OCR Interpretation

American telegraph. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1851-1851, September 22, 1851, Image 2

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Kxchamj* Pamuw.?We cuutiuuu to raoeW* bjr every
mail uevniMtfwr* containing our little uaril " To tlie Pub
lic," aud aakiug an exchange. Our offur lu tbat ban been
lung muoe rovoked. tf
Baltimore kud Waihlugiou Ilallroad.?
it eduction of Fare.
We are gratified at perceiving that the articles
we published on this subject, ou Saturday last,
have been generally read, and are well-approved
iu this city. We have ou hand several other
communications, including a very minute re
view of the history of this coiupuuy; but as u
spirit of severe censure is evinced by the writer,
?we deem it but just to withhold it .for the pre
sent. It is not common for companies to go iu
advance of the public demands iu these matters,
and, us no very general expression has been
heretofore given to such demands, wo do noi
think the subject should be approached in this
spirit. Let facts and their just inferences be
first presented, und we doubt not such reduction
will be made as will prove proper and salutary.
The fare to Baltimore from Washington, forty
miles, is $1.80, or four and a half cents per
mile. From Baltimore to Cumberland, one
hundred and seventy-eight miles, it is $7.00, or a
little less than four cents per mile. But on the
first of October, the tare to Cumberland is to
be reduced to $0, or not quite two und four
fifths cents per mile! This is a wide difference
between the prices of travel upon the two
routes. What is the reuson of it?
The revenue in the mouth of August, we
learn, was:
For I'oHAengerit. For Freight.
Main stem .... $33,417 61 $69,264 80
Waahiugton branch - ? '20,'2ri8 67 U.906 T,
$53,080 08 $73,100 07
Making an aggregate of .$202,672.31 on the
main stem, and $24,178.84 on the Washington
branch?the total being $126,846.15. It is
thus seen that on both roads the amount re
ceived for passengers is equal to about forty
one per cent, of tho whole receipts; and for
freight, fifty-nine per cent.
The maiu stem receives for freight more than
twice as much as it dooB for passengers, while
the Washington brunch receives for passengers
more thuu five times us much as for freight.
It will thus bo perceived that the chief business
of the main stem to Cumberland is the car
riage of freight, and of the Washington braucli
the carriage of passengers. Yet, in the face of
these facts, the company forgoes the chances of
increased travel by means of reduced rates, on
the Washington branch, and withholds from
the public tho accommodations they have a
right to expect from it.
The business of carrying passengers is by far
the moBt profitable ; and while a passenger with
fifty pounds of baggage, say averaging two
hundred pounds,'pays $1.80 to Baltimore, this
amount of money will pay for the transporta
tion of fifteen and a half hundred-weight of
freight?equal to eight passengers!
This disparity is very great; and while the
high price charged for passage is oppressive
upon the public, it is, in our opinion, impolitic
on the part of the company. We entertain a
very strong conviction that at the usual and
fair price of three cents per mile, or $1.20 for
the trip, as much or more money would be re
ceived as at present; and tbat tickets to go and
return witliin a specified time, say forty-eight
hours, for $2.00, would materially enhance the
profits of the road.
Such accommodations would promote the in
tercourse between the people of the two cities
in a progressive ratio, while they would sccure
to the company their good-will and encourage
To continue the present high charges, and
evince a disregard for the public convenience,
may for a time be done with impunity; but a |
day of reckoning comes to all of us, aud it not '
unfrequcntly huppens that a chartered company j
has reason to regret the absence of tbe popular
1^ is >n the power of the company at
this moment to prove that it iB guided by a lib
eral and magnanimous spirit; and if it shall ;
make this apparent, we are well convinced the j
future will prove the wisdom of the act.
Railroad A'TCIDKXts.?We Beldom look into
a newspaper tbat docs not record some lament- j
able disaster on one of the railroads of our j
country ; and tbe frequency of their occurrence 1
has begun to attract the most earnest inquiries
as to some means of their prevention. The
New York Sun states, that on all the European
railroads men are employed at each principal
way-station whose especial duty it is to examine
the soundness and security of every car-wheel j
and axle of every train, aud to examiue und fill j
up the oil or greese boxes. There are also gates
and gate-keepers at every place where a public
wagon-road crosses the track. These gates are
closed on both sides of the track before the
train comes along, aud only opened after it has
passed. At every material curve in the road,
and at every tunnel and bridge, men are sta
tioned with Bignals to indicate whether trains
are or are not on the curve, in the tunnel, or
upon the bridge.
Here is a case in point. On the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, west of Cumberland, on
Thursday last, at 10 o'clock, a. m , as the train
of three or four gondola or iron cars was pro
ceeding westward with some passengers and
materials for the new track, the engine being
behind, a wheel of the forward ear was tuddenly
broken, and the car was precipitated down a
high embankment, with twelve or fifteen persons
upon it. Three of thete were killed intlinl/y,
three were seriously injured, and six were in- I
jured slightly?one of the latter being a woman.
"Ixciubkts ii? the Liris or a Pastor."?
The perusal of this volume has afforded us
great pleasure. Its author, Dr. Wisner, is a
Presbyterian minister, and every Christian who
can approve the sentiments of a liberal-minded
writer of that denomination should procure a
copy of his book. We have rarely seen so in
structive or so profitable a work of its kind.
It it foT sale at Taylor & Maury's bookstore.
Viroinia. On Thursday next, the 25th in
stant, the Whig Convention of the 8tate, to
dominate candidates for Governor, Lieutenant
Governor, Attorney General, kc., under the
new constitution, will assemble at Charlottes
Tit* PreilltntUI Party.
