Newspaper Page Text
AMERICAN TELEGRAPH THURSDAY AFTJSRNOON, AUGUST 7. Ban rises ... 6h. 6m. | Sun wt< ... 7h. On. For iai* at tike Store-room* of the LadW Union Benevolent and Employment Hociety, on Seventh street, next to Odd-Fellows' lull, and on Cepitbl Hill, corner of A ami Pint streets, east and aoutli, a va riety of clothing suitr.ble to the wanon, comprising gar ments for the laburiug classes ami children. Aa the?e articles are the work or the industrious poor, the Society invite all who arc In want of this description of clothing to patronise these establishment*, and, as a very small profit on the work is added, the prices will necessarily he moderate. Families requiring such work to be done will benefit the poor by sending it to the Bociety'a rooms to be made up. To accommodate families, an Intelligence Office has been opened at the store on Seventh street, where those in want of servants may be supplied by paying a small fee. By order of the Board of Managers. All the papers of the city are requested to publish this notice as often as convenient. _____ June 0? CROCHET BONNETS Stiffened and Pressed, at Mrs. K. COLLISON'S Millinery A Fancy Store, Jj 2ft?tf 7th ctreet, 49r above U. SPRUCE FINE LUMBER AN* CEMENT." JUST LANDED a superior lot of Spruce Pine, Joist Scantling and Silling, of various lengths and sizes. Expected hourly, one hundred barrels of the best New York Cement. On haud the various kinds of Lumber uooessary for house building; together with Lime, Cal cined Plaster, Paliug and Fenclug Posts, Ac., Ac. All of which will be sold on reasonable terms by the under signed, at their Lumber-yard on the canal, at the inter section of 7tli street P. M. PEARSON A CO. jy 31?6tTl?AM _ [gat.News] SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! McLAIN A UAKRY have In store a good assortment of the above-named goods, suitable for Man, Boys', Ladies', Misses, and Children's wear, which must be sold for some price by the 1st of September. [June 9?tf EMPIRE HOTEL?LATE KINO'S. THIS house has been newly furnished and refitted, and citizens, us well as strangers, who prefer comfort to style, can find it here. Terms $1.26 per day. Connected with this house is a " Restaurant," where every thing good to eat or drink is served in a few moments, when in season; and private rooms can be had for suppers. Thankful for past favors, the undersigned respectfully requests a continuance of the patronage of his friends. R. W. ALLEN, late of the " Alhambra," jy 7?eotf [Richmond, A " Saracen's Head" hotel, N. Y. TT BCKARDT BROTHER take this Jtle method of Informing their Customers and the Public generally, that they have opened a Branch of their business on the Avenue in the dwelling of tho late Mr. Travkrs, between 12th and 13th streets, which they have handsbmely fitted up, hoping by strict attention to busi ness to share a portion of the public patronage. They will constantly keep on hand a fresh assortment of Cakes and Candies of every description; Ice Cream, Jellies, Charlotte Russo, Blanc-Mange, and Pyramids of every style for table ornaments?the handsomest ever intro duced into this city; together with a large variety of French Confectionuries. Their Saloons will be constantly kept open, where tho choioest Creams of the season will be kept. Tho most particular attention paid to furnishing Ball Parties and Private Entertainments. P. S.?All orders left at the Store on tho corner of F and 9th streets, near the Patent Office, or on tho Avenue, will receive prompt attention. June 27?eotf A New and Beautiful Style of Painting! THE undersigned have the pleasure of announcing to their customers, and the Public generally, that they are now successfully using that new, beautiful and dura ble article, but lately introduced into this city?the Zinc Paint from the Sussex Mines, N. J., which far surpasses, in beauty of finish and durability, the best of white leads. All disagreeable and poisouous effects, common to other Paluts, are by this avowed. We would respectfully refer those who wish to be better informed of its merits before having their houses painted, to? Com. C. W. Skinner, Com. Jos. Smith, J. Lathrop, esq., Navy Agent, Major W. Reilly, and Thos. RatclifTe, tsq. D. FINCH A SON, cor. of E and 12th sts. N. B. All shades of different colors made from this article. June 17?tf AMERICAN AND FOREIGN AGENCY, CITY OF WASHINGTON, Under the direction of Aaron IIaight Palmer, of New York, and Worthinotom Garretthon Snethen, of New Orleans, Attorneys and Counsellors of the Supreme Court Of the United States. This establishment is formed for the following otyocts: 1. For practising law iu the Supreme Court of the Uni ted States, and conducting professional business before Congress. 2. For the prosecution and recovery of all claims, In law or equity, against the United States before Congress or the Executive Departments, or against foreign Govern ments before Boards of Commissioners. 3. For the settlement of accounts with the State, Trea sury, War, Navy, Post Offloe, and Interior Department,', and obtaining the remission of fines, penalties, and for feitures for alleged violations of the revenue, post office, or other laws. 4. For securing letters patent for inventions from the United States or from fbreign Governments, and procu ring land warrants and pensions under the various pen sion laws of the United States. 6. For collections generally, embracing debts, legacies, and inheritances in the United States and foreign coun tries. 0. For the purchase and sale of lands in any of the States or Territories of the Union, and loaning moneys on mortgage of real estate lying therein. 7. For Investment of funds In United States and State stocks and loans, collection of the dividends thereon, and, generally, for the transaction of all business pertaining to a law, loan, and banking agency. All communications addressed, post-pud, to Messrs. Palmer A Snethen, American and Foreign Agency, City of Washington, will receive prompt and faithful attention. PALMEIt A SNETIIKN, June 30?ly* Offloe No. 6Carroll Place, Capitol Hill. NOT BAD TO TAKE. SHERMAN'S A KALES' Cough, Worm, Camphor, Cath artic, and Dysentery Lozenges. These Lozenges are remedies the most pleasant to the taste imaginable, and truly safe and valuable Ibr the pur poses Intended. Try them. A. GRAY, Bookseller, June 13?eotf 7th street, opposite Odd-Fellows' Hall. Enoourage jour own Mechanic*, Manufacturer!, and Seamstreiiea. WILLIAM H. FAULKNER, Sign of the Shift, south side of Penna. avenue, respectfully In vites the citizens of Washington, and all others who desire to nave SHIRTS of all sizes, qualities, pattern, or price, to call upon him at his Shirt Factory, oppo site the United States Hotel; where he will execute their or ders, and warrants his shirts, which are manufactured by the ffratiutrejists tf Washington only, to be good fits and good work manship. William H. Faulkner has 30 Washington seamstresses constantly employed In making shirts, the demand for which has , neatly increased slnoe they have I been worn and tested by mem bers of Congress and other cltl *ens who have purchased them, ne would respectfully sub nit that an establishment like his, which gives regular employment, at fair living prior*, to a large number of respectable and Industrious females. Is deserving of liberal eneonragement from the citizens of Washington especial ly, who are bound by principles of reciprocity anil Inter est to encourage thsLr own seamstresses, manufacturers, and mechanics. Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Cravats, Handkerchief)*, Sus penders, Ac., constantly kept for sole. Call and view the assortment. Oood SHIRT-MAKERS can always obtain employment. June IB?eotf [Intelligencer copy.] MEADOW BANK MINERAL 8PRIN08. rpHK SUHSCRIHKR, having completed bis large and 1 pleasant building upon his farm in the country, about three miles from Washington city, on the Turnpike to Rladensbnrg. Is now prepared to receive boawlers. Gen tleman with their families, or single persons, can be ac commodated with board and lodging by the month, week, or day. Plc-nic or other parties can also be accommo dated by giving previous notice. Upon tne Farm, near the house, Is a Spa Spring, of well known medical properties, being strongly Impreg nated wilh Sulphur, Iron, Salts, and Magnesia. There will he, at all times, at the Spring, Refreshments for visiters, viz: Lemonade. Ice-Oream, and all the Fruits of the season. Disorderly persons excluded from the grounds, and no visiters received on Sundays. He desires to be governed by the rules of Temperance, and conse quently will furnish no liquor to his guests. Means of conveyance from and to tne city daily. Every exertion will be made to render visiters com fortable, and he respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. Mkahow Ranks, June 10,1861. R. W. BURROWS. P. 8.?A good second-hand PIANO wanted, to purchase or rant. A good sober COOK can find a place by calling on the subscriber. Satisfactory reference required. Reference can he msde to John F. Callan, esq., Clementg H. Bennett, esq., or to John Van Resttick, esq. June 11?eo'2m R, W. B. 1MIR M I< HO<4< OPIMT. a Complete Manual of the use of the Microscope; for students, physicians, and all lovers of Natural Science; by J. H. Wythes, M D: The Erie Railroad Guide-book, with Illustrations; by William MucLaod. j The Westminster Review, for Jnly. For sale by TAYLOR A MAURY, au 2? Booksellers, near t?th street. OLhmM) Or. Towmend's Nsraspsrllla. Thls Is the season for purifying the blood, and therelgr avoiding disease. Everybody should take a bot tle of Townsend's Sarsaparllla In the spring; and It may )? had genuine ?t the corner of K and 7th streets. y, ft- it. CALLAN. GEORGETOWN AND ITS AFFAIRS. Gmokoitowm. August 7?12 m. Our market was well supplied this morning tfith meats, vegetable*, &0. Beat outs beef 8@10o. per lb.; mutton, G@8c. do.; LamM1i (U> t?2Jc. per quarter; butter, 20@25c. per lb.; eKg8, 12jc. per do*.; hams, 12Jc. per lb.; lard, 1-jo. do.; potatoes, 25(?^31c. per peck; toma toes, 12J@16c. do.; peaches, 60@75o. do.; chickens, $2.60@#8 per doz. Cabbage, fruits, &c., in abundance, and at moderate prices. Flour and Oram Market.? There was a sale yesterday afternoon of 100 bbls. old flour at <f>8.87$. Wheat and corn remain at last quotations. Arrivals. Packet schr. Fairfax, C. Penufield, New York, to F. & A. H. Dodge; packet schr. Harriet Garrison, Scot, Philadelphia, to E. Pickrell & Co. ^ Sailed.? Schr. Eliza, Forbes, for Washington, Canal Trade.? Arrived, Wm. Jackson, 0m., limestone; Edward Payson, 62m., do.; Experi ment, ;J7m., wheat, flour, corn, &c.; Buena Vista, 69m., limestone ; 1). & H. Clagett, 81m., 820 bbls. flour. departed? Miles Standish, F. Bloodgood, John Lambic, M. Frances, John P. Smart Hugh Smith. Elkctko. ' [Communicated.] Captain Kan by, Ac. Messrs. Editors : Why should there be so much noise and confusion raised in regard to the course which the Commissioner of Public Buildings and Grounds deemed it his privilege to take, in the matter of the location of the Bronze Equestrian Statue of General Jackson 1 The facts in the matter, as I understand them, are simply these: Mr. Mills, the artist, and Captain Easby, the Commissioner of Public Buildings and Grounds, happened one day to be riding together in an omnibus past the Presi dent s House and Lafayette Square, on the op posite side of the great avenue. Mr. Mills made some remark on the beauty of the site selected for the Jackson statue, pointing to Lafayette Square. Captain Easby said at once tnat Jackson s statue could not go there. Mr. Mills remarked that he thought the late Presi dent Polk had located the site of the Btatue in Lafayette Square. Well, said Captain Easby, he had no nght to do it. The statue can't go there, A site may be had for it over on the Island, by the Washington Monument, but it can t go in Lafayette Square. Mr. Mills got somewhat indignant at this emphatic resolve of the Commissioner of Public UuudingA and Grounds, but, lest he might be in error in his views on the subject, refrained from making any positive reply, and went to seek the Secretary of the Jackson Association, John W. Maury, esq., and inform him of Capt. Lasby s position in the matter. brouKht about an interview between Mr. Maury and Captain Easby, on which oc casion the indomitable Commissioner first took the same views of the subject which he had maintained m the omnibus with Mr. Mills the artist. Mr. Maury, in his own quiet way, asked Captain Easby if he had consulted President t illmore on the subject, and the Commissioner said no, he had not, but the President would stand by him and back him up in the matter. Whereupon Mr. Maury said, let us look at the joint resolution of Congress on the subject, and see if even the President can prevent the Jack son statuei from being erected in Lafayette square, lhe joint resolution was then read, authorizing the President of the United States to select the site for the statue, with the en dorsement of Mr. President Polk, locating the site in Lafayette Square. Capt. Easby acknowl edged his error, and surrendered at discretion, like a convinced man, ready to obey as well as to execute the laws of his adopted country. Now, what more could be asked of the Com missioner than this ? Would you ask him to be a Jackson man ? He had a right to be an anti Jackson man, and he had a right to suppose that his fast and unswerving friend, President Fillmore, would stand by him and back him up in forbidding the erection of Jackson's statue right under the nose of a Whig President. They had both been old anti-Jackson men together. Ihey had fought hard against him, and he had looked upon them, no doubt, with something akin to contempt. Why, then, expect them to turn about and fall in love with the memory of Andrew Jackson ? W as not Capt. Easby fully justified in count ing upon the President's backing him up in this business? 