salos of 60,000 bushels 720? OaUUihT *n<l 68c. for yellow. Rye 71@ Sales of 300 bags Maracaibo coffee at 9c., and 60 hhds Cuba sugar at 5@6%c. Rice 8%,. ' DIED, In this city, yesterday afternoon, of dropsy, RICHARD ' ,n 1118 forty-eighth year of his age. His friends, anil the friends and acquaintances of the family, are invited to attend his funeral to-morrow (Fri day) afternoon, at three o'clock, from his late residence Garrison street, near the Wavy Yard. ' HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, Situated on Gth street West, between JN and 0 streets North. THE HOUSE is a two-story frame, containing four rooms, with a good kitchen, fourteen fcet front, and twentv-?ight feet deep. The lot is twenty-seven feet front and ninety-three feet deep. It will he sold as a bar train The Utle Indisputable. Inquire at this office au 7?3t*7 Agenvant Woman Wanted.-A servant (a slave preferred) competent to cook and wash for a ramily, will flml a good situation by applying at the Druir Store, cornsr of h and Seventh street*. au 7?tf J. F. CAU,AN. i^JOt'NTRY BOARD.?After the seventh Instant, VV there will be two or three vacant Rooms at the Cot from Washington. Those In want of delightful Country Boarding, may procure It by applying *? . ^ J. P. CALLAN, * 2t Corner of B and 7th streets. FOE HEHT, A CONVENIENT TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, situated on I street north, between 10th and 11th streets west. There are new carpets on three of the floors, which are for sale. Possession riven Immediately. , . POLLARD WEBB, an 7?8t* north side Pa. ar., bet. t 6th sta. CtTRAYEO or STOI.KN, from the cottage of K7., Newton, situated on the west side of Capitol HriVw-k ,l.C0J."rw ? 0RAY MARK, about ten years old, twelve hands high, in good condition ; has a black mark on one of her fore feet, ami a black spot on her back from the saddle. When in harness she is a handsome little animal. A liberal compensation will be given to the P*rI?" wh" brings her home, or a reward of TEN DOL LARS for the Mare and thief. Application to Mr. Newton, or at the office of the 7W? graph, will be Immediately attended to. [au 6?tf M I \ k i f{ i*. |. s can be supplied with every variety of Instruments, such as Banjos Aceordeons, Tambourines, Bone Cast!nets, Strings, Flutes,' Violins, etc. Amateur Bands furnished ont complete, at prices to suit, at IIILBIIS'8 Musical Depot, , w ? *>uth side Pa. av., next to cor. 10th st. f" ' 1oor"'l",;,nK of three-ply, best quality of Ingrain, medium, low price cotton and wool; rag ditto, onoip. A J no? * A large lot of white Cambrics Plaid Cambrics, striped Cambric* 8wlss Muslins, book Muslins Figured Swiss Muslins, black Alpacas Ginghams, Calico, bleached and brown Cottons Taking*. Table Damasks, Canton Flannels 3-4 and 4-4 all-wool Flannels vi fpoths, CmsImeres, and many other Goods, which we promise to cell low. ' au fr-eolw HALL * BROTHER. cm obdihaices. AN ACT in relation to the Smallpox Hospital and Board of Health. Ik it mtadtd Uy the Hoard of Aldermen and the Board I of Common Council of the City qf WuMnqtm, That the | Board of Health, or any member thereof, be aud he is hereby authorised to give certificates of admission to the Smallpox Hospital. Sec. 2. And or it enacted, Thai the Board of Health, and the member* thereof, are hereby requested to use their Influence to cause the removal of any ca*e of smallpox to the hospital that may come to their knowledge. 