President Fillmore returned to thi#?ity yes
terday morning, in restored health and fine
spirits, as we are glad to be informed. We un
derstand that the members of the Cabinet who
were with the President in Boston may all be
expected to return to their posts of duty after
The speech made by the President on Boston
Common, just as he was leaving the great din
ner table, and while he was too unwell to say
anything, was the happiest effort made by him,
as we (hiuk, during his trip to the North.
Mr. Stuart's speeches seemed to be all fail
ures. Since his famous Richmond speech, and
the appcarance of the merited strictures upon
it, the poor man seems to be at a loss, when
called upon for a speech, what to say, or how to
say it. At Boston he proclaimed that he had
learned, for the first time in his life, a lesson,
which he would impart to the people of Vir
ginia on his return to them. And so he is to
be a teacher of the people of the Old Dominion!
Would that he were disinterested enough to
resign his Secretaryship forthwith, and start
out on his (caching minion. The people of Vir
ginia ought not to remain longer in ignorance
of the important truth, of the greatness of Massa
chusetts, which Mr. Stuart has just now learned.
His boast that Virginia stands by the Union,
just as Massachusetts does, may be received by
the people of the Old Dominion as a compli
ment, but wo doubt it. They are bound to
know, in spito of all Mr. Stuart may essay to
teach them to the contrary, that there has re
cently been formed a coalition in Massachusetts
which has sent to the Senate of the United
States Mr. Charles Sumner, a noted abolitionist
agitator, whose teachings proclaim a preference
fur a dissolved Union rather than the continu
ance of slavery where it now exists.
Massachusetts sustains Mr. Sumner's doc
trines, and sends Mr. Sumner himself to the
United States Senate for a term of Bix years.
And with this evidence before him of what
Massachusetts has recently done on this disunion
subject, Mr. Secretary Stuart stands up in the
midst of the people of Boston, and proclaims
that Virginia stands by the Union just as Mas
sachusetts does'
But enough of this, for the present. We on
Saturday gave the speech of Mayor Bigelow
welcoming the President to Boston. It was a
beautiful thing, both in sentiment and words.
We thought it the best speech of the batch pub
lished. But wo find another equal to it, deliv
ered by the same eloquent Mayor, to Lord
Elgin, the Governor General of Canada, who
was a guest at the great Railway Jubilee. Here
it is:
Y our Excellency ?In the name of my fel
low-citizens I welcome you to the metropolis of
flew England. We recognisc you not only as the
ruler of extensive and important provinces, but
as the principal representative on this continent
of the venerated land of our ancestors. It is j
told of Samoset, the Indian chief, that his first I
salutation to the Pilgrims at Plymouth was, j
" Welcome, welcome, Englishmen!" Such was
the greeting of the old warrior to those who i
were to invade the hunting-grounds and extin
guish the council-fires of his race. With a bet
ter augury for the future, it becomes me on
this occasion to repeat the salutation, and say, i
Welcome, Englishmen, aud their fellow-subjects
who comc to us under circumstances so auspi
cious for our own and their prosperity.
There is a special iuterest connected with your
Excellency's visit at this time, gracing, as it
does, with your presence, the establishment of
a social and commercial alliance between this
city and the (>anadas. Lines of iutercommuni- i
nation have been opened, by which the products
of your provinces can find speody and conve
nient transit to the sea. The railways which
unite us are more truly admirable than the 1
won^ous avenues which radiated from Imperial!
Rome?avenues for facilitating the march of'
invading armies, or returning chariots laden
with the spoil of desolated countries. Our own
iron path ways, the results of scientific labor and
skill?skill unequalled by ancient times?are
devoted to far different objects. They unite in
friendly relations the inhabitants of widely sepa
rated regions, minister to their mutual wauts,
diffuse abroad the means of knowledge, and scat
ter plenty through a smiling land. Our festi
val may be considered, in some respects, as
tho celebration of a conjugal union between
Canada and the Ocean. We can dispense with
the golden ring which was used in the espousals
of Venice with the waters of the Adriatic, for
this union is effected by bands of iron, which
at once attests its perpetuity and strength. My
Lord, the donoexion which hereafter is to sub- i
sist between the people whom you govern and '
the Atlantic States, is perhaps, in no small de- |
grce, a pledge and a guarantee of perpetual
amity between the British and American na- 1
tious. The memory of their fratricidal con
flicts is fading away, and the history thereof, (
I trust, is completed forever. The record of
their generous rivalry for pre-eminence in the
arts of peace is now opening, and is destined
to exhibit the brightest pages in the annals of
their common race. Such, I am confident, are
the anticipations and hopes of the people for
whom I speak, and they enhance the pleasure
with which they saluto you as their welcome
and honored guest.
The Boston Railroad Jubilee.
Tho New York Morning Star says, that the
modern Athens, having ?? annexed" Canada to
Fancuil Hall with railroad iron, is dancing a
fandango in honor of the junction. The same
paper remarks that the speeches, with the ex
ception of Mr. Fillmore's and Daniel Webster's,
" 8mc" remarkably strong of Bunker Hill mon
ument, Boston harbor, Cape Cod, and all along
shore;" but their beauty is, that "no human
being, who did not know beforehand, could by
any possibility guess what line of public works
they refer to, and in fact they would be utterly
unintelligible without a railroad guide.*- There
is any quantity of allusions to ? bands of iron,'
?links of steel,' and all that sort of thing,
sprinkled through the proceedings, but no ref
erence to any specific bands and links. Fortu
nately we know the road via Vermont to the
St. Lawrence, or Heaven knows we should
never find our way by tho help of the 1 celebra
tion' speeches."