1ft knew President Fillmore's old and steadfast friendship for him, and that nothing short of a pretty smart earthquake would be likely to break off that friendship. Hence ho had a right to say that high func tionary would stand by him. But aB soon as he looked at the law relative to the statAe, he was all obedience to its mandate. What more could be asked '! True, his enemies may say he ought to have known the law relative to the public grounds, or ho ought not to be the Com missioner over them. But he claims to be no lawyer; why then expect him to know the law by heart? It may be urged that his conduct shows what he would have done if he only had had the power, and that President Fillmore would have backed him up! Well, what of thatThey are in power, and are both anti Jackson men, and they have the right to display their anti-Jacksonism in their .high places haven't they t or, It is complained of Captain Easby, that he has removed that venerable and most highly esteemed man, Robert Mills', the architect, from office. But did not President Fillmore request it, or sanction it; and will he not stand by and back up Captain Easby in the matter ? As for Captain Easby's manner being emphatic and English-like, it must be recollected that he is an Englishman by birth, and can't be ex pected to be entirely free from Englishisms; one of which?energy and emphasis of man ner?is a credit to him. In conclusion, let me tell the enemies of Cap tain Easby, one and all, that he and President ril more are understood to know, understand, and love each other like brother*; and that no thing which Captain Easby may do will cause his devoted friend, President Fillmore, to dis miss him from office before he goes out of office himself?on the 4th of March, 1858. C. E. D. HARDWARE. IlHR subscribers havs In store a (rood assortment of Houm Furnishing and Builders Hardware, Cutlery, Ac., which they offer to thorn in tint at the lowest price*. Also, Agricultural and Gardening Implements, eom poiiing all the arUcles used. J. T. RADOMFF A CO., mar M?tf Odd-Fellows' Hall, 7th street. WONDER-WORKING SALVE. DR. PORTKR'B WONDKR-WORKINO .HALVE, as pre pared by the late Dr. Tallit, of this city, arts like a charm, invariably effecting permanent cures in all cases of Wounds, Bruises. Hums, fowls, Chilblains, Painful Swell ings. Riles, Piles, Abscesses, Ulcers, and Sores of all kinds. It is wonderfully efficacious for Inflammnhim or ririnp of the FemaU Brkast, or injiammaium arising from any cause. .. As s lip salve, and tor chapped hands, It has no supe rior. It will make a perfect, cure in a hurry. The subscriber has used it In his own family with astonishing suocess, and can rreommend it with con fidence. Anil so well assured is the l"*0PRirro* of its effi cacy, that the purchaser will be at liberty to return what salve is loft and his money be refunded in case of failure. A. GRAY, Booksellsr, 7th street. ap 24 lawy General Agent for the U. 8. Also tor sale by Dr. H. 1! WOODRUFF, Druggist, oor. of F and 11th sts GEORGETOWN. HAMS, SHOULDERS, LARD, ito. on nnn POUNDS bright Shoulders OU.UUvJ 4,000 extra sugar-curod lUms 30 barrel* priuiu Leaf Lard 120 do rectified Whisky 140 package* elarlflod Mid crushed Sugar 100 duaeuBuckeU 100 neate flour Bucket* AO hbdB. Porto Rico Sugar 200 pound* N utmeg 10 casks Sperm Oil 40 bbls. Whale Oil . Juat received and for sale by MORTON A WILSON, au 6?lwj opp. Ray's Mill, Water st., Georgetown. SUPERIOR OLD WHISKY, WINES, Ac. 1 C\ BARRELS very superior Old Whieky.of 1841 U aj uightli-ctmkn pure l'ort Juice 20 quarter do. choice Old Port Wine 10 do do Burgundy do 40 do do Sherry Wine, very choice 60 do do Madeira do. various favorite brand* 30 half pipes Bark and Pale Brandy 1 pipe Holland Gin, "Grape" brand 70 half-chests Green and Black Tea 20 cases Olives, Sardines, Ac. 30 do Claret Wine .. Just received and for sale by MORTON A WILSON, nu 6?lw] opp. ltay's Mill, Water st., Georgetown. BOAED! BOARD! BOARD! IMVE OR SIX SINGLE GENTLEMEN can be accom ? ujiKlatt'd with comfortable board at Mrs. Palmsii ? Boarding-house, Bridge street, between Green and Wash ington streets, Georgetown, D. C. au 1?3wTuAa U PHOLSTERINO AND PAPER-HANGING ESTABLISHMENT, Bridge street, 3 doors from Congress st., north side. ROBIER A BROTHER respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are daily reoeiv iuic in addition to their already large and extensive stock of PAPER-HANGINGS AND UPHOLSTERING GOODS, new patterns of Paper, Ac. We now have in store one of the most extensive assortments of Paper, Ac., in the Dis trict. Persons will tiud it to their advantage to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we can sell cheaper than any house in the District. Every article In our line made to order, such as Ilalr, Shuck, and Cotton MATTRESSES, Pew Cushions, Cur tains, Feather Beds, Easy Chairs, Lounges, Ac., Ac. Jta- Patented Hair Spring Mattresses made to order. June 4?dt21WAS3w ROPIER A BROTHER. Important California charts, with sailing directions?by Commander Cadwalador Ringgold, U. S. Navy: Embracing surveys of the wal lones, entrance to the bay of Ban Francfaoo, bays of San Francisco and San Pablo, straits of Carquincs and Sulsun bay, confluence and del tic branches of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, including the cities of Boaton and Sacramento, State of California. Price $10 a set. For sale in Washington city by MAURy jy 3i_ Booksellers, near 9th st. VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND LAND AGENCY. HN GILBERT has opened an office in Washington . city, where he will give his prompt attention to all those who will favor him with the agency to sell fanne in Virginia, Maryland, or the District of Columbia. Having followed farming heretofore, and being a northerner by birth, he can appreciate the wants of such as come from the North for the purpose of locating farms in this vicin ity. He has the agency to sell a goodly number of farm* in Virginia, and those coming from the North would do well to call, before purchasing, at his residence on Penn sylvania avenue, first square west of the Capitol Gate, may 29?y *2m FAMILY GROCERIES. Z. M. pTklNG, Cbr. 15 th and 1st its., nearly opposite the President's House., Dealer In FINE TEA8, of every description ; all rare and choice articles pertaining to a First-Class Family Grooery and Variety Store. His Exprkjs Waooh will deliver goods free of charge. Jy i? FIRE INSURANCE. JiTN A INSURANCE COMPANY. Money Capital 9300,000* D. A. Hall, Agent. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. Money Capital $300,000. It. W. Latham, Agent. Old-eitablithed Companies of Hartford, Connecticut. Insure against Fme all descriptions of property on land, both in town and country, in the District of Columbia and vicinity; also, steamboats and vcsSels, (with their car goes,) in port or on the Potomac. The business of the above-named Companies will be conducted for the agents, by T. M. HANSON, At the Potomac Savings' Bank, Seventh street, oppo Hite the Post Office. jy 12?eoSw IN FAIR WEATHER PREPARE FOR RAIN. DANIEL PIKRCK continues to cover and re ? pair UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS as usual, 'at his old stand, Pennsylvania avenue, Bouth side, between 12th and 13th streets, sign of the Mark and white Umbrella. ?- A general assortment of Umbrellas for sale. 811k. Oiugham, and other materi als suitable tor every description of repairs, always on hand. I'a. av., south side, between 12th and 13th streets. June 3?eotf EDUCATIONAL. EPISCOPAL INSTITUTE for YOUNG LADIES, Northwest corner of 9th and E streets. TnE IN8TITUTE will resume it* session on the first of September, with an efficient oorps of Professors and Teachers In every department. , , Terms tor boarding pupils, $200 per annum, Including Engllsn and Mathematics. Terms for day pupils?per letrinn of Jive months?from *10 to $22, In English and Mathematics. Ancient and modern languages, Music, Drawing, I aint ing, Ac., extra. Circulars to be had of the Principal. Karly application for admission Is necessanr. WILLIAM J. CLARK, Principal. Washington Oitt, August 3, 1861. au 4?dt8ep.6* . rpHE UNION ACADEMY, Corner of FOUK 1 TKENTU STREET and NEW YORK AVENUE.? A new and elegant Building Is being erected, and will be furnished in the most approved modern style, to be opened on the 1 it September, 1861. The Register is now open, and fast filling up with names of applicants for ad mission. Circulars can be had from the Principal, or at R. FARNII AM'8 Book Store. Examine?then decide. June 14?tf Z- RICHARDS, Principal^ "THE UNION FEMALE ACADEMY," On 14th street, between II and Arew York Avenue. MRS Z RICHARDS will commence the Second Year of her Seminary for Young l-adies, S?PT??*a 8th, in a suitable brick building just erected for the purpose, and fitted up with the best furniture. The young ladies will have access, free of charge, to the library, and the large and beautiful ecUection of new apparatus, la the Union Ac^Iemy. They will also have ^e prlriUja of s^ tending the semi-monthly Lectures on I hilosophy, Chem istry, Ac., by the Principal of the Union Academy Circulars obtained of the Principal, corner of 14th and I streets, or at R.Farnham's Bookstore. |au2?eod4w CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, AND COM MERCIAL INSTITUTE, Under the care of Rev. Alfred llolmead, Rector, and Mr. Charles Tucker, A. M. rpHK DUTIES of this Institution will be resumed on [ the 18th of August, In the lower Saloon of Mr. Ca "'in" English!'Mathematics. Greek, Latin, the oourse will be full and thorough. Pupils fitted for the Counting-room or College. The experience of fifteen years, in the management of boys. Induces the confident belief that the satisfaction ex pressed by their numerous former patrons, both in Mary land and Virginia, will be shared by those who may be plxased to entrust the edooatlon of their sons to their *For terms and further Information apply to the Rector, the Rev. Alfred llolmead, at his residence on 9th, between E and F streets. _ [jy V?att A. ZAPP0NE, Teacher of French, Spanish and Italian?Translator and (Mneral Agent. VFKW BEGINNERS may be taught on the Guitar Classes of gentlemen meet at his room. Pennsyl vania avenue, north side, between 3d and street, jy 23?tf ANTHEM BOOK. i FEW copies of "DYERS ANTHEM BOOK," (now iVout of print,) just received, and for saie b^^ June 2 tf 7th street, opposite Odd-Fellows' Hall j OFFICIAL Military Hooka for Rale by TAYLOR A MAURY, Booksellers, near ?th street, | Washington. Cavalry Tactics, ? ro\nprice |ft?very armrcc. Wayne's Sword Exercise; price $1. Scott's Infantry Tactics, 3 vols.; price $2.60. | Instructions for Mountain Artillery; price 75 cents, j Cooper's Tactics and Kegulatlons tor the Militia. Instructions for Field Artillery, Horse and Foot. Cross's Military l-aw?. McOomb's Courts Martial. Ordnance Manual. Army and Navy Registers. And all other Government books and documents. jy 2(1? NEW WORKS. I1FE AND TTMES of John Calvin, by Paul Henry, _j D. D. Translated from the German, by Henry S,CbHs?s Second Coming: Will It be Pre-Mlllennlalf By Rev. David Brown, A. M. Yonng Man's Counsellor, by Rev. Daniel Wise, A. ?? History of the Republic of Liberia. Christian Purity, by Rev. R. 8. Foater?Introduction by Bishop Janes. ??? Adams Women of the Bible. The Young Governess?a Tale. For sale by A. GRAY, 7th street, jy 24 eo opposite Odd-Fellows' Hall. | SAMUEL WISE, OARVKNTjKK AMD BUH.MIH, r r*? ?* ?f Walktr&Ww,) street* ""** ?U 1 uortl1 ,ide> between Oth tad Tth _ mir 34?tf JOSEPH WIM8ATT, G^2-C5rtf8W1NK AS, & LIQUORS, -?w ^ ^aS4gs^B.y?1?-ft, Old Winei, Liquori, Began, Preah Foreign Fruxta, Comestibles, etc., t'OH ?AU BY . JAMES T. LLOYD, ' 5S83J *<ioort out <if b\/lctnt\ strut. C. H. VAN PATTEN, M. D, Surgeon OtatUt. ni \r f**ar Mrvwti'i Hotel, l^nnsylvatUa avenue UeiThi and Philadelphia prices, aud gu'aran apT-tf * 40 ^ to Jo^ in E JNO. B. KIBBET ft 00., Dealers m FINE GROCERIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS No. 6, opposite Centre Market, *P 10 Wahhiwqtow City, D. C. d t y DB. J. M. AUSTIN, (Late of Warrenton, Va.) atove loth1"1 KealdUn0e-F',trwjt. north "ide, one door *utg: mar 27?ThAStf E. W. CBOPLEY, Uwumith, Locksmith and Bell-Jfangcr CvJSyl?1* .aven.uq' between 2d and 3d *treit*. , and mounted; Machinery and Lamps repaired; Turning done in Ivory and Metals. Juuu 4??o JOHN L. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND MAGISTRATE, BnorSdt? Ei9hth street, opposite Market. A?2fe*Ma.W rwiui.ria' th" attention of an I Attoiney,. Magistrate, or Agent, will I*, promptly aiumdud to 0latins brought before Congress and the Sffirh^h:nd?.r6ce,ve prompt Btu,ntion b> >*""? June 12?y PRANCI8 Y. NAYLOR, Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Stove Manufacturer ."SK* OUTTKItlNQ, SPOUTING, Ac ' I. .? l ena?y'Tania avenue, near Third street. ^T"** Wan hi ng ton oity, D. C. THOMAS M. HARVEY, Carpenter $ Builder, Fstreet, between 9th J- 10fA I inmtiw'l t?4?" ord<1? for any work in his line. rIIm promptly executed, at moderate charges. June ?S?tAfT "venue and Tenth street. JAMES W. SHEAHAN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. PRACTI8E8 in the Courts of the District, and rrose ? ?! of evel7 description before the several executive Departments and before Congress Offloe and residence 21st street, two' doors north - - - _ ap ll_tf OEOROE E. KIRK, 1 a ??. and Siffn Paintfr> and Glazier, 7,?u,1?1<le.Jj0uif'anaavenue, between Oth and 7th streets (Dwelling South ? street, between 7th and 8th streets' s irar*40 eiecutu 10 order *u oi JAMES P. TUCKER, BTrai^PaT' ^Hector, and General Agent. ni! entrusted to him will be attended to in a proper manner, and may be left with auv of the SgwSuiffCao0 gtreet' between J. MoNEALE LATHAM, Attorney ?t Law, Will practise in the several courts of the District of Columbia. JlfllLjf* Btr?et' near Fir8t Pre8byterian Church. H. H. WOODRUFP, M. D., Chemist and Druggist, jy 2y^A?f F and 1Uh "trpet"' M'^bing(on, D. 0. ~~ NOTICE. I ??Ti.n8 l*>r,n*nently located his .f, Ueelwright aad Blacksmith shop# on the west side of Seventh street, be tween Q and H, he is prepared to execute ail order, in hi. line of business in the most workman-like manner. Thankful for put favors he "?llclU a ??n"nuancc of public patronage. Jy ? d8w J A WEB A. WISE r| HE WORLD CANNOT PRODUCE STRONGER EVIDENCE THAN THIS, kindly handed to us by J. SToriDRnxiB, esq.. Of the Fountain Hotel, Light street, a Hentleuxan extensively and favorably known. The writer of the letter, Captaiii Canot, is the brother of the cele brated Physician to Louis Napoleon, President of the French Republic. Numbers of our moet respectablo citi ?ens will give equally strong testimony in favor of HAMPTON'S VEGETABLE TINCTURE. It is a certain cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Ac, and all diseases from impure blood. * Baltimore, June 4, 1851. Mr. Stockbridffe of the fbuntain 1 Intel, Light street, Haiti ?n a more. Dear Sir: Being on the point of leaving the city, I avail myself of a few idle moments to thank you kindly for the medicine you sent me, and which has restored me tl^n ,1"? ??f my Mmb*' 1 h?* *ou 10 *?nd me four bot more, to carrv on my voyage. Since I had the for tune to use Dr. Hampton's Vegetable Tincture my oonfi ifi iDSL ^ ,n ?ra"tude t" Proprietors of -aid modicine 1 beg you to present my respects to them, and Induce them tc make it more publicly known as a of A?rtMUI?atir,Cure- "aT'nK called on me on the lUth of April last, and seen me prostrated on my bed, useless in all my limbs, you can appreciate nearly as well ** my. self the prompt relief I received from Dr. llamptou's Tincture, and I am positive had It not been for your strong and forcible recommendations I should still have been in bed. ? . u 'eaJ,y ? Plty thi" specific should not be approved by medical men, and like all patentdrugs It should suffer the imputation the public generally give to such prepara Lons. I myself who was always op|?os?d to a patented sfieHflc, took this med.cina with reluctance, and without ?.nftden?, in it, and it waa only thn.uffhyour disinterest "d, niendiy reraminendations, and my critical situation Torture m0 10 Uy ^ realljr ben-fl< i?l Vegetable' You may inform Messrs. Mortimer A Mowbray that they are at liberty to make use of my name in the sut j<ort of the good effeots of Dr. Hampton's Vegetable Tinc flT* wwk"' of a chronic In flammatory RheumaUtm, contracted under trrmcai d< u F*a?'r' periodical duratum. I have only nsed three bottles, and And that even the def?rmtd jmrtt nf my hands are fast returning to their former natural &ppe*raiir?. mi , 'l"!' h*" ?n^or treatment of several physicians ?hn^ODv ir ^ *,thout apparent l? neflt, als.i, wh"e la Hew York, having tried the Tbompsonlan and lomcppethu-'remedies, after having been tormented with galvanic batteries, cold and aromatic baths, and hundreds of Internal and external medicines, all to no effort I *? cured by this Hampton's Vegetable Tincture only. Therefore, my dear sir, accept of th.- assurance of my gratitude, and believe me your well-wihher. [Signed] THOMAS CANOT. WThU>?rU?vL5u,i5, ?^. nERSrlTARY HCROFULA I Ti ls o rtifloate is from the pen of a gentleman whose name appears on the journal of Congress?one who is ex teiifivly &od favorably known : It affords me pleasure to sUte that Dr. Jesse Hamp ton s Tincture has effected a most extra/irdlnarv cure of The patient was thre.. y?ars old! I"'' (bislWUier Is scrofulous.) Theboy Zu m" nt "?T" fr"m to foot; the upper ?ihiw. n" muo*1 "woden,and turned HuUtoat horrible mattering ulcere that protruded over the eye-ball ao as V) produce blindness. It Is stranm- r..t true, this child-that I felt resigned to ?e die wTrefilf treSmwt^flKriK h*"n rwtoml to health under the mJSSmm. w- p- thoma8?n r. W* ??'*'** number 'of certificates from our most t??TWt^re^"""" n,adp bT 'his celebra ' Ti ? ?"*t ""J that " flesh is heir to " After all other remedies have failed, we ask the afflicted !dc^ilTn *"nt" ""I Ift pamphlets with certificates of cur*. MORTIMfcR A MOWBRAY, ? Baltimore, Oeneral Agents. Por aale by C. 8tott A Oo, Washington, D. C Joseph Moffett, 7th st. near E. j ISO?,, J}' a- T- Georgetown. jy Ifl 3nir C. C. Berry, Alexandria, Va. PATENT LIGHTNING RODS. J 1?3ATT' KtKCTRICIAN AND ELECTRO ? I . METALLURGIST, and Double latent,, of the /m { r ?These superior Rods are of car boalMd annealed Iron, with lino protectors, and electro I potiOve elements combined in their manufacture, thus rendering them equal to copperas conductors. They are in ten fret lengths, with accurately fitted brass screw connectlap Joints, an entire new style of metallic (pa tented) attachments for brick or frame buildings; also, glass Isolators, of a novel and ingenious construction. ' Tij . . '""n'ng a lock: the whole mounted with a Platinum silver point, (patented,) twelve Inches long, surrounded at the base with the angular gold-plated no gative magnets, which possess the power to an extraor dinarr extent of discharging the opposite elements of the most fearful thunder-storm, and embrace the entire per fection of science up to the present time. In addition they are ^irnished with angular gold-plated negative magnets, thus guarding laterally, the whole constituting the most magnificent and silent conductor ever presented to th* public. All order* left with the subscriber, or with Mr. A. j?7' opposite Xatinnal Intelligencer office, 7th street will be promptly attended to. jy 23 OtdAlawtiw* C W IIKYDON, Agent. GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I Bargattu ! Bargain?It ? I McLAlX A HARRY, Sctinth rtrwut, would most (? ?pectfUUjr inform their friend* and the public geue rthat U)fy *rt> positively Helling off their stock of ig and Summer Goods at prime oust, for CABH Pur chasers uuy rent assured that there in no humbug about it. All they ask hi a call, and they promise that none shall go away disappointed. 