81 LAS II. HILL, President of the Board qf Common Council. It. B. FRENCH, President of the Board of Aldermen. Approved, July 28,1061. WALTER LENOX, Mayor. AN ACT authorising the construction of a cross-gutter in the Fourth Ward. Be it enacted, &c., That the Mayor be and he Is hereby authorised to construct a cross-gutter on the north side of G street north, across Second street west, the expense thereof to be paid out of any money to the credit of the Fourth Ward not otherwise appropriated. Approved, July 20,1861. AN ACT authorising the curbstones to be set and the pavement laid on the south front of square numbered three hnndred and eighty-three. Be it enacted, <?e., That the Mayor be and he is hereby authorised and required to cause the curbstones to be set and the pavement laid on the south front of square num bered three hundred and eighty-three; and for defraying the expense thereof a tax is hereby imposed and assessed on the lots fronting on Virginia avenue, in said square numbered three hundred and eightv-three, to the amount of such expense: I*rnvided, That the tax hereby imposed and assessed shall not exceed three dollars per front foot of said lots; the work to be done agreeubly to the provi sions of the act of the fourth of April, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, concerning paved footways. Approved, July 26, 1861. AN ACT authorising the curbstone to be set and the foot way paved on the east front of squares numbered five hundred and tweuty-nine, Ave hundred and thirty, Ave hundred and thirty-one, and five hundred and thirty two. Be it enacted, itc., That the Mayor be and he is hereby authorised and required to cause the curbstone to be set and the footway to bo paved on the east side of squares five hundred and twenty-nine, five hundred and thirty, five hundred and thirty-one, and Ave hundred and thirty - two; and for defraying the expense thereof a tax is here by imposed and assessed on the lots fronting on the east side of said squares numbered Ave hundred and twenty nine, live hundred and thirty, five hundred and thirty one, and five hundred and thirty-two: Provided, The tax hereby imposed shall not exoeed three dollars per front foot. The curbstone to be set and the footway to be paved, hereby authorised and required, shall be done agreeably to the provisions of the act of the" fourth of April, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, concerning paved footways. [Approved, July 26, 1861. AN ACT to provide for grading and gravelling D street south, from Seventh to Eleventh street west. Be it enacted, <hc., That the sum of four hundred dol lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, bo and is hereby appropriated out of the funds of the Seventh Ward for the purpose of grading and gravelling D street south, from Seventh to Eleventh street west. Approved, July 81,1861. AN ACT making appropriations for the salaries of the Teachers and Assistant Teachers of the Public Schools. Be it enacted, <tc., That, for the payment of the sala ries of the teachers and assistant teachers of the several public schools in the city of Washington, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty two, the following sums are hereby appropriated, viz: For the salaries of four teachers of district schools, at eight hundred dollars per annum, three thousand two hundred dollars. For the salaries of three female assistant teachers, at two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the salaries of two male assistant teachers, at four hundred dollars per annum, eight hundred dollars. For the salaries of fifteen teachers of female primary schools, at two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the salaries of five assistant teachers of female pri mary schools, at two hundred dollarfe per annum, one thousand dollars. For the salaries of four teachers of male primary schools, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum, one thousand eight hundred dollars. Said Bums payable out of the school fund; and that, if the said fund should not prove sufficient, the balance shall be paid out of the general fund. Approved, July 31, 1851. AN ACT for the relief of the Anacostia Fire Company. Be it enacted, die., That the sum of two hundred dol lars be and the sanio is hereby appropriated, out of any money to the credit of the -general fund not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of repairing the Engine Uouse of the Anacoatia Fire Company; the money to be expended under the direction of the Mayor and president of the said company. [Approved, July 81,1861. ABERNETHY'8 Family Physician, a ready prescriber in cases of sudden illness and ac cidents. Price 26 cents. Guide to Health,or what to Eat, Brink, and Avoid; by Doctor Culverwell. Price 25 cents. How to be Happy, an Admonitory Essay on Regimen, Expediency, and Mental Government. Price 25 cents. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and other Diseases of the Chest; with remedies. Price 25 cents. Hydrophobia; its Origin, Cure and Prevention; with important instructions to every person keeping a dog; by William Osborne, Chemist. Price 26 cents. TAYLOR A MAURY, au 6? Booksellers, Pa av, near 9th st. MATCHES.?Anxious to reduce our stock of Matches, we will sell a few gross of them very cheap. Apply immediately to J.F. CALLAN, au 6? corner E and 7 th streets. SBOARS AND TOBACCO. ?Smokers and chewers can find a variety of superior brands both of Scgars and Tobacco at the corner of E and 7th streets, au fi? J. F .CALLAN. SPONGES.?A large assortment of Sponges for sale at the Drug Store, corner of E and 7 th street, by au 6? J. F. CALLAN. MRS. ESTHER MOFFBTT, 7th street, opposite Odd-Fellows' Hall, has received to-day an assortment of Ladies' CufT-plns, Jenny Llnd Ear-rings, Velvet Ribands, Elastic Sleeve-confiners, Under-sleeved, Ac. Also, English knit 8u?[>eriders, Mohair Stocks, white and colored Shirts, two rich China tea sets for children. Hampton's Vegetable Tincture kept constantly for sale. au 4?tr F. S. MYEB, MAGISTRATE, ? Hat removed to corner E and 8<A gireett, ojtposite the General I'otl Office. ALL BUSINESS requiring the attention of a Magis trate will be promptly attended to. CojrvETA\ci!TO.?AU instruments of writing carefully and expeditiously prepared. Also, claims against the Government prosccutcd to settlement [au 5?-eo3w? CONTEMPLATED REMOVAL?BARGAINS! MRS. COLLISON informs her customers and the la dies of Washington generally, that she contem plates removing her store in two or three weeks, (of which due notioe will be given hereafter,) on Sixth street, near the corner of Louisiana avenue, in the house at present occupied by Mrs. Choate. Her stock of goods will be run off at BARGAINS du ring the present and following week, to facilitate the abovs arrangement. Those wanting bargains will do well to call at her Millinery and Fancy Store, au 6?tf 7 th street, above n. A RARE CHANCE. ALARQE HOUSB AND LOT for sale, Dwelling and Store, (in an Improving and healthy part of the eity,) with a good run of custom already established, will be sold a bargain. The present owner lieing about to change his business, is the only reason for selling. For terms, Ac., inquire at this office. [ jy 31?eod2w* CoLLCCToa's Owes, July 21, 1861. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that the Taxes for the year 1851 are now due and payabln at this office, and that an abatement of 10 per rent, will be allowed by law upon the Taxes for the current year, If paid on or before the 31st day of August ensuing. Jy22?eotd R. J. ROCHE, Collector. SUPERIOR SUGARS. WE are now receiving and have oonstantly on hand a large stock of Refined Sugars?Crushed, Ground, Granulated, Clarified and Standard Loaf, which we will sell at the lowest market price. For sale by JNO. B. KIBBEY A CO., Jy 18?12teod No. 6, opp. Centre Market. NOTICE A DISSOLUTION OF THE COPARTNERSHIP of Reeside A Vanderwerken, of the " Union Line" of Omnibuses, being about to take place, all persons having claims against said firm arc heriiby notified to present the same to Robert Ould, esq., Georgetown, D. 0., without delay. REKS1DE A VANDERWERKEN. au 6?fit HEW DRY GOODS. MAGRUDER A CALVERT, Pennsylvania avenue, between 8th and 9th streets, have just, received a fresh supply of seasonable DRY GOODS, which they will run off at very low prices. Their stock Is large and as sortment'complete. an 4?tf UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. ?VV WE would Invite the Ladies to call and examine If onr extensive Stock of Green, Blue, and Waternd, Bordered and Lined Silk and Satin Tuer PARASOLS?the largest assortment In the District, at greatly reduced prices. _ Also a choice selection of UMBRELLAS, all of the latest fashion, and the work warranted. JUST RECEIVED?a handsome variety of Silks and Scotch Ginghams for recovering. CT Repairing and Oovering fcithfully and punctually ?Xittttfofl. OOR-HIT ? CO., may 6?6m Pens avenue, near 4 % street. WANTS. _ W *>*> to ra* etc. Is^Ure CUAMB*KMA,D ?? j, iLppJv to Mr H A ^jf"n ?'Porience In that ca union HoUl, ?AMT?D-A OOLOKJKD WoifTvIT" J housework of a small family a sla? ? ? rad. Apply at this office. J * HJH y?ur"' a WliOKKl> WOMAN, from 20 to 36 yearn ?f A OUPMAN " I6~tf ?or. of 9th ttnd M streeta. ?