That our readers may have something intelli
gible on the subject, we quote the following
from the New York Tribune:
"Twenty years ago the first charter for a
railroad was granted in Massachusetts ? seven
teen years ago the first railroad was opened to
the public; and they are now celehrating at
Boston the completion of a system of seven
trunk lines, with numerous and extensive
branches, including within the bounds of the
State above one thousand miles of railway, be
sides at least fifteen hundred miles of direct
extensions or connexions beyond its borders.
Of all these roads, those within the State alone
employ a capital 01 fifr-too million, of dollar-,
^f/^aywfy wtuuB of abuve iui and a
half millions; aud thus it i* uol ^
estimate that one hundred million* of Maaauchu
Betta capital have within these brief tweuty
yean been invented in tailroad* whiuh have
their focoa in Boston, and well invented too;
theoiirj?' 0,1 tt5U' calculatiuu' but onehaljot
thecapital invested in railways in New England.
Ihis is why they hold a jubilee there. They
?re right in doing so. They are right in re-1
joiciug at the completion of a system of public
works absolutely unparalleled. We rejoice with
them, and feel our Yankee blood tingling in
sympathy ; for whatever benefits one p?frt of
this republic benefits all others. But let ua
look into the occasion of the jubilee u little
more in detail.
" Massachusetts has a small territory its
area la but 6,000,000 acres, aud its population
not one million. A rocky and barren aoil, an
unfriendly climate, aud no navigable rivers
opening chaunela to the interior, are the en
dowments with which old Massachusetts entered
on her career. They are not all, however ; ahe
had a people unequalled in energy, concentra
tion ol purpose, and personal integrity: she
had good schools, good lawa, a glorious hiatory,
and the go-ahead spirit; she had also abundant
water-power, the enterprise to use it, and for a 1
time the national policy has favored her. She
has built up manufactures, and on that basis
stands the admirable example of a State that
she now presents ; and finally she has erected
this great net-work of railways extending in all
directions, and bearing IVom every quarter a
willing tribute of prosperity and the means of
greatness still more complete and enduring.
* * * ? *
" The foreign traffic brought into the State
by these ohanuels is by no means the chief
benefit they confer on the people. No com
monwealth in the world, exoept it be England,
is so covered with linos of railroad, and in none
are they so universally and constantly used by
all classes. There is not a town in the State
with as many as five thousand inhabitants which
has not railroad communication with the me
tropolis ; of those with from 12,000 to 5,000 in
habitants there are scarce half a dozen which
are not upon, or in the near vicinity of, some
railroad; indeed, it is only necessary to take
up a recent map of the State and observe how
complete is the net-work, to perceive that there
is hardly a neighborhood in its territory which
does not hear the shrill whistle of the locomo
tive, nor a farmer so secluded as not to have
the advantage of being able to travel to the
metropolis at the rate of twenty or thirty miles
an hour. Over every line there are at least two
daily trains to and from Boston, except on
Sunday, when, with the exception of perhaps
an early morning train, all business is stopped;
even steam is made to respect the time-honored
habit of the puritans.
"Such is the system of public works whose
completion?almost entirely through private
enterprise and capital, and without govern
mental aid?has occasioned this jubilee, and
whose operation will aggrandize the Bay State,
and not fail to benefit her neighbors and fellows
in the Kcjmblic. No commuuity of anoient or
modern times has ever erected for itself a mon
ument of greater utility, or exhibiting more
magnificently the power of human genius and
| Hon. J*ffhbson Davis.?This gallant son of
the sunny South has become a candidate for the
office of Governor of Mississippi, in the place of
General Quitman, who has declined.
Senator Douglas.?The address of this emi
nent citizen and statesman, before the Agricul
tural society of the State of New York, on Fri
day last, is reported at length in the New York
, Herald of Saturday, and occupies more than
four closely printed columns. The practical
information it embodies, high as has been our
estimate of the general information of the
speaker, has truly astonished us, and the sound I
practical viows he expresses on many important 1
subjects are such as to win the admiration of
every reader. The peroration was in the fol
lowing eloquent language:
" Mr. President and Gentlemen: In bringing
this discourse to a conclusion, I am not insen
sible to the magnitude and importance of my
theme. 1 have approached it with diffidence, I
before an auditory critically observant of its
great practical and philosophical truths, audi
liavo obeyed your flattering request with a con
sciousness that the noblest pursuit of man do- :
manda a broader and higher reach of thought
than I have found time and opportunity to
bring to its elucidation. I have sought at least I
to show not ouly the dignity and value of your
culling, in its influence over the destiny and
elevatiou of our country, but to enforce the
! great truth, that a common interest links to
gether, throughout all the diversities of soil, of I
j climate, and of production, the noble fabric of
I American industry.
| ?' In taking leave of such a theme, let me say
that you may well rejoice in your pursuits.
You may well rejoice in its triumphs?the ;
peaceful triumphs of labor, of art, and of
science. You may recall with pride that illus
trious race of cultivators, who, from Cincin- '
natus to Washington, graced and ennobled agri
culture, and which in turn graced and ennobled
them. You may congratulate yourselves upon
the condition and attitude of your socicty. If
In the rank of American States, New York holds i
a lofty position, the labors of its State society
will be the more widely productive of benign '
results, not only in promoting and advancing
its own husbandry, but its bright example will1
be felt in all quarters of the republic. Let me, i
then, urge you to renewed and unremitted ef- '
fort; to continued zeal and emulation in the
discharge of duties to your State and country,
which bring with them the blessing of God and
(ho gratitude of men. As the dews from hea
ven refresh and fertilize the earth, and gladden
the heart of the husbandman, bo will your
labors, steadily pursued, wisely directed, and
liberally disseminating the seeds of intelligent
observatian and experience, bring forth a rich
and abundant harvest."