4Br Remember that their store, for the present, is on SBVl^TH STREET, betweenJ1 and I. {.June 8?tf J. A. KIRKPATRIOX, MARBLE AN1) FREE-STONE CUTTER, K street, between IMi and IWi, WashingUm City, D. C. MARBfiE MANTLES, Monuments, Tomb*, liuul ami VdOt 8 to ilea, Ac., constantly on hand, of the best <1 ualUy and workmannblp. All kinds of Stone, for Build ing, Ac. All kindH of work in his lino faithfully executed j at the shortest notice. ap 10?tf General Banking and Exchange Business. COPARTNERSHIP. riMlK undersigned respectfully announce to the public X that they have entered Into copartnership for tilt" transaction of a general Exchange and Bank lug business in the city of Washington, under the firm of? BELDEN, WITHERS A 00. All business entrusted to them will be attended to with promptness and fidelity. WILIJAM SELDEN, Latn Treasurer of the United States J0I1N WITHERS, Of Alexandria, Virginia. B. W. LATHAM, Of the city of Washington. L. P. BAYNE, mar 24?tf Of Baltimore, Maryland. IT'IiTf IMI'EK.?One sheet of this Paper will de- I . stroy 10,00(J Flies. It is for sale, with full direo- | tions, at the corner of E and Seventh sts., by June il? J. F. CALLAN. THE DAILY REGISTER, PUUUSHXD DAILY BY MORAN A SICKEIjS, PHILADELPHIA, 18 circulated extensively among the Merchants of that city, and travellers find It iu nil the Hotels, Steam boats, and Railroad conveyances diverging from Phila delphia. It contains a correct list of the names of those j persons arriving at the principal hotels daily, and conse quently is the best means the Proprietors of Hotels in other cities can have for extending their business among the travelling public. O EVANS' EIRE AND TI11EF PROOF SAFES, . for the use of Merchants, Storekeepers, and others; a full assortment of various sizes now in store. The above Chests are warranted equal to any other make for security against Fire or Burglars, having withstood the test of both without injury or loss to the owners, in any instance. Also?In store and for sale: Seal and Letter Copying Presses and Books Trucks, for moving Boxes, Bales, Ac., in Stores Druggists' Presses, with Cylinders and Pans Packing Levers, for Dry Good Stores, Ac. Portable Shower Baths, of new construction, suitable for j warm or cold water Refrigerators, for keeping Meats, Butter, Milk, Ac., Id dining room, hall, or cellar Water Filters, for purifying muddy or bad Water,caused by Rains, Limestone, Marl, or other causes. OLIVER EVANS, 61 S. Second, 1 door below Chestnut street, max ?-*? Philadelphia ~ BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE, AND TBS BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEWS. OWING to the lato revolutions and counter-revolutions | among the nations of Europe, which have followed each other in such quick succession, and of which " tht etui is not yet," the leading periodicals of (ireat Britain have become invested with a degree of Interest hitherto unknown. They occupy a middle ground between the hasty, disjointed, and necessarily imperfect records of the newspapers, and the elaborate and ponderous treaties to be furnished by the historian at a future day. Whoever j reads these periodicals obtains a correct and connected ac count of all the important political events of the Old World, as they occur, and learns the various conclusions drawn from them by the leading spirits of the age. The j American publishers therefcre deem It proper to call re newed attention to the works they publish, and the very low prices at which they are offered to subscribers. The following is their list, viz: The London Quarterly Review, The Edinburgh Review, The North Britisii Review, . The Westminster Review, and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. In these periodicals are contained the views, moderately j though clparly and firmly expressed, of the three greatest parties in England?Tory, Whig, and Radical; "Block wood" and the " London Quarterly" aro Tory, the " Edin- j burgh Review" Whig, and the "Westminster Review" | Liberal. The " North British Review" owes its establish ment to the lastgreateecleslaftical movement In Scotland, and is not ultra In its views on anv one. of the grand de partments of human knowledge. It was ortgtuuily edited I by Dr. Chalmers, and now, since bis death, is conducted < by his non-in-ltw, Dr. Hanna, associated with Sir Davkl i Brewster. Its literary character Is of the very highest order. The ?' Westminster," though reprinted under that title only, is published in England under the title of the " Foreign Quarterly and Westminster," it being in fact a union of the two Keriews formerly published and reprinted under separate titles. It has, therefore, the advantage, by this combination, of uniting in one work the best features of both, as heretofore issued. The above Periodicals are reprinted in New York, imme diately on their arrival by the British steamers, in a beau tiful clear type, on fine white paper, and are faithful co pies of the originals?Blackwood's Magazine being an ex- i act fax. limit* of the Edinburgh edition. TKKM8: For any one of the four Reviews, $3 00 per annum. For any two, do 6 00 " For any three, ?. do 7 00 " For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 " For Klarkwood's Magazine, 3 00 " For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 " For Blackwood and four Reviews, 10 00 '* Payment! to be made in all cases in ad ranee. Mr-Remittances and communications should be always addressed, post paid or franked, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT k CO., 7D Fulton street. New York. I mar 24? Entrance f>4 Oold st. CI RE AT chance for book Agents to clear from $MI0 tt ] JT $1,000 a year! Books of universal utility. HEARS' j NEW AND POPULAR WORKS?the most splendidly I illustrated volumes for families ever Issued on the Ame | rican continent, containing more than roc* thousand en gravings, designed and executed by the most eminent | artists of England and America. The entire series have been carefully examined, and ( strongly recommended to Superintendent*. Trustees, and Teachers of Schools, by the foilowingdl.'itingulshed gentle men: His Excellency Hamilton Fish. Ex-Governor of the , State of New York ; Christopher Morgan, Secretory ol | State, and Superintendent of Common Schools, N. ; T Koineyn Beck, esq., M. D., Secretory of the Regents of the j University, N. Y.; the Legislative Committee on Colleges, : Academies, and Common Schools; Rev. Edward Hitch cock, LL. D., President of Amherst College, and Professor I of Geology, Massachusetts.