- Another Important OUcovVrv l j About five hundred ladies and gentlemen, between 7 a^d i 10 o clock yesterday morning, discovered that L A ii?. Hell, the Lest Soda Water in the District of Cohimbu! Let him who sells better come and get his Are hundred Jy 26? FI8HIHG Tackle Jnat recclTtd.-Hod?I. latent Slides, Cane, llazel, Ac. Lines? Furnished i.ities, Grass Lines, Ao. Hooks?Limerick, Kirby, front Hies, Ao. A. OKAY, Bookseller, June 17?eotf 7th street, opposite Odd-Fellows' Ilall. D?nW??tion\ hewers and Smokera ! UWNKli 8 popular Cigar and Tobacco stand is well supplied with the best Havana# and PrinoiDes Also a splendid lot of Chewing Tobacco, to which he ex tends a cordial invitation to his friends and to gentlemen of taste generally. j*n j?_ **r 'Fi" Vr BOOTS, of my own make, remaining on hand of old styles, which I will sell very low for cash. I have also a large supply of Boot* of the latest styles, and Shoes of every fashion. jAjlNKY jy -tt?tAug!4 8th St., near the Oen. Post Office. A HEW IMPROVEMENT FFor Fitting up Stores with Fancy Fronts. ft'n ?,112er and Architect, would respeot I . fully inform his friends and the public in general, mat he is prepared to fit up Stores and build Fancy Fronts new plan, embracing all the latest Improve ments. The work can bo done without stopping the busi ness while the work is going on. t0 d0 aU kind? of work in the build , ?mi i n 1 .shorU,8t notice and on the most reasonable atte^.ded to 8B entrusted to his care wlll be pro^tly JuaTl^em"'""'"' 0n ? "treet' Mweea 0tb 10th. PRINTERS' JOINER Cabinet-maker, Carpenter, and Prin side 4 ftvenue> ??*?? and loth south -jy 81?6m CLARET AND CHAMPAGNE )VnctTVUi\ __j - 1 ti* MUAlAiii JUof CLARKTKW1NK ?0WM KdiTnga BUP?rior article ii .? .. . "INK, to which I would resDectfullv TlL ,r ?M*nt'?n o[ Kentl"Den in want of a fine article Also, genuine lleidseeck Champagne " of Fmrl?i^n porUUon For sale by """ft,S. T. LL?y? !m" -jy Pa. ay., 3 doors east of 15th st SUPERIOR DAGUERREOTYPES?1st Premiumi T 11 WHITlfiHURST has extended the field of his op^ V ? erations over more ground than anv ilairn^r>-<.n yplst in the country. His GaUeries may Wfo^nTon ii7nnn?iHan .0nuf' {??'ween and 6th streets; No. 207 Baltimore street. Baltimore; corner Broadway and Leonard street New Vork; No.77 Main stree^id*L?? Sycamore street, Petersburg; Main street Norfolk ? ?>. i Main street, Lynchburg, Virginia ' Norfolk' fv^.^autifu,1 a?d E'8h,y fi"'?hcd electro-Daguerreo types are an extraordinary improvement, insuring faithful and li ghly finished likenesses in a few seconds ^ J. H. W. calls the attention of the public generally to his elegantly furnished Gallery over Lane and Tucker's gfvln ' W 6 * ^ exhi^iUon of Pictures will be Notwithstanding the unusual compeUtion in Daguerre otypes at the recent Fair of the Maryland Institute, he was awarded the first medal by the judges JSmZsxstd"?""10'' NEW GROCERY STORE, Corner of Mujssachutett* Avenue arid 12th street rpHE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs the citizens i? ' ?L '!ing^n and tho adjacent oountry that he *< large and fresh assortment of GROCE RIES, consisting, in part, as follows, vie.: tinnr.l'.^,Frlil,y/l0Uri ^oloe Tbm ofth? latest import. Uonsand finest flavors; Moca, Java, Rio, and Padang Cof fee, Sperm, Adamantine,and Tallow Candles; Salt Mack erel, Herrings, and Cod Fish; prime lot of Bacon, and a | ot of superior Sugar-cured Hams; also, Liquors, consist i?? ?f ?u?)erlof Brandy, Wine, Old Rye Whisky, Ale, of Shoes,"ic lc ' ' * 1&rge a*8ortmeut of Boots and . He P1(^Ke" thit?8olf to sell his goods as low as any .i" 01 ty' having reference to quality. ,1? 