Execution.?On Friday last Aaron Stookey
was hung at New York for tho murder of a
colored man named Zeddy Moore. He died
very penitent and very grateful to all who had
shown him compassion, including the sheriff
and officers. The Rev. Mr. Csmp prayed most
eloquently with him. His brief farewell speech,
in the honett hour of death, was as follows :
" My dear fellow-creatures, 1 am here beforo
you to die, and hope to go beforo my God in a
few moments. I am sorry to have to toll yon
to beware of rum?beware of it?beware of the
rum?never touch nor handle it, nor let it near
you. I am sorry to say I am under the gallows,
and I hope God will have m?-rcy on my soul
that is all the hope I have got in this world
and I pray God will look down on me and re
ceive my soul."
Masonic Funeral?The remains of Mr.
Henry Morgan, a member of St. John's Lodge,
wore yesterday afternoon borne to the grave
by the Freemasons of this city. The band of
the Washington Light Infantry was employed for
the occasion.
J*??* Sept ,20?"??>? Fred. WhittJe
wy died here yesterday.
Th? IIumoaeian Emiokahts.?W? see it
slatted that the amount very generouuly given
by Mr. Corcoran, of Una city, for the purpose
of paying the passage of certain Hungarian
?migrants to Iowa, (as was first announced
through this paper some days ago,) has been
declined by the steamboat and railroad compa
nies on the route, which have offered to convey
these emigrants free. The mouey will there
fore be appropriated, aooording to Mr. Cor
coran s desire, to the purchase of agricultural
tools and provisions for the journey.
[Cumin unlcated.J
Mkssus. Editors: 1 have on several occa
sions attended the concerts of the Curncross
family, and always found the house crowded.
Miss ltosamond's most admired piece iB the
celebrated " Echo Song." Miss Augusta sines
exceeding well, " Why don't the men propose f"
"New England" and "Johuny Sands" are the
favorite pieces of Miss Adelia. Miss Adelia
and Miss Augusta are very amusing in the
duetts of " Johnny's Courtship" and " Man and
Wife. ' The quartette, " Old King Cole," was
much admired. They also dance very grace
fully, and a difficult waltz with Mr. Nichols was
well executed. The " Yankee Courtship," their
beautiful burlesque, and best piece, was well
performed. They shQw fine taste in their per
formances, and everyone should take advan
tage of the present opportunity to attend their
pleasant entertainments. '/
On";6 21?t instant, by the Ite*. T. Mtkrs, Mr. EDWARD
EV ANS, Jr., to Miss RACHEL A. KKKDJOK, nil of this
(N. York aod-frederick papers please copy.]
mffi? gOOU WttgALte?ylnB h"
Empire Restaurant, late King's Hotel,
sepjz?co pa. uvenue, near 4% street.
i. ,*?*?&?. "I?* Continental Guards will he held
P 1 nil i ry of Potomac Ilall, (Dr. Clarke *
W nn ln ???t'r ?? 1Uh Htr(,,,t 1111,1 Maryland ave
at So'pl'wl ih <T ?Wtlliy eveninK. the 23d Instant,
? 8 o clock, where the meml>ers of the Company, and all
Lop'22^1 t**J * t?joln' are refuootwl to attend.
AS OPENED IN THIS CITY a branch frnn, ?,i
Bottling Establishment, and is prepared to supply
wie Hotels, Ac., with his superior Ambrosia Mlm'r.l
Waters, Porter, Ale, and Carlsmated Cider.
"SP 22?lw] Office at the Empire Hotel.
TD? *otice to my customers
as a IUrWhlaNKff ^Tintr f"und thft* his business
as a Barber has sutured much from the negligence
tUnlTlt ?re f,I?,ploye<1 by hira< desires to inform
he will now (rfye his entire personal atten
tion to his business. He fully believes his past course I*
sufficient evidence of his capacity and assiduity to busi
ness, and ho hopes that the patronage so willingly (riven
him may still be continued. By a strict adherence to
business, he expects to please the public.
. oo 14. EDWARD L. DAWSON,
7th street, one door from K. j
The STORE-HOUSE recently occupied by Mospr?. 1
^ Briscoe A Clarke, situated on 9th street, opposite j
?entre Market. For particulars inquire of John II
sep 12?Cteod
1\ worn, and wrapped in a piece of brown paper. It
contained a pocket for each month in the year, and had
in It a lftrg?' amount of notes of hand, several deeds of
trust, Arc insurance policy, Ac. Some of the notes a re
endorsed and some not. Those not endorsed arc nearly
all made payable to me. As I usually carried this Book
to my dwelling every night to KUard against fire, It might
have been left on the seat of the Omnibus in which I
went home on Saturday evening. Any person returning
it safely to me will be liberally rewarded.
... ... 7th street, below D.
sep 22? 6td [Nat.Tntell]
IOST?On SatunJay afternoon, on Pennsylvania ave
_J uut, between Oth and 10th streets a LADY'S VINV
tt mavG,^U%"AINn,Av!ly0n" ** wV^^on
t may have Ctllcn, will be generously rewarded upon
rep 22 3t th? Jewelryrtore of Messrs. GALT A Hit a
AN ACT to provide for grading K street north, between
12th and 14th streets west.