* Amherst College, Dec. 25, 1S48. Mr. Robert Start? Dear Sir : 1 have looked over the en- J tire series of your valuable publications with much in- ' j terest and profit; and am quite surprised st the amount I of literary labor you have performed, and the research It must have cost you to obtain so many fine illustrations, 1 while you have an active superintendence of an extensive business. I am also gratified at the decidedly moral and I religious influence which your books will exert, and can I not but hope that they will do much to counteract the i effects of that light and immoral literature which deluges j the land, nnd, like the frogs of Egypt, comes up even to i the kneading troughs of our kitchens. May you live loup j I to follow your plans. Respectfully and sincerely, jour obliged servant, EDWARD HITCHCOCK. ?The works alluded to as having been examined and I recommended, arc as follows: A new and popular Pictorial I Description of the United States, Pictorial History of the j American Revolution, Scenes and Sketches of Contineidal Kurope, Description of Great Britain and Ireland, Picto rial Family Annual, Treasury of Knowledge, Information for the People, The Familv Instructor, Pictorial Sunday Book, Bible Biography, Bible History, and second series of The Wonders of the World. Gentlemen of respectability and of good address wanted to sell the above popular Pictorial Works. FuL particu lars of the principles and profits of the Agency will be given on application either personally or by letter. The postage must in all cases he paid. Please address ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, mar 24? 128 Nassau street, N.Y. WM. GiXlDRICII A COS MERCANTILE A LAW i AGENCY, No. 116 Market st., Philadelphia. ASSOCIATE OfFICES. TAPPAN A DOUGLASS, New York. E. RUSSELL A CO., (late Geo. W. Gordon,) Boston. J. D. PRATT * CO., Baltimore. WM. B. PIERCE A CO., Cincinnati. CHAS. BARLOW A CO., St. Louis. WM. B. PIERCE A CO.. Louisville. This well known and extensive establishment Invites Merchants, Msnuflictnrers, and Bunkers, to an investiga tion of its system, and gratuitous test of its records of the standing and responsibility r ; trailers in the U. States. Our increased patronage has enabled us, during the past year, to -men offices in Cincinnati, l/Ouisville, St. U>uis, ! and New Orleans; these, In connection with our long es tablished offices in Boston, New York, and Baltimore, | enable us to offer facilities and advantages which time and experience alone could accumulate, and which wc believe are unequalled. We are prepared to make collections In any of the States, Territories, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, and In any commercial port of the world, and will pay particular attention to old anddoul>tful debts in the collection of which class we have extraordinary facili ties, and have been unusually successful. Having ftoll lists and reports of nearly all the Attorney* In the United Stotos. we are at all times prepared to fur nlsh you, gratuitously, the name* of good and responsible lawyer* In any part of the United State* and Canadas. Connected with our Agency Is a Commissioner for near ly all the States, who is enabled to afford every facility and legal frirm for preparing accounts, Ac., for immediate nse, thereby avoiding a delay often fatal to the collection of a debt. _ 'mar 24 Q**gory'? California Package Express. YHK ^UUSCRIBEKS will despatch SPECIAL M ESSE S U ERS, two or more , time* per mouth, by St, unship*, *U ;CHAOKES aud I'ANA.MA, in charge *t,l? ....... > of iwmda, jewelry, valuable* and anul r'T""!". whkl, wllli., ail in Hao Fran the uiidi * ? Warners, and bedeliverud in advance of lnu, Publlc tUat wu h*re """red the I hiti hi ii wi? .* be?vL?t transportation houre on ^tt?iaaaaa lanUo State*, are well known auil already u.-ueralh! t!l predated by the public. The value of a u.iSffiLttS?" delivered by u* thro.) or lour day* in advance ol all other coiujM-titiou, lieiug proj-erly HsUuiaUai. We have aim) eHahlnlied agencies Id GUAYAQUIL CALEAO, and VALPABAISO, for which jiorls. ami other i ities ou the South American coast, we are prei.srisj to receive LETTERS and PARCELS, which will be | romptlw despatched to their destination by our agent in Panama. The mail for South America in made up but un< e a mouttl- THOMPSON * HITCHCOCK, Managers and Agents, ?? ,14? oor. of H ull st., Now York. KKKKKiBY I KHMICTION, t<> Messrs. Johnson A lx>w don, 116 Wall st., Hpotford, TileHton A to., 4? South st.: Nesmith A Co., !?o l'ine at.; ami Levi Apgar A Co., 7.'i l)i y mar24? FANCY GOODS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. T1TM. H. GARV 4 CO., 2i:i and 246 I1 earl street, New . \Y k' inv iU' tho atl),uUou ot the City and Distent Jobbing trade to their large and varied -lock , f which they offer at tLe lowest rates, either for cash or au proved credit. " lluder their present arrangements they can offer ureal inducements on all their Foreign Goods, and will gh? of th" 'arBe discounts which chafes *5a" y lll? increased amount of their puf They pledge themselves to sell many styles of American Goods at manufacturtrs' prices. U' ""pt1ful1 durin?th- wh?l? y?*r, and all orders w ill be promptly supplied. They particularly invite the Mexican and &>uth American dealers to exam n. their stoc k of Jewelry, manufactured expressly lor for'exportation ? ^ 00 ' "dttpU(1 The following articles constitute a part of their stock. bl?Vkr<!