00Un,t,ry dfaler'\he particularly invites them to ^ive him a call. He will take any kind of country nro duce in exchange for goods. country pro He solicits a call from all. nn^mS't1"0 Ch6*P ??rner ?f Ma?^usety arenue Jy IS?tf h' W' HALL TAJ??.R * Book a elle r a *- o'a'?on?n, Pennsylvania avenue, near nth street, have constantly on hand a full aKHortrnvnt ULANK BOOKS, SClfoGL BWKB, PKnHwM I APER, of every variety, for sale at New York price*. EPISCOPAL Prayer-books. Catholic Prayer-book*. Methodist Hymn-booka Unitarian Hymn-books. Presbyterian Hymn-books. Baptist Hymn-books. In every rarletr. For sale at the published price, by t. no TAYLOR A MAURY. June 28?tf Booksellers, near 9th street. A J LL of Harper A Brothers' Publications ? All of Appleton's Publications. All of Putnam's Publications, th^UW^B8Uton^B?"t0n: "d *" ^ "> For sale at tho publishers' prices by J.,n? !*_.r TAYLOR A MAURY, N June 28 tf Booksellers, near 9th st. RULBD LKTTKR PAPKR at 11 26 a ream ' Ruled Foolscap Writing Paper at $1 26 a ream. uood Kuvclopes at |1, ?l &y and $1 Wa thoulw. Small Wrappingl'ape'r at 25?^"a ' 8rW* Ju-ne.28-*f't and SUtione^itotcfLea^Jh8^. PIANOS! PIANOS! NKW AND 8KOOND-HAND PIANOS BWBI always on hand, for sale and to rent on 7 J IB 1 ff tf>" llano Store, on " * u 12th street, above F street. New MUSIC STOOLS for sale. - jy 1 d3m* F. a RKICHKNBACH. TO THE PUBLIC. A ?.C0?,NKR' of the CTTY EX - it ^?K8S, begs loave to inform the public that he Jtlll continues to run his EXPRKSS WAOON to Oeorge town daily, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. He will also convey baggage to and from the Oars, and to any part of the city, at moderate charges. He hopes, by strict atten tlon to his business, and the prompt and fMttyfol delivery of all articles committed to his keeping, to merit a Hberal share of the patronage of the puhllc. Orders left with Mr. Lewis F. Perry, at Clagett A Do.1 avenue, near ?th street, will l>e at tended to wlUi promptness and fidelity. [ 2?tf COAL! COAL! COAL! N?^l?=.THE T,MK 'ay In yonr Coal. W. T. L" tnOW to furnish families and ;,w?r,LWlth.8fhuyIkl" and White Ash. Peach OrchaM, and Lyken Valley Red Ash, of various rise*. AIpo, Cumberland Coal, from the mo*t approy?j mine* screened, and free from slate and other Impurities, at the lowest cash prims, from his yards on the canal, in the rear of th? lata Gen. Van Ness's, or on PennsylTania a?e nue, between 17tli and 18th streets, First Ward. 2,240 pounds to tho ton. Send In your orders. jy 21?1m PURE IRISH LINEN AND LINEN GOODS GENERALLY. WK would call particular attention to our stock of Linens, suitable for shirtings; also for bosoms ana collars; which we warrant to be pure and free from any mixture of cotton. Also, table damasks, all widths, brown and bleached, with napkins, linen sheetings, Huck abscks, diapers, and toweling goods generally. Perann* wishing to make up the above goods, will find It to their advantage to purchase them now, as they will be sold at least 25 per oent. cheaper than during the busy season. Call and take a look for yourselves. O. W YERBY, jy 16?odlm Pa av., bet. 7th and 8th sta. ROOFING TIN, Ac. 100 boxes Roofing Plate, 14 m 20. Bright^ Tin, all sixes; Pig and Bar Tin; Sheet Lead; Load Pipe; Pig and Bar Lead;. Brasler's and Sheathing Copper; Bolts;! Zinc; Spelter, Ac., Ac. For sale by CAMPBKLLA COYLE Jy th* AnT'l, Penna. avenue. TAKE NOTICE-?8ELLING OPF AT VEHY i/lW PRICES. rjlHR subscriber, being desirous of closing out his en 1 tire stock of Spring and Summer <3, will X great bargains In? ' uu,,r FrU^.'"lr.k0n?U' ?',k. Bareges, Frenol, SHk oOd'l kimi**' (ilnKh,m"' B*rP^ "e Plain and embroidered white Crape Shswls. Also, ln? Marseilles and Silk Vest TnJthl: ?rTw?h Ih"*? d Kt" and Cashmeret. nronJu! ^ Tit!1 many oth" (T^s, all of which I Jy 7~1hi cor. 8Ui at, opp. 0*otre Market.