Be it enacted by the Board of AUlermen and Board of
Com man CbunnJ of the city of Wathingbm, That the Mayor I
be and ho is hereby authorized and required to cause K I
street north, between 12th and 14th streets west to be
graded in accordance with tho following provisions, to
1 he points at the southeast corner of the intersection '
of K and 14th streets, and at the southwest corner of the I
intersection of K and 12th streets, to remain as now fixed I
and tho intersection of K and 13th streets on the south' i
side to he at such elevation as to give not more than 111
teen inches fril in every hundred feet from that point to
the southwest corner of the intersection of K and l"th
streets; the north side of K street to be so graded as not
to be moru than two feet higher at any point than the '
south side; the grade of 13th street shall bo made to con
form to the points thus ascertained, anj the whole to be
gravelled. The work to be done under tho direction of
the Commissioner of the First and Second Wards and two
Assistant Commissioners to be appointed by the Mayor
and to enable the Mayor to carry out the provisions of
this act, the sum of five hundred dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby
appropriated out of the funds of the Second Ward.
l\ttidenl of the. Board of limmo* Council.
Prrjident of the Board of Aldermen.
Approved, September 12, 1861.
AN ACT to provide for grading and graveling K street
north, in the First Ward.
Be.it enacted, dir., That the sum of fifteen hundred dol
lars, or so much thereof as may be nec^sary, be and the
same is hetvby appropriated, out of any money to the
credit of the First Ward, for tho purpose of completing
the graveling of K street north, from 18th to 21st street
west, and for grading and graveling the same street from
-1st west to Its intersection with Pennsylvania avenue ;
the work to be done under tho contract entered into with
from lfllh ^ -Jtir IT*'!'"* Y"J gT*T,llnK K "feet north,
from 19th to 21st street west, and under the direction of
the Commissioner of tho First and Second Wards and two
Assistant Commissioners to lie appointed by the Mavor
Approved, September 12, 1851. } '
AN ACT making an appropriation for completing the
graduation of \ermont avenue and L street north
Be it enacietl dr., That the sum of five hundred dol
? "r *? m',ch thereof as may Is, necessary, be and the
same Is hereby appropriated, out of the funds of the Sec
ond W ard, for completing the grading and gravellnir of
Vermont avenuo and L street north, In said Ward?as
heretofore ordered. '
j Approved, September 12, 1861.
AN ACT for grading and graveling upper Water street, be
tween Twenty fifth and Twenty-sixth streets west.
'fr ; That thn ",m of tl,re* hundred dollars,
or so much thereof as may lie necessary, be and is hereby
appropriated out of the funds of the First Ward for the pur
pose ofgrading and graveling upper Water street, from the
cast side of Twenty-fifth to the w?-st side of Twenty-si xth
street; the work to be done under the direction of the
Commissioner of the First and Second W ards aud two
Assistant Commissioners to be appointed by the Mavor
Approved, September 12, 1S61.
AN ACT for continuing the grading of Third street west
Be. U enaclr/1, dr. That the sum offiy? hundred dollars
"J* o **mt% ,,or*bJr appropriated, out of tho fund*
of the Seventh Want, for the purpose of continuing the
grad ngofThird street west, from Virginia avenue 'to B
street south. "
Approved, September 12, 1861.
AN ACT making an appropriation for laying dag foot wav.
v In the Seventh Ward.
IU ,t rfr , That the sum of one hundred and
J.u ' ?,r "? muoh th('roof M may be necessary, be
fh. 1?Tby out of the funds of
the Seventh W ard, for the purpose of making flag footways
K"ttors on the south side of l< street south
ever highth, Ninth, and Tenth streets west
Approved, September 12, 1861.
if?r m,PP'y,n8 * deficiency in the appropriation
Ward 1,nPpnT,'n,c,ltof 11th street west, in the seventh
i^*'1 Th,t th* ""t" of one thousand dol
rai"',l thereof as may 1* necessary, be and is
outu?f any mono7 to ?"? credit or
,h" of continuing the
? "f 11 th Street west, in the 7th Ward.
Approved, September 12, 186J.
AN ACT for la,|nR ? flnK fontwAj across Pennsylvania
f. avenue.
a^at th^ Ml*y?T ^ hereby
?vlvan n.T^,\l ** f0"tw*y to be laid across I'enn
tf.e ??en? O, ^27 th' eastsi<l? nfiU street, and defray
Approyad, ^
dun rise* . - ? 6h.49m. | Bun sets ? ? ? 6h. 69m
Mr. K. W. Caur, newspaper agent, U the only au
thorised agent fur Una paper in Philadelphia, aud U duly
empowered to take advertisements and subscriptions at
the rates required by us. Ill* receipts will be regarded
as payments. oflice at the northwest corner of Third
and Waluut streets.
The privilege* of yearly advertisers will be con
fined rigidly to their regular business, and all other ad
vertisements, uot pertaiuing to their regular business as
agreed for, to be paid extra
4MF" Every notice desigued to call attention to private
enterprises calculated or intended to promote individual
interest, can only be inserted with the understanding
that the same is to be paid for.
W" Wathlugton and Alexandria F?r?
ry-buat Company.?An adjourned meetiug of the
Stockholders of this tympany will be held at the oflice
of Ueorge Page, esq., at the foot of 7 th street west, on lb urn
Jay afternoon, 26tb instant, at 4 o'clock. A full attend
ance is requested, as business of importance will be laid
before the meetiug. By order of the Chairman,
sep 19?td
! rpifU MHItSOllIBKR baa just opened a Class iu
J[ which children aud youth are instructed iu Music
and Siugiug. Particular paius will be taken that those
attending shall be well grounded in the elementary prin
ciples of the science, lie will be happy to we any pa
rents who may think projier to attend with their cbildreu.
The class will meet iu Temperance llall, E street, be
tween 0th aud 10th, every Monday aud Thursday after
noons, at 4},i o'clock. Terms, one dollar per quarter,
payable iu advance. J011N EDGAR,
sep 20?3t Pro feasor of Music.
wo olfcr at very low prices.