^T~ i'u(Ut makerH'l'lain a,,tl ??''n finished, / l*?"n' aUtJ colorwJ, Nos. UlixHU poo.1, ^olton?Clark i, Alexander's, Smith's Ksplo, and 26 to Sojinta ' bl"Uk' aD<i ??loPed' Ao''- 10jtl60? Bobbina?Linen and cotton, assorted colors and CuUery?Rarors,.Knives, Shears, Scissors, and Tabl# Knives and Forks, Wade A Butcher's, Woetenhohn'a, Rodgers , and other celebrated makers Brushes-Hair, Cloth, Teeth, l'alnt, Varnish, Sharta*. variety^rUm ^ori!e? ^^bbing, Ac., Ac., in great Musical Instrument)*?Accordions, Vlolina, Flutes, Fifes Clarionetft, Ilurmonlrann, Ac. large and ricli assortment, consisting of beauti fully carved pearl, ivory,, and wood sticks: also | plain fltickft, with ]?lain, fiincy, and dilvcred i aw*r Irory Combs?Kine S, SS, 888, and M'U, 1 Ux/jJ inches Combs?l'lain and fan -y Tuck, Dressing, 1'octet, aid aide. of shell, buffalo, a nd horn Guns?Single and Double, English and American, real and imitation Twiit; also a variety of Hilles llstols?English and German, I'ocket. Belt, and Holster Colt's and Allen and Thurber's Revolvers- ulso a complete assortment of Sporting Apparatus ' Perfumery?Lubln's, Mancenet A Coudray's, l iver's. Pin aud's, and Kde's fine Extracts Soaps?I/ow'h White mid Brown, Windsor and Honey; Lubln's, Gueriain's, Ptnaud's, and Mangenet A Cou dray's assorted styles, 4c., 4c. Aibo? l'ercussion Cap<, Needles, Bins, Hooks end Eyes, Steel Bens, Suspenders, Buttons of all stvlea, I'ocket hooks, Port Mpnnaies. Burses, Stationery, BeaOs, W haleiKme. Ixsik ng-glasses. A<r., Ac. Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, 1'. arl Shell, Horns, Tips, Ac., for miinufiK'turprn. Catalogues in the French, Spanish, Ger aan, and Eng lish languages. mar 24? O CA 1 i w \ ].!'>' \\ t\ l! I'l i i; I' .w , jt) Hon th Fourth Street. I'hilmieiphia. (only.) II L-IPMAS, Importer of French and Eng lish Stationery, offers to the trade, at Stationers' Ware house, a complete usiortmeut of # v 8TA,'LK AN'I> FANCY STATIONERY, of the la-st quality, ?t the lowest rates. mar 24 BIU^C A UBBBIA!) Iron A Htee 1 Mcf? clianti, Importers and dealers in Amerieen, !<wede, N. rw-rian, hetined, Cable, and common Kngltflh Iron; manufaiturerr. of Boiler Bivets and Spikes lloop i Bnnil, Scroll, Flue, Boiler, Sheet, Small Iron, Axle Iroii! 1 1V8 North Water street, aud 54 North Delaware avenue ! mar 24? SIILBI AKD A VAN If MILINGEN, No. 274 CliesnOt street, above Tenth i hiladelpliia, have just ruoen ed fH-r steamer splendid Table and 1'iano Covers. l?.iiia>k I'ablo Cloths, Napkins, Moruons, aud Worsted Damasks. I' mar 2+? First Premium GramT and Square Fiano?. KHARM A GsKliLL, Mnnuiia<iur*?r?. No*. 4, fl, 8, 9, and 11 KntiiHr nirwi. Jiai finior?. Sew tribute* to Uiv rxirlhucm - of raitinior*) mmie 1'iano f ortes. The Maryland at their lai?t exhibition, awarded to us the First 1'remiuin for the lx ?l Giand 1'iano sud also the Mrst Premium for the best Square Biano i xLihited It will be recollected tliat in 1R4JI. our 1'iano also received the First Premium by the same Institute. Such testimonials are not easily earned, and are not to be lightly regarded. He may therefore say that having taken the First Premium, wherever our Instruments met with competition, we offer them to the public with a con fidence we might not otherwise avow, guaranteeing all Instruments made by us to giv- satisfaction, or tbey may be exchanged within six months from day of sale, lhe durability of our workmanship we further guarantee for five years. Having just completed large additions to our Manufac tory, we hope now to supply all who may honor us with their patronage; and we invite all who desire a sujierior Instrument, carefully adapted to the climate?a very lin t-octant matter, and which we have made our careful study?to call and examine our various styles, which we are constantly finishing, and which will lie sold at the , lowest market price for h or approved paper. j addition ti> the above public testimonials, our Pianos I recommended in terms ol die highest praise by the ! following eminent artists, whose certificates can lie seen ?it our W arcroonis; Charles Bocln^a, the great iDiiuo*ir and musical director to .Mud A. Bishop; Mr. Geo. Knoop: ' Miss Adele and Charles Ilohnstock, and other dirtin | guished performers. To themsny accomplished JTofefsors and Amateurs, by whom our Piano* are constant!* used whilst making our thankful nrknowictlguj^utw to tibt in' wn refer for furthi'r testimonials. Old Pianos taken in exchange. Pianos hired and tnnnd. mHr 24 SILK goods! Bowes a McNAMKK, I12 and 114 Broadway, New *ork, have now in store, and will receive by early packets and steamers, a very extensive assortment of Krench, German, Kngllsli. Italian, and ludia SILK AND FANCY GOODS, "mbracing every variety or the newest and richest styles offered, in this market. Sample card* arc now ready for exhibition, \ferrhnntd from erery action of the ? ountry. and particularly our old friends and custom I crs, are aj-sumd that every attentior has l?'en pa'd to present a sto<'k of goods, unequalled, e.tber in extent or variety, by any similar establishment in the country. Many of our richest goods are manufactured from de signs or samples furnished by us, and will be found adapted to the liest trade in the larger cities and towns. The following embrace the leading articles of oui Stock ? Extra rich Cherm and Brocude Silks. Rich I'aris Bareges, Muslins, and Organdies. Rich printed Silk Tissues, new article. New style English l'nplins. Barege de Lames. Paris patterns. New style French Prints. English. Scotch, and American Printed Lawns L Sujier Black tiros de Ithines. | French and English Ginghams. | Plain and embroidered I 'anton Crape Shawls. 1 Rich i'aris Ribbons, large assortment. Millinery Silks. Crapes, Ac. Uress Trimmings, newest style. Bombazines. Alpacas, and linslln de Lalnaa Laces and Embroidery. Linens and White Goods of every description Kid Glove*, he?it tuenufacturf*. English and ticrmsn S?lk and Cotton Ilosierv hong and .Sjnare Cashmere Shawls 7" Rich Silk Mantillas, great variety Pougee and SpitalfleW llandkerr hioft Italian Cravats and Sewing Silks Also, a great vari. ty ol rich g<s^Js for evening not enumerated in the alsive. P ' Also. Xinchews, Sarnets, Fancy Silk Cravats. Bay Stat. tr.ei.^'s' CfllI'bH'' H?"dk. rebil * Given Bans^i s. Satins. Silk Scarfs, Suspeixivrs, Plain Mack and high "olored Mouseliue de Umes. Tnikcv red Prints Curtatn Muslins, OU Silks, Belt Ribbon*. Serves slfn Vestings. Ac. * ' *?" Those who visit this market for SiIk Cnnrin would consult their interest, and who desire to 'p,Jl ^tock unsurjtsssi'd in every department at the v-rr tow est market prices, are respwetfully Invited to mil ' mnr 24? LAURKNCE THOMSON & 0<K7~*~~ T MPORTEKS of B,a,idles. W ines, snd Serarw, ko. l rx io^Tt^*'B,uum,,r"'orfer fcr Pinet. Castillon A Co.; M^rtell; * cT>A ? t ?nti J- braX * C?-! A" snd Hock, of variants grades. Alan, Port, Sherry, Madeira, Si, ilv I f top Bur *URKtyi'An^n aml ?tl,e^ VLln'"' ,TI '*?'rieti HEGARg?Havana and Principe Scrnr- ofsrnroxwd <T?1^nUJr rer<,,T,n? tri'Tii the nnnnfVctnrer". HOLLAND GIN?Grmpe ami i^ray Mure bran l<. of f!*e .?T.' ' Brown Stout aud I'oiter; Hordes ox and Marseilles Sweet OU. Sardines. Macaroni. \ . rmicelll, Olives, Capsra, Castile 6o?p, Say Riuu, ltoU Br.m-tona, Owmry S^d, As. * mar i!A