Elgn of the Auvil, opp. Brown's Hotel.
sop 20?ltn*
X will be sold at a bargain, if early application is made. '
Also, FOR KENT, a Dwelling, with stable attached.
Apply on the premises.
sep 20?3t*J Corner Mass. av. and 4th street.
rrUIB SUBSCRIBER has the pleasure of Informing his
JL friends aud customers that lie has just returned from
the northern cities, where he has been for some time past
.selecting his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS.
lie is now prepared to show such a stock of Cloths,
Cassimores, Vestlngs, Dress Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers,
Gloves, Stocks, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Ac., us ho has never
before had the pleasure to exhibit, in style, variety,.and
cheapness; which, together with the comparatively low
rknt lie is under ut present, enables him to offer unusual
inducements to those in want of any article of Clothing
in our line, of a quality aud style that may l>e relied on.
P. J. STEER, Merchant Tailor,
sop 20?tf 8th St., 3d door from Penna. av.
STEVENS (at the Alheiueuui) has just received a fresh
supply of the following stuudard articles for toilet
use, viz:
Phalon's Chemical Hair Invigorator
Barry's Tricophcrous
Jayno's Hair Tonic
Guerlain's aud llaulcs's Kau Lustralle
Rowluud's Macassar Oil, Ox Marrow, Ac.
Also, a full supply of Lubiu's Extracts, Soap, Cologne,
Ac., all of which will be sold low at moderate prices.
sep 20?Gt] At the Athensoum, opp. Adelplil Theatre.
IAMARTINE's History of lh? Ueato
j ration ot Monarchy In France.
The Sea and the Sailor, Notes on France and Italy, and
other Literary Kemuins of the Rev. Walter Colton. 1
vol.. with portrait.
Life iu the Sandwich Islands; or, The Heart of the
j Pacific; by Rev. II. S. Clieever.
Drayton; a Story of American Life. 1 vol.
t I/ondon Labor and the London Poor; part 12.
This day received lor sale by
sep 19?? Booksellers, Pa. av, near 9tli at.
IilNE JEWELRY-Juiil opened on 6tli
. Street, rear of the National and ltrown's Hotels.
ladies' flue Gold Breastpins, new and beautiful styles
Garnet and Cluster Ear-rings, Ear-drops
Chased, Garnet, and Scaled linger Kings
Gold and Imitation Cuff Pius, Gold Snaps
Coral Setts, Necklaces and Armlets. For sale at
At Mrs. COLLISON'S Millinery A Fancy Store,
6th at., ncurcor. Louisiana av., n?r National hotel.
GENTLEMEN'S White Silk, Merino, and Scarlet-lined
j Gloves; Hosiery, and Toilet articles. [soplW?
JOHN D. CLABK has removed his Magistrate's, No
tary PtiiuJC. and Gxkerai. Aoiency Offick, to Twelfth
street, third door south of Pennsylvania uvenuo. Sol
diers' Claims for Land, Back Pay. Extra Pay, Pensions,
Claims before Congress and the Departments, promptly
attended to at moderate charges. Persons at a distance
may explain their claims, (post paid.) and suitable forms
will be sent back with instructions. sep 19?6m
'TEMPERANCE 91EN, HO!?American Tern
1 1 perance Spelling Book, for the use of common and
Sabbath schools; by Kev. T. Sovereign. Also Temper
ance Tracts, for sale by A. OKAY,
sep 18?tr 7th it., opposite Odd Fellows' Hall.
. TWENTY ROOMS to let, for single gentlemen, by
the month or year, on Pennsylvania avenue, near 4^
street. JNO. A. DONOHOO.
sep 1?M3m*
WE have In store now a large and general assortment
of Housekeeping Goods, as follow*:
10 pieces superior Linen Sheetings
12 do Damask Table Diaper
Splendid Damask Table Cloths, all sizes
10 pieces best Huckaback Toweling
0 dozen superior Damask do
40 do Huckaback Towels, all price*
Splendid stock Table Napkins
Brown I.lnen Table-Cloths
16 pieces French Furniture Prints
10 do Oil-dressed do plain A bordered
40 do <1-4, 10-4, and 12-4 Blcached Sheetings
Tablo and Piano Covers
Curtain Muslins
60 pieces Irish Linens, all grades
10 do Pillow-case Cotton, Ac.
We invite persons iu want of the above description
I of goods to give us a call, as we pay great attention to
' this class of goods. YEltBY A MILLER,
sep 18? 1m No. H, Pa. av., liet. 7th A 8th at*.
/ 1 OODS BY THE PIECE?Persons wishing
\ 'Jl to buy Bleached and Hrown Goods by the piece will
find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call, as we
have a very large sfick of that class of g>sxls, and feel
disposed to sell them at as low prices as they can be
bought in any of the Northern cities. We name, in part?
1 case 1(V4 Allendale Sheeting
1 case *.??1 do do
1 case 6-4 and 6-4 " Pillow-Slip" Cotton
1 case New York Mills Shirting*
1 case Lonsdale, flrst quality
M cases various good makes Shirting, from 6V4 to 12^<J
20 hales Brown Sheetings and Shirtings
2 eases Bleached Jeans
2 cases Plaid Cottons
6 cases Calicoes, from (i cents up.
sep 18?lw ? YEKBY t MILLER.
'IMIR Undersigned would respectfully call the atten
JL tlon of his friends and the public generally to his
stock of the ahove artieles, which he has selected with
care to suit the Metropolitan market. He has 011 hand
and Is In dally receipt of the following OILS, whkdi he
will warrant superior to any now for sale in this city:
Etherlal, Camphiue, loird, Solar, and Winter Strained
Sperm ; with a great variety of LA MPS of all descriptions.
A. HATCH, J*.,
two doors west of Todd's new marble building, I'enn.
av., andC St. nearly opp. the Bank of Washington,
sep 17?tf
'IMIK BUILDER'S GUIDE?containing Lists of Prices
X aud Rules of Measurement for Carpenters, Bricklay
ers, Stone-masons, Stone-cutters, Plasterers, Sinters, Paint
ers, Glaziers, Ac. Also, a table of lineal, square, and cu
bic measures, rules of mensuration, the building regula
tions, tlie laws relative to buildings, lien laws, Ac., Ac.
Just published, and for sale by
sep 16?3m D street, between 9th and 10th.
ril|{R UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs Ihe citizens
X. of Washington that he has opened a Jul! PKINTING
OFFICE, corner of D and 8th streets, where hels prepared
to execute every description of Job l*rinting: and he
hopes to he able to give satisfaction to those who may
favor him with their orders. ?
Cards, Handbills, Notices, Insurance Policies. Bank
Cheeks, Labels, Pamphlets, An., Ac., printed at short
Washington, Sept. 13, 1861.
00- Any orders left at the ofllon of the Amerir in Trie
l/rii/ih will be promptly attended to. HI IS?tf
1th Street, opposite Odd- Fellows' Half,
AN ASSORTMENT of rich Kali styles of Ribbon, vary
ing In price from 12J/? to 76 cents per yard, and to
which the attention of the ladies is respectfully solicited.
Also, rich Belt Ribbons, Flowers, and various other Mil
linery goods. Also, a lot of well-selected Straw and other
Bonnet*. The ladles will also And a few beautifVil pat
terns of Gokl Cuff Pins, imitation do., with a general as
sortment of laities' toilet an<l other articles.
The attention of gei'ftlemen Is requested to a fresh se
lection of Silk Cravats and Pocket Handkerchiefs, all of
wbUh will be sold low tat ?Mh. sep lii? tr
am usements.
Overflowing lluutes !
First Oraud Bloomer Concert.
fully announce u series of their inimitable Concert*
al the above Hall, commencing on Monday evening,
September 22d ; consisting of S"in{?, Duetts, Trio*, Quar
tette^ Italian Opera Scents, New and Popular Dancer-,
Comic Singing, Yankee Burlesques, Sayings, 4c., 4o.?
making altogether a bill of great variety and ?Jtoelleac*.
Tickets 26 cent*. A change of programme nightly.
Doom open at 1%, Concert commences at 8 o'clock,
nep 2"X?- tf
auction sales. ?="
By A. GREEN, Auctioneer.
LOT ?t Auction.?On Wednesday, the 24th
instant, 1 ?liall sell, on the premium, at 6 o'clock p. in.,
part of Lot No. 2, in square No. 428, with the improve
ments, which are a good three-story brick house, brick
wood-house, 4c. The above descri?>ed property fronts on
the north side of north H street, between 7th and 8th,
having iu front a good iron railing, and good wahcr in
the yard. The house in very conveniently arranged, and
near the Patent and l'ost Office, and haw rental fur $2i>U
per auniim, butwill now command a rent of $3(0,
Terms of sale: One-fourtli cash; the balance in twelve,
eighteen, and twenty-four months, the purchaser giving
notes bearing Interest. A deed given, and a deed of trust
taken, litle indisputable. A. Git KEN,
m-p 17?eud&ds Auctioneer.
'ANTED?An APPRENTICE, 10 Or 17 years of
T T age. A stout boy, well recommended, will hcur
of a good opportunity by applying at this office.
sep 1?tf
for Kent?A small family haviug u house much
too large for their use, in desirous to rent it, and board
with the occupants. The location Is very desirable. A
note addressed to "A. B. C.," and left al this office, stating
where an interview can be litul with the applicant, will
be promptly attended to. w'p 10 tf
DR. DURBIN'8 MAP of the Holy Land,
for sale by A. OKAY,
sep 17?tr 7th ?t., opposite Odd-Fellows' Hall.
J_ of Foreign and Domestic Undershirts und Drawers
just received, consisting of?
Heavy and extra heavy Silk Shirts and Druwors
Do do Merino do do
Do do Scotch wool do do
Very tine Cashmere do do
Do Shaker do do
Also, a full supply of the " T re volt" Drawers, with
Patent Waistbands. All of the above are varied in sizes,
and some of them the best goods over brought to this
market. Families and gentlemen who are purchasing
ttieir supply for Fall and Winter, are requested to call
ni the Athenncum, opposite Adelphi Theatre,
sep 19?fiteod
? THE SUBSCRIBER has not yet disposed of his
LANDS near Urentsvllle, Prince William county,
Virginia, or his HOUSES and LOTS at Buckland. They
are still for sale on accommodating terms. Mr. Robert
Hodgkiu, who lives adjoining these lands, will show them,
and the boundaries, to anyone wishing to purchase. My
terms as heretofore advertised?one-fourth in cash, the
balance in one, two and three years credit, with interest,
secured on the land. The property at Buckland will be
disposed of on application to Eppa Hunter, esq., at
lircutsville, on the same terms. The title, which is indis
putable, will bo made by Eppa Hunter, esq. Letters ad
dressed to me at Salbysport, Alleghany county, Md., will
be promptly attended to.
sep 10?lawtf HENRY A. RARKON. J
P. 8.?H. A. B. will be at Brentsvlllc on the Clli of Oc
tober, and remain some weeks.
Six, lour, and single barrel Pistols
Dixon & Son's Powder-Flasks, Shot-Pouches and flume
R. A d. Walker's 0. D., and Morris 4 Brother's Per
cussion Caps, Nipples and Nipple Wrenches, Main
and other Springs, single and double Oun Looks,
Cleaning Rods, In sets and in detached pleoes. Ac.
The subscribers beg leave to inform their customers
and the citlxens iu general, that they will opeu to-mor
row a large and besutlfol assortment of the above-named
floods, which are of very superior quality, and will be
sold uncommonly low.
(Successors to K. Llndsley,)
(njp 17?nteod I'enn. av., bet. 9th 4 10th sts.
Mil. L. CARUSl respectfully announces to the citi
zens of Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria,
that he will resume the duties of his profession, and will
open his course at his Saloon on the first Tuesday In Oc
tober, where he may be consulted on either of the follow
ing days, viz: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, from
;) until 0 o'clock p. m.
L. C. will also attend at Colleges, Academies, Schools,
and Private Dwellings, where classes may be formed,
sep 17?eo*>t [Union* Republic]
JUST RECEIVED a cargo of bust quality red and white
ash Coal. Also on baud, Lumber of all kinds for
| building purpose*, Calcined Plaster, Cement, Lime, 4c.,
! all of which will be sold reasonable for cash or good paper.
All persons indebted to us prior to July 1, 1861^ will
please call and settle. Come, sirs; walk up to the Cap
tain's Oflloc! on 7th street, near the canal, and oblige
sep 17?co3t f. M. PEARSON * CO.
I NAME IN PART, Wines?lleidseick 4 Co.'s Cham
pagne, Claret, llock, O. L. P. Madeira, Sherry, Lon
don Dock Port; Hunt 4 Co.'s Port, Liston, Clcily, Malaga,
4c., 4c.
Brandies?Old I/indon Dock, Otard, Dupuy 4 Co.,
Pinct, Castlllon 4 Co., A. Seignette, 4c.
Whisky?Irish, Scotch, Monongahela. and Old By#.
Also, Stoughton's Hitters, 8wiss, Absinth, 4c., 4c.
Fresh Peaches received every morning.
m.p ii?tr Pa. av., 3 doors eastof 1Mb St.
I^OR LADIE8. ? Y'ERBY 4 MILLER take gr. at
pleasure in uuuouming to the ladies that they have
opened and are dally receiving by Express a most elegant
stock of DRESS GOODS, embracing all the new ami de
sirable styles Imported for this season. They doem It
useless to itemize, but earnestly solicit a call, feeliug as
sured that they can show and offer superior nice and
cheap goods, as they have been selected with tho utmost
care. [sep la?lm
HAVING fitted out a room for the sale of Carpeting*,
we intend to keep a largo and general assortment.
We have just received a huge assortment of all grades.
Also, Rugs, Druggets,?HI Cloths, heavy Ma'ting*
Damask Linen, Floor Cloths, Stair Linen, 4c.
Those in want are respectfully invited to give ns a call.
KPp 18 lm No. 6, Pa. av., bet. 7th and Sthsts.
\ jl in store the following articles, particularly adapU-d
for gentlemen's wear, which are choice ami elegant:
16 pieces French Cloth, black and fancy, of first grades
20 do medium and cheap Cloth, black and fancy
10 do extra superior Scotch Cassimere, entirely new
20 do fancy good styles medium
20 do black Doeskins and Cassimores, all qualities,
and of the most approved makes
160 patterns of the most choice Vestings
2fi embroidered Satin Vest Shapes, rich and lx>autiful
Also, a very superior stock of Alexander's Kid Oloves,
with all kinds of silk, woollen, and cotton Gloves, hair
Hose, Undershirts and Drawers, Suspenders, Cravats,
Pocket Handkerchiefs, Ac.
The whole of which will be sold at the very lowest
price*. YERBY 4 MILLER,
sep 18?1 m
? )1 I PIECES rich Black Silk Laces, very cheap
10 do. Black On> de Rhine Silk
60 do. Mousselalnc do Laiues, at 12c., very good
26 do. Extra do 26cents
100 do. Calicoes, from 6 cents up
100 do. Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings
25 do. All-wool White and Colored Flannels
26 do. Bleached and Brown Canton do
26 do. Irish Linens, very low
Cloths, Cassimores, Tweeds, Silk Bnd Satin vostings,
Also, white, grey, black, and fancy-colored Yarn. Custo
mers will do well to givo mo a call, a" I have In store a
good assortment of fall goods, and will^
fi tr. corner 8th St.. opposite Centre market. _
PIECES all-wool Klannels, nearly a yard wide, 26c.
, Brown Cottons as low as 8 cents a yardl
Beautiful Fall Calicoes, from 4 cents up.
New Cashmeres ami Mouseelalnes, pretty and cheap.
Ticking as low as 6 cents.
100 pieces bleached Cotton fWim 6 cents np, very cheap.
Persons buying to sell again will here find an excellent
assortment of Hosiery, Gloves, Pins, Tapes, 4c., Ac., at
Baltimore prices. Aiso, an assortment of Extracts, t o
lognes, Soap, Brushes, Combs and Fancy articles, about
26 per cent, less than regular prices I A few Kail style
Bonnets just received. T. R. BROWN,
o_tr Pa. av., opposite Brown s llolcl.
JUST RECEIVED, at the Musical Depot, a fine lot oi
Violin 4 Guitar Strings, direct from New York. Also
a fine assortment of Violoncello and tenor A iolln Strings ,
together with Violin and Violoncello Rows, of all <|0*
ties, and at all prices, from 26 cents to $.? e i.nnld
Ins to secure a bargain In Musical meiehandts^. sb"^.
call at once and maise a selection, as my 1
ments Is at this time complete- IIILBUP,
I wp o?tr south side of Pa. av., next to eor. lotb st.

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